MSS B53 - New Haven Museum
MSS B53 - New Haven Museum
NEW · H~VEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY Manuscripts NO. B53 I. · II. Title Date processed: · 1984 Lewis Osterw~is & Sons. ~ecords, 1860-1954 •' The papers of Lewis o·sterweis & Sons. deposited in the Library xm in 1983 , by the- es-ta-te or Ruth Osterweis xx and H.L. osterweis x~~Xbrsc:Xb!~ asa gift. III. Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 38 Approximate number of i terns : 5 0 , 218 IV. Restrictions: None v. Literary rights of the unpublished writings of in these papers, and in pther collections of papers· in the .custody of the New Haven Colony Historical Society Library, have been dedicated to the New Haven Colony Historical Society. . VI. Press release was issued on The firm of Lewis Osterweis &- Sons, cigar and dealers ·· in leaf tobacco, did business · in New Haven from 1860 to 1954. It was then probably the oldest cigar factory in Connecticut operated by the founder's descendants, as well as orie of the oldest in the country. The founder of the firm, Lewis Osterwe-is ( 1836-1916)immigrated · to this country from Germany in 1849 as a boy of thirteen. He wa'S apprenticed-· to a -_tobacco house by his uncle 7 Morris os-terweis-, who had come to the United States from Horeb-Am-Main' Bavaria in 1?23. The- family's fortun~s· we.r e- linked to this indus-t ry da~ing from- this youthful experience of the founder. . Following a stint as- a frontier cigar manufacturer in Fort Madison, Iowa, Lewis moved to the Eiist in 1858-. He ma-rried Caroline ~~X~X~K Oppenheimer (1840-1921), a distant relative, in 1860, · and settled in ' New Haven, . Connecticut, hi~ wife's - home.- Here he e~tab~ lished · ~ sm~ll cigar factory, osterweis and_ 6ppenheimer, with his wife' ·s brother, Jos.eph Oppenheimer ( 183 5•18 78) as · his partner. In his book, Three- Centuries gf ·~Haven, the.. founder's grandson, Rollin G. Osterweis-: ( 1907-1982.) makes the following comments about his grandfather and the Connecticut tobacco industry: VII. Biographical note: manufacturers~· 2/74 It was - in New Haven· that the so-called "Connecticuttype" cigar was developed, by the blending of Connecti-=· cut Broadleaf wrapper and binder with the filler- of Vuelta-Abajo Cuban · tobacco.· The pioneer .manufacturer, Lewis Osterweis-~ had come- to know various· types of leaf- as · an " apprentice cigar-maker in New York, as · a tobacco buyer in Cuba, and as the proprietor of a · sm~ll factory in Fort Madison, · .Iowa. The-- proximity (cont.) Processed by: · Sheila ~akris MSS#B53 Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 Page A. of the South Wind~or Broadleaf fields brought him to New Haven in 1858. Two years later in May, 1860, he opened a plant on Congress Avenue, moving to Church Street near Chapel during 1863. His brands of blended Connecticut and Cuban tobacco won immediate acceptance beyond "the docks of the seaport towns." After the death of his partner in 1878 Lewis . Osterweis bought out his share in the company from his children. Joseph's widow, Amalie Herz Oppenheimer (1841-1906) moved to Texas with her children, as a branch of the Oppenheimers had settled there. The firm's name became Lewis Osterweis, and with the births of h~s sons, Max (18661911) and Gustave (1870-1920) it became successively Lewis osterweis and Son, and Lewis Osterweis and Sons. osterweis had moved his factory from 75 Congress Avenue to 107 Church Street, and then to 91-93 Church Street in 1875. In _ 1876, 91-93 Church Street was no longer suited for factory purposes, and new facilities were constructed at 18-20-22 Church Street according to Lewis Osterweis' specifications. The two Osterweis sons entered the business, Max becoming head of the Sales Department, ·while Gustave (alternatively spelled Gustav) ran the factory. Lewis Osterweis remained concerned with buying and selling leaf tobacco, and was regarded as an expert in this area. He travelled to Havana to purchase "filler" for osterweis cigars, as well as additional stock for resale. Gustave osterweis, an 1891 alumnus of Yale University, ha~ married his third cousin, Rose, daughter of Henry and Amelia Weingarten Osterweis of New York City. Rose's brother, Dayton Osterweis, was a World War I army veteran. He assumed management of the company after the death of his brother-in-law. The third generation of the family, which entered the business was Rollin Gustav osterweis in 1932, and Harry Lewis osterweis in 1948. After several years Rollin left to become a professor of history at Yale University. Harry practiced law in New York but also ran the company in its last years. The collection depicts the growth of a vital part of what was once an ·important industry in New Haven and Connecticut. The entire range of the industry is illustrated, from tobacco in the field to the finished product. There is an account of all that contributed to the manufacture of osterweis cigars and their distribution, from the Cuban suppliers at the turn of the century, the Connecticut tobacco growers, tobacco brokers and middlemen, tobacco products wholesalers, and large ·chain retailers down to the small "cigar stand" in an off~ce building lobby. , Topics touched on are: Labor relations, as seen in union activity and an increase in government guidelines in this area; the effect of World War II on production, prices and wages; postwar government price and wage controls. MSS#B53 Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Page B. Records, 1860-1954. The family is connect~d by marriage to another important New Haven family, the Ullmans. Further genealogical information .on the Osterweises and Ullmans can be found in MSS#B54 New Haven. Congregation Mishkan Israel. Records. 