Great week! - Manchester Church of Christ
Great week! - Manchester Church of Christ
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H M a r 10, 2 0 1 0 THE BULLETIN Great week! Manchester Church of Christ 66 Mammoth Rd. Manchester, NH 03109 603.623.5559 [email protected] Elder’s Link: March Lee Davis - 547-8876 [email protected] Larry Glass - 887-1741 [email protected] What a lot of work and encouragement has been done by the Harding campaigners!! Everything from leading worship Sunday to painting rooms in the brick house next door to hospital visits to singing at Villa Crest to yard clean-up to Bible studies and even more! And didn’t we have a great time at the Fellowship Luncheon and games afterward? Manchester YMCA from 5:00PM to 7:30PM. The preacher’s even going to show up — along with his Advil for assumed aches and pains that will likely result from such fun. Come along as an audience or a player and bring along friends; we’ll have a great time! If you have any concerns that the elders should be aware of, or need to speak to with them, please contact Lee or Larry this month. Our Worship Services Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00 Bible Class: 10:00 Sunday PM: 6:00 Small Groups: West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at Doug Paul’s Friday, the group plans to go Merrimack Small Group: 5:30PM to Boston for a look at the sights, and contact Stuart Peacock Saturday they'll be going down with Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible And there’s even more our youth to the Natick MA youth Classes: 7:00 tomorrow, Lord willing, when we’ve rally. Sunday morning they will be got another opportunity for leaving for Searcy and the rest of News Items? Please submit before fellowship and fun — a 3 on 3 their semester. 11AM each Tuesday. basketball “tournament” at the Thanks to the Harding men for leading us in worship on Sunday morning. Good, thoughtful, and uplifting job done by all! This Sunday we’ll continue with our series on “God’s Plan for Marriage” with marriage “tips” based on Scripture and sound psychology. Come and bring a friend along with you. We can all use a little wisdom for our marriages, and where better to find such wisdom than God’s superlatively wise word. And you might be surprised at what modern psychology has found that will improve your marriage relationship. Last Sunday evening at the church building, we studied the single chapter letter of the apostle John known as III John (Third John). This Sunday evening we’ll be looking at the single chapter book of Jude. Read up on it, write down your questions and prepare for an interesting study into this seldom studied part of the New Testament. PAGE 1 T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Our Family Coming up in March... Change your clocks Daylight savings time begins Sunday so remember to set your clocks ahead an hour before bedtime on Saturday. M a r 10, 2 0 1 0 “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household,” Ephesians 2:19, NAS95. their address and other information. Good News! Our newly designed website has gone live. If you are on the internet, stop by and see what we have done. If you have any comments or questions or would like to update any content, please see Tony Casella. Save the Dates... Biddeford Ladies Day-- March 27th. Ladies Day in Roxbury, MA on March 27th. More details to come. The Conway church Singing small group will be of Christ will be hosting a meeting at the Evans' house Ladies weekend April 9th-11th on Friday, March 26th. with speaker Becky Wednesday night suppers Make Dinner begins at 6pm and Blackmon. See the flyer on sure to sign up on the list on singing at 7pm. Please RSVP the bulletin board in the the bulletin board in the back to Mark or Glenna if you will foyer. of the auditorium if you plan be there for dinner. to attend. This and that... What else? Help needed Men are needed to Mis New England church growth take the Lord's supper to the Wednesday Night conference will be held this shut-ins. The sign-up sheet is Menu Night Saturday, March 13th at the Wednesday on the bulletin board in the church of Christ in Menu foyer. corned beef and cabbage Manchester, CT. A brochure vegetables is posted on the bulletin Clothing drive Food for spaghetti & meatballs board in the foyer. Children is partnering with bread salad UNH in a clothing drive. Supper and Sing The Biddeford There is a clear plastic tub in bread dessert church of Christ is hosting a the foyer to place any dessert “supper and sing” this clothing (adult or child) you Saturday, March 13th from 4may wish to donate. 7 pm. See the flyer on the bulletin board in the foyer for Worship Leaders Sunday, March 14, 8:30AM Songs .........................Stuart P. Closing Prayer ...........Doug P. Scripture ....................Brandon H. Lord’s Supper ............ Ken B. Coordinator ................Ken B. Scripture ......................Gary D. Lord’s Supper ..............Pete St. Coordinator .................Rick G. Sunday, March 14, 11:00AM Songs ........................Rick G. Closing Prayer ..........David S. Wednesday, March 17, 7:00PM Songs..........................Mark E. Sunday, March 14, 6:00PM Songs............................Ken B. Prayer Concerns Health: Doreen Lee, Duane Coss, Pat Arel, Bill Waisnor, Deniza Chase’s niece, Penny Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael Anderson's brother Leadership: Ministers, Elders, Deacons Evangelism: Bible studies in progress, our website, MNFM, food pantry, Give Away Day contacts Return to the Lord: Brethren who have forsaken the assembly PAGE 2 T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H M a r 10, 2 0 1 0 IS THERE REALLY A HELL, AND WHO WILL GOD SEND THERE? P L ARK One of the more popular points of “street theology” these days is the conviction that there is no Hell. It is a deduction coming from such “certainties” as: The Bible, the word of God, talks about a place called Hell (Gehenna) some 12 specific times in the New Testament (e.g., Matthew 5:29; James 3:16) and makes oblique references to it An all-loving God could never another 35 times (e.g., Matthew send anyone to Hell 3:10; Hebrews 10:27; and We don’t want to believe that Revelation 20:15). Jesus Himself, there are negative consequences His apostles, and the angels all for our actions speak of Hell. The Old Testament’s None of my friends believe that references to punishment are often there is a Hell regarding punishment in the here Authoritative sounding people and now, but there are a number of (opinionated friends, scientists, fairly clear references to Hell in and the occasional religious leader) places like Psalm 49:14,15; Psalm deny that there is a Hell 73:18,19; Isaiah 224:21,22; and Even if there were such a thing as Daniel 12:2, too. In other words, Hell, it would only be for the truly God has said it — again. There and desperately evil people of the will be punishment, severe and world (e.g., Hitler, etc.) eternal punishment, for our sins, if we have not found forgiveness in Have you ever heard these Christ. All those who would before? Have you ever thought counsel otherwise are just modern them? If you think about it, it version of the serpent of old who sounds strangely reminiscent of hissed that God was only kidding, another conversation you may and that Adam and Eve would have heard about: surely not die for eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of "The woman said to the Eden. serpent, ‘From the fruit of the trees of the garden we Although it is true that our may eat; but from the fruit God loves us, it is also true that of the tree which is in the our God is a just God, who cannot middle of the garden, God violate His own just nature, and has said, “You shall not eat who therefore must punish sin from it or touch it, or you without exception. If God ceased will die.”’ The serpent said to be just and fair, He would cease to the woman, ‘You surely to good. The truth is that although will not die!’” Genesis 3:2- we don’t want to face up to the 4, NAS95. consequences of our sins, it is no more avoidable than gravity; and Remember this story? wishing it away does no good INSCOMB whatever. Hell doesn’t exist or not exist on the basis of popular vote, expert denial, or any earthly authority. “OK,” someone may say, “but if Hell does exist, it will only be the really evil that will go there, right?” In a nutshell, no. "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23, NAS95. Any sin merits Hell — the really big ones and even the little ones. Nice people may end up in Hell, because even one sin can condemn us. How many sins did it take to get Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden? Just one. And who hasn’t sinned at least once? That’s why we need Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to pay for the sins that we’ve committed — "[God] made [Jesus] who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21, NAS95. Is there a Hell? Yes, and don't let anyone fool you otherwise. And who will be there? All of us (apart from children who haven't sinned) who haven't been saved by faith in Jesus, repentance of sin, confession of faith, and obedience in baptism. PAGE 3 T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H M a r 10, 2 0 1 0 Our Congregational Calendar Sunday 7 Monday 8 Tuesday 9 MNFM Happy Birthday: Rick Lee 14 15 16 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10 11 12 Bible class 7pm March Madness Bonfire tournament 6pm Happy Birthday: Lindsay Allen Happy Birthday: Liz Cryan Abigail Duer Isabella Franklin 13 17 18 Bible class 7pm 20 19 Natick Youth Rally Happy Birthday: James Casella Happy Birthday: Gloria Dion Te e n N e w s Our Statistics Sunday Morning Worship (combined) Contribution 171 $5044.00 T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t 66 M a m m o t h R d. M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109 PAGE 4