Raccoon Rebellion


Raccoon Rebellion
Raccoon Rebellion
Game Mechanics
Raccoon Rebellion is a simple single player game that is targeted for the touch screen mobile
market. The player commands his forces of raccoons to eliminate Animal Control and take over
the city. Once the city is conquered the player wins the game. Game mechanics consist of
selecting a base and ordering your forces to advance to new locations. Forces spawn at held
locations at the same rate for the player and AI. Basic strategies will consist of quickly gaining
more locations so your forcers grow faster compared to the AI.
The mood of the game will be fun and light with an element of silliness to it. The idea is that
Raccoons (Cartoon style) are tired of being pushed around by people and being removed by
Animal Control. They have decided to take up arms against them and drive them out of the city,
but first they must takeout all of the Animal Control Officers and their bases.
Core Game Play
Simple Real Time Strategy
Levels can be won (or lost) in a few minutes.
The player commands his raccoon forces to eliminate all Animal Control Officers from
each level.
Controlling all locations (bases) on the level advances the player to the next level.
Each progressive level increases slightly in difficulty.
Each level is timed and the player receives a better score for faster times.
Overall score is saved and posted on a High Score screen.
Bases are Raccoon, Animal Control, or Neutral.
Raccoon and Animal Control bases produce more troops over time.
Neutral Bases do not produce more troops or attack.
Player selects which base (or bases) to attack from and where to attack.
Player can reinforce a base from other base locations.
Commanding forces to move from a base always moves half of the forces located there.
Smaller forces move to new locations faster than larger ones.
Attacking forces eliminate an equal number of opposing forces.
Player Goals
Eliminate all Animal Control from each level.
Control all bases on each level.
Complete all levels and conquer the city and win the game.
Complete each level with best time.
Complete the game with the High Score.
Game Flow
The Player starts out with one (or multiple) base and must take over all bases to complete the
level. Each base has a number that represents the forces at that location. Selecting the base and
dragging forces to an enemy base commands the troops to start their march. When an attack
command is given, half of the forces will set out to attack the enemy base. Multiply bases can be
selected to launch an attack (or to reinforce a base) on a single enemy base by selecting the first
base, dragging to the second (third, fourth, etc.) and then to an enemy base.
Larger forces will move slower compare to smaller ones. So it will be up to the player to use
strategy and timing when commanding his forces to attack. When the attacking force reach their
target, 1 Raccoon will eliminate 1 Animal control Officer. If there are more Raccoons attacking
than Animal Control defending, the player conquers that base location. Bases under a player’s
control generate 1 Raccoon (or 1 Animal Control for enemy bases) every 2 seconds.
The Player controls a base that contains 10 Raccoons and launches an attack against a base of 2
Animal Control. Half of the Raccoons begin their march to the enemy base. The march takes 4
seconds; and over that time, 2 more Animal Control Officers have been generated at that
location. 4 Raccoons and 4 Animal Control are eliminated and the player gains control of the
location with a strength of 1 Raccoon. The newly controlled base now generates ‘Coons for the
The AI now launches a counter attack against the Player’s new base from a base of 20. 10
Animal Control units begin moving and will take 8 seconds to arrive. If the player chooses to do
nothing, by the time they arrive it will be 10vs.5 and the Player will lose the base. But the player
can try to reinforce this base before the Animal Control units reach their target. He would have to
send at least 6 ‘Coons within 8 seconds to keep control. If an equal number of ‘Coons attack an
equal number Animal Control, the base will become neutral with a defensive strength of 0.
Neutral Bases can be present on the map at the beginning of the level. These bases will have a set
defensive strength and will not generate new units. Neutral bases must be conquered to complete
level and it will be up to the player to decide when to take them over.
Game Score
Each level is timed and a player will get a better score for quicker times. The high score system
will give replay ability to the game. Each level’s ending score will be determined by three
factors: game difficulty, bases not in a player’s possession at the beginning of level, and time.
Points given at end of each level by game difficulty:
Easy – 25 pts
Normal – 50 pts
Hard – 75 pts
Insane – 100 pts
Points given by bases:
5 pts per base on the level that did not start in the player’s possession.
Time bonus given at the end of each level:
Count down timer – 60 seconds per base not in the player’s possession at the beginning
of the level.
1 point for every second left on the timer at the end of level
The top 10 game high scores will be saved on the high score menu. This menu will also record
the best score and best time per level.
The speed at which the units move will depend on the amount of units in the group (Force
strength). Units can only move in a straight line from one base to another.
