
Inderdaad 2005
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
A Liero community
e-book by Wei
Zhi HuiIT?
All posts copied accurately without editing of content.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
This e-book was compiled by Wei-ZhiHui for Zhi Hui Productions in 2005
for the purpose of remembering this
memorable debate regarding why the
Liero community hates LieroX.
The initiative was taken by C3M
on February 14, 2005. The question
sought the answer of the suggested
hate the Liero community had shown
towards LieroX and its community.
LieroX, or LieroXtreme, is a clone of
the classic game Liero (Liero 1.33) and
was one of the first to have the ability
to play online. First to have a community of online players.
LieroX has evolved separately from
the old Liero community but co-exists
on the Gaming Universe forum, in
their own separate sub forums. However, certain people find it amusing to
post abusive posts across the narrow
borders. Both ways.
Liero 1.33 is the last version of Liero
and was released sometime in the
spring of 1999. A community was
present during its development, but
the current community did not form
until 2000. Liero did not have the
ability to be played over the internet
or LAN.
Three other clones have made great
progress in duplicating Liero. They
are LOSP (by Gliptic), Gusanos (by
Basara) and Wurmz! (by Patrys).
LieroX was made by JasonB.
Enjoy the reading.
Regards Wei Zhi Hui (ulv)
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. . . . . . . . . . . ABOUT THIS BOOK
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . USER PROFILES
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
C3M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posts: 1,144 - Ppd: 3.65
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Location: Kamloops, B.C. Canada
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GLIPTIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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BASARA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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JONNY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ULV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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THE NEW GD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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ELDACAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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BLACKNINJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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TIMV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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TTFTCUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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NUTSOMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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User profile stats gathered on
02-15-2005 at 07:39 PM
All times are GMT +1.
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“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
The source for this book is the Gaming Universe forum.
The forum thread in question:
ComSer Forums
Example 1 and 2
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“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
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“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: JONNY - 02-14-2005, 06:44 PM
BY: C3M - 02-14-2005, 04:45 PM
in a short sentance, explain why it
sucks... and why the other clones
are so much better... because the
utter crap ive seen from members
not of the lieroX community have
been rather sickning... so go on.
show me the actual reason WHY
you hate lieroX other then for it
upstaging you...
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-14-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by C3M
in a short sentance, explain why it
sucks... and why the other clones
are so much better... because the
utter crap ive seen from members
not of the lieroX community have
been rather sickning... so go on.
show me the actual reason WHY
you hate lieroX other then for it
upstaging you...
LieroX isn’t Liero. Is that short
enough for you?
BY: BASARA - 02-14-2005, 05:24 PM
Dunno about hate, but I certantly
now why we dont like LX... it
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BY: ULV - 02-14-2005, 11:16 PM
there is no scientific reason for hate.
BY: THE NEW GD - 02-14-2005, 11:23 PM
Qoute: <image posted by Jonny>
but you can change the skin. you can
choose one that looks better than
that crazy invisible skin.
BY: JONNY - 02-14-2005, 11:32 PM
No, notice that the worms are
FLOATING two pixels above the
[23:41] <mopo> why do particles and
worm stop 2 pixels above of where
the ground is? is that so difficult to
[23:42] <Jason|LX> collision detection in a game like this is actually
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
pretty hard to ‘get right’
[23:43] <mopo> how come?
[23:43] <Jason|LX> because it’s all
pixels, no real geometry
[23:44] <mopo> but the collision
seems fine to me
[23:44] <mopo> what seems wrong
is the drawing
[23:44] <mopo> the particles and
the map are not synced
[23:45] <mopo> cant you just draw
the map some pixels up? so that the
map will sync with the rest?
[23:46] <Jason|LX> i’m gonna go
[23:46] * Jason|LX has quit IRC
(Quit: blah)
And thats not all I can say that is
bad about LieroX.
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by [Jonny]
And thats not all I can say that is
bad about LieroX.
Yeah, that’s a pretty stupid example ;o.
BY: JONNY - 02-15-2005, 01:05 AM
It’s all I could think of and explain
easily at the time.
BY: ELDACAR - 02-15-2005, 01:55 AM
I’ve never played it. I’ve never said I
hate it. But LieroX isn’t Liero.
BY: C3M - 02-15-2005, 03:17 AM
ok now let me go through the reasons why you guys have proven to be
hate mongerers
in a short sentance, explain why it
sucks... and why the other clones
are so much better... because the
utter crap ive seen from members
not of the lieroX community have
been rather sickning... so go on.
show me the actual reason WHY
you hate lieroX other then for it
upstaging you...
LieroX isn’t Liero. Is that short
enough for you?
now i want you to take a good hard
look at my post there that i quoted,
then look at gliptics post also quoted
for conveniance
at no point did i mention LieroX was
but mabey that wasent what Gliptic
was geting at!!!
oh no! perhaps he was saying that
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“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
because its not Liero, lieroX simply
Gusanos -> SUCKS
Liero AI -> SUCKS
Wurmz -> SUCKS
WormRage -> SUCKS
oh you sure your willing to stick
with that statment?
Dunno about hate, but I certantly
now why we dont like LX... it
in that statment you just proved
your hate mongerers
now basara i dunno if you havent
been watching the LieroX vs Gusanos Polles lately, but if LieroX
sucks then that means Gusanos
Sucks and swallows...
No, notice that the worms are
FLOATING two pixels above the
[23:41] <mopo> why do particles and worm stop 2 pixels
above of where the ground is?
img] is that so difficult to fix??
[23:42] <Jason|LX> collision de-
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tection in a game like this is actually pretty hard to ‘get right’
[23:43] <mopo> how come?
[23:43] <Jason|LX> because it’s all
pixels, no real geometry
[23:44] <mopo> but the collision
seems fine to me
[23:44] <mopo> what seems wrong
is the drawing
[23:44] <mopo> the particles and
the map are not synced
[23:45] <mopo> cant you just draw
the map some pixels up? so that
the map will sync with the rest?
