Investigating the effects of, the isoflavone, Phenoxodiol on Prostate
Investigating the effects of, the isoflavone, Phenoxodiol on Prostate
INVESTIGATING THE CYTOTOXIC EFFECTS OF THE ISOFLAVONE, PHENOXODIOL, ON PROSTATE CANCER CELLS. This thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Western Australia School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology Simon David Mahoney, BSc Hons 2012 Supervised by: Professor Arunasalam Dharmarajan Professor Michael Millward i THIS THESIS IS DEDICATED TO MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS AND MY SUPERVISORS, WHO’S SUPPORT WAS UNWAVERING. ii DECLARATION The work presented within this thesis was completed between March 2005 and June 2012 in the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia. I hereby declare that all work presented is entirely my own, unless explicitly stated otherwise. All contributions by others are formally disclosed and duly acknowledged. Simon Mahoney 1st July 2012 iii ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge the support of the following people without whom my thesis would not have been possible. My supervisors Professor Arun Dharmarajan and Professory Michael Millward Mr Greg Cozens, Dr Peter Mark, Dr Kathy Heel and Ms Susan Hisheh for their technical expertise and support. My fellow students; Clare Berry, Lloyd White, Jeremy Drake, Bijanka Franklin, Brilliana Von Katterfeld, Mats Hellstrom, Jill Muhling, Hannah Crabb, Margaret Pollet, Melissa Berg, Thea Shavlakadze, Kasie Jeffrey for their expertise and support. My Family, Friends and anyone I may have missed for all their support and help throughout the process and Kerry for helping me through the last obstacles. iv CONTENTS Declaration .................................................................................................................... iii Acknowlegements ....................................................................................................... iv List of Equations ............................................................................................................ xi List of Figures ................................................................................................................ xi List of Tables ............................................................................................................... xiv List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................... xv Thesis Layout............................................................................................................... xix Abstract ....................................................................................................................... xix 1. Chapter One: Introduction ................................................................................. 1 2. Chapter Two: Literature Review ......................................................................... 4 2.1. Cancer ........................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1. Common Cancers and Prostate Cancer In Males in Australia ............................... 4 2.1.2. Cancer As a Disease In Australia ........................................................................... 6 2.2. Phenoxodiol .................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.1. Flavanoids and Isoflavones ................................................................................... 8 2.2.2. Phenoxodiols Reported Method Of Action ......................................................... 10 2.2.3. Synergistic Activty ............................................................................................... 13 2.2.4. Treatment With Phenoxodiol.............................................................................. 13 2.3. Carcinogenesis / Cancer Development ....................................................................... 14 2.3.1. Evasion Of Apoptosis .......................................................................................... 17 2.3.2. Self-Sufficiency In Growth Signals ....................................................................... 17 2.3.3. Insensitivity To Anti-Growth Signals ................................................................... 18 2.3.4. Limitless Replicative Potential ............................................................................ 19 2.3.5. Sustained Angiogenesis....................................................................................... 20 v 2.3.6. Tissue Invasion And Metastasis ........................................................................... 20 2.3.7. Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation and Development .................................... 21 2.3.8. Gap Junctional Intercellular Connections ............................................................ 22 2.4. The Prostate ................................................................................................................ 23 2.4.1. Testing For Prostate Cancer ................................................................................ 25 2.4.2. Phenotypic Progression of Prostate Cancer ........................................................ 25 2.4.3. Treatment of Prostate Cancer ............................................................................. 27 2.4.4. Chemotherapy and Prostate Cancer ................................................................... 28 2.5. Apoptosis ..................................................................................................................... 29 2.5.1. Morphology of Apoptotic Cells ............................................................................ 31 2.5.2. Apoptotic Signalling ............................................................................................. 33 2.5.3. Extrinsic Pathways ............................................................................................... 34 2.5.4. Intrinsic Pathways ................................................................................................ 35 2.5.5. Caspases .............................................................................................................. 36 2.5.6. Apoptosome ........................................................................................................ 38 2.5.7. Bcl-2 Family.......................................................................................................... 38 2.5.8. X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein .............................................................. 39 2.5.9. Apoptosis Inducing Factor ................................................................................... 40 2.5.10. Reactive Oxygen Species ..................................................................................... 41 2.6. The Cell Cycle ............................................................................................................... 42 2.6.1. Cyclins, Cyclin Dependant Kinases ....................................................................... 43 2.6.2. p21WAF1/p53 ......................................................................................................... 43 2.6.3. Ki-67 ..................................................................................................................... 44 vi 2.6.4. 2.7. 3. c-Myc ................................................................................................................... 45 Wnt Signalling ............................................................................................................. 45 2.7.1. β-catenin ............................................................................................................. 46 2.7.2. Androgen Receptor and β-catenin ...................................................................... 47 2.7.3. sFRP4 ................................................................................................................... 48 Chapter Three: Materials and Methods ............................................................ 50 3.1. Tissue Culture.............................................................................................................. 50 3.2. Cell culture .................................................................................................................. 50 3.2.1. Subculture And Counting Of Cells ....................................................................... 51 3.2.2. Cell Cryopreservation and Storage ..................................................................... 51 3.2.3. LNCaP Cells .......................................................................................................... 52 3.2.4. 3.2.5. 3.3. LNCaP media formulation ............................................................................... 53 DU145 Cells ......................................................................................................... 53 DU145 Media Formulation ............................................................................. 53 PC3 Cells .............................................................................................................. 54 PC3 Media Formulation .................................................................................. 54 Drug Dilutions ............................................................................................................. 54 3.3.1. Phenoxodiol ........................................................................................................ 54 3.3.2. Phenoxodiol Working Stock ................................................................................ 55 3.3.3. Phenoxodiol Working Solution ........................................................................... 55 3.3.4. Phenoxodiol Treatment ...................................................................................... 57 3.3.5. Docetaxel ............................................................................................................ 57 3.3.6. Docetaxel Working Stock and Working Solution ................................................ 57 3.4. Optimisation of Proliferation ...................................................................................... 58 vii 3.4.1. Determination of Cell Seeding Concentrations ................................................... 58 3.4.2. Phenoxodiol MTS Assay ....................................................................................... 59 3.4.3. Phenoxodiol Docetaxel Isobologram ................................................................... 61 3.4.4. Phenoxodiol And Caspase Inhibition ................................................................... 64 3.4.5. Phenoxodiol and Docetaxel Combination Treatment ......................................... 65 3.4.6. Phenoxodiol and Purified sFRP4 Protein Combination Treatment ..................... 66 3.5. Reactive Oxygen Species Detection............................................................................. 67 3.6. Acidity Analysis ............................................................................................................ 69 3.7. Apoptosis Analysis Assays ........................................................................................... 69 3.7.1. DNA Extraction .................................................................................................... 69 3.7.2. 3’-End Labelling DNA Fragmentation Analysis .................................................... 71 3.7.3. Annexin-V-Fluos Propidium Iodide Flow Cyometry............................................. 72 3.7.4. Sybr Gold Fragmentation Analysis....................................................................... 75 3.7.5. JC-1 Mitochondrial Potential Assay ..................................................................... 76 3.7.6. Caspase-3 Activity Assay...................................................................................... 78 3.8. Cell Cycle Analysis ........................................................................................................ 79 3.8.1. Cell Cycle Preparation.......................................................................................... 80 3.8.2. Cell Cycle Flow Cytometry ................................................................................... 81 3.8.3. Cell Cycle Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 85 3.9. Assessment of RNA Expression ................................................................................... 87 3.9.1. RNA Extraction ..................................................................................................... 88 3.9.2. RNA Integrity ....................................................................................................... 89 3.9.3. DNAse Treatment ................................................................................................ 89 viii 3.9.4. Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction ............................................ 90 3.9.5. Post PCR Clean-Up .............................................................................................. 91 3.9.6. Primer Design ...................................................................................................... 92 3.9.7. Real Time Quantitative PCR Analysis .................................................................. 93 3.9.8. Gel Electrophoresis and Extraction ..................................................................... 96 3.9.9. qPCR Standard Production .................................................................................. 97 3.10. 3.10.1. Protein Extraction ............................................................................................. 101 3.10.2. Bradford Protein Quantification Assay ............................................................. 102 3.10.3. SDS-PAGE Western Blot Analysis ...................................................................... 103 3.10.4. Immunoblotting ................................................................................................ 107 3.10.5. Quantification of Western Blot Analysis ........................................................... 109 3.11. 4. Assessment of Protein Expression ........................................................................ 100 Statistical Analysis ................................................................................................. 110 Chapter Four: The Cytotoxic Effects of Phenoxodiol On The Prostate Cancer Cell Lines; LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 ................................................................................ 111 5. 4.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 111 4.2. Aims........................................................................................................................... 114 4.3. Methodology ............................................................................................................. 114 4.4. Results ....................................................................................................................... 118 4.5. Discussion.................................................................................................................. 134 Chapter Five: Cell Death Signalling In Response To Phenoxodiol Treatment .... 138 5.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 138 5.2. Aims........................................................................................................................... 142 ix 5.3. Methodology ............................................................................................................. 142 5.4. Results ....................................................................................................................... 145 5.5. Discussion .................................................................................................................. 166 6. Chapter Six: The Effects of Phenoxodiol On The Cell Cycle .............................. 172 6.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 172 6.2. Aims ........................................................................................................................... 177 6.3. Methodology ............................................................................................................. 177 6.4. Results ....................................................................................................................... 179 6.5. Discussion .................................................................................................................. 197 7. Chapter Seven: Phenoxodiol in Combination with Docetaxel ......................... 203 7.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 203 7.2. Aims ........................................................................................................................... 207 7.3. Methodology ............................................................................................................. 207 7.4. Results ....................................................................................................................... 210 7.5. Discussion .................................................................................................................. 225 8. Chapter Eight: General Discussion.................................................................. 230 8.1. Discussion .................................................................................................................. 230 8.2. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 239 8.3. Limitations ................................................................................................................. 242 9. 10. Bibliography .................................................................................................. 244 Appendices ................................................................................................ 261 x LIST OF EQUATIONS Equation 1 Phenoxodiol Working Stock Equation ...................................................................... 55 Equation 2 Phenoxodiol Working Solution Equation ................................................................. 56 Equation 3 Docetaxel Stock And Working Solutions .................................................................. 58 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Burden of Disease in Australia In 2003 .......................................................................... 6 Figure 2 Phenoxodiol Molecular Structure ................................................................................... 8 Figure 3 Production of Equol From Daidzein ................................................................................ 9 Figure 4 Phenoxodiols Reported Method of Action As Adapted From Silasi et al. 2009 ........... 12 Figure 5: Acquired Capabilities of Cancer Adapted from Hanahan et al 2000 and Trosko et al 2004 ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Figure 6: Stem Cell Theory Adapted from Trosko et al 2004 ...................................................... 22 Figure 7 Characteristic Progression of Prostate Cancer From Early to Late Stage ..................... 26 Figure 8 Development Of Resistance To Chemotherapeutic Treatment Adapted from Johnstone, Ruefli and Lowe 2002 ............................................................................................... 29 Figure 9 Simple Apoptotic Signalling Adapted From Riedl and Salvesen 2007 .......................... 37 Figure 10 MTS Assay Setup ......................................................................................................... 60 Figure 11 96 Well isobologram Setup ......................................................................................... 62 Figure 12 LNCaP Sybr Gold Visualised DNA Fragmentation With DNA Ladder, Low Weight DNA Fragmentation Is Visible ............................................................................................................. 76 Figure 13 Cell Populations Multi-Gated In FACS Diva Software For acquisition And Analysis ... 83 Figure 14 Cell Cycle Populations For Analysis Aquired Using Gated Populations In FACS Diva Software ...................................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 15 Example Of Cell Population Gating For Analysis In FlowJo Software ......................... 85 xi Figure 16 Watson versus Dean-Jett-Fox Cell Cycle Analysis In FlowJo Software ........................ 86 Figure 17 Watson Pragmatic Cell Cycle Analysis of PC3 Cells Undergoing Phenoxodiol Treatment .................................................................................................................................... 87 Figure 18 Example Of A Cyclin-D1 Melt Curve ............................................................................ 96 Figure 19 qPCR Standards Cycling Assessment ........................................................................... 98 Figure 20 Standards Analysis by Corbett Rotor-Gene 6000 Software. ....................................... 99 Figure 21 qPCR Full Run Standards and Samples ........................................................................ 99 Figure 22 Standards and Samples Analysis By Corbett Rotor-Gene 6000 Software ................. 100 Figure 23 Cell Proliferation Rates At 6, 24 and 48 hours .......................................................... 119 Figure 24 Cell Proliferation Rates After 24 and 48 Hours Of Phenoxodiol Treatment ............. 121 Figure 25 pH Changes In Phenoxodiol Treated Culture Media ................................................. 122 Figure 26 JC-1 Analysis of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Over 24 and 48 Hours of Treatment .................................................................................................................................. 125 Figure 27 Fluorescent Analysis of Caspase-3 Activity after Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 and 48 Hours .................................................................................................................................... 127 Figure 28 3'-End Labelling Apoptotic Analysis Post Phenoxodiol Treatment over 24 and 48 Hours ......................................................................................................................................... 129 Figure 29 An Example of LNCaP 3’-end Labelling Qualitative DNA Laddering After Exposure to Film ............................................................................................................................................ 130 Figure 30 Annexin V-Fluos / Propidium Iodide Double Staining Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment over 24 and 48 Hours ................................................................. 133 Figure 31 AIF mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ............................................................................................................... 146 Figure 32 Bax mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ............................................................................................................... 148 Figure 33 Bcl-xL mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ............................................................................................. 150 xii Figure 34 Caspase-3 mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ............................................................................................. 152 Figure 35 xIAP mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ............................................................................................................... 154 Figure 36 AIF Protein Level Analysis Of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours........................................................................................................................ 156 Figure 37 Bax Protein Level Analysis Of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours........................................................................................................................ 157 Figure 38 Bcl-xL Protein Level Analysis Of Prostate Cancer Cells Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ............................................................................................................... 159 Figure 39 xIAP Protein Level Analysis Of Prostate Cancer Cells Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Over 24 And 48 Hours ........................................................................ 161 Figure 40 Caspase Inhibition Treatment With 10µM Z-VAD-FMK (CI) and 30µM Phenoxodiol (PXD) Over 48 hours.................................................................................................................. 163 Figure 41 Nitric Oxide Formation In Prostate Cancer Cells Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment Measured Via Griess Assay ................................................................ 165 Figure 42 LNCaP Cell Cycle Analysis After 24 and 48 Hours Of 10µM and 30µM Phenoxodiol Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 180 Figure 43 DU145 Cycle Analysis After 24 and 48 Hours Of 10µM and 30µM Phenoxodiol Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 182 Figure 44 PC3 Cell Cycle Analysis After 24 and 48 Hours Of 10µM and 30µM Phenoxodiol Treatment. ................................................................................................................................ 184 Figure 45 c-Myc mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment. ........................................................................................................... 186 Figure 46 Cyclin-D1 mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment. ................................................................................................... 188 xiii Figure 47 Ki-67 mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment. ............................................................................................................ 190 Figure 48 p21 mRNA Expression Analysis of Prostate Cancer Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment. ............................................................................................................ 192 Figure 49 Active β-catenin Protein Level Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment. .................................................................................................... 194 Figure 50 sFRP4 Protein Level Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Over 24 and 48 Hours Post Phenoxodiol Treatment ............................................................................................................. 196 Figure 51 Docetaxel Response Curve Measured After 48 Hours of Treatment. ....................... 212 Figure 52 LNCaP Phenoxodiol / Docetaxel Isobologram Measured After 48 Hours of Treatment ................................................................................................................................................... 213 Figure 53 DU145 Phenoxodiol / Docetaxel Isobologram Measured After 48 Hours Of Treatment. ................................................................................................................................. 214 Figure 54 PC3 Phenoxodiol / Docetaxel Isobologram Measured After 48 Hours Of Treatment. ................................................................................................................................................... 215 Figure 55 10µM Phenoxodiol 100nM Docetaxel Combination Therapy Measured After 48 Hours Of Treatment................................................................................................................... 218 Figure 56 30µM Phenoxodiol 100nM Docetaxel Combination Therapy Measured After 48 Hours Of Treatment................................................................................................................... 221 Figure 57 30µM PXD And 500pg/mL sFRP4 Protein Combination Therapy After 48 Hours. .... 224 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Predicted Prostate Cancer Rates 2011-2020, Adapted From Begg, 2007 ....................... 5 Table 2 The 10 Most Commonly Occuring Cancer In Australia 2007, Adapted From Begg 2007 . 5 Table 3 Phenoxodiol Treatment Calculations Per mL Of Media ................................................. 56 Table 4: Seeding Concentrations And Volumes .......................................................................... 59 Table 5 Isobologram Setup For Vehicle Control And Treatment Groups.................................... 63 xiv Table 6 Caspase Inhibition and Phenoxodiol Treatment Solutions ............................................ 65 Table 7 sFRP4 & Phenoxodiol Treatment Solutions ................................................................... 67 Table 8 3'-End Labelling Reaction Mixture ................................................................................. 71 Table 9 Cell Staining With Annexin-V/Propidium Iodide (AV/PI) Double Stain .......................... 73 Table 10 Cell Staining Setup For AV/PI ....................................................................................... 74 Table 11 AV/PI Labelling Solutions ............................................................................................. 74 Table 12 Propidium Iodide Staining Solution Per 30mL ............................................................. 81 Table 13 RQ1 DNase Treatment Reaction Components............................................................. 90 Table 14 RT PCR Reaction Components ..................................................................................... 91 Table 15 Primer Sequences, Product Size And Annealing Temperature .................................... 93 Table 16 Immolase Taq qPCR Reaction Mix ............................................................................... 95 Table 17 qPCR Standards Serial Dilution .................................................................................... 98 Table 18 Bradford Protein Standards Setup ............................................................................. 102 Table 19 SDS-Page/Acrylamide Gel Recipe............................................................................... 104 Table 20 Example Of Protein Sample Preparation ................................................................... 105 Table 21 Antibody Concentrations ........................................................................................... 108 Table 22 Immunoblotting Protocol........................................................................................... 109 Table 23 Phenoxodiol/Docetaxel Concentration Combinations For An Isobologram .............. 208 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Extended Form µ, µm, µM Micro, micrometer, micromolar AAT Androgen Ablation Therapy AIF Apoptosis Inducing Factor APS Ammonium Persulfate AR Androgen Receptor ARE Antioxidant Response Element ATCC American Type Culture Collection xv AV, AVF, Annexin-V Annexin-V-Fluorescein Bax Bcl-2-associated X Protein Bcl-2 B-cell Lymphoma 2 Bcl-xL B-cell lymphoma extra large BLAST Basic Logical Alignment Search Tool BSA Bovine Serum Albumin BP Base Pair BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Cat# Catalogue Number Cdk Cyclin Dependant Kinase CdkI Cyclin Dependant Kinase Inhibitor cDNA Complementary DNA CHAPS 3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate CI Caspase Inhibitor (Z-VAD-FMK) CNS Central Nervous System CRPC Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer DALY Disability Adjusted Life Years ddATP Dideoxyadenosine Triphosphate ddH2O Double distilled water / also deionised water DEAN Diethylamine NONOate diethylammonium salt DEPC Diethylpyrocarbonate DHT 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone DISC Death-Inducing Signalling Complex DJF Dean-Jett-Fox DMDC Dimethyl dicarbonate DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide, (CH3)2SO DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid DOC Docetaxel DTT Dithiothreitol EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid EGTA Ethyleneglyocoltetraacetic Acid ER Estrogen Receptor FACS Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting FBS Fetal Bovine Serum xvi FCCP Carbonylcyanide-4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone FLIP Flice Like Inhibitory Protein FLUOS Fluorescein FSC, -A, -H Forward Scatter, -Area, -Height FZD Frizzled Receptor g RCF (see below) = 0.00001118rN2 r=rotational radius cm N=rotating speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) GIJC Gap Junctional Intercellular Connections GSK3-β Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 - Beta HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid HRP Streptavidin-Horse Radish Peroxidase HRPC Hormone refractory prostate cancer LEF Lymphoid Enhancer Factor LRP5/LRP6 Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein MEM Minimum Essential Medium M, mM Molar, millimolar M-MLV Moloney Murine Leukaemia Virus mRNA Messenger Ribonucleic Acid MTS 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium NED N-1-naphthylethylenediamine dichloride nm, nM Nanometre, nanomolar NO Nitric Oxide PAGE Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis PARP poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase PBS Phosphate Buffer Solution PC2 Physical Containment Level 2 PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction PES Phenazine Ethosulfate PI Propidium Iodide PI_DNA, -A, -H, -W Propidium Iodide, -Area, -Height, -Width PIPES 1,4-piperazinediethanesulfonic acid PMSF Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride PS Phosphatidylserine PSA Prostate Specific Antigen xvii PXD Phenoxodiol QPCR Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction RCF Relative Centrifugal Force = 0.00001118rN2 Redox Reduction Oxidation RIPA Radioimmunoprecipitation RNA Ribonucleic Acid ROS Reactive Oxygen Species RT PCR Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis shRNA Short Hairpin Ribonucleic Acid SNP Sodium Nitroprusside SOD Superoxide Dismutase SSC, -A, -H Side Scatter, -Area, -Height TAE Tris-acetate EDTA TBS-T Tris Buffered Saline with Tween TCF T-cell factor TE Tris EDTA TEMED N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine TNF-α Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha TRIS 2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol TRIS-HCL 2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol with a pH set by Hydrochloric acid addition TRUS Transrectal ultrasound TURP Transurethral Resection of Prostate Versus Versus xIAP X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Z-DEVD-R110 Rhodamine 110 bis-(N-CBZ-L-aspartyl-L-glutamyl-L-valyl-L-aspartic acid amide) Z-VAD-FMK Carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-(O-methyl)fluoromethylketone xviii THESIS LAYOUT This thesis comprises of 10 chapters divided into; Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Four experimental chapters, General Discussion, Bibliography and Appendices. Each experimental chapter is divided into; an introduction, brief methodology, results and discussion section. The general discussion section is divided into discussion, conclusion and limitations of the study. ABSTRACT In this study we investigated the cytotoxic effects of the isoflavone molecule Phenoxodiol, on the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3. LNCaP cells represented a hormone responsive early stage prostate cancer while DU145 and PC3 cells represented late stage hormone refractory and chemoresistant prostate cancer. We investigated the cytotoxic effects induced in these cell lines over a period of 24 or 48 hours of treatment with 10µM and 30µM doses of phenoxodiol. Cells exhibited significant cytotoxicity and mitochondrial depolarisation in response to phenoxodiol treatment. The study established LNCaP and DU145 cells responded apoptotically to treatment, while PC3 cells respond necrotically. After confirming cytotoxic responses the underlying signalling mechanisms were investigated which revealed that phenoxodiol was not inducing cell death via an increase in Caspase-3 activity, in two of three cell lines, and the apoptotic machinery of the cells responded in a varied manner between cell lines. Phenoxodiol was revealed to work via Caspase independent actions and the effect of the mitochondrial signalling molecules was not consistently altered in response to treatment indicating phenoxodiol did not directly target intrinsic or extrinsic caspase signalling pathways. We then investigated the effects of phenoxodiol on the cell cycle where treatment groups exhibited a significant increase in G1 and S phase populations and a corresponding decrease in G2 phase populations. The underlying signalling was investigated and it was determined that p21WAF1 expression was increased consistently between the three cell lines in xix response to treatment. Finally we investigated the effects of phenoxodiol in combination with, the G2 phase inhibitor, docetaxel and purified sFRP4 protein, a known agonist of the Wnt/βcatenin growth regulation pathway. Phenoxodiol exhibited the ability to interfere with docetaxel treatment as it prevented cells from reaching G2 phase, where docetaxel is effective. Phenoxodiol exhibited the ability to increase the effectiveness of sFRP4 with combination therapy significantly increasing the effectiveness of the two compounds compared to individual responses. Phenoxodiol exhibits significant cytotoxicity, inducing caspase independent cell death in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3. All three cell lines had significantly decreased viable cell populations, after only 48 hours of treatment, through G1 and S phase cell cycle arrest. By targeting non classical apoptotic pathways and successfully inducing cell cytotoxicity even in the most chemoresistant cell lines and coupled with the reported ability of high tolerance of orally ingested phenoxodiol and few reported side effects; Phenoxodiol represents a strong, effective, potential treatment for all stages of prostate cancer. xx 1. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Prostatic adenocarcinoma is the second most commonly diagnosed malignancy in men and is the most common cause of death in men in many western countries. Like other cancers, prostate cancer has numerous clinical states ranging from a hormone-naïve clinically localised primary tumour to lethal androgen-independent metastases (Arnold and Isaacs 2002). Regulation of prostate growth is mediated via androgens and the corresponding androgen receptor (AR) which regulates the transcription of target survival and apoptosis genes. Latephase metastatic disease is often androgen independent arising from either increased AR expression and enhanced nuclear localisation of the AR, AR mutation resulting in a more promiscuous receptor or the presence of alternative survival pathways (Bcl-2 upregulation) that circumvent the AR (Feldman and Feldman 2001; Litvinov et al. 2003). Epidemiological studies have consistently shown an inverse association between isoflavone intake and the risk of cancer (Beecher 2003; Brown et al. 2005). In vitro mechanistic studies on isoflavones provide insight into potential modes of anti-cancer action ranging from cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction to anti-angiogenic and anti-proliferative effects (Middleton et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2005). Phenoxodiol, 2H-1-benzopyran-7-0,1,3-(4-hydroxyphenyl), is an isoflavone derivative that has been shown to elicit cytotoxic effects against a broad range of human cancers (Aguero et al. 2005; Axanova et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2005; Silasi et al. 2009). Previous reports have indicated that phenoxodiol is a topoisomerase II inhibitor, inhibits sphingosine kinase activity, downregulates transcription of angiogenic matrix metalloprotease 2 and other markers of angiogenesis, and can also induce apoptosis in chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells by regulating anti-apoptotic signalling pathways (Constantinou et al. 2003; Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Sapi et al. 2004; Aguero et al. 2005; Axanova et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2005; Gamble et al. 2005; Alvero et al. 2006). Phenoxodiol has been reported to inhibit cell 1 proliferation in a wide range of human cancer cell lines and induce G1 cell cycle arrest as opposed to the G2-M arrest seen in similar flavanoid compounds like genistein (Alhasan et al. 1999; Aguero et al. 2005). It is postulated that phenoxodiol elicits its global anticancer activity by modulating the sphingomyelin pathway (De Luca et al. 2005; Morre et al. 2007). Recent data, however, have demonstrated that phenoxodiol is able to enhance perforin induced cell death elicited by T-cells in both in vitro and in vivo models of colon cancer (Georgaki et al. 2009). Recent evidence has demonstrated that phenoxodiol augments the anti-cancer activity of cisplatin against the DU145 prostate cancer cell line both in in vitro and in vivo studies. An intracellular cisplatin accumulation assay showed a 35% (p<0.05) increase in the uptake of cisplatin when cells were treated with a combination of 1μM cisplatin and 5μM phenoxodiol, resulting in a 300% (p<0.05) increase in DNA adducts, hence explaining the sensitisation effect (McPherson et al. 2009). The mainstay of primary prostate treatment options is combined androgen ablation and taxane therapy; while this approach is curative in early stage cases late stage treatment often results in refractory disease development (Montero et al. 2005). Treatment options for patients with late stage metastatic prostate carcinoma rely on the premise that androgeninsensitive prostate carcinoma cells retain their basic cellular apoptotic machinery to undergo programmed cell death, however increased tumour-cell resistance to apoptosis is an underlying molecular reason contributing to disease progression and chemo-resistance (Gleave et al. 2005). Apoptosis, the process of physiological cell death, is a focal area for the study of cancer cell death. Apoptotic signalling is a mechanism of ordered cell death used by the body to remove cells with damaged genetic material, and as such has evolved into a highly complex and multi-channelled pathway to prevent accidental cell death from occurring. Cancerous cells are able to prevent these messages of apoptosis from activating their intracellular pro-apoptotic pathways. The ability of cancer cells to evade apoptosis is an 2 essential hallmark of cancer, and a key objective of cancer therapy is to restore cellular sensitivity to apoptosis (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). In this study we investigated and quantified the cytotoxic effects of phenoxodiol treatment in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 which represent early through late stage prostate cancer. We investigated the type of cytotoxic response, the underlying cell death signalling machinery, the effects on the cell cycle and the cell cycle signalling and the combined effect of phenoxodiol and docetaxel and phenoxodiol and sFRP4, a Wnt/β-catenin cell growth pathway agonist. 3 2. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. CANCER Cancer describes a range of diseases in which abnormal cells proliferate and spread out of control. Common descriptions for cancer types are; benign or unlikely to harm the host, malignant or harmful to the host and metastatic where a malignant tumour has spread into other tissues in the body and implanted, growing in size. Other terms for cancer include tumours and neoplasms, although these terms can also be used as descriptive terms for noncancerous growths. Carcinomas are malignant tumours arising from an epithelial origin while sarcomas are malignant tumours arising from a connective tissue origin (Stevens 2009). 2.1.1. COMMON CANCERS AND PROSTATE CANCER IN MALES IN AUSTRALIA In 2007, there were more than 62,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed in males, which when age-standardised equated to about 595 cases per 100,000 males. While age-standardised rates of all cancers combined for males have risen since 1998, it is expected that they will steady at about 568 new cases per 100,000 males between 2011 and 2020. This is primarily due to the anticipated steadying of rates of prostate cancer incidence, coupled with decreasing rates in lung cancer in males, which accounts for a further 9–10% of cases. When taking into account expected changes in the population structure, this will translate into about 85,000 new cases in males expected to be diagnosed in 2020 (Begg 2007). 4 TABLE 1: PREDICTED PROSTATE CANCER RATES 2011-2020, ADAPTED FROM BEGG, 2007 Year 0–24 years 25–44 years 45–64 years 65–84 years 85+ years Count Rate Count Rate Count Rate Count Rate Count Rate 2011 35 0.9 30 0.9 7,750 276.8 11,460 891.6 1,660 1131.1 2012 35 0.9 30 0.9 8,060 286.1 12,150 902.6 1,750 1130.8 2013 35 1.0 30 1.0 8,420 296.3 12,790 913.8 1,850 1130.7 2014 40 1.0 35 1.0 8,820 306.6 13,400 923.2 1,930 1130.3 2015 40 1.0 35 1.0 9,210 316.5 14,030 932.3 2,020 1129.2 2016 40 1.1 35 1.1 9,640 326.3 14,660 940.9 2,100 1128.2 2017 45 1.1 40 1.1 10,070 336.3 15,250 945.2 2,160 1127.1 2018 45 1.2 40 1.2 10,490 346.6 15,890 951.2 2,220 1126.2 2019 45 1.2 40 1.2 10,930 357.7 16,550 958.9 2,280 1125.3 2020 50 1.2 45 1.2 11,350 368.6 17,220 966.5 2,340 1124.4 TABLE 2 THE 10 MOST COMMONLY OCCURING CANCER IN AUSTRALIA 2007, ADAPTED FROM BEGG 2007 Males Site/type Cases Females ASR CI (95%) Site/type Cases ASR CI (95%) Prostate 19,403 182.9 180.3– 185.5 Breast 12,567 109.2 107.3– 111.1 Bowel 7,804 75.2 73.5–76.9 Bowel 6,430 53.4 52.1–54.7 Melanoma of skin 5,980 57.2 55.7–58.7 Melanoma of skin 4,362 38.2 37.1–39.4 Lung 5,948 57.9 56.5–59.4 Lung 3,755 31.3 30.3–32.4 Lymphoid cancers 4,116 39.6 38.4–40.8 Lymphoid cancers 3,160 26.8 25.9–27.8 Myeloid cancers 1,859 18.5 17.7–19.4 Uterus 1,942 16.5 15.8–17.3 Kidney 1,716 16.3 15.5–17.1 Unknown primary 1,401 11.0 10.4–11.6 Bladder 1,644 16.5 15.7–17.3 Thyroid 1,331 12.2 11.6–12.9 Unknown primary 1,496 14.9 14.2–15.7 Ovary 1,266 10.8 10.2–11.4 Pancreas 1,352 13.1 12.4–13.8 Myeloid cancers 1,232 10.1 9.5–10.7 All cancers 62,019 595.1 599.8 All cancers 46,349 393.9 397.5 ASR: The rates were standardised to the Australian population as at 30 June 2001 and are expressed per 100,000 population. 5 Prostate cancer accounts for about 30% of all new cases of cancer diagnosed in males (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers), and is the second most common cause of cancerrelated death in males after lung cancer. With 19,403 new cases diagnosed in Australia in 2007, prostate cancer is a major public health concern (Begg 2007). 2.1.2. CANCER AS A DISEASE IN AUSTRALIA In 2003, Cancer over took cardiovascular disease, 19% to 18%, as the biggest burden of disease and injury in Australia. Four Fifths of that burden was from premature deaths, with Lung, Colorectal, Breast and Prostate Cancer accounting for the leading majority of burden (Begg 2007). FIGURE 1: BURDEN OF DISEASE IN AUSTRALIA IN 2003 Burden of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) by broad cause group expressed as: proportions of total, proportions by sex and proportions due to fatal and non-fatal outcomes, Australia, 2003 (Begg 2007) 6 Total costs to the Australian health system were 2.9 billion or 5.8% of the total health expenditure for 2003 (Begg 2007). Since 2003 statistics were released however, many newer, high cost drugs have entered onto the market, examples of which are Herceptin and Avastin. Their use for common cancers like breast and colorectal, will significantly increase the costs of conventional cancer treatment as part of the Australian health expenditure. 2.2. PHENOXODIOL Phenoxodiol ,[2H-1-benzopyran-7-0, 1,3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)], is a synthetic isoflavone molecule first isolated from soy beans and now currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials for the treatment of platinum and taxane refractory ovarian cancer (Morre et al. 2009). Phenoxodiol has been shown to elicit cytotoxic effects against a broad range of human cancers (Sapi et al. 2004; Aguero et al. 2005; Axanova et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2005; Silasi et al. 2009; Aguero et al. 2010). An isoflavone derivative, phenoxodiol has been shown to have a greater bioavailability and increased potency/efficacy than its parent compound, which suffered in clinical trials due to low bio availability (Aguero et al. 2005; Klein et al. 2007). Regardless of progression in clinical trials, the primary cellular signalling target or targets of phenoxodiol remain elusive and multiple studies covering various cancer cell types have detected different methods of action (Straszewski-Chavez et al. 2004; Alvero et al. 2007; Georgaki et al. 2009; Herst et al. 2009; McPherson et al. 2009; Saif et al. 2009; Aguero et al. 2010; de Souza et al. 2010; Wu et al. 2011). 7 FIGURE 2 PHENOXODIOL MOLECULAR STRUCTURE The molecular structure of Phenoxodiol represented in 3D as presented at 2.2.1. FLAVANOIDS AND ISOFLAVONES In vitro mechanistic studies on isoflavones provide insight into potential modes of anti-cancer action ranging from cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction to anti-angiogenic and antiproliferative effects (Middleton et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2005). Strong in vitro evidence exists for the activity of a variety of isoflavones on hormone sensitive and insensitive prostate cancer cell lines (Hempstock et al. 1998; Mitchell et al. 2000; Hedlund et al. 2003) and in vivo in rats (Risbridger et al. 2001). Isoflavones appear to have pleiotropic effects on prostate cancer cells, including an ability to exert hormonal influences. Phenoxodiol is a synthetic isoflavone metabolite that is a natural intermediate (dehydroequol, 7,40-dihydroxyisoflav-3-ene) in the metabolism of daidzein to equol (Joannou et al. 1995). It is cytotoxic in vitro and in vivo in rats (Constantinou et al. 2003; Mor et al. 2006). It may be capable of re-sensitising platinum- and taxane-resistant ovarian cancer cells in vitro (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Sapi et al. 2004; Kluger et al. 2007) and appears to have antiangiogenic (Gamble et al. 2005) and anti-inflammatory 8 properties (Widyarini et al. 2001). It has improved bioavailability when compared with genistein and low toxicity in clinical trials (Kelly and Husband 2003; Davies 2005; de Souza et al. 2006). FIGURE 3 PRODUCTION OF EQUOL FROM DAIDZEIN Production of Phenoxodiol naturally occurs as a process of Daidzein to Equol formation (Joannou et al. 1995). Figure adapted from (Jian 2009). 