Revista chilena de entomología - Sociedad Chilena de Entomología
Revista chilena de entomología - Sociedad Chilena de Entomología
Rev. Chilena Ent 1975,9:63-129 THE ANTS OF CHILE (HYMEXOPTERA: FORMlCIDAEj' Roy R. Snelling** James H. Hunt*** ABSTRACT 62 species of Formicidae now known or believed to occur in Chile. Keys are provided subfamiUes and ali the genera. The species in those genera with three or more species are also separated by keys. Mosi species are represemed by line drawings. Detailed distribution data This paper treats the to sepárate the six maps are also provided. new species-group synonymy is proposed; Ponera opaaceps chilensis Forcl = P. b. semtslrtala Hypoponera opacwr (Forel); Pogonomyrmex bispinosus ir.lermedius Menozzi Emery = P. b. spinolae Emery = P. vermiculatus Emery; Solenopns germaim schedmgi Forel = 5. germamt Emery; S. latastei hof/manni Forel = S. laíastei Emery; Melophorus bruchi Forel = Lasxo= Ai. pdosuluí Emery = M. uxonus Emery = phartes ptcinus (Roger), Prenolepis bolwari Santschi are cited in the text and The [' following vaidwtenns (Forel); Myrmelachisla recUnota Forel = M. hoffmanni Forel; M. mayri montícola = B. giardii Emery, Camponotus = .Vi, mayri Forel, Brachymyrmex giardn nüida Santschi = C. distmguendus (Spinola); C. = C. dtst. denudatus Emery dislinguendus lenuipubens Santschi chúensis ruficornis Emery = C spinolae Roger. = Spinimyrma The following new genus-group synonymy is proposed: Psammomyrma Dorymyrmex; Ammomyrma = AraucomyTmex; Neaphomus = Hmcksidris = Myrmelachisía. L. Mayr SUMARIO Material collected when ed this study En este de Formicidae trabajo el autor trata hasta hoy 62 especies conocidas de las día clave las separa en seis subfamilias y se da para los géneros y especies. La gran mayoría de ellas están representadas en dibujos. La Chile. Se da a la vez datos de distribución en mapas incluidos, y se sinonimizan varias especies. of it was apparent that of isolated descriptions new of taxa. provided Seldom were pertinent illustrations and keys were even rarer. Kempf (1970) briefly reviewed the history of myrmecology in Chile and provided a catalog several of the with a with a included. One overlooked Kempf total ant fauna were listed, "subspecies" or of 65 nomínate forms number varieties, by known In this catalog 52 species of Chile. some is the purpose of this paper to review the of species was added Inierfrom Ihc Siruciure (if tcosysiems .Subprograi Hru^rdm, supponcd b\ L .S Nalional Scientc F( .ndaiion Cünlnbutinn . (ranl » CJB3I Ii^t. Roben K C:iilwtü. Principal Invesúgalor Muscum of History Nalural ••tntomolog> Sctlion. t:ounl\ "MX) Exposition BIvd Los .Angeles. C;alirornia 90(X)7. csa ••'Dcpanamenl of Louis. .Missouri 63121. CSA Biology, Lnivcrsity of it taxonomy modern of REFERENCE COLLECTIONS The bulk consists now of colleclions the Missoun-.'it Los .-Vngcles Louis .Su used material the of of in this study made by Hunt and deposited in the Natural History Museum Angeles County (lacm). Substantial Los were received from the California collections Academy Sciences of ness of P. H. Arnaud, through the kind- (cas) Jr. and the Umversity of E. I. through (ucb) important collection of Forel type material, now at the Museu d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva (mhng), was generously Berkeley California, Schlínger. loaned (1972). Bioliigital means ant fauna by by The C. very Besuchet. Smaller collections were (ucon), Concepción Universidad studied: through T. Cekalovic; Museum of Comparative Zoology (mcz), through H. E. Evans; American Museum of Natural History (amnh), through M. Favreau; Museo Nacional de Histo the following de •.\ for were undes- cribed and that other forms had been mcorrectly It "varieties". or "subspecies" as belonging nanunal difficulties, species The only treated ant largely was descriptions cause of these the partially earlier of keys based on morphological characteristics. fauna of Chile has never received a unified taxonomic treatment. The bulk of the earlier work, by such authors as Emery, Forel, Mayr, Menozzi and Spinola, has consisted The in Chile by Hunt promptbecame apparent that much could not be satísfactorily identified. inadequacy of the Chilean INTRODUCTION ít institutions Rev. Chilena Ent. 64 Santiago Natural, toria (msto); Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Chile (uch); United States National Museum (usnm). METHODS AND TERMINOLOGY HEADÍfig. Eye length Head The (el). head length in Pseudomyrmecinae and Myrmicinae one segment is present, it is the petiole two segments are present, they are th petiole (pt) and post-petiole (ppt). The dorsa ed in When When surface length of the greatest segment(s) the of modified is as ai profile. The fuU frontal view. (hl). máximum view, the 1975 upward directed or diagonally directed scaL or as a more or less rounded nade when viewed ii 1-2). eye, with the 9, With head length in full frontal along the midline, from the anterior clypeal margin to the occipital petiole morphologically, the secono is, abdominal setment (the morphological firs^ abdominal segment is fused to the thorax as th< propodeum); the p)ostpetiole is the third abdomi' nal segment. margin. Head width (hw). With head in full frontal view, the máximum width along a line perpendicular to that of the head length, exclusive of Gaster The remaining abdominal segments the eyes. Mínimum ocular diameter (mod). The míni- mum diameter of the compound eye. (omd). With Oculo-mandibular distance head in full frontal view, the máximum distance between the lower eye margin and the base of comprise segments are the terga and the ventral segments are the sterna. The last visible sternum of the male is the subgemta, the the dorsal gaster; píate. The shown in fig. 88. terminology of the male genitalia is the mandible. Mandibular The lower teeth. or outermost Figures which we have seen are represented we hope will assisl is usually the longest and sharpest; it is termed the apical tooth. The upper or innermost tooth is termed the basal tooth. All teeth or denticles lying between these are the middle All species teeth. The remainder tooth Scape length (sl). The máximum length of the scape, exclusive of the basal condyle. by one or more figures which in thorax of the worker ant several more in dorsal of 11, 9, 15, of the ant figures are by Snelling.! ings; sculpture necessary 17- Ruth Ann DeNicola of the illustrations are simple line when The work been shown only has recognition for of draw when the iti species. Often, too, standing hairs are not shown, except 3-5) (fig. Figures 7, recognition. Most is Thorax their 21, 44-58 are the is divided into or less well defined regions. Visible the pattern of distribution aiding identification (e.g., is important im Araucomyrmex, Lasiophanes, Camponotus). view are the pronotum (prn), mesono- tum or mesoscutum (mes), metanolum (met) and propodeum (ppm). In lateral view, the profiles of these are visible, as well as the meso- DISTRIBUTION DATA all known records for the species in Chile are cited. Those In the discussion following each taxon pleura (msp) and metapleura (mtp). The thorax of female and male is divided into records taken from the literature and assumed additional sclerites. In dorsal view, the following to pronotum are usually visible: (mes), scutellum (sct), (prn), mesoscutum postscutellum or meta- nolum (met) zná propodeum (ppm). The máximum width Pronolal width (pvv). of the pronotum Webers in dorsal view. length (wl). The cited. length of the tho- profile, The in and the authority brackets, Maps that illustrate these records A have been prepared. common few only by Province in the localities species. is records are Usted by Province, from north to south. cited measured diagonally, from the dorso-anterior portion of the mesonotum to racic be correctly applied to the species concerned are enclosed are indicated on Most of the work the in text, species are but specific maps for these preparing the maps was done by Ann Kennedy. the insertion of the petiole. INTRODUCED SPECIES Petiole (fig. 4) One-segmented Dolichoderinae Each Cerapachyinae, Ponerinae, and Formicinae; two-segmentin species that is known or reasonably assum ed to be introduced into Chile within histori times is marked by an asterisk*. Snelling y Hunt: Píate 1. Figs. 1-5. view of thorax, female; The Solenopsis gayi. 4, lateral 1, ants of Chile 65 (Hymenoptera: FormiadaeJ frontal view of head, female; 2, lateral view of sanie; 3, dorsal view of thorax and petiole, female; 5, lateral view of thorax, worker. See text for explanation of abbrevations. — Body KEY TO CHILEAN SUBFAMILIES OF FORMICIDAE, BASED ON WORKERS frontal often eye, stout; carinae well when separated, large, not elongate; or partially wholly covering antennal insertions; scape elongate Petiole consisting of two segments 2 — Petiole consisting of a single segment Body elongate, slender; eye large, elongate; 3 frontal carinae cióse together, not covering antennal sockets; antenna, especially scape, short Pseudomyrmecinae 3. Gaster distinrtly constricted between Xlyrmicinae and first secón d segments — Claster segments not 4 constricted between first and second 5 66 Rev. Chilena Ent. Scape short, stoui; antennal fossa panially enclosed by a carina; pygidium iateraliy marginate and with a 4. row Cerapachymae of stout spines — Scape elongate, enclosed; tially antennal slender; pygidium neiiher fossa not ñor with a row of spines Ponertnae apex of gaster (acidopore) terminal, circular, usually surrounded by a fringe of hairs; petiole usually erect and scale-like Formicmae Opening at apex of gaster (cloaca) usually ventral, slitlike, without fringe of hairs; petiole often strongly üpening 5. at — inclined 1975 Among Chilean the recognized easily ponerines by the ant this blackish Dohchodermae Localities and O'Htggms: Sam 40 km E San Carlos (cas, mcz); 50 km E San Carlos (cas). Malleco: 40 km E Parque Nac. Nahuelbuta, 1200 m. elev. (ucb); Parque Nac. Nahuelbuta (lacm); sierra de Nahuelbuta, 1200 m. elev. (cas); Los Muermos (cas); Angol (ucon). Cautín: 10' mi NE Pucón (cas). Valdivia: [Valdivia; type! chile. 1). Vicente (amnh). Nuble: of SUBFAMILY PONERINAE (Map is dark or piceous color, the coarsely punctate head thorax, and by the medially carínate clypeus. par- marginate Iateraliy 9, Mayr, carinifrons (amnh, Corral 1887); mcz). Amblyopone chilensis Mayr i Hypoponera opacior (Fig. 6-7) (Forel) (Fig. 12-13) Amblyopone chilensis Mayr, 1887:547-548. 9 Brown, 1960:183, 192. Kempf, 1970:19. Stigmatomma chítense, Dalla Torre, 1893: . 14. Type locality. Valdivia, chile. This species is easily separated from its only known Chilean congener, monrosi, by the duU, and punaate head. (Map. 1). chile. Valdivia: [Valdivia; type of chilensis Mayr, 1887). Osorno: 10 km E Puyehue (cas); 18 km Purranque (cas, mcz); n. shore, Lago Llanquihue (cas, coarsely Ponera var. opacior Forel, 1893: 9 9; Wheeler 1923b:317; Menozzi, 1935:320, 332; Smith, 1936:421, 423-424; Creighton, 1950:48,49. Ponera opaciceps 265. 9 closely MCZ). Forél, 1914:264- Hypoponera Hypoponera opacior, Taylor, 1968:65. opaciceps Kempf, chilensis, 1970:19. Hyponera trígona var. opacior, Kempf, 1970: 20. Type Amblyopone monrosi Brown The Amblyopone monrosi Brown, 192.9. Kempf, 1970:19. Type 1960:188-190, Pucón, chile. In this ant the head is distinctly, though sparsely, punctate, with the interspaces smooth and shiny. The clypeal and mandibular armament also differ from those oi chilensis. (Map 1). chile. St. Vincent, West Cautín: 10 mi Pucón, 12 Jan. 1951 (Ross C Michelbacher; three cotype workers of opaciceps var. have been examined. The node of the has the shape characteristic of opacior, chilensis petiole locality. Locality opacior: locality. Indies. chilensis: Valparaíso, chile. (Fig. 8-9) NE chilensis NEW SYNONYMY. . Ponera opacior, Kempf, 1962:10. Localities W trígona 363-364. with which these specimens agree of pilosity and sculpture. chilensis a júnior is Although We synonym described in characters must conclude that o( opacior. a var. of trígona, opacior was elevated to species rank by Kempf (1962). to Taylor Hypoponera (1968) and as transferred concurred this species KempFs Kempf (1970, with The ñame is listed by 1972) as a variety of trígona, for unstated reasons. treatment. holotype, paratype; cas, mcz). Heteroponera carinifrons Mayr (Fig. 10-11) We have elected by Kempf to follow the original conclusión (1962) in treating this as an inde- pendent species. Heteroponera carinifrons Mayr, 1887:533534. 9 Brown, 1958:195, 197, 257. 9 Kempf, 1962:45-46. 9 Kempf, 1970:19. Acanthoponera carinifrons, Emery, 1895a: 347; Emery, 1905:112-113. 9 Acanthoponera ( Anacanthoponera) carinifrons, Wheeler, 1923a: 186, 191. ; ; ; . Type locality. Valdivia, chile. Localities (Map 1). chile. Valparaíso: Valparaíso (cotypes of chilensis; mhng). Santiago: [Los Leones; Menozzi, 1935). Talca: [Coipué; Emery, (cas); 1905)]. 50 (Concepción; Angol (cas). km E San Carlos Carlos (cas). Concepción: Nuble: 40 km E San Wheeler, 1923b). Malleco: [Temuco, 24 Nov. 1967; Cautín: W.W. Kempf 19701 (O 0) c o w O- (O o C >»« ^^^-"^^^^S^^ %: <" a> c o ir» ._ o *- c o o c (O O c Q. >> fi < < X (§) "^ 3 ' §1, r V ^v/-. I -^ ^^' 5 \ ^— —^ o - V S^.'V --^.^y'^ -J .^.v I ^^BH| A \ .— '' '1"V^ ^... / V !, r -— _ l/ =1 "^----r-- \ — __ , «, :, £, :::, S, K, 68 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Píate 2. Figs. 6-13. Ponerinae workers. Front of head 6, 7, Amblyopone chilensis; 8, 9, and lateral view of head, thorax and g?ster of: A. monrosi; 10, \\ Heteroponera cannijrons; 12, 13, Hypoponera opacior. , SUBFAMILY PSEUDOMYRMECINAE Pseudomyrmex lynceus (Spinola) (Fig. 14-18) Myrmica 142. 9 9 lyncea Spinola in: Gay, 1851:241- . Pseudomyrma lyncea, Mayr, 1870:972. Pseudomyrmex lynceus, Kempf, 1961:390Kempf, 1970:20. Typelocality: Coquimbo, chile. This is a widespread, arboreal species. The peculiar, elongate body form will inmediately sepárate Pseudomyrmex from other Chilean 391, fig. ant genera; 26, 30, 33; the uniformly blackish color of X o E 0) E E 5 I ,r«s^2^ (fí ^^<. "1 — .-._/.' _ o. "O to Ü (A - ^- x^ — r" J~... r't-- ¿í;^ I^— — ' ' ' ' h A r ' CM •a "";' /^' "V. • --/., ,, s, =, — 5, a a, S. S, 70 Rev. Chilena Ent. between lynceus will distinguish this and the following species. (Map Localities Atacama: chile. 2). piapó Coquimbo: (uch). Parque ba- km N Co- hía Copiapó, 45 m. elev. (ucb); 20 Nac. Fray Jorge, 100-200 m. elev. (ucb); 10 km E Parque Nac. Fray Jorge (ucb); 50 km S La Serena km S Los Viles (cas); 35 mi S Ovalle 30 km S Combarbalá (cas); [Coquim- (cas); 15 (cas); 9, 1975 by Wheeler (1919) and subsequently repeatec by Kempf (1972) does not refer to striatus. Wheeler (1924) recognized that the insular form was distinct and described it as williamsi. This is the first record of the subfamily Cerapachyinae in Chile. Locality 40 m. elev., (Map 2). chile. Tarapacá: Arica, 24 Sept. 1966 (M. E. Irwin; ucb). bo; type series of lyncea Spinola, 1851). Aconcagua: [Santa Rosa; type series of lyncea Spinola, km 90 1851); flower (ex cuesta raíso: Valparaíso, (mcz); S lUapei (cas); Los Molles Puya sp; lacm). ValpaPucalan, 800 m. elev. (ucb); stalks of Marga-Marga (mcz); Llay-Llay (uch); Quillota SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE Valley (cas); Al- garrobo (msto). Santiago: Quebrada de la Plata Rinconada, 510 m. elev. (ucb); El Canelo (ucb, mcz); Santiago (mcz); cuesta La Dormida (lacm); San José de Maipo, 1000 m. elev. (mcz, msto); El Manzano (msto); Río Colorado, km 8 (msto). Colchagua: San Vicente Tagua-Tagua (msto). Curicó: cajón de Río Claro, 1000 m. elev. (ucb). Talca: quebrada Amarillo (uch). Nuble: 50 km E San Carlos (cas). Biobío: Biobío (mcz). de The subfamily Myrmicinae is the largest in Chi21 recognized species. Four of these species are introduced and not definitely knowni with le, The native component, 17 endemic Chilean genus, Nothidris, as well as the anomalous Patagonian genus Antichthonidris. The two genera Pogonomyrmex and Solenopsis account for over half the myrmicine fauna. Pogonomyrmex is a moderate-sized genus of températe regions of North and South America, be to established. species, includes the only well-represented a are Argentina. in Solenopsis complex cosmopolitan iarge, many species tropical in genus. and is There températe South America. Pseudomyrmex A sp. worker specimen from Quebrada de la Plata Rinconada, Maipú, 510 m. elev., 26 Jan. 1966 (M. E. Irwin; ucb) cannot be identified. KEV TO CHILEAN GENERA OF MYRMICINAE BASED ON WORKERS single 1 It is apparently a member of the gracilis group, wide-spread in tropical America. Mandibles, clypeus, frontal lobes, mesonotum are the body scape, ferruginous, pronotum the Antenna twelve-segmented, rarely with a distinct two-segmenled club; head and/or thorax often conspicuously densely punctate and/or rugulose Antenna ten-segmented, last two forming a distince two-segmented club; head and thoracic dorsum smooth and shiny between widely spaced punrtures (median lobe of clypeus with lateral carinae which termínate beyond apical margín as a pair of denticles — and remainder of and the appendages black. 