BLESSED SACRAMENT MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:25 p.m. or by appointment at Blessed Sacrament. OUR LADY OF LOURDES MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 9:30 a.m. BAPTISMS Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Since Baptism is not a private celebration, but an incorporation in the large community of the Church, Baptisms are ordinarily celebrated on the fourth Sunday of each Month after the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. WEDDINGS Couples intending Marriage should call the Rectory at least six months in advance of the planned date. RCIA Please call the Rectory if you know of someone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Faith. PARISH OFFICES 852 MAIN STREET WINTERSVILLE, OHIO 43953 PHONE: 740-264-0868 • FAX: 740-264-5449 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 852 Main Street Wintersville, Ohio 43953 OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH 1521 Bantam Ridge Road Wintersville, Ohio 43953 Rev. Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo, J.C.L., V.G., Pastor Rev. Fr. Michael Gossett, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mark Erste, Deacon Fr. Vincent J. Huber, Retired, In Residence PARISH DIRECTORY Pastor.............................................. Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo [email protected] Secretary .............................................. Kathy DiGregory [email protected] Phone.............................................................. 264-0868 Fax .................................................................. 264-5449 Catholic Social Service .................................... 282-3631 St. Vincent DePaul .......................................... 264-9547 Sargus Hall...................................................... 264-0311 Our Lady of Lourdes Kitchen ........................... 264-2798 Bishop John King Mussio Elementary School.. 264-2550 Bishop John King Mussio Junior High ............. 346-0028 Catholic Central High School ........................... 264-5538 OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday ............................... 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord May God bless you for your goodness to His Church for the week of March 13, 2016 LIFE IS SHORT. DEATH IS SURE. This is Holy Week! It is the holiest week of the year. Please take time during this week to participate in the three holiest of days – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. A schedule of services was sent out to you and is also printed in today’s bulletin. Remember the “good old days” when everything was put on hold in celebration of these three days. If we, as Catholics, do not hold onto our traditions by participating in what the Church offers us, how are we to expect the world to change and be a better place for our children and our future. Parents, please bring your children to these services. They are never too young to experience the richness of the Catholic faith. One of my fondest memories is attending these services with my family when I was growing up. It will be a fond memory for your children that you took the time to do so and a tradition that they will want to pass on to their children. I invite and encourage every parishioner to attend the services on these days. And to those who have never experienced the joy of the Easter Vigil, PLEASE consider attending – it is 8:00pm Saturday at BLS. It will be a night you will never forget and one that will change your life forever. Please do not be like the people in today’s “Passion” reading who hailed Jesus by crying “Hosanna” on one day and then “Crucify Him” shortly thereafter. Keep your hearts and minds fixed on Him the entire week. DPSC TIME: Every registered parishioner should have received a pledge card for the DPSC this year. I ask that you respond with a sacrificial and generous pledge to this year’s campaign especially during this season of Lenten sacrifice. (BLS) Adult Envelopes Children’s Envelopes Candles SVDP Improvement Fund $5,524.00 $20.80 $143.20 $817.00 $323.00 (OLL) Adult Envelopes Children’s Envelopes Candles SVDP Improvement Fund $1,491.00 $4.00 $37.00 $185.00 $92.00 Expenses for the week of March 13, 2016 $5,281.36 (BLS); $255.04 (OLL) CONFESSIONS: We will be hearing confessions twice this week—on Tuesday from 7:00am to 7:50am and on Thursday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. If you need to go to confession and cannot make those times, please call the rectory. A TIDY CHURCH: Is a happy church! Many don’t realize it, but after Mass, we need to “clean up” the church for the next Masses—putting books back in holders (2 books per holder), putting up kneelers so the next group of people don’t trip when they come into the pews, picking up tissues UGH!, etc. It would be very helpful if before you leave the church that you put the books back in their holders, put up the kneelers, and take all of your belongings with you. This would help us immensely especially in running between two churches. So please help. This is your church. Let’s keep it tidy and safe. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR RCIA CANDIDATES: Who will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church at this year’s Easter Vigil: (Catechumens): Shannyn Dusi, Michael Trikones, Jessica Van Camp; (Candidates): Gary Borham, Callie Clark, Tom Phillips. Please remember them in your daily prayers throughout this Lenten season. Mass Intentions For the Week of March 20th – March 27th Sat. 4:30pm Sun. Mar. 19 (BLS) Mar. 20 8:00am (BLS) 9:30am (OLL) 11:00am Mon. 8:00am Tues. 8:00am Wed. 8:00am (BLS) Mar. 21 (BLS) Mar.22 (BLS) Mar. 23 (BLS) Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Margaret Huber (Shannon family) Please remember to pray for those in our community who are in need of good health and also for their families in their concern for their loved ones. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Living and deceased members of the Wintersville parishes Olivia Brundage (Children: Jeb Brundage, Frank Core and Barbara Caputo) RoseMary Delfiandra and Lucy Marie Quinn (Husband and Great-grandfather, Ray) Rosary & Reflection Please join us on Wednesdays with meditation at 6:30pm & rosary at 7:00pm at Blessed Sacrament Church. Monday of Holy Week Guido Mastroianni (Dan & Claudia Abramowicz) Tuesday of Holy Week Nicole DiStefano (Karen) Wednesday of Holy Week Michael David DiBiase (Mom, Dad & Michele) Mar. 24 Thurs. Mass of the Lord’s Supper Living and deceased members of 6:00pm (BLS) the Wintersville parishes Fri. Mar. 25 3:00pm (OLL) 6:00pm (BLS) Sat. Mar. 26 9:30am (BLS) 11:00am (OLL) Good Friday – The Passion of the Lord Liturgy of Good Friday Liturgy of Good Friday NO 8:00am Morning Mass! Morning Prayer Blessing of Food NO 4:30 Mass this weekend! Sat. 8:00pm Mar. 26 Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil (BLS) Those newly initiated into the Catholic faith Sun. Mar.27 8:00am (BLS) 9:30am (OLL) 11:00am (BLS) In the Hospital as of March 17th: Trinity West: Shirley Adamski, Carrie Leluika, Charles Stephens, Sally Whitaker Trinity East: Vince Chociej, Fr. Charles Mascolino Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Living and deceased members of the Wintersville parishes Living and deceased members of the Wintersville parishes Living and deceased members of the Wintersville parishes Mark the Date!: The CCHS Home & School parents will be hosting the 6th annual Celebrate Central on Saturday, April 9 from 6:30 – 11:00pm in the CCHS school gymnasium. All alumni, friends and relatives are invited to an evening of food, music, entertainment, raffles and more. This event raises money for the parent assessment fee to the high school each year. It aids in meeting the actual cost of operating the schools so we can continue the tradition of academic excellence and character building for our students. The bar opens at 6:30pm and the dinner buffet is open from 7:00 – 8:00pm. Tickets can be purchased from CCHS students, the CCHS main office or with one of the H&S officers: Tami Cashioli: 740-632-6029; Dawn Capaldi: 740-3811133 or Peggy Wright: 740-317-3688. SCRIP NEWS: Kroger reports /account summaries are now due! Log onto your Kroger account, print out your summary, including your name, your SCRIP family number, Bishop Mussio School, and the dollar amount showing at the bottom. Email to [email protected] or send into the BJKM elementary school SCRIP office NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MARCH 23! Please remember in your prayers the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Francis March (Universal: Families in Difficulty) That families in need may receive the necessary support and that children may grow up in healthy and peaceful environments. (Evangelization: Persecuted Christians) That those Christians who, on account of their faith, are discriminated against or being persecuted, may remain strong and faithful to the Gospel, thanks to the incessant prayer of the Church. Blessed Sacrament Schedule No Bingo on Friday, March 25 – Good Friday Friday, April 1: Sandy Talarico, Lynn