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Part nering g for to omorro ow
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This sup
pplier hand
dbook is a guide for conducting
g business with Chem
4 Revision: Original
Supplier Handbook Table of Contents
Mission Statement and Quality Policy
Code of Ethics or Conduct
Terms and Conditions
Quality Management System Requirements – Approved Supplier List (ASL)
Purchase order information
Quality Requirements
Process Planning
Configuration Management
Part Approval
Source Inspection
Lot Traceability
Shelf Life
Non-conforming Material
Records Retention
Corrective Action
Product Availability
Shipping Documentation
Supplier Measurements – Report Card
Supplier Recognition
Continuous Improvement and Cost Improvement Expectations
Appendix – A, Doing Business with Chemring Ordnance
Appendix – B, Supplier Quality Requirements
Appendix – C, Sample Quality Documents
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A. Purpose
The purpose of the handbook is to provide a guide to suppliers for performing business
with Chemring Ordnance. Chemring Ordnance, as a contractor to the United States
Government and other countries, manufactures products with an increasing purchased
material cost content. Therefore, it is critical to have a supply base that can deliver
materials on time that meet all requirements. In order to accomplish this, it will take good
communications between Chemring Ordnance and the supplier. For this reason, we have
developed this handbook to communicate Chemring Ordnance’s expectations for quality
requirements, documentation requirements, and other required expectations to our
B. Scope
The Supplier Handbook applies to all Chemring Ordnance direct material suppliers.
C. Mission Statement and Quality Policy
Quality Policy
Exceed customer expectations through continuous improvement
Mission Statement
Safely deliver quality products
Vision Statement
Preferred employer and supplier focused on continuous improvement
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Chemring Ordnance Inc. views each supplier as a partner in meeting the above Quality
Policy, Mission Statement, and Vision statement while delivering quality products at a
competitive price.
D. Code of Ethics and Conduct
Chemring Ordnance Inc. is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct when
performing business with the supply base.
Chemring trusts that all approved suppliers and sub-suppliers will follow these same
philosophies in both their written policies and in practice. Chemring recognizes that each
supplier is an independent business but as a supplier to Chemring your actions reflect directly
on Chemring. Therefore, Chemring expects all suppliers to employ the same level of
business values, ethics, and practices as Chemring.
Compliance to the policy is required by the suppliers and their sub-tier suppliers. Failure to
comply with the policy may result in removal from Chemring’s approved supplier list.
Chemring Ordnance Inc. employees are prohibited from accepting or giving gifts or
gratuities to or from suppliers. The rules may allow for limited exceptions for items of
nominal value (i.e., calendar, coffee mug, etc.). The offer or acceptance of gifts is
inappropriate and discouraged.
Under no circumstances shall Chemring employees solicit any gifts or gratuities. If at any
time, any person believes there has been a violation of this policy or any conduct that maybe
considered unethical by a supplier or Chemring employee, the individual witnessing the act
is expected to report it to the Chemring Ordnance Ethics Officer immediately.
Chemring values its’ employees and believes that each employee deserves to be treated with
dignity and respect. Chemring’s policy is for the fair treatment of all employees, and that no
employee is discriminated against based on race, color, religion, sex, age, physical ability,
national origin, or any other protected class. Chemring’s policy is to comply with all local
and national laws whenever conducting business and to uphold a high standard of ethics.
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Chemring Ordnance Inc. employees shall treat the supplier’s employees with the highest
form of professionalism and it is expected that the supplier’s employees shall do the same.
Suppliers must conform to all pertinent local and national legal requirements, applicable
federal regulations, and published industry standards pertaining to employment and
manufacturing. If there is a conflict between legal requirements and published industry
standards, at minimum, suppliers must comply with the law that takes precedence.
E. Acronyms
a. AAIE – Automated Acceptance Inspection Equipment
b. AIE – Acceptance Inspection Equipment
c. APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning
d. CCC Plan – Critical Characteristic Control Plan
e. C of C – Certificate of Conformance
f. C of A – Certificate of Analysis
g. CPOA – Critical Plan of Action
h. DFARS – Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
i. FAI or FAT – First Article Inspection or First Article Test
j. FMEA – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
k. FMECA – Failure Mode , Effects, and Criticality Analysis
l. IDIQ – Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
m. MRB – Material Review Board
n. PPM Nonconforming – Parts Per Million Nonconforming
o. QMS – Quality Management System
p. RMA – Return Material Authorization
q. SCAR – Supplier Corrective Action Request
r. SPC – Statistical Process Control
s. 6σ – Six-Sigma
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t. T&C’s –Terms and Conditions
u. TDP – Technical Data Package
F. Terms and Conditions
Chemring Ordnance’s standard Terms and Conditions are issued by the Purchasing
Department with each Purchase Order. Chemring's Terms and Conditions will take
precedence over any supplier's terms and conditions unless terms are negotiated during the
quoting phase of the buying process.
