
October – November 2015
Volume 118
Tel & Fax – 01400 272389
Edited by A.J. Robinson (272389)
Produced by Fulbeck Communications
Printed by Westgate Printers, Sleaford
e-mail - [email protected]
number of winter flowering shrubs,
and though their flowers are small
they are usually sweetly scented
(To commemorate the 75th
anniversary of the
and may be borne in great numBattle of Britain)
bers. A few herbaceous perennials
flower in winter, including hellebores, winter aconites and the
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
beautiful pale blue Iris unguicuAnd danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
laris, and some clematis species
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling
are also winter flowering. The seamirth
son for spring bulbs has been
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
brought forward by selective
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared
breeding, and some narcissus
and swung
varieties will flower as early as
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
January, along with the snowThe next Newsletter Deadline is
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
drops. As John’s slides clearly
Saturday 21st November 2015
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .
illustrated, the winter garden may
Garden Society by Jean Allen
be chilly, but it need not be dull.
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
The scheduled speaker for our AuOur next meeting is on Oct 13th
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
gust meeting was unavailable, so
at 7:30 in Carlton Scroop village
we were very grateful to Vicky Fox, Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
hall. Martin Fish will be giving a
who kindly agreed to bring forward And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
talk on "Container Gardening".,
her talk on Heucheras which was
and then on 10th November the
planned for later in the year. Vicky Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
last “Talk” meeting of the year will
and her husband Richard have run — John Gillespie Magee, Jr
be “The A—Z of Bulbs” by Johnny
Plantagogo nursery in Crewe for
Visitors (£3) and new
around 25 years. They started off supplying a variety of perennimembers will be most welcome, just come along or call David
als, shrubs, summer bedding and vegetable plants to garden cenFidler on 01400 272630 for further information
tres, but when they felt the urge to exhibit their wares at horticulFOUND!
tural shows, they decided to specialise in heucheras, tiarellas and
A hypodermic syringe and needle were found on a grass verge
their hybrids, heucherellas, and now hold national collections of
on Bulby Lane in the area where at least ten children play reguall three – over 450 varieties. Show exhibits have won them 7
larly. Anyone who has need to use a syringe for medical purRHS gold medals and numerous other awards. These very hardy
poses must discard it in a safe way so that they do not pose a risk
evergreen perennials hail from North America, and although the
to the public.
species are mostly green, selective cross-breeding has resulted
In addition three nitrous oxide (legal high) cylinders were found
in a wide range of foliage colours, ranging from black, through
at the far end of North Heath Lane. The worrying factor here is
browns, purples and reds to yellow and pale lime green. Many
that the user would more than likely have driven there and would
have contrasting markings around the veins and some have a
be driving away afterwards in a less than safe condition for the
lovely metallic sheen. The pictures of the nursery looked like a
sweet shop for the plantaholic! All varieties bear small flowers on
tall stalks held well above the leaves. Some are insignificant, but
Please keep a watch out for anything like this going on and if
others are bright red, pink or cream and are a feature in themseen, call 101 to report.
selves. All thrive in partial shade, and the darker leaved varieties
Fulbeck Communications/Fulbeck Newsletter
are also happy in sun. The samples brought from the nursery
The Annual General Meeting of the above organisation
were quickly snapped up – no garden should be without some of
take place on Tuesday 24th November at 7.30pm in
these excellent plants.
At our September meeting John Stirland’s talk, entitled ‘The
the Village Hall (upstairs room). This is an open meeting,
Garden in Winter’, was a lively and informal look at those plants
, anyone interested is invited to attend.