2 Solenopsisi 2. striatus tibial spurs, when present, simple, never pectinate SUBFAMILY CERAPACHYINAE Cylindromyrmex Middle and hind — Middle 27) Mayr and hind (dorsal I 3 thoracic tibial spurs finely pectinate sutures absent or (fig. obsolescent, no impression between mesonotum and propodeum; (Fig. 19-22) propodeum with a pair of spines or denticles) Pogonomyrmex Cylindromyrmex striatus 1870:967. Mayr, 9; Mayr. 1887:546; Emery, 1901:53; Emery 1911:15; Wheeler, 1937:444; Kempf, 1972:91. Holcoponera whymperi Cameron, in Whymper, 1891:92. 9 3. along basal margin, not forming a sharp ridge between clypeus and antennal body usually smooth — Lateral ed into a 4 lobe of clypeus along basal margin elevat- sharp cariniform ridge which separates clypeus from antennal socket; head and thorax rugu- whymperi, Forel, lose 1892: 4. 255. Tetramorium and punctulate Basal face of propodeum at least angulate at juncture with posterior face, usually with spines or short den- Type peri: fíat socket; . Cylindromyrmex Lateral lobe of clypeus locality. striatus: dutch guian a. whym- ecuador. This species was originally described from Dutch Guiana and subsequently recorded from French and British Guiana, Ecuador and Perú. The record from the Galápagos Islands cited median lobe of clypeur bicarinate or simple; head and/or thorax often at least partially rugulose ticles; 5 — Basal face of terior face; propodeum fully rounded into pos- median lobe of clypeus with a pair of lateral and shiny or densely punctulate, carinae; body smooth but not rugulose monomorium lynceus: 14, Píate 3. Figs. 14-22. Pseudomyrmecinae and Cerapachyinae. 14-18, Pseudomyrmex view of head of male, frontal view; 15, lateral view of male; 16, head of female, frontal view; 17, lateral female; 18, lateral view of worker. 19-22, Cylmdromyrmex striatus: 19, lateral view of female; 20, view. lateral view of male; 21, lateral view of worker; 22, head of worker, frontal 72 5. Rev. Chilena Ent. Monomorphifc; antennal scape usually not ing beyond occipital margin, and never by one-sixth its length; mesonotal profile — Dimorphif, major with and with occiput large 1975 9, — Frontal extend- more than uniform of clypeus large, extending beyond apical margin of Antichthomdns Mid and hind tibia each with a distinn apical spur; median lobe of clypeus not extending beyond clypeal margin (figs. 38, 40, 42) Nothidris 29, 31) (figs. — Pogonomyrmex II Pogonomyrmex angustus Mayr, 1870:970. ?; Mayr, 1887:609, 612-613. ?9í; Berg. 1890:10, Emery, 1905:158; Forel, 1907:4. Ephebomyrmex angustus, Kusnezov, 353-354 by It morphologically variable, is and several of the more named all as varieties. belong the to Colé by defined is distinct groups are represented. The two species which comprise the bispinosus group are large ants, the body abundantly marked with ferruginous, the head relatively large, and seeds form a promi- 1959: Kempf, chile. Pogonomyr- the only one of the small is common. at all easily recognized It is black color, coarsely striate and punc- all and rugulose, head, (Map Localities río very that km go: Two 1970:21; closely punctulate thorax. forms have been (1968). locality. Valdivia, This its The Chilean Pogonomyrmex subgenus Ephebomyrmex as distinct Type tulate , common. Kempf, (biology); 1972:106. mex This genus includes several common and widely distributed species which may be locally abundant. One species, vermiculatus is especially reddish, Kusnezov (Fig. 23) notum, in profile, with two distinct faces sharply angular to ene another (fig. 34) Pheidole Mid and hind tibiae without apical spur; median lobe clypeus odoratus Pogonomyrmex angustus Mayr scape of minor, but not of major, exceeding occipital margin by about one-third its length (fig. 36); meso- 6. head and thorax fine; apically 6 head disproportionately in middle (figs. 33, 36); cleft very striae brownish gaster S Illapel chile. 3). Aconcagua: 90 Los Perales, Valparaíso: (cas). Marga-Marga, 330 m. elev. (ucb). Santiacuesta La Dormida, 1000 m. elev. (ucb, lacm); cerro El Roble, ca 2000 m elev. (lacm); El Manzano (msto). Colchagua: 3 km N Callejones (ucb). Cuneó: cajón de Río Claro, SE small heads, belong to the angustus group. Members of this group are general feeders which do not gather Los Queñes, 1000 m elev. (ucb). Nuble: 50 San Carlos (cas). Arauco: 20 km Caramávida, 750 m elev. (ucb). Málleco: Parque Nac. Nahuelbuta (lacm). Cautín: 12.3 km N Loncoche, 280 m elev. (ucb); 20 km E Temuco (cas); [cerro Ñielol, 23 Nov. 1967 (W. W. KempO; Kempf, 1970]; 10 mi NE Pucón, significant quantities of seeds. (cas). nent part of the blackish diet. The with species, smaller, brownish to relatively W km E Valdivia: same 1870]; KEY TO CHILEAN POGONOMYRMEX rral; Forel, type series, [Valdivia; 1907]. Llanquihue: 1. Petrohué, lago Todos (lacm). Chiloé: Dalcahue (msto). Ventral surface of head with an arcuate row of long ammochetae which extend mesially over guiar área; guiar área smooth and shiny, sharply differentiated from sculptured áreas, lateral Pogonomyrmex 2 differentiated from rest of ventral surface; at base, 3 strongly thickened, about as thick as widthf postpetiole without transverse striae on dorsal surface; first gastric tergum never longitu- apical dinally striate bispinosus (Spinola) — Scape narrowed at base, its greatest thickness at bend no more than half apical width; dorsum of post- petiole conspicuously transversely striate; firts gastric tergum often longitudinally 3. striate vermiculatus Emery Occiput and thoracic dorsum smooth and shiny 4 Entire head, including occiput, longitudinally striate — interspaces dull, closely punctulate; thorax coarsely rugulose, with dull, punctulate interspaces angustus 4. bispinosus (Spinola) (Fig. 24, 27, 28) smaller species (angustus group) Scape, Santos surface of head with scattered, irregularly spaced hairs over entire área; guiar área not sharply 2. los larger species (bispi- nosus group) — Ventral Mayr, (amnh); [puerto CoOsorno: Pucatrihue (ucb). locality Frontal striae moderately toarse; gaster black (Mayr) head, thorax and laevigatus Santschi Atta 9 bispinosa Spinola í ). Pogonomyrmex . in Gay, 1851:244-246. (not ? Mayr, bispinosus, 1870: 971-972; Gallardo, 1932:133; Goetsch; 1933: 311-312 (biology); Menozzi, 1935:332; Cekalovic, 1964: s.p.; Kempf, 1970-20; Kempf, 1972: 207. Type locality. Santa Rosa de Los Andes, CHILE. This large species is easily recognized by the basally thickened scape and lack of trans- verse striae Workers on also populations of the differ node of the postpetiole. from those of northern vermiculatus by the lack of I Snclling y Hunt: Píate 4 Fies. 23-28. The ants (ildhilc f Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Myrmicinae, Pogonomyrmex workers: 23, P anguslus. vermiculalus, same, 27, bispinosus, same; 25, P. odoralus, same, 26, P. spur; 28, P. bispmosus, lateral view. 24, P P frontal view of head; btspinuíus. hind tibial X o o E E |§ E 3 O M C 3 O O) O) c o (O O) "O o. ® 1- -"r X/^ a T I - "A rli co ""i \ \ ^- -^ =1 í:i a, =1 =1 =, «1 V «. S, S, IC, Snelling y Hunt; and iense punctulae striae on the The first gastric ergum. The present ant original Spinola's accords more of description with closely the than is (1905), convinced that two different forms were represented in the type series, proposed to cali the Tucapel specimens var. spinolae, lEmery automatically the type restricting locality Rosa de Los Andes and making the worker the type. The worker was described as red, with the first gastric tergum smooth all and shiny. Subsequent investigators saw various samples, some bicolored, some with the Santa tergum variously sculptured, but, apparently, none which were whoUy red and with a smooth gaster. These were described as varieties of bispinosus, even though there was no clear first idea of the identity of "typical" bisptnosus. A I Puerto Montt, Puerto Cayatué, bispi- [rom Santa Rosa de Los Andes, Aconcagua, and and males from Tucapel, Nuble. Témales to odoratus. All recorded localities are from Llanquihue: Varas. wsus worker than does the usual interpretation which was always vague. The difficulties begin tvith the type series, for Spinola had workers thus 75 ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Pogonomyrmex odoratus Kusnezov (Fig. 25) Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) odoratus Kusnezov, 1949:298-299,302-307. 9 9 í. Ephebomyrmex odoratus, Kusnezov, 1959: 354; Kempf, 1970:22; Kempf, 1972:106. Type None locality. Kusnezov designated. (1949:299) lists six localities in northwestern Patagonia, argentina. Of these, we here select the first listed, Hua Hum, as the type locality. The wholly ferruginous color and smooth head and thorax will readily sepárate this from other species oí Pogonomyrmex. Localities (Map chile. Malleco: Parque Petro- 3). Nac. Nahuelbuta (lacm). Llanquihue: hué, lago Todos los Santos (lacm). few samples from Aconcagua and Santiago which do meet the crucial criteria are available Pogonomyrmex vermiculatus Emery from the right área, they and the first gastric tergum smooth and shiny. This species is, in our 'for bispinosus: they are ¡are uniformly red, is 'opinión, the true bispinosus. bisptnosus to attributed semistriata The several forms (i.e., intermedia, and spinolae) are conspecific with (Fig. 26) Pogonomyrmex one another, but not with bispmosus. They are much more closely are here removed to the Localities (Map km E Papudo and related to vermiculatus synonymy 4). (cas); 3 chile. km N of that species. Aconcagua: 10 Zapallar (lacm); [Santa Rosa de Los Andes; types of bispinosus 1851]. Santiago: El Coipo (msto); El Peumo; río Maipo (msto); cuesta La Dor- Pogonomyrmex bispinosus Emery, 1905:158: 1932:131, fig. 1970:21; do, 9; 1905: Emery, vermiculatus 9; Cekalovic, 1964: 1972:209. Kempf, 1970:21; 157-158. Kempf, s.p.; var. semistriata 1912:16; GallarGoetsch, 1932:6-30; Forel, 19; Kempf, Kempf, synonymy. Pogonomyrmex bispinosus 1972:207. var. new spinolae Spinola, Emery, 1905:158. 9í; Santschi; 1925:223. 9; Kempf, 1970:21; Kempf, 1972:207. new mida (lacm). synonymy. Pogonomyrmex Pogonomyrmex Type locality. laevigatus (Ephebomyrmexj Pogonomyrmex 9; Goetsch, 1933:331-332 Santschi, 1921:97 argentina; (biology). chile. Ephebomyrmex 354 (distr., laevigatus, biology); 1959: Kempf, 1970:22; Kempf, 1972:106. Type is var. Kempf, 1935:320. 9; Menozzi, synonymy. new 1972:207. Kempf, laevigatus Santschi Kusnezov, bispinosus Cayutué, chile. No specimens of this ant have been seen. It most similar to odoratus in that the head and locality: thorax are largely smooth and shiny. The body, however, is wholly blackish and the striae on the lower part of the head are said to be coarser intermedia 1970:21; vermiculatus: Río Santa Cruz, semistriata: Talca, chile; spinolae: Tucapel, chile; intermedia: Volcán de Chillan, We the are using vermiculatus as the common, widely distributed ñame species for more usually called bispinosus. There are no apprecidifferences between Patagonian vermicuand the several Chilean infraspecific forms usually assigned to bispinosus. There are so able latus many populations of indeterminate status that of any of these nomínate forms is recognition impossíble, henee the above synonymy. ~-^ ^ ,^-^l<^'-'-'^-.. X O E (O S? V) « E o o c 11 o n ® a. (O E¿ H o to > a Snelling y Hunt: The true bispinosus is another matter, howThe types carne from Santa Rosa de Los ver. Aconcagua. Prov. Andes, Spinola's description can be For the most part, appHed to vermicu- however, state that the smooth and shiny. All as here understood, vermiculatus of material from Aconcagua, has the first gastric tergum covered with very fine longitudinal closely striations and the surface densely, finely puncSpinola iatus. does, tergum gastric ifirst is , resultant surface has a very charac- The tulate. teristic dull, satiny sheen. There exists, in Acon- Pogonomyrmex which, cagua, another species of in our opinión, better matches the description and it assign Spinola's ñame. of bispinosus, species that to that is bilis i í \ ! We Santschi. have not seen sufficient material of any of these to form definite opinions about them, but we suspect that the last three, at least, will prove to be synonyms oívermiculatus. Northern populations of vermiculatus usually whoUy ferruginous and most, or all, of the dorsum of the first gastric tergum is closely punctulate and striolate. Specimens from Prov. are Nuble have the thorax black. The sculpture of first tergum is present over the basal one- the third, or less, of the segment. In the few specimens seen from Prov. Magallanes, the thorax, gaster and appendages are blackish; only the head is ferruginous. The fine punctulae and striolae of the first tergum are usually confined to the basal may cover half, or more, of the segment. There is so much variation within populations that we see no valué to recognizing one-fourth or but less, these populations as subspecies. Males of this species have been taken between November the period 21 in to 29 January, mostly (Map 4). chile. Antofagasta: 1932; Goetsch, Goetsch, elev. 19321; 8 1932]; km SE Santiago: (ucb). Canelo 1935]; El Maipo (uch); Peumo El (ucb, [Viña del Mar; Quintay, 150 m [Santiago; msto); San (msto); cajón Maipo del Maipo de José (msto); quebrada Cuneó: Curicó, 1300 ft. Talca: Talca (Silvestri; coelev. (usnm). 1905), Nuble: types of semistriatus Emery, Termas de Chillan, 1350 Las Trancas rd., near 1700 Chillan, [Volcán de m elev. (ucb); El m (msto). types of intermedia Menozzi, elev.; [Tucapel; types of 1935]; Emery, spinolae Penco Concepción: 1905]. Magallanes: (usnm). Río Baguales, Estancia Cerro Guido (ucon). Antichthonidris The two • have been monomoriines. Described as species of Monomorium, they were assigned to the subgenus Notomyrmex by Emery (1915), accompanied by another Chilean species, latastei. These three species were removed from Notomyrmex to the new genus Nothidris by Ettershank (1966), which had as its type, Snelling (1975) proposed to remove latastei. bidentatus and denticulatus from Nothidris, of Antichthonidris species tradionally associated with the based principally upon characteristics of the males which required their exclusión from Nothidris; the new genus Antichthonidris was proposed, with bidentatus as type species. of Antichthonidris are ungenus seems most closely allied such pheidoline genera as Stenamma. Male The affinities certain, but the to thoracic and structure wing are venation worker clypeal structure and the lack of apical spurs on the middle and hind tibiae. The worker differs suggestive of that genus as are from that W gua: Los Molles (lacm); E entrance to tunnel, 90 km S lUapel (cas); 10 km E Papudo (cas). Valparaíso: [Valparaíso; Santschi, 1925; Gallardo, Manzano (msto); of Stenamma by the large, multifa- and the barely depressed metanotum. Tu- Fray Jorge, 5 km Pachingo, 550 m elev. (ucb); Parque Nac. Fray Jorge, 15 km SW Pachingo, 100-200 m elev. (ucb); Bosque Fray Jorge (cas); 30 km N lUapel, 5000 ft. elev. (cas); 28 mi N CombarbaFá (cas); 35 mi S Ovalle (cas). Aconca- Coquimbo: (msto). El cues- Peñaflor; de Pudahuel; San Antonio; Goetsch, 1932]; ceted eyes Prov. Santiago. Localities ri San Cristóbal; Maipo; [cerro ta 11 we Several Argentinian forms have been described as varieties of vermiculatus: atratus Santschi, chubutensis Forel, joergenseni Forel and varia- 1 : The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Menozzi, Rinconada- Peumo- Río Maipo (msto); Antichthonidris bidentatus (Mayr) (Fig. 29-30) Monomorium 9 9 ; bidentatum Mayr, 1887:616. Berg, 1890:9. Monomorium (Notomyrmex) bidentatum, Emery, 1915:190; Kusnezov, 1949:431-434. bidentatum (Notomyrmex) Monomorium 1949:468Borgmeier. piceonigrum subsp. , 469,figs. 16,17. 