B.SC Project A review on Honeys antibacterial propertiess
B.SC Project A review on Honeys antibacterial propertiess
Honeys A Review on Antibacterial properties Said F. Fakhri Harun Kucukyildiz Shirin Ishaque Supervisor: Sascha Liberti Molecular biology Roskilde University 2013-05-27 1 Abstract Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can cause a wide range of infectious diseases in health care facilities and community. There are only few antibiotics that are useful against MRSA and that they may develop resistance to these antibiotics is just matter of time. These issues emphasize the need to develop alternative and effective methods to treat MRSA. Honey has been used in many cultures through history to treat wound and in the last decades honey has been rediscovered. There is a solid literature addressing honeys antibacterial activity against a wide range of bacteria including many MRSA strains. This report sheds light on the extent of the problem with MRSA and discusses the mode of action of honey and its potential to treat wounds infected with MRSA. Honeys antibacterial activity is attributed to a multifactors, which includes osmolarity, hydrogen peroxide, defensins, prostaglandins, acids and phenolics and other non-peroxide compounds. Several active compounds in honey may act in synergy with each other and thus enhance the property of honeys antibacterial activity. Hereby honey has a good potential to be an effective topical antibacterial agent for wounds infected with MRSA. 2 Abstrakt Methicillin resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) kan forårsage en bred vifte af infektionssygdomme i sundhedsinstitutioner og i samfundet. Der er få antibiotika, der er brugbare mod MRSA, og det er sandsynligt at MRSA vil udvikle resistens over for disse antibiotika før eller siden. Disse bekymringer understreger behovet for at udvikle alternative og effektive metoder til at behandle MRSA. Honning er blevet brugt i mange kulturer gennem historien, til sårbehandling, og i de sidste årtier er honningen blevet genopdaget. Der er adskillig litteratur, der omhandler honnings antibakterielle aktivitet mod lang række bakterier, blandt andre mange MRSA-stammer. Denne rapport belyser omfanget af problemet med MRSA og diskuterer virkningsmekanismen af honningen og dets potentiale til behandling sår inficeret med MRSA. Honnings antibakterielle aktivitet skyldes en multifactor, som inkluderer osmolaritet, hydrogen peroxide, defensiner, prostaglandiner, syrer og phenoler og andre ikke-peroxide forbindelser. Adskillige aktive komponenter i honning kan virke i synergi med hinanden og dermed styrke honnings antibakterielle egenskab. Herved har honning et godt potentiale til at være en effektiv topisk antibakterielt middel til sår inficeret med MRSA. 3 Contents Honeys................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Abstract................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Abstrakt ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Dermatology ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Epidermis ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 The Stratums of epidermis .................................................................................................................. 6 Dermis .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Wounds ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Wound healing .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Hemostasis................................................................................................................................................. 9 Inflammation ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Proliferation ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Remodeling............................................................................................................................................. 11 Bacteria in wounds ....................................................................................................................................... 13 S. aureus ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 S. aureus infection and development ................................................................................................ 14 Development of resistance ................................................................................................................... 16 The Composition of Honey ........................................................................................................................ 21 Properties of honey.................................................................................................................................. 23 Osmolarity............................................................................................................................................... 24 Hydrogen Peroxide.............................................................................................................................. 24 Acids, phenolics and other compounds ...................................................................................... 24 Honey stimulates the immune system ........................................................................................ 25 Prostaglandins....................................................................................................................................... 26 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 Perspective ....................................................................................................................................................... 34 References ........................................................................................................................................................ 36 4 Introduction Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of wound infection and the prevalence of multidrug-resistant strains demands innovative interventions. This prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus resistant strains with resistance determinants to multiple antibiotics, both in healthcare settings and in the community, represents a serious health threat. As consequence of increasing antimicrobial resistance patient mortality and morbidity has increased [Lowy, 2003], which is compounded by the lack of alternative antimicrobials in development. To contribute to the combat of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), new perspectives are required to develop alternative and potent therapies. There has been a renaissance in the use of honey for medical purposes in recent times. Honey has been used as a medicine throughout the human history [Zumla and Lulat, 1989]. It has recently been re-discovered into modern medicine. In particular, there is a strong and supportive literature on the use of honey in dressings used to treat infected wounds. In many studies honey was used when antibiotic treatments had failed to clear the infection [Zumla and Lulat, 1989]. The aim of this report is to investigate and discuss the antibacterial activity of honey in respect to Staphylococcus aureus on open wounds. 