Viking Views - New Kensington


Viking Views - New Kensington
Viking Views
Volume 9 Valley High School 703 Stevenson Blvd. New Kensington, PA
June 2014
Issue 9
Best Wishes
Class of 2014!
The Guidance Department supplied the names
of seniors in the Class of 2014. What it could not
the official graduation list.
Laura Pollino
Ally Isbell
Farewell Senior Staff Members
The Viking Views staff bids farewell to its four senior journalists,
graduating with the Class of 2014. Exiting seniors include: Laura
Pollino, Ally Isbell, Megan Hooks and Brenda Varela-Santiesteban.
Ally Isbell, another Viking
Laura Pollino served
on the Viking Views staff for Views editor-in-chief, will also
three years; two of those as be leaving this year. She is
editor-in-chief. Of her du- graduating a year early. Ally
ties as editor, Laura enjoyed has contributed her talents of
layout and design the most. proofreading and editing for two
Her other activities in- years now. She says the best
clude being President of the part about Journalism is seeClass of 2014; Vice President ing everyone give a contribution
of National Honors Society; to make something bigger and
and a member of the yearbook better.
More than anything, she will
staff and Homecoming Court.
She says she will miss miss the people in the class, esher fellow staff members, espe- pecially her teacher and mencially the instructor, Ms. Schank, tor, Ms. Schank, who inspired
who Laura says “has been Ally to pursue the class as a
there for me throughout most career. She is also in yearbook
of my high school career. She’s and choir. Ally will be studying
more than just a teacher to me, Journalism at Point Park Unishe means so much more.” versity in hopes of one day writ
Laura plans on at- ing for the newspaper on curtending
Univer- rent events.
(Cont. on page 9)
sity, majoring in Journalism.
NHS Welcomes New Inductees
This year’s seniors include; Jolene Barry, Brittany
Becker, Kelsey Belitskus, Martine Bjoern-Hansen, Branda Bonzani, Isabella Bordonaro, Taquaya Bradley, Tia Bradley, Tymonica Brasfield, Lyberti Bruce, Angelica Brunetti, Melissa
Campbell, Emily Carnes, Dakota Carson, Jason Carter, Alexis Charlesworth, Dylan Clarke, Amanda Cooper, Sakari Cornell, Robert Coutch, Eric Crawford, Craig Cummings, Marcus
Davenport, Patrick Dewitt, Heather Dimaio (Cont. on page 9)
Top 10 Seniors
Row 1: Aeron Pennington, Dom Guzzi, Melissa Campbell, Victor Vujevich
Row 2: Katelin Omecinski, Kaleigh Mauroni, Cody Schrecongost, Ethan Walkowiak,
Brenda Varela, and Jolene Barry
Mrs. Lamanna Announces Retirement
By Andrew Macura, Staff Writer
After working
time was right. With her
for fifteen years in the
newfound free time she
NKASD, gift teacher
plans on traveling with
Mrs. Lamanna is retirher husband and taking
piano lessons.
Mrs. Lamanna is exbegan her career in
tremely proud of all of
education in 1975. Durher students and feels
ing her career she’s
“blessed to have had
taught everything from
the opportunity to work
Kindergarten to 6th
with such intelligent,
grade at Kiski, Leechtalented, and awesome
burg, St. James and St.
Gertrude’s. It was a hard deAside from being the Gift incision for Mrs. Lamanna to re- structor for the NKASD, she has
tire, for she loves her job and also coached the Mock Trial and
all her students, but she felt the Quiz Bowl since 1998.
Young Chefs Experience
Cultural Cooking
By Jaezhaun Garland, Staff Writer
Front: Amanda Carson, Ben Carlisle, Kourtney Brown Back: Andrew
Macura, Logan Ludwiczak, Zack Hall; photo courtesy of Mrs. Carlisle.
The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony was held
the evening of May 7th, 2014 in the high school auditorium.
The 16 juniors inducted this year are: Hannah Albright, Catherine Armstrong, Rory Baker, Kourtney Brown, Benjiman Carlisle, Amanda Carson, Skye Clayton, Vincent DiCarolis, Brittany
Daniels, Brittany Dilliot, Zachary Hall, Logan Ludwiczak, Andrew
Macura, Michael McNabb, Todd Nemet, and Nicholas Szanto.
Advanced Foods 1 and 2 attended a trip to Ichiban on May
16, 2014. The students observed
the atmosphere and the skills of
Japanese cooking. It also gave
students the chance to try new
foods from a different culture. The
students loved the atmosphere of
the Hibachi Steakhouse. Chaperones for this field trip were Mrs.
Annarelli and Ms. Zalewski. In Memory of
Joshua Gibson
who would’ve been
graduating with his
class this year.
Page 2
The Viking Views staff would like to congratulate the Class of 2014 and wish them continued success.
Below is a list of some of the Class of 2014 graduates and their decisions for their future educational
endeavors and life plans. (List as of May 19, 2014)
Universities with
Clarion University
Terrell Fields
Athletic Aid Scholarship
Patrick Dewitt
Athletic Grant-In-Aid Award
Slippery Rock University
Cody Schrecongost
Alcoa Sons and Daughters Scholarship
WPIAL Scholarship
Jolene Barry
Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship
Need Leadership Scholarship
Engage Reading, Change Your Life
Nick Pecorano Award
Luke Thimons
Point Park Univ.
Lauren Ortego
Kelsea Enriquez
Slippery Rock Univ.
Josh Noel
Tyrone Matthews Jr.
Univ. of Cincinnati @
Autumn Bartlett
University of Pittsburgh
Victor Vujevich
Kaleigh Mauroni
University of Pittsburgh
Taylor Green
Community Colleges
Michael Snyder
Angelica Brunetti
Branda Bonzani
Devan McKillop
Eric Doutt
Heather DiMaio
Ian Kelly
Jessica Murphy
Joel Norman
Keith Willis
Lyberti Bruce
Sidney Petroff
Tristen Kubrick
Dominic Guzzi
Colleges with
Point Park University
Potomac State College
Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Vice-Presidential Scholarship
Martin Luther King Scholarship Jr.
Bradford Business School
Rock Opportunity Scholarship
Otterbein University
Full Tuition Scholarship (Baseball)
Alexandra Isbell
California Univ. of
Robert Eli Coutch
Melissa Campbell
Aeron Pennington
Clarion Univ.
Yvan Fletcher
Edinboro Univ.
Tyree Hampton
Pennsylvania State Univ.
Ethan Walkowiak
Pennsylvania State Univ.
LaShay Madison
Pennsylvania State Univ.
(New Kensington)
Brittany Becker
Dylan Rockwell
Megan Hooks
Kelsey Belitskus
Lana-cheri Glenn
Grove City College
Katelin Omecinski
La Roche College
Megan Hill
Washington and Jefferson
Madison Washington
Community Colleges
with Scholarships
Westmoreland County
Community College
Julia Westerman
President’s Scholarship
Trade, Professional
and Business Schools
Tiana Dixon
Tymonica Brasfield
Pittsburgh Technical
Christopher Kunicki
Jamier Mosley
Marcus Olbeter-Richter
St. Margaret’s School of
Destiny Tolle
Armed Forces
Christopher Knapp
Marine Corps
Dakota Carson
Devin Hirtz
Dalton Dubac
TheViking Views’ Editors-In-Chief are pleased to announce
their replacement for the upcoming 2014-2015
school year. The new editor is Madison Pastrick.