9 Notomyrmex . bidentatus, Kusnezov, 1959: 345-347, fig. 2, 3b. Nothidris bidentatus, Ettershank, 1966:106, 107; Kempf, 1970:22; Kempf, 1972:165. Rev. Chilena Enl, 9, l';73 35 Píate 5. Figs. 29-37. Vlyrmicinae. 29, Antichíhonidris btdenlaíus, worker, front of head; 3U, same, mandible; 31, A. denticulatus, worker, front of head; 32, same, lateral view. 33-37, Pheidole chtlensis; 33, soldier, front of head; 34, soldier, lateral- view; 35, soldier, guiar teeth; 36, worlser, front of head; 37; worker, lateral view. i i Snelling y Hunt: Type bidentatus, Snelling, 1975. Valdivia, chile; configuration of the mandible, clypeus, and petiole (figs. 31, 32) will readily The horax from aparate this species (Map Localities chile. [Val- Valdivia: Mayr, 1887]. Osor(cas); Puyehue Llanquihue shore, lago Purranque (cas). Chibé: 18 km n. W cas); Manao a ::hacao km E Temuco 20 (ucon); volcán Cautín: „CAS). type via; km Mayr, 1887); (cas); Osorno: 10 km E PeuUa, lago Todos los Santos (lacm); Petrohué, 100 m elev. (ucb). Chiloé: Chacao a Manao (ucon). Magallanes: Mina Elena, seno Skyring, isla Riesco (ucon); [pto. Toro, hue: Navarino, isla type of navarinensis Forel, 1904b). Antichthonidris denticulatus (Mayr) (Fig. 31-32) Pheidole chilensis Mayr \Monomorium Emery, 9 9; 615 1905:120; Goetsch, denticulatum var. 1933: 349. Monomorium navari- nenmForel, 1904b:7. 9. Monomorium 1905:120. 9 iry, denticulatum var. picea denticula- Menozzi, 1935:320, Kempf, 1972:189. Type subsp. denticulatum, 1948:469-470, (Map denticulatus, Kusnezov, Type Ettershank, 1966: Kempf, 1970:23; Kempf, 1972:165. locality. genus was denticulatum: Valdivia, reception the two and 1975. chi- Navarino, Pto. Toro, CH\is., picea Temuco, chile; inerme: Hua Hum, navarinensis: Isla among proposed other Ettershank by Monomorium of species. He varieties described by Forel and Eme- on minor differences in color; that of Borgmeier on obsolescence of the propodeal Kusnezov (1959) correctly recognized spines. these to be unimportant variations wfhich occur sporadically throughout the range of the species, and they were placed in synonymy. This is bidentatus. a much more common The distribution and new biology might be a social parasite. data are available. Me- standing, back dating is type the to Emery species (1905). Nothidris of quite different from the other two, as shown the key above. These species, bidentatus and were removed from Nothi- denticulatus, by Snelling (1975) to the new genus Antichthonidris. At the same time, Megalomyrmex bicolor Ettershank was transferred to Notdris and a new hidris species, was cekalovici des- cribed. species than of both species are reported by Kusnezov (1959), who speculated that the mixed nests which contain both species may be proof that bidentatus is dulotic. Ettershank (1966) opined that bidentatus to galomyrmex. The association of the three species placed in Nothidris by Ettershank is one of long in ry are based Nothidris placed those genera most closely related Nevertheless, argentina. for Mayr latastet . The Tarapacá: Prov. 1959: This denticulatus, Antichthonidris denticulatus, Snelling, le; chile. figs. 3a. fig. Nothidris 106, 107; 5). Nothidris Ettershank Notomyrmex 347-350, from Chile is available. The Lima, Perú (Kempf, Arica, 5 April, 1951 (E. S. Ross; cas). 199. 18, "Chile". 1970). Locality (Notomyrmex) Borgmeier, inerme locality. single record species has also been taken at 333; Kusnezov, 1949:432-434. Monomorium ; ; A (Notomyrmex) 1915:190; Emery, Eme- chilensis Mayr, 1862:748-749. 4 Pheidole 9 9 í Mayr, 1865: 94-96, fig, 27. 4 9 9 í 1970:22; 605: Kempf, 1887:585, Mayr, . Monomorium tum, (Fig. 33-37) 1887:614- Mayr, denticulatum No KEY TO SPECIES OF NOTHIDRIS 1. Head cor.colorous with thorax; gaster darker concolorous X el); with gaster, propodeum I 1 30 Los Muermos (cas). Puyehué, (cas). Llanqui- Valdivia S [Valdi- Valdivia: 1905). denticulatum of [Temuco; (lacm); Villarrica type of picea Emery, congener. types of bidentatus livia; w: 5). its (Map 5). chile. Santiago: quede la Plata Rinconada, 510 m elev. (ucb). Nuble: 2.7 km Las Trancas, 1320 m elev. (ucb). Concepción: Concepción (ucon). Localities brada Hau Hum, argentina. ticeonigrum: 79 ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) bidentatum: Antichthomdris locality. The prqiections malar arca at distintly angulate or (if least head 1.10 with sharp -T - = A 1 a o .'i" 1 a - — ' 1 lO \ 1 \ • , \ ^V S r^^^^ :~-^ "-V \ < ^ y \ ^o V.. . -i .. —^--^ ^ —__ ': ^ "^-r S, =1 =1 B| %\ ..=1 «, c, c, The Snelling y Hunt; ants of Chile — Head concolorous with gasler; thorax lighter; malar área 0.79-1.00 x el; propodeum rounded, not angulate all at malar área than wide; X or more, 1.2, longer el X antennomere 0.77-1.20 malar área usually less than te longer X el .2 1 (Emery) latastéi .... rro wide; than and posterior 9 1-5 8, figs. ; 1965:55- Ettershank, Ettershank, 1966:105; Kempf, Kempf, 1970b:359; Kempf, !970a:23{part); Serena, Although was this a Megalomyrmex ncluded in Nothidris is tiorphologically ijpecies of this Localities we believe since it must it appears similar very (Map rro na (type series, chile. 6). 8500 ft. be elev. Ñu- (uch). (msto); cordi- de Chillan (cotypes of latastei; mnhg). Fundo Pinares (ucon); ConConcepción: cepción, (amnh, mcz, ucon); Florida (ucon). Abanico El Camino Cautín: (mcz). (uch). Parque Nac. Chiquaihue Hills, nr. (ucon); (lacm); Nahuelbuta Mulchén (cas); Collipulli Villarri- (ucon); (Molco) ca-Pucón (ucon); Villarrica [Temuco; Emery, 1905] be to Solenopsis Westwood type the to Coquimbo: La near elev,, quebrada ce- Sere- Algarro- Valparaíso: mcz). Santiago: (msto). originally m Linares: (ucb). Talca Talca: genus. Pachón, ca bo described La llera Collipulli IHILE. Queñes Los of Malleco: La ce- Manzano El O'Higgtns: 100 m Claro, Río del cajón (ucon). Biobío: 972:139. Nothidris bicolor, Snelling. 1975. Type locality. Cerro Pachón, nr. Santiago: (lacm); cuesta elev. El Coihueco, 650 ble: bicolor chile. 6). m (lacm); Bullileo (Fig. 38-39) Aegalomyrmex (Map SE elev., jarojections triangular faces. Cuneó: (msto). Nothidris bicolor (Ettershank) of con- the juncture of the basal at Roble, ca. 2000 Dormida those propodeal by the short, widely workers from separated species for Localilies penultima- projections; polyphasic are usually present usually angulate, sharply triangular distinct with least at common and easily two other both strongly is The figuration, bicolor (Ettershank) — Propodeum species usually are the projec- X 1.25-1.45 antennomere penultimate sharp without but angulate, Propodeum tion This distributed. juncture of basal and posterior Snelling cekalovia at f2(.g5 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de la Plata of the species of this cosmopolitan genus are small to minute cryptobionts. The few Shi- Most but another, the all there one species Neotropical studied carefuUy been have Rinconada (ucb). until from separated easily are species lean no is cer- nomenclature is stable. Most of the species in this genus are poorly known Nothidris cekalovici Snelling and (Fig. 40-41) lists Kempf (1972) described. inadequately almost 150 ñames available for the species than other Nothidris cekalovici Snelling, 1975: 3. 9 Type locality. 10 km N Pichidangui, chile. This small species is known only from the type series. The dark head and unarmed pro. podeum are characteristic oí cekalovici. (Map 6). chile. Prov. Aconcagua: N Pichidangui, Carr. Panam. km 206, not the that lainty most, forms, large the these of there but 'Tire are are Many, ants". if synonymous numerous undes- doubtless likely cribed species also. KEY TO CHILEAN SOLENOPSIS WORKERS Locality 10 km 23 Dec. 1963 (T. Cekalovic; type ucon). series, 1. lacm, (Fig. 42-43) half of Emery, 1 895 b: 10- latastei 3. Nothidris latastei, Ettershank, 48-50; Kempf, 1970:23; 1966, Kempf, lengths 107, — Last 1972: 165; Snelling, 1975. Type locality. Cordillera de Chillan, chile. antennomere Last lengths 4. Eye of no segments 2-8, antennomere clearly segments of larger, of by abouttwice its 6-8 longer Emery combined than usually shorter longer than maximun 4 combined 2-8 facets; 3 striae; shiny, with fine, cióse longitudinal from of head with scattered fine punctures slightly 11.9; Emery, 1905:119. figs. mesopleura smooth and shiny, sometimes lightly punctulate along margins; propodeal side, below level of gland, with striae sparse or Lower absent, surface shiny; cephalic punctures variable ... Lower half of mesopleura and of propodeal side Nothidris latastei (Emery) latastei 2 gayi (Spinola) 2. Monomorium Eye composed of fewer than ten facets Eye composed of more than twenty facets 3 scape diameter short of occiput germamt Emerv K2 Rev. Chilena Km ";, 1475 42 Píate 6. Figs. 38-43. Myrmicinae, view; 40, view. A', Xothidns workers. 38, .V cekaínvici, front of head, 41. same, lateral view, 42, bicolor, front of head, 39, same, lateral .V. latastei, from of head, 43, same, lateral (A ._ L. o ^ o o > — O — ±^ w o^ zo z ® ^ (/) (O 0) l_ T3 (0 (0 £ ^rf ^rf o (0 O ^ i« \ i 1/ ) (. / ,-' \ ^^ 3 . § s c i ^:\- 1 ~\ i' ; O i - 1 A ' ^^.-^"*— 1 ""A ,- (0 \ ''^i-^^'-•'X-,^•''"V ) .^^ v_ ( \ \ •j 5^ a, Sé S, ——^— ] N. s, =, =, «:, 84 Rev. Chilena Ent. — Eye smaller, of 2-4 facets, scape short of occiput by about three times Emery patagonicus 5. Eye pigmented, from the maximun diameter its composed 3-4 of facets; 1975 9, Province of Tarapacá in the north Province of Malleco in the south. to the frontal punctures separated by 2-3 times a puncture's diameter, distinctly greater in diameter than hairs arising — Eye from them unpigmented, of a single facet; frontal punctures separated by four or more times a puncture diameter, hardly larger in diameter than hairs arising form them 9 Solenopsis dysderces Snelling (Fig. 44-45) Type This minute km N ? species Zapallar, chile. known is and punctures frontal This only single faceted eye are diagnostic. (Map Locality 3 # km N Aconcagua: ca. 1972 (J. H. Hunt, chile. 8). Zapallar, 28 Oct. 958; LACM). Solenopsis gayi (Spinola) . Solenopsis gayí Mayr, 1870:971-972; 1909:268-269; Wheeler, 1925:35; Creighton, 1930:48-51, pl. 4, fig. 6; Menozzi, 1935:320, 333; Brown, 1950:248; Kempf, 1970:24; Kempf, 1972:235. Forel, Mayr, 1865:108- 109; Berg, \S90:8 {mistdenl.) 261. 9 ; Type gayí var. Santschi, fazi Creighton, 1930:51-52, locality. if not collected. Chillan; m (msto); elev. Llanquihue: 10 Peulla, of germaini]. km E Puyehue lago (lacm); Todos Todos (cas). Santos los Petrohué, lago los Santos Puerto Varas (amnh). Aisén: 4.8 km Chile Chico, 400 elev. (ucb); Balmaceda (ucon). Chiloé: ó km Castro, is- 1923: W la m W Chiloé (ucon). pl. 4, fig. 3. Solenopsis helena Emery (Fig. 55-56) CHILE. This medium-sized ant" one of the commonest ants in Chile, and is the most widely distributed. The var. fazi was based on a minor color variant and was rightly sy- nonymized form, types Concepción (amnh). Malleco: Parque Nac. Nahuelbuta, 1100-1200 m elev. (lacm, ucb, ucon; cordillera Las Raíces (msto). Cautín: Llaima, lago Quepe (ucon); lago Quillehue (ucon). Valdivia: puerto Corral (types of schedingí; mngh); same locality (amnh, lacm). Osorno: n. shore, lago Llanquihue, (cas); Pucatrihue, 1500 Rosa de Los Andes, Santa de (lacm); Solenopsis geminata gayí Emery, 1895 b; Emery, 1905:121; Goetsch, 1933:322-324. Solenopsis whoUy, subterranean, it is not often Very likely the species is more abundant than present records would indícate. Localities (Map 7). chile. Coquimbo: Bosque Fray Jorge (ucon). Cuneó: Los Queñes, 1200 m elev. (ucb). Talca: Vegas del Flaco (lacm). Nuble: Las Trancas rd., 1350 m elev., nr. Termas de Chillan (ucb); gely, [cordillera Myrmica Gayí Spinola, in Gay, 1851. 9 9 S Pogonomyrmex gayi Mayr, 1868:170. gemínala, one of the commonest of the small.i Solenopsis. Because it is lar- is cryptobiotic Concepción: (Fig. 1-5,46-51) Solenopsis ; Type locality. germaini: cordillera de Chi Uán, chile; schedingí: puerto Corral, chile. . from The elongate apical antennomere, type series. sparce Ca. 3 locality. 2. germaini Emery, 1895 b: 12, figs Emery, 1896:51. Solenopsis germaini schedingí Forel, 1907: 4-5. 9 9 í. Kempf, 1970:25; Kempf, 1972236. NEW SYNONYMY. Solenopsis germaini Kempf, 1970:24;! Kempf, 1972:236. Solenopsis dysderces Snelling Solenopsis dysderces Snelling, 1975: (Fig. 52-54) Emery helena consisting Solenopsis germaini Emery by bruesi subspecies. "fire Brown (1950). available, this more may prove The Peruvian was described Creighton, When is to as a becomes be an independent material species. Many available records for from Chilean this ant localities. (Map 7) are These range Solenopsis 9 9 ; helena Emery, 1895b:14-15, figs. Emery, 1896: Solenopsis helena Kempf, 1970:25; Kempf, 1972:237. Type locality. This small mon. It may Santa Rita, chile. species appears to be uncombe recognized by the long apical antennomere, coarse frontal pigmented, 3-4 faceted eye. (hermione Wheeler, ultrix punctures, Two and subspecies Wheeler) have Snelling y Hunt: The view of head and lateral view, respectively, Píate 7. Figs. 44-51. Myrmicinae, Solenopsis, front 5. ¡fayí, worker; 48, 49, same, female; 50, 51, same, male. 45,5. dysderces, worker; 46, 47, 85 ants of Chile (Hyirtenoptera: Formicidae) of: 44, Snelling y Hunt: described from apparently are :en it South northern ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) America with he- Santiago: ce- conspecific not The (Map Localities O Puerto Madryn, Cayuté, lago Todos los patagónica: locality. thoracica: Santos, chile. ría. chile. 8). Roble, ca. 2000 m elev. (lacm); [Santa Ritypes of helena Emery, 1895b|. Nuble: lío Type argentina; 87 km E San Carlos (cas). No specimens patagonicus of been have available in the Chilean material studied. Kus- nezov (1959) placed thoracica in synonymy with patagónica. The listing of thoracica as a sepárate species by Kempf (1972) appears to have been in error. Solenopsis latastei Emery (Fig. 57-58) Monomorium Emery, 1895b: 13-1 4, latastei Emery, 1896-53; Emery, 1905:123. figs. hlenopsis 9 } ; Solenopsis 912:7. 237. NEW Forel, Type 1972: Forel Kempf, 1970:25; 1935:320Menozzi, latastei, Kempf, 1970:25; Kempf, 1972:237. Solenopsis Í Í21, 333; Type locality. Santa latastei: Rita, Atta flaneóla ]tváon, 1851:107. 9 Monomorium floricola Forel, 1901:81. . hofjmanm var. latastei 9. Kempf, SYNONYMY. small reduced size, The mesopleura. the and on presence lower the var. hofjmanm of half is a pharaonis (Linne)* Valparaíso: (lacm). Zapallar (cotypes Roble, 2000-2100 m elev. (lacm); cues- La Dormida (lacm); Santiago (lacm); [SanEmery, 1895b]; San José de Maipo tiago, [Los 1935]; nozzi, Leones, [Santa Peñaflor, Rita; Viluco; Me- cotypes of latastei Emery, [Talca; Talca: 1895b]. 1905]. Nuble: 18, 40, 50 km E San Carlos mi NE Pucón (cas); Cautín: 10 (cas). Pucón (lacm); 20 km E Temuco (cas); [Te- Emery, muco, 24 Nov. 1967 (W. 1970) . km Valdivia: 30 locality. 1933-349; 1862: Me- Goetsch C India? Although reported from Chile by several authors, no specimens have been available during this study. Valparaíso ta (lacm); 752-753; Goetsch, nozzi, 1935:96. Tetramorium caespitum hoffmanni Forel, 1912; mhng); 30 m elev (lacm). Santiago: of Maitencillo, cerro Fórmica pharaonis Linne, 1758:580. Mayr, pharaonis Monomorium Type of recognition. (Map 8). chile. Atacama: Localities Huasco (lacm); [Copiapó; Menozzi, 1935). Coquimbo: Ovalle, Bosque Fray Jorge (cas). Aconcagua: 10 km E Papudo (cas): ca. 3 km : cosmopolitan study. Monomorium eyes, striae minor color variant not worthy N thís chile; common and widely distribulatastei may be recognized by its longitudinal fine of reported (1901) moderately species, ted locality. India. tramp species from Valparaíso. No specimens from Chile have been seen during this hojfmanni: Valparaíso, chile. A lloricola (Jerdon)* (Linne)* Fórmica caespitum Linne, 1758:581. Santschi, caespitum Tetramorium 253, Kempf, 1970:25. Type Thís was locality. 1922: Europe. species tramp distributed from Valparaíso by Santschi Chilean specimens have been seen widely reported (1922). No during this study. W. KempO Kempf, Tetramorium guiñéense S Valdivia (cas). (Fabricius)* Fórmica guineensis Fabricius, 1793:357. 9 Tetramorium guiñéense Kempf, 1970:26. Type locality. Guinea. This ant was First recorded from Chile by Kempf (1970), who examined specimens . Solenopsis patagónica Emery 1905:132Emery, patagónica 1959:338-342, Kusnezov, 9 fig. la; Kempf, 1970:25; Kempf, 1972:238. 1923a: Santschi, thoracica Solenopsis Solenopsis 133, 14 fig. 261-262. 1972:241. 9 ; í; Santschi, 1936:198; Kempf, from Algarrobo, 1951 (Kuschel tíonal specimens Prov. C Peña; of this species have been studied. Valparaíso, (msto). 