5 Dermatology The skin is the largest of all the body organs accounting for about 16% of total body weight [McLafferty et al., 2012]. The skin is arranged with different and important functions. The thickness of the skin varies according to function and area of the body from 0.5 to 4mm. In general the skin is 1-2mm thick [McLafferty et al., 2012]. The composition of the skin is made of two distinct regions. The superficial region, the epidermis, is thick epithelial tissue. Beneath epidermis is dermis, a fibrous connective tissue [McLafferty et al., 2012]. Epidermis The epidermis layer contains four different types of cells; keratinocytes, melanocytes, Merkel cells and Langerhans cells. Epidermis gets metabolite provision and removal of the metabolite waste products, by the blood vessels of the underlying dermis layer [McLafferty et al., 2012]. Epidermis consists of five layers, which represent the different stages of cell maturation and movement; stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosom, stratum lucidum and stratum corneum [McLafferty et al., 2012]. Figure 1: An overview of the skins composition, with the four layers. [McLafferty et al., 2012] The Stratums of epidermis The keratinocytes in the deepest stratum divides rapidly by mitosis and two daughter cells forms and separates. One of them remains in the layer, while the 6 other moves up through the layers to the surface where it becomes keratinized, which protects the skin from damages. As the cell migrates further away from stratum basale it receives less nutrition from the blood supply of the dermis, and as a result it dies. The process from mitosis to the migration of the daughter cell up to the epidermal surface, takes approximately 28 days [McLafferty et al., 2012]. When the migrating daughter cell from the stratum basale moves into stratum spinosum, it lose the ability to divide, and as moving through the layer the cell breaks down and reform to desmosomes. Desmosomes are intracellular bridges that are daughter cells joined together. The arrangement of the cells contributes to the tensile strength and flexibility of the skin [McLafferty et al., 2012]. In stratum spinosum, Langerhans cells which are a class of dendritic cells are found, which are produced in the red bone marrow and following migrate into the layer, where they act as immune response against foreign organisms which may have invaded the epidermis [Sparper et al., 2010]. The immune response occurs by the cells attract the microbes and starts phagocytosing them followed by presenting their antigens to the T-lymphocytes. Hereby the T-lymphocytes become activated and destroy the foreign cells. As the cells migrate through the layers upwards, the keratinocytes become more horizontally flattened and longer and makes up the stratum granulosum. The cells die, and hereby lose their nucleus and become keratinized and become a part of the protein keratin, keratohyalin [McLafferty et al., 2012]. The most external part of the epidermis is stratum corneum. This layer is of keratin, which protects the skin from temperature, microbial or chemical damage [McLafferty et al., 2012]. Moreover the lipid from the stratum granulosum adheres to the cells and prevents the cells from drying out. As the cells migrate outwards they lose their sticky-ness and parts in clumps [McLafferty et al., 2012]. Dermis This is the second major layer of the skin and as mentioned above it lies underneath the epidermis. The dermis has lymphatics, nerve endings, hair follicles and glands [McLafferty et al., 2012]. 7 Dermis consists of two main layers; the reticular layer and the papillary layer. The reticular layer is composed of strong connective tissue which contains collagen and elastin fibres. The papillary layer is made up of nerves and capillaries, which have the function to nourish the epidermis [Ventre et al., 2009]. Wounds The skin functions as a protecting agent for the internal tissues, and is exposed to outer environmental germs and dangers, which can cause damage to the tissue. A skin wound can be of two types; acute- or chronic wounds [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. Acute wounds are those caused by exogenous exposure such as burns, cuts and bites. These types of wounds are expected to heal after some time depending on the type, depth and area. Chronic wounds are associated with diabetes, vascular diseases, and immobility resulting from strokes and traumatic paralysis, which all are by endogenous mechanisms [Bowler et al., 2001]. Chronic wounds recover uncertainly and slowly. Moreover chronic wounds are low in oxygen due to poor blood flow [Bowler et al., 2001]. As a result of tissue damage, the body will respond by activating the survival mechanism, which is an increase in blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure depends on interaction between glucagon and adrenalin and reduction in insulin level. This will raise the glycogenolysis in the liver [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. Wound healing The process of the wound healing has four stages; Hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling [Tredget et al., 1997] 8 Figure 2 The healing phases of the wound [Tredget et al., 1997] Hemostasis The hemostasis will rapidly occur when the tissue get damaged. It will response by having vasoconstriction in approximately 5-10 minutes followed by vasodilatation after 20 minutes of the damage [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. The response is from the polyunsaturated fatty acid, which produces prostaglandins and leucotrienes that has the vasodilatary- and the anti-inflammatory effect. This makes the fatty acids responsible for the cell membrane structure and function as a whole [Russell et al., 2001]. To prevent oxidative degradation of lipids in the cell membranes caused by free radicals, vitamin E is necessary to act as an antioxidant and assist the healing [Russell et al., 2001]. Moreover, the hemostasis occurs with an increase of the capillary permeability for the blood supply and any foreign objects to be pulled out [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. The increase in the permeability leads to an increase in the plasma proteins, albumin, from the serum, which also becomes available to enter the interstitial area, which makes the wound healing easier [Stadelmann et al., 1998; Russell et al., 2001]. Hereafter platelets initiate blood clotting, which has been mediated by the prostaglandins. This aggregation of the plateletes helps to obtain hemostasis by creating a fibrin clot [Tredget et al., 1997]. Moreover the platelets initiates their release and activation of a cascade of immune system signal cells which then triggers an immune response by recruiting anaphylatoxins which are a part of the immune response and host defense [Tredget et al., 1997]. 