Carlisle South
Carlisle South
Carlisle South Free Newsletter Free Activities Newsletter September to December 2014 Hi everyone,did you have a great summer? W e hope you enjoyed our summer activities,we certainly did. We have a fun packed programme of activities for you and your family over the autumn and winter months. Your Children’s Centres are here to help with a range of support and activities including; courses with free childcare, family activities and home based family support. The Children’s Centres are a place where your family can enjoy and DFKLHYHZKLOHPDNLQJIULHQGVDQGLQFUHDVLQJWKHLUFRQ¿GHQFH Did you know your child is more likely to achieve their potential if they attend Children’s Centres activities? Even if your child is at nursery or school, try to get to some of our activities. The more positive, quality time you can spend playing with your child the more they will learn and develop. All our activities and courses are free to everyone but we would like to remind you that children need to be supervised by a parent or carer in all our children’s activities unless we state otherwise. Free Prize Draw Congratulations to Katie Peel who won our last prize draw for a £25 Argos voucher. If you would like to enter our free prize draw this time just register with the Children’s Centres. You can do this at any of our DFWLYLWLHVRUE\SRSSLQJLQWRRXURI¿FHLQ+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUHRU Petteril Bank Community Centre. 'LG\RXNQRZ\RXFDQQRZ¿QGXVRQ)DFHERRN" Keep up to date with everything that’s going on in your area. Go to and search for Carlisle South Sure Start Children’s Centres and click “like”to follow us. Serving the people of Cumbria provided by Cumbria CountyCouncil Carlisle South Newsletter W hat Can You Do This W eek? All activities are for children 0-5 unless it says otherwise. M ondays Tiny Treasures Congratulations on the birth of your baby!Join us at this free activity to meet other new parents and create some artwork with babies footprints or handprints to take home. Suitable for babies 0 -12 months. W here:/DG\*XLOIRUG¶V+RXVHELUWKUHJLVWUDWLRQFHQWUHTime:1.00pm – 2.00pm W hen:Please choose one of these dates 22 September, 20 October, 17 November September -Baby Buddies Suitable for babies 0-12 months Join us for a calm and relaxing session with a range of movement and sensory activities for babies to explore. W here:Upperby CDC Time:1.30pm – 2.30pm W hen:September 15, 22 and 29 October to December -Baby Rhyme Time Enjoy some new and old nursery rhymes with your little ones. Suitable for babies 0-18 months. W here:Upperby CDC Time:1.30pm – 2.30pm W hen::HHNO\IURP2FWREHUWR'HFHPEHUH[FHSW2FWREHU Let’ s Get Cooking Course Come and join us for a FREE 6Week Course where you can learn how to make tasty, healthy family meals on a budget. W here:St Johns Church, London Road, Carlisle Time:1.00pm to 3.00pm W hen:15 September 2014 for 6 weeks. Limited crèche places available. To book a place please call Jude on 01228 593810 Tuesdays September -Let’ s Get Storytelling 6XLWDEOHIURPELUWKWR¿YH\HDUV(QMR\DQHZVWRU\HYHU\WLPHZLWKDUDQJHRIH[FLWLQJDUWVDQGFUDIWVWRWU\WR\V and games to play. W here:Greystone Community Centre Time:10.30am to 11.30am W here:Currock Community Centre Time:1.30pm to 2.30pm W hen:9, 16, 23 and 30 September Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. October to December -Let’ s Get Creative +HOS\RXUFKLOGOHDUQDOODERXWWH[WXUHFRORXUDQGLPDJLQDWLRQZLWKDZLGHYDULHW\RIUROHSOD\DUWDQGLPDJLQDWLYH play involving all the senses. W here:Greystone Community Centre Time:10.30am to 11.30am W hen:(YHU\7XHVGD\IURP2FWREHUWR'HFHPEHU1RW2FWREHU Young Parents Group Weekly group 1.00pm to 3.00pm for young people aged 21 and under who are pregnant or have a child. Join the group and meet other young parents and help your child develop while having fun. At the session there will be a +HDOWK9LVLWRU0LGZLIH,QVSLUD:RUNHUVDQG&KLOGUHQ¶V&HQWUHVWDII&KLOGFDUHLVSURYLGHGDWWKHJURXSGHSHQGLQJ on the weeks activity. Contact the Community Team on 01228 593 810 if you would like more information on attending the group. Story Sack Making Course Story Sacks are wonderful bags which contain a story and activities to help bring the story to life. Great for your FKLOG¶VOHDUQLQJ&RPHDORQJDQG¿QGRXWKRZ\RXUFKLOGOHDUQVDQGPDNHDVWRU\VDFNWRVKDUHWRJHWKHU 4 Week course with childcare. W here:+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUHTime:9.30am to 11.30am W hen:Starting on 4 November for 6 weeks. 