May 22, 2016 - Nativity of Our Lord


May 22, 2016 - Nativity of Our Lord
Nativity of Our Lord
C AT H O L I C C H U R C H & S C H O O L
Fr. Accu's article, pg. 1
Sign up after Mass today, pg. 4
Holy Trinity
from the desk
of our pastor
Dear Parishioners,
This coming Sunday will be the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, that is
the Body of Christ. While most of you know about this celebration
and many have also participated in the processions we have had
in the past couple of years, I bet that very few know about the
origin of this feast.
It all began toward the end of the twelfth century when St. Juliana of Liège,
Belgium, was born. She lost her parents when she was only five years old and
was raised by some Augustinian nuns.
When Juliana was 16, she received her first vision of Jesus during adoration. The
vision was the full moon with a black line across it. The vision, as was explained
to her by the Lord, represented the life of the Church, which reflects the light from
the sun. But the moon wasn’t as bright as it could have been and she was told
that was because there was something missing: a feast in honor of the Blessed
Sacrament. This vision kept occurring and Juliana kept it a secret for many years.
When she became the prioress of the monastery, she told two other nuns who
were close friends of hers. They started to pray a lot in the following years and, little
by little, they shared their “secret” with other friends and priests. Eventually the local
bishop was asked about instituting a feast in honor of the Eucharist, and he agreed.
2015 Corpus Christi Procession
St. Juliana died in 1258 while she was in adoration.
Only five years later, a big Eucharistic miracle to place in Bolsena, near Orvieto, Italy. At that time, Orvieto was the
residency of Pope Urban IV. The miracle happened during Mass. At the moment of the breaking of the bread, the priest
celebrating, who doubted of the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, saw some blood drip from the broken bread,
falling on the corporal. The corporal was brought to the Pope in
Orvieto, where it remains and is still possible to see.
The following year, 1264, Pope Urban decided to extend the
Solemnity of the Corpus Christi, instituted in the Diocese of Liège,
to the whole Church. During that occasion he said, “Although the
Eucharist is celebrated solemnly every day, we deem it fitting that at
least once a year it be celebrated with greater honor and a solemn
commemoration. Indeed we grasp the other things we commemorate
with our spirit and our mind, but this does not mean that we
obtain their real presence. On the contrary, in this sacramental
commemoration of Christ, even though in a different form, Jesus
Christ is present with us in his own substance. While he was about
to ascend into Heaven, he said ‘And lo, I am with you always, to the
close of the age.’ (Matthew 28:20)”
For that occasion, the Pope asked St. Thomas Aquinas to write a hymn for the Eucharist. This was the Pange Lingua, also
known as Tantum Ergo, which is still sung across the whole world today during Eucharistic Adoration.
This year, in occasion of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we want to try something a bit new. Instead of going from the
parish around the neighborhood and back to the parish, like we did in past years, we want to do something more visible
in Broomfield. We are going to celebrate Mass at the Broomfield Amphitheatre, located behind the library, on Sunday,
May 29, at 5:15pm. This Mass will be in place of the normal 5:00pm Mass. A bus will shuttle people from Nativity to the
amphitheater from 4:30pm on. After Mass, we will walk back to Nativity in procession. The walk is a little bit less than a
mile. In the Church, there will be a brief moment of adoration with the final benediction. I hope to see a big crowd for it.