G. Quality Management System Requirements – Approved Supplier List
Chemring Ordnance’s policy is that its’ suppliers must have a Quality Management System
in place that complies with the ISO 9000 standards or an equivalent standard. Suppliers that
are third party registered to one of the standards are preferred, however if a supplier is not
ISO registered or registered to an equivalent standard, the supplier shall complete a Supplier
Quality Self-survey. The supplier shall also complete and provide documentation as
described in Appendix – A, Doing Business with Chemring Ordnance.
A supplier may be added to the Chemring Ordnance’s approved supplier list by one or more
of the following methods:
a. QMS third party registration – current certificate of registration to a recognized QMS
a. ISO 9001:2008
b. AS 9100:2009
c. TS 16949:2009
b. Complete a Chemring Supplier Quality Self-survey – this will require review and
approval by Chemring
c. Chemring performs a QMS audit
d. Source control dictated by the customer
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Poor quality and/or delivery performance may lead to the supplier being placed on probation
or removed from Chemring’s Approved Supplier List. Chemring Supply Chain Management
will work closely with the supplier to give them every opportunity to remain on the approved
supplier list.
H. Purchase Orders
Chemring Ordnance Purchase Orders are only issued by the Purchasing Department Buyers.
The supplier shall not accept work without proper direction from one of Chemring
Ordnance’s Buyers. The direction provided by the Buyer shall commonly come in the form
of a purchase order however there are times when a letter of intent may be used by the Buyer.
Chemring Ordnance uses the Purchase Order as the vehicle for flowing down Quality
Requirements, Delivery Schedules, Documentation Requirements, and Terms, and
Conditions. The Purchase Order will contain the following:
a. Purchase order number
b. Part number/Drawing number
c. Revision level
d. Quantity
e. Delivery schedule
f. Quality Codes
g. Any special instructions or additional requirements
I. Quality Requirements
The quality requirements are flowed down to the supplier via the Purchase Order in the form
of the drawing with additional requirements identified using the supplier quality codes from
Chemring’s Supplier Quality Requirements document. A copy of the supplier quality codes
can be found at the Chemring Ordnance website a hard copy is
also in Appendix – B of the Supplier Handbook. The drawing and specification may have
requirements that are not covered by the supplier quality codes. These will be made
available upon request by the supplier.
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Chemring Ordnance’s Purchase Order will reference the drawing and/or specification as
required. The drawing may reference specification, therefore the drawing and referenced
specifications must be complied with. Chemring Ordnance’s contracts with the customers
are build to print contracts. The product must meet all requirements defined within the TDP.
These requirements may include special testing as well as processing requirements.
The supplier is responsible for delivering parts or material that meet the purchase order
defined requirement as well as supplying documentation certifying the compliance. This
documentation is extremely important to Chemring Ordnance, without proper documentation
the product cannot be incorporated into the finished product. The documentation is
considered part of the deliverable from the suppliers. Without required documentation the
product will not be received into the Chemring Ordnance system and therefore not eligible
for payment.
J. Process Planning
The key to a repeatable process begins with Process Planning. Chemring Ordnance expects
that the Supplier plans each process using engineering/quality tools of their choosing. At a
minimum Chemring Ordnance recommends using the following planning tools:
1. Process Flow Maps
2. Process Control Plans
3. Approved Inspection and Test Methods
4. Documented Work Instructions
5. Process Capability
The Purchase Oder issued to the supplier may have specific process planning requirements
flowed down due to the contract Chemring Ordnance has with its customer.
K. Configuration Management
Chemring Ordnance requires that the supplier maintain a strong working Configuration
Management System (CMS). The CMS provides controls while maintaining a history of
changes to the product or process. As a supplier to Chemring Ordnance, no changes can be
made to the process without communicating the change and approval from Chemring
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Ordnance. Chemring Ordnance will provide direction with regard to how minor changes or
major changes may occur.
All parts or processes require approval by a First Article Inspection or Test. Upon approval
of the FAI, the process used to manufacture the part and the process controls are considered
part of the configuration. This process plan must be controlled so that Chemring Ordnance
knows what process revisions have taken place and be able to link the process to any specific
lot number or shipment of parts.
The supplier is required to maintain Chemring Drawings and/or specifications to ensure that
they are controlled within the supplier’s facility. Supplier Drawings and Process Plans
generated to aid manufacturing shall be controlled by revision level.