5LQJ0DULDRQ01228 593 810 to book a place. Cumbria CountyCouncil Carlisle South Newsletter W ednesdays Citizenship Course Come and join us for a 8 week course where we explore how you can become more involved in your local community and what it means to be an active citizen. W here:Botcherby Children’s Centre Time:1.00pm to 3.00pm W hen:24 September 2014 for 8 weeks Limited crèche places available. To book a place please call Jude on 01228 593810 Baby Buddies Suitable for babies 0-12 months. Join us for a calm and relaxing session with a range of movement and sensory activities for babies to explore. W here:+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUHTime:10.30am to 11.30am W hen:(YHU\:HGQHVGD\IURP2FWREHUWR'HFHPEHU1RW2FWREHU Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. Toy Library 6XLWDEOHIURPELUWKWR¿YH\HDUV:HKDYHDZKROHUDQJHRIWR\VDQGJDPHVWKDW\RXFDQWDNHKRPHDQGORDQIRUWZR weeks for free. W here:+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH Time:1.00pm to 3.00pm W hen:Open throughout the year Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. Let’ s Get Moving 6XLWDEOHIURPELUWKWR¿YH\HDUV<RXUFKLOGFDQGHYHORSWKHLUPRYHPHQWDQGSK\VLFDOVNLOOVZLWKDZLGHUDQJHRIDFWLYLWLHV A baby movement session will also be available for babies. W here:+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH Time:1.30pm to 2.30pm W hen:(YHU\:HGQHVGD\IURP6HSWHPEHUWR'HFHPEHU1RW2FWREHU Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. Baby Massage Come along and learn the principals of baby massage in a relaxed and sociable environment. Learn massage techniques in order to enhance your baby’s development and deepen the parent – infant bond through nurturing touch. This is a 5 week course. W here:%RWFKHUE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH9LFWRULD5RDGTime:10.30am to 11.30am W hen:10 September to 8 October Ring John Slack on 01228 593810 or email john.slack@ to book a place. Thursdays September -Let’ s Get Playing Join in with a wide range of play activities from games, puzzles, role play and lots more. W here:Petteril Bank Community Centre Time:10.30am to 11.30am W hen:11, 18 and 25 September Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. October to December -Let’ s Get Creative +HOS\RXUFKLOGOHDUQDOODERXWWH[WXUHFRORXUDQGLPDJLQDWLRQZLWKDZLGHYDULHW\RIUROHSOD\DUWDQGLPDJLQDWLYHSOD\ involving all the senses. W here:Petteril Bank Community Centre Time:10.30am to 11.30am W hen:(YHU\7KXUVGD\IURP2FWREHUWR'HFHPEHUQRW2FWREHU Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. My Life Now 'HYHORS\RXUFRQ¿GHQFHDQGDVVHUWLYHQHVVVNLOOVZKLOHJDLQLQJDQHQWU\OHYHOTXDOL¿FDWLRQ W hen:Starting on 6 November Time:9.30am -11.30am W here:Botcherby Children’s Centres, Ennerdale Avenue. First Aid Course &RPHDQGOHDUQKRZWRGHDOZLWKDYDULHW\RIDFFLGHQWVRUHPHUJHQFLHV\RXUIDPLO\PD\KDYHZLWKDTXDOL¿HGWHDFKHU Childcare available. W here:Petteril Bank Community Centre Time:12.30pm – 2.30pm W hen:Starting on 23 October for 6 weeks. Cumbria CountyCouncil Carlisle South Newsletter Fridays Saturdays Let’ s Get Singing Dads and Male Carers Soft Play 6XLWDEOHIURPELUWKWR¿YH\HDUV)XQZLWK nursery rhymes old and new, instruments and mini disco. Singing ability not required. W here:Botcherby Community Centre Time:10.30am to 11.30am W hen:(YHU\)ULGD\GXULQJWHUPWLPHXQWLO 12 December. ecember. Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information. 