[23:46] <Jason|LX> i’m gonna go
[23:46] * Jason|LX has quit IRC
(Quit: blah)
And thats not all I can say that
is bad about LieroX. [img]images/
jonny there are 2 reasons why im
very disapointed at this
1. thats not current version, use the
version were working on thanks
2. If we followed you around quoting
everything you said, we would see
your a real moron too. only difrence
between you and jason is we wouldent have to wait so long... and i say
this out of experiance, not out of assumption
have you got any other rediculous
made up reasons why you hate lieroX so? huh? jonny expecialy you...
you sure think on your feet quickly...
tell me why theres a reason to imovably hate LieroX the way you and
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
hate mongerers clan behind you
seam to do
fact is theres nothing really wrong
with lieroX
and in finding one issue with LieroX i could find at least 5 with
yours, on my own.
and you know what the funny thing
even with all the flaws in your
clones, we still dont monger hate
towards you
take a look!
your listed!
on of all places. so do
you have any more pointless reasons why lieroX sucks? because
id like this kinda crap to stop >:\
and mabey just a little respect in
response to the amount we display
with you
because not one do you hear one
of us on #lieroX say Gusanos
BY: BLACKNINJA - 02-15-2005, 05:22 AM
Everyone keeps saying LieroX
killed Wurmz!, do you think releasing Gusanos and LOSP is help-
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ing? Wurmz! killed itself, it was a
perfectly good game, definatley not
Liero, but a good clone and could of
stayed in development. Dont even
blame LX for that.
What IS Liero exactly? Someone
please list some requirements that
a game must meet to be considered
I have played Liero and it is nothing
like Gusanos...
-theres no flashlight in Liero (neither in LieroX but there is in Gus)...
-Liero has menus (so does LieroX,
but not Gus)
-Liero includes a level editor (so does
LieroX... but where is Gus’ level editor? )
-Game Modes (LieroX has these (except CTF)... Gus has none)
-Water! How come? Liero doesnt
have it, why does gus?
-Stupid AI (oh yeah we got that too...
-Oldschool (where is Gusanos’ plain
dirt/rock level? All clones should
have it)
the list goes on... but why do you say
Gus is Liero? It is far from Liero.
LOSP is indeed a good clone, and
its probably closer to Liero than any
clone I know, so Im not touching on
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
Bugs happen... a floating worm
doesnt make a game crappy. Any
valid reasons why it sucks besides
“It just does”... It must not suck
that much... theres tons of people
playing LieroX 24/7, clans etc...
@Jonny, instead of coming into
#lierox chat to spam and flame and
promote Gusanos, why not stay
in your Qnet hole if you hate LX
so much. If it wasnt for Gliptic, I
would of banned you a long time
ago, and a lot of people would be
behind me on that.
I have nothing against the game or
the community, I just wish someone would give some good reasons,
rather than flame me and C3M
with pointless statments. Hey! The
world is still flat! >:O
BY: NYM - 02-15-2005, 07:46 AM
I have nothing against LieroX, but
the game doesn’t “feel” right, the
gameplay is not fluent. Sure, its
a great game, but there are a few
quirks which keep most of us playing it (and there are Liero purists).
Also, another thing is Gusanos
isn’t Liero, its ProLiero-like with
a bunch of extra cool features.
Liero was fun, but ProLiero was
awesome fun (thanks Patrys ). All
these games that were mentioned
dont intend to clone liero, they intend to build upon what was good
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about it, keeping the same gameplay
and overall effect.
Level Editor -- No such thing needed
for most Liero clones, since most use
standard image formats, allowing
you to use your favorite program.
Menus -- Gusanos 0.8 was more of
a technical demo, it was not a complete game.
Flashlight -- In 98 such a feature was
not feasible, as it required too much
processing power and would slow
down the game _alot_. Lighting still
slows games down lots, except now
that we have alot faster computers,
dynamic lighting’s extra CPU usage
is negligible.
Water -- A feature, you dont have to
use it if you dont want to.
Game modes -- Most LieroX game
modes are the same, only with different quirks. Gusanos only had
deathmatch and team deathmatch
(although we will see more game
modes in the future).
Stupid AI -- My AI was a hack into
Gusanos 0.8, it wasn’t even released
to the public (you would have to
go and download the source and
compile it yourself [or steal it off
someone who has done so]). Another
thing, i took no time to program Gusanos AI, but Gusanos 0.9 AI will
be smart, and will navigate terrain
Old school -- Its available, but no one
has made a maps for it.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: ULV - 02-15-2005, 07:46 AM
-Liero has menus (so does LieroX,
but not Gus)
-Liero includes a level editor (so
does LieroX... but where is Gus’
level editor? )
-------------------------------------------------Many games have menus, and we
dont call them Liero
-Sycon made one
C3M, ever concider that Jonny is
flaming LieroX just to piss you off?
(and being successful at it)
Gliptic said “LieroX isn’t Liero”
because of the repeated inquerys
from various people about “Liero”,
where they in fact ask about LieroX. “-Wher can i download last
version of Liero?” etc. So its not
you or we calling LieroX Liero, its
your community. Since we are the
LIERO community who have spent
years on it, we feel that Liero 1.33
deserves to be its own game and to
not be confused with LieroX. Also,
we dont call Gusanos Liero either.
Not even LOSP. Wurmz died coz
only 5 people in the world cared
about it.
Uh, DEBATE >:]
The world is flat inderdaad, but
what proof do we have for that?
Maybe the sun is blue as well, it
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just seems yellowish... but it isnt.
Also, i agree that Jonny is an idiot on
occation. >
ah, and, “If we followed you around
quoting everything you said, we
would see your a real moron too”.
Does this mean both JasonB and
Jonny are idiots, or that everyone
Zzzz, envff
BY: C3M - 02-15-2005, 08:26 AM
=no jonny is just an ass and thats
really there all is to it... i think hes
proven hes nothing more... mabey
one day hill see that and start trying
=please dont say you “Dont hate
LieroX” cause that really is BS... we
have all seen the rants and raves
made by everyone... LieroX this lieroX that LieroX raped my mother
and killed my father yada yada yada
this dosent explain this outright hatred towards lieroX, i mean you still
fail to give a direct real reason that
makes sense... so using your info...
im gonna do it on my own.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
because of the repeated inquerys from various people about
“Liero”, where they in fact ask
about LieroX.
-are you saying LieroX sucks because some people are calling it
liero? because i think its better to
just hate it for no reason rather
then that... at least hate for no
reason is more prevalent around
the world...
-BNX refranced this to discribe
the similarity between LieroX and
now lemmy ask you this... Liero is
Liero... Gusanos is Liero Pro, so this
makes LieroX what? The clone that
everyone but some pissant minority
likes? Liero... EXTREAM oh thats
good i gota make sure to tell jason
that one ... oh wait
now lets review
ah, and, “If we followed you
around quoting everything you
said, we would see your a real
moron too”. Does this mean both
JasonB and Jonny are idiots, or
that everyone is?