Have a great week,
Fr. Accu
liturgical schedule
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 4:30pm
Sunday 7:30am,
9:30am, & 11:30am
Youth Mass 5:00pm
Sunday: Prv 8:22-31, Rom 5:1-5,
Daily Mass:
Monday-Friday 7:30am
Saturday 8:00am
Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25, Mk 10:32-45
Sacrament of Penance:
Saturday 8:30am &
Sunday 30 min. prior to
each Mass
Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25, Mk 11:27-33
Next Weekend:
Jn 16:12-15
Monday: 1 Pt 1:3-9, Mk 10:17-27
Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16, Mk 10:28-31
Thursday: 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12, Mk 10:46-52
Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13, Mk 11:11-26
Next Sunday: Gn 14:18-20, 1 Cor 11:23-26,
Lk 9:11b-17
parish office
Location: 900 W. Midway Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80020
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm •
Phone: 303-469-5171 • Fax: 303-469-5172 • School: 303-466-4177
Fr. Michael Carvill, ext. 114
[email protected]
School Principal
Kathy Shadel, ext. 119
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant - Front Desk
Sue Gettings, ext. 100
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Accursio Ciaccio, ext. 111
[email protected]
Director of Faith Formation
Mark Thomason, ext. 104
[email protected]
IT Specialist
Jim DuBey, ext. 115
[email protected]
In Residence
Fr. Gabriele Azzalin, ext. 101
[email protected]
Development Director
Ilene DuBey, 303-641-3667
[email protected]
Pastoral Communications Associate
Mollie Sundermeier, ext. 135
[email protected]
Martin Hetzel
[email protected]
Leonard “Buz” Onesky
[email protected]
Steve Vallero
[email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Diane Irby, ext. 103
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate, Charity and
Lynne Gallagher, ext. 101
[email protected]
Sister Elena, ext. 140
Sister Maria Anna, ext. 140
[email protected]
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Diane Denfeld, ext. 106
[email protected]
Business Manager
Kyle Hubbart, ext. 108
[email protected]
Director of Music
Marcia Marchesi, ext. 123
[email protected]
Parish Registrar
Merrilyn Sikora, ext. 110
[email protected]
Business Office Accountant
Carol Sullivan, ext. 109
[email protected]
Administrator of Parish Reception
and Office Operations
Jen Kuzik, ext. 100
[email protected]
Promoter of Works of Charity
Maura Johnson
[email protected]
Parish Sacristan
Marylou Sivigliano, ext. 136
[email protected]
Youth Ministry Assistant
Diane Denfeld, ext. 106
[email protected]
BULLETIN CONTACT: Send all bulletin information to Mollie at [email protected] by Tuesdays at noon.
EARLY DEADLINE! Entries for the June 12 bulletin are due Friday, June 3 at noon.
this week at nativity
Sunday, May 22
Choir Rehearsal 7:00am
Choir Rehearsal 3:00pm
High School Youth 6:00pm
Saturday, May 21
8:00am †Manuel & Dorothea Carvalho by Merrilyn Sikora
4:30pm †Randy Day by Larry & Janet Jones
Sunday, May 22
7:30am Mary Catherine Bridges by the Bridges Family
9:30am People of the Parish
11:30am Joanne Beauregard by Daniel Beauregard
5:00pm Special Intention by Thu Van
Monday, May 23
SVdP 6:30pm
Tuesday, May 24
Mary Jane's Bible Study 1:00pm
Venturers 6:30pm
Monday, May 23
7:30am Joseph & Virginia Knapek by the Fross Family
Wednesday, May 25
Children's Choir 5:30pm
Adult Choir 7:00pm
Youth Choir 7:00pm
Tuesday, May 24
7:30am Susan Archer by Betty & Frank Passard
Wednesday, May 25
7:30am †Phil Mahoney by Margie Mahoney & family
Thursday, May 26
Mary Jane Bible Study 8:15am
Sojourners Potluck 7:00pm
Knights of Columbus 7:00pm
Thursday, May 26
7:30am †John Williams by Terry Williams
Friday, May 27
7:30am Clarissa King by Sylivia O'Sullivan
Friday, May 27
Saturday, May 28
8:00am †Jack Gallagher for Roz & Jack's 60th Wedding Anniversary
4:30pm †Magdaline Handley
Sunday, May 29
7:30am Special Intention by Chris T.
9:30am People of the Parish
11:30am †Carol Kerkhoff by Don
5:00pm Edward Chargualaf Sr. by Hoben & Mailey Chargualaf
Saturday, May 28
MASH 7:00am
Pro-life Rosary 7:30am
Altar Server Training 12:00pm
Choir Rehearsal 2:30pm
Sunday, May 29
Choir Rehearsal 7:00am
Choir Rehearsal 3:00pm
Mass at Amphitheatre 5:15pm
Prayers for the sick and for the deceased:
We pray for all who are sick, and for our deceased relatives and friends
that they may speedily attain the blessedness of heaven and rejoice in the
eternal treasure of God’s glory and love.