9 2.2.2. PHENOXODIOLS REPORTED METHOD OF ACTION Phenoxodiol has been reported to elicit diverse cytotoxicity activity via several mechanisms including induction of G1 arrest via p53-independent p21WAF1 regulation, resulting in loss of cyclin-D kinase activity in HN12 head and neck cancer cells, strong S-phase arrest in ovarian cancer cells at high concentrations, restoration of death receptor-refractory cancer cells to respond to extracellular death signals by re-enabling the transduction of an activated Fas or TRAIL receptor signal to Caspase-8 due to phenoxodiol induced degradation of Flice Like Inhibitory Proteins (FLIP) which enables activation of the extrinsic apoptosis pathway (Aguero et al. 2005; Alvero et al. 2006; Alvero et al. 2007; Alvero et al. 2008; Aguero et al. 2010). Phenoxodiol also engages the intrinsic apoptosis pathway, which is typically non-functional in late stage cancer due to overexpression of pro-survival factors such as sphingosine-1 phosphate, which drives the stabilisation of Akt causing an accumulation of XIAP and subsequent inhibition of Caspase-3 and -9 (Choueiri et al. 2006; Alvero et al. 2008). Recent data, however, have demonstrated that phenoxodiol is able to enhance perforin induced cell death elicited by T-cells in both in vitro and in vivo models of colon cancer (Georgaki et al. 2009). Recent evidence has demonstrated that phenoxodiol augments the anti-cancer activity of cisplatin against the DU145 prostate cancer cell line both in in vitro and in vivo studies. An intracellular cisplatin accumulation assay showed a 35% (p<0.05) increase in the uptake of cisplatin when cells were treated with a combination of 1μM cisplatin and 5μM phenoxodiol, resulting in a 300% (p<0.05) increase in DNA adducts, hence explaining the sensitisation effect (McPherson et al. 2009). An early event in the phenoxodiol mechanism of action is the disruption of the sphingomyelinase pathway resulting in an accumulation of ceramide, which drives the truncation of Bid by Caspase-2, thereby resulting in Bid translocation to the mitochondria. Caspase-8 also contributes to Bid formation accompanied by Bax translocation to the 10 mitochondria, both Bax and Bid serve to depolarise the mitochondria, resulting in Cytochrome c release and the formation of the apoptosome utilising Caspase 9. Key to the mechanism by which phenoxodiol enables the reactivation of caspase-mediated apoptosis is its ability to promote X Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) removal. This is achieved by the release of SMAC-Diablo and OMI-Htra2 from the mitochondria, which both serve to reduce the intracellular content of XIAP, thereby allowing the full activation of Caspase-3 and -9. XIAP was also found to be targeted for degradation by the proteasome in phenoxodiol treated cells, which also further explains the active removal of intracellular XIAP (Saif et al. 2009). Active XIAP removal sheds light on the mechanism by which phenoxodiol acts as a chemosensitiser in refractory ovarian cancer and melanoma as expression of XIAP is linked with chemoresistance (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Mahoney 2007). Phenoxodiol is reported to be a topoisomerase II inhibitor, inhibiting sphingosine kinase activity, downregulating transcription of angiogenic matrix metalloprotease 2 and other markers of angiogenesis and inducing apoptosis in chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells by regulating anti-apoptotic signalling pathways (Constantinou et al. 2003; Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Aguero et al. 2005; Axanova et al. 2005; Brown et al. 2005; Gamble et al. 2005; Alvero et al. 2006). Phenoxodiol has exhibited the ability to target a subset of NADH oxidases (NOX) that is thought to be a terminal oxidase primarily expressed on cancer cells (Herst et al. 2007). These cell surface NADH oxidases form part of a family of ECTO-NOX proteins that play an important role in red-ox regulation (Yagiz et al. 2007). Phenoxodiol has been reported to inhibit cell proliferation in a wide range of human cancer cell lines and induce G1 cell cycle arrest as opposed to the G2-M arrest seen in similar flavanoid compounds like genistein (Alhasan et al. 1999; Aguero et al. 2005). It is postulated that phenoxodiol elicits its global anticancer activity by modulating the sphingomyelin pathway (De Luca et al. 2005; Moore et al. 2007). 11 Phenoxodiol has been demonstrated to successfully induce cytotoxicity across multiple cancer cell types, through multiple and varied reported methods of action. FIGURE 4 PHENOXODIOLS REPORTED METHOD OF ACTION AS ADAPTED FROM SILASI ET AL. 2009 Overexpression of AKT, XIAP and FLIP are linked with cancer progression. XIAP inhibits both death receptor and mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis, while FLIP predominantly inhibits death receptor apoptosis. Phenoxodiol initiates a cascade of intracellular events including ceramide accumulation, caspase 2 activation, and inhibition of sphingosine kinase activity, which results in reduced intracellularsphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P). Reduced S1P disrupts AKT-p formation and stabilisation of the AKT protein, thereby promoting AKT, XIAP and FLIP total protein degradation. Mitochondrial depolarisation results in the release of the serine protease Omi/HtrA2, which contributes to caspase-mediated cleavage of XIAP and Smac-Diablo which sequesters and inhibits XIAP. Concomitant with Omi/Hrta2 and Smac-Diablo appearance in the cytosol, Cytochrome c is also released from the mitochondria thereby causing the activation of Caspase-9 and subsequent activation of Caspase-3. Due to FLIPs removal, Caspase-8 is also activated contributing to Caspase-3 activation via the mitochondria. Adapted from (Silasi et al. 2009) 12 2.2.3. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVTY Synergy with other chemotherapeutic agents has been described using mouse xenograft models, Alvero and colleagues demonstrated significant synergy of phenoxodiol in combination with carboplatin (decrease in tumour mass from 6% with carboplatin as monotherapy to 47% in combination) and paclitaxel (35 – 74%), as well as with gemcitabine (Alvero et al. 2007; Alvero et al. 2008). Pretreatment with phenoxodiol was found to shift the IC 50 of each of these drugs downward while co-administration with topotecan also decreased the IC 50 and have efficacy in 5/9 ovarian cell lines, which were known to be resistant to topotecan monotherapy (Alvero et al. 2007). By using melanoma microarrays and automated quantitative analysis technology, (Kluger et al. 2007) demonstrated that pretreatment with and a novel agent, triphendiol, for the treatment of pancreaticobiliary cancers sensitise platinum resistant melanoma cells to carboplatin. Moreover, they linked this effect to the increased cleavage and degradation of XIAP, a direct inhibitor of Caspase-9, -3 and -7 that leads to decreased initiation and execution of apoptosis and has long been associated with resistance to chemotherapy in a number of malignancies. 2.2.4. TREATMENT WITH PHENOXODIOL Phenoxodiol is rapidly absorbed after oral administration and maximum plasma concentration occurs after 3 hours. In the plasma, phenoxodiol is present almost exclusively (99%) in a conjugated state with glucuronide and/or sulfate moieties and is highly bound to human plasma proteins (80 – 95%) with the greatest affinity for albumin. It binds to a lesser extent to α-1-acid glycoprotein and sex-hormone-binding globulin. The half-life of the drug is 8 – 10 h and excretion is predominantly urinary in its conjugated form (Silasi et al. 2009). Following continuous intravenous infusion, plasma concentrations of free plasma phenoxodiol rose rapidly with an apparent accumulation half-life of 0.17 hours (Howes et al. 2011). Due to the 13 high clearance rate of phenoxodiol it would appear that administration by continuous infusion or by chronic oral administration may be the optimal modes of administration if it considered that constant plasma levels are desirable for anti-cancer therapy (Howes et al. 2011). Following multiple Phase I, II trials it appears that phenoxodiol is a multi-pathway initiator of apoptosis with broad anti-tumour activity and high specificity for tumour cells and although clinical trials are still ongoing, phenoxodiol appears to be particularly suited for reversal of chemo-resistance and its activity is being investigated as a chemo-sensitiser of standard chemotherapy agents in solid cancers. Phenoxodiol was granted ‘fast track’ status by the US FDA in its development as a chemosensitiser for platinum and taxane drugs used in the treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer (Silasi et al. 2009). 2.3. CARCINOGENESIS / CANCER DEVELOPMENT Carcinogenesis is the development of cancerous tissue from single cells. It is a multistage process that assumes cancer is a clonal development from a single cell that has been blocked from terminal differentiation. Growth signal autonomy, insensitivity to antigrowth signals and resistance to apoptosis all lead to an uncoupling of the cell’s growth program from signals in the environment. In 2000, a paper titled The Hallmarks of Cancer condensed and abridged the common pathways that cancer cells must progress through to develop from benign to malignant and finally metastatic tumour phenotypes (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). There were six potential characteristics cells could acquire to develop into cancerous cells. 1) Evading apoptosis 2) Self-sufficiency in growth signals 3) Insensitivity to anti-growth signals *Bolded items were investigated in this thesis. 4) Limitless replicative potential 5) Sustained angiogenesis 14 6) Tissue invasion of metastasis In 2004 (Trosko et al. 2004) argued the previous six phases were important phenotypic markers, as well as concepts, but the role of stem cells and cell-cell communication was equally important in determining cancer development. 7) Pluripotent stem cell differentiation and development 8) Gap junctional intercellular connection (Trosko et al. 2004) states that cancer cell development must go through initiator, promotion and finally progression phases. Stem cell development is involved in the initiator phase. The promotion phase covers potentially reversible or interruptible clonal expansion of the initiated cell by a combination of growth stimulation and inhibition of apoptosis. When the expanded initiated cells accrue sufficient mutations and epigenetic alterations to become growth stimulus independent and resistant to growth inhibitors and apoptosis, to have unlimited replicative potential and invasive and metastatic phenotypes, then the progression phase has been achieved. The promotion and progression phase is targeted by conventional cancer treatment. 15 FIGURE 5: ACQUIRED CAPABILITIES OF CANCER ADAPTED FROM HANAHAN ET AL 2000 AND TROSKO ET AL 2004 The eight potential characteristics that cancer cells can develop, or develop from, as referred to in Hanahan et al. 2000 and Trosko et al. 2004. 16 2.3.1. EVASION OF APOPTOSIS Apoptosis is the programmed physiological cell death of a cell in response to both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The ability for prostate cancer cells to avoid apoptotic signalling is considered fundamental in cancer development. The capacity for a population of cells to expand is not controlled just by growth rate, but also by attrition rate, and attrition is controlled by apoptosis (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Evasion of apoptosis was one of the first characteristics of cancer discovered when cells began to no longer typically respond to chemotherapy treatments as they once did. The evidence from mouse models, cultured cells and biopsies is suggesting that most, if not all cancers have the ability to evade a majority of apoptotic signalling. Apoptosis has also been the focus of targeted drug design. The ability to resensitise tumours to apoptotic signalling is considered critical in modern chemotherapy design as it would make tumour masses far easier to treat. It would also allow the use of older drugs, in combination potentially lowering doses needed resulting in reduced side effects, lower mortality and hopefully decreased recurrence rates (Brown and Wouters 1999; Brown and Wilson 2003; Brown and Attardi 2005). 2.3.2. SELF-SUFFICIENCY IN GROWTH SIGNALS Normal cells require mitogenic growth signals to enter into a proliferative state from a quiescent state, cancer cells exhibit an opposite behaviour with tumour cells generating many of their own growth signals, reducing their dependence on the stimulation of the normal tissue environment (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Prostate cells have a particular dependence on the hormone testosterone and are stimulated by the androgen receptor (AR) to proliferate. The transition to androgen independence is a multifaceted process that involves selection and outgrowth of cells less dependent on androgen stimulation as well as adaptive upregulation of genes that help the cancer cells survive and grow after androgen ablation (So et al. 2003). 17 Prostate tumours are composed of various subpopulations of cells that respond differently to androgen withdrawal therapy and the development of a mutated AR or null AR is characteristic of late stage prostate cancer where the cells have gained self-sufficiency in growth signals (Arnold and Isaacs 2002). One signalling pathway that has been implicated in prostate progression and late stage independence from androgen stimulation is the Wnt family of proteins. A key pathway of cellular homeostasis and proliferation, aberrant Wnt signalling activates ⁄ stimulates proteins and respective target genes, which drive prostate cancer progression. Wnt5a has been implicated in aggressive metastasis and prostate cancer relapse after prostatectomy and the cell surface frizzled receptors are overexpressed in prostate cancer. However this overexpression is counterbalanced by the secreted Frizzled Related Protein family (sFRP), which interact with Frizzled receptors expressed in prostate cancer cells, and this heterodimer suppresses AR-mediated transactivation (Farooqi et al. 2011). 2.3.3. INSENSITIVITY TO ANTI-GROWTH SIGNALS In conjunction with insensitivity to apoptosis signalling; prostate cancer cells develop insensitivity to anti-growth signals. Within a normal tissue, multiple antiproliferative signals exist to maintain cellular quiescence and tissue homeostasis, including soluble extracellular growth inhibitory signals and intracellular signals (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Anti-growth signals typically force cells into a quiescent state or further differentiated, post-mitotic cell type and can affect the expression of integrins and other cell adhesion modelcules, the result preventing cells from moving past the G1 phase of the cell cycle by affecting Cyclin-D1 expression (Ladha et al. 1998). Avoidance of anti-growth signals is not enough to solely cause progression of cancer, a reliance on c-Myc or the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in stimulating mitogenic activity is considered an integral part of the development of insensitivity to antigrowth signals through stimulation of pro-growth pathways (He et al. 1998). 18 2.3.4. LIMITLESS REPLICATIVE POTENTIAL Even if cells have developed self-sufficiency in growth signals and an ability to evade apoptosis they are still limited in mitogenic capability by normal cell replication machinery. The Hayflick limit (or Hayflick Phenomenon) is the number of times a normal cell population will divide before it stops, presumably because the telomeres shorten to a critical length. Mammalian cells in a cell culture divide between 40 and 60 times then enter a senescence phase with each mitotic division effectively shortening the telomeres on the DNA of the cell (Hayflick and Moorhead 1961). Telomere shortening in humans eventually makes cell division impossible, and it is presumed to correlate. Maintenance of the length of the telomeric region appears to prevent genomic instability and the development of cancer. Upon activation of mitogenic signalling, cells commit to entry into a series of regulated steps allowing completion of the cell cycle. Cells begin in G1 phase, the time between M and S phases, and before entry into S phase, where DNA is replicated, must pass through a restriction point (Pardee 1974) that analyses and attempts to repair DNA damage. After S phase, cells enter G2 phase (the time between the S and M phases) where cells can repair errors that occurred during DNA duplication, preventing the propagation of these errors to daughter cells. Finally, the separation into two daughter cells by chromatid separation occurs and is called M phase (Senderowicz 2004). The sequence of events in cell cycle progression is highly orchestrated and depends on the cyclic activation and inactivation of cyclin dependent kinases (CDK), which govern the progression of the cells from one phase to another. In the event of tumourigenesis, constitutive mitogenic signalling as well as mutations in tumour suppressor genes and protooncogenes leads to cell cycle deregulation and uncontrolled proliferation (MacLachlan et al. 1995). 19 2.3.5. SUSTAINED ANGIOGENESIS The growth of new blood vessels, angiogenesis, is critical in the development of the cancer mass (Berry and Eisenberger 2005; Alvero et al. 2008). Solid tumour masses require large amounts of energy to continue to replicate and grow at such rapid rates, the oxygen and nutrients consumed by these cells is crucial and results in nearly all cells residing within 100µm of a capillary blood vessel (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). The development of blood vessels in normal tissue and organs occurs at organogenesis in the foetal life, in comparison angiogenesis occurs whenever irregular vascularisation signalling occurs, called the angiogenic switch (Carmeliet and Jain 2011). Tumour-related angiogenesis supports tumour growth and is also a major obstacle for successful immune therapy as it prevents migration of immune effector cells into established tumour parenchyma (Hamzah et al. 2008). Thus angiogenesis can protect the cancer mass from the hosts immune system while providing it with energy and oxygen. The coordinated expression of pro- and antiangiogenic signalling molecules, and their modulation by proteolysis, appear to reflect the complex homeostatic regulation of normal tissue angiogenesis and of vascular integrity (Avraamides et al. 2008). 2.3.6. TISSUE INVASION AND METASTASIS Tissue invasion and metastasis of cancer relies upon cells having developed the ability to evade apoptosis as well as ignore the lack of gap junctional responses. Anoikis, the ability of cells to evade apoptosis when shed from the primary tumour mass, is a key component in metastatic invasion of tissue (Langley and Fidler 2011). Invasion relies on the angiogenic ability of the cells and is considered one of the last Approximately one in eight prostate cancer cases metastasises widely, typically to bone, adjacent soft tissue, liver, and lung and is consistent with poor prognosis and outcome (Kleeberger et al. 2007). Development of a metastatic phenotype is the result of an accumulation of many gene dysregulations and is considered a 20 key step in the progression from benign to metastatic and malignant tumour phenotypes (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). 2.3.7. PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL DIFFERENTIATION AND DEVELOPMENT The cancer stem cell hypothesis has two central tenets—tumours are derived from transformation of normal stem cells or their progeny (i.e., progenitor or even differentiated cells) and every tumour contains a small population of stem-like cells that possess a unique ability to drive tumour formation and maintain tumour homeostasis (Reya et al. 2001). Current theory is that stem cells are immortal and only become mortal once they enter into a terminal differentiation cycle, as seen in stem cell derived tumours that can be serially initiated in mice including solid tumours (Li et al. 2008). Thus, stem cells are a self-renewing, immortalised group of cells that have been determined to exist in nearly all organs and tissues (Reya et al. 2001). Stem cell populations normally make up to 0.01% of a total cell population, however in cancerous tissues stem cells have been found from 0.1-0.2% of total cells, an increase of ten to twenty fold. This increase in self renewing cells that are not easily targeted by conventional chemotherapy, due to their slow cell cycling, receptor complexes and adaptive ability is one theory used to describe the ability of cancer to become refractive over time to initially successful treatment (Li et al. 2008). 21 FIGURE 6: STEM CELL THEORY ADAPTED FROM TROSKO ET AL 2004 Showing the characteristics of stem cell theory, Figure 6 demonstrates how slow cycling stem cells regenerate and differentiate normally. Following initiation stem cells can still differentiate normally, however clonal expansion and promotion of initiated cells can result in progression phase, where cancer cells develop malignancy. 2.3.8. GAP JUNCTIONAL INTERCELLULAR CONNECTIONS Gap junctional intercellular connections (GIJC) are involved in carcinogenesis in various ways. Most, if not all, tumour cells lack functional GJIC (Trosko et al. 2004). Cancer cells lack the expression of connexion genes due to the activation of various oncogenes or the loss of specific tumour suppressor genes, resulting in a cell less affected by the extracellular environment and less likely to differentiate. Most, if not all, tumour promoting chemicals and conditions reversibly inhibit GJIC and oncogenes, such as Src, Ras, Raf, have been reported to down regulate GJIC. Antisense connexin genes transfected in normal cells induces a tumourigenic phenotype while connexin genes transfected into tumour cells restore growth control and reduce the tumourigenicity of the cells (King et al. 2000). 22 2.4. THE PROSTATE The prostate is a walnut sized gland of the male accessory reproductive system that surrounds the urethra and ejaculatory duct directly inferior to the urinary bladder (Saladin 2007). It measures 2x4x3 cm and is an aggregate of 30-50 compound tubuloacinar glands enclosed in a single fibrous capsule, these glands empty via ~20 pores into the urethral wall. The position of the prostate immediately anterior to the rectum allows for it to be palpated through the rectal wall for lumps suggestive of prostate cancer (Saladin 2007). The prostate is approximately ½ glandular, ¼ involuntary muscle, ¼ fibrous tissue and the structure has a dense fibrous capsule of the prostate that incorporates the prostatic plexuses of nerves and veins (Basmajian and Slonecker 1989; Moore et al. 2007). The prostate is surrounded by the visceral layer of the pelvic fascia, forming a fibrous prostatic sheath that is thin anteriorly, continuous anterolaterally with the puboprostatic ligaments, and dense posteriorly, continuous with the rectovesical septum, surgically called the fascia of Denonvilliers which separates the prostate and urinary bladder from the rectum (Basmajian and Slonecker 1989; Moore et al. 2007). The prostate is a modified portion of the urethral with the glands organised in 3 concentric groups; mucosal are short and simple and open all around the urethra while the intermediate or submucosal glands open into the prostatic sinus. The outermost or main glands are long and branching and envelope the other groups except in front where those of opposite sides are joined by a nonglandular isthmus and nearly all hypertrophies of the prostate arise from these mucusol and submucosal glands (Basmajian and Slonecker 1989). The prostate arterial blood supply is predominantly from branches of the internal iliac artery including the inferior vesical arteries, internal pudendal and middle rectal arteries (Moore et al. 2007). The prostatic venous drainage is complicated with the deep dorsal vein of the penis 23 draining the front plexus, the vesical plexus draining superiorly and posteriorly draining into the internal iliac veins while also potentially anastamosing with the vertebra plexus of veins and all of this occurring between the fibrous capsule of the prostate and the prostatic sheath (Basmajian and Slonecker 1989). Due to this varied blood drainage prostate cancer frequently spreads to the central nervous system (CNS), lower lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and femora (Basmajian and Slonecker 1989). The nervous innervations of the prostate are autonomic, with parasympathetic efferent fibres arising from pelvic splanchnic nerves (sacral nerves 2, 3 and 4) while sympathetic efferent fibres come from sacral splanchnic nerves (arising from sympathetic trunk) and together they help form the inferior hypogastric plexus which supplies the prostate gland. The lymphatic drainage of the prostate is chiefly into the internal iliac nodes but some pass to the sacral lymph nodes with implications for metastasising prostate cancers ability to spread into spinal cord and CNS (Moore et al. 2007). The prostate gland is histologically divided into three major regions – the peripheral, central and transitional zones. While most cancers develop in the peripheral zone (68%), fewer originate in the transitional (24%) or central (8%) zone (McNeal et al. 1988). Each zone consists of ducts and acini lined by an epithelial sheet. The epithelium consists of a bi-layer of basal cells beneath the secretory, luminal cells and is interspersed with neuroendocrine cells. The majority of the basal cells are androgen receptor (AR) negative and consist of self-renewing stem cells that differentiate into transit amplifying cells (also AR negative) with limited proliferative capacity. These transit amplifying cells clonally expand, differentiate and migrate from the basal to the luminal layer where they differentiate to form mature, secretory luminal cells that are nonproliferative and AR-positive (Litvinov et al. 2003; Uzgare et al. 2004). A minority of basal stem cells differentiate into neuroendocrine cells that are AR-negative and secrete specific peptides (Arnold and Isaacs 2002). 24 2.4.1. TESTING FOR PROSTATE CANCER Common testing for prostate cancer involves the digital rectal exam (DRE), detection of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and admission of the prostatic specific antigen (PSA) blood exam. The position of the prostate surrounding the urethra means that, during conditions of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) will be performed and the tissue analysed for potential cancer pathology. The position of the prostate anterior to the rectum allows for a trans-rectal ultrasound biopsy (TRUS) to be performed when high PSA scores indicate a potential for the tissue to become cancerous, the TRUS technique allows for ultrasound to guide the biopsy needle to the abnormal looking region (Park et al. 2012). Following biopsy using the TURP or TRUS methods cells are stained and compared to the Gleason scale, which compares how differentiated cells are, and gives a 1-5 grade (Gleason 1977). Grades between two separate regions are added and result in a Gleason score (also known as sum or pattern) which results in a prognosis with a minimum score or 2 and a maximum or 10, the higher the number the higher the chance the cancer has reached malignant or metastatic phenotypes. The move from benign to metastatic prostate cancer is complicated but is based around the development of the androgen independent, undifferentiated and subsequent invasive phenotypes (Feldman and Feldman 2001; So et al. 2003). 2.4.2. PHENOTYPIC PROGRESSION OF PROSTATE CANCER Prostate cancer progresses from a benign to malignant to metastatic phenotype in conjunction with a loss of androgen receptor function and a gain of invasive potential (So et al. 2003). The prostatic epithelium is surrounded by a fibromuscular stroma that contains AR-positive smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts amongst other cell types. Androgen occupancy of nuclear 25 AR in these stromal cells results in their production and secretion of paracrine growth and survival factors for the epithelium (Litvinov et al. 2003). Transformation to a malignant phenotype involves a shift from this paracrine axis to a situation in which AR signalling directly activates the production of autocrine growth and survival factors by the prostate cancer cells themselves as well as regulates the production of secretory proteins by these malignant cells. Thus androgen acts in an autocrine manner as the major regulator of proliferation and survival in such androgen responsive prostate cancer cells (Litvinov et al. 2003). It is for this reason that androgen blockade via administration of leutenizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues results in inhibition of tumour growth and a positive clinical response. Cellular adaptation to low levels of circulating androgen along with clonal expansion, however, results in the emergence of hormone refractory tumours with or without metastases (Gao et al. 2001; Isaacs and Isaacs 2004). Understanding the mechanisms for development of hormone refractory cancer (i.e. dysregulation of the signalling network) requires knowledge of the cellular organisation and the cell of origin for the cancer. Prostate cancer is very common in developed countries and is widely variable in clinical course. Most cases remain confined to the prostate and adjacent soft tissue and cause no harm. However, approximately one in eight cases metastasises widely, typically to bone, adjacent soft tissue, liver, and lung (Kleeberger et al. 2007). FIGURE 7 CHARACTERISTIC PROGRESSION OF PROSTATE CANCER FROM EARLY TO LATE STAGE 26 2.4.3. TREATMENT OF PROSTATE CANCER Age and hormone are two known factors influencing the incidence of prostate cancer and, because of that, cancer cells initially respond to androgen withdrawal by undergoing apoptosis among the hormone-dependent population. However, patients with advanced or metastatic prostate cancer develop hormone refractory status that becomes fatal because of the growth of androgen-independent tumour cells and the emergence of tumour clones. Therefore, the potential cancer chemotherapy to cause apoptosis in metastatic prostate cancer is necessary and urgent for the clinical treatment (Hotte and Saad 2010; Parente et al. 2012). Patients with localised disease are candidates for ionizing radiation therapy. Patients with metastatic carcinoma of the prostate are usually treated with androgen ablation therapy. After further disease progression, they may be treated with chemotherapy including docetaxel and doxorubicin (Sweat 2005). Ionizing radiation and doxorubicin are DNA-damaging agents that induce double-strand breaks in DNA. This leads to the activation ofDNA damage checkpoints. One of the key proteins in these pathways is the tumour suppressor p53, which triggers cell cycle arrest and induces the repair of DNA damage, responses needed for cell survival, or alternatively, apoptosis (Devlin et al. 2008). The interaction between testosterone and the androgen receptor (AR) is essential for prostate development. Because AR signalling has also been shown to play a key role in prostate carcinogenesis, androgen ablation therapy (AAT) is a commonly used form of treatment, particularly for advanced disease. While AAT leads to significant levels of prostate cancer cell 27 apoptosis, the effect is short-lived and ultimately not curative as most patients develop androgen-independent disease (D'Antonio et al. 2008). 2.4.4. CHEMOTHERAPY AND PROSTATE CANCER Currently, only patients who have detectable macroscopic metastatic disease should receive systemic chemotherapy outside of a clinical trial. As any treatment for advanced disease remains palliative, patients with advanced prostate cancer are encouraged to participate in clinical trials (Hotte and Saad 2010). Combined docetaxel (a taxane drug that induces polymerisation of microtubules and phosphorylation of the Bcl-2 protein) and prednisone is currently considered the standard of care for men with detectable metastatic disease, based largely on the simultaneous publication of two large randomised controlled trials comparing this combination with the previously established standard of mitoxantrone and prednisone (Parente et al. 2012). (Petrylak et al. 2004; Tannock et al. 2004) simultaneously published combined trials of docetaxel and prednisone. Men in both trials had clinical evidence of metastases with or without symptoms and had undergone anti-androgen withdrawal response. Overall survival was the primary endpoint in both trials. (Tannock et al. 2004) reported improved survival with docetaxel (every-3-weeks dosing) compared with mitoxantrone–prednisone, median survival: 18.9 months versus 16.5 months(Petrylak et al. 2004) reported longer survival time with docetaxel–estramustine combination chemotherapy as compared with mitoxantrone, median survival: 17.5 months versus 15.6 months. Late stage prostate cancer treatment still remains an attempt at extension of life and is not yet considered curative (Hotte and Saad 2010). 28 FIGURE 8 DEVELOPMENT OF RESISTANCE TO CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT ADAPTED FROM JOHNSTONE, RUEFLI AND LOWE 2002 Addition of chemotherapeutic drugs to tumour cells results in interaction between the drug and intracellular targets, and induction of the primary effect. Classical drug resistance proteins such as drug efflux pumps can inhibit the primary effect by preventing drug-target interactions. Depending on the severity of the initial insult, drug-induced damage may result in cytotoxic cell death or initiate a series of secondary effects mediated by various stress signalling pathways leading to cell death or cell cycle arrest. Consequently, mutations in these downstream events can produce multidrug resistance. Adapted from (Johnstone et al. 2002). 2.5. APOPTOSIS In classic apoptosis cellular membranes are disrupted, the cytoplasmic and nuclear skeletons broken down and nuclear material fragmented and within the space of 30 to 120 minutes the cell is destroyed and engulfed by nearby cells with no inflammatory response (Wyllie et al. 29 1980). When first described in 1972 (Kerr et al. 1972) raised the possibility of apoptosis being a barrier to cancer after discovering massive apoptosis in populations of rapidly growing hormone dependent tumour cells following hormone withdrawal. Resistance to apoptosis has been investigated intensely for the last 20 years with some characteristic pathway mutations becoming recognised in many different forms of cancer. The loss of a functional p53 oncogene was described in 1996 (Harris 1996) and is discovered in well over 50% of all cancers. This causes the removal of one of the key DNA damage sensing apparatus in the cell and causes significant inability to induce apoptosis in response to DNA damage, allowing more errors to accumulate rapidly. Abnormalities, including hypoxia and oncogene hyper-expression, are also funnelled in part via p53 to the apoptotic machinery; these too are impaired at eliciting apoptotic activity when p53 function is lost (Levine 1997). Discovery of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 gene (Korsmeyer 1992) and later its family of related signalling molecules further significantly enhanced the knowledge of how cancer cells develop resistance to apoptotic stimulation. The ability for cancer cells to ignore anoikis, the process of apoptosis that cells undergo when shed off their central mass, leads to eventual implantation and metastasis. The process of evading apoptosis is integral to the assist the development of secondary, metastatic tumours and is important in the removing the reliance of GJIC to maintain cell integrity. Researchers became aware that apoptosis, a form of cell death, played a crucial role in a myriad of physiological and pathological processes (Kerr et al. 1972) Apoptosis is often referred to as a physiological cell suicide program that is critical for the development and maintenance of healthy tissues (Deveraux et al. 1999). The mechanisms for apoptosis have been strongly conserved during evolution and dysregulation of cell death pathways occur in cancer, 30 autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases and in neurodegenerative (Deveraux et al. 1999). The process of apoptosis is necessary to remove unwanted cells from multicellular organisms. It is the mechanism by which specific groups of cells are removed during embryogenesis so that a particular course of development may be followed. The commitment to apoptosis involves both signalling and effector stages. Though they vary between cells, the array of apoptosis induction signals trigger signalling pathways that coalesce, often at the mitochondria, to activate central effector pathways involving a series of proenzymes, the caspases (Maguire et al. 2000). When activated caspases are efficient at degrading cellular processes, and DNA, to the point where normal physiological activity is impossible, resulting in cellular response and apoptotic phenomena (Hengartner 2000). 2.5.1. MORPHOLOGY OF APOPTOTIC CELLS Apoptosis occurring in cells is characterised by common distinctive morphological and molecular features (Kerr et al. 1972). Apoptotic cells will undergo a regulated autodigestion, which involves the disruption of cytoskeletal integrity, cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation, activation of endonucleases, blebbing of the cell surface, chromatin condensation and the formation of apoptotic bodies distinct to apoptosis (Maguire et al. 2000; Birkey Reffey et al. 2001). The result is contraction of the cytoplasm, accompanied by condensation of nuclear chromatin into several large masses. Caspase mediated events are likely to contribute to the characteristic morphological changes that result in DNA cleavage at the internucleosomal region into 185 base pair multiples (Hengartner 2000). After fragmentation, DNA exhibits a typical condensation at the nuclear margin. The cell forms membrane bound apoptotic bodies of various sizes, containing organelles and nuclear fragments. These apoptotic bodies provide a strong stimulus for phagocytosis and are subsequently consumed by their viable neighbouring cells or specialist phagocytes (Schwartzman and Cidlowski 1993). 31 The process of apoptosis is a highly conserved mechanism in multicellular organisms which allows for the removal of unwanted cells without an inflammatory response (Deveraux et al. 1999; Hengartner 2000). Once the apoptotic process is triggered cells undergo a series of molecular and morphologic changes that characterise classical apoptosis. These processes include; irreversible chromosome condensation (pyknosis 1 ) with nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis2) via inter-nucleosome DNA cleavage, cell shrinkage, formation of multiple membrane blebs (zeiosis3) and finally the breakdown of the cell into apoptotic bodies containing organelles and pieces of the degraded nucleus that are phagocytosed by surrounding cells (van Heerde et al. 2000). Recently, necrosis, once thought of as simply a passive, unorganised way to die, has emerged as an alternate form of programmed cell death whose activation might have important biological consequences, including the induction of an inflammatory response. Autophagy has also been suggested as a possible mechanism for nonapoptotic death despite evidence from many species that autophagy represents a survival strategy in times of stress. Recent advances have helped to define the function of and mechanism for programmed necrosis and the role of autophagy in cell survival and suicide (Edinger and Thompson 2004). Other apoptotic modifications include early membrane changes such as externalisation of membrane bound phosphatidylserine which promotes the phagocytosis of the apoptotic bodies without inducing an inflammatory response (Martin et al. 1995). This early externalisation is a key step in detecting cells entering early stage apoptosis and several distinct apoptotic events have been identified on the molecular signalling level following phosphatidylserine externalisation including; the signalling stimulus for degradation of DNA 1 Pyknosis or karyopyknosis, is the irreversible condensation of chromatin in the nucleus of a cell undergoing necrosis or apoptosis. It is followed by karyorrhexis 2 Karyorrhexis The destructive fragmentation of the nucleus of a dying cell whereby its chromatin is distributed irregularly throughout the cytoplasm 3 Zeiosis is the term used to describe the formation of blebs in a cell. A bleb is an irregular bulge in the plasma membrane of a cell caused by localised decoupling of the cytoskeleton from the plasma membrane. 32 into fragments of multiples of ~200 base pairs, the proteolytic cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and cytoskeleton components separation (van Heerde et al. 2000). 2.5.2. APOPTOTIC SIGNALLING Apoptosis is regulated at many levels, including the initiation, transduction, amplification and execution stages and the mutations that disrupt each stage have been detected in tumour cells. Because mutations in cancers necessarily produce a selective advantage to emerging tumour cells, the identification of mutated components and their frequency of mutation highlight critical regulatory points in survival and proliferative processes. The fact that apoptosis is disabled at distant stages in different tumour types suggest that its critical control points are context dependent. Identification of these control points singles out distinct “sites of attack” for targeting by novel chemotherapeutic drugs (Johnstone et al. 2002). On the molecular level, the cell death program can be divided into three parts: initiation, execution, and termination of apoptosis. Apoptosis is initiated by a variety of stimuli, including growth factor withdrawal (“death by neglect”), UV or -irradiation, chemotherapeutic drugs, and death receptor signals. In most cases the execution phase is characterised by membrane inversion and exposure of phosphatidylserine, blebbing (zeiosis), fragmentation of the nucleus, chromatin condensation, and DNA degradation. In the termination phase, “apoptotic bodies” are engulfed by phagocytes resulting in no inflammatory response (Hengartner 2000). While mutations in cancer cells often target regulators of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway (indirect) such as p53 and the Bcl-2 related proteins, alterations that disrupt apoptosis downstream of the mitochondria have been reported (Petronilli et al. 2001). Silencing of Apaf1 occurs in metastatic melanoma and over expression of IAPs and heat shock proteins (HSP), which can inhibit Caspase-9 activation, is commonly observed in human tumours (Deveraux et al. 1999). Postmitochondrial mutations appear less frequently than those targeting upstream 33 components of the apoptotic program, though this could represent greater redundancy in the downstream pathway or difficulty maintaining cell viability following damage to the mitochondria. Consistent with this, apoptosis can be induced without the activation of caspases or while the caspases themselves are prevented from action by a pan caspase inhibitor such as Z-VAD-FMK (Johnstone et al. 2002). 2.5.3. EXTRINSIC PATHWAYS To date, it is accepted that every cell type harbors the machinery to commit suicide by apoptosis. Subsequently, it is acknowledged that apoptosis plays a crucial role in homeostasis and pathology and the molecular biology and biochemistry of apoptotic death machinery are far from being completely resolved (van Heerde et al. 2000). Despite apoptosis exhibiting great diversity in signalling pathways, three functionally distinct phases of apoptosis, common to all cell types can be distinguished. First, the initiation phase can be induced by death inducing signals such as Fas ligand (Fas-L) and tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), a lack of growth and/or survival signals, or DNA damage which may devise the cell to prepare for suicide, commonly these pathways involve the Caspase signalling system (Susin et al. 2000; Cregan et al. 2004; Dohi et al. 2004; Svingen et al. 2004). The initiation phase will result in the activation of the second more general, decision phase, in which the cell is still able to make the decision to live. This phase is characterised, in most cases, by involvement of the mitochondrion. This organelle provides molecular links between the upstream initiation phase and downstream execution phase, by releasing apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), Cytochrome c, Caspases-2,-3 and -9. When the cell is committed to die, and thus the point of no return has been passed, the third phase the execution phase is activated (Wang et al. 1999). This phase is characterised by the activation of the downstream or effector caspases which subsequently orchestrate a sequence of events by their hierarchical activation. These events include the loss of cell junctions, cell 34 shrinkage, chromatin condensation and margination, nuclear pyknosis and fragmentation, membrane blebbing and disassembly of the cell into membrane-enclosed vesicles called apoptotic bodies. Several events have been identified on the biochemical level, including the degradation of DNA into fragments of multiples of ~200 base pairs, the proteolytic cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) and cytoskeleton components, and the cell surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) (van Heerde et al. 2000). 2.5.4. INTRINSIC PATHWAYS Disruption of the intrinsic pathway is common in cancer cells with the p53 tumour suppressor gene the most frequently mutated gene in human tumours, and loss of p53 function can both disable apoptosis and accelerate tumour development in transgenic mice (Ryan et al. 2001). Function mutations or altered expression of p53 downstream effectors (PTEN, Bax, Bak, and Apaf-1), or upstream regulators (ATM, Chk2, Mdm2, and p19ARF), occur in human tumours and as a result, the presence of wild-type p53 does not necessarily indicate that the pathway is intact and therefore correlating p53 gene integrity with a functional p53 pathway is not always correct (Schmitt et al. 1998). The B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) family members are key regulators of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and consist of both pro- and anti-apoptosis members who expression is commonly altered in tumours (Reed 2000). Mutations or altered expression of upstream regulators of Bcl-2 proteins are associated with cancer. For example, the Bad-kinase intrinsic Akt, is positively regulated by various oncoproteins, and negatively regulated by the PTEN tumour suppressor, amplified Akt and mutated PTEN, have been found with high frequency in a variety of solid cancers, indicating the importance of intrinsic cell signalling in regulating tumourigenisis (Datta and Datta 1999). 35 2.5.5. CASPASES Caspases (Cysteine Aspartases) are the key effector proteases of apoptosis, existing in healthy cells as inactive precursor molecules (zymogens) called procaspases (Silke et al. 2001; Donepudi and Grutter 2002). Three major apoptotic pathways have been identified: one activated by death receptor activation and the other by intrinsic stress induced stimuli and finally a endoplasmic reticulum specific stress pathway has been determined (Nakagawa et al. 2000; MacFarlane et al. 2002). Mechanisms described for activating caspases include; noncovalent association with caspase activating proteins, such as Apaf-1 or FAS-L, leading to autocatalytic cleavage of the procaspase polypeptide at specific aspartic acid residues, or cleavage at specific aspartic acid residues within the inactive zymogens by other activated caspases (Zou et al. 2003). The caspases are highly conserved throughout the animal kingdom (Deveraux et al. 1997), and many function to initiate Cytochrome c release from the mitochondria. When added to cytosol environment Cytochrome c initiates an apoptotic program which involves proteolytic processing and activation of more caspases, and apoptotic-like destruction of exogenously added nuclei (Deveraux et al. 1997). Caspase functions are subject to modulation by a family of inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAP’s) (Deveraux et al. 1999). Effector caspases, such as Caspase-3 and Caspase-7 are activated by initiator caspases, such as Caspase-9 and Caspase-8, through proteolytic cleavage. Once activated, the effector caspases are responsible for the proteolytic cleavage of a diverse array of structural and regulatory proteins, resulting in the apoptotic phenotype (Suzuki et al. 2001). The initiator caspases Caspase-9 and Caspase-8 converge on the activation of the executioner caspases, Caspase-3 and Caspase-7. The critical role of those caspases in transmitting cell death signals is underscored by the results of many phenotypic gene ablation experiments that vary between embryonic lethality (Caspases-7 and -8) to perinatal lethality (Caspases-3 and -9) (Riedl and 36 Salvesen 2007). Caspases-3 and -7 are considered to be the major effector caspases within cells, activated by the initiator caspase cascade, they can feed back to alter upstream caspases such as Caspase-8 and Caspase-9 allowing some degree of self regulation (Silke et al. 2001). FIGURE 9 SIMPLE APOPTOTIC SIGNALLING ADAPTED FROM RIEDL AND SALVESEN 2007 The pathways in evidence are the caspase-dependant apoptotic signalling resulting from extrinsic (DISC) or intrinsic (apoptosome) stimuli. The proteolytic caspase cascade in the initiation and execution of apoptosis. Both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways use related principles in sensing an apoptotic signal and executing apoptosis. In the intrinsic pathway, an apoptotic stimulus in the cell leads to the assembly of a signalling platform, the apoptosome, which activates the initiator Caspase-9. An extrinsic apoptotic signal, by contrast, is mediated by binding of an extracellular ligand to a transmembrane receptor, leading to the formation of the death-inducing signalling complex (DISC), which is capable of activating the initiator Caspase-8. Once activated, either Caspase-9 or Caspase-8 cleaves executioner Caspase-3 and Caspase-7, which represents the execution level of the caspase cascade and leads to apoptosis of the doomed cell. Negative regulators of the caspase cascade can be found on both levels. 37 Whereas FLIP blocks the activation of the initiator Caspase-8 in the DISC, XIAP can block both the initiation phase, by inhibiting Caspase-9, and the execution phase, by blocking Caspase-3 and Caspase-7, of the cascade. Adapted from (Riedl and Salvesen 2007). 2.5.6. APOPTOSOME Upon intrinsic stimulation of apoptosis, the release of Bax and Cytochrome c from the mitochondria initiates the apoptosis promoting activity of Cytochrome c by allowing interaction with the Apaf-1 protein. Binding of Cytochrome c to Apaf-1 causes recruitment of Caspase-9, forming the apoptosome (Slee et al. 1999; Slee et al. 1999; Srinivasula et al. 2001). The apoptosome is a large molecule that interacts with the executioner caspases, Caspase-3 and Caspase-7, which initiate DNA fragmentation and cause the cell to enter into apoptosis (Boatright and Salvesen 2003). Caspase-3 can be activated via extrinsic pathways that produce activated Caspase-9 through Caspase-8 signalling. If intrinsic pathways are activated, the release of Cytochrome c and apoptosome formation results in Caspase-3 activation (Riedl and Salvesen 2007). 