9 Inflammation The immune response Along with the capillary permeability there is an incoming flow of different populations of cells. The polymorphnuclear leukocytes are most commonly the first population in the wound, followed by the mononuclear leukocytes [Stadelmann et al., 1998], where they mature into wound macrophages and afterwards into leukocytes. The leucocytes and the macrophages use glucose for the aerobe glycolysis, which provides energy for the production of the collagen synthesis and fibroblast stimulating factors [Russell et al., 2001]. In the incoming flow of the population of cells, vitamin A is included. Vitamin A helps fight wound infections by replacing the glucocorticoids catabolic effect on the healing of wounds [Russell et al., 2001]. The fibronectin, which is a glycoprotein, is produced after 24-48 hours after the tissue damage. Fibronectin binds to the collagen, fibrin and proteoglycans by which it creates a platform from where the fibroblasts can migrate into the wound. The platform is for the formation of the granulation tissue [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. Proliferation The proliferation occurs 2-3 days after the wound formation, and starts dominance within the first week [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. The first 2-3 days are limited to only cellular replication and migration whereas collagen synthesis will occur hereafter [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. Granulation tissue This tissue is made up by the biosynthesis and degradation of the extracellular matrix, which is made during the hemostasis –wound clotting [Tredget et al., 1997]. The degradation of the matrix happens through collagenase, proteoglycanase and other proteases, which are released by mast cells, macrophages, endothelial cells and fibroblasts [Tredget et al., 1997]. The fibroblasts are the dominant cells in wound healing, and give the primary stimulus to the granulation tissue formation. The granulation tissue starts from being rich in cells and ends up by being acellular matrix of collagen due to apoptosis. 10 Collagen synthesis Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis since the activity of the leucocytes and the macrophages increase their activity level by uptaking vitamin C, at the tissue damage, which leads to energy from the glycolysis [Russell et al., 2001]. Furthermore the collagen synthesis is stimulated by vitamin A, leading to tensile strength and fast healing [Russell et al., 2001; Stechmiller, 2010]. The glycosaminglycans which are produced by the fibroblasts includes hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-4-sulphate, dermatan sulphate and heparin sulphate. These four glycosaminglycans makes up a gel-like substance called “The ground substance”. This substance collects and moves the fibroblastproduced collagen fibers. The collagen is synthesized and secreted during the first two-three days of the proliferation phase. The levels of collagen raises in approximately 3 weeks until homeostasis are reached. The homeostasis reached by the controlling collagenase, when the collagen degradation is equal to the collagen synthesis [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. During the proliferation a process called angiogenesis occurs, which forms new blood vessels from the pre-existing ones for the healing process’ metabolic needs [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. The collagen synthesis starts as a monomer in an intracellular process, which afterwards is secreted to the exogenous environment –the wound, where the monomers polymerizes into collagen fibers. The appearance of the collagen fibers is after one week, when it reaches the maximum rate [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. Remodeling Maturation The remodeling phase starts after three weeks of the wound occurrence and can continue up to two years [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. This phase depends on the factors of the host, including the age, duration of inflammation, type and size of the wound and no exogenous environmental contamination [Bowler et al., 2001]. 11 Re-epithilization This phase is a sign of the wound in good condition, as it represents the activity of the epithelial cells [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. The epithelial cells increase when mitosis maximizes, and here by the wound will be covered from one edge to another edge [Stadelmann et al., 1998]. For understanding the mechanisms of honey in the healing process of wounds in the skin, we need to study the bacterial activity relevant to wounds. 12 Bacteria in wounds Several types of bacteria can attack skin wounds, which can infect these wounds. The most common bacteria that contaminate skin wounds are Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Streptococcus pyogenes. In our study for the effect of honey for healing process on open wounds, we will focus on S. aureus. S. aureus The increase of infections caused by multi-resistant bacteria, the so called methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), is a common problem in hospitals because of their ability to get resistant against new developed drugs. This increase makes it important to protect vulnerable patients more than ever and several researches in this field strive to find cures or methods for prevention. S. aureus exist almost all over the skin and in the nose. S. aureus can infect the epithelial cells by colonizing the skin and soft tissue membranes in nose [Garzoni et al., 2009]. Nearly 20 % of people worldwide are so called persistent carriers of S. aureus, and 60% are intermittent carriers who have been carriers of some strains in part of their life. The rest of the population is thought to never have any S. aureus in their body [Kluytmans et al., 1997]. The persistent and intermittent carriers are more exposed to become infected by MRSA than others and once infected, the infection can spread to all of the body organs through the blood and hereby cause bone tissue damage and cardiovascular diseases [Garzoni et al., 2009]. S. aureus interacts with cell surface proteins and make a firm interaction to protect itself from the host’s body defense system which can eliminate it. Adherence of the S. aureus to the cell surface requires physicochemical, hydrophobicity and the affinities of bacterial cell surface moieties that recognize the surface membrane receptor proteins of the cell [Kluytmans et al., 1997]. Adherence of S. aureus in the vestibulum nasi depends on the permeability of the surface proteins of epithelial cells. The vestibulum nasi consists of soft tissue and hair and there is no big barrier from the body’s defense system in this area against S. aureus to infect the cells. Thus preventing or minimalizing the 13 spreading of S.aureus it is necessary to treat the area before the migration of the bacteria to rest of the body. Once it has infected the rest of the body, it will cause other diseases and will be complicated to treat. S. aureus infection and development S. aureus is one of the most frequent organisms