BLESSED SACRAMENT MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:25 p.m. or by appointment at Blessed Sacrament. OUR LADY OF LOURDES MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 9:30 a.m. BAPTISMS Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Since Baptism is not a private celebration, but an incorporation in the large community of the Church, Baptisms are ordinarily celebrated on the fourth Sunday of each Month after the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. WEDDINGS Couples intending Marriage should call the Rectory at least six months in advance of the planned date. RCIA Please call the Rectory if you know of someone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Faith. PARISH OFFICES 852 MAIN STREET WINTERSVILLE, OHIO 43953 PHONE: 740-264-0868 • FAX: 740-264-5449 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 852 Main Street Wintersville, Ohio 43953 OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH 1521 Bantam Ridge Road Wintersville, Ohio 43953 Rev. Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo, J.C.L., V.G., Pastor Rev. Fr. Michael Gossett, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mark Erste, Deacon Fr. Vincent J. Huber, Retired, In Residence PARISH DIRECTORY Pastor.............................................. Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo [email protected] Secretary .............................................. Kathy DiGregory [email protected] Phone.............................................................. 264-0868 Fax .................................................................. 264-5449 Catholic Social Service .................................... 282-3631 St. Vincent DePaul .......................................... 264-9547 Sargus Hall...................................................... 264-0311 Our Lady of Lourdes Kitchen ........................... 264-2798 Bishop John King Mussio Elementary School.. 264-2550 Bishop John King Mussio Junior High ............. 346-0028 Catholic Central High School ........................... 264-5538 OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday ............................... 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS, MARK YOUR CALENDARS: I understand that it has been some time since I met with our parish council. However, although there is nothing urgent, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 6:30pm, in upper Sargus Hall. After the summer months, it would be good to get together just to catch up. THE HAZY, LAZY DAYS OF SUMMER: We continue with excerpts from The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Simplified. These excerpts contain the true teachings of the Catholic Church, but are easier to read and understand. The Bishops and Tradition (77-79) The apostles established bishops as their successors with the authority to teach. This apostolic preaching, especially as expressed in the inspired books, must be preserved through a continuous line of apostolic succession. This living transmission is called Tradition. It is distinct from, yet closely united with, sacred Scripture. God’s revelation will always remain active and present n the church because God still speaks to the church, and the Spirit still leads believers into full truth. Same Source and Goal (80) Both sacred Tradition and sacred Scripture (which are bound closely together) flow from a common source and have the same goal. They make present the mystery of Christ who always remains with the church. Two Modes - Scripture and Tradition (81-82) Sacred Scripture is God’s speech written under the breath of the Holy Spirit. Tradition transmits, in its entirety, the word of God to the apostles’ successors. The church does not derive her certainty about revealed truths from Scripture alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be equally honored. What the Apostles Learned (83) This tradition came from what the apostles learned from Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The first generation church had no written New Testament and the New Testament itself shows the process of a living Tradition. This Tradition must be distinguished from various types of traditions (liturgical, theological, etc.) which grew up in local churches and is subject to church magisterium. Faithful to the Teaching (84) By adhering to this Tradition, the people remain faithful to the apostolic teaching. Thus, there should be a remarkable harmony between the bishops and the faithful. May God bless you for your goodness to his Church for the week of July 17, 2016 (BLS) Adult Envelopes Children’s Envelopes Candles SVdP Improvement Fund $4,808.00 $5.00 $133.15 $565.00 $65.00 (OLL) Adult Envelopes Children’s Envelopes Candles SVdP Improvement Fund $1,302.00 $2.00 $32.00 $41.00 $87.00 Expenses for the week of July 17, 2016 Will be in next week’s bulletin An Authentic Interpretation (85-87) Giving an authentic interpretation of God’s word (written or oral) belongs to the teaching office of the church, that is, to the bishops in communication with the Pope, who exercise their authority in Jesus’ name. This magisterium is not superior to God’s word, because the church teaches what has been handed down by the Spirit, expounding God’s word from the single deposit of faith. By their docility to their pastors, the faithful hear the words of Christ: “He who hears you, hears me” (Lk 10:16). REST IN PEACE: Please remember in your prayers the kind repose of the soul of Bruno Calovini, father of Msgr. Gerald Calovini, whose funeral Mass was celebrated Friday at St. Mary’s Church in St. Clairsville, OH. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Memorial donations can be made to the Lafferty Volunteer Fire Dept., 70191 Irwin St., Lafferty OH 43951. REST IN PEACE: Please remember in your prayers the kind repose of the soul of Ann Cola, mother of Joseph Cola. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Mass Intentions For the Week of July 24th – July 31st Sat. 4:30pm Sun. July 23 (BLS) July 24 8:00am (BLS) 9:30am (OLL) 11:00am (BLS) Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Kenneth Ray (Vince & Maureen Trivoli) Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Elizabeth Wilson (Tom & Sandra Kelly) Living and deceased members of our Wintersville parishes James Orler (Mark & Carla Gasser) Mon. July 25 St. James, Apostle 8:00am (BLS) Health & Blessings for Alyssa LaRosa (Aunt, Jeanette Martin) Tues. July 26 Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00am (BLS) Kenneth Dunaway (Bessler family) Wed. July 27 Weekday 8:00am (BLS) Sylvia Karaan (Rodolfo Karaan) Thurs. July 28 Weekday 8:00am (BLS) Margaret & Henry Hock (Peggy Cotton & family) Fri. July 29 St. Martha 8:00am (BLS) Carmela Fratto (Daughter & family) Sat. July 30 Weekday 8:00am (BLS) Sarah Jane Carinci (Husband & daughters) Sat. 4:30pm Sun. July 30 (BLS) July 31 8:00am (BLS) 9:30am (OLL) 11:00am (BLS) Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Robert “Bobby” Lesinski (Steve & Beverly Spiewak) Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mary Carinci (Gerno Carinci) Kathleen Garvey (Jim & Kathy Frey) Living and deceased members of our Wintersville parishes In the Hospital as of July 21, 2016: Trinity West: Kieran O’Brien LifeLine: Anthony “Jeep” Cafero Please remember to pray for those in our community who are in need of good health and also for their families in their concern for their loved ones. PLEASE NOTE: due to privacy regulations, local hospitals and nursing homes are not permitted to contact the parish when a parishioner is hospitalized or placed in a nursing facility. A family member must contact the parish so we can have a priest or deacon or parishioner visit them. Thank you. Rosary & Reflection Please join us on Wednesdays with meditation at 6:30pm & rosary at 7:00pm at Blessed Sacrament Church. LITURGICAL MINISTERS & ALTAR SERVERS: Of the 20 reminder letters that were sent out on June 30, 7 still need to be returned. Please return the slip to the parish office as soon as possible. The fall schedule is currently being prepared. You can either mail it or place it in the collection basket at Mass. If you have misplaced the slip, please notify the office and verbally give Kathy the information. Thank you for your cooperation. PICTURES / CERTIFICATES: There are STILL one (1) first Communion picture, one (1) first Communion certificate and one (1) baptismal certificate to be picked up. These have been moved to the parish office. Please pick up these items as they may be of importance in the future. Please remember in your prayers the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Francis July (Indigenous Peoples) That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. (Latin America and the Caribbean) That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Blessed Sacrament Schedule July 29: Jean Dalfonso, Meg Mackay & Kaci Chaney August 5: Peggy Cotton, Sue Lanham & Jessika Brannagan Liturgical Ministers Schedule for July 30th & July 31st Saturday 7/30 4:30pm at BLS: Jane Barney EMHC: Altar Servers: Tom Perrone Teresa Ossio Evan Naylor Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Jennifer Brown Jodie Buchmelter Ethan Brown Donna Cole 9:30am at OLL: Lector: Altar Server: Laura Froehlich Volunteer 11:00am at BLS Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Carol Jones Toni Svec Jacob McGinness Sunday 731 8:00am at BLS Lectors: Jacob Stoll Olivia rown Brandon Svec Steve Kuruc Georgi McGinness Joey McGinness “If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole place.” (pertaining to today’s first reading: Genesis 18:20-32) The great dicker between Abraham and God over the fate of Sodom is one of my favorites Old Testament stories. Neither party argues that Sodom is a wonderful city that should survive for its own sake: that ship has sailed. The best Abraham can do is voice the proposition that God’s not the kind of deity who’s unjust or arbitrary in dealing with humanity. Innocent people shouldn’t suffer along with the guilty in God’s world. It’s as simple as that. God agrees. So the dealing begins: are fifty good people enough to save the city? The dickering gets down to ten measly folk, and God still can’t locate them. The city is doomed. Yet God spares Lot’s family, kin to Abraham, though they number only four. Abraham is right: God is that kind of God. We also learn something about ourselves in this story: Abraham shows us we have nothing to fear in arguing with God. (Alice Camille) Is your relationship with God too polite? Are you willing to level with God when you object to the direction things are headed? “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9) “Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives.” (St. Peter Crysologus) PRAYER FOR MERCY: Lord, help me to be as merciful to those who offend me as you are with me when I offend you. PARISH EVENTS Many of you have been asking for Andrew Leung’s home address. Here it is. I’m sure he