Water Quality - Red River Basin Commission
Water Quality - Red River Basin Commission
S ource: Red River Basin Disaster Information Network (www.rrbdin.org) Inventory Team Report January 2001 i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................................................................................iii LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................................iii I. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................................................1 Goal & Objectives...........................................................................................................................................................................1 II. WATER QUALITY CONCERNS.........................................................................................................................................2 Public Health Concerns .................................................................................................................................................................2 Water Consumption & Contact.............................................................................................................................................2 Consumption of Aquatic Life ................................................................................................................................................2 Aquatic Ecosystem Concerns......................................................................................................................................................3 Pollution ........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Habitat............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Nutrient Enrichment ..................................................................................................................................................................4 Sediment Contamination .........................................................................................................................................................4 Major Pollutants & Stressors Impacting Water Quality .....................................................................................................5 Oxygen-Depleting Substances...............................................................................................................................................5 Nutrients ........................................................................................................................................................................................5 Sedimentation and Siltation ....................................................................................................................................................6 Bacteria and Pathogens ............................................................................................................................................................6 Toxic Organic Chemicals and Metals .................................................................................................................................6 Habitat Modification/Hydrologic Modification ..............................................................................................................7 Suspended Solids, Turbidity and Acidity ..........................................................................................................................7 Oil and Grease.............................................................................................................................................................................8 III. GROUND WATER & SURFACE WATER - A SINGLE RESOURCE................................................................9 Surface Waters .................................................................................................................................................................................9 Rivers and Streams ....................................................................................................................................................................9 Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds ..............................................................................................................................................13 Wetlands ......................................................................................................................................................................................15 Ground Waters ...............................................................................................................................................................................19 Ground Water Quality ............................................................................................................................................................20 Sources of Ground Water Contamination ........................................................................................................................20 Ground Water Use in Canada ..............................................................................................................................................23 Ground Water Use in the United States ...........................................................................................................................24 IV. WATER QUALITY MONITORING................................................................................................................................25 Canada...............................................................................................................................................................................................25 Federal Agencies......................................................................................................................................................................26 Provincial Agencies ................................................................................................................................................................31 The United States ..........................................................................................................................................................................36 Federal Agencies......................................................................................................................................................................36 State Agencies...........................................................................................................................................................................37 International....................................................................................................................................................................................39 V. WATER QUALITY IN THE RED RIVER OF THE NORTH..................................................................................40 Background .....................................................................................................................................................................................40 Basin Setting..............................................................................................................................................................................40 Basin Hydrology ......................................................................................................................................................................41 Red River Basin Water Quality Data ................................................................................................................................42 Background Water Quality ...................................................................................................................................................42 Water Quality & Aquatic Habitat.......................................................................................................................................43 Human-Induced Water Quality ................................................................................................................................................43 Sediment in the Red River ....................................................................................................................................................43 Agriculture & Water Quality ...............................................................................................................................................44 ii Non-Agricultural Sources of Water Quality Contamination ....................................................................................46 Effects of Non-point Sources of Toxic Compounds ....................................................................................................47 VI. CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................................................................................48 VII. REFERENCES CITED .........................................................................................................................................................49 APPENDIX A - WATER QUALITY CRITERIA FOR THE RED RIVER BASIN..............................................................................51 APPENDIX B - MANITOBA WATER QUALITY INDEX..................................................................................................................75 APPENDIX C - UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 305(B) REPORTS.........................................81 Minnesota 305(b) 1998 Report Summary .......................................................................................................................83 North Dakota 305(b) 1998 Report Summary.................................................................................................................84 South Dakota Water 305(b) 1998 Report Summary....................................................................................................85 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Bioaccumulation of Pollutants in the Food Chain (EPA) .............................................................3 Figure 2. Effects of Siltation in Rivers and Streams.................................................................................10 Figure 3. The Importance of Nutrients in a Healthy Lake Ecosystem........................................................14 Figure 4. Depiction of Wetlands Adjacent to Water-body........................................................................15 Figure 5. Flood Protection Functions in Wetlands ...................................................................................17 Figure 6. Ground Water Recharge Functions in Wetlands ........................................................................17 Figure 7. Streamflow Maintenance Functions in Wetlands .......................................................................17 Figure 8. Shoreline Stabilization Functions in Wetlands ..........................................................................17 Figure 9. Water Quality Improvement Functions in Wetlands ..................................................................18 Figure 10. Ground Water.......................................................................................................................19 Figure 11. Sources of Ground Water Contamination ...............................................................................20 Figure 12. Ground Water Contamination Due to Leaking Underground Storage Tanks..............................21 Figure 13. Map of the Red River of the North.........................................................................................40 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Ranking of Agricultural Activities Impacting Rivers and Lakes (EPA)........................................12 Table 2. Categories of Water Quality and Associated Index Ranges.........................................................34 Table 3. Manitoba's Water Quality Index Variables.................................................................................35 iii I. INTRODUCTION Water is the life-blood of the environment. Without water no living thing can survive. Water is also a commodity: a renewable resource. The availability of an adequate and usable water supply underpins our whole economy. Water is used for transportation and hydro-electric power generation, for waste disposal, recreation, agriculture, and fisheries, and is essential in both the manufacturing and the service sector. Fortunately, water can be used without depleting its supply, but it is a fundamental component of a complex ecosystem. Evidence of over-exploitation and, with it, evidence of the linked effect of environmental stress is all too clear. Pollution from human activities has impaired aquatic life, inhibited the reproductive capacity of mammals and birds, and threatens human health. Poor use of water resources has caused widespread degradation of soils and the disruption of potable water supplies generating massive economic losses. The movement of pollutants from the land to the water and into the air presents the world's ecosystems with a common threat. Goal & Objectives Goal: The purpose of this report is to develop a baseline inventory of water quality criteria, impairments, and activities in the Red River Basin for use by the Red River Basin Board to formulate a basin-wide water quality strategy. Objectives: 1. Develop a tabular summary of ambient water quality criteria in the Basin, as measured by each of four jurisdictions. 2. Assess the environmental conditions influencing water quality in the Basin. 3. Examine, assess and identify gaps in water quality monitoring and assessment activities in the Basin. 4. Identify know water quality impairments in the Basin. 5. Investigate the pollutants and their sources that are causing water quality impairments in the Basin. The bulk of the background information on water quality has been taken from the 1998 United States Environmental Protection Agency's Report to Congress. 1 II. WATER QUALITY CONCERNS There are many contaminants present in our environment that are potentially harmful to human health. Public health may be threatened directly or indirectly through the consumption of, or exposure to, food and water contaminated with toxic chemicals, and viral and bacteria pathogens. While aquatic organisms can tolerate most viruses and bacteria that are harmful to humans, they can be more severely affected by the presence of toxic chemicals in their environment. Public Health Concerns Toxic chemicals that persist in the environment months and years after they arrive are of particular concern for human health as they have been linked to human birth defects, cancer, and neurological disorders. In addition, inadequately treated sewage water can contain harmful virus and bacteria that can cause diseases such as infectious hepatitis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, and cholera. Water Consumption & Contact The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Science Advisory Board concluded that drinking water contamination is one of the greatest environmental risks to human health. This conclusion is due, in part, to the variability in the quality of available drinking water. It is also due to the potential for contamination during the time between treatment and consumption. Most people in North America get their drinking water from public water supplies. Although most of these supplies meet drinking water standards, there are many undetectable contaminants capable of affecting drinking water quality. The greatest risk from unsafe drinking water is exposure to water-borne viral and bacterial pathogens that can cause acute health problems requiring medical treatment. For systems serving large populations, a waterborne disease outbreak can have a devastating impact. The 1993 Cryptosporidium spp. outbreak in Milwaukee affected more than 400,000 people, making it the largest waterborne disease outbreak ever reported in North America. Exposure to contaminated water is not limited to drinking water. Physical contact such as swimming and bathing, are other ways by which pathogens can enter the human system. Consumption of Aquatic Life EPA data provided by the individual states showed that mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlordane, dioxins, and DDT (and associated by-products) caused 99% of all fish consumption advisories in the United States in 1998. These chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds were banned or restricted more than a decade ago, yet they still threaten human health as they persist in the environment, particularly in sediment and fish tissue. Through bio-accumulation, the concentration of some toxic chemicals in fish may be up to one million times the concentration of the surrounding water. In the 1990's, reports began to appear regarding widespread mercury contamination in fish including fish inhabiting remote lakes that had previously been considered pristine. The source of elevated mercury concentrations is difficult to identify because mercury occurs naturally in soils and rock formations and natural processes, such as weathering can release some mercury into surface waters. Experts believe that human activities, particularly industrial air emissions and acid rain, have accelerated the rate at which mercury is accumulating in our waters and entering the food chain (Figure 1). 2 Figure 1. Bioaccumulation of Pollutants in the Food Chain (EPA) Aquatic Ecosystem Concerns A primary use of all waters is to support aquatic life, specifically that the water-body provides for the "protection and propagation" of desirable fish species as well as other aquatic organisms. Aquatic contaminants include not just toxic chemicals but environmental stressors as well. These stressors include habitat alterations such as flow modifications, excessive siltation, nutrient enrichment, and persistent sediment contamination. Low oxygen concentrations, high temperatures, and acidity can impair aquatic communities. Pollution A fish kill is one of the most visible impacts of pollution on aquatic life. These events are normally attributed to exceptionally low dissolved oxygen levels or to the discharge of toxic contaminants in the water column. A less observable impact is stress on the resident aquatic organisms. An observable impact would be a shift in the physical characteristics of a water-body. For example, land use practices in a watershed cause an increase in water temperature and sedimentation along with a decrease in dissolved oxygen and result in a cold-water trout stream becoming a warm-water carp-dominated stream. Physical impairments to aquatic life can be measured in terms of an individual organism's growth, the presence of lesions, and eroded fins or an accumulation of toxic chemicals and their by-products in the organism itself. Whole aquatic communities can be altered. Pollutants and stressors can kill parts or all of an aquatic community, increase susceptibility to disease, interfere with reproductive fecundity, and reduce the viability of offspring. 3 Habitat A habitat is where an organism, or community of organisms, lives and includes both living and nonliving elements. The immediate habitat (or microhabitat) for aquatic life is the local ambient water and its physical and chemical characteristics, including temperature, flow rate, and dissolved oxygen content. It also includes the substrate or bottom of the water-body. The larger-scale habitat (or macro-habitat) is the overall watershed within which the water-body and the aquatic organisms reside. The macro-habitat plays an important role in protecting water quality and aquatic life as acts as a buffer for the aquatic system and diminishes the impact of human disturbance. Stable habitat is critical for the protection and propagation of balanced indigenous aquatic communities. Habitat evaluation is one tool used to assess the vulnerability of such ecosystems. The information helps target where limited ambient monitoring resources would be best spent. The limitation of this approach is that, although poor habitat is usually an indicator of impaired aquatic life, acceptable habitat quality does guarantee that the aquatic life therein is healthy. Nutrient Enrichment Nutrients are essential building blocks for healthy aquatic communities as they are necessary for metabolism. Excess nutrients, however, can have detrimental effects on water quality resulting in excessive growth of algae and other aquatic vegetation and potentially harmful algal blooms. Elevated levels of algae are associated with depressed levels of dissolved oxygen and can lead to fish kills, decreased water clarity, changes in water chemistry, and a loss of natural biodiversity. Of particular importance is the loss of submerged aquatic vegetation that is vital fish and wildlife habitat and nursery areas. Nitrogen and phosphorus are transported to water-bodies via stream networks, rain, overland runoff, ground water, drainage networks, and industrial and residential wastewater discharges. Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus include fertilizers, sewage treatment plants, septic systems, combined sewer overflows, sediment mobilization, runoff from animal feeding operations, atmospheric transport, and aerobic/anaerobic nutrient recycling from sediments to the water column. Sediment Contamination Certain types of chemicals in water tend to settle and collect in sediment. For example, chemicals such as petroleum products and chlorinated solvents do not mix with water. Metals such as lead and mercury can settle out due to gravity or can be adsorbed onto sediment particles. These types of contamination often persist longer than those found in the water column, either because they tend to resist natural degradation or because local conditions do not encourage natural degradation. In the water column, these pollutants may be too dilute to measure, but because currents tend to deposit sediments in distinct depositional zones, contaminated sediment can reach toxic levels at certain locations. Contaminants can also be released from the sediment back into the water column. In both cases, excessive levels of chemicals in sediment can become hazardous to aquatic life and humans. According to studies, areas of sediment contamination occur in clusters around larger municipal and industrial centres and in regions affected by agricultural and urban runoff (EPA 1998). 4 Major Pollutants & Stressors Impacting Water Quality Oxygen-Depleting Substances Dissolved oxygen is a basic requirement for a healthy aquatic ecosystem. Most fish and aquatic insects “breathe” oxygen dissolved in the water column. Some fish and aquatic organisms (such as carp and sludge worms) are adapted to low-oxygen conditions (2 milligrams or less of oxygen dissolved in 1 litre of water), but most game fish species (such as trout and salmon) suffer if dissolved oxygen concentrations fall below 3 to 4 mg/L. Larvae and juvenile fish are more sensitive and require even higher concentrations (5 - 8 mg/L) of dissolved oxygen. Many aquatic organisms are resilient enough to survive short periods of low dissolved oxygen but prolonged episodes can result in "dead" water-bodies. Prolonged exposure to low dissolved oxygen will impair entire biological communities. Low dissolved oxygen concentrations also promote anaerobic bacterial activity that produces noxious gases/foul odours often associated with polluted water-bodies. Oxygen concentrations in the water column fluctuate under natural conditions, but severe oxygen depletion usually results from human activities that introduce large quantities of biodegradable organic materials into surface waters. Biodegradable organic materials contain plant, fish, or animal matter. In both pristine and polluted waters, beneficial bacteria use oxygen to decompose organic materials. Often, water quality managers measure the biochemical oxygen demand (or BOD) of pollution in water. BOD is a measure of how much oxygen is consumed during the degradation of organic matter and the oxidation of some inorganic matter. Pollution-containing organic wastes provide a continuous food supply for the bacteria, which in turn accelerates bacterial activity and population growth. In polluted waters, bacterial consumption of oxygen can rapidly outpace oxygen replenishment from the atmosphere and photosynthesis performed by algae and aquatic plants. Leaves, lawn clippings, sewage, manure, milk solids, and other food processing wastes are types of biodegradable organic materials that enter our surface waters. Toxic pollutants can indirectly elevate BOD by killing algae, aquatic weeds, or fish, providing an abundance of food for oxygen-consuming bacteria. Oxygen depletion can also result from chemical reactions that do not involve bacteria. Some pollutants trigger chemical reactions that place a chemical oxygen demand on receiving waters. The result is a net decline in oxygen concentrations in the water. Other factors, such as temperature and salinity, influence the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. Because warm water cannot hold as much dissolved oxygen as cold water, prolonged hot weather will depress oxygen concentrations and may cause fish kills even in clean waters. Warm conditions further aggravate oxygen depletion by stimulating bacterial activity and respiration in fish, which consumes oxygen. Removal of streamside vegetation eliminates shade, thereby increasing runoff of organic debris. Under such conditions, minor additions of organic materials can severely deplete oxygen. Oxygen concentrations can fluctuate daily during algae blooms, rising during the day as algae perform photosynthesis and falling at night as algae continue to respire and consumes oxygen. Beneficial bacteria also consume oxygen as they decompose the abundant organic food supply in dying algal cells. Nutrients Nutrients are essential building blocks for healthy aquatic communities, but excess nutrients (especially nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) over-stimulate the growth of aquatic weeds and algae. Excessive growth of these organisms, in turn, can clog navigable waters, interfere with swimming and boating, out-compete native submerged aquatic vegetation, and, ultimately lead to oxygen depletion. Lawn and crop fertilizers, sewage, manure, and detergents all contain nitrogen and phosphorus, the nutrients most often responsible for water quality degradation. Rural areas are vulnerable to ground water contamination 5 from nitrates (a compound containing nitrogen) found in fertilizer and manure. High concentrations of nitrates in drinking water can cause methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome), an inability to fix oxygen in the blood. Nutrients in polluted lake systems are difficult to control because ecosystems recycle nutrients. Rather than leaving the ecosystem, the nutrients cycle through the water column, algae and plant tissues, and the bottom sediments. For example, algae may temporarily remove all the nitrogen from the water column, but the nutrients will return to the water column when the algae die and are decomposed by bacteria. Therefore, gradual inputs of nutrients tend to accumulate over time rather than leave the system. Sedimentation and Siltation In a water quality context, sediment usually refers to soil particles that enter the water column through erosion and consists of particles of all sizes, including fine clay particles, silt, sand, and gravel. Water quality managers use the term “siltation” to describe the suspension and deposition of small sediment particles in water-bodies. Sedimentation and siltation can severely alter aquatic communities by clogging or abrading fish gills, suffocating aquatic insect eggs and larvae, and by filling in the pore space between bottom cobbles where fish lay their eggs. Suspended silt and sediment interfere with recreational activities and aesthetic enjoyment of water-bodies by reducing water clarity and filling in water-bodies. Sediment may also carry other pollutants into water-bodies. Nutrients and toxic chemicals can become attached to sediment particles, settle to the bottom, and become soluble in the water column. Bacteria and Pathogens Some waterborne bacteria, viruses, and protozoa cause human illnesses ranging from typhoid and dysentery to minor respiratory and skin diseases. These organisms may enter waters through a number of pathways, including inadequately treated sewage, storm water drains, septic systems, runoff from livestock pens, and sewage dumped over-board from watercraft. Because it is impossible to test waters for every possible