INDUSTRY GUIDE - Nederlands Film Festival


INDUSTRY GUIDE - Nederlands Film Festival
HFM Industry Guide-7-2013_Mise en page 1 18/07/13 15:20 Page1
NederlFilmFestival2013aanpassingOUTLINED.indd 1
25-07-13 12:02
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Industry Guide 2013
Credits and acknowledgements
Who’s who
Holland Film Meeting Programme
NFF International Screenings
Guest information
Practical information
Companies & Participants
Distribution / VOD
Festivals / markets
Funding / financing / institutes
Legal facilities
Technical facilities
Training / education
Index by activity
Index by company
Index by person
Index by country
Index of advertisements
Industry Guide 3
The Holland Film Meeting 2013 takes place in cooperation with:
Film Producers
Untitled-1 1
1/27/09 2:48:17 PM
HFM Advisory Board
Esther Bannenberg
Stienette Bosklopper
Ger Bouma
Ellis Driessen
Satu Elo
Marjan van der Haar
Sonja Heinen
Claudia Landsberger
Frank Peijnenburg
Marten Rabarts
Dominique van Ratingen
Netherlands Film Festival
Willemien van Aalst
Head Holland Film Meeting
Signe Zeilich-Jensen
4 Industry Guide
Producer Holland Film
Susanne van Doorn
Coordinator Netherlands
Production Platform
Mercedes Martínez-Abarca
Guest Department
Nasztázia Potapenko
Sonja Hermans
Digital Film Library
Anne-Lynn Cleuren
Fred de Haas
Coordinator HFM Publicity
Fay Breeman
Ido Abram
Nikolaj Nikitin
Marten Rabarts
Katrina Wood
Editing Industry Guide
Fay Breeman
Susanne van Doorn
Sonja Hermans
Mercedes Martínez-Abarca
Nasztázia Potapenko
Signe Zeilich-Jensen
Design Industry Guide
Marinka Reuten
Printing Industry Guide
Netherlands Film Festival/
Holland Film Meeting
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear guests,
Welcome to the 26th edition of the
Holland Film Meeting (HFM), the industry
programme of the Netherlands Film
Festival. At a time when securing local
financing is becoming increasingly difficult,
it is even more imperative to get creative
in sourcing new funding and finding new
audiences. The Netherlands Production
Platform (NPP) exists to help Dutch and
international producers do exactly that, by
offering a forum where co-production is
promoted not only as a finance mechanism
but as importantly as a way of enhancing
the quality of a project, and expanding its
This year we are pleased to host more
than 200 national and international film
professionals. We are delighted to present
23 new film projects in development
at the NPP. New this year is that our
guests have the opportunity to assess
former NPP projects during a Work-inProgress session. More details on all the
selected projects and previous works
of the filmmakers are provided by the
international B2B platform Festival Scope,
who joined us as a partner this year.
In addition to our co-production market
the programme presents a series of
business-related events including
lectures, seminars, workshops and the
NFF International Screenings. During
this edition of the HFM we are turning
the spotlight on the Russian audiovisual
infrastructure in the focus programme
Holland Meets Russia. We thank our
Russian colleagues from the Moscow
Business Square and the Northern Seas
Film Forum for their collaboration and
A special word of welcome for the German
Federal Filmboard (FFA), the Netherlands
Film Fund and the leading film
professionals from both countries who will
examine how best to maintain and increase
the high levels of fruitful co-operation
between our two countries.
Without the support of our financiers
the Holland Film Meeting would not be
possible. A big and warm thank you goes to
all our national and international partners
and sponsors. This year we are particular
pleased by the extra support given to us by
the international department (BIS) of the
City of Utrecht.
If you have any questions or requests, don’t
hesitate to contact us. The Holland Film
Meeting staff will do its very best to make
your stay as comfortable and as profitable
as possible.
On behalf of the Holland Film Meeting
team we wish you a lot of inspiration and
working pleasure over the coming days.
Enjoy Utrecht!
Signe Zeilich-Jensen
Head Holland Film Meeting
Willemien van Aalst
Festival Director
Industry Guide 5
Who’s who
Signe Zeilich-Jensen
Head of Industry/
Holland Film Meeting
Susanne van Doorn
Producer Holland Film Meeting/
Coordinator Guest Department
Mercedes Martínez-Abarca
Coordinator Netherlands
Production Platform
Nasztázia Potapenko
Guest Department
Sonja Hermans
Guest Department
Fay Breeman
Coordinator HFM Publicity
Fred de Haas
Digital Film Library
Anne-Lynn Cleuren
Digital Film Library
6 Industry Guide
The Holland Film Meeting (HMF) offers a wide-ranging seminar programme to Dutch
and international media and film professionals. The programme includes lectures, panels, workshops and debates, the Netherlands Production Platform (NPP) co-production
market, and the Digital Film Library. In the annual Binger/Screen International Interview, a film personality is invited to share his/her views on the current state of cinema.
The HFM annually focuses on a specific country or region. This year’s edition highlights
Russia. Below you can find a day-by-day overview of all HFM events that will take place
from September 26 to 29.
Thursday, September 26
Digital Film Library
Recent film and TV productions from the
Netherlands can be viewed in the Digital
Film Library. HFM badge-holders have
priority access.
09:00 - 20:00, Karel V / Jan van Nassau Room
Holland Meets Russia: Production
structures / financing panel
2013 is the Netherlands-Russia bilateral
year, therefore the HFM has a focus on the
flourishing Russian film industry. Under
the header ‘Holland Meets Russia’ film
industry representatives get together for
a meeting in two parts. First off is a panel
on production structures and financing,
moderated by Nikolaj Nikitin. The panel
is made up of Yevgeny Gindilis, Nathalia
Drozd, Julia Mischkiene, Artyem Vassily
and Simone Baumann.
10:00 - 12:00, SSBU / Zindering
Holland Meets Russia: Co-productions
case study
Second part of Holland Meets Russia
revolves around case studies of two multi
award-winning films with strong RussoDutch ties: Utrecht-based Russophile Jos
Stelling’s “The Girl and Death” (2012) and
Russian Victor Kossakovsky’s “Vivan las
Antipodas!” (2011). Moderator: Nikolaj
13:00 - 14:30, SSBU / Zindering
Presentation by Franz Rodenkirchen:
What You Read Is What You Get
In a lecture script consultant Franz
Rodenkirchen will present results of
his study on how scripts are written and
reviewed. Scripts are still a crucial tool to
develop the filmmaker’s vision and finance
the production of a film. Especially for
films which do not feature a strong plot
and rely more on images than dialogue,
finding a method to adequately convey
in writing what the film will be like can
prove a trying task. Do we really share
a common language to write and read
cinema? Together with a research group
Rodenkirchen has studied this matter at
the Netherlands Film Academy, where he
is Artist in Residence this year.
18:00 - 19:00, SSBU / Blauwe Zaal
Welcome Buffet
The official opening of the Holland Film
Meeting. Hosted by: City of Utrecht, FPN
and EYE. 19:15 - 22:00, SSBU / Zindering
Industry Guide 7
Friday, September 27
Digital Film Library
Recent film and TV productions from the
Netherlands can be viewed in the Digital
Film Library. HFM badge-holders have
priority access.
09:00 - 20:00, Karel V / Jan van Nassau Room
Coffee & Opening
Hosted by: the City of Utrecht. Opened by:
Frits Lintmeijer (Cultural Affairs Utrecht).
09:00 - 09:30, Karel V / Maria van Hongarije
NPP Presentations & Round Table
sessions: International Projects
The sixteen international projects pitch
their stories in five minutes, followed by
their participation in two different round
tables. Moderator: Ido Abram
09:30 - 13:00, Karel V / Maria van Hongarije
By invitation only. Hosted By: Gemeente
Utrecht. Opened by: Hans Goedkoop
(Cultural Affairs Utrecht).
13:00 - 14:30, Karel V Restaurant
NPP Individual Meetings
Selected projects get the opportunity to
meet up with different film professionals
in 25-minute one-to-one meetings.
14:30 - 17:30, Karel V / Maria van Hongarije
8 Industry Guide
Work-in-Progress Session
This year, the Netherlands Production
Platform gets a supplement with the
first edition of the Work-in-Progress
Session. This includes six projects
that were previously presented at the
NPP co-production market and are
now in the final stages of shooting or
in postproduction. A select group of
industry heavyweights will consider them
and a professional jury will confer two
awards: the Filmmore Work-in-Progress
Prize and the Haghefilm Prize, both of
them facilities worth five thousand euros.
Moderator: Marten Rabarts.
15:00 - 17:30, Springhaver /
Screening room 2
Binger /Screen International Interview
In the Binger/Screen International
Interview, a prominent filmmaker dilates
upon his or her motives, methods and
successes in an in-depth interview.
This year, the interviewee is director
Paula van der Oest. One of the topics
interviewer/journalist Geoffrey Macnab
will definitely broach concerns Van der
Oest’s experiences in co-production and
international shoots (for example for
“Black Butterflies” and the global drama
“The Domino Effect”).
18:00 - 19:30, Festivalpavilion Neude
Drinks & Snacks
Hosted by: Friuli Venezia Giulia
Audiovisual Fund.
19:30 - 21:00, Festivalpavilion Neude
Saturday, September 28
Digital Film Library
Recent film and TV productions from the
Netherlands can be viewed in the Digital
Film Library. HFM badge-holders have
priority access.
09:00 - 20:00, Karel V / Jan van Nassau Room
NPP Presentations & Round Table
Sessions: Dutch Projects
The seven Dutch projects pitch their
stories in five minutes, followed by their
participation in two different round tables.
Moderator: Ido Abram
09:30 - 11:15, Karel V /
Maria van Hongarije Room
German/Dutch Film Meeting:
One-on-one’s writers/mentors/industry
To reflect the desire for greater cooperation between the Netherlands
and Germany, German and Dutch film
professionals will come together during
the Holland Film Meeting. This summit is
organised by the Netherlands Film Fund
and the German Federal Film Board. This
year has a special focus on scriptwriting
and remakes. During the first part of this
event scriptwriters from both countries
will exchange ideas for cross-border
stories and explore common subjects.
09:30 - 13:00, Karel V /
Unico van Wassenaer Room
NPP Individual Meetings
Selected projects get the opportunity to
meet up with different film professionals in
25-minute one-to-one meetings.
11:30 – 13:00, Karel V /
Maria van Hongarije Room
By invitation only. Hosted by: Haghefilm &
Versteeg Wigman en Sprey.
13:00 - 14:30, Karel V Restaurant
German/Dutch Film Meeting:
Remakes session
The second part of the German/Dutch
Film Meeting revolves around remakes.
How to adapt stories to a local market?
What are the differences between
distribution in the Netherlands and
Germany and what works where? Ben
Verbong of BorderlinePictures is one of
the keynote speakers during this event.
14:30 - 16:30, Karel V /
Maria van Hongarije Room
Gruvi Film Marketing Workshop
Gruvi is a Danish-German web agent
that develops social media strategies
for clients including Warner and Sony
International. During the Holland Film
Meeting, Gruvi’s founders Ben Johnson
and James Hobbis will give a workshop
for HFM guests. This workshop will cover
the role of social media in general and
Facebook in particular in the marketing
of films. Both theory and practice will be
17:00 – 18:00, Karel V /
Maria van Hongarije Room
NPP Individual Meetings
Selected projects get the opportunity to
meet up with different film professionals
in 25-minute one-to-one meetings.
11:30 – 13:00, Karel V /
Unico van Wassenaer Room
Drinks, Dinner & Awards
By invitation only. During this closing night
of the Holland Film Meeting, five awards
will be handed out. Three promising NPP
projects, and two outstanding Works-inProgress will receive a prize. After the
ceremony it’s time to celebrate with food,
drinks, and music.
19:30 - 01:00, City Sense
Industry Guide 9
Sunday, September 29
Digital Film Library
Recent film and TV productions from the
Netherlands can be viewed in the Digital
Film Library. HFM badge-holders have
priority access.
09:00 - 12:00, Karel V / Jan van Nassau Room
NPP Individual Meetings
Selected projects get the opportunity to
meet up with different film professionals
in 25-minute one-to-one meetings.
10:00 - 13:00, Karel V / Brasserie Goeie
Seminar TV Drama
TV drama is on the rise and the
boundaries between cinema and
television are fading. During this seminar
examples of successful series will be
examined , moderated by an international
guest speaker of the Erich Pommer
Institute. Afterwards Dutch television
representatives will debate this with film
producers. Moderator: Katrina Wood.
12:00 - 15:00, SSBU / Blauwe Zaal
NFF International Screenings
The Netherlands Film Festival is screening a selection of films with English subtitles.
A full overview of titles is available on our website :
All festival locations, including cinemas can be found on page 13.
10 Industry Guide
Guest information
Guest desk
The HFM Guest Desk is located in the Grand
Hotel Karel V. Here HFM and NPP guests
can collect their badges, get information on
all HMF, NPP and NFF events, and ask any
questions they might have.
Opening hours
Thursday, September 26: 09:00 – 20:00
Friday, September 27:
09:00 – 20:00
Saturday, September 28: 09:00 – 20:00
Sunday, September 29: 09:00 – 15:00
Reimbursement of Travel Costs
If the HFM should reimburse your travel
costs, you can collect a reimbursement
form at the HFM Guest Desk. Please hand
in the completed form at the desk, together
with your ticket, and a copy of your passport
(which can be made at the desk). We will
then make sure the money is wired to your
account as soon as possible.
Industry Office
The Industry Office accommodates the
Digital Film Library Help Desk, as well as
computers with internet access and printing
facilities. The Industry Office is located next
to the Digital Film Library (Jan van Nassau
Room) in Grand Hotel Karel V. The use of
these facilities is free of charge.
Opening Hours
Thursday, September 26: 09:00 – 20:00
Friday, September 27:
09:00 – 20:00
Saturday, September 28: 09:00 – 20:00
Sunday, September 29: 09:00 – 12:00
Industry Guide 11
Practical information
Credit Cards
All major credit cards and Maestro cards
are widely accepted in Utrecht. Cash-oncard dispensers are available at most
branches of Dutch Banks, as well as all
GWK-offices at railway stations.
Train schedule Utrecht - Schiphol Airport
A train ride from Utrecht Central Station
to Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam) takes
30 minutes, and trains leave every 15
minutes between 06:30 and 21:00, every
30 minutes between 21:00 and 23:30
Emergency services
In case of an emergency that requires
immediate attention by Ambulance, Fire
Department or Police Department, dial:
At night there are direct trains to Schiphol
at 01:07, 02:07, 03:07, 04:07. Please note
that the night trains take 55 minutes.
Post office
The nearest post office is located at the
Oudegracht 427 in Utrecht. Opening hours
are Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00
and Saturday from 09:00 to 17:00. The
post office is closed on Sunday.
Taxi stands can be found at Utrecht
Central Station and the Neude Square.
Or dial a taxi through the following
number: +31-30-2300400 (Utrechtse Taxi
12 Industry Guide
For further information on the train
schedule, please see:
Information on all public transport can be
found on:
1 Festivalpaviljoen – Box Office & Info
2 Neudeflat – Guest Desk
Vinkenburgstraat 26
3 Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
Lucasbolwerk 24
4 Pathé Rembrandt – REM 1/2/3
Oudegracht 73
5 Wolff City – CIT 1/2/3
Voorstraat 89
6 Louis Hartlooper Complex – LHC 1/2/3/4
Tolsteegbrug 1
Festivalpaviljoen – Box Office & Info
7 Filmtheater ‘t Hoogt – HOO 1 &
Filmcafé OSKAR
Hoogt 4
Neudeflat – Guest Desk
Vinkenburgstraat 26
8 Grand Hotel Karel V – HFM Industry Office
11 1
Springweg / Geertebolwerk
Stadsschouwburg Utrecht
Lucasbolwerk 24
9 Winkel van Sinkel
Pathé Rembrandt – REM 1/2/3
Oudegracht 158
Oudegracht 73
10 Janskerk
Wolff City – CIT 1/2/3
Janskerkhof 26
Voorstraat 89
11 CitySense – Closing Ceremony
Louis Hartlooper Complex – LHC 1/2/3/4
St. Jacobsstraat 12
Tolsteegbrug 1
12 Springhaver – WiP Session
Filmtheater ‘t Hoogt – HOO 1 &
Springweg 52
Filmcafé OSKAR
Hoogt 4
13 Court Hotel
Korte Nieuwstraat 14
Grand Hotel Karel V – HFM Industry Office
Springweg / Geertebolwerk 1
14 Hotel DOM
Domstraat 4
Winkel van Sinkel
Oudegracht 158
+31-30- 2324242
15 NH City Centre
Janskerkhof 26
Janskerkhof 10
+31-30-2313169 7
CitySense – Closing Ceremony
10 15
St. Jacobsstraat 12
Springhaver – WiP Session
Springweg 52
Court Hotel
Korte Nieuwstraat 14
Hotel DOM
Domstraat 4
+31-30- 2324242
NH City Centre
Janskerkhof 10
Tolsteegbrug 1
7 Filmtheater ‘t Hoogt – HOO 1 &
Filmcafé OSKAR
Hoogt 4
8 Grand Hotel Karel V – HFM Industry Office
Springweg / Geertebolwerk
9 Winkel van Sinkel
Oudegracht 158
10 Janskerk
Janskerkhof 26
11 CitySense – Closing Ceremony
St. Jacobsstraat 12
12 Springhaver – WiP Session
Springweg 52
13 Court Hotel 5
Korte Nieuwstraat 14
14 Hotel DOM
10 154
7 Domstraat
+31-30- 2324242
15 NH City Centre
Janskerkhof 10
Holland Film Meeting Locations
ce & Info
LHC 1/2/3/4
ndustry Office15
Industry Guide 13
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Industry Guide 15
Amsterdam Economic Board
Bravado Film
De Ruyterkade 5
1013 AA Amsterdam
[email protected]
Veerstraat 41-3
1075 SM Amsterdam
[email protected]
The Amsterdam Economic Board wants
to increase the innovative and competitive
strength of the creative and cultural sectors in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
by means of targeted collaboration between businesses, knowledge institutes
and government authorities. Traditionally
businesses create prosperity, schools
and universities produce knowledge and
the government coordinates and facilitates different interests. The triple helix
model allows them to develop a joint
strategy, combine implementation and
resources, facilitate promising crossovers and deal with bottlenecks together.
