
Edwina TANIOS Outline: • The country of Lebanon • American University of Beirut • My Major
• Origin: “Lebanon” is derived from “lbn”= “ white” referring to the snow that covers Mount Lebanon which extends across the country .
Mount Lebanon which extends across the country . • Location: in the Middle East bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Syria and I
Israel. l
• Area: 10 452 square kilometers .
• Population: 4 140 289 . (Christian and Islamic) About 10 million
Lebanese people live outside Lebanon.
Geographic features: Many popular rivers and streams
Alternation of low lands and high lands that run parallel with a North to South direction
One of main symbols of the country is the Lebanon Cedar (Cedrus libani). It grows in Western Asia (Lebanon, Syria, parts of Turkey).
Lebanon is a country where the oldest,
continuously populated city in the world is
located. Byblos or Jbeil, as it is known today, is at
least 7000 years old. Phoenicians used to believe
that the city was founded by the god El.
The Lebanon Cedar can be seen on
the Lebanese flag.
Official language: Arabic .
French, Armenian, Greek and English are spoken too. In everyday life many people actually speak some combination of these languages. The most common combination is the Arabic‐French one.
The Arabic alphabet: p
Climate Mediterranean climate
1. Summer is long, hot and dry (June‐September) 20 to 32 °C.
2. Fall is a transitional season with a lowering of t
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temperature and a little rain (October‐November) 5 to 20 °C.
winter is cool and rainy : major rain after 3 winter
is cool and rainy : major rain after
December, the amount of rainfall varies greatly from one year to another, frosts during winter and snow on high mountains (December‐March)
on high mountains (December
March) 10 to 20 10 to 20 °C.
4. Spring occurs when the winter rains cause the vegetation to revive (April‐May)15 to 25 °C.
Customs and traditions:
1‐The olive soap.
olive soap It is made with olive oil. It It is made with olive oil It
is known for its quality and moisturizing characteristics.
2‐ Enfeh (Anfeh) is a small coastal town in the north Enfeh (Anfeh) is a small coastal town in the north
of Lebanon. It has predominantly Greek Orthodox population. It is famous for its high quality salt harvested from the Mediterranean Sea.
• 3‐ Christians in Lebanon celebrate the Christmas. As Arabic and French are the two official languages of the country you can hear local people say in Arabic "I'D
of the country you can hear local people say in Arabic I D Miilad
Miilad Said
Said" or in French or in French "Joyeux
Joyeux Noël
Noël". Both expressions mean "Merry Christmas".
two weeks before the Christmas people plant seeds (chickpeas, wheat, beans or lentils) on a piece of cotton to put them under the Christmas tree
a piece of cotton to put them under the Christmas tree. • On the Christmas Eve people attend the Midnight Mass
• On Christmas morning people visit friends and neighbours. • The whole family gathers for the Christmas day lunch. The lunch is usually in the home of the grandparents or the oldest son of the family.
Christmas spirit during the night
….And during the day!!
4 The beautiful handmade 4‐
The beautiful handmade
pottery. They vary in shape and size.
5‐ Traditional food:
TTabbouleh: Tabbouleh
bb l h T bb l h is a delicious salad made with finely i d li i
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chopped parsley, bulgur, spring onion, olive oil, black pepper, lemon juice and different spices.
Fattouch: Apart from toasted or fried bread this delicacy includes tomatoes, lettuce, radish, cucumber, onion, purslane, sumac, mint, olive oil, salt and some lemon juice.
The "man'oushé"
man oushé or or "man'oushe
man oushe bi za
bi za'tar"
tar is the most popular is the most popular
breakfast food of the Lebanese. (mixture of thyme, sesame seeds and olive oil (za’tar) on the bread. The man'oushé can have cheese topping too)
The mezze is a group of appetizers or small dishes which is •
usually accompanied with beverage like arak or wine:
different salads, dips, patties and stuffed grape leaves.
Mezze also has a social importance. It is a time when people gather
and discuss different topics.