to cause pathogenic infections in human and animals. It is necessary to understand the mechanism of infection in order to develop improved treatments. Investigation of penicillin in the beginning of the 1940’s was the biggest milestone for researchers to treat bacterial infections. In the following twenty years the first penicillin resistant bacteria was discovered and isolated from hospitals. S. aureus resistance to penicillin is sustained by an enzyme called βlactamase that is encoded by blaZ gene. This enzyme is produced when S. aureus is attacked by β-lactam antibiotics [Lowy, 2003]. The resistance led to development of semi-synthetic derivatives of penicillin. Methicillin has been used to treat infections as many other derivatives of penicillin. However, recent years of investigations show that almost 60% of isolates from hospitals are now MRSA. Another antibiotic; Vancomycin, is being used to treat infections caused by MRSA but still in some places the bacteria has been able to develop resistance [Honeyman et al., 2002]. Transmission of MRSA is simple and it is commonly spread in nursing homes and hospitals. In most cases the infection spreads from hand to hand among healthcare workers, other staff and patients. Intravenous drug users, burnwound patients and patients that have surgical wounds are highly exposed to MRSA [Schmitz et al., 1997]. S. aureus infects cells with several coordinated actions of virulence to survive since the cells are contaminating the food and environment for that purpose [Honeyman et al., 2002]. MRSA contaminates penicillin-binding protein (PBP) or in some cases called PBP2A or PBP` which have enzyme like lactamase that inhibit β-lactam antibiotics to bind. This ability makes that antibiotics like penicillin cannot bind efficient to their target on the S. aureus bacterial cell-wall. [Schmitz et al., 1997; Hacbart et al., 1989]. 14 Like all other bacteria the first step of infection to the host cell is related to the ability of the binding to the host cell surface. S. aureus overcomes this barrier with its cell surface proteins. Fibronectin is part of the cell surface matrix of S. aureus as in epithelia and endothelia cells [Rohilla, 2010]. When bacteria are attached to the cell they start to grow until they are ready to infect the cell and protect themselves against the host’s body defense system. S. aureus manages this with the protein A(ll) and capsules which contains polysaccharides (cf. figure 3) [Honeyman et al., 2002]. Figure 3 The black circles are the capsules that surrounding S. aureus. These capsules contaminate polysaccharides and protect S. aureus from environments such like host defence system and phagocytes. S. aureus attached the host body with protein A and endocytose that may release into matrix of host-cell. Leucocidins and hemolysins are the exoproteins toxins of the S. aureus and if needed they lyse the cells like erythrocytes platelets which are part of host defence system [honeyman et al., 2001]. Vancomycin is a very efficient drug used now a days against MRSA. It is a glycopeptide antibiotic. Glycopeptides are large molecules that inhibits bacterial cell-wall synthesis leading to destruction of S. aureus. Studies show that vancomysin is only efficient when interacted with other drugs if there are vancomysin resistant strains. However, it must be used in a long term process to have an effect against MRSA Vancomycin resistant strains. [Schmitz et al., 1997; Honeyman et al., 2002;Tenover et al., 2004]. 15 On other hand Vancomycin has a high level toxicity.As an alternative to Vancomycin, e.g. teicoplanin is used for patients who cannot tolerate high toxicity of Vancomycin [Schmitz et al., 1997]. The increase in number of patients infected with S. aureus and particularly MRSA has led the attention to find a solution to prevent the bacteria spread. Additionally, production of new drugs is required to treat infected patients with the bacteria. Several studies have focused on factors responsible for spreading the bacteria [Projan and Youngman, 2002; Projan, 2002]. Development of resistance As mentioned earlier, years after penicillin was developed, new strains of bacteria became resistant to the drugs, which caused difficulty in treating diseases. It has become a big problem both for hospitals and other health-care or general public-care centers to discover new drugs that may be efficient against bacteria. This problem will continue the following years and therefore the development of new drugs against multi-resistant bacteria is now more necessary than ever. Development of new drugs demands understanding of the mechanisms of the bacteria and how they become resistant to antibiotics. The extent of the problem will be clear and one can look forward for the solution. S. aureus become resistant either by insertion of DNA from plasmids or transposons in chromosomes or by having mutation in the chromosomes. MRSA contaminate strains from plasmids that make it resistant or more stable against drugs [Lowy, 2003] Bacteria like every other living organism need nutrients to live and grow. The anti-bacterial drugs are therefore very efficient if they can stop or destroy some of those mechanisms. As mentioned above MRSA are resistant to most of the antibiotics we have now. Only few drugs that are efficient against MRSA is a matter of time that it also will develop resistance to those drugs. Moreover, resistant bacteria are also very 16 expensive to treat and very dangerous for people with weakened immunity or for older people and children. The antibacterial drugs interfere with some of the targets to inhibit the cell development of S. aureus. Some of these targets are intracellular and some are on cell surface[Lowy, 2003]. (cf. figure 4) Figure 4 shows the different antibiotics and their target side on S. aureus. The most efficient drugs like Vancomycin target the bacterial cell-wall synthesis [Rohilla, 2010] The drugs inhibit the cell-walls synthesis (β-lactam, vancomysin and teicoplanin interfere with bacterial cell wall synthesis), nucleic acid synthesis (fluoroquinolones, sulfonamids and trimethoprim(TMP)), protein synthesis (macrolides, aminoglycosides and tetracyclines use differences between bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes) or metabolic pathways [Tenover et al., 2004]. In order to develop resistance to all of the above mentioned drugs the bacteria has to change some of their components and make it difficult for the drugs to reach their target site and perform its function. Vancomycin is one of the very efficient drugs against MRSA which is in use to date.. It forms a complex with peptydoglycan side chain of D-alanyl-D-alanine terminus. This is different from β-lactam antibiotics contaminating fem membered ring. But there are reports which indicate resistant strains of MRSA against it. Tenover et al., 2004 shows how MRSA become resistant to Vancomycin. 