The Hunger Project


The Hunger Project
Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to The Hunger Project’s Annual Gala: The Power of One,
the Strength of Many. Today we celebrate our individual commitments and collective power
to end hunger.
We are honored to join together tonight with an inspiring group of speakers whose individual
commitments to The Hunger Project over the years, along with your own, have had an
amazing impact on the lives of people around the world – people working at this very
moment to bring themselves out of conditions of hunger and poverty.
Our experience has shown us that the leadership of women and men in the developing world
and the partnership of investors and activists can thoroughly and sustainably bring about
change. We now have an opportunity to build on the strategic thinking and actions which
have brought illiteracy, hunger, maternal mortality and other seemingly insurmountable
injustices to record lows.
You have been integral in bringing us to this moment.
Tonight we have the opportunity to recommit our undeniable personal power and impressive
collective strength to complete our mission to empower our village partners and end hunger
on the planet we share.
From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the millions who are engaging with The
Hunger Project’s programs, thank you for your solidarity.
Warm regards,
Mary Ellen McNish
President & CEO
The Hunger Project
First Course
Judith Light
Actress and Activist
Mary Ellen McNish
H.E. President Joyce Banda
President & CEO, The Hunger Project
President of the Republic of Malawi
1997 Africa Prize Laureate
Main Course
Dionne Warwick
Singer and UN Global Ambassador for FAO
Valerie Harper
Actress and Philanthropist
Karen Herman
Founding President
Women’s Foundation of Greater Kansas
Kansas City Central Exchange
Woman of the Year, 1994
Hunger Project Volunteer Community Organizer
and Investor since 1983
African dance by Funmilayo Chesney
of the FushaDance Company
DJ Vikas Sapra
Percussionist Vincent LaRusso
Entertainment provided by
Manish Kataria of Dhol Player Entertainment
Please join us tomorrow!
The Hunger Project:
Global Leadership in Action
Interactive session with Board Members,
staff and volunteers
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Eventi Hotel
Ventana Ballroom (third floor)
851 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY
Mary Ellen McNish joined THP as President and CEO in September 2010, after serving ten
years as General Secretary, the executive head, of the American Friends Service Committee
(AFSC). Mary Ellen has more than 40 years of progressive leadership experience in non-profit
business settings, including as Executive Director of Development at Weill Medical College
of Cornell University and New York Presbyterian Hospital, and Executive Vice President
of Planned Parenthood of Maryland. She has a B.S. in Education from East Stroudsburg
University and an M.S. in Business from Johns Hopkins University.
Judith Light is an award-winning actress known for her impressive body of both television and
theatrical work and, among other awards, has been recognized with two Emmys, two consecutive
Tony Awards and an additional nomination, and two consecutive Drama Desk awards.
She has been an activist for many causes, especially fighting the AIDS pandemic and championing
equal rights. Judith is a valued part of a variety of organizations including BC/EFA, the Point
Foundation, The Names Project, and many others. She has been a supporter of The Hunger
Project since its inception.
Dionne Warwick’s career has spanned over 50 years and more than 100 million records
sold, establishing her as an undeniable musical legend. Dionne supports a number of causes
and charities near to her heart, including AIDS, The Starlight Foundation, children’s hospitals,
world hunger, disaster relief and music education. She is also Goodwill Ambassador for
The UN Food and Agricultural Organization. In 2010, Dionne Warwick partnered with The
Hunger Project-UK to launch the inaugural World Hunger Day with worldwide success.
Tonight we celebrate the World Hunger Day anthem created in partnership with Dionne:
One World One Song.
Valerie Harper is an award-winning actress honored with four Emmys, a Golden Globe and
countless other accolades. Valerie first won America’s heart on The Mary Tyler Moore Show
in the 1970s and has dazzled on Broadway and screen ever since. She is a long-time Hunger
Project supporter and, in early 2013, soon after Valerie was diagnosed with cancer, fellow
members of The Hunger Project family rallied together to start the Valerie Harper Women
Leaders Fund – a five year commitment that we are honored to recognize with her at this
year’s Fall Gala.
Her Excellency, Dr. Joyce Banda is President of the Republic of
Malawi. She took her oath of office on April 7, 2012 after serving as
Vice President of Malawi for three years. Dr. Banda is Malawi’s first
female President and Africa’s second female Head of State.
President Banda’s driving vision is to eradicate poverty in Malawi
through economic growth and wealth creation. Specifically she has
prioritized programs to assist women and youth in gaining social and
political empowerment through entrepreneurship and education.
Among her first initiatives as President, Dr. Banda established both
the Presidential Initiative on Poverty and Hunger Reduction and the
Presidential Initiative on Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood.
Prior to her election to the office of the President, President Banda
served as Minister of Gender, Child Welfare and Community Services
and as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation –
roles in which she spearheaded zero tolerance campaigns on child
abuse and human trafficking with initiatives such as the introduction
of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Bill in 2007.