L. Part Approval
Chemring Ordnance shall work with the supplier to obtain part and process approval through
the First Article Inspection or Test Process. The requirement for First Article Inspection or
Test will be coded on the purchase order. The purchase order line item identifying First
Article Inspection or Test will identify quantity required. The First Article Inspection will
require a 100% dimensional inspection of the drawing and specification documentation using
pre-approved measurement equipment. The report shall include any documentation
supporting notes and standards called out on the drawing or specification. Chemring
Ordnance shall witness or review the completed First Article Inspection or Test. Chemring
Ordnance will provide feedback to the supplier upon approval from their customer. An
approved First Article Inspection and Test report is required before product shipments can be
accepted by Chemring Ordnance. If the supplier elects to start production prior to final
approval they will assume all associated risk.
M. Source Inspection
Chemring Ordnance reserves the right to perform source inspection at the supplier location
and prior to shipment. The Chemring Ordnance Purchasing Buyer will notify the supplier
whenever source inspection is going to be conducted. This also includes Government Source
Inspection when directed by Chemring’s DCMA QAR. The supplier will provide a location
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and support to perform the source inspection as efficiently as possible with no detriment to
the supplier.
N. Lot Traceability
The supplier is responsible for proper identification and lot traceability. Each lot must be
identified with a unique lot number. When the purchase order has been coded with a MILSTD-1168 compliant lot number, each lot shall be identified as follows:
Example - ABC14A123-001
1. ABC – Manufacturing Code (three letter designation for the suppliers company)
2. 14 – Year (in this case 2014)
3. A – Month
A – January
G – July
B – February
H – August
C – March
J – September
D – April
K – October
E – May
L – November
F – June
M – December
(no letter “I” used in the monthly codes)
4. 123 – Interfix – This number describes the manufacturing process, once set the
interfix remains the same until a process change is approved. Once a change is
approved the interfix is increased by one (in this example the interfix would go to 124
for an approved changes.
5. 001 – Lot – this is the sequential number used to identify the lot produced at that
All documentation provided with the lot must include part number identification along with
the applicable lot number.
O. Shelf Life
The supplier is responsible for identifying the shelf life of the product supplied to Chemring
Ordnance. If the product has a shelf life, the supplier shall ensure that 75% or greater shelf
life is available prior to shipping the product to Chemring. The supplier shall work with
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Chemring to evaluate material if it has expired past the documented shelf life date. If the
product evaluated can be extended past the documented shelf life date the supplier shall
produce a document identifying that the product has been evaluated and provide an alternate
shelf life date. If the product’s shelf life cannot be extended, Chemring Ordnance shall
process the product through the MRB (Material Review Board) process for proper
P. Non-Conforming Material
Non-conforming material found during the Receiving Inspection process at Chemring will be
processed through the MRB process. The Chemring Supplier Quality Manager or Buyer
shall notify the Supplier of the disposition. If the disposition is to return to the supplier, the
Chemring Buyer shall request an RMA (Return Material Authorization). The RMA will be
used to return the material for further disposition.
Chemring Ordnance cannot make a use-as-is disposition because the contracts are a build to
print and Chemring does not have MRB authority to accept or use non-conforming material.
During the MRB process the Program Team will determine if a Supplier Corrective Action is
Q. Corrective Action
Chemring Ordnance shall issue a SCAR (Supplier Corrective Action Request) whenever they
encounter a non-conformance that the MRB determines is necessary, i.e.when repeated
documentation issues occur, or when service is below standards determined by the Chemring
Ordnance Program Team.
The Supplier Quality Manger will issue the SCAR and follow-up until complete. The
supplier is responsible for completion of the SCAR Response by the date identified on the
SCAR form. If the supplier cannot complete the response by the date assigned they may
request an extension provided they show good cause for the extension.
Upon completion and acceptance of the SCAR, Chemring will verify effectiveness based on
new shipments and close as appropriate. The response and completion of Supplier
Corrective Actions is one factor used to evaluate the Suppliers Customer Service on the
Supplier Report Card.
R. Shipping and Quality Documentation
Chemring Ordnance by contract must verify that all parts, components, chemicals and
assemblies meet the requirements of each program’s TDP (Technical Data Package). The
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TDP is made up of the drawings, specifications and other engineering documents that define
each program’s design and/or performance. Therefore, all purchased materials must include
shipping documentation and quality documentation showing that the products delivered do
indeed meet all requirements. The documentation is as important as the purchased product.
The quality documentation required will be coded on the Purchase Order by the QA Codes.
These codes may include the following:
Certificate of Conformance
Certificate of Analysis
SPC Data/Report
Inspection Report
Bill of Lading
The Supplier may use their own format for these Quality or Shipping documents listed
above. However, Chemring has provided samples as guidelines in Appendix – C of the
Supplier Handbook. Each of these documents must include the part number, reference to any
applicable standards or specifications, and the lot number. The Certificate of Conformance
and/or the Certificate of Analysis must be signed by a person of authority within the
Documentation is one area that is monitored for customer service and quality on the Supplier
Report Card.