disease-causing organism, measurements are usually taken of indicator bacteria that are found in the stomachs and intestines of humans and other mammals. The presence of indicator bacteria suggests that a water-body may be contaminated with untreated sewage and that other, more dangerous, organisms may be present. Toxic Organic Chemicals and Metals Toxic organic chemicals are synthetic compounds that contain hydrocarbons, such as PCBs, dioxins, and DDT. These synthesized compounds often persist and accumulate in the environment because they do not readily break down in natural ecosystems. Many of these compounds cause cancer and birth defects in people and adversely affect species near the top of the food chain, such as birds and fish. Pesticides are used to control or eliminate insect, fungal, or other organisms that seriously reduce crop yields or impact the health of livestock. When pesticides run off the land and enter water-bodies, they may become toxic to aquatic life. Some newer pesticide agents decompose rapidly after application; however, many older types are more persistent. These longer-lived agents can pollute larger areas and many 6 forms (e.g., DDT or chlordane) can build up in sediments or bio-accumulate in food chains, posing health risks to wildlife or humans. At present, more than 100 different compounds are commercially available for use as pesticides. A survey of pesticide residues in the aquatic environment conducted by Fisheries & Oceans Canada has revealed that significant concentrations of these compounds are found in sediments and biota of rivers and streams as well as in the water. It is from sediments that many of these chemicals enter the food chain. Limited information is currently available on pesticide levels in stream sediments and biota, but surveys are being initiated to measure pesticides in these media. Indeed, because of the difficulty in measuring some pesticides in water at or near the detection limit, it may be necessary to measure these routinely in sediment rather than in water (Fisheries & Oceans Canada 1977). “Total toxics” is a term used by a number of U.S. states to describe various combinations of toxic pollutants identified in water-bodies. These may include pesticides, toxic organic chemicals, metals, unionized ammonia, and chlorine. In some instances, laboratory tests with plankton, minnows, or other target species may show the presence of toxicity, but more work may be required to identify the specific toxicants. Metals occur naturally in the environment, but human activities (such as industrial processes and mining) have altered the distribution of metals in the environment. In most reported cases of metals contamination, high concentrations appear in fish tissues rather than the water column because the metals accumulate in greater concentrations in predators near the top of the food chain (bio-accumulation). Metals currently measured include arsenic, boron, cadmium, strontium, vanadium, barium, silver, selenium, chromium, lead, zinc, and copper (Fisheries & Oceans Canada 1977). Habitat Modification/Hydrologic Modification Habitat modifications include activities in the landscape, on shore, and in water-bodies that alter the physical structure of aquatic ecosystems and have adverse impacts on aquatic life. Examples of habitat modifications to streams include: • Removal of streamside vegetation that stabilizes the shoreline and provides shade, which moderates in-stream temperatures • Excavation of cobbles from a stream bed that provide nesting habitat for fish • Burying streams • Excessive development sprawl that alters the natural drainage patterns by increasing the intensity, magnitude, and energy of runoff waters. Hydrologic modifications alter the flow of water. Examples of hydrologic modifications include channelization, dewatering, damming, and dredging. Suspended Solids, Turbidity and Acidity Suspended solids are a measure of the weight of relatively insoluble materials in the ambient water (EPA 1998). Suspended solids can include both organic and inorganic constituents. These materials enter the water column as soil particles from land surfaces or sand, silt, and clay from stream bank erosion. Under 7 low-flow conditions, excessively high suspended solids can become siltation problems as the materials settle out in the substrate on rivers or fill in reservoirs. Turbidity is an optical property of very small particles that scatter light and reduce clarity in waterbodies. Although algal blooms can make waters turbid, turbidity is usually related to the smaller inorganic suspended solids, primarily clay particles. In addition to creating aesthetically undesirable conditions, turbidity helps trap heat which can become a problem in cold water streams where fish are adapted to a particular temperature gradient. Turbidity also reduces the amount of solar radiation available for aquatic plants. Acidity, the concentration of hydrogen ions, drives many chemical reactions. The standard measure of acidity is pH, and a pH value of 7 represents a neutral condition. A low pH value (less than 5) indicates acidic conditions; a high pH (greater than 9) indicates alkaline conditions. Many biological processes, such as reproduction, cannot function in acidic alkaline waters. Acidic conditions also aggravate toxic contamination problems because sediments release toxicants in acidic waters. Common sources of acidity include mine drainage, runoff from mine tailings, and atmospheric deposition. Oil and Grease The presence of oil and grease in a water-body can be documented quantitatively from chemical tests or qualitatively through observations of surface films with distinctive oily sheens. Oil and grease problems are usually related to spills or other releases of petroleum products. The most dramatic cases are associated with accidents involving oil tankers or major pipeline breaks. Minor oil and grease problems can result from wet weather runoff from highways or the improper disposal in storm drains of motor oil. Large amounts of oil can be toxic to fish and wildlife, but even persistent surface films may decrease re-aeration rates and cause damage to the gills or other exposed surface membranes of fishes and macro-invertebrates. 8 III. GROUND WATER & SURFACE WATER - A SINGLE RESOURCE Traditionally, surface and ground water have been treated as separate entities in water resource management. More recently, however, it has become apparent that all water-body interactions are interrelated. Water in lakes, wetlands, and streams recharge ground water reservoirs, and ground water discharges back into lakes, wetlands, and streams, providing base-flow maintenance. Ground water contributes to most streams, thereby maintaining stream-flow during periods of low flow or drought. The ground water component of stream-flow is variable across the country. In one USGS study, daily stream flow values for the 30-year period (1961 to 1990) indicated an average of 52% of all the stream-flow in the nation was contributed by ground water. Ground water contributions ranged from 14% to 90% (Stoner et al 1998). Development of surface water resources can affect ground water resources and vice versa. Large withdrawals of ground water can reduce the amount of ground water inflow to surface water and substantially reduce surface water available to downstream users. The use of large volumes or amounts of ground water for irrigation has often been identified as the cause of drying riverbeds and wetlands. Today, conservation and changes in agricultural practices are restoring flow to these rivers and also to ecologically important wetland areas. The water quality of each of these resources can also be affected by their interactions. Water quality can be adversely affected when nutrients and contaminants are transported between ground water and surface water. For example, contaminants in streams can affect ground water quality during periods of recharge and flooding. Polluted ground water can affect surface water-bodies when contaminated ground water discharges into a river or stream. Because contamination is not restricted to either water-body, both ground water and surface water must be considered in water quality assessments. Co-ordination between surface water and ground water programs will be essential to adequately evaluate the quality and quantity of drinking water. Ground water and surface water interactions have a major role in affecting chemical and biological processes in lakes, wetlands, and streams, which in turn affect water quality throughout the system. An understanding of these interactions is critical in our water protection and conservation efforts. It is evident that protection of ground water and surface water is of major importance for sustaining uses such as drinking water supply, fish and wildlife habitats, and recreational activities. Surface Waters Rivers and Streams Rivers and streams are characterized by flow. Perennial rivers and streams flow continuously. Intermittent or ephemeral (non-perennial) rivers and streams stop flowing for some period of time, usually due to dry conditions or upstream withdrawals. Many rivers and streams originate in non-perennial headwaters that flow only during snowmelt or heavy rains. Non-perennial streams provide critical habitats for non-fish species, such as amphibians and dragonflies, as well as safe havens for juvenile fish escaping predation by larger fish. 9 Non-perennial waters pose challenges to monitoring programs because the flow is unpredictable. Some intermittent waters' flows recur predictably during particular times of the year, for example, following spring snowmelt. Ephemeral waters are the most difficult to monitor because their flow is so unpredictable. Most jurisdictions focus monitoring activities in perennial waters, although many monitor intermittent waters during periods of predictable flow. The health of rivers and streams is directly linked to the integrity of habitat along the river corridor and in adjacent wetlands. Stream quality will deteriorate if human or natural activities damage vegetation along riverbanks and in nearby wetlands. Trees, shrubs, and grasses filter pollutants from runoff and reduce soil erosion. Removal of vegetation also eliminates shade that moderates stream temperature. Stream temperature, in turn, affects the availability of dissolved oxygen in the water column for fish and other aquatic organisms. Pollutants and Stressors Siltation is one of the most widespread pollutants impacting rivers and streams (Figure 2). Siltation alters aquatic habitat and suffocates fish eggs and bottom-dwelling organisms. Aquatic insects live in the spaces between "cobbles" and their habitat is altered when silt fills in these spaces. The loss of aquatic insects adversely impacts fish and other wildlife that eat these insects. Excessive siltation can also interfere with drinking water treatment processes and recreational use of a river. Sources of siltation include agriculture, urban runoff, construction, and forestry. Figure 2. Effects of Siltation in Rivers and Streams 10 Bacteria (fecal coliform) is a major pollutant providing evidence of possible fecal contamination that may cause illness if the water is ingested. Bacteria commonly enter surface waters in the form of inadequately treated sewage, fecal material from wildlife, and runoff from pastures, feedlots, and urban areas. Nutrient pollution, especially in agricultural areas, is also a substantial cause of river water quality impairment. Although an ongoing problem in lakes, nutrient pollution is getting increased attention from managers and regulators because of it's effects on rivers. Excessive levels of nitrogen and phosphorus may accelerate growth of algae and underwater plants, depleting the water column of dissolved oxygen necessary to maintain populations of fish and certain plant species. Nutrients may enter rivers from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment discharges and runoff from agricultural lands, forestry operations, and urban areas. Sources of Pollutants It is relatively easy to collect a water sample and identify the pollutants causing impairment, such as fecal coliform bacteria. However, detecting and ranking the sources of pollutants can require monitoring pollutant movement from numerous potential sources, such as failing septic systems, agricultural fields, urban runoff, municipal sewage treatment plants, and local waterfowl populations. Often the source of impairment can not be determined. Agriculture is the most widespread source of river water quality impairment followed by hydrologic modifications, urban runoff and storm sewers, municipal discharges, land disposal of wastes, and habitat modifications (EPA 1998). Agriculture The table below identifies the most common agriculture-related water impairments as reported to the EPA. The EPA reports that non-irrigated crop production is the source of most pollution entering rivers followed by irrigated crop production, animal-feeding operations and finally grazing activities (EPA 1998). Runoff from irrigated and non-irrigated cropland contains nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), pesticides, and soil particles. Nutrients occur naturally in the soil but are also added in the form of chemical fertilizers and manure. Rainwater and irrigation carry excess nutrients to surface waters and shallow ground water. The transport of nutrients, pesticides, and sediments from cropland can be prevented or reduced by ensuring the proper use and application of chemicals, encouraging the infiltration of water and discouraging runoff, and minimizing soil disturbance. Sources of pollution from animal feeding operations include both point and non-point sources. Animal waste from these operations can introduce pathogens, nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), and organic matter directly (runoff) and indirectly (ground water contamination) to nearby rivers and streams. Pollution from animal facilities can be mitigated through the proper siting and management of the operation. Many facilities implement a comprehensive plan for handling, storing, and using all wastes produced. 11 Improper grazing practices on range and pasture can introduce both soil particles and animal waste into receiving streams. Implementing a comprehensive grazing management plan helps reduce contributions of pollutants by: • Maintaining sufficient soil cover • Protecting riparian areas from trampling • Minimizing the direct deposition of wastes into streams Table 1. Ranking of Agricultural Activities Impacting Rivers and Lakes (EPA) Agricultural Activity Non-irrigated Crop Production Irrigated Crop Production Specialty Crop Production River s 1 Lakes Description 2 2 3 --- 6 4 1 4 4 3 5 Range Grazing Pasture Grazing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Animal Feeding 3 5 Operations Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency crop production that relies on rain as the sole source of water. crop production that uses irrigation systems to supplement rainwater. crop production that involves growing food items other than small grains or forage crops as well as ornamental plants. Specialty crops may involve more intensive production practices (e.g., fertilizer, land grazed by animals that is seldom enhanced by the application of fertilizers or pesticides, although land managers sometimes modify plant species to a land upon which a crop is raised to feed animals, either by grazing the animals among the crops or harvesting the crops. Pasture-land is actively managed to encourage selected plant species to grow, and or pesticides may be facilities infertilizers which animals are confined, fedapplied and maintained for some period of time throughout the year where discharges are regulated. facilities in which animals are confined, fed, and maintained for some period of time throughout the Range grazing can also generate soil erosion and animal waste runoff. Land used for pasture grazing usually has good ground cover that protects the soil from eroding; however, pasture grazing can become a source of animal waste runoff if animals graze on impermeable frozen pastureland during winter. Hydrologic Modifications – Hydrologic modifications (or hydro-modifications) include flow regulation and modification, channelization, dredging, and dam construction. These activities may alter riverine habitat in such a way that it becomes less suitable for aquatic life. For example, dredging may destroy the river-bottom habitat where fish lay their eggs. Urban Runoff and Storm Sewers – In urban areas, runoff from impervious surfaces may include sediment, bacteria (e.g., from pet waste), toxic chemicals, and other pollutants. Development in urban areas can increase erosion that results in higher sediment loads to rivers and streams. Storm sewer systems may also release pollutants particularly during wet weather events. 12 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) – Municipal wastewater treatment plants treat incoming wastewater from domestic sources and wastewater inputs from industrial and commercial establishments. Although they treat this waste before discharging to rivers and streams, discharges may still contain toxic chemicals, nutrients, and other pollutants. In some cases, during wet weather events, plants discharge untreated wastewater because of operation and maintenance problems. Land Disposal of Wastes – Various forms of land-based waste disposal, such as septic tanks, landfills, and application of sludge, may result in the runoff of pollutants to rivers and streams. These pollutants can include bacteria, hazardous wastes, organic materials, and sediment. Habitat Modifications – Changes to a river’s habitat, such as removal of riparian vegetation, riverbank modification, and alteration of wetlands, can make it less suitable for the organisms inhabiting it and can create conditions favourable for invasive species, or can limit its ecosystem function. Lakes, Reservoirs, and Ponds Lakes, reservoirs, and ponds are depressions that hold water for extended periods of time. These water-bodies may receive water-borne pollutants from rivers and streams, melting snow, runoff, or ground water. Lakes may also receive pollution directly from the air. Pollutants become trapped in lakes, reservoirs, and ponds because water generally exits these waterbodies at a slower rate. Therefore, they are especially vulnerable to additional inputs of pollutants from human activities. Even under natural conditions, sediment, nutrients, and organic materials accumulate in lakes and ponds as part of a natural ageing process called eutrophication. Increased loads of nutrients from human activities such as wastewater discharges, septic systems, and agricultural runoff can accelerate eutrophication. Algal blooms, depressed oxygen levels, and aquatic weeds are symptoms of accelerated eutrophication from excessive nutrients. Pollutants and Stressors Healthy lake ecosystems contain nutrients in small quantities from natural sources. Extra inputs of nutrients (primarily nitrogen and phosphorus) disrupt the balance of lake ecosystems (figure 3). Excessive nutrients stimulate population explosions of harmful algae and aquatic weeds. The algae sink to the lake bottom after they die, where bacteria decompose them. The bacteria consume dissolved oxygen in the water while decomposing the dead algae. This, in turn, deprives fish and other organisms of oxygen. Fish kills and foul odours may result if dissolved oxygen is depleted. After nutrients, metals are the next most common pollutant, due mainly to the widespread detection of mercury in fish tissue samples. It is difficult to measure mercury in ambient water. Jurisdictions are actively studying the extent of the mercury problem, which is complex because it involves atmospheric transport from power-generating facilities, waste incinerators, and other sources. Most jurisdictions rely on fish tissue samples to indicate mercury contamination, since mercury bio-accumulates in tissue. 13 Figure 3. The Importance of Nutrients in a Healthy Lake Ecosystem Sources of Pollutants Agriculture As is the case with rivers, agriculture is the most widespread source of pollution in lakes. Of the agricultural activities identified (figure 3), the EPA reports that range-grazing is responsible for causing the most degradation to lakes followed by non-irrigated crop production, irrigated crop production, pasturegrazing, animal-feeding operations, and specialty-crop production (EPA 1998). Eutrophication is a natural process, but human activities can accelerate eutrophication by increasing the rate at which nutrients and organic substances enter lakes from their surrounding watersheds. Agricultural runoff, urban runoff, leaking septic systems, sewage discharges, eroded stream-banks, and similar sources can enhance the flow of nutrients and organic substances into lakes. Enhanced eutrophication from nutrient enrichment due to human activities in one of the leading problems. There are five naturally occuring trophic states in lakes: Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic Hypereutrophic Dystrophic Clear waters with little organic matter or sediment. Low biological productivity. Waters with more nutrients and, therefore, medium biological productivity. Waters extremely rich in nutrients, high biological productivity. Murky, highly productive waters, closest to wetlands status. Many clear-water species cannot survive. Low nutrients, highly coloured with dissolved organic matter (i.e. humus). 14 Hydrologic Modifications Hydrologic modifications have been identified as the second most common source of water quality impairment in lakes (EPA 1998). Hydrologic modifications include flow regulation and modification, dredging, and the construction of dams. These activities may alter a lake’s habitat in such a way that it becomes less suitable for aquatic life. For example, flow regulation and modification for the purpose of flood control, drinking water supply, or hydroelectric power can cause fluctuation in lake levels that destabilizes shoreline habitat. Other pollution sources due to hydrologic modification include urban runoff and storm sewers, municipal sewage treatment plants, and atmospheric deposition. Wetlands In general, wetlands are a transition zone between land and water where the soil is occasionally or permanently saturated with water (Figure 4). Wetlands are populated by plants that are specially adapted to grow in standing water or saturated soils (EPA 1998). There are many different types of wetlands, including marshes, bogs, fens, swamps, mangroves, prairie potholes, and bottomland hardwood forests. Wetlands may not always appear to be wet, in fact many wetlands are dry for extended periods of time. Other wetlands may appear dry on the surface but may be saturated underneath. Wetlands can be physically destroyed by filling, draining, and de-watering. Wetlands can also be damaged by the same pollutants that degrade other water-bodies, such as toxic chemicals and oxygen-demanding substances. Figure 4. Depiction of Wetlands Adjacent to Water-body All wetlands, however, are flooded or have water just below the ground surface long enough during the growing season to develop oxygen-poor soils, approximately 14 days. This is important because almost all animals and plants use oxygen to convert sugar, protein, and other organic molecules into the energy necessary to survive and grow. Normally, when bacteria and microbes in the soil decompose dead plants and animals, the oxygen they use is replaced from the air. However, oxygen moves through the water about ten thousand times slower than the air. When wetland soils become saturated or flooded, the oxygen used by the bacteria and microbes is not replaced fast enough. As a result, most plants cannot grow there because they 15 do not have enough oxygen for their roots. Wetland plants, such as cattails and water lilies, have special adaptations to temporarily survive without oxygen in their roots or to transfer oxygen from the leaves or stem to the roots (EPA 1998). Inland wetlands are most common on floodplains along rivers and streams, in isolated depressions surrounded by dry land, and along the margins of lakes and ponds. Inland wetlands include marshes and wet meadows dominated by grasses, sedges, rushes, and herbs; shrub swamps; and wooded swamps dominated by trees, such as hardwood forests along floodplains. Functions and Values of Wetlands In their natural condition, wetlands provide essential ecological processes (or functions) that are also beneficial for surrounding ecosystems and people. Wetland functions can be grouped into several broad categories: • Storage of water • Storage of sediment and nutrients • Growth and reproduction of plants and animals • Diversity of plants and animals The location and size of a wetland in a watershed helps determine what functions it will perform. Not all wetlands perform all functions nor do they perform all functions at equivalent levels. For example, some wetlands have a greater capacity to store water because of their landscape position. Many other factors can influence how well a wetland will perform these functions, including weather conditions, quantity, and quality of water entering a wetland, and human alteration of a wetland or surrounding landscape. Storage and Filtering of Water Wetlands help prevent floods by storing and slowing the flow of water through a watershed (EPA 1998). Many wetlands act like natural basins and hold water from rainstorms, overland flow, and from flooding rivers. As water passes through a wetland, it is slowed by the wetland’s vegetation (Figure 5). Through the combined effects of retaining and slowing water, wetlands allow water to percolate through the soil into the ground water and slowly move through the watershed (Figure 6). In watersheds that have lost most of their wetlands, the rainfall flows quickly into streams and rivers and overloads their capacity to transport water through the watershed. Increasing the amount of pavement in a watershed can cause similar problems resulting in flooding that can damage homes, farms, and businesses. In addition, streams and rivers are severely damaged as banks erode and channels become flatter and deeper. Downstream lakes can also be damaged by the large influx of silt that makes the water cloudy, buries plants and animals, and prevents submerged aquatic vegetation from getting the light they need. 16 Figure 5. Flood Protection Functions in Wetlands Figure 6. Ground Water Recharge Functions in Wetlands Figure 7. Streamflow Maintenance Functions in Wetlands Figure 8. Shoreline Stabilization Functions in Wetlands Restoring wetlands in a watershed can help prevent the amount and severity of flooding (EPA 1998). Restoring wetlands can also improve the flow of water during dry seasons by allowing water to percolate into the ground water and gradually enter a stream rather than having rapid runoff (Figure 7). Water entering wetlands during wet periods is released slowly through ground water, thereby moderating stream flow volumes necessary for the survival of fish, wildlife, and plants that rely on the stream. 