The co-editor will be determined next year.
Congratulations, Madison!
On May 17th, Valley High School
students dressed to impress for this year’s
Masquerade themed prom, held at the
Hillcrest Country Club.
Page 3
Page 4 Senior Surveys
What are your
last words as a
student of VHS?
“As a successful
radiation technologist.”
– Branda Bonzani
How long have
you been attending the Valley
School District?
What does it
mean to you to
be graduating?
“Having a job in law
– Devin Hirtz
Where do you see yourself 10 years
from now?
I’m married with some kids.
- Marcus Olbeter-Richter
I’m a police officer and have
a family.
- Brianna Larrow
Working my life away
– Tanner Walker
I’m a millionaire sitting on the
beach high off of life.
– Adrian Jackson
As a nurse practitioner
– Patrick DeWitt
Riding bikes with my son
– Dj Lockett
Working with an engineering
firm, perhaps in France
– Katelin Omecinski
In Norway doing a historical
dig in Oslo. Staying in touch
with my good friends from
Valley – Aeron Pennington
In my 2nd year of residency.
On my way to becoming a
Psychiatrist – Jolene Barry
I see myself being a writer,
either working on novels and/
or a newspaper. I see myself
being married with children
and being happy and successful. – Ally Isbell
Being a physician’s assistant
in Florida – Amanda Cooper
Working as a business finance manager
– Craig Cummings
Being CEO of my own business
– Quentin Gatto
I see myself on stage and on
tour. If not I’ll pursue my career
in HVAC. – Jamier Mosley
Senior Surveys
With a steady job supporting
my family
– Dom Guzzi
Successful, living life
– Luke Thimons
Having a successful career
and living on my own
– Sandra Guthrie
Living on my mother’s couch,
eating potato chips
– Cody Schrecongost
Partying at my house every
Friday night – Dalton Smith
I see myself owning my own
salon and living the life as a
– Sidney Petroff
Working as a physical therapist – Ty Matthews
Working on video games for
a gaming company/graphic
– Chris Kunicki
Alive, if I play my cards right
– Ethan Walkowiak
Hopefully I’ll have a job and
– Julia Westerman
Teaching in an elementary
school, helping the disabled
– Ashley Konchak
In the FBI – Kelsey Lasko
Working and traveling
– Paul Escribano-Navarro
Principal of the school
– Terrell Fields
“I had fun here while it
lasted and I’m thankful
to be a Viking.”
-Ricquan Johnson
More money, more problems
- Donovan Sewell
Thank you VHS for some of
the best memories of my life.
-Brendan Kelly
Rock on forever.
– Michael Snyder
Take care! – DJ Lockett
With great power comes
great responsibility.
– Katelin Omencinski
“Since 9th grade. It
means I’ll be moving on
to a new chapter in my
life.” – Megan Hill
Twelve years. It means a lot
to be graduating and going
into the real world.
– Amanda Cooper
I have attended Valley for
nine years. I’m very proud of
– Branda Bonzani
Since Kindergarten. I’m excited to graduate so I don’t
have to wake up at 6 am everyday. – Julia Westerman
For fourteen years. I am
proud to be graduating Valley
without the typical “Valley
Reputation.” – Kelsey Lasko
Since 3rd grade. It means I
can go to college now.
Don’t look back.
–Cody Schrecongost
– Quentin Gatto
Four years. It means I didn’t
Live well and prosper and
have to go to a wild catholic
may the force be with you.
high school.
– Ian Kelly
– Sakari Cornell
Since 9th grade. It means
Good luck to the rest of the
that I made it through high
students. – Sidney Petroff school and I’m on my way to
Be better than great.
– Dom Guzzi
– Ty Matthews
Since Kindergarten. It means
I will miss this school along that I am finally completing
with my friends and the great what others have before me.
– Chris Kunicki
– Brittany Becker
Ever since I started school.
So long, suckers!
– Nathan Traini It means that I get to move on
with my life. – Luke Thimons
We did it Class of 2014!
Nine years. It means that I
– Ashley Konchak
Don’t mess up. Graduate. can finally move on.
– Kaleigh Mauroni
Get out of here.
8 years, I did it.
– Kelsey Lasko
– Kelsea Enriquez
It could have been worse.
I will be
– Lauren Ortego
Enjoy it while it lasts.
I have seen everything here.
–Alexis Tatusko
– Sakari Cornell
Senior Surveys
What extra
clubs and/or
sports helped
you through
high school?
Art club helped me a lot. It
helped me to express myself.
– Sakari Cornell
Colorguard and track. They
keep me occupied and involved. – Kelsea Enriquez
The Vikettes. I got a lot of
support from other girls.
– Tia Bradley
Through marching band I
made friends before I even
got to high school. It also built
a bond with the upper classmen.
– Eli Coutch
Show choir helped with
choreographing and marching band helped to teach/help
others with routines.
– Melissa Campbell
Interact Club, Science Club,
Vice President of NHS, editorin-chief of the school newspaper, Art Club, Leo Club, and
the President of the Class of
2014. – Laura Pollino
JROTC. My friends helped
me though everything.
– Devan McKillop
Swimming helped me focus
and get good grades.
– Cody Olbeter-Richter
Volleyball and softball have
both allowed me to grow as a
person. – Kelsey Belitskus
It’s my senior year and the
1st time I haven’t played basketball. I regret it because,
looking back, the sport is exactly what kept me out of the
trouble and sticky situations
high school brings.
– Brandon Sorg
Musical made me learn how
to be confident and I made a
lot of good friends.
– Isabella Bordonaro
Marching band helped me
through high school because
it helped me to become more
– Taylor Green
Page 5
What messages would you like to
leave for your favorite teacher?
“Ms. Link, thank you
for being the best influence on my career and
–Marcus Davenport
Sanner, Lovelace, Schank,
thank you all for being there
for me in my times of need.
– Cody Olbeter-Richter
Ms. Hunter, thank you for the
great years in your class.
– Chris Kunicki
Mr. Pedrosky, SSS.
– Calvin Louttit
Dr. Hepinger, science stuff.
– Eric Doutt
Ms. Link, keep doing what
you’re doing. You were the
best! – Sakari Cornell
Mrs. Mazur, you’re the funniest, realest teacher. Love you
Mamma Maz!
– Kelsea Enriquez
Mrs. Mazur, thanks for always being there and showing me my voice is something
not to be wasted. Love ya.
– Tia Bradley
Ms. Schank, thank you so
much for always being there
for me! XOXO
– Laura Pollino
Ms. Sanner, thank you for
believing in me and helping
me believe in myself.
– Jessica Murphy
Mrs. Lovelace, just continue to be the kind-hearted
person that you are.
– Brandon Sorg
“Mr. Minford, I
loved having you as a
teacher and having your
class.”– Taylor Green
Ms. Link has inspired me to
give everything your all and
do your best. Never give up.