that are at their best at that time of year. A professionally trained
gardener, and lately a presenter with BBC Radio Notts, John has
a wealth of experience to draw on and knows that winter need not
3 - Draw. Sports Club, 0ver 60s, NHW, Table Top Sale
be a dead time in the garden. Trees are the backbone of the winter garden: conifers form strong architectural statements, and
5 - Dist Councillor, Parish Council, Speed Limit
deciduous trees such as birches and maples show off coloured
7 - Murder, History Group, Swap Shop
twigs and bark that the leaves obscure in summer. The varieties
of crab apple and rowan that are less popular with birds (i.e. with
9 - Comms Accounts
fruit any colour but bright red) will hold their berries well into the
11 - Church News,
winter. Shrubby dogwoods and stooled willows contribute vivid
12 - Calendar of Events
stems, especially if planted where the low winter sun catches
them. All look stunning rimed with frost crystals. There are also a
Editorial - As you can see on the
right, we also are commemorating
the 75th anniversary of the Battle of
Britain. For those who may not
know, John Gillespie Magee was an
American serving as a Royal Canadian Air Force Spitfire pilot flying
with No 412 Fighter Squadron at
He was killed on 11th
December 1941 in a mid-air collision with a student pilot flying from
Cranwell. He is buried in Scopwick
cemetery with the first and last lines
of his poem on his gravestone.,
High Flight
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The Fulbeck Newsletter
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The Fulbeck Newsletter
The Weekly Draw by Brian Fisher
Over 60s Club by Brian Fisher
The purpose of the draw is to generate funds for various village
voluntary organisations. We are always looking to recruit new
members. If anyone wishes to join the draw (£1 per week) they
should contact Brian Fisher (272099), Peter Hughes (273941),
the Sports Club or any of our collectors, Terry Allen, Geoff
Cottingham, Nick Harrison, Vic Rice, Paul Ward, Paul Carter or
Sheila Johns for more information.
The draw runs in 10-week cycles and is drawn in the Sports
Club at 1.15pm every Sunday. The next cycle starts on Sunday
11th October..
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th October at
2.00pm in the Sports Club . New members are always made welcome. The Christmas Dinner will be held at the Red Lion, Caythorpe, on Tuesday 1st December, sitting down at 12.30pm, and
afterwards at the Sports Club for presentations etc.
Balance Sheet Cycle ended 26th July 2015
115 members at £10
Prize Money Paid
Sports Club
Over 60s Club
Prize Winners for Cycle ending 4th October 2015
J. Cottingham
B. Gadsby
Mrs O. Kelway
N. Harrison
Mrs. Walkly
B. Allen
T. Footitt
Ms J. Baum
Mrs D. Thompson
Mrs P. Morris
T. Allen
J. Grocock
Mrs R..Siddons
Mrs C. Hughes
Fulbeck Sports Club by Brian Fisher
Guests and children are always made welcome and if anyone
wishes to become a member at £5 per year (£2.50 for OAP's) they
can obtain an application form from the club steward. The facilities
are available for hire at very reasonable rates, bar and kitchen
facilities can be provided on request, together with very competitive bar prices.
Club Opening Times
Weds & Fri Evenings
8.00pm - 11.00pm
Thurs Evening (Darts)
7.30pm - 11.00pm
Sat Lunch
- 3.30pm *
Sat Evening (Bingo)
8.00pm - 11.00pm
Sun Lunch
- 3.30pm**
*Closing time extended for home football matches
**Closing time extended for live Premiership football on Sky TV.
Fulbeck F.C. - The village team are playing in the Lincoln Premier League this season, the first League game was on Saturday
19th September. Training sessions are held every Wednesday
evening at 7.00pm. If anyone wishes to join the Football Club in
any capacity they should contact Keith Pollard, the team manager
(273369) or the Sports Club for more information
Fulbeck Cricket Club - The village team are having a good season in the Lincoln Sunday league, Division 1 and still have a good
chance of promotion to the Premier League. For more information
please contact Ken Pollard on 01529 304838 or John Cross on
01529 306720
Bingo - Cash bingo sessions are held fortnightly in the Sports Club
on Saturday evenings, eyes down 8.30pm. The next session will
be held on Saturday 10th October.
Quiz nights - We held a well supported quiz night on Saturday
12th September. The next one has been arranged for Saturday
12th December at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend.
Charity Cricket Matches - The match held on 4th July was a
resounding success and raised £2,200 for the charity (Helping
Little Hands). The annual Alzheimers cricket match raised £384
towards their funds.
Thanks go to everyone involved in organising these fund-raising
events. The response from the village (except the Sports Club),
for these two events was very disappointing!