-no its a refrance to media deriving
hostial conclusions based on slip
ups everyone makes. but i was just
refrance to jonny been a wanker as
Many games have menus, and we
dont call them Liero
-many games arnt Liero Clones,
LieroX is, dont leave out ovious
details when stating facts
-Liero includes a level editor (so
does LieroX... but where is Gus’
level editor? )
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LieroX is still in its primary stages,
not really complete, as many games...
this seams to be one of the topics you
dislike about lieroX
may i remind you that Gusanos is
in its demo stages as well? and you
guys drool over it. infact other then
some feature difrances and the fact
that basara is more active and posts
in THIS forum primarly, you think
its better then lieroX... so this is a
pice of the reason then! isent it!
What if, it turned out that that the
liero community turned out to have
some seperation anxiaty because
Jason dosent decided to say hi to
the liero comunity as his clone blasts
the good old non lieroX clones off
the map? is this why you hate lieroX? Because hes not a part of your
group? and that hes doing better?
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: ULV - 02-15-2005, 10:17 AM
i think that would be enough to
drive a comunity to unquestionable
hatrid dont you BN? a programer
designs a clone and he dosent keep
incontact with the liero community
as hes working, and becomes a major sucsees!
heres some math for you
51778 divided by 6298
that number must be so damning
to you
Q: -are you saying LieroX sucks
because some people are calling it
liero? because i think its better to
just hate it for no reason rather then
that... at least hate for no reason is
more prevalent around the world...
A: No, but its annoying
Q: -many games arnt Liero Clones,
LieroX is, dont leave out ovious details when stating facts
Sounds like a good reason to me...
got a better one?
A: I was mostly ironic
Side Note
Q: What if, it turned out that that
the liero community turned out to
have some seperation anxiaty because Jason dosent decided to say
hi to the liero comunity as his clone
blasts the good old non lieroX clones
off the map? is this why you hate lieroX? Because hes not a part of your
group? and that hes doing better?
The world is flat inderdaad, but
what proof do we have for that?
Maybe the sun is blue as well,
it just seems yellowish... but it
-go onto the sidewalk and take a
strait edge, place it on the ground
and look at it, if you see its balancing on the middle with 2 open
parts at each end then the world is
round, if it isent then the world is
flat... thats our proof
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A: Possible
My summary, not everyone in the
Liero community “haits” (???) LieroX. Some think it sucks for various
reasons, such as annoying physics
and the ability to cheat (so ive been
told, never tried it myself). Some
think the members of your commu-
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
nity is annoying. Some just find
pleasure in pissing you off.
Personally, i think youre kindof
overreacting. Maybe its coz Jonny
keeps flaming you in the LieroX
boards, i dunno. Maybe you are sick
and tired of.. that. However, youve
just condemned the whole Liero
community to be old angry geeks
who are simply jealous of the fame
and glory of LieroX.
I played LieroX once, but the guys
who told me to try it flamed me constantly and were generally rude so
i gave up. (and this was long before
Jonny started flaming you guys,
and its not related). Btw, those
guys were from Finland
At least youve made an intresting
point, even if its very angry. Its
good reading for boring days at
work yay.
Side note: ive repeatedly asked
Jonny why he flames in LieroX
boards. Its my belief that he’s just
Side side note: Thanks for proving
the world is round. But you forgot
about the colour of the sun.
Side of the side side note: Canada is
very close to the USA.
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BY: ELDACAR - 02-15-2005, 12:18 PM
What IS Liero exactly? Someone
please list some requirements that
a game must meet to be considered
Um.. It has to be made by Joosa?
That’s pretty much it.
No body will ever confuse Gusanos
with Liero. They are completely different.
But Liero Xtreme? People got lazy
and droped the treme so the had
LieroX. Then they got lazy and
dropped the X. But That is so wrong.
Call it LieroX if you need to, but
never Liero.
(Oh, and i hope noone ever calls it
Liero Extreme, because that is one
of the best old liero sites around.)
Settle down people. LieroX sucks.
but so does Wormz! and most of the
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by C3M
now i want you to take a good
hard look at my post there that i
quoted, then look at gliptics post
also quoted for conveniance
at no point did i mention LieroX
was liero
Then wtf are complaining about???
Originally Posted by C3M
<snipped bull**** rant>
BY: JONNY - 02-15-2005, 12:48 PM
One of the things that pissed me
off the most was why LieroX got
so popular, the gameplay (as nym
said) of it is crap and that was one
of the best features about Liero.
(and most of the other clones emulate that as good, or more to a promode type feeling)
Originally Posted by C3M
1. thats not current version, use
the version were working on
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Originally Posted by blackninja
@Jonny, instead of coming into
#lierox chat to spam and flame
and promote Gusanos, why not
stay in your Qnet hole if you hate
LX so much. If it wasnt for Gliptic,
I would of banned you a long time
ago, and a lot of people would be
behind me on that.
I don’t go into #lierox anymore, unless I need to spam sk|P, c3m or
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by blackninja
Everyone keeps saying LieroX
killed Wurmz!, do you think
releasing Gusanos and LOSP is
helping? Wurmz! killed itself,
it was a perfectly good game,
definatley not Liero, but a good
clone and could of stayed in development. Dont even blame LX
for that.
Rather, LieroX killed all clones/
sequels, but I’m not blaming it for
Originally Posted by blackninja
What IS Liero exactly? Someone
please list some requirements
that a game must meet to be considered Liero?
Liero is Liero.
Originally Posted by blackninja
I have played Liero and it is nothing like Gusanos...
Nobody has claimed it was either,
that’s why it doesn’t have “Liero”
in the name. However, it’s still the
closest to a Liero net play game this
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Originally Posted by blackninja
-theres no flashlight in Liero
(neither in LieroX but there is in
Added features are not BAD.
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Liero has menus (so does LieroX,
but not Gus)
The menu has little to do with the
game, gameplay, feeling, etc.
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Liero includes a level editor (so
does LieroX... but where is Gus’
level editor? )
Irrelevant to the game.
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Game Modes (LieroX has these
(except CTF)... Gus has none)
They’re coming.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Water! How come? Liero doesnt
have it, why does gus?