Thanks for being such an inspiration. I hope you can inspire more students in the future. – Kelsey Belitskus
Ms. Link, thanks for being
such a good English teacher.
You made everything so exciting and I learned so much.
– Isabella Bordonaro
How would you like to be
The girl who went from
being in the Principal’s office
almost everyday to being in
there twice in a school year
- Teryn Ward
As the tall 6’5” kid who played
basketball and loved being social with everyone
- Ricquan Johnson
I wish to be remembered
by being that kid who had no
problem doing anything
- Brendan Kelly
A loose cannon
– Tanner Walker
That kid that will have millions with weird hair
– Adrian Jackson
My wrestling abilities
– Patrick DeWitt
Taking care of business and
having swag
– Dj Lockett
My love of knowledge and
my willingness to help out
– Katelin Omecinski
As the Norwegian girl
– Martine Bjoern-Hansen
The one who never gave up.
– Jolene Barry “My guitar playing.”
– Michael Snyder
A great friend with great morals – Lana Glenn
Being a cool person
– C-J Ragins
Being a goofball and the
person who laughed at everything – Ally Isbell
The kid who participated in
school activities (Psychology
Club, Science Club, JROTC,
National Honor Society)
– Craig Cummings
The gym class “try-hard.”
– Quentin Gatto
As a multi-talented musician
in the Deathcore genre of music – Jamier Mosely
The way I treat people
– Dom Guzzi
The only Philipino person in
my senior class
– Sandra Guthrie
Not being remembered as
Tim’s little brother
– Chris Kunicki
A friend who’s always there
– Ashley Konchak
Creating an image of top
quality performance academically and athletically
– Terrell Fields
Being one of the most athletic students to come out of
VHS – Cody Schrecongost
For my good grades and my
kindness to every person I met
including my teachers
– Sidney Petroff
Being a part of the group that
brought “Death Valley” back
– Ty Matthews
My amazing ability to procrastinate – Lauren Ortego
Page 6
How are you
different from
how you
expected yourself to be when
you were just
starting school?
“I am more prepared for
the world and know what
I want from life.”
–Sakari Cornell
I’m more confident and selfmotivated.
– Tymonica Brasfield
I’m a lot different and my
plans for my future have
changed a lot.
– Amanda Cooper
Back then I was shy and
quiet. Now I’m not nervous
and have come out of my
shell. – Megan Hill
I never expected to grow up
and mature so quickly.
– Branda Bonzani
I am shorter than I expected.
– Cody Schrecongost
I thought that I’d actually
be more motivated…I was
wrong. – Brittany Becker
I didn’t expect myself to be
any type of way. I just expected to grow up.
– Luke Thimons
I’m not as active. I like
people less than I thought
that I would.
– Kaleigh Mauroni
I’ve learned that anything
can happen and I have
changed so much that you
wouldn’t even recognize me.
– Aeron Pennington
Nothing has turned out how
I thought it would.
– Victor Vujevich
By being a stronger, better
– Madison Washington
What will you miss most
about VHS?
I will miss the pep rallies.
- Brendan Kelly
My friends and mentors.
– Aeron Pennington
My sister, Lana
– Jolene Barry
My sister, Jolene
– Lana Glenn
Playing basketball
– Ricquan Johnson
My friends: I feel as if when
we graduate we’ll drift apart.
I may never see them again.
My teachers: I actually loved
many of my teachers and enjoyed being in their classes.
– Ally Isbell
I’ll miss all of my friends.
– Amanda Cooper
Mr. Smith, the lunch ladies,
and Mr. Spagnolo
– DJ Lockett
Hanging out at the ticket
booth with my friends in the
– Katelin Omecinski
The school spirit and
student body involvement
throughout the school
– Craig Cummings
I will only miss the few
teachers I got along with
– Jamier Mosley
Mr. Henry
– Dom Guzzi
I am very different.
The people I used to hang
out with I don’t even speak to
anymore and my bestfriend
that I used to have is just
another face in the hallway.
– Megan Hooks
I am more formal and address situations differently.
– Eric Henderson
I grew up, have a bunch of
great friends, and love how
my life is. – Skyler Kellogg
I changed a lot honestly. I
used to be small, but now I’m
tall, smarter, and have more
friends. I blossomed into
something special really.
– Noah Kankoski
I’m not different. I always
saw myself exceeding my
expectations and being successful. – Ronald Santello
Hanging out with my friends
at the ticket booth
– Sakari Cornell
The library
– Sandra Guthrie
All the friends I have made
over the years
– Sidney Petroff
Friday Night Lights
– Ty Matthews
Seeing my friends every
day – Chris Kunicki
People asking me where
Norway is
– Martine Bjoern-Hansen
The cookies at the snack
– Julia Westerman
My cheerleading buds and
my best friend Adam
– Ashley Konchak
Mrs. Lovelace and Mrs.
– Laronzo Wade
– Paul Escribano-Navarro
Friday night football
– Terrell Fields
Seeing all of my friends
every day in class
– Alexis Tatusko
I could never see myself
joining the military without
JROTC. I never knew what to
do after high school until last
year. – Christopher Knapp
Looking back, I was
extremely immature with no
expectations for my future.
Now I am worried about my
education and have high expectations for myself. I have
matured so much.
– Kelsey Lasko
Not that different, I guess.
I’m just more motive and independent. – Brenda Varela-
I was extra quiet, but now
I’m slowly fading out of that.
– Melissa Campbell
I’m more successful.
– Nicole Drum
Senior Surveys
What are you
looking forward
to most in your
“College and being
–Marissa Newhams
Going to college and meeting new people.
– Sakari Cornell
Doing what I want to do.
– Kelsea Enriquez
Just succeeding in everything that comes my way.
– Tia Bradley
Traveling around to other
parts of the country.
– Eli Coutch
Attending college.
– Melissa Campbell
Becoming successful and
living on my own.
– Laura Pollino
Doing what I love.
– Devan McKillop
Going to ITT Tech for
Graphic Design.
– Chris Kunicki
Watching my children walk
in my footsteps and seeing
how the world evolves.
– Jessica Murphy
Leaving Valley High School.
– Eric Doutt
Playing football and the college experience.
– Marcus Davenport
I’m looking forward to going
to college and taking the next
step in my life.
– Kelsey Belitskus
Moving on to college!
– Isabella Bordonaro
Taking care of my future
family and working to fulfill all
of my goals in life.
– Brandon Sorg
Money and friends.
– Keith Willis
I’m looking forward to going
to college.
– Taylor Green
Senior Surveys
Last Will and
I, Yvan Fletcher, leave Ian
Kelly my Mustang.
I, Aeron Pennington,
leave Kaleigh my 1967 Black
Chevy Impala.
I, Aaron Sluka, leave Valley my fun life.
I, Madison Washington,
leave VHS my mark of being
another student to graduate.
I, Kaleigh Mauroni, leave
Aeron Pennington my deer
I, Michael Snyder, leave
Valley my love of music and
I, Travis Holmes, leave
Dom Kilgore my pencils.