Neighbourhood Watch by Tina Nolan
Tel: 01400 273 073 / 07572 380 072
email [email protected]
Back in mid August there were several incidents of theft of garden furniture, sculptures,
plant pots etc. from gardens in nearby villages. We are not aware of any incidents in
On the 27th August in Carlton Scroop a property was entered by four males pretending to
be from the water board there was a vehicle seen leaving the area
with the males in, Reg: YK58 OMA. Also on the same day a vehicle Reg: YP63 LYX containing two females with Irish accents were
selling door mats within the village of Ancaster.
Action Fraud messages: Fraudsters have created a high specification website template advertising flat screen televisions for sale
which are below market value and do not exist. Payment is being
requested via bank transfer and will offer no protection to the consumer when the television does not arrive. If you believe that you
have been a victim of fraud you can report it online at http:// or by telephone on 0300
123 2040.
PARENT INFO ALERT – Internet Safety and other stuff!!
As children and teenagers arrive back at school, relationships develop, and social media gets another boost as they start new conversations and access various platforms to uphold their social
status! As a parent this can be quite daunting to keep up with the
ever changing world of social media, whether that be by mobile
phone or computer based activity. Here is a brilliant website that
you can access and gain up to date information. You can also
learn about the current teen speak your teenagers maybe using.
(MOOS, P999, and WYRN) – - Worth a
browse as very informative, with additional sign posting to other
websites that may also be of use for further information.
Any current alerts for our neighbourhood will be posted on the
Fulbeck Village Community Facebook page and anything urgent
will also be posted on the two village noticeboards outside the
Hare and Hounds and the Village Hall.
St Nicholas’ Wildflower Garden - by Julie Baum
Scything of the plot was completed yesterday (Friday11th), with
many, many thanks to Andy ( I did do some raking, when I wasn't
distracted by collecting the last of the blooms to take home!). Had
to leave the wild marjoram, which is still in glorious flower (church
end of plot)
Plans for the Autumn:
Assess if a mow would be beneficial
Sow seed to raise plug plants for the Spring.
(Any volunteers please?)
Propose order (from Naturescape, wildflower farm):
Wild roses (burnet, dog, field, sweet briar) and
privet for along wall
ferns (drought tolerant) to try under yew
wild cyclamen
Any opinions on the above order would be much appreciated.
Table Top Sale - A Table Top Sale will be held in the Village
Hall from 10 a.m.-2p.m. on Saturday 24th October 2015.
Proceeds in aid of Marie Curie Rapid Response Team.
Tables cost £5
Ring to book a table :- 01400 273472
Light refreshments available
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The Fulbeck Newsletter
Manor Stables Craft Centre (Fulbeck)
Promoting independent Artists and Makers
Cutting Lane Interiors
3 galleries of traditional & contemporary arts and crafts
Tack Room – Tea Rooms
Mark Bushell – Master Saddler
Plant Pod – plants flowers and gifts
The Old Tool Mart – wide range of antique tools
Phillips Picture Framing – picture framing service
The Stitch Counter – wool & cross stitch kits & supplies
Gill-E’s Sewing Studio – couture clothing & alterations
Open: 10.30am to 4.30pm Tues to Sun plus Bank Holidays
Tel: 01400 272779
Page 5
District Councillor’s Report - by Bob Sampson
01400 273873 or 07766387872.
Visiting the Netherlands earlier this month and witnessing
35,000 people taking part in the 10-15 km Arnhem Airborne
March in remembrance to those British, Polish and American Airborne troops that took part in the ill-fated operation
“Market Garden” in 1944, was a moving experience. Above
all, the Arnhem community spirit and hospitality to welcome
all other nationalities taking part was amazing. Upon our
return, some irony was felt by the fact that Fulbeck Airfield
from which many of the British 1st and 4th Para Brigades
together with their Polish colleagues used for the above
operation, is now subject to two separate Planning Applications for industrial use for ten Wind Turbines and seven
Straw Storage locations.
It is important for everyone to comment on these applications either by e-mail or writing to South Kesteven District
Council and North Kesteven District Council as the boundary of both districts runs across the site.