2.5.7. BCL-2 FAMILY The mitochondrial pathway of cell death is mediated by Bcl-2 family proteins, a group of antiapoptotic and pro-apoptotic proteins that regulate the passage of small molecules, such as Cytochrome c, Smac/Diablo, and Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF), which activates caspase cascades, through the mitochondrial transition pore. The activation of caspases is counteracted by anti-apoptotic molecules of the Bcl-2 family (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL), because these Bcl2 family proteins heterodimerise with proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family (Bax, Bak) and interfere with release of cytochrome c by pore-forming proteins (Bid, Bik) (Gross et al. 1999). 38 B-cell lymphoma-extra large (Bcl-xL) is a transmembrane molecule in the mitochondria. It is involved in the signal transduction pathway of the FAS-L and is one of several anti-apoptotic proteins which are members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. It has been implicated in the survival of cancer cells with Bcl-xL expression in prostate cancer leading to cell proliferation, apoptosis inhibition and obvious decreased radiosensitivity in human prostatic carcinoma cells (Wang et al. 2008). In the absence of activated Akt, Bcl-2 family member Bad forms heterodimers with Bcl-xL, an antiapoptotic protein that prevents the release of Cytochrome c from mitochondria (Gross et al. 1999). This complex formation abrogates the antiapoptotic function of Bcl-xL thereby facilitating apoptotic death via a cytochrome c-dependent pathway. As a consequence, the dynamic interaction between Bcl-xL and Bad represents a critical determinant of cell fate downstream of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/Akt cascade, and may represent an alternative mechanism for cancer cells to evade apoptosis (Cheng et al. 2001; Lee et al. 2008). Bax is an important multidomain pro-apoptotic proteins essential for the mitochondrial release of Cytochrome c. The expression of Bax is up regulated by the tumour suppressor protein p53, and Bax has been shown to be involved in p53-mediated apoptosis (Goodman et al. 1998). In normal mammalian cells, the majority of Bax is found in the cytosol, but upon initiation of apoptotic signalling, Bax undergoes a conformational shift, and inserts into organelle membranes, primarily the outer mitochondrial membrane resulting in Cytochrome c release (Lee et al. 2008). 2.5.8. X-LINKED INHIBITOR OF APOPTOSIS PROTEIN X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (xIAP) is part of a family of endogenous caspase inhibitors that, when up regulated, have been implicated in the early stage development of 39 prostate and breast epithelial carcinoma (Parton et al. 2002; Krajewska et al. 2003). In conjunction with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 members (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL) IAP family members exert significant anti-apoptotic effects through; inhibition of Caspase-3 and -7 activation and function, inactivation of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members and involvement in signalling pathways NF-κB and JNK (Levkau et al. 2001; Sanna et al. 2002; Hu et al. 2003; Dubrez-Daloz et al. 2008). XIAP expression levels are also found to be increased in epithelial ovarian and prostate cancers, and have been linked to chemoresistance and progression of cells to metastasis (Krajewska et al. 2003; Berezovskaya et al. 2005; Mahoney 2007). As opposed to other members of the IAP family, XIAP is the only member capable of direct inhibition of both the execution and initiation phases of the apoptotic cascade; it inhibits apoptotic activation by inhibiting caspase-9, and inhibits the execution phase by inhibiting the effector caspases, Caspase-3 and Caspase-7 (Kluger et al. 2007). As XIAP selectively binds and inhibits Caspase-3, -7 and inhibits Apaf-1-Cytochrome c-mediated activation of Caspase-9 (the apoptosome) it is responsible for directly inhibiting much of the apoptotic pathways and is a considered a key factor in chemoresistance in tumours (Mahoney 2007). 2.5.9. APOPTOSIS INDUCING FACTOR Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) is one of the apoptogenic molecules released from the mitochondria upon multiple stimuli with overexpression of AIF causing apoptosis independent of caspases (Xie et al. 2005). AIF has also been shown to act as a free radical scavenger and play a role in normal mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Upon stimulus by some death signals AIF translocates to the nucleus when apoptosis is induced (Susin et al. 1999). Experiments using recombinant AIF showed that it induced chromatin condensation in isolated nuclei and large-scale fragmentation of DNA, it induced purified mitochondria to release the 40 apoptogenic proteins Cytochrome c and Caspase-9 and microinjection of AIF into the cytoplasm of intact cells induces condensation of chromatin, dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and exposure of phosphatidylserine in the plasma. None of these effects is prevented by the wide-ranging caspase inhibitor known as Z-VAD-FMK indicating that AIF is a mitochondrial effector of apoptotic cell death independent of caspase activity (Susin et al. 1999). 2.5.10. REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are known to induce oxidative stress in cancer cells, rapid accumulation of highly reactive molecules, such as, nitric oxide occurs and results in damage to cell structures and potentially activates the apoptotic cascade. Oxidative stress induces the expression of antioxidant genes that contain an antioxidant response element in their promoters; this can result in a triggering of apoptosis or necrosis of various cell types and, in several instances, can inhibit cell growth and interfere with the cell cycle (Minelli et al. 2009). Cancer cells protect themselves from reactive oxygen species (ROS) by increasing the amount of proteins like superoxide dismutase (SOD) which quickly responds to ROS production and removes it (Murphy 2009). In this regard, it has been reported that Bcl-2 reduces accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in transfected cells and can protect a variety of cells from apoptosis induced by oxidative stressors. Conversely, the Bcl-2-related protein Bax causes increased mitochondrial production of ROS and apoptosis when overexpressed in cultured cells (Dharmarajan et al. 1999). Aside from Bcl-2, other factors that play a role in protecting cells from oxidative stress include superoxide dismutases (SOD), which are responsible for the conversion of superoxide radical anion to peroxide intermediates, and glutathione peroxidase and catalase, which convert peroxides to water (Dharmarajan et al. 1999). 41 2.6. THE CELL CYCLE The cell cycle is composed of G1, S, G2 and M phases, which represent normal function, DNA replication, organelle replication and mitotic separation respectively (Marieb 2012). Any errors that may occur at these steps could be catastrophic for normal cell functioning and, as such, the cell cycle apparatus retains potent signalling molecules that can search for errors and rapidly induce apoptosis (Cooper 2003). The initial point where this process can occur is referred to as the G1 restriction point (Pardee 1974). To maintain normal function, the cell cycle is a potent inducer of cell death through regulation of DNA content at a variety of restriction points. As the cell reaches a restriction point, the gene p53 detects and attempts to repair any evident DNA damage; if the damage is too great it can initiate apoptosis. The p53 gene is a potent tumour suppressor that exerts its functions through activation of downstream targets, some of which include induction of CDKN1/p21WAF1, 14-3-3y, and REPRIMO for G1-G2 arrest; p53R2 for DNA repair and Bax, Puma, p53AIP1, PERP, and CD95 for apoptosis. Unfortunately p53 is found mutated in nearly 70% of carcinomas(elDeiry et al. 1993; Scherr et al. 1999; Ryan et al. 2001; Fojo and Bates 2003; Huo et al. 2004). Considerable evidence indicates that the choice made by p53 to activate cell cycle arrest and DNA repair pathways, or the apoptosis pathway after DNA damage, is dependent on the extent of unrepaired or misrepaired double-strand breaks in the DNA (Devlin et al. 2008). Disabling the p53 pathway enables cells to enter and proceed through the cell cycle under conditions that increase the frequencies of aneuploidy, gene amplification, deletion and translocation. This, coupled with loss of p53 dependant apoptosis, increases genetic instability and is highly selected during cancer progression (Vafa et al. 2002). 42 2.6.1. CYCLINS, CYCLIN DEPENDANT KINASES Cell cycle progression is intricately regulated by the interactions of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes. Cyclin-D1 is a regulatory subunit of the highly conserved cyclin family that phosphorylates and, together with sequential phosphorylation by cyclin-E/CDK2, inactivates the cell-cycle inhibiting function of the retinoblastoma protein. Upon mitogenic stimulation, the cyclin-D Cdk4/Cdk6 and cyclin-E Cdk2 complexes mediate phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein, which induces transcriptionally active E2F thereby ensuring G1-S transit (Baldin et al. 1993; Roy et al. 2007). Retinoblastoma protein serves as a gatekeeper of the G1 phase, and passage through the restriction point leads to DNA synthesis, making cyclinD1 expression an important target to regulate cancer cell replication (Fu et al. 2004). 2.6.2. P21 WAF1 /P53 p21WAF1 is a cyclin dependant kinase inhibitor (CdkI) family member, along with p27 and p57, which interfere with the cyclin dependant kinase-cyclin complex. The group is regulated both by internal and external signals, with the expression of p21WAF1 under transcriptional control of the p53 tumour suppressor gene (Srivastava et al. 2007). As an important mediator of apoptosis, the frequency of somatic mutations in the p21WAF1 gene and family in cancers is very rare; which underlines the importance of these molecules as promising therapeutic targets. Both p21 and p27 are upregulated by a variety of regulatory pathways at the transcriptional as well as post-transcriptional levels, with p21WAF1 transcriptionally upregulated by p53 in response to DNA damage. p21WAF1 is also activated by various transcription factors and subsequently mediates growth arrest, senescence and apoptosis in a p53-independent manner, and p21 mRNA stability can be post transcriptionally regulated by HuR, an RNAbinding protein, in response to stress (Roy et al. 2007; Roy et al. 2008). 43 p21WAF1 is a potent cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI). The p21 (CIP1/WAF1) protein binds to and inhibits the activity of cyclin-CDK2 or -CDK1 complexes, and thus functions as a regulator of cell cycle progression at G1. The expression of this gene is tightly controlled by the tumour suppressor protein p53, through which this protein mediates the p53-dependent cell cycle G1 phase arrest in response to a variety of stress stimuli. This was a major discovery in the early 1990s that revealed how cells stop dividing after being exposed to damaging agents such as radiation. In addition to growth arrest, p21 can mediate cellular senescence and one of the ways it was discovered was as a senescent cell-derived inhibitor (Niculescu et al. 1998; Vafa et al. 2002). Expression of p21 is mainly dependent on two factors 1) stimulus provided 2) type of the cell. Growth arrest by p21 can promote cellular differentiation. p21 therefore prevents cell proliferation. p53 exerts its functions mainly through transactivational activity, including the induction of CDKN1/p21, 14-3-3y, and REPRIMO for G1-G2 arrest; p53R2 for DNA repair and Bax, Puma, p53AIP1, PERP, and CD95 for apoptosis. Considerable evidence indicates that the choice made by p53 to activate cell cycle arrest and DNA repair pathways or the apoptosis pathway after DNA damage is dependent on the extent of unrepaired or misrepaired double-strand breaks in the DNA (Waldman et al. 1996; Devlin et al. 2008). 2.6.3. KI-67 Ki-67 antigen is present in all proliferating cells (normal and neoplastic) and its evaluation allows determining growth fraction of cellular population in a relatively easy way. Previous studies proved the hypothesis that in breast cancer the Ki-67 index is an independent prognostic factor in both patient survival assessment and disease recurrence. Ki-67 index can also be used as a predictive factor of neoplastic cell response to certain types of therapy (Koda et al. 2007). An important indicator of cell cycle pace, Ki-67 is present in all proliferating cells, normal and neoplastic, and its level of expression indicates the rate of growth of a cell population. Studies proved the hypothesis that, in breast cancer, the Ki-67 index is an 44 independent prognostic factor in both patient survival assessment and disease recurrence (Dudderidge et al. 2007). 2.6.4. C-MYC c-Myc is an important regulator of cell function that was implicated as one of the first oncogenes. It is known that cell cycle regulation is altered under excess c-Myc expression with a decrease in time taken to reach the restriction point of G1 (Yin et al. 1999). c-Myc protein overexpression has been reported to immortalise cells, to reduce their growth factor requirements and to promote cell cycle progression and genomic instability (Wasylishen and Penn 2010). According to a role in the maintenance of the mitotic spindle integrity, overexpression of c-Myc has been reported to disrupt the spindle checkpoints activated by taxanes. In colon cancer cell lines, c-Myc amplification has been related to the modulation of the multiple effects of paclitaxel (Cassinelli et al. 2004). C-Myc cell cycle regulation has been implicated by varied means; canonical Wnt/β-catenin stimulation, Cyclin-D and Cyclin-E CDK2 stimulation, inhibiting the effect of p27 a CDKI family member amongst others (Mateyak et al. 1999). 2.7. WNT SIGNALLING The Wnt family of secreted ligands operates through multiple receptors, to modulate discrete intracellular linear and integrated signalling pathways in embryonic development, in adults and in prostate cancer progression. Canonical signalling occurs when a Wnt ligand attaches to a Frizzled (Fzd) family receptor and to a low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) or LRP6 coreceptor. This triggers a cytoplasmic Wnt/β-catenin transduction cascade, which 45 mediates β-catenin stability via glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) and results in a context dependent transcriptional outcome. Stabilized β-catenin forms multicomponent transcriptional complex with LEF⁄Tcf and activates downstream targets such as c-Myc (Farooqi et al. 2011). In the absence of Wnt signals, cytoplasmic β-catenin is sequestered by a complex consisting of Axin, the tumour suppressor Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), and GSK3β (Hall et al. 2006). Non-canonical Wnt proteins such as Wnt5a, lead to the activation of protein kinase C and calcineurin with downstream intracellular targets. The Wnt/Calcium pathway has been reported to control proliferation and have the ability to act as a tumour suppressor (Liang et al. 2003). The activity of Wnt proteins is controlled by soluble extracellular antagonists including secreted frizzled-related proteins (sFRP), Wnt inhibitory factor-1 (Wif1), Cerberus, and Dickkopf (DKK) (Hirata et al. 2011). sFRP, WIF-1, and Cerberus act as competitive inhibitors of the frizzled receptor by sequestering Wnt factors and can, therefore, block both canonical and non-canonical Wnt pathways. DKK-1, in contrast, binds the Wnt co-receptors LRP 5 and 6 to block canonical Wnt signalling (Hall et al. 2010). 2.7.1. Β-CATENIN The protein β-catenin has at least 2 functions of interest in prostate cancer: it participates in cadherin-mediated adhesion, and it is the "molecular node" of the Wnt canonical signalling pathway. In the absence of Wnt signals (i.e., when the pathway is inactive), the serine/threonine kinase glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) forms complexes with proteins, which in turn bind to soluble β-catenin and facilitate its phosphorylation (Wan et al. 2012). Phosphorylated β-catenin then binds an E3 ubiquitin ligase then undergoes proteosomal degradation, preventing the accumulation and transcriptional activity of β46 catenin. When Wnt ligands bind their receptor complex, the resulting activation of the cytoplasmic protein dishevelled inactivates GSK3β, thereby preventing degradation of soluble β-catenin and stabilizing it in the cytoplasm (Hirata et al. 2011; Menezes et al. 2012). Cytoplasmic β-catenin then translocates to the nucleus, where it heterodimerises with transcription factors of the T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer–binding factor (TCF/LEF) family (van Es et al. 2003). Accumulation of soluble β-catenin is therefore critical for activation of Wnt transcription in the pathway. More recently, another group reported that activation of Wnt/βcatenin signalling is involved in prostate cancer initiation and progression in a mouse model (Yu et al. 2011). Together, these findings imply that the Wnt canonical pathway is involved in the pathogenesis of a subgroup of advanced prostate cancers. 2.7.2. ANDROGEN RECEPTOR AND Β-CATENIN Initiating the normal and cancerous prostate cell cycle progression is the activity of the growth factor androgen receptor (AR), which is found to be mutated in most late stage prostate cancers. The Wnt pathway and its interaction with AR have been suspected to play important roles in prostate cancer (Wang et al. 2008). Initiating the cell cycle progression is the activity of the growth factor androgen receptor (AR), which is found to be mutated in most late stage prostate cancers and is widely accepted to be the initiator of prostate cell replication and differentiation through transcription of mitogenic and anti-apoptotic. Pathways such as the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway drive the cells towards growth and differentiation while interaction with the anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL prevent the cells from entering into apoptosis when AR is stimulated (Sun et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2008). Because AR signalling has also been shown to play a key role in prostate carcinogenesis, androgen ablation therapy is a commonly used form of treatment, particularly for advanced disease. While ablation therapy leads to initially significant levels of prostate cancer cell apoptosis, the effect is short-lived and 47 ultimately not curative as most patients develop androgen-independent disease (D'Antonio et al. 2008). Manipulation of this growth factor by; upregulation of receptors, mutation to a constitutively active form or a complete loss of AR as a mitogenic requirement are characteristics of late stage prostate cancer (Peng et al. 2008). Levels of β-catenin and AR are both increased in hormone refractory prostate cancer, βcatenin is activated by canonical Wnt stimulation, but mutated forms of β-catenin, which can result in a permanently stabilised protein, have also been detected in prostate cancer. βcatenin has multiple functions that involve both cell adhesion and signal transduction in response to Wnt ligands (Chesire et al. 2002). In the absence of Wnt ligands, GSK3β complexes with other proteins and degrades cytoplasmic β-catenin, but when Wnt ligands bind to the frizzled receptor complex, the resulting activation of the cytoplasmic protein dishevelled inactivates GSK3β, thereby preventing degradation of β-catenin (Wan et al. 2010; Wan et al. 2012). It is important to note that GSK3β has been linked to prevention of AR transcriptional activity; so Wnt ligand binding both increases AR expression and β-catenin stability (Li et al. 2008). Upon stimulation, β-catenin translocates to the nucleus where it can drive cell cycle progression through interaction with T-cell factor (TCF)/lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF) transcription factors to initiate transcription of target genes such as c-Myc and Cyclin-D1, driving cell growth. As such, dysregulation of the Wnt, AR or β-catenin pathways can result in a metastatic, highly replicative phenotype (Wang et al. 2008). It has been postulated that the ratio of β-catenin/AR might be an important prognostic indicator that may even help define a subpopulation of men with prostate cancer for individualised management (Wan et al. 2012). 2.7.3. SFRP4 48 Secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4) is one of a group of proteins that antagonise the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway, decreasing Wnt activity and preventing activated β-catenin from forming (Drake et al. 2003; Drake et al. 2009). sFRP4 can also decrease invasiveness in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells and has been shown to be anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic in nature (Muley et al. 2010). Moreover, the correlation between increased membranous sFRP4 and β-catenin expression in a large human cohort supports evidence for sFRP4 as a prognostic marker in localised androgen-dependent prostate cancer (Horvath et al. 2004). Unlike other inhibitors of Wnt signalling, sFRP4 appears to affect androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer (Horvath et al. 2007). 49 3. CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. TISSUE CULTURE Cell culture was performed in a tissue culture facility located within a physical containment level 2 (PC2) grade laboratory in the school of Anatomy, Human Biology and Physiology at the University of Western Australia. The tissue culture facility utilised biohazard class II hoods and cell culture incubators operating at 37°C 5% CO2. Incubators were sterilised six monthly to prevent contamination and water in the 37°C water bath and incubators was treated with antibacterial agent Aqua-clear (Cleanware). 3.2. CELL CULTURE All cell lines were cultured in T-75cm2 tissue culture flasks with vented, filtered caps. Two types were used over the length of the project; one from Sarstedt (cat#83.1813.002) and one from Corning (cat#3290). Similarly 96 well plates (Sarstedt cat#83.1835.500, Corning cat#3595) and 6 well plates (Sarstedt cat#83.1839.500, Corning cat#3516) were bought from both companies with no detectable change in cellular adherence to plastic or growth rate. Tissue culture media was replaced every three days with cells reaching confluence approximately every five to eight days dependent upon seed rate. Flasks were reused for 4 passages before being replaced by a new flask. 10cm dishes were supplied by BD Falcon (cat#353003). 50 3.2.1. SUBCULTURE AND COUNTING OF CELLS All cell lines were subcultured in a similar manner. Cells had their media aspirated, 4ml of 1x Phosphate Buffer Solution (PBS) was added to the flask then aspirated off. Following the wash with 1xPBS, 3ml Trypsin 0.5% EDTA (Gibco Cat#25300) was quickly washed over the cells before being aspirated and another 3ml of Trypsin 0.5% EDTA was added, cells were moved to a 37°C 5% CO2 incubator for 5 minutes or until the cells had released off the surface. Flasks were given a gentle tap to encourage cell separation and to assist the release of adherent cells from the plastic surface. The trypsin wash step noticeably increased the speed at which cells would successfully release from the flask plastic. Following trypsinisation, 5ml of complete growth media was added into the flask, to inactivate the trypsin EDTA mixture, and the mixture was washed up and down along the flask’s base surface, increasing cell homogenisation and washing off the last adherent cells, before being transferred to a 15ml Falcon tube (Sarstedt Cat#62.554.205-500CS). The cells were mixed thoroughly to ensure homogeneity then 20µL was removed and placed into both sides of a haemocytometer. The inside 5x5 well section of the haemocytometer was counted on both sides, with the top and right line touching cells counted while the bottom and left touching cells were discarded. An average of the two numbers was taken and then multiplied x104 to get the concentration of cells/mL in suspension. 3.2.2. CELL CRYOPRESERVATION AND STORAGE To ensure adequate numbers of low passage cells, stocks were frozen down regularly for long term use. Cells were trypsinised and counted as previously described, and then the 15ml Falcon tube was centrifuged at 1.5krpm/0.4rcf on an Eppendorf 5702 centrifuge for 3 minutes. 51 Following centrifugation the cells were clumped in the bottom of the tube and the media/trypsin aspirated off. Freezing down solution was added such that the cells were left in a concentration of 1x106 cell/mL. Freezing down solution was a combination of 90% total growth media and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma cat#D2650). Cells were placed in a freezing down container (Nunc) containing -20°C isoproanol and moved into a -80°C freezer for 24 hours. After being in the -80°C freezer for 24 hours the cells were removed and placed in a liquid nitrogen long term storage container. 3.2.3. LNCAP CELLS The LNCaP clone was isolated in 1977 by J.S. Horoszewicz, from a needle aspiration biopsy of the left supraclavicular lymph node of a 50 year old Caucasian male with confirmed diagnosis of metastatic prostate carcinoma (Horoszewicz et al. 1980). These cells are responsive to 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which means they contain a functioning androgen receptor (AR) and are indicative of an early stage prostate cancer cell line even though they are metastatic in nature (Horoszewicz et al. 1983). The cells do not grow into a uniform monolayer but grow in clusters that must be broken apart when subculturing. They attach very lightly to the substrate plastic, will rapidly acidify the media and are a hypertetraploid. They contain high amounts of excess chromosome numbers with 22% of the cells containing 84 chromosomes, while cells with 86 (20%) and 87 (18%) also occur at high frequencies in culture. Two forms of androgen receptor exist in LNCaP cells, a 110kDa and 112kDa with the 112kDa shown to be phosphorylated form (Alimirah et al. 2006). 52 LNCAP MEDIA FORMULATION LNCaP cells (cat# CRL-1740) were sourced from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and grown in a media comprising of RPMI 1640 (Gibco Cat#21870) supplemented with; 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, DKSH Australia Cat#FBS S101), 1% penicillin streptomycin (Gibco Cat#15070), 1% Glutamax™ (Gibco Cat#35050), 10mM HEPES buffer (Sigma cat#H4034), 4.5g/L d-Glucose (Sigma cat#G7528) and 1mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma cat#S8636). 3.2.4. DU145 CELLS DU145 cells were isolated by (Stone et al. 1978) from a grade IV brain metastasis of prostate cancer in a 69 year old Caucasian male. They are used as a “classical” example of late stage prostate cancer and have moderate metastatic potential compared to PC3 cells. The cell line is only weakly positive for acid phosphatase and exhibits very low DHT activity and is considered androgen receptor (AR) negative. (Alimirah et al. 2006) have since determined that DU145 and PC3 cells contain AR in measurable levels however, the cells do not respond to AR stimulation and therefore have a broken pathway. Although they are not truly AR negative as they do express a form of the receptor, it is a completely inactive form. DU145 cells are a hypotriploid human cell line. DU145 MEDIA FORMULATION DU145 cells (cat#HTB-81) were sourced from the ATCC and grown in media comprising of Minimum Essential Medium Earle’s (MEM, Gibco cat#11090) supplemented with; 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% penicillin streptomycin, 1% Glutamax™, 1mM sodium pyruvte and 100µM MEM non-essential amino acids solution (Gibco cat#11140). 53 3.2.5. PC3 CELLS PC3 cells were isolated by (Kaighn et al. 1979) from a grade IV bone metastasis of prostate cancer in a 62 year old Caucasian male. They are used as a “classical” example of late stage prostate cancer and exhibit high metastatic potential. The cell line is only weakly positive for acid phosphatase and exhibits very low DHT activity and is considered androgen receptor (AR) negative. (Alimirah et al. 2006) have since determined that DU145 and PC3 cells contain AR in measurable levels but that the cells do not respond to AR stimulation and therefore have a broken pathway, but are not truly AR negative as they do express a form of the receptor, just an inactive form. PC3 MEDIA FORMULATION PC3 cells (cat#CRL-1435) were sourced from ATCC and grown in media comprising of F-12K (Kaighns Modification, Gibco cat#21127) supplemented with; 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% penicillin streptomycin and 1% Glutamax™. 3.3. DRUG DILUTIONS 3.3.1. PHENOXODIOL 151mg of Phenoxodiol, 2H-1-benzopyran-7-0,1,3-[4-hydroxyphenyl], was supplied from Novogen Pty Ltd in pink, slightly sticky, powdered form, in an amber glass bottle and was stored at 4°C in a container with desiccation crystals to prevent moisture build up. Phenoxodiol was delivered into the cells with DMSO as the carrier vehicle solution; hence all treatments 54 include a vehicle control group and the 10µM concentration has extra carrier added to equilibrate vehicle control between treatment groups. 3.3.2. PHENOXODIOL WORKING STOCK Phenoxodiol has a molecular weight of 240.26g/L and the treatment concentrations used in this thesis were determined to be 10µM and 30µM by Novogen. To get the dose to this level PXD was diluted at 10mg/mL, in cell culture sterile DMSO, which gave a concentration of approximately 41600µM. EQUATION 1 PHENOXODIOL WORKING STOCK EQUATION 3.3.3. PHENOXODIOL WORKING SOLUTION Following dilution in DMSO, PXD working stock was stored in a covered vial at -20°C for a maximum of three weeks before being discarded. Phenoxodiol was further diluted to make working solutions in the complete growth media appropriate to each cell line. Combining 10µL PXD stock (41600µM) with 990µL media resulting in a working solution with a concentration of 416µM which was then further diluted to reach the final cell concentrations of 10µM and 30µM. Vehicle control was standardised between all samples by addition of appropriately 55 concentrated DMSO in media to make DMSO working solution 10µL of DMSO was added into 990µL appropriate growth media per cell line. Where any dilution was performed a mirror dilution containing only DMSO was performed to get an equally concentrated vehicle control solution. TABLE 3 PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT CALCULATIONS PER ML OF MEDIA Treatment Group DMSO Working Phenoxodiol Media µL Solution µL Working Solution µL DMSO Control 72.15µL - 927.75µL 10µM Phenoxodiol 48.11µL 24.04 µL 927.75µL 30µM Phenoxodiol - 72.15µL 927.75µL EQUATION 2 PHENOXODIOL WORKING SOLUTION EQUATION 56 3.3.4. PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT Cells were seeded at the appropriate level and grown for 48 hours. After 48 hours growth media was aspirated from cells and replaced with appropriate treatment of Phenoxodiol; Vehicle Control (DMSO), 10µM PXD and 30µM PXD. Following 24 or 48 hours of treatment, media was removed and centrifuged to retain floating cells, and the experiment carried out. 3.3.5. DOCETAXEL 100mg of Docetaxel, 1,7β, 10β-trihydroxy-9-oxo-5β, 20-epoxytax-11-ene-2α, 4, 13α-triyl 4acetate-2-benzoate-13-{(2R,3S)}-3-[(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]-2-hydroxy-3phenylpropanoate}, was purchased (Sigma Aldrich Cat#01885) in a white crystalline powdered form. Powder was supplied in an amber glass bottle and was stored at -20°C in a container with desiccation crystals to prevent moisture build up. Docetaxel was delivered into the cells with DMSO as the carrier vehicle solution in two separate working solutions. All treatments include two vehicle control groups to equilibrate vehicle control between treatment groups. 3.3.6. DOCETAXEL WORKING STOCK AND WORKING SOLUTION The following dilution was performed on Docetaxel to produce the two usable working solutions (1.2378µM and 123.78nM) for use in an isobologram study with Phenoxodiol. Docetaxel has a molecular weight of 807.88g/L and the concentrations determined for use in this thesis were 0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 100nM. Docetaxel working solutions were discarded after use while working stock was kept at -20°C in a covered, sealed, glass bottle for a maximum of two weeks before being discarded. Where any dilution was performed a mirror dilution containing only DMSO was performed to get an equally concentrated vehicle control solution. 57 EQUATION 3 DOCETAXEL STOCK AND WORKING SOLUTIONS 3.4. OPTIMISATION OF PROLIFERATION MTS proliferation assays were performed to determine appropriate cell seeding rates for 96 well, 6 well and 10cm plate experiments over 48 hours of growth and 48 hours of treatment. The CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay (Promega cat#G3580) is a colorimetric method for determining the number of viable cells in proliferation, cytotoxicity or chemosensitivity assays. The CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Reagent contains a tetrazolium compound 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H- tetrazolium (MTS) and an electron coupling reagent phenazine ethosulfate (PES). PES has enhanced chemical stability, which allows it to be combined with MTS to form a stable solution. MTS absorbance was measured at 492nm on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader. 3.4.1. DETERMINATION OF CELL SEEDING CONCENTRATIONS To determine the appropriate number of cells to use in 96 and 6 well plate assays an initial cell seeding concentration assay was performed, on all three cells lines, to prevent cells from 58 reaching crowding induced senescence at the end of the treatment period (96 hours total growth). Cells were seeded into clear 96 well plates (Sarstedt cat#83.1835, Corning cat#CLS3595) with concentrations of; 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 and 5000 cells/100µL. Cells were seeded in the opposite direction to the treatment groups, if the treatments are in the direction of wells 2-3-4-5 then the wells are seeded B2-C2-D2-E2 and vice versa, this prevented bias in treatment groups caused by unequal cell volumes due to poor mixing. After 48 hours of growth all wells had the media aspirated and replaced with 100µL of fresh complete cell media. Plates underwent MTS proliferation analysis after 6, 24 and 48 hours of total growth post initial 48 hour period. Assays were performed by adding a 20µL volume of the CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Reagent directly to the 100µL of sample media and cells, incubating for 3 hours at 37°C 5% CO2, and then recording absorbance at 492nm with a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader. The quantity of formazan product as measured by the amount of 492nm absorbance is directly proportional to the number of living and metabolising cells in culture. TABLE 4: SEEDING CONCENTRATIONS AND VOLUMES Cell Line 96 Well Plate (100µL) 6 Well plate (2ml) 10cm Dish (5ml) LNCaP 30,000 cells/ml 54,000 cells/ml 100,000 cells/ml DU145 18,000 cells/ml 32,000 cells/ml 100,000 cells/ml PC3 25,000 cells/ml 45,000 cells/ml 100,000 cells/ml 3.4.2. PHENOXODIOL MTS ASSAY Phenoxodiol (PXD) was shown to increase activity of the MTS assay product formazen without cellular interface, all PXD MTS proliferation assays included n=2 no cell controls for all treatment groups to remove background absorbance increase caused by PXD. In final analysis 59 no cell controls were averaged and removed from each of the cell samples which varied from n=4 to n=6. Experimentation began with cells seeded at appropriate rates into clear 96 well plates (Sarstedt#83.1839, Corning#CLS3516) with a total volume of 100µL per well. All assays included the following groups; Vehicle control (DMSO), 10µM PXD and 30µM PXD over 24 and 48 hours. Cells were grown for 48 hours in an incubator at 37°C 5% CO2 before the complete cell media was aspirated and replaced with 100µL of appropriate treatment media then left to grow at incubator at 37°C 5% CO2 for 24 and 48 hours. Following appropriate growing period 20µL of CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution was added to each well, mixed gently with a pipette then left for 3 hours in an incubator at 37°C 5% CO2 then analysed on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader at 492nm. Vehicle Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD FIGURE 10 MTS ASSAY SETUP MTS assay setup with cell treatments indicated by yellow and no cell controls indicated by red, multiple cell lines could be grown on the same plate for 24 or 48 hour treatment however the two time points could not be performed on the same plate due to risk of contamination. 60 3.4.3. PHENOXODIOL DOCETAXEL ISOBOLOGRAM An isobologram is a test for properties of interference, additivity or synergy between two or more chemicals, and was performed between phenoxodiol and the common prostate cancer treatment Docetaxel, a taxane based anti-microtubulin chemotherapeutic agent. The isobologram had 24 individual treatment groups with 4 Phenoxodiol (0,5,10,30µM PXD) and 6 Docetaxel (and 0,0.1,1,5,10,100nM DOC) treatment concentrations, compared to each other. All treatments had a cell n=4 and no cell control of each n=2 resulting in a total of 144 wells per cell line per time course. Due to this high number only the 48 hour isobologram was performed to allow for maximal treatment variation. As the outside rows of 96 well plates have been shown to have a statistically significant difference in light absorption they were excluded from use resulting in the need for a single plate for each Phenoxodiol treatment group (4 plates total used). Cells were seeded at appropriate rates in 100µL complete growth media and left for 48 hours. 61 DOC Vehicle Control 0nM DOC 0.1nM DOC 5nM DOC 10nM 100nM DOC DOC FIGURE 11 96 WELL ISOBOLOGRAM SETUP The 96 well plate setup required for each cell line and Phenoxodiol concentration with yellow indicating cell containing wells and red indicating no cell control wells. Each cell line had 4 plates with varying levels of Phenoxodiol used; Vehicle Control (DMSO), 5µM, 10µM and 30µM Phenoxodiol. Cells were treated over a 48 hour period with all treatment groups balanced to the most concentrated DMSO group (30µM PXD + 100nM DOC). Following 48 hours of growth cells had their media aspirated and an appropriate media added to each well. Media was made to control for the DMSO vehicle used to deliver both the PXD and DOC treatments. In media preparation two sets of DOC working solutions were required (1.2378µM and 123.78nM) to be able to accurately pipette the volumes required across the spread of concentrations and as such two vehicle (DMSO) solutions were also required. 62 TABLE 5 ISOBOLOGRAM SETUP FOR VEHICLE CONTROL AND TREATMENT GROUPS PXD and DOC PXD PXD DOC DOC DOC DOC Media Concentrations Vehicle Working Vehicle Working Vehicle Working to total (µM and nM) Control Solution Control Solution Control Solution 1mL (µL) (DMSO) (µL) 1 1 (µL) 2 2 (µL) (µL) (416µM) (DMSO) (1.2378 (DMSO) (123.78 (µL) µM) (µL) nM) P0D0 72.11 - 80.79 - 8.08 - 839.02 P 0 D 0.1 72.11 - 80.79 - 7.27 .81 839.02 P0D1 72.11 - 80.79 - - 8.08 839.02 P0D5 72.11 - 76.75 4.04 8.08 - 839.02 P 0 D 10 72.11 - 72.71 8.08 8.08 - 839.02 P 0 D 100 72.11 - - 80.79 8.08 - 839.02 P5D0 60.09 12.02 80.79 - 8.08 - 839.02 P 5 D 0.1 60.09 12.02 80.79 - 7.27 .81 839.02 P5D1 60.09 12.02 80.79 - - 8.08 839.02 P5D5 60.09 12.02 76.75 4.04 8.08 - 839.02 P 5 D 10 60.09 12.02 72.71 8.08 8.08 - 839.02 P 5 D 100 60.09 12.02 - 80.79 8.08 - 839.02 P 10 D 0 48.07 24.04 80.79 - 8.08 - 839.02 P 10 D 0.1 48.07 24.04 80.79 - 7.27 .81 839.02 P 10 D 1 48.07 24.04 80.79 - - 8.08 839.02 P 10 D 5 48.07 24.04 76.75 4.04 8.08 - 839.02 P 10 D 10 48.07 24.04 72.71 8.08 8.08 - 839.02 P 10 D 100 48.07 24.04 - 80.79 8.08 - 839.02 P 30 D 0 - 72.11 80.79 - 8.08 - 839.02 P 30 D 0.1 - 72.11 80.79 - 7.27 .81 839.02 P 30 D 1 - 72.11 80.79 - - 8.08 839.02 P 30 D 5 - 72.11 76.75 4.04 8.08 - 839.02 P 30 D 10 - 72.11 72.71 8.08 8.08 - 839.02 P 30 D 100 - 72.11 - 80.79 8.08 - 839.02 The total number of solutions required were two DOC working and vehicle control solutions, one PXD working solution and one PXD vehicle control solution. Following 48 hours of 63 treatment, with PXD and DOC, 20µL of CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Reagent was added to each well and mixed gently then incubated at 37°C 5% CO2 for 3 hours before being analysed on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader at 492nm. 3.4.4. PHENOXODIOL AND CASPASE INHIBITION In order to understand potential interactions between the caspase signalling pathway and Phenoxodiol an experiment was performed using the pan caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK (Carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-(O-methyl)-fluoromethylketone) purchased from BD Pharmingen Cat#550377. Z-VAD-FMK is a cell permeable general caspase inhibitor that irreversibly binds to the catalytic site of caspase proteases and inhibits apoptosis. 1mg of ZVAD-FMK was reconstituted in 214µL of DMSO with a resulting stock concentration of 10mM. A final concentration of 10µM Z-VAD-FMK was used in the study with the maximal PXD dose of 30µM over a 48 hour period. Before use a titration was performed indicating that 100µM ZVAD-FMK was cytotoxic and 100nM Z-VAD-FMK was not sufficiently concentrated to prevent caspase activation from a UV irradiation source (measured by analysing activated Caspase-3 post irradiation). A final concentration of 10µM Z-VAD-FMK was chosen as it prevented Caspase-3 from activating post UV irradiation however cells did eventually enter into cell death when measured after 48 hours. A 100 fold dilution in complete cell media was performed to get a working solution of 100µM Z-VAD-FMK. Cells were seeded at appropriate levels in clear 96 well plates with cells n=4 and no cell controls n=2 for the treatment groups; Vehicle control, 10µM Caspase Inhibitor, 30µM PXD and 10µM CI + 30µM PXD. Following 48 hours of growth in a 37°C 5% CO2 incubator the media was aspirated and replaced with the appropriate treatment media. 64 TABLE 6 CASPASE INHIBITION AND PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT SOLUTIONS Treatment Phenoxodiol Phenoxodiol Caspase Caspase Media µL to Group DMSO Working Inhbitor Inhbitor make 1mL Working Solution DMSO Working Solution (µL) 416µM (µL) Working Solution Solution (µL) 100µM (µL) DMSO 72.15 - 100 - 827.85 72.15 - - 100 827.85 - 72.15 100 - 827.85 - 72.15 - 100 827.85 Control 10µM Caspase Inhibitor (CI) 30µM Phenoxodiol 10µM CI + 30µM Phenoxodiol Following 48 hours of treatment, with PXD and CI, 20µL of CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Reagent was added to each well and mixed gently then incubated at 37°C 5% CO2 for 3 hours before being analysed on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader at 492nm. 3.4.5. PHENOXODIOL AND DOCETAXEL COMBINATION TREATMENT In order to further understand the interaction of phenoxodiol and docetaxel an experiment was performed to analyse pre-treatment of cells with phenoxodiol and subsequent cell cytotoxicity when both solutions were recombined. Cells would be exposed to either; 48 hours of 10µM or 30µM phenoxodiol only, 48 hours of 100nM docetaxel only, 48 hours of 10µM/30µM phenoxodiol 100nM docetaxel combination, 48 hours of 10µM/30µM phenoxodiol and 24 hours of docetaxel or 48 hours docetaxel and 24 hours of 10µM/30µM 65 phenoxodiol. Cells were seeded at appropriate rates in 100µL complete growth media and left for 48 hours with an n=4 for treatment groups and n=2 for no cell (media only) controls. Media was then aspirated off and replaced with treatment media (as seen in table 4) with the two 48 hour/24 hour combinations receiving a normal dose of either; 10µM/30µM phenoxodiol or 100nM docetaxel. All treatments were controlled for DMSO vehicle concentration. After 24 hours of treatment the final treatment was given in concentrated form to the treatment wells that required it, either 100nM docetaxel to the 48 hour PXD 24 hour DOC treatment or 10µM/30µM PXD to the 48 hour DOC 24 hour PXD treatment, again DMSO vehicle was controlled for at this point. After a further 24 hour incubation, 20µL MTS was added to each well and incubated in the dark at 37°C 5% CO2 for 3 hours before being analysed on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader at 492nm. 3.4.6. PHENOXODIOL AND PURIFIED SFRP4 PROTEIN COMBINATION TREATMENT In order to assess the potential interaction of Phenoxodiol with the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway and non-canonical Wnt pathway, an experiment was performed utilising the frizzled receptor antagonist secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4). Cells would be proliferated for 48 hours then exposed to 48 hours of treatment utilising; vehicle control (PBS+DMSO), 125pg/mL sFRP4, 250ph/mL sFRP4, 500pg/mL sFRP4, 10µM Phenoxodiol, 30µM Phenoxodiol and a combination of 500pg/mL sFRP4/30µM Phenoxodiol. Cells were seeded at appropriate rates in 100µL complete growth media and left for 48 hours with an n=4 for treatment groups and n=2 for no cell (media only) controls. Following 48 hours of growth the complete media was aspirated off and replaced with treatment media (below) with the working solution concentration of sFRP4 purified protein being 125µg/mL in PBS. After 48 hours of incubation, 66 20µL MTS was added to each well and incubated in the dark at 37°C 5% CO2 for 3 hours before being analysed on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader at 492nm. TABLE 7 SFRP4 & PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT SOLUTIONS Treatment DMSO Phenoxodiol Group Working Solution (µL) Vehicle PBS (µL) sFRP4 Media µL to Working Working 1mL Solution Solution 416µM (µL) (125µg/mL) 72.15 - 4 - 923.85 72.15 - 3 1 923.85 72.15 - 2 2 923.85 72.15 - - 4 923.85 48.11 24.04 4 - 923.85 - 72.15 4 - 923.85 - 72.15 - 4 923.85 Control (DMSO + PBS) 125pg/mL sFRP4 250pg/mL sFRP4 500pg/mL sFRP4 10µM Phenoxodiol 30µM Phenoxodiol 500pg/mL sFRP4 + 30µM Phenoxodiol 3.5. REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES DETECTION Reactive oxygen species (ROS), specifically nitric oxide (NO), detection was performed using a Griess Reagent System (Promega cat#G2930). The Griess system uses sulfanilamide and N-1naphthylethylenediamine dichloride (NED) under acidic conditions supplied by phosphoric acid. This assay measures the NO2- which is one of two stable non-volatile breakdown products from NO production. 67 Cells were seeded at the appropriate rate on a 96 well plate with cell controls of n=4 and no cell controls n=2 with 4 treatment groups; Vehicle control, 10µM PXD, 30µM PXD, DEAN and SNP. Following 48 hours of growth cells were treated with appropriate levels of Vehicle control, Phenoxodiol or DEAN for 24 and 48 hours. DEAN (Diethylamine NONOate diethylammonium salt, Sigma cat#D5431) a nitric oxide stimulator was used as a positive control to show that the cells can produce NO with appropriate stimulation. DEAN was in a stock concentration of 100mM and was diluted 1:1000 in complete cell media to become a final concentration of 100µM. Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) was another positive control utilised to indicate the cells were capable of producing nitric oxide when stimulated and was in a 10mM stock concentration that was diluted 1:100 in complete media to a final concentration of 100µM. Before the assay was run, 50µL of media was removed from each well leaving a volume of 50µL. A nitrite standard reference curve was performed on each assay plate. 1mL of 100µM nitrite solution was produced by diluting the 0.1M nitrite solution supplied with the assay kit 1:10,000 in complete media. 50µL media was added to rows B10-H10 and B11-H11 and 100µL of prepared 100µM nitrite solution was added to A10 and A11. Using a 200µL pipette set to 50µL each row had 50µL of sample taken and added into the next row, serially diluting the solution down until the final row (H) where the product was discarded. The standard curve wells were left with 50µL of nitrite and media solution in all wells with a concentration scale of 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.13, 1.56 and 0µM nitrite in rows A-H respectively. The sulfanilamide and NED solutions were allowed to come up to room temperature for 15 minutes, after being stored at 4°C. 50µL of sulfanilamide solution was added to each sample and standards well, bringing the total volume per well to 100µL and the plate was covered in 68 foil to protect it from the light, and incubated at room temperature for 10 minutes. Following incubation a further 50µL of NED solution was added to each well and the plate was again incubated and covered at room temperature for 10 minutes. Following this final incubation the plate was analysed on a Labsystems Multiskan RC plate reader at 540nm with increases in absorbance expression indicating increased NO output. 3.6. ACIDITY ANALYSIS Media was analysed post treatment with Phenoxodiol to test whether the drug was altering the acidity of the media. A pH meter was calibrated with buffer solutions before use and at a room temperature of 24°C. Post 48 hour treatment media was placed under the probe to analyse any pH changes between vehicle control and treatment groups. 3.7. APOPTOSIS ANALYSIS ASSAYS Following treatment with Phenoxodiol apoptosis and necrosis levels were determined through five assays; 3’-End Labelling DNA Fragmentation Analysis, Annexin-V-FLUOS/PI Flow Cytometry, Sybr Gold DNA Fragmentation Analysis, JC-1 Mitochondrial Potential Detection and Activated Caspase-3 Activity. DNA extraction was required for both 3’-End labelling and Sybr Gold DNA fragmentation assays. 3.7.1. DNA EXTRACTION Cells were seeded in 6-well plates, n=4, at appropriate seeding rates, and grown for 48 hours. Following 48 hours of growth the media was removed and replaced with 2mL of treatment 69 media containing; Vehicle control (DMSO), 10µM PXD or 30µM PXD. After 24 and 48 hours treatment, the media was removed, placed in a 2mL eppendorf tube and centrifuged at 800g. The media was then discarded leaving cells behind, while 1mL of 1xPBS was placed on each cell well. Wells were scraped with a cell scraper (Sarstedt cat#83.1832) and pipetted into the 2mL eppendorf tube that had their media centrifuged in. Cells were again centrifuged at 800g and 1xPBS supernatant discarded. Cells were then homogenised in 1mL of DNA homogenisation buffer4. The homogenate then had 62.5µL of 10% SDS added, was vortexed and incubated at 65°C for 30 minutes. 