President Banda has a 30-year history of commitment to Malawi’s
development and to improving the quality of life for hundreds of
thousands of women by empowering them to become economically
self-reliant. For this devotion and for her role as founder of, among
dozens of other programs, the National Association of Business
Women (NABW), The Hunger Project was honored to recognize
President Banda with the 1997 Africa Prize for Leadership for the
Sustainable End of Hunger.
President Banda is married to and accompanied this evening by
Chief Justice Richard Banda SC.
The Hunger Project is proud to welcome President Banda back to
the Annual Fall Gala as the 2013 Keynote Speaker.
2013 Challenge Match
We are announcing tonight a special 2013 Challenge Match campaign. The following individuals and organizations have committed
to a front-end pool of funds that will match — dollar-for-dollar — each and every new pledge or investment for calendar year 2013
made this evening and continuing until the end of 2013, or until we’ve met our match — whichever comes first!
John and Joan Casey
Alice and Chris Dorrance
Laurel Dutcher and Charles Deull
e-Cycle LLC
Gap International
Karen Herman
The Hershey Family Foundation
Lucinda Jewell
Brenda and Steven Sherwood
William C. and Nancy Stanback
Valerie Harper Women Leaders Fund
Launched in May 2013 with a circle of 15 or so ‘friends of Valerie,’ the Valerie Harper Women Leaders Fund has grown to more
than 90 people who love Valerie and share her commitment to a world free from hunger. The Fund will be used over the next
five years to empower women through The Hunger Project.
Earl Babbie
Bill Lamond
Supriya Banavalikar
Laurel Dutcher and Charlie, Benjamin
and Joshua Deull
Joan and Robin Bordow
George Elkins and Vincent Tjhia
Marty Leaf
Elizabeth Brown
Barbara (Simon) Friden
Tom Lemons
Ross Brown
Dwight and Suzanne Frindt
Jack Lengyel Consulting LLC
Richard and Linda Buchheim
Michael Garvey
Judith Light and Robert Desiderio
Andee Burrell
David Goldsmith
Abby Mason
Molly Byock
Jim Goodman
Mary Ellen McNish
Marguerite Chandler
Yasmin Goodman
Miroslav Minich
Carol and John Coonrod
Barbara Goodson
Laura Owen
Marty Corley
Herb Hamsher
Randy Park
Julia Dederer
Larry and Mary Ann Heeren
Deborah Pearl
Betsy Deisroth
Karen and Michael Herman
Claire Roth
Diane, Ellis and Elizabeth Deull
Joan Holmes
Joanna and Julian Ryder
Jonathan Deull and Sheryl Sturges
Pat and Bob Hughes
Helen Samett
Norma Deull
Merel Julia
Victoria and Roger Sant
Phyllis Dubrow
Fred Kalmus
Art and Janet Schreiber
Mary Layman
Arthur Seidelman
Peggi Sturm
Barbara and Jim Whitton
Marcia Seligson and Tom Drucker
Lee Traband
Helaine Witt
Brenda and Steven Sherwood
Lynne and Bill Twist
Nick Wolfson
Ken Smith
John and Elizabeth van Merkensteijn
Susan Wright
Jan and Harold Solomon
Greg Votaw
Jade Young
Cynthia Stefenoni
Ian and Victoria Watson
Faith Strong
George Weiss and Nancy Chandler
Unleashed Women Leaders Initiative
In March 2011, the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day, THP launched the Unleashed Women Leaders Initiative
— a multi-year funding initiative ($10,000+ each year over three years) to focus our attention and resources on the fact that
empowering women’s leadership is the key to ending hunger. We are pleased to acknowledge the members of this initiative.
ACME Foundation, Australia
John Akehurst, Australia
Patty Akopiantz, Australia
Melissa and Gregory Alcorn, US
Victoria Alexander, Australia
Auslaser Business Solutions,
Judy Avisar, Australia
Al Berkowitz, US
BHP Billiton Matched Giving
Program, Australia
Alex Birrell, Australia
Anne Whitton Bolyea, US
Michelle Bonnet-Horton, Australia
Katie Booth, Australia
Symon Brewis-Weston, Australia
Cathy Burke, Australia
Francis Burke, Australia
Andee Burrell, US
Kim Chen, Australia
Nancy Chernett and Dan Sutton, US
Christie Clements-Shepherd,
Julie Coates, Australia
Christina Cox, Australia
Natalie Davis, Australia
Alice and Chris Dorrance, US
Athena Doumas, Australia
Kathryn Fagg, Australia
Jillian Formentin, Australia
Fortitude Foundation, Australia
Tracie Gollan, Australia
Gonski Foundation, Australia
Diane Grady, Australia
Deva Grant, Australia
Ivan Halbert, Australia
Steve Harker, Australia
Karen and Michael Herman, US
Karen and Bayard Hollins, US
Joan Holmes, US
Eve Howell, Australia
Paul Hrabal, US
Susie Huang, Australia
Emma Isaacs, Australia
Uday Jhunjhunwala, US
Katherine Juda and Paul Marcus, US
Kerry Jukes, Australia
Kaprex Foundation, Australia
Helen J. Kessler, US
Tom Lemons, US
Faye Longmuir, Australia
Macquarie Group Foundation,
Shirley Mantfeld, Australia
Barbara and Tony Mayer, US
Lesley McLennan, Australia
Chanelle Moltoni, Australia
Griff Morris, Australia
Janet Morrison, Australia
Suzanne Musikantow, US
Karen O’Donahoo, Australia
Jeana L. Petersen, US
Pam Petersen and David Tschilar, US
Emma Petherick, Australia
Anne Polino, Australia
Deborah Protter, Australia
Samreen Rahman, Australia
Cathie Reid, Australia
Elizabeth Sanderson, Australia
Hunger Project Global Board
Member, Sheree Stomberg
Sheree Stomberg, Managing Director at Citigroup,
has been an active board member of The Hunger
Project since 2008. She began her journey to the
organization after an eye-opening business trip in
India that took her through the slums of Mumbai and
brought her face-to-face with the injustices of hunger
and poverty. At that moment, Sheree committed to
educating herself and those around her about the
type of suffering she saw in India and that she knew
was prevalent the world over.
