When you want to reach the largest, most affluent households in the suburban area surrounding Buffalo THERE’S ONLY ONE PLACE TO TURN... MEDIAN AGES ADULTS BY GENDER 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 st r he Am da ce n re a Cl n wa na o /T e or a g wa o kt ee Ch ca w e ep D r/ te as c an Number of Adult Males & Females in Bee Distribution Areas tS es W Or d ar ch L nm Ke ra k e en r Pa NUMBER OF PEOPLE AGE Median Age 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0,000 o ur Am Ea lar C nm / re k ee Ch L Males 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 0 a t rk ora rs nce nd aga ew eca he lare wa tow Dep Sen d Pa Aur m a r k t C n a st A r/ To hee aste Wes rch Ea C nc O e/ r o La Population nm Ke Source: TOWNSHIPS % OF FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS 120,000 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% t a a w rk rora pe enec Pa e d Au r /D st S Am C ek on ha East er e e t c T s r h W a C O e/ nc or La m % Of Family Households n Ke Source: TOWNSHIPS rs he lar ce en nd a aw a ag w to EDUCATION COST OF LIVING INDEX Education Levels in Bee Distribution Areas 100 = U.S. Average 100% 80% Graduate or Professional Degree 70% Bachelor Degree % COMPLETED 90% st r he Am ar Cl ce en or m en da o /T e an w na ew a ow t ek e Ch ga te as c n La ep D r/ ca es W rk ne e tS d ar h c Or Pa ur a or High School 50% 40% 30% Source: 10% Ea TOWNSHIPS 60% 20% A st K 0% a w ca rk ga da or pe ne Pa an owa ur t De t Se rd st A aw k / a n ee ster Wes ch To Ea a Or Ch e/ nc or a m L n rst he Am Cost of Living Index Source: ar Cl ce en Ke TOWNSHIPS INCOME LEVELS FAMILIES Average Household Income $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 a t rk ora rs nce nd aga ew eca he lare wa tow Dep Sen d Pa Aur m a r k t C n a st A r/ To hee aste Wes rch Ea C nc O e/ r o La Income nm Ke Source: TOWNSHIPS Family Size NUMBER OF PEOPLE PER HOUSEHOLD $120,000 0 Source: HOUSEHOLDS 20,000 INCOME ter as c an a w rk rora pe enec Pa u d tA t S har as es c E r Females W O e /D % Of Households with Families 140,000 POPULATION ag w to TOWNSHIPS POPULATION INDEX n To a nd a aw Ke Population in Bee Distribution Areas 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 a ce en o Median Age Source: TOWNSHIPS t rs he A st 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 t Am ce a a a w rk rora ag pe enec Pa ow /De d Au S r C st on ha East er e e t c T s r h W a C O e/ nc or La m n Family Size Ke TOWNSHIPS Source: rs he lar en nd a aw t ek BUYING POWER The Bee Newspapers encompass nine local weekly newspapers mailed to paid subscribers and requester copies picked up from selected businesses and news boxes. Our customers have grown up reading Bee newspapers. Our papers have been a part of their life, having been in business for 130 years. All Bee Newspapers are in the suburban areas surrounding Buffalo, N.Y. The Bee concentrates on highincome, college-educated, community-involved residents in our affluent suburban marketplace. Every week, more than 168,000 people read a Bee newspaper. Our readers are interested in their schools, government and most of all the quality of life that they have grown to expect from their communities. We deliver this information to readers in a manner that explains how changes will affect them, their family and their lifestyle. Our readers have also learned to trust our newspapers, and they know businesses that advertise in The Bee can be trusted and are reliable. If you wish to reach upscale readers in Western New York, your message should be in The Bee. If you would like to see a copy of any Bee newspaper, its great process color and professional editorial stories, just give us a call or send an e-mail. W.N.Y.’s Leading Suburban Newspapers For further information please contact the Advertising Department by e-mail at: [email protected] 716/632-4700 DEMOGRAPHICS FOR YOUR MARKET CUSTOMERS Demographics with CAPTURE THE SUBURBAN W.N.Y. MARKET NIAGARA FALLS WHEATFIELD LOCKPORT PENDLETON ROYALTON NEWSTEAD GRAND ISLAND AMHERST CLARENCE KENMORE AKRON WILLIAMSVILLE TONAWANDA BUFFALO CHEEKTOWAGA ONTARIO CANADA LANCASTER DEPEW WEST SENECA LAKE ERIE ALDEN Village of LANCASTER ELMA LACKAWANNA HAMBURG EVANS EDEN ORCHARD PARK BOSTON MARILLA EAST AURORA AURORA WALES COLDEN 5564 Main Street , Buffalo, NY 14221-5410 Amherst Bee • Clarence Bee • Ken-Ton Bee • Lancaster Bee • Depew Bee Cheektowaga Bee • West Seneca Bee • Orchard Park Bee • East Aurora Bee March 2009 For further information please contact the Advertising Department by e-mail at: [email protected] or call 716/632-4700
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