1843and MSS#B30 osterweis, Rollin Gustav, 1907-1982. Papers, 1807-1983. The Osterweis family was also involved with another important New Haven industry, corset manufacture, through the Strouse Adler Company. Lewis osterweis & Sons ceased operations in 1954 and certain of its assets were. sold to F. D. Grave & Sons. References Edward E. Atwater, History of the City of New Haven, New Haven, 1887. Rollin G. Osterweis, Three Centuries of New Haven, 1638-1938, New Haven, 1953. Jews in New Haven, Vol. III, July 1981, ed. by Dr. Barry E. Herman & Werner s. Hirsch. MSS#B30, Rollin Gustav Osterweis, 1907-1982. Papers, 1807-1983. MSS#BS4, New Haven. · Congregation Mishkan Israel. Records, 1843- For information on the Strou e Adler Corset Company see: New Haven and Vicinity, New Haven Manufacturers' Exhibit Association [1913]. The Strouse Adler Story, 1861-1961, New Haven (c.1962). VIII. .. The records are arranged in ten series, with 75 boxes • . Arrangement is chronological, but the General Correspondence and Commercial Forms series are also arranged alphabetically· wi thin.r~ each year where so indicated. The following are in reverse chrono~ logical order: boxes 43 to 53, (order slips), and box SS, folders B and D; boxes 59, 60 and 61. Boxes 43 to 53 are filed in sorting cartons. All material concerning business and investments which is not directly related to Lewis osterweis and Sons has been placed in Series II, Personal Papers and Investments. There are four oversized items. One two line note by Harry L. osterweis is the only document dated after 1954. · - Analysis: ~ ~· i I I ! I ..: fR.ft?Mtel) ~'( ~AsNC'l 0. ~'l>GRPlA"'-1 ";;ZO I'- l For the Historial Record : Where did Rollin Osterweis get the name Rollin from and what was the Osterweis connection to the Strouse Adler Company in New Haven and to Colonel Ullman - a close friend of the family? Rollin's Grandfather Lewis, and Grandmother Caroline, had three children, Gustave, Max and Sophie. Gustave married Rose Osterweis . Sophie Osterweis married Isaac Strouse of the Strouse Adler Company. This made Gustave Osterweis and Isaac Strouse brother-in-laws. Meanwhile, Isaac Ullman, called Colonel Ullman, married Max Adler's daughter Flora. When Max Adler died, Colonel Ullman became head of the Strouse Adler Company. Colonel Ullman, got the name "Colonel" from being in the Governor's Foot Guard. The Governor of Connecticut at the time was Rollin Woodruff. When Gustave and Rose had their first child - a son - Colonel Ullman suggested the name "Rollin" after the Connecticut Governor. And so we get Rollin - middle name after his father - Gustav - and thus Rollin G. Osterweis. When Rollin and his brother lost their father, Gustave, at the ages of II and 9 respectively, Colonel Ullman suggested that they be sent to the Taft School. Colonel Ullman was a friend of William Howard Taft, the 27th president of the United States, whose brother, Horace Taft, had founded and was the Head Master of the Taft School in Watertown, CT. Rollin and harry were then sent to Taft. Rollin and Ruth Osterweis buy Max Adlers's home on St. Ronan Street in 1945 and lived there until their death in 1982. The Historical Society has the architectural drawings of that house 396 St Ronan Street - in their collections. \/~~ 1S'l N/dN<!\f. 0. ACt>li<&'lft'V ?,DIA MSS i B53 Lewis Osterweis & Sons (New Haven). RecX>rds, 1860-1954. MFilm #129 (Fran selected· recnrds, 1871-1954) Box 13A-15B •.•..••••••.•. 15C-15I Reel 10 11 28A-29E > · 29F-31C • • • • • • • • . • • • • • 2 31D-33G • •• • •• • .• • • • •• 3 33H-pt. of 35 ••••..•• 4 pt. of 35-pt. of 36 •• 5 37A-L 6 38A-39E 7 39F-40L 8 4CM-X 9 . TJA-F 11 73G-74H 12 74I-75D •••••••••.••.•• 13 MSS#B53 Lewis osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 Suggested Subject Headinas TOBACCO MANUFACTURE AND TRADE CIGAR MANUFACTURE AND TRADE WAGES - TOBACCO WORKERS NEW HAVEN - INDUSTRIES NEW HAVEN - MANUFACTURERS CONNECTICUT - INDUSTRIES CONNECTICUT - MANUFACTURERS FACTORY LAWS INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS TOBACCO - CONNECTICUT FACTORIES - NEW HAVEN WOMEN IN CHARITABLE WORK WOMEN, JEWISH JEWS IN NEW HAVEN REFORM ~DAISM INTERNAL REVENUE - U.S. WAGES - TAXATION TAX RETURNS TAXATION - CONNECTICUT TAXATION - NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT. INSPECTION ;, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND FACTORY 61 ) (Box HANDICAPPED - EMPLOYMENT (Box 61, Folder F) LAND TITLES DEEDS .c- Page c. MSS#B53 Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 .Suggested Subject Headings (cont.) MORTGAGES WOMAN - WAGES See WAGES - WOMEN LOUIS M. ULLMAN, 1866-1928 WEST HAVEN, CONN. ~ox 3, Folder C -- material re purchase of shore property by Lewis Osterweis; map of lots held by family members. STROUSE, I., CORSET CO. Box 3, Folder I CIVIL DEFENSE Box 5 COMMERICAL ART - CIGAR BANDS AND LABELS Box 62, Folder H. SMOKING - CARICATURES AND CARTOONS Box 62, Folder H SMOKING PARAPHERNALIA Box 62, Folder H MATCHBOX LABELS, SWEDISH Box 62, Folder H OSTERWEIS FAMILY · TRADE-UNIONS - TOBACCO WORKERS Box 61, Folder M CIGAR MAKERS TOBACCO WORKERS TRADE-MARKS ·Box 2 U.S. DEPARTMENT ·OF· LABOR Box . 61, Folder F F.D. GRAVE & SONS ,...... . Page o• Lewis Osterweis & Sons. MSS#B53 Page 1. Records, 1860-1954. of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Series I. Business -and Family History Series II. Personal Papers and Investments Series ·III. General Correspodence Series IV. Government: Correspondence, Regulations and Bulletins Series v. IRS Tax Returns and Related Correspondence Series VI. Financial Records Series VII. Factory Production and Inventory Records Series VIII. Commerical Forms: Invoices, Statements, Bills of Lading, Receipts, Shippi~g Memos, etc. Employees Series IX. Series x. Advertising and Photographs Business and Family History Box 1 Folder: Correspondence concerning the Collection Folder A - Deeds and mortgages for New Haven real estate: Lewis Osterweis and Joseph Oppenheimer, 1863- 1888. [10) Folder B - Documents re estate of Joseph Oppenheimer; correspondence between Lewis Osterweis and Amalie Oppenheimer, 1876, 1891 (6] Folder C - Bill of sale for horse and wagon, Lewis osterweis, 1878 . [l] Folder D - Letters to Lewis Osterweis for his employees, 1879, 1883 Folder E - Document authorizing travel outside Osterweis, 1895 u.s., .(5] Lewis [l] Folder F - Import wrapper, . n.d.; drafts from Havana, 1895- 1904 (11) Folder G - Letter to Lewis Osterweis from John Q. Tilson, U.S. House of Representatives, 1911 · [2] ) Folder H - Material re 75~ Anniversary of the firm: correspondence; history of Lewis Osterweis & Sons, 1860-1954; by Rollin Osterweis, Ms~, same - 1935-1954 (21] . Page 2. Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954. MSS#B53 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 1 (cont.) Folder I - Typescript: "The Osterweis Family in Connecticut", business card, Rollin Osterweis, n.d. (6] Folder J - The Jewish Ledger, July 26, 1935 (8] Folder K - The Jewish Ledger, Tercentenary -Issue, 1935 (7] Folder L - The Jewish Ledger, August 2, 1935 [3] Folder M - Letter to Olcott King (from Rollin Osterweis?); typescript and ms. "Connecticut Tobacco;" page from The Tobacco Leaf, 1937, 1940 (15] Folder N - Ms. and typescript, "Connecticut Tobacco" - n.d. (24] Folder 0 - , "Notes (by Rollin G. Osterweis] for George Pierson's Seminar ••• A Case-Study in the History of American Cigar Manufacturing," n.d. (4] Folder P - Documents re Church· Street property: map; architects receipts; appraisals; correspondence from Lewis Osterweis, 1897~1945 (6] Folder Q - Stamped covers, Cuban and u.s., 1887-1921 Box 2 Folder A - New Haven City Year Book, 1874-1875 [lv.] Folder B - Cigar price list, n.d. Folder C - Documents re copyright of 1954 (31] [l] tradema~ks, 1870-1907, (12] Folder D - Corresp9ndence and legal agreements re -use of trademat.ks, Lewis, Gustave, and Dayton Osterweis -- 188S~1927 (19] Folder E - Correspondence . and legal agreement between Gustave Osterweis -and Yale University re use of "Yale SeaP' lab~l, 1900, 1917 (11] Folder F - Deeds and leases for East Hartford land, 1899-1914 (15] i a : Folder G - Legal correspondence and documents re L. Gershel & Bros. financial settlement, 1908-1917 [11] Folder H • ~onn • . Dept. of State docume~t, Gustave -osterwei~, 1909 ) (l] MSS#B53 Page 3. Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954. of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 2 (cont.) Folder I - Correspondence: to Gustave Osterweis; to and from Louis M. Ullman; and docume~ts re East Hartford land, 1915-1921 (10) Folder J - "Proposed press release re sale of Lewis Osterweis & Sons to F. o. Grave & Sons," ms •. , n.d. [7] PERSONAL PAPERS AND INVESTMENTS Box 3 Folder A - Certificate of citizenship, Lewis Osterweis, 1860 Folder B - Document re purchase of osterweis, 1877 cemet~ry (2] plot by Lewis (l] Folder C - Deed, correspondence and related material re purchase of West Haven shore property by Lewis Osterweis; map snowing lots held by Max L. osterweis, Gustave Osterweis and Lou·is Ullman ( 1866-1928); copy of newspaper item mentioning construction of house, 1881-1921 [22) Folder D - Correspondence and related material re purchase of Locomobiles by Gustave osterweis, 1915-1917 [4] Folder E - Material re purchase and sale of Gustave Osterweis's motor boat, including licences, letter to Dayton Osterweis, 1917-1920 [7] Folder F - Picture postcards; 2 covers, 1886-1923 (15] Folder G - Memorabilia: Medal, 5~ reunion First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, 1892; magazine item re Oppenheimer family in Texas, . n.d.; note from Harry L. Osterweis, 1979 [8] Folder H - Mortgage deeds, leases and other documents re real estate investments; letter to Louis M. Ullman· re mortgage, 1873-1921 (10] Folder I - Document relating to purchase of I. Strouse Corset Company by Lewis Osterweis; ' notebook listing investments, 1894-1909 -- · 1889-1909 [7, lv.] Folder J - Promissory notes held ·b y Lewis and Gustave Osterweis, 1905~1920 (11] Folder K - Correspondence and receipts re investments, including Oklahoma oil , and gas - Lewis Osterweis, Gustave Osterweis, Louis M. Ullman, Dayton Osterweis, 1917-1926 (14] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 4. of items Box· 3 (cont.) Folder L - Correspondence and legal agreements re Skeffington Shop, (estate of Gustave Osterweis), Louis M. Ullman, Administrator, 1918-1921 (4] Folder M - Correspondence and receipts re investments in mortgages secured by Texas real estate - Lewis Osterweis ~nd D. & A. Oppenheimer, 1887-1894 (15] Folder N - Correspondence and receipts re mortgages, Texas real estate; copy, warranty deed for Hord Ranch, Lewis Osterweis, D. & A. Oppenheimer, 1887-1893 (11] Folder O - Correspondence and receipts re Texas real estate transactions, Lewis Osterweis, D. & A. Oppenheimer, Anton Oppenheimer, 1894-1910 [17] Folder P - Real estate documents in estates of Lewis and Gustave Osterweis; Louis M. Ullman, executor, 1906-1921 (11] GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Box 4 Folder A - To Max L. Osterweis from Maurice L. Gershel ("Morrie") of L. Gershel & Brother, Dec. 1907June 1908 Folder To Max L. Osterweis from Maurice L. Gershel, July-December 1908 (31) To Max L. Osterweis from Maurice L. Gershel, January-June, 1909 (31] Folder D - To Max L. Osterweis from Maurice L. Gershel, July-December 1909 [28) Folder B - c - Folder E ' - ) (32] To Max L. Osterweis,-Gustave Osterweis, Osterweis Brothers, and Lewis Osterweis. & Sons, from L • . Gershel & Brother, 1908, 1909 (33] Folder F - General Correspondence, 1907, 1908 [25] Folder G - General Correspondence, 1909 (31] Folder H - General Correspondence..,. 1910 (24] Folder I - Correspondence with tobacco growers, 1911 [5] Folder I-1 - Confidential report Bureau Census, Form 126, 1934 [3] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954. MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 4 (cont.) Folder J - Letter to I.R.s. (Tobacco Div.) from Dayton Osterweis, 1943 Page of items (2] General Correspondence, 1950 Fo.lder K - A - D (includes two ribbon samples) (42] Folder L [35] E I Folder M - K - N [29] Folder N - 0 - R [30] Box 5 - General Correspondence, 1950, continued. Folder A - S - T Folder B -u - z (29) [24] Folder C - Correspondence from Cigar Manufacturers' Association, partly relati~g to CMA group insurance, 1950 [21] -Folder D Correspondence, forms, etc., re insurance, 1950 [67] Folder E Letter from Harry L. Osterweis, 1951 (l] General Correspondence, 1952 Folder F - A - Con (35] Folder G - Con - I (34] Folder H - J - S (32] Folder I - T - z (32] Folder J - Correspondence, forms, re insurance, 1952 [19] Folder K - General Correspondence, 1953 [40] Folder ' L - General Correspondence, 1954 (31] Folder M Correspondence with International Cigar Machinery Co. re installation machinery. Includes 19381940 blueprints (30] Folder N - Correspondence with International Cigar Machinery re install.ation machinery, 1948-1951 · · (43] ) · 'Folder O - Blueprints at?-d drawi~gs 1925-1944, n.d. s. [6] Page 6. Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 5 (cont.) Government: Correspondence, Regulations, . and Bulletins Folder P - u.s. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; U.S. and Conn. Dept.•s of Labor, Bureau . of Labor Statistics: Industrial accidents surveys, 1936-1951 (9] of Folder Q - U.S. Dept. Commerce; Office of Price Stabilization, Regulations - 1950-1952 (9] Folder R - Federal ' Trade Commission Regulations, 1929-1931 Folder s - Office of Price Stabilization, blank forms, re ceiling prices, n.d. [29] (7] Folder T - Civil ·Defense Bulletin, No. 7, n.d. · [36] Folder u - Conn. Civil Defense Bulletin No. 13; federal pamphlet, n.d. [20] Folder V - Cigar Manufacturers Association of America, bulletins re government regulations, 1950,1951 [29) Folder W - Cigar Manufacturers Association of America, bulletins re government regulations (wage and salary stabilization controls), 1951-1952 (35) Folder X - ·correspondence with Cigar Manufacturers of America re IRS taxes and regulations, 1953 (25] Folder Y - Connecticut, various departments, correspondence and forms, 1950-1954. (12] IRS Tax Returns and Related Correspondence Box 6 Partnership and Individual Income Tax Returns Folder A - Individual returns, Lewis osterweis, Gustave osterweis, 1915 [3] Folder B - Partnership returns, 1917; Estate of Lewis Osterweis return - 191 7; 1919, (6] Folder C - Partnership returns, related material - 1918-1920 (25] Folder D - Correspondence re examinations .of tax returns; estates of Caroline Osterweis, Lewis Osterweis, ·and Gustave Osterweis · - letter to Louis M. Ullman, executor, estate of Caroline Osterweis; letter to Louis w. Osterweis, executor estate of Gustave Osterweis, (41] . 