I, Ashley Jones, leave Jessiah Prior my books.
I, Autumn Bartlett, leave
VHS my piles of drawing
What has been
your greatest
achievement at
Playing Basketball.
– LaShay Washington
Passing gym.
– Yvan Fletcher
Getting to take and pass
two AP tests in my junior
year. – Aeron Pennington
Baseball. – Aaron Sluka
To get through all of the
drama and unexpected situations and to still be okay.
– Madison Washington
Passing Mr. Linde’s class.
– Kaleigh Mauroni
Making honor roll in my senior year. – Michael Snyder
Being one of the editors of
the school paper, since I plan
to major in Journalism/ writing. – Ally Isbell
Sleeping through all of my
– Dakota Carson
Getting all A’s.
– Destiny Tolle
Making friends.
– Travis Holmes
Graduating high school.
– Ashley Jones
Making it to my senior year.
– Autumn Bartlett
I, Destiny Tolle,
leave Dylan Hawk my
position as captain of
the Anime Club.
What is your most memorable
moment at Valley?
Playing basketball
– LaShay Madison
When I met Izzy
– Yvan Fletcher
My lunches will always be
the most memorable because
of my hilarious friends.
– Aeron Pennington
Playing baseball and celebrating our losses because
we had fun doing it
– Aaron Sluka
Passing every class even
though I thought I’d fail
– Madison Washington
When I sang in Swedish for
a talent show in 11th grade
– Michael Snyder
Rapping at lunch with
Unique and Ashley
– Ally Isbell
Semi 2013 – Destiny Tolle
First joining JROTC
– Travis Holmes
– Ashley Jones
It would have to be early
11th grade year’s football
season going to the games
and having fun.
– Dakota Palyszeski
My graduation
– Lemar Lopata
Page 7
What advice do you have for the
students remaining at Valley?
“Keep your grades up.”
– C-J Ragins
Take every opportunity and
learn from your mistakes.
–Katelin Omecinski
Stay focused and achieve
anything that you want to do.
- Ricquan Johnson
Stay focused. It comes so
fast. Don’t do your senior year
twice. – DJ Lockett
Keep your head up, have patience, and stay in school.
– Lana Glenn
Don’t get behind on your
work, turn it in on time.
– Michael Snyder
Don’t drop out. Stay here
as long as you can.
– Tanner Walker
Work hard, play hard, keep
your nose in the words.
– Adrian Jackson
Have fun while you can.
Highschool will be over before
you know it. – Patrick Dewitt
Don’t eat the yogurt.
– Luke Thimons
Keep your priorities straight.
– Branda Bonzani
Work hard and have fun.
– Amanda Cooper
Keep up the good work and
have an enjoyable time. You
only go through high school
– Craig Cummings
Stay away from DRAMA. Go
to class. I skipped a lot and
struggled. – Quentin Gatto
Never give up, stay in school,
and follow your dreams.
– Jamier Mosley
Always take the help that is
offered to you. – Dom Guzzi
Do your homework all the
time. – Sandra Guthrie
Good luck. – Dalton Smith
Keep on focusing on school
and try to stay out of all the
drama. – Sidney Petroff
Take advantage of your
study halls and have fun. It’s
high school. – Ty Matthews
Keep working hard and it
will pay off. – Chris Kunicki
The sky’s the limit. If you
want to be an astronaut, too
bad. I said the sky’s the limit.
– Nathan Traini
Always do your schoolwork.
Don’t fall behind, it’s easy to
do. – Ashley Konchack
Stay in school and don’t
mess up. It’s hard to pick
back up. – Laronzo Wade
Don’t get “senoritis”. It will
mess up your mind.
– Kelsey Lasko
Work hard and have fun.
– Paul Escribano-Navarro
At the most, you have 4
years. Deal with it.
– Lauren Ortego
Work hard for your goals.
– Terrell Fields
Don’t take advantage of it.
The 4 years in high school fly
past. Don’t skip something
you’ll regret later.
– Alexis Tatusko
Keep your grades up and
don’t slack off. – Devin Hirtz
Have fun. It goes by.
- Jhalyl Turner
“Don’t slack off.
Do all of your work.”
- Taquaya Bradley
“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.”
-Lazurus Long
Page 8
Senior/Undergraduate Surveys
Students Participate in May Events
Chorus Holds Annual Spring Concert
“Life long friends can
come from the bleakest and most daunting
– Aeron Pennington
“Sleep is important.”
– Dakota Carson
Describe VHS is 4 words.
Fun, street smart, educational.
– Aaron Sluka
Stressful, accomplishing,
worthy, hardworking.
– Madison Washington
Memorable, helpful, polarizing, surprising.
– Aeron Pennington
Who will have
changed most in
10 years?
think Dalton will be the most
changed because he is not as
crazy as he was in the past.
- Joel Norman
Chris Knapp.
- Adam Omecinski
Terrell Fields.
-Dylan Rockwell & Tiana Dixon
Crazy, unpredictable, fun,
– Ally Isbell
Loud, flamboyant, expressive, interesting.
– Dakota Carson
Fun, challenging, tiring, hardworking.
– Travis Holmes
The staff provided
opportunities for
seniors to participate in the surveys.
Some chose not to
By Ally Isbell, Co-Editor-in-Chief
On Wednesday May 16th, the VHS Concert Choir performed its
annual Spring Choral Concert at 7 p.m. in the high school’s auditorium. Concert pieces consisted of September, Home, O Siphuni
Mungu, Hallelujah, Alma Mater, and One Song featuring returning
Valley Alumni.
The Vikettes All Girls’ Choir performed How Will I Know, Listen,
and Build Me Up Buttercup. The Show Choir concluded the Spring
Concert with performances of Safety Dance, Radioactive, and Die
Young. The selection of soloists also demonstrated their talents in
between performances.
VHS Band Plays Classics
By Sierra Storrs, Staff Writer
The VHS band held the annual band concert on May 21, 2014
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The concert included the concert band, and
jazz band. Jazz Band performed some classic hits such as Fly me
to the Moon, Coconut Champaigne, and Sun Goddess. The concert band also performed Aventura, Chesford Portrait, Dedicatory
Overture and much more!
Foreign Language Classes Explore Cultures
By Gerardo Varela-Santiesteban, Staff Writer
The French/Spanish field trip to the Expo Cultural Heritage Festival in Monroeville’s Convention Center on May 9, 2014 included
elements of foods, drinks, crafts, entertainment, and fun.
Students who participated explored over 20 different cultures including Chinese, Turkish, Hungarian and many more.
During the Fieldtrip there were also dance/Karate classes were
students were welcome to join and an International College and
Career panel was also showed.
Undergraduate Surveys
What message do you have for the
graduating seniors?
Excel and make something out of yourselves.
- Jorden King
Good luck. - Matt Boehm
Don’t forget your roots.
This is where you started.
- Ryane Corwin
You were one of the best
classes Valley has ever had
and we all wish you luck.
- Megan Ortego
Make the most out of your
future and have fun.