Because Gusanos isn’t Liero. It just
tries to capture the gameplay and
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Stupid AI (oh yeah we got that
too... Gus?)
Gus has AI, 0.9 will have much better hopefully.
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Oldschool (where is Gusanos’
plain dirt/rock level? All clones
should have it)
This is really irrelevant to the
gameplay and feeling.
Originally Posted by blackninja
the list goes on... but why do you
say Gus is Liero? It is far from
But we don’t. But it captures
Liero’s gameplay and feeling better
than LieroX.
Page: 17
Originally Posted by blackninja
LOSP is indeed a good clone, and
its probably closer to Liero than
any clone I know, so Im not touching on it.
Bugs happen... a floating worm
doesnt make a game crappy. Any
valid reasons why it sucks besides
“It just does”... It must not suck that
much... theres tons of people playing
LieroX 24/7, clans etc...
I have nothing against the game or
the community, I just wish someone would give some good reasons,
rather than flame me and C3M with
pointless statments. Hey! The world
is still flat! >:O
And that means we MUST play
LieroX, and NO other clone, even
if LieroX is SEVERELY lacking in
that Liero had? Even if LieroX ALREADY has hundred times the userbase? Should we just let Liero die? I
played LieroX for a long time, but it’s
not the same game, not remotely the
same game as Liero. Many here has
played Liero for 3-4 years or more, I
think we don’t have to give you any
specific reasons why we don’t compare LieroX to Liero.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 01:57 PM
Flame threads are fun, so here is
my grain of sand :)
now basara i dunno if you havent
been watching the LieroX vs Gusanos Polles lately, but if LieroX
sucks then that means Gusanos
Sucks and swallows...
No, that means gusanos doesnt
have a menu. The only reason
for LX being popular is because
its menu and server list, since its
beaten in any other aspect by most
of the clones.
Also... Why is gusanos mentioned
here? Did gusanos apear in my
previous post? I think you are just
trying to find sth to offend me and
the rest.
Gusanos doesnt need to be kewl for
LX to suck.
Anyway, that was my reason for
not likeing it, not for hateing it.
Now I can tell you why I hate LX...
I dont :) , Hating a piece of software
is dumb. However what I do hate is
what it has generated as a community and its effects over our. Really,
LX community is full of n00bs.. PERIOD. And I dont mean n00bs to
LX but n00bs to be smart or sth :).
Page: 18
Gusanos -> SUCKS
Liero AI -> SUCKS
Wurmz -> SUCKS
WormRage -> SUCKS
hmm.. well all of those except for
LieroAI pwn LieroX by loong distances. LieroAI doesnt but at least
its opensource and l33t :P
If we followed you around quoting
everything you said, we would see
your a real moron too.
are you saing JasonB is a real moron? OMG! JasonB would be happy
to read this I guess.
btw, Have you ever seen jonny swear
in the LX forum? I havent. His posts
can barely be considered flaming,
instead, YOUR posts in this threads
are insultive and flameish ( What
proves you yet another LX n00b
since no smart person starts flames
like you did )
ah.. also, one single map from jonny
can beat all the maps your LX community has done for LX.. Wierd isnt
it? ah.. inderdaad its not wierd jonny
pwns you ofcourse. :)
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
Everyone keeps saying LieroX
killed Wurmz!
Who said that? probably LX n00bs
since that is far from the truth.
I have nothing against the game
or the community, I just wish
someone would give some good
reasons, rather than flame me
and C3M with pointless statments. Hey!
Our responses to C3Ms first post
where ANYTHING but flames...
=no jonny is just an ass and thats
really there all is to it... i think
hes proven hes nothing more...
mabey one day hill see that and
start trying
Again.. No he is not an ass, YOU
now lemmy ask you this... Liero
is Liero... Gusanos is Liero Pro, so
this makes LieroX what?
is.. The bad clone that is not like
LieroX is still in its primary
stages, not really complete, as
many games... THIS IS WHY IT
Page: 19
HAS BUGS... and this seams to be
one of the topics you dislike about
All other liero clones that dont suck
get to primary stage without bugs
like that..
a programer designs a clone and
he dosent keep incontact with the
liero community as hes working,
and becomes a major sucsees!
hmm.. LX did not separate itself
from the Liero comunity.. real Liero
fans didnt like it, so they dont play
it.. is it hard to get?
I am already tired of flaming :o
Hope you enjoyed reading.
Ofcourse this thread has only gotten
to make everyones “hatred” agains
LX bigger, or atleast against C3M
and BNX :)
Another thing, If there is a LX member who is not a n00b then I apologize for my generalization..
EDIT: Anoooother thing, C3M is
now ooobviously banned from recieving any Gusanos beta :).. and just for
security no LX member recieves Gus
beta either so that they dont give it
to C3M
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 02:22 PM
I just noticed C3M’s signature.
You have persecution syndrome
or something? LieroX is the Borg?
Resistance is futile?
BY: MRDARKA - 02-15-2005, 02:43 PM
I missed all the fun of course but
here I go anyway:
Firstly, I’m not really much into
Liero anymore, but Gus is kewl to
me cause of philosophical things
and cause it runs on *nix. I haven’t
tried the new incredibly cool LieroX
because I’m either too lazy or using
some other stinky OS, nah I’m just
too lazy and don’t care and no one
knows!!! I’d be happy to know that
my views are all false
Secondly, the views expressed here
are my personal views, not those of
the Free Software Foundation or
GNU Project Liero community. For
information about them and their
positions, see some
other place.
However, some (or maybe all) of
them may be the same as the Liero
community ones.
Finally, “no one knows” is a reference to a song Scapegoat by Fear
Factory. It doesn’t mean anything
in this context.
Page: 20
What is Liero?
When I say Liero, I either refer to the
original Liero game made by Joosa,
or the community. I’m still not quite
sure if I mean both the LieroX and
the original community, or only the
original one, but since no one cares
about me, in this post I’ll be referring to the whole community.
Here I go:
1. The physics. LieroX physics are
weird (to me) and non-Liero-like
(which is very obvious after you play
Liero for a few years). That’s been
said 100000000 times (I may be a bit
wrong as I didn’t count), but still - no
one knows!!!
2. The look. LieroX looks inconsistent to me. There seem to be some
pixelized graphics (Level, some
skins, particles), and some double
resolution graphics (Objects, some
3. The gameplay. I’m quite sure this
has changed now, but for a long time
LieroX had no playable mods available. Most were either unbalanced
or unplayable online.