would be happy to hear from you. His email address is: [email protected] (Remember: Have the post office determine the cost of the postage. Mr. Andrew Leung 8D Block 5 Mountain Shore Ma On Shan, Hong Kong MEN’S CLUB: The next meeting will be THIS Monday, Aug. 1, in upper Sargus Hall at 6:00pm. All men of the parishes are welcome to attend. Men of St. Joseph: Our Men of St. Joseph meet every Tuesday morning in lower Sargus Hall to talk about and share their faith. We have an impressive group of spiritual men. Why not consider being one of them. The meeting is from 7:00am to 7:55am. LOCA L EVENTS Autumn Glory Card Party: St. Paul Catholic Church (140 Walnut St., Weirton, W. Va.) will be holding their annual Autumn Glory card party on Sunday, Sept. 25, at 2:00pm, in the St. Paul school cafeteria. Luncheon will be served and there will be raffles, door prizes and a Chinese auction. Tickets are $9.00 per person. Please call Dee Krinock at 304-723-5755. No tickets will be sold at the door. Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines: St. Agnes Parish in Mingo is offering a pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes and other important religious shrines in France and Spain from Tuesday, October 4 through Thursday, October 13. The total cost is $3,299 / double occupancy, which includes air travel from Pittsburgh and all ground transportation, hotels, etc. This is a pilgrimage of a lifetime and will be an extraordinary way to participate in this year’s “Jubilee of Mercy.” For more information, please call Father Jim Dunfee at St. Agnes Parish office (740-535-1491) or email him at [email protected]. EWTN Needs Media Missionaries! Has EWTN Global Catholic Network impacted your life? Would you like to tell others about Christ and his church with EWTN? If so, become an EWTN Media Missionary right where you are and make your parish, community, family, and friends aware of EWTN as the best source for Catholic television, radio, online and print resources. To learn more, go to or call us at 205795-5771. We look forward to hearing from you! Memorials In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of George Grantonic Christina Luckino Pat Becker, RN Wife, Josephine Bob, Bob Jr., Denise, Diane & Grandchildren Her family 11/16 6/25 5/17 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Parents, Family & Friends Parents, Family & Friends Eugene (Gene) Mulrooney Vince & Sandy Talarico Bill & Mary Edwards 8/17 Wife, Joann & Family In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Our “Vinnies” Tom, Joey & Tom M. Chmelovski Ralph, Margaret Mary & Joseph Huber 5/17 Dedicated to all past & present members of the Blessed Sacrament Men’s Club 11/17 Dedicated to all past & present members of the Blessed Sacrament CWC 5/17 St. Vincent dePaul Ministry 5/17 Joanne, Children & Grandchildren 6/7/17 5/17 In Loving Memory of Cynthia Rose Phillipson With loving thoughts and prayers Her family 5/17 Son & Brother 5/17 Dedicated to all past & present members of Anthony “Tony” D’Aurora Our Lady of Lourdes CWC Patti, Bryan & Amber, Shana & Chris 12/16 5/17 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Jack & Kathryn Kemo Martin & Theresa Foys Walter Ostrowsky Guido & Dorothy Mastroianni Msgr. Kurt Kemo Bishop Roger Foys Rae & Family Elmer Frey Sr. Jim & Kathy Frey 2/17 5/17 5/17 2/17 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Louise Yaskanich John Stoll Sr. Husband, Donald, Donie, Jay, Linda & Craig 2/17 Wife, children & grandchildren 2/17 Rose Mary DelFiandra & baby Lucy Quinn Husband & greatgrandfather, Ray 5/17 Please contact the parish office if you wish place a memorial or if you think yours may be up for renewal. Thank you. Expiration dates are in the lower right hand corner. VINCE DOWDLE & ASSOCIATES, LLC. A-1 Exterminating Co. of Ohio Surveys for Designerss 3D Laser Scanning ALTA Survey & GPS Construction Layout Boundary Surveys Seasonal or Monthly Plans Same Day Service Available T B M Complete Termite & Pest Control Serving the Valley for Over 50 Years 740-944-1943 740-282-8127 • 800-353-8530 157 Fairplay Rd • Bloomingdale, OH Pest Control Is Our Business, Serving the Lord Is Our Life Cornerstone Remodeling Building, Inc. 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[email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6336 Steubenville’s First Family of Furniture E-Spa Nails A full service advertising, marketing, entertainment, & public relations company 740.264.2186 Sunset Blvd. (Near the Mall Entrance) 740-264-1615 Michelle Bowman • Alterations • Dry Cleaning • Wet Cleaning • Shirt Laundry [email protected] 606 North 4th Street (Downtown) 282-2303 Sienna Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation !"#$%&'()$*'$+$,(-./012(33/4$56 Tony Corella ~ Parishioner %7-.(-8(-96%:;7< 4246 Sunset Blvd. Steubenville, OH 43952 (SE Corner Sunset Blvd. & Lovers Lane) (740) 283-3641 Call Today for Free Examination 2203 Sunset Blvd Steubenville, OH 43952 M&M Hardware We Get It Done! 2990 Johnson Road, Steubenville, Ohio 740.264.1402 | 2-D-4-4 740.264.0859 TWO BROTHERS DRY CLEANERS 740.264.5245 Director of Admissions/Marketing Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 4148 Sunset Blvd. Mon-Sat 8-8 • Sun 10-4 740-264-5574 JOHN PETRELLA (Owner) Wintersville, OH 43953 740.264.2479 Office • 740.264.7187 Fax FREE ESTIMATES W S I: • New Homes •Remodeling • Custom Finish Work • Concrete Work • Siding • Baths • Pole Buildings • Rec. 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