Jackson Francis Malloy
If you have any prayer requests, please contact Connie Modecker at
303-404-1792 or Joanne Farver at 303-466-8859 to be included on
Nativity's prayerline.
Collection Counters this week:
Genevieve Lane, Jessica Dugas,
Thelma Kuhn, Bill McCauley
Sacristy Laundry this week:
Marge Lay
Collection Counters next week:
Wilma Fuller, Roger Dickerson,
Kim Hofmann, one counter still needed
events & announcements
Next weekend
Sunday, May 29
5:15 Mass
Save the date! We need you! 8am-1pm on
Sunday, June 5. For more information or to
schedule an appointment contact: Bonfils
Appointment Center 303-363-2300 or sign up
online at using site code 4934. We
will also have sign up tables at all Masses
this weekend. Thank you in advance for your
generous donation. All donors receive a free gift
for their generous participation! We hope this will
be the largest blood drive Nativity has ever had!
The Parish Pilgrimage to Mother Cabrini Shrine
has been MOVED to September 5, 2016
(Labor Day). Be on the lookout for registration
information coming soon. (All participants must
re-register for the new date.)
It is time for the annual Nativity of Our
Lord Parish Baby Shower for Real
Choices Pregnancy Care Center
and Catholic Charities Boulder Gabriel
House from Mother’s Day through
Father’s Day! Thank you for your
help blessing new moms. Please
see the list of needed items in the
crib. Please bring donated items to
the crib in the gathering area.
Every gift to the 2016 Archbishop’s
Catholic Appeal will play an essential role
in advancing the Kingdom of God on earth
– especially in his vineyard of northern
Colorado. Whether it’s $100 or $500 or
$5,000, all gifts are genuinely needed and
will be invested prudently in the works of
our Church for the benefit of others. Let
your donation be a living testament of your
desire to make disciples for Christ. When
considering your level of participation,
always remember that our Lord will not
be outdone in generosity. Please visit or call 303.715.3111.
Entries for the June 12 bulletin are due
Friday, June 3 at noon.
A friendly reminder that some suggested
donations for the Women’s Guild sales
table are hand-made quilts, crocheted
baby blankets, afghans, and cottonyarn crocheted dishcloths. These are in short
supply. And themed gift baskets for our raffle are
also needed. Basically, anything hand-made is
acceptable. Questions: call Nicki Battista 303-4690670.
We successfully concluded the Tootsie Roll
drive last weekend, collecting at local King
Soopers and Walmart stores. A large part of
our success is credited to the wider Parish
volunteers and support. Thank you for making
a difference for People with Intellectual
Disabilities in our community! RECYCLED EYEGLASSES
The Fourth Degree of the Knights of
Columbus will provide an ongoing depository
at Nativity to collect used eyeglasses for
donation to the VA. Regardless of the
condition of the eyeglasses please consider
depositing used eyeglasses at the parish
reception desk. If you are a Catholic man and
military veteran and not a member
of the Knights of Columbus, why
are you not a Knight? Our Church
and Country needs men like you!
For more information on the Knights of Columbus or becoming a Knight Please
contact Jacob Starkovich at 720-937-4293 or visit
This class is for everyone! Teens, adults,
seniors, guys and gals, begining artists and
experienced artists! All are all invited; no art
experience needed! Join us May 22 from
5-8pm (come early to socialize!) in Weibel
Hall. Bring a healthy appetizer or snack to
share. Please contact [email protected] or
call (303)466-9561 if you want to come. The
class is $20 and supplies will be provided. FIRST COMMUNION MASS
On Saturday, May 14, over 40 children received
their First Communion at Nativity. Congratulations!
Please pray for them.
new students!
Now enrolling
hool office.
Contact the sc
Nativity school is selling raffle tickets to support the athletic program. Grand prize is four season
tickets to all 2016 Bronco regular season home games; second prize is two season tickets to
all 2016 Bronco regular season home games; third prize is $250 cash; and fourth prize is $100
cash. Tickets are $10 a piece. Tickets may be purchased from Nativity athletes, their parents,
by contacting Mrs. Wilma Fuller via Fast Direct or cell phone (text) at (303) 818-0237, or the
athletic director at (303) 466-4177, extension 128. The raffle drawing will be conducted on May
23. Winners do not need to be present to win. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a ticket.
The Women’s Guild annual retreat is scheduled for
Saturday, September 24, 2016. Please mark your
calendars. More details coming in weeks ahead.
Sojourners is holding a potluck
this Thursday, May 26 at the
Frassati House! If you're a
young adult, you're invited! See
page 5 for detailed information.
Sunday evenings from 6:30pm
to 8:30pm. For more information,
contact Jeff King at [email protected].
The last meeting of the year for Middle School Venturers is this
Tuesday, May 24. We will be having a PARTY! Please bring
a drink or snack to share and join us for a lot of FUN! The last
meeting for HS Youth is this Sunday, May 22. Please join us for
bowling at Chippers at 6pm and bring $5. We have events going
on through the summer for both of these groups. Be on the
lookout for a summer calendar coming soon!
We welcome all boys and girls from the third grade up to be altar servers at Nativity. If you have any
interest in serving, we invite you to fill out the form found at on the "Children" or "Middle
Schoolers" page under the "Get Involved" tab. Contact: Anthony and MaryCatherine Bridges at
[email protected].
Stephen Ministry began at Nativity of Our Lord Parish more than fifteen years ago. It is grounded
in Jesus' command to love one another. A Stephen Minister is a trained volunteer ready to listen
in a non-judgmental way while maintaining strict confidentiality. Through a one-on-one caring
relationship, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them through
difficult times. If you are going through hard times due to the loss of a love one, unemployment,
depression, addiction, divorce, financial burdens, or any other reason, call today and ask for a
Stephen Minister who will support you as you work through your problem. Please call 303-469-5171
ext. 113 and leave a confidential message. Your call will be returned within 48 hours.
303-388-4491 ext. 153. Open 24 hours to women and men.
Becky Kusick, M.A., L.P.C., offers counseling services through Nativity. Becky has a Master’s Degree
in Clinical Psychology and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She has worked in the field for
over 20 years. Becky works with couples, children, and adults. For more information or for an
appointment, call 303-907-6499.
Our friends at the Samaritan House are in need of women’s clothing, with the most urgent being new
underwear (sizes 5–11) and socks (all sizes). Please drop off in the Samaritan bins downstairs in
the donation closet. Thank you!
Calling crafters and small businesses to participate in this fundraising event on Oct. 22, 2016. It
will be at Immaculate Heart of Mary Cabrini Hall (11385 Grant Dr., Northglenn). Fees are $25 for 1
space, $45 for 2 spaces, $5 for table and chair, $10 for electricity. Vendor spaces and electric spaces
are limited and we reserve the right to pre-approve the craft/product offerings. Open invitation to
participate. Spaces are not secured without payment. If interested, please email Bernadette Feiten
at [email protected] for an application and more information. Final Deadline for all applications
and payments is July 1.
Holy Spirit Ministries, a Catholic intercessory ministry, is celebrating Mass in the evening the 2nd Sunday of each month at: St. Jude Catholic Church, 9405 W. Florida Ave, Lakewood, CO 80232 (Northwest corner of Garrison and Florida) Date: June 12, 2016. Schedule: 5:30 pm: Praise and
Worship Music, 6pm Mass, Intercessory Ministry (prayers for personal healing) immediately
following Mass. Please contact Prudy at 303-432-2694 for more information or with questions.
Nativity participates in an online giving
program that serves as a consistent, reliable
means of making your offering to our parish.
Questions? Kyle at [email protected]
from the
To give online:
1. Go to
2. Click the Online Giving button
3. Complete the registration
holy father
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 • General Audience
The Merciful Father (cf Lk 15,11-32)
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today this audience is taking place in two locations: as there was the risk of rain, the
sick are in the Paul VI Hall and following us on the maxi screen; two places but one
audience. Let’s greet the sick in the Paul VI Hall. We will reflect today on the Parable of the Merciful
Father. It tells of a father and his two sons, and it helps us understand the infinite mercy of God.
