626 Golden Streets S


626 Golden Streets S
Walk, Bike, Ride the 626...on 626 Day!
Date: Sunday June 26, 2016 (6/26/2016)
Made possible by: Metro; the Cities of South Pasadena, San Marino, Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte,
Irwindale, Azusa, Los Angeles County; BikeSGV, Aztlan Athletics, Day One, AQMD and more!
“Open Streets” or “ciclovia” events are temporary street closures that “open” up streets for almost
any non-automobile use. Popularized over 40 years ago in Bogota, Columbia, whose “ciclovia” takes
place every Sunday and public holiday from 7am to 2pm with an estimated 2 million participants
spread out over 70 miles of car-free streets, these simple but powerful events can now be found in
hundreds of cities across the world on a regular basis.
While only a quarter the length of a Bogota ciclovia, Golden Streets will be the longest Open Streets
event in San Gabriel Valley history, among the longest in southern California to date, and one of the
most ambitious in California. Designed to celebrate and highlight the Foothill Gold Line extension to
Azusa, the event will link 7 distinct Foothill cities and 6 Gold Line stations, providing participants a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk, bike, skate, scoot, dance and play on over 17 miles of streets
open for healthy, active recreation. Fittingly, the event has been scheduled for “626 Day” - Sunday
June 26, 2016 - and will touch much of the 626 area code in the San Gabriel Valley.
As with any “open streets” event, Golden Streets will not feature a start or finish. Attendees will be
able to come and go; stop and explore; traverse as much or as little of the route as they wish. Along
the way there will be distinct activity hubs and events, such as live music, vendor villages, free fitness
classes, pop-up art exhibits, family-friendly play zones, and some of the San Gabriel Valley’s best
ethnic foods. There will even be a Train Run/Jog/Walk, offering those with the desire to get up early
the opportunity to run a point-to-point half-marathon. All participants will receive a complimentary TAP
card to use for the train ride back to the start.
Golden Streets will bring together the San Gabriel Valley’s richly diverse, multi-ethnic communities to
celebrate the return of light rail to the region, offering the community a free, family-friendly opportunity
to experience the Foothill Gold Line extension without a car. The event will also feature some of the
region’s eclectic community art, music, food, cultural, and business offerings.
1. Promote sustainable modes of transportation (walking, biking, public transit)
2. Encourage play, physical activity and fun
3. Raise awareness about the Gold Line Foothill Extension and Metro Rail
4. Educate the public about environmental and health issues
5. Improve public health of people of all incomes, abilities and backgrounds
Given the truly unique, singular nature of this event, over 50,000 participants are expected throughout
the day. The event’s wide target audience will provide sponsors a special opportunity to connect with
residents of all ages and backgrounds, from across the valley and region, who share an interest in
health, well-being, sustainability and FUN! Sponsor support will help cover the high cost of opening
17+ miles of streets for the public to enjoy, FREE of charge. Donations are tax-deductible thanks to
event non-profit sponsor Day One, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Thank you in advance for your
support. Sponsorships make this event possible.
Please note that the deadline for major sponsorship ($15,000 and above) is April 15.
***Non-profits may also be eligible to receive a discounted sponsorship rate:
Contact [email protected] for more info.
Diamond Sponsor $75,000 (1 available)
All the benefits of a Platinum Sponsorship plus:
• Primary logo placement in all marketing materials listed under Platinum, Golden, Silver, and
Bronze Sponsorship Levels, plus:
• 10 full banners prominently displayed at the event (provided by sponsor)
• Acknowledgements at press events and public addresses
• Periodical/newspaper/radio ads
Platinum Sponsor $50,000 (2 available)
All the benefits of a Golden Sponsorship plus:
• Prominent logo placement
• 2 prominent booth spaces at activity hubs (10’x30’)
• Acknowledgements at press events and public addresses
Golden Sponsor $25,000 (3 available)
All the benefits of a Silver Sponsor plus:
• Medium logo placement
• 1 prominent booth space (10’x30’)
• 3 full banners prominently displayed at the event (provided by sponsor)
Silver Sponsor $15,000
All the benefits of a Bronze Sponsor plus:
Logo placement:
• Golden Streets T-Shirts and Totes
• Full color Open Streets posters
• Event day map/flyer
Bronze Sponsor $7,500
All the benefits of an Activity Zone sponsor, plus
Logo placement:
• Open Streets website, selected e-news blasts
and social media page
• Opportunity to have a presence at Pre and Post
events - i.e. booth or raffle item or give away
Activity Zone Sponsor $5,000
In addition to Open Streets Champion sponsor
benefits, includes:
• Title sponsorship of the zone, including
recognition on website, social media and print
outreach materials
• 1 prominently placed banner (provided by your
• 1 prominently placed activity hub booth space
Champion Sponsor $1,000
• Logo and listing on Golden Streets website
• 3 recognition posts on social media pages
• 1 activity hub booth space (10’x10’)
Intersection Sponsor $500
• Listing on Golden Streets website
• 1 recognition post on event social media pages
• 1 activity hub booth space (10’x10’)
Train Run/Walk Sponsorship
For information about Train, Run, Walk sponsorship, please contact Jose Zavala of Aztlan Athletics
([email protected]), or visit the Train Run/Walk website: www.theTrainRun.com
Day One, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization is the fiscal sponsor for 626 Golden Streets.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Sponsorship Form
Tax-deductible monetary, in-kind and service donations of all sizes will help make 626 Golden Streets
a success. Indeed, this event is only possible thanks to the support of sponsors like you!
To sponsor Golden Streets, please complete and mail the following form to BikeSGV or complete
form online here: www.626goldenStreets.com/sponsor
Monetary Donations:
In-kind Donations:
Raffle prizes (for volunteers and fundraising); please specify:_________________
Safety vests
Service Donations:
Phone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________
If applicable make check payable to Day One, indicate “Golden Streets Sponsorship” in the memo,
and mail to the following address:
Day One
ATTN: 626 Golden Streets
175 N Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101
Contact: Wes Reutimann
[email protected]
(626) 529-4615