- Nick Boehm
Good luck in your future
life with college, and we’ll
miss you. - Rachel Strapple
May the force be with
- Dawn Dilliott
Be safe and make wise
decisions. - Brianna Obey
Stay true to who you are
and succeed.
Do whatever makes you
happy and follow your
dreams. - Madalyn Westfall
Are you looking forward to being a
Yes, because I will be out of
high school and start the next
part of my life. - Jorden King
Yes and no, because I’m
excited to have finally gotten
to senior year and see all my
hard work pay off, but I’m sad
to be leaving all my friends and
teachers. - Emily Mann
Yes because it is an easy
academic year. - Matt Boehm
Yes and no, because I feel
as though a senior that you get
to do whatever you want but it
means you’re growing up and
that scares me.
- Megan Ortego
Yes, so that I can finish up
school and move forward in the
- Nick Boehm
Yes, I am looking forward to
being a senior because I get to
graduate and go to college.
- Brianna Obey
Yes and no. Yes because I’m
ready for the real world. No
because I’m not ready for all of
the responsibilities.
- Ricquel Williams
Yes and no. I’ll be excited to
go to college and start my life,
but I’ll miss all of my friends
and teachers. - Alyssa Ruffini
Undergraduate Surveys
Undergraduate Surveys
What senior has become a role
model to you?
Lauren Ortego, because she has
nice grades and she balances her
social life out while still getting a
high GPA.
- Megan Ortego
Megan Hill, because she is a
good friend and I look up to her at
- Nick Boehm
Katelin Omecinski, because she is
one of the few seniors I actually can
tolerate. She’s really cool and lends
me books. Her determination to be
unlike the other seniors compels me
to continue on. - Seth Anderson
My show choir seniors; they
remind me to not take my last year
for granted, but also to have fun and
not stress out too much. - Ryane Corwin
All my senior friends have been
great, especially my softball bud,
Megan Hooks. She is an awesome
catcher and we’ve had some fun
- Emily Mann
Katelin Omecinski and Kelsea Enriquez, because of their academic
achievements. - Janet Canady
Terrell Fields, because he’s always focused. - Jorden King
Ethan Walkowiak showed me that
you could always do better. - Nate Szanto
Aeron Pennington, because she’s
hilarious with a dark sense of humor.
- Rose Barone
Ariellynn Jackson, because she
puts school first.
- Brianna Obey
Devin Whitman, because he’s my
older brother.
- Davon Whitman
Katelin Omecinski, because she is
very positive.
- Laura O’Neil
Karissa O’Sullivan for always having a positive outlook on life. - Jordan Bailey
Ethan Walkowiak, because he
always has a positive attitude and
strives in everything.
- Alyssa Ruffini
Taylor Green because, she always makes me try my hardest. - Madalyn Westfall
“Good luck
in your
- Emily
Page 9
(cont. from page 8)
Which senior reminds you of
a famous person?
“Noah Kankowski reminds me of Ed Sherron.”
-Ricquel Williams
Meech reminds me of
Lebron James.
- Nate Szanto
Eli Coutch reminds me
of Jesus.
-Janet Canady
Luke Thimons reminds
me of Leonardo DiCaprio.
-Jordan Bailey
“I cannot say goodbye to those
whom I have grown to love, for
the memories we have made will
last a lifetime, and will never
know a goodbye.”
- Anonymous
Senior Staff (cont. from page 1)
Class of 2014 (cont. from page 1)
Tiana Dixon, Eric Doutt Nicole Drum, Dalton Dubac, Kelsea Enriquez,
Paul Escribano-Navarro, Terrell Fields, Yvan Fletcher, Quentin Gatto, Jordan Geisinger, Lana Glenn, Alexander Gonzales, Taylor Green, Sandra
Guthrie, Dominic Guzzi, Tyree Hampton, Eric Henderson, Megan Hill,
Devin Hirtz, Travis Holmes, Megan Hooks, Alexandra Isbell, Adrian Jackson, Ariellynn Jackson, Ashley Jones, India Jones, Noah Kankoski, Skyler
Kellogg, Brendan Kelly, Ian Kelly, Christopher Knapp, Ashley Konchak,
Tristen Kubrick, Christopher Kunicki, Brianna Larrow, Kelsey Lasko, Donald
Lockett, Lemar Lopata, Calvin Louttit, Lashay Madison, Kaitlyn Massimino,
Tyrone Matthews, Kaleigh Mauroni, Lamar McCoy, Devan Mckillop, Tanya
McMillan, Allen Minor, Brandon Monarko, Jamier Mosley, Jessica Murphy, Marissa Newhams, Joshua Noel, Joel Norman, Karissa O’Sullivan,
Cody Olbeter-Richter, Marcus Olbeter-Richter, Adam Omecinski, Katelin
Omecinski, Lauren Ortego, Dakota Palyszeski,Vinson Pelisari, Aeron Pennington, Sidney Petroff, Laura Pollino, Jada Powell-Black, Duane Primus,
Clim-James Ragins, Dylan Rockwell, Juliet Rometo, Ronald Santello, Tyler Schantz, Cody Schrecongost, Donovan Sewell, Aaron Sluka, Dalton
Smith, Kristea Smith, Michael Snyder, Brandon Sorg, Gabrielle Sugajski, Alexis Tatusko, Luke Thimons, Destiny Tolle, Nathan Traini, Jhalyl
Turner, Brenda Varela-Santiesteban, Victor Vujevich, Ethan Walkowiak,
Teryn Ward, Madison Washington, Julia Westerman, and Devin Whitman.
Hooks, Viking
Views Associate Editor will
also be leaving. Her best
trait in Journalism has always been being there for
others, whether it was motivating them or getting the
job done when it hadn’t
been completed. Her favorite job in class was always
laying out the sports pages,
but loves Journalism just for
the opportunity to be a part
of it all. Other than Journalism, Megan is also the
softball captain and will be
attending Penn State New
Ken for sports medicine.
has been in journalism for
only one year now, but has
still managed to make a
difference in the paper with
her articles and artwork.
Brenda says journalism
has been a memorable
experience and will miss it.
Page 10
Art Club
Left: Lauren Ortego; Eli Coutch; Alexis Tatusko(jazz band); Victor
Vujevich(jazz band); Emily Carnes; Katelin Omecinski (photo
bomber Melissa Campbell) Michael Snyder(jazz band)
and CJ Ragins not pictured
Marching Band
Back Left: Taylor Green; Kaleigh Mauroni; Victor Vujevich; Lauren
Ortego; CJ Ragins; Alexis Tatusko Front Left: Sakari Cornell; Katelin Omecinski; Emily Carnes; Kelsea Enriquez; Melissa Campbell
Drama Club
Show Choir
Show Choir
Senior Activities
Senior Activities Page 11
Senior Cadet
Devan McKillop
Rank: Cadet Staff Sergeant
Activities: Christmas float
committee, food drives
Memory: Junior year Christmas skit during the Christmas
Advice to cadets: Do what
you’re told, and stick with the
program it’s really fun.