175µL of 8M potassium acetate was then added, vortexed and the homogenate incubated on ice for a further 60 minutes. Samples were then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4°C at 12,000rpm in an eppendorf refrigerated centrifuge (Eppendorf cat#5417R) and the supernatant was transferred to a new tube. 2µL of RNaseA 500µg/mL (Roche Applied Science cat#10109169001) was added and the mixture then incubated at 37°C for 1 hour. Equal volumes (500µL) of phenol:chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (1:1) were added and vortexed vigorously, then centrifuged at for 5 minutes at 4°C at 6000rpm. Upper aqueous phase was collected and 0.1 (50µL) volumes of 3M Sodium Acetate and 2.5 volumes (1250µL) of cold 100% ethanol were added and precipitated overnight at -80°C. Following precipitation DNA was centrifuged for 30 minutes at 14,000rpm and the supernatant removed. The pellet was washed with 100µL of 70% ethanol by vortexing and centrifuging for 3 minutes at 14,000rpm. Ethanol was discarded and the pellet air dried for at least 1 hour in a class I hood then resuspended in 20µL of dH2O, vortexed and placed in a 37°C incubator for 15 minutes. Solution was vortexed and gently centrifuged to ensure dissolution of DNA pellet into the dH2O, then a 2µL sample was taken and diluted in 48µL of dH2O for spectrophotometer analysis on a Nanodrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (Nanodrop cat#ND-1000) with samples outside of a 1.8-2 260/280nm range discarded. Samples were stored in a freezer at -80°C. 4 DNA Homogenisation Buffer: 0.1M NaCl, 0.01M EDTA pH 8.0, 0.3M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 0.2M Sucrose in H2O 70 3.7.2. 3’-END LABELLING DNA FRAGMENTATION ANALYSIS Three prime end labelling (3’-end labelling) was used as a method of quantitative and qualitative DNA fragmentation analysis. The radioactive phosphate isotope (P32) was bound to ddATP ([α32P]-ddATP, Amersham cat#PB10233-250uCI) and then an enzyme, terminal transferase, tagged all fragmented DNA with the isotope/ddATP mix, which was then exposed to film allowing for a qualitative measure of apoptosis versus necrosis. This was followed by radiation detection on a Packard Tri-Carb 1500 Liquid Scintillation Counter, allowing a quantitative measurement of apoptosis. To perform a 3’-end labelling fragmentation assay DNA was isolated and quantified as previously described. A total of 1µg of DNA was used per sample (n=4 per treatment) and the DNA solution diluted to 29µL total volume with ddH2O then added to a 3’-End Labelling reaction solution. TABLE 8 3'-END LABELLING REACTION MIXTURE Reagent Volume DNA (1µg in 29µL H2O) 29µL 5X Reaction Buffer5 10µL CoCl2 (25mM) solution 5µL [α32P]-ddATP (50µCi; 3.4pmol/µL) 5µL Terminal Transferase (25 units/µL in 50% glycerol stock diluted 80 fold in water) 1µL Once the solution was complete samples were; vortexed briefly, quickly centrifuged and then incubated at 37°C for 60 minutes. The reaction was terminated with the addition of 5µL of 0.25M EDTA and then 2µL of transfer RNA solution (25mg/mL) was added with 12µL 10M ammonium acetate and 180µL of -20°C 100% ethanol before the solution was vortexed and 5 Terminal Transferase Reaction Buffer (5X): 1M Potassium Cacodylate, 0.125M Tris-HCl, 1.25mg/mL BSA; pH 6.6 71 precipitated at -80°C for 60 minutes. After the DNA was precipitated samples were centrifuged at 10,500rcf (Eppendorf Cat#5415C) for 20 minutes and the hot supernatant was discarded before the pellet was resuspended in 55µL of 1x TE. The precipitation step containing ammonium acetate and ethanol was repeated with the pellet air dried for 20 minutes, after the supernatant was discarded, then diluted in 40µL of 1x TE and stored at -20°C overnight. A 2% agarose-1x TAE gel was prepared and set while samples were thawed and 20µL of sample combined with 4µL of DNA loading buffer6 and loaded into the gel with the excess solution stored at -20°C. Samples underwent electrophoresis at 60 volts for between 2.5 and 4 hours in 1x TAE buffer. Following electrophoresis gels were placed into a gel slab dryer for 2 hours or until the gel had over 90% of it’s liquid content removed. The thin gel was then placed into plastic wrap and exposed to X-ray film (Kodak) at -80°C for 6-24 hours depending on sample run. Following film exposure the gel lanes were cut into individual strips and loaded into scintillation count tubes with 2mL of liquid scintillant. Tubes were then analysed for radioactivity using a Packard Liquid Scintillation counter and these counts per minute used to determine the level of apoptotic fragmentation in samples. 3.7.3. ANNEXIN-V-FLUOS PROPIDIUM IODIDE FLOW CYOMETRY An early feature of apoptosis is the translocation of the phosphatidylserine (PS) receptor from the inner to the outer surface of the plasma membrane. Annexin-V-Fluorescein (Annexin-VFLUOS, AVF) is a fluorescence binding protein with a high affinity for externalised 6 DNA Loading Buffer: 30% glycerol, 0.25% bromophenol blue, 0.25% xylene cylanol 72 phosphatidylserine receptor, and therefore a good detector of apoptotic cells. However, AVF can also enter necrotic/late stage apoptotic cells and bind to the PS exposed on the inner cell membrane. By staining simultaneously with Propidium Iodide (PI), a DNA stain that fluoresces once intercalated into double stranded DNA but is impermeable to complete cell membranes, we can distinguish apoptotic from necrotic cells as apoptotic cells will actively exclude PI until such a time as their membrane becomes breached. Annexin-V-FLUOS, Propidium Iodide double staining is able to detect healthy, apoptotic and late stage apoptotic/necrotic cells and was performed using the Roche Applied Science Annexin-V-FLUOS detection kit cat#1 828 681. TABLE 9 CELL STAINING WITH ANNEXIN-V/PROPIDIUM IODIDE (AV/PI) DOUBLE STAIN Cell Type AVF Staining PI Staining Normal Cells Negative Negative Necrotic Cells Positive Positive Apoptotic Cells Positive Negative Cells were seeded in 6-well plates, n=4, at appropriate seeding rates, and grown for 48 hours with an extra set of 3 wells required for machine setup. Following 48 hours of growth the media was removed and replaced with 2mL of treatment media containing; Normal Media (Setup Cells), Vehicle control (DMSO), 10µM PXD or 30µM PXD. After 24 and 48 hours treatment, the media was removed, placed in a 2mL eppendorf tube and centrifuged at 400g for 5 minutes. Cells had 1mL of 1xPBS added, then aspirated and centrifuged at 400g for 5 minutes, before 500µL 0.5% Trypsin-EDTA solution was added to each well and the cells incubated at 37°C 5% CO2 for 5 minutes. 200µL of complete media containing FBS was then added to inhibit further trypsin activity. Cells were then washed down the face of the 6 well plate, washing off any stuck cells, before being centrifuged at 400g for 5 minutes. Media was then removed from the cell pellet and pellet resuspended in 100µL of appropriate labelling 73 solution. Each time AV/PI staining was performed a set of setup cells was included in the extraction and treatment run, grown in normal media. These cells allowed for analysis between runs and correct FACS machine setup. TABLE 10 CELL STAINING SETUP FOR AV/PI Cell Type Stain Control Cells (n=1) No AVF and No PI Control Cells (n=1) AVF Only Control Cells (n=1) PI Only Vehicle Control Cells (n=4) AVF and PI Treatment Cells (n=4) AVF and PI TABLE 11 AV/PI LABELLING SOLUTIONS Staining Buffers Labelling Solution Recipe No AVF + No PI Added 100µl Incubation buffer to cell pellet AVF Only Mixed 204µl Incubation buffer + 4µl Annexin-V (enough for 1 sample) Added 100µl to cell pellet PI Only Mixed 204µl Incubation buffer7 + 4µl Propidium Iodide8 (enough for 1 sample) Added 100µl to cell pellet AVF + PI Mixed 1ml Incubation buffer + 100µl Annexin-V + 100µl Propidium Iodide (enough for 10 samples) Added 100µl to cell pellet After 100µL of appropriate buffer was added to each sample, cells were incubated for 15 minutes at 25°C in darkness. Incubation buffer was added with volume depending on cell pellet size, between 200 and 400µL was used to ensure an suitable event rate through the 7 8 Incubation Buffer: 10mM HEPES/NaOH, pH 7.4, 140mM NaCl, 5mM CaCl2 (keeps for 3 months at 4°C) PI Solution: Stock solution 50µg/ml in dH2O (PI is light sensitive and was stored at 4°C in the dark) 74 FACSCalibur (BD Biosciences cat#342976) at low speed. The flow cytometer was configured using a 488nm excitation and a 515nm bandpass filter for fluorescein detection and a 600nm filter for PI detection. Electronic compensation of the instrument was required to exclude overlapping of the two emission spectra and was performed by the FACS specialist, Dr Kathy Heel from the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis, University of Western Australia. Post experimental graphing was performed using FlowJo software version 7.2.5, engine 1.999995. Once cell populations were gated appropriately to exclude fragments/doublets/triplets the cells fell within the 3 areas, No staining (live cells), Annexin-VFLUOS only (Early apoptotic cells) and double staining of Annexin-V-FLUOS and Propidium Iodide (Late stage apoptosis/Necrotic death). The % of cells within each set of gates was then graphed. 3.7.4. SYBR GOLD FRAGMENTATION ANALYSIS SYBR Gold staining was performed as a measure of qualitating DNA quality and checking 3’-end fragmentation laddering. SYBR Gold (Invitrogen cat#S11494) is a DNA intercalating agent that allows for detection of DNA in a cell. Apoptosis produces a characteristic laddering effect within the cellular DNA due to initiation of endogenous endonuclease activity on sites between nucleosomes. Nucleosomes lie approximately 200 base pairs (bp) apart and the result of endonuclease activation is 180bp internucleosomal fragments and multiples thereof. Analysis of cellular DNA through an agarose gel provides a characteristic laddering effect if cells are undergoing apoptosis, or a smear if the cells are necrotic. DNA was extracted as previously described9 and 1µg of DNA was determined by spectrophotometer then placed into a 2% agarose Tris-acetate EDTA (TAE) gel with 1µL of Loading Buffer10 (Promega Cat# G1881) per 9 3.7.1 DNA Extraction Page: 69 Loading Buffer: 0.4% orange G, 0.03% bromophenol blue, 0.03% xylene cyanol FF, 15% Ficoll® 400, 10mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and 50mM EDTA (pH 8.0) 10 75 5µL of sample. 40 volts was applied to the gel over a period of 4 hours to allow for high resolution of the samples before the gel was placed into a container with 1xSYBR Gold11 TAE12 buffer covering the gel completely then placed in the dark for 40 minutes. Following staining the gel was placed on a Kodak Imager 2000 and excited at 465nm while emission was read at 535nm. FIGURE 12 LNCAP SYBR GOLD VISUALISED DNA FRAGMENTATION WITH DNA LADDER, LOW WEIGHT DNA FRAGMENTATION IS VISIBLE 3.7.5. JC-1 MITOCHONDRIAL POTENTIAL ASSAY At the onset of apoptosis, the mitochondrial membrane is rapidly depolarised (Hong et al. 2004). Accompanying this, 5,5’,6,6’-tetrachloro-1,1’,3,3’-tetraethylbenzimidazolcarbo-cyanine 11 12 SYBR Gold Stock 10,000x made up to 1x in TAE 40 mM Tris-acetate, 1 mM EDTA pH 7.5–8.0 76 iodide (JC-1) incorporates into mitochondria and forms monomers that fluoresce green (520nm), whereas at high membrane potentials it forms J-aggregates which fluoresce red (590nm) (Salvioli et al. 1997). Therefore the ratio of aggregated versus monomeric JC-1 gives a quantitative representation of mitochondrial membrane permeability such that a low red:green ratio is indicative of apoptosis (Zamzami et al. 2000; Zamzami et al. 2000). The JC-1 mitochondrial assay (Invitrogen, cat#M34152) assesses mitochondrial membrane potential in live cells and allows for quantification of depolarisation of mitochondria, an event characteristic of early stage cell death signalling. JC-1 penetrates the cytosol of eukaryotic cells and exhibits potential-dependent accumulation in mitochondria, indicated by a fluorescence emission shift from green (~529nm) to red (~590nm). Consequently, mitochondrial depolarisation is indicated by a decrease in the red/green fluorescence intensity ratio. As a positive control the kit used carbonylcyanide-4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) a potent mitochondrial depolarising agent. Cells were seeded with appropriate number onto white 96 well fluorescent plates (Greiner BioOne cat#675083) and following 48 hours of growth media was removed and appropriate treatment used with cell control n=4 and no cell controls n=2. Four treatments were used with; normal media for FCCP staining, vehicle control (DMSO), 10µM PXD and 30µM PXD over 24 and 48 treatment times. JC-1 staining solution was made up each assay by combining 2.5mM JC-1 stock solution (Molecular Probes cat#T-3168) 1:75 in media without FBS. FCCP staining solution was made up using 1:75 JC-1 buffer with 1:66 FCCP (50mM stock) in media without FBS. Following treatment with Phenoxodiol the media was removed and either 50µL JC-1 or 50µL of JC-1/FCCP staining solution was added to each well and incubated at 37°C 5% CO 2 covered to protect the plate from light, for one hour. Following incubation staining solution was removed and 200μl PBS with 5% Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) was added to each well to quench excess 77 fluorescence. The plate was incubated for 5 minutes at 37°C 5% CO2 before the PBS/BSA solution was removed and 100µL PBS added to each well. The assay was read on a BMG Labtech Fluostar Optima fluorescent plate reader with the plate chamber set to 37°C and each well measured in a 5x5 cross-section. A set gain level was used between all cell lines and time points. Excitation/Emission was measured from the top, green fluorescence was measured at 485nm excitation and 520nm emission while red fluorescence was measured at 544nm excitation and 590nm emission. Red results were divided by green to get the ratio of red to green emission, with a low ratio indicated high depolarisation rate and early apoptotic induction. 3.7.6. CASPASE-3 ACTIVITY ASSAY Activated Caspase-3 activity was measured using the EnzChek Capase-3 Assay Kit #2 from Invitrogen (cat#E13184) which contains a rhodamine 110 substrate compound Z-DEVD-R110 which is turned, by activated Caspase-3, into the green fluorescent rhodamine 110. Cells were plated onto a black fluorescent plate (Greiner Bio-One cat#675086) at the appropriate level and grown for 48 hours in normal media. Media was aspirated and replaced with treatment media; DMSO Control, 10µM and 30µM PXD n=4 plus n=2 no cell controls. Caspase-3 staining dye was prepared with 100µL per sample containing; 20µL 5x Reaction Buffer13, 0.5µL Dithiothreitol (DTT), 5µL 20x Cell Lysis Buffer14, 0.5µL Z-DEVD-R110 substrate and 74µL of deionised water. Following 24 and 48 hours of total exposure to treatment media, media was aspirated from the cells and replaced with 100µL of Caspase-3 staining dye per sample. 96 well plates were covered with foil and placed on ice to incubate for 30 minutes 13 14 Reaction buffer: 20mL of 50mM PIPES, pH 7.4, 10mM EDTA, 0.5% CHAPS Cell lysis buffer: 1.5mL of 200mM TRIS, pH 7.5, 2M NaCl, 20mM EDTA, 0.2% Triton-X-100 78 before being incubated at room temperature for a following 30 minutes. The assay was read on a BMG Labtech Fluostar Optima fluorescent plate reader with the plate chamber set to 37°C and each well measured in a 5x5 cross-section. Excitation/Emission was measured from the top with fluorescence occurring when activated Caspase-3 had converted Z-DEVD-R110 into R110. Cells were measured at 496nm excitation and 520nm emission with a set gain level between cell lines and time points used. 3.8. CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS To determine if Phenoxodiol induced any potent cell cycle effects propidium iodide cell cycle analysis was performed using a BD FACS Canto II flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, Cat# 338962). Cells were analysed for DNA content through fluorescence of propidium iodide which increases in fluorescence by 20 to 30 fold once intercalated into nucleic acids. Cells are measured with a given fluorescence level and through shape and size analysis G1 content can be attributed to a given population, G2 is assumed to be between 1.9 and 2.1 fold greater in DNA fluorescence with S phase cells between the two population peaks. Analysis of forward scatter (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) area (-A), height (-H) and width (-W) in the cell population allowed for determination of cell size and cell complexity/granularity respectively. Using complexity and cell size allowed cell fragments, doublets and triplets to be discarded and gated out of analysis with a minimum of 10,000 individual cells within gated regions being counted for significance to be reached. 79 3.8.1. CELL CYCLE PREPARATION Cells were plated at 1x105 cell/mL with 5mL total media in 100mm plates (BD Falcon cat#353003) and grown for 48 hours before appropriate treatment was used; Normal media, vehicle control, 10µM and 30µM PXD (n=4). Cells were grown for 24 and 48 hours then media was aspirated and centrifuged for 4 minutes at 400g while dishes were coated with 4mL of 1x PBS and washed. Media was removed from the cell pellet and replaced with 1x PBS aspirated from cell plates and centrifuged again for 4 minutes at 400g while 3mL of trypsin-EDTA was placed into each plate and incubated for at least 5 minutes at 37°C 5% CO2. Once trypsinisation had occurred, determined by a majority of cells separating, 3mL of 1x PBS was added to each plate and cells washed then placed into tubes containing the cell pellet from media and 1x PBS wash centrifugation. Cells were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 400g ,leaving a large cell pellet, before media was aspirated leaving just the pellet behind. Cells were then gently vortexed while a 4mL, -20°C, 70% ethanol 30% water mixture was added drop-wise into the vortexing cells causing fixation. Cells were stored at 4°C for up to 3 months in the 70% ethanol solution with longer storage possible although not performed in this experiment. Following fixation, on the day of analysis, cells were centrifuged out of the 70% ethanol solution at 800g for 5 minutes, a higher g rating is required as the ethanol partly crenates the cells and prevents successful centrifugation at the lower 400g rating previously used. Following centrifugation ethanol was removed and replaced with 3mL of 1x PBS before being centrifuged at 400g for 5 minutes. PBS was aspirated and again replaced with 1x PBS and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 400g to ensure complete cell rehydration. Following second and final rehydration step the cell had 1x PBS removed and replaced by between 400 and 1mL of propidium iodide 80 staining solution before being incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C to allow RNAse activity to occur. TABLE 12 PROPIDIUM IODIDE STAINING SOLUTION PER 30ML Chemical Volume Fetal Bovine Serum 600µL Sodium Citrate 30mg EDTA 2.3mg Triton X-100 9µL Propidium Iodide 1.5mg RNAse A (10u/µL) 15µL H2O 29376µL 3.8.2. CELL CYCLE FLOW CYTOMETRY When cell cycle flow cytometry was performed, negative controls were used to setup the machine to within parameters to allow for accurate gating, assessment and analysis of samples. Samples were optimally analysed at between 100 and 200 events per second, greater events per second were prevented by addition of extra PI buffer and low levels were prevented by using low initial volumes of buffer to stain the cells. The events per second and gating used during analysis was critical in increasing resolution sampling. Cells were first removed from their tubes and, before use in the BD FACS Canto II, each sample was pipetted through a 30µm nylon mesh, to remove cell clumping, and was then placed into a FACS sample tube and run through the FACS Canto II on low speed setting which significantly increased cell resolution over the medium or high speed sampling. The flow cytometer fluoresced cells at 81 488nm excitation and detected at 619nm emission. Cells were detected and recorded in linear mode. Once cell fluorescence was detected the laser voltage settings were adjusted to move cells into the gated area, voltage was adjusted per run dependent upon cell type and moved cells on the PI_DNA-A (y-axis) versus PI-A (x-axis) graph towards a 45 degree. Once the voltage was set, cells were gated to exclude doublets, triplets and cell debris using a SSC-A versus FSC-A graph. FSC-A and FSC-H population counts were determined by the SSC-A versus FSC-A graph and the populations were then equalised by altering FSC area scaling until each was displaying a close (≥95%) population count. FSC was then determined to be accurately configured. Once FSC-A and FSC-H had been configured PI_DNA-A and PI-DNA-H detection was equalised by gating a SSC-A versus PI_DNA-A graph and placing a gate over the G1 population and using this population to determine the PI_DNA-A and PI_DNA-H population, which was configured by altering blue laser scaling until the population counts were close (≥95%) to each other and it was determined that cells were accurately configured. 82 FIGURE 13 CELL POPULATIONS MULTI-GATED IN FACS DIVA SOFTWARE FOR ACQUISITION AND ANALYSIS Gated populations used to determine FSC and PI_DNA for set-up of the FACS Canto II to detect DNA height and width in cells accurately. 83 FIGURE 14 CELL CYCLE POPULATIONS FOR ANALYSIS AQUIRED USING GATED POPULATIONS IN FACS DIVA SOFTWARE FSC and PI_DNA once they have been adjusted by altering FSC Scaling and Blue Laser scaling. Following successful setup cells were processed through the FACS Canto II until at least 10,000 events lay within the P3 gate. It is evident from the count versus PI_DNA-A graph that the cells have left shifted along the axis, this did not alter analysis as cell lines would shift left and right slightly based on sort rate, volume and would be compensated for in FlowJo. 84 3.8.3. CELL CYCLE DATA ANALYSIS Analysis of cell cycle results was performed using FlowJo software version 7.2.5, engine 1.999995. Cells were entered into a new workspace per experiment and each sample was gated first with FSC area (x-axis) and SSC area (y-axis) and then sub-gated looking at DNA Area (x-axis) and DNA Width (y-axis) before a cell cycle analysis was performed on the DNA subgated populations. FIGURE 15 EXAMPLE OF CELL POPULATION GATING FOR ANALYSIS IN FLOWJO SOFTWARE Example of cell population gating indicating how the side scatter/forward scatter population gate can remove doublet cells, triplet cells and small debris fields while DNA width/DNA area gate can be used to further remove cellular debris. Once a cell cycle analysis had been performed a Watson (pragmatic) analysis was performed with draw model sum, draw components and pattern fill turned on. With G2 populations assumed to be between 1.95 and 2.05 of the G1 population, dependent upon the cell line, and a serious change in G2 population and overall cell cycle shape, the Watson (pragmatic) analysis performed better in evaluating treatment effects upon cell cycle distribution, than the DeanJett-Fox (DJF) method. As an analysis the Watson (pragmatic) makes no assumptions about the shape of the s-phase distribution and fits the s-phase under the graph while the Dean-Jett-Fox 85 analysis assumes that the s-phase can be modelled by a second degree polynomial, requiring a G2 peak which was lacking in some treatments. Following analysis with FlowJo results were tabulated in Microsoft Excel 2007 and graphed using column and pie graph options. WATSON (PRAGMATIC) C ELL CYCLE DISTRIBUTION D E A N - J E T T - FO X C E L L C Y C L E D I ST R I B U T I O N G1 G2 S FIGURE 16 WATSON VERSUS DEAN-JETT-FOX CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS IN FLOWJO SOFTWARE A Watson (pragmatic) versus Dean-Jett-Fox (DJF) analysis of a control cell culture, clearly visible is the Gaussian distribution of the DJF S-phase as assumed by the G1 and G2 peak distribution versus the Watson (pragmatic) method of S-phase distribution defined by graph shape.G1 phase populations are represented in green, S phase populations in yellow and G2 phase populations in blue. 86 FIGURE 17 WATSON PRAGMATIC CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS OF PC3 CELLS UNDERGOING PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT The cell cycle of a PC3 cell treated with 30µM Phenoxodiol for 48 hours. The G2 peak is almost undetectable and only found by constraining samples so that G2 = 1.95-2.05 x G1. Analysis with DJF fails to determine S and G2 phases successfully, as determining a Gaussian distribution pattern is impossible without a G2 peak. Therefore DJF analysis cannot be used to on Phenoxodiol treated samples. 3.9. ASSESSMENT OF RNA EXPRESSION Analysis of RNA (ribonucleic acid) expression, targeting genes of interest, was performed through the use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. The technique utilised the Taq polymerase enzyme to make copies of messenger RNA (mRNA) genes, designated by primer sequences, and to use these copies to determine changes between control and treatment sample groups. This technique allowed measurement of expression levels of specific genes of interest which determined whether phenoxodiol was affecting particular signalling pathways within the cells. To perform this analysis cells would undergo RNA extraction, DNAse Treatment, Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR), RT-PCR cleanup and finally qPCR testing. 87 3.9.1. RNA EXTRACTION Cells underwent RNA extraction as the first step in mRNA analysis. Cells were seeded in 6-well plates, n=4, at appropriate seeding rates (stated above), and grown for 48 hours. Following 48 hours of growth the media was removed and replaced with 2mL of treatment media containing; Vehicle control (DMSO), 10µM PXD or 30µM PXD. After 24 and 48 hours treatment, the media was removed, placed in a 2mL eppendorf tube and centrifuged at 800g. The media was then discarded leaving cell pellet behind while 1mL of Tri Reagent (Molecular Research Centre Cat#TR118, now Tri Reagent RT Cat#RT111) was placed into each well. Tri Reagent works via the Chomczynski method of RNA separation using Guanidinium thiocyanate-phenolchloroform phase separation of DNA, RNA and protein (Chomczynski and Sacchi 1987). This method takes longer than a column based separation technique but has been shown to increase RNA purity. Wells were scraped with a cell scraper (Sarstedt) and pipetted into the 2mL eppendorf tube that had their media centrifuged in, then mixed vigorously with a 1000µL pipette (Eppendorf Cat#3121 000.120). Homogenised cells were rested at room temperature for 5 minutes before the addition of 200µL chloroform (Sigma-Aldrich Cat#472476) was added to each sample. Tubes were shaken for 30 seconds before resting at room temperature for 10 minutes. Tubes were then centrifuged for 15 minutes at 12,000g 4°C with the top layer (typically 70% of the sample) of the phase separated mixture being transferred to a new tube leaving behind a DNA and protein solution. 500µL of isopropanol was then added to the top phase that had been removed from each sample and was vortexed then stored overnight at 4°C. Following overnight storage samples were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4°C and 12000g. A white pellet forms at the base of the tube, the supernatant is removed leaving behind the 88 pellet and 1mL of -20°C 75% Ethanol was added to each tube, samples were vortexed then centrifuged again for 5 minutes at 4°C and 12,000g. Following the 75% ethanol wash step the ethanol was removed leaving behind a pellet which was air dried in a class 1 biohazard hood for approximately 5 minutes before the addition of 50µL of DEPC treated water (ribonuclease free). 3.9.2. RNA INTEGRITY RNA sample purity and concentration was determined by taking a 2µL aliquot of each sample for spectrophotometer analysis on a Nanodrop 1000 spectrophotometer (ThermoScientific cat#ND1000) with samples outside of a 1.7-2 260/280nm range discarded and those within stored at -80°C. RNA also underwent electrophoresis on a 1.5% agarose-TAE gel with ethidium bromide or Sybrsafe (Invitrogen Cat#S33102), as the preferred nucleotide fluorescent stain, added to the gel before it was set in a mould. Five microliters of RNA was combined with 1µL of 6x Blue/Orange Loading Dye (Promega Cat#G1881) and placed in the gel under a 1X TAE buffer at 100 volts for 30 minutes. Visualisation of the 28s, 18s, and 5s ribosomal bands was established under ultra violet light using a Kodak 2000MM Image Station. Samples were stored at -80°C. Sample purity and concentration was determined by taking a 2µL aliquot of each sample for spectrophotometer analysis on a Nanodrop spectrophotometer with samples outside of a 1.7-1.9 260/280nm range discarded. 3.9.3. DNASE TREATMENT RNA was DNase treated to remove any genomic DNA before use, with an RQ1 RNase-free DNase treatment (Promega Cat#M6101). The quantity of sample required for 2µg of RNA was determined with a spectrophotometer then 2µL of RQ1 DNase and 1µL of RQ1 DNase 10X 89 Reaction buffer15 was added to the RNA in 200µL clear Axygen PCR tubes (Fisher Biotec Cat#PCR-02-C) and made up to a final volume of 10µL of DEPC treated, nuclease free water. The solution was vortexed and placed in a PTC-100 thermocycler (MJ Research Inc Cat#PTC100 ) at 37°C for 30 minutes. Following DNase treatment 1µL of DNase Stop solution16 was added to each tube, mixed via vortexing and the tubes returned to the thermal cycler for another 10 minutes at 65°C to inhibit the activity of the DNase leaving a 2µg solution of RNA with a volume of 11µL. TABLE 13 RQ1 DNASE TREATMENT REACTION COMPONENTS Reagent Volume 2µg RNA __µL RQ1 RNase Free DNase 2µL RQ1 10x Reaction Buffer 1µL H2O Volume to final reaction volume of 10µL 3.9.4. REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) is a technique which takes purified RNA and amplifies the low yield RNA whilst also producing a complementary strand referred to as complementary DNA (cDNA). This strand allows for increased stability of mRNA as well as the subsequent amplification increasing the ability to perform PCR analysis of expression of specific mRNA sequences within a sample. One microgram of DNase treated RNA was processed through RT PCR using a M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase RNase H Minus, Point Mutant Taq enzyme (Promega Cat#M3682). Briefly, 1g of 15 16 400mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 100mM MgSO4 and 10mM CaCl2. 20mM EGTA (pH 8.0) 90 DNase treated RNA (5.5µL) had 8µL DEPC H2O and 0.5µL Random Primers (Promega Cat# C1181) added, mixed gently and heated to 70°C for five minutes and incubated on ice for five minutes. The following components were then added in order to give a total reaction volume of 25µL. TABLE 14 RT PCR REACTION COMPONENTS Reagent Volume M-MLV 5x Reaction Buffer17 5µL 10mM dNTP’s18 1.3µL M-MLV RNase H Minus, Point Mutant 1µL RNasin19 1µL DEPC H2O 2.7µL Following the addition of all components into the appropriate PCR tube the PTC-100 thermocycler was programmed to run for 10 minutes at 25°C, 50 minutes at 55°C and finally for 15 minutes at 70°C before holding at 4°C, samples were then stored at -20°0C. 3.9.5. POST PCR CLEAN-UP Following RT PCR a clean-up of excess dNTP’s, reaction salts, M-MLV Taq and unused primers from the sample cDNA was performed using an UltraClean PCR clean-up kit (MoBio Laboratories, Inc. Cat#12500). Each PCR reaction (25µL) was treated with a 5-times volume (125µl) of SpinBind (Guanidine-HCl/Isopropanol), mixed well and transferred to a spin filter unit and centrifuged at 13000rpm for 30 seconds. The flow-through was discarded, the filter basket returned to the tube and 300µl of SpinClean (<80% Ethanol solution) added to the filter. 17 At final concentration: 50mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 75mM KCl, 3mM MgCl2, 10mM DTT Promega Cat#C1145 19 Promega Cat#N2111 18 91 The spin column was then spun once for 30 seconds, with flowthrough discarded, then again for one minute. The filter basket was then removed to a clean 1.5ml tube and 50µl of Elution Buffer (10mM Tris, pH 8.0) added directly to the filter. The spin column was centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 30 seconds, the filter basket disposed of, with the resultant cDNA stored in a freezer at -20°C. 3.9.6. PRIMER DESIGN Before qPCR can occur primer sets must be designed to bind to the cDNA of the genes of interest exclusively. Primers are base pair sequences of arginine, guanine, cytosine and tyrosine that are ~20 base pairs long and are designed to be sequence specific to a gene of interest. Human nucleotide sequences were fetched from the Pubmed database ( and primers were checked or designed to bind to the gene sequence, or sequences if there were multiple available. Primers not available from published sources were designed using the online software and rechecked (Primer using 3, local software. All primers underwent a BLAST ( search check to ensure no cross reactivity. Primers not available from published works were designed to span at least one intron/exon boundary with a primer sequence specifically crossing the boundary to prevent the amplification of genomic DNA and ensure only cDNA replication. Wherever possible the GC content between primer sets was kept as close as possible to allow for equivalent annealing temperatures while primer designed with large regions of matching base pairs were excluded to limit primer dimerisation as much as possible. 92 TABLE 15 PRIMER SEQUENCES, PRODUCT SIZE AND ANNEALING TEMPERATURE Gene Sequence Product Size Annealing (Base Pairs) Temperature Forward: GATCACGCTGTTGTGAGTGG AIF 179bp 61°C 218bp 52°C 167bp 61°C 167bp 61°C 322bp 55°C 165bp 62°C 185bp 60°C 225bp 60°C 194bp 52°C 333bp 61°C 181bp 56°C 183bp 56°C Reverse: TCTTGTGCAGTTGCTTTTGC β-Catenin Forward: GATTTGATGGAGTTGGAC Reverse: TGTTCTTGAGTGAAGGAC Forward: GCTGGACATTGGACTTCCTC Bax Reverse: TCAGCCCATCTTCTTCCAGA Forward: ACAATGCAGCAGCCGAGAG Bcl-xL Reverse: ATGTGGTGGAGCAGAGAAGG Caspase 3 Forward: AAGGATCCTTAATAAAGGTATCCATGGAGAACACT Reverse: AAAGAATTCCATCACGCATCAATTCCACAATTTCTT Cyclin-D1 Forward: AACTACCTGGACCGCTTCCT Reverse: CCACTTGAGCTTGTTCACCA GAPDH Forward: CAGAACATCATCCCTGCATCCACT Reverse: GTTGCTGTTGAAGTCACAGGAGAC Ki-67 Forward: AGTCAGACCCAGTGGACACC Reverse: TGCTGCCGGTTAAGTTCTCT Forward: CTGAAGGTCAAAGGGAATGTG L19 Reverse: GGACAGAGTCTTGATGATCTC p21 WAF1 Forward: CCGAAGTCAGTTCCTTGTGG Reverse: AAGTCGAAGTTCCATCGCTCA sFRP4 Forward: CGATCGGTGCAAGTGTAAAA Reverse: GACTTGAGTTCGAGGGATGG XIAP Forward: GGGGTTCAGTTTCAAGGACA Reverse: CGCCTTAGCTGCTCTTCAGT 3.9.7. REAL TIME QUANTITATIVE PCR ANALYSIS Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a cycling of temperatures that results in the amplification of a specific product and shows if a particular gene is transcriptionally expressed. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is similar to PCR but has an additional fluorescent tag which binds to double 93 stranded DNA and provides, fluorometrically, a quantitative profile on the amplified product. Each annealed primer-cDNA set denatures into single strands within a small temperature range according to its length, sequence and GC content (Ririe et al. 1997). Real time quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis was performed on the clean cDNA samples to detect and determine levels of gene expression within the cell lines, under treatment and vehicle control conditions, over 24 and 48 hours of treatment. In a regular PCR the mRNA is mixed with buffer, magnesium, dNTP’s, Taq enzyme and primers then undergoes repeated cycles of denaturation of the mRNA, annealing of the primers to the denatured mRNA and extension, which occur at different temperatures. The product is a specifically amplified region of mRNA. Quantitative PCR was initially performed upon samples to provide a viable product which was size confirmed using gel electrophoresis. Following electrophoresis samples were excised and purified to produce a saturated PCR positive sample which was serially diluted 10 fold in 1xTE (pH 8.0) until a set of standards had been produced which were run in duplicate in all reactions allowing accurate quantitation of qPCR product concentration. Corbett Life Science RG3000 and RG6000 (now Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q) real time PCR thermocyclers were used to perform all qPCR experiments. Quantitative PCR was conducted using two separate Taq enzymes; iQ Sybr Green Supermix 2X (Biorad, Cat#170-8882) and Immolase Taq (Bioline Cat#BIO-21046). iQ Sybr Green based qPCR’s were performed with a reaction mix of; 5μl 2X iQ Sybr Green Supermix20, 1μl forward primer, 1μl reverse primer, 1μl DEPC H2O and 2μl cDNA. Immolase 20 100mM KCl, 40mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.4, 0.4mM of each dNTP (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), iTaq DNA polymerase 50 units/ml, 6mM MgCl2, SYBR Green I, 20nM fluoresein, and stabilisers. 94 reactions had a reaction mix as seen in Table 14. Mixtures were denatured at 95°C for 10 minutes before cycling at the following steps; 95°C denature for 2 seconds, annealing at temperate specified in Table 1321 for 15 seconds and extension at 72°C for 10 seconds. Cycling was performed for between 40 and 45 total cycles after which a stepwise melt curve was performed. TABLE 16 IMMOLASE TAQ QPCR REACTION MIX Component Volume for 10µL Reaction (µL) 10X Buffer22 1.0 Immolase Taq 0.1 50mM MgCl2 0.5-0.8 Depending on primer set Sybr Green 0.5 10mM dNTP’s 0.4 Forward Primer 0.4 Reverse Primer 0.4 DEPC H2O 4.7-5.7 cDNA 1.0-2.0 Melt curves were performed for each qPCR reaction by heating the reaction in a 0.5°C stepwise fashion from 72°C up to 99°C to ensure the exclusive melting of the desired product. The fluorescence of the sample is plotted against the temperature, with a typical spike in fluorescence occurring at the temperature at which the product denatures. Accordingly, the desired product can be identified, as well as any contaminants such as primer dimerisation (primer-to-primer binding). The melt curve and standards R2 value were used to determine the quality of the sample run and reactions with high levels of multiple product formation and low R2 values were not quantified. 21 22 Page Number 61 Proprietary Buffer, reagent mix unavailable. 95 FIGURE 18 EXAMPLE OF A CYCLIN-D1 MELT CURVE 3.9.8. GEL ELECTROPHORESIS AND EXTRACTION Samples underwent gel electrophoresis against a known 100bp DNA Step Ladder (Promega Cat#G6951) to confirm product size and further ensure if primer dimerisation did occur at the same melt temperature as the gene of interest it was detected due to size differences. Samples underwent electrophoresis on a 1.5% agarose-TAE gel with 5µL per 50mL 10,000x GelRed (Biotium Cat#41002) nucleotide fluorescent stain added to the gel before it was set in a mould. Five microliters of sample was combined with 1µL of 6x Blue/Orange Loading Dye (Promega Cat#G1881) and placed in the gel under a 1x TAE buffer at 100 volts for 30 minutes. Visualisation of the 100bp DNA Step Ladder bands was established under ultra violet light using a UV illuminator and the appropriate product band was excised from the gel carefully to prevent UV irradiation. Using an Axyprep DNA gel extraction kit (Axygen Biosciences Cat#AP-GX-250) the excised gel band was placed into a pre weighed 2mL eppendorf tube, and the total weight was calculated and then removed from tube-only weight to work out gel-only weight. Once the gel weight was determined the gel extraction kit used an assumption of 100mg = 100µL of reagent volume. Once weighed, 3x sample volume of buffer DE-A was added to the tube and the 96 gel/buffer solution was heated at 75°C and vortexed until gel was fully solubilised. Once mixed 0.5x DE-A volume of buffer DE-B was added and if the fragment was <400bp then a further 1x sample volume of isopropanol was added to the tube. An Axyprep spin column was placed into a new 2mL eppendorf tube and the dissolved gel solution placed into the spin column then centrifuged at 12,000g for 1 minute. Filtrate was discarded and 500µL of buffer W1 was added through the spin column, sample was centrifuged at 12,000g for 30 seconds. The filtrate was discarded again and 700µL of buffer W2 added to the column and centrifuged for a further 30 seconds at 12,000g. The filtrate was again discarded and the column centrifuged for 60 seconds at 12,000g to ensure complete drying of the filter and removal of any residual buffer. The column was then placed into a new 1.5mL micro-centrifuge tube and 25µL of elutent pipetted onto the membrane, left to stand for 1 minute then centrifuged at 12,000g for 1 minute. The DNA was stored at -20°C in a post-PCR room for potential sequencing and to be serially diluted into PCR standards. 3.9.9. QPCR STANDARD PRODUCTION Standards were made for each gene to enable accurate quantification of products for qPCR reactions. Tenfold serial dilutions were made from gel extracted DNA standards were then used simultaneously in qPCRs to establish the relative expression of the cDNA of interest for each of the primer sets tested. Standards were cycled in duplicate and a standard curve was created to generate an R2≥0.99, with the experimental samples assigned a value depending on where they fit on the standard curve. By standardising these results against the human ribosomal L19 internal control, the amount of product in each sample is quantifiable. Samples were assigned values via rotor-gene software, Corbett Rotor-Gene 6000 application software, version 1.7 (Build 87). 97 TABLE 17 QPCR STANDARDS SERIAL DILUTION Standard Serial Dilution A Gel extracted sample B 1µL Standard A + 9µL 1x TE C 1µL Standard B + 9µL 1x TE D 1µL Standard C + 9µL 1x TE E 1µL Standard D + 9µL 1x TE F 1µL Standard E + 9µL 1x TE G 1µL Standard F + 9µL 1x TE H 1µL Standard G + 9µL 1x TE FIGURE 19 QPCR STANDARDS CYCLING ASSESSMENT Standards were 10 fold dilutions of each other, those with samples within their bounds were selected as the most appropriate standards for samples. Cycling analysis of standards allowed inappropriate replicates to be removed before analysis. Y axis contains concentration while X axis displays at which cycle detectable amplification of product began. 98 FIGURE 20 STANDARDS ANALYSIS BY CORBETT ROTOR-GENE 6000 SOFTWARE. Standards analysis from the Corbett rotor-gene software uses the standards to design a line of best fit with an R2≤.99 and apply this to cycling samples. Y axis contains a given count while X axis displays listed concentrations set by user. FIGURE 21 QPCR FULL RUN STANDARDS AND SAMPLES A qPCR experiment displaying both standards and samples with each other, negative samples are not displayed as they do not cycle. 99 FIGURE 22 STANDARDS AND SAMPLES ANALYSIS BY CORBETT ROTOR-GENE 6000 SOFTWARE A completed run with samples and standards displayed against the generated line of best fit. 3.10. ASSESSMENT OF PROTEIN EXPRESSION Protein expression changes following treatment with Phenoxodiol was determined by analysis using the western blot technique. Protein analysis by Western blot shows whether a particular protein is translationally expressed for the epitote that is specific to the particular antibody used. Western blot analysis was performed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) to separate different size proteins which were then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane where primary antibodies were bound to the epitope of proteins followed by a secondary tagged antibody to visualise proteins of interest. The cytoskeleton protein β-actin was used as a control standard to prevent variation in results due to loading or concentration differences. 100 3.10.1. PROTEIN EXTRACTION Protein was extracted from all cell lines using a Radioimmunoprecipitation (RIPA) Buffer consisting of 150mM NaCl, 50mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 1% Triton X-100, 0.5% Sodium Deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS and 0.1mM Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) in dH2O. Cells were seeded into either 6 well, or 10cm dishes, at appropriate concentrations then covered with 2mL of complete cell media and incubated at 37°C 5% CO2 for 48 hours. Media was then aspirated off and replaced with appropriate volumes of treatment media (2mL per well, in a 6 well plate, or 5mL per 10cm dishes) and incubated for either 24 or 48 hours at 37°C 5% CO2. RIPA buffer was prepared directly before addition to the wells containing cells for every extraction by addition in order of; 50mg sodium deoxycholate, 1.5ml 1M NaCl, 100μl of 10% SDS, 500μl 1M Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and 100μl Triton X-100 dissolved in 7.8ml of dH2O. Following preparation buffer was placed into -20°C to chill to as cold as possible without freezing before use, immediately prior to use 10μl of -20°C 100mM PMSF was added. To prepare samples for use media was aspirated off the 6-well/10cm dishes and placed into a 2mL/15mL eppendorf tube and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 800g. The media in the tubes was then aspirated post centrifuge leaving the cell pellet behind. Either 1mL or 3mL of sterile 4°C 1xPBS (pH 7.4) buffer was added to each well/dish and then the well/dish was scraped with a cell scraper and resulting cell and 1xPBS mixture pipetted into the 2mL/15mL eppendorf tubes where appropriate, then centrifuged for 5 minutes at 800g. The addition of the 1xPBS and scrape steps was critical for removing excess FBS from samples before RIPA buffer was added, as FBS was found to interfere with accurate protein extraction causing the western blot analysis to fail. Once the cell pellet was in the tube and the supernatant removed, 50µL RIPA buffer was added to 6-well plate samples or 200µL RIPA buffer added to 10cm dish samples, all were mixed and cells lysed via vigorous pipetting and vortexing before being transferred to new 1.5mL eppendorf tubes. Samples were then left to sit on ice at for 30 minutes before 101 being placed into a 4°C centrifuge and centrifuged at maximum speed for 5 minutes. Supernatant was transferred to a new tube and stored at -80°C for use in protein quantification and western blot analysis. 3.10.2. BRADFORD PROTEIN QUANTIFICATION ASSAY The Bradford protein quantification assay uses a standard curve to help determine concentration of protein in samples. Protein standards were made by serial dilution of acetylated Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA 10mg/ml) to create standards ranging from 500 to 100μg/ml protein. TABLE 18 BRADFORD PROTEIN STANDARDS SETUP Solution Concentration of BSA Components A 500µg/mL 50µL BSA (10mg/mL) + 950µL 0.01xPBS B 400µg/mL 760µL A + 190µL 0.01xPBS C 300µg/mL 750µL B + 250µL 0.01xPBS D 200µg/mL 600µL C + 300µL 0.01xPBS E 100µg/mL 400µL D + 400µL 0.01xPBS Protein samples were diluted 1:20 in 0.01M PBS and 10μl transferred into glass tubes. In duplicate, 10μl of each Standard was transferred to glass tubes, to which 200μl of protein dye was added, vortexed and incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature. The colour of the protein samples was checked against the Standards to ensure their colour would fit within the standard curve. 0.01M PBS was used to zero the nanodrop spectrophotometer. Standards were analysed by 2µL addition to the spectrophotometer and using a visible light analysis a standard curve produced. Sample concentration was determined by adding 2μl to the 102 nanodrop and analysing with the spectrophotometer, and the concentration of protein (μg/ml) was extrapolated from the standard curve and then multiplied by 20 to remove the initial dilution factor. 3.10.3. SDS-PAGE WESTERN BLOT ANALYSIS Protein analysis was performed using a western blot analysis whereby protein expression is determined through antibody binding to specific epitopes on target proteins followed by chemo-luminescent visualisation of the antibody binding. Once visualised, quantification of samples can occur by the comparative luminosity of treatment versus control accounting for the β-actin loading control. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDSPAGE) is the process where protein samples are separated into fragments according to their molecular weight, this occurs by loading protein into an acrylamide gel and running a current through the gel. Proteins move through the gel at a speed designated by their molecular weight, charge and conformation. A Biorad Mini Trans-Blot Electrophoretic Transfer Cell apparatus (Bio-Rad Cat#170-3930) was used to perform both SDS-PAGE protein separation and the nitrocellulose membrane transfer. Glass plates with 1mm spacers, their accompanying smaller glass plates and the 12 well combs were cleaned with 70% ethanol, allowed to dry then aligned and placed into the stacking gel locking mechanism. A 12% acrylamide separating gel was poured into the space between the two glass plates until separating gel was approximately 1.5cm below the top of the glass plates, 200µL of dH2O was then added to each corner of the separating gel and left for 20 minutes to set. Blotting paper was then used to remove excess dH2O and unset gel, if the separating gel was not completely flat across the top surface the gel was destroyed, glass plates cleaned and another separating gel poured. Once the separating gel was correctly 103 formed, a 4% acrylamide stacking gel was poured across the top of the separating gel, with the 12 well comb placed into it, ensuring no air bubbles formed at the base of the comb, to prevent issues with protein loading. TABLE 19 SDS-PAGE/ACRYLAMIDE GEL RECIPE Gel Ingredient Volume, 12% Volume, 4% Stacking Separating Gel Gel ddH2O 3.3mL 6.1mL 1.5M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8) 2.5mL - 0.5M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8) - 2.5mL 10% SDS 100µL 100µL 30% Acrylamide/Bis23 4.0mL 1.33mL 10% Ammonium Persulfate (APS) 100µL 50µL Tetramethylethylenediamine 10µL 10µL (TEMED)24 During separating and stacking gel solution mixing the; dH2O, 1.5M/0.5M Tris-HCl (pH 8.8), 30% Acrylamide/Bis, 10% SDS was added and mixed together and just before the pouring of the gel solution the N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) and 10% ammonium persulfate (APS) was added then quickly poured as TEMED and APS cause the gel to set. The separating and stacking gel solutions were mixed in 15mL falcon tubes and discarded in incineration containers once set or unused as acrylamide is a neurotoxin and cannot be discarded safely in another manner. The stacking gel was allowed to set for 20 minutes then glass plates were removed from gel locking mechanism and placed into the electrophoresis tank in a new gel electrophoresis locking mechanism. Gels were placed into the electrophoresis tank with the smaller plates facing each other, and the reservoir between 23 24 Cat# A3574 – Sigma Aldrich Cat# T9281 – Sigma Aldrich 104 them filled with 4°C electrode buffer25. Electrode Buffer was also added to the electrophoresis tank to a final depth of 3cm to cover the electrodes within the bottom of the tank and placed between the two glass plates creating a layer of buffer over the comb/well level. Three separate samples per treatment group (nine samples total per time point, 18 total samples per cell line) were thawed and 30 or 50µg of each sample was placed into new 1.5mL eppendorf tubes. The most dilute sample equalled the largest volume and all other tubes had 0.01M PBS added up to equal the volume. Once the volume was determined an equal volume of protein loading buffer26 was added to each sample and then gently mixed before being placed in a 95°C heat block for a maximum of 5 minutes, to denature the protein. Samples were removed from the heat block and loaded, with a Hamilton microlitre syringe, into consecutive wells in the set acrylamide stacking gel. TABLE 20 EXAMPLE OF PROTEIN SAMPLE PREPARATION Sample Volume for 30µg 0.01M PBS Loading Buffer26 Control 1 14µL 6µL 20µL Control 2 18µL 2µL 20µL Control 3 12µL 8µL 20µL PXD 10µM 1 17µL 3µL 20µL PXD 10µM 2 16µL 4µL 20µL PXD 10µM 3 19µL 1µL 20µL PXD 30µM 1 20µL - 20µL PXD 30µM 2 12µL 8µL 20µL PXD 30µM 3 14µL 6µL 20µL 25 25mM Tris-HCl, 200mM Glycine and 0.1% SDS 4% SDS, 2% β-mercaptoethanol, 20% v/v glycerol, 250mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.8) and 0.006% bromophenolblue 26 105 The samples were loaded, underneath the electrode buffer25, into the stacking gel from rows 3-11 with row two containing 5µL of SeeBlue Plus 2 molecular weight standard (Invitrogen, Cat# LC5925). After loading the protein samples and ladder, the electrodes were inserted into the apparatus and the electrical source, with the black electrode connected to the negative terminal and positive electrode connected to the red terminal. The apparatus was set to a voltage of 100V until the samples reached the top of the separating gel and had started to cross between stacking and separating gel. The voltage was then increased to 130V and left until the 6kDa molecular weight band reached the bottom of the separating gel. Once separated, the gels were removed from the electrophoresis tank and locking mechanism, the glass plates were gently prised apart to prevent tearing of the gel. Once apart the stacking gel was removed from the separating gel and the stacking gel was discarded into an incineration container. In preparation for the transfer of proteins to Hybond-C Extra nitrocellulose membrane (Amersham Cat#RPN303E), 4 pieces of blotting paper and 2 nitrocellulose membranes (one for each gel/timepoint) were cut to the required size (equal to the separating gel) and, with 6 absorbent pads, soaked in transfer buffer27. The transfer cassettes were layered with; one pad, one piece of blotting paper, the separating gel, the nitrocellulose membrane, more blotting paper and 2 more pads, with each component layered consecutively upon the black side of the rack. The contents were kept saturated with transfer buffer throughout and any air bubbles were removed from between the gel and membrane with a glass rolling pin. The transfer racks were closed, locked and inserted into a transfer apparatus with the black side facing the back of the apparatus. A 2-3cm magnetic stirrer was placed into the bottom of the electrophoresis tank with the transfer apparatus and an -20°C ice brick placed in the tank. The tank was then 27 800ml dH2O, 3.03g Tris, 14.4g Glycine, 200ml Methanol 106 filled with transfer buffer27 and the electrodes attached negative to black, positive to red and the powerpack set to produce 100V for 75 minutes. Following the transfer the gel was discarded into an incineration container, and the nitrocellulose membrane rinsed quickly in Tris-buffered Saline Tween-2028 solution (TBS-T) prior to being covered with Ponceau S29 solution for 30 seconds, to reveal all transferred proteins and ensure no air bubble affected areas. The Ponceau S was returned to the stock bottle, and the excess removed by repeated washes of dH2O. The membrane was cut into strips containing the desired range of protein sizes for immunoblotting. The remaining Ponceau S was removed from the membrane with TBS-T for 5 minutes, and the membranes stored in sealed plastic bags at 4°C until required for immunoblotting. 3.10.4. IMMUNOBLOTTING In order to prevent non-specific antigen binding, membranes were blocked in 5% non-fat milk powder (Diploma) in TBS-T for one hour at room temperature. Following blocking membranes were washed three times for five minutes in TBS-T before 2mL of appropriate primary antibody (Table 21) was added to membrane. Membranes with primary antibodies were incubated at 4°C overnight with gentle agitation after which membranes were washed with TBS-T three times for 5 minutes each to remove any unbound antibody. Streptavidin horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated secondary antibodies were primarily used. Following primary incubation membranes were washed in TBST and incubated with; XIAP, β-actin AntiMouse HRP (1:10000; Dako), AIF, Bax, Active β-catenin and sFRP4 Anti-Rabbit HRP (1:10000 Dako), Bcl-xL (1:10000 Vector BA-1000) in TBST for one hour at room temperature. After 28 29 Tris Buffered Saline/0.05% Tween-20 pH 2% Ponceau S, 2%Trichloroacetic acid 107 incubation, excess liquid was removed completely with blotting paper, and 1ml each of the two SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrates (ECL) (Pierce, Cat#34080), were combined and placed onto the membrane and incubated for 5 minutes. Excess liquid was again removed completely with blotting paper, and the membrane bagged and imaged on an ImageStation (Kodak, IS2000MM). TABLE 21 ANTIBODY CONCENTRATIONS Protein 1° Antibody Concentration AIF 1:1000 (Cayman Cat#160773) 2° Antibody Concentration 1:10000 Anti-Rabbit HRP (Dako) BAX 1:200 (Abcam Cat#7977) 1:10000 Anti-Rabbit HRP (Dako) Β-actin Β-catenin 1:5000(Sigma Aldrich 1:10000 Anti-Mouse HRP Cat#A5441) (Dako) 1:1000 (Millipore Cat#05-601) 1:10000 Anti-Rabbit HRP (Dako) Bcl-xL 1:200 (Abcam Cat#7974) 1:10000 Anti-Rabbit Biotinylated (Vector BA-1000) sFRP4 1:1000 (Millipore Cat#09-129) 1:10000 Anti Rabbit (Dako) xIAP 1:250 (BD Transduction 1:10000 Anti-Mouse HRP Cat#610762) (Dako) 108 TABLE 22 IMMUNOBLOTTING PROTOCOL Protein AIF Bax Blocking β- β- actin Catenin Bcl-xL sFRP4 xIAP 5% non-fat milk powder in TBS-T One hour room temperature with gentle agitation 1° Antibod y Rabbit anti Rabbit Mouse Mouse Rabbit Rabbit Mouse AIF anti Bax anti β- anti- anti Bcl-xL anti Anti xIAP (Cayman (Abcam actin active- (Abcam sFRP4 (BD Cat#16077 Cat#7977 (Sigma- β- Cat#7974 (Millipore Transduc 3) ) Aldrich catenin ) Cat#09- tion 1:1000 1:200 Cat#A54 (Upstate 1:200 129) Cat#6107 TBS-T TBS-T 41) Cat# TBS-T 1:1000 62) 1:5000 1:1000 TBS-T 1:250 3% TBS-T 3% Milk Milk TBS- TBS-T T Overnight at 4°C with gentle agitation Washing TBS-T 3 x 5 Minutes with gentle agitation 2° Antibod y 1:10000 1:10000 1:10000 1:10000 Anti- 1:10000 1:10000 Anti- Anti- Anti- Anti- Rabbit Anti- Anti- Rabbit Rabbit Mouse Mouse Biotinylat Rabbit Mouse HRP HRP HRP HRP ed HRP HRP (Dako) (Dako) (Dako) (Dako) (Vector (Dako) (Dako) BA-1000) One hour at Room Temp with gentle agitation Washing TBS-T 3 x 5 Minutes with gentle agitation 3.10.5. QUANTIFICATION OF WESTERN BLOT ANALYSIS Western blot protein identification was quantified using the computer program Scion Image Beta, edition 3B and Kodak 1D Image Analysis Software. The images captured were analysed 109 using the densitometric analysis method where pixel densities are established and quantitated. Pixel densities of the bands were normalised against β-Actin expression. 3.11. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Statistical significance for all experiments was determined using 2-tailed t-tests assuming unequal variance using Microsoft Excel 2010, data was compared within time points and not across time points or across cell lines. Statistical significance established at P≤0.05. 110 4. CHAPTER FOUR: THE CYTOTOXIC EFFECTS OF PHENOXODIOL ON THE PROSTATE CANCER CELL LINES; LNCAP, DU145 AND PC3 4.1. INTRODUCTION Adenocarcinoma of the prostate is the second most commonly diagnosed malignancy in men and is a common cause of cancer mortality in men in many western countries and increasingly in developing nations (Hsing et al. 2000). In Australia prostate cancer represents the most significant of all cancers affecting males with a total of 19,403 new incidences in 2007, 31.3% of all new cancer cases (AIHW 2010). Prostate cancer also represents the second highest rate of mortality associated with cancer affecting males at 13% behind lung cancer, which had 19% of all mortality in 2007 (AIHW 2010). Predictions for the future indicate that prostate cancer rates are projected to increase from 11,191 in 2001 to 16,800 in 2011, with this large expected increase reflected in the projection for all cancers affecting males (AIHW 2010). Like other cancers, prostate cancer has numerous clinical states ranging from a hormone-naïve clinically localised primary tumour to lethal androgen-independent metastases. Regulation of prostate growth is mediated via androgens and the corresponding androgen receptor (AR) which regulates the transcription of target survival and apoptosis genes. Late-phase metastatic disease is often androgen independent arising from; increased AR expression, enhanced nuclear localisation of the AR, loss of function due to acquisitions in AR mutation resulting in a more promiscuous receptor, or the presence of alternative survival pathways (Bcl-xL, Wnt family upregulation) that circumvent the need for a functional androgen receptor (Gleave et al. 2005). 111 The primary systemic treatment option for early and late stage prostate cancer is androgen ablation therapy combined with an apoptosis inducing drug, such as Docetaxel or Paclitaxel. Chemotherapy treatment options for patients with late-phase metastatic prostate carcinoma rely on the premise that androgen-insensitive prostate carcinoma cells retain their basic cellular apoptotic machinery to undergo programmed cell death, however increased tumourcell resistance to apoptosis is an underlying molecular reason contributing to disease progression and chemo-resistance (Miyamoto et al. 2004; Miyamoto et al. 2005). The exact mechanisms responsible for prostate cancer growth, especially emergence of the androgenindependent phenotype, are still far from fully understood (Feldman and Feldman 2001). While other therapies, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, are available for advanced prostate cancer, whether these therapies, either alone or combined with hormonal therapy, significantly prolong patient survival remains controversial (Miyamoto et al. 2004; Miyamoto et al. 2005). Thus, novel treatment strategies, instead of, or in combination with, androgen deprivation therapy for advanced prostate cancer need to be developed such as (Petrylak et al. 2004) (Tannock et al. 2004) have shown. One such novel method currently undergoing intense investigation is the flavanoid compounds found in the dietary intake of populations with low cancer rates. Flavanoids are important regulators in plants of biochemical and physiological processes, acting as antioxidants, enzyme inhibitors, pigments and hormones. Human consumption of flavanoids has long been recognised to manage anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiallergic, hepatoprotective, antithrombotic, antiviral and anticarcinogenic activities (Middleton et al. 2000). Epidemiological studies have consistently shown an inverse association between isoflavone intake and risk of cancer (Brusselmans et al. 2005). In vitro mechanistic studies on isoflavones provide insight into modes of anticancer action ranging from cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction to angiogenic and antiproliferative effects (Li et al. 2008; Seo et al. 2011). To date, 112 genistein has been shown to demonstrate broad anticancer effects such as receptor tyrosine kinase and cyclin dependent kinase inhibition (Alhasan et al. 1999; Li and Sarkar 2002). Phenoxodiol, [2H-1-Benzopyran-7-0,1,3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)], is an isoflavone derivative that has also been shown to elicit cytotoxic effects against a broad range of human cancers. Currently undergoing human clinical trials, it has shown promise in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer where the cancer is refractory or resistant to standard chemotherapy, and in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (Sapi et al. 2004; Brown and Attardi 2005). Preliminary studies involving a number of flavanoid derivatives have demonstrated that Phenoxodiol inhibits cell proliferation of a wide range of human cancer cell lines including, leukaemia, breast and prostate carcinomas, and is five to twenty times more potent than a similar compound, Genistein (Aguero et al. 2005). Phenoxodiol has been characterised in ovarian cancer as affecting key ovarian anti-apoptotic signalling pathways (Kamsteeg et al. 2003) as well as reversing the ability of cells to become resistant to Docetaxel, through over expression of anti-apoptotic molecules (Sapi et al. 2004). In mammary carcinogenesis (Constantinou et al. 2003) found that the in vitro activity acted as an inhibitor of cell division and/or an inducer of cell differentiation whilst short term investigation into Phenoxodiol activity in prostate cancer by (Axanova et al. 2005) indicated that growth of LNCaP cells, in monoculture and coculture with osteoblasts, resulted in the downregulation of the cancer specific enzyme tNADH-Oxidase. Finally (Aguero et al. 2005; Aguero et al. 2010) indicated that Phenoxodiol induces G1 specific arrest through loss of Cyclin-Dependant Kinase 2 activity by p53-independent induction of p21WAF1 in a battery of human cell lines, or that phenoxodiol effects multiple cancer types through prevention of cells from reproducing. Clearly, phenoxodiol has demonstrated an ability to increase susceptibility of various cancer cell types to initiate cell cytotoxicity; however the underlying mechanism of action in prostate cancer has yet to be determined. 113 In this study we investigate Phenoxodiol’s ability to elicit anticancer effects in cells representative of the clinical stages of prostate cancer development, by directly inhibiting proliferation, and by eliciting direct cytotoxic effects against androgen-responsive and androgen-refractory prostate cancer cell lines. We also seek to show that if phenoxodiol elicits potent cytotoxicity, is it an apoptotic or necrotic response, and is it initiated by classic apoptotic signalling pathways. 4.2. AIMS The aims of this chapter were as follows: Aim 1: To characterise the cell growth rates of cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 in vitro. Aim 2: To determine the potential cytotoxicity of phenoxodiol on in vitro prostate cancer cells. Aim 3: To determine an effective set of doses of phenoxodiol that inflict cytotoxicity on prostate cancer cells. Aim 4: To determine the type of cytotoxic cell response following Phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. 4.3. METHODOLOGY The methodology utilised in this chapter is discussed in detail in the materials and methods chapter (page 50). The goal of this set of experiments was to determine the optimum growth characteristics for the three prostate cancer cell lines; LNCaP, DU145 and PC3. The cell lines are representative of early stage androgen receptor wild type (LNCaP), late stage androgen receptor mutant (DU145) and late stage androgen receptor null (PC3) prostate cancer. 114 Proliferation assays ensured that after 96 hours of culture the cell lines were undergoing logarithmic cell growth. Cells were subcultured and seeded onto 96 well plates at varying rates of initial concentration, after an initial 48 hours of subculture the cultures media were replaced and a further 48 hours of growth allowed before application of 20µL CellTiter 96® AQueous One MTS dye. After 3 hours of incubation the colour change was analysed on a Labskan plate reader at 492nm. Increased absorbance rates were consistent with increased metabolic and proliferation rates. Once initial seeding concentrations ensuring logarithmic growth rates over 96 hours were established Phenoxodiol was diluted down into a final concentration of 10µM and 30µM with a DMSO vehicle. Control and 10µM phenoxodiol solutions had DMSO added to standardise final vehicle concentration with the 30µM phenoxodiol treatment. Following dilution the cell proliferation rate, under the influence of phenoxodiol, was measured by seeding 96 well plates at appropriate rates as pre-determined. After 48 hours of initial culture the media was replaced for either; DMSO vehicle, 10µM or 30µM phenoxodiol solutions. Solutions were placed in wells lacking cells so that any interaction of phenoxodiol with MTS dye could be assessed. The cells were treated for 24 and 48 hours, after which MTS dye was added to each well, incubated for 3 hours then assessed for absorbance. Acidity analysis was performed on cell media after 48 hours of treatment via a pH balanced probe. Media pH was measured at 37°C, the incubator temperature for the cells in media. Functional apoptosis assays to detect early and late stage apoptosis in response to phenoxodiol treatment were performed. The JC-1 mitochondrial depolarisation assay was used to determine if phenoxodiol induced mitochondrial efflux, an indicator of early apoptosis. Cells were seeded into white fluorescent 96 well plates and following phenoxodiol treatment the media was removed and JC-1 fluorescent dye added with positive control cells receiving a combination of JC-1 and FCCP. After incubation then 20 minutes of 5% BSA solution the dye 115 was replaced with 100µL PBS and the fluorescent plates analysed on a Fluostar Optima plate reader. Excitation/Emission was measured from above the plate. Green fluorescence was measured at 485nm excitation and 520nm emission while red fluorescence was measured at 544nm excitation and 590nm emission. Red emission results were divided by green and the ratio of red to green compared with a low ratio indicated high depolarisation rate and early apoptotic induction. The fluorescent Caspase-3 activity assay measured activated Caspase-3 expression and was performed by seeding and treating cells on black 96 well fluorescent plates. Following appropriate treatment with phenoxodiol, activated Caspase-3 was determined using an EnzChek Capase-3 Assay Kit #2® containing a fluorescent compound (Z-DEVD-R110) which is converted, by activated Caspase-3, into the green fluorescent rhodamine 110. After treatment the media replaced with a staining solution and incubated on ice for 30 minutes followed by room temperature for a final 30 minutes. Excitation/Emission was measured from above the plate. Cells were measured at 496nm excitation and 520nm emission with a set gain level between cell lines and time points used. DNA laddering indicative of late stage apoptosis was performed using the 3’-end labelling assay. DNA was extracted using a phenol/chloroform extraction protocol and one microgram of DNA was tagged with radioactive P32 then loaded into 2% agarose gel with loading dye, a low voltage was applied for approximately 4 hours after which the separated DNA gel was dehydrated. The gel was exposed to film for 24 hours at -80°C and the film developed. The dehydrated gel was cut into strips representing the lanes of the gel, loading regions were removed, and liquid scintillant placed in each gel, after which radioactivity was measured using a liquid scintillation counter. The exposed film provided a qualitative measure of apoptosis 116 through visible DNA laddering while the scintillation counter provided a quantitative measure of apoptosis with increased radioactivity correlated to increased apoptotic rate. An Annexin-V-Fluos/Propidium Iodide double stain apoptosis measurement was performed on live cells which were placed into a FACSCalibur flow cytometer measuring individual cell fluorescence. AV/PI double stains indicate normal cell function, early apoptosis and late apoptosis/necrosis. Cells were grown in 6 well plates and treated with phenoxodiol, after appropriate time the media was removed and centrifuged. Cells were trypsinised off the 6 well plates, centrifuged in media then washed with warm PBS before AV/PI staining solution was added. After 15 minutes incubation at 25°C, running solution was added and the cells analysed on the FACSCalibur flow cytometer. 117 4.4. RESULTS Cell proliferation measurements provide an in vitro method of accurately determining cell growth rates. Figure 23 demonstrates the MTS cell proliferation graphs for prostate cancer cell lines; LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 over 6, 24 and 48 hours. Cell proliferation was measured at 492nm, analysing the total absorbance of light under the influence of MTS dye, an indicator of cell metabolism. At 48 hours a visible drop in absorbance represents decreased proliferation in all cell lines, determining their maximum seed rates. Ninety six well plate seeding rates were set at; LNCaP: 3000 cells/100µL, DU145: 1500 cells/100µL and PC3: 2500 cells/100µL. This ensured that after a maximum of 48 hours of treatment (96 hours of total growth) any decreased proliferative effect that phenoxodiol may have had was not due to a potential confluence of cells within the 96 well plate confines. After this point all control solutions were assumed to be at maximum cell proliferation and samples were compared to the control relative value. Scaling these results 1.8 fold utilised these initial seeding rates for 6 well plate use; LNCaP; 54,000 cells/mL, DU145: 27,000 cells/mL and PC3: 45,000 cells/mL. When using 10cm plates an initial seeding rate of 100,000 cells/mL was used for all three cell lines, while not maximising all available space it ensured a T75 flask could be split into more than two 10cm plates. 118 Absorbance (492nm) LNCaP Cell Proliferation 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6hr 24hr 48hr 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 Cells Seeded /100uL DU145 Cell Proliferation Absorbance (492nm) 2.5 2 1.5 6 hrs 1 24hrs 0.5 48hrs 0 300 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Cells Seeded /100uL PC3 Cell Proliferation Absorbance (492nm) 3 2.5 2 6hr 1.5 1 24hr 0.5 48hr 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 5000 Cells Seeded /100uL FIGURE 23 CELL PROLIFERATION RATES AT 6, 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates initial cell seeding rate with logarithmic cell growth after 48 hours. 119 Studies have revealed phenoxodiol’s ability to reduce cell proliferation and induce cell cytotoxicity in cell lines representing various cancer types and mouse xenograft models (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Axanova et al. 2005; Aguero et al. 2010). Figure 24 demonstrates the reduction in prostate cancer cell line proliferation after 24 and 48 hours of phenoxodiol treatment. Phenoxodiol treatment, in media alone, was found to interact with the MTS dye and increase the opacity in a dose dependent manner causing a falsely positive increase in cell metabolism measurements which was accounted for with media only wells. LNCaP cell treatment with 30µM phenoxodiol significantly decreased cell proliferation, versus control population, over 24 (p=0.037) and 48 (p=0.01) hours. DU145 cells were significantly reduced in proliferation rate, versus control population, after 10µM and 30µM treatment concentrations over 24 (p<0.05, p=0.0032) and 48 (p<0.001, p<0.001) hours of treatment. PC3 cell treatment with 30µM phenoxodiol significantly decreased cell proliferation, versus control population, after 24 (p=0.022) hours and both 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol concentrations after 48 (p<0.05, p=0.002) hours. The resulting proliferation graphs indicated the LNCaP cells were the least responsive to phenoxodiol treatment with DU145 then PC3 as the most response cell lines. This result indicated that phenoxodiol was better at arresting cell metabolism in late stage representative prostate cancer cells (DU145, PC3) than early (LNCaP), utilising the MTS proliferation assay. 120 % Growth Rate Relative to Control LNCaP Proliferation & Phenoxodiol Treatment 120 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 24hrs 48hrs Treatment % Growth Rate Relative to Control DU145 Proliferation & Phenoxodiol Treatment 120 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 24hrs 48hrs Treatment % Growth Rate Relative to Control PC3 Proliferation & Phenoxodiol Treatment 120 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 24hrs 48hrs Treatment FIGURE 24 CELL PROLIFERATION RATES AFTER 24 AND 48 HOURS OF PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. All cell populations had two media only replicates of which the mean absorbance value was removed from the total cell absorbance. 121 To ensure phenoxodiol was not inducing a reduction in proliferation by acidification or alkalisation of media the pH of cell culture media was tested. Figure 25 demonstrates the pH changes induced by 24 and 48 hours of phenoxodiol treatment. No significant differences in pH were detected after treatment indicating phenoxodiol did not induce cytotoxicity by acidifying or alkalising the media. pH LNCaP Media pH Analysis 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Time pH DU145 Media pH Analysis 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Time pH PC3 Media pH Analysis 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Time FIGURE 25 PH CHANGES IN PHENOXODIOL TREATED CULTURE MEDIA 122 The JC-1 mitochondrial depolarisation assay measures induced mitochondrial efflux, an indicator of early apoptosis, induced by the release of potent pro-apoptotic signalling molecules such as Cytochrome C and Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) (Juhaszova et al. 2004). Figure 26 demonstrates the mitochondrial membrane potential change initiated after 24 and 48 hours of 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment. FCCP positive controls gave an indication of maximal potential depolarisation rate and were significantly different from all control, 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatments across all cell lines (p<0.001). LNCaP cells displayed a significant decrease in membrane potential, versus control population, after 24 hours treatment with 30µM treatment (p=0.012) and with both 10µM and 30µM treatments, versus control, after 48 hours (p= 0.017, p<0.001). In the 48 hour treatment cohort the 30µM phenoxodiol group were observed to have almost depolarised as much as the FCCP positive control, establishing that LNCaP cells had a large increase in mitochondrial depolarisation, indicative of a susceptibility to apoptotic signalling induced by phenoxodiol treatment. As a cell line representative of early stage prostate cancer, this was an expected outcome after the lack of response observed using the MTS absorbance assay. DU145 mitochondrial membrane potential was significantly decreased at the 24 hour time point in response to 30µM phenoxodiol treatment versus control (p<0.001) and 10µM (p=0.0148). Over a 48 hour treatment course the 10µM concentration was significantly depolarised versus control (p=0.0015) while the 30µM concentration was significantly different to control (p<0.001) and 10µM (p=0.00485). The DU145 cell response to treatment indicated a susceptibility to apoptotic signalling in a dose and time dependent manner with 48 hour treatment time being more effective than the 24 hour time point. DU145 cell depolarisation, after phenoxodiol treatment, never approached the maximal depolarisation rate indicated by the FCCP treatments. The comparison indicated a reduced sensitivity to mitochondrial depolarisation in response to phenoxodiol treatment and therefore reduced early apoptotic 123 signalling. Resistance to apoptotic induction is typical from a cell line indicative of late stage prostate cancer. Finally, PC3 mitochondrial membrane potential was significantly decreased at the 24 hour time point in response to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment versus control (p=0.03) while the 30µM treatment was significantly different from control (p=0.0121) and 10µM PXD (p=0.0215). Post 48 hours of treatment the 10µM concentration was significantly different to control (p=0.018) while the 30µM concentration significantly different to control (p=0.0024) but not to 10µM (p=0.06). The PC3 cell mitochondrial depolarisation rate in response to treatment was even less than that of DU145 cells which was expected from the cell line that represents a more aggressive late stage prostate cancer etiology. Though there was significant increase in PC3 mitochondrial depolarisation versus control, the small overall increase indicated that PC3 cells were not as susceptible to early apoptotic signalling as either LNCaP or DU145 cells. 124 Flourescence Relative to Control LNCaP JC-1 Analysis 120 100 80 Control 60 10µM PXD 40 30µM PXD 20 FCCP 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Flourescence Relative to Control DU145 JC-1 Analysis 120 100 80 Control 60 10µM PXD 40 30µM PXD 20 FCCP 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Flourescence Relative to Control PC3 JC-1 Analysis 120 100 80 Control 60 10µM PXD 40 30µM PXD 20 FCCP 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 26 JC-1 ANALYSIS OF MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE POTENTIAL OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. *** indicates significance 125 relative to 30µM phenoxodiol and control for that time point. Cell depolarisation is the green/red fluorescence ratio relative to the control. Caspase-3 is a potent stimulator of apoptosis and the final effector caspase of the caspase cascade apoptosis pathway. Caspase-3 exists as the constant target of extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic cell signalling and is a direct target of anti-apoptotic cell signalling (Janicke et al. 1998; Boatright and Salvesen 2003)). Figure 27 demonstrates activated Caspase-3 expression measured through fluorescence analysis after 24 and 48 hours of phenoxodiol treatment. LNCaP Caspase-3 activity was found to significantly decrease after 48 hours treatment with 10µM phenoxodiol treated cells experiencing a significant decrease in Caspase-3 expression versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.003) and 30µM PXD treated cells experiencing significant expression decrease versus control (p<001) and 10µM (p=0.043). The total fluorescence decrease measured was 18.1% (10µM) and 29.08% (30µM) respectively. DU145 cells had a small but significant increase in Caspase-3 expression over 48 hours with both 10µM and 30µM (p=0.009, p=0.0123) phenoxodiol treatments expressing more activated Caspase-3. The measured fluorescence increase was only 4.5% (10µM) and 3.8% (30µM) over the control population. Such a small increase could potentially have biologically significant effects however in view of the lack of response from PC3 cells and the decreased expression by LNCaP cells it might be viewed that this small change, while statistically significant, is not the driving factor in cell cytotoxicity in DU145 cells. PC3 cells had no significant changes in activated Caspase-3 expression measured over 24 and 48 hours after 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment even though there was a clear anti-proliferative effect demonstrated in the MTS assay. This data suggests, but does not confirm, that phenoxodiol induces cell cytotoxicity through a caspase independent manner. 126 Absorbance 520nm LNCaP Caspase-3 Activity 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Time Absorbance 520nm DU145 Caspase-3 Activity 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Time Absorbance 520nm PC3 Caspase-3 Activity 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Time FIGURE 27 FLUORESCENT ANALYSIS OF CASPASE-3 ACTIVITY AFTER PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. A set gain level between cell lines and time points was used. 127 Apoptotic DNA fragmentation is a key feature of apoptosis, and is achieved by caspase activation of endogenous endonucleases which subsequently cleave chromatin DNA into fragments of around 180 base pairs multiples thereof. The amount of laddering can be used as a direct measure of the amount of induced apoptosis (McCarthy et al. 1997). Figure 28 demonstrates DNA fragmentation through the quantitative measurement of three prime end labelling (3’-End Labelling) which measures fragmentation levels by scintillation count. Laddering can also indicate an apoptotic versus necrotic response and Figure 29 demonstrates the qualitative measure of 3’-End labelling viewed through exposure to film. In the LNCaP cells DNA laddering was clearly evident while in the DU145 samples laddering and a slight smear was visible. PC3 cells had a necrotic smear in the film and no evidence of laddering. Due to the measured response of PC3 as being necrotic, only the LNCaP and DU145 samples were measured in the liquid scintillation counter to qualitatively assess their total apoptotic response. LNCaP cells displayed a significant increase in apoptotic laddering versus control after 24 hours of treatment with both 10µM (p=0.013) and 30µM (p=003) treatments, exhibiting increased apoptosis by 35% (10µM) and 39% (30µM) respectively, compared to control. After 48 hours of treatment with 30µM phenoxodiol the LNCaP cells were determined to have a statistically significant increase in apoptosis versus control (p=0.044) exhibiting a 63% increase in apoptotic laddering. This result confirms the LNCaP cells were sensitive to apoptosis induction as indicated by JC-1 analysis. DU145 cells had a significant increase in apoptosis over 24 hours in response to the 30µM phenoxodiol treatment versus control (p=0.02) and versus 10µM (p=0.017) with an increase in percentage of apoptosis by 15% versus control. After 48 hours of treatment it was observed that 10µM phenoxodiol treatment exhibited increased apoptosis versus control (p=0.009) and a 66% increase in apoptosis. The 30µM phenoxodiol treatment significantly increased apoptosis versus control (p=0.03) and 10µM phenoxodiol (p<0.05), after 48 hours, 128 with a 700% increase in the 30µM treatment dose versus control indicating that DU145 cells were very sensitive to apoptosis induced by phenoxodiol treatment after 48 hours of treatment. Low MW DNA Labelling (CPM) LNCaP 3'-End Labelling 2500 2000 1500 Control 1000 10µM PXD 500 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Low MW DNA Labelling (CPM) DU145 3'-End Labelling 6000 5000 4000 3000 Control 2000 10µM PXD 1000 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 28 3'-END LABELLING APOPTOTIC ANALYSIS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. Counts Per Minute (CPM) is the amount of low molecular weight DNA labelled with radioactive P32 by the ddATP enzyme. ([α32P]-ddATP). 129 DMSO 10µM 30µM FIGURE 29 AN EXAMPLE OF LNCAP 3’-END LABELLING QUALITATIVE DNA LADDERING AFTER EXPOSURE TO FILM The final functional measurement of apoptosis was executed using an Annexin-VFluos/Propidium Iodide (AV/PI) double stain on live cells which were placed into a FACSCalibur flow cytometer for the measurement of cell fluorescence. No staining indicated normal cell function, Annexin-V staining indicated early stage apoptosis by the conjugation of Annexin-V to membrane bound, but externalised phosphatidylserine. Annexin-V only staining represents early apoptosis as the cells still retain the ability to exclude PI. The AV/PI double stain indicated late stage apoptosis/necrosis as the AV was bound to externalised phosphatidylserine and the PI was bound to nuclear DNA which the cells lacked the ability to exclude (Martin et al. 1995). Figure 30 demonstrates the cytotoxic effects of 24 and 48 hours of 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment, as measured by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis also called flow cytometry. After 24 hours of treatment LNCaP cells indicated no significant changes in relation to control populations; however, a high level of early and late apoptotic cell populations was present. 130 After 48 hours of treatment the 10µM phenoxodiol treated cells were significantly different versus control in the alive (p<0.0008, 64% decreased), early apoptosis (p=0.014, 153% increase) and late apoptosis (p=0.0005, 332%) cell populations. The 48 hour 30µM phenoxodiol treatments were significantly different from control in the alive (p<0.05, 50% decrease) and late apoptotic population (p=0.03, 216% increase) but the early apoptotic population was not statistically significant from control early apoptotic (p=0.130). LNCaP cells were initially unresponsive then became very sensitive to phenoxodiol treatment, with the live cell population decreasing and the early and late apoptotic populations increasing significantly in response to treatment. The LNCaP cell population were difficult to obtain a 10,000 viable cell count for each sample due to phenoxodiol’s cytotoxicity. DU145 cells had significant changes over 24 hours in both 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatments. The 10µM treatment significantly decreased alive cells versus control (p=0.037, 12.3% decrease), significantly increased early apoptotic (p=0.047, 74% increase) and significantly increased late apoptotic (p=0.048, 100% increase) cell populations. The 30µM treatment group had a significant early apoptotic population increase versus control (p=0.0006, 291% increase) and difference versus 10µM phenoxodiol treatment in early apoptotic (p=0.003, 125% increase) and late apoptotic (p=0.02, 58% decrease) cell populations. Over 48 hours the 10µM treatment group exhibited significantly decreased live cell population (p=0.0002, 17% decrease), significantly increased early apoptotic (p=0.0002, 3000% increase) and late apoptotic (p=0.0026, 69% increase) cell populations versus control. The 30µM treatment group was significantly different from both control and 10µM treatments at live cell population (p<0.001, 37% decrease, p<0.0004, 24.1% decrease), early apoptotic (p<0.001, 5000% increase, p=0.0007, 75% increase) and late apoptotic (p=0.0002, 251% increase, p=0.0008, 108% increase) cell populations. The DU145 cells increased both early and late apoptotic populations in a time/dose dependant manner and reflected the decreasing cell 131 viability. Phenoxodiol treatment of DU145 cells did not exhibit as large a decrease in live cell population after treatment as was observed in LNCaP cells, but was still able to induce significant cytotoxicity in the prostate cancer cell line. PC3 cells indicated no significant changes in early apoptotic cell population across the 24 and 48 hour treatment time points. After 24 hours of treatment with 10µM phenoxodiol treatment a significant difference versus control in both live cell (p=0.0007, 15% decrease) and necrotic (p=0.0001, 180% increase) was exhibited while the 30µM treatment had a significant difference versus control in both live cell (p=0.0001, 23.2% decrease) and necrotic (p=0.0007, 272% increase) and a significant difference versus 10µM in necrotic (p=0.03, 33% increase) cell population. The 48 hour 10µM treatment group had a significant difference versus control in both live cell (p<0.001, 24.6% decrease) and necrotic (p<0.001, 287% increase) while the 30µM treatment had a significant difference versus control in both live cell (p<0.001, 34.1% decrease) and necrotic (p<0.001, 415% increase) and a significant difference versus 10µM in live cell (p=0.0004, 12.7% decrease) and necrotic (p<0.001, 32.9% increase) cell population. During 3’-end labelling it was determined that PC3 cells responded to phenoxodiol by a necrotic response. The results of the AV/PI FACS analysis correlate with only the late stage apoptotic/necrotic double staining cells increasing in number, indicative of a purely necrotic response. PC3 cells were less susceptible to phenoxodiol cytotoxicity versus the other cell lines, with a 34.1% decrease in live cell population after 48 hours of treatment with a 30µM dose, this is compared to the 37% decrease in viable cell numbers from DU145 and 50% decrease in LNCaP cells. 132 LNCaP AV/PI FACS Analysis 100 % of Cells 80 60 40 20 0 Control Alive 10µM PXD 30µM PXD Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Early Apoptotic Late Apoptotic / Necrotic DU145 AV/PI FACS Analysis 100 % of Cells 80 60 40 20 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Alive Early Apoptotic Late Apoptotic/Necrotic PC3 AV/PI FACS Analysis 100 % of Cells 80 60 40 20 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Alive Early Apoptotic Late Apoptotic/Necrotic FIGURE 30 ANNEXIN V-FLUOS / PROPIDIUM IODIDE DOUBLE STAINING ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS 133 * indicates significance relative to control group for that time point i.e. 24 hour Control early apoptotic versus 24 hour 10µM Phenoxodiol early apoptotic. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point i.e. 48 hour Control 10µM Phenoxodiol versus 48 Hour 30µM Phenoxodiol Control. 4.5. DISCUSSION Determining appropriate initial cell concentration rates ensured logarithmic growth after 96 hours and negated any cellular activity decrease due to cell crowding effects. We demonstrate here, utilizing the MTS viability assay, that phenoxodiol elicits time- and dose-dependent antiproliferative activity against both androgen-responsive and androgen resistant prostate cancer cell lines. Initial results from the proliferation assay indicated LNCaP was less susceptible to phenoxodiol treatment than either DU145 or PC3 cells; however, visualising the cells indicated the opposite, a majority of LNCaP cells, far more than DU145 or PC3, had been induced into cytotoxicity and were dead. As we had already accounted for the interaction between Phenoxodiol and MTS dye there was no indication as to why the MTS assay suggested very little decrease in proliferative activity yet visualisation of the cells clearly indicated significant cytotoxicity was occurring. (Wang et al. 2010) has reported an underestimating of antiproliferative effects of cytotoxic compounds due to MTS dye in LNCaP cells than when compared to other techniques. While the LNCaP proliferation assay was not necessarily sensitive to the MTS addition, the use of apoptotic assays, 3’end labelling, JC-1 and AV/PI flow cytometry, ensured accurate cytotoxicity information was obtained. DU145 and PC3 cell lines indicated dose and time responsive cytotoxicity over 24 and 48 hours treatment with phenoxodiol. While both cell lines are considered examples of late stage prostate cancer, PC3 is acknowledged as an extremely chemoresistant cell line and correspondingly had the least decrease in proliferation. 134 Acidity measurements in cell culture media resulted in no significant pH changes detected between control and treatment groups using total media at 37°C. Variation in cell cytotoxicity and proliferation decreases were not due to pH changes in the cell media. JC-1 mitochondrial depolarisation assays indicated depolarisation under the influence of phenoxodiol treatment. Mitochondrial catastrophe is a potent inducer of cell cytotoxicity and considered an early apoptotic indicator as it stimulates the intrinsic caspase pathway via the conformational change of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members. This causes mitochondrial efflux of more potent pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members such as Bax, resulting in an imbalance between anti- and pro-apoptotic signalling (Gross et al. 1999; Kuruvilla et al. 2003). FCCP was used as the positive control and indicated the maximum potential depolarisation of the cells at each time point and treatment (Kuruvilla et al. 2003). LNCaP cells were very susceptible to cell death signalling, with 30µM phenoxodiol treatment almost equalling maximal mitochondrial depolarisation indicated by FCCP. As the cell line indicative of an early stage prostate cancer, the LNCaP response to phenoxodiol as detected using the JC-1 assay was more accurate than the MTS assay. DU145 and PC3 both had significant depolarisation, although far more limited than LNCaP compared to FCCP depolarisation. This was another indication the models of late stage prostate cancer, known for their chemoresistance, were appropriate choices for this study. There is currently no curative treatment for late stage prostate cancer (Canfield et al. 2006). Classic apoptosis, such as that induced by chemotherapeutic agents, can proceed via extrinsic death-receptor mediated and intrinsic mitochondrial-mediated pathways ultimately resulting in the activation of Caspase-3 (Asselin et al. 2001; Mahoney 2007). Given that phenoxodiol induced classic apoptosis in ovarian cancer (Gamble et al. 2005; Alvero et al. 2006), it was surprising to find that activated Caspase-3 expression remained unchanged in PC3 cells and even declined in LNCaP cells, while the actual increase in expression in DU145 cells was 135 minimal. Activated Caspase-3 activity assays indicated that phenoxodiol may function through a caspase independent pathway, as LNCaP levels of activated Caspase-3 were significantly decreased after 48 hours of phenoxodiol treatment while the cells were undergoing detectable apoptosis. The lack of consistent signalling indicated that cell cytotoxicity induced by phenoxodiol was potentially initiated via a caspase independent cell death pathway. Apoptotic analysis by 3′-end labelling and Annexin-V/PI based flow cytometry validated both qualitatively and quantitatively that phenoxodiol induced apoptotic cell death in LNCaP and DU145 cell lines. Apoptosis was detected by DNA fragmentation analysis and Annexin-V binding to the externalisation of phosphatidylserine only, indicating early stage apoptosis; or in conjunction with propidium iodide nuclear staining, indicating late stage apoptosis. In contrast, phenoxodiol significantly decreased the proliferation of PC3 cells in the absence of DNA laddering and externalisation of phosphatidylserine, indicating a necrotic response that was qualitatively measured by 3’-end labelling and thereby confirming the response. The use of only one apoptotic measure, the lack of confirmation of DNA laddering or the use of only propidium iodide in flow cytometry makes singular technique apoptotic studies flawed. Annexin-V phosphatidylserine only and AV/PI double staining is required to detect early versus late apoptosis or necrosis but does not guarantee either. Confirmation with DNA laddering ensures the outcome with a quick technique that is both qualitative and quantitative, but by itself DNA laddering cannot indicate early stage apoptosis. FACS analysis established that phenoxodiol clearly induced; the appearance of early and late stage apoptotic populations in LNCaP and DU145 cells, the appearance of necrosis in PC3 cells as well as a marked decrease in viable cells in all cell lines. These data were qualitatively confirmed by the visualisation of characteristic low molecular weight laddering during 3’-end labelling. All three cell lines responded to phenoxodiol treatment with a minimum decrease in viable cells of 30% after only 48 hours treatment, and a variable incidence of early apoptotic and late stage 136 apoptotic/necrotic cell population production. In all modes of analysis, cell death was reliant on dose and duration of phenoxodiol exposure and yet Caspase-3 was not activated in phenoxodiol treated PC3 cells. Neither LNCaP nor DU145 cells had any consistent caspase 3 change observed which implicated a non caspase dependant route as the target of apoptotic induction. Phenoxodiol exhibits significant cytotoxicity, inducing cell death in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3. All three cell lines exhibited significantly decreased viable cell populations after only 48 hours of treatment but they also utilised different signalling pathways than those reported in previous studies (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Sapi et al. 2004; Alvero et al. 2006; Mor et al. 2006). This establishes the cell-death inducing capabilities of phenoxodiol on prostate cancer cells and suggests the induction of apoptotic cell death through non-classical pathways. By targeting non classical apoptotic pathways and successfully inducing cell cytotoxicity even in the most chemoresistant cell lines, phenoxodiol displays potential as a drug for future treatment of prostate cancer. 137 5. CHAPTER FIVE: CELL DEATH SIGNALLING IN RESPONSE TO PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT 5.1. INTRODUCTION Two of the hallmarks of cancer initiation and progression are the ability of cells to become insensitive to anti-growth signals and to evade apoptosis. To do this the cells accumulate increased expression of anti-apoptotic signalling molecules, which prevent activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic signalling pathways that normally induce cell death (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). The accumulation of these factors, coupled with a dysregulation in the cell cycle, results in a progressively increasing rate of mutation and the movement of cells from benign to metastatic types. In response to cytotoxic insult from both external and internal sources, cells will normally initiate machinery, such as caspases, that execute apoptotic cell death. Apoptosis is important as it results in cell death with DNA cleavage into unusable fragments with no resultant inflammatory response. Achieving apoptosis results in fewer side effects from chemotherapeutic agents and, as such, initiating an apoptotic response becomes the end point target of all new therapy trials (Brown and Wouters 1999). Though they vary between cells, the array of apoptosis induction signals commonly trigger signalling pathways that coalesce at the mitochondria. Once stimulated, the mitochondrial cell walls efflux powerful apoptotic stimulators such as Cytochrome c and Bax (Lee et al. 2008) to activate central effector pathways involving a series of proenzymes, the caspases (Maguire et al. 2000). When activated, caspases are efficient at degrading cellular processes and DNA to the point where normal physiological activity is impossible, resulting in cellular response and apoptotic 138 phenomena (Hengartner 2000). The mitochondrial pathway of cell death is mediated by the Bcl-2 family of proteins, a group of anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic proteins that regulates the passage of small molecules such as Cytochrome c, Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) and Bax, which activates caspase cascades through the mitochondrial transition pore (Korsmeyer 1992; Korsmeyer et al. 2000). The activation of caspases is counteracted by anti-apoptotic molecules of the Bcl-2 family (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL), because these Bcl-2 family proteins heterodimerise with proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family (Bax, Bak) and interfere with release of Cytochrome c by inactivating pore-forming proteins (Gross et al. 1999). Cancer cells commonly have the antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family increased in expression, allowing them to prevent extrinsic anti-growth signalling and avoid intrinsic stimulation of apoptosis (Cory and Adams 2002). Upon intrinsic stimulation of apoptosis, the release of Bax and Cytochrome c from the mitochondria initiates the apoptosis promoting activity of Cytochrome c by allowing interaction with the Apaf-1 protein. Binding of Cytochrome c to Apaf-1 causes recruitment of Caspase-9, forming the apoptosome (Slee et al. 1999; Srinivasula et al. 2001; Zou et al. 2003). The apoptosome is a large molecule that interacts with the executioner caspases, Caspase-3 and Caspase-7, which initiate DNA fragmentation and cause the cell to enter into apoptosis (Boatright and Salvesen 2003). Caspase-3 can be activated via extrinsic pathways that produce activated Caspase-9 through Caspase-8 signalling. If intrinsic pathways are activated, the release of Cytochrome c and apoptosome formation results in Caspase-3 activation (Riedl and Salvesen 2007). During normal cell function Caspase-3 is in an inactive zymogen form. The zymogen feature of Caspase-3 is necessary because, if unregulated, caspase activity would kill cells indiscriminately and therefore Caspase-3 activity is strictly limited until it is cleaved by an initiator caspase after apoptotic signalling (Donepudi and Grutter 2002; Boatright and Salvesen 2003). 