6XLWDEOHIURPELUWKWR¿YH\HDUVFKLOGUHQFDQH[SORUHWKHH[FLWLQJ and safe soft play area while spending quality time with you. W here:+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUHTime:10.00am to 11.00am W hen:6 September to 20 December Ring John on 01228 593 810 for more information. Swimming for W omen and Children from Ethnic Backgrounds /HDUQWRVZLPZLWKDTXDOL¿HGWHDFKHUZKLVW\RXUFKLOGUHQKDYHIXQ in the pool. Teacher and lifeguard are female and pool is private from outside view. W here:Trinity Leisure Centre Time:1.00pm – 2.00pm W hen:Every Saturday in September only Contact Karen Dexter 01228 593810 for more information Other Activities and Events Baby on a Budget We all know babies can be expensive and managing your money can be challenging. Come down to one of our events DQG¿QGRXWKRZWRVDYHPRQH\EXGJHWIRUZKHQWKHEDE\DUULYHVDQGJHW\RXUEDJRIIUHHELHV%ULQJDORQJ\RXUSDUWQHU family member or friend. No need to book just drop in. 0RQGD\6HSWHPEHUDPDPDW3HWWHULO%DQN&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH Tuesday 7 October, 2.00pm – 4.00pm at Botcherby Community Centre Thursday 16 October, 9.30am – 11.00am at Upperby CDC Saturday 22 November, 1.00pm – 2.00pm at Currock Community Centre 5LQJ0DULDRQ01228 593 810 for more information Kinship Club Do you care for a family member or friend’s children because their parent is not able to do so? You are not alone, meet RWKHUIDPLOLHVLQDVLPLODUVLWXDWLRQDQG¿QGRXWDERXWKRZ\RXU&KLOGUHQ¶V&HQWUHVFDQVXSSRUW\RX 5LQJ0DULDRQ01228 593 810 for more information Family Links Nurturing Programme W hat is the Nurture Programme? Children are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but looking after them can be stressful and challenging. The Nurture Program helps parents and carers deal with those challenges so they have a calmer, happier family life. The Nurture Program is a tried and tested programme; it helps families think about what they do, why they do it and how it PDNHVWKHPIHHO&RQWDFW0DULDRU0DJVRQ 01228 593 810 if you would like to be part of the course. W elcome to the W orld -Ante Natal Nurture Programme Welcome to the world is a 9 week course to prepare you for parenthood. The aim of the programme is to: Give an opportunity for expectant parents to explore their roots, traditions, hopes and fears for the future To develop strong communication between parents by sharing experiences and ideas To increase parents understanding of their own emotional health and the need to nurture themselves to provide the best RSSRUWXQLW\IRUWKHEDE\WRJURZDQGÀRXULVK &RQWDFW0DJVRU*LOORQ01228 593 810 WR¿QGRXWPRUH ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Beginners course to learn English, friendly informal group. Please note there is no childcare with this group. Contact Karen Dexter on 01228 593810 for more information. Bump and Baby social Suitable for pregnant women and their partners or those with a baby under 6 months. Come along and meet new parents or parents to be for a friendly chat, support in the early weeks, information on babies development and breastfeeding support. Refreshments available. Cumbria CountyCouncil Adult Education -Maths The Adult Education Numeracy course gives you the opportunity to work towards DUHFRJQLVHGOHYHORUQDWLRQDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQHTXLYDOHQWWRD*&6(LQPDWKV 'HOLYHUHGRYHUZHHNVEUHDNVIRUKROLGD\VWKLVFRXUVHDOORZV\RXWREUXVKXSDQG learn new skills. Limited Crèche places are available. Please note that without 12 participants this course will not run&RQWDFW0DJVRQ01228 593 810 WR¿QGRXW more. Adult Education -Englishs The Adult Education Literacy course gives you the opportunity to work towards DUHFRJQLVHGOHYHORUQDWLRQDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQHTXLYDOHQWWRD*&6(LQ(QJOLVK 'HOLYHUHGRYHUZHHNVEUHDNVIRUKROLGD\VWKLVFRXUVHDOORZV\RXWREUXVKXSDQG learn new skills. Limited Crèche places are available. Please note that without 12 participants this course will not run&RQWDFW0DJVRQ01228 593 810 WR¿QGRXW more. Dads Baby Massage Come along to learn the principals