21 No cosmopolitan July addi- tramp I 88 Rev.ChilenaEm. Píate 8. front view of 58, í. latas tet. Figs. 52-58. head and Myrmicinae, Solenopsu. lateral 52, view of workers, respectively, 9, i', of: 1975 germaim, 53, 54, i', view of female; 53-58 germaini; 55 56 5. helena- 57* lateral tñ (0 o. ..«^•Jl'r-'-v-^-, ^.^ o c O ^ 0) "O <1> (0 o o >t 0) M (0 (0 a (0 o c c « 0) o (0 0) £ a a> o (0 • v--^ .y I %, :^S' ., - = 1 1 1 I a V-., 00 -1. =1 =1 iJ 5j íi <i) o V) m c *•• (0 I 90 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 SUBFAMILY DOLICHODERINAE All Chilean the dolichoderines belong to the as defined by Emery tribe Tapinomini The generic assignments appear not some placed species apparently do Brown (1912). time do at that have always been correct. to New World made in (ucb). noted by (ucb); as New World species presently pla- KEV TO CHILEAN GENERA OF DOLICHODERINAE BASED ON WORKERS Propodeum, at juncture of basal and posterior more or less produced upward as a conical or gular tubercle 67, (figs. maxillary palp at least as 69, 71); rounded at junaure much trian- of basal shorter than eye; segment of median setae Tapinoma antarcticum 1904:17-18. Forel, 9 9; Emery, 1905:177; Goetsch, 1953: 366367 (biology); Menozzi, 1935:321-322, Kempf, 1970:28; Kempf, 1972:247. Dorymyrmex 9 beyond extending by no more than its apical breadth; Type margin occipital petiolar scale — Apex by below (figs. of scape extending much more than its 61, 62) beyond "Tapmomá" ... margin occipital apical breadth; petiolar scale cannot day, often in dense litt.). Valparaíso, 2.5 widely km N distributed confused with any forage during the trails. (Map Localities be The workers other in Chile. ca. (Fig. 59-60) common and a is which erect; "Iridomyrmex" humilis (Mayr) 1923a:270-271. Santschi, antarcticum: locality. This species margins of head, in frontal view, strongly convergent below (Figs. 59, 60) ... ''Iridomyrmex'^ fully fazi 334; CHILE;/a^l.• Valparaíso, chile. strongly reclínate; margins of head, in frontal view, slightly convergent Tapinoma í. Forelius eidmanni (Menozzi in Araucomyrmex scape of 3 segment of maxillary palp fourth; meso- and metanota not apical ly attached to Forel (Fig. 61-64) fifth depressed Apex "Tapinoma" antarcticum fa- margin short, stiff, not extending to apical tooth of closed mandible Petiole nodiform; fifth segment of maxillary palp preapically attached to fourth; meso- and metanota, viewed in profile, much depressed (figs. 66,67) scaliform; Sants- 9; Menozzi, 1935:321-334; Kempf, 1970:26; Kempf, 1972:125. Type locality. Purmamarca, argentina. This ant was recorded from Copiapó and 2 and posterior of apical clypeal — Petiole oblonga var. 1929:306. at least to api- flexuous in profile (figs. 60, 62); third maxillary palp humilis Santschi long as eye; median setae of tooth of closed mandible, — Propodeum, 3. chile. 9). Taltal, ca. 10 m Antofagasta: (lacm). elev. Atacama: [Copiapó; Menozzi, 1935]. Coquimbo: [Punta Colorada; Menozzi, 1935]; cuesta Pajonales, 113.6 km N Coquimbo, 1125 m elev. (ucb); 5 mi La Junta (cas); cerro Tololo, ca. 10 km W, 3 km S Vicuña (lacm); valle El Molle, 10 km N El Tofo (lacm); valle El Molle, E of El Tofo (lacm). Aconcagua: [Zapallar; Menozzi, same locality 1935]; (cas); 90 km S Illapel (cas); Los MoUes (lacm); quebrada El Tigre (ucb); "costa norte" (uch). Valparaíso: (Hoffmann; Valparaíso W Hipoclimea humilis Mayr, 1868: 164. 9 Iridomyrmex humilis Forel, 1901:81; Kempf, 1970:26; Kempf, 1972:124. Type locality. Buenos Aires, argentina. This ant is widely distributed in Chile. The . scarcity lity that of earlier it (Map. Localities [Valparaíso?; de (ucb); La 9). Fray Jorge, Termas brada records suggest the possibi- adventive there. is que Nac. (ucb); i Caldera in Prov. Atacama. No specimens have been seen during this study. It is possible that Menozzi's records are based on humilis. faces, segment of third margin long, extending apical clypeal 2. elev. Laguna Amarga NW Russfin, 300 m elev. (ucb). km Iridomyrmex chi, ces W "Iridomyrmex" oblonga in cal .8 1 1 m Chile Chico, 540 km (1958). This also appears to be true of of the suggested here. 1. W Magallanes: 4 Tapinoma. Pending a world-wide review of the tapinomine genera, no changes are ced km 1970]. Atsén: 8 Iridomyrmex belong there, not The go (lacm). Concepción: isla Quiriquina (ucon) Concepción, (ucon). Arauco: Arauco (cas). Malleco: sierra Nahuelbuta, 1000-2000 m elev. (cas); Parque Nac. Nahuelbuta (cas). Cautín: [Temuco, Dec. 1967 (A. Muenchen); Kempf, Soco Forel, chile. 16 CoquimboiVdíVPachingo km SW (lacm). 1901). Valparaíso: Santiago: Rinconada, 510 Rinconada, Maipú, (ucb); la Plata m type series of antarcticum Forel, amnh, mcz); Quintay, que- (ucb); elev. Menozzi, Cerro de Santia- 10 5 m ¿' elev. Algarrobo 1935]. la 10 mi N (ucb); (msto); Santiago: mhng, 1904; Concón cuesta (cas); Pucalán [same locality; ¡Santiago, Maipo, Provincia, Viluco, volcán San José; _ Snelling y Hunl: The ams of Ohile iHymenoptera: h'ormicidae) Píate 9, Figs. 59-64. Dolichoderinae. 59, IridomyTmex humiíu, vvorker, head in frontal view; 60, same, lateral view. 61, «Tapinoma« antarcticum, vvorker, head in frontal view; 62, same, lateral view; 63, same, female, head in frontal view; 64, same, female, lateral view y I Snelling y Hunt: The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: 1935]; quebrada de la Plata Rincoelev. (ucb); cerro Roble, 2000510 The subgenus Psammomyrma [enozzi, m ida, m 100 km N 23 La Yesera, 2150 m elev. Dormida (lacm). O'HigRancagua (cas). Maule: Menozzi, :onstitución; ileo La cuesta iSTo); Ins: (lacm); elev. Bu- Linares: 1935]. (ucon). Dorymyrmex Mayr was borymyrmex The 1866). genus rhe of ;eries Santschi (1919), by flaviceps Mayr AraucomyrBiconomyrma Kus- Dorymyr- and Biconomyrma) synonym Ammomyrma, Psammomyrma and Spmomyrma as well as Dorymex subgenera (with myrmex, s. str.). The generic of distinctness of Dorymyrmex known is to Dorymyrmex agallardoi Snelling (Fig. 65-67) planidens, Berg. 1890:24; Emery, Dorymyrmex 1970:27 Kempf, 1895b;15-ló; (mistdentific- (1913), Forel Psammomyrma Forel (1912), and Spinomyrma Kusnezov (1952). These have all been or as regarded as subgenera of Dorymyrmex three Usted genera related to it. Kempf (1972) (with Conomyrma Araucomyrmex, genera: its species occur in Chile. Mayr. (1922), Conomyrma (1952), lezov Forel. Both of these subgenera are founded upon very weak characters and are, in our opinión, species groups at best. Both are, therefore, here regarded as synonymous with Dorymyrmex (new synonymies). ebminus subsequently divided into a subgenera by subsequent authors; Gallardo includes (type species), rel was \mmomyrma nex is myrma on based is Mayr. Spmotwo species: albomger Fobruchi Forel and its variety planidens species single the One established species type 93 Formiadae) Conomyrma the was reaffirmed by Snelling (1974), and upheld. was Biconomyrma of synonymy Araucomyrmex was then lumped under Dorymyrmex, but we now are certain this is insimilar to Cocorrect. Araucomyrmex is very nomyrma and readily separable from Dorythat myrmex. Dorymyrmex, as we understand ation). 1975: 6.? Dorymyrmex agallardoi Snelling, Type locality. El Alfalfal, chile. . (1890) misidentified specimens from Chile as planidens, and the record has persisthis ted in the literature. We are certain that which record is based on the present species Berg occiput the spine deal propodeum is side of the longitudinally rugulose. Localities Rosa de and the elongate, is however, propo- the punctulate, closely is agallardoi, In planidens. resembles (Map Los Aconcagua: 10). Andes; Berg, 1890). [Santa Santiago: 25 Jan., 1968 O- Moroni; holoMaipo, type series; lacm, msto); San José de lacm, paratypes; 29 Nov., 1969 (L. Alfaro; El Alfalfal, MSTO). t may be genus, the petiole, recognized by the nodiform attachment of the lifth Araucomyrmex preapical Gallardo palp to the fourth, segment of the maxillary which and by the thoracic profile of the worker the metaof level the at impressed deeply is By spiracle. thoracic interpretation, this species Dorymyrmex includes all Kempf (1972) under Dorymyrmex, and and those of the Spmomyrma. Usted s. by str., subgenera Psammomyrma The subgenus Ammomyr- species, a heterogeneous one, but the type Dorywith agree not does exsanguis Forel, ma is myrmex in these characters, so this must be Araucomyrmex. genus emmaericaellus Kusnot an AmDorymyrmex, normal nezov, is a momyrma. We have not seen coniculus Santstheir descripchi or fusculus Santschi, but by transferred The to Bolivian the species, judge them to belong in Ammomyrma and mialong with baeri E. Andre, exsanguis transferred nutus Emery, and therefore to be combinatíons). to Araucomyrmex (all new tions This genus ants, formerly recognized is placed in to include those Dorymyrmex which the metanotum, when have a scaliform petiole, and viewed in prolife, is not deeply impressed, is atpalp maxillary the of segment the fifth juncture to the fourth at its apex. The tached and posterior faces of the propodeum is usually surmounted by a low tuberas in Dorycule rather than a flattened spine myrmex. Ammomyrma, usually treated as a here. belongs Dorymyrmex, of subgenus of the Several basal Chilean species are intermedíate bet- ween Araucomyrmex, s. str., and Ammomyrsynoma, and we consider the latter a júnior synonymy). (new nym o[ Araucomyrmex Araucomyrmex is one of the dominant ant In genera in Chile, with ten species present. may couplet sixth the key which foUows, the some difficulties. The two small dark present Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Píate 10. Figs. 65-71. Dolichoderinae. 65-67, Dorymyrmex agallardoi, worker; 65, head in frontal view; 66, apical segments of maxillary palp; 67, head and thorax in lateral view. 68-69, Araucomyrmex anlardtcus, worker, head in frontal view and head and thorax in lateral view. 70-71, A. chüensis, worker, head frontal view and head and thorax in lateral view. m species which should go characteristic and frontal áreas are frontal lobes lightly small, obscure vértex and to the seventh sculpture. are distinctiy shagreened; and occiput, frons shiny. These punctures irregularly in have a The contrast, spaced. are are The conspi- cuously duUer, mainly due to the much denserj and sharper punctation. The transition fromJ the shiny frontal área to the dull vértex is abrupt] and very distinctive. The frontal área of thosej species which go to the eighth couplet is veryj differently sculptured. In these species, the X X X o o I. ^ -i...y«^-^-n;r-tgr"-v ^ *^®>a^¿^^^:^-^^ S2^^'' *\<, o (O Q % ^, I 1 -T - ^, ^-^^ >>, - : _^...y E >» >« — E ü (D C CD < ® o V \_ •''"'< "^^r'X.^.^ h ei 2í =1 ^^i^B ' - V... ^ =1 E c o u o 3 (0 O nJ \ -^ (0 (0 t; Y- ^ .^-' "^ig) a> — f ' t « E 3 0) », s, =, 96 Rev. Chilena Ent. entire frontal área The punctures cióse. The and more usually fine, closely punctate, but CI more than 80; head and sharp, and occiput are a vértex 1975 dull or moderately shiny. is are 9, there is no abrupt transition from the frontal área to the incomptus — Basal duller little extensively ferruginous propodeum, face of in profile, not CI 77-84; head blackish, mandible, lower malar área and lower part of clypeus sometimes dull ferruginous vértex. hunti Mesonotum, 8. in profile, either not KEY TO CHILEAN SPECIES OF ARAUCOMYRMEX picuously — Mesonotum, Workers Uppermost setae 2 cent psammophore setae of arising at or, profile, 1 slightly but definitely an- 3 and pronotum without erect setae (fig. 81); dorsal face of first tergum without eren setae, even along posterior margin; no more than 0.7 mm, usually less minutus Emery Front of head with a single pair of setae on upper frons, or none, often with some subdecumbent pubescence; first tergum with transverse, preapical, asetose zone; lower margin of fore fémur without erect setae beyond midpoint 4 Front of head with setae of various lengths scattered over entire upper half; erect setae of first ter- ferruginous; ' first usually of first angulate basal at one-fourth; tergum much sparser at side HW — Araucomyrmex Dorymyrmex frontal seta pair conspicuously consistently reddish, often absent; at much ^^<i<iis^' 5. pogomus Propodeal ted tubercule conspicuous, sharply numerous shon, suberect abundant suberea to to erect erect eleva- 91); mar- and scape thorax with scattered ferruginous, suberect setae; appendages and head brownish tener Mayr Frons and frontal lobe shiny, indistinctly shagreened and with scattered, obscure micropunctures, vértex and occiput conspicuously duller, more sharply shagreened and with dense, distinct micropunctures; frontal seta pair absent; small, — Frons and frontal lobe distinctly shagreened nous 7. present; mostly in part if 7 distinctly ferruginous, denser 5; antarcticus, Kusnezov, 1959: Kempf, 1970:26; Kempf, 1972: (in parí). Type locality: Punta Dungeness, argentina. Three Argentinian forms have been listet synonyms of antarcticus: richteri (Forel),' depilitibia (Forel), and palltdipes (Brethés) We have seen types of richteri and consider this a good species; depüitibia may also prove to Localities (Map 10). chile. Tarapacá: lagu- 3670 m elev. Coquimbo: 5 mi SW Ovalle (cas). Valparaíso: Quintay (uch). Santiago: [Santia go; Menozzi, 1935); Maule: [Constitución; Me na de Huasco, 60.2 km E Pica, 1935). Biobío: El Abanico (cas). ArauSan Alfonso, cord. Nahuelbuta (uch). Malleco: sierra de Nahuelbuta, 1200 m elev. (cas). Aisén: Balmaceda (ucon). Magallanes: co: [Punta Arenas, El Chingue, Río de las Chinas, Ultima Esperanza; Kusnezov, 1959]; 4 km W les, 230 toward m elev. (ucb); 47.5 km N Puerto Nata(ucb); Barranca Negra (ucon). frontal seta pair biíjolored, thorax fig. Laguna Amarga moderately shiny, closely micropunctate, and becoming progressively occiput where they are quite cióse; least, ... slightly to punctures usually dark species tener richteri, nozzi, gaster dark 6. 9 (ucb). gins ot head, in frontal view, often with few or no suberett to erect setae, but some pubescence may be suberect; 1904b- 6-7 be good. mostly blackpappodes Snelling lower half of head ferruginous .... Propodeal tubercule low, obtuse (fig. ish, — also Snelling scape with setae; fine setae; Forel, as 83); margins of head, in frontal view, with (fig. antarcticus Araucomyrmex 25 head least antarcticus (Forel) Dorymyrmex (Araucomyrmex) 369-370, MOD; thorax of middle (Menozzi) 9. 5 antarcticus (Forel) on pronotal disc about 0.5 x in (Fig. 68-69) head yellowish; head broader setae pubescence Menozzi, 1935:323-334. frontal seta pair present or not; brownish, lower por- — Longest than goetschi gum tion of T Forel — — Frons 4. cons- chtlensis evenly sloping; HW uniformly scattered over entire dorsal surface; lower margin of fore fémur with erect setae present beyond midpoint , Longest setae on pronotal disc about equal to MOD; tergum (fig. head mesonotum, in profile, tergum about as densely pubescent at side as in middle hypocrüus Snelling Thorax largely blackish, pronotum often partially or entirely ferruginous; mesonotum, in profile, 6 much more 3. 73); laterad laterad Thorax wholly 9. usually, below level of occipital foramen Frons and pronotum each with at least a single pair of long, erect setae; dorsal face of first tergum with scattered erea setae; at least 0.8 mm, usually in (fig. gulate at posterior one-fourth (fig. 71); head and thorax usually ferruginous, but thorax may be extensively brownish; first tergum very sparsely pubes- arising from a point above lower margín of occipital foramen .. — Uppermost 2. psammophore of pubescent Snellini angulate 77) or angulate at basal one-fourth ferruginous, thorax variable; first 1. Snellini impressed in front of high, acute tubercule (fig. 75); with usually head Araucomyrmex at ferrugi- not entirely Basal face of propodeum, in profile, distinctly impressed in front of low, obtuse tubercule (fig. 79); chilensis (Forel) (Fig. 70-71) 8 Dorymyrmex 307. ??; tener var. Forel, 1912:38. chilensis Forel, 1911: The ants of Chile (Hymenoplera: Snelling y Hunt: Araucomyrmex Kempf, 1972:25. )7U:27; Type locality. . N 4 mi Valparaíso, chile. N mi cuesta (ucb); uppermost of the and position psammophore. 113.6 km N Coquimbo Pajonales, Puerto Oscuro (ucb). Aconcagua [ZaMenozzi, 1935]; 3 km N Zapallar pallar; (lacm). Santiago: El Volcán, Cajón delMaipo (msto). Talca: Alto Vilche (uch). Nuble: Las Trancas rd., near Termas de Chillan, 1270- This ant has previously the types; two females from only known een nd nine workers of the original series were xamined. le (Map Localities m elev. (ucb). m elev. (ucon). 