139 The Bcl-2 family members are not the only regulatory proteins of apoptosis nor are the caspases the only method of executing programmed cell death. Members of the Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (IAP) such as xIAP prevent apoptosis by inactivating Caspase-3 and Caspase9 directly, amongst other roles, and are found in increased expression in chemoresistant cancer cells (Dohi et al. 2004; Dubrez-Daloz et al. 2008). FLICE inhibitory protein (FLIP) binding to Caspase-8 can also prevent death receptor mediated apoptosis and has been linked to phenoxodiol treatment (De Luca et al. 2008). Apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) is involved in initiating a caspase-independent pathway of apoptosis and can act as an NADH oxidase. Normally it is found behind the outer membrane of the mitochondria and is therefore secluded from the nucleus; however, when the mitochondria are damaged, it moves to the cytosol and to the nucleus. Another AIF function is to regulate the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane upon apoptosis stimulation, causing caspase dependant pathways to be activated (Xie et al. 2005). Apoptosis can still happen in cells that lack Cytochrome c, Apaf-1 or caspases with AIF causing apoptotic changes independent of caspase activity (Susin et al. 1999; Li et al. 2000). X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (xIAP) is part of a family of endogenous caspase inhibitors that, when up regulated, have been implicated in the early stage development of prostate and breast epithelial carcinoma (Parton et al. 2002; Krajewska et al. 2003). In conjunction with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 members (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL) IAP family members exert significant anti-apoptotic effects through; inhibition of Caspase-3 and -7 activation and function, inactivation of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members and involvement in signalling pathways NF-κB and JNK (Levkau et al. 2001; Sanna et al. 2002; Hu et al. 2003; Dubrez-Daloz et al. 2008). XIAP expression levels are also found to be increased in epithelial ovarian and prostate cancers, and have been linked to chemoresistance and progression of cells to metastasis (Berezovskaya et al. 2005). 140 Separate to direct apoptotic interaction, cytotoxic compounds can cause reactive oxygen species production, which leads to oxidative stress in cancer cells by rapid accumulation of highly reactive molecules such as nitric oxide (Murphy 2009). When this occurs it results in damage to cell structures and potentially activates the apoptotic cascade making it a target for chemotherapy agents (Dharmarajan et al. 1999). Oxidative stress induces the expression of antioxidant genes that contain an antioxidant response element in their promoters; this can result in a triggering of apoptosis or necrosis of various cell types and, in several instances, can inhibit cell growth and interfere with the cell cycle (Minelli et al. 2009). After determining that phenoxodiol induced cytotoxicity in prostate cancer cells, the next focus was to determine the molecular signalling that resulted in cytotoxicity after phenoxodiol treatment. Molecular signalling that results in apoptosis is generally initiated via extrinsic and intrinsic pathways that mediate mitochondrial permeability and Bax upregulation. This results in Caspase-3 activation and subsequent apoptosis. To elucidate the specific mechanism by which phenoxodiol elicits an anti-proliferative effect in prostate cancer cell lines, we investigated the interactions of the apoptotic signalling molecules AIF, Bax, Bcl-xL, Caspase-3 and xIAP in prostate cancer cells treated with phenoxodiol. Subsequently this chapter investigates if caspase signalling is a requirement for phenoxodiol activity and whether phenoxodiol treatment could induce the production of reactive oxygen species which would then induce a cytotoxic response via oxidative stress. 141 5.2. AIMS The aims of this chapter were as follows: Aim 1: To determine consistency in cell death induction signalling between the cell lines by investigation of AIF, Bax, Bcl-xL, Caspase-3 and xIAP expression changes post phenoxodiol treatment. Aim 2: To determine if phenoxodiol activity required intrinsic or extrinsic caspase signalling pathways in LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 cells. Aim 3: To determine if Phenoxodiol-induced reactive oxygen species generation by investigating nitric oxide production post phenoxodiol treatment. 5.3. METHODOLOGY The methodology utilised in this chapter is discussed in detail in the materials and methods chapter (page 50). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis and Western blot analysis were performed on all three cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3, after 24 and 48 hours exposure to 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol concentrations. Briefly, cells were seeded into 6 well plates and treated appropriately with phenoxodiol, RNA extraction was performed using the Chomczynski guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform method via a TRI Reagent® extraction kit (Chomczynski and Sacchi 1987). Purified RNA was analysed for concentration using a Nandrop™ light spectrophotometer and 1µg was firstly DNAse treated and then converted into cDNA using a “M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase RNase H Minus, Point Mutant Taq” Promega enzyme kit with random primers. Removal of excess random primers, reagent and salts was performed using a Mol-Bio spin column post-pcr purification kit, leaving a final volume of 50µL cDNA. Each qPCR experiment was performed using 2µL of cDNA per sample. Primers were 142 designed to test for AIF, Bax, Bcl-xL, Caspase-3 and xIAP by using published primers. Primer spanning of an intron/exon boundary was confirmed using Primer3 and BLAST search engines. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was performed by adding 2µL of cDNA to a master mix of primers, Taq polymerase, dNTP’s, salt and water to bring the final volume to 10µL. qPCR was then performed on samples for 35 temperature cycles at varying annealing temperatures, on a Corbett Rotorgene 3000 or 6000, with initial results run against a gel ladder to determine if primer dimerisation had occurred. Once a successful sample was gel loaded and confirmed, a gel extraction was performed, purifying the final product that was then serially diluted 10 fold each step to produce a set of standards. In the full sample qPCR experiments, each sample was duplicated and compared to five standards which were also duplicated. The standards were 10 fold dilutions of given concentrations and the resulting standard curve then determined final sample concentrations. Final sample concentrations were compared against the expression of L19. Protein level analysis was performed using a Western blot protocol. Briefly, cells were seeded into six well plates, treated with phenoxodiol appropriately and a RIPA buffer/βmercaptoethanol-based, whole cell lysate, protein extraction performed. Protein concentration was determined against a standard curve on a Nanodrop™ light spectrophotometer and then, with varying concentrations per protein to be detected, loaded onto a SDS-Page/acrylamide based gel and current applied to the gel. After protein separation through the SDS-Page/acrylamide gel the proteins were transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane by the application of voltage to a transfer buffer. Ponceau S was used to stain the nitrocellulose membrane to determine if transfer was effective, if air bubbles existed or if even protein loading had occurred. Finally, primary antibodies were added to the membrane and 143 incubated in the appropriate conditions, excess was removed with TBS-T washes and a secondary antibody conjugated to HRP applied in the appropriate conditions. A chemiluminescent substrate kit was used to detect antibody binding concentration. A caspase inhibition assay was performed using the pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK. Briefly, cells were seeded into 96 well plates and after 48 hours of growth treated with either; DMSO vehicle control, 30µM phenoxodiol, 10µM Z-VAD-FMK pan caspase inhibitor or a combination of both 30µM phenoxodiol and 10µM Z-VAD-FMK, in complete media over a period of 48 hours. After 48 hours of treatment 20µL of MTS dye was added to each well and the plates incubated for 3 hours before the absorbance of light at 492nm was measured on a LabSystems plate reader. The Griess assay was performed to determine if phenoxodiol induced the production of nitric oxide, a potent free radical. Cells were plated into 96 well plates and grown for 48 hours before the media were replaced with a negative control, DMSO Control, 10µM phenoxodiol, 30µM phenoxodiol, 1000µM DEAN or 100µM SNP containing media. After 24 or 48 hours of treatment a standard curve was performed on the plate with complete media and 10 fold dilutions of a 100µM nitrite solution. After the standard curve was prepared 50µL of the treatment media was aspirated from each well and replaced with 50µL sulfanilamide solution and then incubated for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes there was an addition of 50µL of NED solution to each well followed by another 10 minute incubation. After incubation the plate was scanned on a LabSystems plate reader at 540nm absorbance to determine NO production rate. 144 5.4. RESULTS Analysis of mRNA signalling expression by qPCR was performed to determine the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways activated by phenoxodiol treatment. The pro-apoptotic molecule Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) can induce apoptosis, in a caspase independent manner, by causing chromatin condensation, interacting with NADH oxidase, inducing DNA fragmentation and interacting with the mitochondrial membrane, thereby increasing permeability (Xie et al. 2005). Figure 31 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the AIF, over 24 and 48 hours, post phenoxodiol treatment. LNCaP AIF expression levels were significantly decreased after 48 hours of treatment with 10µM (p=0.026) and 30µM (p=0.042) phenoxodiol concentrations. At the 24 hour time point all cell lines expressed no significant difference in comparison to the DMSO vehicle control levels. This result was also seen after 48 hours for the DU145 and PC3 cell lines. AIF mRNA expression was determined to not be consistently altered by phenoxodiol treatment between the prostate cancer cell lines. 145 LNCaP AIF qPCR Expression 10 AIF/L19 8 * 6 * Control 4 10µM PXD 2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment AIF/L19 DU145 AIF qPCR Expression 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment AIF/L19 PC3 AIF qPCR Expression 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 31 AIF MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. 146 Increased expression of the pro-apoptotic molecule Bax results in mitochondrial membrane permeabilisation, releasing several pro-apoptotic molecules, such as Cytochrome c, which induce apoptosis through activation of caspases (Cheng et al. 2001). Figure 32 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of pro-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax), over 24 and 48 hours, post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP and PC3 cells expressed no significant difference in Bax expression between DMSO vehicle control and treatment groups over either time points. DU145 cells expressed an increase in Bax signalling with both 10µM (p<0.05) and 30µM (p=0.037) phenoxodiol treatment groups after 48 hours but no significant difference in the 24 hour cohort. There was no significant difference detected between Bax signalling levels after treatment with either phenoxodiol concentrations. Bax signalling was not found to be consistently altered across the prostate cancer cells lines in response to phenoxodiol treatment. 147 LNCaP Bax qPCR Expression 25 Bax/L19 20 15 Control 10 10µM PXD 5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 Bax qPCR Expression 20 Bax/L19 15 * Control 10 10µM PXD 5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 Bax qPCR Expression 25 Bax/L19 20 15 Control 10 10µM PXD 5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 32 BAX MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. 148 Bcl-xL protects cells from apoptosis by regulating mitochondria membrane potential and volume by interacting with pro-apoptotic members, Bax or Bim, and subsequently preventing the release of Cytochrome c and other mitochondrial factors from the intermembrane space into the cytosol (Sun et al. 2008). Figure 33 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-xL, over 24 and 48 hours, post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. The expression levels of Bcl-xL were not found to change significantly in response to treatment with Phenoxodiol at any time point. Bcl-xL mRNA signalling was consistently unresponsive following exposure to phenoxodiol treatment. 149 LNCaP Bcl-xL qPCR Expression 25 Bcl-xL/L19 20 15 Control 10 10µM PXD 5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Bcl-xL/L19 DU145 Bcl-xL qPCR Expression 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 Bcl-xL qPCR Expression Bcl-xL/L19 2 1.5 Control 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 33 BCL-XL MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS 150 Caspase-3 is a potent downstream apoptotic signalling molecule that, once activated, can induce DNA fragmentation and other apoptotic events (Janicke et al. 1998; Janicke et al. 1998). Figure 34 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the pro-apoptotic molecule Caspase-3 over 24 and 48 hours, post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP and PC3 cells were not found to significantly change expression of Caspase-3 signalling over any course of treatment and time points. The 48 hours of treatment, 30µM PXD, PC3 sample was not significant (p=0.25). After 24 hours treatment DU145 cells indicated no expression differences over DMSO vehicle control but the 48 hour 10µM (p=0.023) and 30µM (p<0.05) PXD treatments were found to be significantly increased over DMSO vehicle control. The Caspase-3 mRNA signalling results corresponded to the Caspase-3 activity assay and indicated increased expression of Caspase-3 in DU145 cells after 48 hours of treatment with phenoxodiol. While activated Caspase-3 was seen to decrease (chapter 4) after 48 hours in LNCaP cells, the signalling was not found to be altered. The previously reported decrease in activated Caspase-3, but a lack of detected signalling change could be due to the dramatic decrease in live cell population after 48 hours in the LNCaP cell line. Therefore the LNCaP cells would need to be tested for activated Caspase-3 between 24 and 48 hours to determine the period where Caspase-3 signalling and expression is detectably altered but a majority of the LNCaP cell population has not progressed to late stage apoptosis. 151 LNCaP Caspase-3 qPCR Expression Caspase-3/L19 50 40 30 Control 20 10µM PXD 10 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 Caspase-3 qPCR Expression Caspase-3/L19 0.6 0.5 0.4 * 0.3 Control 0.2 10µM PXD 0.1 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 Caspase-3 qPCR Expression Caspase-3/L19 12 10 8 6 Control 4 10µM PXD 2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 34 CASPASE-3 MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. 152 xIAP is a potent inhibitor of apoptosis that interacts with Caspase-3 thereby preventing downstream apoptotic effects and Caspase-9 signalling (Straszewski-Chavez et al. 2004). Figure 35 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the anti-apoptotic molecule X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (xIAP), over 24 and 48 hours, post phenoxodiol treatment in cells. No significant changes in xIAP mRNA expression levels were detected across any treatment group or time point. Phenoxodiol does not increase cytotoxicity through depression of xIAP mRNA signalling in prostate cancer cell lines. 153 xIAP/L19 LNCaP xIAP qPCR Expression 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 xIAP qPCR Expression 5 xIAP/L19 4 3 Control 2 10µM PXD 1 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 xIAP qPCR Expression 12 xIAP/L19 10 8 6 Control 4 10µM PXD 2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 35 XIAP MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS Western blot protein analysis was performed on whole cell lysate to determine protein level changes after phenoxodiol treatment for the genes AIF, Bax, Bcl-xL and xIAP. Activated 154 Caspase-3 protein was not detected because an activated Caspase-3 fluorescent activity assay had already been performed. Cell protein expression was measured using densitometric analysis after performing a Western blot, with protein expression compared to a standardising protein, β-actin. AIF protein is a potent pro-apoptotic molecule that can induce apoptosis via a caspase independent manner through mitochondrial permeabilisation (Susin et al. 1999). Figure 36 demonstrates quantitative protein levels of the pro-apoptotic AIF protein over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP cells were determined to have significantly higher AIF protein levels after 24 hours of treatment with 30µM (p=0.015) PXD treatment, while at the 48 hour time point the 10µM PXD treatment was found to express significantly lower levels of AIF than DMSO vehicle control (p=0.007) and 30µM PXD (p=0.008). The cell line DU145 was found to have no detectable levels of AIF expression in any time point or group. PC3 cells were found to have significantly lower levels of AIF protein versus DMSO vehicle control after 24 hours and 10µM of PXD treatment (p=0.036); while, in the 48 hour treatment group, the 30µM PXD cohort exhibited a strong trend towards biological significance but was not statistically significant (p=0.08). AIF protein expression was not determined to consistently change after phenoxodiol treatment across the prostate cancer cell lines. 155 LNCaP AIF Protein Levels 3.00 AIF/β-actin 2.50 2.00 ** 1.50 Control 1.00 10µM PXD 0.50 30µM PXD 0.00 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 AIF Protein Levels 1 AIF/β-actin 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Control 10µM PXD * 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 36 AIF PROTEIN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 30µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. Bax is an important pro-apoptotic protein essential for the mitochondrial release of Cytochome c, inducing cellular apoptosis (Lee et al. 2008). Figure 37 demonstrates quantitative protein levels of the pro-apoptotic Bax protein over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP cells were found to have significantly lower levels of Bax protein after 24 hours of treatment with both 10µM (p=0.024) and 30µM (p≤0.001) PXD treatment. No significant change was detected in the LNCaP 48 hour treatment group. DU145 cells did not express detectable levels of Bax protein, the second pro-apoptotic protein found 156 to be down regulated to non-detectable levels in DU145 cells. PC3 cells expressed no significant change in Bax protein expression across any time point or treatment group in comparison to DMSO vehicle control. Bax protein expression was not determined to alter consistently across the prostate cancer cell lines following treatment with phenoxodiol. Bax/β-actin LNCaP Bax Protein Levels 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Control * 10µM PXD * 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Bax/β-actin PC3 Bax Protein Levels 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 37 BAX PROTEIN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. Bcl-xL protein is a potent anti-apoptotic agent that acts through the binding of molecules with BH3 domain-only molecules in stable mitochondrial complexes, thereby preventing activation 157 of pro-apoptotic pathways such as Bax (Cheng et al. 2001). Figure 38 demonstrates quantitative protein levels of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL protein over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP cells expressed no significant differences across 24 hours but, after 48 hours of treatment, both 10µM (p=0.003) and 30µM (p=0.0099) PXD treatment groups were significantly increased in the expression of Bcl-xL protein versus DMSO vehicle control. DU145 cells were found to have no significant expression changes across 24 hours of treatment, although the 30µM PXD treatment group trended towards biological significance (p=0.08) versus DMSO vehicle control. After 48 hours of treatment the DU145 30µM PXD treatment group was found to be significantly different to both the DMSO vehicle control (p=0.013) and the 10µM PXD treatment group (p=0.0018). PC3 cells expressed no significant differences between groups across 24 hours of treatment but, after 48 hours of treatment, both 10µM (p=0.04) and 30µM (p=0.041) PXD treatment groups had significantly lower expression of Bcl-xL protein than DMSO vehicle control. Bcl-xL protein expression was altered in an inconsistent manner between the three cell lines following phenoxodiol treatment. 158 Bcl-xL/β-actin LNCaP Bcl-xL Protein Levels 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 * * Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Bcl-xL/β-actin DU145 Bcl-xL Protein Levels 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 ** Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 Bcl-xL Protein Levels Bcl-xL/β-actin 0.5 0.4 0.3 Control 0.2 10µM PXD 0.1 * * 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 38 BCL-XL PROTEIN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. 159 X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (xIAP) is part of a family of endogenous caspase inhibitors that, when up regulated, have been implicated in the early stage development of prostate and breast epithelial carcinoma (Parton et al. 2002; Krajewska et al. 2003). Figure 39 demonstrates quantitative protein levels of the anti-apoptotic xIAP protein over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP cells were not found to have a differential expression of xIAP protein across all time points and treatment groups versus DMSO vehicle control. The DU145 cell population at 24 hours was determined to have a significant decrease in xIAP protein expression in the 10µM (p=0.048) PXD versus DMSO vehicle control, while the 30µM PXD treatment group was found to be significantly decreased in comparison to both DMSO vehicle control (p=0.001) and 10µM PXD (p=0.005). No changes were detected across the 48 hour treatment group in the DU145 cell population although the 30µM PXD group had a strong trend (p=0.07) towards a decrease in xIAP protein expression compared to DMSO vehicle control. PC3 cells were not found to have a differential expression of xIAP protein across all time points and treatment groups versus DMSO vehicle control. 160 xIAP/β-actin LNCaP xIAP Protein Levels 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 xIAP Protein Levels xIAP/β-actin 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 * Control 10µM PXD ** 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 xIAP Protein Levels xIAP/β-actin 2 1.5 Control 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 39 XIAP PROTEIN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and Control for that time point. 161 Following the results of the Caspase-3 activity assay, qPCR and Western blots indicating that the apoptotic signalling was inconsistent between cell lines, a pan caspase inhibition assay was performed to determine if phenoxodiol functioned through manipulation of the intrinsic or extrinsic caspase signalling pathways. Following treatment with both phenoxodiol and a pancaspase inhibitor, an MTS proliferation assay measuring cell proliferation was performed. Figure 40 demonstrates the effect of a 10µM treatment of pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK on the proliferation of cells in conjunction with 30µM of phenoxodiol after 48 hours. None of the cell lines exhibited a significant difference between their respective DMSO vehicle control group and 10µM caspase inhibitor (CI) only treatments, nor the 30µM PXD and combined 10µM CI 30µM PXD treatment groups. The LNCaP cell 30µM PXD only treatment group was found to be significantly decreased in proliferation versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.048) and the 10µM CI only treatment (p≤0.001). The LNCaP cell combined 10µM CI 30µM PXD treatment had the same result with a significant decrease in cell proliferation versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.0024) and 10µM CI only treatments (p≤0.001). DU145 cells did not follow the same trend strictly, the 30µM PXD (p<0.05) and combined 10µM CI 30µM PXD (p=0.029) groups were significantly different versus DMSO vehicle control but not statistically different to the 10µM CI only treatment. PC3 cells exhibited the same response to caspase inhibition and phenoxodiol treatment as LNCaP cells. The PC3 cells 30µM PXD group was significantly different to DMSO vehicle control (p≤0.001) and the 10µM CI only (p=0.0062) groups. The PC3 cells combined 10µM CI 30µM PXD group was significantly different to DMSO vehicle control (p≤0.001) and the 10µM CI only (p=0.0058) groups. 162 % Cell Growth vs Control LNCaP Z-VAD-FMK Caspase Inhibition 120 100 ** 80 ** Negative 60 Control 40 CI 10µm 20 PXD 30µm 0 CI + PXD 48 Hours Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control DU145 Z-VAD-FMK Caspase Inhibition 120 100 80 * 60 Negative * Control 40 CI 10µm 20 PXD 30µm 0 CI + PXD 48 Hours Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control PC3 Z-VAD-FMK Caspase Inhibition 120 100 80 ** 60 ** Negative Control 40 CI 10µm 20 PXD 30µm 0 CI + PXD 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 40 CASPASE INHIBITION TREATMENT WITH 10µM Z-VAD-FMK (CI) AND 30µM PHENOXODIOL (PXD) OVER 48 HOURS * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM CI treatment and Control for that time point. 163 Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are known to induce oxidative stress in cancer cells by rapid accumulation of highly reactive molecules such as nitric oxide (NO). After determining that pan-caspase inhibition did not affect phenoxodiols ability to prevent the proliferation of prostate cancer cells, a nitric oxide measurement assay, the Griess assay, was performed to determine if phenoxodiol induced the production of nitric oxide, a potent free radical which can induce cell cytotoxicity through oxidative stress. When this occurs it results in damage to cell structures and potentially activates the apoptotic cascade, making it a target for chemotherapy agents (Dharmarajan et al. 1999). Figure 41 demonstrates the amount of nitric oxide produced by phenoxodiol addition to prostate cancer cells over 24 and 48 hours and includes the positive control nitric oxide stimulators DEAN and SNP. None of the cell lines exhibited significant changes in nitric oxide levels in comparison to DMSO vehicle control at either 10µM or 30µM concentrations of phenoxodiol after 24 or 48 hours of treatment. LNCaP cells exhibited a 1000% increase in NO production versus DMSO vehicle control under the influence of DEAN (p<0.001) and while SNP effectively quadrupled control (p<0.001) it was dwarfed by DEAN’s over 1000% increase in NO production and was significantly lower (p<0.001) than DEAN stimulated production. DU145 and PC3 cell lines displayed a similar result with a significant increase in NO production over DMSO vehicle control by DEAN stimulated cells (DU145 p<0.001, PC3 p<0.001). In both PC3 and DU145 cell lines SNP stimulated an increased production of NO versus DMSO vehicle control (DU145 p<0.001, PC3 p<0.001) and continued the trend of SNP stimulated cells responding much lower than DEAN stimulated cells (DU145 p<0.001, PC3 p<0.001). Both DU145 and PC3 cell lines had 1000% increase in NO production under the influence of DEAN, similar to LNCaP; however, the SNP production was only a 200% increase in NO production versus DMSO vehicle control whereas the LNCaP cells had a 400% increase. This suggests the late stage representative cell lines, DU145 and PC3, were less responsive to SNP stimulation than the early stage representative, LNCaP. Phenoxodiol does not induce the production of reactive oxygen species in prostate cancer cells. 164 % NO Production vs Control LNCaP Nitric Oxide Production Following Phenoxodiol Treatment 1200 * Negative 800 Control ** ** 400 10µM PXD 30µM PXD DEAN 0 24 Hours 48 Hours SNP Treatment % NO Production vs Control DU145 Nitric Oxide Production Following Phenoxodiol Treatment 1200 Negative 800 Control 10µM PXD 400 30µM PXD DEAN 0 24 Hours 48 Hours SNP Treatment % NO Production vs Control PC3 Nitric Oxide Production Following Phenoxodiol Treatment 1200 Negative 800 Control 10µM PXD 400 30µM PXD DEAN 0 24 Hours 48 Hours SNP Treatment FIGURE 41 NITRIC OXIDE FORMATION IN PROSTATE CANCER CELLS OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT MEASURED VIA GRIESS ASSAY 165 * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM DEAN treatment and control for that time point. 5.5. DISCUSSION Two of the hallmarks of cancer initiation and progression are the ability of cells to become insensitive to anti-growth signals and to evade apoptosis. To do this the cells accumulate increased expression of anti-apoptotic signalling molecules, which prevents activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic signalling pathways that normally induce cell death (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Here we report that phenoxodiol does not induce cytotoxicity through direct manipulation of the expression of key elements of the extrinsic and intrinsic cell death pathways. In the previous chapter we characterised the prostate cancer cells’ response to phenoxodiol’s treatment and determined that cytotoxicity appears to be partly caused by significant mitochondrial depolarisation after treatment. This results in a significant decrease in cell population and increase in cell death via apoptosis and late stage apoptosis. The JC-1 study gave an indication that mitochondrial catastrophe may be occurring, which can affect AIF, Bax, Bcl-xL, Caspase-3 and xIAP expression. A key aspect of chemotherapeutic treatments is the ability to induce cytotoxicity in multiple stages of tumour development. Treatments with a known, consistent method of action maximise potential treatment candidates and have increased success rates. Successful treatments, which induce cytotoxicity and target the extrinsic or intrinsic apoptotic signalling pathways, are focussed on due to the well characterised ability of these pathways to induce inflammation-free cell death (Brown and Wouters 1999; Fojo and Bates 2003). To elucidate the mechanism by which phenoxodiol elicits an anti-proliferative effect in prostate cancer cell lines, we investigated the kinetics of apoptosis induction. In the previous chapter we reported 166 a lack of Caspase-3 activation, or decrease, within the first 48 hours for LNCaP and PC3 cell lines, with DU145 having a subsequent increase at the 48 hour time point. This was surprising because we detected significant levels of apoptosis in LNCaP and DU145 cell lines with PC3 cells responding necrotically to treatment, and other studies have indicated the ability of phenoxodiol to induce apoptosis through PARP-1 activation (Aguero et al. 2010). The significant increase in Caspase-3 expression in DU145 cells, although minor, was in response to an increase in Caspase-3 signalling following 48 hours of treatment. This confirmed that, in some prostate cancer cell lines, phenoxodiol can induce a downstream classic apoptotic response as previously reported (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Aguero et al. 2005; Alvero et al. 2006; Yu et al. 2006). Prostate cancer has been shown to express Bcl-2 family members (Scherr et al. 1999) as well as having changes in the ratio of pro- and anti-apoptotic signalling molecules following treatment (Tang et al. 2006). However, a lack of change has also been previously reported in clonogenic studies (Tannock and Lee 2001). The over expression of Bcl-xL leads to resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs and radiotherapy, while depletion of Bcl-xL by shRNA, antisense cDNA, or antisense oligodeoxynucleotides can impair tumour cell growth, sensitise cells to apoptosis inducing agents, and increase cell sensitivity to chemotherapy (Wang et al. 2008). Members of the BH3 family, such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, are anti-apoptotic and maintain mitochondrial membrane integrity by binding mitochondrial porin channels. These antiapoptotic proteins also protect cells from apoptosis by binding to pro-apoptotic BH3-only members, such as Bid and Bax (Korsmeyer et al. 2000; Cheng et al. 2001; Cory and Adams 2002; Puthalakath and Strasser 2002). The ratio of pro-apoptotic Bax protein to anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL can be a determinant of cellular susceptibility to apoptosis. The release of Bax from the mitochondria in LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 cells was exhibited in the previously reported JC-1 mitochondrial depolarisation assay. 167 In this study we determined that the cytotoxicity of phenoxodiol was not associated with consistent changes in both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family between the cell lines, contrasting previous studies (Yu et al. 2006). LNCaP displayed a decreased expression of Bax protein and increased expression of Bcl-xL protein, with cells attempting to prevent the effect of phenoxodiol induced mitochondrial depolarisation by mediating the effects of the Bcl-2 family. However, LNCaP cells still exhibited significant cytotoxicity to treatment, indicating that the classic intrinsic apoptotic pathway might not be directly responsible for the effect of phenoxodiol treatment. DU145 cells did not express Bax protein at all, influencing the cell into a strong anti-apoptotic phenotype: yet a detectable decrease in Bcl-xL protein was determined after treatment, indicating a susceptibility to phenoxodiol induced mitochondrial depolarisation with resultant mitochondrial efflux. PC3 cells levels of Bax were unchanged following treatment, but the expression of Bcl-xL levels were significantly reduced, indicating that the ratio of Bcl-xL:Bax had significantly decreased, a sign of cell death signalling sensitivity from this notoriously chemoresistant cell line (Li et al. 2008). Modulation of other pro- or anti-apoptotic proteins also remained inconsistent, indicating that phenoxodiol could be inducing cytotoxicity through means other than the classical intrinsic and extrinsic cell death pathways, with DU145 cells exhibiting downstream effects of these other pathways. Phenoxodiol mediated cell death was not linked to the Caspase-independent pathway of Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF). AIF induces caspase independent cell death primarily through translocation from the mitochondria to the nucleus, where it mediates chromatin condensation and high-molecular-weight fragmentation of DNA (Hong et al. 2004). AIF expression was only mediated in the LNCaP cell line, with DU145 not expressing the protein. Expression in LNCaP cells was found to decrease in response to decreased mRNA 168 signalling, which is counter intuitive to the effects of phenoxodiol as it was expected to increase this expression to induce the cytotoxic effects that were exhibited. PC3 cells were not determined to have much AIF signalling alteration except for a small decrease after 24 hours of treatment, while the 48 hour treatment group remained unchanged. The lack of a consistent change in gene expression between LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 cell lines indicates that phenoxodiol does not promote cell death by disrupting the stoichiometry of key pro- and anti-apoptotic molecules investigated here. The common model for cancer therapy activity has been that anti-cancer regimens cause apoptotic signalling to occur, often mediated by p53 and Caspase-3 upregulation (Fojo and Bates 2003). Therefore, cells that are resistant to apoptosis achieve this through forced over expression of anti-apoptotic molecules such as xIAP and Bcl-xL family members or p53 mutation (Brown and Attardi 2005). Members of the Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (IAP), such as xIAP, can prevent apoptosis by inactivating Caspase-3 and Caspase-9. The results reported in this study are in contrast to other reports, where it has been demonstrated in ovarian cancer that caspase activation, Bax upregulation and xIAP degradation are key proteins modulated by phenoxodiol (Sapi et al. 2004; Alvero et al. 2006; Mor et al. 2006; Kluger et al. 2007). We have previously established a link between chemoresistance and xIAP expression in refractory ovarian cancer (Amantana et al. 2004). We detected only decreased xIAP expression in the DU145 cells following 24 hours of treatment. This decrease coincides with an increase in Caspase-3 mRNA signalling and activated expression, reinforcing the ability of phenoxodiol to induce DU145 cells into an intrinsically mediated apoptotic response downstream of the pathway phenoxodiol is interacting with. The inability of the pan caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD-FMK, to prevent the anti-proliferative activity of phenoxodiol in all three cell lines reinforces that the phenoxodiol induced mechanism of cell 169 death in prostate cancer is occurring via a caspase-independent pathway. This is in contrast to many studies that indicate PARP and caspase activation as the effect of phenoxodiol treatment (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Aguero et al. 2005). One potential method of induction investigated was the ability of phenoxodiol to induce accumulation/production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cell, causing oxidative stress. Mitochondrial swelling and volume increase due to depolarisation is linked to ROS production, where oxidative stress induces the expression of specific genes that contain an antioxidant response element (ARE) in their promoters. ARE promoted genes can trigger apoptosis or necrosis of various cell types and, in several instances, can inhibit cell growth and interfere with the cell cycle (Juhaszova et al. 2004; Minelli et al. 2009). The cell cycle modulator p21WAF1 has been implicated in protecting the cell from NO induced cell death (Yang et al. 2000) and it has also been reported that anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members, such as Bcl-xL, reduce accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in transfected cells and can protect a variety of cells from apoptosis induced by oxidative stressors. Conversely, Bax expression causes increased mitochondrial production of ROS and apoptosis when over expressed in cultured cells (Dharmarajan et al. 1999). This study investigated the effects of phenoxodiol in producing nitric oxide (NO), a potent ROS molecule, after the effect of phenoxodiol on mitochondrial depolarisation was exhibited. We discovered that, in all cell lines, phenoxodiol did not induce NO production as a response to treatment, but that all three cell lines retained the ability to have NO production stimulated by DEAN and SNP addition. Recent reports indicate that, in addition to apoptosis, cancer cells can be effectively eliminated through necrosis, mitotic catastrophe and premature senescence, which result in cell cycle arrest and subsequent cell death signalling (Brown and Wouters 1999; Brown and Wilson 2003; Tannock et al. 2004). Cells that are non-responsive to treatment through the classic intrinsic apoptosis pathways, yet have an apoptotic response, must activate this process 170 through other mechanisms such as mitochondrial response and depolarisation, mitotic catastrophe and DNA degradation (Ruth and Roninson 2000; Brown and Wilson 2003). Additionally, cells can undergo apoptosis through mechanisms such as Cytochrome c release, Caspase-8 and Caspase-9 signalling, as well as high-molecular-weight DNA breakdown. We previously exhibited the ability of phenoxodiol induction to induce efflux of mitochondria and, therefore, Cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm. Indeed, it would appear from our studies of cell lines representative of different phases of prostate cancer, that phenoxodiol elicits an alternative induction of cytotoxicity instead of classical extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic signalling. This study indicates that phenoxodiol exhibits a significant ability to induce cytotoxicity and cell death in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 through different signalling pathways than those previously reported in ovarian cancer studies, and clearly demonstrates the caspase independent induction of this cell death. This study also determined that nitric oxide production and, therefore, oxidative stress is not altered after treatment. Coupled with the induction of apoptotic cell death through non-classical pathways, phenoxodiol shows potential as a drug for future treatment of prostate cancer that is resistant to apoptotic signalling. 171 6. CHAPTER SIX: THE EFFECTS OF PHENOXODIOL ON THE CELL CYCLE 6.1. INTRODUCTION Two of the hallmarks of cancer are the ability to be self-sufficient in growth signals and to have infinite replicative potential, which can be initiated through damaging the cell cycle restriction points, thereby allowing for progression of cancer from benign to metastatic states (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Dysregulated growth rates can initiate cancer as more cell cycle machinery becomes damaged, mutations are allowed to accumulate, methylation status changes occur and cells become undifferentiated and progress towards metastasis. The cell cycle is composed of G1, S, G2 and M phases, which represent normal function, DNA replication, organelle replication and mitotic separation respectively (Marieb 2012). Any errors that may occur at these steps could be catastrophic for normal cell functioning and, as such, the cell cycle apparatus retains potent signalling molecules that can search for errors and rapidly induce apoptosis (Cooper 2003). The initial point where this process can occur is referred to as the G1 restriction point (Pardee 1974). To maintain normal function, the cell cycle is a potent inducer of cell death through regulation of DNA content at a variety of restriction points. As the cell reaches a restriction point, the gene p53 detects and attempts to repair any evident DNA damage; if the damage is too great it can initiate apoptosis. The p53 gene is a potent tumour suppressor that exerts its functions through activation of downstream targets, some of which include induction of CDKN1/p21WAF1, 14-3-3y, and REPRIMO for G1-G2 arrest; p53R2 for DNA repair and Bax, Puma, p53AIP1, PERP, and CD95 for apoptosis (Wasylishen and Penn 2010). Unfortunately p53 is found mutated in nearly 70% of carcinomas. Considerable evidence indicates that the choice made by p53 to 172 activate cell cycle arrest and DNA repair pathways, or the apoptosis pathway after DNA damage, is dependent on the extent of unrepaired or misrepaired double-strand breaks in the DNA (Devlin et al. 2008). Disabling the p53 pathway enables cells to enter and proceed through the cell cycle under conditions that increase the frequencies of aneuploidy, gene amplification, deletion and translocation. This, coupled with loss of p53 dependant apoptosis, increases genetic instability and is highly selected during cancer progression (Vafa et al. 2002). Cell cycle progression is intricately regulated by the interactions of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) complexes. Cyclin-D1 is a regulatory subunit of the highly conserved cyclin family that phosphorylates and, together with sequential phosphorylation by Cyclin-E/CDK2, inactivates the cell-cycle inhibiting function of the retinoblastoma protein. Upon mitogenic stimulation, the Cyclin-D Cdk4/Cdk6 and Cyclin-E Cdk2 complexes mediate phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein, which induces transcriptionally active E2F thereby ensuring G1-S transit (Baldin et al. 1993; Roy et al. 2007). Retinoblastoma protein serves as a gatekeeper of the G1 phase, and passage through the restriction point leads to DNA synthesis, making CyclinD1 expression an important target to regulate cancer cell replication (Fu et al. 2004). P21WAF1 is a cyclin dependant kinase inhibitor (CdkI) family member, along with p27 and p57, which interfere with the cyclin dependant kinase-cyclin complex. The group is regulated both by internal and external signals, with the expression of p21WAF1 under transcriptional control of the p53 tumour suppressor gene (Srivastava et al. 2007). As an important mediator of apoptosis, the frequency of somatic mutations in the p21WAF1 gene and family in cancers is very rare; which underlines the importance of these molecules as promising therapeutic targets. Both p21 and p27 are upregulated by a variety of regulatory pathways at the transcriptional as well as post-transcriptional levels, with p21WAF1 transcriptionally upregulated by p53 in 173 response to DNA damage. p21WAF1 is also activated by various transcription factors and subsequently mediates growth arrest, senescence and apoptosis in a p53-independent manner, and p21 mRNA stability can be post transcriptionally regulated by HuR, an RNAbinding protein, in response to stress (Roy et al. 2007; Roy et al. 2008). An important indicator of cell proliferation rate, Ki-67 is present in all proliferating cells, normal and neoplastic, and its level of expression indicates the rate of growth of a cell population. Studies proved the hypothesis that, in breast cancer, the Ki-67 index is an independent prognostic factor in both patient survival assessment and disease recurrence. The Ki-67 index can also be used as a predictive factor of neoplastic cell response to certain types of therapy as well as a measure capable of indicating success of treatment (Koda et al. 2007). C-Myc is an important regulator of cell function that was implicated as one of the first oncogenes. It is known that cell cycle regulation is altered under excess c-Myc expression with a decrease in time taken to reach the restriction point of G1. Cell cycle regulation has been implicated by varied means; canonical Wnt/β-catenin stimulation, Cyclin-D and Cyclin-E CDK2 stimulation, inhibiting the effect of p27 a CdkI family member amongst others (Mateyak et al. 1999). Conversely, c-Myc expression has also been promoted as a control mechanism for cell cycle-induced apoptosis and prevention of differentiation in normal functioning cells (Wasylishen and Penn 2010). Initiating the normal and cancerous prostate cell cycle progression is the activity of the growth factor androgen receptor (AR), which is found to be mutated in most late stage prostate cancers. The AR is widely accepted to be the initiator of prostate cell replication and differentiation signalling through transcription of mitogenic and anti-apoptotic factors. Cell signalling pathways, such as the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway, drive the cells 174 towards growth and differentiation while interaction with anti-apoptotic pathways, such as the Bcl-xL pathway, prevents the cells from entering into apoptosis when the AR is stimulated (Sun et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2008). Because AR signalling has also been shown to play a key role in prostate carcinogenesis, androgen ablation therapy is a commonly used form of treatment, particularly for advanced disease. While ablation therapy leads to initially significant levels of prostate cancer cell apoptosis, the effect is short-lived and ultimately not curative because most patients develop androgen-independent/hormone refractory disease (D'Antonio et al. 2008). Manipulation of this growth factor by upregulation of receptors, mutation to a constitutively active form or a complete loss of AR as a mitogenic requirement are characteristics of late stage prostate cancer (Peng et al. 2008). Levels of β-catenin and AR are both increased in hormone refractory prostate cancer, βcatenin is activated by canonical Wnt stimulation, but mutated forms of β-catenin, which can result in a permanently stabilised protein, have also been detected in prostate cancer. βcatenin has multiple functions that involve both cell adhesion and signal transduction in response to Wnt ligands (Chesire et al. 2002). In the absence of Wnt ligands, GSK3β complexes with other proteins and degrades cytoplasmic β-catenin, but when Wnt ligands bind to the frizzled receptor complex, the resulting activation of the cytoplasmic protein dishevelled inactivates GSK3β, thereby preventing degradation of β-catenin (Wan et al. 2012). It is important to note that GSK3β has been linked to prevention of AR transcriptional activity; so Wnt ligand binding both increases AR expression and β-catenin stability (Li et al. 2008). Upon stimulation, β-catenin translocates to the nucleus where it can drive cell cycle progression through interaction with T-cell factor (TCF)/lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF) transcription factors to initiate transcription of target genes such as c-Myc and Cyclin-D1, driving cell growth. As such, dysregulation of the Wnt, AR or β-catenin pathways can result in a metastatic, highly replicative phenotype (Wang et al. 2008). It has been postulated that the 175 ratio of β-catenin/AR might be an important prognostic indicator that may even help define a subpopulation of men with prostate cancer for individualised management (Wan et al. 2012). Secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4) is one of a group of proteins that antagonise the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway, decreasing Wnt activity and preventing activated β-catenin from forming. sFRP4 can also decrease invasiveness in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells and has been shown to be anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic in nature (Muley et al. 2010). Moreover, the correlation between increased membranous sFRP4 and β-catenin expression in a large human cohort supports evidence for sFRP4 as a prognostic marker in localised androgen-dependent prostate cancer. Unlike other inhibitors of Wnt signalling, sFRP4 appears to affect androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer (Horvath et al. 2004; Horvath et al. 2007). In this chapter we explored the ability of phenoxodiol to impact the cell cycle of prostate cancer cells and investigate the underlying signalling pathways c-Myc, Cyclin-D1, Ki-67 and p21WAF1. We then investigated whether phenoxodiol alters the expression of the active protein form of β-catenin, which is known to be important in prostate homeostasis and whose expression has been implicated in poor prognosis. Finally, we investigated sFRP4 protein expression, after phenoxodiol treatment because sFRP4 is an inhibitor of the canonical Wnt/βcatenin signalling pathway and a potential inhibitor of prostate cancer cell growth. 