Sheree has since redoubled her commitment to
ending hunger and poverty by mobilizing people
and resources as an invaluable leader in The
Hunger Project. Sheree has launched a number
of strategic initiatives to expand awareness and
financial contributions from both individuals and
corporations and continues to innovate for the
end of hunger each and every day.
Employees at Citi
Citi employees around the world, supported by a core group of leaders at
Citigroup in New York City, joined together in 2013 for a virtual event to
walk, run or bike to raise significant funds for Hunger Project programs.
With a virtual event, participants raise funds to end hunger and poverty
but, instead of participating in a one-day event, they choose when and
where to complete their kilometers over a set period of time. This type of
event enables people from around the globe to participate.
People from Singapore to London and beyond have committed to this
initiative and, collectively, raised nearly $100,000 for The Hunger Project
to invest where it’s needed most: in the villages of Africa, South Asia
and Latin America.
Pictured: The Singapore TTS Technology staff and families cycled a 10.6 km
beach trail to build teamwork and raise awareness and funds for The Hunger
Project. More individual stories of their efforts can be found on The Hunger
Project’s blog at
Vicki Seelig, US
Shift Enterprises, Australia
MJ Shurey, Australia
Elizabeth Sigston, Australia
Alan and Leza Silverstein, US
Samantha Sinclair, Australia
Debra Singh, Australia
Sirium Pty Ltd, Australia
Janette Smyth, Australia
Erica Stevenson, Australia
Dorothy and Wayne Stingley, US
Sunergos LLC, US
The Thanksgiving Fund, US
Gaby Tomkin, Australia
Jane and Chris Trevey, US
Ailan Tran, Australia
Alison Watkins, Australia
Lloyd and Sharon Wentworth, US
Epicenter Underwriters
$2,500,000 over five years
The Katakle Group, The Netherlands
$1,800,000 over three years
Robertson Foundation, US
$1,200,000 over six years
African Village Foundation, The Netherlands
$900,000 over three years
Wilde Ganzen Foundation, The Netherlands
Lisa White, Australia
Barbara Miller Whitton, US
Barbara and Jim Whitton, US
Melissa Widner, Australia
Skipp Williamson, Australia
Teresa Lui Yuen, Australia
Heather Zampatti, Australia
$400,000-$500,000 over five years
Af Jochnick Foundation, Sweden
Allba Holding, Sweden
Beeren Group, Australia
Eureka Benevolent Foundation, Australia
JMJ Associates, US
Kiruhura Group, Australia
Petre Foundation, Australia
Radiohjälpen, Sweden
Rennie/Beeren Group, Australia
Ribbink van den Hoek Family Foundation, The Netherlands
The Salwen Family, US
$250,000 over two years
Eureko Achmea Foundation, The Netherlands
Country-level Partnerships
Over four years
Benin: $2,750,000 - Embassy of the Kingdom of
The Netherlands
Malawi: $650,000 - Flexi-plan Foundation
The Global Investment Group (GIG) is a worldwide team of individuals committed to a future free from hunger who invest
the equivalent of $5,000 or more each year to make that vision a reality.