1350 1230 Coquimbo: chile. 10). W Los Vilos (cas); Bosque Fray Jorge (cas); of setae N mi (cas); 5 There can be no doubt that this is distinct om tener, as evidenced by size, cephalic sculpire, (cas); 50 km S La Serena Laguna Dam, 8000 ft. elev. (cas); La Junta (cas); 3 lUapel (cas); 5 mi E La Serena 25 mi Kempf, chilensis, tener var. 97 Formicidae) mi S Ovalle (cas). Aconcagua: Los MoUes 90 km S lUapel (cas). Valparaíso: Valparaíso (types of chilensis; mhng); Mar5 Cautín: volcán Villarrica, lacm); a-Marga km N 20 (mcz); Valley Araucomyrmex hunti Concón Santiago: cuesta La Dormida (lacm, Santiago (msto): El Canelo (ucb); ÑuLas Trancas rd., near Termas de Chillan, cas). Araucomyrmex hunti Snelling, 1975: 10. 9 Type locality. 2 km E Paposo, chile. jcb); >le: 270melev. Snelling (Fig. 74-75) . This small shiny black ant is ene of the more Chilean species of Araucomyrmex. The frontal área is shiny and sparsely punctate (cb). distinct Araucomyrmex goetschi (Menozzi) (Fig. 72-73) contrast to the dull, in and occiput. closely known is It punctate vértex only from northern Chile. tener (Araucomyrmex) 334. 9 322, 1935; Menozzi, goetschi ssp. Dorymyrmex Dorymyrmex 1932:2-6 Goetsch, goetschi, 2 I (btology); 1933:365-366 Goetsch, (biology); (Map 11). chile. Antofagasta: Paposo, 300 m elev., 16 Nov. 1972 (J. H. Hunt, # 994; type series; lacm); 25 km N Taltal, Localities . km E 10 m elev. (lacm). Coquimbo: Vicuña (uch). Goetsch, 1935:238-242 (biology). Araucomyrmex 370; 1959; Kusnezov, tener, Kempf, 1970:27 Araucomyrmex hypocritus Kempf, 1972: {in part); Snelling (Fig. 76-77) 25 (inpart). Type locality. Punta Colorado, chile tricted by Kusnezov, 1959). Although no types of goetschi examined, the identity seems to be (res- have been clear. Clues comments in the original description and in the the support (1935) Goetsch of figures and present interpretation. The behavior and biology been have by reported Goetsch (1932, 1933, 1935). (Map 11). Playa Ramada Localities Tai-Tal, 25 km S Vallenar chile. (lacm, km Antofagasta: 51.2 km Menozzi, 1935]; Caldera (ucb); Because the head and thorax are dull ferruginous, hypocritus closely differs inmediately from resembles that tener. species It the in placement of the setae of the psammophore, the basalmost of which lie below the level of the occipital foramen. The dull, closely punctate profile frontal área and unbroken mesonotal will sepárate hypocritus species those from Atacama: msto); [Copiapó; Locality (Map 11). chile. Santiago: Fundo Santa Laura, cuesta La Dormida, 20 Oct. 1971 H. Hunt, # 453; lacm). (J. S Copiapó (ucb); SE of [Caldera; Caldera (uch); 30 (uch). km W 30 km S CoIncahuasi (lacm); Potrerillos, ca. quimbo (lacm); 10 Snelling (Fig. 78-79) Coquimbo: Colorada; types of goetschi Menozzi, Elqui; 1935]; [Tres Cruces; Goetsch, 1932]; [río Molle, El valle (mcz); Tofo El Menozzi, 1935]; Vicuña 10 km N El Tofo (lacm): 10 mi (cas); cerro Tololo, ca. 10 km W, 3 km S Vicu- ña (lacm); cerro Araucomyrmex incomptus S [Punta km N . (ucon). S Freirina 9 with similar psammophores. Vallenar (ucb); ca. Goetsch, 1932); 20 40-60 km S Copiapó (lacm); Copiapó S 45 km (uch); 50-60 km S Copiapó, 500-600 m elev. (ucb); Araucomyrmex hypocritus Snelling, 1975: 12. Type localityTCuesta La Dormida, chile. 13. 9 Araucomyrmex incomtus Snelling, 1975: Type locality. Cerro Tololo, chile. This size the species resembles hunti and shiny black appearance. low, obtuse broader head. reddish. propodeal The lower in It small its differs tubercule half of the head is . by and mostly 98 Rev. Chilena Em. 9, 1975 72 74 Píate thorax 11. 72-77. Dolichoderinae, Araucomyrmex workers, head in frontal view and head and view. respec-ively, of: 72, 73, A. goelschi; 74, 75, A. hunli; 76, 77, A. hypocnlus. Figs. in lateral co d) E u E *J (0 o 0) u 1 o 0) c 3 o o Q. O c 0) (0 < ^ '^ < 100 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 (Map Locality 12). Tololo, lóOct. 1972 (J. chile. Coquimbo: cerro H. Hunt, # 439; lacm). (Map Locality de chile. 12). 20 Chillan, 1969 Sept. Nuble: Terma (T. Cekalovic lacm, ucon). Araucomyrmex minutus (Emery) (Fig. 80-81) Araucomyrmex Dorymyrmex minutus Emery, 1895:15, 9 . Dorymyrmex Dorymyrmex (Ammomyrmaj nezov, Kempf, 1952:429; minutus, 1977a:448; KusKempf, tener (Mayr) ' (Fig. 90-91) 4. fig. Mayr, tener Emery, 1895b:15; Emery 1907:8; Goetsch, 1932:3. 1868:166. 1905:175; 9 ; Foreliíi ? 1972b: 100. Type Dorymyrmex locality. Cordillera The high placement de Chillan, chile. of psammophore, the small size, and reduction of erect hairs make this an easily recognized species. This species appears to be Localtties uncommon. (Map {Araucomyrmex) 1919b:250; Menozzi, Kusnevov, 1952:429. llardo, Araucomyrmex 372, fig. tener, Ga 1935:322, 334; Kusnevov, tener, 1959:37oJ 6 (inpart); Kempf, 1970:26-27 (mpart); Kempf, 1972:25 (inpart). chile. 12). Santiago: Ce- 1600 m elev. (lacm); San Juan Maipo (lacm). Nuble: [Cordillera de Chillan; type series, Emery, 1895); 40 km E San Carlos (cas). rro Roble, near Caleo, ca. Type locality. Uspallata, This is argentina. one of the more Araucomyrmex in Chile. common It species ol has been confused with other species, such as goetschi and chilen-' and some of the records in the literature may be based on these species. Especially questionable are records below 1 000 m elev. The propodeal tubercule is low and obtuse in tener; there are numerous short, erect setae on the front of the head; the fore fémur has numerous erect hairs; and basalmost setae of the psammorphore are placed above the lower margin of the occipital foramen. The head and thorax are dull red. SIS, Araucomyrmex pappodes Snelling (Fig. 82-83) Araucomyrmex pappodes SntWing, 1975: Type locality. Maitencillo, chile. This dark brownish species Araucomyrmex ger ly similar in Chile. richten to Forel is one of the is It of 14. 9 . lar- superficial- Argentina but more pubescent. Fine pubescence is abundant on the head and thorax oí pappodes, much is of it subappressed setae are subdecumbent, and erect to numerous. (Map 11). chile. Atacama: [20 Copiapó. Aug. 1965 (R. M. González;, MSTo); Kempf, 1970). Aconcagua: [Juncal; Emery, 1905); [Santa Rosa de Los Andes; Mayr, Localities km N 1868); Localities (Map 12). chile. Valparaíso: 30 m elev. (type series; lacm); Quintero (ucb). Biobío: 5 km Tucapel (cas); El Abanico (CAS). Maitencillo, 6 W km SE Araucomyrmex pogonius Snelling (Fig. 84-89) 10,000 Type This locality. most Snelling, 1975: Termas de 15.9. nearly resembles antarcticus prove synonymous with is known only from a single series. All specimens in the series differ consistentiy from available material of antarc- lackmg the seta pair on the upper and the setae on the pronotal disc are much shorter. The male of pogonius is smaller than that oí antarcticus and has a narrower head. frons, in 1932; Portillo, del m elev. (cas); elev. (msto); Yeso (msto); El (msto). Cuneó: cajón Chillan, chile. and may ultimately it. At present pogonius ticus Goetsch, Puente de Inca, 11,000 ft. elev. (mcz). Valparaíso: [Valparaíso; Emery, 1895b). Santiago: [Santiago; Peñaflor; Emery, 1895b|; [Cartagena; cerro Ramón; cerro San Cristóbal; Valle del Volcán; Goetsch, 1932); [cerro del Morado; Menozzi, 1935]; cerro Roble, 1600-2100 m elev. (lacm); El Romeral, 2000 Araucomyrmex pogonius [Zapallar; ft. Queñes, 1000 (lacm). Maule: Nuble: m La Yesera (msto); Cajón Manzano, 2500 m elev. del Río Claro, SE of Los elev. (ucb). [Constitución; Talca: Vilches Goetsch, 1932]. de Chillan; Emery, 1895b] Pirigallo, Termas de Chillan, 2200 m elev. (msto); Ref. Las Cabras (msto); río Nuble (ucon); Termas de Chillan, 1250 m elev. (uBc). Biobío: río Vergara, 2300 m elev. (msto). Malleco: Lonquimay, 1600 m elev. (uch). Cautín: volcán Villarrica, 1230 m elev. (ucon). Valdi[cordillera via: [volcán Villarrica; Goetsch, 1932]. Snelling y Hunt: Píate 12. Figs. 78-83. lili The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Dolichoderinae, andthorax in lateral view, respectively, of: Araucomyrmex workers. head in frontal 78, 79, A. incomptus, 80, 81, ^. minutus; 82, 83, view and A pappudes. head 102 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Dolichoderinae, Araucomyrmex. 84, 85, A pogomus, worker, head in frontal j head u r^' J view and and thorax m lateral view, respectively; 86-89, same, male, head in frontal view head and thorax m lateral view, genital capsule in ventral view and aedeagus in lateral view, 90 91 ^ tener worker, head in frontal v,ew and head and thorax lateral view, respeaively. Abbreviations for Ss' ., m ^.. =d.g.tus; 1¿::::^;^:¡ :Z:;¡:'''' ,o. =gonobase, p^r .....m^r., .,p =subgen.tal píate X o CO 0) (O (0 3 C O 0) o po 3 a a a (0 i a < (P < < % J =i_ 104 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 KEY TO SPECIES OF LASIOPHANES SUBFAMALY FORMICINAE genera of Six two this them of subfamily introduced. genera Lasiophanes the among this the most The región. occur WORKERS AND FEMALES Chile, in Representatives of 1. and Camponotus are commonly encountered ants in species of Camponotus are Median lobe of clypeus neither angulate ñor subcarinate in lower third, either fíat or evenly rounded; apical margin of clypeus concave in middle in frontal view 94, 95) (figs. — Median 2 lobe of clypeus sharply angulate or subcarinate in lower third or more, ending in a sharp and probably the most the largest ants in Chile conspicuous. pomt above 2. margin apical head Entire (figs. carina; median lobe without sub- without eyes conspicuous eren hairs 94) (fig- nigriventris — Entire Antenna nine or ten-segmemed — Antenna 2. Antenna nine-segmented; ble with podeum four or five much oblique, 3 margin apical posterior teeth; subbasal 3. face of pro- larger than basal face Brachymyrmex — Antenna ble with ten-segmented; apical margin about podeum more basal 3. eight posterior teeth; or less vertical, little, if face Antenna scape much usually shorter than length of thorax — Antenna 4 eleven-segmented; scape unusually elongate, longer than length of thorax 4. Clypeal and antenna! rim antennal of clypeal margin; — Clypeal 5. fossae socket not metanotum lower from separated not depressed Head, and appendages reddish, gaster blackish; front of head with abundant, fine, piligerous punctures; propodeum transversely depressed in front so segment appears somewhat convex in thorax profile (fig. — Head and thorax podeum not transversely impressed in front, appea- hoffmanm 93) (Forel) brownish, gaster light to dark brownish; front of head with fine piligerous punctures separated by six diameters or more; pro- Anoplolepis confluent; distinctly hairs perpleuxus (Santschi) Front of head and thoracic dorsum with a few widely scattered erect hairs, usually one on pronotum; scape and tibiae without erect hairs 4 Front of head, thoracic dorsum and appendages with numerous erect hairs of variable length valdwiensis (Forel) 4. Myrmelachista tweive-segmented; numerous erea with pro- of any, longer than face eyes — mandi- ol carina; 95) (fig. mandi- ol (Spinola) head smooth and polished; lower third of median clypeal lobe fíat, median lobe with a low 2 eleven or tweive-segmented 3 moderately shiny, shagreening weakest on frons; lower third of median basal BASEDONWORKERS 92, 96, 97) shagreened, clypeal lobe gently convex, KEY TO CHILEAN GENERA OF FORMICINAE 1. i! 5 ring fíat distinctly ptcinus (Roger) profile in and antennal fossae confluent; lower rim of antennal socket metanotum depressed nearly touching clypeal margin; Lasiophanes HW Large polymorphic ants, tegument of head and thorar mm 1.0 ants, (Forel) (Fig. 92-93) dull to slightly shiny; without unusually coarse erect setae — Small, monomorphic Lasiophanes hoffmanni or more; in- HW Camponotus less than 0.55 mm; integument of head and thorax smooth and shiny; numerous unusually coarse setae on dorsa of head, thorax and gaster Paratrechina with Melophorus hoffmanm 1903:266. Forel, 9 i| ; Forel, 1907:9. Melophorus (Lasiophanes) hoffmanm, Emery, 1905:185; Emery, 1922:90, 92; Menozzi, 1935:324. Lasiophanes hoffmanm, Kempf, 1972:129. Lasiophanes Type Lasiophanes genus. is a small, primarily Patagonian, locality. Lasiophanes is poorly understood, and the group is in need of modern revisión. There are profile, will sepárate of currently genus; 17 ñames applied Kempf synonyms of (1972) two picinus. Only lieved to be valid. onymous lists forms in this most of these as to and were beMost of the presumed syn- three species, other nigriventris species forms have never been studied, however, and so their status questionable. critically is truly i ' This is a poorly known species which seems be most closely related to pictnus. The_ dis- to is 1970:28; Valparaiso, chile. apparently most closely related to the Australian genus Melophorus, of which it was long considered a subgenus. The taxonomy It Kempf, reddish tinctly together and appendages, propodeal hoffmanni. 13). chile. Valparaíso: Aconcagua: Valparaíso mhng); Los Perales, Río Marga- Marga, 330 La Dormida m (cas). elev. (ucb). Santiago: Nuble: Concepción: 50 (lacm). Ramuntcho (ucon); thorax characteristic (cas). (type series; Forel, the (Map Localities Zapallar Carlos head, with Laguna (ucon); cuesta km E San Verde [Concepción; 1907]. Malleco: Chiquoihue Hills, Collipulli (mcz). Cautín: Temuco i near" (mcz); Snelling y Hunt: The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formkidae) 92 94 Píate 14. Figs. 92-97. Formicinae, lasiophanes. 92, 93, L. hoffmanm, worker, head in frontal view petiole lateral view, respectively; 94-97, head, in frontal view, of: 94, L. nigrwentns, worker; 95, L. perplexus, female (cotype); 96, L. picinus; 97, L. valdiviensis. and head, thorax and 105 Snelling y Hunt: km N Loncoche, 280 m km E Purranque (cas); 12.3 30 no: The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Osor- (ucb). km E 30 lago W Melophorus Lasiophanes nigriventris (Spinola) (Fig. 94) Fórmica Spinola, nigriventris 239-240. 9 í 9 in Gay, 1851: 1863:164. Lasius dichrous Roger, rel, 1886:208-209. 9 Kempf, 1972:129 (m parí). Type locality. Lago Todos los Santos, chile. Kusnezov (1959) placed this in the synonymy of nigriventris, with which it agrees Me- 1933:393-394; Goetsch, nozzi, 1935:323, 335. smooth the chile, no further This species is moderately abundant in Chiand Argentina. In this species the median lobe of the clypeus lacks a median carina on the apical third. The entire head is superfi- and this species may thus from the otherwise similar per- sculptured, separated plexus. (Map Localities 1200 m chile. 14). Kempf, 1970¡. Nuble: (ucb). elev. Valparaíso: (cordi- de Chillan; Emery, 1895]; Las Trancas elev. rd., near Termas de Chillan. 1270-1350 (ucb); 18 km E San Carlos (cas). ConcepEl Abanición: Concepción (mcz). Biobío: Malleco: (ucon). Lebu Arauco: (cas). co m lago Icalma (msto); Nahuelbuta, Angol (ucon); Nalhuelbuta, 1200 m elev. (cas). (Temuco; Emery, 1905; Menozzi, 1935]; 10 mi and 12 mi NE Pucón (cas). Valde sierra Cautín: [Valdivia; Berg, Puerto (lacm); ty m 1890]; Corral same (mcz). locali- Osomo: Osorno, PurranPurranque (cas); 10 que (cas); 18 km km E Puyehue (cas). Llanquihue: (lago LlanMenozzi, Cayutué; Puerto Varas; quihue; Pucatrihue, 8 km W O elev. La Picada (ucb); (ucb); 30 volcán km E W I m elev. (ucb); same loca1935]; Petrohué, 100 (lacm); Los Muermos (cas). lity Many clypeus. Locality Todos lago head is shagreened numerous erect hairs entire females of nigriventris nene of these approach the (Map los 14). Llanquihue: chile. Santos (cotype 9 ; mcz). Lasiophanes picinus (Roger) (Fig. 96) Lasius picinus Roger, 1863:163-164. 9 Melophorus (Lasiophanes) picinus, . Eme- 1895b:17; Emery, 1905:184; Emery, 1922: 4, 5; Goetsch, 1933:393-394; Menozzi, 1935: 323,334. var. (Lasiophanes) picinus Melophorus bidens Emery, 1895b: 17. 9 9 í Emery, 1905: ry, 185. Melophorus Cuneó: Los Que- llera divia: lightly ; (Algarrobo; ñes, The not polished, have ex- believe per- locality. le be and have been seen; Type locality. nigriventris: chile; "muy común en varias provincias"; atriventris: cially mcz and characteristics of perplexus. Lasiophanes nigriventris, Kusnezov, 1951: '94-95; Kusnezov, 1959:391, fig. 8; Kempf, 1970:28-29; Kempf, 1972:129. locality; dichrous: cotype in the a on the eye, and there is an obtuse subbasal carina on the lower pan of the median lobe of I no We lacking a sharp clypeal carina. as in nigriventris; there are (Lasiophanes) nigriventris, Melophorus Emery, 1895b:16; Emery, 1905:184; Eme4; Kusnezov, 1959: 1970:28-29 (m part); nigriventris, Kempf, parí); plexus to be a good species. 