Aeron Pennington
Reason for joining JROTC:
My friends were all joining
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Memory: Going to world quest
my sophomore year
Advice to cadets: Learn to
respect and wear the uniform
Christopher Knapp
Rank: Cadet Captain
Activities: Honor guard, Drill
team, volleyball, Color Guard
Advice to cadets: Your
insignia says, “to lead first
follow”. If you do this, you will
Military plans: Yes, I plan to
join the military and become a
diesel mechanic.
Dakota Carson
Reason for joining JROTC:
To honor my grandfather
Rank: Cadet Captain
Activities: Raiders, Drill Team,
Honor guard, volleyball
Military plans: Yes, I plan on
going into the Marine Corps.
Adam Omecinski
Reason for joining JROTC:
My brother was in it.
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Activities: Volleyball, JLabs,
Drill Team
Military plans: Yes
Back Left: Adam Omecinski; Kaleigh Mauroni; Dakota Carson; Aeron Pennington; Vince Pelisari; Craig Cummings; Lauren Ortego
Front Left: Devan McKillop; Emily Carnes; Christopher Knapp
Kaleigh Mauroni
Reason for joining JROTC:
My older sisters encouraged
me to join
Advice to cadets: Participate
in as many activities you can
Memory: Military ball freshman
year when all my sisters were
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Emily Carnes
Rank: Cadet Major
Activities: Drill team,
exhibition, Color Guard, Christmas float committee, volleyball
Memory: getting to the semi
finals last year in volleyball.
Military plans: Yes
Alexis B.
Program: Computer
Time in Program:
3 years
Post-graduate plans:
Penn State University
Favorite class: English
Favorite teacher:
Mrs. Milliron
Funniest moment:
anytime Vinson talks
Sidney Petroff
Program: Cosmo
Time in program:
2 years
Memorable moment:
meeting a bunch of
great friends
Post-graduate plans:
continue with the salon
Going to miss:
all my favorite teachers
College: WCCC then
Craig Cummings
Reason for joining JROTC:
The good reviews about the
program and activities we
participate in.
Rank: Sergeant First Class
Activities: Stadium maintenances, administration NCO,
promotion board committee
Advice to cadets: Respect the
program and express only the
positive beliefs and feelings.
Lauren Ortego
Rank: 1st Sergeant
Activities: Drill team, multiple
stadium maintenances, newsletter
Senior Profiles
Dakota Palyszeski
Program: Welding
Time in program:
3 years
Difficult task: NocTI
Favorite class:
Favorite teacher:
Ms. Hunter
Best moment: 11th
grade lunch, messing
with my friends
College: PTI
Destiny Marie Tolle
Program: Health
Time in program:
3 years
Memorable moment:
getting my CNA
Favorite class: Art
Favorite teacher:
Mr. Edwards
College: St. Margaret’s’
School of Nursing
Memory: The first time we rode
the C-130 (military airplane).
Advice to cadets: Do what
you’re told and stick through it,
I promise that, in the end, it’s
worth every minute you spent.
Vince Pelisari
Reason for joining JROTC:
To become disciplined.
Rank: Cadet Lieutenant
Activities: Drill team, raiders,
marksmanship, Color Guard,
5k-race team.
Military plans: I’m enlisted in
the Marine Corps and I leave
for boot camp June 24.
Program: Machine and
Time in program:
2 years
Post-graduate plans:
ITT Tech
Difficult task: Lathe
Going to miss:
my teachers and my
Favorite class: Machine
and Tools
Brandon Monarko
Program: Carpentry
Time in program:
3 years
Memorable moment:
Squid Fighting Andy
Post-graduate plans:
Join Carpentors Union
Difficult task: NocTI
Going to miss: Hanging with Andy
Best moment: Making
a snow angel on the
roof of the school
Page 12
Cody Schrecongost...
a.k.a. “Shrek”, was
the captain of the
Valley boys soccer team. Wearing
number 8, Cody’s
personal best game
was when he scored
3 goals against
to win 4-1, just two
years after losing
as forward #5 played
soccer all four years
of high school. The
games he enjoyed
the most were the
Burrell games his senior year. A respected teammate of his
is fellow senior, Cody
Schrecongost. Dom
was an All-Section
Honorable Mention
his sophomore
was Valley’s Goalie,
#6 has played soccer
his whole high school
career. He played
varsity goalie his
sophomore through
preparation of each
game Josh would
always warm up
with his coach. He
is most proud of
all of his shutouts
to them 15-2. His
greatest team memory was making
the WPIAL soccer
playoffs during the
2012-2013 season.
Dominic Guzzi...
Josh Noel...
Luke Thimons...
played mid-field, #4
as member of the
VHS soccer team
his all four years. As
a part of the team,
his favorite win was
beating Riverview.
One thing Luke will
miss the most is
playing under the
lights at the stadium.
Luke was an Honor-
was a mid-fielder #7,
otherwise known as
“Coach Miff,” played
soccer all four years
of high school. His
achievement while playing
on the team was
reaching the playoffs for the first time
in school history. His
most memorable win
was against East Al
Tanner Walker...
year, but made the
All-Section team his
junior and senior
year. He’s going
to miss his favorite coach, Coach
high school, Dominic plans to attend
Otterbein University
to play baseball and
study sports management.
never forget are his
funny conversations
with Coach Cope.
Josh plans to continue playing soccer
after high school.
able Mention for the
his senior year. An
annual ritual that
Luke enjoys is the
ice baths after summer camp. He will
be studying athletic
therapy at Slippery
Rock University.
legheny his freshman year when he
scored the game
winning goal during
believes the funniest moment of his
high school career
was when he broke
his wrist 30 seconds
into the first round
playoff game against
Quaker Valley.
Senior Sports
Kelsey Belitskus...
known as “K.B.” to
the volleyball team,
was the setter of the
2013-2014 season.
Her favorite wins
were the wins that
the team worked
together to accomplish. Belitskus says
her personal best
feats were “anytime I
set a perfect set th- at would lead to a
kill”. Her most respected teammate is
fellow volleyball and
softball player Allie
Aftanas. Ms. Ryce
is Kelsey’s favorite
coach for showing
her what it means to
be a leader. Kelsey
plans on playing
volleyball for fun
throughout college.
Amanda Cooper...
was number 5 for
the Valley Girls Volleyball team. Her favorite moment during
her career was the
game against Freeport, even though
they lost. Her best
accomplishment is
when she became
team captain for a
game, and her most
teammates are best friend
Karissa O’Sullivan
and Allie Aftanas.
Her favorite coach
and role model is
Ms. Ryce. Amanda
will miss playing the
game, but she plans
on playing for a club
team in college.
Julia Westerman...
was one half of the
first doubles team
on The VHS Girls
Tennis team. Her
and most respected
teammate, Megan
Hill, contributed to
a victory against rival Burrell during the
2013-2014 season;
also her greatest
team moment. Alth-
ough the playoff loss
against Vincentian
was a heartbreaker,
Julia enjoyed all
the memories. She
will miss her favorite coach, Ms. Link,
along with being
outside on nice days
to play. She expects
tennis to be part of
her future plans.
More Sports
Ethan Walkowiak
Karissa O’Sullivan
“Karissa is passionate, “Mr. Walkowiak has
worked for every athdetermined and will letic
achievement he has
achieve anything she earned. Smart, conscientious, diligent, and detersets her mind to.”
mined is Ethan on and
-Ms. Ryce
off the field.”