1921, 1923 - ---- ------·- _..........., Page 7. Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS of items Box 6 (cont.) Folder D-1 - Correspondence with IRS re returns 1921-1930 Folder E - Partnership return schedules, 1921 [10] [12] Folder F - Individual returns and schedules, Rose Osterweis dha ·Lewis Osterweis & Sons, 1922, 1923 (14] Folder G - Individual returns and schedules, Rose Osterweis dba Lewis osterweis & Sons; related material, 1924-1928 (32] Partnership and individ.ual (Rose Osterweis) returns, and -.- related material. Folder - Returns, 1928-1930, and related material, 1928- H (34] 1932 Folder :I - Returns, 1931, 1932, and related material, 1930[40] 1932 Folder J - Returns, 1933, and related material, 1926-1934 [31] Folder - Returns, 1934, and related material, 1930-1938 (42] Folder L - Retti.rns, 1935, and related material, 1932-1935 [49] Folder M - Returns, 1936, and related material., 1931-1937 (17] Box 7 Folder A - Returns, 1937, and related material, 1937-1938 [19] K Folder B - Returns, 1938, and related Folder c - Partnership & individual retQrns 1939 Folder ) D " Folder F - " Folder G Folder H - Folde.r I Folder J - & 1931-1938 [17] related naterial, . [17] - Ditto, 1940 Folder E - m~terial~ (11) 1941 [10] 1942 [12] et 1943 (6] " 1944 (10] " 1945 (10] " 1946 [15] ' ;.' . Page 8. Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 Le~is MSS#B53 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 7 (cont.) Folder~ - Partnership .& individual returns & related mate~ial, 194 7 -- - - [ 12] Folder ~ - Ditto, 1948 Folder M - (4] [10) ' 1949-1953 " Folder N - Statements Costs .cigars Ma~ufactured, 1943 (8] Folder O - .. " ff u 1946 [10) Folder P - " " " " ' 1948 (19) Folder Q - Record Books Revenue Stamps Purchased, 1950-1951 [2v.] Folder R - " s - " Folder ,, " " " II 1951-1953 (2v.] " " " 1953-1954 [2v.] Box 8 . Folder A - Correspondence with IRS re changes in partnersh1p: Rose osterweis, Dayton Osterweis, and Rollin G. osterweis, to Rollin G. osterweis and Harry L. osterweis; related material, 1947,1948 (11] Folder Folder B c -Folder D - Partnership agreements and related documents following death of Rose Osterweis, 1946-1948 - Notes, credit line ·and related documents re partnersbip 1948~1949 1 ..:. Audits·, statements, and supporting . (6] (13] ~ocuments, (10) 1920-1926 Folder E - Audit statements and supporting documents, 19271935 . (1936-1937 missing) [18] Folder F - Audit statements and supporting documents, 1938Folder G ~x9 1945 statements and supporting ' . Audit documents, 1949-53 fi121J _ ] ~ Folder A - Documents re condition of company prior to sale to F. D. Grave and Son; correspondence with IRS re asse~sment, 1954 (10] Folder B - .Documents re Schedule 1: unmanufactured tobacco, 1954 (S] Folder C - Documents re Schedule 2:- cigar inven~ory, 1954. (22] Page 9. Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 of items TABLE OP CONTENTS Box 9 (cont.) Folder D - Documents re Schedule 3: accounts receivable, 1954 (14) Folder E - Documents re Schedule 4: Unused cigar boxes, ·etc., 1954 (5) Folder F - Documents re Schedule 5: Packing materials, 1954 (S] Folder G - Documents re Schedule 6: Furniture, fixtures, etc., 1954 Folder H Documents re Schedule 7: trad .emarks , f 1954 [3) (3] Folder I - Documents re miscellaneous, 1954 (38] . Folder J - Documents re Agreement of Sale, 1954 (9) Folder K - Documents re Correspondence re benefits: Mark Bendon, 1954 _ unempl~vment [7] Folder L - Probate documents estate Rose ·Osterweis, 19471948 (12] Box 10 Ost~rweis-Rubens Special Account 1952~56. [Deals primarily with real estate assets of Lewis Osterweis and Sons not sold to F. D. GraveJ Folder A - Correspondence and Documents "B'.' [no "A"]. (39] Folder B - " " " "C" and "D" (12] Folder C - " " " "E" and "F" (37] Folder D - Correspondence and Documents "G" (15) Folder E Folder F - " " " " " "H, I, J, K, L" [SO] " "M, N, 0" [80] Folder G - Correspondence and Documents "P, Q, v, W" Folder H - ) " " " R, S, T, u,. (no x, Y, Z] [40] Sale 18-22 Church St. (12] Box 11 Payroll Taxes: Income Tax withhefd on .wages, Empioyer's Tax Return (Insurance Contributions Act), Exci·se . Tax on Employers; Tax returns and related material. Lewis Osterweis & Sons. MSS#B53 Page 10. Records, 1860-1954 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 11 (cont.) Folder A - 1947 (26) Folder B 1948 (37) c - 1949 (14] Folder D 1950 (24] Folder (22] . Folder E - 1951 Folder F - 1952 {includes one 1953 W2 form returned by Post Office) (only one item from 1953) (40] Folder G - 1954 (also withholding forms and exemption statements, 1945-1954) (10] Folder H - Social Security forms in alphabetical sets, n.d. [300] Folder I - Working papers 1941-1953 (a~phabeti~al set] Folder J - Workers name and address cards 1941-1948, n.d. Fold~r [100] (300] K - IRS; Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division, correspondence, memos, forms -- 1942-1954 (31] Folder K, cont. IRS dealers and manufacturers certificates 1. 1940-1950 (33] Folder K-1 - U.S. Dept. Commerce,1954 Census of ManufacturersTobacco Products, 1927-1934, 1954 · [15) IRS Books: Record and Report of Dealer in Leaf Tobacco. ( ''C-3 and D-59, 1941-50; c-3 books, 1951-54 1 surrendered to Revenue Department on their order.") 1941-4.4 [3v.] Folder M - 1944-47 (3v.] Folder N - 194 7-50 (3v.] Folder O - Letter from Suffield Tax Assessor, · 1909 [l] Folder P - State of Conn. tax ·receipts, 1918-1919 (12] Folder L I Folder Q - Conn. Tax Dept., Excise Div., Worksheets, 19231939 (19] rolder R - Conn. Excise Div. Worksheets; Sales and Use Tax Div. returns, 1949-52 (38] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. MSS#B53 Page 11. Records, 1860-1954 T~~L~OF CONTENTS of items Box 11 (cont.) Folder S - Conn. Excise Div. Worksheets, 1953; Sales and Use . Tax Div. returns, 1953; Education, Welfare and Public Health return, 1954; related material; final returns, Lewis Osterweis and Sons 1953-54 [9] Folder T - City of New Haven, Tax on Grand List, receipted bills, letter from Tax Collector re sale of property of Lewis osterweis and Sons to F. o. Grave and Sons. 1949-54. [13] Box 12 - Unfoldered Sales Tax Certificates. Permits to purchase tobacco and tobacco products from Lewis Osterweis and Sons for resale. 