We shall begin at the end, that is, the joy in the heart of the father, who says: “let us eat and make
merry; for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found” (Lk 15:23-24). With
these words the father interrupted the younger son just when he was confessing his guilt: “I am no
longer worthy to be called your son...” (v. 19). But this expression is unbearable to the heart of the
father, who is quick to restore the signs of dignity to the son: the best robe, the fatted calf, shoes.
Jesus does not describe a father who is offended and resentful, a father who would, for example, say
to his son: “you will pay for this”. On the contrary, the father embraces him, awaits him with love. The
only thing that the father has on his mind is that his son stands before him healthy and safe and this
makes him happy and he celebrates. The reception of the prodigal son is described in a moving way:
“while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him
and kissed him” (v. 20).
What tenderness! He sees him at a distance: what does this mean? That the father had constantly
gone to the balcony to look at the road to see if his son would return; that son who had misbehaved
in many ways found the father there waiting for him. How beautiful is the father’s tenderness! The
father’s mercy is overflowing, unconditional, and shows itself even before the son speaks. Certainly,
the son knows he erred and acknowledges it: “I have sinned... treat me as one of your hired servants”
(vv. 18-19). These words crumble before the father’s forgiveness. The embrace and the kiss of his
father makes him understand that he was always considered a son, in spite of everything. This
teaching of Jesus is very important: our condition as children of God is the fruit of the love of the
Father’s heart; it does not depend on our merits or on our actions, and thus no one can take it away,
not even the devil! No one can take this dignity away.
Jesus’ words encourage us never to despair. I think of the worried moms and dads watching their
children move away, taking dangerous paths. I think of the parish priests and catechists who wonder
at times if their work is in vain. But I also think of the person in prison, who feels his life is over. I think
of those who have made mistakes and cannot manage to envision the future, of those who hunger
for mercy and forgiveness and believe they don’t deserve it.... In any situation of life, I must not forget
that I will never cease to be a child of God, to be a son of the Father who loves me and awaits my
return. Even in the worst situation of life, God waits for me, God wants to embrace me, God expects
In the parable there is another son, the older one; he too needs to discover the mercy of the father.
He always stayed at home, but he is so different from the father! His words lack tenderness: “Lo,
these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command... But when this son of
yours came...” (vv. 29-30). We see the contempt: he never says “father”, never says “brother”, he
thinks only about himself. He boasts of having always remained at his father’s side and of having
served him; yet, he never lived this closeness with joy. And now he accuses the father of never having
given him so much as a kid to feast on. The poor father! One son went away, and the other was never
close to him! The suffering of the father is like the suffering of God, the suffering of Jesus when we
distance ourselves from him, either because we go far away or because we are nearby without being
The elder son needs mercy too. The righteous, those who believe they are righteous, are also in
need of mercy. This son represents us when we wonder whether it is worth all the trouble if we get
nothing in return. Jesus reminds us that one does not stay in the house of the Father for a reward but
because one has the dignity of being children who share responsibility. There is no “bargaining” with
God, but rather following in the footsteps of Jesus who gave himself on the Cross without measure.
“Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad”
(vv. 31-32). The father speaks like this to the older son. His logic is that of mercy! The younger son
thought he deserved punishment for his sins, the elder son was waiting for a recompense for his
service. The two brothers don’t speak to one another, they live in different ways, but they both reason
according to a logic that is foreign to Jesus: if you do good, you get a prize; if you do evil you are
punished. This is not Jesus’ logic, it’s not! This logic is reversed by the words of the father: “It was
fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is
found” (v. 32). The father recovered a lost son, and now he can also give him back to his brother!
Without the younger, the elder son ceases to be a “brother”. The greatest joy for the father is to see
his children recognize one another as brothers.
The sons can decide whether to join in the joy of the father or to reject it. They must ask themselves
what they really want and what their vision is for their life. The parable is left open-ended: we do not
know what the older son decided to do. And this is an incentive for us. This Gospel passage teaches
us that we all need to enter the House of the Father and to share in his joy, in his feast of mercy and
of brotherhood. Brothers and sisters, let us open our hearts, in order to be “merciful like the Father”!