Rotary Club of Baltimore
Rotary Club of Baltimore
R o t a r y C l u b o f B a l t i m o re Spinning Wheel Club No. 5855 Rotary Club of Baltimore Chartered January, 1912 No 219 Meets For Lunch on Tuesdays at The Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor 300 Light St. Baltimore, MD 21202 Rotary is a service association of people united worldwide who conduct humanitarian projects, encourage high ethical standards, and help build goodwill and peace in the world!!!! CLUB OFFICERS - 2011± 2012 Harold Madison President George Brecht President Elect Roger Kauffman Vice-President Carl Vahl Secretary Beullah Arends Asst Secretary Mark Dent Treasurer Phil Kunzelman Asst Treasurer Betty Loafmann Immediate Past President Directors Marcia Middleton Scott Tate Francis Hogle Foundation Howard Weisberg Kathy Stone Hyatt Regency Baltimore Attn: Baltimore Rotary Club 300 Light Street Baltimore, MD 21202 THIS WEEK (December 6, 2011) Semiquavers Choir, Roland Park Country School NEXT WEEK (December 13, 2010) Tuesday, December 6, 2011 12:15 p.m. T h e H y a t t R e g e n c y The 4-Way Test 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Columbia³Patuxent Rotary Club Water Project OOPS! Review of Meeting 11/22/11 by Karl Silex 7KDW¶VQRW+DUROGLW¶VHoward, giving us the update on the bus trip to New York and the Oyster Roast. Sorry! SCHEDULED RESPONSIBILITIES FOR: Registration Desk: Musical Greetings: Bob DeLisle Invocation: Betty Loafmann Host: Reporter: Mike Jenson FUTURE MEETINGS Dec. 13 Columbia²Patuxent Rotary Club Water Project Dec. 20 )RRW¶V)RUHFDVW²National Student Weather Forecasting Website started by Dundalk High School Dec. 27 No Meeting Jan. 3 Jessica Kohnen Karaska, Executive Director Baltimore Play Works Another annual Thanksgiving joint meet- ing with the Kiwanis club was a great success. Of course it was the oyster shucking contest that was the big event. This is our kickoff for the annual oyster roast fundraiser to be held January 14, 2012 at the 5th Regiment Armory. Our 91st roast by the way. Emcee was our own erudite Jake Slagle. With much hy- perbole and fanfare Jake introduced the contestants and the contest. Winning was again George Hastings with a time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Placing second and third respectively were Bob Hastings and Alfie Welsh. Many thanks to the /H[LQJWRQ 3DUN 6W 0DU\¶V URWDU\ FOXE LQ making this such a successful and excit- ing event. While the judging was taking place we had Chris Puttock, a member of the College Park Rotary Club, speak about the Oyster Reef restoration project LQWKH6W0DU\¶VULYHUQH[WWR6W0DU\¶V College . This effort is funded by several rotary clubs and college student volun- teers. The reef is a three dimensional concrete structure filled with spat provid- ing a habitat for growing oysters. Mr. Puttock talked about the small oyster har- vest because of the bay pollution. There- fore rebuilding reefs, limited fishing and reduction of sediment are major priorities. With the judging complete Rotarians and Kiwanians enjoyed the delicious oysters with much gusto. Another successful Ro- tary Luncheon. Dear Fellow Rotarians and F r i e n d s , On behalf of District 7620's District Gover- nor Claude Morisette, I would like to invite you to join our virtual food drive. There are over five hundred thousand Marylanders living below the poverty level and many rely on food banks to feed their families. Dis- trict 7620 is committed to doing its part in true Rotary spirit to support the great work of the Maryland Food Bank and the Capital Area Food Bank in combating hunger in our own neighborhoods. Our virtual food drive is a fantastic efficient way for Rotary clubs, individual Rotarians, and our friends and families to get involved. Our goal is to get all of the clubs in our district to collectively work to fight hunger in our areas. During this holi- day season when we gather let's em- phasize the the giving in Thanksgiv- ing. Give us a moment of your time. Give an invitation to your friends and family to participate. Give someone the chance to quell the hunger he and his family endure tonight. Give a donation on line and give the food banks the power to fight hunger in our own backyards. Now is the time to reach within to embrace humanity. We have arranged virtual food drives with the Capital Area Food Bank and the Maryland Food Bank to run from November 21 through December 31, 2011. Please follow one or both of the following links to consider sup- porting this district wide food drive. We wish peace for you and your fam- ilies during this holiday season. driveid=5833 Save the Date Baltimore Oyster Roast January 14, 2012 Yours in Rotary Service, William DuBoyce Chairperson, Anti-Hunger Committee Semiquavers The Semiquavers singing ensemble at the Roland Park Public School will provide us with some festive holiday music next week on December 6 much as the Gilman Traveling Men did last De- cember. The Semiquavers ensemble has been a part of the Roland Park Public School community for many decades. It is an a cappella group comprised of sixteen 11th and 12th graders. The name "Semiquaver" is another name for a 16th note, hence the sixteen members of the ensem- ble. This outstanding