1947-48. (900] FINANCIAL RECORDS Box 13 Folder A - Ledger, purchase of tobacco crops, etc. cigar sales; tobacco inventories. 1871-1899 ·• (lv.] ~ Folder B - Summary of monthly sales, 1876-1910 Folder C ~Names and addresses of out-of-town customers, listed by towns, n.d. Box 14 Folder A - Ledger, tobacco purchased and sold, 1875-1906 [ 8] ..... (93] [lv.] Folder B - Cigar sales (?) . 1 913 (pages from small [ 1 9] ·· notebook) Folder C - Ledger, Gustave Osterweis: expenses, investments, . contributions, 1908-1921 [lv.] Folde r ri - Ledger, "Trial Balance" (added sheet, distribution estate Mrs. Caroline osterweis, 1922) 1922-45 (lv.] Folder E - Ledger, ''Journal" closes at death of partner, Rose Osterweis, 11/25/47, entry to that e f fec t b y Harry Lewis Osterweis; loose sheet, 1937. 1921-1947 [lv.] Folder E-1 - Ledger "Jou r nal" opened 11/26/47 f ollowing above , 1947-1954 (lv.] Folder F - Ledger, "Trial Balance," 1945-1951 [ lv.] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. MSS#B53 Page 12. Records, 1860-1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS of items Box 15 Folder A - Ledger: Profit and Loss Balance Sheet, 1951-54 Folder B - ~edger: [lv] Petty cash, 1946-54 (lv.] Folder C - Ledger Sheets: Accounts receivable, 1938-1940 (31] Folder D - " " " Folder E - ". Folder F - .. " " " " " " 1941-1943 (36] 1944-1945 (24] " ' 1946-1948 (3?] Folder G - - Ledger Sheets: Accounts receivable, Folder H Folder I - ti " RGO and " " " " L.O.&Sons. - 1949-195~ (36] " ' 1952-1954 (30] ". ' 1950-1954 Folder J - Ledger Sheets: Accounts receivable, 1953-1954 (12] (36] Box 16 Folder A - Cancelled checks, "Osterweis Bros." 1908-1910 [171) Folder B - Bankbooks, First National Bank, New Milford, .. Conn., 1911-1913. loose (1) [2v.] Folder C - Lists of vouchers, The New Haven County National Bank, 1909, 1910 (5] Folder D - Used checkbooks with record of checks paid, . 1909, · 1910 [3v.] Folder E - Checks payable to Lewis Osterweis & Sons, returned for insufficient funds; notarized protests, 1911- 1913 [19] Folder F - Notebook! _n.d. [lv.] Folder G - Bank books, Rose Osterweis, 1929-1947 . [2v.] Folder H - Bank statements; cancelled checks, Rose Osterweis, 1942-1944 [290] Folder I - Bank statements, cancelled checks, Rose Osterweis; brochures,- Red Cross fund drive, etc. ·, March 1945 November 1947 · (480] Cancelled checks, Mrs. Gustav 1947 - . ,, O~terweis · , November [25] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 Page 13. TABLE OF CONTENTS Approx·. no. of items Box 17 - Used checkbooks with record of checks paid, Rose Osterweis. Folder .A - December 1936 - July 1939 [2v.] Folder B - June 1943 - December 1944 loose slips Folder C - January 1945 - July 1946 · (2v.] (4] [2v.] Folder D - July 1946 - November 1947 [2v.] Folder E - -Promissory notes, no-interest loans by Rose Osterweis, 1943-1944 (2] -. Folder F - Used checkbook with record of checks paid, Mrs. Gustav Osterweis -- November 1940 - June 194_,4 : ·.·. Loose slips Folder G - Used checkbook _:with record of checks paid, Mrs. Gustav Osterweis, June 1944 - November 1947 Loose slips [lv.] [6] [lv.] (6] Box 18 - Checks, statements, deposit slips, daily collections, Dayton Osterweis, Ro1lin.Gustav ·osterweis 1947 Folder A - December 1946 - January 1947 (150] Folder B February (100] Folder c - March (120] Folder D - April (120] Folder E [120] . May Folder F June [100] Folder G - July. (150] Folder H - August (110] Folder I September - (130] / Folder J - October (180] Folder K - November (120) Folder L - December (160] & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 Lewis MSS#B53 Osterwe~s Page 14. of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 19 - Checks, statements, deposit slips, daily collections, Dayton Osterweis, Rollin Gustav Osterweis, Harry Lewis osterweis . 1948 (57] . Folder A - December 23, 1947 - January 1948 February [59] c - March [68] Folder D - April (73] Folder E - May (78] Folder F - June (81] Folder G - July (190) Fol de~ H - August (170) Folder B Folder Box 20 - Contents continued from Box 19 1948 Folder A - September (150) Folder B - October (140] November (150] December (130] Folder c Folder D - .; Box 2·1 - Cancelled checks, statements, Dayton Osterweis, Rollin Gustav Osterweis, Harry Lewis Osterweis -- (there are no cancelled checks, etc. for 1949) 1950 Folder A - January - April (250] Folder B - April - June (150] Fol~er (200] C - June - September Folder D October ~ December [175] Box 22 - Cancelled checks, statements, deposits, collections, Dayton Osterweis, Harry Lewis Osterweis 1951 Folder A - January - February . [260] Folder B - March - Apri+ (210] Folder C - May-June (250] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 22 (cont.) Folder D - July - August Page 15. of items [250] Folder E - August - Sep~ember (150] Folder F - September - October (150] Folder G - November - December (270] (December, ~ancelled checks and statements only) Box 23 - Cancelled checks, statements, Harry Lewis Osterweis 1952 Folder A - December 10, 1951 - January, February (130] Folder B - February - April [130) Folder C - May- June (120] Folder D (150] June August Folder E - August - October (150] · Folder F - October - December (100] Box 24 - Cancelled checks, · statements, deposits, collections, Harry Lewis Osterweis 1953 Folder A - December, 1952 - January (170] Folder B - February (130] Folder C Febr~ary - March [130] Folder D - March - April (130] Folder E - April - May - June [240] Box 25 - Contents continued from Box 24 Folder A - June - July Folder B - July - August Folder C August - September [110] [110] (130] Folder D - September - October (160] Folder E - October - November (110] Folder F - November - December (150] Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 16. of items Box 25 (cont.) 1954 Folder G - January - February (110] Folder H - March - April (110] Folder I - May - June, Jan. 1955 (110] Box 26 - Record o~ checks paid Folder A - November 16·, 1945 - April 26, 1946 ' May 1, 1946 - October 10~ 1946 (330] ,• Folder B - October 22, 1946 - April 17, 1947 · April 17, 1947 - November 14, 1947 c .- [330] November 14, 1947 - June 25, 1948 June :25, 1948 - December 14, 1948 (330] Folder D - December 14, 1948 - June 10, 1949 (165] Box 27 - Record of checks paid Folder A - June 10, 1949 - November . 