17 Figure 9. Water Quality Improvement Functions in Wetlands Wetlands also act like filters that purify water in a watershed (EPA 1998). Often the water leaving a wetland is much cleaner than the water that entered. When water is slowed or stored in a wetland, much of the sediment settles out and remains behind (Figure 9). Wetlands also trap nutrients that are attached to the sediment or dissolved in water. Nutrients are either stored in the wetland soil or are used by plants to grow. Wetlands on the fringes of lakes keep the larger waters clean by trapping sediment and preventing shoreline erosion. Marsh plants help to dissipate wave energy and their extensive root networks anchor the marsh (Figure 8). Without the plants, waves would eat away at the shore and cause extensive erosion. Marsh plants also slow the movement of water, allowing sediment and nutrients to settle and remain in the marsh. Wetland loss and degradation impairs or eliminates the water quality purification function performed by wetlands. Diversity of Plants and Animals Wetlands are critical to the survival of a wide variety of animals and plants, including numerous rare and/or endangered species. When wetlands are removed from a landscape or damaged by human activities, there is a decline in the biological "health" of a watershed. The result is the decline of many species of plants and animals. Wetlands provide primary habitats for many species, such as the wood duck, muskrat, and swamp rose. Wetlands also provide important seasonal habitats where food, water, and cover are plentiful. The abundant wildlife in wetlands also attracts outdoor enthusiasts. National wildlife refuges in particular, are often responsible for protecting extensive wetlands, attracting visitors and bringing millions of dollars and many jobs to adjacent communities. Monitoring Wetland Health Currently most jurisdictions in the United States are not equipped to report on the integrity of their wetlands although Minnesota and North Dakota have begun developing methods to evaluate wetland health. Causes that are known to degrade wetland integrity are sedimentation, draining, habitat alterations, and flow alterations. Agriculture and hydrologic modifications are the primary sources for this degradation, followed by development and draining (EPA 1998). Minnesota has developed a Wetland Index of Biological Integrity (WIBI) using macro-invertebrates and a Wetland Index of Vegetative Integrity (WIVI) using plants for depressional wetlands. Minnesota plans 18 to use these tools to evaluate the biological integrity and aquatic life use support criteria of depressional wetlands. They are also partnering with local governments to train volunteers to use simpler versions of these methods to evaluate wetland condition. North Dakota started its pilot project in 1993. They are developing bio-assessment methods for depressional wetlands that are temporarily or seasonally flooded. They have also developed a preliminary index of biological integrity for the plant community (Fritz 1997). Ground Waters Beneath the land’s surface, water resides in two general zones, the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone (Figure 10). The unsaturated zone lies directly beneath the land surface, where air and water fill in the pore spaces between soil and rock particles. Water saturates the pore spaces in the saturated zone beneath the unsaturated zone in most cases. The term “ground water” applies to water in the saturated zone. This water is an important natural resource and is used for myriad purposes, including drinking water, irrigation, and livestock. Surface water replenishes (or recharges) ground water by percolating through the unsaturated zone. Therefore, the unsaturated zone plays an important role in ground water hydrology and may act as a pathway for ground water contamination. Ground water can move laterally and emerge at discharge sites, such as springs on hillsides or seeps in the bottoms of streams, lakes, wetlands, and oceans. Therefore, ground water affects surface water quantity and quality because polluted ground water can contaminate surface waters. Conversely, some surface waters, such as wetlands, contain floodwaters and replenish ground waters. Loss of wetlands reduces ground water recharge. Figure 10. Ground Water Ground water is a vital national resource. It is used for public and domestic water supply systems; irrigation and livestock watering; industrial, commercial, mining, and thermoelectric power production purposes. In many areas, ground water serves as the only reliable source of drinking and irrigation water. Unfortunately, this vital resource is vulnerable to contamination, and ground water contaminant problems are being reported throughout the country (EPA 1998). 19 Ground Water Quality Ground water quality can be adversely affected or degraded as a result of human activities that introduce contaminants into the environment. It can also be affected by natural processes that result in elevated concentrations of certain constituents in the ground water. For example, elevated metal concentrations can result when metals are leached into the ground water from minerals present in the earth. High levels of arsenic and uranium are frequently found in ground water in some western states. Not too long ago, it was thought that soil provided a protective “filter” or “barrier” that immobilized the downward migration of contaminants released on the land surface. Soil was supposed to prevent ground water resources from being contaminated. Recently, the detection of pesticides and other contaminants in ground water demonstrated that these resources were indeed vulnerable to contamination. The potential for a contaminant to affect ground water quality is dependent upon its ability to migrate through the overlying soils to the underlying ground water resource. Ground water contamination can occur as relatively well-defined, localized plumes emanating from specific sources such as leaking underground storage tanks, spills, landfills, waste lagoons, and/or industrial facilities (Figure 11). Contamination can also occur as a general deterioration of ground water quality over a wide area due to diffuse non-point sources such as agricultural fertilizer and pesticide applications. Ground water quality degradation from diffuse non-point sources affects large areas, making it difficult to specify the exact source of the contamination. Ground water contamination is most common in highly developed areas, agricultural areas, and industrial complexes. Frequently, ground water contamination is discovered long after it has occurred. One reason for this is the slow movement of ground water through aquifers, sometimes as little as fractions of a foot per day. This often results in a delay in the detection of ground water contamination. In some cases, contaminants introduced into the subsurface decades ago are only now being discovered. This also means that the environmental management practices of today will have effects on ground water quality well into the future. Sources of Ground Water Contamination Figure 11. Sources of Ground Water Contamination 20 Ground water quality may be adversely impacted by a variety of potential contaminant sources. It can be difficult to identify which sources have the greatest impact on ground water quality because each source varies in the amount of ground water it contaminates. In addition, each source impacts water quality differently. If similar sources are combined, there appear to be four important potential sources of ground water contamination: fuel storage, waste disposal practices, agricultural, and industrial practices. 1. Fuel Storage Practices Fuel storage practices include the storage of petroleum products in underground and aboveground storage tanks. Although tanks exist in all popula ted areas, they are generally most concentrated in heavily developed urban and suburban areas. Storage tanks are primarily used to hold petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and fuel oil. Leakages can be a significant source of ground water contamination (Figure 12). The primary causes of tank leaks are faulty installation or corrosion of tanks and pipelines. Petroleum products are actually complex mixtures of hundreds of different compounds. Over 200 gasoline compounds can be separated in the mixture. Compounds characterized by a higher water-solubility are frequently detected in ground water resources. Four compounds, in particular, are associated with petroleum contamination: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes. Petroleum-related chemicals threaten the use of ground water for human consumption because some (e.g., benzene) are known to cause cancer even at very low concentrations. Figure 12. Ground Water Contamination Due to Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Compounds are added to some fuel products to improve performance. For example, methyl tertbutyl ether (MTBE) is added to boost octane and to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone levels. Unfortunately, this compound is highly water-soluble and incidents of MTBE contamination in ground water 21 are widely reported across the nation. MTBE is frequently being added to the list of compounds monitored at petroleum release sites, demonstrating that new threats to ground water quality continue to be identifie d. 2. Waste Disposal Practices Any practice involving the handling and disposal of waste has the potential to impact the environment if protective measures are not taken. Contaminants most likely to impact ground water include metals, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, nitrates, radio-nuclides, and pathogens. Waste disposal practices include septic systems, landfills, surface impoundments, deep and shallow injection wells, waste-piles, waste tailings, land application and un-permitted disposal. Improperly constructed and poorly maintained septic systems are believed to cause substantial and widespread nutrient and microbial contamination in ground water (Novotny & Olem 1994). Landfills have long been used to dispose of wastes and, in the past, little regard was given to the potential for ground water contamination in site selection. Landfills were generally sited on land considered to have no other uses and unlined, abandoned sand and gravel pits, old strip mines, marshlands, and sinkholes were often used. In many instances, the water table was at, or very near, the ground surface, and the potential for ground water contamination was high. Generally, the greatest concern is associated with practices or activities that occurred prior to establishment of construction standards for landfills. Present-day landfills are now required to adhere to stringent construction guidelines and ground water monitoring standards. Generally, discharges to surface impoundments such as pits, ponds, and lagoons are under-regulated. Class V injection wells are used to dispose of waste-waters directly into the ground. Because they are not designed to treat the waste-waters released through them, ground water supplies can become contaminated. Class V injection wells include shallow wastewater disposal wells, septic systems, storm water drains, and agricultural drainage systems. The large number and diversity of Class V injection wells pose a significant potential threat to ground water. 3. Agricultural Practices Modern agricultural operations are a major source of ground water contamination and can be a result of routine applications, spillage, misuse of pesticides and fertilizers during handling and storage, manure storage/spreading, improper storage of chemicals, and irrigation return drains serving as a direct conduit to ground water. Fields with over-applied and/or misapplied fertilizers and pesticides can introduce nitrogen, pesticides, cadmium, chloride, mercury, and selenium into the ground water. Animal feeding operations can also pose a number of risks to water quality and public health, mainly because of the amount of animal manure and wastewater they generate. The high concentration of manure in feedlot areas is of concern as a contributor source of ground water contamination. Animal feedlots often have impoundments from which wastes may infiltrate to ground water. Livestock waste is a source of nitrate, bacteria, total dissolved solids, and sulphates (EPA 1998). Shallow unconfined aquifers have become contaminated from the application of fertilizer. Crop fertilization is the primary agricultural practice that contributes nitrate to the environment (EPA 1998). Nitrate contamination is considered by many to be the most widespread ground water contaminant. Humaninduced salinity also occurs in agricultural regions where irrigation is used extensively. Irrigation water continually flushes nitrate-related compounds from fertilizers into the shallow aquifers along with high levels of chloride, sodium, and other metals, thereby increasing the salinity of the underlying aquifers. Pesticide use and application practices are also of great concern. The primary routes of pesticide transport to ground water are through leaching or by spills and direct infiltration through drainage controls. Pesticide infiltration is generally greatest when rainfall is intense and occurs shortly after the pesticide is 22 applied. Within sensitive areas, ground water monitoring has shown fairly widespread detections of pesticides, specifically the pesticide atrazine (EPA 1998). 4. Industrial Practices Raw materials and waste handling in industrial processes can pose a threat to ground water quality. The storage of raw materials is a problem if the materials are stored improperly and leaks or spills occur (EPA 1998). Examples include chemical drums that are carelessly stacked or damaged and/or dry materials that are exposed to rainfall. Material transport and transfer operations at these facilities can also be a cause for concern. If a tanker operator is careless when delivering raw materials to a facility, spills may occur. The most common contaminants are metals, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and petroleum compounds. Spills are a source of grave concern. On average in the U.S., approximately 15 percent of these spills require extensive cleanup and follow-up ground water monitoring. Spills will never become entirely preventable, but industry, local governments, and state/provincial agencies are co-operating to control spills when they do occur so that the environmental impact is minimized. Ground Water Use in Canada Groundwater is an essential and vital resource for about a quarter of all Canadians. It is their sole source of water for drinking, washing, farming and manufacturing. Yet for the majority of Canadians - those who do not depend on it - groundwater is a hidden resource whose value is not well understood or appreciated. The image of Canada is of a land of sparkling lakes, rivers and glaciers. Groundwater, which exists everywhere under the surface of the land, is not part of this picture. Not surprisingly, the concerns of Canadians about water quality focus primarily on surface waters. The less visible, but equally important, groundwater resources have received little public attention, except in regions where people depend on them (Environment Canada 1999). In Canada, 7.9 million people, or 26 percent of the population, rely on ground water for domestic use (Environment Canada 1999). Approximately two-thirds (or four million) of these users live in rural areas. In many areas, wells produce more reliable and less expensive water supplies than those obtained from nearby lakes, rivers and streams. The remaining two million users are located primarily in smaller municipalities where groundwater provides the primary source for their water supply systems. In Manitoba, the predominant use of groundwater is for livestock watering. Contamination can render groundwater unsuitable for use. Although the overall extent of the problem across Canada is unknown, many individual cases of contamination have been investigated including ones involving pesticide contamination in the Prairie Provinces. In many cases, contamination is recognized only after groundwater users have been exposed to potential health risks. The cost of cleaning up contaminated water supplies is usually extremely high. Contamination problems are, however, increasing in Canada primarily because of the large and growing number of toxic compounds used in industry and agriculture. In rural Canada, scientists suspect that many household wells are contaminated by substances from such common sources as septic systems, underground tanks, used motor oil, road salt, fertilizer, pesticides, and livestock wastes. Scientists also predict that in the next few decades more contaminated aquifers will be identified, and more contaminated groundwater will be discharged into wetlands, streams and lakes. Once an aquifer is contaminated, it may be unusable for decades. The length of time water spends in the groundwater portion of the hydrologic cycle varies enormously, so an aquifer can be contaminated from anywhere between two weeks and 10,000 years (Environment Canada 1999). Several studies have documented the migration of contaminants from disposal or spill sites to nearby lakes and rivers as the ground water passes through the hydrologic cycle, but these processes are not as yet 23 well understood (Environment Canada 1999). In Canada, pollution of surface water by groundwater is probably at least as serious as the direct contamination of groundwater supplies. Preventing contamination in the first place is by far the most practical solution to the problem. This can be accomplished by the adoption of effective groundwater management practices by governments, industries and all Canadians. Although progress is being made in this direction, efforts are hampered by a serious shortage of groundwater experts and a general lack of knowledge about how groundwater behaves. All levels of government in Canada are starting to take actions necessary to protect groundwater supplies, but there is a long way to go before these measures are fully effective. At the same time, universities and government research institutes are investigating what happens to water underground and what can be done to preserve, and even improve its availability to (Environment Canada 1999). Ground Water Use in the United States The use of ground water is of fundamental importance to human life. Its availability and purity are important to economic vitality and an important component of the nation's fresh water resources. Inventories of ground water and surface water use patterns in the United States emphasize the importance of ground water. The United States Geologic Survey (USGS) compiles national water-use information every 5 years and publishes a report that summarizes this information. The latest report was issued in October 1998 for the 1995 water year. This report shows that ground water provides water for drinking and bathing, irrigation of crop lands, livestock watering, mining, industrial and commercial uses, and thermoelectric cooling applications. Irrigation (63%) and public water supply (20%) are the largest uses of ground water in the United States (Stoner et al 1998). In 1995, the USGS reported that groundwater supplied 46 percent of the nation’s overall population and 99 percent of the population in rural areas with drinking water (USGS, 1996). That equals about 77,500 million gallons of ground water withdrawn daily. The nation’s dependence on this valuable resource is clear. Every state uses some amount of ground water. Nineteen states obtain more than 25 percent of their overall water supply from ground water. Ten states obtain more than 50 percent of their total water supply from ground water. The current national decline in water use, including ground water use, is attributed primarily to growing recognition in recent years that water is not an unlimited resource. Conservation programs championed by state and local communities have succeeded in lowering public supply per capita use over the same 15-year period. The evaluation of ground water quality falls under Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act, the goal of which is to determine if the resource meets the requirements for its many different uses. Assessing the quality of ground water is, however, no easy task. An accurate and representative assessment of ambient ground water quality requires a well-planned and well-executed monitoring plan. Although the 305(b) program is definitely moving in the direction of more and better ground water quality assessments, there is still much more that needs to be done. Coverage, both in terms of the area within a state and the number of states reporting ground water quality monitoring data, needs to be enlarged. States also need to focus on collecting ground water data that are most representative of the resource itself. Specifically, states need to rely less on finished water quality data and more on ambient ground water quality data. Although ground water quality assessments are being performed and reported under the Clean Water Act 305(b) program, vast differences in ground water management are apparent. Several states have implemented monitoring programs designed to characterize ground water quality and identify and address potential threats to ground water. Other states have only just begun to implement ground water protection strategies. One of the most important factors in deciding state priorities concerning the assessment of ground water quality is economic constraints (EPA 1998). Characterizing and monitoring ground water quality is 24 expensive and few states have the economic resources to undertake large-scale ground water quality assessment across an entire state. Therefore, states are applying different approaches to ground water protection. These approaches are based on each state’s individual challenges and economic constraints. Approaches range from implementing statewide ambient ground water monitoring networks to monitoring selected aquifers on a rotating basis. States determine the approach based on the use of the resource, vulnerability to contamination, and state management decisions. Based on ground water quality data reported by states during the 1996 and 1998 305(b) cycles, ground water quality in the nation is good and continues to support the various identified uses. Ground water contamination incidents are being reported in aquifers across the Nation. Leaking underground storage tanks have consistently been reported as an important source of ground water contamination for all 305(b) cycles for which data were reported. In general, the threat from leaking underground storage tanks is due to the sheer number of tanks buried above water tables across the nation. Other important sources of ground water contamination include septic systems, landfills, hazardous waste sites, surface impoundments, industrial facilities, and agricultural land practices. Petroleum chemicals, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, pesticides, nitrate, and metals have been measured at elevated levels in ground water across the Nation. The most frequently cited contaminants of concern were volatile organic compounds and petroleum chemicals. These classes of chemicals have consistently been reported as ground water contaminants (Stoner et al 1998). States have also reported increasing detections of chemicals not previously measured in ground water (for example, MTBE and metals). The recent detection of these chemicals may represent emerging trends in ground water contamination. IV. WATER QUALITY MONITORING Canada In Canada, the federal government has developed conservation strategie s that integrate environmental conservation and economic development. This was in response to the World Conservation Strategy published in 1980 by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in conjunction with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The report maintained that one of the six major obstacles to achieving conservation was the "belief that living resource conservation is a limited sector, rather than a process that cuts across and must be considered by all sectors" (IUCN 1980). The United Nations General Assembly created the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) "to re-examine the critical issues of environment and development and to formulate innovative, concrete and realistic proposals to deal with them" (WCED 1987). Also known as the Brundtland Commission, its general conclusion was that all human activities should be directed towards achieving the goal of "sustainable development". Like the World Conservation Strategy, sustainable development views the environment as an integral component that must be addressed if effective economic and social policies are to be implemented and sustained. In the overview of its report, Our Common Future, the WCED suggested that "hope for the future [was] conditional on decisive political action to begin managing environmental to ensure both sustainable human progress and human survival". This report identified a number of principles to guide decision-making, and strategies to implement sustainable development. 25 The Canadian government responded to the challenges posed in Our Common Future by forming Round Tables on Environment and Economy. Comprised of federal, provincial, and territorial politicians, public administrators, private sector interests, and representatives from interest groups, these Round Tables undertook "to consider how environment and development issues could be integrated into all levels of decision-making" (Manitoba Environment 1997). In addition to the National Round Table, the federal government introduced the Green Plan (1990) whose primary goal is to ensure a healthy environment and a prosperous economy for current and future generations. Central to achieving this goal is wise and efficient water use and the provision of clean water (Mitchell & Shrubsole 1994). In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) was attended by 178 governments (including Canada) and produced five important international agreements, two of which, the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21, addressed the inter-dependence of the environment and human development. The Rio Declaration contains 27 principles including the need for development, equitable trade and the role of special groups. Agenda 21 is intended to be the means to implement sustainable development, and is "perhaps best seen as a collection of agreed negotiated wisdom as to the nature of problems, relevant principles, and a sketch of desirable and feasible paths toward solutions, taking into account national and other interests". In particular, there are calls for the protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources through the application of integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water resources. Other water quality related subjects raised in Agenda 21 include toxic chemicals, hazardous wastes and solid wastes, and sewage-related issues. Federal Agencies Environment Canada The mission statement released in February 1994 states that Environment Canada will provide leadership to achieve sustainable development. To achieve this goal it will, among other initiatives: (1) act to understand, protect and restore the integrity of Canada's ecosystems, (2) advocate the sustainable use of resources, (3) protect Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and (4) promote environmental stewardship throughout the Government of Canada. One of its key operating principles will be to "work together and with others in ways that enhance the efforts of all partners". Environment Canada has gone through both a reorientation and restructuring exercise in an attempt to respond to global forces for change as well as the desire to achieve sustainable development. Specifically, a number of factors have been incorporated within the agency to allow it to function more effectively (Mitchell & Shrubsole 1994). The mandate of the Environmental Conservation Service is: (1) to understand the factors that determine ecosystem health and biodiversity, and develop conservation strategies to promote those conditions. (2) to develop wetlands expertise in conserving. (3) to provide scientific support to the regional flagships, and resource economics support to the benefit-cost analysis of response strategies. 26 The intent of the Service is to emphasize three management assumptions. First, It is believed that if water managers can get the price right regarding delivering water to users and reflecting its real intrinsic value, then water would be allocated and used more effectively. Second, more attention will be given to creating partnerships so that stakeholders can be involved and accountable. The era of a paternalistic approach is long gone. The need is to combine users, consumers, and experts in a "conspiracy" for better management. Third, more effort will be given to information, specifically to improve knowledge about ecosystem science and to ensure that information is useful and accessible to decision-makers. It is believed that there is still much to be done before decision-makers can actually use ecological information. The Environmental Conservation Service believes that if these three assumptions - pricing, partnerships, and information - were strengthened, then management would be more effective and taxpayers would be well served. They also believe there is a need for a forum in which these matters can be examined in an ongoing manner, and thinks that NGOs have a valuable role in facilitating such discussion (Mitchell & Shrubsole 1994). The Environmental Protection Service is involved in water-quality management and focuses on: (1) providing a single window for the development of policies and development of response strategies for the prevention, control and remediation of pollution of air, land, and water. (2) developing and deploying a broad range of voluntary, market-based and regulatory instruments. (3) having responsibility for management and policy direction on national programs. Health Canada Health Canada is the federal department responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health. In partnership with provincial and territorial governments, Health Canada provides national leadership to develop health policy, enforce health regulations, promote disease prevention and enhance healthy living for all Canadians. It also works closely with other federal departments, agencies and health stakeholders to reduce health and safety risks to Canadians. By making Canadians more aware of dangers to their health, protecting them from avoidable risks and encouraging them to take a more active role in their health, Health Canada fosters a healthier population and contributes to a more productive country (Health Canada, 2000). Health Canada does not have a mandate to address water management specifically. However, its Environmental Health Directorate is responsible for programs concerning the health significance of drinking water quality and recreational water quality in Canada. Key initiatives include: 1. Facilitating passage of the Drinking Water Safety Act and developing regulations. 