Marshall Holcombe Clayton Bigg Other interested citizens and visitors.
Marshall Holcombe Clayton Bigg Other interested citizens and visitors.
155 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HELD IN THE CIT'i HALL OF NAPLES, FLORIDA ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1 974 AT 9:00 A.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Lloyd M. Easterling, Mayor W. H. Herbert Arnold E. Lainin Goodloe McDowell Fred A. Miller Philip C. Morse, Jr. Councilmen Absent: S. Also Present: S Meredith Strong, Jr. Harold E. Williams, City Manager Charles K. Allan, City Attorney Janet L. Davis, City Clerk William Savidge, Public Works Director Robert Bender, Customer Service Supervisor A. B. Sundquist, Building & Zoning Official Ted Smallwood, Consulting Engineer Dr. Fred Eidsness, Consulting Engineer Ken Atkins, Fiscal Agent Tom Morgan, T.V. Two Roger Roof, T.V. Two Bill Upham, Naples Daily News Gary Hook, Fort Myers News Press Tish Gray, Naples Star I t)L t'1 t 1 hoali, Naples i i EY:S `cell L..I Andy Rosenblatt, Miami Herald Rev. Paul Jassimides Chris Platt Lloyd Sarty 056 McGregor Harry Pepper William Shearston Charles Garrett Jack Conroy Marshall Holcombe Clayton Bigg Bill Barton James Murphy James Davis Newton Thomas Glenn Barth Kurt Maier Walter Keller Ray Miller Other interested citizens and visitors. The invocation was delivered by the Reverend Paul Jassimides and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES •- T he m in u tes of the maular meeting o f January ?_,i974 were aJ) roved as submitted upon mot i on by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Morse and carried. AGE NDA ITE M 3. fl AGE N D A ITEM 4. .4ccpt •^ rid approve app i c.i ti ons of candidates for General Election to be held Feb: •=i3ry 5, 19/4 • Qualified candidates for the office of Mayor, a two year term, are: Henry E. 0. Heinemann and S. Meredith S rong, Jr. Qualified candidates for Councilmen, four year terms to fill three vacancies are: Gilbert V. Blanquart, H. Wayne Bryan, Virginia B. Corkran, Bryant L. Hampton, Jack M. Maguire, John M. McGregor, Marie V. Mueller, Edward J. Oates, Jr., and Donald L. S i oneburner. Mr. Mi l l er moved t o acce pt a nd ap p rove the appli catio n s of the candidates a s re ad by the De ut y City Cl er k, seconded b Mr. Mo^°se and carried. AGEN DA ITEM 5 . Approve ballot and order cal lots printed for the Election to be held on February 5, • 974. prove the ball ot and dire ct the Ci y Cler k to order Mr. Miller moved to the b allo ts ri nted for the el ec t ion toTi eld on I eb ruar y 5, 1974, seconded by Mr. Morse and carried. City Attorney Allan read Resolution No. 1969 approving the ballots and ordering them printed. Mr. M i ller moved for a pproval of the resol utio n, seconde d by Mr. M orse. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lana Mr. Mc;rowell Yes Yes M. Miller Mr. Morse May or Easterling Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. AGENDA IT EM 6. Approve and appoint election clerks and inspectors each precinct, and authorize City Clerk to appoint alternates if necessary. Mr. Herb ert m oved t_o_ap provet he list of the election clerks and inspectors Iaces as i nd icated by_ the C y Cler k, seconded by for the eleven Mr. M iller and carried. Resolution 1970 appointing election clerks and inspectors was read by the City Attorney. Mr . Mi ll er moved for approval of the re s_e l u tio n, s econded y Mr. H erb ert. Roll Call Vote: Yes Yes Mr. Herbert Mr. Larran Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Yes Yes Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling Notion carried.. 2.. Yes Yes 157 AG ENDA ITEM 7. Approve voting machines for each precinct. Mr. He rbert moved that the list of the preci nc ts and the number of vo ti ng machines as indicated by the City Clerk for the election of February 5, 1974, be approv ed, s econded by Mr. Norse and carried. City Attorney Allan read Resolution 1971 approving voting machines for each precinct. Mr. Miller moved for approval of the re solution, seconded by Mr. Morse. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McDowell Yes Yes Yes Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Yes Yes Mayor Easterling Yes (7C Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM 8. Acceptance of deed from Collier County Conservancy, Inc. for the North 90 feet of the East 45'feet of Lot 3, Block A, Lakeview Terrace, to be used as a Mini-Park. _ Resolution No. 1972 accepting the deed from the Collier County Conservancy, 'Inc. for the property to be used as a mini-park was read by City Attorney Allan. The Collier County Conservancy agrees to discharge and pay the mortgage on the property if not paid by the present mortgagee. The mini-park shall be known as the Merrihue Mini-Park. sir. Lamm moved for appr oval of the resolution, seconded by Mr. Miller. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Yes Mr. Lamm Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Yes Yes Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. AGENDA IT EM 9. Bid tabulation and recommendation for the following annual bid items 1) Street Materials 21 Fertilizer and Chemicals 3) Water Meters 4) Water Meter Boxes 5) Water Chemicals G) Labor and Equipment for Installation of Storm Sewer and Catch Basins 7) Uniforms 8) Equipment Rental Rates 9) New Tires, Recappable Tires and Tubes City Manager Williams read Resolution 1973 accepting and awarding bids for the above items. Mr, Mi l 1 er moved f or approval of th e resolution, seconded y M- tin,-c o - E Roll Call Vote: — Yes Mr. Herbert Mr. La,,ua Yes Yes -Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. AGENPA ITEM 10. Bid tabulation and recommendation on purchase of Air Compressor. City Manager Williams reported that three bids had been received for the air compressor. He recommended the low bid be accepted and awarded to Naples Service and Supply, Inc., in the amount of $1,876.95. Mr. Herbert moved to approve t he City Manager' s re c ommendation, seco n ded by Mr. Miller and carried. Cit y Attorne y Allan read Resolution 1974 awarding the bid. Mr. Herbert moved for anoroval of the resolution, seconded b y Mr. McDowell. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Yes Yes Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. An ordinance granting a Special Exception to construct a putting AGENDA IT EM 11. green at 3113 Gulf Shore Boulevard, North, Naples, Florida, more particularly described as lot 10, block 'R", Moorings Unit No. 8, according to plat recorded in plat book 8, page 11, public records of Collier County, Florida. (First Reading) n City Attorney Allan read the ordinance. Mr. Mill er. mo i ed for its a prova on first reading, seconded by Mr. Morse. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Yes Mr. Lan is Mr. McDowe ll Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. An ordinance granting a Special Exception to install a chain AGENDA ITEM 12. tin! fence and cypress panel fence at 210 Central Avenue, Naples, Florida, more particularly described as the West 100 feJ of the North 150 feet, block 20, tier 3, Town of Naples, as recorded in plat book 1, page 8, public records of Collier County, Florida. (First Reading) !^J City Attorney Allan read the ordinance. Mr. Herbe rt moved for its -approval on first re ding , seconded b y Mr. Lamm. _ 4- 159 Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Yes Yes Mr. McDowell r^ Yes - Mr. Miller Yes Mr. Morse Yes Mayor Easterling Yes I.] Motion carried. Mr. Morse moved to proceed to AGenda Item 14, second ed by_ Mr.Miller and carried. Gip AGENDA ITEM 1 4. An ordinance supplementing an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Combining the Existing Water and Sewer Systems of the City of Naples into One Combined and Consolidated System: Authorizing the Construction and Acquisition of Additions, Extensions and Improvements of said Combined System; Authorizing the Issuance of $2,200,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to Finance the Cost Thereof and Providing for the Rights of the Holders of Said Bonds", and Providing for the Issuance of $6,300,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1973, to Finance the Cost of Additions, Extensions and Improvements to the Water and Sewer System of the City of Naples, Florida. (Second Reading) The ordinance was read on second and final reading and assigned Number 1975. Mr. Lamm moved for approval of the ordinance, seconded b y Mr. Miller. Roli Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lama! Yes Yes Mr. McDowell Yes Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling res Yes Yes Motion carried by a vote of 6 - 0, with one member absent. Mr. Miller moved to proceed to A e nda Item 1 8 , seconded by Mr. Mor se and carried. A request from the City Manager to advertise for bids for a AGNE DA ITEM 18. portable office for his office. City Manager Williams explained that due to the overcrowded conditions at City Hall, especially in the Accountin g Department and the Customer Service area, he is recommending a 14' x 46' portable office to be used for himself, his secretary and one administrative aid. This would allow his present o f fice, with some modification to the interior walls, to be turned over to the