9; Fo- . 1922:3, {in amined atriventris F. Smith, 1863:51 Fórmica Sant- . Lasiophanes it . perplexus (Lasiophanes) 1920:384. 9 schi, 391 ry, (Santschi) (Fig. 95) (cas). shore, n. Lasiophanes perplexus Pu- Llanquihue: Ensenada (usnm); Llanquihue (cas); (Puerto Puerto Varas Varas; Menozzi, 1935); 8 mi (cas); Los Muermos (cas). yehue 107 9 ; sauberi Forel, 19G4b:4-6. 9 9 Prenolepis bruchi 1903:266:267. Forel, S . Forel, 1915:361-362. 9 . NEW SYNONYMY. Melophorus fig. bruchi, Santschi, 1920:383, 14. Melophorus (Lasiophanes) bruchi, Emery, 1922:4,5. Acanthomyops (Donisthorpea) Donisthorpe, 1933:535. 9 9 í edwardsi . 1951:92Kusnezov, 1959:391-392; Kempf, 1970: 29; Kempf, 1972:129. Lasiophanes Kusnezov, 99; picinus, Lasiophanes picinus bruchi, Kempf, 29 (inpart); Kempf, 1972:129 (inpart). Type 1970: locality. picinus: chile; bidens: cordide Chillan, chile; sauberi: Punta Arenas, CHILE; bruchi: lago Argentino, argentina; ed- llera wardsi: Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 108 Kusnezov (1959) Usted bolivari (Santschi) and pilosula (Emery) as synonyms of bruchi. However, bruchi as he interpreted it, is the same as valdiviensis a different species. The types of sauberi and bruchi have been examined and are in agreement with the traditional in, the most widely distri- of picinus, terpretation Lastophanes valdiviensis (Fig. 97) Melophorus 1916:512. 9 is easily recognized brown carinate clypeus, by shar- its and color, virtual absence of erect hairs. Localities (Map Valparaíso: chile. 13). (Nylanderia) bolivari ,] Santschi NEW SYNONYMY. . Melophorus (Lasiophanes) bruchi, Sants- 1919:383, (misidentification). chi, This species ply 9. valdiviensis FoTcl, \')04h:6. Prenolepis buted and most abundant Lasiophanes in Chile. (Forel) Melophorus (Lastophanes) valdiviensis, Emery, 1922:91. Melophorus (Lasiophanes) pilosulus Emery, 1922:91, 92, 93. 9 new synonymy. Melophorus (Lastophanes) uxortus Emery,, 1922:91, 93-94. 9 new synonymy. Melophorus (Lesiophanes) bolivart var. pi-\ . 1935]. Cuneó: [Algarrobo; Menozzi, Río Claro, SE of Los Queñes, 100 m elev. (ucb). Coipué (mcz). (uch); Vilches Talca: Alto Nuble: [cordillera bidens Emery, Termas de cajón de de Chillan; type series 1895b]; Las Trancas m Chillan, 135 rd., elev. (ucb); of Termas Las Cabras, 1500 m elev. San Carlos (cas). Concepción: Concepción (mcz, usnm). Biobío: El Abanico (cas). Arauco: [Contulmo; Menozzi, 1935]. Malíeco: Parque Nac. Nahuelbuta, 1200 m elev. (ucb); same locality (lacm); lago Icalma (msto); Termas de Río Blanco, 1080 m elev. (ucb). Cautín: Temuco (mcz); [same locality, 24 Nov. 1967; Kempf, 1970|; 12.3 km N Loncoche, 280 m elev. (ucb); 10 mi NE Pucón (cas). Valdivia: [lago Puyehue; Menozzi, 1935| 25 km Valdivia, 40 m elev. (ucb); 30 km S Valdivia (cas); Cudioco, 40 m elev. (ucb); Puerto Corral (mcz). Osorno: km E NW ; 10 km E Puyehue km W Osorno, same (mcz); locality (cas); m elev. (ucb); PucaOctay (usnm); 18 km Purranque (cas). Llanquihue: [Ensenada; isla Tenglo; Menozzi, 1935|; Petrohué, 100 35 trihue (ucb); 100 Puerto W m same PeuUa (lacm); lago Llanquihue (lacm); Puerto Varas (usnm); 8 mi Puerto Varas (cas); Boselev, (ucb); locality (lacm); W que Los Muermos (cas). Chiloé: [Ancud; Menozzi, 1935]; same locality (ucon); R. Gamboa (ucon); Dalcahue (uch). Aisén: [Puerto Aisén; Menozzi; 1935]. Magallanes: Punta Arenas (types of sauberi; mhng); same locality (ucon); [La Turba, 23 Dec. 1950; Kempf, 1970]; Puerto Williams, isla Navarino (mcz); río Chacabuco (ucon); seno Otway, río El Ganso (ucon); Brazos (usnm); Silla del Diablo (ucon); Tres Chabunco (usnm); cerro del Toro (ucon); puerto Santa María (ucon); río Rubens (mcz); Ultima Esperanza (mcz); Salto Chico del Pehoe, Parque Nac. Llanuras de Diana^ (lacm). 150 del km SE Paine (lacm); Pto. /oía (sic), Santschi, 1922:259. near de Chillan (ucon); (mcz); 40, 50, 60 . Natales Melophorus (Lastophanes) bolivari var.' Menozzi, 1935:324. Lastophanes ptctnus bruchi, Kusnezov, 1959: 392-395 {in part); Kempf, 1970:29 (in part);Kempf, 1972:129 (m por/). 1970:30;'3 Lastophanes uxortus, Kempf, Kempf, 1972:129. Lastophanes valdiviensis, Kempf, 1970:30; Kempf, 1972:129. pilosula, ; Type locality. Valdivia, valdiviensis: ptlosulus: bolivari; Quilicura, chile; chile; uxortus: Santa Rita, chile. This species has persistently been a source of Emery difficulty. similarity key his in diviensis The uxortus to recognized its (1922) separated the two and by the small compared as to size the of worker val- female uxorius\ began earlier in the key, he included both of these among which the clypeus is weakly difficulties however, those in carinate and for as or ecarinate. The carina is present well developed as in pilosula, picinus, This error may have been the reason for description of pilosulus, since that form possessed a carinate clypeus. We have been etc. the compare material of ptlosulus, uxortus and are confident they are conspecific. Material determined and recorded as bruchi by Kusnezov (1959) is, in our opinión, also valdiviensis and the description of able to and valdiviensis bolivari well. the te The matches valdiviensis material quite presence of numerous erect hairs on body and appendages will readily separa from the other species with ca-j valdiviensis ríñate clypeus. Localittes (Map 14). chile. Santiago: Quili cura (La Taste; types of ptlosulus Emery, 1922 mhng); Santa Rita (La Taste; types of uxoriusl Emery, 1922); San José de Maipo (msto); El Canelo (uch); cuesta La Dormida (lacm (0 w «ii c c a> c > (0 0) 0) (0 3 X o (0 Q. 2 75 (11 a o O) (0 (Q c 0) a _i c 0) > > _j % © no Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Colchagua: San Vicente de Tagua-Tagua (msto). Concepción: Concepción (mcz); Ramuntcho (ucon); Biobío: El Abanico (cas). Malleco: Angol (msto); same locality (usnm); Lonquimay (ucon). Cautín: volcán Villarrica we have approach. The available samples are limited and do not pro vide sufficient material to adequately understand limits of variation. The difficulties (lacm). are sis 1904b: mhng); 1935, nozzi, Valdivia (types of valdivien- Valdivia: Forel, Puyehue; [lago Me- pilosula\\ Puerto Corral (mcz). 2íí Osorno: río (mcz). Llanquihue: Pedregoso, km N 8 [Petrohué; Villarrica Santschi, In the adopted wich treatment very a follows conservative complicated especially by especially of entire colonies, Lepihue (cas). der to solve the problems. a Neotropical arboreal is very recognized Two The species. genus of several dozen taxonomy of the group and many confused of the 1. currently probably are synonyms. have been recognized: Myr- s. str. and Hincksidris {= DeHmcksidris species have ten-segmented antennae while those of the nomínate subgenus possess nine-segmented antennae. melachista, camera). Hincksidris, particular, in is very a 2. Head shagreened, of shiny; with or with- — polished, and thorax distinaly head sometimes smooth and out erea hairs Head and thorax smooth, tered minute punctures; long, on head, thorax and scape is Menozzi. Type material of goetschi has not been available, but Menozzi's description and figures match al most perfectly the characteristics of mayri Forel, long placed in Myrmelachista, and correctly so, in our opinión. There appears to be little difference between Myrmelachista and Aphomomyrmex other than the presence of an antennal club in the former. Menozzi's figure of the antenna of the goetchi female shows a club about like that of mayri, and we feel that his species must be transferred to Myrmelachista. It is also necessary homus in the synonymy of (new synonymy). As a result cooperi (Gregg), placed in from to place by Gregg (1953), must be transferred (new combination). melachista America, (Neaphomus) to Myr- scat- eren hairs abundant chtlensis Forel vértex; — Scape withouth erect hairs; and frons of head front hairs; frontal front mayri Forel several long hairs on clypeus and a pair with of shorter without hairs; lobes of head often wholly dull from ho/fmanm Forel Myrmelachista chilensis Forel (Fig. 98) Myrmelachista 705, note 1. 9 ; chilensis 1904a:704- Forel, í Forel, 1908:399. Myrmelachista (Hincksidris) . chilensis, Kempf, 1970:30; Kempf, 1972:149. is Type locality. This species easily and Valparaíso, chile. appears recognized shiny and head, to by its be uncommon. It smooth abundant small size, thorax with long, erect hairs. Localüíes (Map Aconcagua: (ucb); 10 km E Papudo (cas). Valparaíso: Valparaíso (Hoffmann; cotypes; mhng). Punta Puquén, chile. 15). near Los Molles Myrmelachista goetschi (Menozzi) Aphomomyrmex (Neaphomus) goetschi Meí Kempf, 1970:32. Neaphomus goetschi, Kempf, 1972:152. nozzi, 1935:324-328. 9 of this change, Central Aphomomyrmex Neap- Myrmelachista with of head with shiny midline to goetschi 2 and pair on dition to those of clypeus heteroge- Menozzi (1935) proposed Neaphomus as a new subgenus of Aphomomyrmex. The type, and only known, species was the Chilean • Scape with three or more long, erect hairs; front head with scattered long, erect hairs in ad- be derived from what appears to be an unnatural arrangement, and we propose that Hincksidris be placed in synonymy with Myrmelachista (new synonymy). benefit midline of neous assemblage of species, many of which are fuUy as distinct from "ty pical" Hincksidris as this group is from Myrmelachista, s. str. Also, some species in one subgenus appear to be most closely related to those of the other. No ' BASED ON WORKERS ñames subgenera are needed in or- KEY TO CHILEAN SPECIES OF MYRMELACHISTA Myrmelachista Roger is polymor-l phism of the species, and the specimens in' two different samples may superficially seem to represent two species, unless they include individuáis of the same size. Larger samples, 1922]; Petrohué, lago Todos los Santos (lacm); This the ' ; Type locality. Volcán de Chillan, chile. This species is known only from the type material, from Prov. Nuble. It is very cióse to, if not a synonym of, mayrt. Snelling y Hunt: The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 101 Píate 15. Figs. 98-103. Myrmelachista. 98, M. chüensis, worker (type), head in same; 100-103, M. mayn; 100, female, same; 101, male, same; lateral view; 103, worker, head in frontal view. Formicinae, frontal view; 99, Ai. hoffmanni, worker, 102, worker, head, thorax and petiol»> in 111 (0 (0 J= o f/) (ü (/> 0) E k. >. S % <l> !c u (0 (0 (0 £ c o c £u (0 (0 aJE Ef. £: o >«£ E w (0 S 0) >« S Snelling y Hunt: Myrmelachista hoftmanni The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Myrmelachista mayri Forel Forel (Fig. 99) ; NEW synonymy. . hoffmanni: Valparaíso, chile; recíwoía: Valparaíso, CHILE. Both hoffmanni and rectmota were described from Valparaíso. The lightly shaand somewhat shíny head with greened locality. conspicuous scattered made this ant easily with an opaque, punctate punctures rectmota of separable from hoffmanni, shagreened and imthe most common densely This head. is Myrmelachista in Chile, and there are numerous Small workers are as described for hoffmannt, while the largest specimens show the characteristics of rectmota. Specimens of an intermedíate size possess cephalic sculpture of an intermedíate character, henee the above synonymy. Normally this ant is wholly black, but in samples from Prov. Santiago, the head and thorax are red. Some samples from Prov. Aconcagua have the head and thorax dark reddish or reddish brown. Localities (Map 15). chile. Atacama: samples. I bahía Copiapó, 45 m 5 mi N lUapel (cas); (ucb). Coquimbo: Hda. lUapel, 600-900 m elev. (ucb); Los Vilos (ucb); 15 mi S Los Vilos (cas); 5 mi N, and 35 mí S Ovalle (cas); (cas); Fray Jorge, Fray Bosque Jorge, 550 m elev. (ucb). Pachíngo, 5 km Aconcagua: Zapallar (cas); 3 km N Zapaelev. W fmann; mhng); types of Algarrobo Marga-Marga, Pedro, Quebrada El Manzano cerro same (cas). de var. more Myrmelachista (Hincksidris) definite locality, montícola: Valdivia, chile. based his description female while Mayr's Forel single a known better Roble, locality, 2.000 1600 ca. ca. (cas); 1.350 10 m mí What we wholly here interpret as true mayri is a brownish-black form. or scattered short hairs on the guiar and the hairs of the tibiae are decumbent. The pronontum bears numerous There are surfaces, long, erect hairs. A single series of workers collected by SSE about 10 mi be dífferent a The species. color is Hunt may reddish There are no and those of the gaster. hairs on the pronotum, erect tibiae are fully appressed. A form is represented by two small from localities in Prov. Santiago. have the head and thorax red, the third samples m m elev. There elev. scattered (ucb). Santiago, Prov. Caleo, brown with darker pronotum. Perquenco be possible to to blackish Dormida elev. N of on based may prove it but there are a few la on mayri resurrect montícola for one of them. blackish. cuesta of description worker specimens. The nomínate form is from an unknown locality in Chile; montícola is from Valdivia. Since there are no valíd grounds on which any comparisons can be made, the best solution is to synonymize montícola. This is a widespread species, but one not often collected. No good seríes are avaílable for study. It seems likely that what is here called mayri may prove to be two, or even three species. When all these forms become was montícola varíety the gaster Chillan, Angol mayri montícola, Kempf, 1970; Kempf, 1972:149. Type locality. mayri: chile, without going, Rinconada Maipú, 450 m elev. (ucb). Cuneó: cajón de Río Claro, SE of Los Que1000 m elev. (ucb). Nuble: 40 km E ñes, San Carlos (cas); Las Trancas rd., near Malleco: Myrmelachista (Hincksidris) mayri, Kempf, 1970:30; Kempf, 1972:149. These (lacm); Termas synonymy. Campana (lacm). SantiaPata, Maipú (msto, ucb); (msto); ucb); (lacm); la . Llay-Llay (cas); (amnh); near San (msto); Collíguay, La cerro go: (lacm, (HofValparaíso hoffmanni and rectmota; Valparaíso: (lacm). llar Myrmelachista (Decamera) mayri Forel, 1886: 214-215. 9 Myrmelachista mayri var. montícola Mayr, 1887:526-527. 1890:23. 9 NEW Berg, ; (Hmcksidris) Myrmelachista hoffmanni, Kempf, 1970:30; Kempf, 1972:149. Myrmelachista (Hincksidris) rectmota, Kempf, 1970:"31; Kempf, 1972:150. Type 100-103) (Fig. Myrmelachista Forel, 1903:260, hoffmanni 265. 9 9 í Forel, 1908:399. Myrmelachista rectmota Forel, 1904a:705, note, 9 113 Prov. are, Valdivia. mayri, are it from These but on the specimens from Biobío to Prov. are the hairs very hairs similar to on the tibiae appressed. It is possible that the montícola might available for this form can be shown that montícola is a good fully ñame if erect few a finally, localities "typícal" very similar to the fore- is It species. Larger series, with females, necessary in order to solve this dilema. will be Rev.ChilenaEm. 114 (Map Localities chile. 15). La Dormida cuesta La (lacm); 2000 m elev. (msto); ca. Caleu (lacm). Cuneó: Palos (amnh); El de Vilches Can- 10 km Coigual W Cautín: (msto). type of series 30 km cena"? m elev. (cas). (cas). (cas) [Valdivia Mayr, 1887) Osomo: "R. Llanquihue: (ucon). Pucón Valdivia: monticola var. S Valdivia NE mi 10 km E Temuco Petrohué, Auti- 100 (ucb). Type The with longipes, Kempf, 1970:30; india; gracilipes: Kempf, 1972:22. Type locality. longipes: SINGAPORE. This widely cies distributed Oíd World spewas reported from Chile by Mayr and (Valparaíso?). No specimens have been studied, and there is presently no evidence that longipes is established there. Berg Brachymyrmex Mayr an exclusively New World genus of small to minute hypogaeic ants. Most of the species occur in the tropics, but a few are found in températe áreas of North and South America. The genus was last revised by Santschi This is Two (1923b). species are known to chile; nítida small description the minor variant of a is of are nitida this agreeing individuáis species; found in nests with "typical" giardii. This species is light to médium brown in; with some individuáis darker brown. The integument is dull to slightly shiny, that head conspicuously punctate. Small of the color, HW workers, with are without about possess notum and The species workers. gaster greatly Such The on setae number appears defined clearly usually pronotum; the in excess of 0.5 long variable major 107). HW eight a on setae larga workers, with mm, than 0.4 less erect to pro- short, be dimorphic, (fig. latter often with individuáis mm, of minor distended the 105) have stored are fine and the food superficially North American genus Myrmecocystus. (Map. 16). chile. Coquimbo: Oscuro (ucb); Los Vilos (ucb); Carrizal Bajo (uch). Aconcagua: 90 km S lUaValparaíso: El Melón. pel (cas). cuesta Pucalán,} Peñuelas (amnh); cuesta (ucb); 800 m elev. (ucb); 20 km N Concón (cas).