-Mr. DeAntonio
Senior Sports
Dylan Clarke...
or “Horse,” was a fullback and
linebacker for Valley. Before every game, Clarke enjoyed getting pumped up by listening to
music. His favorite moment was
the first touchdown of the year
against Deer Lakes. His most
memorable win was during his
junior year when they made
playeoffs agaist Kittanning. His
worst loss was against Summit
Academy this season. Dylan’s
personal best accomplishments
were the long runs he had as a
fullback. Clarke looks up to NFL
player Manti Teo and his favorite coaches were Coach K and
Coach Perry. Dylan will enjoy
playing flag football throughout
his life.
“When the going gets tough,
let the tough get going.”
- Dylan Clarke
Ty Matthews...
Donovan Sewell...
was #20 on the Valley football
team. His favorite memories include singing at camp and his
fellow teammate, Terrell Fields
rapping. He enjoyed every
win in his career, but his worst
defeat was losing to Summit
Academy during the 2013-2014
season. Donovan’s favorite
coach was Coach Freeman,
and he will miss his teammates
the most.
Dalton Dubac...
or “Big Country,” was an offensive tackle for the Valley football
team. Dubac’s favorite memories happened at football camp,
and his favorite win was against
Burrell in the 2013-14 season.
Dubac’s most respected teammates are fellow seniors Ty
Matthews, Dylan Rockwell,
Marcus Davenport, and Terrell Fields. Playing the game is
what Dubac will miss most.
Marcus Davenport...
played offensive and defensive
lineman as #56 for all four years
of high school. Fans have nicknamed him “Marc-a-tron.” His
greatest moment was scoring
his first touchdown his senior
year. His favorite coaches were
Coach Freeman, Coach Mac,
and Coach York. Later in life, he
plans to continue playing football.
Joel Norman...
has played varsity football all
four years of high school. He
was the quarterback, wearing
#12, for most of his career. Ty’s
personal best game was during
the 2013-2014 season when he
threw for over 175 yards and
ran for over 100 yards against
East Allegheny. His favorite win
was during the same season,
against rival Burrell. He will always remember the last day of
his senior football camp and will
miss the locker room the most.
Ty’s role models include his father and NFL players Cam Newton and Patrick Willis. Matthews
plans on playing at Slippery
Rock University throughout his
college career.
was #67 as an offensive lineman on the football team. He
will remember how before every game, the team would hold
a horseshoe and say a prayer.
A great team moment and also
a very funny one was when the
team had a talent show at their
camp. The teammates he respects the most are his fellow
seniors, who he will miss the
the most.
Noah Kankoski...
was a defensive end and #81
on the VHS varsity football
team. His greatest moment was
shutting out Burrell his senior
year on Valley’s home field. The
thing he’ll miss the most is the
friendship amongst his teammates.
Page 13
Dylan Rockwell...
or “Rock,” was #50 as a defensive tackle and a guard for
the Valley football team. Before
games, Rock enjoyed listening to music, and his favorite
moment was when teammate,
D’Aundre Johnson made his big
hit against Burrell. His personal
best accomplishment was his
knockout hit against Freeport.
His most respected teammates
are his fellow seniors Terrell
Fields and Ty Matthews. Dylan
will miss hanging out with his
teammates the most, but he
plans on continuing his career
at Saint Vincent College.
Terrell Fields...
a.k.a. “Terri,” was center defensive end #52 on Valley’s football team for four years. Terrell
has received many honors as a
football player, including 2014
First-Team All-Conference Offense and Defense, and 2014
Allegheny Conference Lineman
of the year. His most memorable team moment was a
come-from-behind win to beat
Kittanning and clinch it’s first
playoff berth since 2007, but
his favorite victory was a 26-0
win against their rivals Burrell.
The thing he’ll miss the most is
the spirit of competing and the
preparation of gameday. Terrell
will attend Clarion University
and plans to wrestle while he’s
“This is where we hold
them. This is where we
fight. This is where they
die, Ahh Woo!”
- Marcus Davenport
Page 14
Senior Sports
is a four-year swimmer at VHS. He swam
in the 200m individual
medleys and the 100m
fly. He was called
McLovin’ by teammates. His greatest
team moment was being able to learn every
stroke and do every
event. His role models
were his father and all
of his coaches. Aaron
plans on sticking with
the sport by coaching his sister and her
is a two-year varsity
basketball player at
VHS. Dom wore number two and played
guard. Before every
game, he would splash
cold water on his face
to get focused. His
favorite win came his
senior year when the
Vikings beat the Bur-
played varsity basketball (girls) for four
years at Valley. She
played point guard and
wore number 21. Her
nickname was “ShayButtas” and her greatest moment came her
9th grade year when
they made playoffs.
Her role models are
is a two-year varsity
basketball player. He
wore number 14, and
played power forward.
His nickname was “Big
Fella”. Before every
game Ricquan prayed
and jumped up and
down to get “hype”. His
favorite win was during
his senior year, when
is a four-year varsity
swimmer at VHS. Her
best event was 100m
freestyle. Before every
match she would take
a nap. She looked up
to Coach Maddie as a
role model. Julia’s funniest moment came her
sophomore year when
someone put every
kickboard, zoo-
mer and chair into the
pool. Julia is going
to miss swimming in
general because she’s
been doing it her whole
life. She does not plan
on swimming competitively later in life.
rell Bucs! His personal
best was being able
to dunk; his funniest
moment came when
all the upper classmen messed with the
freshmen in the locker
room. Dom will not play
basketball in college,
but will miss playing it
her parents. She will
miss playing for Valley, but is planning
on playing the sport in
Staff Box
the team beat the
Kittanning Wildcats.
Ricquan’s role models
are Carmelo Anthony
and his mother. He will
miss being around his
teammates the most
and looks to play basketball later in life.
Editor-In-Chief............................. ................. Laura Pollino
Co Editor-In-Chief…………………...………........Ally Isbell
Staff….....................................Rory Baker, Benjimin Carlisle, Brittany Daniels, Caleb Davis, Vincent DiCarolis,
Jaezhaun Garland, Megan Hooks, Skylar Houck, Alexander Huffman, Ashely Johnson, Savannah LaLiberte, Andrew Macura, Michael McNabb, Madison Pastrick, Parker
Shearon, Sierra Storrs, and Brenda Varela-Santiesteban.
Sponsor..............................................................Ms. Schank
Principal...............................................................Mr. Banko
The Viking Views is a publication of the journalism students of Valley High School. Views and opinions are those
of the students and do not necessarily reflect the views and
opinions of the administrations, faculty, or staff.
Senior Sports
Page 15
wrestled varsity all four years at Valley.
His teammates call him “Clim” or “Cliff”.
His pregame rituals consisted of training
hard the day before and listening to his
iPod. His greatest team moment came
when they were at a hotel in Clearfield and
Terrell was trying to tackle everyone during the outside run. His favorite win came
against Mars. His worst defeat was losing
third place to a wrestler from Shady Side.