Anita Voorham is a freelance script advisor working within The Netherlands and
internationally for production companies,
individual filmmakers and development
labs such als Torino Filmlab, Venice
Biennale College Cinema, Berlinale
Script Station, the Binger Filmlab and the
Nipkow programme.
Dominique van Ratingen, Cluster
Manager Creative Industries
Anita Voorham,
16 Industry Guide Consultancy
Gruvi TV
Henneman Agency
1 Pond Path
BR76AJ Chiselhurst
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Amsteldijk 39
1074 HV Amsterdam
[email protected]
We are a fast growing social technology
company that is helping global entertainment brands tackle the rising challenges
and opportunities of online, social and
mobile marketing. We do this by providing campaign management systems that
scale internationally while promoting and
tracking the sales of their content.
Henneman Agency is one of the leading
agencies in the Netherlands, representing over 100 prominent talents in all
areas of the entertainment industry and
plays a key strategic role between client
and producers on a national and international level. In addition, Henneman
initiates various new film and TV projects
either by buying (novel)-rights or creating
new works. These projects offer unique
creative and business opportunities for
the talents and will become the key focus
in the immediate future.
Recent Titles
Man of Steel - Zack Snyder / Elysium Neill Blomkamp / Blue Jasmine - Woody
Allen / The Way Way Back - Nat Faxon and
Jim Rash
Ben Johnson,
James Hobbis, Co-Founder
Vanessa Henneman,
Jacobine van der Vloed, Talent
Agent Directors and Screenwriters
Consultancy Industry Guide 17
Proctor Film & TV
1 Noel Street
W1F 8GA London
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Milletstraat 53-III
1077 ZC Amsterdam
[email protected]
Founded in 1991 by CEO Katrina Wood,
MediaXchange’s roster of returning clients and new participants from around
the world encompasses studios and
networks, creative and business executives, writers and developers, financiers
and filmmakers, government agencies
and industry associations.
Katrina Wood,
18 Industry Guide Consultancy
Active in various fields of the international and Dutch film industry. Coordinator German/Dutch Film Meeting for the
Netherlands Film Fund in collaboration
with the German Federal Film Board
Ellis Driessen,
Rights Stuff
RTC Media
Johannes Verhulststraat 197bg
1075 HA Amsterdam
[email protected]
Neuchinger Str. 2
80805 Munich
[email protected]
Rights Stuff is an international content
licensing consultancy, specialised in
strategy and practicalities of licensing
(acquisition, distribution), primarily
in the new media sector (e.g. film/
TV and/or original content for IPTV,
VOD, web, mobile, subscription TV,
handheld devices/consumer electronics platforms). Rights Stuff also helps
producers/distributors with original
made-for-web/transmedia programming, and is active in the arena development of digital channel creation and
channel licensing.
Wendy Bernfeld,
Managing Director
RTC, based in Munich since 2005, is a media
consulting company for film distributors
in Germany and film sales agents around
the world. RTC also does co-production for
smaller budget films. It functions as coprogrammer for EU Film Festival: Europe on
Screen in Jakarta (Indonesia), and consulting
for the programme of Hof Film Festival in
Recent Titles
Frances Ha - Noah Baumbach / Moebius Kim Ki Duk
Rudy Djin Koei Tjio,
Consultancy Industry Guide 19
Solace 23
Split Screen Data
Lychener Strasse 23
10437 Berlin
[email protected]
15 Carden Avenue
BN1 8NA Brighton
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Individual consultancy and tutor/lecturer
in script development; workshops on
story editing.
Split Screen is a research and consultancy company working with and for the
international film industry.
Recent Titles
Salvo - Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio
Piazza / Leones - Jazmín López / Wadjda Haifaa Al-Mansour
Franz Rodenkirchen,
20 Industry Guide Consultancy
Nick Roddick,
Managing Director
The Film Festival Doctor
Willmar Andersson Film
39 Woodland Grove
CM16 4NE Essex
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Gustav III:s Boulevard 1
SE-169 72 Solna
[email protected]
The Film Festival Doctor is a specialist
film PR and consultancy service based
in London. Company director Rebekah
Louisa Smith offers a range of film festival related services to filmmakers in
order to help them to achieve successful international film festival exposure.
These services include one-to-one consultations and a film festival manager
Created in 1993, Willmar Andersson
Film AB helps movies meet audiences
in Scandinavia through acquisition and
sales of feature films.
Recent Titles
La Havre - Aki Kaurismäki
Recent Titles
Traveller - Benjamin Jones / When Derin
Falls - M. Çagatay Tosun / Latvia - Barry
Derbyshire / Picture Perfect - Irina
Izmestieva / Sea Change - Marinella
Setta / Smaller Than the Sky - Abdullah
Hassan Ahmed
Rebekah Louisa Smith, Founder/
Company Director
Willmar Andersson,
Managing Director
Consultancy Industry Guide 21
Distribution / VOD
Industry Guide 23
Cinéart Netherlands
Bremstraat 1
1013 EK Amsterdam
[email protected]
Herengracht 328 III
1016 CE Amsterdam
[email protected]
Amstelfilm is a young film distributor
with a passion for arthouse films. In
addition to their own titles, Amstelfilm
releases films and documentaries by
Mokum Filmdistribution (a foundation
dedicated to artistic and contrary films)
and for independent filmmakers and
producers. As a distributor, Amstelfilm
constantly challenges itself by bringing
small, beautiful films to a bigger audience.
Cinéart is an independent film distributor
exploiting theatrical, DVD, TV and VoD
rights in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Ambition is to select films based on quality, and make the most of them. Cinéart
works hard to allow every film to shine
on the big screen whether they are small,
big, huge, European, Asian, American,
African, cross-over, arthouse or mainstream.
Recent Titles
Rhino Season - Bahman Ghobadi /
Elefante blanco - Pablo Trapero /
Mariage Mendoza - Edouard Deluc /
Bellas mariposas - Salvatore Mereu /
The Last Elvis - Armando Bo / Zarafa Jean-Christophe Lie and Rémi Bezançon
/ Miele - Valeria Golino / Game - Miles
Roston (NFF 2013)
Carlo Dias,
Head of Sales
24 Industry Guide Distribution / VOD
Recent Titles
Only God Forgives - Nicolas Winding Refn /
Amour - Michael Haneke / Drive - Nicolas
Winding Refn / Shame - Steve McQueen /
Hemel - Sacha Polak / Le Passé - Asghar
Farhadi / La vie d’Adele - Abdellatif
Kechiche / Diana - Oliver Hirschbiegel
NFF 2013: Matterhorn - Diederik Ebbinge
/ Borgman - Alex van Warmerdam / &ME Norbert ter Hal / It’s All So Quiet - Nanouk
Janneke de Jong,
Publicity & Marketing
Festival Scope
Imagine Film
56 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris
[email protected]
Prinsengracht 452
1017 KE Amsterdam
Festival Scope is a B2B platform for film
professionals, allowing programming of
selected festivals around the world to be
viewed online. Festival Scope partners
with a network of more than seventy
festivals including Cannes Directors’
Fortnight and Critics’ Week, Berlinale,
Venice, Rotterdam, Locarno and Toronto.
Festival Scope also collaborates with
co-production markets. Registered film
professionals are able to watch films,
discover new talent, contact rights holders and filmmakers.
Theophile Meyniel,
Since its founding in 2002 in Belgium,
Imagine has released a catalogue of films
that is as diverse as the medium itself:
arthouse films, comedies, dramas, documentaries. One thing always stands out:
they all have quality. Many of them have
been awarded major prizes, two Golden
Palms, a couple of Oscars and Césars, a
Golden Lion in Venice. Since 2012 a Dutch
branch has been started, which is quickly
gaining recognition by professionals and
audiences alike.
Recent Titles
Mud - Jeff Nichols / The Imposter - Bart
Layton / Kon-Tiki - Joachim Rønning
/ Reality - Matteo Garrone / Michael
Kohlhaas - Arnaud des Pallières / Infancia
Clandestina - Benjamín Ávila
Huub Roelvink,
Managing Director
Distribution / VOD Industry Guide 25
Lumière Publishing BE
Lumière Publishing NL
Hof ter Mere 28
B-9000 Ghent
[email protected]
KNSM-laan 171
1019 LC Amsterdam
[email protected]
Since 2003 Lumière is an all rights / all
media Benelux distributor with offices
in Ghent and Amsterdam and cinemas in
Bruges. The Lumière catalogue includes
feature films, documentaries, animation
and series.
Since 2003 Lumière is an all rights/all
media Benelux distributor with offices
in Ghent and Amsterdam and cinemas in
Bruges. The Lumière catalogue includes
feature films, documentaries, animation
and series.
Recent Titles
Kill Your Darlings - John Krokidas / Shaun
the Sheep - Richard Starzak and Mark
Burton / Avant l’Hiver - Philippe Claudel
/ White Bird in a Blizzard - Gregg Araki /
Like Father, Like Son - Kore-eda Hirokazu
/ Margin Call - JC Chandor / A Cat in Paris
- Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Feliciolli /
Jimmy P. - Arnaud Desplechin / De rouille
et d’os - Jacques Audiard / Man on Wire James Marsh / The September Issue - R.J.
Cutler / Wallance and Gromit - Nick Park
Recent Titles
Kill Your Darlings - John Krokidas / Shaun
the Sheep - Richard Starzak and Mark
Burton / Avant l’Hiver - Philippe Claudel
/ White Bird in a Blizzard - Gregg Araki /
Like Father, Like Son - Kore-eda Hirokazu
/ Margin Call - JC Chandor / A Cat in Paris
- Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Feliciolli /
Jimmy P. - Arnaud Desplechin / De rouille
et d’os - Jacques Audiard / Man on Wire James Marsh / The September Issue - R.J.
Cutler / Wallance and Gromit - Nick Park
Hans Schwarz,
Business Developer
Esther Bannenberg,
26 Industry Guide Distribution / VOD
Paradiso Filmed Entertainment
Ost for Paradis
Paradisgade 7
8000 Århus C
[email protected]
Ost for Paradis is an artfilm distribution
company based in Denmark with mainly
European, Asian and South American
Recent Titles
Paradis Liebe - Ulrich Seidl / Amour
- Michael Haneke / Post tenebras lux
- Carlos Reygadas / Meteora - Spiros
Stathoulopoulos / Le gamin au vélo - JeanPierre and Luc Dardenne
Ole Bjørn Christensen,
Head of Acquisition
Agnete Daugbjerg,
Van Eeghenstraat 92
1071 GL Amsterdam
[email protected]
Independent company with emphasis on
arthouse en cross-over films.
Recent Titles
Night Train To Lisbon - Bille August /
Blue Jasmine - Woody Allen / Philomena
- Stephen Frears / Her - Spike Jonze /
Oldboy - Spike Lee / Bobby and the Ghost
Hunters - Martin Lagestee (NFF 2013)
Dirk de Lille,
Co-Managing Director
Distribution / VOD Industry Guide 27
Schwarz Weiss Filmverleih
Under the Milky Way
Alexander-König-Straße 2
53115 Bonn
[email protected]
4 Rue du Caire
75002 Paris
[email protected]
Since 1990 Schwarz Weiss Filmverleih
is concentrated on European arthousemovies. Most of the selected movies are
based on literature. But if the movie is of
high quality and can be linked to the Arthouse audience, even stories without a
literature background, it can be released.
Because of a long experience from running arthouse cinemas in Bonn and Cologne, Schwarz Weiss Filmverleih is very
close to the quality orientated audience of
people between the age of 40-70.
Under the Milky Way’s main activity is to
act as a feature film and documentary
aggregator and ensure the operational,
editorial, marketing and financial interfaces between the rights holders and
the VOD platforms worldwide. Under
the Milky Way facilitates the process of
releasing and exploiting feature films
and closely curates their marketing and
editorial positioning in order to maximise
their visibility on our partner VOD platforms.
Recent Titles
Jackie - Antoinette Beumer
Recent Titles
Sharkwise - Lieven Debrauwer / Weekend
aan Zee - Ilse Somers / Die Welt - Alex
Pitstra / Kon-Tiki - Joachim Roenning and
Espen Sandberg
Matthias Keuthen,
Philippe Struyven,
Manager Benelux
28 Industry Guide Distribution / VOD
Wild Bunch Benelux Distribution
Willemsstraat 24 B
1015 JD Amsterdam
[email protected]
In October 2008 Pim Hermeling started
Wild Bunch Benelux Distribution. This
film distribution company based in
Amsterdam, started as a joint venture
with Wild Bunch France, but is now an
independent company. Amongst other
titles, Wild Bunch Benelux has released
the films: “Jagten” by Thomas Vinterberg,
“Melancholia” by Lars von Trier (Cannes
Film Festival - Winner Best Actress
Kirsten Dunst), “A Royal Affair” by Nicolaj
Arcel (Oscar nomination - Best Foreign
Language Film) and “Before Midnight” by
Richard Linklater starring Ethan Hawke
and Julie Delpy.
Recent Titles
Nymphomaniac - Lars von Trier /
Someone You Love - Pernille Fischer
Christensen / A Thousand Times Good
Night - Erik Poppe / Only Lovers Left Alive
-Jim Jarmusch / Only Decent People Crijns Lodewijk (NFF2013)
Jan van Aert,
Sales Director
Cynthia Ophorst, General Manager
Acquisition & Production
Distribution / VOD Industry Guide 29
Festivals / Markets
Industry Guide 31
Baltic Event
Nurme 45
11616 Tallinn
[email protected]
Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 21
1017 RP Amsterdam
[email protected]
Baltic Event, the largest regional film
market in the North-Eastern Europe,
takes place during Tallinn Black Nights
Film Festival. First introduced in 2002, it
has highlighted an amazing array of feature film projects. While working closely
with other markets and film industry
activities all over Europe, the Baltic
Event is designed for producers from the
countries with low audiovisual production
Cinekid Festival is one of the largest international children’s film, television and
new media festivals, held in October in
Amsterdam. The festival includes activities in approximately 30 other locations in
the Netherlands. It also includes Cinekid
for Professionals, a section for the international children’s media industry; a
co-production market (film, TV and cross
media projects in development), a digital
video library and an extensive meeting
Marge Liiske,
Fleur Winters,
Head of Cinekid for Professionals
32 Industry Guide Festivals / Markets
Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival
Dubai International Film Festival
La Jetée, 6 place Michel-de-L’Hospital
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
[email protected]
PO Box 53777
United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
International, National and Lab Competitions for DCP and Quicktime files,
completed after July 1, 2012 and not
exceeding 40 minutes. Many other side
programs, retrospectives and panoramas. Short Film Market. In 2013, the
Festival attracted 154,000 spectators
and welcomed 3,000 industry delegates.
In 2014, the Festival will take place from
January 31 to February 8. Main retrospectives: Short films from the USA,
Ways of Escape.
The Dubai International Film Festival,
established in 2004, celebrates Arab
Cinema and showcases films from all
around the world. DIFF hosts two competitive film programmes: the Arab and
African Asian Muhr Awards. In 2007 it
established the Dubai Film Connection
(DFC), a film co-production market for
showcasing film projects from directors
of Arab nationality.