} Santiago: Santiago (cotypes of giardii Eme-j amnh); La Dormida (lacm);! cuesta ry; [Santa Rita; Emery, 1895bJ; Quebrada de laj La Rinconada, Maipú (ucb). Elj Plata, Manzano (uch). Talca: [Talca; Emery, 1905] .1 Nuble: 18 km E San Carlos (cas). Biobío Angol (cas) Abanico (cas). Malleco: El Llanquihue: [Petrohué; types of var. nítida Puerto Santschi, 1922). Brachymyrmex laevis Emery (Fig 108-1 12) occur Brachymyrmex in Chile. Brachymyrmex (Fig. giardii Emery 104-107) Brachymyrmex giardii Emery, 1894: 215216. 9 9; Emery, 1895:16; Emery, 1905: 41b:663; Goetsch, 1933:380 (biologyj; Goetsch, 1935:254-255; Menozzi, 1935: 324,335; Kempf, 1970:31; Kempf, 1972:39. 178, Kempf,! Localities Prenolepis gracilipes, Berg. 1890:25. Anoplolepis var. same the (fig. 1857:55; Santschi, Santiago, similar to the repletes of the . nitida 1970:31; giardii: locality. variable with Fórmica longipes jerdon, 1851:122. 9 Fórmica gracilipes Smith, F. Mayr, 1865:50. var. nítida: Petrohué, chile. setae. Anoplolepis longipes (Jerdon)*. giardii 1922:261. Kempf, 9; 1972:39. new synonymy. Negros (amnh). Talca: Alto (uch). Nuble: Las Trancas "2.7 (msto); km Las Trancas" (ucb); Las Trancas rd., near Termas de Chillan, 1350 m elev. (ucb). Biobío: El Abanico (cas). Arauco: 20 km Caramávida, cord. Nahuelbuta, 750 m elev. (ucb); Pichinahuel (amnh). Malleco: Angol (cas); Hda. Dillo, Curacautín (msto); Fundo Sta. felisa, Curacautín, 20 Brachymyrmex Santiago: Ollita, tillana, SSE 1975 9, fig. laevis Emery, 1894:216. 9 Emery, 1895 b: 16. 9 9 í; Goetsch, 1933 380 (biology); Menozzi, 1935:324, 335 Kempf, 1972:39. Brachymyrmex levis, 1905:178, Emery, fig. 41c; Forel, 1908:400; Forel, 1912:62; San tschi, 1923b:659,figs. 9,60; Kempf, 1970:31. Type locality. Valdivia, chile. This species in a little smaller than giardii, the integument is usually dark brown to head blackish brown, with that of the Snelling y Hunt: The ants of Chile 115 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) B. gmrdu, workers, head in frontal Píate 16 Figs. 104-112. Formicinae, Brachymyrmex. 104-107, and major or replete view and head, thorax and gaster in lateral view, respectively of minor (104, 105) lateral view; 110, worker, lateral view; 111, (106, 107). 108-112, B. laevis: 108, 109, male, head and 112. female, head and lateral view. shiny, with very fine scattered punctures. 'Major workers apparently are not produced. There is usually a single pair of erect hairs on the disc of the pronotum and another pair on the mesoscutum. The species is widespread and common Argentina. It Chile in is not occurs closely also related in to of Argentina and may ulprove to be a synonym. Repletes are patagomcus Mayr timately and apparently known for this species. X X o E 0) E k k. >t >t E E £ O £ (0 O i (0 U 0) ^r-i I 0) (0 m 1 r 1 1 .^/í--'-'" '--' s > (0 OQ —I (0 •" S ;:. •"^ = 3 a is s o ¡] í ~^lr-^N_/~^.-l^'^ i) 3 \ r A, i X \ ^IX «, a, s, >l s J, T (0 v--,. ! o J - i \ i- ^"^ =1 S, =1 =, =, », =, _ i5| iC. Snelling y Hunt: The ants of Chile (Map 16). chile. Aconcagua: Emery, 1905); [Zapallar; Menozzi, Juncal; 935); same locality (cas); 10 km E PapuVal90 km S Illapel (cas). (cas); io cuesta (amnh, mcz); Valparaíso laraíso: 800 m elev. (ucb); Marga-Marga ^'ucalán, — Side Localities Llay-Llay de Volcán, (mcz) /alley (cas). Juan La :;msto); Maipo 2. same (lacm); Lapalhue hostería 650 m elev. (mcz); Chiquaihue Hiíls (mcz); Parque Nac. Na)Temuco; Kempf, huelbuta (lacm). Cautín: 1970); same locality (mcz); 20 km E Temu¡ValValdivia: Pucón (lacm). (cas); co divia; type series, Emery, 1894); 30 km S ValPuyeOsorno: (mcz). Corral (cas); divia Malleco: (uch); Angol, hue(ucH). appressed scattered, den pubescence; appressed pubescence of gol- three first spmolae Roger ellum ferruginous — Occipital limited pubescence dorsum to erect scattered appressed hairs; terga three with córner white berect each of 4. Occipital córner few densely gena hairs; spaces morojui dull; (F. and malar área without córner Smith) erect gena with scattered coarse punrtures, interflagellum shiny; and tessellate lightly hellmichi brownish 5. segment; punctulate, flagellum ferruginous — Occipital sufirst and malar área near clypeus with a hairs, erect or of ovaticeps (spinola) flagellum brownish (ucon). Nahuelbuta obscure at all ^ with córner Occipital locality [codillera de Nuble: Chillan; Emery, 1895b); [Volcán de Chillan; Menozzi, 1935); Termas de Chillan (ucon); Fundo El Roble, 650 m elev. (msto); 18 km E, 50 km E San Carlos (cas). Concepción: Alfonso, San Arauco: mcz). Concepción. (ucon). white short, sparse, terga extending to lateral margins of segments; flag- W cord. dorsum with very appressed pubescence; which does not 3. 5 3 three or four terga first — Gastric surface Yesera, 2150 m elev. (msto); Cajón del Maipo (msto); 15 km E Las Condes (ucb); cuesta La Dormida (lacm, (lacm); Caleu (mcz); Alfalfal El UBC); cerro (uch); Barranca (lacm); Farellones 2000-2100 m elev. (lacm). Talca: Roble, Vilches, 615 m elev. (ucb). Linares: 05 km Bullileo erect Gastric dorsum densely covered by long, appressed golden to ferruginous pubcscence which obscures surface of Volcán, El abundant of head, in frontal, view, with or suberect hairs extending continuously from occipital córner to base of mandible (figs. 1 16-1 19) Santiago: cerros de Chena, Maipo, Valle Viluco; Menozzi, Apoquindo, Morado, ;erro Kempf, 1970); ¡Rinconada-Maipú; 1935); Emery, 1905, Santschi, 1923b); [Santiago, San 117 (Hymenoptera: Formicidaej Menozzi and finely micropunctate, with scattered fine, round punctures; mesopleura dull, abundant with occiput micropunrtate; densely Gena long, with is dull, .densely yellow yellowish terga gastric pubescence; appressed appressed long pubescence which usually sufficiently dense to obscure surface chüensis (Spinola) — Gene moderately scattered coarse, moderately shiny, white occiput appressed with mesopleura punctures; tessellate; short, scattered, and tessellate shiny, elongate with widely pubescence; appresed short, scattered, with terga gastric whitish pubescence, surface never obscured distinguendus (spinola) Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) chilensis (Spinola) (Fig. Camponotiis Mayr This cosmopolitan genus is one of the largest of ant genera and is represented in Chile by members of the subgenus all species, six Tanaemyrmex. Two species, chilensis and distinguendus (Spinola), are nola) common and vk-idespread. The (Spi- very remaining forms have, at various times, been considered forms of one or the other of these. All are good species, in our patric with these opinión, and since shovif they are sym- no evidence of hy- bridization ví\Ú\ them. 113-114) Fórmica chilensis Spinola, in Gay, 1851:237238. 9 9 Camponotus chilensis, Mayr, 1865:32; Berg, 1907: Forel, 1895b: 18; Emery, 1890:28; 1951: Kusnezov, 1933:382-383; 10; Goetsch, . 206-208. Camponotus 'Hssicheni" (!) Emery, 1905: 191. Camponotus (MyrmosericusJ chilensis, Santschi, 1916a:396. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) chilensis, Me1935:329, 335; Kempf, 1970:32; Kempf, nozzi, 1972:66. KEY TO CHILEAN SPECIES OF CAMPONOTUS, BASED ON WORKERS 1. Side of head, in frontal view, either without visible ertct or suberect hairs (fig. 113, 115) or with a few at occipital córner and near base of mandible only Type locality. Santiago, chile. with bright golden abdominal pubescence, is one of the most conspicuous and common ants in Chile. This color pattern is shared with ovaticeps and spinolae, but these lack erect hairs on the margins of the head. This black ant, 118 Rev. Chilena Em. 9, 1975 113 115 116 118 Píate frontal 17. Figs. 113-119. Formicinae, Camponotus, major workers. 113, 114, C. chüensis, head in view and head and thorax in lateral view; 115-119, head in frontal view, of 115, C. dutinguendus; 116, C. hellmichi; 117, C. morosus; 118, C. omticeps; 119, C. spmolae. (0 0) 3 O 0) c (0 o o a c b a 3 (0 O c c o 0) a E (0 ü '¿ o (0 ® • ' °:: 1 ' I ' (0 O 1 1 X^- .- ^^>^/ ^ í \ _../~^ -/, ^"^^~^^~^~^-^ =, =, -V^--i^i «, S, s, ^v> =. =, i:, 120 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Emery (1905) In the paper by lensis was Kempf ed it ñame the chi- accidentally scrambled to '^Issicheni" (1970), citing in further, still as reference confus- this "issecheni" Wheeler . (1914) reponed chilensis from Urubamba, Perú. This record is, however, based on mus Roger. Specimens have been seen from the following Provinces (Map 17): Atacama, Coquimbo, Aconcagua, Valparaíso, Santiago, O'Higgins, Colchagua, Curicó, Talca, Maule, Linares, Nuble, Concepción, Arauco, Malleco, Cautín, Valdivia, Osorno, Llanquihue and Aisén. any taxonomic level other than that of a synonym Another sporadic variant has the tergal pubescence longer and denser than usual. These superlook líke sparsely pubescent chilensis, but the hairs are white rather than golden or yellowish. ficially This ant occurs from seen (Map Perú and Argentina as in Numberous samples have been well as in Chile. foUowing Chilean Provinces Coquimbo, Aconcagua, Valpa- the 18): O'Higgins, Curicó, Talca, MauNuble, Concepción, Biobío, Arauco, Malle- raíso, Santiago, le, Cautín, co, Valdivia, Osorno, Llanquihue, Chiloé, Aisén and Magallanes. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) distinguendus (Spinola) hellmichi Menozzi (Fig. 115) (Fig. 116) Fórmica distinguendus Spinola, in Gay, 1851: 235-237. 9 9 í Camponotus distinguendus, Mayr, 1863: 398; Mayr, 1886:364; Emery, 1905:191; . Forel, 1907:10; Goetsch, 1933:380-382. Camponotus distinguendus Emery, 1905:191. 9 . Preocc. Camponotus distinguendus 1916:242. Santschi, A^. var. denudatus new synonymy. tenuipubens var. ñame for denudatus Emery, 1905, not Emery, 1903; Kempf, 1972: 67. NEW SYNONYMY. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) distinguendus var. tenuipubescens (!) Menozzi, 1935:336; Kempf, 1970:33. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) distinguendus, Kempf, 1970:33; Kempf, 1972:67. Type locality. distinguendus: Santa CHILE; denudatus: Pitrufquén, chile. This the is common all-black Rosa, Camponotus inmediately from chilensis, ovaticeps and spinolae in lacking dense, golden in Chile. It differs pubescence on the gaster. It can be confused only with hellmichi and morosus, but these \.y/o species lack erect hairs extending continuously along the side of the head from the occiput to Camponotus var. hellmichi 9.; (Tanemyrmex) morosus Minozzi, 1935:330-331, 335. Kempf, 1970:34; Kempf, 1972:69. Type locality. Volcán Villarrica, chile. This ant was very superficially described as a variety of morosus. The characteristics cited in the key to sepárate hellmichi from morosus are consistent. Since there is hybridization between the two no evidence of we hellmichi feel should be recognized as a sepárate species. Localities (Map 19). chile. Tarapacá: S. Chiapa, 3400-3600 m elev. (uch); Cari- quima, cord. Poroma Iquique, (uch); 3 3700 km E m elev. (uch); Zapahuire, 11,100 (ucb); Caquena, 4300-4600 ft. elev. Chapiquiña (uch). Antofagasta: Turi (uch). Nuble: [Volcán de Chillan; Menozzi, Las 1935]; Trancas (uch). Concepción: Queime (uch). Malleco: cord. Las Raíces, 1500 m elev. (msto). Cautín: [Pucón; Menozzi, 1935); volcán Villarrica, 1000 m elev. (ucon). ft. elev. (usnm); Valdivia: [volcán Villarrica; type series of Menozzi, 1935]. Llanquihue: volca. 1000 m elev. 15 km N Ensena- hellmichi cán Osorno, da (lacm) . mandibular the base. The flagellum is also ferruginous in morosus. The denudatus was proposed for those with unusually short and sparse gastric pubescence. Since denudatus was preoccupied by Emery, 1903, this form was var. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) morosus populations renamed tenuipubens by Santschi; the ñame has been erroneously cited as ''tenuipubescens'' by Emery (1925) and some subsequent authors. (F. Smith) (Fig. 117) Fórmica morosa F. Smith, 1858:50-51. 9 . Since this variant occurs within populations of more typical form, and often within the Camponotus morosus, Mayr, 1862:665; Mayr, 1865:32. Camponotus distinguendus var. morosus, Emery, 1894:214; Emery, 1895b:18; Emery, same 1905:191; Santschi, 1916:396. the nest, there is no reason to recognize it at ; (A » (O O o oc * o .y I ^ I C O) c a :;: E .Í2 E (O "O (O ü ] - = ü (O 5 o — /•^í'--' ^-' ' 3 ' >. -- ,<. x^ _^ Id u s ^ ¡ 3 i --.^^..^-"~- ^ '""; li^' s "x. c--... ' -. ------4 • ""^^>4>^r, =, 'i i ---^i. s =, a, =, =, % • < r-i ijy^ /••i 1 r"' í g ,• y ^Ol.-— \_^ J, -1 r , ¿ is i ' ''A c. - \ --' =1 =, a, ;=, =, =, I, =, s, ~l = . r.. 122 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) morosus, Me1935:329-330, 336; Kempf, 1970:33; Kempf, 1972:69. Type locality. chile, without more definite Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) nozzi, locality. This ponotus the other is Chile. in distinguendus common Is by the is black-bodied Cam- separated from easily much more limited dis- With the head tribution of erect cephalic hairs. view there are a few short, erct hairs on the occipital córner and a few on the malar área near the base of the mandible, but none between these áreas. The presence of occipital and malar hairs will serve to distinguish morosus from hellmichi, and the red flagellum will sepárate it from both. Common and widely distributed in Chile, morosus is found also in Argentina. Numerous samples have been seen from the foilowing spinolae Roger (Fig. 119) Camponotus spinolae Roger, 1863:144-145. S Emery, 1894:214-215. Camponotus chilensis var. rujicomis Emery' 1894:214. 9; Emery, 1895b:18. new synonÍ YMY. Camponotus Camponotus in full face 19): Antofagasta, Atacama, Aconcagua, Valparaíso, Santiago, O'Higgins, Colchagua, Curicó, Talca, Linares, Nuble, Concepción, Malleco, Cautín and Magallanes. chilensis ruficornis, 69. | Forel! 1907:10. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) 335; Kempf, ruficornis Menozzi, 1935:329, Kempf, 1972:71, Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) 1970:34 spinolae, Kempf: 1970:34. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) Kempf" spinolae, 1972:72. Type (Map Provinces Coquimbo, Emery, 1903:64, ruficornis, definite locality. spinolae: chile, without mor(! ruficornis: locality; de Chi' cordillera CHILE. llán, I There appears with red be to and flagellum bescence single golden species gastric ñame Roger's Chile. in a but pu* antedates Emery, so ruficornis must be placed ir synonymy. The red flagellum will inmediately sepárate this attractive species from chilensis, that of Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) ovaticeps (Spinola) as (Fig. 118) Fórmica Spinola ovaticeps 238-239. 9 Gay, in 1851: . ovaticeps, Berg, 1890:30. Emery, chilensis var. ovaticeps, 1894:214. of locality. Valdivia, little-known which (1894). are it without var. as a variety by Chillan, Emery erect hairs, except a range of ovaticeps lies best recognized as a sepárate species. Localities (Map 18). chile. Coquimbo: Hda. lUapel, 3000 m elev. (mco); 30 km S Combarbalá (cas). Santiago: Cerro del Roble, 2000-2100 m elev. (lacm). Concepción: via; (Map 17). chile. Nuble: Ter- mas de Chillan (ucon); Las Trancas rd., near Termas de Chillan, 1270 m elev. (ucb); Las Refugio (uch); m 1400 Shangrila, (uch); elev. cord. [cordillera de chilensis, wholly within that of chilensis and there is no evidence that the two hybridize, we think that [Talcahuano; along the Paratrechina fulva (Mayr)* sides of the head, in frontal view, in that species. Since the is hairs erect [Volcán de Chillan; Menozzi, 1935). resembles few on the occipital córner and a few near the base of the mandible. The gastric pubescence is paler than in chilensis and the head is broader than ovaticeps of Chillan; type series of ruficornis Emery, 1894); chile. ant was regarded The absence conclude spinolae to be a valid species. Trancas Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) chilensis ovaticeps, Kempf, 1970:32; Kempf, 1972:66. This the Localities Camponotus Camponotus Type will head margins. No specimens intermediatí between the two forms have been seen, and we Berg, 1890). Valdivia: type series oí ovaticeps Spinola. 1851). (Valdi- Prenolepis Mayr, fulva 1862:698. 