S. Product availability
Chemring Ordnance has the responsibility to track the movement of their products to ensure
appropriate piece part and finished goods inventory that is adequate to meet Chemring’s
demands. The Supplier is expected to work with the Chemring Buyer to determine
appropriate inventory levels and production runs to ensure meeting our contractual
agreement for delivery.
Suppliers shall produce products adhering to the schedule defined within the purchase order.
Chemring Ordnance will monitor the delivery to ensure that product is not late or early
ensuring that internal inventory levels are maintained at an effective level.
Supplier shall ensure that product is shipped in a method to maintain the physical integrity
and quality of the product, shipping packaging, and pallet configuration.
Chemring Ordnance defines product availability as when the product has been shipped,
received, accepted through Receiving Inspection, and available to be placed on the
manufacturing floor of the program.
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T. Records Retention
Chemring Ordnance’s Suppliers shall maintain a system for maintaining product records.
The record controls shall include:
1. Identification
2. Storage
3. Protection
4. Retrieval
5. Retention Time
6. Disposition
Chemring Ordnance requires that the supplier maintain inspection and test records, both
completed by the supplier or a service from a sub-tier supplier, for a minimum seven year
period. When requested by Chemring Ordnance, the supplier must be able to protect the
material from loss or damage and produce upon demand. If the records are maintained
electronically, the supplier will ensure that the records are backed up so that they can be
retrieved upon an electronic mishap.
U. Supplier Report Card
Chemring has developed a supplier measurement system. The supplier measurements are
compiled on a quarterly basis. This compiled data is used to generate the supplier report
1. Quality – Quality is measured in PPM (parts per million) non-conforming parts. The
report card will show the PPM level for each quarter and then on an annual basis.
2. Delivery – Delivery will be calculated based on performance to the purchase order
delivery schedule. Late delivery will be calculated based on seven days early and three
days late. For example if a delivery is scheduled for January 15th, it will be considered
“on time” if the delivery is received between January 8th and January 18th.
3. Service – Service will be measured by Chemring Ordnance employees that communicate
with the supplier on a routine basis. The evaluation of service will be by the buyer and
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supplier quality group. They will evaluate responses to requests such as RFQ,
documentation requests, SCAR responses, delivery information, etc.
4. Supplier corrective action (SCAR) – number of requests issued during the quarter. The
supplier will also be measured on their timeliness for providing an effective response.
It is Chemring’s intention to recognize the top ten performing suppliers as well as the bottom
ten suppliers.
V. Supplier Recognition
The Chemring Ordnance Team recognizes their Suppliers as some of the best. During the
course of the year Chemring Ordnance shall conduct events to recognize Suppliers for their
extraordinary efforts, improvements, measurement achievements, etc.
The team will recognize the Suppliers by conducting Supplier Days where a group of
suppliers for a specific program are brought into the Chemring Facility to have a lunch with
the Program Team. This will allow interaction between the Chemring Team and the
Suppliers. Chemring feels that first hand contact between all program personnel and their
Suppliers is extremely beneficial to growing an excellent partnership.
Other methods to recognize Supplier achievements shall be awards and/or outings, with some
for specific suppliers and other groups of suppliers. Chemring’s belief is that interaction
between the supplier representatives and the program’s employees is strategic to solidify a
W. Continuous Improvement and Cost Improvement Expectations
Chemring Ordnance has a Quality Policy and Mission Statement that is built around
continuous improvement. This dedication to improvement is carried over to our suppliers.
Chemring shall put resources in place when the supplier requests to achieve viable
continuous improvement opportunities. These improvements may focus on throughput
improvements, cost improvements, or any improvement that creates an improved
manufacturing environment.
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Chemring Ordnance has provided internal Continuous Improvement Training in both Lean
and Six Sigma Training. Chemring resources shall be made available to assist in any viable
improvement effort.
Revision History
Revision Level
Lowell Raby
New Release
Page 14
Appendix - A
Doing Business with Chemring Ordnance, Inc.
If you are interested in becoming a supplier please complete the attached form:
Company Name
Mailing Address
Street Address
Zip Code
Zip Code
Remit to Address
Street Address
Telephone number
Fax number
Point of Contact
Email address
Type of Business/Specialty:
The following items must be on file with COR to become an approved supplier:
ISO 9001/Chemring Ordnance Approved Vendor Quality Survey
JCP Accepted DD2345 (Military Critical Technical Data Agreement)
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls Registration
DUNS # or Credit Reference
Executed Non-Disclosure Agreement
Certification that all Manufactured or Sourced Items must be in compliance with DFARS
Certification of Small Business Size and Classification
Appendix - B
Quality Requirements
Revision: E
Date: 9/4/2013
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1. Purpose
This document describes the quality provisions that may be required of suppliers of manufactured parts,
raw materials, and services and equipment.