176 6.2. AIMS The aims of this chapter were as follows: Aim 1: To determine if phenoxodiol affected the cell cycle phases of the prostate cancer lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3. Aim 2: To determine if signalling pathways c-Myc, Cyclin-D1, Ki-67, p21WAF1 were altered post phenoxodiol treatment. Aim 3: To determine if the expression of sFRP4 ligand was altered in response to phenoxodiol treatment. 6.3. METHODOLOGY The methodology utilised in this chapter is discussed in detail in the materials and methods chapter (page 50). Analysing the population of cells in each cell cycle phase indicated whether phenoxodiol had a direct effect upon the cell cycle of prostate cancer cells. Briefly, cells were seeded into 6 well plates and incubated for 48 hours before 24 or 48 hours of treatment media were applied. Cell media were aspirated and centrifuged and cells were trypsinised, then placed into the same tube and centrifuged. Cells were washed with PBS and then -20°C 70% ethanol was added drop wise, while vortexing to fixate the cells. Cells were stored at 4°C then rehydrated with PBS and stained with propidium iodide before being placed into a FACS Canto II cytometer, which determined fluorescence and therefore DNA content. FlowJo software was utilised to further analyse the sample and distinguish quantitative populations of G1, S and G2 phase cells. 177 Once it was determined that phenoxodiol had an impact on the cell cycle it was necessary to explore the underlying cell cycle and cell proliferation signalling that could be the target of phenoxodiol treatment. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis was performed on all three cell lines, LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 after 24 and 48 hours of 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment. As previously states, cells were seeded, treated and then RNA extraction was performed using the Chomczynski guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform method (Chomczynski and Sacchi 1987). Purified RNA was analysed and converted into cDNA then cleaned with a post PCR kit. Each qPCR experiment was performed using 2µL of cDNA per sample and primers were designed to test for c-Myc, Cyclin-D1, Ki-67 and p21WAF1 by using published primers. Primer spanning of an intron/exon boundary was confirmed using Primer3 and BLAST search engines. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was performed as previously states, using 2µL of cDNA to a master mix of primers/Taq and then applying 35 temperature cycles at varying annealing temperatures on a Corbett Rotorgene 3000 or 6000. The standards used were 10 fold dilutions of a purified gel extract and were given concentrations. The resulting standard curve then determined final sample concentrations compared against the expression of L19. Protein level analysis was performed using a Western blot protocol as previously described. Cells were seeded, treated and protein extracted with a RIPA buffer/β-mercaptoethanol based, whole cell lysate method. After protein concentration was determined it was loaded onto a SDSPage/acrylamide based gel and current applied to the gel. After protein separation, transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane was performed and Ponceau red used to determine effective transfer. Finally, primary antibodies were added to the membrane and incubated in the appropriate conditions, excess was removed with TBS-T washes and a secondary antibody conjugated to HRP applied in the appropriate conditions. A chemiluminescent substrate kit was then used to detect antibody binding concentration and results compared to β-actin protein. 178 6.4. RESULTS In the previous chapter we determined that apoptotic signalling was not consistently altered in response to phenoxodiol treatment and, therefore, it was not directly targeting one specific pathway tested. Another of the hallmarks of cancer, the ability to limitlessly replicate, was investigated through looking at the cell cycle response to phenoxodiol treatment. After 24 or 48 hours of phenoxodiol treatment, cells were stained with propidium iodide and analysed to determine DNA content, which was then assessed into cell cycle phase populations G1, S and G2 phase using FlowJo software. Figure 42 demonstrates the LNCaP cell line cell cycle response to 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment over 24 and 48 hours by assessing the cell cycle phase populations differentiated by DNA content. Phenoxodiol induced significantly decreased G2 phase cell populations versus DMSO vehicle control, over 24 hours for both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p<0.001) phenoxodiol treatments in LNCaP cells. The S phase cell population was found to increase versus DMSO vehicle control following 24 hours of 10µM (p<0.0021) and 30µM (p=0.0016) phenoxodiol treatment. The 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment groups were not significantly different versus each other after 24 hours. Phenoxodiol induced significantly decreased G2 phase cell populations over 48 hours, versus DMSO vehicle control for both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p=0.0016) treatments in LNCaP cells. Only the 10µM phenoxodiol treatment was determined to increase the S phase cell population (p=0.0056) after 48 hours but the 30µM phenoxodiol treatment had a significantly increased cell population in G1 phase versus both DMSO vehicle control (p=0.0013). In LNCaP cells phenoxodiol was determined to consistently decrease G2 phase cell population over 24 and 48 hours following treatment with 10µM and 30µM concentrations. 179 LNCaP Cell Cycle Response to 24 Hours of PXD Treatment % of Cell Population 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 G1 S G2 Treatment LNCaP Cell Cycle Response to 48 Hours of PXD Treatment % of Cell Population 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 G1 S G2 Treatment FIGURE 42 LNCAP CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS AFTER 24 AND 48 HOURS OF 10µM AND 30µM PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. Figure 43 demonstrates the DU145 cell line cell cycle response to 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment over 24 and 48 hours by assessing the cell cycle phase populations differentiated by DNA content. Following 24 hours of phenoxodiol treatment the DU145 G2 phase cell population was significantly decreased versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p=0.0028) and 30µM (p=0.0021) concentrations. Only the 10µM phenoxodiol treatment had an increased S phase cell population versus DMSO vehicle control (p<0.001) but the 30µM 180 treatment had an increased G1 phase cell population versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.0038) and 10µM (p=0.0049). Phenoxodiol induced significantly decreased G2 phase cell populations in DU145 cells, over 48 hours for both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (P<0.001) treatments versus DMSO vehicle control and between the treatment concentrations (P<0.001). The S phase cell population was significantly increased versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p<0.001) treatments as well as significantly different between treatments (p<0.001). The G1 phase cell population was significantly decreased versus DMSO vehicle control for the 10µM treatment (p<0.001) and significantly increased versus DMSO vehicle control (p<0.001) and versus 10µM (p<0.001) for the 30µM treatment group. In DU145 cells phenoxodiol was determined to consistently decrease G2 phase cell population over 24 and 48 hours following treatment with 10µM and 30µM concentrations. 181 DU145 Cell Cycle Response to 24 Hours of PXD Treatment % of Cell Population 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 G1 S G2 Treatment DU145 Cell Cycle Response to 48 Hours of PXD Treatment % of Cell Population 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 G1 S G2 Treatment FIGURE 43 DU145 CYCLE ANALYSIS AFTER 24 AND 48 HOURS OF 10µM AND 30µM PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. 182 Figure 44 demonstrates the PC3 cell line cell cycle response to 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment over 24 and 48 hours by assessing the cell cycle phase populations differentiated by DNA content. Following 24 hours of phenoxodiol treatment the PC3 G2 phase cell population was significantly decreased versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p=0.0071) concentrations. No significant differences were detected in G1 phase cell population but S phase cell populations were significantly increased versus DMSO vehicle control for 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p=0.0022) treatments. Following 48 hours of treatment the PC3 G2 phase cell population was significantly decreased versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p<0.001) treatments as well as significantly different between the treatments (p<0.001). The PC3 S phase cell population was significantly increased versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p<0.001) and significantly different between treatments (p<0.001). The PC3 G1 phase cell population was significantly decreased versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p<0.001) and 30µM (p<0.022) treatments and significantly different between the treatments (p<0.001). In PC3 cells phenoxodiol was determined to consistently decrease G2 phase cell population over 24 and 48 hours following treatment with 10µM and 30µM concentrations. 183 PC3 Cell Cycle Response to 24 Hours of PXD Treatment % of Cell Population 100 80 60 Control 40 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 G1 S G2 Treatment PC3 Cell Cycle Response to 48 Hours of PXD Treatment % of Cell Population 100 80 60 Control 40 ** 10µM PXD 20 30µM PXD 0 G1 S G2 Treatment FIGURE 44 PC3 CELL CYCLE ANALYSIS AFTER 24 AND 48 HOURS OF 10µM AND 30µM PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. 184 Once it was determined that phenoxodiol had an impact on the cell cycle, it was necessary to explore the underlying cell cycle and cell proliferation signalling that could be the target of phenoxodiol treatment. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis was performed on all three cell lines, with the housekeeping gene L19 used as a standardising agent, control expression was designated as one, for ease of graphing. c-Myc is a potent initiator of cell replication and has been implicated in increasing the rate at which cells enter S phase (Wasylishen and Penn 2010). Figure 45 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of c-Myc in cells treated over 24 and 48 hour periods with phenoxodiol. After 48 hours of 30µM phenoxodiol treatment, PC3 cells were found to significantly increase the expression of c-Myc versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.033). Neither LNCaP nor DU145 cells were found to have any significant changes in c-Myc expression in response to phenoxodiol treatment. 185 LNCaP c-Myc qPCR Expression 3 c-Myc/L19 2.5 2 Control 1.5 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 c-Myc qPCR Expression 3 c-Myc/L19 2.5 2 Control 1.5 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 c-Myc qPCR Expression 2.5 c-Myc/L19 2 1.5 Control 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 45 C-MYC MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. 186 Cyclin-D1 is recognised as potent initiator of cell cycle progression from G1 through to S phase by the Cyclin-D1 Cdk4 complex activating the Cyclin E Cdk2 complex, which results in inhibition of the cell cycle inhibiting Rb protein (Ladha et al. 1998). Figure 46 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the cell cycle regulator gene Cyclin-D1 over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. Decreasing Cyclin-D1 expression, in response to phenoxodiol treatment, could result in quiescent and apoptotically sensitive cells. LNCaP cells did not have a detectable change in Cyclin-D1 expression level under the influence of phenoxodiol treatment. DU145 cells were found to have a significant decrease in the expression of Cyclin-D1 versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.0071) after 24 hours of treatment with 30µM phenoxodiol no other changes in expression were detected in the DU145 cell line. PC3 cells exhibited a similar trend to treatment as the DU145 cells, with both the 10µM phenoxodiol (p=0.026) and 30µM phenoxodiol (p=0.0011) treatments significantly decreased in expression versus DMSO vehicle control after a 24 hour period of treatment. 187 LNCaP Cyclin-D1 qPCR Expression CyclinD1/L19 2.5 2 1.5 Control 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment CyclinD1/L19 DU145 Cyclin-D1 qPCR Expression 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 Cyclin-D1 qPCR Expression 1.2 CyclinD1/L19 1 0.8 0.6 Control 0.4 10µM PXD 0.2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 46 CYCLIN-D1 MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. 188 Ki-67 expression is an effective indicator of rate of proliferation in cells (Koda et al. 2007). Figure 47 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the cell proliferation gene Ki-67 over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP cells were significantly decreased in Ki-67 mRNA signalling over 24 hours with both 10µM (p=0.0043) and 30µM (p=0.0065) phenoxodiol treatments exhibiting decreased mRNA expression versus DMSO vehicle control. DU145 cells had no significant difference in Ki-67 mRNA expression over 24 and 48 hours of treatment with 10µM and 30µM PXD although a biological trend towards decreased expression was indicated (p=0.082, p=0.1 respectively). PC3 cells exhibited a significant decrease in Ki-67 mRNA signalling, over 24 hours, in both 10µM (p=0.034) and 30µM (p=0.036) phenoxodiol treatments while the 48 hour 10µM phenoxodiol treatment exhibited significantly decreased mRNA expression versus DMSO vehicle control (p<0.05) and 30µM phenoxodiol (p=0.032). 189 LNCaP Ki-67 qPCR Expression 1.2 Ki-67/L19 1 0.8 0.6 Control 0.4 10µM PXD 0.2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 Ki-67 qPCR Expression 2.5 Ki-67/L19 2 1.5 Control 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment Ki-67/L19 PC3 Ki-67 qPCR Expression 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 47 KI-67 MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 30µM Phenoxodiol treatment and control for that time point. 190 Figure 48 demonstrates the quantitative mRNA expression of the cell proliferation gene p21WAF1 over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. P21WAF1 is a cell cycle inhibiting factor that can prevent the formation of the Cyclin E Cdk2 complex. This inhibition prevents the progression of the cell through G1 to S phase (Roy et al. 2007). LNCaP cells exhibited a significant increase in p21 mRNA expression versus DMSO vehicle control over 24 hours of treatment with 10µM phenoxodiol (p=0.0099), and over 48 hours of treatment with both 10µM (p<0.050) and 30µM phenoxodiol (p=0.011) concentrations. DU145 cells exhibited a significant increase in p21 mRNA expression versus DMSO vehicle control after 48 hours of treatment with both 10µM (p=0.0048) and 30µM (p=0.028) phenoxodiol concentrations. PC3 cells exhibited a significant increase in p21 mRNA expression over both 24 and 48 hours of treatment (p=0.042 and p=0.0044 respectively) with the 30µM phenoxodiol treatment group. 191 LNCaP p21 qPCR Expression 12 p21/L19 10 8 6 Control 4 10µM PXD 2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment p21/L19 DU145 p21 qPCR Expression 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 p21 qPCR Expression 25 p21/L19 20 15 Control 10 10µM PXD 5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 48 P21 MRNA EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. 192 β-catenin is the activated downstream protein of the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway that can interact with androgen receptor and, as one from a list of potential targets, activate Cyclin-D1 and therefore the cell cycle (Yu et al. 2011). Figure 49 demonstrates the protein expression of active β-catenin over 24 and 48 hours post treatment with phenoxodiol LNCaP cells exhibited a significant decrease in β-catenin protein versus DMSO vehicle control after 24 hours of 10µM phenoxodiol treatment (p=0.045) and after 48 hours of treatment with both 10µM (p=0.023) and 30µM (p=0.046) phenoxodiol. DU145 cells exhibited an increase in β-catenin expression with the 24 hour 10µM phenoxodiol treatment group increased over both DMSO vehicle control (p=0.019) and 30µM phenoxodiol (p=0.011), while the 48 hour 30µM phenoxodiol treatment was increased versus DMSO vehicle control (p=0.012). PC3 cells were similar to the LNCaP cell response with a decrease over 24 hours versus DMSO vehicle control in both 10µM (p=0.022) and 30µM (p<0.05) phenoxodiol treatment groups. 193 LNCaP active β-catenin Protein Levels β-catenin/β-actin 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Control 0.4 10µM PXD 0.2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment β-catenin/β-actin DU145 active β-catenin Protein Levels 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment β-catenin/β-actin PC3 active β-catenin Protein Levels 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Control 10µM PXD 30µM PXD 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 49 ACTIVE Β-CATENIN PROTEIN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to DMSO vehicle control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to 30µM Phenoxodiol treatment and DMSO vehicle control for that time point. 194 sFRP4 is an antagonist to the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway that interacts with androgen receptor and can activate Cyclin-D1, and therefore the cell cycle (Horvath et al. 2007; Drake et al. 2009). Figure 50 demonstrates the protein level of sFRP4 over 24 and 48 hours post phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells. LNCaP cells exhibited a significant increase in sFRP4 protein expression after treatment with 10µM phenoxodiol over 24 (p=0.0035) and 48 hours (p<0.05) versus control. While the 30µM treatments were not statistically significant versus control they trended towards biological significance over 24 (p=0.1) and 48 (p=0.066) hours of treatment. DU145 cells exhibited a significant increase in sFRP4 levels after 24 hours of treatment with 30µM phenoxodiol versus control (p=0.028) and versus 10µM phenoxodiol (p=0.0072). While no significant difference was determined over 48 hours versus control, a significant difference was detected between the 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatments (p=0.038). Finally PC3 cells exhibited a significant increase in sFRP4 levels versus control in the 10µM (p=0.021) and 30µM (p=0.008) over 24 hours of treatment. No significant difference was detected in the 48 hour treatment group of PC3 cells. sFRP4 levels were found to alter after treatment with phenoxodiol with LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 cells lines exhibiting increases in protein expression following 24 hours of treatment. 195 LNCaP sFRP4 Protein Levels sFRP4/β-actin 5 4 3 Control 2 10µM PXD 1 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment DU145 sFRP4 Protein Levels sFRP4/β-actin 0.8 0.6 Control 0.4 10µM PXD 0.2 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment PC3 sFRP4 Protein Levels sFRP4/β-actin 2 1.5 Control 1 10µM PXD 0.5 30µM PXD 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment FIGURE 50 SFRP4 PROTEIN LEVEL ANALYSIS OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS OVER 24 AND 48 HOURS POST PHENOXODIOL TREATMENT * indicates significance relative to DMSO vehicle control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to DMSO vehicle control and 10µM Phenoxodiol treatment for that time point. Ϯ indicates significance relative to 30µM Phenoxodiol only for that point. 196 6.5. DISCUSSION Two of the hallmarks of cancer are the ability to be self-sufficient in growth signals and to have infinite replicative potential, which can be initiated through damaging the cell cycle restriction points, allowing for progression of cancer from benign to metastatic (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Here we report that phenoxodiol induces cell cycle arrest in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle, with the resultant arrest due to the upregulation of p21WAF1. The cytotoxicity may be due to downstream signalling of molecules such as Akt and ASK1 (Bott et al. 2005; Xie et al. 2010; Ahmad et al. 2011). c-Myc is a potent oncogene and expression was found to alter in PC3 cells in response to phenoxodiol. We also report that the expression of Ki-67 and Cyclin-D1 was altered after phenoxodiol treatment and that the canonical Wnt pathway protein, β-catenin levels were decreased in LNCaP and PC3 cells while the Wnt receptor antagonist sFRP4 levels, were increased in all cell lines. Upon activation of mitogenic signalling, cells commit to entry into a series of regulated steps allowing completion of the cell cycle. Cells begin in G1 phase, the time between M and S phases, and before entry into S phase, where DNA is replicated, must pass through a restriction point (Pardee 1974) that analyses and attempts to repair DNA damage. After S phase, cells enter G2 phase (the time between the S and M phases) where cells can repair errors that occurred during DNA duplication, preventing the propagation of these errors to daughter cells. Finally, the separation into two daughter cells by chromatid separation occurs and is called M phase (Senderowicz 2004). The sequence of events in cell cycle progression is highly orchestrated and depends on the cyclic activation and inactivation of cyclin dependent kinases (CDK), which govern the progression of the cells from one phase to another. In the event of tumourigenisis, constitutive mitogenic signalling as well as mutations in tumour 197 suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes leads to cell cycle deregulation and uncontrolled proliferation (MacLachlan et al. 1995; Roy et al. 2007). The tumour suppressor p53 is the primary controller of cell cycle activity, which triggers cell cycle arrest, induces the repair of DNA damage or apoptosis by induction of p21WAF1, p53R2, Bax and Puma (Devlin et al. 2008). p21WAF1 is a cyclin dependant kinase inhibitor (CdkI) family member, along with p27 and p57, which interfere with the cyclin dependant kinase-cyclin complex. The group is regulated both by internal and external signals with the expression of p21WAF1 under transcriptional control of the p53 tumour suppressor gene (Srivastava et al. 2007). In this study we exhibited the ability of phenoxodiol to induce cell cycle arrest at both 10µM and 30µM concentrations over 24 and 48 hours of treatment, with the resultant cells exhibiting significantly decreased cell populations of G2 cells and subsequent arrest of the cell cycle visible in the significant alteration of G1 and S phase cell populations. In all cell lines the decrease in G2 phase cell population was consistent and resulted in very low cell populations, while some treatments resulted in high S phase arrest and others in G1 phase arrest, it’s clear that the method of phenoxodiol induced cell cycle arrest is independent of p53 status, with LNCaP (p53-wild type), DU145 (p53-mutated) and PC3 (p53-null) cells all representing different p53 status cell types. p21WAF1 is a tumour suppressor gene that can induce disruption of the Cyclin-e/Cdk2 complex and prevent subsequent progression from G1 phase into S phase of the cell cycle (el-Deiry et al. 1993; Bott et al. 2005). Numerous studies have shown that upregulation of p21WAF1 causes growth arrest in various cancer models and, though p21WAF1 was initially identified to be transcriptionally up-regulated by p53 in response to DNA damage, recent studies have shown that p21WAF1 can also be induced by various transcription factors with subsequent mediation of 198 cell cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis in a p53 independent manner (Aguero et al. 2005; Roy et al. 2008). The ability of isoflavones, and specifically phenoxodiol, to induce cell cycle arrest has been previously reported with studies indicating that arrest was induced by p21WAF1 stabilisation and expression increase (Aguero et al. 2005; Aguero et al. 2010; Seo et al. 2011). We investigated the expression of p21WAF1 after the data indicated significant cell cycle arrest as a response to phenoxodiol treatment. p21WAF1 signalling expression was found to be significantly increased across all the cell lines in response to treatment, indicating that activation of p21WAF1 was occurring via a p53 independent manner, with resulting cell cycle arrest. The induction of cytotoxicity in the cells was independent of caspase activation, as previously shown, and potentiated by induced mitotic depolarisation. This confirms previous studies that have indicated that isoflavones induce cell cycle arrest through activation and stabilisation of p21WAF1 (Aguero et al. 2010; Seo et al. 2011). The assembly of Cyclin-D1, with its CDK4/6 partners, is a mitogen regulated process occurring in early G1; with the resultant Cyclin-D1-CDK4/CDK6 complexes promoting G1 progression by inhibiting the activity of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb), resulting in activation of E2F and subsequent cyclin/cdk signalling, which enters the cell into the cell cycle (Baldin et al. 1993; Ladha et al. 1998). Many oncogenic signals induce Cyclin-D1 expression and do so through distinct DNA sequences in the Cyclin-D1 promoter, including Ras, Src,ErbB2, and β-catenin. Decreasing the expression of Cyclin-D1, or interference with the cyclin/Cdk complex results in cell arrest in G1 phase and eventual senescence. We investigated the expression of Cyclin-D1 after treatment with phenoxodiol and determined that DU145 and PC3 both had a significant decrease in signalling over 24 hours but not over 48, while LNCaP cells did not change expression of cyclin-D1 signalling. While not a direct target of phenoxodiol treatment in prostate cancer cells, the role of Cyclin-D1 seems to be tissue and oncogene specific, with Cyclin-D1 linked to activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway (Fu et al. 2004). 199 Ki-67 antigen is present in all proliferating cells (normal and neoplastic) and its evaluation allows determination of the rate of growth. Ki-67 expression has been shown to have a strong relationship with Gleason's grading, which has an important correlation with the prognosis of prostate cancer and, as such, it is an independent predictive factor in both patient survival assessment and disease recurrence (Koda et al. 2007; Madani et al. 2011). Ki-67 expression was found to significantly decrease in LNCaP and PC3 cells, while there was a biological trend towards this in DU145 cells but error margins resulted in no detection of significant alteration. The decreased Ki-67 signalling expression confirms the cell cycle arrest data and indicates that prostate cancer cells are undergoing senescence induced cytotoxicity. c-Myc signalling has been shown to be a proto-oncogene, with regulation of c-Myc expression inducing the expression of other oncogenes, in response and leading to a neoplastic cell type. It is known that cell cycle regulation is altered under excess c-Myc expression, with a decrease in time taken to reach the restriction point of G1 (Wasylishen and Penn 2010). In this study we determined that c-Myc expression was only altered under the influence of phenoxodiol in PC3 cells after 48 hours of treatment, with signalling potentially being a mechanism to drive the cell out of arrest. Another controller of the cell cycle is the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway where Wnt growth signals cause decreased expression of GSK3β protein, which results in an active form of βcatenin translocating to the nucleus and initiating cell cycle progression through multiple pathways including Cyclin-D1 and c-Myc expression (Zhang et al. 2011). An up regulated canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway has multiple functions; it can be potentiated by AR expression and has been implicated in both cell adhesion and signal transduction in response to Wnt ligands, resulting in an invasive metastatic phenotype (Chesire et al. 2002). We investigated the expression of the active form of β-catenin and determined that LNCaP and PC3 cells had significantly reduced active β-catenin expression after 24 hours of phenoxodiol 200 treatment, with LNCaP continuing on to a significant 48 hour effect, which coincides with a subsequent decrease in Cyclin-D1 signalling expression in androgen insensitive PC3 cells while LNCaP expression was unchanged due to the potential interaction of AR receptor. DU145 cells exhibited an increased expression of active β-catenin after treatment over 24 and 48 hours, indicating that alteration of canonical Wnt signalling is not a direct effect of phenoxodiol treatment but a downstream signalling outcome. Secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4) is one of a group of proteins that antagonise the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway. The interference with Wnt activity results in decreased activated β-catenin formation and decreased invasive potential. sFRP4 has been verified to have an anti-angiogenic ability as well as the ability to induce apoptotic signalling (Drake et al. 2009; Muley et al. 2010). sFRP4 appears to affect androgen-dependent and androgenindependent prostate cancer and has a role as a prognostic marker for androgen dependant prostate cancer (Horvath et al. 2007). We determined that sFRP4 expression was increased over 24 hours in PC3 cells, coinciding with decreased active β-catenin levels in that cell line and increased levels over 24 and 48 hours in LNCaP cells, coinciding with decreased active βcatenin in that cell line. sFRP4 levels were increased in DU145 cells but did not correspond with β-catenin changes, indicating that DU145 cells might have an alteration in the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Phenoxodiol exhibited the potential to regulate canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling through increased expression of sFRP4 and subsequent decreased expression of active β-catenin in two of the cell lines. The functionality of this canonical Wnt/βcatenin antagonism in prostate cancer must be determined before treatment with phenoxodiol can be utilised for successful targeting of the pathway directly. However, soy isoflavone interaction with the pathway has previously been exhibited (Liss et al. 2010). 201 In this study we determined that phenoxodiol treatment induced significant cell cycle arrest across 24 and 48 hours of 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment. p21WAF1 signalling expression was found to be significantly increased across all the cell lines in response to treatment, indicating that activation of p21WAF1 and subsequent cell arrest was occurring via a p53 independent manner, with induction of cytotoxicity independent of caspase activation. We determined that c-Myc and Cyclin-D1 expression was not consistently altered but that Ki67 signalling expression was decreased in line with the cell cycle arrest. The interaction of sFRP4 and active β-catenin implied that phenoxodiol treatment results in an alteration of sFRP4 and β-catenin signalling though changes are dependent on the cell line. Phenoxodiol demonstrates an ability in prostate cancer cells to induce significant cytotoxicity in cells by interacting with p21WAF1 and inducing cell cycle arrest irrespective of p53 status or caspase pathway interactions. These data indicate that phenoxodiol would be effective as a potential future treatment modality for both hormone sensitive and hormone refractory prostate cancer. 202 7. CHAPTER SEVEN: PHENOXODIOL IN COMBINATION WITH DOCETAXEL 7.1. INTRODUCTION Advanced prostate cancer has a 5-year survival of only 30%. Historically, chemotherapy has been used with palliative intent but unclear survival benefit for these advanced-stage patients (Montero et al. 2005). The lack of curative measures for late stage prostate cancer and the ability to develop resistance to treatment have been linked to the existence of cancer stem cells. The cancer stem cell population acts as an initiator of cancer and exists in low numbers. Cancer stem cells have the ability to acquire resistance upon exposure to treatment, which results in the development of a new population of cells that are now resistant to previously successful treatment (Reya et al. 2001; Trosko et al. 2004). Current practices for hormonerefractory/castrate resistant, metastatic prostate cancer incorporate the use of taxanes. Docetaxel, in particular, is being incorporated in numerous current clinical trials either as a single or combination agent against androgen-independent prostate cancer, and it is also being investigated for its use as a neoadjuvant or adjuvant agent in hormone sensitive, locally aggressive prostate cancer (Canfield et al. 2006). Docetaxel and paclitaxel are from a class of anti-cancer agents called taxanes that bind to and stabilise microtubules causing G2/M cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Taxanes have a different mechanism of action from that of any other class of anti-cancer drugs, namely hyperstabilisation of microtubules (Montero et al. 2005). Taxanes function by targeting the subunit of the tubulin heterodimer, the key component of cellular microtubules that allow for chromatid separation during the M cell cycle phase. Although the action and anti-cancer activity of paclitaxel and docetaxel are much the same, key differences exist clinically; 203 docetaxel shows activity in patients with metastatic solid tumours that are resistant to paclitaxel (Michaud et al. 2000). The actual mechanisms that lead to cell death remain unclear but may include activation of intrinsic pathways essential for apoptosis, induction of bcl-2 phosphorylation facilitating apoptosis and inhibition of angiogenesis. Cell death after exposure to docetaxel appears to involve apoptotic mechanisms, including classic features such as DNA fragmentation, cell volume shrinkage, and membrane-bound apoptotic bodies (Michaud et al. 2000). Studies have also shown that apoptosis induced by taxanes involves several apoptotic signal molecules, such as JNK, protein kinase A, c-Raf-1/Ras/Bcl-2, p53/p21WAF1 and mitogenactivated protein kinases (ERK and p38). However, the mode of apoptotic action in different tumours is far from clear (Gan et al. 2011). Combination therapies have the potential to increase the effectiveness of drug treatments while simultaneously increasing quality of life by reducing side effects, lowering effective dosage rates or by increasing effectiveness of one compound once combined with another. Successful combination therapies that produce an increase in quality of life for patients, even if not associated with life extension, are a highly valued outcome of research, even with drugs that do not directly interact (Kantoff et al. 1999; Parente et al. 2012). An example of this is the use of Docetaxel with androgen ablation therapy in late stage prostate cancer defined as castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). To date, docetaxel-based chemotherapy remains the only treatment that has demonstrated an overall survival benefit in most men with metastatic CRPC regardless of whether they are symptomatic or have visceral metastases (Hotte and Saad 2010). Despite the initial effectiveness of these treatments, late stage prostate cancer treatment is still palliative and characterised by androgen independence, metastasis and poorly differentiated cells. 204 To determine an effective combination therapy accurately, the interaction of the two compounds is analysed and the effectiveness investigated for synergistic, additive or even interference effects (Zhao et al. 2004). True synergism is rare as most drugs in combination are additive. Due to clearance rates of these drugs through the body keeping serum levels at an effective concentration means that, in an additive environment, one might not be able to lower effective concentrations, thereby increasing the risk of side effects but theoretically decreasing the length of time treatment must be carried out (Tallarida 2006). Isobolograms are one method of determining effective ranges of drug treatments in combination, because multiple concentrations of drugs can be compared against each other and a profile of effective dose rates can be constructed for the environment being tested. In prostate cancer surgical intervention, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are utilised, sometimes in combination, to treat tumours. Cytoplasmic and/or nuclear β-catenin can be used as an indicator of activation of the Wnt/βcatenin pathway because it is observed in up to 71% of advanced prostate tumour specimens (Chesire et al. 2002). Increasing evidence also suggests that canonical Wnt signalling could function to assist in bone metastasis formation, a progressive state that has a particularly poor prognosis (Hall et al. 2006). It has been revealed that the Wnt ligand target, the frizzled receptor, is over expressed in prostate cancer but that this over expression is counterbalanced by the secreted frizzled related protein (sFRP) family which attempts to suppress AR-mediated transactivation (Kawano et al. 2009). Methylation of the sFRP proteins has been suggested as a marker of invasive carcinoma, with a resulting poor prognosis (Ahmad et al. 2011). Apart from β-catenin degradation, it has been suggested that sFRP4 inhibition of Wnt signalling causes stabilisation of GSK3β, resulting in p53 205 activation and associated signalling such as p21WAF1, as well as a decreased invasive potential in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells. sFRP4 has also been indicated to have antiangiogenic and pro-apoptotic properties in a wide variety of cells (Watcharasit et al. 2002; Fox and Dharmarajan 2006; Muley et al. 2010). Unlike other inhibitors of Wnt signalling, sFRP4 appears to affect androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer (Horvath et al. 2007). In this study we seek to investigate the cytotoxic effects of the prostate cancer treatment docetaxel, and determine a range of treatment concentrations. Potential interactions of phenoxodiol and docetaxel across multiple concentrations are investigated, searching for synergistic, additive or interference effects. We also investigate if any cytotoxic effects are increased through pretreatment with docetaxel or phenoxodiol and, finally, we try to determine if the Wnt/β-catenin antagonist sFRP4, when combined with phenoxodiol, will have an interactive effect. 206 7.2. AIMS The aims of this chapter were as follows: Aim 1: To characterise the cytotoxic effect of Docetaxel on prostate cancer cells. Aim 2: To determine the effect of combination therapy with docetaxel and phenoxodiol on prostate cancer cells. Aim 3: To determine if pretreatment with phenoxodiol or docetaxel has an impact on the effect of subsequent combination therapy. Aim 4: To determine the effect of combination therapy with phenoxodiol and sFRP4 purified protein on prostate cancer cells. 7.3. METHODOLOGY The methodology utilised in this chapter is discussed in detail in the materials and methods chapter (page 50). Initially, a dose response curve to docetaxel would be needed to determine effective dose rates to use in conjunction with phenoxodiol. Briefly, cells were seeded onto 96 well plates at appropriate rates and incubated for 48 hours. Media were then aspirated and replaced with a 10 fold serially diluted concentration of docetaxel from 10µM to .1nM, with DMSO as the vehicle control, and all samples having an equal concentration of DMSO vehicle added. After 48 hours of treatment, 20µL of MTS dye were added and the cells incubated for 3 hours before absorbance was measured at 492nm. Increased absorbance was linked to increased cell metabolism and, therefore, proliferation. No interaction was noted between docetaxel and the MTS dye. 207 An isobologram was performed between docetaxel and phenoxodiol; the samples were all balanced for vehicle concentration. Briefly, cells were seeded into 96 well plates and incubated for 48 hours; afterwards they had the cell media aspirated and a treatment media applied, containing any combination listed in Table 23, resulting in 24 different treatments. TABLE 23 PHENOXODIOL/DOCETAXEL CONCENTRATION COMBINATIONS FOR AN ISOBOLOGRAM Drug Name Conc. Phenoxodiol 0µM 5µM Docetaxel .1nM 1nM 0nM 10µM 30µM 5nM 10Nm 100nM A list of potential concentration combinations of Phenoxodiol and Docetaxel during the isobologram, resulting in a final quantity of 24 individual treatment types, all balanced for vehicle control. The isobologram was performed after 48 hours of incubation with treatment media; 20µL of MTS dye were then added to each well and incubated for 3 hours. Afterwards media absorbance was measured at 492nm, with the resulting absorbance indicating cell proliferation rates within the prostate cancer cell lines. A pretreatment study was then performed. Briefly, cells were seeded at appropriate rates into 96 well plates and incubated for 48 hours, treatment media were applied to each well and incubation occurred for another 24 hours. After 24 hours, a set of 96 well plates had 20µL of MTS dye added, were incubated for 3 hours and absorbance was measured at 492nm on a plate reader. The other plates had the addition of new treatment compounds added to appropriate wells, i.e. some cells had exposure to 24 hours of 30µM phenoxodiol then 24 208 hours of exposure to 100nM docetaxel and 30µM phenoxodiol in combination. This tested for potential induction of pre-treatment sensitivity. After 48 hours of total treatment with the initial compound concentration, the remaining 96 well plates had 20µL of MTS dye added and were incubated for 3 hours, followed by measurement of absorbance at 492nm on a plate reader. Finally, a Wnt antagonist and phenoxodiol treatment study was performed. Briefly, cells were seeded into 96 well plates at appropriate rates and incubated for 48 hours, after which cells were treated with varying concentrations of purified sFRP4 protein up to 500pg/mL, which was combined with 30µM phenoxodiol treatment. Vehicle consisted of PBS and DMSO respectively. Following 48 hours of exposure to treatment, cells had 20µL of MTS dye added and were incubated for 3 hours before absorbance was measured at 492nm on a plate reader. 209 7.4. RESULTS Docetaxel is a common treatment for early and late stage prostate cancer, and is highly cytotoxic as a cell microtubulin stabiliser, causing G2 phase cell cycle blockage in replicating cells by damaging the mitotic spindle (Michaud et al. 2000). As phenoxodiol is a novel drug for prostate cancer with an ability to affect the cell cycle, a series of experiments were run to determine potential synergy, additivity, interference or lack of interaction between each compound. Docetaxel is known to induce G2 phase cell cycle arrest by inhibiting the activity of the mitotic spindle (Montero et al. 2005). Figure 51 demonstrates the cell proliferation rates of prostate cancer cell lines after 48 hours of treatment with 10 fold dilutions of docetaxel spanning .1nM to 10µM concentrations. LNCaP cells exhibited a significant increase in cell proliferation versus DMSO vehicle control after treatment with 1nM docetaxel (p≤0.001). LNCaP cells treated with 10nM, 100nM, 1µM, and 10µM concentrations all exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control (p=0.033, p≤0.001 for the last 3). While 100nM, 1µM, and 10µM concentrations were not significantly different to each other they were all significantly decreased over the 10nM docetaxel concentration (p≤0.001 for all). DU145 cells had a similar pattern of response to phenoxodiol treatment with .1nM and 1nM doses significantly increasing cell proliferation versus control (p≤0.001 for all). While 10nM, 100nM, 1µM, and 10µM concentrations exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control (p≤0.001 for all). There was no significant difference detected between 100nM, 1µM, and 10µM docetaxel treatments but all three were significantly decreased with respect to the 10nM treatment (p≤0.001 for all). 210 PC3 cells exhibited a similar trend with .1nM and 1nM docetaxel treatments significantly increasing cell proliferation versus control (p≤0.001 for both), and 10nM, 100nM, 1µM and 10µM docetaxel concentrations significantly decreasing proliferation versus control (p≤0.001 for all). Only the 1µM docetaxel concentration was found to be significantly decreased versus 10nM and 100nM concentrations (p=0.042). All three cell lines exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation in response to high concentrations of docetaxel, as such the 100nM dose of docetaxel was chosen as the lowest effective dose over 48 hours of treatment. 211 % Cell Growth versus Control LNCaP Docetaxel Response over 48 Hours 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Treatment Control .1nM 1nM 10nM 100nM 1µM 10µM % Cell Growth versus Control DU145 Docetaxel Response over 48 Hours 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Control Treatment .1nM 1nM 10nM 100nM 1µM 10µM % Cell Growth versus Control PC3 Docetaxel Response over 48 Hours 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Control Treatment .1nM 1nM 10nM 100nM 1µM 10µM FIGURE 51 DOCETAXEL RESPONSE CURVE MEASURED AFTER 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT. * indicates significance relative to control after 48 hours. ** indicates significance relative to control and * groups after 48 hours. *** indicates significance relative to control and *, ** groups after 48 hours. 212 Phenoxodiol has exhibited the ability to induce G1/S phase cell cycle arrest, while docetaxels published method of action is to inhibit the cell cycle at the M phase, resulting in G2 phase arrest (Michaud et al. 2000; Aguero et al. 2010). After determining the minimum effective concentration dose an isobologram was performed to look for interaction between phenoxodiol and docetaxel with varying concentrations of each utilised. Figure 52 demonstrates an isobologram analysis of phenoxodiol and docetaxel treatments, over 48 hours, with a total of 24 individual treatments all standardised to DMSO vehicle control in LNCaP cells. Isobolograms determine interference, synergy and additivity with significant interference effects indicated in the follow graphs. Additive effects were evident throughout the isobologram but, while there was a significant decrease in cell proliferation rate versus control (0µM PXD, 0nM DOC) over most populations, there was a significant increase in proliferative rate versus 100nM docetaxel only for that time point (p=0.014) indicating that the 5µM phenoxodiol treatment inhibited the effectiveness of 100nM docetaxel concentration. These data provide evidence for phenoxodiol interfering with LNCaP cell docetaxel treatment at a specific concentration combination. LNCaP Phenoxodiol/Doxetaxel Isobologram % Cell Growth vs Control 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0nM DOC .1nM DOC 1nM DOC 0µM PXD 5µM PXD 5nM DOC 10nM DOC 100nM DOC 10µM PXD 30µM PXD FIGURE 52 LNCAP PHENOXODIOL / DOCETAXEL ISOBOLOGRAM MEASURED AFTER 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT 213 * indicates significant increase in proliferation relative to [0µM PXD, 100nM DOC] treatment after 48 hours. Figure 53 demonstrates an isobologram analysis of phenoxodiol and docetaxel treatments over 48 hours with a total of 24 individual treatments all standardised to DMSO vehicle control in DU145 cells. Additive effects were evident throughout the isobologram but, while there was a significant decrease in cell proliferation rate versus control (0µM PXD, 0nM DOC) over most populations, the indicated samples displayed a significant increase in proliferative rate versus 100nM docetaxel only for that time point (5µM PXD p≤0.001, 10µM PXD p=0.015), indicating that the 5µM and 10µM concentrations of phenoxodiol inhibited the effectiveness of a 100nM docetaxel concentration. These data provide evidence for phenoxodiol interfering with DU145 cell docetaxel treatment at a specific concentration combination. DU145 Phenoxodiol/Docetaxel Isobologram % Cell Growth vs Control 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0nM DOC .1nM DOC 1nM DOC 5nM DOC 10nM DOC 0µM PXD 5µM PXD 10µM PXD 100nM DOC 30µM PXD FIGURE 53 DU145 PHENOXODIOL / DOCETAXEL ISOBOLOGRAM MEASURED AFTER 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT. * indicates significant increase in proliferation relative to [0µM PXD, 100nM DOC] treatment after 48 hours. 