The Lebanese especially love two types of bread. The first one is
„khub“ which is pita type of bread. The second one is paper-thin
bread known as
“ •
"Hummus" (Houmous) is a dip or spread made from cooked, mashed
chickpeas, "tahini" (a paste of ground sesame seeds), olive oil, lemon
juice, salt and garlic‫ز‬
Baklava (a cake made with honey and nuts) (a cake made with honey and nuts)
• Coffee drank in Lebanon is mainly Arabic (Turkish) style. People prepare their coffee in a long‐
handled coffee pot called "rakwe". • Jallab is made from dates, grape molasses and rose water. It is often served with crushed ice, pine nuts and raisins which float on its surface.
pine nuts and raisins which float on its surface.
• People of Lebanon use grapes to make Arak (Araq), wine, vinegar:
All the biggest Lebanese vineyards are located in the south of Beqaa Valley. Three most important i
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wine producers in Lebanon are Chateau Ksara, Chateau Kefraya
and Chateau Musar. Chateau Ksara
started producing wine in 1857. p
Arak in its pure form is colourless. But it is rarely drank as such, straight. People drink it mixed with water
6‐ Music: • Traditional music is performed. Musicians use musical instruments like "derbake" (a small drum made of clay with goat skin on its top)
• The most famous Lebanese singer is Fairuz
• Al Zajal is a form of improvised poetry. Zajal is usually performed by a singer who makes up the songs right at the party. In the past people used to invite them to sing at wedding
• Some men and women hold hands and start to dance. Their traditional dance is called "dabke" (dabkeh).
• Lebanon was part of the Ottoman empire for 400 years • In
In 1918 it became a part of the French Mandate of Syria following World 1918 it became a part of the French Mandate of Syria following World
War 1 that’s why schools teach French : In Lebanon, English or French or both with Arabic are taught from early years in schools. After primary education, English or French become the mandatory medium of instruction for mathematics and science for all schools.
• 22 November 1943 Lebanese independence day Tourism
The American University of Beirut
• Founded: in 1866 • Student body: 8000 students.
• AUB was granted an institutional accreditation in June 2004 by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle AUB
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States Association of Colleges and Schools in the United States and reaffirmed in June 2009, •
It includes six faculties: Agricultural and Food Sciences.
Arts and Sciences.
Engineering and Architecture.
Health Sciences
Health Sciences.
Medicine (which includes the Rafic Hariri School of Nursing)
the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business.
AUB offers more than 120 programs leading to the bachelor's, master's, MD, and PhD degrees.
• The language of instruction: English (except for courses in the Arabic Department and other language courses).
Location: AUB's main campus has a total of 64 buildings. The 60.9 acre (246,459 square meter) campus overlooking the Mediterranean Sea includes athletic fields, private beach, bird sanctuary, and a repository of native and non‐
native trees and shrubs.
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the Charles W. Hostler Student Center
Athletic fields
computer labs
the AUB Medical Center
Archaeological Museum Natural History Museum, and one of Lebanon's few geological collections.
five libraries,,, seven dormitories,,, AREC institute of agriculture AUB private beach Enrolment
Male: 51 percent
Female: 49 percent
49 percent
Countries Represented: 73
Undergraduate: 6,400
Graduate: 1,500
Living Alumni: 55,000
Europe: 1 300
Europe: 1,300
North America: over 5,000
AUB Graduates reside in approximately 100 countries worldwide
64 buildings, including Medical Center (420 beds), the Charles W. Hostler Student Center, 5 Libraries, 3 Museums, 7 Dormitories, Athletic Fields, Numerous Gardens
Campus: 60.9 acres
Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC): 247 acre research farm and educational facility
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Education and Major
Education D
20/09/2010 –
/ /
Present ( Current Occupation )
Title of qualification Bachelor in Civil and Environmental Engineering ( expected graduation : spring 2014) yp
Name and type of organization
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon providing education and training
Date 10/1994 ‐ 06/2010
Title of qualification awarded
l f
d d General Sciences French Baccalaureate with distinction
General Sciences Lebanese Baccalaureate with distinction Name and type of organization Collège Des Frères Mariste Champville‐ Dick el Mehdi, Lebanon
providing education and training
• Additional work: tutoring, assistant manager in a sports office, team leader in a summer camp, kids’ animator, dance and theatre performing..