Christian Guinot,
Jane Williams,
Head of Industry Office
Festivals / Markets Industry Guide 33
Festival de Cinéma Européen des Arcs
10 rue des Goncourt
75011 Paris
[email protected]
Created in 2009, Les Arcs European Film
Festival is a major event for promotion,
development and diffusion of European
cinema. The festival has a quality line-up
chosen by Frédéric Boyer with about sixty
films from all over Europe, at the heart
of the Alps and in the outstanding winter
resort of Les Arcs.The Coproduction Village, festival’s major professional event,
selects twenty-five projects from entire
Europe to be presented to the 250 industry professionals .
Vanja Kaludjercic,
Head of Professional Events
34 Industry Guide Festivals / Markets
FIPA (Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels)
14, rue Alexandre Parodi
75010 Paris
[email protected]
The festival aims to support every type of
international audiovisual genre: drama,
television series, documentaries, reportage, and performing arts.
Francois Sauvagnargues,
General Manager
Göteborg International Film Festival
Olof Palmes Plats 1
41304 Göteborg
[email protected]
International Film Festival Rotterdam /
PO Box 21696
3001 AR Rotterdam
[email protected]
Göteborg International Film Festival is
the leading film festival in Scandinavia.
With an audience of 200.000 visitors per
year even one of the largest festivals in
the world. It includes the Nordic Film
Market, that presents the latest and
upcoming Scandinavian films to international buyers, sales agents and festival
Next festival: January 31 - February 10,
CineMart is the co-production market
of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. It was the first platform in its
form to offer filmmakers the opportunity
to launch their ideas to the international
film industry. Launching around 35 new
projects that are looking for additional
financing, CineMart also forms an important start of the film-year.
Freddy Olsson,
Bianca Taal,
Nienke Poelsma,
CineMart/Rotterdam Lab Producer
Festivals / Markets Industry Guide 35
Kinotavr FF - Generation Campus
Ouspensky pereulok, 3/2
127006 Moscow
[email protected] /
Meetings on the Bridge /
Istanbul Film Festival
Sadi Konuralp Street No: 5 Sishane
34433 Istanbul
[email protected]
Generation Campus is an international
programme of creative and professional
development for young and talented
filmmakers. Programme objectives are:
to create conditions for programme participants to acquire new skills, relevant
information, connections and opportunities; to create the conditions for creative
and professional development of young
filmmakers own projects; to identify and
support the most brilliant, talented and
worthy of attention young filmmakers.
The industry section of Istanbul FF showcases film projects and films in postproduction from Turkey at Film Development
and Work in Progress Workshops. Aiming
at offering further incentives, a TurkishGerman Co-production Development
Fund was established in collaboration
with the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein
funds. Meetings on the Bridge offers new
prospects to filmmakers in any stage of
their films, and acts as a go-to destination of the Turkish film industry for international professionals.
Anna Gudkova, Pitching Curator/
Programme Director
Gülin Üstün,
Head of Meetings on the Bridge
36 Industry Guide Festivals / Markets
Northern Seas Film Forum
Skornyagnij per. 6, str.1
107078 Moscow
[email protected]
Northern Seas Film Forum, the business
platform of St. Petersburg International
Film Festival will be held for the first
time from September 15-17. It is called to
aim at countries of Northern Europe and
the boardering territories, including Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, France,
Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden,
Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
Olga Kolegaeva,
Konstantin Nafikov,
Sarajevo Film Festival /
Docu Rough Cut Boutique
Zelenih Beretki
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
[email protected]
DOCU Rough Cut Boutique is a new platform Of Sarajevo FF for documentary
makers from the region, who reached
the phase of post-production and need
expert advices and support in order to
accomplish their productions. It offers
tailor-made expert coaching and many
opportunities for networking with the film
industry and access to decision-makers
that can have crucial influence on moving
the projects forward in their final stage.
This is a collaboration of the SarajevoFF
and the Balkan Documentary Center.
Rada Sesic, Head of the
Documentary Competition
Festivals / Markets Industry Guide 37
Semaine de la Critique
17 rue des Jeûneurs
75002 Paris
[email protected]
La Semaine Internationale de la Critique
founded in 1962 and organised by the
French Syndicate of Cinema Critics, is the
oldest parallel competitive section of the
Cannes Film Festival. It showcases first
and second feature films by directors
from all over the world, and has remained true to its tradition of discovering
new talents. Bernardo Bertolucci, Leos
Carax, Wong Kar-wai, Jacques Audiard,
Arnaud Desplechin, Gaspar Noé and
François Ozon, all started out at Critics’
Léo Soesanto,
38 Industry Guide Festivals / Markets
Sofia International Film Festival /
Sofia Meetings
1, Bulgaria sq.
1463 Sofia
[email protected]
Art Fest is a production and distribution
company. Since 1997 it has produced
Sofia International Film Festival: the biggest film festival in Bulgaria, accredited
by FIAPF. Since 2004 significant part of
the festival is the Sofia Meetings co-production market (pitching for feature film
projects and showcase of Bulgarian and
regional cinema).
Mira Staleva,
Director of Sofia Meetings
Funding / Financing /
Industry Guide 39
ACE (Ateliers du Cinéma Européen)
Casa Kafka Pictures
8 rue Mayran
75009 Paris
[email protected]
133, Rue Colonel Bourg
1140 Evere Brussels
[email protected]
ACE was founded in 1993, provides advanced training for European film producers and, since 2009, for non-European
producers as well. The ACE Network
now includes 150 active and experienced
producers who maintain contact through
ACE’s annual programme of professional
events, and regularly co-produce with
each other.
Casa Kafka Pictures is an intermediate
company active in Tax Shelter. The company works closely together with the Belgian production houses and co-finances
both Belgian films as international coproductions.
Simon Perry,
Isabelle Molhant,
40 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
Recent Titles
Los Flamencos - Daniel Lambo / FC De
Kampioenen (TV series) / Une Nuit - Luc
and Jean-Pierre Dardenne / Vijay and I Sam Garbarski
Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image
animée - CNC
3 Rue Boissiere
75116 Paris
[email protected]
Postvak M.54
PO Box 26444
1202 JJ Hilversum
[email protected]
The principal missions of the CNC are
regulatory, support for the film, broadcast, video, multimedia and technical
industries, promotion of film and television for distribution to all audiences,
preservation and development of the film
Financing for features and docs for Dutch
public broadcasters.
Julien Ezanno,
International Co-productions
Jeanine Hage,
Managing Director
Recent Titles
Black Butterflies - Paula van der Oest
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 41
DutchCulture / MEDIA Desk Netherlands
PO Box 15648
1001 NC Amsterdam
[email protected] /
Bâtiment Agora, Allée des Droits de
67075 Strasbourg
[email protected]
DutchCulture operates in the areas of
culture, media and heritage. DutchCulture is the result of a merger of MEDIA
Desk Netherlands, Trans Artists and
The MEDIA Programme is a multiannual programme of the European Union
to strengthen the competitiveness of
the European film, TV and new media
industries and to increase the international circulation of European audiovisual
The Dutch MEDIA Team helps to promote
and administer the MEDIA Programme in
the Netherlands. They maintain intensive
contacts with the central organization of
the MEDIA Programme in Brussels and
with the MEDIA Desks in the other member states.
Eurimages is the cultural support fund
of the Council of Europe. Established in
1989, it currently numbers 36 of the 47
member states of the Strasbourg-based
Organisation. Eurimages promotes the
European audiovisual industry by providing financial support to feature films,
animations and documentaries produced
in Europe. In doing so, it encourages cooperation between professionals established in different European countries.
Andrea Posthuma,
Susan Newman-Baudais,
Project Manager
42 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
EYE Film Institute Netherlands
PO Box 37767
1030 BJ Amsterdam
[email protected]
EYE is the new institute for film in The
Netherlands. It houses an extensive,
internationally recognised collection.
EYE has world-renowned expertise in
restoration, research, educational programmes and international promotion
and marketing. It explores new methods
and media. Every year EYE organises
events including retrospectives, festivals,
educational programmes and open air
screenings. EYE aims to stimulate film
culture through programming as well as
by acquiring and distributing films.
Sandra den Hamer,
Claudia Landsberger,
Head of EYE International
Ido Abram, Director of Presentation & Communications
Marnix van Wijk,
Press & PR
Nathalie Mierop, Project
Coordinator EYE International
Heleen van der Molen, Project
Coordinator Documentaries & Short Films
Michiel de Rooij,
Policy Advisor’
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 43
Film Center Serbia
Film und Medienstiftung NRW
Zagrebacka 9/3
11000 Belgrade
[email protected]
Kaistrasse 14
40221 Düsseldorf
+49-211-930 500
[email protected]
Film Center Serbia is a governmental
institution of national importance that
provides professional assistance to filmmakers. It was founded by the Republic
of Serbia, and the founder’s rights are
exercised by the Government in the name
of the Republic of Serbia.
Founded in 1991 and with a funding budget of 35 million euro, the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW is financially the strongest state funding agency in Germany. The
Filmstiftung funds films for cinema and
television in all phases of creation and
utilisation. In 2011 the Film- and Medienstiftung NRW has been extended to an
integrated promotional institution for film
and media. Next to funding, the company’s responsibilities also include location
marketing and location development.
Miroljub Vuckovic, International
Relations and Promotion
Christina Bentlage,
Head of Production
44 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
Filmservice Münster.Land
Flanders Image
Klemensstraße 10
48143 Münster
[email protected]
p/a Flanders Film House,
Bischoffsheimlaan 38
BE1000 Brussels
[email protected]
Since 1999 Filmservice Münster.Land
offers support to feature films and documentaries shot in Münster and or the
Münsterland. In addition they organise
screenings, workshops, panels and
meetings of filmprofessionals. Since
2001 Filmservice Münster.Land announces the “Drehbuchförderpreis Münster.Land - Geschichten für die Provinz”
for screenwriters from all over Europe.
Part of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund
(VAF), Flanders Image is the audiovisual
export agency for audiovisual creations
made in Flanders and Brussels (Belgium). Its new sister organisation Screen
Flanders is both a film commission and
an economic audiovisual fund.
Recent Titles
Tage die Bleiben - Pia Strietmann / It’s All
So Quiet - Nanouk Leopold (NFF 2013) /
Tatort (TV Series) /
Recent Titles
82 Days in April - Bart van den Bempt /
The Broken Circle Breakdown - Felix van
Groeningen / I’m the Same I’m an Other Caroline Strubbe / Marina - Stijn Coninx /
The Verdict - Jan Verheyen
Nicola Ebel,
Christian de Schutter,
Manager Director
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 45
FPN (Film Producers Netherlands)
Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund
Korte Zoutkeetsgracht 2
1013 MC Amsterdam
[email protected]
Via Asquini 33
33100 Udine
[email protected]
Filmproducers Netherlands - FPN is the
association of the film producers in the
Netherlands. It represents the majority of the film producers and promotes
their interests in political lobby and in the
national and international film industry.
The main goal of the FVG Audiovisual
Fund is to support the development of
regional film companies and to promote
audiovisual works in international markets. The fund operates in three sectors:
training, development and production.
Along with the financing activity, the fund
has organised several events aimed at
creating international platforms for film
professionals, such as Ties That Bind,
Asia - Europe Producers Workshop, and
When East Meets West, a Trieste coproduction forum.
Recent Titles
Zoran - Matteo Oleotto / The Special Need
- Carlo Zoratti
Marjan van der Haar,
Managing Director
Iris Pander,
Project Manager
46 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
Alessandro Gropplero,
International Relations
German Federal Film Board (FFA)
German Films
Große Präsidentenstr. 9
10178 Berlin
[email protected]
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 16
80331 Munich
[email protected]
The German Federal Film Board (FFA) is
an institution incorporated under public
Law which supports the structure of the
German film industry and the quality of
German films. FFA’s duties include the
support of the production and distribution of German films and the improvement of the structure of the German film
industry. The FFA has an annual budget
of around 78 million at its disposal.
German Films Service and Marketing
is the national information and advisory
center for the promotion of German films
Peter Dinges,
Simone Baumann,
Representative Eastern Europe
Nicola Jones, Coordinator
International Relations
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 47
Institut Néerlandais
Irish Film Board
121 rue de Lille
75007 Paris
[email protected]
Queensgate, 23 Dock Road
[email protected]
The Institut Néerlandais is the official
Dutch cultural centre in Paris. Founded in
1957, it aims to be a platform for all Dutch
art and culture in France, and a meeting
place between Dutch and French actors
in the cultural area.
The Irish Film Board (IFB) is the national
development agency for the Irish film
industry investing in talent, creativity and
enterprise. The agency supports and promotes the Irish film industry and the use
of Ireland as a location for international
Harry Bos, Programmer Cinema
and Performing Arts
Mary Callery,
Project Manager
48 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Herengracht 609
1017 CE Amsterdam
[email protected]
August-Bebel-Str. 26/53
14482 Potsdam
[email protected]
Mediafonds promotes the development
and production of high-quality artistic
programmes by the national and regional
public broadcasting corporations. The
fund provides more than 16 million euros
in subsidies annually for radio and television programmes in the following fields:
drama, documentary, feature film, youth,
new media and performing arts. The fund
also stimulates new genres, like video
clips and games in collaboration with
other organisations and funds.
Berlin-Brandenburg is Germany’s film
metropolis, the Medienboard its regional
fund. We support films in the categories
of script development, project development, production, distribution and sales,
and other activities. At the Medienboard,
funding decisions are at the discretion of
the managing director. Funding consultants participate in the decision making
process and handle all client relations.
Titia Vuyk,
Head of Communications
Daniel Saltzwedel,
Funding Advisor
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 49
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
M.Gnezdnikovsky per. 7/6
125993 Moscow
[email protected]
Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung
Hainstraße 17-19
04109 Leipzig
[email protected]
The Ministry of Culture of Russia is a
Russian Federal Ministry in the Russian
Government that is responsible for state
policy in Cultural spheres, Art, Cinematography, archives, and inter-nations
Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM)
awards funding to promising film and
media projects realised in Saxony,
Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Funding
schemes are available for all phases,
starting from idea development through
to production and distribution.
Leonid Demchenko,
Cinema Department Advisor
Manfred Schmidt,
50 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
Netherlands Film Fund
Pijnackerstraat 5
1072 JS Amsterdam
[email protected]
The Netherlands Film Fund is the national agency responsible for supporting film
production in the Netherlands. It focuses on the quality and diversity of feature films,
documentaries, shorts, animation and experimental films. The Fund’s operations cover
participation in development, production and distribution. Besides, it supports film
activities such as film festivals, co-production markets and individual training for film
Recent Titles
Wrong Time Wrong Place - John Appel / The Only Son - Simonka de Jong / The Baby Deborah van Dam / Karsu - Mercedes Stalenhoef / Raw Herring - Leonard Retel Helmrich
and Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich / Sol LeWitt - Chris Teerink / Immer Fernweh Peter Delpeut / 900 Days - Jessica Groter / Anton Corbijn Inside Out - Klaartje Quirijns /
F.I.S.H.I.N.G - Pieter-Rim de Kroon / I Used to Dance - Femke Kramer / By Her Side - Niels
van Koevorden / Meet The Fokkens - Gabrielle Provaas en Rob Schröder / L’ amour des
moules - Willemiek Kluijfhou
Doreen Boonekamp,
George van Breemen,
Head of Financing
Dorien van de Pas,
Head of New Screen NL
Frank Peijnenburg,
Head of Screen NL
Bero Beyer,
Film Consultant Screen NL
Pieter Fleury,
Head of Documentary Film
Dany Delvoie,
International Affairs
Peggy Driessen-Bussink, Analist / Production Manager International Co-productions
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 51
NFDC of India
6th Floor, Discovery of India Building,
Nehru Centre, Dr. Annie Besant Road,
400 018
+91 22662 88288
[email protected]
Expo Plaza 1 (Deutscher Pavillon)
D-30539 Hannover
[email protected]
Over the years the National Film Development Corporation of India has worked
with some of the most acclaimed filmmakers of India including Satyajit Ray,
Mira Nair, Aparna Sen, Shyam Benegal,
Govind Nihalani, Mrinal Sen, Richard
Attenborogh, Adoor Gopalkrishnan and
Ketan Mehta. NFDC is breaking new
grounds by co-producing projects involving public-private partnerships. NFDC
organises Film Bazaar India: a co-production and distribution market for the
South Asian region alongside the International Film Festival of India, Goa.
Marten Rabarts,
Head of Development
52 Industry Guide Funding / Financing / Institutes
Nordmedia is the central institution for
film funding and media development in
the northern part of Germany, Niedersachsen and Bremen. Nordmedia was
founded in 2001 and currently has a funding budget of 10 million euro. Company
partners are the lands Lower Saxony and
Bremen and major TV Broadcasters as
NDR, Radio Bremen and ZDF. Nordmedia
is a member of Focus Germany and European Film Commission Network (EUFCN). It is open minded about co-funding
of international co-productions (Cinema
and TV).