Zamberlan & Mary Edwards Liturgical Ministers Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 3/24 Holy Thursday 6:00pm at BLS: Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Dino Orsatti Linda Berkey Tony Corella Tom Graham Anthony Barber Rose Orsatti Nancy Garner Claudia Dorish Tony Godich Stephanie Cuervo Peggy Cotton Anna Godich Alyson Orsatti 3/25 Good Friday 3:00pm at OLL Lectors: Altar Servers: Sam Rotella Jarred Roberts Laura Froehlich Austyn Roberts 6:00pm at BLS: Lector: EMHC: Altar Server: Donna Cole Cindy Gregor Tom Graham Haley Cherepko Danielle Conlon Michael Warren Karlee Warren Natalie Cherepko Christina Recznik Jacob Stoll Lectors: Lew Musso Luci Leonard Jane Barney Sherry Duvall Tom Graham Luca Connor Jim Emmerling Lori Mayher Kathy DiBenedetto Teresa Ossio Evan Naylor Vince Carapellotti Joanne Chmelovski Tony Corella A. J. Connor Ryan Gorman Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Geno Carinci Jodie Buchmelter Tony Godich Judy Call Regis Buchmelter Anna Godich John Mitchell Lectors: Altar Serves: Rob Yocom Caleb Moore Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Mark Recznik Joe / Michelle Ighnat Connor Shultz Steve Kuruc Ben Osso Kyle Shultz Christina Recznik 3/26 Easter Vigil 8:00 pm at BLS EMHC: Altar Server: 3/27 EASTER 8:00am at BLS 9:30am at OLL 11:00am at BLS HOLY WEEK SERVERS: HOLY THURSDAY: It is VERY IMPORTANT that you attend these practices. Practice will be Wednesday, March 23 from 5:30 – 7:00pm at BLS GOOD FRIDAY: Practice will be Wednesday, March 23 from 7:00 – 8:30pm at BLS EASTER VIGIL: Practice will be on Saturday, March 26 from 11:30am – 1:00pm at BLS He was in such agony that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground. (pertaining to today’s Gospel: Luke 22:14-23:56) Sometimes it’s better not to know. For Jesus, knowing translated into a special kind of anguish. He’d long recognized in Isaiah’s description of the suffering of the faithful servant the image of his destiny. He’d played political chess with the religious leaders long enough to know that they were increasingly determined to eliminate him. Jesus knew the Roman Empire wasn’t given to justice or mercy. Jesus was aware that coming to Jerusalem during the Passover festival increased the danger to his person a hundredfold. And those were the impersonal elements. Jesus also knew Judas had already agreed to betray him, and Peter would swear he didn’t know him before the night was over. The others would run, and his mother would watch it all. The hearing would be rigged, and the trial would be a farce. Execution would be painful, and then there would be death. With a garden of agonies ahead of him, Jesus did not turn back, did not shield his face. Jesus knew, above all, that these events would set the world right. You know many things, pleasant and hard to bear. What do you do with what you know? PRAYER FOR MERCY: Lord, help me to be as merciful to those who offend me as you are with me when I offend you. PARISH EVENTS There will be no “Donut Sunday” on March 27 due to it being Easter Sunday. We will hold our next “Donut Sunday” on Sunday, April 24. Hope to see everyone then! LOCA L EVENTS Recipes wanted: Mother of Hope Deanery will be publishing a cookbook and is in need of your homemade recipes. Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 15. For more information, contact Carol Long at 740-264-4812. BJKM Annual Raffle: The Bishop Mussio Annual Raffle has begun. Tickets are $20.00 and each BJKM family is asked to sell 10. The grand prize drawing will be done after the annual Bishop Mussio Mass in Catholic Central’s Lanman Hall on April 29. Prizes are: grand: $5,000.00; second: $2,000.00 and third: $1,000.00. Tickets were in envelopes in the church pews addressed to the school or are available at the school office. Easter Buffet: There will be an all you can eat Easter buffet by Ohio Catering at the Mingo Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, March 27 from 11:30am to 3:00pm. There will be numerous items on our menu. Cost for adults is $21.95; children (ages 4 – 10) $9.95 and children under 3years of age are free. Reservations (highly suggested!) can be made by calling 740-543-3978. Charismatic Mass and Healing Prayer: A charismatic Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, March 31 at 7:00 pm at Holy Family Church in Steubenville. Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton will be the celebrant. Prayer ministry for healing or other needs will be offered following the Mass. All Catholics in the area are invited to attend. Refreshments will follow. Divine Mercy Sunday: In this Year of Mercy, Triumph of the Cross Parish will hold its annual Divine Mercy celebration on Sunday, April 3 from 2:00 – 4:00pm and due to the renovations at Holy Name Cathedral, the celebration will take place in Holy Family Church in Steubenville. There will be numerous priests available for the sacrament of reconciliation, eucharistic Adoration, readings from St. Faustina’s diary, and a talk by Deacon Randy Redington. The chanting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm will be led by the Franciscan TOR Sisters. Experience Jesus’ message to St. Faustina: “My heart overflows with mercy for all.” Memorials In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of George Grantonic Harry Cowser Christina Luckino Pat Becker, RN Wife, Josephine 11/16 Mary, Beverly, Steve, Denny, Cindy & families 8/16 Bob, Bob Jr., Denise, Diane & Grandchildren Her family 6/25 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Parents, Family & Friends Parents, Family & Friends Eugene (Gene) Mulrooney Bill & Mary Edwards 8/16 Wife, Joann & Family In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Our “Vinnies” Tom, Joey & Tom M. Chmelovski Ralph, Margaret Mary & Joseph Huber Vince & Sandy Talarico 5/16 Dedicated to all past & present members of the Blessed Sacrament Men’s Club 11/16 Dedicated to all past & present members of the Blessed Sacrament CWC 5/16 St. Vincent dePaul Society 5/16 Joanne, Children & Grandchildren 6/7/16 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Anthony “Tony” D’Aurora Clara Milewsky Patti, Bryan & Amber, Shana & Chris 12/16 Bill & Donna Milewsky 6/16 Cynthia Rose Phillipson With loving thoughts and prayers Her family 5/16 Son & Brother 5/16 Dedicated to all past & present members of Our Lady of Lourdes CWC 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Jack & Kathryn Kemo Martin & Theresa Foys Walter Ostrowsky Guido & Dorothy Mastroianni Msgr. Kurt Kemo Bishop Roger Foys Rae & Family Elmer Frey Sr. Jim & Kathy Frey 2/17 5/16 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Louise Yaskanich John Stoll Sr. Husband, Donald, Donie, Jay, Linda & Craig 2/17 Wife, children & grandchildren 2/17 2/17 Please contact the parish office if you wish place a memorial or if you think yours may be up for renewal. Thank you. Expiration dates are in the lower right hand corner. VINCE DOWDLE & ASSOCIATES, LLC. A-1 Exterminating Co. of Ohio Surveys for Designerss 3D Laser Scanning ALTA Survey & GPS Construction Layout Boundary Surveys Seasonal or Monthly Plans Same Day Service Available T B M Complete Termite & Pest Control Serving the Valley for Over 50 Years 740-944-1943 740-282-8127 • 800-353-8530 157 Fairplay Rd • Bloomingdale, OH Pest Control Is Our Business, Serving the Lord Is Our Life Cornerstone Remodeling Building, Inc. 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[email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6336 Steubenville’s First Family of Furniture E-Spa Nails A full service advertising, marketing, entertainment, & public relations company 740.264.2186 Sunset Blvd. (Near the Mall Entrance) 740-264-1615 Michelle Bowman • Alterations • Dry Cleaning • Wet Cleaning • Shirt Laundry [email protected] 606 North 4th Street (Downtown) 282-2303 Sienna Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation !"#$%&'()$*'$+$,(-./012(33/4$56 Tony Corella ~ Parishioner %7-.(-8(-96%:;7< 4246 Sunset Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952 (SE Corner Sunset Blvd. & Lovers Lane) (740) 283-3641 Call Today for Free Examination 2203 Sunset Blvd Steubenville, OH 43952 M&M Hardware We Get It Done! 2990 Johnson Road, Steubenville, Ohio 740.264.1402 | 2-D-4-4 740.264.0859 TWO BROTHERS DRY CLEANERS 740.264.5245 Director of Admissions/Marketing Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 4148 Sunset Blvd. Mon-Sat 8-8 • Sun 10-4 740-264-5574 JOHN PETRELLA (Owner) Wintersville, OH 43953 740.264.2479 Office • 740.264.7187 Fax FREE ESTIMATES W S I: • New Homes •Remodeling • Custom Finish Work • Concrete Work • Siding • Baths • Pole Buildings • Rec. Rooms • Garages • Additions • Gutters • Windows •Kitchens • And MUCH MORE! 14-1237 EVERHART-BOVE FUNERAL HOMES Established in 1917 Sunset Chapel - 4435 Sunset Blvd., Steubenville • 740-264-4767 Downtown - 321 South 4th St., Steubenville • 740-282-2541 2218 Sunset Blvd., Steubenville, OH 43952 “FAMILY OWNED • FAMILY OPERATED” VW - Chrysler - Used - 740-264-1696 Funerals • Cremations Pre-Arranged Funerals Daniel B. 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