Scout member and Active in several clubs and societies in member and Active in several clubs and societies in
• Scout
AUB civil society, SRC, engineering society…
• Hobbies : mainly sports athletics, swimming, dancing, and i
Curriculum My Major
Term I (Fall) Credits CIVE 200 Introduction to Civil Engineering 2
EECE 230 Introduction to Programming 3
MATH 201 Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 3
MATH 201 Calculus and Analytical Geometry III 3
PHYS 210 Introductory Physics II 3
PHYS 210L Introductory Physics Laboratory II 1
Arabic Communication Skills Elective 3 Total 15
Term IV (Fall) Credits
CIVE 310 Mechanics of Materials 3
CIVE 320 Construction Materials and Technologies 2
CIVE 350 Environmental Engineering 3
CIVE 370 Introduction to Information Technology 3
MATH 251 Numerical Computing 3
Humanities Elective 3
Humanities Elective 3
Total 17
Term V (Spring) Credits
( p g)
CIVE 311 Structures I 3
CIVE 340 Fluid Mechanics and Laboratory 3
CIVE 210 Statics 3
CHEM 202 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry 3
EECE 210 Electric Circuits 3
EECE 210 Electric Circuits 3
CHEM 203 Introductory Chemical Techniques 2
CHEM 203 I t d t
Ch i l T h i
MECH 220 Engineering Graphics 1
Biology Elective or MATH 202 Differential Equations 3
CIVE 351 Environmental Microbiology 3
ENGL 206 Technical English 3
Humanities Elective 3
Ethics Elective (An Approved General Education Humanities Course) 3
) Total 17370 Department of Civil and Environmental Engin
Total 16
Undergraduate Catalogue 2012–13
Term II (Spring) Credits
Term III (Summer) Credits
CIVE 360 Surveying 2
360 Surveying 2
STAT 230 Introduction to Probability and Random Variables 3
Humanities Elective 3
Total 8
Term VI (Summer) Credits
CIVE 430 Engineering Geology 3
430 Engineering Geolog 3
ENMG 400 Engineering Economy 3
English Elective 3
Total 9
Term VII (Fall) Credits
Term X (Fall) Credits
CIVE 410 Structures II 3
410 Structures II 3
CIVE 420 Concrete I 3
CIVE 440 Hydraulics and Laboratory 3
CIVE 460 Highway Engineering 3
Math Elective (MATH 212, MATH 218, MATH 281, or an approved math course ) 3
Total 15
CIVE 501 Final Year Project I 1
501 Final Year Project I 1
CIVE 530 Foundation Engineering 3
CIVE 580 Construction Management 3
Technical Elective I 3
Technical Elective II 3
Social Science Elective 3
Total 16
Term VIII (Spring) Credits
Term VIII (Spring) Credits
CIVE 421 Concrete II 3
CIVE 431 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory 3
CIVE 441 Engineering Hydrology 3
CIVE 450 Water and Wastewater Treatment and Laboratory
CIVE 461 Transportation Engineering and Laboratory 3
CIVE 461 Transportation Engineering and Laboratory 3
Total 15
Term IX (Summer) Credit
CIVE 500 Approved Experience 1b*
Term XI (Spring) Credits
CIVE 502 Final Year Project II 3
Technical Elective III 3
Technical Elective IV 3
Free Elective 3
Social Science Elective 3
Social Science Elective 3
Total 15
Total = 143 credit hours
Ability to chose among: Abilit t h
PhD in Civil Engineering (CE) with a specialization in : •
Structural and Materials Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Transportation Systems
Construction Engineering
Construction Engineering
PhD in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (EWRE)
Mainly interested in Structural engineering and transportation system