Recent Titles
Supernova - Tamar van den Dop / The
Surprise - Mike van Diem / Nena - Saskia
Jochen Coldewey,
Head of Funding
Norwegian Film Institute
The Finnish Film Foundation
PO Box 482 Sentrum
0105 Oslo
[email protected]
Kanavakatu 12
00160 Helsinki
[email protected]
The Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) is the
sole national authority for public funding
of films in Norway. NFI has a range of
support schemes to encourage a variety
of audiovisual productions, primarily on a
national, but also international level.
Established in 1969, The Finnish Film
Foundation is the main funder of films in
Finland. Its task is to support and develop
professional Finnish film production, distribution and exhibition. Support can be
granted for feature-length, short fiction,
TV-drama, documentary, animation and
childrens films. Budget for 2013 is about
25 million euros. Selective support can
be granted also for international co-productions that have a Finnish co-producer.
Recent Titles
Pioner - Erik Skjoldbjærg / I Am Yours Iram Haq / Kon-Tiki - Joachim Rønning
and Espen Sandberg
Recent Titles
8-ball - Aku Louhimies / 21 Ways to Ruin a
Marriage - Johanna Vuoksenmaa / Alcan
Highway - Aleksi Salmenperä / Heart of a
Lion - Dome Karukoski / Concrete Night
- Pirjo Honkasalo / A Patriotic Man - Arto
Anne Frilseth, Senior Advisor
Production Feature Film
Hannu Tuomainen,
Film Comissioner
Funding / Financing / Institutes Industry Guide 53
Legal facilities
Industry Guide 55
Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten
De Lairessestraat 158
1075 HM Amsterdam
[email protected]
An all-around Law firm for the creative
industry, specialising in matters of Intellectual Property.
Roland Wigman,
56 Industry Guide Legal facilities
Industry Guide 57
Filmecho / Filmwoche
56 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 Paris
[email protected]
Marktplatz 13
65183 Wiesbaden
[email protected]
Festivalists is a platform for independent
film criticism launched at the end of 2012.
Among its founders, regular contributors, challenge participants are authors
from the most renowned cinema media.
Inspired by projects like Dana Linssen’s Slow Criticism (De Filmkrant), the
purpose of Festivalists is to re-discover
the real dynamic of festivals and special
events through text, image, sound, and
video. This also makes Festivalists a
must-click for industry professionals and
Yoana Pavlova,
58 Industry Guide Press
Leading weekly film trade magazine in
Germany that covers all aspects of the
the worldwide film industry such as production, distribution, cinema, festivals as
well as financing and marketing.
Birgit Heidsiek,
Schnitt Verlag
Screen International
Breite Str. 118-120
50667 Cologne
[email protected]
101 Finsbury Pavement
EC2A 1RS London
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Nikolaj Nikitin is editor and publisher
of film magazine Schnitt. He also is the
Russian and East European delegate of
the Berlinale, artistic director of Lost and
Found and the editing event Film+.
Leading international film trade publication in print and online at ScreenDaily.
Nikolaj Nikitin,
Geoffrey Macnab,
Press Industry Guide 59
The Hollywood Reporter
5700 Wilshire Blvd., suite 500
90036 Los Angeles
[email protected]
The Hollywood Reporter is an American
trade paper focussing on the Hollywood
motion picture industry.
Boyd van Hoeij,
Film Critic
60 Industry Guide Press
Industry Guide 61
AMP Poland
Arsam Productions
Marszalkowska 15 A #3
00-626 Warsaw
[email protected]
28 rue de Turin
75008 Paris
[email protected]
AMP Poland focuses on drama and creative documentaries in co-production
using the world-renowned Polish crews.
“Inheritance” was company’s first production with TVP, Canal+ and Audley
Films. Selected for Los Angeles, Gdynia,
Victoria New European and Koszalin Film
Festivals. Then two documentaries with
HBO: “Here I Am” and “Men for Hire”.
Founded by Ilann Girard in 2002, Arsam
is an integrated group of corporations
based in Paris. Arsam offers business affairs consultancy and finance packaging
services to the film and television production community and through Arsam
International has developed production
activities. Ilann Girard has produced Bille
August’s “Goodbye Bafana” (Berlinale
Official Competition - Cinema For Peace
Award 2007) as well as Venice 2009 Golden Lion “Lebanon” by Samuel Maoz.
Recent Titles
Madame Tyson - Edward Porembny /
Wrestling in Dakar - Edward Porembny
Edward Porembny,
62 Industry Guide Production
Recent Titles
When Day Breaks - Goran Paskaljevic
/ Ombline - Stéphane Cazes / I, Anna Baranaby Southcomb / Lebanon - Samuel
Maoz / Goodbye Bafana - Bille August
Ilann Girard,
Augustus Film
Cruquiusstraat 7
2012 GC Haarlem
[email protected]
PO Box 15850
1001 NJ Amsterdam
[email protected]
Independent production company with
focus on international co-productions.
The independent Dutch production company BosBros produces feature films and
television series. Over 20 years BosBros
has been famous and often awarded
for the high quality and success of its
productions. The smashing commercial
success of ‘Abeltje’ marked the discovery
of a new Dutch phenomenon: the family
feature. The motto: ‘quality pays its way’
proved to be applicable to the BosBros
productions. Therefore the starting point
of all BosBros productions still is: the
highest quality level.
NPP Work-in-Progress 2013
Land. - Jan-Willem van Ewijk
Recent Titles
Fidgety Bram - Anna van der Heide / Alfie,
the Little Werewolf - Joram Lürsen
NFF 2013: Chez Nous - Tim Oliehoek /
Zusjes - Dana Nechushtan
Bero Beyer,
Jan-Willem van Ewijk,
Film Director
Burny Bos,
Ruud van der Heyde,
Production Industry Guide 63
BuzzMedia Network
Työpajankatu 2 A R1 D
00580 Helsinki
[email protected]
Van Leeuwenhoekstraat 44
1221 AH Hilversum
[email protected]
Bufo was founded in 2007 by producers
Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff and screenwriter Vesa Virtanen. Bufo has produced a
number of fiction and documentary films
of which many have received international recognition. Based in Helsinki, the
thrill-seeking company concentrates on
plot-driven and meaningful stories that
can also entertain big audiences. Currently Bufo is involved in several fiction
and documentary film productions with
acclaimed European directors such as
Pirjo Honkasalo and Veiko Õunpuu.
has been involved in the development and
production of numerous feature films
cinema and TV dramas, documentaries,
commercials, educational films and web
clips for non-profit organizations and
advocacy groups.
Recent Titles
Concrete Night - Pirjo Honkasalo / The
Good Son - Zaida Bergroth / The Interrogation - Jörn Donner
Recent Titles
Surviving - Heinrich Dahms / Scum - Heinrich Dahms
NPP Project 2013
Abalone Wars - Heinrich Dahms
NPP Work-in-Progress 2013
Korso - Akseli Tuomivaara
Mark Lwoff,
Akseli Tuomivaara,
Film Director
64 Industry Guide Production
Michèle Aimé,
Heinrich Dahms,
Film Director
Ciné Cri de Coeur
Circe Films
Turnhoutsebaan 172
2100 Deurne
[email protected]
Da Costakade 176 HS
1053 XE Amsterdam
[email protected]
Producer Jacqueline de Goeij worked
as an independent producer for twelve
years in the Netherlands before moving
to Belgium. In the Netherlands, she produced both television series and drama
for the public broadcasters as well as
feature films. Since 2009 Jacqueline
lives and produces in Belgium with her
company Ciné Cri de Coeur. Cri de Coeur
focusses on features and televison fiction
for the local and international market.
Their first feature “Allez Eddy!” has won
several awards at international festivals.
Currently Ciné Cri de Coeur is developing
new productions and this year they will
co-produce the Dutch family film “Wiplala” and in 2014 “Michiel de Ruyter”.
Circe Films is an Amsterdam-based
company producing feature films for the
national and international market. Since
1996 managing director Stienette Bosklopper has been establishing enduring
relationships with unique and innovative
filmmakers like Nanouk Leopold, Radu
Jude, Seyfi Teoman, Tsai Ming-liang,
Sacha Polak, Esther Rots, Dominga Sotomayor and Martijn Maria Smits.
Recent Titles
Hemel - Sacha Polak / Everybody in Our
Family - Radu Jude / De jueves a domingo
- Dominga Sotomayor / Cabo - Ivan Barbosa / Stockholm - Eché Janga
Recent Titles
Chez Nous - Tim Oliehoek (NFF 2013)
NFF 2013: A Long Story - Jorien van Nes /
It’s All So Quiet - Nanouk Leopold / Roffa Bobby Boermans / Scooterdagen - Léonie
de Boer
Jacqueline de Goeij,
Stienette Bosklopper,
Producer/Managing Director
Loes Knape,
Junior Producer
Production Industry Guide 65
Coin Film
Rolandstraße 63
50939 Cologne
[email protected]
1 Kinnoj Armii 37, apt. 18
95000 Simferopol
[email protected]
Coin Film has been developing and producing feature films and high-end documentaries for cinema and television since
1993. All of its films are characterised by
the filmmakers individualist approach
and artistic profile. Coin Film principally
works with talented young filmmakers
and is based in Cologne.
Film studio CryCinema was founded in
2008 by the team of people that shared
the thought that they could not live without shooting films. They dare to shoot the
films that will not be classified into independent or commercial, artistic or mainstream, artstream or any other stream
made up by some smart film critics or
directors. CryCinema’s films have to be
good. No other.
Recent Titles
The Rhino and the Dragonfly - Lola Randl
/ Take Two - Nadejda Koseva / Brownian
Movement - Nanouk Leopold
Herbert Schwering,
66 Industry Guide Production
NPP Project 2013
Kai - Oleg Sentsov
Oleg Sentsov,
Managing Director
Ievgeniia Raukh,
CTB Film Company
CTM LEV Pictures
Kamennoostrovsky prospect, 10
197101 Saint Petersburg
[email protected]
Emmastraat 21
1211 NE Hilversum
[email protected]
The CTB Film Company of St. Petersburg
and Moscow is one of Russia’s most
prolific and successful producers of
theatrical motion pictures. Founded in
1992, CTB has produced more than sixty
feature films in a whole range of styles
unmatched in Russian production, from
action, drama and comedy to animation,
auteur and feature debuts.
CTM LEV Pictures is the result of the
recent merger of CTM Films and LEV
Pictures. The company is run by Denis
Wigman and Sander Verdonk, combining
over 30 years of experience in producing
feature films and documentaries.
Projects are characterised by originality,
always with an eye for commercial and
international potential. This often leads
to films with an artistic sensibility that
appeal to a wide audience.
Recent Titles
Wrong Cops - Quentin Dupieux / I Won’t
Come Back - Ilmar Raag / Naked Harbour - Aku Louhimies / Me Too - Aleksei
Recent Titles
Plan C - Max Porcelijn / Anton Corbijn
Inside Out - Klaartje Quirijns
NFF 2013: Across the Street - Wouter Stoter/ Into Thin Air - Daniel Bruce / Speelman - Klaartje Quirijns
Natalia Drozd,
Sander Verdonk,
Production Industry Guide 67
Curb Denizen
De Productie
2 Dundee House
W91QP Maide Vale
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Gashouderstraat 9
3061 EH Rotterdam
[email protected]
Curb Denizen is an international production company formed in 2010 by producers Joanna Bence and Fyodor Druzin.
Curb Denizen focuses on story-driven
international co-productions along with
developing regional projects aimed at
worldwide audiences and the international marketplace. Curb Denizen has a
truly international worldview with past
projects produced in Russia, UK, India
and Kyrgyzstan and current projects in
development in the USA, Central Asia,
Europe and Australia.
After working for more than ten years as
production managers and line producers for feature-film projects, Annemiek
van Gorp and René Goossens decided
in September 1998 to join forces in De
Productie. De Productie is primarily
interested in making high-quality drama
and documentaries. Operating from Rotterdam, De Productie aims to meet the
needs of local and national talent, while
also being a reliable partner in international co-productions. The aim is to build
up an international network of production houses which share their outlook on
producing and marketing films.
Recent Titles
Saint Petersburg - Andrei Khvostov
Joanna Bence,
Managing Director
Fyodor Druzin,
Managing Director
68 Industry Guide Production
Recent Titles
C’est déja l’été - Martijn Maria Smits / La
cantante de tango - Diego Martinez Vignatti / Lost Persons Area - Caroline Strubbe
/ I’m the Same I’m an Other - Caroline
Strubbe / Greencard Warriors - Miriam
Kruishoop / Dead Body Welcome - Kees
Brienen (NFF 2013)
Annemiek van Gorp,
René Goossens,
Endorphine Production
Eyeworks Film & TV Drama
Schliemannstr. 5
10437 Berlin
[email protected]
Raamplein 1
1016 XK Amsterdam
[email protected]
Endorphine Production is an independent
film production company based in Berlin,
dedicated to producing films that appeal
to international markets. Producer Fabian Massah is a member of ACE and of the
European Producers Club. Recent films
include the multi-award-winning “Men on
the Bridge” by Asli Özge, “Land” by Jan
Willem van Ewijk (in postproduction) and
“Luton” by Michalis Konstantatos. Current projects include feature film “All Of a
Sudden” by Asli Özge.
Since its start in 2001 Eyeworks has
rapidly become a major independent production company in its home country the
Netherlands. Eyeworks has production
companies in sixteen countries on four
different continents. Eyeworks Film & TV
Drama is a leading Dutch film producer
with films such as “Stricken”, “The Happy
Housewife”, “New Kids Turbo”, “New Kids
Nitro”, “Nova Zembla”, “Jackie”, “The
Marathon” and “Daylight”. “The Dinner”
by director/writer Menno Meyjes based
on the bestseller by Herman Koch and
the romantic comedy” Bro’s Before Ho’s”,
from the directors of “New Kids” will be
released in 2013. “The Dinner” has recently been selected for Toronto IFF 2013.
Recent Titles
Men on the Bridge - Asli Özge / Luton Michalis Konstantatos
Recent Titles
The Dinner - Menno Meyjes
NFF 2013: The Marathon - Diederick
Koopal / Daylight - Diederik van Rooijen /
Chubby Drums - Arne Toonen
Fabian Massah, Producer
Judith Hees,
Creative Producer
Production Industry Guide 69
Family Affair Films
Film House Kiselo Dete
Entrepotdok 77 A
1018 AD Amsterdam
[email protected]
Dalmatinska 17
11000 Belgrade
[email protected]
Family Affair Films is an Amsterdam
based production company founded by
Floor Onrust. We produce urgent and
contemporary television drama, short
and feature films of high artistic quality
with a strong author driven vision. We
develop projects with new talent, video
artists and we continue our relation with
established filmmakers.
Film House Kiselo Dete is a film production company from Belgrade, Serbia. It
was created in 2008 by three directors
– Mina Djukic, Uros Tomic and Nikola
Lezaic, gathered around the goal of making independent fiction and documentary
films that will have both attitude and
humour. Besides projects that three of us
as directors work on, our goal also is to
produce debut films by young directors
from Serbia, but also from other countries of Balkan region and Europe.
Our first feature film production “Tilva
Ros” won over twenty awards on international film festivals, and was nominated
for European Academy Awards in 2011.
New feature film projects “The Dissobedients” (in postproduction) and “Play me,
Kusturica” (in pre-production) are both
funded by Film Center Serbia.
Recent Titles
Away - Parisa Aminolahi / The Blue Wave
- Merve Kayan and Zeynep Dadak / The
Shack - Mirjam de With / Life According to
Nino - Simone van Dusseldorp / Boy - Tami
Ravid / Ballast - Mirjam de With / Nation
For Two - Chaja Hertog and Nir Nadler /
Harvest - Chaja Hertog and Nir Nadler
NFF 2013: Sweet Love - Albert Jan van
Rees / The Girl across the Street - Steven
Recent Titles
Tilva Ros - Nikola Lezaic
NPP Project 2013
Play Me, Kusturica - Uros Tomic
Floor Onrust,
70 Industry Guide Production
Uros Tomic,
Film Director
Snezana Penev,
Flying Moon Filmproduktion
Fu Works
Seestraße 96
13353 Berlin
[email protected]
Rapenburgerstraat 109
1011 VL Amsterdam
[email protected]
Flying Moon focuses on international
co-productions of features and documentaries and has recently included transmedia projects as well.
Fu Works Productions was founded in 1995
by San Fu Maltha and has now become one
of the leading film production companies in
the Netherlands. Fu Works is independent,
international and produces feature films,
documentaries and television series.