singing group performs both in the RPCS community throughout the year at various other school, community and other Baltimore area functions. Its repertoire goes from tra- ditional carols to spirituals, folk songs, jazz, and modern pop songs. Its music director is Erin Farfaglia, now in her 4th year at RPCS. Please bring your friends to this holiday luncheon meet- ing. The Rotary Club of Baltimore Silent Auction 2012 c/o Mary Anne Rishebarger 3310 Batavia Ave. Baltimore, MD 21214 410-426-6451 or 410-559-2860 cell Dear ______ 7KH5RWDU\&OXERI%DOWLPRUHDQGWKH5RWDU\)RXQGDWLRQZLOOKROGLW¶VVW$QQXDO2\VWHU5RDVWDQG6LOHQW Auction on Saturday, January 14, 2012. Your business will be exposed to over 2,100 attendees this year, mak- LQJLWRQHRIWKHDUHD¶VODUJHVWDQGRXUPDLQIXQGUDLVHU We are asking for your support of the Silent Auction. Donations to the Silent Auction represent a charitable contribution to the Rotary Foundation which is a 501 (c )(3) foundation. The auction display is a wonderful way to gain exposure for you organization. Examples of auction items are goods and services such as retail items, admission to events, or gift certificates. Last year, more than $40,000 was raised, which provided numerous college scholarships for deserving high school students, sent inner city fifth graders to summer camp, planted trees to preserve local watersheds, pro- vided books to 2 Ben Carson Reading Rooms, Built Monarch Butterfly Gardens at City Schools, provided PHDOVWRIDPLOLHVDWWKH5RQDOG0F'RQDOG+RXVHDQGWKH-RKQV+RSNLQV&KLOGUHQ¶V+RXVHDORQJZLWKPDQ\ other outreach activities in Baltimore City. Please complete the enclosed Donor Form, and return it by mail before December 1, 2011. Promotional DQGGLVSOD\PDWHULDOLVDOVRPXFKDSSUHFLDWHGDQGYDOXDEOHLQJHWWLQJ\RXUILUP¶VPHVVDJHRXW Thank you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to a great 2012 Silent Auction and Oyster Roast, and we are hopeful that our efforts in the community may continue with your help! If you are interested in attending this event, please contact me for tickets. If you are interested in learning more about the Rotary Club of Baltimore, please bring this letter to be our guest at one of our lunch meetings at the Hyatt Inner Harbor Hotel. We meet every Tuesday from 12:15 to 1:30pm. Sincerely, 2012 Silent Auction Committee Mary Anne Christine Walsh - MaryAnne Rishebarger - Conan Dickson ± Howard Weisberg The Rotary Club of Baltimore 91st Annual Oyster Roast Fifth Regiment Armory January 14, 2012 DONOR FORM Yes, I would like to support the cause by donating gift certificates, goods and/or services: Company Name / Individual: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Contact (Name & Number): ____________________________________________________ We will supply the following (brief description of the item being donated & quantity): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Retail Value: __________________ Minimum Bid (optional): ________________ Company name as it will appear at benefit site: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ (Print Name) (Signature) Date Please circle one of the following: Mailing Item Delivering Item No Item Please include brochures for marketing your organization. Mark Your Calendar! December December 3 December 3 December 15 January January 7 January 14 January 14 February Family²Happy Holidays District 7620 MOU Grants Training Seminar Holiday Inn Laurel West, 15101 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD &KLOGUHQ¶V&KULVWPDV3DUW\²Abundant Life Church, 7305 Furnace Branch Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21060 $UHD*RYHUQRU¶V0HHWLQJ Rotary Awareness Month Undecorate Rotary Park (Crain Hwy at MD-648) Baltimore Oyster Roast 12 pm²4 pm, 5th Regiment Armory, 29th Division Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Rotary Park Cleanup²(Crain Hwy at MD 648) World Understanding Month COMMITTEE SCHEDULE: 11:00 a.m.²12:15 p.m. (except where noted) Board of Directors²1st Tuesday Service Committees²4th Tuesday* 100 Anniversary² * Membership² * Programs² 3rd Tuesday* (1:30²2:00p.m.) No Birthdays Directory Assistance Please send any changes of address, pictures or any information needed to keep the directory up to date to: Christine Walsh [email protected] * New Members Welcome NOTICE: TURN IT OFF There will be a $5.00 fine enforced to anyone leaving their cell phone turned on during weekly meetings. 50 Years Ago in Baltimore City Rotary Please continue to send information for the Spinning Wheel to cfssales@emrco. com or fax to 410-243-2509. Thank you, Debbie Rotaract Club of Baltimore City Networking Happy Hour The meeting for Tuesday, December 5, 1961, was held in the Calvert Ballroom of the Lord Baltimore Hotel. The speaker was Major Donald E. Keyhole, USMC (Retired), National Investigations Com- mittee on Aerial Phenomena. The subject was Flying Sau- cers²True or False. Meetings at 6:30 pm on the 2nd & 4th Monday of every month at: My Cleaning Services 2701 Cresmont Ave. Baltimore, MD 21211 [email protected] Katie Kamieniecki 1LFN·V)LVK+RXVH First Thursday of each month at 5:30p.m. For additional information please contact Howard Weisberg at: 410-744-4313 [email protected]
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