30, 1949 December 1, 1949 - June 28, 1950 [330] Folder Folder B - June 28, 1950 - February 8, 1951 rebruary 9, 1951 - October 11, 1951 Folder c - October 11, 1951 - June 20, 1952 June 20, 1952 - February 24, 1953 Folder D - February 24, 1953 - October 30, 1953 June 1954 - August 1954 (330] (330] (16.5] (35] Box 28 - Transfer Ledger pages -~ 1920 - 1926 Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Advertising, Cash Sales, Inventories,· Payrolls, State and City Taxes, Selling Expenses, I~ve.s tment Accounts, etc. Folder A - January - December, 1926 Folder B - January - Folder Dece~er, January - December, ·1925 c - Folder D - 1924, 1925 Folder E ) 1925, 1926 . -. [30] (30] (30] (30] March-December, 1920; 1921; September-November, (30] . 1923; 1924; 1922 Folder F - 1920-1922; January 1923 (30] Folder G - 1920-1923 (35] Folder H ._ 1920-1923 (36] Lewis Osterweis & Sons. Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 Page 17. TABLE OF CONTENTS of items Box 28 (cont.) General Ledger pages -- 1938-1954 Cash in Bank, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventories (Cigars, Tobacco, Machinery, etc.), Notes Payable, Profit and Loss, Investment Account, Taxes, Payrolls, Purchases, Sal~s, etc. Folder :I - 1938 (57] Folder J - 1939 [40] Folder K - 1939 (38] Folder L - Ledger pages - General Ledger Accounts, 1948-54 [16] Folder M ,, ft Folder N " " Folder 0 " " Folder p ft u " " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' " " ' 1948-54 (27] 1948-54 (32) 1948-54 (16] 1948-54 (15] Box 29 - General Ledger pages (cont.) Folder A - 1940 - 1944 (40] Folder B - 1940 - 1945 [42] c - 1940 - 1947 (46) Folder D - 1944 ·- 1947 (42] Folder Folder E 1945 +947 . (34) Folder F - 1947 (Includes 2 loose items) (44] Folder G - 1947 [41) Folder H - 1948 - 1951 (32] Folder I 1948 1951 (34] oversize Item 5 - 1952-54 ledger pages: cash receipts and disbursements Folder J - Promissory Note and receipt for loan, Dayton . Osterweis/Lewis Osterweis · & Sons _:_ 1948 (2r •. Folder K - Correspondence and documents relating to claims ~n bankruptcy, probate, etc., 1949-1954 (28] Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Page 18. Records, 1860-1954 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 30 - Payroll. sheets 1946 Folder A - Week ending 1/2 - week ending 4/24 Folder B - " ". 5/21 - " ,-Folder C - " " 9/4 - " " " (17] 8/28 [19] 12/25 (18] 1947 Folder D - Week ending 1/1 - week ending 4/30 (20] 5/7 - " " 8/27 (20] 9/3 " " 12/31 [18) 1948 Box 31 Folder A - Week ending 1/7 - week ending 4/28 (18] Folder E - " Folder F " Folder B - · u Folder C - " " " " " 5/5 - '!.J " " " " 8/25 . [18] 12/29 [18] Folder D - Week ending 1/5 - week ending 4/27 [17) 9/1 1949 5/4 - ft " 8/31 [20] 9/7 - " " 12/28 (17] 1950 Folder A - Week ending 1/4 - week ending 4/26 (17] Folder E - " Folder F - " " " Box 32 - Payroll sheets (cont.) Folder B - ,. " . 5/3 Folder C - " " Folder D - Week ending 1/3 - Week ending 4/28 (17] 8/29 (19] ·1212s __. [18] 9/6 - " " 8/30 (19] " " , . 12/29 [17] 1951 ) Folder E " " 5/2 " Folder F - " " 9/5 - " " " MSS#B53 Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860 - 1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS l of items Box 33 Payroll Sheets (cont.) 1952 Folder A - Week ending 1/2 - week ending 4/23 " " 4/30 - " " 8/27 (19] c - " " 9/3 - " " 12/24 (18] " 1953 1/7 - " 4/29 (17] 5/6 - " " " 8/26 (18] 9/2 - tt " 12/30 (18] " 4/28 [17] " 7/7 [ Folder D Folder E - " " Folder F - " Folder G Folder H - " " " " " " 1954 1/6 - " 5/5 - " . Box 34 . - Transfer Ledger Pages -- Sales, 1946 Folder A January ] [28] Folder B - February [°28] Folder c - March (30] Folder D - April [30] Folder E - May (33] Folder F June (30] Folder G - July (32] Folder H - August (34] Folder I September (35] Folder J - October (31] Folder K November (32] Folder L - December · (32] - Box 35 Unf oldered Box 36 Unf oldered \ (17] Folder B Folder ) Page 19. 1947 (275] 1948 "Lewis Osterweis & Sons New Partnership· Japuary 1, 1948" (300] Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS of items Sales (cont.) Box 37 - Transfer Ledger Pages 1949 Folder A - January [24] Folder B February •[26] c - March (34] Folder D - ·April (33] Folder E - May [35] Folder F June · [37] Folder G - July (34] Folder H - August (41] Folder I - September (35] Folder J - October (33] Folder K - November (38] Folder L December (37] 1950 J_anuary [24] February (24] c - March [Jl] Folder D - April (29) Folder E - May (35] Folder F June [34] Folder G - July (29] Folder H - August (32] Folder I September [28] Folder J - October (33] Folder K November (33] Folder L - December (40] Folder Box 38 Folder A Folder B Folder ) Page 20. - -- - -- - - --- Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF Box 39 - Transfer Ledger Pages CONT~ Page 21. of items Sales (cont.) Folder A - 19·51 January (24] Folder B February (25] c - March (27] Folder D - April [29] Folder E - May (36] Folder F - June (30] Folder G - July [26] Folder H - August (29] Folder I September [27] Folder J - October [29] Folder K - November [33] Folder L - December (37] Folder - Box 40 Folder A - 1952 . January (24] February [25] c - March (31] Folder D - April (30] Folder B Folder Folder E - ·. May (33] Folder F June (30] Folder G - July (27] Folder H - August (30] Folder I - September (28] Folder J - October (26) Folder K November [25] Folder· L - December [34] I Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 40 (cont.) Folder M - Page 22. of items 1953 . January (22] Folder N - February (23] Folder O March (27] Folder P - April (26) Fold~r May (28] F·o lder 'R - June [32] Folder S - July (29] Folder T - August (26] Folder U September [27] Folder V - October (27] Folder W - November (27] Folder X - December [33] Q - Box 41 - Sales: Order Slips, forms and related correspondence; Boxes 41 and 42..; orders in vazious formats; Boxes 4354, order slips Folder A - Correspondence, receipts,. and related material concerning sales to Army Post Exchanges, 1948- 1950 (16] Folder B - Correspondence relating to cigar orders from indivi~uals (including Rollin Gustav Osterweis' . orders for the account of Jonathan Edwards College senior Commons Room), 1950 [16) Folder c - Orders in various formats, 1950 [165] Folder D - Orders Liggett/Rexall, 1950 (110] Folder E. - Orders Schulte, 1950 (200] Folder F - Orders Union News, 1950 (200] Box 42 Folder A - Correspondence re cigar orders from individuals, 1952-1954 (26] ) Folder B - Orders in various formats ·, 1952 9 (200] Lewis Ostereis & Sons MSS#BS3 Page 23. Records, 1860-1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 42 (cont.) Folder C - Orders Liggett/Rexall, 1952, 1954 Folder D - Orders in various formats -- 1954 (two items, 1953) of items (125] (100] Order slips, ·charge slips. Includes orders from Schulte and Union News; some are on postcards. Box 43 -- 1950 Folder A - (boxed iri cartons boxes 43 through 54) Janurary, February Folder B March (400] Folder C - April (400] Folder D - May (400] Box 44 -- 1950 (cont.) (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A June (500] 'Folder B - July (350] Folder C August (350] Folder D Septeqtber (350] Box· 45 -- 1950 (cont.) (boxed in . cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A October [400] Folder B - Nov-ember (400] Folder C - December (400] Box 46 -- Onder slips, charge sales, ·( 1952 ( 1951 missing) (boxed in carton~ boxes 43~54) Folder A Ja~uary } (550] (400] Folder B ·- February [300] Folder C - March (400] Folder D - April (450] Folder E May (450] Box 47 -- 1952 (cont.) (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A June (450) ·Folder B . - July (400] Folder C - August (400] Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Page 24. Records, 1860-1954 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 47 (cont.) (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder D September Box (400] 48 · ~- 1952 (cont.) (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A October (400] Folder B - November (400] Folder C December (400) Folder D - January, 1954 (1953 missing) (300] Box 49 -- 1954 (cont.) (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Fqlder A · February (35] Folder B - March (350] Folder C April (400] May (400] ~ Folder D - Box 50 -- 1954 (cont.) (boxed in cartons boxes Folder A· June 4~-54) (300] Orders from, or billed . through Jobbers, Folders B,c,c . Folder B - 1950 (150] Folder C - 1952 (450] Folder D - 1954 (250] Cash S~les and c.o.o. Box 51 -- 1950 (boxed in 'cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A January; February . ) [175] Folder B - March, April [200] Folder C - May, June (200] Folder D - July, August (200] Folder E - September, October (200] Folder F - November, December (200] Bo"x 52 -- 1951. (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A January - March Folder B .A pril July (400] (500] Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Page 25. Records, 1860-1954 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 52 -- 1951, Cash Sales and c.o.o. (cont.) (Boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder C August,September (250] [400] October, November, December Folder D - Box 53 ~- 1952 (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A January, February (200] Folder B - March, April [200] Folder C May, June (200] Folder D - July, August [200] Folder E - September, October (250] Folder F - November, December (250] Box 54 -- 1954 (1953 missing) (boxed in cartons boxes 43-54) Folder A January (350] Folder B - February (350] Folder C - March [350] Folder D - April [350] Folder E May [350] Folder F - June (350) FACTORY PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY RECORDS Box 55 rolder A - Production Book - 1940-1945 [lv.] Folder B - Supplemental Cigar Manufacturer's Account, 1941- 1944 (47] [lv.] Folder C - Production Book, 1945-1950 Folder D - Supplemental Cigar Manufacturer's account, 1945- . 19 5 0 . ~J - [ 7 0]. - ,... Folder E - Foremen's Monthly Inventory - · empty cigar boxes December, 1953; january-May, 1954; "Packed cigar" slips - February-June, 1954 (65] Folder E-1 - Label inventory - Louis · walter, Inc. 1946-52 · (12] Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 Page 26. of items TABLE OF CONT·ENTS Box 55 (cont.) Folder F - Monthly inventory; stamped and unstamped cigars, April, 1953 to February, 1954 [30] Box 56 Folder A - Ledger: Tobacco shipped 1939-1953 (60] Folder B - Foreman's Production Book, 1951-1954 [lv.] Folder C - Foreman's T·obacco Book [sheets from notebook in original sequence 1938-1954] (60] · Folder D - Ledger: Inventory Book, 1920-1954 (lv.] Folder E - Ledger: 1939-1953 (lv.] . Folder F - Ledger: Packed cigars 1936-1954 (some pages in front cut out when recieved] (lv.] Folder G - Inventory sheets, n.d. (15] Box 57 - Cigars packed and stamped. Folder A ~ 1950 January-March (18] Folder B - 1950 April-June [17] Folder c - 1950 July-September [13] Folder D - 1950 October-December Folder E - 1951 January-March [~8] Folder F·- 1951 April-June (17) Folder G July-~eptember (16] October-December {7] 1951 . Folder H - 1951 Box 58 Stock control: Finished Cigars on Hand: Unfoldered pages 1935-1954 ~ [17] ledg~r (18.0 ] Box 59 - Inventory sheets: cigars stamped, revenue stamps issued, cigar boxes purchased, tobacco received and shipped, cigars packed. 1952 [13] January Folder A Folder B Folder c - February (19] Ma~ch (22) Page 27. Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Records, 1860-1954 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 59 (cont.) Inventory sheets April Folder D - (19] Folder E - May (23] Folder F - June [15] Folder G - July · [19] Folder H August (20] September (21) Folder J - October [20] Folder K - November (20] Folder L - December [22] Folder M - January [6] February· [20] Folder I - 1953 Folder N _; ~ [23] Folder 0 - March Folder p - April (19] Folder May (21) Folder · R - June [21] s - July (25] Folder T - August (19] Folder U - September (20] Folder v - October (18] w- November -(21] Folder x - December (20] Folder y - 1954 January (18] February (18) March (22] Folder Folder Folder Q - z- Folder AA- Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#BS3 Page · 28. Records, 1860-1954 of items TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 59 (cont.) Folder BB - {23] April ·Folder CC - May (26] Folder DD June (20] Box 60 Folder A - Bound record book [No title-inventory stamped cigars?] 1919-1948. 1 p. mss insert Folder B - Tobacco purchases 1953. -correspondence [lv.] Current Havana Transactions [27] Folder C - Balance of 1952/53 (Broadleaf), Current Tobacco Purchases and · Tobacco reserved for L.o. & Sons. Correspondence (21] Folder D - Primmed (shade) Tobac~o - correspondence 1953-54 . [16] Folder E - .Primmed (shade). Tobacco .- Used up. Correspondence . 