2. Scope
This document applies contractually when Quality Notes are referenced on Purchase Orders and/or
contracts issued by Chemring Ordnance Inc (COR).
Requests for deviation from referenced Quality Note requirements shall be documented by the supplier
and submitted to COR Quality, through the appropriate procurement representative. Approved
deviations shall be issued in writing by COR Quality.
In the event that this document conflicts with the Purchase Order or Contract, the Purchase Order or
Contract takes precedence over this document.
3. Approved Supplier List (ASL)
Prior to the issuance of a Purchase Order and/or contract, suppliers must be approved by the COR
Suppliers with recognizable Quality System registrations and certifications, such as ISO 9000, may be
approved without further evaluation activities. For suppliers without a registration certificate, COR
utilizes a Supplier Quality Assurance Survey to gather information about the quality system and
capabilities of the supplier’s quality management system.
COR monitors purchased component received quality and may perform a supplier quality system audit
to verify the effectiveness of their quality system. Suppliers are reassessed at least every three years.
4. Points of Contact
COR’s primary customer is the U.S. Government. To the uninitiated supplier, the detailed requirements
of their sometimes complex documentation can seem overwhelming. The supplier is encouraged to
provide a Quality point of contact (POC) to communicate directly with the assigned COR Quality
Engineer (QE). The QE can facilitate the process by providing clarification, and/or samples of submittal
Contact the COR buyer concerning establishing direct communication.
5. Quality Requirements
Each Purchase Order is reviewed by Quality, to ensure that applicable Quality Requirements are
recorded as part of the purchase requirements. Quality Requirements are broken into two sections,
Standing and Designated.
Standing Quality Requirements (codes A through G) apply to every purchase order. Designated Quality
Requirements (codes 1 through 14) apply when necessary to fulfill customer and/or COR expectations.
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Revision: D
Where a specification is referred to, it shall be considered the latest revision of issue as of the date
specified on this purchase order.
5.1. Standing Quality Requirements – Procurement Codes A through G
The supplier is not authorized to perform material review action of non-conforming
materials with the intent of delivering such non-conforming materials without the express
written authorization from COR. Any departures from drawings, specifications or other
purchase order requirements must be approved by the COR Quality Assurance Department
prior to shipment.
All material rejected by COR and subsequently resubmitted by the supplier shall bear
adequate identification of such resubmission either with the material or on the supplier’s
document. Reference shall be made to COR rejection document and evidence given that the
causes for rejection have been corrected. Government Source Inspection material must have
evidence that the resubmission has also received GSI.
The supplier/manufacturer shall not implement any changes in design, materials, processes,
or control without prior written approval of COR, where it controls the Specifications and
Processes. The intent of this requirement is to ensure that all material supplied under this
order will be homogeneous, and the performance, reliability, and quality of the material is
not degraded. Changed articles shall be clearly identified in a manner different from
previous articles.
Notice of Defective Material will be forwarded by COR to supplier when COR Quality
Control considers formal corrective actions essential. The supplier shall give priority to
analysis of cause and proposed corrective action. It is mandatory that replies be received
within the period indicated and on the Notice of Defective Material.
When a blueprint, specification or purchase order lacks preservation, packaging and
shipping instruction, it shall be the supplier’s responsibility to maintain adequate control of
packaging to ensure the quality of the fabricated article is maintained and that damage,
deterioration, substitution or loss in transit is prevented. Shipments consisting of multiple
containers shall have each container identified 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3, etc. All shipping
documents, certifications, test reports, inspection records, etc. shall be placed within box #1
or in an attached envelope.
The box shall be clearly marked “Packing List”,
“Certifications”, “Test Reports”, etc.
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“The Government has the right to inspect any or all of the work included in this order at the
supplier’s plant.” Government inspection or release of product prior to shipment is not
required unless you are otherwise notified. You shall provide a copy of this order to your
Government Representative upon his request.
In order to furnish the materials for services required by the purchase order, the supplier
shall maintain a calibration system which meets requirements similar to those as stated in
ISO 9000. The purchase order certificates of accuracy or test reports to accompany
deliverable items must certify traceability to the National Institute of Standards Technology
5.2. Directed Quality Requirements – QA Procurement Codes 1 through 17
Code – 1
Government inspection is required prior to shipment from your plant. Upon receipt of this
order, promptly notify the Government Representative who normally services your plant so
that appropriate planning for Government inspection can be accomplished. On receipt of
this order, promptly furnish a copy to the Government Representative who normally services
your plant; or if none, to the nearest Army, Navy, Air Force or Defense Supply Agency
Inspection Office. In the event the representative or office cannot be located our purchasing
Buyer shall be notified immediately.