2. Development and revision of the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality and the Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality, in collaboration with the provinces and territories. 3. Water quality surveillance and research to assess exposure of the Canadian public to selected contaminants in ground and surface water supplies. 4. Toxicological and epidemiological studies to provide databases for the development of guidelines. 27 5. Evaluation of appropriate water treatment technologies and their impact on human health. 6. Health assessment of devices, chemicals, and system components used in drinking water treatment. 7. Development of a framework for determining the health and economic impact of water quality guidelines. 8. Development and dissemination of informational materials, and participation in the organization of the biennial national conferences on drinking water. 9. Provision of health advice upon request under the Environmental Assessment and Review Process (EARP) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Canadian Water Quality Guidelines One of the major obstacles in assessing the magnitude of the threats facing water quality in Canada is the difficulty of defining water quality for specific beneficial uses. As a result, federal, provincial, and territorial water managers rely on water quality guidelines from various sources, both Canadian and foreign. The Guidelines were developed to provide basic, scientific information about the effects of water quality parameters on varying water uses in order to assess water quality issues and concerns and to establish site-specific water quality objectives (Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers (CCREM) 1987). The Canadian Water Quality Guidelines document addressed the following major uses of water: • raw water for drinking water • recreational water quality and aesthetics • freshwater aquatic life • agricultural uses • industrial water supplies The guidelines for drinking water and recreational water uses are prepared by Health Canada while the remainder are developed by Environment Canada under the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Water Quality Guidelines Task Force. Revisions of these guidelines are produced on an ongoing basis. As mentioned, the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines were developed from a review of existing guidelines and a variety of sources. If these guidelines were found to be appropriate for Canadian environmental conditions, they were adopted. If not, attempts were made to modify them for Canadian waters or no guideline was recommended for that particular parameter. The Canadian Water Quality Guidelines should not be regarded as a "blanket value" for water quality nation-wide. Variations in environmental conditions will affect water quality in different ways and many of the guidelines may require modification to meet specific local conditions. Site-specific water quality objectives are developed to reflect the local environment and may be adopted by a jurisdiction into legislation to become standards. 28 The use of Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for site-specific water quality objectives is predicated on possessing an understanding of the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of the water-body and an understanding of the behaviour of a substance once it is introduced into the aquatic environment. Factors affecting the application of the guidelines include: • the general characteristics of the rivers, lakes, and ground water • the effect of local environmental conditions on water quality • processes affecting the concentration of parameters in water • factors that modify toxicity to aquatic organisms Guidelines for Raw Water for Drinking Water Supply Raw public water supplies refer to waters that are used as the intake source of water for public use and can include surface water and ground water. The majority of Canadians obtain their drinking water from piped water supplies, most of which include some form of treatment between the use and the raw water supply. The purpose of the treatment process is to provide the use with drinking water that is safe, palatable, and aesthetically appealing. However, there is a minority of Canadians including individual dwellings in rural communities, farms, and some towns that depend entirely on untreated groundwater. The Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality 1996 were prepared by the Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Drinking Water of the Federal-Provincial Committee on Environmental and Occupational Health. These guidelines recommend limits for physical, chemical, radiological, and microbiological characteristics of drinking water in terms of maximum acceptable concentrations. Drinking water that contains substances in concentrations greater than these limits either is capable of producing deleterious health effects or is aesthetically objectionable. The Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Drinking Water advised the Task Force on Water Quality Guidelines that treatment technology is available to produce drinking water from water of almost any quality. Therefore, the Task Force decided that it was not appropriate to recommend numerical guidelines for raw public water supplies at this time (CCME 1992). It must also be considered that degradation of raw water quality could result in an increased risk to consumers if health-related constituents are involved. The Task Force considered it prudent to protect raw public water supplies to ensure that they are maintained as good sources of drinking water. The maintenance of good quality drinking water can be achieved both by protecting the raw water supply and by water treatment. It is possible to protect the raw water supply by means of pollution control measures to prevent undesirable constituents from entering the raw water and by good watershed management practices. A wide range of treatment technologies is available to produce acceptable drinking water from almost any raw water source. Guidelines for Freshwater Aquatic Life Within an aquatic ecosystem there is a complex interaction of physical and biochemical cycles. Changes do not occur in isolation. However, an ecosystem has evolved over long periods of time and the organisms have become adapted to their environment. The system may be unbalanced by natural factors 29 including drastic climatic variations, or disease, or by factors due to human activity and any changes, especially rapid ones, could have detrimental or disastrous effects. When developing and using guidelines for aquatic life protection, ideally there should be complete information on the parameter of concern. This should include "form and fate" in the aquatic environment, quantitative exposure/effect relationships, and fate within organisms over a wide range of exposure concentrations. A relevant information base for a particular parameter is rarely complete and there are often many gaps in knowledge. Generally, the more information that is available, the more reliable the guideline (CCREM 1987). Guidelines for Recreational Water Quality and Aesthetics Recreational water refers to surface waters that are used primarily for sports in which the user comes into frequent direct contact with the water, either as part of the activity or incidental to the activity, e.g. swimming and board-sailing. Other recreational uses include boating, canoeing, and fishing which generally have less frequent body contact with water. The guidelines for this use deal mainly with potential health hazards related to recreational water use, but also relate to aesthetics and nuisance conditions. Health hazards associated with direct recreational contact with water include infections transmitted by pathogenic micro-organisms and injures resulting from impaired visibility in turbid waters. The local setting of recreational water bodies is of prime importance, as the surrounding countryside has a strong visual effect on the enjoyment of lakes and rivers. In northern waters, swimming is not a major recreational activity, and factors other than microbiological are major components when determining the suitability of lakes and rivers and their environs as recreational areas. To society, the visual impact of the whole area is as important as the quality of the water. Impacts on a water source come from many activities, including logging, mining, drainage of wetlands, dredging, dam construction, agricultural runoff, industrial and municipal wastes, land erosion, road construction, and land development. These factors all have to be considered in areas of natural beauty which are used for the many recreational activities engaged in by Canadians and visitors to Canada (CCREM 1987). Fisheries & Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada is the federal department responsible for the administration of the Fisheries Act, which is the legislative base for the federal government's constitutional responsibility for inland fisheries. The Fisheries Act contains a number of provisions for fish habitat protection and pollution prevention. The implications of the Fisheries Act for aquatic systems are considerable as the protection of fish habitat under the Act provides substantial protection for both water quality and levels. The habitat sections of the Fisheries Act include prohibition of the harmful alteration, disruption, and destruction of fish habitat without an authorization for the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and provisions for minimum flow requirements, screened water intakes and unobstructed fish passage. The pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act, which are administered by Environment Canada, prohibit the deposit of deleterious substances into water frequented by fish (Mitchell & Shrubsole 1994). 30 Agriculture Canada: Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration The Prairie farm Rehabilitation Administration's (PFRA) mandate with respect to water is derived from the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act which directs the agency to develop and promote systems of farm practice, tree culture, and water supply, land utilization, and land settlement that will afford greater economic security to the prairie provinces. As a result, PFRA has been involved in a wide variety of water management activities, including on-farm water supply, irrigation, municipal water supply, and large-scale multiple-purpose water supply projects. PFRA has recently been restructured to reflect three ideas. First, in order to improve client service, the re-organization includes the creation of two new Regional Offices (bringing the total to five) and an increased number of staff in the 23 District Offices. Next, to improve integration, the restructuring included moving the delivery of soil and water programs into one unit. From a water management perspective, the key administrative units are the Regional and District Offices. Most program delivery actually occurs through the District Offices and is supported by technical units (e.g., water quality, groundwater, irrigation) in the Engineering and Sustainability Service. Third, to increase the responsiveness to the client, the reorganization included increased delegation of authority and a decrease in centralized control (Mitchell & Shrubsole 1994). Provincial Agencies Manitoba Conservation Manitoba Conservation (formerly the Manitoba Department of Natural Resources and the Department of the Environment) strives to maintain, enhance, and protect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of all surface waters in the province. Achievement of this goal will ensure that the present and potential surface water uses are maintained in concordance with the social and economic development of the province. To this end, surface water quality objectives were formulated which define minimum levels of quality required for various uses. All surface waters of the Province of Manitoba such as streams, lakes, marshes, swamps, lowlands, etc., should be free of constituents attributable to sewage, industrial, agricultural, and other land-use practices, or other human-induced point or non-point source discharges such that the following general objectives are met as minimum conditions at all times and in all places. Terms such as criteria, guidelines, objectives, standards, site-adapted guidelines, site-specific standards, site-specific guidelines, site-specific objectives, plus others are in common use. Of these various terms, only water quality standards are legally enforceable. Water quality standards are required by U.S. federal law for all state jurisdictions within the United States. All terms generally represent a sequential refinement of the initial scientific toxicological information to fit the specific circumstances at a single site. Within Manitoba, the following definition applies: "The Manitoba Surface Water Quality Objectives define minimum levels of quality necessary for the protection of the important water uses in Manitoba. The objectives, when not exceeded will protect an organism, a community of organisms, or other designated multipurpose water uses." Thus the Manitoba Surface Water Quality Objectives are analagous to the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines with the exception that they have been site-adapted for general use in Manitoba. 31 Manitoba Surface Water Objectives In 1976, Manitoba Conservation developed a proposal outlining a system of surface water quality objectives and watershed classifications for the province that would form the basis of a surface water quality management program. This proposal was critically reviewed by the Clean Environment Commission (CEC) following widespread public review as proscribed by the Clean Environment Act. It was subsequently implemented with some modifications as a result of this public consultation process. A number of technical revisions were proposed in 1983 (Williamson 1983a & 1983b). The proposed revisions were again widely circulated both provincially and federally, and so that all interested partie s would have the opportunity to comment, the CEC convened a public hearing in Winnipeg in 1984. Further revisions were proposed for a number of parameters and were circulated to a variety of industries, municipalities, recognized technical experts and the CEC. The revised document was released in July of 1988. The most recent proposals to the Province's water quality objectives program is slated for release in 2001. As a result of the development of provincial sustainable development water strategies, there was government-wide support for the development and implementation of provincial water quality objectives. The document reflects the best scientific judgement of Manitoba Conservation with regard to protecting the various uses of Manitoba's surface waters. Where water quality parameters could not be defined in quantitative terms due to lack of scientific information, general narrative (free form) statements were developed that reflect the necessary and desirable quality. Surface water quality objectives are designated concentrations of constituents that, when not exceeded, will protect an organism, a community of organisms, a prescribed water use, or a designated multiple -purpose water use with an adequate degree of safety. If the objectives do not offer adequate protection surface water quality may be degraded, or if they are too restrictive, an unnecessarily high burden may be imposed on both industry and the public in order to finance the required additional water treatment. These objectives, therefore, impact all Manitobans, since they may affect the operation of industries, municipalities and agriculture (Manitoba Conservation in press). Appendix 8 contains a listing of Manitoba's revised Surface Water Quality Objectives (2000). Sustainable Development Coordination Unit The thrust world-wide is to evolve toward sustainable development reporting. In 1990, Manitoba’s government made a commitment to sustainable development - "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." In March 1994, the provincial government released its Sustainable Development Strategy in which the environment is clean, safe, and healthy; the economy is able to provide the wealth, goods, and services required by present and future generations; and social needs are met by offering equitable opportunities to all citizens. Existing State-of-the Environment (SOE) reports provide timely, accurate, and accessible information on ecosystem conditions and trends as well as their significance and society's response. Sustainable development reporting goes beyond SOE reporting in that it links environmental conditions with socio-economic factors reflecting the interdependent relationship that exists between humans and their environment. For the purposes of reporting, an ecological classification system that divides Canada into 15 regions or "ecozones" each having common biophysical characteristics. The use of ecozones for reporting is consistent with national SOE reporting and with reporting in many other Canadian jurisdictions. Manitoba encompasses an area of 650,087 square kilometres, 54.8 million terrestrial hectares and 10.2 million aquatic hectares. The landscape of the Province ranges from prairie grassland in the south, through to broadleaf mixed-wood and boreal forest, to tundra in the north. Manitoba has six ecozones. 32 Manitobans need to be kept informed about the conditions and changes in their environment, and they need to make decisions based on this information to ensure the sustainability of the province. The information must show the relationship between environmental protection, economic growth and human well-being. By reporting regularly on a range of issues, an evaluation of changes in environmental conditions can be made and preventive or corrective measures can be taken. Environmental indicators are statistics that represent or summarize important aspects of the state of the environment. They focus on trends related to environmental stress, ecological conditions, ecological response to changes, and responses by society to prevent or reduce these stresses (Dovetail Consulting 1995). These indicators are described as "measurements of the key vital signs of the economy, environment, human health, and society" and are intended for the purpose of: • facilitating the assessment of Manitoba's long-term economic, environmental, human health and community well-being • facilitating the establishment and adjustment of provincial economic, environmental, human health and community goals, objectives, targets and policies • providing a measure of performance in achieving goals, objectives, targets and polices • providing the framework for the preparation of a provincial sustainable development report Developing a Water Quality Index Despite Manitoba's water quality management efforts, there are regions where quality is deteriorating or threatened. Even in areas with sufficient water, the quality can vary affecting its use and value as a resource (Province of Manitoba 1995). Typically, water quality is assessed by measuring a number of variables, including bacterial organisms, plant nutrients, major ions, trace elements, industrial organic chemicals, and agricultural pesticides. About 70 variables are analyzed in most samples collected during routine water quality monitoring in Manitoba. All variables need to be examined individually to (1) compare with water quality guidelines established by the province, (2) assess changes between upstream and downstream locations, (3) identify changes that may be occurring over time and (4) to develop focused maintenance, protection, or enhancement programs (Manitoba Environment 1997). Describing water quality conditions in simple, useful terms is difficult because of the complexity associated with many of the variables being analyzed. Jurisdictions have tried to develop water quality indices to address this difficulty but in doing so they have oversimplified the water quality conditions or failed to include key elements. In 1995 however, an index was developed by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks that achieves a balance between simplification, quantification, and communication. This index makes "complex issues quantifiable so that information can be communicated" (Department of the Environment 1996). The index presumes water quality is excellent when all water quality objectives are met all the time. With each failure to meet an objective, water quality becomes progressively poorer. This index mathematically incorporates information on water quality from three factors: • the number of water quality variables for which objectives or guidelines are not met 33 • the percentage of time they are not met • the magnitude of exceedances Manitoba's Water Quality Index Manitoba's Water Quality Index incorporates information on water quality based on comparisons to guidelines or objectives. The resulting index should be useful for tracking water quality changes. Also, it conveys complex scientific information in terms that are easily understood (Table 2). Twenty-five indicator variables were chosen for use in the index because they provide direct information on important concerns or because they represent related variables (Table 3). National water quality guidelines and Manitoba-specific water quality objectives were then used to calculate the index (Williamson 1988; Treloar 1997). Table 2. Categories of Water Quality and Associated Index Ranges. Water Quality Rank Excellent • Good • • Fair • • • Marginal • • Poor • • • • Description all water uses protected with a virtual absence of impairment no water uses ever interrupted all water uses protected, with only a minor degree of impairment no water uses ever interrupted most water uses protected, but a few may be impaired a single water use may be temporarily interrupted conditions sometimes from desirable quality several water uses maydepart be impaired more than one water use may be temporarily interrupted conditions often depart from desirable quality most water uses impaired several water uses may be temporarily interrupted conditions usually depart from desirable quality Index 0-3 4 - 17 18 - 43 44 - 59 60 - 100 • Source: Manitoba Environment Not all variables were measured in each of Manitoba's six ecozones. For example, agricultural pesticides used in southern Manitoba are not routinely measured in northern ecozone. Differences in the number of variables measured among ecozones do not affect the Water Quality Index. However, index ratings may appear to vary more from year to year when fewer water quality variables are used and when fewer samples are collected. 34 Table 3. Manitoba's Water Quality Index Variables. Raw Water for General Chemistry Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen Fecal coliform Iron Manganese Nitrate - nitrite Ph Phosphorus Total suspended solids Un-ionized ammonia Trace Elements Aluminium Arsenic Cadmium Copper Lead Nickel Zinc Pesticides 2,4-D Atrazine Bromoxynil Dicamba Lindane MCPA Simazine Trifluralin Aquatic and Wildlife Agricultu ral Livestoc k Recreationa l Use O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - water uses protected by guidelines or objectives for individual variables O - water uses protected by the most restrictive guideline or objective All data are compared to the most restrictive guideline or objective. If the most restrictive guideline or objective has been met, then all other guidelines or objectives will also be met. Source: Manitoba Environment 35 O The United States In 1972, Congress adopted the Clean Water Act (CWA), which establishes a framework to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters.” Where attainable, water quality “provides for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and provides for recreation in and on the water.” These goals are referred to as the “fishable and swimmable” goals of the Act. The Act required states, tribes, and other jurisdictions to develop water quality standards to guide the restoration and protection of all waters of the United States. The United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations require that, wherever attainable, they include, at a minimum, the "fishable and swimmable" goals of the Act. States must submit their standards for approval. Once approved, water quality standards are the benchmark against which monitoring data are compared to assess the health of waters under Section 305(b), to list impaired waters under Section 303(d), and to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads in impaired waters. Water quality standards have three elements: 1. Designated uses are the beneficial uses that water quality should support. Each designated use has a unique set of water quality criteria that must be met for the use to be realized. Where attainable, all waters should support drinking water supply, recreation, aquatic life, and fish consumption. Additional important uses include agriculture, industry, and navigation. Each designated use has a unique set of water quality criteria that must be met for the use to be realized. 2. Water use protection criteria come in two forms, numeric criteria and narrative criteria. • Numeric criteria include aquatic life criteria, human health criteria, biological criteria, and sediment quality guidelines. They establish thresholds for the physical conditions, chemical concentrations, and biological attributes required to support a beneficial use. • Narrative criteria define, rather than quantify, conditions that must be maintained to support a designated use. For example, a narrative criterion might be “waters must be free of substances that are toxic to humans, aquatic life, and wildlife.” Narrative biological criteria address the expected characteristics of aquatic communities within a waterbody. For example, “ambient water quality shall be sufficient to support life stages of all indigenous aquatic species.” 3. Anti-degradation policies are intended to protect existing uses and prevent waterbodies from deteriorating even if their water quality is better than the fishable and swimmable goals of the Act. Federal Agencies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment — air, water, and land — upon which life depends. Specifically the agency's purpose is to ensure that all Americans are "protected from significant risks to human health and the environment" (EPA, 2000). 36 In 1997, EPA and the states set a goal and develop a strategy to assess all surface and ground waters in the United States within 5 years. This strategy embraces a variety of monitoring approaches to reflect the diversity among state monitoring programs. Most jurisdictions are using a rotating basin approach to achieve their initial survey of rivers and streams. Other types of water bodies are being included as the assessments continue. Other programs to monitor water quality in the United States include: • National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish – In 1998, EPA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) initiated a study to estimate the national distribution of the mean levels of selected persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemical residues in fish tissue in U.S. waters. Fish studies will continue through 2002 and are being coordinated with state and tribal efforts as part of President Clinton’s Clean Water Action Plan. • The National Fish Survey is using a probability-based monitoring design to sample fish tissue in lakes and reservoirs. For these waterbodies, the survey will identify the chemicals found in the fish and characterize the levels of contamination in agricultural and nonagricultural areas of the United States. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) The U.S. Geological Survey has actively been undertaking the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program for more than a decade. The program is designed to describe the status and trends in the quality of our nation’s water resources and to provide a sound understanding of the natural and human factors that affect the quality of these resources. Investigations are being conducted in 59 areas called “study units” including the Red River Basin. These investigations throughout the nation will provide a framework for national and regional water quality assessment. Regional and national synthesis of information from study units will consist of comparative studies of specific water quality issues using nationally consistent information. Research and field-work were conducted in the Red River Basin Study Unit from 1991 to 1994 and the findings were published in 1996 (USGS, 1996). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Although not directly involved in water quality management, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has embarked upon the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) to generate information about the characteristics, extent, and status of the Nation’s wetlands and deepwater habitats. The NWI has mapped 89 percent of the lower 48 states and 31 percent of Alaska. About 39 percent of the lower 48 states and 11 percent of Alaska are digitized. Congressional mandates require the NWI to produce status and trends reports to Congress at 10-year intervals. In 1982, the NWI produced the first comprehensive, statistically valid estimate of the status of the nation’s wetlands and wetland losses and in 1990 produced the first update. Future national updates are scheduled for 2000, 2010, and 2020 (EPA 1998). State Agencies Every state is responsible for conducting water quality monitoring programs and the EPA provides pollution control and environmental management grants to help establish and maintain these programs. The 37 states use the data to review and revise existing water quality standards and develop new ones. Many states are monitoring conditions in pristine waters to help develop standards that protect biological integrity. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires the states to use monitoring data on biological integrity, physical conditions, and chemical concentrations and list threatened and impaired waters. States are also required to use chemical concentration data and water-body flow data to develop pollutant-specific total maximum daily loads (TMDL) to design water quality standards for impaired waters. States also conduct monitoring in response to citizen complaints or catastrophic events such as fish kills and chemical spills. State water quality assessments are based on five types of monitoring data, each of which provides useful information about the quality of water resources and when used in conjunction with one another help managers identify and address water quality problems. They include: 1. Biological Integrity Data represent an objective measurement of aquatic biological communities, including aquatic insects, fish, or algae, used to evaluate the health of an aquatic ecosystem with respect to the presence of human disturbance. While most states use biological integrity data to interpret narrative criteria or qualitative descriptions, a few have adopted numeric biological criteria into their water quality standards. Over the past few years, EPA has provided advice to states wishing to develop numeric biological criteria for rivers, streams, and lakes. It describes the process of combining individual measures of biological health into a single value or index. "Eight to twelve of the metrics are selected for inclusion in the index. They are selected based on their ability to predict associations between environmental quality and biological integrity." These measures fall into the following categories of biological health: • Species composition • Species richness • Community structure and function • Individual organism health When a numeric biological criteria is used, individual measurements are collected, an index score is calculated, and the resulting index score is compared to the threshold of biological integrity desired for waters in the same use category. The individual measurements are also examined as each provides information on biological health and can be an early sign of change. 2. Chemical Pollutant Data is included in all state water quality standards. These pollutants include metals, organic chemicals, nutrients, and bacteria. Numeric criteria exist for over 150 pollutants. These criteria establish thresholds for pollutant concentrations in ambient waters and protect specific uses. Each use has its own specific numeric criteria. States compare ambient monitoring data to chemical criteria when assessing whether water quality supports water quality standards. Monitoring for specific chemicals in water-bodies helps states identify the specific pollutants causing impairment. It also helps states trace the source of impairment. 3. Physical Attribute Data includes characteristics such as temperature, flow, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, turbidity, conductivity, and pH. Most states have adopted numeric criteria in their water quality standards defining acceptable levels or ranges for specific physical attributes. Physical 38 attributes are useful screening indicators of potential problems. Many of them work together with chemical pollutants to mediate or exaggerate the toxic effects of chemicals. 4. Habitat Data monitoring provides information about the ability of a water-body to support a variety of aquatic life. The quality and quantity of available habitat affects the structure and function of biological communities. Habitat assessments generally include a description of the site and surrounding land use, description of the water-body origin and type, summary of the riparian vegetation along the shoreline and the aquatic vegetation, and measurement of parameters such as width, depth, flow, and substrate. Habitat assessment typically supplements other types of water quality monitoring. The combination of habitat assessments, biological assessments, and chemical and physical data provides insight into the presence of chemical and non-chemical stressors to the aquatic ecosystem. 5. Toxicity Data testing is used to determine whether aquatic life beneficial use is being attained. Toxicity data are generated by exposing selected organisms to known dilutions of wastewater discharge or ambient water samples in order to determine the presence of a toxicity effect at either an acute or chronic concentration. Acute effects will lead to increased mortality rates over the short term while chronic toxicity involves the exposure of the most sensitive life stage of an organism and assess the effects of longer-term exposure. This kind of ambient water testing is valuable when nonpoint source contamination is suspected as it can help to determine whether "poor" biological integrity is related to toxins, poor habitat, or a combination of the two. Listings of the Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota water quality standards are listed in appendices 8.1.2 to 8.1.4. International International Joint Commission The IJC is an independent, international organization established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. The Commission has three members appointed by the President of the United States and three appointed by the Governor-in-Council in Canada. Headquarter offices are in Ottawa and Washington, D.C., with another office in Windsor which is responsible for the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1972. It is a key organization in many aspects of Canada-United States boundary and transboundary water management, and it is involved with aquatic systems as diverse as the Columbia River basin, the St. MaryMilk Rivers basin, the Souris-Red Rivers basin, the Lake-of-the-Woods basin, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin, and the St. Croix River basin. The IJC issues approval orders regarding applications for the use, obstruction, or diversion of waters that flow along, and in certain cases across, the boundary if such issues affect the natural water levels or flows on the other side. The IJC also undertakes studies of specific issues when requested by the American and Canadian Governments. It maintains continuing surveillance on the water quality for specific waterways and oversees the allocation of water in keeping with its Orders of Approval or other arrangements made by the Governments (Mitchell & Shrubsole 1994). In 1996, the International Joint Commission Red River Pollution Board decided that it should investigate establishing a biological monitoring program for the international border. The program would be a co-operative project between the United States and Canada, and their state and provincial agencies. 39 V. WATER QUALITY IN THE RED RIVER OF THE NORTH Background Basin Setting The Red River Basin is approximately 45,000 square miles in size, exclusive of the Assiniboine River and it's tributary, the Souris, and is located in parts of southern Manitoba, western Minnesota, eastern North Dakota, and northern South Dakota (Figure 13). The Red River of the North (hereafter referred to as the Red River) is one of the few in the world that flows north. It begins in north-eastern South Dakota and flows north along the border between North Dakota and Minnesota. The Red River eventually crosses the international boundary into Manitoba and eventually flows into Lake Winnipeg. Figure 13. Map of the Red River of the North The Red River flows down a gradient of only 229 feet from the point it begins near Wahpeton, North Dakota until it reaches Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, a distance of approximately 545 river miles (885 kilometers); its slope averages le ss than one-half foot per mile. Because of the flatness of the entire basin, the low gradient river channel and flows northwards, the Red River is prone to flooding. Because the basin is located in what was once a glacial lake bottom, adjacent to the river clay-rich sediments can be found along with moraines, glacial drift, and till plains. Small lakes and wetland areas characteristic of this landscape with prairie potholes common in the western reaches. 40 In addition to the basin setting, it is also important to have a basic understanding of the climate with the Red River Basin as climate is the "dominant natural factor in determining water availability in the basin" (Krenz & Leitch 1993). Cold winters and moderately warm summers are characteristic of climate with in the basin. Temperatures have ranged from -50o F in January to well over 100o in August. Approximately twothirds of the Basin's precipitation occurs from May to July, with the driest months occurring between November and February. The average annual precipitation ranges from between 24 inches in the south-east to 17 inches in the western portion. Much of the temporal variation in water quality is seasonal. Seasonally, winter brings cold temperatures, snow, and ice. Surface waters tend to have less dissolved oxygen, lower concentrations of suspended sediment, and higher concentrations of nutrients than during other seasons. Ammonia and dissolved phosphorus concentrations can be high under ice conditions. Spring brings cool temperatures, melting snow and ice, flooded fields, and high flows into rivers along with a corresponding increase in dissolved-oxygen, suspended-sediment, and nutrient concentrations. Snowmelt and precipitation runoff delivers nutrients, pesticides, and sediment to streams. Soil preparation and the application of chemicals relative to the occurrence of precipitation accounts for some of the variability in the amount of contaminants that reaches rivers and streams. Agricultural chemicals such as triallate, a herbicide applied in the fall, may reach their highest concentrations during spring. Summer brings warm temperatures, thunderstorms, and generally declining water levels in rivers. Periodic rainstorms increase suspended sediment and the transport pesticides applied in spring and summer to surface waters. Fall brings cool temperatures, falling leaves, and low stream-water levels. Streamflows approach the annual minimum and correspond to reduced suspendedsediment, nutrient, and pesticide concentrations (Stoner et al 1998). Basin Hydrology When water hits the surface of the earth there are several paths that it can follow. Krenz and Leitch (1993) describe three main routes: water can travel downhill to large bodies of water, it can evaporate into the atmosphere, or it can infiltrate into the surface of the earth. Water is also exchanged between surface and subsurface water-bodies through the processes of recharge and discharge. The main components of the Red River Basin's runoff system are the rivers and their tributaries within the basin (Krenz & Leitch 1993). Flows can range significantly, both between and within the different rivers, depending upon climatic conditions. As a result, the amount of water reaching the main stem of the Red River and eventually Lake Winnipeg varies from season to season and year to year. Lakes and managed reservoirs are also important components of the runoff system within the Basin. There are three main factors controlling the timing and amount of stream-flow within the Red River Basin. These include water availability, water excess, and water routing. Most of the stream flow within the Basin is a result of snowmelt and rains that occur during snowmelt. Water quality can be affected by the timing and the magnitude of stream-flow, both of which are variable. There are a total of twenty-four sub-basins in the Red River Basin; nine in North Dakota, ten in Minnesota and five in Manitoba. Within these sub-basins, discharge and other hydrologic data is collected through a network of gauging stations. Data collection ranges from short- to long-term and can be permanent, temporary, high-flow, low-flow or continuous monitoring (Krenz & Leitch 1993). These stations are maintained through the support of federal, state, provincial, and local funding. The ground water available to wells, springs and streams within the Red River Basin is supplied by sand and gravel aquifers located either near the surface (shallow aquifers) or buried within the glacial drift (buried aquifers). There are also bedrock aquifers located beneath the glacial drift. The quality of the fresh 41 ground water within the Basin varies from poor in the west to excellent in the east; this is especially true in Manitoba (Red River Basin Board 2000). Red River Basin Water Quality Data Water quality data has been collected by the Province and States from various locations along the Red River over the past several decades. This data is analyzed to determine compliance with the individual jurisdiction's water quality guidelines, monitor changes over time, and to identify major influences (pollutants, stressors, and sources) on water quality. In Manitoba, data is collected annually by Manitoba Conservation, while in the U.S., monitoring efforts are the responsibility of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the North Dakota Department of Health, and the South Dakota Department of Natural Resources. Each agency produces a report of its findings on a regular basis. For the purposes of this discussion, U.S. data has been provided by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Report (1996) while the Manitoba data has been gleaned from a variety of reports produced by Manitoba Conservation, the International Joint Commission Red River Pollution Control Board, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Background Water Quality Defining background conditions of water quality is important for water and land managers to assess the effects of human activities on water resources. The ambient dissolved solids in rivers and ground water in the Red River Basin include the major cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium), the major anions (bicarbonate, chloride, and sulfate), trace elements (including iron and manganese), and radionuclides (uranium, radium, and radon). The most common ions in ground water from shallow and buried glacial aquifers are calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate, all at fairly low concentrations. Common ions in the deeper bedrock aquifers are sodium and chloride (the components of table salt), and are at much higher concentrations (Stoner et al 1998). Groundwater studies by the USGS demonstrated that water quality in shallow aquifers in the west and central regions of the basin is considerably different than that found southeast (Cowdery in press). These differences are in the concentrations of dissolved solids, sodium, sulfate, silica, potassium, uranium, and radium. The west and central regions have higher concentrations of all of these ions except radium, which is higher in the east. Variations in water quality are related to natural differences in geology and hydrology. The sedimentary bedrock aquifers slope gently upward to the east, in the direction of regional ground-water flow. Saline water from these aquifers is primarily discharged toward the area of the international border. Saline ground water from deep aquifers seeping into some shallow and buried aquifers in the west and central regions can affect the quality and use of water from these aquifers. This saline ground water also can discharge into streams and degrade water quality. This effect can be greatest during periods of extremely low streamflow (Stoner et al 1998). The NAWQA study found that some constituents of groundwater exceed EPA drinking-water standards. These standards were exceeded in concentrations of primarily naturally occurring substances. Iron and manganese, which commonly occur in soluble minerals within glacial sediments, result in numerous exceedances of secondary maximum contaminant levels for these constituents in ground water. More shallow groundwater in the west and central regions exceeds standards than does groundwater in the southeast region. More water from buried sand and gravel aquifers exceeds standards than does water in shallow aquifers. In fact, more than 50 percent of the water in buried sand and gravel aquifers sampled exceeded the dissolved-solids standard and ranked among the highest nationally in the United States. 42 Although nitrate does occur naturally in ground water, background concentrations were not established in this study. Ground-water nitrate concentrations ranked among the lowest nationally (Stoner et al 1998). Historically, water in the Red River had mean dissolved-solids concentrations of 347 mg/L near the headwaters and 406 mg/L at the international boundary near Emerson, Manitoba (Stoner et al 1993). Water Quality & Aquatic Habitat Fish communities and stream habitat can be indicators of overall stream quality. For example, greater fish species diversity and abundance coincide with higher quality streams. Fish diversity and abundance in the streams of the basin are influenced by both human and natural factors. Three factors explain about 60 percent of the variability in fish distribution: (1) the abundance and diversity of fish habitat within a stream, (2) the variability in the amount of water in the stream, and (3) the amount of relatively undisturbed land (forest or wetland) within about a mile of a stream. Habitat and stream variability are mostly natural factors, although both are influenced by human activities. Fish community composition correlated well with stream size, habitat availability, and hydrologic variability, but not with geographic provinces and ecoregions (Goldstein et al 1996). Species in small streams, medium streams, and large rivers tend to differ. The source of species for tributary streams was the Red River, so any given species has potential access to most tributaries. The number of fish species (one measure of community health) increased with the size of streams and the number of ecoregions through which a stream flowed (Goldstein 1995). Approximately 60 percent of the variability in fish community composition can be attributed to factors such as habitat, streamflow, water temperature, minimum dissolvedoxygen concentration, nutrients, and suspended sediment (Goldstein et al 1996). Additional variation was due to both human influence from land-use practices and biological interactions (competition, predation, disease, and parasitism). No patterns could be found to interpret cause-and-effect relations. Biological communities have adapted to take advantage of the environmental conditions that occur during each season: increased habitat volume and dissolved-oxygen concentrations during the spring for reproduction; increased water temperatures and productivity during summer for growth; lower water levels during fall for concentration of prey; and reduced activity and return to deep-water refuges during low water and dissolvedoxygen concentrations in winter (Goldstein et al 1996). A biological monitoring program that relies on periodically sampling communities under the same seasonal environmental conditions has been developed for the Red River Basin Study Unit (Stoner et al 1998). Human-Induced Water Quality Sediment in the Red River Water in the Red River is turbid, resulting from the fine suspended sediments (clay and silt). Suspended-sediment concentrations vary greatly throughout the basin due to factors such as landscape characteristics, streamflow, season, and land use (Williamson 1988). High suspended-sediment concentrations characterize streams that flow through heavily farmed, erodible lands, and erodible stream channels (especially the Pembina River). In contrast, low sediment concentrations characterize most streams that drain the basin's upland areas. Most of these streams flow through reservoirs, lakes, and wetlands where the suspended sediments settle in these slow-moving waters (Stoner et al 1998). 43 Suspended sediment in streams affects the chemical water quality. Within the intensively farmed Red River Basin, runoff can contain agricultural chemicals such as plant nutrients and pesticides. At high sediment concentrations, a significant portion of phosphorus and nitrogen in streams is attached to sediment. Organochlorines such as DDT and PCBs, and trace elements such as mercury and lead, adhere tightly to sediments, which can settle to the bottom of streams, lakes, and reservoirs. Organochlorines and trace elements have been found throughout the basin (Williamson, 1998; Stoner et al 1998). The highest sediment concentrations in each stream typically accompanied high flows (Figure 13). Therefore, sediment concentrations in streams are highest in the spring or after heavy summer rains. As discussed previously, land-use practices that facilitate rapid runoff can impair water quality by increasing suspended sediment in streams in two ways. First, runoff erodes bare soils, which contributes sediment to streams and second, higher streamflows associated with runoff events will more readily erode sediments from the channel and stream-banks. Agriculture & Water Quality Agriculture, particularly crop production, is the primary use of land in the Red River Basin. Both surface and groundwater resources are vulnerable to the effects of these activities. Streams draining areas of extensive cropland had the highest concentrations of nutrients (dissolved phosphorus, nitrate, and organic nitrogen) and the most detections of herbicides (Tornes et al 1997). Generally, water in aquifers sampled for the NAWQA report is safe to drink relative to nutrients and herbicides. Concentrations of pesticides and nutrients in water from the buried aquifers, naturally protected by overlying sediments, indicated no significant contamination from irrigation (Cowdery in press). The NAWQA document reported that twenty-seven percent of the groundwater sampled in the western region and eight percent of the ground water in the southeast region exceeded the 10-mg/L drinkingwater standard for nitrate (Cowdery in press). None of the ground water in the central region exceeded the drinking-water standard for nitrate. Nutrient concentrations were relatively low, but cropland activity has increased the amount of nutrients (particularly phosphorus) available to aquatic plants in streams. Phosphorus concentrations occasionally were high enough to produce eutrophic conditions in streams and receiving waters, such as lakes and wetlands. For example, streams draining the western and central parts of the basin (mostly cropland) had the highest concentrations of total phosphorus. Streams draining the eastern part of the basin (where the percent of cropland is smaller) had the lowest total phosphorus concentrations. Concentrations of dissolved and suspended phosphorus increased substantially during runoff after snowmelt and rainfall. High phosphorus concentrations in the Pembina River probably resulted from agricultural applications and naturally occurring phosphorus in soils that are readily delivered to this river because of steep terrain in the watershed (Stoner et al 1998). From 1975 to 1988, 60 percent of the phosphorus load to Lake Winnipeg by the Red River came from the U.S. portion of the Red River Basin (Brigham et al 1996). The median concentration of nitrate was higher in the Red River than in the tributaries. These values indicate that human activities in and near the Red River are contributing to the nitrate concentrations in the river. These activities could be both agricultural and nonagricultural. Despite having a drainage area composed of 64 percent cropland, the Red River delivered relatively low concentrations and loads of pesticides into Canada (Stoner et al 1998). EPA drinking-water standards exist for 7 of the 44 pesticides detected in the basin. No ground water exceeded any of the existing standards. The most heavily applied pesticides (2,4-D, MCPA, bromoxynil, and trifluralin) are not always the most frequently detected (Williamson 1988; Stoner et al 1998). Pesticide persistence and regional differences in soils, geology, and climate, govern the distribution of these water-quality indicators in the Red River Basin (Tornes et al 1997; Cowdery 1997; Cowdery in press). The infrequency of 2,4-D (the most 44 commonly used herbicide used in the basin) detection may be related to factors such as the following (Tornes et al 1997): (1) 2,4-D is applied as a post-emergent herbicide and mostly is taken up by plants where it is metabolized to other compounds. (2) Soil microbes effectively degrade 2,4-D. (3) Soils retain 2,4-D instead of allowing it to run off or seep downward into ground water. Atrazine, applied on corn in southern parts of the basin, and its metabolite, deethylatrazine, were the most frequently detected pesticides in streams throughout the basin (Stoner et al 1998). Atrazine was detected in nearly every stream sample collected from the basin, even during winter months. Simazine, commonly applied for weed control in rights-of-way, also was detected frequently in streams and shallow ground water. Although DDT was banned for use in Canada and the U.S. more than 20 years ago, low concentrations of DDT and its metabolites were detected in stream sediments and fish tissues (Goldstein et al 1996a; Brigham et al 1996). The metabolite p,p'-DDE was detected in some ground water and streams. DDT and its metabolites are more prevalent in agricultural areas, indicating that residue from past DDT use is a more prevalent source than atmospheric transport from distant sources (outside of the Red River Basin) (Stoner et al 1998). Data from the NAWQA study as well as data from Manitoba have not been sufficient to determine changes in pesticide levels over time. No stream water exceeded any of the existing U.S. drinking-water standards for pesticides or nutrients (Stoner et al 1998), however, a single sample from the Snake River contained a triallate concentration of 0.28 microgram per liter mg/L), which exceeded the interim Canadian guidelines for the protection of freshwater aquatic life (CCME 1992). Triallate is usually applied during autumn and reached streams during spring snowmelt runoff (Stoner et al 1998). Currently, drinking-water standards are set only for individual pesticides. However, pesticides commonly occur in mixtures of up to nine compounds in surface water that is a potential source of drinking water. Although most shallow ground water did not contain detectable concentrations of pesticides, more than one pesticide commonly was detected in water where there were detectable concentrations. The health effects of such combinations of pesticides in drinking water are not well understood, and the effects of various pesticides on human health may differ when