of baby massage in a relaxed and sociable environment. Learn massage techniques in order to enhance your babies development and deepen the parent – infant bond through nurturing touch. This is a 5 week course. John on 01228 593 810 to let us know you are interested in the next available course. Employability Skills Being a parent is the most important job in the world, but if you need to get back to paid work we are here to offer you advice, guidance and support to start you in the right direction. At our drop in sessions we offer you the environment to search DQGDSSO\IRUMREVRQOLQHFUHDWH&9¶VXVLQJ0LFURVRIW2I¿FHDQGVKDUH\RXUVNLOOV ZLWKRWKHUV3HUIHFWLI\RXZRXOGOLNHWRNQRZPRUHDERXWKRZWRZULWHD&9¿OOLQDQ DSSOLFDWLRQIRUPRUKDYHPRUHFRQ¿GHQFHGXULQJDQLQWHUYLHZ&KLOGFDUHLVDYDLODEOH 3OHDVHFRQWDFW0DJVRQ01228 593 810 for more information. Money Advice Service – Drop In 'URSLQWRVHHD0RQH\$GYLFH6HUYLFHDGYLVRUWRGLVFXVVDQ\PRQH\ZRUULHV\RX might have from redundancy, new baby, debt or questions about bank accounts. Drop LQFKLOGFDUHDYDLODEOH3OHDVHFRQWDFW0DULDIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ01228 593 810. Parent Forum +DYH\RXHYHUZRQGHUHGKRZSDUHQWVFDUHUVKDYHWKHLUVD\LQ+DU UDE\&XUURFN3HWWHULO %DQN8SSHUE\6W$LGDQVDQG%RWFKHUE\"'R\RXNQRZZKRRUZKDWWKH3DUHQW)RUXPLV" 3DUHQW)RUXPUHSUHVHQWVSDUHQWVOLNH\RXLQWKH&DUOLVOH6RXWK 6XUH6WDUW&KLOGUHQ¶V&HQWUHV DUHDV*HWLQWRXFKLI\RXZRXOGOLNHWREHLQYROYHGRU¿QGRXW PRUHRQ01228593810. Membership Scheme Are you a young person living in this area? Want to know what activities and groups roups are available near you? Join our membership scheme and receive up to date information. You can join the scheme if you are 8 or over, to become a memberr all you need to do is give John a ring on 01228 593 810. Childminder Support We offer free soft play sessions and training opportunities to childminders. Ifyou are a childminder and are interested in attending these please contact Sue on 01228 401 1 002. W oW (W omen of the W orld) A group of women from around the world, plan events and activities for international tional women, meet new friends and feel connected. Contact Karen Dexter 01228 593 3 810 for more information. Carlisle South Newsletter HalfTerm Baby Buddies Suitable for babies 0-12 months. Join us for a calm and relaxing session with a range of movement and sensory activities for babies to explore. W here:Currock Community Centre Time:1.30pm to 2.30pm W hen:Tuesday 28 October Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information Autumn Crafts Suitable for children 0-10 years. Come and create some artwork to take home and have some family fun. W here:+DUUDE\ Community Centre Time:1.30pm to 2.30pm W hen:29 October Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information Toy Library 6XLWDEOHIURPELUWKWR¿YH years. We have a whole range of toys and games that you can take home and loan for two weeks for free. W here:+DUUDE\ Community Centre Time:1.00pm to 3.00pm W hen:29 October Ring the play team on 01228 401 002 for more information Cumbria CountyCouncil Carlisle South Newsletter Short Breaks -Activities for children w ith additional needs These activities are suitable for children w ith additional needs or disabilities w ith their im m ediate fam ily.All children m ust be accom panied by an adult. )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQRQDQ\DFWLYLWLHVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH6KRUW%UHDNV7HDPRQ01228 227196. Pyjama Drama – 0-8 years old Join the Children’s Centres staff and Sarah our facilitator to help your child’s development through play, drama, dance, singing and role play. Each week will take your child on an exciting adventure with a different theme as they have lots and lots of fun. W hen:(YHU\7XHVGD\SPSPWHUPWLPHRQO\EHJLQQLQJ6HSWHPEHU W here:Petteril Bank Community Centre, Burnett Road, CA1 3BX Sensory Play – 0-5 years old Come and join the Children’s Centres staff and explore a stimulating environment. Children can enjoy the