February 14, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament
February 14, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament
BLESSED SACRAMENT MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:25 p.m. or by appointment at Blessed Sacrament. OUR LADY OF LOURDES MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 9:30 a.m. BAPTISMS Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Since Baptism is not a private celebration, but an incorporation in the large community of the Church, Baptisms are ordinarily celebrated on the fourth Sunday of each Month after the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. WEDDINGS Couples intending Marriage should call the Rectory at least six months in advance of the planned date. RCIA Please call the Rectory if you know of someone who is interested in learning about the Catholic Faith. PARISH OFFICES 852 MAIN STREET WINTERSVILLE, OHIO 43953 PHONE: 740-264-0868 • FAX: 740-264-5449 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 852 Main Street Wintersville, Ohio 43953 OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH 1521 Bantam Ridge Road Wintersville, Ohio 43953 Rev. Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo, J.C.L., V.G., Pastor Rev. Fr. Michael Gossett, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mark Erste, Deacon Fr. Vincent J. Huber, Retired, In Residence PARISH DIRECTORY Pastor.............................................. Msgr. Kurt H. Kemo [email protected] Secretary .............................................. Kathy DiGregory [email protected] Phone.............................................................. 264-0868 Fax .................................................................. 264-5449 Catholic Social Service .................................... 282-3631 St. Vincent DePaul .......................................... 264-9547 Sargus Hall...................................................... 264-0311 Our Lady of Lourdes Kitchen ........................... 264-2798 Bishop John King Mussio Elementary School.. 264-2550 Bishop John King Mussio Junior High ............. 346-0028 Catholic Central High School ........................... 264-5538 OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday ............................... 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. First Sunday of Lent May God bless you for your goodness to His Church for the week of Feb. 7th, 2016 LIFE IS SHORT. DEATH IS SURE. THIS IS THE FIRST WEEK OF LENT: Some helps are available this Lent. I encourage you to attend daily Mass at 8:00am at BLS, if not every day, at least a few days during the week. Stations of the Cross are prayed on Fridays at 7:00pm at OLL. Please read daily from the “Little Black Book” you were sent in the mail. Do as I suggested in last week’s bulletin, make a list of your deceased relatives and friends and pray daily for them. And finally, please make some room in your life for daily prayer and meditation—just sitting quietly with God. You will be amazed at what he reveals to you. I also encourage you to take advantage of the Lenten Series sponsored by the Steubenville and Wintersville parishes. (Insert was in last week’s bulletin.) LENTEN ABSTINENCE: All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. No meat may be eaten for those 14 years and older. Fasting (Ash Wednesday & Good Friday) binds those between ages 18 and 60. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH: We are most grateful to the two following persons who have generously donated to pay for the new artwork in Blessed Sacrament Church: "The Death of St. Joseph" was donated by Most Reverend Roger J. Foys in loving memory of his father and mother, Martin and Theresa Foys, sister, Marge Ciesla and brother, Richard Foys; "Emmaeus Breaking of the Bread" was donated by Mr. Sam Shorac in Thanksgiving for blessings from God. Thanks to both of you we have two of the finest works of art in our church. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity. CALLING ALL MEN OF OUR PARISHES: I encourage the men of our parish to join our Men of St. Joseph Spiritual Group especially during this Holy Season of Lent. They meet every Tuesday morning at 7:00am in the Lower Sargus Hall. If you cannot come all the time, please come when you are able. You are always welcome. (BLS) Adult Envelopes Children’s Envelopes Candles SVDP Improvement Fund Bingo $5,483.00 $22.30 $103.00 $1,144.00 $120.00 $5,250.00 (OLL) Adult Envelopes Children’s Envelopes Candles SVDP Improvement Fund $1,804.00 $4.00 $28.00 $115.00 $0 Expenses for the week of Feb. 7, 2016: $14,985.39 (BLS) (includes $9,614.92 to BJKM and CCHS monthly assessment and $2,676.08 in Property Taxes) $4,739.84 (OLL) (includes $2,425.17 to BJKM and CCHS monthly assessment and $1,396.10 in Property Taxes). John and Blanche Mussio Scholarship: Awards under this program are for the first year of at Franciscan University and are nonrenewable. Applications are available in the parish office. Applicants must be a high school senior and live within the Diocese of Steubenville; be a participating member of a Catholic parish within the diocese; meet the following educational criteria: combined SAT score of 1000 or a composite ACT score of 21 and demonstrate financial need as determined by the FUS office of student financial services (through the evaluation of the FAFSA.) Documentation required consists of the application form and a letter of recommendation from your pastor. Required documentation must be on file with the Diocesan Office of Christian Formation and Schools by 4:00pm on Friday, April 1. REST IN PEACE: Please remember in your prayers the kind repose of the souls of Lorra Cochrun, sister of Sheila Caniff and Liam Dalfonso, great-grandson of Ray & Jean Dalfonso. May their soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Mass Intentions For the Week of Feb. 13th – Feb. 21st Sat. 4:30pm Sun. Feb.13 (BLS) Feb. 14 8:00am (BLS) 9:30am (OLL) First Sunday of Lent Living and deceased members of the Wintersville parishes First Sunday of Lent Deceased members of the Cerra family (M/M Jim Cerra) Helen Gaudio (Jim & Kathy Frey) 11:00am (BLS) Mon. 8:00am Feb. 15 (BLS) Lenten Weekday Hugo Schiappa (Val & Ann Iachini) Tues. Feb. 16 Lenten Weekday Dale Cordier (Gary Rita Oravitz) 8:00am Wed. (BLS) Feb. 17 Veronica & Clinton Gilkey (Ann & Chuck Cash and Mike & Kathy Gilkey) Lenten Weekday (BLS) James Orler (Dave & Barb Haracharic) Thurs. 8:00am Feb. 18 (BLS) Lenten Weekday Dale Cordier (OLL Morning Group) Fri. Feb. 19 Lenten Weekday Fritz Emmerling (Anthony & Martha Krings) 8:00am 8:00am (BLS) Sat. 8:00am Feb. 20 (BLS) Lenten Weekday Tony Morelli (Joe & Elaine Rotella) Sat. Feb. 20 Second Sunday of Lent Peter Ward (Julius Chetock Family) 4:30pm (BLS) Sun. 8:00am Feb. 21 (BLS) Second Sunday of Lent Living and deceased members of the Wintersville parishes 9:30am (OLL) Gabriel Core {Anniv} (Children: Frank Core & Barbara Caputo) (BLS) Kenneth Ray (Greg & Gloria Zamborsky) 11:00am In the Hospital as of Feb. 11th: Trinity West: Shirley Humpe, Suzanne Porter Trinity East: Fr. Charles Mascolino Please remember to pray for those in our community who are in need of good health and also for their families in their concern for their loved ones. Rosary & Reflection Please join us on Wednesdays with meditation at 6:30pm & rosary at 7:00pm at Blessed Sacrament Church. OPEN HOUSE Are you interested in a private education? Come see what Steubenville Catholic Schools have to offer your family! We invite all prospective new students and families to our open house and registration on Sunday, Feb. 28. Come meet with our teachers and administration and take a tour of our schools. Catholic Central High School & Bishop John King Mussio Junior High from 12:00pm – 2:00pm (Junior High parent meeting 12:30 in Lanman Hall). Bishop John King Mussio Elementary from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Steubenville Catholic Schools offer: Grades Pre-K thru 12 the ED Choice Expansion program, Stateof-the-Art Early Childhood program, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), 7 – 12 College Credit Plus and a 100% graduation rate! For more information on grades Pre-K – 6th call BJKM Elementary at 740-264-2550 / 7th & 8th call BJKM Junior. High at 740-346-0028 and for 9th – 12th call CCHS at 740-264-5538. Please remember in your prayers the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Francis February (Care for Creation) That we may take good care of creation – a gift freely given – cultivating and protecting it for future generations. That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. Blessed Sacrament Schedule