Game Physics
Movement – Raccoon and Animal Control units move and behave identically. 1 unit moving
alone is the fastest unit. Small groups of units move slightly slow while large groups of move
considerable slower. Units move in a straight line from location to destination. Groups of units
will be grouped together when a slower group is overtaken by a faster group moving along the
same path.
Combat – All units will eliminate 1 other unit when they arrive at their new location. If there are
more attacking units than defending, the base will switch sides. Locations that have an equally
number of attacking and defending will switch to a neutral base with a defensive strength of 0.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Three levels of AI
Insane (unlocked after game has been beaten on hard)
Easy – This AI is easily beaten by novice players. It will be slow to attack and will usually move
units to closer locations even if those locations are better defended. This AI will also neglect to
reinforce bases.
Normal – This AI will be difficult to beat by novice players, but can be defeated using skill and
strategy. It will attack locations that will give it the most bases as quickly as possible, but will
still fail to reinforce its own bases.
Hard – This AI is difficult to defeat even by veteran players. The AI will try and reinforce bases
to try and prevent losing them. It will attack locations that will give it the most bases as quick as
possible and will always try to keep the player reacting to its aggressive moves.
Insane – This AI has will seem to have unfair advantages that will make very it difficult (but not
impossible) for even the most skilled players. The Player will need to have a quick reaction time
and make adjustments rapidly to beat this AI.
User Interface
The main menu will contain a list of options for the player in the form of buttons. The Player
interacts with the menu through touch screen and simply selects the desired options. Pushing a
button with his finger will show a mouse over of the button to be selected; the button will be
selected on the finger release. This Flow chart shows each button’s function and relationship to
each other.
All screens, menus, and game play will contain a main menu or back button. This way the player
can return to the Main Menu at any time.
Game Play Interface
The Player’s interaction with the game will consist of selecting one of his base locations by
touching it with his finger and dragging it over to an enemy base. Releasing his finger from the
screen will command forces to march from his base to the selected enemy base. An arrow or line
will be displayed to show the player where his while the player is dragging his finger to help him
see which base he selected and the line of attack that his forces will move along. Mouse-overs
for the bases will help the player
er know what base he is selecting.
To reinforce another base, the play will select on his base as if he were attacking. Instead of
dragging his finger to an enemy base, he drags it to a friendly base and releases his finger from
the screen. This will command forces to march from the first base to the second.
The player can command forces to march from multiple bases to a single target. This method can
be used to attack from several bases or reinforce from them. The player begins as if he was going
to reinforce a single base by dragging from the first to the second.
Instead of releasing his finger at the first base, he’ll drag over it and then on to the enemy base.
The Player can select all of his bases to attack one enemy base by dragging over each
ea of them
before select the enemy base. This same technique can be used to reinforce a single base from a
large amount of other bases.
This is a GUI mockup of what the game may look like during play or at the beginning of a level.
The interface should show how many bases each side has in its possession and also have a button
to bring up the main menu any time during the game.
Overall Goal
The art should reflect a light mood. Even thought the game is centered on strategically moving
forces from on base to the next, the art should not be combat in nature. A campy and funny mood
should exist and contain a cartoon element and not be realistic. Levels will be based around fun
locations that may contain Raccoons in real life. City parks, back alleys, and forest areas.
The Raccoons are the Heroes of the game and should be lovable in nature. The Animal Control
Officers are the Villains and should have a slight sinister evil in their countenance. This should
not be to extreme, but be more amusing and seen as a bully or oaf.
2D Art and Animation
Backgrounds (levels and main menu)
Raccoon Units (walking animation)
Animal Control Officer Unit (walking animation)
Bases (Trashcans, dumpsters, trees, trucks, cars, playground, etc.)
Base mouse over
Menu Buttons
Base Possession Indicator
Loading Screen
Raccoon Icons
Animal Control Icon
Explosion (when attacking units reach and enemy base).
Sound and Music
Overall Goal
The music and sound effects should keep with the overall theme of being fun and easy going.
Sound effects should be simple and music should be light or comical.
Sound FX
Button Select
Base Captured (beep)
Base Lost (beep)
Level Won (chime)
Level Lost (chime)
Friendly Forces Level Base (beep)
Enemy Forces Level Base (beep)
Menu Music
Level Music
Victory Music
Level Requirements
Level Diagram
Level 0 – Tutorial (This is brought up at the beginning of a new game but can be skipped
at any time by the player).
Level 1-5 – Easy to beat levels where the player starts will a significant advantage.
Level 6-10 – The Player retains a slight advantage over the AI.
Level 11-20 – Player and AI are evenly matched at the beginning of the level.
Level 21-30 – The AI gain a slight advantage at the beginning of the level.
Level 31-40 – The AI starts the level with a large advantage and will be difficult to win.