Recent Titles
Shell - Scott Graham / The Loneliest Planet - Julia Loktev / Swans - Hugo Vieira da
Silva / As Time Goes by in Shanghai - Uli
Recent Titles
Tirza - Rudolf van den Berg / Winter in
Wartime - Martin Koolhoven / Love is All Joram Lürsen / Black Book - Paul Verhoeven
/ The Blitz - Ate de Jong / Milo - Berend
Boorsma and Roel Boorsma / Too Fast Too
Furious - Tim Oliehoek / Costa! - Johan
Nijenhuis / Phileine Says Sorry - Robert Jan
Westdijk / In Orange - Joram Lürsen
NPP Project 2013
The Witch of the Fens - Thijs Schreuder
San Fu Maltha,
Roshanak Behesht Nedjad,
Managing Director/Producer
Els Rientjes,
Creative Producer
Thijs Schreuder,
Film Director
Production Industry Guide 71
gebrueder beetz filmproduktion
Ghost VFX
Heinrich-Roller-Straße 15
10405 Berlin
[email protected]
Rosenborggade 15
1130 Copenhagen
[email protected]
gebrueder beetz filmproduktion has
produced more than 100 high-quality
documentaries for the national and international market since 2000, ranging from
cinema documentaries (“Autumn Gold”),
to TV documentaries (“Blood in the Mobile”), drama-docs (“The Medici’s Trail
of Blood”) and TV series (“The Culture
Files”) to cross-media formats (“Farewell Comrades! Interactive”) and the
daily magazine EinsWeiter. Our productions regularly screen in the competition
of A-festivals and have won numerous
Ghost VFX specialises in making the
impossible possible in film. Since 1999,
Ghost VFX has been supplying worldclass postproduction to an expanding
client base across the globe. Ghost VFX
has worked on more than 30 feature films
and more than 1000 commercials. The
company occupies 1300 m2 of inspiring
space in the heart of Copenhagen and
offers the whole postproduction package, from initial concept to final copy and
everything in between, including grading,
visual effects, direction, 3D and compositing.
Recent Titles
Midsummer Night’s Tango - Viviane
Blumenschein / Sunday Warriors Andreas Geiger
Recent Titles
Ragnarok - Gåten Ragnarok / The Keeper
of Lost Causes - Mikkel Nørgaard / Pacific
Rim - Guillermo Del Toro / Flukt - Roar
Uthaug / Olympus has Fallen - Antoine
NPP Work-in-Progress 2013
The Culture Files - Several directors
Eva Schellenbeck,
72 Industry Guide Production
Mikael Windelin,
Hurricane Films
IJswater Films
17 Hope Street
L68PE Liverpool
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Kromme Mijdrechtstraat 110/4
1079 LD Amsterdam
[email protected]
In 2008 Hurricane Films invited Terence
Davies to make his first film in eight
years. “Of Time And The City” premiered
at Cannes, made Time Magazines top 10
films of 2009 and won a New York Critics
Circle award and a BAFTA nomination for
producers Roy Boulter and Solon Papadopoulos. Another Davies project - “Sunset Song” - is currently in pre-production
with Peter Mullan and Agyness Deyn
attached. Hurricane’s development slate
also includes “A Prayer Before Dawn” - a
Thai-set prison drama.
IJswater Films is (co-)founded in the
mid nineties by producer Marc Bary and
focuses on new, but also established
talent and develops and (co-)produces
high quality features, such as “The Polish Bride” (Golden Globe Nomination,
Cannes Critics Choice), “Skin” (Emmy
Award Nomination), “Win/Win” (Prix Genève Europe Script Award) and “22nd of
May” (Toronto). Currently in production:
“Supernova” by Tamar van den Dop, a European co-production with Revolver, Coin
Film and Epidemic, to be released by Wild
Bunch Benelux in Spring 2014. IJswater
Films also produces shorts, youth drama, TV drama and documentaries.
Recent Titles
Of Time and the City - Terence Davis
NPP Project 2013
A Quiet Passion - Terence Davies
Recent Titles
Lotus - Pascale Simons / Mister Braker
- Boris Paval Conen / Papa’s Tango - Michiel van Jaarsveld / Smoking Like a Turk
- Remy van Heugten / Supernova - Tamara
van den Dop
NFF 2013: Anouar and the Moon - Michiel
van Jaarsveld / The New World - Jaap van
Heusden / Sync - Mari Sanders / Everything Will Be Different Now - Josefien
Roy Boulter,
Marc Bary,
Production Industry Guide 73
Imval Producciones
Ironworks Productions
Montejurra, 33, Escalera Izquierda,
Entresuelo B
28017 Madrid
[email protected]
295 Greenwich Street, Suite 391
NY 10007 New York
[email protected]
Imval Producciones shows a reputable
experience in the cinematographic production of fiction films and documentaries in the European and Latin American
markets. Imval Producciones would like
to support the development of original
proposals which are capable of imposing
their own aesthetic and narrative demand; this is why we invest in the development fase of each project. They work
with international co-producers, financers and distributors on all their projects.
Bruce Weiss is a producer of quality feature films and documentaries located in
New York City. Recent projects include
a trilogy of feature films directed by and
starring Steve Buscemi, Stanley Tucci and
John Turturro titled “Interview” , “Blind
Date” and “Somewhere Tonight”. Ironworks Productions films have premiered at
major international film festivals and have
sold to all international territories. He is
currently producing Hal Hartley’s new film
“Ned Rifle” starring Gemma Arterton and
Parker Posey.
Recent Titles
Tenemos que hablar - Anahi Hoeneisen,
Paz Fábrega, Ana Paula Castellanos,
Verónica Chen and Yolanda Barrasa /
Mujer conejo - Verónica Chen
Recent Titles
Fully Loaded - Shira Piven / Somewhere
Tonight - Michael Di Jiacomo / Blind Date Stanley Tucci / Interview - Steve Buscemi /
Crypt - Mark Murphy
NPP Project 2013
God’s Legs - Pablo Malo
Luis Angel Ramírez,
Executive Producer
Pablo Malo,
Film Director
74 Industry Guide Production
Bruce Weiss,
Join Motion Pictures
Jos Stelling Films
Birkiholt 4
225 Alftanes
[email protected]
Springweg 50
3511 VS Utrecht
[email protected]
Join Motion Pictures was founded in
2007. It received support from the Entrepreneurship Center Innovit in its
start-up days, and has since then focused
on building a strong collaboration with
upcoming cinematic authors. One of its
recent productions, short film “Whale
Valley”, has won awards at both the
Cannes Film Festival and the Giffoni Film
Festival in 2013.
Jos Stelling Films, founded in 1975 by
Jos Stelling, is a Dutch independent film
production company. It produces feature
films and shorts for theatrical and TV
release, focusing on the films by director Jos Stelling. In financing these films
it has established co-productions in
the past with producers from Belgium,
Germany and Russia. Among the films
it produced with Jos Stelling as director
are the internationally acclaimed and
awarded films “The Pointsman”, “The
Illusionist” and the recent co-productions
with Russia: “Duska” and “The Girl and
NPP Project 2013
Heartstone - Gudmundur Arnar
Anton Máni Svansson,
Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson,
Film Director
Jos Stelling,
Production Industry Guide 75
jucca film Angerbauer & Kirberg GbR
Just a moment
Angerbauer Kirberg Kotschi GbR
Skalitzer str. 68
10997 Berlin
[email protected]
Pylimo str. 9 - 13
LT01118 Vilnius
[email protected]
jucca film is a German production company, founded in 2006 by Caroline Kirberg
and Judith Angerbauer. In 2011 Michael
Kotschi joined the team. They produce
internationally orientated fiction and
documentary films that are characterised by strong creative approaches. jucca
film believes in the synergy of our different areas of expertise.
Just a moment is a fast growing Vilniusbased independent production company
developing projects with Lithuanian
filmmakers and involved in international
co-productions. As yet their filmography
includes four short films, six documentaries and one TV-series. Films (co-)
produced by Just a moment have been
selected for festivals as Venice, Visions
Du Reel, Sheffield Doc/Fest, Moscow,
Warsaw, Krakow, and Bergen.
Recent Titles
The Sleeping Girl - Rainer Kirberg /
Egoiste - Judith Angerbauer
NPP project 2013
The Absence - Rainer Kirberg
Recent Titles
Julia - J.Jackie Baier / Igrushki - Lina
Lzute / Father - Marat Sargsyan /
Marina’s House - Dali Rust / How We
Played the Revolution - Giedre Zickyte
NPP Project 2013
Do You Love Me - Lina Luzyte
Caroline Kirberg,
Rainer Kirberg,
Film Director
76 Industry Guide Production
Dagne Vildziunaite,
Kennedy Films
Gumussuyu Mahallesi Kutlu Sokak No 9/1
34437 Istanbul
[email protected]
21 Knocklyon Heights
Dublin 16
[email protected]
Kamara is a production company founded
in 2011. It is developing Mehmet Can
Mertoglu’s first feature “The Cliff Shore”
(NPP 2013, Two Awards at Meetings on
the Bridge, Sundance Screenwriters Lab,
Produire au Sud) and Theron Patterson’s
second feature “Everything Is O.K.”
(Pack & Pitch Award at Sarajevo 2012).
We produced Mehmet Can Mertoglu’s
second short Glimmer. The five directors we work with screened their works
in festivals such as Rotterdam, Toronto,
Edinburgh, Angers, Montreal and Thessaloniki.
NPP Project 2013
The Cliff Shore - Mehmet Can Mertoglu
Yoel Meranda,
Mehmet Can Mertoglu,
Film Director
Kennedy Films is a film production company based in Dublin.
Founded by Kathryn Kennedy in 2012,
Kennedy Films first short film “Just Saying” went viral with over 400k hits online
to date and achieving international press
coverage. “My Name Is Emily” and “MND
Man” are its first feature film productions. Kathryn Kennedy is a creative
producer with an MA in Screenwriting, a
BA in Film Production and over a decade
of experience working in the Irish film
NPP Project 2013
My Name is Emily - Simon Fitzmaurice
Kathryn Kennedy,
Creative Producer
Production Industry Guide 77
La Mer à Boire Productions
Lemming Film
7 Quai Aux Fleurs
75004 Paris
[email protected]
Valschermkade 36 F
1059 CD Amsterdam
[email protected]
La Mer à Boire is a new film production company created by the co-founder
of Les Films au Long Cours. With over
fifteen years experience and forty short
films to his name, Ludovic Henry has
consciously designed this new production
company to properly support the shortfilm directors that he has already helped
bring to the fore.
Lemming Film is a film and television
production company based in Amsterdam, with a proven track record in delivering quality commercial films and
television productions. Lemming Film is
specialised in fiction for children, teens,
families and international arthouse productions.
Recent Titles
Tazzeka - Jean Philippe Gaud / Ecoute
s’il neige - Marc Ruscart / La Tour des
Vents - Caroline Deruas / Die unendliche Stadt - Pablo Gonzalez / L’enfant du
milieu - Catherine Cosme / La ville nous
appartient - Lola Frederich / La voix de
la France - Liam Engle / Papa oom mow
mow - Sébastien de Fonseca / Accouche!
- Yaël Cohen / Jeunesse - Shanti Masud
Recent Titles
Valentino - Remy van Heugten (NFF 2013)
/ Tony 10 - Mischa Kamp / Snackbar Meral Uslu / In the Fog - Sergei Loznitsa
/ Ollie’s Palace of Draperies - Norbert ter
Hall / How to Survive - Remy van Heugten
and Ties Schenk / Brother - Sacha Polak /
Vivan las Antipodas! - Victor Kossakovsky
NPP Project 2013
Exotic Pictures - Edwin
NPP Project 2013
The Burning Bridges - Pablo González
Leontine Petit, CEO/Head of
Ludovic Henry,
Pablo González,
Film Director
78 Industry Guide Production
Eva Eisenloeffel,
Edwin, Film
Marni Films
Memphis Film & Television
12 Mnisikleous str.
10556 Athens
+30-210-322 8860
[email protected]
Maliebaan 24-26
3581 CP Utrecht
[email protected]
Marni Films is a young independent company based in Athens that produces short
films, feature films and creative documentaries by filmmakers in their first
steps. The goal is to keep Greek cinema’s
new wave alive by supporting young
artists and bringing forward the talent
that has emerged the past few years in
Greece. They wish to deliver innovative
projects that carry a personal vision and
are intended for international audiences.
Memphis Film & Television exists more
than 20 yeas. Producer Cécile van Eijk
and filmmaker and producer Sherman
De Jesus, are both creative and finance
professionals operating together with
talented filmmakers and all the major
broadcasters in the Netherlands and
with coproduction partners in Europe.
This has involved prize-winning films like
“Boy Ecury” written by Arthur Japin and
directed by Frans Weisz, “Souls of Naples”, directed by Vincent Monnikendam.
Memphis Film & Televison is a member
of DPN (Dutch Documentary Producers).
NPP Project 2013
Pigs on the Wind - Stergios Paschos
Recent Titles
Lost Down Memory Lane - Klara Van Es
/ God’s Own Parish - Sherman de Jesus
/ Everything Must Change Piet Zwart
- Sherman De Jesus / WhatEver Will Be Esther Prade (NFF 2013)
Phaedra Vokali,
Stergios Paschos,
Film Director
Cécile van Eijk,
Production Industry Guide 79
Newgrange Pictures
Rochdelskaya st. 15 bld 32
123022 Moscow
[email protected]
49-50 Berystede, Leeson Park
Dublin 6
[email protected]
Metrafilms produces TV commercials,
feature films and special projects that
are on the border between art and advertising. The company proposes their
directors according to the specific needs
of each project bid - the necessary skills,
style and subject area. Metrafilms have
worked with over a hundred commercial
directors from all over the world and
never stop looking for young talents.
Newgrange Pictures is one of Ireland’s
leading production companies, producing feature films, documentaries and TV
drama for the international marketplace.
Founded in 2005 it is run by Lesley McKimm and Jackie Larkin, the producing
team behind an array of critically acclaimed and award-winning film and
television programmes including “Stella
Days”, “Whistleblower”, “Last Night”,
“Happy Ever Afters”, “Any Time Now”,
“No Tears” and “Kings”. Newgrange are
also actively involved in European coproductions.
Recent Titles
Under Electric Clouds - Aleksey German Jr. / An Affair - Grigory Dobrygin /
Aftermath - Vladislav Pasikowski / Act of
Nature - Sergei Osipyan and Alexander
Recent Titles
Stella Days - Thaddeus O’Sullivan / Happy
Ever Afters - Stephen Burke / No Tears Tom Collins / Kings - Tom Collins
NPP Project 2013
My Name is Emily - Simon Fitzmaurice
Artem Vasilyev,
General Director
80 Industry Guide Production
Lesley McKimm,
Pandora Film Produktion
Proline Film
Balthasarstraße 79-81
50670 Cologne
[email protected]
Kamennoostrovsky pr. 29.34
197022 Saint Petersburg
[email protected]
Pandora Film Produktion’s goal is to
work continuously with directors and
screenwriters, who seek to develop a
unique and unmistakeable cinematic
Proline Film was founded in 2004 by Russian film composer and producer Andrey
Sigle. Its mission is to promote Russian
auteur cinema worldwide.
Recent Titles
The Congress - Ari Folman / Only Lovers
Left Alive - Jim Jarmusch / Layla Fourie
- Pia Marais / 11 Freundinnen - SungHyung Cho / Pioneer - Erik Skjoldbjaerg
Recent Titles
The Role - Konstantin Lopushansky /
Faust - Alexander Sokurov / Missing Man
- Anna Fenchenko / The Orchard - Sergey Ovcharov / Crime and Punishment
- Dmitry Svetozarov / Alexandra - Alexander Sokurov / The Ugly Swans - Konstantin Lopushansky / Serko - Joel Farge
/ Sun - Alexander Sokurov
NPP Project 2013
The Dream God - Valeriya Gai Germanika
Raimond Goebel,
Leonid Choub,
Vice-President International
Production Industry Guide 81
Pupkin Film
Revolver Amsterdam
Weesperzijde 4
1091 EA Amsterdam
[email protected]
Oosteinde 11
1017 WT Amsterdam
[email protected]
Pupkin Film is a Dutch production company based in Amsterdam. They produce
feature films and television drama, based
on bold and thought-provoking stories.
Pupkin Film hopes to inspire the widest
possible audience.
Revolver Amsterdam develops and
(co-)produces crossingborder cinema
by young and upcoming talents, both
focusing on the Netherlands as well as
international productions. Revolver Amsterdam is committed to creating nurturing authentic, strong, unique and author
driven stories.