pesticides are present in combination, even at low concentrations, in drinking water (Stoner et al 1998). Irrigation has enhanced crop production in some areas by allowing for increased yields and a greater variety of crops. Increased applications of fertilizer and pesticides are sometimes associated with irrigation. Irrigation has also been associated with pesticides and nutrients reaching parts of some surficial aquifers. The concentrations of pesticides in shallow ground water in the irrigated parts of the Otter Tail outwash aquifer are higher than elsewhere in the U.S. portion of the Basin and indicate the potential for contamination in deeper ground water (Stoner et al 1998). Fish have long been studied as part of an overall assessment of river water quality. The detailed analysis of the NAWQA study showed both chemical and physical factors affect the composition of fish communities in the streams of the Red River Basin Study Unit. Specific cause-and-effect relations could not be established. Differences in fish communities could not be explained directly by differences in concentrations of nutrients and pesticides in streams in agricultural areas (Goldstein et al 1996b). Only one pesticide (triallate) was detected in one stream sample that exceeded a level of concern for acute toxicity to aquatic organisms (Tornes et al 1997). The NAWQA report questioned whether fish distribution and abundance is a good indicator of the impact of nutrients on stream quality. Most of the nutrients enter the stream early in the spring when temperatures are low and most metabolic rates for aquatic plants and animals 45 likewise are low. Therefore, the amount of nutrients applied in a watershed correlated poorly with fish distribution and abundance (Stoner et al 1998). Nitrate concentrations in streams tended to be highest in the central subregion of the Basin where fertilizer application was the greatest (Tornes & Brigham 1994; Tornes et al 1997). Total phosphorus also was higher in the central subregion than in the other subregions (Tornes et al 1997). Atrazine and associated herbicides were detected mostly in the southern part of the basin where corn is a major crop. Streams in the western subregion had the highest concentrations of sulfate and usually the highest concentrations of dissolved solids. Dissolved-solids concentrations ranged from 300 mg/L in the upper Otter Tail River to about 800 mg/L in the Bois de Sioux River (Tornes et al 1997; Stoner et al 1998). Non-Agricultural Sources of Water Quality Contamination Although the major land use in the basin is agriculture, urban areas also can affect water quality. The primary sources of contamination from urban areas are storm-water runoff, municipal wastewater discharge, and industrial discharge. The NAWQA report did not focus specifically on point discharges, but generally, water quality downstream from Fargo can be compared to the water quality upstream. In Manitoba, water quality downstream of Winnipeg and Selkirk are available. The effect of municipal wastewater discharges on the total nitrogen concentration can be estimated through a mass balance model. In this model, the total nitrogen concentration is computed from the concentration in the average daily municipal wastewater-treatment outflow and the concentration in streamflow at the time of measurement. Adding the municipal wastewater outflow from Fargo and Moorhead increases the median total nitrogen concentration from 1.41 mg/L upstream from the FargoMoorhead area to 1.68 mg/L downstream (Tornes et al 1997). The effect on the Red River is difficult to assess farther downstream because the streamflow nearly doubles between the Fargo-Moorhead area and Halstad, Minnesota (Stoner et al 1998). In recent years nitrite plus nitrate concentrations have been found to be slightly higher than historical concentrations at sites along the Red River (Stoner et al 1998). Median ammonia concentrations for the Red River at Halstad, downstream from the Fargo-Moorhead urban area, were about 0.16 mg/L in historical samples, but were only 0.08 mg/L in samples collected for this study (Tornes et al 1997). Increases in nitrate and decreases in ammonia have been identified in several streams nationwide, particularly downstream from urban areas. These trends likely reflect improved aeration of wastewater effluent, whereby ammonia is nitrified to nitrate. It is also possible that reduced loading of oxygen-demanding materials is allowing streams to remain aerated, decreasing the in-stream production of ammonia (Stoner et al 1998). Although urban areas contribute only a portion of the phosphorus in the Red River, it is a major issue in Red River water quality (Williamson 1988; Stoner et al 1998). Eutrophication due to high concentrations of phosphorus is possible and apparent in streams and in Lake Winnipeg (Nielsen et al 1996). From 1969 to 1974, the Red River contributed about 58 percent of the total phosphorus but only 9 percent of the total flow to Lake Winnipeg (Brunskill et al 1980). More recently, from 1975 to 1988 the Red River contributed, on average, twice the phosphorus load but only one-fifth the flow of the Winnipeg River (the other major tributary to the southern part of Lake Winnipeg), furthermore, about 60 percent of the phosphorus load at the outflow of the Red River comes from the U.S. portion of the Red River Basin (Brigham et al 1996). Manitoba reports that a slightly decreasing trend is evident for fecal coliform bacteria. While the decline has not been substantial, it nevertheless is encouraging in the presence of the increasing human population within the drainage basin and more specifically, within the City of Winnipeg. Generally, the densities of fecal coliform bacteria in the Red River at the Selkirk are well above those levels generally 46 accepted in other water-bodies in Canada, the U.S., and elsewhere. This represents a complex and controversial management issues since disinfection to remove bacteria from the various City of Winnipeg effluent streams is extremely costly. It may also not be entirely successful in reducing densities to Manitoba Surface Water Quality Objectives because disinfection has its own unique environmental consequences (Williamson 1988). Effects of Non-point Sources of Toxic Compounds The NAWQA report also examined fish tissues, streambed sediments, and shallow aquifer waters for the types of toxic chemicals commonly associated with modern industry. In the predominantly rural Red River Basin, such industries are relatively rare. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of industrial compounds banned in Canada and the United States because of their toxicity and persistence in the environment. PCBs are synthetic so there are no natural or background levels of these compounds. Atmospheric transport of mercury and PCBs may carry these contaminants far from their sources. PCBs were detected in low concentrations in fish samples. Volative organic compounds include both synthetic chlorinated compounds and compounds of natural origin, such as components of petroleum. Volatile organic compounds were rarely detected in shallow ground water and, when detected, were at concentrations well below EPA drinking-water standards. These compounds have been widely dispersed in the environment by human activity. Many of the contaminants detected in the NAWQA Red River Basin Study Unit are present in aquatic ecosystems worldwide (Stoner et al 1998). Mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) occur naturally but also are released to the environment from industrial activities such as fossil-fuel combustion and garbage incineration. Both were found to be present in streambed sediment. Bed sediment samples at few sites had PAH levels that were potentially high enough to adversely affect aquatic organisms, based on published toxicity studies (Stoner et al 1998). Medium-sized carp (about 2–4 pounds) in the Red River had an average mercury concentration of 0.31 part per million (ppm) in the muscle (fillet) tissue. Smaller channel catfish (about 0.5–1 pound) had lower mercury levels, averaging 0.18 ppm (Goldstein et al 1996a). These concentrations are in the moderate range of Minnesota’s fish-consumption guidelines. Although fish from this study had mercury concentrations lower than the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 1-ppm standard, larger catfish and other game fish from the Study Unit analyzed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (1994) exceeded this standard (Stoner et al 1998). 47 VI. CONCLUSION Although the overall quality of the Red River Basin's surface water is generally good and suitable for most uses, there is a need to continue monitoring and examining causes and sources of water quality impairment. Some pollutants, including PCBs, pesticides, and trace elements become adsorbed on suspended solids and settle out of the water column rapidly accumulating in the bottom muds and benthic organisms. Excessive build-up of these materials in the sediments and biota can cause serious ramifications in the food chain. Contaminants in the water column are of equal concern because of the threat they pose to human and aquatic life. And while guidelines for water quality safety exist in the basin, each jurisdiction's is unique as is assessment and enforcement. Water quality monitoring is essential for an understanding of the condition of water resources and to provide a basis for effective policies that promote wise use and management of those resources. 48 VII. 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Environment Canada (1999) Ground Water - Nature's Hidden Treasure. Environment Canada Freshwater Series Document A-5. Environmental Protection Agency (1998) National Water Quality Inventory: 1998 Report to Congress. Internet address: http://www.epa.gov/305b/98report/. Fisheries & Oceans (1977) Surface Water Quality in Canada - An Overview. (Ottawa: Environment Canada). Fritz, C. (1997) Goldstein, R.M. (1995) Aquatic communities and contaminants in fish from streams of the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota and North Dakota. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 95-4047. 49 Goldstein, R.M., M.E. Brigham & J.C. Stauffer (1996a) Comparison of mercury concentrations in liver, muscle, whole bodies and composites of fish from the Red River of the North. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53(2): 244-252. Goldstein, R.M., J.C. Stauffer, P.R. Larson & D.L. Lorenz (1996b) Relation of physical and chemical characteristics of streams to fish communities in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota and North Dakota, 1993-95. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4227. Krenz, G. & J. Leitch (1993) A River Runs North. (St. Paul: Red River Water Resources Council). Health Canada (2000) World Wide Web: http://www.hc-cs.gc.ca/. Manitoba Environment (1997) Moving Toward Sustainable Development Reporting, State of the Environment Report for Manitoba, 1997. (Winnipeg: Manitoba Environment). Mitchell, B. & D. Shrubsole (1994) Canadian Water Management: Visions for Sustainability. (Cambridge: Canadian Water Resources Association). Nielsen, E. K.D. McLeod, E. Pip & J.C. Doering (1996) Late Holocene environmental changes in southern Manitoba - Field trip guidebook A2. Geological Association of Canada / Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 27-29. 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Lorenz (1997) Nutrients suspended sediment, and pesticides in streams in the Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, 1993-95. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4053. Treloar, N. (1997) Background Information on Ozone Depeletion. (Winnipeg: Environment Canada Atmospheric Environment Service). Williamson, D.A. (1988) A Synopsis of Red River Water Quality. (Winnipeg: Manitoba Environment) Williamson, D.A. (1988) Manitoba Surface Water Quality Objectives. (Winnipeg: Manitoba Environment, Water Quality Management). World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) (1987) Our Common Future. (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 50 APPENDIX A - WATER QUALITY CRITERIA FOR THE RED RIVER BASIN 51 Appendix A - Water Quality Criteria for the Red River Basin Manitoba Surface Water Standards MANITOBA WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Name Synomyns Categories Drinking Water (a) Units m.a.c. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethene 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1-1,Dichloroethene 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 2,4,-Trichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2-Methyl-4-chloro phenoxy acetic acid 3-Iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate 4-Chloro-2-metyl phenoxy acetic acid Acenaphthene Acridine Aldicarb Aldrin Aluminum Ammonia (un-ionized as N) Aniline Anthracene Antimony Antimony Arsenic Atrazine Azinphos-methyl Barium Bendiocarb Benzo(a)anthracene Beryllium chlorinated ethene chlorinated ethene chlorinated benzene chlorinated benzene chlorinated benzene chlorinated benzene chlorinated ethane chlorinated benzene chlorinated benzene chlorinated ethene chlorinated phenol chlorinated phenol chlorinated phenol ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L IPBC PAHs PAHs i.m.a.c Aquatic Life (b) a.o. 30 50 200 <= 3 5 5 14 100 5 900 <= 1 t.r. 111 21 1.8 8 24 0.7 100 150 26 <= 1 <= 2 0.3 1.9 2.6 1 5.8 4.4 9 0.7 5-100 see tier II Antimony-125 ug/L ug/L ug/l Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L PAHs radioactive material Total Antimony Acid Soluble Arsenic Total Barium 1,2-benzanthracene PAHs 52 2.2 6 0.012 100 25 5 20 1000.0 40 5 0.01 1.8 370 0.015 5000 Boron Total Boron ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Bq/L Bromacil Bromoxynil Cadmium Captan Carbaryl Carbofuran Name Carbon tetrachloride Cesium Cesium Cesium Cesium Chloride Chloroform Chlorothalonil Chlorpyrifos Chromium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Colour Copper Cyanazine Cyanide DDD & DDE & DDT Deltamethrin Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Diazinon Dicamba Dichlorophenol Diclofop-methyl Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride Dieldrin Dimethoate Di-n-butyl phthalate Dinoseb Dioxin Diquat Diuron Endosulfan Ethylbenzene Ethylene glycol Synomyns Categories Units Cesium 134 Cesium 144 Cesium 141 Cesium 137 halogenated methane radioactive material radioactive material radioactive material radioactive material Trichloromethane halogenated methane ug/L Bq/L Bq/L Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 5 5 see tier II 1.3 0.2 1.8 5 5 90 90 7 m.a.c. Drinking Water (a) i.m.a.c Aquatic Life (b) a.o. 5 20 100 10 13.3 <= 250,000 0.18 1.8 0.0035 see tier II 90 Chromium III Chromium VI ug/L 50 Total Chronium see tier II TCU ug/L <= 15 <= 1000 10 2 see tier II 0.0004 200 Total Organochlorides t.r. ug/L ug/kg ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L organochloride phthalate ester chlorinated phenol 5,000(c) 20 16 10 6.1 0.2 15 120 9 0.7 20 6.2 0.05 19 10 phthalate ester ug/L ug/kg ug/L ug/L 0.02(d) 70 150 ug/L 2.4 0.02 90 1,500 ug/L glycol ug/L 53 150,000 ug/kg(d) 192,000 PAHs PAHs Fluoranthene Fluorene Fluoride Furan Glyphosate Heptachlor Hexachlorobutadiene ug/L ug/L ug/kg ug/L Heptachlor epoxide Name Synomyns Hexachlorocyclohexane Iodine Iodine Iron Iron Lead Lead Linuron Lithium Malathion Manganese Manganese Mercury Methoxychlor Methylene chloride Metolachlor Metribusin Molybdenum Molybdenum Monochlorobenzene Monochlorophenol Naphthalene Nickel Niobium Nitrate & Nitrite Nitrate (as NO3) Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) Nitrite Oxygen Paraquat (as dichloride) Parathion Particulate Matter Pentachlorobenzene Pentachlorophenol pH Lindane Iodine-131 Iodine-125 Total Iron Iron-59 Lead-210 0.04 3 0.02(d) 280 65 ug/L Categories Units 1.3 m.a.c. Total Manganese Manganese-54 radioactive material Dichloromethane halogenated methane ug/L Bq/L Bq/L ug/L Bq/L Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L radioactive material chlorianted benzene chlorinated phenol PAHs ug/L Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L radioactive material Bq/L 200 ug/L ug/L 45,000 radioactive material radioactive material radioactive material radioactive material Drinking Water (a) i.m.a.c Aquatic Life (b) a.o. <= 300 6 10 10 40 0.1 t.r. 300 see tier II 7 190 <= 50 200 1 900 0.1 50 7.8 98.1 1 50 80 1.5(e) Total Molybdenum Molybdenum-99 Niobium -95 73 70 80 <= 30 1.3 7 1.1 see tier II see tier II 400 3,200 Total Dissolved Oxygen Total Particulate Matter ug/L ug/L ug/L particulate matter chlorinated benzene chlorinated phenol see tier II 10 50 <= 500,000 ug/L ug/L ug/L 54 500 ug/kg(d) 60 <= 30 6 0.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-9.0 500 ug/kg(c) Phenanthrene Phenols Phenoxy herbicides Phorate Picloram Propylene glycol Pyrene Name Quinoline Radium Radium Radium Reactive Chlorine Reactive Chlorine Ruthenium Ruthenium Selenium Silver Simazine Sodium Strontium Styrene Sulphate Sulphide (as H2S) Suspended sediments Tebuthiuron Temperature Terbufos Thallium Thorium Thorium Thorium Thorium Toluene Toxaphene Triallate Tributyltin trichlorophenol Trifluralin Trihalomethane Triphenyltin Tritium Turbidity PAHs glycol PAHs ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Synomyns Categories Units Radium -228 Radium -226 Radium -224 Total Reactive Chlorine Chloramine Ruthenium -106 Ruthenium -103 PAHs radioactive material radioactive material radioactive material reactive chlorine species reactive chlorine species radioactive material radioactive material ug/L Bq/L Bq/L Bq/L Strontium-90 2 29 500,000 0.025 m.a.c. Drinking Water (a) i.m.a.c Aquatic Life (b) a.o. t.r. 3.4 0.5 0.6 2 see tier II ug/L Bq/L Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L u Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L oC ug/L Bq/L Bq/L Bq/L Bq/L Bq/L ug/L ug/kg ug/kg ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Bq/L NTU radioactive material particulate matter Thorium-228 Total Thorium Thorium-234 Thorium-232 Thorium-230 organotins chlorinated phenol Total Trihalomethanes 0.4 4 4 halogenated methane organotins radioactive material particulate matter 55 3,000 10 100 190 2000 ug/kg(c) 0.1 10 10 <= 200,000 5 72 <= 500,000 50 <= 15oC 1 see tier II 1.6 see tier II 0.8 20 0.1 0.4 2 <= 24 2 200-1,600 ug/kg (f) 0.24 0.008 18 0.2 100 0.022 7,000 1 <= 5 Uranium Uranium Uranium Uranium Vinyl Chloride Xylene Zinc Uranium -238 Uranium -235 Uranium -234 Total Uranium radioactive material radioactive material radioactive material Zinc-65 radioactive material Bq/L Bq/L Bq/L ug/L ug/L ug/L Bq/L Name Synomyns Categories Units chlorinated ethene 4 4 4 <= 300 40 Drinking Water (a) m.a.c. Zinc Zirconium Total Zinc Zirconium-95 ug/L Bq/L radioactive material 45 100 2 i.m.a.c Aquatic Life (b) a.o. t.r. <= 5,000 100 NOTES mac imac ao tr maximum acceptable concentration interim maximum acceptable concentration aesthetics objectives tissue residue - human consumption a b c d e Further information on Guidelines for Cana.dian Drinking Water Quality is available from Health Canada's website at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ehp/ehd/bch/water_quality.htm Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) (1999). Further information on CCME's Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines is available from their website at http://www.ccme.ca. Health Canada's guidelines for residues in fish tissue (personal communication, Dr. John Salminen, Head, Additives & Contaminants Section, Health Canada). Health Canada's regulations for residues in fish tissue (Division 15, Food & Drugs Act). Further information is available on the Food & Drugs Act from Health Canada's website at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca. f Ontario Ministry of Environment (1999), derived from Health Canada's Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake of 0.2 ug/kg x bw/day (personal communication, Dr. John Salminen). Further information on Ontario's consumption guide for sport fish is available from their website at http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/. The guidelines for Microcystin LR has not yet been finalized by teh Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Drinking Water, but is included here at this early stage because of its continued usefulness for assisting to interpret water quality data generated from on-going monitoring programs. 56 Minnesota Water Quality Standards MINNESOTA - AQUATIC LIFE & RECREATION Name Units CS 2A MS FAV CS 2Bd MS FAV CS Classes 2B MS FAV CS 2C MS FAV CS 2D MS FAV 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-trichloroethylene ug/L ug/L ug/L 263 1.1 2 2628 1127 1.2 5256 2253 203 263 1.1 2 2628 1127 1.2 5256 2253 203 263 13 120 2628 1127 6988 5256 2253 19376 263 13 120 2628 1127 6988 5256 2253 19376 263 13 120 2628 1127 6988 5256 2253 19376 1,2-Dichloroethane 2,4,6-trichlorophenol Acenaphtene Acrylonitrile Alachlor Aluminum Ammonia (un-ionized as N) Anthracene Antimony Arsenic Atrazine Benzene Bromoform Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chloride Chlorine (residual) (as Cl2) Chloroform Chlorpyrifos Chromium VI Cobalt Colour Cyanide, free di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Dieldrin di-n-octyl phthalate Dissolved Oxygen Endosulfan Endrin Ethyl Benzene Fluoranthene Heptachlor ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 3.5 ----12 0.38 3.8 87 16 0.029 5.5 2 3.4 9.7 33 1.9 0.000073 230 6 49 0.041 11 2.8 30 5.2 1.9 0.00011 0.0000065 30 7 0.0076 0.0039 68 7.1 0.0001 45050 ----41 1140 800 748 ---0.78 90 360 323 4487 2900 1750 1.2 860 19 2235 0.083 16 436 ----22 ----0.55 1.3 825 ----0.084 0.09 1859 199 0.26 90100 ----81 2281 1600 1496 ---1.6 180 720 645 8974 5800 3500 2.4 1720 38 4471 0.117 32 872 ----45 ----1.1 2.5 1650 ----0.17 0.18 3717 398 0.52 3.8 ----12 0.38 4.2 125 16 0.029 5.5 2 3.4 9.7 41 1.9 0.00029 230 6 55 0.041 11 2.8 ---5.2 1.9 0.0017 0.000026 30 5 0.029 0.016 68 20 0.00039 45050 ----41 1140 800 1072 ---0.78 90 360 323 4487 2900 1750 1.2 860 19 2235 0.083 16 436 ----22 ----0.55 1.3 825 ----0.28 0.09 1859 199 0.26 90100 ----81 2281 1600 2145 ---1.6 180 720 645 8974 5800 3500 2.4 1720 38 4471 0.117 32 872 ----45 ----1.1 2.5 1650 ----0.56 0.18 3717 398 0.52 190 2.0 12 0.89 59 125 40 0.029 31 53 10 114 466 5.9 0.00029 230 6 224 0.041 11 5 ----5.2 2.1 0.0017 0.000026 30 5 0.031 0.016 68 20 0.00039 45050 102 41 1140 800 1072 ----0.78 90 360 323 4487 2900 1750 1.2 860 19 2235 0.083 16 436 ----22 ---0.55 1.3 825 ----0.28 0.09 1859 199 0.26 90100 203 81 2281 1600 2145 ----1.6 180 720 645 8974 5800 3500 2.4 1720 38 4471 0.17 32 872 ----45 ---1.1 2.5 1650 ----0.56 0.18 3717 398 0.52 190 2.0 12 0.89 59 125 40 0.029 31 53 10 114 466 5.9 0.00029 230 6 224 0.041 11 5 ----5.2 2.1 0.0017 0.000026 30 5 0.031 0.016 68 20 0.00039 45050 102 41 1140 800 1072 ----0.78 90 360 323 4487 2900 1750 1.2 860 19 2235 0.083 16 436 ----22 ---0.55 1.3 825 ----0.28 0.09 1859 199 0.26 90100 203 81 2281 1600 2145 ----1.6 180 720 645 8974 5800 3500 2.4 1720 38 4471 0.17 32 872 ----45 ---1.1 2.5 1650 ----0.56 0.18 3717 398 0.52 190 2.0 12 0.89 59 125 40 0.029 31 53 10 114 466 5.9 0.00029 230 6 224 0.041 11 5 ----5.2 2.1 0.0017 0.000026 30 ----0.031 0.016 68 20 0.00039 45050 102 41 1140 800 1072 ----0.78 90 360 323 4487 2900 1750 1.2 860 19 2235 0.083 16 436 ----22 ---0.55 1.3 825 ----0.28 0.09 1859 199 0.26 90100 203 81 2281 1600 2145 ----1.6 180 720 645 8974 5800 3500 2.4 1720 38 4471 0.17 32 872 ----45 ---1.1 2.5 1650 ----0.56 0.18 3717 398 0.52 57 Heptachlor Epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Lindane Mercury Methylene Chloride Chlorobenzene Napthalene Oil Parathion pH Phenanthrene Phenols Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) Selenium Tetrachloroethylene Thallium Toluene Toxaphene Turbidity Value Vinyl Chloride Xylene ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L 0.0012 0.000061 0.0087 0.069 45 10 81 500 0.013 ----2.1 123 0.000014 ----3.8 0.28 253 0.00031 10 0.17 166 0.27 ----1 2.4 9600 423 409 5000 0.07 ----29 2214 1 ----428 64 1352 0.73 --------1407 0.53 ----2.0 4.9 19200 846 818 10000 0.13 ----58 4428 2.0 ----857 128 2703 1.5 --------2814 0.00048 0.00024 0.032 0.069 46 10 81 500 0.013 2.1 123 0.000029 ----3.8 0.28 253 0.00031 10 0.17 166 0.27 ----4.4 2.4 9600 423 409 5000 0.07 6.5-9.0 29 2214 1 ----428 64 1352 0.73 --------1407 0.53 ----8.8 4.9 19200 846 818 10000 0.13 58 4428 2.0 ----857 128 2703 1.5 --------2814 0.00048 0.00024 0.036 0.0069 1561 10 81 500 0.013 ----2.1 123 0.000029 5 8.9 0.56 253 0.0013 25 9.2 166 0.27 ----4.4 2.4 9600 423 409 5000 0.07 ----29 2214 1.0 20 428 64 1352 0.73 --------1407 0.53 ----8.8 4.9 19200 846 818 10000 0.13 ----58 4428 2.0 40 857 128 2703 1.5 --------2814 0.00048 0.00024 0.036 0.0069 1561 10 81 500 0.013 ----2.1 123 0.000029 5 8.9 0.56 253 0.0013 25 9.2 166 0.27 ----4.4 2.4 9600 423 409 5000 0.07 ----29 2214 1.0 20 428 64 1352 0.73 --------1407 0.53 ----8.8 4.9 19200 846 818 10000 0.13 ----58 4428 2.0 40 857 128 2703 1.5 --------2814 0.00048 0.00024 0.036 0.0069 1561 10 81 500 0.013 ----2.1 123 0.000029 5 8.9 0.56 253 0.0013 25 9.2 166 0.27 ----4.4 2.4 9600 423 409 5000 0.07 ----29 2214 1.0 20 428 64 1352 0.73 --------1407 0.53 ----8.8 4.9 19200 846 818 10000 0.13 ----58 4428 2.0 40 857 128 2703 1.5 --------2814 General The numerical and narrative water quality standards in this part prescribe the qualities or properties of the waters of the state that are necessary for the aquatic life and recreation designated public uses and benefits. If the standards in this part are exceeded in waters of the state that have the Class 2 designation, it is considered indicative of a polluted condition which is actually o r potentially deleterious, harmful, detrimental, or injurious with respect to the designated uses. Class 2A The quality for Class 2A surface waters shall be such as to permit the propagation and maintenance of a healthy community fo cold water sport or commercial fish and associated aquatic life, and their habitats. These waters shall be suitable for aquatic recreation of all kinds, including bathing, for which the waters may be usable. This class of surface waters i s also protected as a source of drinking water. Class 2Bd The quality of Class 2Bd surface waters shall be such as to permit the propagation and maintenance of a healthy community of cool or warm water sport or commercial fish and associated aquatic life and their habitats. These waters shall be suitable for aquatic recreation of all kinds, including bathing, for which the waters may be usuable. This class of surface waters are also protected as a source of drinking water. Class 2B The quality of Class 2B surface waters shall be such as to permit the propagation and maintenance of a healthy community of cool or warm water sport or commercial fish and associated aquatic life and th eir habitats. These waters shall be suitable for aquatic recreation of all kinds, including bathing, for which the waters may be usuable. This class of surface water is not protected as a source of drinking water. Class 2C The quality of Class 2C surface waters shall be such as to permit the propagation and maintenance of a healthy community of indigenous fish and associated aquatic life, and their habitats. These waters shall be suitable for boating and other forms of aquatic recreation for which the waters may be usuable. Class 2D 58 The quality of Class 2D wetlands shall be such as to permit the propagation and maintenance of a healthy community of aquatic and terrestrial species indigenous to wetlands, and their habitats. Wetlands also add to the biological diversity of the landscape. These waters shall be suitable for boating and other forms of aquatic recreation for which the wetland may be usable. CS MS or "chronic standard" or "maximum standard" the highest water concentration of a toxicant to which organisms can be exposed indefinitely without causing chronic toxicity. the highest concentration of a toxicant in water to which aquatic organisms can be exposed for a brief time with zero to slight mortality. The MS equals the FAV divided by 2. FAV or "final acute value" an estimate of the concentration of a pollutant corresponding to the cumulative probability of 0.05 in the distribution of all the acute toxicity values of the genera or species from the acceptable acute toxicity tests conducted on a pollutant. DRINKING WATER - MINNESOTA Name Units Classes 1A 1B 1C 1D 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1 1 mg/L mg/L 0.07 0.005 0.07 0.005 0.07 0.005 0.07 0.005 1,2-Dichloropropane 1 mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Alachlor 1 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Aldicarb 1 mg/L 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Aldicarb Sulfone 1 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Aldicarb