1952-1953 (25] Folder F - Broadieaf- used up - correspondence, 1952 (31] Folder G ·- Havana Tobac c o - used up - correspondence, 1952 [9] Folder H - Notebooks Tobacco Inventory: Zimmer 1945-46 Havana 1942-43 Broad leaf 1942-1951 (lv.] [lv.] (lv.] Folder I - Kienbusch Correspondence, 1946-1947 Folder J Folder K " " " " (51] 1948 [76) 1949-1950 (20] Folder L - Tobacco on Hand, 1937-1954 - Ledger sheets (19] Folder· M - Clipping and CMAA Bulletin on ceilings on cigar prices, 1951 [S] Box 61 - - Cigar Makers' ~reduction Sheets Unfoldered 1946 1947 [52] [53] Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Page 29. - Records, 1860-1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS of items Box 62 - Cigar Makers' Production Sheets, cont. Unf oldered 1948 (52] 1949 (51] 1950 (50] Box 63 - Cigar Makers' Production Sheets, Unfoldered 1951 co~t. [49] 1952 (51] 1953 [SO] 1954 (25] Box 64 Cigar inventory cards by brand, 1~38-1953, unfoldered Folder A - Inventory sheets, 1945, 1952 (300] [6] S:trippers' Cards and Packers' Lists Boxes 65 through 68 Box 65 (Boxes 65 through 69 boxed in cartons) Folder A - 1949 January Folder B ~ebruary c - [200] (200] Folder D - April · (200] Folder E - May (200] June (200) Folder F · Box 66 - f A - 1949 (cont.) July (100] Augus·t (100] S~ptember (100] Folder D - October (100] Folder E November (100] Folder B Folder ) · March Folder . (200] c - Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, i860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 30. of items Box 66 (cont.) (Boxed in cartons boxes 65-69) December Folder F - Box 67 (Boxed in cartons boxes 65-69) 1950 January Folder A - [100] [75] Folder B February [75] Folder C March (75] Folder D - April (100] Folder E - May [100] Folder F - June [100] Box 68 (Boxed in cartons boxes 65-69) Folder A - 1950 July [75) Folder B - August (100) Folder C - September [100] Folder D - October (75) Folder E - November (100] Folder F - December (60] Box 69 Car Deliveries and Inventories of Car Stock (boxed in cartons boxes 65-69) Folder A 1950 (includes December 1949) (300) Folder B - 1952 (250] Folder C - ·1954 (includes December 1953) (200] Folder D - 1952-1954 delivery memoranda .& receipts [3v.&14] ·Box 70 - Commerical Forms: Invoices, Statements, Bills of Lading, Receipts, Shipping Memos, etc. Folder A - 1908, 1909 (33] Folder B - 1910 [37] Folder 1911 1917 A - Bi (26) [l] c - Folder D - [SO] Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 MSS#B53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Box 70 (cont.) Folder E - of items B (cont.)' [30] Folder F - c - (43] Folder F [34] G - H [30] I (28] G Folder H Folder I - - i; -. K Folder J L Folder K - Mc - Folder L - Rupp in (33] Folder M - Ruppin [cont.] (36] Folder N - Sc ·- (31] Folder 0 - Shep [SO] Folder p - Shep - Sme (35] Folder Sme - St (37] T, U (40) W (end) [47] a - Folder R Folder s - 1952, 1953 Box 71 Folder A - Folder B Folder 72 Folder c - Folder B Folder C (44] Ro (54] Shem (no 1951) - a, 1952 - z, (400] 1952 (400] · A - G, 1953 (200] - a, 1953 [200] z. 1953 [300] A ·- M, 1954 (200] H 1953, 1954 A - A R Folder D ~ox Page 31. .. R - A - T, 1954 (contains a series of insurance forms, 1948-1954) (150] - _z, 1954 folder D - N Folder E - Coupons, ~ Parcel Post insurance, 1953 (150) (2v.J Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Page 32. Records,_ 1860-1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS . of items Employees (Employees' Earning Records) 1947 A - L Box 73 Folder A Folder B Folder (108] Mc-Z 1948 c - (123] A - D [lll] Folder D E L - (108] Folder E - McL - p Folder F - R - Folder G ·- A - Folder H - M z [92] (104] 1949 . L (57] - z (55] 1950 L [47) Box 74 Folder A ..;. A Folder B - M - c - A - Folder D - A - Folder E A Folder z z, (SO] 1951 (99] z, z, 1952 (92] 1953 (104] z, 1954 (146] . Folder F - Handicapped Workers• Certificates (U.S. Department of Labor); regulations re employment ~f handicapped workers; related correspondence -- 1949-1954 (46) Folder El - A - . State of Connecticut, Department of Labor and . Factory Inspection, Unemployment Compensation Department; Emp19Yees' . Returns; Employer's Contribution Returns and related materia1 --Folders G through Kl :. ~ (j. , • Folder G - 1945' . 194 7 [156] Folder H - 1948 (35] Folder I - 1949, 1950 (37] Folder J - 1951 (14] Folder K - 1952, 1953 (21] Lewis Osterweis & Sons MSS#B53 Page 33. Records, 1860-1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1954 Folder Kl of items [11] Folder L - Correspondence re change of partnership; related material -- to State of Connecticut Department of Labor and Factory Inspection, Employment Security Division -- December 5, 1947 to January 19, 1948 (9] Folder M - Correspondence and related material . concerning Cigarmakers International Union and wage increases, 194e-19s2 · (4oJ Folder N - Employees• salary receipts; letter of recommendation for employee5, 1953-1954 (8] Folder O - Correspondence and related material concerning hospitalization insurance for employees, Travelers Insurance Company and Blue Cross -- some items undated -- 1954 [12] Box 75 - Employees, cont. Folder A - State of Conn. Labor Dept.: Merit Rating Charge Notices, 1946-1949 [91) Folder B - ditto, 1950-1954 (80] · Folder C - U.S. Dept. Labor: Confidential Reports on Labor turnover, 1935-1941 [89] Folder D - ditto, 1942-1953 (65] Advertising and Photographs JI Box 76 Folder A - Sample books of holiday cigar bands and wrappers from Milprint, Inc., 1949, 1950 · [3v.] Folder B - Newspaper, radio, television adver·tising -- correspondence and related material -- 1949-1953 [18] · Correspondence, etc., re ad~ in souvenir programs and contributions ·· toward events run by unions, fraternal orders and professional associations. Folders C and D. Some items undated Folder C ·· Folder -D 1950· . 1952' 1953 (16) (26] Folder E - Postcards, photographs of Connecticut scenes -- one, to Max Osterweis, is unidentified and date is illegible, n.d., 1950, 1952 [4] MSS#B53 Lewis Osterweis & Sons Records, 1860-1954 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 34. of items Box 76 (cont.) Folder F - Photographs of Lewis, Dayton and Rollin Gustav Osterweis; Osterweis & Oppenheimer building; MS draft of advertising copy with photograph of "House of osterweis," (18-20-22 Church Street), n.d. [17] Folder G - Books, property of Rollin G. osterweis and autographed by him. · The Tobacco Kin antation Market and Factor in Virginia and North arolina, 1800-1860, by Joseph Clarke Robert, Duke University Press, Durham, 1938. (contains some statistics on Conn. production) [lv.] Newspaper cartoon (see-Box 1, Folder O for notes removed £rom above volume) (l] Folder H - The Connoisseur's Book of the Cigar, by z. Davidoff. Trans. from the French by Lawrence Grow. McGraw~ Hill, New York, 1967. [lv.] (Rules of smoking a cigar, types of cigars, -etc. Photographs of celebrities holding cigars, designs for cigar boxes and bands, and matchboxes, caricatures) ov~ ) : ' .~ . • ... ' .' . • • '\. • I , ";lo ,,,,...·· .. r- • r o ~· I'• ; \ . ""'-- "\ . .. . ~ .~ . 1 • ' . . '· .· ,. ., - r- ., ""'"'' ..' r· -- - - -- l Illl II . 1 I 1 l I I I I . I I· I 1· .1 I I : II I' I I I i: I '\ ~:~ .. ;,. ( . (f' I _.. L "'\. -· -J"' \ '. ·...:~ I ", . . ·· . I I I .I I I I I' l-1-·. ·: -~ -· ~ l~~,-- ~-·--~-~L:LLLL --~ 1 _., . - ..... ' 1..,, I ..... , . • • I • .. L. - ' . ... 1 l_ I I I I· I . I i I ! l I I I '. • II I I I I I I ~ • • • . "I I. I . ... -... '"( .·:,_· . l=~1=·- · '~~-·~---·..._.__._ · ~· ··=·-~~-· --Jl _ .·... ....