Charter ($100,000+)
Tania Austin, Australia
Tove and Ingvar Jensen, Sweden
Cameron O’Reilly, Australia
Brenda and Steven Sherwood, US
Sheree Stomberg and Peter Firestein, US
Faith Strong, US
Vanguard ($50,000+)
Ross Brown and Kuniko Higaki, US
Alice and Chris Dorrance, US
Laurel Dutcher and Charles Deull, US
Karen and Michael Herman, US
Barbara and Tony Mayer, US
Melissa Monkivitch, Australia
Griff Morris, Australia
Michael Rennie, Australia
Joan and Kevin Salwen, US
Mieke Severijnen and
Wim Goudriaan, The Netherlands
Carl Tham, Sweden
Leadership ($25,000+)
John and Rachel Akehurst, Australia
Abdullah Al-Angari, SA
Nancy Juda and Jens Brasch, US
Joan and John Casey, US
Peter Cook, Australia
Carl-Diedric Hamilton, Sweden
Brad Hancock, Australia
Steve Harker, Australia
Karen and Bayard Hollins, US
Eve Howell, Australia
Emma Isaacs, Australia
Niall Lenehan, Australia
Suzanne Musikantow, US
Deborah Protter, Australia
Mary Reemst, Australia
Reemt Reemtsma, Germany
Alan and Leza Silverstein, US
William C. and Nancy Stanback,
Dorothy and Wayne Stingley, US
Barbara and Jim Whitton, US
James G. Whitton, US
Global ($5,000+)
Patty Akopiantz and Justin Punch
Paul Alexander
Victoria Alexander
Millie Allbon and Paul Smith
Michael and Tracy Angwin
Betty Armitage
Judy Avisar
Rick Ball
Bruce Beeren
George Belperio
Jo Bennett
Katie Booth
Richard Bowden
Robert Brewer
Symon Brewis-Weston
Belinda Brosnan
Chrissy and Fraser Brown
Raefe Brown
David Bryant
Rob and Trish Bryant
Cathy Burke
Francis Burke and Louise Barnacle
Stephen Burns
Alison Burton and Harry Ryper
Frank and Lucy Calabria
Milan Calina
Glen Carlson
Simon Carter
James Chisholm
Daniel and Kathryn Colgan
Peter Cook and Trish Guzman
Annie and Denis Cosgrove
Eileen and Kevin Cunningham
Tony and Anna Dare
Alison Deans
Lisa and Malcolm Doig
Felicity Donaldson
Mark Edwards
Kathryn Fagg
Jillian Formentin
Mathew Fulton
John Gallehawk
Victoria Gardner
Craig Godham
Tracie Gollan
Diane Grady
Ivan Halbert
Winsome Hall
Dave Harvey
Anne and Peter Hector
Virginia Henderson
Emma Hogan
Cathy Horder
Susie Huang
Emma Isaacs
Karen James
Viv James
Marc Johnstone
Christine Khor
Tom Kiing
Glen Knight
Raj Kumart
Debra Kwasnicki
Robert Larbalestier
James Lau
Amelia Lee
Andrew and Julie Lindsay
Ray Littlefield
Faye Longmuir
David Lyon
Ian and Julie Maloney
Greer Marns
Joanna Martin and Greg Elliot
Lesley McLennan
Chanelle Moltoni
Jane Monk
Mark and Evette Moran
Shane Morley
Griff Morris
Ben Ng
Cathryn Nolan
Karen O’Donahoo
Rhys Octigan
Naomi Offler
Deb Parietti
Stella and John Perry
Clare Phelan
Anne Polino and Jim Hoffman
Peggy Radiotis
Cathie Reid and Stuart Giles
Debbie Roberts
Josh Rogers
Henriette Rothschild
Tony Ruse
Wendy Salter
Lynette Scott
Helen Scotts
MJ Shurey
Tony and Nada Smark
Warren Stooke
Rick Susman
Nicholette Te Wao
Howard Thomas
Andrew Thomson
Evan Thornley
Ailan Tran
Jenny Vandyke
William Vickers
Di Walker
Gary and Claire Ward
Alison and Rod Watkins
Lisa and David White
Shemara Wikramanayake
Tracey Williams
Skipp Williamson
Ron Winestock
Ronnie Wood
Candace Wu
Ulysses Yiannis
Carla Zampatti
Lillian Adamakis
Terry and Joanna Frewer
Jan Wallace
Ross Wallace
Christian Dobrick
Beate and Alexander Ebert
Mechthild and Joscha Frey
Christoph Heintze
Antje Olivier
Dagmar Reemtsma
Gertrud Schnekenburger
Ulla and Ulrich Schnekenburger
Arne and Olina Springorum
Regine Springorum
Paul Teichmann
Wout and Ijd van der Kooij
The Netherlands
Jan Bart Fanoy
Kees Bronke en Geer Goudriaan
Bob Kramer
Tim Stok
Jan Willem Baud
World of Ideas BV - Michel Vos
Westrell Gedda
Björn och Inger
Åsa Skogström
Peter Thurell
Marie Wallenberg
Peter Altorfer
Josef and Nina Benz
Mark and Claudia Bidwell
Arthur and Mariann Decurtins
Peter Forstmoser
Therese A. Gerber-Fürst
Claude Heini
Daniel Heini
Alexandra Koch
Pascal Köppel
Elisabeth Lehmann
Inge Schulz-Sigl
Fred Zellweger
United Kingdom
Gary Avis
Mark Britton
Barbara Ex
Glenn Halliday
Jane Haworth
Simon Marshall
United States
Barbara and Bobby Adelstein
Melissa and Gregory Alcorn
Supriya Banavalikar
Sherry Barto
Michael and Elizabeth Bauk
Mary Alice and Russell Benamy
James F. Bergquist
Al Berkowitz
Joanna and Christoph Bichsel
Michael and Kara Bilof
Phyllis and Sam Bowen
Andee Burrell
John Cassel
Cliff Craig
Robert Dabic
Carol and John Coonrod
Cindi and Glenn Cooper
John Davis and Jennifer Burt Davis
Betsy Deisroth and John Lohac
Leo E. Denlea, Jr.