4. The community. The LieroX Forums are terrible lameness never
seen before in the Liero community
(of course, your views may be different, but I’m sure you’ll agree that
they’re quite lame). Even this forum
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
isn’t as lame as the LieroX ones are
IN MY OPINION. Some examples:
mrdarka posts 2 URL’s to threads on the
LieroX forum.
It took me seconds to get to them.
There were probably more things
that I wanted to point out, but I
forgot due to multitasking, sorry.
Maybe I’ll remember it sometime.
And of course, LieroX doesn’t run
on *nix.
I would also like to ask:
What made you post this? Everything was quite quiet for a long
time. Did I miss anything?
What’s so sickening about what
we say about LieroX? I never
heard anyone say that LieroX
raped someone’s mother and killed
someone’s father. Again, did I miss
anything? I DID hear people say
that it sucks and smells. However,
that doesn’t sicken me at all :/
Also, C3M, could you please learn to
spell a little, or at least spell-check
your posts. I may refrain from reading them in the future, not that you
would care, but I may not be the
only one . Thanks in advance.
And have a lot fun finding holes in
my post!
Page: 21
BY: C3M - 02-15-2005, 04:33 PM
you mean you actuly have trouble
understanding my post? thats got
more to say to you then it does about
im not saying you people should
start playing it
but again you actuly fail to give a
solid reason, i dont have the time
right now to counter point every
single one of your arguments though
its very very possible
and darka finding holes in these
posts si pretty easy because so far
theres been one big friggin gaping
one right there
but there is one statment right here
that i find sumises the exact problem with the Liero comunity, made
by gliptic... but this seams to fall
parralel wit hthe problem with everyone... except jonny who needs 500
jouls to go with the problem
“And that means we MUST play
LieroX, and NO other clone, even
if LieroX is SEVERELY lacking in
that Liero had? Even if LieroX ALREADY has hundred times the userbase? Should we just let Liero die? I
played LieroX for a long time, but it’s
not the same game, not remotely the
same game as Liero. Many here has
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
played Liero for 3-4 years or more,
I think we don’t have to give you
any specific reasons why we don’t
compare LieroX to Liero.”
we at no point said you should play
LieroX... and at many points id perfer it if you dident
Liero will never die and the simple
fact is even I play it from time to
but this is the part that i REALLY
need to adress “Many here has
played Liero for 3-4 years or more,
I think we don’t have to give you
any specific reasons why we don’t
compare LieroX to Liero.”
you see im not forcing you to do
anything other then explain yourselfs, and so far your reasons eather dont make sense or just plain
suck. i think gliptic unwitingly
explained it... you think jasons
trying to replace Liero, and i cant
change that belife... its ovious you
people are going to continue hating
LieroX on this misguided belife... so
i guess this conversation is over. im
frankly going to ignore all of jonnys
post hypocriticaly from now on, and
the liero community seams to be
akin to blind nazis o.o
Page: 22
not exactly the image to end on so
heres another one
underdog? upset underdog, my first
shot at why you guys hate LieroX
was close but i think this one is
much better
“ah.. also, one single map from jonny can beat all the maps your LX
community has done for LX.. Wierd isnt it? ah.. inderdaad its not
wierd jonny pwns you ofcourse. “
-now thats just bellow the belt!
now many of you state. that not all
liero players express this view, undoughtably your right! becuase not
all of the liero players have hypocritical oath Mater-o-fact most liero
players find lieroX and start playing
that... but you still diss it for shallow reasons and any move that jason
makes... and thats the lowest thing
that really can be done in the end...
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by C3M
you mean you actuly have trouble
understanding my post? thats got
more to say to you then it does
about me
im not saying you people should
start playing it
So I ask again.. WHAT’S YOUR
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
Now, look here:
Originally Posted by C3M
but again you actuly fail to give a
solid reason, i dont have the time
right now to counter point every
single one of your arguments
though its very very possible
Followed shortly after by:
Originally Posted by C3M
but this is the part that i REALLY need to adress “Many here
has played Liero for 3-4 years
or more, I think we don’t have
to give you any specific reasons
why we don’t compare LieroX to
Now, we should give reasons for
not liking/playing LieroX and we
should not? How is it possible to
meet your standards? And why
should we meet your standards? Do
we need permission from you for
not playing/liking/having interest
in LieroX?
Originally Posted by C3M
you see im not forcing you to
do anything other then explain
yourselfs, and so far your reasons
eather dont make sense or just
plain suck. i think gliptic unwitingly explained it... you think
Page: 23
jasons trying to replace Liero, and i
cant change that belife... its ovious
you people are going to continue
hating LieroX on this misguided
belife... so i guess this conversation
is over. im frankly going to ignore
all of jonnys post hypocriticaly
from now on, and the liero community seams to be akin to blind
nazis o.o
Nobody is “hating” LieroX. Got it?
You can’t blame the whole community for what Jonny does.
BY: ULV - 02-15-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by blackninja
-Oldschool (where is Gusanos’
plain dirt/rock level? All clones
should have it)
Originally Posted by Gliptic
This is really irrelevant to the
gameplay and feeling.
No it isnt, dirt/rock level is a basic
level form which indeed is lacking in
Gusanos. Then again, i dont really
like dirt in Gusanos. Especially in
TS where no guns can dig properly.
C3M: Nazis? Yay, we have some jews
too you know
“you see im not forcing
do anything other then
yourselfs, and so far your
eather dont make sense
plain suck.”
you to
or just
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
you cant force us to do anything,
and your responses suck more then
ours. You are moving from questions to flames. Your choise. However, i think youve got the answer,
no matter how shallow. How deep
can it get? We dont like your game
simply. Also, we dont like when it
gets confused with Liero.
Apart from the confusing, i dont
really keep in touch with LieroX or
its related things, even tho i wish
i could coz i might snap up things
useful to post on ComSer. Noone
gives me any news tho, and i cant
get them myself. I dont have time.
BY: MRDARKA - 02-15-2005, 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by C3M
you mean you actuly have trouble
understanding my post? thats got
more to say to you then it does
about me
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 04:58 PM
OMFG? its under the belt? maybe
I should remind you of some things
you posted quite before I posted
no jonny is just an ass and thats
really there all is to it... i think hes
proven hes nothing more...
but if LieroX sucks then that
means Gusanos Sucks and swallows...