Code – 2
All items covered by this purchase order will be source inspected by a COR Quality
Representative. This will include surveillance of the products, Quality systems, procedures
and facilities. The supplier shall furnish, at no cost, the necessary facilities and equipment,
supply data and perform tests as required by applicable drawings, specifications and
inspection instructions under surveillance of the COR Quality Representative. Final
acceptance of purchased products shall be at COR’s facilities. COR reserves the right to reinspect or retest materials received from the supplier. When requesting source inspection,
call the buyer whose name appears on this purchase order at least 48 hours in advance.
Code – 3
Each shipment must be accompanied by a legible and reproducible copy of actual reports of
tests performed in accordance with specification or purchase order requirements, identifiable
to material submitted. These reports must contain the signature and title of an authorized
representative of the agency performing the tests and must assure conformance to the
specification requirements.
Code – 4
The supplier shall include with each shipment a certified statement that the items on this
purchase order were manufactured by the vendor and the parts meet COR’s specification
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requirements as stated on this purchase order. Supplier can utilize their own certificate of
compliance or the one provided by COR. The certificate of compliance and all subsequent
pages should contain the following information as it applies to the product being certified:
 Part name
 Drawing number, revision, and date or in the case of a source control the suppliers part
 Serial number (if required)
 Purchase order number
 Supplier’s name and address
 Signature and title of recognized quality authority
 Quantity of material per shipment
Acceptance of material at COR is contingent upon receipt of a Certificate of Compliance
containing the above requirements. The certifications should be written in a professional
manner with no hand written information included.
Code – 5
With each shipment, the supplier shall submit a legible copy listing all serialized parts and
assemblies, by part number, within the serialized end item shipped. No two parts of the
same part number on this purchase order or any other purchase order are to be identified
with the same serial number unless otherwise specified.
 The serial numbers to be assigned by part number are included with this purchase order.
 The supplier shall assign the serial numbers.
Code – 6
INSPECTION/TEST REPORT (To be used when MIL-STD-1916 is not required)
Supplier shall submit with each shipment a report for the delivered end items or assemblies
(identified by part number, part name, and serial number, if applicable) listing those
characteristics specified by the purchase order and actual values found during inspection or
test. Reports shall be signed by the Supplier’s responsible Quality Assurance representative.
Supplier shall supply with each shipment a manufacturer’s inspection Verification Data
Sheet summarizing the inspection tests stated in the Request for Quote Package.
Manufacturer’s Inspection Verification Data Sheet in conformance with provisions of the
applicable specification to include:
 Purchase Order number
 Lot number
 Lot size
 Sample size
 Quantity of parts tested
 Number of defects in each group and/or subgroup
 Description of sampling plan
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Code – 7
COR acceptance of First Article Test (FAT) sample is required prior to the production run.
The FAT production shall be accomplished using the same materials, equipment, processes,
and controls as normal production. Quantities of units produced in the FAT production lot
shall be specified by COR Procurement. COR shall list FAT samples quantity as part of the
Purchase Order or notify the supplier under separate cover.
FAT sample shall be segregated from the FAT production lot, identified as such, including
the purchase order number, part number and revision, and part name. Supplier shall perform
inspection/test to all drawing and specification requirements. If a supplier does not have the
capability to perform an inspection/test, a third party agency may be used. All variable and
attribute data from the FAT inspection/test shall be recorded. The FAT samples and data
shall be submitted to COR for review and approval.
The supplier shall perform a 100% visual and dimensional inspection of each First Article
Sample. The data shall be delivered via electronic copy, hard copy, or both to COR with the
FAT samples.
Code – 8
Any further Supplier production before FAT approval is at Suppliers risk.
A Detailed SPC Plan is required. The plan should be submitted to COR within two (2)
working weeks after receipt of this Purchase Order. SPC plan approval is required prior to
First Article submission (if required) and prior to initiation of production.
The plan must provide justification for use or non-use of SPC for all critical and major
characteristics listed in the product specification. If SPC is employed, the criteria listed
below must be included in the plan.
 Part Name
 Characteristic (i.e., M101)
 Description (i.e., Length of tube 1.525 – 1.535)
 Process (i.e., Automatic, semi-automatic, or manual)
 Production Machinery (i.e., die cast mold)
 Daily Production Rate (i.e., 1,500 per day)
 Inspection Equipment (i.e., Automatic or manual)
 Inspection method (i.e., caliper)
 Chart used (i.e., X-bar R)
 Subgroup Sample Size (i.e., 5)
 Subgroup Frequency (i.e., per hour)
The minimum values of process capability are equivalent to:
Critical Characteristic – Cpk = 2.00
Major Characteristic – Cpk = 1.33
Minor Characteristic – Cpk = 1.00
If there are exceptions to these Cpk levels, COR will communicate through the Purchase
Order to the supplier.