CJ’s personal best was when he qualified
for WPIAL’s and recieved a medal. He respected Terrell and Patrick the most. His
favorite coaches were Steve Ansani and
Jason Moore. He will miss the wrestling
team and his future wrestling career is
is a four-year wrestler at Valley. He wrestled in the 106-120 pound weight class.
He was called “Quadzilla” by teammates.
His greatest team win came his tenth
grade year when they beat Kittanning.
His personal best was being second in
all-time wins for Valley wrestling. Patrick’s role models are his mom and Jordan Barroughs. He’ll miss the trips with
the team the most. Patrick plans to wrestle
at Clarion.
is a four-year varsity wrestler. Weighing in
at 182 pounds, he was called “Terri” by his
teammates. Before every game he would
listen to “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. His
personal bests were having 81 career
pins, being a WPIAL champ, Regional
champ, and a 2-time PIAA place winner.
Terrell plans on wrestling for Clarion.
wrestled varsity all four years at Valley.
His teammates referred to him as “DID.”
His pregame ritual was putting in headphones, pacing, and shaking his hands.
Dylan’s greatest moment was placing
15th at states as a team, even though he
was not able to wrestle. His favorite win
came his sophomore year against Yough;
his worst defeat was against Southmoreland. Dylan’s personal best was placing
4th in the county. His most respected
teammate is Marcus Davenport. Role
models are the people in the military. His
favorite coaches are Steve Ansani and
Jason Moore. His funniest moment was
Marcus’s bloopers. He’s going to miss the
team bond. Dylan hopes to wrestle in the
is a four-year wrestler at Valley. He wrestled in the 152-160 pound weight class.
His nickname was “E Slayer”. Noah’s
favorite win was the third and fourth sections match he won in the last three seconds. The things Noah will miss the most
is being a family and spending every day
with his teammates. Noah does not plan
to wrestle in college.
is a four-year wrestler at Valley. He went
by “Spider-Monkey, Ash-Master, and
Marc-a-tron.” His favorite win was for
WPIALS, while his worst defeat was losing the first round in the 2014 regional’s.
He will miss wrestling with all his friends
the most. Marcus plans on playing football in college.
Page 16
Senior Sports
spring SPORTS
Hit for
has played baseball for 12 years; four of which Ian participated on the
VHS varsity team. Ian played second base and pitched; his greatest
strength. Ian says the hardest aspect is “throwing without my arm falling
off.” His most memorable moment was the dirt storm in 9th grade. The
biggest challenge that Ian has overcome was beating Burrell in 9th and
10th grade. When Ian graduates he plans on going to WCCC and will
miss playing with all the guys from the rebels.
has been on the VHS
track team four years.
His best event is the
110m. He also par-
ticipates in the 300m
hurdles and 4x4 relay.
He says the hardest
challenge on the track
is getting the right timing for each hurdle. His
strength is speed and
technique. His sister
Maria encouraged him
to play and keep playing to improve himself
as an athlete. He will
attend the University of
has been playing baseball for 14 years and has been on the VHS team
for 4 years. Dom plays center field and shortstop. When asked what is
the hardest aspect of playing this position he said, “knowing what to
do on all the different hits throughout the game.” His most memorable
moment was being starting all 4 years he played. The biggest challenge
that Dom faced was versing a pitcher from Mars that threw 89mph sophomore year. When Dom Guzzi graduates, he will miss Ian and the bus
rides the most. He plans on playing baseball at Otterbein University.
The Pride We Gain
is Worth the Pain!
enced by his grandfather who also ran track,
but plays the sport for
the fun of it. One of his
personal best times took
place his junior year,
when he ran 56 seconds
in the 400m. His strongest event is the long
jump. His future plans
are undecided and he
has been on VHS’s will miss his teammates
Track team for 3 years, most of all.
competing in the 440m,
200m and long jump
events. He was influ-
has been playing softball for 9 years
now, four of which were for VHS as
a catcher. She started playing due
to the influence of her dad but kept
playing for her love of the sport.
Her most memorable moments
are winning the State Championship and the Tune Up Tournament,
where she dove back to home plate
and tagged a girl out. Megan says
she will miss her teammates, especially, fellow captain Allie Aftanas.
She regrets that she will never play
with them again. Megan will be attending Penn State New Kensington in the Fall of 2014.
has been playing tennis for four
years in singles games. He has a
sister who also played for Valley,
but his biggest influence has been
Ms. Link. Cody’s greatest strength
is his forehand, and his biggest
difficulty is facing the other team’s
best player. His most difficult challenge over the years was doubles
with Adam Barone against GCC.
Cody plans on attending Slippery
Rock University and is considering
playing tennis in a club. He says he
will miss his teammates more than
anything else.
Terrell Fields &
Marcus Davenport
Then......and now
Megan Hooks
Senior Sports Trivia
By Colten Buzard, Sports Editor
1. Which Valley wrestler broke the 2nd highest “total wins”
record in VHS history and placed 7th at states this year?
2. Which Valley swimmer broke 2 swim records this year?
3. Who was the starting QB for this year’s football team?
4. Which senior plays for the Burrell Pythons Hockey Team?
Last State Champ Graduates
By Caleb Davis, Staff Writer
On May 5, 2014,
Valley played its first night
game of the year against
the Burrell Bucs. This is
the second time the two rivals have battled this year.
The first game, Burrell
won 8-5, but Megan Jackson and Emily Mann were
the players of the game.
The night game
was extremely close as
the Vikings came within
one run at the top of the
6th inning. The Bucs went
on to expand their 7-6
lead in the bottom of the
6th with 5 runs. The Vikings, with a huge point
deficit couldn’t come back.
Burrell won the game.
The only senior on
the Viking team is Megan
Hooks. She is a captain
and the starting catcher.
She was on the 2011 State
Championship team and
has been through the fluctuation of the seasons. “I
love my teammates, but
the desire and heart wasn’t
there this year. You can’t
coach that. You need the
desire to win,” said Hooks.
Although it wasn’t
the end result she wanted,
Megan enjoyed the season. She left words of encouragement to her teammates, “If you really want
it you’re going to have to
work for it.” Megan plans
to attend Penn State New
Kensington and further her
education and softball career there. The Viking Views
staff extends its best wishes for her future success.
Answers to Senior Sports Trivia
Amanda Cooper
Page 17
Dom Guzzi
2014-2015 VHS Varsity
Cheerleaders Announced
Senior Captains
Kourtney Brown and Brittany Daniels
Dakota Hughley, Andrea Baker
Hannah Toney, Mariah Johnson
Kaitlin Capo, Natalie Large
Jamilya McBean, Stephanie Sandrick
Ricquel Williams, Doneisha Williams
Hope Matyas, Sofia Bordanaro
Ashley Hika, Ericka Schaeffer
1.Patrick Dewitt ended his senior season with 42 total wins; the 2nd most in VHS
2.Cody Schrecongost holds the fastest times for the 50 & 100 freestyle
3.Ty Mathews also started at OLB for the majority of the season
4.Quentin Gatto
Page 18
Senior Photo Collage
Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014
Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014
Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014
Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014 Class of 2014