There are more but I cba to look for
them now, so tell me.. what kind of
HOLY n00b comes here insulting
and flaming and expects to recieve
flowers and candy? C3M does.
EDIT: My sig is pwnage > : D
no i don’t
Originally Posted by C3M
and darka finding holes in these
posts si pretty easy because so far
theres been one big friggin gaping one right there
no, there has never been one
C3M, I see you’ve only read the beginning and the end of my post...
Page: 24
BY: ULV - 02-15-2005, 05:14 PM
Those are under the belt indeed.
Jonny is an ass, i agree, but if you
say we flame LieroX, why do you
flame Gusanos? What did Gusanos
ever do to you?
..and LieroX did NOT kill Wurmz!.
Thats very far from the truth. Please
dont state such things.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: TIMV - 02-15-2005, 05:53 PM
This is funny. Please don’t stop. :)
BY: RYYNÄNEN - 02-15-2005, 06:11 PM
Uhm. I actually kinda hate LieroX.
Without LieroX idiots like C3M
would never came here flaming. Of
course that’s not the main reason
for me hating it. Just read what
others in this thread have written,
I agree with most of them.
Last edited by Ryynänen : 02-152005 at 06:14 PM. Reason: removed
an insult
BY: ULV - 02-15-2005, 06:20 PM
the proper question would be, why
does jonny spend his days flaming
LieroX? If we all had hated LieroX
and flamed it, C3M would have
asked a just and fair question.
Now its only slightly fair. Its true
that we dont exactly speak nicely
of LieroX around here But its our
right. Only jonny brings it to the
LX forum. Now C3M brought it to
us. Fair.
I could add that i hate Finland. I
could also add that i hate finland
because its full of intensely annoying irc users that will spend a lot
of time trying to insult any swede
they meet. Also they make crappy
nokia phones, but they MADE
JOOSA AND LIERO and are there-
Page: 25
by partly forgiven. If they had made
LieroX... *shudder*
JasonB is australian, right?
BY: JONNY - 02-15-2005, 06:24 PM
Damn you nym! >:O
Yes, but then, I was only spamming
what you were all silently thinking.
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 06:37 PM
at least jonny didnt swear on lx forums ( I think ) just innocent spam
BY: RYYNÄNEN - 02-15-2005, 06:40 PM
I could also add that I hate swedes
because of gayish sounding swedish language that we must learn in
school. >:0
That’s why finnish irc users are trying to insult every swede they meet,
just image the pain if you would have
to learn lets say finnish in school.
Of course you must imagine that
finnish is as gayish sounding as
ps. lets make this the official flame
thread where everybody flames each
It would be so cool.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 06:44 PM
“ps. lets make this the official
flame thread where everybody
flames each other!
It would be so cool.”
BY: RYYNÄNEN - 02-15-2005, 06:49 PM
*Sniff* I would have been so cool...
What about if we make this the official spam thread then?
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 06:52 PM
You have the inderdaad thread for
that already!
BY: BLACKNINJA - 02-15-2005, 08:25 PM
wow, I wanted to come get some
questions answered, not feed the
fire. :S Apologies to you guys.
Anyway, so from what I got, you
guys dont like LieroX because:
Physics seem wrong. (not wrong,
just different)
Liero community has played Liero
for 3-4 years and they are pretty
People confuse LieroX with Liero
(its annoying to us too)
Annoying LieroX netplayers (yeah,
there is a lot of those)
And Gliptic, I am not saying to play
no other clone but only LieroX. im
not sure where you got that. Noone
Page: 26
wants Liero to die, and Gusanos/
LOSP are good games that shouldnt
die and should be played and developed further.
I said: Everyone keeps saying LieroX
killed Wurmz!
Basara said:Who said that? probably
LX n00bs since that is far from the
Actually, Gliptic and Jonny said
that. XD
ulv said: why do you flame Gusanos?
Me specifically? I dont... if I did, it
wasnt intentional.
ulv and C3M - The sun... The color
yellow is a purely human interpretation of a collection of radiation that
hits the retinae of our eyes and gets
processed by our visual cortex. The
sun is actually more of a collection of
dark orange/yellow tints, because as
we all know, fire is that color (with
exception of buring specific elements
which are not found on the sun)
@C3M, a straight edge can be balanced on the round Earth but if it
falls, that is simply gravity.
So im not one to argue, i just wanted
to know why LieroX is hated... Ill
leave this to C3M and such
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 08:37 PM
Sorry, BNX, it sounded like you had
the same tone as C3M. Apparantly
you don’t. I apologize if I made any
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
drastical generalizations. About LieroX killing clones/sequels, I don’t
mean killing like that. But LieroX
has obviously got most of the players from other games. There’s not
much widespread interest about
other clones/sequels that I’m aware
Meanwhile, on IRC:
[20:40:51] <TTFTCUTS> wurmz! would have pwned
[20:41:00] <TTFTCUTS> it pwned vs otehr people
[20:41:09] <TTFTCUTS> but the AI crashed it :<
BY BLACKNINJA - 02-15-2005, 09:39 PM
The only people who really say that
lieroX sucks, are old timers. and
thats because its a JOKE. get it....
BY: BLACKNINJA - 02-15-2005, 11:12 PM
but Nutsoman.. apperantly you dont
understand that power of 8.22
The blood and sweat that is shed to
keep 8.22 at its prime! :O
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-15-2005, 11:14 PM
... ok the 8.22 thing... I dont get it...
but I made a sig too :/
Last edited by blackninja : 02-152005 at 09:55 PM.
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 10:23 PM
Only C3M gets it.. maybe he should
explain it
BY: TTFTCUTS - 02-15-2005, 10:57 PM
Yes... I’m puzzled too
BY: NUTSOMAN - 02-15-2005, 11:02 PM
This is a load of useless crap.... we
all know liero is better than lieroX,
lieroX is just another clone, but
one which has more members.... is
that because it is better, or because
of a few people recruiting? WHO
Page: 27
BY: NUTSOMAN - 02-15-2005, 11:26 PM
Whoever said I didn’t? I was ranting? No-one interupts me ranting!
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: BASARA - 02-15-2005, 11:56 PM
Basara quotes the image posted
by Gliptic.
That explains a lot, so the japaneze
mafia is behind all of this!