17 As mention above Vancomycins side chain peptidoglycan called D-alanyl-Dalanine terminal and D-alanine is produced from L-alanine. Vancomycin resistant MRSA changes binding site for this dipeptide to D-alanine-D-lactate and with this way lover the binding-ability of Vancomycin with 1000 fold. (cf. figure 5 ) Figure 5 Shows how the bacteria develops resistance against Vancomycin. With changes in the DAla-D-Ala residue to D-Ala-D-Lac residue, the bacteria inhibits the possibilty of Vancomycin to bind to it and hereby it allows continuation of the cell-wall synthesis [Lowy, 2003]. 18 Figure 6 Shows two different cell types, Vancomycin susceptible and Vancomycin resistant cells. The Vancomycin intermediate resistant S.aureus (VISA) strains bind to Vancomycin with D-Ala-D-Ala residues. This mechanism prevents Vancomycin to reach its target and inhibits the cell division. [Lowy, 2003]. On the other hand MRSA develop a new binding site for methicillin called penicillin-binding protein (PBP2a) that contains mecA determinants. MecA has high levels of gene vanA that lowers the binding affinity of the most drugs containing β-lactam [Severin et al., 2005]. β-lactam contains a four membered ring, which undergoes conformation change with trans-peptidases [Rohilla et al., 2010]. Both mechanisms work together in newly found strains of Vancomycin resistant S. aureus (VRSA). Bacterial cell walls are covered with peptidoglycan which is very important for their survival. If the peptidoglycan becomes damaged by drugs the bacteria will lose the cell wall and die [Rohilla et al., 2010]. 19 Figure 7 a) shows the mechanism of action by β-lactamase when S. aureus is attacked by penicillin. BlaI (DNA-binding protein) binds to the operator region that induces repressing of RNA transcription of blaZ and blaR1. Penicillin binds to BlaR1 and stimulates to autocatalytic activation. Than BlaR1 cuts BlaI and this allows transcription of blaZ and blaR1. blaZ encodes β-lactamase and hydrolyze β-lactam ring from penicillin. B) Shows the mechanism of MRSA when it is exposed by βlactam antibiotics. When the antibiotic is induced begins mecR1 synthesis and mecI become inactivated. This leads to synthesis of PBP2a [Lowy, 2003]. 20 The Composition of Honey Honey is a complex mixture that contains many different substances, both from organic and inorganic origin. The primary ingredients of honey are sugar and water. The water content of honey is in average 17.2% but varies depending on types. The low water activity of honey inhibits bacterial growth as well [Song and Salcido, 2011]. The content of honey is particularly high in carbohydrate materials, with 95 to 99 percent of the solids being sugars. The identity of these sugars has been well studied. Glucose and fructose are the major sugars in honey in average 38.2 and 31.3%, respectively. However many other sugars have been discovered (table 1) [Doner et al., 1977; Stefan et al., 2008]. Ten Disaccharides: Ten Trisaccharides: Sucrose Melezitose Maltose 3-a-isomaltosylglucose Isomaltose Maltotriose Maltulose l-kestose Nigerose Panose Turanose Isomaltotriose Kojibiose Erlose Laminaribiose Theanerose a, B-trehalose Centose Gentiobiose Isopanose Table 1 Honeys primary sugars are dextrose and levulose. However 22 other sugars have been found as well. Ten disaccharides, ten trisaccharides and two more complex sugars, isomaltoteraose and isomaltopentaose have been identified. Most of these sugars are present in very small quantities [Doner, 1977; Bogdanov et al., 2008]. In addition, honey contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, acids, enzymes, and nitrogen [de Rooster et al., 2008]. The amount of nitrogen in honey is quite low, it ranges between 0.04-0.1 percent. Numerous amino acids are vital to life and must be taken through food. However, the amount of free amino acids in honey is quite small and a recent study has revealed that various honeys contain eleven to twenty-one free amino acids [Carratú et al., 2011]. (table 2). 21 Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine Alanine Asparagine Aspartic acid Cysteine* Glutamic acid Glutamine* Glycine* Proline* Selenocysteine* Serine* Tyrosine* Arginine* Histidine* Table 2 Amino acids are the “building blocks” of the proteins. With chromatography it has been revealed that various honeys contain 11 to 21 free amino acids. These are some most essential to life. Isoleucine are the most common and with proline predominating. It has been known for many years that honey contains small and variable amounts of protein approximately 0.2 percent of bee and plant origin [Babacan and Rand, 2005]. Enzymes are large biological molecules, and are one of the most essential elements present in every cell in our body. The main enzymes in raw honey are; invertase, diastase and glucose oxidase. There are a number of other important enzymes that are reported to be present in honey, including catalase and an acid phosphatase. Honey is rich in minerals as well. Some scientists studied the mineral content of honey and they reported the following minerals (table 3) [Bogdanov et al., 2007]. 22 Mineral content in honey: Potassium Chlorine Sulfur Calcium Sodium Phosphorus Magnesium Silica Iron Manganese Copper Table 3 Honey contains varying amounts of mineral substances. But the amount of these elements depends on environmental, geographical and botanical factors. [Bogdanov et al., 2007] Properties of honey Honey has a complex composition and numerous interesting properties, which depend on the type of honey [Sherlock et al., 2010; Tan et al., 2009]. The antibacterial activity of honey is increasingly valued with an increase in the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It has been reported that honey exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity that ranges to around 80 species of bacteria including aerobes and anaerobes, gram-positives and gram-negatives [Molan, 1992; Blair and Carter, 2005]. Recently, several publications describe both in vitro and in vivo experiments suggesting inhibition and eradication of wound pathogens by honey, with both antibiotic-resistant, including MRSA, and antibiotic-sensitive strains exhibiting susceptibility to honey [Willix et al., 1992; Cooper et al., 2002; Karayil et al., 1998; Cooper et al., 2002]. The antibacterial activity of honey may be due to multiple mechanisms working either singularly or synergistically. High sugar content, low acidity, low water content, hydrogen peroxide production, phytochemicals, or other unidentified components support the activity of honey on bacterial growth [Molan 1992; Mavric et al., 2008]. All of these factors have toxic effects on bacteria that may affect their metabolism and structure. 23 Osmolarity The antibacterial activity of honey has been assumed to be a result of the osmotic effect from high sugar content. Honey has a high osmolarity effect, which inhibits bacterial growth. The sugar molecules tie up the water molecules and thereby dehydrate the bacteria [Chirife et al., 1982; Chirife et al., 1983; Bose 1982]. The osmolarity of honey is valuable in treatment of infected wounds to control infection and to enhance wound healing [Bagdonov 1984; Knutson et al., 1981]. Furthermore, it has been shown that infected wounds with Staphylococcus aureus quickly become sterile after treatment with honey [Efem 1988; Cavanagh et al., 1970; Armon 1980; Cooper et al., 1999]. Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide in honey is produced enzymatically by glucose oxidase which catalyzes conversion of glucose in the presence of oxygen and water. [Brydzynski, 2006]. Hydrogen peroxide is generally assumed to be the main compound responsible for the antibacterial activity of honey [White et al., 1963; Weston, 2000; Brudzynski, 2006]. Hydrogen peroxide has been shown to inhibit a wide range of microorganisms, including some health-care-associated pathogens e.g., S. aureus [Brydzynki et al., 2011]. The mechanism of hydrogen peroxide is by producing destructive hydroxyl free radicals that can attack membrane lipids, DNA, and other vital cell components [Brydzynski et al., 2011]. Another study made by Brydzynski et al., 2011 showed that the hydrogen peroxide in honey was involved in oxidative damage causing bacterial growth inhibition and DNA degradation. However, catalase that is produced by aerobic organisms and anaerobes can stop the hydrogen peroxide activity. Catalase protects cells from metabolically produced hydrogen peroxide by degrading it to water and oxygen [White et al., 1963; Bang et al., 2003; Turner 1983; Block, 1977]. Acids, phenolics and other compounds The acidity of honey plays a role in preventing the growth of many bacteria. The pH of honey is usually between 3.2 and 4.4. This low pH of honey is due to the presence of several different organic acids, which are formed in honey from 24 glucose into the hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acids by glucose oxidase [Vandenbroucke et al., 2010]. Additionally, in pure unprocessed honey, there are a range of other, largely uncharacterized compounds that may be missed in processing and fractionation. However, some compounds have been identified including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and methylglyoxal that exhibit a wide range of biological effects. Their presence in honey explains its antibacterial activity. However, the precise mechanisms are still unknown [Almahdi and Kamaruddin, 2003; Weston et al., 2000; Russel et al., 1990]. Honey stimulates the immune system Previous clinical data made by Tonks et al., indicate that honey stimulate inflammatory cytokine production from human monocytes [Tonks et al., 2003]. The researchers from this group used the monocytic cell line, MonoMac-6 (MM6), as a model. Their study showed that honey significantly increased the TNA-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6 release from MM6 cells, compared with untreated and artificial honey-treated cells. The results suggest that the effect of honey on wound healing might partially be associated with the stimulation of inflammatory cytokines from monocytic cells. These cell types are known to play a critical role in healing and tissue repair [Tonks et al., 2003]. In addition, recent research shows that honey stimulates proliferation and activation of peripheral blood B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes in cell culture at a concentration as low as 0.1%. Further, phagocytes are activated by honey at a concentration as low as 0.1% [Abuharfiel et al., 1999]. These results might shed light on the activating the immune response to the infection. Another current report made by Vandenbroucke et al. discovered bee defensins in honey [Vandenbroucke et al., 2010]. Defensins are peptides that are abundant and widely distributed in human and animal tissues. Defensins protect mucosal epithelia and skin against microbial infections and are produced in large amounts by neutrophils. Defensins function by interacting with the microbial membrane, once embedded, they cause the formation of membrane wormholes or pores which allow efflux of essential ions and nutrients from the cell [Ganz, 2003]. 25 Prostaglandins Prostaglandins are mediators of inflammation and pain. They are generally considered as immunosuppressive, and reduce immunity by decreasing many Band T-lymphocyte functions [Phipps et al., 1991]. A study made by Al-Waili, 2005, revealed that honey can lower plasma prostaglandin concentrations in healthy individuals. The inhibitory effect of prostaglandin was increased with time. The mechanism of action might be due to either cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) or cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), or both. However, they found that artificial honey increased prostaglandin concentration [Al-Waili, 2005]. Hence, raw honey might contain some active compounds that are capable of inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Further, this ability of honey to lower prostaglandin concentration could shed light on several biological and therapeutic effects, mostly those related to inflammation, pain, immunity, and wound healing [Al-Waili, 2005]. 26 Discussion Within the past 20 years there has been an increasing focus on the global problem of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Unfortunately, an increasing number of pharmaceutical industries have reduced or completely eliminated the development of new antibiotics. This is resulted by multiple factors, however, financial considerations are the main reasons [Projan, 2002]. This has resulted in clinicians and doctors around the world are losing the battle and hospitals will soon run out of effective drugs. This is a concern because with fewer effective antimicrobial agents to manage wound infections, results in an increased morbidity, treatment costs and mortalities [Filius and Gyssens, 2002]. The difficult therapeutic problem of MRSA is just one example of diminishing efficacy of antimicrobial agents for treatment of bacterial infections. These issues emphasize the need for the development of new antibiotics [Projan and Youngman, 2002; Projan, 2002], but whenever a new inhibitory drug is introduced, the resistance to these drugs will arise. This trend is especially alarming and critical for Staphylococcus aureus because of the severity and diversity of disease caused by this uniquely versatile pathogen. To combat the resistant bacteria strains to multiple antibiotics, new perspectives are required to develop alternative, effective non-antibiotic drug treatments. Honey has recently become the focus of attention for treating certain diseases as skin inflammation and burn wounds as well as stimulating overall health and well being. Honey has well characterized properties: antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing [Lusby et al., 2005; Mundo et al., 2004; Simon et al., 2009; Molan, 2006; Medhi et al., 2008; Cooper et al., 2010; Robson et al., 2009]. Honey has been subjected to laboratory and clinical investigations during the past few decades [Emsen, 2007; Zumla and Lulat, 1989; Allen et al., 1991]. To date there are numerous studies