June/July 2016 - Westside Middle School
June/July 2016 - Westside Middle School
Westside Middle School Update 8601 Arbor St. Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 390-6464 Attendance Line: (402) 390-6484 westside66.org MISSION The mission of Westside Middle School, as an exemplary model of early adolescent education, is to prepare students to become responsible citizens by providing a quality, success-oriented program through a caring school/family/community partnership. Summer 2016 A Note From The Principal I hope everyone is enjoying the summer break. It’s hard to believe, but it will not be long before your son or daughter will be getting ready to return to school. I would like to extend a sincere welcome to any new students to WMS and to our new incoming 7th grade students and parents. On behalf of the staff, we’re glad you’re joining the WMS family. We have hired several new staff members, and I look forward to introducing them to you in the August newsletter. WMS would like to send a special ‘congratulations’ to Mrs. Vann for being named the principal at Westbrook Elementary. Cindy has been a key member of our school, impacting the lives of all students and she will be greatly missed. In replacing Mrs. Vann, I am proud to announce Mrs. Kim Eymann, as our new assistant principal. Previously, Kim served as a Dean of Students at Westside High School and is very excited to be part of our team. WMS Student Orientation Days/Student Laptop Information Dates to Remember As we have done in the past, we are offering an open house to help students become acclimated with the upcoming school year. The orientation times are Tuesday, July 26th from 10 am to 6 pm and again on Wednesday, August 3rd from 10 am to 6 pm. The open-house format is designed so students can take school pictures, receive schedules and lockers, deposit money into student lunch accounts, meet counselors, staff, administrators, and take care of medical School Begins Wednesday, August concerns with the school nurse. Families can take advantage of this opportunity on either day. In the event you cannot make it, all of the activities will be repeated for the students on the first day of school. 10, 2016 7th grade Only: 8:00 am12:00 pm InfoSnap Demographic Forms, Laptop Forms New this year, the Westside District will be handling all of the demographic updates through an online program called InfoSnap. InfoSnap will allow families to update demographics, complete any previously mailed forms, update laptop forms, and make any payments online. Families will be receiving an email from the district within the School buses will run next week requesting updated information to be completed on InfoSnap. WMS issues student laptops to both 7th their normal times for the and 8th grade students and our goal is to have a laptop in all students’ hands in both grades the first week of school. morning run; however, only To help reach this goal, we have chosen to provide the necessary information electronically and online for families the 7th grade students will to view at your leisure. WMS will provide a short tutorial video that both parents and students will be expected to be on those buses. Lunch watch together, but the time which you watch the video will be your choice. To help ensure your student will be iswill be served for 7th grade. sued a laptop during the first week of school, the required forms (to be completed on InfoSnap) must be completed The buses will return the prior to the first day of school. 7th grade students home between 12:15 - 12:30 pm. First Day of School New this year, the first day of school will be exclusively reserved for 7th grade students only. Seventh graders will spend the morning of August 10th, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, in their Homeroom. Students who were unable August 11th, 2016 to attend the Orientation Days, will get their locker assignments, schedules, student handbooks, participate in some School resumes for both 7th get acquainted activities, and eat lunch. 8th graders will not be attending school on August 10th . Rather, 8th grade students first day of school will be August 11 th . Any 8th grader unable to attend the Orientation Days will receive and 8th grade students their lockers, schedules, spend some time getting reacquainted with the handbook, and participate in some fun 8:00 am - 3:22 pm activities on August 11th . Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Eymann or myself if we can be of any assistance. You can reach me at [email protected] or Mrs. Eymann at [email protected], follow our school’s webpage at http://wms.westside66.org, or follow me on twitter @Principal_Olsen. If you have questions or concerns about your child, please contact us. I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer and I’m looking forward working with each of you. It is a privilege to be the principal at WMS. Please stop by and say hello! Russ Olsen, Principal Westside Middle School Please Save the Date for WMS Curriculum Nights WMS 7th and 8th GRADE FALL ORIENTATION WMS is offering two curriculum nights for 7 th and 8 th grade parents. The 7 th grade curriculum night is August 18 th and the 8 th grade curriculum night is August 22 nd . We will offer an open house in the Cafeteria with information regarding all of our extra-curricular offerings (clubs, academic competition teams, athletics, and intramurals, etc.) beginning at 5:30 p.m. followed by a short Principal’s presentation in the Performing Arts Center at 6:00 p.m. At approximately 6:30 p.m. parents will have the opportunity to move throughout the building, using the remaining time to visit with teachers and view classrooms. You and your parents may come to WMS anytime between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on July 30th and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on August 4th for the following activities. July 26th 10:00 am – 6:00 pm August 3rd 10:00 am – 6:00 pm • Have your school picture taken – wear something nice! (Picture Make-up Day is Wednesday, August 10th and Thursday, August 11th) • Fill out WMS Community Club interest indicator form • Sign up for bus transportation if applicable. • Deposit money into your lunch account • Complete student Health/Emergency Forms • Pick-up schedule and locker assignments • Practice schedule “walk-thru” within the building and opening your locker Remember, an adult must accompany you in order for you to participate in WMS 7th and 8th Grade Fall Orientation. 7th or 8th grade students may attend either day to accomplish all of the planned activities. If paying by check please understand that multiple checks may be needed. If you are unable to make it to orientation, don’t worry. Most of the activities offered during orientation will be taken care of the first day of school. Orientation Tours 8th Grade Career Day Students began the day by meeting in their homerooms. They learned about the Westside High School graduation service learning requirement and volunteer opportunities within our community. (Eighth graders may begin service learning hours this summer, upon receiving permission for their service learning.) Then, the students attended a keynote presenter, Sgt. Lance Worley, Special Victims Unit, Omaha Police Department. During the remainder of the morning, students participated in three sessions that represented their chosen career clusters. (Career cluster information can be accessed at http:// nebraskacareerconnections.org.) Approximately 30 professionals from the community shared their expertise with the middle school students. In the afternoon, students attended individually-arranged job shadows. Westside Middle School tours for 7th grade students and students NEW to the school district, (students & parents are welcome) will be conducted during the two orientation days on Thursday, July 30th, and Tuesday, August 4th. Ninth grade students will be leading the tours. All are welcome to attend. The tours take approximately 30 to 45 minutes. Communication from WMS Community Club Susan Gass, WMSCC President Happy Summer! Hope you are enjoying your time off from school; it’s hard to believe we are already discussing the start of the 2016-2017 school year. We would love to have you join us in the Westside Middle School Community Club (WMSCC). The WMSCC is a volunteer group of parents who work closely with the administration, staff, and other members of the WMS community to support the students and staff throughout the school year. The WMSCC is a great way to meet other parents of middle school students and keep up with WMS activities. Our sponsored events include activities such as Parent/Teacher Conference Dinners, WMS Staff Appreciation Week, and Student Recognition Events. WMSCC will have tables set up at the Student Orientation days on July 26th and August 4th – you will be able to purchase logo wear and let us know how you would like to be involved at WMS. The WMSCC Interest Indicator is attached and will also be available at Orientation. Please consider assisting physically, monetarily or both! All forms can be returned to: WMS Community Club c/o Westside Middle School 8601 Arbor Street Omaha, NE 68124. Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you all soon. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please email us at [email protected] Notes from the A.D. Dan Carlson, Athletic Director Greetings! I hope you are having an enjoyable and relaxing summer. With the beginning of each school year, numerous questions arise concerning athletic programs at WMS. I hope that the following information is useful in leading to efficient answers for you. Athletic Program Information The following chart lists our athletic programs, general length of each season, and coaching contacts. Coaches will conduct try-outs to determine team placement. We want our students to try new things and participate in athletics! All coaches listed below can be contacted at 402-390-6464. Sport Season Coaching Contact 8th Grade Football August-October Dave Baker 7th Grade Intramural Football August-September Cross Country August-October Emily Graham Volleyball August-October Shelby Janowski Intramural Volleyball August-September Liddy Mahacek Boys Basketball October-November Barry Glanzer Intramural Boys Basketball November-December Bruce Zabel Girls Basketball January-March Lance Mosier Wrestling January-March Dave Baker Intramural Girls Basketball January-February Liddy Mahacek Girls Track March-May Beth Peitzmeier Boys Track March-May Dave Baker Intramural Soccer May Kelly Schulz Athletic Physical Examinations, Participation Form, and Athletic Participation Fee IMPORTANT! UPDATE IN MEDICATION POLICY FOR 2016-2017!!!! When a non-prescription medication, including cough drops, is to be given for more than 2 weeks, the medication authorization form must be signed by your health care provider. What does this mean? The school health offices in the Westside School District can no longer keep nonprescription medication with a parent signature alone for more than a two week period. After two weeks a parent must either: 1. Pick up the medication from the health office, or it will be disposed of accordingly. 2. Fill out another Medication Authorization form with parental signature for an additional 2 weeks and so on. 3. Obtain health care provider signature for the non-prescription medication that needs to remain in the health office for greater than 2 weeks. Your health care provider can authorize the non-prescription medication be administered if needed for the length of the academic year. Each student athlete must have a Physical Examination and Participation Form completed and signed by all necessary individuals prior to the beginning of athletic practice. For 7th grade students, the physical examination requirement has likely been met as part of the WMS enrollment process. 8th graders, however, will need to have a current Athletic Physical Exam on file with the Athletic Director dated after May 1, 2016. There are no updates for prescription medication. Those require health care provider and parental signatures. To assist in meeting this requirement, we are offering athletic physical examinations at Westside Middle School on August 11th and August 15th from 6-8 p.m. each night. No appointment is necessary. The charge is $30 and we will be prepared to handle large quantities of students. Coaches will distribute Participation Forms and schedules in the weeks prior to the beginning of each sport’s season. Please read, sign, and have the student promptly return the forms. As a reminder, ALL medication must be in the original bottle with the original label stating the dose, student name, times to be given and all other pertinent information. Westside Connection Show Choir 2016-2017 Learning clinics for the award winning group Westside Connection will be held beginning Monday, August 22nd through Friday, August 26th at 7:00 a.m. in the vocal music room. Students will be taught a brief song and dance. During this clinic students will be given the opportunity to learn and practice. Attendance will not be taken. Watch for more details coming in the August Update. Formal auditions will be held on Saturday, August 27th between 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., students must audition on that day. July/August Athletic Calendar 8/11/16Thurs.Sports PhysicalsWMS Cafeteria6:00 - 8:00 PM 8/15/16Mon.Sports PhysicalsWMS Cafeteria6:00 - 8:00 PM July/August Calendar 7/26/16 Tues. Student Orientation WMS 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8/3/16 Wed. Student Orientation WMS 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8/10/16 Wed. First Day of School All Levels 7th grade ONLYWMS8:00 - 12:00 PM 8/11/16 Thurs. First Day of School for 8th grade WMS 8:00 - 3:22 PM 8/18/16 Thurs. 7th Grade Curriculum Night WMS 5:30 - 8:00 PM 8/22/16 Mon. 8th Grade Curriculum Night WMS 5:30 - 8:00 PM The Westside Community School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, color, age, national origin or disability. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Kami Jessop, Director of Special Services, 390-2110. For the upcoming school year, we are once again asking families to consider donating school supplies. By donating school supplies, the district will save approximately $25,000 annually. On the next few pages, you will find a list of school supplies needed for our building. As you are purchasing supplies, please consider purchasing a few additional items for those families who are unable to provide these supplies for their children. We will have a collection box available in the guidance office for this purpose. We will continue to provide supplies for all children who do not wish to voluntarily contribute. Generic School Supplies: • Binder with zipper • Notebooks -‐ 1 for each class • Folders -‐ 1 for each class • Loose-‐leaf notebook paper • Composition Theme notebook – 2 total • Drawing Sketch pad if taking an Art class (All 7th graders) • Pens • Pencils • Colored Pencils • Highlighters • Flashdrive • Headphones WMS Band Brass and Percussion Instrument Supplies Trumpet, Baritone, and Tuba • Pencil with eraser • Valve oil (Blue Juice is recommended) • Tuning slide grease • Valve brush, mouthpiece brush, bore brush • Polishing cloth • Straight mute (trumpets) • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle French Horn • Pencil with eraser • Rotor oil • Tuning slide grease • Mouthpiece brush, flexible bore brush • Two lengths of string for valve string replacement • Polisih cloth • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle WMS Band Brass and Percussion Instrument Supplies Trombone • Pencil with eraser • Slide oil or Superslick with water bottle or spray applicator • Slide grease • Mouthpiece brush, flexible bore brush • Polishing cloth • Straight mute (trombones) • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle Percussion • Pencil with eraser • Bell kit (with practice pad and bells) for school use • Practice pad • Stick/mallet bag to carry sticks/mallets (limited supply available at WMS for $10 each) • One pair of Vic Firth SD-‐1 drum sticks or equivalent (label each stick with initials) • One pair of Vic Firth general timpani mallets or equivalent (label each stick with initials) • Pitch pipe “F to F” (“C to C” will also work for timpani tuning) • One pair of plastic ball bell mallets • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle Important: Students are expected to have supplies available at each band rehearsal (with the exception of folding music stand). Please label all of your supplies so the may be returned to you if they get misplaced. WMS Band Woodwind Instrument Supplies Flute • • • • • Pencil with eraser Cleaning rod Cloth cleaning swab Folding music stand (for home use) Luggage-‐type name tag on handle Oboe-‐Bassoon • Pencil with eraser • Swab • Cork grease • Three reeds • Reed case • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle Clarinet • Pencil with eraser • Swab • Cork grease • Four reeds – strength 2.5 to 3 (recommended VanDoren blue box) • Reed guard – either plastic or metal • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle Saxophone • Pencil with eraser • Swab • Cork grease • Four reeds – strength 2.5 to 3 (recommended VanDoren blue box) • Polishing cloth • Folding music stand (for home use) • Luggage-‐type name tag on handle Important: Students are expected to have supplies available at each band rehearsal (with the exception of folding music stand). Please label all of your supplies so the may be returned to you if they get misplaced. WMSOrientation TipsandHelpfulHintsfromtheWMSCommunityClub OrientationDates July26th10:00am–6:00pm August3th10:00am–6:00pm TheWMSSummerUpdatecontainedagreatdealofinformation;herearesome tidbitsfromWMSCommunityClubtomakethemostofyourorientation. Whattobringbeyondyouandyourchild(ren)? • Checkbook.Therearedepositsandpurchasesthatarehandledduring orientation: o Computerdeposit($35andcompletionoftwoformsintheSummer Update) o Lunchaccount.Adepositcanbemadeviacheck,cashoronline throughmylunchemoney.com WMSCCwillbesellingWestsidelogowearitems–thesearequitepopular andcanbeordered/purchasedduringorientation.Studentslovetoshowoff theirWestsidepridewithshirts,socksandbags!Thisyeartwot-shirt designswillbeavailableforpurchaseATORIENTATION.Wewillhave adultsmall,mediumandlargeavailableaswellassocksandbagsso youwon’thavetowait! • PaperworkfromtheWMSSummerUpdate.Ifyoudon’thave,noworries, extracopieswillbeonhand. o Computerforms o Healthforms o WMSCCforms:InterestIndicatorandLogowear SayCheese! Yourstudent’sIDphotowillbetakenatorientation.So,ifoutfitorhairstyle matterscomeprepared. Otherthingstoponder… • Ifyourchildisa7thgraderornewtoWMS,itwillbetheirfirsttimewitha lockerandcombination.Takeyourtimeandpracticeatthelockertoease anyanxietyforthefirstday. • Walkyourscheduleafewtimes.Aswithallbuilding,WMSiseasyto navigateonceyouknowyourwayaround.Walkyourstudent’sschedule withthemandmeettheteachers.Then,walkitagain.Youmayevenwantto startatthePerformingArtsCenter(PAC)entrancetomimicthestartofa normalschoolday. • • • Organizationalitems–backpackshavetobeinthelockerduringtheday, however,thelaptopandotherorganizationbinder/keeperiscarried.Think aboutwhatsuppliesyourchildmayneedtobeorganizedthroughouttheday. AtWMSyourchildisabletocarryawaterbottlethroughouttheday,you maywanttohaveoneready/purchasedforthefirstdayofschool. Doaquickrefreshercourseonthedresscode.:) UpcomingDates: August11&August15:Sportphysicalsfor8thgrade(cost$30) August18th:7thGradeCurriculumNight5:30-8:00 August22nd:8thGradeCurriculumNight5:30-8:00 August25th6:30pm:WMSCCMeeting–MediaCenter Westside Middle School Community Club Interest Indicator We need your help! Westside Middle School’s Community Club organizes and supports numerous events that benefit our children. These activities would not be possible without parental involvement. We invite all 7th and 8th grade families to participate in the various committees listed on the back of this form. Please complete both pages and mail or email to the address listed below or turn it in at the WMSCC table at WMS Orientation on July 26th or August 3rd! Student Name(s): 2016 -‐2017 Grade Level: __________________________________________________________________________________ • For incoming 8th graders o If you added your information for last year, we will continue to include you unless you request that we remove you from the emails. You DO NOT need to complete a new form unless something has changed. o If you did not receive the Community Club emails last year – Please complete the form and we will add you to the email list for this year! Name: Mother’s Information Father’s Information Home Address: Email Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Best time to call: Please consider donating! I am willing to . . . _____ Donate! Funds are used to purchase tools/ technology to aid teachers in presenting lessons and material in creative and innovative ways and to support the WMSCC in their activities. $20 ____ $50 ____$100 ______ Other Amount: ________. Please include donation with this form. Checks to WMSCC. _____ Assist WMS Community Club in fundraising activities on an as-‐needed basis. The Community Club may seek donation of raffle prizes, help with ticket sales, etc. to fund the many sponsored events. (All parents are reminded that we collect “Box Tops for Education” and HyVee Receipts. Purchasing Logo Clothing is also an excellent way to support our fundraising efforts!) Mail or Email Completed Forms to: Susan Gass 306 South 94th Street Omaha, NE 68114 [email protected] WMS Community Club Sponsored 2016-‐2017 Events ______ Logo Clothing: Help with the sale of Westside logo clothing at a school event(s) such as Orientation, Fall Conferences, etc. This is the Community Club’s primary fundraiser, so please help if you can. Your assistance is greatly appreciated! ______ Curriculum Night: : (8th Grade, Wednesday, August 22 – 5:30 – 8:00 p.m., 7th Grade, August 18 – 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.) Sell logo wear during 7th and 8th grade Curriculum Night. Help recruit Community Club volunteers and man the WMSCC table. _____ October Conference Dinners: (Tuesday, October 4, from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday, October 5 from 4:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) Monetary and food donations are needed to provide a dinner and a snack station for teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences. Volunteers are also needed to help with set-‐up and clean-‐up. _____ Sports Award Recognition: (Oct., Dec., Mar. & May): Monetary donations and desserts are needed to provide refreshments for parents and students during ceremonies. Recognition is held four times to recognize students who participated in specific sports activities. _____ Student Recognition: Monetary and food donations are needed to provide refreshments for parents and students during four recognition ceremonies: Block Awards (October), National Junior Honor Society Induction (April), 7th Grade Honors Night (May) and 8th Grade Honors Night (May). _____ February Conference Dinner & Snack Station: (Tuesday, February 14, from 4:00 – 5:-‐00 pm and Wednesday, February 15, from 4:00 – 5:00 pm) Monetary and food donations are needed to provide a dinner and a snack station for teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences. Volunteers are also needed to help with set-‐up and clean-‐up. _____ Staff Appreciation (TBD): Volunteers are needed to organize and execute. _____ Career Day (mid-‐May): Numerous volunteers are needed to speak at and assist with this event. The number of speakers and fields represented are determined based on interest surveys completed by 8th graders later in the year. Please consider helping out by volunteering: _____ Assist in a general capacity on Career Day by serving as an escort, providing directions to rooms, assisting a speaker, etc. _____ Speak about my career during 8th grade Career Day. My field is: ____________________________________________________________. The information you share will help students evaluate career opportunities and prepare for their futures by selecting appropriate high school and college courses, getting involved in relevant volunteer opportunities, etc. You will be contacted by a member of the Westside Volunteer Council if your field matches our theme! WMS Community Club sincerely thanks you for the generosity of your time! WMSCC Meeting Dates – all meetings on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center: -‐August 25, September 15, November 17, January 19, March 16, and April 20. Mark Your Calendars!
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