Jonathan Deull and Sheryl Sturges
Joanna Durand and Warren Eastman
Carol and Bruce Flax Lexie Cole
Wayne Coleman Family
Phyllis Dubrow
Dwight and Suzanne Frindt
Felecia Froe
Eileen Gargiulo and John Piscopo
Irene Emery Goodale
Jim Goodman
Yasmin Goodman
Jay and Louise Greenspan
Gillian Hamilton
Lucinda and Doug Hanover
Mary Ann and Larry Heeren
Joan Holmes
Paul Hrabal
Scott and Lois Hunter
Adam B. Jaffe and Pamela Jorgensen
Uday Jhunjhunwala
Ann Jilg
Katherine Juda and Paul Marcus
Barbara Kane
Billy Kantrowitz
Debi and Michael Katz
Gordon and Marlyn Keating
Helen Kessler
Karen King and William Ulwelling
Kima M. Kraimer
Lawrence Larson
Rajiv and Latika Jain
Tom Lemons
Summer Lerch
Laura and Mark Matika
Nick Matika
Nancy Matta
Mary Ellen McNish and David Miller
Marc and Jill Mehl
Sara and Jay Minkoff
Harley L. Moore III and Myrna Valdez
Heather and John Mutz
Randy Park
Jeana Petersen
Pam Petersen and David Tschilar
Doug Plette
Eileen and Stephen Portner
Jerilynn Radcliffe and Doug Ross
Mark and Jane Ritchie
Raymond and Shirley Ritchie
Joanna and Julian Ryder
Robert Schaal
Carol Schneeweis
Noreen and Richard Schuster
Vicki Seelig
Debbie and Ed Seliga
John and Lucille Serwa
Robert Shereck and Gisele Prive
Nora Simpson
Winifred Slack
Sean and Michelle Smyth
Jan and Harold Solomon
Donald and Jill Spuehler
Barbara and Jeffrey M. Strauss
Nancy Chernett and Dan Sutton
Michael and Julie Throne
Suzanne and David Tillman
Lee Traband
Jane and Chris Trevey
Bruce and Marsha Weinstein
Jerry and Lynn Weinstein
Lloyd and Sharon Wentworth
Karen and Richard Whitney
Anne Whitton Bolyea
Sarah L. Wolf
Lorin Zanetti
Village Leader in Benin,
Louise Lagni
Photo credit: Johannes Ode
Louise Lagni, a villager from Dotan, Benin credits a
Vision, Commitment and Action workshop at her local
epicenter for her transformation from shy bystander
to confident leader.
“Before I had attended the workshops at Zakpota
Epicenter, my contributions to discussions in the
village weren’t heard. Now I know much better
how to articulate my opinion. Since attending
these workshops I have become much more selfconfident and I am consulted more and more often
when decisions are being made in my community.
At the request of the women from my village, I have
become the leader of the women’s credit group.
Together we have taken out a loan at the microfinance
institution, which we divide among us [to finance our
income generating activities]. I oversee our loans and
also give women advice about their businesses.”
Women-led Microfinance
Program Groups
Photo credit: Johannes Ode
The Microfinance Program in Africa is an initiative that serves both women
and men in agricultural and business income generation and is fully integrated
into our comprehensive rural development strategy: the Epicenter Strategy.
But this program is more than a microfinance institution. Participating
members of the Microfinance Program – primarily women – enroll in
literacy and numeracy classes that empower them to open their own
businesses and take a leading role in their families and their community
for what is possibly the first time.
Collectively, members of these women-led Microfinance Program groups
pool their financial and entrepreneurial resources to carry out community
improvement projects that foster collaborative discussion and action on
education for women and girls, sanitation initiatives, maternal and child health,
and improved agricultural practices, among others.
Countries such as Benin have leveraged the relationships built among members
of Microfinance Program groups to pioneer family planning campaigns and to
empower women to prioritize planning for their health and have more time
and energy to invest in their income-generating activities.
The Hunger Project expresses its deep appreciation to the following institutions that invest in our work at a level equivalent
to US$5,000 or above.