The X-bar and R Chart must provide evidence that the process is in control.
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In the event that SPC is determined not to be applicable, the supplier must provide
justification for not using SPC, including an alternate control method, if applicable.
NOTE: Items produced using unapproved SPC methods is at Supplier risk.
Code – 9
All items included in the purchase order requiring radiographic inspection shall be submitted
to COR in accordance with applicable specifications and standards. All findings will be
reported on a suitable form(s). The form shall contain the name of the individual reading the
film and signature and title of an authorized laboratory representative. The x-ray film and a
legible, reproducible copy of the report must accompany the material. A control number
must be assigned to each part, appear on each film, and be referenced on each report for a
method of cross-referencing each film exposure and report to the part(s).
The supplier shall have an effective system of age control of items for which acceptability is
limited by maximum age. The system must include a method if identifying the age of such
items and provisions for the rotation of stock. Supplier shall identify each delivered item,
package, or container of limited shelf life material with the date of cure or manufacture,
expiration date, and special storage and handling conditions in addition to the normal
identification requirements of name, part or code number, specification number, type, size,
quantity, etc. This identification, including special handling conditions, shall be recorded on
certification or shipping documents for the material.
Time lapse allowed between manufacturing and receiving dates shall not exceed 25% of the
shelf life for material.
Material shall not exceed 12 months from cure date at time of receipt at the COR facility.
Each shipment shall be labeled with the cure date, part number and quantity.
Tooling or equipment acquired with funds provided by the purchase order becomes the
property of the U.S. Government on Buyer’s acceptance of the hardware, or materials
produced, tested, or inspected by the hardware. On Buyer’s acceptance, Supplier is directed
to identify the hardware with the nomenclature and tooling number provided on the purchase
order. This requirement shall not be construed to alter of preclude any other terms and
conditions for property responsibility made a part of this purchase order.
Tooling or equipment acquired under this purchase order becomes the property of the Buyer
on buyer’s acceptance of the tooling and resultant products. Acceptance will be indicated by
payment of Supplier’s invoice after which the Supplier is authorized to identify the tooling
with the nomenclature and tooling number provided on the purchase order. This
requirement shall not be construed to alter or preclude any other terms and conditions for
property responsibility made a part of this purchase order.
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A legible and reproducible copy of actual test reports identifiable with test parameter and
product submitted shall accompany each shipment. These reports must contain the signature
and title of an authorized representative of the agency performing the tests and must assure
conformance to specification requirements.
Supplier must incorporate MIL-STD-1168, Lot Numbering or Ammunition, for numbering
the lots.
Note: Example Lot Number: YCN03A002-001
YCN: Initials for Your Company Name
Last 2 digits of the year manufactured
Letter of the alphabet corresponding with the month the lot was
J=September Do not use I
002: Interfix number. This number changes in accordance with the rules of MILSTD-1168. The supplier shall notify COR prior to making any change in
material or process that would require an interfix change.
-001: Sequential lot number changes with each production lot.
MIL-STD-1916, DOD Preferred Methods for Acceptance of Product, is required to be
used for production lot acceptance. Supplier shall submit with each shipment a report
for the delivered component, assembly, or end item lots. Reports shall be signed by the
Supplier’s responsible Quality Representative.
The report shall list those characteristics specified by the product specification and
shall include results of those inspections/tests. Included in the report shall be:
Part Number and Nomenclature
Referenced specification and/or drawing with Revision Level
Lot Number
Lot size
Characteristic(s) inspected/tested with tolerance called out
o Critical
o Major
o Minor
Verification Level (Provided by COR)
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Sample size (Determined using the Verification Level and Tables in MIL-STD-1916)
o The Attribute Sample size is the default sample size
o The Variable Sample size (which is a reduced sample size) can be used by the
supplier if the statistics (“k” and “F” values) can be met
Acceptance Inspection Equipment (AIE) used for inspection/test
Number of defects discovered for each characteristic
When the Supplier’s SPC so designates, the Supplier shall submit SPC data to support
that the process was maintained in control during the production of the lot submitted.