214 Figure 54 demonstrates an isobologram analysis of phenoxodiol and docetaxel treatments over 48 hours with a total of 24 individual treatments all standardised to DMSO vehicle control in PC3 cells. Additive effects were evident throughout the isobologram but, while there was a significant decrease in cell proliferation rate versus control (0µM PXD, 0nM DOC) over most populations, the indicated samples displayed a significant increase in proliferative rate versus 100nM docetaxel only for that time point (p=0.015), indicating that the 5µM phenoxodiol treatment inhibited the effectiveness of 100nM docetaxel only concentration. These data provide evidence for phenoxodiol interfering with PC3 cell docetaxel treatment at a specific concentration combination. PC3 Phenoxodiol/Docetaxel Isobologram % Cell Growth vs Control 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0nM DOC .1nM DOC 1nM DOC 5nM DOC 10nM DOC 0µM PXD 5µM PXD 10µM PXD 100nM DOC 30µM PXD FIGURE 54 PC3 PHENOXODIOL / DOCETAXEL ISOBOLOGRAM MEASURED AFTER 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT. * indicates significant increase in proliferation relative to [0µM PXD, 100nM DOC] treatment after 48 hours. Following the isobologram results, a more in depth investigation of potential sensitisation needed to be performed with pre-treatment of the cells with phenoxodiol or docetaxel and 215 then subsequent addition of the remaining agent. Figure 55 demonstrates a combination therapy treatment of 10µM phenoxodiol and 100nM docetaxel in prostate cancer cells over 24 and 48 hours, with two samples receiving 24 hours solo drug treatment and then the next 24 hours of combined treatment. LNCaP cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control over 24 hours in the 10µM PXD (p=0.0089) and combination (p<0.001) treatments, while combination therapy was also significantly lower than the 10µM PXD treatment (p=0.0096). LNCaP cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control over 48 hours when 10µM PXD (p<0.001), combination (p<0.001) and 48Hr PXD (p<0.001) treatments were used. The 100nM DOC (p<0.05) and 48Hr DOC (p=0.0035) were all significantly decreased in proliferation versus 48Hr PXD as well as 10µM PXD combination and Control treatments. Lastly, 48hr DOC was also significantly decreased versus 100nM DOC (p=0.022). DU145 cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation over 24 hours with 10µM PXD (p<0.001), 100nM DOC (p<0.001) and combination (p<0.001) treatments. After 48 hours, DU145 cells exhibited significantly decreased proliferation versus control in 10µM PXD (p<0.001) and 48Hr PXD (p<0.001) treatments but exhibited no significant difference between each other, while 100nM DOC (p=0.022), combination (p=0.027) and 48Hr DOC (p=0.019) treatments were all significantly decreased versus 48Hr PXD as well as 10µM PXD and Control. PC3 cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control after 24 hours of treatment with 10µM PXD (p<0.001), 100nM DOC (p<0.001) and combination (p<0.001) treatments, while 100nM DOC (p=0.0072) and combination (p=0.024) treatments were also significantly decreased versus 10µM PXD. Following the trend set by LNCaP and DU145 cells, PC3 cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control over 48 hours after 216 treatment with 48Hr PXD (p<0.0011), while 10µM PXD (p=0.0062), 100nM DOC (p=0.0041), combination (p=0.0026) and 48Hr DOC (p=0.0029) exhibited significantly decreased proliferation versus 48Hr PXD as well as Control. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to control and * groups for that time point. *** indicates significance relative to control and *, ** groups for that time point. The [48Hr 10µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC] and [48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 10µM PXD] treatments will be referred to as the 48hr PXD and 48Hr DOC treatments respectively while the [48Hr 10µM PXD+48Hr 100nM DOC] will be referred to as the combination treatment. 217 LNCaP 10µM PXD/DOC Combined Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control 100 Control 80 10µM PXD 60 100nM DOC 40 10µM PXD + 100nM DOC 20 0 24 Hours 48 Hours 48Hr 10µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC 48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 10µM PXD Treatment DU145 10µM PXD/DOC Combined Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control 100 Control 80 10µM PXD 60 100nM DOC 40 10µM PXD + 100nM DOC 20 0 24 Hours 48 Hours 48Hr 10µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC 48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 10µM PXD Treatment PC3 10µM PXD/DOC Combined Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control 100 Control 80 10µM PXD 60 100nM DOC 40 10µM PXD + 100nM DOC 20 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment 48Hr 10µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC 48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 10µM PXD FIGURE 55 10µM PHENOXODIOL 100NM DOCETAXEL COMBINATION THERAPY MEASURED AFTER 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT. 218 Figure 56 Indicates a combination therapy treatment of 30µM phenoxodiol and 100nM docetaxel in prostate cancer cells, over 24 and 48 hours, with two samples receiving 24 hours solo drug treatment then the next 24 hours of combined treatment. Phenoxodiol has exhibited the ability to induce G1/S phase cell cycle arrest, and docetaxel’s published method of action is to inhibit the cell cycle at the M phase, resulting in G2 phase arrest (Michaud et al. 2000; Aguero et al. 2010). LNCaP cells did not exhibit a significant change in proliferation versus control over 24 hours. LNCaP cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control over 48 hours, when 30µM PXD and 48Hr PXD treatments were used (p<0.05, p<0.033). The 100nM DOC (p=0.012), combination (p=0.0092) and 48Hr DOC (p=0.0090) were all significantly decreased in proliferation versus 48Hr PXD, as well as 30µM PXD and Control treatments.. DU145 cells exhibited a significant decrease in cell proliferation versus control in 30µM PXD (p<0.0034), 100nM DOC (p<0.001) and combination (p<0.001), with both 100nM DOC (p<0.001) and combination (p<0.005) therapy exhibiting further decreased proliferation versus 30µM PXD. A similar trend occurred in DU145 cells as in LNCaP, with 30µM PXD (p<0.001) and 48Hr PXD (p<0.001) significantly decreased in proliferation versus control but exhibiting no significant difference between each other, while 100nM DOC, combination and 48Hr DOC treatments were all significantly decreased versus 48Hr PXD (P<0.001 for all) as well as 30µM PXD and Control. Finally, PC3 cells exhibited a significant decrease in cell proliferation versus DMSO vehicle control over 24 hours for 100nM DOC (p<0.001) and combination therapy (p<0.017), with 100nM DOC also being significantly decreased versus 30µM PXD (p<0.0021) and combined treatment (p<0.015). Over 48 hours the trend displayed by LNCaP and DU145 continued, PC3 219 cells were significantly decreased in proliferation over time versus control in the 30µM PXD (p<0.001) and 48Hr PXD (p=0.001) treatments, while 100nM DOC (p=0.0015), combination (p=0.011) and 48Hr DOC (p=0.0015) were all significantly decreased versus 48Hr PXD as well as 30µM PXD and Control. This data suggests that, in all three cell lines, pre-treatment with phenoxodiol for 24 hours before the addition of docetaxel to make a combination with phenoxodiol does not result in a decrease in cell proliferation versus treatment with 30µM phenoxodiol by itself. These data also suggest that combined treatment with phenoxodiol does not increase the activity of docetaxel treatment in comparison to 100nM only docetaxel treatment over 48 hours. * indicates significance relative to control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to control and * groups for that time point. The [48Hr 30µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC] and [48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 30µM PXD] treatments will be referred to as the 48hr PXD and 48Hr DOC treatments respectively while the [48Hr 30µM PXD+48Hr 100nM DOC] will be referred to as the combination treatment. 220 LNCaP 30µM PXD/DOC Combined Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control 100 Control 80 30µM PXD 60 100nM DOC 40 30µM PXD + 100nM DOC 20 0 24 Hours 48 Hours 48Hr 30µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC 48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 30µM PXD Treatment DU145 30µM PXD/DOC Combined Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control 100 Control 80 30µM PXD 60 100nM DOC 40 30µM PXD + 100nM DOC 20 0 24 Hours 48 Hours 48Hr 30µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC 48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 30µM PXD Treatment PC3 30µM PXD/DOC Combined Treatment % Cell Growth vs Control 100 Control 80 30µM PXD 60 100nM DOC 40 30µM PXD + 100nM DOC 20 0 24 Hours 48 Hours Treatment 48Hr 30µM PXD+24Hr 100nM DOC 48Hr 100nM DOC+24Hr 30µM PXD FIGURE 56 30µM PHENOXODIOL 100NM DOCETAXEL COMBINATION THERAPY MEASURED AFTER 48 HOURS OF TREATMENT. 221 After determining the effects of pre-treatment with another known cell cycle inhibitor, Docetaxel, it was decided to test the effect of decreasing Wnt regulatory pathway signalling by addition of sFRP4 whole protein in cell culture in conjunction with phenoxodiol treatment. This was to determine the effects of sFRP4 on prostate cancer cells lines and detect any; synergy, additivity, interference or lack of effect when sFRP4 was used in conjunction with phenoxodiol. Figure 57 Indicates the effect of the combination of 500pg/mL of secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4) and 30µM phenoxodiol treatment, over 48 hours, on prostate cancer cell lines. Due to the large amount of statistics generated comparing the samples, a general (p<0.05) will be used to indicate significant differences and only specific differences noted. LNCaP cells treated with 125pg/mL and 250pg/mL sFRP4 were found to exhibit significantly reduced proliferation versus control (p<0.05) over 48 hours. LNCaP cells treated with 500pg/mL sFRP4 and 10µM PXD treatments were not determined to be significantly different to each other but were both significantly reduced in comparison to control, 125pg/mL and 250pg/mL sFRP4 treatments (p<0.05). LNCaP cells treated with 30µM phenoxodiol exhibited significantly reduced proliferation against control, all sFRP4 concentrations and 10µM phenoxodiol treatment (p<0.05); and, finally, the combination of 30µM PXD and 500pg/mL sFRP4 proved to significantly reduce proliferation in comparison to control and all other treatments (p<0.05), with a large improvement over 30µM phenoxodiol only. DU145 cells exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control with the 250pg/mL sFRP4 treatment group (p<0.05), while neither 125pg/mL nor 500pg/mL sFRP4 were determined to exhibit any significant changes versus control over 48 hours. DU145 cells treated with either 10µM and 30µM phenoxodiol treatments were significantly decreased in proliferation in comparison to control and all sFRP4 concentrations (p<0.05) but not versus 222 each other. Finally, the DU145 cells treated with combined sFRP4 and phenoxodiol exhibited a significant decrease in proliferation versus control and the other treatment groups (p<0.05). PC3 cells exhibited a significant decrease in cell proliferation versus control, over 48 hours, with the 10µM phenoxodiol treatment (p<0.05). None of the sFRP4 treatments were significantly different versus control in the chemoresistant late stage PC3 prostate cancer cells. PC3 cells treated with 30µM phenoxodiol exhibited significantly reduced proliferation versus control, all sFRP4 treatments and 10µM phenoxodiol (p<0.05); and finally, similar to the previous two cell lines, PC3 cells treated with 30µM phenoxodiol and 500pg/mL sFRP4 were significantly reduced in proliferation in comparison to control and all other treatments. This study indicates that the combination of 30µM phenoxodiol and 500pg/mL sFRP4 results in a significant decrease in cell proliferation across all three cell lines. This indicates that sFRP4 may act as a sensitisation agent to the demonstrated cytotoxic effect of phenoxodiol. * indicates significance relative to DMSO/PBS vehicle control for that time point. ** indicates significance relative to control and * groups for that time point. *** indicates significance relative to control, * and ** groups ϯ is significance relative to all other treatment groups. 223 120 LNCaP PXD/sFRP4 Combined Treatment Control % Cell Growth versus Control 100 125pg/ml sFRP4 80 250pg/ml sFRP4 60 500pg/ml sFRP4 40 10uM PXD 20 30uM PXD 0 Treatment 120 DU145 PXD/sFRP4 Combined Treatment Control 100 % Cell Growth versus Control 30uM PXD + 500pg/ml sFRP4 125pg/ml sFRP4 80 250pg/ml sFRP4 60 500pg/ml sFRP4 40 10uM PXD 20 30uM PXD 0 Treatment 30uM PXD + 500pg/ml sFRP4 PC3 PXD/sFRP4 Combined Treatment 140 Control % Cell Growth versus Control 120 125pg/ml sFRP4 100 250pg/ml sFRP4 80 60 500pg/ml sFRP4 40 10uM PXD 20 30uM PXD 0 Treatment 30uM PXD + 500pg/ml sFRP4 FIGURE 57 30µM PXD AND 500PG/ML SFRP4 PROTEIN COMBINATION THERAPY AFTER 48 HOURS. 224 7.5. DISCUSSION Castrate resistant prostate cancer is defined by disease progression despite androgendeprivation therapy and may present as one or any combination of a continuous rise in serum levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), progression of pre-existing disease or the appearance of new metastases. Current practices for hormone-refractory/castrate resistant, metastatic prostate cancer incorporate the use of taxanes (Petrylak et al. 2004; Tannock et al. 2004). In this study we investigated the effects of docetaxel on the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 to determine effective concentrations that would impact cell proliferation in a measureable manner. We determined that low doses of docetaxel induced cell growth at .1 and 1nM concentrations. Low doses of cytotoxic drugs have been known to initiate oxidative stress in cells, which acts as a mitogenic factor instead of inhibitory, as the cell easily compensates for the low levels of stimulation, resulting in cell progression through the cell cycle (Minelli et al. 2009). In all three cell lines 10nM and 100nM doses induced significant decreases in cell proliferation and maximal decreases in proliferation respectively, suggesting potential effective concentrations to utilise in combination with phenoxodiol. Taxanes are used in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer and recurrent hormone refractory and castrate resistant prostate cancer. Docetaxel, as with other taxanes, binds to the β-tublin subunit in microtubulin, promotes polymerisation of tubulin and disrupts microtubule dynamics. As a consequence of microtubulin stabilisation, cells become arrested in G2/M phase and eventually undergo an apoptotic form of cell death. The effects of taxanes may vary depending on cell type and drug concentration. These observations raised the question as to what might be the intracellular signalling machinery that controls the apoptotic differences in response to taxanes in prostate cancer. Studies have shown that apoptosis induced by taxanes involves several apoptotic signal molecules, such as c-Jun N-terminal 225 kinase (JNK), protein kinase A (PKA), c-Raf-1/Ras/Bcl-2, p53/p21, and mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK and p38 (Wang et al. 2008). Combined docetaxel and prednisone is currently considered the standard of care for men with castrate resistant prostate cancer, based largely on the simultaneous publication of Tannock and Petrylak (2004), where two large randomised controlled trials compared this combination with the previously established standard of mitoxantrone and prednisone. To determine an effective combination therapy accurately, the interaction of two compounds is analysed and the effectiveness investigated for synergistic, additive or even interference effects using an isobologram chart where a range of effective doses is compared with each other (Zhao et al. 2004; Tallarida 2006). In this study we investigated the effects of phenoxodiol combined with docetaxel treatment in an isobologram format over 48 hours, with 24 different potential combinations per cell line. We determined that the 5µM phenoxodiol concentration was inducing an interference effect against the 100nM docetaxel concentration. This was the highest concentration of docetaxel used and the concentration that exhibited the maximal effect of the compound after 48 hours of treatment. All three cell lines had significant interference effects caused by phenoxodiol and docetaxel combination at that concentration while the DU145 cell line also had the 10µM phenoxodiol dose significantly impacting on the ability of docetaxel to induce cytotoxicity. To further investigate these phenomena we evaluated pretreatment combinations in conjunction with complete combinations over 48 hours. We investigated the effects of treating the cells with vehicle control, 10µM phenoxodiol, 100nM docetaxel or combination 10µM phenoxodiol/100nM docetaxel for 24 hours. Following this, the two extra sets of cells received an addition of 10µM phenoxodiol; or 100nM docetaxel giving them a total of 48 hours of 100nM docetaxel and 24 hours of phenoxodiol or 48 hours 10µM phenoxodiol and 24 hours of 226 100nM docetaxel. This was also repeated for 30µM phenoxodiol concentrations to determine if the increased cytotoxicity of phenoxodiol would overcome the limited interference that had appeared in the isobolograms. The cell lines indicated that, at all phenoxodiol concentrations after 48 hours of phenoxodiol and 24 hours of docetaxel treatment, there was no significant different versus phenoxodiol by itself, other than PC3 10µM samples. This was followed by the result that, at both 10µM and 30µM concentrations, there was a significant increase in proliferation versus 100nM docetaxel alone, meaning that phenoxodiol had significantly impacted the ability of docetaxel to induce cell arrest at the G2/M stage. While synergism and additivity are the targets of drugs, especially those with different modes of action, phenoxodiol’s exhibited ability to induce cell arrest at G1 and S phases of the cell cycle prevents the cells from entering the G2/M region where docetaxel can be effective (Aguero et al. 2010). Studies have also indicated that increased expression of p21WAF1 corresponds to an inhibition of docetaxel activity via a p38 dependent signalling pathway and that cell cycle inhibitors can actually protect the cells from taxane induced cell death during certain periods (Canfield et al 2006; Gan et al 2011). A better understanding of how such mechanisms work at the molecular level may have implications in the rational use of isoflavone/taxane based chemotherapy. The canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway promotes transcriptional activity through activation of downstream target genes such as c-Myc and Cyclin-D1 driving cellular proliferation (Menezes et al 2012; Watcharasit et al 2002). The Wnt ligand target, the frizzled receptor, is overexpressed in prostate cancer but that this overexpression is counterbalanced by the secreted frizzled related protein (sFRP) family which attempt to suppress AR-mediated transactivation (Kawano et al. 2009). Methylation of the sFRP proteins has been suggested as a marker of invasive carcinoma with a resulting poor prognosis (Ahmad et al. 2011) and conversely, a total lack of β-catenin in a prostate cell has also been implicated in metastatic 227 formation (Aaltomaa et al. 2005). Unlike other inhibitors of Wnt signalling, sFRP4 appears to affect androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer (Horvath et al. 2007). In this study we investigated the effects of purified sFRP4 protein in conjunction with phenoxodiol, investigating the published abilities of isoflavones to interact with the Wnt pathway (Li et al. 2008; Liss et al. 2010). Purified protein samples induced a decrease in cell proliferation in LNCaP and D145 cells but not in PC3 cells. All cell lines exhibited a significantly decreased proliferation rate when 500pg/mL purified protein was combined with 30µM phenoxodiol over 48 hours of treatment, beyond that of 30µM phenoxodiol by itself. The ability for sFRP4 to interact with frizzled results in a stabilisation of the GSK3β molecule, which has been shown to be critical for soy based molecules, such as isoflavones, to induce cell toxicity (Liss et al. 2010). This is one manner in which sFRP4 could be sensitising prostate cancer cells to phenoxodiol treatment; others include the increased expression of p21WAF1 after frizzled activation (Hall et al. 2010), GSK3β binding to and inactivating IAP members (Li et al. 2008), stabilisation of p53 expression (Watcharasit et al. 2002) or even downregulation of the AR through GSK3β stabilisation. The Wnt pathway affects many parts of cell homeostasis and the ability to prevent Wnt ligand activation of β-catenin and, therefore, stabilise GSK3β results in a signalling situation in which phenoxodiol is more effective. In this study we demonstrate that the cytotoxic taxane compound, docetaxel, induces cell death that is attenuated by co-treatment or pre-treatment of cells with phenoxodiol. This attenuation is associated with the prevention of cells from entering the G2/M phase of the cell cycle where docetaxel is functional, damaging the spindle fibres and potentially due to p21WAF1 mediated cell survival after docetaxel treatment. Increased expression of p21WAF1, p53 and p38 has been determined to inhibit the ability of docetaxel to induce cytotoxicity (Gan et al. 2011). 228 We also exhibit the ability of sFRP4 protein to increase the effectiveness of phenoxodiol treatment through alteration of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Through stabilisation of the GSK3β molecule, sFRP4 induces degradation of active β-catenin which causes an increased sensitivity to isoflavone cytotoxic induction by increasing p21WAF1 expression and decreases expression of c-Myc, Cyclin-D1 and other potent oncogenes. Phenoxodiol induces significant cytotoxicity when combined with a Wnt/β-catenin receptor blocker such as sFRP4. This promotes the concept that combination therapy of a Wnt inhibitor with phenoxodiol might increase the effectiveness of phenoxodiol and give a subset population of prostate cancer sufferers a more effective treatment regime. 229 8. CHAPTER EIGHT: GENERAL DISCUSSION 8.1. DISCUSSION Phenoxodiol, [2H-1-Benzopyran-7-0,1,3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)], is an isoflavone derivative that has also been shown to elicit cytotoxic effects against a broad range of human cancers. Currently undergoing human clinical trials, it has shown promise in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer where the cancer is refractory or resistant to standard chemotherapy, and in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (Sapi et al. 2004; Brown et al. 2005). Preliminary studies involving a number of flavanoid derivatives have demonstrated that phenoxodiol inhibits cell proliferation in a wide range of human cancer cell lines including leukaemia, breast and prostate carcinomas, and is five to twenty times more potent than a similar compound, Genistein (Aguero et al. 2005). Phenoxodiol has been characterised in ovarian cancer as affecting key ovarian anti-apoptotic signalling pathways (Kamsteeg et al. 2003) as well as reversing the ability of cells to become resistant to Docetaxel, through over expression of antiapoptotic molecules (Sapi et al. 2004). In breast cancer phenoxodiol acts as an inhibitor of cell division (Constantinou et al. 2003), whilst in prostate cancer cells co-cultured with osteoblasts phenoxodiol downregulated the cancer specific enzyme tNADH-Oxidase (Axanova et al. 2005). Finally, it has been demonstrated that phenoxodiol induces G1 specific arrest through loss of Cyclin-Dependant Kinase 2 activity by p53-independent induction of p21WAF1 in a battery of human cell lines and that phenoxodiol affects multiple cancer types through prevention of cell replication (Aguero et al. 2005; Aguero et al. 2010). The ability to induce high rates of cytotoxicity in castrate resistant prostate cancer cells is the goal of mainstream treatment regimes. Investigating the cytotoxicity of phenoxodiol on 230 prostate cancer cells is driven by the historically low 5-year survival rate for advanced prostate cancer where chemotherapy is palliative in nature (Kessler and Albertsen 2003). In this study we initially sought to characterise the effects of phenoxodiol on the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP (AR positive/p53 wild type), DU145 (AR negative p53-mutant) and PC3 (AR negative p53-null). These cell lines represent early to late stage prostate cancers phenotypes and exhbit altered expression of p53, a commonly mutated gene. We compared the action of phenoxodiol against molecules regulating some of the key hallmarks of cancer stated by (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000) and then updated by (Trosko et al. 2004). We targeted a framework of genes that regulated the cell’s ability to be; self-sufficient in growth signals; insensitive to anti-growth signals; able to evade apoptosis and able to have limitless replicative potential. Determining appropriate initial cell concentration rates ensured logarithmic growth throughout the study and ensured that phenoxodiol elicits time- and dose-dependent antiproliferative activity against both androgen-responsive and androgen-resistant prostate cancer cell lines. LNCaP cells were found to be less sensitive to phenoxodiol induced cytotoxicity measured by the MTS proliferation assay than visual analysis suggested. (Wang et al. 2010) reported an underestimating of anti-proliferative effects of cytotoxic compounds due to MTS dye in LNCaP cells when compared to other techniques. The use of apoptotic assays 3’-end labelling, JC-1 and AV/PI flow cytometry ensured accurate cytotoxicity information was obtained. LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 cells exhibited significant increases in mitochondrial depolarisation, causing the release of Cytochrome c, Bax and other potent pro-apoptotic molecules into the cytoplasm, where they could induce cell cytotoxicity. LNCaP cells had the largest mitochondrial depolarisation response, appropriate for an early stage prostate cancer model, while DU145 and PC3 cells had less total depolarisation, fitting their characterisation as chemoresistant late stage prostate cancer cell representatives. The flow cytometry and 3’-end labelling study determined that LNCaP and DU145 responded apoptotically to treatment while 231 PC3 cells responded necrotically. Cytotoxicity was determined to not be induced by pH changes in the media. Classic apoptosis, such as that induced by chemotherapeutic agents, can proceed via extrinsic death receptor-mediated and intrinsic mitochondrial-mediated pathways ultimately resulting in the activation of Caspase-3 (Asselin et al. 2001). Phenoxodiol has been shown to induce classic apoptosis in ovarian cancer (Gamble et al. 2005; Alvero et al. 2006). However, this current study did not detect activated Caspase-3 expression increase in LNCaP and PC3 cells, while the actual increase in expression of Caspase-3 in DU145 cells was minimal. The lack of consistent signalling indicated that cell cytotoxicity induced by phenoxodiol was potentially initiated via a caspase independent cell death pathway. Phenoxodiol exhibited significant cytotoxicity, inducing cell death in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 by apoptotic and necrotic responses. All three cell lines demonstrated significantly decreased viable cell populations after only 48 hours of treatment as determined by the AV/PI FACS analysis technique, the JC-1 mitochondrial depolarisation assay indicating a method of apoptotic induction via intrinsic cytotoxic signalling. Two of the hallmarks of cancer initiation and progression are the ability of cells to become insensitive to anti-growth signals and to evade programmed cell death, which is caused by accumulated increased expression of anti-apoptotic signalling molecules that prevent activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic signalling pathways that normally induce cell death (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). We reported that phenoxodiol does not induce cytotoxicity through direct manipulation of the expression of key elements of the extrinsic and intrinsic cell death pathways. Though phenoxodiol induced mitochondrial depolarisation and a significant 232 decrease in cell population, expression of the pro-apoptotic AIF, Bax, Caspase-3 and antiapoptotic Bcl-xL, xIAP were not consistently altered after phenoxodiol treatment. A key aspect of chemotherapeutic treatments is the ability to induce cytotoxicity reliably over a range of cells representing multiple stages of development, with a method of action that can be consistently determined, as this maximises potential treatment candidates and successful application. Though we detected apoptosis and mitochondrial depolarisation, we determined that phenoxodiol acted in a caspase-independent manner. When phenoxodiol was combined with a broad spectrum caspase inhibitor there was no effect on the ability of phenoxodiol to induce cell death. In this study we determined that the cytotoxicity of phenoxodiol was not associated with consistent changes in both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family between the cell lines, unlike previous studies (Aguero et al. 2005; Yu et al. 2006). LNCaP displayed a decreased expression of Bax protein and increased expression of Bcl-xL protein, with cells attempting to prevent the effect of phenoxodiol-induced mitochondrial depolarisation by mediating the effects of the Bcl-2 family. However, LNCaP cells still exhibited significant cytotoxicity to treatment, indicating that the classic intrinsic apoptotic pathway might not be directly responsible for the effect of phenoxodiol treatment. DU145 cells did not express Bax protein at all, influencing the cell into a strong anti-apoptotic phenotype; yet a detectable decrease in Bcl-xL protein was determined after treatment indicating a susceptibility to phenoxodiol-induced mitochondrial depolarisation with resultant mitochondrial efflux. This is in conjunction with PC3 cells, whose levels of Bax were unchanged due to treatment but Bcl-xL levels were significantly reduced, indicating that the ratio of BclxL:Bax had significantly decreased; a sign of cell death signalling sensitivity from this notoriously chemoresistant cell line (Li et al. 2008). The lack of a consistent change in gene expression between LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 cell lines indicates that phenoxodiol does not promote cell death by disrupting the stoichiometry of key 233 pro- and anti-apoptotic molecules studied here in prostate cancer cells. The common model for cancer therapy activity has been that anti-cancer regimens cause apoptotic signalling to occur, often mediated by p53 and Caspase-3 upregulation (Fojo and Bates 2003). Therefore, cells that are resistant to apoptosis achieve this through forced over expression of antiapoptotic molecules such as xIAP and Bcl-xL family members or p53 mutation (Brown and Attardi 2005). Members of the Inhibitors of Apoptosis Proteins (IAP), such as xIAP, can prevent apoptosis by inactivating Caspase-3 and Caspase-9. The results reported in this study are in contrast to other reports where it has been demonstrated in ovarian cancer that caspase activation, Bax upregulation and xIAP degradation are key proteins modulated by phenoxodiol (Sapi et al. 2004; Alvero et al. 2006; Mor et al. 2006; Kluger et al. 2007). The inability of the pan caspase inhibitor, Z-VAD-FMK, to prevent the anti-proliferative activity of phenoxodiol in all three cell lines reinforces that the phenoxodiol-induced mechanism of cell death in prostate cancer cell lines is occurring via a caspase-independent pathway. This is in contrast to many studies that indicate PARP and caspase activation as being the effect of phenoxodiol treatment (Kamsteeg et al. 2003; Aguero et al. 2005; Aguero et al. 2010). One potential method of cytotoxic induction investigated was the ability of phenoxodiol to induce accumulation/production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cell, causing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been linked to mitochondrial depolarisation but we determined that, in all cell lines, phenoxodiol did not induce nitric oxide production as a response to treatment, even though all three cell lines retained the ability to have NO production stimulated by DEAN and SNP addition. In addition to apoptosis, cancer cells can be effectively eliminated through necrosis, mitotic catastrophe and premature senescence, which result in cell cycle arrest and subsequent cell 234 death signalling (Brown and Wouters 1999; Tannock and Lee 2001; Brown and Wilson 2003). Cells that are non-responsive to treatment through the classic intrinsic apoptosis pathways, yet have an apoptotic response, must activate this process through other mechanisms such as mitochondrial response and depolarisation, mitotic catastrophe and DNA degradation (Ruth and Roninson 2000; Brown and Wilson 2003). Two of the hallmarks of cancer are the ability to be self-sufficient in growth signals and to have infinite replicative potential, which can be initiated through damaging the cell cycle restriction points, thereby allowing for progression of cancer from a benign to metastatic state (Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). This study indicates that phenoxodiol induces cell cycle arrest in the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle, with the resultant arrest due to the upregulation of p21WAF1 and cytotoxicity due to resultant downstream apoptotic signalling events. c-Myc and Cyclin-D1 expression was not consistently altered in response to phenoxodiol treatment but Ki-67 was down regulated in LNCaP and PC3 cells and, though not significant, there was a similar trend in the DU145 cells. The tumour suppressor p53 is the primary controller of cell cycle activity, which triggers cell cycle arrest; but is only active in LNCaP cells with DU145 cells expressing a mutated p53 and PC3 cells being p53-null. p21WAF1 is a cyclin dependant kinase inhibitor (CdkI) family member, along with p27 and p57, which interfere with the cyclin dependant kinase-cyclin complex. The ability of isoflavones, and specifically phenoxodiol, to induce cell cycle arrest has been previously reported with studies indicating that arrest was induced by p21WAF1 stabilisation and expression increase (Aguero et al. 2005; Aguero et al. 2010; Seo et al. 2011). In this study we exhibited the ability of phenoxodiol to increase p21WAF1 expression, with the resultant cell cycle arrest at both 10µM and 30µM concentrations over 24 and 48 hours of treatment. The cell lines exhibited significantly decreased populations of G2 cells and arrest of the cell cycle, visible in the significant alteration of G1 and S phase cell populations. It’s clear that the 235 method of phenoxodiol-induced cell cycle arrest is independent of p53 status and caspase activity. The canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway controls cellular interaction with growth signals, where Wnt signalling causes decreased expression of GSK3β protein which results in an active form of β-catenin translocating to the nucleus and initiating cell cycle progression through multiple pathways including Cyclin-D1 and c-Myc expression (Zhang et al. 2011). We investigated the expression of the active form of β-catenin and determined that LNCaP and PC3 cells had significantly reduced active β-catenin expression after 24 hours, with LNCaP continuing on to a significant 48 hour effect, which coincides with a subsequent decrease in Cyclin-D1 signalling expression in androgen insensitive PC3 cells, while LNCaP expression is unchanged due to the potential moderation of the AR receptor. DU145 cells exhibited an increased expression of active β-catenin after treatment over 24 and 48 hours, indicating that alteration of canonical Wnt signalling is not a direct effect of phenoxodiol treatment but a downstream signalling outcome. Secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4) is one of a group of proteins that antagonise the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway, decreasing Wnt activity and causing decreased activated βcatenin formation and decreased invasive potential. We determined that sFRP4 expression was increased over 24 hours in PC3 cells coinciding with decreased active β-catenin expression in that cell line. sFRP4 expression increased over 24 and 48 hours in LNCaP cells, coinciding with decreased active β-catenin in that cell line. sFRP4 expression was increased in DU145 cells but did not correspond with β-catenin expression changes, indicating that DU145 cells might have an modification of the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Separate from βcatenin degradation it has been suggested that sFRP4 inhibition of Wnt signalling causes 236 stabilisation of GSK3β resulting in p53 activation and associated signalling such as p21WAF1, as well as a decreased invasive potential in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells. Addiction of purified sFRP4 protein resulted in a decrease in cell proliferation in LNCaP and D145 cells but not in PC3 cells. All cell lines exhibited a significantly decreased proliferation rate when 500pg/mL purified protein was combined with 30µM phenoxodiol over 48 hours of treatment, beyond that of 30µM phenoxodiol by itself. The ability for purified sFRP4 to interact with frizzled results in a potential stabilisation of the GSK3β molecule and p21WAF1 expression alteration which (Liss et al. 2010) has shown to be critical for soy based molecules, like isoflavones, to induce cell toxicity. Docetaxel and paclitaxel are from a class of anti-cancer agents called taxanes that bind to and stabilise microtubules, causing G2/M cell-cycle arrest and cell death (Montero et al. 2005). In this study we investigated the effects of docetaxel on the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU145 and PC3 to determine effective concentrations that would impact cell proliferation in a measureable manner. In all three cell lines 10nM and 100nM doses induced significant decreases in cell proliferation and maximal decreases in proliferation respectively, suggesting potential effective concentrations to utilise in combination with phenoxodiol. Taxanes are used in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer and recurrent, hormone refractory and castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Docetaxel, as with other taxanes, binds to the β-tublin subunit in microtubulin, promotes polymerisation of tublin and disrupts microtubule dynamics. As a consequence of microtubulin stabilisation, cells become arrested in G2/M phase and eventually undergo an apoptotic form of cell death. In this study we investigated the effects of phenoxodiol combined with docetaxel treatment in an isobologram format over 48 hours, with 24 different potential combinations per cell line. We determined 237 that the 5µM phenoxodiol concentration was inducing an interference effect against the 100nM docetaxel concentration. All three cell lines exhibited significant interference effects caused by phenoxodiol and docetaxel combination at the specific combination, while DU145 also had the 10µM phenoxodiol dose impacting on the ability of docetaxel to induce cytotoxicity. Pretreatment drug combinations in conjunction with complete combinations over 48 hours were then investigated. The cell lines indicated that, at all phenoxodiol concentrations after 48 hours of phenoxodiol and 24 hours of docetaxel treatment, there was no significant difference in effect versus phenoxodiol by itself, other than PC3 10µM samples. This is followed by the result that, at both 10 and 30µM concentrations, there was a significant increase in proliferation versus 100nM docetaxel alone; indicating that phenoxodiol had significantly impacted the ability of docetaxel to induce cell arrest at the G2/M stage. While synergism and additivity are the targets of drugs, especially those with different modes of action, phenoxodiol’s exhibited ability to induce arrest at G1 and S phases of the cell cycle prevents the cells from entering the G2/M region, where docetaxel can be effective (Aguero et al. 2010). Studies have also indicated that increased expression of p21WAF1 corresponds to an inhibition of docetaxel activity via a p38-dependent signalling pathway, and that cell cycle inhibitors can actually protect the cells from taxane-induced cell death during certain periods (Canfield et al. 2006; Gan et al. 2011). A better understanding of how such mechanisms work at the molecular level may have implications in the rational use of isoflavone/taxane based chemotherapy. We have exhibited the ability of phenoxodiol to induce cytotoxicity and cell death through a variety of means in a p53 and caspase-independent manner by arrest of cells in the G1 and S 238 phases of the cell cycle, thereby preventing cells from moving into G2/M phase. The cell cytotoxicity was partly mediated by mitochondrial efflux, with all cells responding with a degree of total efflux of factors into the cytoplasm in response to phenoxodiol treatment. The cell cycle arrest was mediated by expression increases in p21WAF1 and the resultant cytotoxic induction resulted in an apoptotic and necrotic response, independent of p53 status. We also demonstrated that pre-treatment or co-treatment of prostate cancer cells with docetaxel and phenoxodiol actually caused an interference response; and that co-treatment with sFRP4 purified protein and phenoxodiol exhibited a sensitisation effect, potentially caused by the stabilisation of the GSK3β molecule and a subsequent increase in p21WAF1 signalling. 8.2. CONCLUSION We investigated the ability of Phenoxodiol to induce cytotoxicity in prostate cancer cell lines representing early and late stage prostate cancer. We then determined the extent of induced cytotoxicity by using multiple qualitative and quantitative measures to characterise the mode of action. We can conclude that phenoxodiol induces significant cellular cytotoxicity over 24 and 48 hours of treatment with 10µM and 30µM doses of phenoxodiol. We can also state that phenoxodiol induces apoptosis in LNCaP and DU145 cell lines while PC3 cell lines respond necrotically, as evidenced by apoptotic DNA fragmentation in LNCaP and DU145 cells and DNA smearing in PC3, similarly confirmed by AV/PI flow cytometry. We also determined that Caspase-3 expression is not significantly up regulated in response to phenoxodiol treatment except in DU145 cells; indicating that phenoxodiol’s method of action in prostate cancer cells might be caspase independent. 239 We investigated the underlying apoptotic signalling machinery, after phenoxodiol treatment, examining the link between early and late stage apoptotic signalling molecule expression. We then determined that phenoxodiol had the ability to induce cytotoxicity through means other than the direct innervation of intrinsic and extrinsic caspase signalling pathways. The analysis of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL and xIAP molecules and pro-apoptotic AIF, Bax and Caspase-3 molecules did not show evidence of consistent signalling response as a result of phenoxodiol treatment. Following this, a pan caspase inhibition study indicated that caspase expression was not critical for phenoxodiol’s method of action; in contrast to previously published data and important when many cancers have strong anti-apoptotic protein expression inhibiting signalling through classic extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis pathways. We investigated the link between phenoxodiol and the cell cycle by determining the potential effects on the various prostate cancer cell lines and looking for a common signalling pathway in response to treatment. We also investigated the response of active β-catenin and sFRP4 to phenoxodiol treatment after studies concluded evidence of a link between β-catenin expression and cell cycle in prostate cancer. We determined that phenoxodiol prevented cell cycle progression in a dose/time dependant manner through arrest in the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle. This corresponded to an increase in P21WAF1 signalling in all cell lines. Alterations in c-Myc, Cyclin-D1 and Ki-67 expression were detected, with only Ki-67 indicating a consistent response. The expression of active β-catenin was down regulated in LNCaP and PC3 cells but increased in DU145, indicating that phenoxodiol was not directly targeting β-catenin expression in the canonical Wnt signalling pathway. However, sFRP4 levels were altered in a manner that was indicative of the activated β-catenin decreases demonstrated. Both LNCaP and PC3 cells exhibited increased expression of sFRP4 and resultant decreased expression of active β-catenin protein. 240 We investigated the effects of combination therapy of phenoxodiol and docetaxel looking at the effective dose of docetaxel, an isobologram of dose/response curves for phenoxodiol and docetaxel therapy and the use of each as a pre-treatment for sensitisation. We also investigated the effects of sFRP4 treatment in conjunction with phenoxodiol, targeting the cell cycle through multiple means of interaction. We determined the docetaxel effective treatment dose and, at that concentration, phenoxodiol treatment inhibits docetaxel at certain combinations and concentrations by preventing cells from entering the G2/M phase of the cell cycle where docetaxel exhibits its cell cycle arrest response. While high rates of cytotoxicity were evident, we determined that combination therapy of docetaxel and phenoxodiol can result in an interference reaction as expected. Phenoxodiol is effective at preventing cells from progressing through G1/S phase, where docetaxel is effective, thereby preventing its ability to induce G2 cell cycle arrest. Combination therapy with sFRP4 indicated a sensitisation to phenoxodiol treatment, which was not necessarily synergistic, because sFRP4 didn’t exert a consistent cytotoxic effect over 48 hours. However, interference with the canonical Wnt/βcatenin pathway assisted the action of phenoxodiol. Therefore, Wnt/β-catenin antagonism results in stabilisation of GSK3β which assists in the expression of p21WAF1. In this thesis we provide evidence that the soy based isoflavone, phenoxodiol has the ability to potentiate cell cytotoxicity through a variety of means including canonical Wnt/β-catenin signalling interference, Cdk inhibitor p21WAF1 activation, cell cycle arrest independent of p53 status and caspase independent induction of apoptosis. We exhibited the ability of phenoxodiol to induce significant cytotoxicity in cells, representing early and late stage prostate cancer, over 24 and 48 hours of treatment with 10µM and 30µM concentrations. Phenoxodiol activity was determined to be increased when applied in combination therapy with a Wnt antagonist, sFRP4. This implicates sensitisation of tumours towards phenoxodiolinduced cytotoxicity through antagonism of the Wnt receptor frizzled. Coupled with the 241 reported ability of high tolerance of orally ingested phenoxodiol, and few reported side effects, Phenoxodiol represents a strong, effective, potential treatment for all stages of prostate cancer including the currently incurable castrate-resistant late stage prostate cancer. 8.3. LIMITATIONS My perceived limitations of the study are as follows. Several grams only of phenoxodiol was provided once for the entirety of the thesis experimental use. As such the IC50 concentration was not determined, merely a response to treatment was initially sought and the use of 10µM and 30µM concentrations was suggested by Novogen Pty Ltd as doses reaching biological efficacy. The doses were kept at these concentrations due to the 2 week lifespan of phenoxodiol once diluted in DMSO and higher concentrations would result in a rapid depletion of the compound. Docetaxel also suffered from a short lifespan once diluted but was available for purchase once supplies were diminished whereas phenoxodiol was not. My cell cycle data was completed and provided to Novogen 18 months prior to the publishing of the 2010 Aguero article which contains data very similar to what I found. Hence I view this thesis to be a complete work of, at the time of experimental completion, unknown responses to phenoxodiol as I was not informed about any data produced by other research groups being provided with phenoxodiol. With the published article of 2010 indicating that PXD affected cell cycle and P21WAF1 status in prostate cancer cells, we can independently confirm their findings while also noting that we determined significant increases in S phase and G1 phase arrest. In vivo experimentation in Nude mice was explored but determined to be difficult to complete effectively with all three cell lines represented. The use of a 3D ultrasound capable of mapping 242 tumour volume and blood flow was not available within the state and getting access was cost prohibitive. Animal ethics raised concerns over the use of multiple anaesthesia to measure tumour growth and regression and thought a larger n value would be more appropriate but lacking in the ability to track tumour changes over a course of doses. Silencing work would have been an effective method to deduce the importance of p21WAF1 expression to phenoxodiol activity however the reported p27 and p16 pathway upregulation and unknown conservation status of p21 WAF1 in various forms of cancer has since indicated that p21 is not the sole target of phenoxodiol activity and silencing it would not necessarily have resulted in an inability for phenoxodiol to induce cytotoxicity through cell cycle arrest. The decreased sensitivity of LNCaP to the MTS proliferation assay, as described by (Wang et al. 2010), was problematic and prevented it as a sole measure of effective proliferation decrease between cell lines, but still allowed for comparisons within the treatments of the LNCaP cell line. The MTS assay was primarily utilised for its economy of scale that allowed the 3 cell lines and multiple treatments to be effectively treated, stained and analysed within short periods of each other. Other proliferation analysis methods were investigated but tritiated thymidine was cost prohibitive and radioactive, XTT/MTT assays ran into exactly the same problem and were more expensive, trypan blue viability staining would be excessively time intensive for the purpose and the volume of cells/treatments being analysed in one point would have been decreased. Cell density analysis was limited by access to the equipment which was granted and then permission was retracted after 2 months of experiments meaning I couldn’t compare or utilise the data generated by that technique. 243 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aaltomaa, S., V. Karja, P. Lipponen, T. Isotalo, J. P. Kankkunen, M. Talja and R. Mokka (2005). "Reduced alpha- and beta-catenin expression predicts shortened survival in local prostate cancer." Anticancer Res 25(6C): 4707-4712. Aguero, M. F., M. M. Facchinetti, Z. Sheleg and A. M. Senderowicz (2005). 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