Charter ($100,000+)
The 2010 Faith Charitable Trust, US
Church Communities Foundation, US
The Dutch Embassy, Benin
The Faith Family Trust, US
The Hershey Family Foundation, US
HSBC, Mexico
IntraHealth International, Senegal
Robertson Foundation, US
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey
Foundation, US
UNDEF, Bangladesh
UNDP, India
UN Office for Partnerships, US
Vanguard ($50,000+)
ACME Foundation, Australia
African Villages Foundation,
The Netherlands
The Asia Foundation, India
BRAC, Bangladesh
Center for Health and Gender Equity
(CHANGE), Malawi
Clark Transfer, Inc., US
Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
Entrevo Pty Ltd, Australia
Eureko Achmea Foundation,
The Netherlands
Family foundation Vox, The Netherlands
FeelGood, US
Flexi-Plan Foundation,
The Netherlands
Fortitude Foundation, Australia
ICCO Cooperation, Senegal
JMJ Associates, US
The Jonah Group, Australia
Latoer Foundation, The Netherlands
Millennium Netwerk Fryslân
Foundation, The Netherlands
National Postcode Lottery, The
NPM-Capital, The Netherlands
Origin Foundation, Australia
Petre Foundation, Australia
Republic and Canton of Geneva,
Ribbink van den Hoek Family
foundation, The Netherlands
The SBA Foundation, Australia
Shift Enterprises, Australia
The Thanksgiving Fund, US
Whitbread Foundation, Australia
Wilde Ganzen Foundation, The
Leadership ($25,000+)
ABP Food Group, UK
Auslaser Business Solutions,
Banamex, Mexico
The Beeren Foundation, Australia
Canton of Basel, Switzerland
Citi, US
Comision Nacional para el Desarrollo
de los Pueblos Indegnas, Mexico
Delta Air Lines, Inc., US
e-Cycle LLC, US
The Elizabeth Foundation, US
Frans van Seumeren Holding BV,
The Netherlands
Global Climate Change Alliance
(GCCA), Uganda
Gonski Foundation, Australia
HJOED Foundation,
The Netherlands
Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo
Social, Mexico
Kaprex Foundation, Australia
Kerry Foods, UK
Macquarie Group Foundation,
Money3, Australia
Mudda Erraka Foundation, |Germany
NautaDutilh NV, The Netherlands
NPM-Capital Run, The Netherlands
The Practice, Australia
Roger and Susan Stone Family
Foundation, US
Rona Ellis Foundation, Australia
Sirium Pty Ltd, Australia
Stichting Global Durability Fund,
The Netherlands
Sunraysia Foundation, Australia
Trees Unlimited, Inc., US
The Upstart Foundation, US
Global ($5,000+)
2Deal Ventures, The Netherlands
Advanced Solar Products, US
Aktive Help Kinderfonds Stiftung,
Alliance for a Green Revolution
in Africa (AGRA) via Institut de
l’Environnement et de Recherches
Agricoles, Burkina Faso
Alyce Alexandra Cookbooks, Australia
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, US
Ashurst Australia, Australia
Ausmart International Pty Ltd,
Aver B.V., The Netherlands
B & M Beheer BV, The Netherlands
BAM Inc., US
Begin Bright, Australia
The Bluesand Foundation, Australia
British Council Bangladesh Office,
Business Chicks, Australia
The BW and Barbara Miller
Foundation, US
The Circle Fund, US
City of Rapperswil/Jona, Switzerland
City of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Continental Bakeries BV, The
Canton of Zug, Switzerland
Carlson Wagonlit Travel, US
Cisco Systems, US
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, US
Corporate Facility Partners,
The Netherlands
CWS Capital Partners, LLC, US
Delicia, The Netherlands
Desarrolllo Balanceado Nicen, S.A.
De C.V., Mexico
Donato di Leva, The Netherlands
Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club,
Dura Charity Foundation, The Netherlands
Emma Health & Beauty Care,
The Netherlands
Ernst & Young, US
Female Health Company, Malawi
Financieel Bedrijfsmanagement,
The Netherlands
First Things First B, The Netherlands
Fragrance Oils Limited, UK
Gap International, US
Garden State Bariatrics and Wellness
Center, US
Habest Holding BV, The Netherlands
Hak BV, The Netherlands
Head Family Charitable Foundation,
Helvoet Holding BV, The Netherlands
Herman Family Foundation, US
Hewlett-Packard Company, US
Hjoed Foundation, The Netherlands
HUMANA Foundation, The Netherlands
IBM De Mexico Comercializacion y
Servicious, S.A. De C.V., Mexico
I.H.A.M. van de Pas BV, The Netherlands
Inbak BV, The Netherlands
Investore Holding, The Netherlands
The Irene Emery Goodale Foundation,
Irving Weinstein Trust, US
Jaguar The Fresh Company,
The Netherlands
Jane M. Sheehan Charitable
Foundation, US
Janssens Foundation,
The Netherlands
The Kalan Foundation, US
Kubota Canada Ltd., Canda
Larson & Toubro Infotech Ltd.,
Maree Invest/CIG, The Netherlands
Mecca Cosmetica, Australia
Microsoft Corporation, US
The Milton and Beatrice Wind
Foundation, US
National AIDS Commission (NAC),
Network Clothing Company Pty Ltd,
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, US
PANO BV, The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Priva BV, The Netherlands
PUM B.V., The Netherlands
Richard O. and June C. Smith Family
Foundation, US
Roberts Venture, The Netherlands
Rose Group Inc., US
Royaan BV, The Netherlands
Scotiabank, US
SDH Executive Search,
The Netherlands
SMEC Holdings Limited, Australia
Stichting FEMI, The Netherlands
Stichting Shalom familie Livnat,
The Netherlands
Sunergos LLC, US
Syngenta Foundation, Switzerland
Talpa Foundation, The Netherlands
Thomas E. Lemons Foundation, US
Youth Ending Hunger Volunteer in
Bangladesh, A.K. Manik
A.K. Manik is a 24 year-old from Bangladesh who
first became involved with The Hunger Project in
2003 when he participated in a Youth Ending Hunger
(YEH) workshop through his high school.