calming experience of the sensory resources and try out the messy activities to help them develop through play. W hen:(YHU\7KXUVGD\DPDPWHUPWLPHRQO\EHJLQQLQJ6HSWHPEHU W here:*UH\VWRQH&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH&ORVH6WUHHW&$+$ Thursday Club – 0-8 years old Join the Children’s Centres staff for some fun and games and allow your child to play in a safe and secure environment. Children and their immediate families will have access to our sensory room, play environment and outdoor area. W hen:(YHU\7KXUVGD\SPSPWHUPWLPHRQO\EHJLQQLQJWK6HSWHPEHU W here:Carlisle West Children’s Centre, Shadygrove Road, CA2 7LD Family Swimming – 0-10 years old )UHHZHHNO\VZLPPLQJVHVVLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUFKLOGUHQ\HDUVDQGXQGHUZLWKDGGLWLRQDOQHHGVDQGWKHLULPPHGLDWH family. A lifeguard will be present at each session but children must be supervised. Children under 4 years ratio 1-1 children under 8 years 2 – 1. If you need an extra pair of hands in the pool staff are more than happy to help but we need to know in advance so please ring us on 01228 227196 to let us know. W hen:(YHU\6XQGD\SPSPH[FHSW6HSWHPEHU W here:0RUWRQ3RROV5LFKDUG5RVH$FDGHP\0RUWRQ:LJWRQ5RDG&$/% Fox Cubs – 0-5 years old Let your child have fun in the safe and stimulating soft play area while you have the chance to chat to other parents, carers and staff. This activity is for children 5 and under with their immediate family and siblings. W hen:9 September, 14 October, 11 November, 9 December 10.45am – 11.45am W here::KDOHRID7LPH6RIW3OD\+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH(GJHKLOO5RDG+DUUDE\&$33 )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQRQDQ\DFWLYLWLHVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH6KRUW%UHDNV7HDPRQ01228 227196. October HalfTerm Activities Soft Play – 0-8 years old Enjoy climbing, sliding or crawling through the obstacles or enjoy the beanbags, ball pool and mirror wall in the exciting under the sea themed soft play W hen:Tuesday 28 October at 10.45am – 11.45am (GJHKLOO5RDG+DUUDE\ W here::KDOHRID7LPH6RIW3OD\+DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH(GJHKLOO5RDG+DUUDE\ CA1 3PP Sensory Messy – 0-8 years old Come and join the Children’s Centre staff to explore 2 stimulating environments. Enjoy the calming experience of the sensory resources or try out the messy essy activities to help your child develop through play. W hen:Wednesday 29 October at 10.00am – 11.30am W here:The Belah Centre, Briar Bank, CA3 9SR Sports Play – 0-8 years old Join the Children’s Centre staff for some free sports, games and other physical activities. This will help children of all abilities develop their physical cal skills while LQFUHDVLQJWKHLUFRQ¿GHQFHW hen:Thursday 30 October at 1.00pm 0pm -2.00pm W here:Petteril Bank Community Centre, Burnett Road, CA1 3BX X Cumbria CountyCouncil Carlisle South Newsletter Fam ily Health Healthy Child Clinics Breast Feeding Support Group Come along with your baby and receive support and advice about breastfeeding from one of our breastfeeding peer support workers. Every W ednesday 1:00pm -2:30pm Old Hall Café,Petteril Bank Community Centre, Carlisle,CA1 3BX Smile 4 Life Smile 4 Life provides information, resources and support to help improve your family’s oral health, Smile4Life covers 4 key themes: Encouraging healthy eating and drinking Encouraging regular tooth brushing Encouraging the promotion of a healthy lifestyle 9LVLWLQJWKHGHQWLVWUHJXODUO\ If you would like more advice or guidance to help improve \RXUIDPLO\¶VRUDOKHDOWKRUVXSSRUWWR¿QGDGHQWLVWSOHDVH FRQWDFW0DJVRU-XGHRQ01228 593810 Chat to a health visitor about your child’s health and development and have them weighed too. Tuesday (Currock) 1:30pm -3:00pm Currock Community Centre 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month W ednesday (Botcherby) 9:30am -11:30am Botcherby Community Centre 2nd Wednesday in the month W ednesday (Harraby) 1:30pm -3:00pm +DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH 1st and 3rd Wednesday in the month Smoking Cessation Thursday (Greystone) 1:30pm -3:00pm Greystone Community Centre 2nd and 4th Thursday in the month )RUDQ\RQHZKRZRXOGOLNHWRVWRSVPRNLQJSOHDVHFRQWDFW John on 01228 593 810 who will be able to advise you on where to access practical support in your area. Friday (Petteril Bank) 10:00am -11:30am Petteril Bank Community Centre VWDQGUG)ULGD\LQWKHPRQWK Com m unity Toddler Groups There are a number of other Toddler groups in your community these are not ran by the Children’s Centres so please contact them to check the details and price of each playgroup. Some Playgroups may not be open during school holidays so please check with each group before attending in the school holidays. Rock Tots Currock Community Centre Lediard Avenue Currock Carlisle CA2 4BS Tuesday 9:30am-11:00am and Thursday 9:30am – 11:30am £1.50 per child (01228 591868) St Nicholas Parent and Toddlers 6DOYDWLRQ$UP\+DOO 6W1LFKRODV6WUHHW&DUOLVOH&$() 0RQGD\:HGQHVGD\DQG)ULGD\DPDP £1.20 per session (01228 534379) Scamps +DUUDE\&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH Edgehill Road Carlisle CA1 3PP )ULGD\VSPSP £1.00 per session (01228 537831) St John’ s Parent rent and Toddler Group St John the Evangelist angelist &ORVH6WUHHW&DUOLVOH&$+$ DUOLVOH&$+$ Wednesday 10: :00am-11:30am £1.00 per session ion (01228 543078) 8) Botcherby Community mmunity Centre Toddler er Group The Community y Centre &DUOLVOH 9LFWRULD5RDG&DUOLVOH CA1 2UE Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am-11:30am am £1.50 per session ion (01228 596992) 2) Cumbria CountyCouncil Carlisle South Newsletter Venue Addresses Useful telephone num bers %HQH¿WV$GYLFH&HQWUH01228 817201 Cumbria Law Centre:01228 515129 Citizen’ s Advice Bureau:01228 633900 &XPEHUODQG,Q¿UPDU\01228 523444 GUM – Sexual Health Clinic:01228 814814 or 01228 591986 Cumbria Alcohol & Drug Advisory Service: 01228 544140 Riverside Housing: ,IFDOOLQJIURP%7ODQGOLQHV ,IFDOOLQJIURPRWKHUQHWZRUNVPRELOHV Carlisle Library:0303 333 1217 Job Centre Plus:0845 604 3719 National debt line:0808 808 4000 Carlisle Food Bank:07512 552 449 Money Advice Service:0300 500 5000 NHS First Step Counselling:0300 123 9122 W ays to welfare for families with young children:08457 0125737 Department for W ork and Pensions budgeting loans and short term advances: 0845 60 88 545 *HWWLQJWKHULJKWEHQH¿WV-REFHQWUH3OXV 0800 055 6688 Free school meals and clothing grants: 01946 506 200 Cumbria County Councils supporting people service (help with housing):01228 221 548 &XPEULD&RPPXQLW\)RXQGDWLRQ+HDWLQJ grants:01768 891 414 Cumbria County Council,Community Support Team for support if you have little basic supplies:01228 221100 Christians Against Poverty:0800 328 0006 Carlisle South Sure Start Children’ s Centres (Petteril Bank) Burnett Road, Carlisle, CA1 3BX Telephone:01228 593810 Carlisle South,Sure Start Children’ s Centres Harraby Community Centre Edgehill Road, Carlisle, CA1 3PP Telephone:01228 401002 Carlisle South,Sure Start Children’ s Centres (Botcherby) Ennerdale Avenue, Carlisle, CA1 2TS Telephone:01228 227196 Harraby Community Centre Edgehill Road, Carlisle, CA1 3PP Telephone:01228 537831 Botcherby Community Centre 9LFWRULD5RDG&DUOLVOH&$8( Telephone:01228 596992 Upperby CDC (Community Development Centre) Uldale Road, Currock, Carlisle, CA2 4JT Telephone:01228 815461 Petteril Bank Community Centre Burnett Road, Carlisle, CA1 3BX Telephone:01228 530190 Currock Community Centre Lediard Avenue, Carlisle, CA2 4BS Telephone:01228 591868 Greystone Community Centre &ORVH6WUHHW&DUOLVOH&$+$ Telephone:01228 558602 Pennine W ay Community Development Centre 6LOYHUGDOH5RDG+DUUDE\&$54 Contact us Please contact Carlisle South Sure Start Children’s Centres on 01228 593810 or email Carlisle.south@ to discuss how we may be able to support you and your child to fully access and enjoy our activities. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLW