The Arizona Automobile Hobbyist Council No Toll Road`s Rally at
The Arizona Automobile Hobbyist Council No Toll Road`s Rally at
Volume 39, Issue 4 July - August 2012 The Arizona Automobile Hobbyist Council Our battle cry is: UNITED WE DRIVE, DIVIDED WE PARK!! Join the A.A.H.C. today! Next Public Meeting September 4th at 7PM at Sanderson Ford Truck Center 5300 NW Grand Avenue, Phoenix, AZ The AAHC is taking a strong stand against Toll Roads in AZ No Toll Road's Rally at State Capital NO TOLL ROADS IN AZ FREE ROADS FOR FREE PEOPLE No Toll Road's Rally being held at the Az State Capitol in January. This Rally is to bring people from all over Arizona together to show our elected officials that the driving public does not want ANY toll roads in our state. We already pay 18 cents per gallon Az gas tax, (plus a Federal gas tax of 18.4 cents more,) all meant for highway use. So despite what our lawmakers are now saying, there was always plenty of money coming in to maintain our highways and build new roads in Arizona. The Az State Legislature needs to leave our States gas tax money alone. Just in the last year they took $1.4 Billion of our States gas tax money to balance their budget. Then they turn around and complain that there isn't any money available to maintain or build roads in Arizona. Go figure? All concerned citizens are invited to attend these planning meetings and we welcome people from the motorcycle rights groups, transportation industry, civic groups or anyone just concerned about adding huge new taxes to our economy through tolling scheme's. So stand-up Arizona. It's united we drive and divided were taxed at the pump AND tolled on the road. We need to stand together and firmly tell our State Lawmakers that Arizona's motorists are not mobile revenue source's. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 New AZ Laws of Interest to Vehicle Hobbyists 2012 AZ Legislative Session Wrap-Up By Bill Gilmore AAHC Legislative Liaison Arizona’s 50th Legislature’s 2nd Regular Session for Az House Bill 2491 or HB2651. Reference Title; 2012 adjourned in early May and below is a summary of Road enhancement improvement districts. several bill’s that were passed into law that are of special HB2651 allows an AZ County to form a “Road Enhanceinterest and importance to Arizona’s motorist’s and vehiment District” which will be another layer of bureaucracy cle hobbyist’s alike. For more details on any of these law’s who will be allowed to enhance roads to “less” than go to the Az State Legislatures website at: a County’s standards instead of just “to” or “above” a County’s standards. *(Is having a new taxing authority Az House Bill 2073 or HB2073. Reference Title; better than having “unenhanced” rural roads? Or, maybe Emissions testing; motorcycles; extension. it opens the door for toll roads in rural areas? Hmm?) HB 2073 extended the EPA’s expiration date for the motorcycle emission test exemption request from Arizona for Az House Bill 2491 or HB2491. Reference Title; Area ‘A’ (Phoenix) and gives the EPA two more years to Module mover vehicles. HB2491 started out as a techapprove it until 7-1-14. nical correction bill regarding Agricultural Enhancement Districts, but after a “strike-all” amendment it was Motorcycle emission testing in Area A was first exchanged to expand the power and privileges of toll road empted from e-testing in 2008 with HB 2280, and the companies who wish to operate in Arizona. *(Notice the deadline for EPA approval was extended again in 2010 language coincidence in the above HB2651?) with HB 2033. The exemption is based on the premise that e-testing motorcycles in Area A does not provide any Although there are no toll roads “yet” in Arizona, significant air quality benefits. HB2491 grants toll road companies access to MVD records and establishes regulations for toll collection and * Updated info on last year’s AAHC supported enforcement under the authority of ADOT as another PubAZ Senate Bill 1324 or SB1324. Reference Title; lic Private Partnership (P3). It also allows ADOT to host Vehicle Emission Testing; Older Vehicles. only 1 public hearing to receive comments on new user SB1324 will allow all vehicles 1974 and older to become charges, tolls etc. exempt from e-testing passed into law and was signed by HB2491 will allow ADOT to order the MVD to susthe Governor back on 4-18-11. pend your driver’s license and vehicle registration to help the toll road companies collect 4 or more unpaid tolls if Currently we are still waiting for the EPA to sign-off on your 45 days late in paying them. It also allows for the imour AZDEQ’s adjusted air quality State Implementation pounding of Az vehicles that have 4 or more unpaid tolls Plan or SIP. It may take at least 2 years to be approved, and orders the MVD to refuse to renew a vehicles registraor possibly more, like the above motorcycle emission test tion if it is in violation of toll evasion. exemption request. *(In the last year State Legislators