Wind Turbines SKDC Ref. S15/1764 NKDC Ref15/0795/
Straw Storage SKDC Ref S15/2537
The address for SKDC : The Council Offices, St. Peter’s
Hill, Grantham NG31 6PZ
Email : [email protected] or go to
The address for NKDC : The Council Offices, Kesteven
Street, Sleaford, NG34 7EF
Email: [email protected] or go to
Already, HGV movement and routes taken by local operator’s vehicles is causing great concern amongst local
residents as many ignore the “not suitable for HGVs” signs,
causing damage to verges and road surfaces, and above
all road safety. Complaints have been made, and local operators have replied inviting photographic evidence and
registration numbers before they are willing to acknowledge
responsibility. They also state that “Not suitable for HGVs”
signs are merely a warning, not obligatory. Other HGVs are
often reliant on Sat Nav which directs them from the A1 or
A17 onto the C001 (Stragglethorpe/Marston Lane) and then
through our villages ignoring the signs. Should the above
Planning Applications be granted, the HGV traffic movement would greatly increase, not only initially, but for the
next 25 years!
Many have expressed concerns to me about the Syrian
refugee crisis. The leader of SKDC, Bob Adams, has stated
that ” a joint Lincolnshire working party, led by the Director
of Public Health and comprising local authority Chief Executives had been established. The working group would
ensure that appropriate support packages were available to
refugees coming into Lincolnshire.” Everyone can help by
supporting the local charity organisations, who, together
with SKDC, will be at the forefront of this initiative.
Parish Council Report
At a Parish Council meeting held on 17th August the following matters were discussed.
S13/3303 Fulbeck Airfield Scoping/Potential Wind Farm/
Temple Hill/S14/1417 Temporary Anemometer Mast Fulbeck Airfield temporary 60 m Anemometer Mast See separate report from David Morison.
In his V.H.& P.F. report Peter Hughes reported that car
The Fulbeck Newsletter
boot sales to date have been disappointing due to adverse
weather conditions. Out of the three scheduled sales so far
this year the sum of £226 has been raised of which £200
has gone to the sports club. He said work had been carried
out in the village hall to improve storage facilities and
wished a vote of thanks to David Morison and Geoff
Cottingham for carrying out this work to be minuted.
Concern has been expressed by a member of the public
about the low growing branches on the trees on North End
Green, which he felt was a danger to the person who mows
the green. This matter is to be investigated.
In the highways report the meeting was informed that
work is to be carried out on Pottergate Road some time
between 1/9/2015 28/11/2015 when the road may be
closed for up to 7 days
In response to a question posed by a member of the public, the meeting was informed that work is to be carried out
on Washdyke Lane some time in the future.
The next meetings will be held on Monday 5th October
2015 and Monday 23rd November in Fulbeck Village Hall at
7.30 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend meetings when they can ask questions and raise points. If you
wish a matter discussed please contact the Chairman Ann
Sampson 01400 273873 or the clerk Mrs C. Tointon
SKDC Planning Applications
At a planning meeting on Monday 14th October, the Parish
Council examined and voted on two planning applications:
1. Planning application - S15/2537 - Change of use of
land for straw storage and the installation of a mobile
weighbridge and welfare facilities on Fulbeck Airfield
2. Planning application - S15/1764 - Erection, 25 year
operation and subsequent de-commissioning of a wind
farm consisting of 10 wind turbines (each up to 110m to the
blade tip) and associated infrastructure, including underground cable connections
A motion to object to the applications was carried in
both cases.
Speed Limit Update by Iris Morison.
30 mph Speed Limit A607 Fulbeck We have been advised by LCC that: "The final version of the revised Speed Limit Policy will be
considered by the Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee on Monday 14th September. If it is supported there,
it will then be forwarded to Cllr Davies as the Executive
Councillor for his final approval of the Policy. I would expect it all to be signed off etc. by the end of September/
early October."
Once it has been signed off, it will then be up to Highways
to implement the revised speed limit. This will probably
take several months but hopefully by the beginning of 2016
it will be in place (ever the optimist!)
The Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee fully
supported the revised Speed Limit Policy. It will be
forwarded to Councillor Davies very shortly for the formal sign off and will then be operative, it is just going
through the final checks to ensure everything has been
included that needs to be.
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The Fulbeck Newsletter
T h e B o ile r M a n
B o ile r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n t s
B a s ic P lu m b in g J o b s
H ave your
b o ile r r e g u la r ly
s e r v ic e d a n d
save m oney
E v e n in g T e l: 0 1 5 2 2 7 8 9 8 4 0
M o b ile T e l: 0 7 9 4 6 1 1 4 9 5 5
Page 7
A short article based on research in the Archives of the Lincolnshire Echo by Vic Rice
On the evening of 31st May 1919 Florence Jackson, a bright
young eighteen year old domestic servant from Fulbeck, employed at Welbourne having spent the evening at the Caythorpe
Feast with George Rowland was walking back with him to Fulbeck. At around 10.30 Rowland was seen to attract the attention
of passers-by at a gate at the entrance to a lane leading to Brickyard House. He was bleeding from the throat, and nearby lay the
body of Florence .with a gash in her throat; in her right hand she
had an open razor. Rowland told a witness “A girl has cut my
throat and then cut her own”. To another he beckoned “Come
and look at what I have done”. Soon afterwards Florence’s sister,
Laura, who had also been at the Feast, arrived on the scene, to
whom Rowland said “I’ve killed your Flo, another man wanted
her. I have tried to kill myself but could not”. Dr F A Hardy from
Fulbeck and Florence’s mother were called from the village, and
the doctor stitched Rowland’s wound. On Florence’s mother arriving, Rowland told her “I’ve killed my darling”. She then attacked him, but was restrained, complaining at the inquest “ They
would not let me kill him”. On the arrival of a police constable,
Rowland was removed to Sleaford Police Station
Rowland was an ex- soldier from Grantham who had served in
the Army from April 1915 to February 1918 having been
wounded and gassed in France. At his trial at Lincoln Assizes it
transpired that Florence had spoken to another man at the
Feast , which was probably the cause of an argument between
the two lovers on the walk back to Fulbeck. The defence submitted a plea of insanity, but this was not accepted ,with the judge
commenting that he believed that Rowland was well aware of
what he had done and had placed the razor in Florence’s hand.
after killing her. Rowland was sentenced to death, but this was
later commuted to penal servitude for life.
The Fulbeck Newsletter
just reading ‘Map of a Nation’ by Rachel Hewitt (a history of Ordnance Survey maps and good read, for those wanting further info
about this really fascinating subject).
After a planning meeting in August, we hosted a lively afternoon on the 16th September for some of those with long memories of Fulbeck. With tea, coffee and cake to lubricate our vocal
chords and brains, folks were able to recount, enjoy and record
some wonderful memories and stories. One I particularly liked
was of an old boy at a village fête, charging 6d (2½p) to see the
Wozza – which turned out to be an old broom without any bristles, it wozza a broom once. I doubt we could get away with that
these days!
Forthcoming events (at 7.30 pm at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted)
25th September – Visit to Ermine House (Members only)
Meeting in evening as usual
30th October Talk about recent finds in Fulbeck by
Tameside Metal Detectoring Group,
Big Al and Little Al.
Please ring Carol Aram on 01400 273472, Jenny Cottingham
01400 272379 or Anne Watler on 01400 273028 for more information about the History Group.
The Tameside Metal Detectors - are willing to walk land
in the Fulbeck area and report back at the History club meeting
on Friday 30th October. If anyone is interested in having their
land walked please get in touch with Carol Aram 01400 273472.
The 'Village Book Swap’ is bursting at the seams with books and
games for both young and old. Come and meet the volunteer
team, have a chat, find out a bit more about life in our beautiful
village, open every Thursday in the committee room upstairs in
the village hall between 10 & 11.30 a.m. If you are housebound,
remember that books, games, DVDs and jigsaws can be delivFulbeck History Group by Ginny Walkley and Anne Watler
ered to you at home. Just ring Carol on 273472 or Jenny on
In July, Stuart Squires gave a fascinating workshop/talk about 272379 and it will be arranged. All donations are for Marie Curie
Reading Old Maps, including the early history of their develop- rapid response.
ment. In the early 18th Century, lack of maps during the Jacobite
Rebellions caused great problems working out government strat- Book Swap Shop - Tea party in aid of Marie Curie
egy and obtaining knowledge of the enemy positions. This led to The Tea Party in aid of Marie Curie, held in the village hall by the
Georges I and II commissioning Ordinance (army) maps of the village book swap group on Saturday 15th August raised £330.
