Bardavon Theater Permission Slip


Bardavon Theater Permission Slip
English Rose Day School
The Nutcracker @ the Bardavon Theatre
35 Market Street, PoughkeePsie NY
Friday, December 11, 2015
Friday, December
$7.00 per child and adult attending the show-
9:4lamshow start (arrive at least
15 minutes earlier to get parked and seated)
Payment is due with the returned form.
attendees, regardless of age need to pay. No
tickets are distributed.
Due to the response for this show, I was only able to purchase 60 tickets. Tickets will be allotted
to families on a first come, first serve basis. Please return the affached form and monies to the
office, and NOT to your child's classroom or classroom teacher. If we exceed the 60 tickets, I
will contact the theater again to see if we are able to purchase more.
We encourage parents, if possible, to attend the field trips as the children really do enjoy them. It is a
time wiih your child and your child's friends. If you personally are not able to attend
fun way to
the trip, you can send a family member, or if you know someone in the class who could accompany
your child, please state this on the permission formare not able to attend the trip, your child can attend school for their regularly scheduled time.
This class may be a combined class of all the children who do not attend the trip. This allows some
our staff to attend the trip, while others stay back at the school for a fun filled day with the children
If you
who do not attend.
Important: Please complete the attached form whether or not you are attending the field trip
and return it to the Office.
English Rose Day School
The Nutcracket @ the Bardavon Theatre in Poughkeepsie, lfY
Friday, December 11, 2015 - 9.45am
Child's Name:
Child's Teacher:
# of
X $7.00:
# of
X $7.00:
Check / Cash Enclosed:
Check #
My child is attending the field trip with
I have
arranged this directly with the above-stated person. They realize they are responsible for my child
during the entire field trip, including transportation back and forth from the theater.
Please check off where appropriate:
child is going on the trip and is not coming back to school
child is going on the trip and will be coming back to school
child is not going on the trip but is coming to school.
child is not going on the trip and will not be in school.
I understand that my child and hislher family are attending the above-mentioned field trip. I
understand that I am responsible for my own child and family. I understand that I am responsible for
my own transportation.
Parent Signature
Print Name
English Rose Day Sehool
Goodnight Moon and the Runaway Bunny @ the Bardavon Theatre
35 Market Street, Poughkeepsie NY
Friday, November 6, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
10am show start (arrive at least 15 minutes earlier to get parked and seated)
$6.00 per child and adult attending the show.
Payment is due with the returned form.
tickets are distributed.
attendees, regardless of age need to pay. No
Due to the response for this showr l was only able to purchase 60 tickets. Tickets will be allotted
to families on a first come, first serve basis. Please return the attached form and monies to the
office, and NOT to your child's classroom or classroom teacher. If we exceed the 60 tickets,I
will contact the theater again to see if we are able to purchase more.
We encourage parents, if possible, to attend the field trips as the children really do enjoy them. It is a
fun way to spend time with your child and your child's friends. If you personally are not able to attend
the trip, you can send a family member, or if you know someone in the class who could accompany
your child, please state this on the permission form.
If you are not
able to attend the trip, your child can attend school for their regularly scheduled time.
This class may be a combined class of all the children who do not attend the trip. This allows some
our staff to attend the trip, while others stay back at the school for a fun filled day with the children
who do not attend.
Please complete the attached
and return it to the Office.
form whether or not you are attending the field trip
English Rose Day School
Goodnight Moon and the Runnaway Bunny @ the Bardavon Theatre
in Poughkeepsie, IllY
Friday, November 6, 2015
Child's Name:
Child's Teacher:
# of
X S6.00:
# of
X $6.00:
Check / Cash Enclosed:
Check #
. I have
My child is attending the field trip with
arranged this directly with the above-stated person. They realize tfrey are responsible for my child
during the entire freld trip, including transportation back and forth from the theater.
Please check off where appropriate:
child is going on the trip and is not coming back to school
child is going on the trip and wiII be coming back to school
child is not going on the trip but is coming to school.
child is not going on the trip and will not be in school.
I understand that my child and his/her family are attending the above-mentioned field trip. I
understand that I am responsible for my own child and family. I understand that I am responsible for
my own transportation.
Parent Signature
Print Name