Accounting Department and the Customer Service Department, giving both departments additional space for their operations. Mr. Lamm mov ed that the City M anager be aut ho rized to advert ise f or kids for a 14' x 46' mobile office, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried. Mr. Morse moved t o proceed with Aq p da Item 16, seco ndo dMr. M il l er and carried. _5- M! 60 ACErWWA ITEM 16. An ordinance granting a special exception to install a chain link fence, five (5) feet in height, at 481 - 8th Avenue South, Naples, Florida, more particularly described as lot 38, block A, Lakeview Terrace. (Second Reading) Ordinance No. 1976 wa s a roved on second reading upon moti on by Mr. Miller . seconded b y Mr. McDowell. -Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Mr. Morse May or Easterling Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. An ordinance amending appendix "A" - Zoning of the Code of AGENDA ITEM 13 . Ordinances of the City of Naples, Florida, as amended by adding to section 6 thereof, entitled "Supplementary District Regulations" a new paragraph 38, providing minimum breezeflow requirements for all contiguous lots or parcels of land developed as a unit in "F", "F-a", ` . 0", and "G-a" districts and in all other districts wherein multiple family or transient lodging facilities are constructed as a unit, and a new paragraph 39, providing maximum lot coverage g facilities and/or for all multiple family residences and/or transient lodgin within districts "B" through "0"; by adding to n. rsi nn and convalescent hees sub-sections 5.1 through 5.18 of section 5, entitled "Sche u e of District Regulations", a new paragraph providing maximum lot coverage by all buildings in districts "13" through "0", by adding to section 15, entitled "Definitions" new definitions for the word "greezeflow" and the term "Coverage of Lot by g All Buildings" as used herein; by repealing para raph "H", entitled "Maximum Height" from sub-section 5.7 "G" multible family districts and sub-section 5.8 "G-a" multiple family districts of section 5, and substituting a new :. paragraph "ii" therefor, providing maximum height requirements in "G" and "G--a" districts; providing a savings clause and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordirances in conflict or inconsistent herewith to the extent of (First Reading) such conflict or inconsistency. City Attorney Allan requested that one sentence b y deleted from the ordinance under Section 1, Paragraph 38. Tue sentence to be deleted is as follows: The Planning Advisory uard, after hearing a reconi merdation of the Planning Director, shall deter;nine the location and direction of breezeflows which shall as closely approximate the above rules as is practical." i'lr. Allan said the Planning Advisory Board does not have the authority to make such determination. fir. Lam moved fora rov aI o f th e o rd in anc e on firs t reading with the cha ng e a s n ote d by the C ity Atto rn ey, seconded by Mr. Miller. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McDowell ;r. Miller Mr'. Morse Mayor Easterling Motion carri .d. I i Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1161 Mr. Mo r se moved to proceed to A enda Item 1 5, seconded b y Mr. Miller and carried. AGENDA ITEM 15 . An ordinance amending appendix "A" - Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Naples, Florida, as amended, by adding to section 5 thereof, entitled "Schedule of District Regulations" a new sub-section entitled "M-a" Medical Office District, setting forth the district purpose and permitted uses; providing minimum yards required, minimum floor area, maximum height, minimum off-street parking requirements; defining the term "Medical Office"; providing a savings clause and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent herewith to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency. (Second Reading) Mr. Herbert moved for a p rova l of Ordinance 1977 as re ad by the City At torney , seconded by Mr. McDowell. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr.. McDowell Yes Yes Yes Mr. Yes Miller Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling Yes Yes Motion carried. Mr. Lamm moved to add an item to the agen da concern in a di scus sio n and possible action in reference to ?iurr y Pe per and Associates` cont ract fo r addi tions b t o the waste S.,^a t er t Roll Call Vote: rcatncn t ^^,, , ..u^. t ^,lc ua`^^, ,, CC^;ucu seconded Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Mayor Easterling by M Mr. ` !7 r^^ ^:.r'i, , Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried. It was the recommendation of the City Manager and the engineer to approve an additional $66,825.80 as a settlement for costs over and above the contract price to Harry Pepper and Associates for additions to the waste water treatment pl ant. . Dr. Eidsness advised Council to-condition this settlement on the approval of E.P.A. It is hopeful that E.P.A. will pay one third of the additional costs. Mr. Morse expressed his dissatisfaction at the idea of the contractor coming back for more money. He said it is W frog trt be. standard procedure for a cont" ' sub-surface conditions are ,..: tractor to bid a job then come in la— L,. not what was anticipated. :.j Mr. Lamm mo ved th at the ch an ge o rder be accepte d and a pprove d subjec 7 t to g appro val fr om E.P. A . and a wr itten c hap ,e o rder fro Bl a ck , Crow & Eids news, seconded by Mr. McDowell. 62 Roll Call Vote: Mr. I H erbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McDowell Mr. Miller Mr. t 1 orse May or Easterling Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Motion carried. (5-1) AGENDA ITEM 17. An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Naples, Florida, as amended, by repealing therefrom section 26-16, entitled "New Service Connections and Main Extensions within City; Definitions and Charges", section 25-16.1, entitled "New Service Connections and Main Extensions Outside the City Limits; Definitions, Charges", section 26-16.2, Entitled "Method of Payment for Water Connections Outside of City Limits", section 26-17, entitled "Meters - Tapping Charge Gcneraliy; Property of City", section 26-18, entitled "Excess Tapping Charge", section 26--19.1, entitled "Applicant for Larger Meter; Credit Given for Old Meter", section 26-23, entitled "Standard Rules for Main Extensions within the City Limits Enumerated", section 26-23.1, entitled "Standard Rules for Main Extensions Outside the City Limits Enumerated", section 25-2Q, entitled "Use o f Loney Received from Main Extensions within City; Refunds", and section 26-25, entitled "Additional Pipe Cost for Installations and Main E.xtersions not Done Under Main Extension Plan", of chapter 26, entitled "Water", and substituting new sections therefor, providing charges for new Service Connections and Main Extensions within and outside the City Limits; defining the terms used herein; providing increased Meter Tapping charges; providing Credit to customers appivi;iy for largei" meters; providing a savings clause and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent herewith to the extent of such conflict (Second Reading) or inconsistency. Jack Conroy, representing the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce Water Rate Study Committee, spoke in reference to the ordinance and offered alternate solutions of financing. Other : ,.io:nbers of the audience voiced opinions on the increased tapping charge. Mr. Lanirir explaine d that altho ugh there may be several ways of arriving at a solution, this is designed to be an interim charge until a complete rate study is made. Mr. 'Herbert and Mr. Morse agreed that the engineer 's plan should be followed at the present time until the proposed rate study is completed. rea ding ,_ . seco nded L amm mov ed for a ppro va l of Ordi nance 1978 on second--_-Miller. Mr. , j^ ;si r. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Herbert Mr. Lams Mr. McCowel1 Yes Yes Yes Mr. Miller Mr. Morse Yes Yes Mayor Easterling Yes Motion car-ried. CORR ESPONDE NCE City Manager Williams read a letter from Mr. Sewell Corkran , Jr. , 63 President of the Collier County Audubon Society, in reference to parking on Sixth Street South. Mr. Corkran stated in his letter that at least 90% of the County's 2600 Audubon Society members would be opposed to narrowing the median for parking. AGEN DA ITEM 19. Discussion pertaining to Beach Erosion. This item was put on the agenda merely as a general discussion in advance of the public hearing scheduled on Monday. January 21, 1974, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. y) Mr. Ray Hiller of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Soil, engineering firm, displayed maps showing beach areas from Gordon Pass to a point north of Doctor's Pass. He pointed out specific areas on the maps showing erosion and accretion which took place between the 1962 study and the 1971 study. Mr. Miller said basically, Naples has a very stable beach, although he pointed out that there were no hurricanes in Naples during the nine years between the two studies.At 12:00 noon . Mr. Miller m oved to ad j our n , seconded by Mr. La mm and carried. t Lloyd M. Easterling Mayor Mae M. Davis Deputy City Clerk