North of England and into Scotland. Following this the Napole- Thanks to all who helped, came and donated time and prizes,
onic Wars led to the creation of mapping the South of England in including local businesses:
the 1820's. These were originally largely maps of military roads
Tack room cafe
and landmarks seen thereabouts, fairly rough affairs by today’s
Cutting lane interiors
standards, but gradually becoming more sophisticated and deOld tool mart
tailed. Today the UK has the best mapping system in the world
Stitch counter
at 25.344 inches to 1 statutory mile still produced by the OrdGillies sewing studio
nance Survey Office, although most maps issued are on a much
Hare & Hounds
smaller scale! Early map makers struggled with ensuring accuOwnsworths
racy. They used a number of techniques and instruments, such
Leadenham Post Office
as the 'triangulation system', taking many measurements from
Windermere hairdressers.
the top of high buildings, mountains, observatories and hills. Ac- It was a very enjoyable and worthwhile afternoon and we hope to
curacy was further improved by the use of glass rods which are repeat it sometime.
Carol, Jenny & Anne
largely unaffected by humidity, temperature, air pressure, elevation and so on.
Survey measurements were used to build up maps in squares on
a county by county basis. As well as villages, roads and lanes,
key buildings and major landscape features including fields and
acreage were shown. Additional information was shown around
the edges of the map. Towns were surveyed on a much more
detailed basis with the 1886 series of maps showing details of
buildings, even house gardens, and naming larger buildings. The
mapmakers also included other information such as archaeological sites and trees, woodland, fields and orchards. We then
spent some time studying a number of different maps, the earliest O.S. being an 1886 First Edition of Fulbeck. It was fascinating to see (and shown how to interpret!) the amount of information available, even though these maps were only black and
white, very different from today's multicoloured editions. (NB Am
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The Fulbeck Newsletter
Fulbeck Communications Annual Accounts
Please find below the audited accounts of Fulbeck Communications for the year ending 31st August 2015. Our grateful
thanks are extended to our auditor, Gary Greenhalgh.. Any questions about these accounts can be addressed at the
AGM on Tuesday 24th November.
Views expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not the responsibility
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The Fulbeck Newsletter
Church News
Services for October/November in the Caythorpe Benefice
Thursday 1st
Sunday 4th
Sunday 11th
Sunday 18th
Sunday 25th
Carlton Scroop
Rev M. Cartwright
Harvest EvensongRev. C. Munn
Sung Holy Communion
Rev M. Cartwright
United Sung Eucharist
Rev M. Cartwright
Sung Holy Communion
Celtic Worship
Rev M. Cartwright
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Sunday 1st
Sunday 8th
Sunday 15th
Sunday 22nd
Sunday 29th
Carlton Scroop
Carlton Scroop
Ven. B. Lucas
Sung Holy Communion
Ven. B. Lucas
Remembrance Service
Act of Remembrance)
Holy Communon
Canon V. Rampton
Sung Eucharist
Rev M. Cartwright
Celtic Worship
Ven. B. Lucas
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Ven B. Lucas
United Holy Communion
Other services in the area: - There are Chapel Services in Finkin Street Church Grantham every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and 6.00
pm, the Religious Society of Friends meets every Sunday at 11.00 am and every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm at Brant
Broughton Meeting House and Roman Catholic Services are held in St Peter’s Church, R.A.F. Cranwell on Sundays at 10.30 am.
People wishing to attend will need to obtain a pass from the guard room.