If the Supplier choses to take the variable sample size, the variable data (Required for
Major and Minor Characteristics) shall:
o Individual data points for each characteristic (Do not submit averaging of the
data points without the individual data point to support)
o Calculate the “k” and “F” values per MIL-STD-1916, Section
o The “k” and “F” values must meet or exceed MIL-STD-1916, Table III
requirements for the sample taken
o If the Supplier’s variable data does not meet the calculated “k” and “F” values,
an attribute sample size can be taken and if the samples meet the requirements
the lot or batch is acceptable. When or if the supplier reverts to the attribute
sample size the data shall be taken and recorded to show that the samples are
accepted or rejects
The use of approved Acceptance Inspection Equipment (AIE) is required for this Purchase
Order. The AIE to be used for determining acceptability of all Critical or Major
characteristics listed in the Product Specification is required to be submitted to COR within
two (2) working weeks after the issuance of the Purchase Order.
The approved AIE shall be used for acceptance inspection and testing for items produced
under the Purchase Order. Changes to the approved AIE shall be submitted to COR for
approval, prior to accepting product, with the exception that equipment with an equal or
higher degree of accuracy and resolution, maintained using the same metrology methods,
may be temporarily substituted when the approved AIE is unavailable (out for calibration).
The AIE shall include the following:
 Make, size and model number for Standard Measurement Equipment (SME) such as
calipers and micrometers.
 Catalog pages for Special Measuring Equipment (SME)
 Applicable gage drawings for custom gages
 A unique identification number for the specific gage being used
 Procedure for measuring the characteristic
 For complex SME, setup and adjustment procedures and/or calibration and maintenance
procedures may be required to clarify measurement accuracy and precision
NOTE: Production items accepted using unapproved AIE is at Supplier risk.
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The Supplier is responsible for developing and submitting a Critical Characteristic Control
Plan. The plan will consist of:
Process flow chart showing the inspection control points
Either two 100% inspection followed by a Verification Level VII inspection
or a fully automated (qualified) followed by a Verification Level VII
Calculations to demonstrate that the process can meet or exceed a defect
rate less than one in a million defects
Supplier developed process for handling critical characteristic nonconformances, this process must include:
o Immediate shut down of the process
o Chemring Ordnance Notification within 4 hours
o Perform internal corrective action
o Root cause analysis
o Corrective action plan
o Request of Chemring Ordnance to restart
The assembly or manufacturing process cannot process any further units until Chemring
Ordnance and the USG provide a restart authorization.
The Suppliers of subassemblies or outside processing of materials supplied by Chemring
Ordnance shall maintain lot or batch traceability throughout the process. Upon completion
of the operation (subassembly or other processing) the Suppliers certification documentation
delivered to Chemring Ordnance shall list the part numbers, part quantities, and lot numbers.
6. Revision History:
Lowell Raby
The original document written to give
MEI’s supplier a complete set of guidelines to comply
with MEI’s requirements
Lowell Raby
Complete rewrite to incorporate other
documents, and clarify requirements
Lowell Raby
Change company Logo/name
Lowell Raby
Changed the new company Logo
Lowell Raby
Changes in Section 5.0, 5.2, 5.2.6, 5.2.7, 5.2.8, 5.2.10,
5.2.15, 5.2.17
Lowell Raby
Changes in Section 5.2.1, 5.2.4, 5.2.17, and added
Section 5.2.18
Appendix - C
[Company Name]
Certificate of Conformance
To: Chemring Ordnance
10625 Puckett Road
Perry, FL 32348
Certificate of Conformance for the Purchase Order No – [purchase order number]
Part Description: ________________________
Part number: ___________________________
Revision Level: _________________________
Lot Number: ___________________________
Quantity: ______________________________
This is to certify that the product described within this report has been inspected/tested and it
meets the print and applicable specifications:
[List specifications other than the print]
[Signature of Responsible Person]
[Title of Responsible Person]
Certificate of Analysis
To: Chemring Ordnance
10625 Puckett Road
Perry, FL 32348
Certificate of Analysis for the Purchase Order No – [purchase order number]
Part Description: ________________________
Part number: ___________________________
Revision Level: _________________________
Lot Number: ___________________________
Quantity: ______________________________
This is to certify that the product described within this report has been inspected/tested and it
meets the print and applicable specifications:
[List specifications other than the print]
Test Results:
[List all tests, accept/reject criteria, and test results]
[Signature of Responsible Person]
[Title of Responsible Person]
Inspection Report
[Company Name]
Part description: _______________________ Drawing Number: _________________________
Lot Number: __________________________ P.O. Number: ____________________________
Lot Quantity: __________________________
Sampling Plan
MIL-STD-1916 Verification Level
Major Characteristic: VL [Provided by Chemring] – [Sample Size Taken]
Minor Characteristic VL [Provided by Chemring] – [Sample Size Taken]
Inspection Inspection Inspection
Method Equipment
[The Inspection sample table will continue to include all samples identified in the sampling plan]
[Signature of Responsible Person]
[Title of Responsible Person]