Feb. 19: Mike & Beverly DiBiase Feb. 26: Anita Laukert & Marsha Phillipson Liturgical Ministers Schedule for Feb.20th & Feb. 21st Saturday 2/20 4:30pm at BLS: Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Amy Parakakis Kathy DiBenedetto Ryan Gorman Lew Musso Sherry Duvall Christina Recznik Evan Naylor Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Marilyn Izzi Claudia Dorich John Mitchell Geno Carinci Toni Svec Ryle Dondzila Gavin Dondzila 9:30am at OLL: Lector: Altar Server: Beth Engle Caleb Moore 11:00am at BLS Lectors: EMHC: Altar Servers: Linda Nichols Michael Warren Jaden Bradley Janet Sharpe John DuBois Camden Bradley Karlee Warren Sunday 2/21 8:00am at BLS “You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.” (pertaining to today’s Gospel: Luke 4:1-13) Lent began a few days ago with a smudge of ashes and a reminder that time is precious. At once we’re plunged into the company of the devil – or, at least Jesus is. This metaphysical rumble in the desert between heaven and hell’s favorite sons is a dramatic way to launch a liturgical season. But it makes the point: time is short, so choose sides and take a stand. What will you do with the next forty days? Don’t forget our wise traditions of self-denial, prayer, and generous giving. Choose one of each, not one out of the three. Say no to something and maintain the discipline even if you falter once or twice. Increase your attention to prayer, try a new prayer form, or go on a guided retreat. Give something away that someone else really needs and that you can feel the departure of: time, money forgiveness. Do these things in the name of the Lord, your God. Blessings on a fruitful and meaningful Lent! (Alice Camille) PRAYER FOR MERCY: Lord, help me to be as merciful to those who offend me as you are with me when I offend you. PARISH EVENTS PIEROGI NEWS: We are selling Pierogies, gnocchi and meatless sauce FROZEN ONLY on each Wednesday through Lent (except Holy Week) from 10:00am – 5:30pm. Sargus Hall: 740-264-0311 if you want to order ahead. LOCA L EVENTS Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union to award $50,000.00 in Catholic Education Scholarships! Ohio Catholic will be awarding $50,000.00 in Catholic elementary and high school scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year. Scholarships will be primarily needs-based, and awarded in the amount of $1,000.00 per family. Online applications can be accessed at www.ohiocatholicfcu.com/scholarships, and will be open beginning Catholic Schools Week on Sunday, Jan. 31 until Friday, March 4. In addition to submitting an application, applicants must have a teacher or school administrator fill out an online recommendation form. To be considered for a scholarship, applicant’s parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) must be members of Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union. To become a member, visit http://ohiocatholicfcu.com/join and use the promo code SCHOLARSHIPS. Questions can be directed to Alexandra at [email protected] or by calling (888) 696-4462. BJKM Book Fair: Please come to the BJKM book fair from Feb. 22 – Feb. 26 in the school gymnasium. Students can shop during their library and art times during the week. Parents / grandparents can shop with their child(ren) during these times with them or stop in. Workers will be there from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Purchases can be made with cash, checks, or credit cards. Books make wonderful gifts!!!!! Support our school by shopping online from Feb. 17 to March 1 at www.bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/bishopjohnkingmussioelem. Send your student(s) wish list to family & friends or shop a teacher’s wish list or a gift for a relative or friend! BJKM Annual Raffle: The Bishop Mussio Annual Raffle has begun with ticket sales this month. Tickets are $20.00 and each BJKM family is asked to sell 10. An early bird drawing for 5-$100.00 prizes will be Feb. 19. The grand prize drawing will be done after the annual Bishop Mussio Mass in Catholic Central’s Lanman Hall on April 29. Prizes are: grand: $5,000.00; second: $2,000.00 and third: $1,000.00. Tickets are also available at the school office. Fish Fry: Mingo Knights of Columbus Council #4361 will be offering a fish fry and more during our Lenten season every Friday