Recent Titles
The Deflowering of Eva van End - Michiel
ten Horn / Bellicher; Cel - Peter de
Baan / Manslaughter - Pieter Kuijpers
/ Godforsaken - Pieter Kuijpers a.o. /
Doctor Cheezy - Margien Rogaar / Freshers - Jacco van Ree / Bon voyage - Sal
Kroonenberg / Loft - Antoinette Beumer /
Nothing to Lose - Bert Pot
Recent Titles
Supernova - Tamar van den Dop / They
Have Escaped - Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää
/ Drift - Benny Vandendriessche / Lotus
- Pascale Simons / Club Zeus - David
Verbeek / 22 of May - Koen Mortier
NPP Work-in-Progress 2013
Heaven on Earth - Pieter Kuijpers
Manon van Melick,
Head of Productions
Iris Otten,
Pieter Kuijpers,
Film Director/Producer
82 Industry Guide Production
Raymond van der Kaaij,
Rinkel Film
Riva Filmproduktion
Bremstraat 1-3
1031 EK Amsterdam
[email protected]
Friedensallee 14-16
22765 Hamburg
[email protected]
Rinkel Film is an independent production company based in the heart of Amsterdam with a proven track record in
producing feature films for the domestic
and international market. The company
focuses on (inter)national co-productions
and produces high quality, mainstream
genre-driven features, book adaptations,
as well as challenging arthouse films
with high festival potential. Furthermore,
Rinkel Film produces TV-drama and oneoffs for public and private broadcasting
Riva Filmproduktion was founded in
2006. In the past Michael Eckelt and his
team successfully combined decades
of film industry experience with new
talent, establishing durable and fruitfull
relationships with business and creative
partners worldwide. Apart from German
feature and television productions, Riva
Film has a strong focus on international
co-productions of high quality feature
films for the arthouse market.
Recent Titles
Rafaël - Paula van der Oest / Secrets of
War - Dennis Bots / Lucia de B. - Paula
van der Oest / Brand New U - Simon
Recent Titles
I, Anna - Barnaby Southcombe / Voice of
My Father - Orhan Eskiköy and Zeynel
Dogan / Das Leben ist Nichts für Feiglinge - André Erkau
NFF 2013: Godforsaken - Pieter Kuijpers
/ Love Eternal - Brendan Muldowney
Reinier Selen,
Anette Unger,
Production Industry Guide 83
Savage Film
Scala Productions
De Ribaucourtstraat 139 0/D
1080 Brussels
[email protected]
249 Gray’s Inn Road
WC1X 8QZ London
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Savage Film is an independent production company founded in 2007 by Bart
Van Langendonck and operating from
Brussels in association with Eyeworks.
Savage Film produces fiction films,
documentaries and dance films, with
subjects just as versatile as its directors’
backgrounds. Daring or controversial,
Savage Film projects often balance on
the boundaries of genres; fiction, documentary or art.
Recent Titles
Cinéma Inch’Allah! - Vincent Coen and
Guillaume Vandenberghe / Rain - GerardJan Claes and Olivia Rochette / Silent
Visitors - Jeroen van der Stock / Anton
Corbijn Inside Out - Klaartje Quirins
NPP Project 2013
Equator - Hans van Nuffel
Bart Van Langendonck,
Hans van Nuffel,
Film Director
84 Industry Guide Production
Scala productions was co-founded in the
early 1990s by Nik Powell, one of the UKs
top film producers. His long partnership
with Stephen Woolley brought an unrivalled slate of award winning features to
the screen including “The Crying Game”
and “Little Voice”. Now Deputy Chair of
the European Film Academy and Chair
of the BAFTA Film Committee, Nik and
Scala’s more recent credits include “Ladies in Lavender”, “Calendar Girls” and
“In Our Name”, with “Love Me Do” currently in postproduction.
Recent Titles
Love Me Do - Martin Stitt / Stoned Stephen Wolley / Ladies in Lavender Charles Dance
NPP Project 2013
Passing Clouds - Tatiana Korol
Ian Prior,
Selfmade Films
Jan ter Gouwweg 159
1412 DA Naarden
[email protected]
Nieuwpoortkade 2a, Postvak D.010
1055 RX Amsterdam
[email protected]
Screenpartners is a filmproduction
company, founded by Simon de Waal in
2003. It focuses on the creative side of
Amsterdam-based Selfmade Films develops and produces creative documentaries, generally in co-production with
public broadcasters. Selfmade Films
cooperates with various directors, from
young or just starting, to experienced
and award winning ones, always trying
to ensure their independence. Since 1999
the company produced over fifty feature
and mid-length documentaries. One of
Selfmade Films’ short-term aims is to
increase co-productions with European
partners, filmmakers and broadcasters.
Recent Titles
Boks - Hans Pos a.o. / Captain Rob - Hans
Pos / Cop vs Killer - Simon de Waal and
Hans Pos
NPP Project 2013
The Fear of God - Simon de Waal
Recent Titles
El Sonido del Bandonéon - Jiska Rickels
/ Bloody Fox - Tijs Tinbergen and Jan
Musch / The Diaries of an Elephant Janina Pigaht (NFF 2013)
Simon de Waal,
Niek Koppen,
Producer/Film Director
Production Industry Guide 85
Senator Film Produktion
Shooting Star Filmcompany
Schonehauser Allee 53
10437 Berlin
[email protected]
Prinsengracht 546
1017 KK Amsterdam
[email protected]
Senator Entertainment is a media
conglomerate that produces and coproduces TV and theatrical products, as
well as acquiring and exploiting rights to
completed films in all stages of the distribution chain, i.e. theatrical, DVD, TV and
the multiple internet platforms in a global
and all-encompassing fashion.
With a history of 30 years, theatrical distribution has become their core and key
business. Senator Filmproduktion was
founded in1987 and much later Senator
Home Entertainment in 2006.
Shooting Star, founded in 1987, and based
in Amsterdam, is one of the leading independent production companies in the
Ulf Israel,
Dave Schram,
86 Industry Guide Production
Recent Titles
NFF 2013: De groeten van Mike! - Maria
Peters / Lover of Loser! - Dave Schram /
Spijt! - Dave Schram
NPP project 2013
The Fear of God - Simon de Waal
Smarthouse Films
SNG Film
Herengracht 174
1016 BR Amsterdam
[email protected]
PO Box 59081
1040 KB Amsterdam
[email protected]
Smarthouse is commercial arthouse
and vice versa, linking music, arts and
graphic design into the world of film.
Smarthouse Films is an Amsterdambased production company of feature
films, documentaries and branded
films. Our work crosses over genres and
themes; our filmmakers push it to the
limits but never over the edge. Founder
Danielle Guirguis has been involved in
films like “Black Book”, “Stricken”, “The
Happy Housewife”, “Mike Says Goodbye!”,
“Furious” and “Spijt!”.
SNG Film/ Studio Nieuwe Gronden was
founded in 1979 by René Scholten, and
focused on producing feature films and
documentary projects with a personal
and idiosyncratic element, but not to the
exclusion of any commercial potential.
Digna Sinke - producer and director - has
taken over in 2001. The aim remains the
same: to produce interesting films with
cinematographic quality.
NPP Project 2013
La Holandesa - Joost van Ginkel
Recent Titles
Dream & Deed - Annette Apon / Wavumba - Jeroen van Velzen / An Angel in
Doel - Tom Fassaert
NFF 2013: Dream and Deed - Anette Apon
/ Another Mother - Paula van der Oest
Daniëlle Guirguis,
Joost van Ginkel,
Film Director
Daan Gielis,
Digna Sinke,
Production Industry Guide 87
Surprise Alley
Rapenburgerstraat 109
1011 VL Amsterdam
[email protected]
29 rue Meslay
75003 Paris
[email protected]
Submarine is a production studio in Amsterdam that develops and produces feature films, documentaries, animation and
transmedia. Submarine has established
itself as an innovative company, mixing
traditional and interactive storytelling, all
with an international focus. The company
works with directors who explore the
boundaries of the moving image, with renowned talent such as Peter Greenaway
and Tommy Pallotta as well as with young
and upcoming talent.
Based in Paris, Surprise Alley was created in 2013 by Alice Ormières, in partnership with Titus Kreyenberg (unafilm,
Germany) and Miroslav Mogorovic (Art &
Popcorn, Serbia). The company produces
feature films, exploring new narrative
and aesthetic perspectives with directors of various cultural backgrounds.
Surprise Alley’s European identity allows
the company to access at least two key
co-financing countries for international
projects, France and Germany, right from
the start.
Recent Titles
With Love from Russia - Jorien van Nes
/ The Successor of Kakiemon - Suzanne
Raes / Poor Us - Ben Lewis / Picnic with
Cake - Mascha Halberstad, Tom Van
Gestel and Mercedes Marro / Keep on
Steppin’ - Marjoleine Boonstra / Peace
vs Justice - Klaartje Quirijns / Meet the
Fokkens - Rob Schröder and Gabriëlle
Provaas / Off the Grid - Alexander Oey /
Shock Head Soul - Simon Pummell / Life
Is Beautiful - Mark de Cloe and Jeroen
NPP Project 2013
Eisenstein in Guanajuato - Peter
Bruno Felix,
Femke Wolting,
88 Industry Guide Production
Alice Ormières,
Tamtam Film
Bahrenfelder Straße 229f
22765 Hamburg
[email protected]
99, Rue Auguste Donnay
4000 Liège
[email protected]
Tamtam Film was founded in 2012 by producers Andrea Schütte and Dirk Decker
who have been working in the industry for
the past decade. Setting a high creative
standard, the company’s pivotal objective is to work with upcoming as well as
established talents to develop and (co-)
produce films of all genres with strong
and exceptional protagonists, targeting at
international audiences.
Created in 1996, Tarantula has produced
films such as “Nue Propriété” by Joachim
Lafosse (Venice Mostra in 2006). “Mobile
Home” by François Pirot was selected
for Locarno and “Last Winter” by John
Shank was selected for Venice Days and
Toronto. “Carré Blanc” by Jean-Baptiste
Léonetti was also selected for Toronto.
Recent Titles
Companion - Samanou A. Sahlstrøm /
Gloomy Sabbath - Amit Epstein / Beige Sylvie Hohlbaum
NPP Project 2013
Scrappers! A Northern Western - Max
Andrea Schütte,
Dirk Decker,
Recent Titles
A Pelada - Damien Chemin / Sous le
figuier - Anne-Marie Etienne / Mobile
Home - François Pirot / L’hiver dernier John Shank
NPP Work-in-Progress 2013
All the Cats Are Grey - Savina Dellicour
Valérie Bournonville,
Savina Dellicour,
Film Director
Production Industry Guide 89
Topkapi Films
TVINDIE Film Production
Rapenburgerstraat 123
1011 VL Amsterdam
[email protected]
Pokrovka Str. 9, bld. 1
101000 Moscow
[email protected]
Topkapi Films was founded by Frans van
Gestel and Arnold Heslenfeld, former
producers of IDTV Film. They produced
films such as “Black Butterflies”, “Code
Blue” and “The Heineken Kidnapping”.
Topkapi co-produces on international
TVINDIE film production, founded in 2004
by producer Yevgeniy Gindilis, is a Russian independent film production company. It produces and finances feature films
for theatrical and TV release, focusing
on debuts and co-productions. In 2009
together with Warsaw Film Foundation
TVINDIE organised Project For Tomorrow
- CentEast Moscow Film Forum.
Recent Titles
Post tenebras lux - Carlos Reygadas /
Nude Area - Urszula Antoniak
NFF 2013: Only Decent People - Crijns
Lodewijk / The Family Way - Joram Lürsen / Short - Sanne Vogel / Pony Place
- Joost Reijmers / The Resurrection of a
Bastard - Guido van Driel
Recent Titles
Dubrovsky - Alexander Vartanov / The
Girl and Death - Jos Stelling / Gromozeka
- Vladimir Kott / Mukha - Vladimir Kott /
Duska - Jos Stelling
Frans van Gestel,
Laurette Schillings,
Ger Bouma,
Talent Scout
90 Industry Guide Production
Yevgeny Gindilis,
Viking Film
Pohjoisesplanadi 27C
00100 Helsinki
[email protected]
Lindengracht 17
1015 KB Amsterdam
[email protected]
Vertigo produces both feature films and
television drama series. Vertigo was
founded in 2006 by director, producer
Minna Virtanen who prior to that date had
worked several years closely with Solar
Films as a director. She has directed
many award winning Skandi crime series
and one feature film. Vertigo Production has gained a reputation for quality
artistic edge combined with commercial
interests. Currently Vertigo is developing
several feature films with internationally
prominent directors.
Viking Film wants to make high-quality
films for both Dutch and international audiences with a special focus on arthouse,
children films and animation films. Viking
Film wants to be cross-border and intends
to enter into cooperation with producers
and makers from Europe, Latin America
and Asia. Producer Marleen Slot is part of
NPP Project 2013
Cross Your Heart - Petri Kotwica
Recent Titles
Zurich - Sacha Polak / Leones - Jazmín
NFF 2013: Chauffeur - Guido van Driel /
Resistance - Rob Lucker/ At Sea - Marinus Groothof / New Tits - Sacha Polak
NPP Project 2013 Monk - Ties Schenk
Marleen Slot,
Minna Virtanen,
Petri Kotwica,
Film Director
Ties Schenk,
Film Director
Roosmarijn Roos Rosa de
Carvalho, Scriptwriter
Production Industry Guide 91
Vita Aktiva
Volya Films
Lyusinovskaya str 36/1-31
115093 Moscow
[email protected]
Mauritsweg 56
3012 JX Rotterdam
[email protected]
Production centre Vita Aktiva was
founded in 2005 in Moscow. Since then
the company has produced more than
a dozen of documentary and feature
films, among which the films by Bakur
Bakuradze: “Moscow” (2007), “Shultes”
(2008) and “Hunter” (2011); “Chameleon” by Ru Hasanov and Elvin Adigozel
(screened at Locarno IFF 2013), “Intimate
Parts” by Natasha Merkulova and Alexey
Chupov (Best Debute and Best Actress
Prizes at Kinotavr 2013, participated at
Karlovy Vary IFF).
Volya Films, established in 2004, is a Rotterdam based company producing author
fiction films and creative documentaries,
mainly as international co-productions.
They are in postproduction with “In What
City Does It Live?” by Seng Tat Liew and
“Kurai, Kurai Tales with the Wind” the fiction debut of documentary director Marjoleine Boonstra. Volya Films is a member
of the EAVE, Eurodoc, Binger and EDN
Recent Titles
Intimate Parts - Natasha Merkulova and
Alexey Chupov/ Chameleon - Jean-Paul
Salomé / Entropy / Marina’s House - Dali
Rust / The Hunter - Daniel Nettheim
Recent Titles
40 Days of Silence - Saodat Ismailova /
Solo - Guillermo Rocamora / The World
Belongs to Us - Stephan Streker / Snackbar - Meral Uslu / Kurai, Kurai Tales With
the Wind - Marjoleine Boonstra
Julia Mischkinene,
Denis Vaslin,
92 Industry Guide Production
Fleur Knopperts,
Waterland Film
Weydemann Bros.
Moermanskkade 111
1013 BC Amsterdam
[email protected]
Körnerstraße 45
50823 Cologne
[email protected]
Founded in 1994, Waterland specialises
in producing and co-producing feature
films, shorts and series. The aim is to
make feature films, as well for the national as the international market, captive
and challenging with stories that matter.
Weydemann Bros. produces films for the
national and international market. They
have a vision of narrative cinema that is
both entertaining and political. With their
films they don’t only hope to get people
laughing and crying, but to inform and
inspire them too. Weydemann Bros. has
offices in Berlin and Cologne. They are
members of the European Documentary
Network and participants of ESoDoc
2010, Documentary Campus Masterschool 2012 and EAVE Producers Workshop 2012.
Recent Titles
Abrir puertas y ventanas - Milagros
Mumenthaler/ Bullhead - Michael R.
Roskam / Kauwboy - Boudewijn Koole
/ The Secrets of Barslet - Boris Paval
NFF 2013: De val van Aantjes - Anne van
der Linden-Taverne / 20 Lies, 4 Parents
and a Little Egg - Hanro Smitsman
Work-in-Progress 2013
Europe’s Borderlands - Jakob Preuss
Jan van der Zanden,
Managing Director
Ineke Kanters, Executive Producer/Development Executive
Guusje van Deuren,
Junior Producer
Jakob D. Weydemann,
Jakob Preuss,
Film Director
Production Industry Guide 93
Zeitun Films
10b Cotton Lofts, 124 Shacklewell Lane
E8 2EJ London
United Kingdom
[email protected]
P/ Gaiteira, 2, 5A
15006 A Coruña
[email protected]
Wostok was formed by Jelena Goldbach and Lukas Trimonis in 2010. The
independent London-based production
company specialises in the development,
financing and production of international
film and documentary projects with focus
on up-and-coming international talent.