Sulfoxide Aluminum 1 2 mg/L mg/L 0.004 0.05 - 0.2 0.004 0.05 - 0.2 0.004 0.05 - 0.2 0.004 0.05 - 0.2 Antimony 1 mg/L 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 Arsenic 3 mg/L Asbestos 1 Atrazine 1 Barium 1 Benzene 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 1 Beryllium 1 Beta particle 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 7 million 7 million 7 million 7 million mg/L 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 mg/L 2 2 2 1 mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 mg/L 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 mg/L 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 4 mrem 4 4 4 4 Bromate Cadmium 1 mg/L mg/L 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.01 Carbofuran Carbon Tetrachloride 1 mg/L mg/L 0.04 0.005 0.04 0.005 0.04 0.005 0.04 0.005 Chloramines (as Cl 2) Chlordane 1 mg/L mg/L 4.0 0.002 4.0 0.002 4.0 0.002 4.0 0.002 1 1 1 59 Chloride 2 mg/L 250 250 250 250 Chlorinated Camphene 1 mg/L 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 Chlorine (residual) (as Cl2) 1 mg/L 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Chlorine Dioxide (as ClO2) 1 mg/L 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Chlorite Chromium III 1 mg/L mg/L 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1 Chromium VI mg/L Cis -1,2-dichloroethylene 1 Colour 2 Copper Corrosivity Cyanide, free 0.05 mg/L 0.07 15 15 15 15 2 mg/L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Dalapon 1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Di(2-ethylhexyl) Adipate Di-2-ethylhexyl Phthalate 1 mg/L mg/L 0.4 0.006 0.4 0.006 0.4 0.006 0.4 0.006 Dibromochloropropane Dichloromethane 1 1 mg/L mg/L 0.0002 0.005 0.0002 0.005 0.0002 0.005 0.0002 0.005 Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 1 mg/L 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 Dinoseb Dioxin 1 mg/L mg/L 0.007 3 x 108 0.007 3 x 108 0.007 3 x 108 0.007 3 x 108 Diquat 1 mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Endothall Endrin 1 1 mg/L mg/L 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.002 Ethyl Benzene 1 mg/L 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Ethylene Dibromide Fecal Coliform Organisms 1 mg/L 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 0.00005 Fluoride 5 mg/L 2.0 - 4.0 2.0 - 4.0 2.0 - 4.0 1.5 0.07 0.07 mg/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 mg/L 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 pCi/L 15 15 15 15 non-corrosive 1 1 1 Foaming Agents Glyphosate 0.07 1 Gross alpha particle activity including radium 226 but excluding radon and uranium 0-5% Haloacetic Acids Heptachlor 1 1 mg/L mg/L 0.06 0.0004 0.06 0.0004 0.06 0.0004 0.06 0.0004 Heptachlor Epoxide 1 mg/L 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 Hexachlorobenzene 1 mg/l 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Hydrogen 6 pCi/L 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Iron 2 mg/L 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 60 Lead mg/L 0.05 Lindane 1 mg/L 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 Manganese 2 mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Mercury 1 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Methoxychlor 1 mg/L 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Monochlorobenzene 1 mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Nitrogen (Nitrate) 1 mg/L 1 1 1 1 Nitrogen (Nitrite) 7 mg/L 10 10 10 10 Nitrogen, total (Nitrate & Nitrite) 1 mg/L 10 10 10 10 O-dichlorobenzene 1 mg/L 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Odour 2 3 3 3 3 Oxamyl Para-dichlorobenzene 1 mg/L mg/L 0.2 0.075 0.2 0.075 0.2 0.075 0.2 0.075 mg/L 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 1 Pentachloro-Phenol pH 2 Photon Radioactivity 8 mrem 4 4 4 4 Picloram Polychlorinated Biphenyls 1 mg/L mg/L 0.5 0.0005 0.5 0.0005 0.5 0.0005 0.5 0.0005 1 Radium pCi/L 5 5 5 5 Selenium 1 mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 Silver 2 mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 Silvex 1 mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Simazine Strontium 90 1 mg/L pCi/L 0.004 8 0.004 8 0.004 8 0.004 8 Styrene Sulphate 1 2 mg/L mg/L 0.1 250 0.1 250 0.1 250 0.1 250 Tetrachloroethylene 1 mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Thallium Toluene 1 1 mg/L mg/L 0.002 1.0 0.002 1.0 0.002 1.0 0.002 1.0 Total Dissolved Solids 2 mg/L 500 500 500 500 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1 mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Trichloroethylene 1 mg/L 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 Trihalomethandes 10 mg/L 0.08 - 0.1 0.08 - 0.1 0.08 - 0.1 0.08 - 0.1 Turbidity Value 11 tu 1-5 1-5 25 mg/L 25 mg/L Vinyl Chloride 1 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Vinylidene Chloride 1 mg/L 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 Xylene 1 mg/L 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 mg/L 5 5 5 5 Zinc 9 61 Class 1A The quality of Class 1A waters of the state shall be such that without treatment of any kind the raw waters will meet in all respects both the primary (maximum contaminant levels) and secondary drinking water standards issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (40.141 & 40.143) These Environmental Protection Agency standards are adopted and incorporated by reference. These standards will ordinarily be restricted to underground waters with a high-degree of natural protection. Class 1B The quality of Class 1B waters of the state shall be such that with approved disinfection, such as simple chlorination or its equivalent, the treated water will meet both the primary (maximum contaminant levels) and secondary drinking water standards issued by teh United States Environmental Protection Agency as contained in the Code fo Fedral Regulations (40.141 & 40.143) except as modified in this part. These standards will ordinarily be restricted to surface and underground waters with a moderately high degree of natural protection and apply to these waters in the untreated state. Class 1C The quality of Class 1C waters of the state shall be such that with treatment consisting of coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, storage, and chlorination, or other equivalent treatment processes, the treated water will meet both the primary (maximum contaminant levels) and secondary drinking water standards issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (40.141 & 40.143) except as modified in this part. These standards will ordinarily be restricted to surface waters and groundwaters in aquifers not considered to afford adequate protection against contamination from surface and other sources of pollution. Such aquife rs normally would include fractured and channeled limestone, unprotected impervious hard rock where water is obtained from mechanical fractures or joints with surface connections, and coarse gravels subjected to surface water infiltration. These standards shall also apply to these waters in the untreated state. Class 1D The quality of Class 1D waters of the state shall be such that after treatment consisting of coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, storage, and chlorination, plus additional pre, post or intermediate states of treatment, or other equivalent treatment processes, the treated water will meet both the primary (maximum contaminant levles) and secondary drinking water standards issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (40.141 & 40.143) except as modified in this part. These standards will ordinarily be restricted to surface waters, and groundwaters in aquifers not considered to afford adequate protection against conta mination from surface or other sources of pollution. Such aquifers normally would include fractured and channeled limestone, unprotected impervious hard rock where water is obtained from mechanical fractures or joints with surface connections, and coarse gravels subjected to surface water infiltration. These standards shall not be exceeded in the raw waters before treatment. NOTES 1 maximum contaminant levels for organic contaminants apply to community and non-transient, non-community water systems. 2 secondary maximum contaminant levels for public water systems 3 the maximum contaminant level for arsenci applies only to community water systems - compliance with the MCL for arsenic is calculated pursuant to Sec. 141.23 4 the average annual concentration of beta particle from man-made radionuclides in drinking water shall not produce an annual dose equivalent to the total body or any internal organ greater than 4 millirem/year. 5 4.0 is the primary maximum contaminant levels for inorganic contaminants apply to community and non-transient, non-community water systems; 2.0 is the secondary maximum contaminant level for public water systems. 6 average annual concentrations assumed to produce a total body dose of 4 millirem per year. 62 7 At the discretion of the State, nitrate levels not to exceed 20 mg/L may be allowed in a non-community water system of water demonstrates to the satisfaction of the state that: 1) such water will not be available to children under 6 months of age; and 2) there will be continuous posting of the fact that nitrate levels exceed 10 mg/L and the potential health effects of exposure; and 3) local and state public health authorities will be notified annually of nitrate levles that exceed 10 mg/L; and 4) no adverse health effects shall result. 8 the average annual concentration of photon radioactivity from man-made radionuclides in drinking water shall not produce an annual dose equivalent to the total body or any internal organ greater than 4 millirem/year. 9 average annual concentration assumed to produce a critical organ (bone marrow) dose of 4 millirem per year. 10 the sum of the concentrations of bromodichlroromethane, dibromochloromethane, tribromomethane [bromoform], and trichloromethane [chlorofo rm] is 0.1; the total trihalomethanes MCL for disinfection byproducts is 0.08. 11 applicable to both community water systems and non-community water systems using surface water sources in whole or in part; 1 tu as determined by a montly average pursuant to Sec 141.22, except that five or fewer tu may be allowed if the supplier of water can demonstrate to the State that the higher turbidity does not do any of the following: 1) interfere with disinfection; 2) prevent maintenance of an effective disinfectant agent throughout the distribution system; or 3) interfere with microbiological determinations; 5 tu based on an average of two consecutive days pursuant to Sec 141.22. 63 North Dakota Water Quality Standards NORTH DAKOTA - DRINKING WATER QUALITY STANDARDS Name 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1,2-trans-dichloroehylene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,4-dichlorobenzene 2,4,-Trichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2-Chlorophenol 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Acenaphtene Acenaphthylene Acrolein Acrylonitrile Aldrin alpha-Endosulfan Anthracene Antimony Arochlor 1016 Arochlor 1221 Arochlor 1232 Arochlor 1242 Arochlor 1248 Arochlor 1254 Arochlor 1260 Arsenic Asbestos Synomyns 1,3-dichloropropylene 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 4,6-dintiro-2-methylphenol p-Chloro-m-cresol PCB-1016 PCB 1221 PCB 1232 PCB 1242 PCB 1248 PCB 1254 PCB-1260 fibers/L Units Class I Class IA Class II Class III mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 200 0.17 0.61 0.057 2700 0.38 0.04 700 400 10 75 2.1 93 400 70 0.11 120 0.039 13.4 3000 20 0.0028 320 0.059 0.00013 0.93 0.0028 14 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.018 30000 200 0.17 0.61 0.057 2700 0.38 0.04 700 400 10 75 2.1 93 400 70 0.11 120 0.039 13.4 3000 20 0.0028 320 0.059 0.00013 0.93 0.0028 14 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.018 30000 200 0.17 0.61 0.057 2700 0.38 0.04 700 400 10 75 2.1 93 400 70 0.11 120 0.039 13.4 3000 20 0.0028 320 0.059 0.00013 0.93 0.0028 14 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.018 30000 170000 11 42 3.2 17000 99 0.54 140000 2600 1700 2600 6.5 790 na 14000 9.1 400 0.077 765 na na 0.0311 780 0.66 0.00014 2 0.0311 4300 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.14 na 64 Barium Benzene Benzidine Benzo(a)anthracene Name total Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Beryllium beta-Endosulfan Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Bis-chloroisopropyl ether Butyl Benzyl Phthalate Cadmium Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chloride Chlorinated Camphene Chromium Chromium Chromium Chrysene Copper Cyanide Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Dibutyl Phthalate Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Dichloromethane Dieldrin Diethyl phthalate Dimethyl phthlate Dioxin Endosulfan Sulfate Endrin Endrin Aldehyde Ethyl Benzene Fluoranthene Fluorene 3,4-benzopyrene 3,4-benzofluoranthene 1,12-Benzoperylene 11,12-benzofluoranthene 1,2-benzanthracene Synomyns tetrachloromethane total Toxaphene Chromium III Chromium VI total total 1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene di-n-butyl phthalate DDD DDE DDT Methylene Chloride 2,3,7,8-TCDD Gross alpha particle activity including radium 226 but excluding radon and uranium mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Units 1.0 1.2 0.00012 0.0028 Class I mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0077 0.93 0.031 1.8 1400 3000 10 0.25 0.00058 100 0.00073 50 50 0.05 0.0028 1000 200 0.0028 2700 0.0083 0.00059 0.0083 4.7 0.00014 23000 313000 0.000000013 0.93 0.2 0.2 3100 42 0.0028 pCi/L 15 65 1.2 0.00012 0.0028 Class IA 1.2 0.00012 0.0028 Class II 71 0.00054 0.0311 Class III 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0077 0.93 0.031 1.8 1400 3000 10 0.25 0.00058 175 0.00073 50 50 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 0.0077 0.93 0.031 1.8 1400 3000 10 0.25 0.00058 250 0.00073 50 50 0.0311 0.0311 0.0311 0.0311 0.13 2 1.4 5.9 170000 5200 170 4.4 0.0059 0.00075 670000 3400 0.0028 1000 200 0.0028 2700 0.0083 0.00059 0.0083 4.7 0.00014 23000 313000 0.000000013 0.93 0.2 0.2 3100 42 0.0028 0.0028 1000 200 0.0028 2700 0.0083 0.00059 0.0083 4.7 0.00014 23000 313000 0.000000013 0.93 0.2 0.2 3100 42 0.0028 0.0311 na 220000 0.0311 12000 0.0083 0.0059 0.0059 1600 0.00014 120000 2900000 0.000000014 2 0.81 0.81 29000 54 0.0311 Heptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Name Hexachlorocyclohexane Hexachlorocyclohexane Hexachlorocyclohexane / (Lindane) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachloroethane Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isophorone Lead Mercury Methyl Bromide (HM) Methyl Choride (HM) Nickel Nitro-Benzene N-Nitrosodimethylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine N-Nitrosodipropylamine Pentachloro-Phenol pH Phenanthrene Phenol Phenyl Chloride Pyrene Radium Selenium Silver Sodium Sulphate Tetrachloroethylene Thallium Toluene Trichloroethylene Trihalomethanes Trihalomethanes Trihalomethanes Trihalomethanes Vinyl Chloride Zinc Synomyns alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane Bromomethane Chloromethane nitrobenzene n-nitrosodi-n-propylamine pentachlorophenol total Chlorobenzene 226 & 228 - combined total (as SO4) - total 1,1,2-trichloroethylene Bromoform Chlorodibromomethane Chloroform Dichlorobromomethane mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Units 0.00021 0.0001 0.00072 0.44 Class I 0.00021 0.0001 0.00072 0.44 Class IA 0.00021 0.0001 0.00072 0.44 Class II 0.00021 0.00011 0.00074 50 Class III mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L pCi/L mg/L mg/L mEq/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.0039 0.014 0.019 240 1.9 0.0028 8.4 50 0.144 48 5.7 610 17 0.00069 5 0.005 1000 0.0039 0.014 0.019 240 1.9 0.0028 8.4 50 0.144 48 5.7 610 17 0.00069 5 0.005 1000 0.0039 0.014 0.019 240 1.9 0.0028 8.4 50 0.144 48 5.7 610 17 0.00069 5 0.005 1000 6.0-9.0 0.0028 21000 680 0.0028 0.013 0.046 0.063 17000 8.9 0.0311 600 na 0.144 4000 470 4600 1900 8.1 16 8.5 29000 0.0311 4600000 21000 0.0311 10 50 65000 na 0.8 13 6800 2.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 2 5000 8.85 48 200000 80.7 470 470 470 470 525 na 66 0.0028 0.01 680 0.0028 5 10 50 50% of total 250 0.8 13 6800 2.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 2 5000 0.0028 21000 680 0.0028 10 50 60% of total cations 450 0.8 13 6800 2.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 2 5000 AQUATIC LIFE - NORTH DAKOTA 1 CAS Name ------4,4-DOT 309-00-2 Aldrin 7664-41-7 Ammonia (un-ionized as N) 7440-38-2 Arsenic 7440-39-3 Barium 7440-42-8 Boron 7440-43-9 Cadmium 12789-03-6 Chlordane 16887-00-6 Chloride 8001-35-2 Chlorinated Camphene 7782-50-5 Chlorine (residual) 16065-83-1 Chromium 15723-28-1 Chromium 7440-47-3 Chromium 7440-50-8 Copper 57-12-5 Cyanide 60-57-1 Dieldrin ------Dissolved Oxygen 959-98-8 Endosulfan 33213-65-9 Endosulfan ------Endosulfan 72-20-8 Endrin ------Fecal coliform organisms ------Gross alpha particle activity including radium 226 but excluding radon and uranium 76-44-8 Heptachlor 1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide 58-89-9 Hexachlorocyclohexane / (Lindane) 7439-92-1 Lead 7439-97-6 Mercury 7440-02-0 Nickel 7727-37-9 Nitrogen 87-86-5 Pentachloro-Phenol ------pH 108-95-2 Phenols ------phosphorus 11104-28-2 Polychlorinated Biphenyl 11141-16-5 Polychlorinated Biphenyl 553469-21-9 Polychlorinated Biphenyl c2a (dissolved)7 2a total total c mg/L mg/L c2a mg/L c2a mg/L c2a alpha-Endosulfan beta-Endosulfan total (gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane) Nitrates (dissolved) 5 pentachlorophenol ug/L pCi/L c2a c2a c2a 0.001 ----- 0.55 1.5 0.001 ----- 0.55 1.5 0.001 ----- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 360 1.0 190 1 360 1.0 190 1 360 1.0 190 1 360 1.0 190 1 0.75 9 3.9 1.2 9 1.1 0.0043 3.9 1.2 0.73 0.019 1700 16 0.0002 0.011 210 11 0.73 0.019 1700 16 ----22 1.25 18 5.2 0.0019 ----22 1.25 0.11 0.11 0.056 0.056 100 1.1 0.0043 9 3.9 1.2 9 1.1 0.0043 9 3.9 1.2 9 1.1 0.0043 0.0002 0.011 210 11 0.73 0.019 1700 16 0.0002 0.011 210 11 0.73 0.019 1700 16 0.0002 0.011 210 11 18 5.2 0.0019 ----22 1.25 18 5.2 0.0019 0.056 0.056 0.06 0.0023 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.09 0.056 0.056 0.06 0.0023 0.26 0.26 1 9 82 2.4 9 1400 0.0038 0.0038 0.08 9 3.2 0.012 9 160 0.26 0.26 1 9 82 2.4 9 1400 0.0038 0.0038 0.08 9 3.2 0.012 9 160 20 7 20 7 ------------- 0.014 0.014 0.014 175 0.05 18 ----5.2 22 0.0019 1.25 not less than 5 mg/L 0.056 0.11 0.056 0.11 0.06 0.22 0.0023 0.09 2 200 fecal coliforms per 100 mL 0.22 0.06 0.09 0.0023 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.09 15 0.26 0.26 2 9 82 2.4 9 1400 0.0038 0.0038 0.06 9 3.2 0.012 9 160 0.26 0.26 1 9 82 2.4 9 1400 0.0038 0.0038 0.08 9 3.2 0.012 9 160 20 7 20 7 1 8 67 9 250 mg/L mg/L mg/L c2a c2a c2a Class III Acute Chronic 0.55 1.5 7.0 - 9.0 total total5 PCB 1221 PCB 1232 PCB 1242 1d Class II Acute Chronic 0.001 1.5 mg/L total 1c Class IA Acute Chronic 0.55 1.5 9 total Toxaphene - total - ug/L total Chromium III Chromium VI total 1b Class I Acute Chronic Other Names 6.0 - 9.0 0.01 0.1 ------------- 0.014 0.014 0.014 ------------- 0.014 0.014 0.014 ------------- 0.014 0.014 0.014 12672-29-6 Polychlorinated Biphenyl 11097-69-1 Polychlorinated Biphenyl PCB 1248 PCB 1254 CAS Name Other Names ------7782-49-2 7440-22-4 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 ------7440-66-6 Radium Selenium Silver Sodium Sulphate Temperature Zinc 226 & 228 - combined total c2a c2a --------- 0.014 0.014 1 Class I Acute Chronic 0.014 0.014 --------- 1b 0.014 0.014 1c Class IA Acute Chronic pCi/L Class II Acute Chronic --------- 0.014 0.014 1d Class III Acute Chronic 5 20 9 4.1 (as SO4) - total --------- 5 ----- mEq/L 50% of total cations mg/L 250 120 9 11 9 20 9 4.1 120 9 5 ----- 20 5 9 4.1 ----60% of total cations 450 o o 6 85 F (29.44 C) 9 9 11 120 20 9 4.1 5 ----750 11 9 120 9 11 9 For Rivers & Streams: Chemical -based assessment (indirect assessment): Fully Supporting For DO, the standard of 5 mg/L (minimum) was not exceeded at any time. For unionized ammonia and other toxic pollutants (e.g., trace elements and organics), the acute or chronic standard was not violated at any time between 1993 and 1997. Fully Supporting but Threatened For DO, the standard of 5 mg/L was exceeded in less than 10% of the samples. For unionized ammonia and other individual toxic pollutants, no more than one violation of the acute chronic standard occurred during any consecutive 3-year period between 1993 and 1997. Aquatic life use support was also assessed as fully supporting but threatened where land use, stram condition, or habitat were believed (using best professional judgement) to cause a threat to aquatic life. Partially Supporting For DO, the standard of 5 mg/L was exceeded in 11 to 25% of the measurements taken between 1993 and 1997. For unionized ammonia and other toxic pollutants the acute or chronic standard was exceeded more than once, but in less than 10% of the samples within an consecutive 3 -year period between 1993 and 1997. Not Supporting For DO, the 5 mg/L standard was exceeded in more than 25% of the samples collected between 1993 and 1997. For unionized ammonia and other toxic pollutants, the acute or chronic standard was exceeded in more than 10% of the samples collected between 1993 and 1997. For Rivers & Streams: The department has adopted the "multi-metric" approach to assess biological integrity or aquatic life use support for rivers and streams. This approach assumes that various measures of the biological community respond to habitat alterations or pollutant loadings induced by humans. Each measure of the biological community, called a "metric", is evaluated and scored on a 1,3, 5 point scale. The higher the score, teh better the biological condition. The Health Department uses 12 metrics for assessment of fish community with a total possible score of 60. Assessments of the macroinvertebrate community are done using 8 metrics with a total possible score of 40. Fully Supporting Macroinvertebrate: 30-40 Fish: 51-60 Fully Supporting but Threatened Macroinvertebrate: 20-29 Fish: 31-50 Partially Supporting Not Supporting Macroinvertebrate: 10-19 Macroinvertebrate: 0-9 Fish: 21-30 Fish: 12-20 Except for the aquatic life values for metals, the values given in this appendix refer to the total (dissolved plus suspended) amount of each substance. For the aquatic life values for metals, the values refer to the acid soluble portion which is derived as teh fraction that passes through a 0.45 um membrane filter after the sample is acidified to pH 1.5 - 2.0 with nitric acid. NOTES reference: Standards of Water Quality for State of North Dakota: Rule 33-16-02: North Dakota State Department of Health: adopted by North Dakota State Health Council Jan 16, 1985; effective date Feb 1, 1991; prepared under the supervision of Francis J. Schwindt, M.S., R.P.E., Chief 68 1a Class I streams: The quality of waters in this class shall be such as to permit the propagation of life, or both, of resident fish species and other aquatic biota and shall be suitable for boating, swimming, and other water recreation. The quality shall be such that after treatment consisting of coagulation, settling, filtration, and chlorination, or equivalent treatment processes, the treated water shall meet the bacteriological, physical, and chemical requirements of the department for municipal use. The quality of water shall be such as to permit its use for all irrigation, stock watering, and wildlife use without injurious effects. 1b Class IA streams: The quality of this class of waters shall be such that its uses shall be the same as those idenified for Class I, except that treatment for municipal use may also require softening to meet the chemical requirements of the deparment. The physical and chemical criteria shall be those for class I, with some excpetions as noted above. 1c Class II streams: The quality of this class of waters shall be such that its uses shall be the same as those for class I, except that additonal treatment may be required over that noted in class IA to meet the drinking water requirements of the department. Streams in this classification may be intermittent in nature which would make some of these waters of questionable value for beneficial uses, such as irrigation, municipal water supplies, or fish life. The physical and chemical criteria shall be those for class IA, with the exceptions noted above. 1d Class III streams: The quality of this class of waters shall be suitable for industrial and agricultural uses, ie: cooling, washing, irrigation, and stock watering. These streams all have low average flows, and generally, prolonged periods of no flow and are of marginal or seasonal value for immersion recreation and fish aquatic biota. The quality of the water must be maintained to protect recreation, fish, and aquatic biota. The physical and chemical criteria shall be those for class II, with the exceptions noted above. 2a Substance classified as a carcinogen, with the value on an incremental risk of one additional instance of cancer in one million person. 2b Chemicals which are not individually classified as carcinogens but which are contained within a class of chemicals, with carcinogenicity as the basis for the criteria drivation for that class of chemicals; an individual carcinogenicity assessment for these chemicals is pending. 3 The NH3-N in mg/L concentration resulting from intermittent wast discharges cannot exceed the numerical value given by 0.427/FT/FPH/2 where: FT = 100.03(20-TCAP) = 10 FPH = 1 TCAP <= T<=30 0.03(20-T) 0<= T <= TCAP 8 <= pH <= 9 = 1+107.4-pH / 1.25 6.5 <= pH <= 8 TCAP = 20o C - salmonids or other sensitive cold water species present TCAP = 25o C - salmonids and other sensitive cold water species absent The NH3-N in mg/L concentration from a continuous wast discharge cannot exceed the n umerical value given by 0.658/FT/FPH/ratio where: Ratio = 16 7.7 <= pH <= 9 = 24(107.7-pH / 1+107.4-pH ) 6.5 <= pH <= 7.7 TCAP = 15o C - salmonids or other sensitive cold water species present TCAP = 20o C - salmonids and other sensitive cold water species absent 4 This standard shall apply only during the recreation season May 1 to September 30. 5 The standards for nitrates (N) and phosphorus (P) are intended as interim guideline limits. Since each stream or lake has unique characteristics which determine the levles of these constituents that will cause excessive plant growth (eutrophication), the department reserves the right to review these standards after additional study and to set specific limitations on any waters of the state. However, in no case shall the standard for nitrates (N) exceed ten milligrams per liter for any waters used as a municipal or domestic drinking water supply. 6 The maximum increase shall not be greater than 5 oF (2.78oC) above natural background conditions. 69 7 More restrictive criteria than specified may be necessary to protect fish and aquatic biota. These criteria will be developed according to the procedures in subdivision b of subsection 2 of section 33-16-02-07. 