Emboldened by the workshop, Manik mobilized a
group of his peers and formed a YEH unit in his
village. Their first act was to promote literacy in their
community through the creation of a local library.
Today, the library is actively used by several villages
and serves as a training center for literacy courses led
by YEH volunteers.
Manik feels that he has fundamentally changed
through his involvement with YEH and The Hunger
Project. “I’ve built up confidence knowing that I can
develop my community. It has totally changed me! I
wonder what would have happened to me if I hadn’t
joined THP. I will keep doing this work my whole life!”
Youth Ending Hunger program
In Bangladesh, thousands of young activists participate in the Youth
Ending Hunger (YEH) program, the youth wing of The Hunger Project,
which mobilizes students across the country.
Through leadership workshops organized by YEH, students learn
valuable skills which inspire them to make changes in their community.
This highly mobilized group of volunteer activists carries out community
development projects that address topics as wide spread as literacy,
health and public services.
For example, in Sarai, senior citizens regularly attend free adult literacy
sessions developed by local YEH volunteers. Elsewhere in Bangladesh,
YEH volunteers organize health workshops to educate communities on
hygiene and water sanitation. Committed to all community development
projects, YEH volunteers in Mymensingh recently joined together to reconstruct roads and buildings damaged by heavy flooding.
YEH volunteers are driven by dedication to sustainable social reform and
to the eradication of poverty and corruption.
Vanderlande Industries,
The Netherlands
Volkers BV, The Netherlands
World Bank Bangladesh Office,
Zandbergen, The Netherlands
The Hunger Project is honored to receive in-kind contributions in the form of pro-bono services, complimentary advertising,
event space and more. We gratefully acknowledge these partners.
Al Jazeera, UK
Toby Allington, UK
Roswitha und Kurt Baum, Germany
Lucinda Belle, UK
Blackjack Promotion, UK
Brandme, UK
Canlight Hall Management Inc.,
Clifford Chance, UK
Daily Mail, UK
Daily Telegraph, UK
Ernst & Young, Australia
Evening Standard, UK
Jumoke Fashola, UK
FLOW Office Wisdom, Canada
Friends Factory AG, Munich, Germany
Hilton Hotels, Germany and Austria
Ikon3, US
Barb Jungr, UK
London Community Gospel Choir, UK
Randolph Matthews, UK
Joe McElderry, UK
McKinsey & Company, Australia
The Metro, UK
Eckhard Müller-Guntrum, Germany
Rod Natkiel Associates, UK
Nikola Schulz Hausgrafik Büro für
Gestaltung, Darmstadt, Germany
Pizza Express Jazz Club, UK
Rebel Media GmbH, Germany
Andrew Roachford, UK
Rothschild Design, US
Security Self Serve Storage, Canada
Serviceplan Campaign 3 GmbH,
Munich, Germany
Shift Speaker Training, Australia
Siemens Stiftung, Germany
Debbie Smith, UK
Southbank Sinfonia, UK
Anthony Strong, UK
Sunday Times, UK
The Times, UK
Umbruch Gestaltung, Munich,
Clayton Utz, Australia
Dionne Warwick, UK
Mari Wilson, UK
World Class Business Products, US
Financial Family
The Financial Family is an extraordinary group of 2,300 people who have committed to invest in the end of hunger each
and every month. Many members have been investing for 25+ years. The Financial Family is a key part of the heart and
soul of The Hunger Project and their sustained investment and commitment makes a tremendous difference in our work.
The Legacy Circle
The following individuals have included The Hunger Project in their estate plan — through a bequest in their will, the
establishment of a trust, or by making THP a beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan. By joining the Legacy Circle,
they have taken action to ensure the strength of THP’s programs in the future. Interested in joining the Legacy Circle? Contact
Jim Goodman, Director of Planned Giving at [email protected] or visit to learn more.