Zeitun Films is a Spanish production
company born with passion for cinema
and culture, and with the goal of producing remarkable projects of emerging
Recent Titles
Ub Lama - Egie Vertelyte
NPP Project 2013
Passing Clouds - Tatiana Korol
Jelena Goldbach,
94 Industry Guide Production
Recent Titles
Arraianos - Eloy Enciso / O quinto evanxeo de Gaspar Hauser - Alberto Gracia /
Costa da morte - Lois Patiño / The Mimosas - Oliver Laxe
NPP Project 2013
The Absence - Rainer Kirberg
Felipe Lage Coro,
Industry Guide 95
Attraction Distribution
EastWest Filmdistribution
5455 Avenue de Gaspé, 8th Floor, Suite
H2T 3B3 Montreal, QC
[email protected]
1070 Vienna
[email protected]
Attraction Distribution (formerly Delphis
Films) is a leading world sales agent in
high quality feature films and acclaimed
family titles. Part of Attraction Group, a
fast growing entertainment group which
contains Canada’s #1 TV commercial production company, top production house of
films, TV and new media as well as radio
Recent Titles
The Zigzag Kid - Vincent Bal /
Christmoose Story - Lourens Blok /
Windstorm - Katja von Garnier/ Antboy Ask Hasselbalch
Xiaojuan Zhou,
96 Industry Guide Sales
EastWest Filmdistribution is an independent feature and documentary film
sales company, specialised in promotion and sales of high quality European
cinematic art. The company was founded
in November 2004 by Sasha Wieser and
Steve Walsh who each have over thirty
years of experience across all aspects
of international film production and
distribution. The team operates on an
international basis with a strong network
of experienced film professionals and is
engaged to finding the right markets for
each movie. EastWest has a passion for
world cinema and a firm belief that the
films represented by the team deserve
and will find a worldwide audience.
Sasha Wieser,
Fortissimo Films
High Point Media Group
Van Diemenstraat 100
1013 CN Amsterdam
[email protected] /
Suite 16 Deane House Studios, Greenwood Place
NW5 1LB London
United Kingdom
[email protected]
Fortissimo Films is one of the leading
international film and documentary sales
organisation specialising in the presentation, promotion and distribution of award
winning and innovative feature films and
documentaries around the globe.
Launched in 1990, High Point Media
Group is a fully independent, London
based company, with a dedicated team,
specialising in the packaging, sales and
executive production of distinct and
commercially targeted feature films, TV
programming and documentaries for the
international market.
Recent Titles
Borgman - Alex van Warmerdam (NFF
2013) / What Maisie Knew - David Siegel
and Scott McGehee / Scatter My Ashes
At Bergdorf’s - Matthew Miele / Rigor
Mortis - Juno Mak
Nelleke Driessen,
Managing Director
Recent Titles
App - Bobby Boermans / Class of Fun Barbara Bredeiro / Aim High in Creation!
- Anna Broinowski / Having You - Sam
Hoare / Cool Kids Don’t Cry - Dennis Bots
Ronald de Neef,
Piers Nightingale,
Director of Acquisitions
Sales Industry Guide 97
Latido Films
Le Pacte
Calle Veneras 9, 3º
28013 Madrid
[email protected]
5, rue Darcet
75017 Paris
[email protected]
Latido Films is an international sales
agency created to respond to the distribution demand of foreign cinema with
special focus on Spain and Latin America.
Our philosophy is based on constant and
meticulous promotion of our films, making us a presence in the principal international markets and festivals. Oscar
winner “El secreto de sus ojos” by Juan
José Campanella and “Violeta se fue a los
cielos” by Andrés Wood are samples of
our quality films.
Le Pacte is a distribution, international
sales and co-production company based
in Paris. It has been founded in December 2007 by Jean Labadie, with a team
of young experienced executives whose
common goal is to develop an efficient,
talent friendly tool dedicated to cinema
from all over the world, in all its styles.
The only criteria will be enthusiasm,
quality and passion.
Recent Titles
Puppy Love - Delphine Lehericey /
Thesis on a Homicie - Hernan Goldfrid
/ Honeymoon - Jan Hrebejk / Jungle Alexander Voytinsky / Red Princesses
- Laura Astorga
Luis Renart,
98 Industry Guide Sales
Recent Titles
Like Father, Like Son - Kore-eda
Hirokazu / Jimmy P. - Arnaud Desplechin
/ Only God Forgives - Nicolas Winding
Refn / Heli - Amat Escalante / Only
Lovers Left Alive - Jim Jarmusch
Arnaud Aubelle,
Sales Agent
NPO Sales
PO Box 26444
1202 JJ Hilversum
[email protected]
NPO Sales is the international sales department of The Dutch Public Broadcasting Organisation (NPO) and represents all
Dutch Public Broadcasters and a number
of independent producers. NPO Sales is
selling all media rights of documentaries,
dramaseries and six to eight international
festivals and markets per year. Major
clients are broadcasters in Europe, North
America, Asia and the Middle East. Our
updated catalogue is available to screen
online at
Recent Titles
Betrayal / Backlight / Holland Doc / Doc
Kaisa Kriek,
Sales Manager
Margaret Stanneveld,
Senior Sales Executive
Marit Braun,
Sales Executive
Sales Industry Guide 99
Sales of Dutch Films
Netherlands Public Broadcasting
NPO Sales is the international sales department of the Dutch Public
Broadcasting Organization (NPO) and represents all Dutch Public
Broadcasters and a number of independent producers.
NPO Sales sells all media rights of documentaries, drama series and
youth programmes (co)produced by the Dutch Public Broadcasters.
With Love from Russia
DNA Dreams
drama series
The Sex Police
Mina Moes
youth drama
The Ballet Masters
Hill of Pleasures
Kill Your darling
From Bihar to Bangalore
documentary series
Nadia’s Tics
youth documentary
100 Industry
Online Guide
T 31 (0)35 677 35 61, E [email protected]
Industry Guide 101
ARTE France Cinema
Czech Television
8, rue Marceau
92130 Issy les Moulineaux
[email protected]
Kavcí Hory
140 70 Prague 4
Czech Republic
[email protected] /
ARTE France Cinema has been involved
in more than 500 films and has worked
together with over 300 different directors representing more than 50 different
nationalities. Its policy focuses on talent
renewal, efforts to boost European and
world cinema, and steps to revitalise
French cinema. Roughly speaking, coproduction may be broken down into
three categories: one-third first features,
one-third French films, and one-third
international joint ventures.
Czech Television (CT) is the public service
broadcaster and also the main broadcaster of European production in the
Czech Republic. It is broadcasting two
nationwide channels CT1 and CT2, Czech
Television Teletext and Teletext Express,
CT website, CT24 (satellite and cable distribution), CT4 SPORT and a new children
channel that starts in september 2013.
Recent Titles
Michael Kohlhaas - Arnaud des Pallières
/ Les Salauds - Claire Denis / My Sweet
Pepperland - Hiner Saleem
Claire Launay, Coordinator
Feature Films Projects
102 Industry Guide TV-acquisitions
Recent Titles
Tony 10 - Mischa Kamp / Puppy Patrol Annemarie Mooren / Pelicanman - Liisa
Helminen / Morrison Gets a Babysister
- Barbara Bredero / The Flying Dutchman
- Jos Stelling / La Rabia - Albertina Carri
Zuzana Kopecková,
Editor of Feature Films/Series Acquisitions
TV Slovenija
ZDF Filmredaktion ARTE
Kolodvorska 2-4
1550 Ljubljana
[email protected]
Postfach 4040
55100 Mainz
[email protected] /
TV Slovenija is a public, non-for-profit
organisation, broadcasting programmes
nation wide. TV SLO is obliged to offer
programmes of general appeal, encourage cultural creativity and identity, produce and present programmes acceptable to all target groups and minorities.
Films are a very important part of the
programming. RTV Slovenija broadcasts
approximately four hundred feature films
every year, more than 60% of which are
European and other non-American films.
The cinema department of ZDF/ARTE is
a section of Germany’s public broadcasting corporation ZDF. This section is in
charge of supplying a 25% share of the
programme-stock of culture-oriented
German-French TV channel ARTE. Within
this structure the ZDF/ARTE cinema
department acquires and co-produces
a variety of films for the weekly cinema
slots on ARTE.
Recent Titles
Amour - Michael Haneke / Kauwboy
- Boudewijn Koole / Black Butterflies
- Paula van der Oest / Cool Kids Don’t
Cry - Dennis Bots / The Kid with a Bike
- Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne / The
Patience Stone - Atiq Rahimi / War Witch
- Kim Nguyen
Matjaz Zajec,
Film Programmer
Recent Titles
Dancing Arabs - Eran Riklis / Mr. Kaplan
- Álvaro Brechner / Bullhead - Michaël R.
Roskam / La Tendresse - Marion Hänsel /
Heli - Amat Escalante
Simon Ofenloch,
Commissioning Editor
TV-acquisitions Industry Guide 103
Technical facilities
Industry Guide 105
NCP Holland
Entrepotdok 66
1018 AD Amsterdam
[email protected]
Rietschans 72 A
2352 BB Leiderdorp
[email protected]
Filmmore is a leading postproduction
company in the Netherlands and Belgium, providing services exclusively for
feature films, television drama and documentaries. Founded by filmmakers in
2006, they have created the kind of postproduction company where they would
want to work themselves. Filmmore has
state of-the-art equipment and software:
Arriscan, Baselifght, Maya, Nuke.
NCP Holland is a comprehensive digital
film laboratory that offers the film industry a high-quality technical service,
fitting today’s needs. Rooted in the traditional film lab and ready for the future:
NCP Holland provides the opportunity for
filmmakers, distributors, and advertisers
to make full use of of digital projection
in cinema and other media. NCP Holland
is the result of a recent merger of film
laboratory Nedcipro and subtitling expert
Holland Subtitling.
Recent Titles
NFF 2013: The Blitz - Ate de Jong / Into
Thin Air - Daniel Bruce / The Perfect Prey
- Theu Boermans / Sweet Love - Albert
Jan van Rees / Loving Ibiza - Johan
Nijenhuis / The Resurrection of a Bastard
- Guido van Driel
Remco Mastwijk,
Managing Director
Ben Willems,
Managing Director
Sándor Soeteman,
Senior Editor
106 Industry Guide Technical facilities
Wibo de Groot,
Managing Director/Owner
Erik Vrolijk,
Training / Education
Industry Guide 107
Binger Filmlab
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 4-10
1012 RZ Amsterdam
[email protected]
Binger Filmlab is an Amsterdam based
international feature-film and documentary development centre. Writers, directors and producers bring their projects
to an inspiring environment of fellow
They are coached and supported by internationally acclaimed advisors. Binger
Filmlab welcomes the best and brightest
filmmakers who have already dedicated
their time and talent to a career in film,
and now seek to go even further.
EAVE (Les Entrepreneurs de l’Audiovisuel
238c, Rue de Luxembourg
8077 Bertrange
[email protected]
European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs,
EAVE, is a professional training, project
development and networking organization for audiovisual producers. Working
with a worldwide network of partners
EAVE is involved in programmes for producers in Europe, Russia, Latin America,
the Arab world and Asia. Founded in
1988, their objectives are to provide professional training opportunities and to
bring producers from different regions of
the world together with the aim of facilitating co-production relationships.
Gamila Ylstra,
Christian Routh,
Film Consultant
Vicky Serao,
Deputy Director
108 Industry Guide Training / Education
Satu Elo,
Workshop Manager
Erich Pommer Institut
Netherlands Film Academy
Försterweg 2
14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg
[email protected]
Markenplein 1
1011 MV Amsterdam
[email protected]
The Erich Pommer Institut is one of Europe’s leading centers for Media Law,
Media Economy and Media Research. As
an independent institute, their studies
follow the process of media convergence
through research, advanced training and
consultation. Film, television, music,
games and mobile media are the focus
of its work. Each year, EPI organises and
hosts around thirty seminars, workshops, conferences and panels both for
the German as well as the European,
Canadian and US media industries.
The Netherlands Film Academy is one
of the leading international schools for
professional training in film and quality
television. The Academy offers four-year
fulltime bachelor courses in eight fields
of specialisation: producing; directing
(fiction or documentary); camera/light;
sound design; scriptwriting; production
design; and editing/interactive multimedia/visual effects.