took $1.4 Billion of This exemption was also based on the premise that our States gas tax money to balance their budget. Then they turn around and complain that there isn't any money e-testing vehicles 1974 and older does not provide any available to maintain or build roads so we will need toll significant air quality benefits. roads in Arizona. Go figure?) Once approved by the EPA, the AAHC will spread the word to Arizona’s car clubs and vehicle collectors to stop e-testing 1974 and older vehicles. Meeting at Mel Martins’s Museum April 2012 Photos by George Walker 2 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 AAHC Urgent Alert Help Keep Speedwold Raceway Park Open By AAHC Legislative Liaison Bill Gilmore The Arizona Automobile Hobbyist Council requests that you please read this article, and if you agree, go to the link to sign the electronic-petition to help keep Speedworld Raceway Park open while they work out a solution with Maricopa County officials. Speedworld has been an Arizona motorsports icon for more than 50 years, and it is now in jeopardy of being shut down by Maricopa County over minor violations, some of which were made more than 20 years ago. Maricopa County has accused Speedworld Park of being in non-compliance with various grading and drainage requirements, and also alleges use-permit violations that occurred long before the current owner Dan Mathews took over the business. Speedworld is not trying to avoid coming into compliance with the County's requests, they are only asking to be able to keep their doors open while the changes are being made. The AAHC is asking that all of Arizona's vehicle clubs, along with both 2 and 4 wheeled vehicle hobbyists and BMX bicycle riders to join in with Speedworld's customers, (drag-racers, moto-cross riders, BMXer's, ATV and off-road racers,) to raise Maricopa County Supervisors awareness on what this track means to Arizona and to all sorts of motorsports fans across the country. - Every year millions of dollars are spent in Maricopa County by racers and fans who visit Speedworld Raceway Park. Speedworld creates jobs and helps keep our economy moving in many ways. - Speedworld Parks multiple tracks and racing venues have also saved countless lives over the years by providing street racers with a safe low-cost drag-strip to run their cars on instead of using dangerous rural roads. Roads that Maricopa County says it can't afford to maintain to Federal standards, but Maricopa County won't shut down these dangerous roads until they can be brought into compliance. (Hmmm???) - Speedworld Park has also helped to protect our desert environment by providing several different styles of tracks for moto-cross riders, BMXer's, ATV and off-road racers to affordably use instead of having them tear-up the County's out-lying desert areas. When you really think about it, Speedworld Raceway Park is actually way more of a life-saving safety and environmental asset to Maricopa County then a dust pollution hazard. So don't let Arizona's longest running motorsports park be shut down over minor issues that can easily be resolved by Maricopa County and Speedworld Raceway Park working together. Help stop the closing of Speedworld Raceway Park while Speedworld works towards meeting Maricopa County zoning and planning compliance requirements. Please sign this electronic petition. On your computer, or smartphone with internet access, type in the below link to open the petition. It will take you less than 2 minutes to fill out the simple petition and you will be helping to save this wonderful Arizona icon. Also, please pass this petition link along to everyone you can think of to sign this electronic petition as Speedworld needs ten thousand signatures to present to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to persuade them to apply the brakes to the County bureaucrat's plans to shut down Speedworld over minor issues because "it's united we ride and drive and divided we park." Cruise on Central AAHC Booth VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 3 July/August 2012 Meeting at Mel Martins’s Museum April 2012 Photos by George Walker 4 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 Even the Arizona Republic Editorial Board published a sarcastic feature editorial in favor of keeping Speedworld open while they work out their differences with Maricopa County's bureaucrat's. Read it below; The Arizona Republic Newspaper The Issue: Racetrack Woes Note to County: Dirt Tracks Have Dirt By the Arizona Republic Editorial Board It would seem that, by definition, a motocross track (a facility upon which "dirt" bikes race) would need to push some "dirt" around from time to time. To build "dirt" racetracks. For "dirt" bikes. And off-road vehicles. Which race around... on "dirt". The construction-permitting people at Maricopa County, however, are not high on residents pushing around un-permitted "dirt". The operator of the Speedworld motocross track, a