reporting both in vitro and in vivo on the therapeutics properties of honey, which have confirmed its activity against a wide range of bacteria including pathogens such as MRSA [Taormina et al., 2001; Willix et al., 1992]. The antibacterial activity of honey is attributed largely to high sugar content, low acidity, low water content, hydrogen peroxide production, presence of some 27 phytochemicals, or other non-peroxide compounds [Molan, 1992; Mavric et al., 2008]. Overall, honey has a restraining influence on the growth of most bacteria, including some MRSA strains. Clinical observations on wounds showed many beneficial qualities of honey. Topical use of honey has showed the rapid clearance of infections [Braniki, 1981; Efem, 1993; Efem, 1988; Phuapradit and Saropala, 1992; Armon, 1980], heal deeply infected surgical wounds [Cavangh et al., 1970; Armon, 1980; McInerney, 1990; Bergman et al., 1983; Vardi et al.,1998; Al-Waili and Saloom, 1999; Cooper et al., 2001], and to prevent progress of necrotizing fasciitis [Efem, 1993; Hejase et al., 1996]. It has healed wounds, which has not been succeed and not responding to conventional therapy with antibiotics and antiseptics [Efem, 1988; Vardi et al., 1998; Cooper et al., 2001; Wood et al., 1997], including wounds infected with MRSA [Al-Waili and Saloom, 1999; Natarajan et al., 2001; Dunford et al., 2000]. Also, honey has been reported to rapid suppression of inflammation [Subrahmanyam, 1988], to reduce edema, and exudate. In addition, using honey has been reported to minimization of scarring, and to stimulate the growth of tissue granulation and epithelium [Efem, 1993; Efem 1988; Hejase et al., 1996; Subrahmanyam, 1996; Dumronglert, 1983; Dunford et al., 2000; Subrahmanyam, 1991; Subrahmanyam, 1988; Subrahmanyam, 1994]. All these healing properties are due to the several physical and chemical factors, which makes honey unique as a wound dressing. A study made by Cooper et al., 2010 tested whether honey has the potential to select for honey resistance. They isolated four cultures from wound inclusive Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA and exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of manuka honey in continuous and stepwise training experiments to determine whether the susceptibility to honey diminished. Their study showed that continuous exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of manuka honey for up to 28 days failed to select for honey-resistant mutants in both S. aureus and MRSA. Staphylococcus aureus were successively cultured in stepwise increasing concentration of honey, and were not recovered above their starting minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. However, reduced susceptibility to manuka honey was observed throughout the long-term training periode in MRSA. The MIC of honey increased in MRSA by factor of 1.6, respectively. However, the susceptibility was increased again during cultivation in honey-free 28 nutrient broth and during storage at -80 degrees. It is unknown why the susceptibility increased during the storage at -80 degrees. This study has confirmed and extended those from Blair et al., 2009. Their findings show that increasing topical use of honey in wounds, will the possibility of selecting for honey-resistant wound pathogens arise [Cooper et al., 2010; Blair et al., 2009]. However, using a medical-grade honey killed eight species of problematic wound pathogens, including MRSA by 4.0-14.8% honey [Blair et al., 2009]. Thus, this concentration can be maintained in the wound environment. However, this will not give rise to clinical failure, because the concentration of entitle honey e.g. medical-grade manuka honey, that are contained in contemporary licensed wound care products usually exceed 80% (w/v) and many are 95% (w/v) [Cooper et al., 2010]. In addition, topical management of honey to wounds will always result in dilution, depending on the extent of exudation. Thus, we suggest regularly dressing changes to keep levels of honey high, especially in highly exuding. Furthermore, honey is more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance, compared to antibiotics [Blair et al., 2009]. Hence, it is suggested to use a whole product of honey and because the active components which is purified and used alone, is more likely to promote the development of honey-resistant bacteria. The whole product of honey acts in a unique and multifactorial way, hence, promoting honey resistant is minimal. Taken together, all these data indicates that honey is an effective topical antibacterial agent as a wound dressing. Also, It was found that high osmolarity of honey inhibits bacterial growth because the glucose molecules tie up water molecules so the bacteria die of dehydration. The osmolarity is useful in treatment of skin wounds because it prevents the growth of bacteria and boosts the healing process [Bagdonov, 1984; Chrifie et al., 1982]. A study made by Jenkins et al., 2011 showed that 10% artificial honey (AH) (w/v) did not inhibit MRSA, while 10% manuka honey (MH) did [Jenkins et al., 2011]. However, the artificial honey consisted of a solution of four predominant sugars (glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose) in which they occur in the natural product. The differences between AH and MH is that AH not containing all sugars which MH contains. Therefore, this could be more comparable if the AH consisted of all sugars which natural honey has. However, 29 this emphasize that honey may content besides other compounds, which may have antibacterial activity. On the other hand, AH and MH contained same concentration (10%) sugar in this study, which showed different results. This indicate that the sugar in honey has not antibacterial activity at all because if it was sugar that have the antibacterial activity, might be the same result in both artificial and natural honey. Therefore, it can be other compounds than sugar that may have antibacterial activity. In addition, hydrogen peroxide in honey has been assumed to be the main compound responsible for the antibacterial activity [White et al., 1963; Weston, 2000; Brudzynski, 2006]. However, some organisms can stop the hydrogen peroxide activity by producing catalase [White et al., 1963; Bang et al., 2003; Turner 1983; Block 1977]. Hence, organisms with high cellular catalase activity e.g. S. aureus requires longer exposure time (30-60 minutes) to 0.6% hydrogen peroxide for a 108 reduction in cell counts, than organisms with lower catalase activity e.g. Pseudomonas species which requires 15 minutes exposure [Schaeffer et al., 1980]. Although, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in honey is approximately 1000 times less than the solution they use as an antiseptic [Molan, 1992]. This low amount of hydrogen peroxide is intrinsically not enough for an antibacterial activity, but these effects might be modulated by other compounds. Therefore, our understanding for honeys antibacterial activity will be limited if the focus solely is on hydrogen