Recent Titles
NFF 2013: Even Cowboys Get To Cry
- Mees Peijenburg / Do you believe
in love after love... - Jovana Tokic /
Eskiper - Pedro Collantes / Glass of the
Microscope - Ruben van Leer / I - Jona
Honer / Instrument - Ruben van Leer /
The Call - Reber Dosky / We Apologize for
the Inconvenience - Eva Zanen
Iris Hogendijk,
Nadja Radojevic,
Head of International Training
Annemiek van Gorp,
Marion Slewe,
External Affairs
Training / Education Industry Guide 109
Industry Guide 111
Friedjof Hohagen
Tel: +49-89-38012429
E-mail: [email protected]
Silke Riemann
Tel: -49-30-5531095
E-mail: [email protected]
Oliver Keidel
Tel: +49-157-77768798
E-mail: [email protected]
Johannes Sievert
Tel: +49-177-5206279
E-mail: [email protected]
Nicole Kellerhals
Script Consultant
Tel: +49-151-42326831
E-mail: [email protected]
Tina von Traben
Tel: +49-177-2835402
E-mail: [email protected]
112 Industry Guide Scriptwriters
Scriptwriters Industry Guide 113
Industry Guide 115
Index by activity
Amsterdam Economic Board 16
Bravado Film 16
Gruvi TV 17
Henneman Agency 17
MediaXchange 18
Proctor Film & TV 18
Rights Stuff 19
RTC Media 19
Solace 23 20
Split Screen Data 20
The Film Festival Doctor 21
Willmar Andersson Film 21
Distributors / VOD
Amstelfilm 24
Cinéart Nederland 24
Festival Scope 25
Imagine Film 25
Lumière Publishing BE 26
Lumière Publishing NL 26
Ost for Paradis 27
Paradiso Filmed Entertainment 27
Schwarz Weiss Filmverleih 28
Under the Milky Way 28
Wild Bunch Benelux Distribution 29
Festivals / Markets
Baltic Event 32
Cinekid 32
Clermont-Ferrand Short
Film Festival 33
Dubai International Film Festival 33
Festival de Cinéma Européen
des Arcs 34
Göteborg International Film Festival 35
International Film Festival Rotterdam /
CineMart 35
Kinotavr FF - Generation Campus 36
Meetings on the Bridge / Istanbul FF 36
Northern Seas Film Forum 37
Sarajevo FF / Docu Rough Cut
116 Industry Guide Index
Boutique 37
Semaine de la Critique 38
Sofia IFF / Sofia Meetings 38
Funding / Financing / Institutes
ACE 40
Casa Kafka Pictures 40
CNC 41
CoBO-fonds 41
DutchCulture / MEDIA Desk NL 42
Eurimages 42
EYE Film Institute Netherlands 43
Film Center Serbia 44
Film und Medienstiftung NRW 44
Filmservice Münster.Land 45
Flanders Image 45
FPN (Filmproducenten Nederland) 46
Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund 46
German Federal Film Board (FFA) 47
German Films 47
Institut Néerlandais 48
Irish Film Board 48
Mediafonds 49
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg 49
Ministry of Culture, Russia 50
Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung 50
Netherlands Film Fund 51
NFDC of India 52
Nordmedia 52
Norwegian Film Institute 53
The Finnish Film Foundation 53
Legal facilities
Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten 56
Festivalists 58
Filmecho / Filmwoche 58
Schnitt Verlag 59
Screen International 59
The Hollywood Reporter 60
Index by activity
AMP Poland 62
Arsam Productions 62
Augustus Film 63
BosBros 63
Bufo 64
BuzzMedia Network 64
Ciné Cri de Coeur 65
Circe Films 65
Coin Film 66
CryCinema 66
CTB Film Company 67
CTM LEV Pictures 67
Curb Denizen 68
De Productie 68
Endorphine Production 69
Eyeworks Film & TV Drama 69
Family Affair Films 70
Film House Kiselo Dete 70
Flying Moon Filmproduktion 71
Fu Works 71
gebrueder beetz filmproduktion 72
Ghost VFX 72
Hurricane Films 73
IJswater Films 73
Imval Producciones 74
Ironworks Productions 74
Join Motion Pictures 75
Jos Stelling Films 75
jucca film Angerbauer & Kirberg GbR 76
Just a moment 76
Kamara 77
Kennedy Films 77
La Mer à Boire Productions 78
Lemming Film 78
Marni Films 79
Memphis Film & Television 79
Metrafilms 80
Newgrange Pictures 80
Pandora Film Produktion 81
Proline Film 81
Pupkin Film 82
Revolver Amsterdam 82
Rinkel Film 83
Riva Filmproduktion 83
Savage Film 84
Scala Productions 84
Screenpartners 85
Selfmade Films 85
Senator Film Produktion 86
Shooting Star Filmcompany 86
Smarthouse Films 87
SNG Film 87
Submarine 88
Surprise Alley 88
Tamtam Film 89
Tarantula 89
Topkapi Films 90
TVINDIE Film Production 90
Vertigo 91
Viking Film 91
Vita Aktiva 92
Volya Films 92
Waterland Film 93
Weydemann Bros. 93
Wostok 94
Zeitun Films 94
Attraction Distribution 96
EastWest Filmdistribution 96
Fortissimo Films 97
High Point Media Group 97
Latido Films 98
Le Pacte 98
NPO Sales 99
Hohagen, Fritjof 112
Keidel, Oliver 112
Kellerhaus, Nicole 112
Riemann, Silke 112
Sievert, Johannes 112
Traben, Tina von 112
Index Industry Guide 117
Index by activity
Technical facilities
Filmmore 106
NCP Holland 106
Training / Education
Binger Filmlab 108
EAVE 108
Erich Pommer Institut 109
Netherlands Film Academy 109
ARTE France Cinema 102
Czech Television 102
TV Slovenija 103
ZDF Filmredaktion ARTE 103
118 Industry Guide Index
Index by company
ACE 40
AMP Poland 62
Amstelfilm 24
Amsterdam Economic Board 16
Arsam Productions 62
ARTE France Cinema 102
Attraction Distribution 96
Augustus Film 63
Baltic Event 32
Binger Filmlab 108
BosBros 63
Bravado Film 16
Bufo 64
BuzzMedia Network 64
Casa Kafka Pictures 40
Ciné Cri de Coeur 65
Cinéart Nederland 24
Cinekid 32
Circe Films 65
Clermont-Ferrand Short
Film Festival 33
CNC 41
CoBO-fonds 41
Coin Film 66
CryCinema 66
CTB Film Company 67
CTM LEV Pictures 67
Curb Denizen 68
Czech Television 102
De Productie 68
Dubai International Film Festival 33
DutchCulture / MEDIA Desk NL 42
EastWest Filmdistribution 96
EAVE 108
Endorphine Production 69
Erich Pommer Institut 109
Eurimages 42
EYE Film Institute Netherlands 43
Eyeworks Film & TV Drama 69
Family Affair Films 70
Festival de Cinéma Européen des
Arcs 34
Festival Scope 25
Festivalists 58
Film Center Serbia 44
Film House Kiselo Dete 70
Film und Medienstiftung NRW 44
Filmecho / Filmwoche 58
Filmmore 106
Filmservice Münster.Land 45
Flanders Image 45
Flying Moon Filmproduktion 71
Fortissimo Films 97
FPN 46
Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual
Fund 46
Fu Works 71
gebrueder beetz filmproduktion 72
German Federal Film Board (FFA) 47
German Films 47
Ghost VFX 72
Göteborg International Film Festival 35
Gruvi TV 17
Henneman Agency 17
High Point Media Group 97
Hurricane Films 73
IJswater Films 73
Imagine Film 25
Imval Producciones 74
Institut Néerlandais 48
International Film Festival Rotterdam /
CineMart 35
Irish Film Board 48
Ironworks Productions 74
Join Motion Pictures 75
Jos Stelling Films 75
jucca film Angerbauer & Kirberg
GbR 76
Just a moment 76
Kamara 77
Kennedy Films 77
Kinotavr FF - Generation Campus 36
La Mer à Boire Productions 78
Latido Films 98
Le Pacte 98
Index Industry Guide 119
Index by company
Lemming Film 78
Lumière Publishing BE 26
Marni Films 79
Mediafonds 49
MediaXchange 18
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg 49
Meetings on the Bridge / Istanbul FF 36
Memphis Film & Television 79
Metrafilms 80
Ministry of Culture, Russia 50
Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung 50
NCP Holland 106
NCP Holland 106
Netherlands Film Academy 109
Netherlands Film Fund 51
Newgrange Pictures 80
NFDC of India 52
Nordmedia 52
Northern Seas Film Forum 37
Norwegian Film Institute 53
NPO Sales 99
Ost for Paradis 27
Ost for Paradis 27
Pandora Film Produktion 81
Paradiso Filmed Entertainment 27
Proctor Film & TV 18
Proline Film 81
Pupkin Film 82
Revolver Amsterdam 82
Rights Stuff 19
Rinkel Film 83
Riva Filmproduktion 83
RTC Media 19
Sarajevo FF / Docu Rough Cut
Boutique 37
Savage Film 84
Scala Productions 84
Schnitt Verlag 59
Schwarz Weiss Filmverleih 28
Screen International 59
Screenpartners 85
Selfmade Films 85
Semaine de la Critique 38
120 Industry Guide Index
Senator Film Produktion 86
Shooting Star Filmcompany 86
Smarthouse Films 87
SNG Film 87
Sofia IFF / Sofia Meetings 38
Solace 23 20
Split Screen Data 20
Submarine 88
Surprise Alley 88
Tamtam Film 89
Tarantula 89
The Film Festival Doctor 21
The Finnish Film Foundation 53
The Hollywood Reporter 60
Topkapi Films 90
TV Slovenija 103
TVINDIE Film Production 90
Under the Milky Way 28
Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten 56
Vertigo 91
Viking Film 91
Vita Aktiva 92
Volya Films 92
Waterland Film 93
Weydemann Bros. 93
Wild Bunch Benelux Distribution 29
Willmar Andersson Film 21
Wostok 94
ZDF Filmredaktion ARTE 103
Zeitun Films 94
Index by person
Abram, Ido 43
Aert, Jan van 29
Aimé, Michèle 64
Andersson, Willmar 21
Aubelle, Arnaud 98
Bannenberg, Esther 26
Bary, Marc 73
Baumann, Simone 47
Behesht Nedjad, Roshanak 71
Bence, Joanna 68
Bentlage, Christina 44
Bernfeld, Wendy 19
Beyer, Bero 51, 63
Boonekamp, Doreen 51
Bos, Burny 63
Bos, Harry 48
Bosklopper, Stienette 65
Boulter, Roy 73
Bouma, Ger 90
Bournonville, Valérie 89
Braun, Marit 99
Breemen, George van 51
Callery, Mary 48
Choub, Leonid 81
Christensen, Ole Bjørn 27
Coldewey, Jochen 52
Dahms, Heinrich 64
Daugbjerg, Agnete 27
Decker, Dirk 89
Dellicour, Savina 89
Delvoie, Dany 51
Demchenko, Leonid 50
Deuren, Guusje van 93
Dias, Carlo 24
Dinges, Peter 47
Driessen, Ellis 18
Driessen, Nelleke 97
Driessen-Bussink, Peggy 51
Drozd, Natalia 67
Druzin, Fyodor 68
Ebel, Nicola 45
Edwin 78
Eijk, Cécile van 79
Eisenloeffel, Eva 78
Elo, Satu 108
Ewijk, Jan-Willem van 63
Ezanno, Julien 41
Felix, Bruno 88
Fleury, Pieter 51
Frilseth, Anne 53
Gestel, Frans van 90
Gielis, Daan 87
Gindilis, Yevgeny 90
Ginkel, Joost van 87
Girard, Ilann 62
Goebel, Raimond 81
Goeij, Jacqueline de 65
Goldbach, Jelena 94
González, Pablo 78
Goossens, René 68
Gorp, Annemiek van 68, 109
Groot, Wibo de 106
Gropplero, Alessandro 46
Gudkova, Anna 36
Gudmundsson, Gudmundur Arnar 75
Guinot, Christian 33
Guirguis, Daniëlle 87
Haar, Marjan van der 46
Hage, Jeanine 41
Hamer, Sandra den 43
Hees, Judith 69
Heidsiek, Birgit 58
Henneman, Vanessa 17
Henry, Ludovic 78
Heyde, Ruud van der 63
Hobbis, James 17
Hoeij, Boyd van 60
Hogendijk, Iris 109
Hohagen, Fritjof 112
Israel, Ulf 86
Johnson, Ben 17
Jones, Nicola 47
Jong, Janneke de 24
Kaaij, Raymond van der 82
Kaludjercic, Vanja 34
Kanters, Ineke 93
Index Industry Guide 121
Index by person
Keidel, Oliver 112
Kellerhaus, Nicole 112
Kennedy, Kathryn 77
Keuthen, Matthias 28
Kirberg, Caroline 76
Kirberg, Rainer 76
Knape, Loes 65
Knopperts, Fleur 92
Kolegaeva, Olga 37
Kopecková, Zuzana 102
Koppen, Niek 85
Kotwica, Petri 91
Kriek, Kaisa 99
Kuijpers, Pieter 82
Lage Coro, Felipe 94
Landsberger, Claudia 43
Langendonck, Bart Van 84
Launay, Claire 102
Liiske, Marge 32
Lille, Dirk de 27
Lwoff, Mark 64
Macnab, Geoffrey 59
Malo, Pablo 74
Maltha, San Fu 71
Massah, Fabian 69
Mastwijk, Remco 106
McKimm, Lesley 80
Melick, Manon van 82
Meranda, Yoel 77
Mertoglu, Mehmet Can 77
Meyniel, Theophile 25
Mierop, Nathalie 43
Mischkinene, Julia 92
Molen, Heleen van der 43
Molhant, Isabelle 40
Nafikov, Konstantin 37
Neef, Ronald de 97
Newman-Baudais, Susan 42
Nightingale, Piers 97
Nikitin, Nikolaj 59
Nuffel, Hans van 84
Ofenloch, Simon 103
Olsson, Freddy 35
122 Industry Guide Index
Onrust, Floor 70
Ophorst, Cynthia 29
Ormières, Alice 88
Otten, Iris 82
Pander, Iris 46
Pas, Dorien van de 51
Paschos, Stergios 79
Pavlova, Yoana 58
Peijnenburg, Frank 51
Penev, Snezana 70
Perry, Simon 40
Petit, Leontine 78
Poelsma, Nienke 35
Porembny, Edward 62
Posthuma, Andrea 42
Preuss, Jakob 93
Prior, Ian 84
Rabarts, Marten 52
Radojevic, Nadja 109
Ramírez, Luis Angel 74
Ratingen, Dominique van 16
Raukh, Ievgeniia 66
Renart, Luis 98
Riemann, Silke 112
Rientjes, Els 71
Roddick, Nick 20
Rodenkirchen, Franz 20
Roelvink, Huub 25
Rooij, Michiel de 43
Roos Rosa de Carvalho, Roosmarijn 91
Routh, Christian 108
Saltzwedel, Daniel 49
Sauvagnargues, Francois 34
Schellenbeck, Eva 72
Schenk, Ties 91
Schillings, Laurette 90
Schmidt, Manfred 50
Schram, Dave 86
Schreuder, Thijs 71
Schütte, Andrea 89
Schutter, Christian de 45
Schwarz, Hans 26
Schwering, Herbert 66
Index by person
Selen, Reinier 83
Sentsov, Oleg 66
Serao, Vicky 108
Sesic, Rada 37
Sievert, Johannes 112
Sinke, Digna 87
Slewe, Marion 109
Slot, Marleen 91
Smith, Rebekah Louisa 21
Soesanto, Léo 38
Soeteman, Sándor 106
Staleva, Mira 38
Stanneveld, Margaret 99
Stelling, Jos 75
Struyven, Philippe 28
Svansson, Anton Máni 75
Taal, Bianca 35
Tjio, Rudy Djin Koei 19
Tomic, Uros 70
Traben, Tina von 112
Tuomainen, Hannu 53
Tuomivaara, Akseli 64
Unger, Anette 83
Üstün, Gülin 36
Vasilyev, Artem 80
Vaslin, Denis 92
Verdonk, Sander 67
Vildziunaite, Dagne 76
Virtanen, Minna 91
Vloed, Jacobine van der 17
Vokali, Phaedra 79
Voorham, Anita 16
Vrolijk, Erik 106
Vuckovic, Miroljub 44
Vuyk, Titia 49
Waal, Simon de 85
Weiss, Bruce 74
Weydemann, Jakob D. 93
Wieser, Sasha 96
Wigman, Roland 56
Wijk, Marnix van 43
Willems, Ben 106
Williams, Jane 33
Windelin, Mikael 72
Winters, Fleur 32
Wolting, Femke 88
Wood, Katrina 18
Ylstra, Gamila 108
Zajec, Matjaz 103
Zanden, Jan van der 93
Zhou, Xiaojuan 96
Index Industry Guide 123
Index by country
EastWest Filmdistribution 96
Casa Kafka Pictures 40
Ciné‚ Cri de Coeur 65
Flanders Image 45
Lumière Publishing BE 26
Savage Film 84
Tarantula 89
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo FF / Docu Rough Cut
Boutique 37
Sofia IFF / Sofia Meetings 38
Attraction Distribution 96
Czech Republic
Czech Television 102
Ghost VFX 72
Ost for Paradis 27
Baltic Event 32
Bufo 64
The Finnish Film Foundation 53
Vertigo 91
ACE 40
Arsam Productions 62
ARTE France Cinema 102
Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival 33
CNC 41
Eurimages 42
124 Industry Guide Index
Festival de Cinéma Européen
des Arcs 34
Festival Scope 25
Festivalists 58
Institut N‚erlandais 48
La Mer à Boire Productions 78
Le Pacte 98
Semaine de la Critique 38
Surprise Alley 88
Under the Milky Way 28
Coin Film 66
Endorphine Production 69
Erich Pommer Institut 109
Film und Medienstiftung NRW 44
Filmecho / Filmwoche 58
Filmservice Münster.Land 45
Flying Moon Filmproduktion 71
gebrueder beetz filmproduktion 72
German Federal Film Board (FFA) 47
German Films 47
jucca film Angerbauer & Kirberg GbR 76
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg 49
Mitteldeutsche Medienf”rderung 50
Nordmedia 52
Pandora Film Produktion 81
Riva Filmproduktion 83
RTC Media 19
Schnitt Verlag 59
Schwarz Weiss Filmverleih 28
Senator Film Produktion 86
Solace 23 20
Tamtam Film 89
Weydemann Bros. 93
ZDF Filmredaktion ARTE 103
Marni Films 79
Join Motion Pictures 75
Index by country
NFDC of India 52
Irish Film Board 48
Kennedy Films 77
Newgrange Pictures 80
Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual
Fund 46
Just a moment 76
EAVE 108
Amstelfilm 24
Amsterdam Economic Board 16
Augustus Film 63
Binger Filmlab 108
BosBros 63
Bravado Film 16
BuzzMedia Network 64
Cinéart Netherlands 24
Cinekid 32
Circe Films 65
CoBO-fonds 41
CTM LEV Pictures 67
De Productie 68
DutchCulture / MEDIA Desk NL 42
EYE Film Institute Netherlands 43
Eyeworks Film & TV Drama 69
Family Affair Films 70
Filmmore 106
Fortissimo Films 97
FPN (Filmproducenten Nederland) 46
Fu Works 71
Henneman Agency 17
IJswater Films 73
Imagine Film 25
International Film Festival Rotterdam /
CineMart 35
Jos Stelling Films 75
Lemming Film 78
Lumière Publishing NL 26
Mediafonds 49
Memphis Film & Television 79
NCP Holland 106
NCP Holland 106
Netherlands Film Academy 109
Netherlands Film Fund 51
NPO Sales 99
Paradiso Filmed Entertainment 27
Proctor Film & TV 18
Pupkin Film 82
Revolver Amsterdam 82
Rights Stuff 19
Rinkel Film 83
Screenpartners 85
Selfmade Films 85
Shooting Star Filmcompany 86
Smarthouse Films 87
SNG Film 87
Submarine 88
Topkapi Films 90
Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten 56
Viking Film 91
Volya Films 92
Waterland Film 93
Wild Bunch Benelux Distribution 29
Norwegian Film Institute 53
AMP Poland 62
CTB Film Company 67
Kinotavr FF - Generation Campus 36
Metrafilms 80
Ministry of Culture, Russia 50
Northern Seas Film Forum 37
Index Industry Guide 125
Index by country
Proline Film 81
TVINDIE Film Production 90
Vita Aktiva 92
Film Center Serbia 44
Film House Kiselo Dete 70
TV Slovenija 103
Imval Producciones 74
Latido Films 98
Zeitun Films 94
Göteborg International Film
Festival 35
Willmar Andersson Film 21
Kamara 77
Meetings on the Bridge / Istanbul FF 36
CryCinema 66
United Arab Emirates
Dubai International Film Festival 33
United Kingdom
Curb Denizen 68
Gruvi TV 17
High Point Media Group 97
Hurricane Films 73
MediaXchange 18
Scala Productions 84
Screen International 59
Split Screen Data 20
The Film Festival Doctor 21
Wostok 94
126 Industry Guide Index
Ironworks Productions 74
The Hollywood Reporter 60
Index of advertisements
CineMart / International Film Festival Rotterdam 54
EAVE inside front cover
EYE 14
Festival Scope 22
Filmmore inside front cover
Netherlands Film Fund 30
No Risk backcover
NPO 100
Index Industry Guide 127
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