Fulbeck Welcomers
1st Oct All Available
4th Oct
18th Oct
1st Nov
15th Nov
29th Nov
Mr J. Fane
Mrs D. Buck
Mr A. Robinson
Mr A. Kingston
Mrs L. Kingston
Flower Arrangers
1st Oct
Miss R. Petheram
+ Harvest Decorate 10.00am
15th Oct
Mrs A. Greenhalgh
25th Oct
Mrs B. Valentine
1st Nov
Mrs B. Valentine
8th Nov
Mrs J. Peberdy
15th Nov Mrs J. Peberdy
Church Cleaning
week ending : -
17th Oct - Mrs J. Peberdy & Mrs J Grocock
31st Oct - Mrs T. Nolan & Mrs P. Rice
14th Nov - Mrs A. Sampson & Mrs J. Woolfitt
27th Nov - Mrs C Aram & Mrs W. Nelson
26th Sep Mrs R. Day & Mrs Caunt
(For further information please contact
either Danielle Buck 01400273775 or
Carol Aram 01400273472
New Prayer Group at St Vincent's Church, Caythorpe
A Prayer Group has started at St Vincent's Church, Caythorpe on the 2nd and 4th Monday's In the month.
Coffee/Tea will be available from 2.30pm and Prayer will start at 3pm to 4pm. There will be a box in St Vincent's for Prayer Requests to
be dropped in.
Bishop’s Letter
Dear friends,
I am writing this letter to you just after our first diocesan synod meeting of a new triennium, held early in September. By the time you
read this we will have welcomed many people, from across the diocese, to the Saints in Every Generation event in the Cathedral. Two
quite different occasions, but both a sign of our commitment to each other as members together of the family of God here in greater
As you know, as a diocese we have committed ourselves to being faithful in worship, confident in discipleship and joyful in service.
This year has seen the launch of our discipleship programme, aimed at helping all of us to think and pray about the particular and distinct contribution we can make to the life of the world and in response to God’s call. One of the highlights of Saints in Every Generation
in this to
of the however
individual large
are not
the responsibility
was the opportunity Views
for everyone
pledge toare
one thing,
or small,
take them further on their journey towards confident discipleship. I would like to thank everyone who attended and assure you that I will read each of the pledges you
so faithfully gave.
This time of year is often associated with new beginnings, and that is certainly the case in the life of the diocese this year. I am delighted that we will soon be welcoming the Reverend Mark Steadman as the next Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey. Mark will be installed at evensong in the Cathedral on 10th October. All are most welcome to attend. If you would like to do so, please let the precentor’s office know so that everyone can be welcomed and accommodated (01522 561632). Later in the year, we will welcome the Reverend Dr Nicholas Chamberlain among us as suffragan bishop of Grantham. I’ve written elsewhere of my belief that Dr Chamberlain
brings fabulous gifts, a truly pastoral heart, a profound faith and indefatigable dedication to the mission and purpose of the Church. I am
gratified that we have been able to attract a priest of his calibre to be bishop of Grantham, and I ask you to hold him in your prayers as
he prepares for his ordination to the episcopate on 19 November. Alongside this, there is also a significant farewell to be said as Tim
Barker prepares to leave the diocese after 17 years of faithful service as parish priest and then archdeacon. As Tim moves to his new
post of Dean of Guernsey and Rector of St André de la Pommaraye later in the autumn, he and Judy will go with our love blessings and
a huge debt of gratitude for all that they have given to the diocese.
With every good wish,
+Christopher Lincoln:
The FulThe Fulbeck Newsletter
SC = Sports Club
GS = Garden Society
FC = Fulbeck Communications
VH = Village Hall & Playing Field Committee
PC = Parish Council
HH = The Hare & Hounds
Harvest Festival
“ Container Gardening”
FH/FM = Fulbeck Hall/Manor
MT = Mums & Toddlers
CH = Church
OS = Over 60s Club
DC = District Councillor
VFG = Village Functions Group
NW = Neighbourhood Watch
FHG = Fulbeck History Group
27 FHG
Bonfire Night
“The A - Z of Bulbs”
Newsletter Deadline
Communications AGM
Views expressed
in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not the responsibility
Christmas Dinner
Christmas Party
Carol Service
Christmas Communion
Views expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not the responsibility of
Fulbeck Communications