Discovery Worksheet - Cockington Green Gardens
Discovery Worksheet - Cockington Green Gardens
Cockington Green Gardens Discovery Sheet Hint: ed to go on map. 1. What is unusual about the house just left of the cricket field that is in the town of Lavenham, Suffolk. Mark on the map. By following the arrows find the displays in the English Village mark on the map below. As you find the displays try and answer the questions about them on the opposite page. Q2. How fast does the inner city train go? Mark on the map. you may need to read the signs. It’s the Little Things that Count! Q4. Why would a policeman need to go on to a football field? Mark on the map. Q3. What is the man at Peterborough doing on the roof? Mark on the map. e map. Q5. What are canal locks used for? Mark on the map. a) Locking gates b) Helping boats travel up and down hills c) Slowing down boat traffic d) Allowing passengers to get on and off Q6. What does the house in the clouds hide? Mark on the map. louds hide? ent ran ce Rose Walk International and Australian display Picnic Ground 04/05 30736 COCKINGTON GREEN Work Shee1 1 20/7/05 4:57:28 PM )NTERNATIONAL$ISPLAY "YEXPLORINGTHE)NTERNATIONAL$ISPLAYMATCHTHEBUILDINGWITHTHE COUNTRYANDFILLINTHEDETAILS 4HENMATCHTHEFLAGSTOTHECOUNTRIES #ASA6EGA .AME4HE#OUNTRY 0UEBLITO0AISA .AME4HE#OUNTRY (OLLOKO .AME4HE#OUNTRY g 4RAKAI#ASTLE .AME4HE#OUNTRY -ACHU0ICCHU .AME4HE#OUNTRY %SCENA$EL 1UIJOTE .AME4HE#OUNTRY 4ENOCHTITLAN !ZTEC4EMPLE .AME4HE#OUNTRY ." 7INDMILLBESTVIEWEDFROMTHE OUTERPATHPLATFORMAREA #HATEAU"OJNICE .AME4HE#OUNTRY (OMESTEADS .AME4HE#OUNTRY #AMINITO .AME4HE#OUNTRY ,YNTON,YNMOUTH #LIFF2AILWAY .AME4HE#OUNTRY "INNENKRUIER 7INDMILL .AME4HE#OUNTRY 3T-ARKgS#HURCH .AME4HE#OUNTRY ,EANDERS4OWER .AME4HE#OUNTRY %L#APITOLIO .AME4HE#OUNTRY 'ROOTE#ONSTANTIA .AME4HE#OUNTRY 7HEELERS(UT .AME4HE#OUNTRY )NT ERN #ENTRAL$EBORAH -INE .AME4HE#OUNTRY "ORGUND3TAVE #HURCH .AME4HE#OUNTRY 2AILWAY 3UPERINTENDENTS #OTTAGE .AME4HE#OUNTRY 30736 COCKINGTON GREEN Work Shee2 2 "OROBUDUR4EMPLE .AME4HE#OUNTRY ATI ON A L$I S 7HATBUILDINGSARETHERETOREPRESENT!USTRALIA PLA Y +ARLSTEJN#ASTLE .AME4HE#OUNTRY 7HATBUILDINGWOULDBESTREPRESENTYOUR HOMETOWNIFYOUHADTOMAKEAMODEL 20/7/05 4:58:47 PM