peroxide. However, current study made by Sherlock et al., 2010 showed that other compounds in honey enhanced the hydrogen peroxide antibacterial activity [Sherlock et al., 2010]. Another study made by Vandenbroucke et al., 2010 demonstrated the antibacterial activity of honey depends on combined interaction between methylglyoxal, hydrogen peroxide and bee defensin-1 [Vandenbroucke et al.,2010]. Defensins are natural occurring peptide of the innate immune system. These peptides have shown a wide range of antimicrobial activity. However, several strains of MRSA have shown to be resistant to defensins [Midorikawa et al., 2003]. A study has demonstrated that honey contains bee defensin-1 and was effective in interaction with other contents of honey against MRSA. Defensins in honey has not enough antibacterial activity itself, but it contributes to the 30 activity of honey against several bacteria where presences of other compounds were required [Vandenbroucke et al., 2010]. Latest, it has been shown that honey down-regulated a protein called universal stress protein A (UspA). UspA is discovered in many microorganisms including MRSA. This protein is responsible for stress factors e.g. heat, starvation and antimicrobial agent [Jenkins et al., 2011]. A removal of this protein would make the bacteria more sensitive to stress and DNA-damaging agents. Cells treated with honey lower the expression of UspA protein 16-fold, compared with untreated cells [Jenkins et al., 2011]. This could shed light on the eradication and limitation of bacteria from wounds. Additionally, Müller et al., 2013 examined whether there was any synergy between rifampicin and Medihoney. Rifampicin is a widely used antibiotic. However, Honey has been reported to have a synergistic activity between rifampicin, whereas sugar solution failed to show any synergy. They found an increased sensitivity against both S. aureus and MRSA when honey combined with Rifampicin [Müller et al., 2013]. This study emphasizes the potential of synergistic activity of honey between antibiotics in the treatment of S. aureus on skin wound. Further research requires clarifying synergy between honey and rifampicin in vivo. In addition, we suggest that honey may contain unidentified compounds, which may down-regulate some genes of MRSA. This may result in that MRSA become sensitive and susceptible to rifampicin. In the light of the results mentioned above, further investigation needed to clarify whether antibiotics, that are now unable to treat MRSA, can be combined with honey and make it efficient or not. Moreover, agar dilution and broth dilution methods have been used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of honey. The MIC values are decisive for the results, by being responsible to determine whether honey has high or low antibacterial activity. The low MIC value indicates high bactericidal activity of honey. However, there is a small variation between different MIC values in different studies. This could be a result of their methods used. The most common method to testing honey is broth dilution. Compared with agar dilution, the MIC values determined by broth dilution were lower. This may indicate that active compounds in agar may be slower than those in broth [Okeke et al., 2001; 31 Tan et al., 2009]. Although, in agar dilution method honey is incorporated directly into the growth media, which could be useful to skin wound bacteria, since the honey is in direct contact with bacteria. 32 Conclusion The aim for this project was to investigate and discuss the antibacterial activity of honey in respect to Staphylococcus aureus on open wounds. This project provides insight into the mode of action of honey in the inhibition of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In conclusion, honeys antibacterial activity is multifactorial; meaning that the antibacterial effect cannot be solely attributed to any single compound. All active compounds in honey may act in synergy with each other and it is probably that a multitude of effects of honey are due to more than one of its compounds. Taken together, all these active factors indicate that honey is an effective topical antibacterial agent for wounds infected with MRSA. In light of the enormous potential for application of honey in treatment of skin wounds to prevent the growth of MRSA and enhance the healing process, it is important to use honey as a whole product. However, further investigations are required to clarify the precise mode of action of honey as an antibacterial agent both in vitro and in vivo. 33 Perspective This report has revealed the extent of antibacterial effect of honey, with focus on S.aureus. However, it is still unknown, precisely how honey has an effect on S. aureus in wounds. Further investigations in vitro and in vivo are required in order to understand the specific molecular mechanisms of honey that effect bacteria in wounds. Rifampicin is now a useless drug against S. aureus. An experiment with interaction between honey and rifampicin, would be able to show whether the genes become up- or down regulated. The aim of these experiments would be to make the useless antibiotical drugs useful again by combining them with honey in future treatments. Research with wound healing is important and minor results can have a major impact in the future treatment of patients with wounds. Properties of honey have demonstrated that certain types of honey, of which many have been tested in the laboratory, are promising pharmacological agents for antibacterial effects. However, clinical trials must be performed to completely validate honey as a medicament in medical applications. For an optimal healing effect of the wound, infected with S. aureus, another clinically research could investigate different carbohydrate concentrations in bacteria from wounds, for determination of the macrophages efficiency in patients and potential computing significance graphs that present the comparisons of the macrophages activity with carbohydrates and without carbohydrates as control. This research would investigate honey’s composition of carbohydrates, which among others consists of sugars, which further are required by the macrophages and leucocytes in the wound healing process. To prevent oxidative degradation of lipids in the cell membranes caused by free radicals, vitamin E is necessary to act as an anti-oxidant and assist the wounds healing. Free radicals, vitamin E and anti-oxidants are already determined in minor concentrations in honey. Further research could investigate the difference between neutral compounds as free radicals, vitamin E and anti-oxidants 34 extruded from honey with the same compounds but synthesized, on bacteria from wounds and reflect the data by significance graphs. Adherence of the S. aureus to the cell surface requires physicochemical, hydrophobicity and the affinities of bacterial cell surface moieties that recognize the surface membrane receptor proteins of the cell. 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