8 Limitation is a pH dependent calculated value using the formula e [1.005(pH)-5.29] ; pH = 7.8 was used for listed value as an example. For exact limitation, receiving water pH value must be used. 9 Hardness dependent criteria. Value given is an example only and is based on a CaCO3 hardness of 100 mg/L. Criteria for each case must be calculated using the following formula: CMC = Criterion Maximum Concentration (acute exposure value): The threshold value at or below which ther should be no unacceptable effects to freshwater aquatic organisms and their uses if the one-hour concentraion does not exceed that CMC value more than once every three years on the average. CMC = exp (ma [in (hardness) + ba) ma Cadmium 1.128 Copper 0.9422 Chromium III 0.819 Lead Nickel 1.273 0.846 Silver 1.72 Zinc 0.8473 ba -3.828 -1.464 3.688 1.46 3.3612 -6.52 0.8604 CCC = Criterion Continuous Concentration (chronic exposure value): The threshold value at or below which there should be no unacceptable effects to freshwater aquatic organisms and their uses if the four-day concentration does not exceed that CCC value more than once every three years on the average. CCC = exp (mc [in (hardness)] + bc) mc Cadmium 0.7852 Copper 0.8545 Chromium III 0.819 Lead Nickel 1.273 0.846 Silver ----- Zinc 0.8473 10 pH dependent criteria: Value given is an example only and is based on a pH of 7.8. Criteria for each case must be calculated using th e following formula: Freshwater aquatic life criteria for pentachlorophenol are expressed as a function of pH. Values displayed in the table correspond to a pH of 7.8 and are calculated as follows: CMC = exp [1.005 (pH) - 4.830] CCC = exp [1.005 (pH) - 5.290] 70 bc -3.49 -1.465 1.561 -4.705 1.1645 ----0.7614 South Dakota Water Quality Standards SOUTH DAKOTA - DRINKING WATER & AQUATIC LIFE Name 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-dichloroethylene 1,2-dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-dichloropropane 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1,2-trans-dichloroethylene 1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,4-dichlorobenzene 2,4,-Trichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2-chloronaphthalate 2-chloronaphthalene 2-chlorophenol 2-chlorophenol 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acrolein Acrylonitrile Alachlor Aldrin Anthracene Antimony Arochlor 1016 (h) (o) Arochlor 1221 (h) (o) Arochlor 1232 (h) (o) Arochlor 1242 (h) (o) Arochlor 1248 (h) (o) Arochlor 1254 (h) (o) Arochlor 1260 (h) (o) Arsenic Asbestos Synonyms 2,4,6-trichlorophenol PCB-1016 PCB 1221 PCB 1232 PCB 1242 PCB 1248 PCB 1254 PCB-1260 71 Unit Human Health Use (a) Uses (b) mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ----0.17 0.6 0.057 2700 0.38 0.52 0.04 700 400 10 400 2.1 93 540 70 0.11 1700 1700 120 120 0.04 1200 ----320 0.059 ----0.00013 9600 14 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.000044 0.018 7000000 ----11 42 3.2 17000 99 39 0.54 ----2600 1700 2600 6.5 790 2300 14000 9.1 4300 4300 400 400 0.077 2700 ----780 0.66 ----0.00014 110000 4300 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.000045 0.14 ----- Aquatic Life Acute CMC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 ------------------------------------360 ----- Chronic CMC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 190 ----- Barium Benzene Name Benzidine Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Beryllium bis(2-chloroethyl) ether bis -chloroisopropyl ether Butyl Benzyl Phthalate Cadmium (c) (d) Carbon tetrachloride Chlordane Chloride (e) Chlorinated Camphene Chlorine (residual) Chromium (d) (f) Chromium (d) (f) Chrysene Copper (d) (g) Cyanide Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (h) Dichloromethane Dieldrin Diethyl phthalate dimethyl phthlate di-n-butyl phthalate Dinitro-o-cresol dioxin Di-sec-octyl Phthalate Endosulfan Endosulfan Endosulfan Sulfate Endrin Endrin Aldehyde Ethyl Benzene Fecal coliform organisms (i) mg/L mg/L Synonyms Unit mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Toxaphene Chromium III Chromium VI Weak Acid Dissociable 4,4'-DDD 4,4'-DDE 4,4'-DDT Methylene Chloride 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol 2,3,7,8-TCDD di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate alpha-Endosulfan beta-Endosulfan Ethylbenzene per 100 mL 72 1 1.2 Human Health Use (a) 0.00012 0.0028 0.0028 0.0028 ----0.0028 ----0.031 1400 3000 ----0.25 0.00057 250:438 0.00073 ------------0.0028 1300 700 0.0028 0.00083 0.00059 0.00059 4.7 0.00014 23000 313000 2700 13.4 0.000000013 1.8 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.76 0.76 3100 5000:20000 ----71 Uses (b) 0.00054 0.031 0.031 0.031 ----0.031 ----1.4 170000 5200 ----4.4 0.00059 ----0.00075 ------------0.031 ----220000 0.031 0.00084 0.00059 0.00059 1600 0.00014 120000 29000000 12000 765 0.000000014 5.9 2 2 2 0.81 0.81 29000 ----- --------Aquatic Life Acute CMC ----------------------------------------3.7 ----2.4 ----0.73 19 550 15 ----17 22 ------------1.1 ----2.5 ------------------------0.22 0.22 ----0.18 ------------- --------Chronic CMC ----------------------------------------1 ----0.0043 ----0.0002 11 180 10 ----11 5.2 ------------0.001 ----0.0019 ------------------------0.056 0.056 ----0.0023 ------------- Fluoranthene Fluorene Fluoride Name Heptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclohexane-alpha Hexachlorocyclohexane-beta Hexachlorocyclohexane-gamma Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachloroethane Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isophorone Lead (d) (j) Mercury (k) Methyl Bromide (HM) Methyl Choride (HM) Nickel (d) (l) Nitro-Benzene Nitrogen N-Nitrosodimethylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine N-Nitrosodipropylamine Oil Pentachloro-phenol (m) (n) pH Phenanthrene Phenol Phenyl Chloride Pyrene Selenium (h) Silver (d) (p) Sulphate Tetrachloroethylene Thallium Toluene total dissolved solids Trichloroethylene Trihalomethanes Trihalomethanes Trihalomethanes mg/L mg/L mg/L Synonyms Unit mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane Nitrate Pentachlorophenol Chlorobenzene 1,1,2-trichloroethylene Bromoform Chlorodibromomethane Chloroform 73 300 1300 4 Human Health Use (a) 0.00021 0.0001 0.00075 0.44 0.0039 0.0014 0.019 240 1.9 0.0028 8.4 ----0.14 48 ----610 17 10 0.00069 5 0.005 1 0.28 6.5-9.0 ----21000 680 960 --------500:875 0.8 1.7 6800 1000:1750 2.7 4.3 0.41 5.7 370 14000 ----Uses (b) 0.00021 0.00011 0.00077 50 0.13 0.46 0.063 17000 8.9 0.0311 600 ----0.15 4000 ----4600 1900 ----8.1 16 1.4 ----8.2 --------4600000 21000 11000 ------------8.5 6.3 200000 ----81 360 34 470 ------------Aquatic Life Acute CMC 0.52 0.52 ----------------2 ----------------65 2.1 --------1400 ------------------------20 --------------------20 3.4 ------------------------------------- ------------Chronic CMC 0.0038 0.0038 ----------------0.08 ----------------2.5 0.012 --------160 ------------------------13 --------------------5 ----------------------------------------- Trihalomethanes Vinyl Chloride Zinc (d) (q) Dichlorobromomethane mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.27 2 ----- 22 525 ----- --------110 --------100 NOTES The aquatic life values for arsenic, cadmium, chromium (III), chromium (VI), copper, lead, mercury (acute), nickel, selenium, silver and zinc given in this document refer to the dissolved amount of each substance unless otherwise noted. All surface water discharge permit effluent limits for metals shall be expressed and measured in accordance with 74:52:03:16 a b Drinking Water - Use C lass 1 - based on two routes of exposure - ingestion of contaminated aquatic organisms and drinking water Drinking Water - Use Classes 2 through 6 - based on one route of exposure - ingestion of aquatic organisms only c Cadmium, ug/L: chronic=(*0.909)e(o.7852[in(hardness)]-3.490); Acute=(*0.944)e(1.128[in(hardness)]-3.828) d hardness-dependent criteria in ug/L. Value given is an example only and is based on a CaCO3 hardness of 100 mg/L. Criteria for each case must be calculated using the following e quations taken from Quality Criteria for Water 1986 (Gold Book): e 30 day average: daily maximum f Chromium (III), ug/L: chronic=(0.860)e(0.8190[in(hardness)]+1.561); Acute=(0.316)e(0.8190[in(hardness)]+3.688) g Copper, ug/L: chronic=(0.960)e(0.8545[in(hardness)]-1.465); Acute=(0.960)e(0.9422[in(hardness)]-1.460) h i also applies to all waters of the state j Lead, ug/L: chronic=(*0.791)e(1.273[in(hardness)]-4.705); Acute=(*0.791)e(1.273[in(hardness)]-1.460) k l these criteria are based on the total-recoverable fraction of the metal Nickel, ug/L: chronic=(0.997)e(0.8460[in(hardness)]+1.1645); Acute=(0.998)e(0.8460[in(hardness)]+3.3612) m n o geometric mean of a minimu of 5 samples during separate 24-hour periods for a 30-day period and may not exceed this value in more than 20 percent of the samples examined in the same 30-day period: in any one sample pH-dependent criteria in ug/L. Value given is an example only and is based on a pH of 7.8. Criteria in each case must be calculated using the following equation taken from Quality Criteria for Water 1986 (Gold Book): Pentachlorophenol (PCP) ug/L: chronic = e[1.005(pH) - 5.290]; acute = e[1.005(pH) - 4.830]. Apply to the beneficial uses as designated but do not supersede those standards for certain toxic pollutants as previously established in 74:51:01:31, 74:51:01:44 to 74:51:01:54, inclusive and 74:51:01:56 and 74:51:01:57. p Silver, ug/L: Acute=(0.85)e(1.72[in(hardness)]-6.52) q Zinc, ug/L: chronic=(0.986)e(0.8473[in(hardness)]+0.7614); Acute=(0.978)e(0.8473[in(hardness)]+0.8604) 74 APPENDIX B - MANITOBA WATER QUALITY INDEX 75 Appendix B - Manitoba Water Quality Index Concern over waster quality is a growing public issue in Manitoba. Previous State of the Environment Reports for Manitoba have identified many water quality concerns. As development expands and technologies advance, so too does the potential for pollution of our water resources. Despite Manitoba's good record of water quality management, there are regions where quality is deteriorating or threatened. Even in areas with sufficient water, the quality can vary which affects its use and value as a resource. Typically, water quality is assessed by measuring a large number of variables including: • various types of bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli) • plant nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) • major ions (e.g., sodium and chloride) • trace elements (e.g., arsenic and zinc) • industrial organic chemicals • agricultural pesticides About 70 variables are analysed in most samples collected during routine water quality monitoring in Manitoba. All variables need to be examined individually: • to compare with water quality guidelines established by the province • to assess changes between upstream and downstream locations • to identify changes that may be occurring over time • to develop focused maintenance, protection or enhancement programs Developing a Water Quality Index Describing water quality conditions in simple terms is difficult because of the complexity associated with so many variables. Some jurisdictions have attempted to develop water quality indices to overcome this problem. In 1995, the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks developed a Water Quality Index that shows great promise for use in other Canadian jurisdictions. This index has been adapted for use in Manitoba. The index may undergo modifications in the future as all Canadian jurisdictions work to reach consensus on a single national Water Quality Index. This index mathematically incorporates information on water quality from three factors: 76 • the number of water quality variables for which objectives or guidelines are not met • the percentage of time they are not met • the magnitude of exceedances The basic premise of the index is that water quality is excellent when all guidelines or objectives are met virtually all of the time. With each failure to meet an objective, water quality becomes progressively poorer. The resulting index should be useful for tracking water quality changes. Also, it conveys complex scientific information in terms that are easily understood. Water Quality Index Twenty-five variables were selected for use in Manitoba's Water Quality Index. Water quality objectives or guidelines have been set for these variables that include bacteria, dissolved minerals, suspended sediments, plant nutrients related to eutrophication, toxic materials, trace metals and agricultural chemicals. National water quality guidelines and Manitoba-specific water quality objectives were used to calculate the index. Not all variables were measured in all ecozones. For example, some materials such as agricultural pesticides commonly used in southern Manitoba, are not measured routinely in northern ecozones. Differences in the number of variables measured among ecozones do not affect the Water Quality Index. However, index ratings may appear to vary more from year to year when fewer water quality variables are used and when fewer samples are collected. Water quality data were used from sampling sites located within the five major ecozones. Information is presented for the Prairie ecozone, Boreal Shield, Boreal Plains, Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains. Manitoba Water Quality Index Score Human activity that affects the land will ultimately affect water bodies. Water provides habitat for aquatic organisms from algae and bacteria to fish and wildlife. Agricultural uses, such as irrigation and livestock watering, are also prominent. Other uses include recreation and human consumption. Most communities in the Prairie ecozone are connected to municipal water systems while most homesteads rely on their own water supply, mainly private wells. A considerable number of Manitobans, unless they use sophisticated water purifiers, are affected directly by water quality change. Water used for watering livestock is usually not purified; therefore, the animals are affected directly as well. The Prairie ecozone extends across the Prairie Provinces and into the midwestern United States. Within Manitoba, the Prairie ecozone covers 74,000 square kilometres (12% of the province), making it one of the smaller of the province's six ecozones. Located in the southern part of the province, this ecozone extends from the Saskatchewan border to the Red River Valley. As of the 1991 census, 944,552 people live in Manitoba's Prairie ecozone, including the 616,790 people who live in Winnipeg. If the city's population is excluded, approximately 27% of the province's total population of 1.1 million people live within the ecozone. This ecozone is unique in that the original prairie ecosystem has virtually vanished. The prairie ecosystem 77 today is an ecosystem reconstructed by human activity. Fertile soils that once sustained vast, mixed grassland and tall-grass prairie now support a three billion dollar agricultural industry, one of the province's most vial economic sectors. Human activity that affects the land will ultimately affect water bodies. Water provides habitat for a wide-range of organisms, from algae and bacteria to fish and wildlife. Agricultural uses, irrigation and livestock watering in particular, are very prominent in the Prairie ecozone. Other uses include recreation and drinking water. Most communities in the Prairie ecozone are connected to municipal water systems while most homesteads rely on their own water supply, mainly private wells. A considerable number of Manitobans, unless they use sophisticated water purifiers, are affected directly by water quality change. Water used for watering livestock is usually not purified; therefore, the animals are affected directly as well. 78 Manitoba Water Quality Index Ranks 1991 33 33 41 28 29 32 28 27 41 34 33 31 29 31 16 23 Assiniboine River downstream of Portage la Prairie Assiniboine River upstream of Brandon Assiniboine River upstream of Portage la Prairie Assiniboine River at Headingley Boyne River near Carman La Salle River near St. Norbert Little Saskatchewan River near Rivers Rat River near Otterburne Red River downstream of Winnipeg Red River upstream of Winnipeg Roseau River upstream of Winnipeg Seine River upstream of Winnipeg Souris River near Treesbank Turtle River near Ste. Rose du Lac Valley River north of Dauphin Whitemud River at Westburne 1992 36 32 36 28 33 37 23 28 41 31 27 30 34 32 16 17 1993 34 34 35 35 26 36 22 34 39 35 32 36 30 25 24 25 1994 32 32 31 37 31 34 26 33 34 30 35 39 34 28 27 30 1995 36 32 33 41 30 35 27 28 36 30 24 37 36 28 25 27 Water Quality Ranks: Excellent (0-3), Good (4-17), Fair (18-43), Marginal (44-59), Poor (60-100) Source: Manitoba Environment Overall water quality is fair and has shown little change across the Prairie ecozone from 1991 to 1995. Water quality reflects agricultural activities, natural sediment load carried by prairie rivers and streams, and seasonal variation of prairie rivers. On occasion, the herbicide dicamba exceeds the guidelines for irrigation at every sampling location in the Prairie ecozone. Exceedances are most frequent at the Red River north of Winnipeg and in the La Salle River. Guidelines or objectives for the Red River downstream of Winnipeg were exceeded on occasion, for almost all substances analysed over the five-year period. As a result, the WQI for the Red River downstream of Winnipeg is consistently at the high end of the "fair" rating and is of slightly poorer quality than the Red River upstream of Winnipeg. The WQI for the Assiniboine River at Headingley increases steadily each year within the "fair" rating, indicating a possible trend. However, levels of aluminum, iron and manganese - which have exceeded water quality guidelines and objectives consistently - are available for only the last three years. The WQI at this location may, in fact, be relatively constant over this period. Periodically, fecal coliform levels higher than the water quality objective appear at each monitoring location in the ecozone. They occur more frequently in the Red River downstream of Winnipeg where 67 percent of all measurements exceed the guidelines. Fecal coliform densities reflect the impact of population centres and agricultural activities near water-courses. Several herbicides evaluated were found to exceed the water quality guidelines in the ecozone. They include the herbic ides dicamba, MCPA, bromoxynil, simazine, and trifluralin. Dicamba exceeded the 79 guidelines at every location sampled, while MCPA exceeded guidelines at approximately half the locations sampled. The presence of a variety of herbicides in the watercourses reflects the high degree of agricultural activity in the Prairie ecozone. Implications For Sustainable Development Conventional agriculture on the Prairies today necessitates the use of various production-enhancing chemicals; fertilizers and pesticides serve to make farming an economically viable lifestyle choice for many families in the ecozone. Above certain concentrations, however, many of these products may have harmful effects on the land, water, wildlife and humans. Given that most prairie farmers live on or near the land they farm, it is reasonable to assume that they strive to use farm chemicals wisely. However, much research continues to be devoted to the assessment of chemical use over the long-term. There is currently no information available on the quantity of pesticides used in the ecozone. To maintain and protect water quality, Manitoba works cooperatively with upstream jurisdictions through various forums such as the Prairie Provinces Water Board and the International Joint Commission. 80 APPENDIX C - UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 305(B) REPORTS 81 Appendix C - United States Environmental Protection Agency 305(b) Reports Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act requires that states evaluate the extent to which their state waters meet water quality standards and achieve the fishable and swimmable goals of the Act. This section calls for states to report the results to EPA every 2 years. The States, designated beneficial uses. They determine designated use support by comparing water quality data to the narrative and numeric criteria developed to ensure use support. 82 Minnesota 305(b) 1998 Report Summary Surface Water Quality As part of its basin management approach, Minnesota reported on three basins for the state’s 1998 305(b) report—the Upper Mississippi, Lower Mississippi, and St. Croix River basins. More than 50 percent of the state-assessed river miles have good quality that fully supports aquatic life uses, and 26 percent of the state-assessed rivers and over 67 percent of the state-assessed lake acres fully support swimming. The most common problems identified in rivers are bacteria, turbidity, nutrients, siltation, and dissolved oxygen. Nonpoint sources generate most of the pollution in rivers. Minnesota’s 272 miles of Lake Superior shoreline have fish consumption advisories. These advisories recommend some limits on fish meals consumed for certain species and size classes. Most of the pollution originated from point sources has been controlled, but runoff (especially in agricultural regions) still degrades water quality. Ground Water Quality Ground water supplies the drinking water needs of 70 percent of Minnesota’s population. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) Ground Water Monitoring and Assessment Program evaluates the quality of ground water. The program published several major reports in 1998, including statewide assessments of 100+ ground water constituents and of nitrates specifically. The program has now shifted emphasis to problem investigation and effectiveness monitoring, at local and small-regional scales. Programs to Restore Water Quality Basin Information Documents (BIDs) will include the 305b water-body assessments as well as information on a wide variety of water resource issues and subjects. The BIDs will also include GIS maps depicting the locations of permitted feedlots in the state system and relative numbers of animal units per feedlot by major watershed. Based on the BIDs, teams will target specific waterbodies and watersheds for protection, restoration, or monitoring. Specific strategies will be spelled out. Programs to Assess Water Quality In the 1998 assessments, in addition to monitoring data collected by MPCA, data from the Metropolitan Council, U.S. Geological Survey, Long-Term Resource Monitoring Project, Mississippi Headwaters Board, local Clean Water Partnership projects, and Hennepin County were used. Minnesota maintains an Ambient Stream Monitoring Program with 82 sampling stations, and approximately 40 sites are visited each year. The state also performs fish tissue sampling, sediment monitoring, intensive surveys, and lake assessments and supports a citizen lake monitoring program. In 1996, Minnesota piloted a statistically based water-quality monitoring program in the St. Croix River basin. The program used multiple indicators to evaluate resource quality including fish and macroinvertebrate community structure, habitat, flow, and basic water chemistry. Additional sites provided the data to develop regional biocriteria. The state is developing biological assessment methods and criteria for depressional and riparian wetlands. A pilot effort is underway to develop a citizen wetland assessment program in cooperation with selected local governments. The MPCA continues to be involved with field investigations into the cause of frog malformities. Partnerships with the National Institute of Environmental Health and the USGS Water Resources Division and Biological Resources Division have been particularly useful in carrying out teratogenic assays, histopathological studies, and water flow patterns at study sites. 83 North Dakota 305(b) 1998 Report Summary Surface Water Quality North Dakota reports that 71 percent of its assessed rivers and streams have good water quality that fully supports aquatic life uses now, but good conditions are threatened in most of these streams. Sixtyseven percent of the assessed streams fully support swimming. Siltation, nutrients, pathogens, oxygendepleting wastes, and habitat alterations impair aquatic life use support in 29 percent of the surveyed rivers and impair swimming in over 32 percent of the surveyed rivers. The leading sources of contamination are agriculture, drainage, and filling of wetlands, hydromodification, and upstream impoundments. Natural conditions, such as low flows caused by water regulation, also contribute to aquatic life use impairment. In lakes, 96 percent of the surveyed acres have good water quality that fully supports aquatic life uses, and 85 percent of the surveyed acres fully support swimming. Siltation, nutrients, metals, and oxygen-depleting substances are the most widespread pollutants in North Dakota’s lakes. The leading sources of pollution in lakes are agricultural activities (including nonirrigated crop production, pasture land, and confined animal operations), urban runoff/storm sewers, hydromodification, and habitat modification. Natural conditions also prevent some waters from fully supporting designated uses. Ground Water Quality North Dakota has not identified widespread ground water contamination, although some naturally occurring compounds may make the quality of ground water undesirable in a few aquifers. Where humaninduced ground water contamination has occurred, the impacts have been attributed primarily to petroleum storage facilities, agricultural storage facilities, feedlots, poorly designed wells, abandoned wells, wastewater treatment lagoons, landfills, septic systems, and the underground injection of waste. Assessment and protection of ground water continue through ambient ground water quality monitoring activities, the implementation of wellhead protection projects, the Comprehensive Ground Water Protection Program, and the development of a State Management Plan for Pesticides. Programs to Restore Water Quality North Dakota’s Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program has provided financial support to 50 projects since 1990. Although the size, type, and target audience of these proje cts vary, the projects share the same basic goals: (1) increase public awareness of non-point source pollution, (2) reduce or prevent the delivery of NPS pollutants to waters of the state, and (3) disseminate information on effective solutions to NPS pollution. Programs to Assess Water Quality The North Dakota Department of Health monitors physical and chemical parameters (such as dissolved oxygen, pH, total dissolved solids, nutrients, and toxic metals), toxic contaminants in fish, whole effluent toxicity, and fish and macroinvertebrate community structure. North Dakota’s ambient water quality monitoring network consists of 27 sampling sites on 24 rivers and streams. The Department’s biological assessment program has grown since 1993. Currently, biosurveys are conducted at approximately 50 sites each year. North Dakota is developing biological assessment methods and criteria for depressional and riparian wetlands. 84 South Dakota Water 305(b) 1998 Report Summary Surface Water Quality Thirty-six percent of South Dakota’s assessed rivers and streams fully support aquatic life uses and 37 percent of the assessed rivers also support swimming. The most common pollutants impacting South Dakota streams are suspended solids due to water erosion from crop-lands, gully erosion from range-lands, streambank erosion, and other natural forms of erosion. Other impacts to streams were due to elevated total dissolved solids, low dissolved oxygen, elevated pH, and water temperature. Sixteen percent of South Dakota’s assessed lake acres fully support aquatic life uses and 99 percent of the assessed lake acres fully support swimming. The most common pollutants are nutrients and siltation from agricultural runoff and other non-point sources that produce dense algal blooms in many of the State’s lakes. The high water conditions that prevailed in South Dakota for most of this reporting period and last greatly increased watershed erosion and sedimentation in lakes and streams. Suspended solids criteria were severely violated in many rivers and streams, and there was an increase in the incidence of fecal coliform bacteria in swimming areas at lakes. However, water quality improved in some lakes that experienced low water levels during the late 1980s, and high flows diluted bacteria in some rivers and streams. South Dakota did not report on the condition of wetlands. Ground Water Quality More than three-quarters of South Dakota’s population use ground water for domestic needs. General ground water quality is good, with only a few aquifers having naturally occurring contamination. Deeper aquifers generally have poorer water quality than shallow aquifers but are also generally less susceptible to pollution. The most significant ground water quality problems in South Dakota are humaninduced ground water degradation from petroleum, nitrate, and other chemicals through accidental releases and product mishandling, poor management practices, improper locating of pollutant-producing facilities, and contamination of shallow wells due to poor construction or location adjacent to pollutant sources. Programs to Restore Water Quality South Dakota regulates point sources through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. As part of the State’s point source program, South Dakota regulates concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). The state offers two general permits, one for concentrated swine operations and one for other CAFOs. South Dakota relies primarily on voluntary implementation of best management practices to control non-point source pollution. However, the State acknowledges that the technical and financial assistance currently available is not sufficient to solve all the NPS problems in the state. Other solutions may be explored, including enforcement to increase compliance with state and federal requirements. Programs to Assess Water Quality South Dakota conducts ambient water quality monitoring at established stations, special intensive surveys, intensive fish surveys, TMDL wasteload allocation surveys, and individual non-point source projects. Biological sampling is also conducted for special studies and diagnostic/feasibility studies. The U.S. Geological Survey, Corps of Engineers, and U.S. Forest Service also conduct routine monitoring 85 throughout the State. Water samples are analyzed for chemical, physical, biological, and bacteriological parameters. 86