Joan Holmes, Honorary Chair
Edye Allen
Harvey Austin and Ellen Tolliver
Robert Balderson
Gary Baxel
Aleen Bayard
Joanna and Christoph Bichsel
Dennis Bishop and Felicity McRobb
Jacqui Bishop
Susan Bixler
Phyllis and Sam Bowen
Ross Brown
Joanne Burger
Roc*and Andee Burrell
Laura and Chuck Burt
Gloria Chuk
Philip Cisneros
Peter J. Cohn*
William Conner*
Carol and John Coonrod
Martha L. Corley
Susan Curry
Julia Dederer
Edmond S. Delmon*
Jane Downes
Phyllis Dubrow
Prudence Ducich
Denise Edmond
The Rev. Eileen L. Epperson
Gail Ervin
Jo Fielder
Mark Flashen
Jim Goodman
Shirley Goodman
Marilyn Graman
Nancy and Phil Groben
Karen Herman
Karl and Betty Hess
Joan Holmes
Paul Hrabal
Jennifer J. Hunter
Scott Hunter
Richard Hysong
David and Tracie Jansen
Karen Johns (New Zealand)
Hilary Johnston and Les Shiell (Canada)
Grace Jones
Kitty Juda
Nancy Juda
Billy Kantrowitz
Deborah Kaplan
Helen Kessler
Fran Kieffer
Vicki Lachman
Mary Layman and Martin Rubin
Gretchen Leavitt
Tom Lemons
Peggy Link
Brigid and Clark Lund
William A. and Jeanne R. Mallet*
Chris Martin
Marty Merrill*
Benjamin Moore
Page Morahan
Anthony F. Mullen, Jr.
Kathie Murtey
Marvin Nadel*
Marion Nisbet*
Pat and Paul Osimo
Madelyn Page
Barbara Parton
Jack and Jill Pasanen
S. Neil Peck and Barbara Rose
Joy Perreras and Brian McFadin
Doug Plette
Spencer Quinn
Christine Roess
J. Ronald Roth*
Joanna and Julian Ryder
Carla Sadoff
Barry Saiff
Gretchen Sand and Bruce Preville
Colene and Fred Schlaepfer
Arne and Olina Springorum
(Czech Republic)
Michael Steuerman*
Wayne E. and Dorothy L. Stingley Family
Dan Tompkins
Judy Townsend Stallone
Harold Walcoff*
Tamera and Dennis Warner
Trisha D. Scudder
Patti Searle
Margaret Jane Simoneaux
Diana and Lyle Smith
June Smith*
Ellen Snortland
Kay and Harvey Solomon
Leonard A. and Roslyn Solomon*
Deb Strange
Faith Strong Family
Revae Stuart
Rick Susman (Australia)
Rhea M Tabak*
Carol Tisson and Mike Ginn
Annette and John Thompson
Sunya Webber
Gary A. Weber*
Frances Gillespie Wentorf*
Barbara and Jim Whitton
June Witte*
Scott Wolf
Daniela Zvonarova
To All of Our Hunger Project Family
We are delighted to acknowledge the thousands of investors in The Hunger Project movement – those mentioned here
and all those who have invested at any level and in many ways – for your vital partnership in this work of ending hunger.
This weekend of events was made possible through the efforts of THP staff, partners and investors around the world. We
would like to especially acknowledge the following talented individuals and organizations for their contributions.
Dana Ayers, Alexandra Mora and Staff, Eventi Hotel
John Fennessy
Happening Photos
Michael Kalas and PSAV
Kimberly Koserowski, First Kiss Creative
Todd Meszaros and team, KVL Audio Visual Services
Beauty Munthali and Rowlands Kaotcha, THP-Malawi
Alex Rogers and Staff, Bedwick & Jones Printing, Inc.
Erin Wiggins and Staff, Pier Sixty
Bharani Sundararajan, THP-India
The Hunger Project’s Volunteers and Interns
The Hunger Project is a global movement as well as a strategic organization. Our mission is to end hunger and poverty by pioneering
sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the
world. The Hunger Project is active in Australia, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Canada, Germany, Ethiopia, Ghana, India,
Japan, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, the United
Kingdom and the United States.
Founder and CEO of Business
Chicks, Emma Isaacs
Emma Isaacs is the proud Founder and CEO of
Business Chicks, Australia’s largest professional
network for women. In 2011, Emma led Business
Chicks into what has since blossomed into an
inspiring financial and personal partnership with
The Hunger Project. In just two years, Business
Chicks has raised $2 million for Hunger Project
In addition to being a powerful fundraising partner,
Business Chicks has yielded valuable advocacy
marketing opportunities for The Hunger Project such
as a networking breakfast in which Australia Country
Director Cathy Burke spoke at a breakfast with 3,600
women in attendance.
Business Chicks has also been a leading force in the
development of a transformational leadership experience for women in Australia; a group affectionately
coined the Trippers.
The Hunger Project Activist Group
The Trippers
The Trippers, as they are affectionately known, are a group of nearly 30
women who share a common passion: building a better world. Together,
they venture on enriching journeys to unlock their creativity, leadership
and entrepreneurialism in partnership with some of the poorest and most
marginalized women in the world.
With support from The Hunger Project and Business Chicks, The Trippers
went to Bangladesh and Uganda in 2012. There, they found themselves
stretching beyond their comfort zones and challenging assumptions about
what they thought they were capable of and two sisters on the trip to
Uganda even personally invested $1 million in Hunger Project programs.
The Trippers are bold activists for the end of hunger both while traveling
and at home. Their commitment to The Hunger Project and our women
partners grows stronger as they find new ways to connect in 2013.
The Hunger Project
5 Union Square West, 7th Floor
New York NY 10003
t. 212.251.9100
Email: [email protected]