through Lent until Friday, March 18. (No food service on Good Friday.) They will be offering fish dinners and sandwiches, shrimp dinners, pierogies, halushki, broccoli soup and more. Dine in or carryout available. Hours are 11:00am – 1:30pm and again from 4:00pm until 6:30pm. Delivery service only from 11:00 am until 1:30pm by calling 740-535-8037 to place an order. The Knights of Columbus Hall is available for bookings for 2016, 2017 and 2018. Homemade Gnocchi: The ladies of St. Mary’s Church in Martins Ferry are once again making and selling Grandma’s Homemade Gnocchi. Cost is $5.00 per pound. Orders are due by Saturday, March 5 and money due by Saturday, March 12. Pickup is Saturday, March 19 from 10:00am – 12:00noon at St. Mary’s school auditorium. If you would like to place an order, please call Kathy Kimble at 740-633-3877. National Day of Service: Eastern Gateway Community College TRIO programs (Educational Opportunity Centers, Student Support Services and Upward Bound) want to say “Thank You” to our community by giving back. National TRIO Day is a day of celebration, reflection and action around increased access to higher education for disadvantaged students. We invite Pre-K through 6th grade children accompanied by a parent/guardian to the main campus to participate in fun, hands-on activities on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 12:00 – 3:00pm on our campus. Lunch will be provided. You must RSVP by calling Marilyn Crew at 740-264-5591 x 1713. What’s Up Downtown? The Steubenvile Revitalization Group is announcing plans for the “What’s Up Downtown” event to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 24. They are sponsoring a tour of three churches along Fourth Street beginning at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church at 5:00pm then moving to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 5:45pm and ending at the First Christian Church at 6:30pm. A “Meet & Greet” will follow at Froehlich’s Classic Corner with light refreshments. Shuttle transportation will be available between churches. All are welcome to attend! Memorials In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of George Grantonic Harry Cowser Christina Luckino Pat Becker, RN Wife, Josephine 11/16 Mary, Beverly, Steve, Denny, Cindy & families 8/16 Bob, Bob Jr., Denise, Diane & Grandchildren Her family 6/25 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Parents, Family & Friends Parents, Family & Friends Eugene (Gene) Mulrooney Bill & Mary Edwards 8/16 Wife, Joann & Family In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Our “Vinnies” Tom, Joey & Tom M. Chmelovski Ralph, Margaret Mary & Joseph Huber Vince & Sandy Talarico 5/16 Dedicated to all past & present members of the Blessed Sacrament Men’s Club 11/16 Dedicated to all past & present members of the Blessed Sacrament CWC 5/16 St. Vincent dePaul Society 5/16 Joanne, Children & Grandchildren 6/7/16 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Anthony “Tony” D’Aurora Clara Milewsky Patti, Bryan & Amber, Shana & Chris 12/16 Bill & Donna Milewsky 3/16 Cynthia Rose Phillipson With loving thoughts and prayers Her family 5/16 Son & Brother 5/16 Dedicated to all past & present members of Our Lady of Lourdes CWC 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Jack & Kathryn Kemo Martin & Theresa Foys Walter Ostrowsky Guido & Dorothy Mastroianni Msgr. Kurt Kemo Bishop Roger Foys Rae & Family Elmer Frey Sr. Jim & Kathy Frey 2/17 5/16 5/16 In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Louise Yaskanich John Stoll Sr. Husband, Donald, Donie, Jay, Linda & Craig 2/17 Wife, children & grandchildren 2/17 2/17 Please contact the parish office if you wish place a memorial or if you think yours may be up for renewal. Thank you. Expiration dates are in the lower right hand corner. VINCE DOWDLE & ASSOCIATES, LLC. A-1 Exterminating Co. of Ohio Surveys for Designerss 3D Laser Scanning ALTA Survey & GPS Construction Layout Boundary Surveys Seasonal or Monthly Plans Same Day Service Available T B M Complete Termite & Pest Control Serving the Valley for Over 50 Years 740-944-1943 740-282-8127 • 800-353-8530 157 Fairplay Rd • Bloomingdale, OH Pest Control Is Our Business, Serving the Lord Is Our Life Cornerstone Remodeling Building, Inc. 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