BY: C3M - 02-16-2005, 12:56 AM
note i flame Gusanos because
you flame lieroX, you say it sucks
without a reason, so ill take it the
next step then give you reason, you
all seam to like it and hate lieroX.
so allow me to put myself in your
shoes to hate Gusanos blindly and
to like LieroX even though there
simmiler in nature
BTW, 8.22 explination if you all
missed it
51778 divided by 6298
LieroX post count Liero post count
result = 8.22, 8.22 is the factor of
how much larger LieroX is. then
the other clones, primatly this is
only an aproxamation due to the
fact that LOSP’s form is based in
that area
so you guys seam to complain that
LieroX is killing clones (not really
true actuly) because it takes all
the players, and 8.22 is how many
times larger the LieroX comunity
is then the combined liero comunity... thats where it comes from...
Page: 28
gliptic and the other siggs i wish you
people would explain... at least mine
anywhoo i keep hearing we dont
hate lieroX but you know what.
there is no larger centralization of
unjust disrespect of a simple LIERO
CLONE produced like by a PROGRAMER like many of you, then in
this place right here
now if you dont wanna explain why
you hate (I USE HATE AS JUST A
WORD! it is a quick way to discribe
the general emotions towards LieroX
that comes from this area) then you
dont have to, and ill leave right now.
because then it just shows me that
your compleatle unreazonable
now many of you say i ignore your
posts... not true, i give all statments
value... except jonny ^.^... only i had
to pick out the really big issues i had
to address befor it was school time
oh and basara, level making is my
hobby that i generaly take pride
in. with the gusanos comments at
least there was perpous in it.. i held
your clone up the the light and and
mocked it just like many people in
this forum often do.
Also note i never mock jonnys levels... there good! yes! i never ridiculed them infact i think there good
you however ive seen make not so
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
nice comments towards LieroX
bellow... the... belt...
anyway do you agree with BN’s list
of reasons? would this be the reason? (note the title of the thread,
the topic)
sounds like the list to me
Last edited by C3M : 02-16-2005 at
01:12 AM.
BY: ULV - 02-16-2005, 12:57 AM
but we dont hate LieroX. We told
you like... 10 times
BY: JONNY - 02-16-2005, 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by C3M
so allow me to put myself in your
shoes to hate Gusanos blindly
and to like LieroX even though
there simmiler in nature
But, don’t you (generalisation of
the LieroX community) allready
hate Gusanos blindly?
Originally Posted by C3M
if you havent been watching the
LieroX vs Gusanos Polles lately,
but if LieroX sucks then that
means Gusanos Sucks and swallows...
Page: 29
BY: BASARA - 02-16-2005, 01:09 AM
I did say it sucks, but I am SURE
its not for no reason ffs! The reasons
have been explained already.. and
you havent explained the 8.22 thing
BY: C3M - 02-16-2005, 01:12 AM
Edited post to more detail
and no jonny, i dont hate gusanos
blindly. as ive said the lieroX comunity is actuly on good terms with the
Liero comunity, we like losp, wormrage, and gusanos... we say good for
the programs workign like that coming up with good ideas every day...
but the difrence here is we say its no
mabey the fact that lieroX displays
a list of people currently hosting is
the reason why lieroX does so well...
so heres a sujestion... do the same!
insted of getting mad for LieroX
doing it first, jsut say PFT they got
there first but that dosent mean anything... and do the same!
theres nothing wrong with that!!
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
BY: ULV - 02-16-2005, 01:24 AM
Blackninja is inderdaad pretty accurate, unlike you C3M. You seem
to just ignore that 90% of the so
called hate is just irony and satire.
“so you guys seam to complain
that LieroX is killing clones (not
really true actuly) because it
takes all the players”
We stopped complaining about
the time when L2 started fading
away into nothingness. So, no, we
dont really complain about people
prefering LieroX. At least not
anyone ive seen. Its much calmer
to have a community such as the
Liero community. 10 devotees that
know what they deal with.
“8.22 is the factor of how much
larger LieroX is.”
This is intresting. Im not familiar
with the amount of spam avalible
on the LX forums, but i think its
safe to say that a majority of the
posts on the Liero forum is more or
less overqualified crap. So your factor might be underestimating some
mean anything...
We do say PFT to LieroX all the
time, for any reason. I envy nothing
of LieroX.
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-16-2005, 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by C3M
note i flame Gusanos because
you flame lieroX, you say it sucks
without a reason, so ill take it the
next step then give you reason, you
all seam to like it and hate lieroX.
so allow me to put myself in your
shoes to hate Gusanos blindly and
to like LieroX even though there
simmiler in nature
Similar is not the same. Nobody
(except Jonny perhaps; but mostly
over annoyance over people mixing
up Liero with LieroX) has “flamed”
LieroX. We certainly don’t dislike
it for no reason. If you can’t understand that we don’t like LieroX in
the same way as Liero then, well, I
guess you’re a lost cause.
Edit: your posting is too fast for me
Originally Posted by C3M
BTW, 8.22 explination if you all
missed it
51778 divided by 6298
LieroX post count Liero post count
“insted of getting mad for LieroX
doing it first, jsut say PFT they
got there first but that dosent
Page: 30
result = 8.22, 8.22 is the factor of
how much larger LieroX is. then
the other clones, primatly this is
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
only an aproxamation due to the
fact that LOSP’s form is based in
that area
As I figured. But, if we’re realistic
and factor in 5-6 years of LieroNet
posts, I seriously doubt LieroX beats
it. But who cares anyway? Isn’t this
one of those silly “my dad is better
than your dad” arguments?
Originally Posted by C3M
so you guys seam to complain that
LieroX is killing clones (not really true actuly) because it takes
all the players, and 8.22 is how
many times larger the LieroX comunity is then the combined liero
comunity... thats where it comes
from... gliptic and the other siggs
i wish you people would explain...
at least mine works...
Well, really, can’t you see what our
sigs mean? They’re parodies really.
Your persecution complex is hillarious.
Originally Posted by C3M
anywhoo i keep hearing we dont
hate lieroX but you know what.
there is no larger centralization
of unjust disrespect of a simple
LIERO CLONE produced like
by a PROGRAMER like many of
you, then in this place right here
Page: 31
Could you explain what you mean
Originally Posted by C3M
now if you dont wanna explain why
you hate (I USE HATE AS JUST
A WORD! it is a quick way to discribe the general emotions towards
LieroX that comes from this area)
then you dont have to, and ill leave
right now. because then it just
shows me that your compleatle
I see that you’ve kept your fingers in
your ears and shouted “lalalalala!”
through this whole thread. We
DON’T hate LieroX. HATE IS MORONIC. We’ve given plenty of reasons for disliking LieroX however.