dirt-bike mecca in the Valley for over 50 years, must shut down his family business until a complex log-jam over "proper" permits is ironed out, County officials say. A large part of their problem with Speedworld owner Dan Matthews is that he pushes dirt around without first obtaining a permit. As Matthews told Az Republic reporter David Rokkhuyzen, this seems ridiculous: "If every time I have to move dirt, (before and after every race), I had to get a permit, I couldn't run my business." The County has a duty to ensure businesses operating within the law. But does it really need to shut down businesses to accomplish that? The County is not clean of hands in its conflict. It lost the original 1961 site plans, so it permitted a 2009 Speedworld expansion based on a 2006 plan. Then, it found the 1961 plan and rescinded the deal. Are you seeing a rather casual application of rules here? It strikes us that motocross tracks likely create novel "square peg/round hole" pickles for County permit departments. But the County at least should be flexible enough that it doesn't simply shut the joint down to save us from it.* (Responding to Speedworlds plight, AAHC Legislative Liaison Bill Gilmore editorialized that; "Shutting down this iconic 50 year old motorsports park while they try to solve their minor zoning issues is like shutting down the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors while they all try to solve their legal problems. It's just not fair to the citizens of Arizona. KEEP THE PARK OPEN.") The 2012 AAHC General Meeting Schedule AAHC is in recess for the summer months and will resume meeting on: September 4th 2012 back at Sanderson Ford where Sanderson’s owner Dave Kimmerle will open up his private car museum to the AAHC members. AAHC’s October 2nd meeting will be at Discover Classics in south Scottsdale AAHC’s November 6th meeting at Sanderson Ford AAHC’s December 4th 2012 meeting will be held at the Scottsdale International Auto Museum. We hope all of you can make it out to these informative AAHC meetings in 2012. The Sanderson Ford Truck Showroom is approximately 2 blocks NW of Bethany Home Road and Grand Ave. Look for the Sanderson Ford Truck Showroom which is on the east side of Grand Ave. At the Sanderson Ford Truck Showroom, turn off of Grand onto 53rd Avenue and immediately turn right at the gated guard shack into the parking lot directly behind the truck dealership building. The AAHC meeting is being held in a building entered from that parking lot. Sanderson Ford’s web site is: If you have any questions about the Tuesday night AAHC meetings, or have any suggestions on where to hold upcoming meetings or possible interesting automotive related guest speakers, please call AAHC President Al Tracy at 623-2049172. Also be sure to regularly visit the AAHC web site at www. where the current AAHC Newsletter is now posted online featuring a recap of this years 2011 Arizona Legislative Session where the AAHC helped to pass a new emission-test exemption law to exclude all vehicles 1974 and older from e-testing. AAHC Board of Directors President: Al Tracy - 623-204-9172 E-mail: [email protected] Vice President & Newsletter Editor: Bob Malott - 602-615-7072 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Secretary: Tom Blessin - 480-888-6558 E-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Art Downs - 602-237-8074 E-mail: [email protected] Larry Barker - 602-373-1456 [email protected] ChuckBrewer-623-262-8529 E-mail: [email protected] Dave Laskowski - 602-740-2630 E-mail: [email protected] Ernie Shack - 480-219-1308 E-mail: [email protected] Paul Tillwach - 602-505-8341 E-mail: [email protected] VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 5 July/August 2012 2012 TM Indoor & Outdoor Show - Hot Rods, Customs, Muscle Cars, Classics & Trick Trucks Thru ‘72 • • • • Visit Vendor & Sponsor Exhibits for the Latest Trends Shop the Swap Meet & AutoTrader Classics Cars 4 Sale Corral Super Sunday Get-Together open to All Years American Made or Powered Vehicles See Goodguys “Terrific 12” of the Year Award Winners GOOD-GUYS.COM | 925.838.9876 Goodguys... Cool cars. Cool people. Good times. © 2012 GOODGUY ENTERPRISES, INC. LIVE AUTOCROSS ACTION 2,500 VEHICLES ON DISPLAY Fri 8-5, Sat 8-5, Sun 8-3 For an Entry form go to 6 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 Mopar-Mania is still running wild!!! By Frank Insana Jr. Glendale, AZ – June 9, 2012- 16 club members brought their mighty Mopars out to the Mixteca/K-Mart Car Show at 67th & Bell, finishing off the last of six cruise-ins for the Mopars Unlimited of Arizona Car Club. Six other Mopars joined our club members, filling up an area of 22 spaces. The walk thru traffic was terrific, with many dozens of people stopping to look at the group of Mopars parked together. A drawing was held on the club’s July 5th meeting to determine which members will receive $150/$100/$50 Gas/Gift cards. Bob Malott won $150, Frank Insana Jr. won $100 and Mike Wolf won $50. A special thanks to all that attended any of these six cruise-ins. The exposure has helped our club grow and at the same time gave us six more reasons to drive our cars around and meet some good people along the way. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 7 July/August 2012 Celebrating Wendy’s 1st Anniversary in Anthem Anthem, AZ – June 2, 2012- Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers celebrated their 1st anniversary in Anthem by hosting a car show. Eight members of Mopars Unlimited of Arizona brought the cars to the town, despite the 106-degree Arizona heat. Wendy’s served free meals to anyone that brought their classic vehicle and distributed mugs, balloons, Frisbees and even some anniversary cake. By Frank Insana Arrowhead Harley Party Car Show 8 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 Mopars Cruise to Mesa River By Frank Insana, Jr. Mesa, AZ- On April 7th, 15 club members and 15 non-members cruised out to the Mesa Riverview car show. My car (1973 Dodge Charger Rallye) was part of a four-car draft, including a 1973 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus (Mike Wolf), 1977 Chrysler Cordoba (Scott Fischer) and a 1971 Plymouth Road Runner (Frank Insana Sr.). It was pretty cool cruising down the freeway having people in other cars rubber-necking to get a look at our four Mopars in a row. My Rallye car took the Dobson exit and immediately lost its power steering. This caused me to miss the first turn into the parking area. I journeyed down to the next light and turned my Tuff Wheel with big time force to make the turn. I proceeded to take a ride through the parking lot past many fast food places, with the other three Mopars right behind me, wondering, “Where is he going?” then suddenly my power steering came back. Just in time too, as it would’ve been difficult to maneuver through other classic cars to get to our reserved places. A special thanks to everyone that attended this event and to Nancy Perry Productions for reserving some “Primo” parking spots up front! Mopars on the Mountain 2012 For Mopars on the Mountain cruise, there were 16 cars in the caravan up to Zeke’s for breakfast. Then off to the car show, where we met with 5 more club members that had come up on their own. Fun was had by all. It was a nice day with the temperature in the low 80’s. Six of our members won trophys. After the show a few of us went to a Red Robin restaurant before the cruise home. By Bob Malott VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 9 July/August 2012 Mopars on the Mountain 2012 (cont.) 10 Photo’s by Bob Malott VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 Mopars on the Mountain 2012 (cont.) Photo’s by Bob Malott VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 11 July/August 2012 Mopars at the Strip 2012 12 Photo’s by Bob Malott VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 Yavapai County Car Show It was another wonderful day in Prescott, with the temperature in the mid 80’s. Three members of the AAHC and one member of MUOA were asked to Judge the show. It was really hard, since all of the cars were really nice, After the show we went to a Red Robin restaurant before the cruise home. By Bob Malott VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 13 July/August 2012 Yavapai County Car Show (cont.) 14 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 Yavapai County Car Show (cont.) VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 15 July/August 2012 No Toll Roads in Arizona Meeting Photo’s by George Walker 3rd Annual National Collector Car Appreciation Day at Mixteca Photo’s by Mike Wolf The rain almost scared me away as it was raining at my house at 4:30PM so I waited until 5:00PM. The rain stopped but, the sky was still dark. I decided to leave the Road Runner in the garage and took my dirty old dodge (78 Ramcharger) instead. I didn›t think many people would show up so, I was surprised by the turnout. The lot was pretty well filled with all kinds of cars and trucks, including a good showing of Mopars. It turned out to be a nice cool rain free evening and to top it off……I won the drawing for the gas card! See you at the next one! By Paul Sullivan 16 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 3rd Annual National Collector Car Appreciation Day at Mixteca (cont.) Photo’s by Mike Wolf VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 17 July/August 2012 3rd Annual National Collector Car Appreciation Day at Mixteca (cont.) Photo’s by Mike Wolf 18 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: July/August 2012 3rd Annual National Collector Car Appreciation Day at Mixteca (cont.) Photo’s by Mike Wolf VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: 19 Some of our Sponsors Arizona Automobile Hobbyist Council P.O. Box 47327 Phoenix, AZ 85068 Email: [email protected] 623-204-9172 VISIT US ON THE WEB AT:
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