9 9¡ Mayr, 1865:51-52. Paratrechina (Nylanderia) fulva, Kempf, 1970:34. This Brazilian ant was initially recorded from Chile, without more specific locality, by Mayr (1865). Kempf (1970) included it in was probably imponed. No specimens have been seen, and his Catalogo, with the note that the species may is not be establishejl. Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille)* Fórmica longicomis hzlTÚWt, 1802:113 9 Prenolepis longicornis, Mayr, 1865:50-51. Paratrechina longicornis, Kempf, 1970:34. . (O 3 (O — 2 « o (O c o o a Ow E E (O ü ü © •"'• ^ #. •^J i \v' f' / í ^1 . i c Vi. -' í i ? i o s. 124 Rev. Chilena Ent. There species is only a single report of this tramp Chile, in that of Mayr (1865). No specimens have been seen, and the species may not be established. This and the foregoing species are included because it is possible they may some exist in coastal cities. Paratrechina A single sp. including all castes, is from Although belonging to the group assigned to the subgenus Nylanderia, they are not fulva. The genus Paratrechina is much in need of revisión, and it would be futile to attempt to place a ñame on the specimens Santiago at this series, (msto). 1975 9, forms, for the most part, belong to the subgenus Ephebomyrmex, as that group wfas characterized by Colé (1968); Kempf (1970,1972) has treated it as a genus, followingí rican (1959). The Chilean species all belong to Ephebomyrmex, and only bispinosus is endemic; the other species occur in the Pata- Kusnezov gonian subregion of Argentina. Araucomyrmex is a genus of temperatei South America, with numerous species in Argentina. It is the most diverse genus in Chile, with 10 species. Three of these are shared with Argentina and seven are endemic. The related genus Dorymyrmex, with several Argentinian species, The genera of living ants of the world and their distributions are reviewed by Brown (1973). The living ants of Central and South America are catalogued by Kempf (1972). Kempf lists 147 genera in the Neotropical Realm, to which by a recorded as being present in Chile. This figure is, however, unnaturally high, for some genera to Anoplolepis, Another Patagonian genus with two known species. of uncertain affinities, may once have progenitor Andean chain Antichthoni- This genus is but seems most similar A Stenamma-Wkc Holarctic Stenamma. the is existed along the Paratrechina) are represented only by introduced tramp species, and others (Hypoponera, entire ''Iridomyrmex") North and Central American Stenamma. also. The probably introduced only in native generic representation consists of only about genera. are One 11% South American Nothidris, appears to be of the native genus, known only from The Chilean Chile. roponera, Pseudomyrmex, Pheidole, Brachymyrmex) are all well represented elsewhere in the Neotropics, and the one or two species of each present in Chile are marginal representations. Solenopsis and Camponotus are large, world- numerous There dris, is from Tapinoma in is a températe zone genus North and South America. The South Ame- Me- be truly separable ant worthy of special mention antarcticum. This is a is common, widely distributed species in Chile. In habitus and behavior it is much like some of the smaller species of Forelms. Unfortunately, the taxonomy of the tapinomine genera is very confused and the correct placement of this species is uncertain. Its affinities, however, seem to lie with some of the Argentinian Forelius rather than with Tapinoma. consists species not it. An endemic The Pogonomyrmex one endemic Chilean genus, Nothiby three species. This genus an obvious derivative of the Neotropical centered in Brazil. of is widely separated from the represented South America. The Chilean species in both genera have cióse affinities v^íith those of Argentina and, to some degree, with those of Perú. The arboreal genus Myrmelachista is wholly Neotropical, and the few Chilean species belong to a large assemblage of poorly known species Wfith Patagonia, leaving derivative species galomyrmex and may ant fauna is therefore a depaupérate derivative of the South American fauna and has obvious similarity to that of Argentina. Several genera (Amblyopone, Hete- wide genera single uncertain. dris, Tetramorium, Chile which shows a notable affinity with the Australian fauna. At least two species of Lasiophanes (nigriventris and picinus) occur in Argentina, but the taxonomy of the genus is so poorly understood that the status of several ñames is may now be added the genus Antichthonidris. Of this total, only 22 (about 15%) are here Monomorium, in species. The genus Lasiophanes is Patagonian and appears to be most closely related to the Australian Melophorus. It is the only Chilean genus time. GENERIC REPRESENTATION ( represented is endemic SPECIFIC COMPOSITION ant species groups. of fauna of Chile as described herein 62 recognized forms. This includes from a variety of origins and faunal • The ants Snelling y Hunt: of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Eight of the species are imported. These are: Monomorium M. flaneóla, morium caespitum, T. Paratrechina longipes, pharaonis, Tetra- Camponotus longicomts, common, species in Pogonomyrmex angustus, P. the of fauna. In fact, was Paratrechina which was represent- sp., We ed by only a single series. doubtful is imported the that well established. conclude that are species They may, however, be it locally established in urban áreas. Six of the species can be considered to have Neotropical These distributions. Hypopo- are: nera opacior, Cylindromyrmex striatus, Pheidole Solenopsis chilensis, latastei, and Myremelachista humilis '''' Iridomyrmex" Hypo- chilensis. ponera opacior is widely distributed in the Neotropical and Nearctic Realms. There are only a few records from Chile, and the status of the species is uncertain. may presence in Chile Its be the result of accidental introduction within Cylindromyrmex striatus was Surinam and has been recorded from Perú. The single record for Chile is from times. historie described from Pheidole chilensis Arica. known species Chile and Lima, Perú. large is affinities Its species. among included is poorly collected extreme group of Neotropical latastei a from only species only with reservation. the A northern are with a Solenopsis Neotropical variety has been from Argentina (Buenos Aires), but it may prove to be a sepárate species. If so, then latastei will have to be considered an endemia Chilean species. ^^ Iridomyrmex" humilis is probably of Brazilian origin, though this species described has been widely dispersed by commerce to many parts of the world. Myrmelachista chilensis has been collected in Misiones Province, Argentina, so must be included among the Neotropical and species. is The species not possible to state these total six species, species known so poorly is where it originated. 9.6% representing number, are also that it Thus of the an insignificant element of the Chilean fauna. Only Solenopsis common latastei is a its distribution Hypoponera Fourteen Chile and opacior may be uncommon to humilis are ant in natural habitats, outside introduced. is and questionable. ''Iridomyrmex^' The other species rare. have Patagonian distributions and are found in southern Argentina as well as in Chile. This group represents 22.5% of the total ant fauna of Chile and includes such very species common species as; Pogonomyrmex Other, and chilensis L. Antichthonidris ticulatus, Solenopsis this group and are Arau- endemic represent species P. den- A. bidentatus, species are: laevigatus, patagonicus comyrmex minutus. The remaining 34 Chile. Though these picinus, distinguendus C. less odoratus, A. antarcticus, hoffmanni, Anoplolepu only one of these species seen during our study Lasiophanes tener, P. fulva, members insignificant Araucomyrmex vermiculatus, guiñéense, and Paratrechina sp. Though these comprise 12.9% of the total number of species, they are the 125 to over half (54.8%) of the total ant fauna, only a few are common: Pseudomyrmex sis gayí, lynceus, Solenop- "'Tapinoma'" germaini, S. antarcti- cum, Araucomyrmex goetschi and Brachymyr- mex laevis. Three additional species have been recorded from Chile, but are here excluded. (1) Neivamyrmex pertyi (Shuckard) was recorded from Santiago, under the synonymous ñame fonscolombii, by Forel (1907). The record was surely based on a mislabelled specimen. No ants of the subfamily Dorylinae are known from Chile. (2) Conomyrma pyrmica (Roger) was recorded from Santa Rosa de Los Andes, Chile, by Dorymyrmex pyramicus. as Berg (1890) There is no evidence of the presence oí pyramica in Chile, and this record is very likely a misidentification of one of the species of Araucomyrmex Dorymyrmex planidens Mayr was (3) report- ed from Santa Rosa de Los Andes, Chile, by Berg known The (1890). makes planidens The specimens likely. of distribution occurrence its in Chile un- seen by Berg were most probably agallardoi. DISTRIBtmON AND SPECIATION biographic regions been divided into five by Goetsch (1931). These subsequently been employed by Chile Continental have We various authors. Atacaman the has regions will refer to (18-30°S), them here Espinal as (30-37°S), Magellanic (45-56°S), These biogeographic regions have subsequently been partioned into eighteen entomofaunal regions by Peña (1965, 1966). Peña's regions were somewhat modified by O'Brien (1971). Distribution data on Valdivian and (37-45°S), Andean Regions. the ants of Chile as illustrated in maps 1-19 may be used to examine the suitability of the biogeographic and entomafaunal regions for interpretation of ant distribution and speciation patterns. Inspection of maps 1-19 reveáis that the entomofaunal regions appear to be too fmely partitioned to be useful with reference to ants. Only a few specific points may be mentioned. 126 Rev. Chilena Ent. 9, 1975 Two of the regions, the Northern Desert and Southern Pacific, appear to be devoid of ants. In the Northern Desert only urban áreas and river valleys have ants; the Southern Pacific Región is probably too wet for any ants at all. Pena's Intermediate Desert and Coquimban Desert Regions together compromise O'Brien's Coquimban Región, and this región may be characterized by the presence of Araucomyrmex No goetschi. to other ant species seems restricted or characteristic of a particular entomo- sp. faunal región. The biogeographic on entered the the via species mountain forested Pogonomyrmex south. found passes vermiculatus of is a arid habitats that might have in entered Chile via the Patagonian steppe. Cylin-} dromyrmex may have and striatus Pheidole chilensis's dispersed south along the coast from Perú. Speciation of ants in Chile, as refiected by distributions, may have followed at least two major patterns. One important pattern would involve isolation of Chilean immigrants from populations that are centered outside of their other Chile. Chilean species of genera such as Pseu- hand, are more general and henee more useful. domyrmex, Pheidole, Solenopsis, "Tapinoma", and Myrmelachista may represent this pattern. A second, more interesting pattern might in- regions, the The Atacaman and Magellanic Regions have depaupérate ant faunas and cannot be characThe Espinal and Val- terized by the ants present. volve divian regions, however, have very characteristic Chile ant species These assemblages. lynceus, Pogonomyrmex culatus, Solenopsis assemblages Pseudomyrmex are as follows. Espinal Región: bispinosus, gayí, S. P. vermi^'Tapi- latastei, noma" antarcticum, Araucomyrmex chilensis, Camponotus morosus, Myrmelachista hojfmanBrachymyrmex giardií Valdivian Región: ni, Heteroponera carinifrons, Amblyopone spp., Pogonomyrmex chthonidris angustus, Nothidris spp., Anti- odoralus, P. latastei, Soleno- psis germaini, Lasiophanes spp. At dean least tener and are species patterns: Camponotus either to have An- Araucomyrmex hellmichi. Other ant very few by represented records or by very wide distributions (Campo- notus and chilensis, C. distinguendus) of and immigration speciation. An regard would be the possible routes of entry into Chile for immigrant species. Goetsch (1931) cites four consideration in forests of from the contigu- the south. Isolated áreas of arid habitat on the slopes of the volcanoes the south that are separated from the con- in tiguous arid habitats offered the reverse north farther situation for may have speciation, though no species are clearly recognized to have followed that pattern. Araucomyrmex is a genus where there has clearly been extensive within speciation that Chile, yet obscure. is Componotus are other genera the pattern of and Lasiophanes that pose intrigu- ing problems as concerns speciation. FAUNAL RICHNESS The fauna The distribution patterns of Chilean ants may give some insight into their possible patterns Valdivian are difficult to delimit distributionally. important ous cekalovici A^. speciation in áreas pattern: illustrate this within populations Nothidris bicolor and of most forest habitat isolated speciation two ant species appear distribution may among speciation itself. this might be employed: in the north, across the Puna from Perú, Bolivia, and Argentina; in the south, through various mountain passes that connect with Argentina; in the far south, across the low Cordillera that connects directly with Patagonian Argentina; and, along the northern coast, a desertic connection with Perú. Each of these routes has probably been routes that of Chile has been described as being interesting as This is elements as true for lacking army as Formicidae particular as for the fauna in general. in to those for for those present. The ants (Dorylinae) have already been noted be absent. Since the females in this subfamily always wingless it is understandable that unable to disperse into Chile. Equally conspicuous by their absence (but are they have been less explainably so) are the Attini and Cepha- lotini. The attines, those species that cultívate fungí in their nests, are abundantly represented by genera and species in Argentina. cephalotines are arboreal; a rich fauna in tropical forests, is The found and they are by no means exploited by ants. rare in températe áreas. Another conspicuously For example, many species that are characof the Espinal Región fauna may have entered Chile across the northern Andes from successful teristic Perú, Bolivia, or Argentina. teristic species in Many of the charac- the Valdivian Región probably form is Crematogaster, a varied and genus with many species in tropical and températe South America yet none found in Chile. Although Pheidole and Camponotus are present in Chile, the low number of species absent i I Snclling y Hunt: The ants of Chile (Hymenoptera: Formiadae) these genera is surprising in view of the large iumber present in the rest of South America. The depaupérate ant fauna of Chile is clearly ue in part to the difficulty of immigration. \i and aptly recognized this (1931) lescribed Chile as an island. Boundaries that solate Chile are the deserts in the north, cordiioetsch the in orests and cold the east, ocean in the west, in lera Difficulties south. confront that have servthe abundance of pecies in crossing these boundaries part, in least at id, limit to C, Jr. 1968. Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. A study of the genus in North America. Univ. Tenn. Press. CoLE, A. X 222 pp. -I- Creighton, VV. S. 1930. The New World Amer. Acad. Arts Solenopsis. species of the genus Sci. Proc. 66:39-151. Creighton, W. S. 1950. The ants of North America. Mus. Comp. Zool. Bull. 104:1-585. Dalla Torre, C. G. de. 1893, Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus synonymicus. et 7:289 pp. Emery, C. avec 1894 Note sur (1895). de deux 4:213-216. descriptions Sci. C/ü/i /leí. Emery, pecies. 127 fourmis des Chili nouvelles. Soc. de* quelques fourmis Entomol. Belg. Ann. 39: Descriptions 1895a. C. nouvelles les especies Soc. d'Australie. 345-358. CONCLUSIÓN Emery, C. 1895b. Deuxiéme note sur les fourmis de Chili. Soc. Sci. ChiliAct. 5:10-18. ?uture studies of ants in Chile will unquestionadditional reveal ibly species be to present. specialized coUecting methods such as Búrlese lampling or careful survey of arboreal habitáis probably add species to the list. We feel, that the fundamental nature of the vill lowever, formicid fauna is clear: two major the Espinal represen! assemblages Valdivian Biogeographic Regions. Most Dhilean ipecies and Dther species uncommon and are locally dis- widespread and common. 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