If you don’t accept them, fine, BUT
Originally Posted by C3M
now many of you say i ignore your
posts... not true, i give all statments value... except jonny ^.^...
only i had to pick out the really big
issues i had to address befor it was
school time
oh and basara, level making is my
hobby that i generaly take pride
in. with the gusanos comments
at least there was perpous in it..
i held your clone up the the light
and and mocked it just like many
people in this forum often do.
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
You base your opinions on popularity contests. That means you
don’t have any opinion of your own.
Originally Posted by C3M
Also note i never mock jonnys
levels... there good! yes! i never
ridiculed them infact i think
there good work!
you however ive seen make not
so nice comments towards LieroX
bellow... the... belt...
Why does he have to? How does
that justify your actions exactly?
Originally Posted by C3M
anyway do you agree with BN’s
list of reasons? would this be
the reason? (note the title of the
thread, the topic)
sounds like the list to me
I agree with darka’s list. Didn’t see
BNX posting a list of reasons.
BY: BASARA - 02-16-2005, 01:42 AM
C3M, you started the Thread with
this question: “Why do you hate
LieroX so much?”
Page: 32
to which you recieved mostly we
dont hate it, we just dont like it because it sucks.
After that you were not satisfied and
claimed that we DID hate lx and
flamed us all.
Then ofcourse you got biiig amount
of responces..
And now I read:
is a quick way to discribe the general emotions towards LieroX that
comes from this area
... so.. what is this all about? General
feelings? We already told you we
dont like it. For OUR ways of seeing
things LieroX SUCKS. That is the
general feelings here, and NOONE
needs to justify why not to like a
game.. even if its easy in this case.
btw, you say you flamed gusanos
because I said LieroX sucks before,
but.. YOU asked for us to say why
we didnt like it.. I said it sucks coz I
was lazy to describe WHY WE ALL
THINK LX SUCKS. Now it has
Where do you want to get then? If everyone says they dont hate LX is lie
and you are angry, if they say they
hate it you are angry anyway...
educated evil and stupid. I think ev-
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
eryone here agrees Even a chimp
would have realized his mistakes
by now.
BY: BLACKNINJA - 02-16-2005, 01:54 AM
its a shame all this happens because of a stupid thread.
Again... I say the reason why you
think LieroX sucks is...
Physics seem wrong. (not wrong,
just different)
Liero community has played Liero
for 3-4 years and they are pretty
People confuse LieroX with Liero
(its annoying to us too)
Annoying LieroX netplayers (yeah,
there is a lot of those)
right? Now the question has been
answered.. everyone should be at
I ask that Jonny stop testing my
patience in #lierox. Im not sure
why the other liero people are
there... but I dont care, enjoy yourselves...
Can this thread be closed now?
BY: JONNY - 02-16-2005, 01:59 AM
Ok, I will be kind 2 u Black_Ninja
cos we wuv u.
Liero people have allways been in
#lierox anyway >:O. Gliptic, AK47,
darka, MrEvil, nym.
Page: 33
Because, LieroX sucks right? Now it
has got more competition, yes.
BY: ULV - 02-16-2005, 01:59 AM
“General feelings? We already told
you we dont like it. For OUR ways
of seeing things LieroX SUCKS.
That is the general feelings here,
and NOONE needs to justify why
not to like a game.. even if its easy
in this case.”
Please dont include me in your personal opinions without consulting
In general, we have no need to flame
C3M for anything. Its his opinion
and we can accept that, cant we?
He wont accept our answers as good
enough, then that will be his problem.
I shall sleep now.
BY: C3M - 02-16-2005, 02:04 AM
ulv is respectable, i gota admit ulv
you do keep a cool head... it is something im impressed with
gliptic im gonna lower my explenation a notch
just to be clear
imagin hate as a semi blank mold,
this mold already has a general look
to it... i selected it out a large list of
molds because its closest to what i
felt was going on in lieroX
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
i sort of used it as a constant insted
of saying “ Your unreasonable accusations of Liero extream by saying
it sucks constantly without explaning your reason “
which i think is a fair thing to do
dont you
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-16-2005, 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by C3M
gliptic im gonna lower my explenation a notch
just to be clear
imagin hate as a semi blank
mold, this mold already has a
general look to it... i selected it
out a large list of molds because
its closest to what i felt was going
on in lieroX
Then you’re wrong.
which i think is a fair thing to do
dont you?
BY: C3M - 02-16-2005, 02:59 AM
ok i SERIOUSLY dident wanna use
this but you kno what, i think i have
to show you what hate is
1. To feel hostility or animosity toward.
2. To detest.
3. To feel dislike or distaste for:
hates washing dishes.
you have shown hostility towards
you people certinly detest it
and i slightly modified the word
BY: GLIPTIC - 02-16-2005, 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by C3M
i sort of used it as a constant insted of saying “ Your unreasonable
accusations of Liero extream by
saying it sucks constantly without explaning your reason “
This is futile.
-- CLOSED --
Then your application of your
redefinition of “hate” is wrong as
Originally Posted by C3M
Page: 34
this marks the end of the debate
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
–And so it came to pass that the
debate ended. Was it concluded or
not? Yes and no, depending whom
you ask this question.
Ending on 63 posts, it was a quick
and well written thread, unlike
many others on the forum. It had
strong content and made us all feel
somewhat involved.
Especially me. I am, after all, a
member of the Liero community.
The word ‘meaningful’
when used today is nearly
always meaningless.
Paul Johnson
Thanks for reading
© Zhi Hui Productions 2005. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this e-book is prohibited.
Contact: johan.wiklund AT / ComSer Forum / - #liero
Page: 35
“please explain this to me if you can...”
Posts from the Gaming Universe forums / Liero forum / Asked by C3M
This e-book is not ment to offend
or ridicule anyone or to refer to
stupidity among certain groups
or separate persons mentioned
in this e-book.
This is an accurate copy of the
posts made by actual members
of the Gaming Universe forums
in February 2005. No alterations
of the posts have been made.
Layout and design by Zhi Hui
Productions, all rights reserved.
© Zhi Hui Productions, 2005