July 10-15 - St Anne Catholic Church
July 10-15 - St Anne Catholic Church
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! June 12, 2016 Volume 77, Number 124 St. Anne Catholic Church 301 SOUTH 9th STREET BROKEN ARROW, OK 74012 PLEASE WRITE YOUR ENVELOPE NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK! Readings & Mass Intentions For The Week OUR FAIR SHARE TO GOD IN HIS CHURCH June 7, 2016 SATURDAY, JUNE 11 5:00 PM St. Anne Parishioners SUNDAY, JUNE 12 (2 Sm 12:7-10,13; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36-8: or 7:36-50) 9:00 AM St. Anne Parishioners 11:30 AM St. Anne Parishioners 5:00 PM St. Anne Parishioners TUESDAY, JUNE 14 (1 Kgs 21:17-29; Mt 5:43-48) 8:00 AM +John F. Power r/b Dorothy Crockett WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 (2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18) 5:30 PM +Hyacinth Cabugnason THURSDAY, JUNE 16 (Sir 48:1-14; Mt 6:7-15) 8:00 AM +Lt. Col. William T. Collier FRIDAY, JUNE 17 (2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23) 8:00 AM Chuck & Trish Salat 44th Anniversary SATURDAY, JUNE 18 (2 Chr 24: 17-25; Mt 6:24-34) +Laura S. Power r/b Dorothy Crockett READINGS FOR JUNE 19 First: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1 Second: Gal 3:26-29 Gospel: Lk 9:18-24 COFFEE & DONUTS for June 19: Vince & Elizabeth Frisillo MONDAY, JUNE 13 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Rosary Guild Boy Scouts St. Clare Needle Arts TUESDAY, JUNE 14 6:30 PM Ladies’ Night Out WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 12:00 PM Confession 5:30 PM Mass 6:00 PM Holy Hour & Confession Total Regular Collection Capital Campaign $12, 932.05 $3,460.57 If you are making a payment towards your Capital Campaign (CC) pledge, please clearly mark this amount on your envelope! There is no 2nd collection this week. The 2nd collection next week benefits RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. Please be generous. Flowers for the Altar Happy Anniversary Chuck & Trish Salat! Women's ministry has cancelled the Progressive Dinner for June 17 since our chairperson cannot organize it due to work changes. Instead we are having Girl's Dinner Out at Ted's Escondido at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, June 14, 2016. All women of the parish are invited! SPONSOR OF THE WEEK THURSDAY, JUNE 16 10:00 AM Bible Study SATURDAY, JUNE 18 10:00 AM Confraternity of Penitents SUNDAY, JUNE 19 10:15 AM St. John of Broken Arrow Coffee/Donuts PRAY FOR & PATRONIZE OUR SPONSORS FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP CORNER Jesus could have easily provided for Himself in many ways because of His Divinity. However, He chose to need others to survive and to accomplish what He needed to accomplish. Sometimes we may feel independent, and we may even suffer from the desire to not be dependent upon anyone. Nevertheless, we are. We need other people; we need their prayers; we need their love. The Lord understood this, and He tries to make it clear to us that we are no different. That is in part what stewardship is all about. We share our gifts, and when they are combined with the gifts of others, our community, our church, our parish is so much more effective. How can you share your gifts with others? HOSPITALITY SERVICE COFFEE & DONUTS: Don’t forget to stop By St. Francis Hall between Masses to have Coffee & Donuts with fellow parishioners! This is a great way to meet new people, connect with old friends & support our parish with your donation. If you have a family member in the hospital or homebound, and wish them to receive the Eucharist, please call the parish office (918-251-4000) and we will make arrangements for a member of the Pastoral Care committee to bring the Eucharist to them. NOTE: Anyone who needs to have Communion brought to them during Mass and cannot make it up to the front pew, please inform an usher before Mass so we can bring it to you. The Ministry of Compassion food pantry currently needs canned fruit, Ramen Noodles & toilet paper. Thank you all for your continuous help in our ministry and God bless you! Ministry of Compassion is in need of some part time volunteers during the summer to help us serve those in need in our community by picking up food from the Tulsa food bank. Please contact Becky Wisdom at 918-720-3771 or [email protected] if you can help. Thank you! -Mission Trip to Colorado -Totus Tuus -Deacon John O’Neil & Deacon Sean O’Brien’s Ordination -Fr. John O’Neil’s Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Anne -Fr. Sean O’Brien’s Mass Of Thanksgiving at St. Anne -Parish Feast Day Picnic -Solemnity of Joachim & Anne (Dedication of the new narthex & St. Anne Hall by the Bishop) -Faith Formation Enrollment June 26-July 3 July 10-15, 9am-3pm (grade school) 7pm-9pm (high school) Sat., July 16, 10am Sun., July 17, 11:30am (reception following) Wed., July 20, 5:30pm (reception following) Sat., July 23, 6pm Tues., July 26, 7pm (reception following) Aug. 6/7 & 13/14 after all Masses Thank you to all those who supported the Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser: GARAGE With your help we raised $3700 for our youth mission trip! July 10-15 9am-3pm (grade school) 7pm-9pm (high school) FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! June 12, 2016 Volume 77, Number 124 Youth Faith Formation YOUTH NEWS! Prayer Please pray for the following who have requested our prayers: Mission Trip to Colorado June 26-July 3 James Allen, Edward Barnhill, Pat Blake, Stephanie Carver, John Cueves, Ro Doyle, Cindy Duca, Donna Ehrhardt, Gina Falcon, Shirley Folwarski, Logan Fritz, Brenda Hester, Graem Hobbs, Mary Kassen, Steven Kazmierczak, Dot Kellar, Al & Lois Kozell, Jeff Leslie, Ron Lewis, Bob Mangram, Jane Moore, Julie Nyikos, Juan Perez, Yvonne Perez, Chris Poole, Bill Schmees, Lucy Schouveller, Juanita Trammell, Bradley Verel, Brooke Verel, Becky Walker, Alan Wells, David Wells, Madaline Wells, Diane Whittaker, Ginny Zweigle Adult Faith Formation Are you interested or do you know someone who is interested in exploring the Catholic faith? Our next Inquiry Class will start in September from 10:15 – 11:15 am. For more information call the church office at 918-251-4000 or email Kathy Erickson at [email protected]. July 10-15 9am-3pm (grade school) 7pm-9pm (high school) Laudate is a Catholic app for smart phones that has: Liturgy of the Hours, prayers, daily Mass readings, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2 different Bibles, Papal documents, EWTN, etc... THEOLOGY UNCORKED On July 7th, enjoy a nice wine with your fellow parishioners and join Father Kastl for a Q & A Open Forum. Doors open at 6:30pm and the presentation will begin promptly at 7:00pm. Please sign up in the vestibule or email the parish office at [email protected] each month you plan to attend. Make sure you indicate if you need child care—reservations are first come, first serve. Pray the Rosary FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF BROKEN ARROW, OKLAHOMA! 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Other News & Events Tune in to 102.9FM St. Michael Catholic Radio! On June 29th, 2016, Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul, Rev. Fr. David Konderla will be ordained as the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Tulsa. Archbishop Paul Coakley will be the main consecrator, and Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery, Bishop Emeritus of Tulsa, and Most Rev. Joe Vásquez, Bishop of Austin, will be co-consecrators. For more information please visit and share: http://www.bishopkonderlaordination.com/ and https://www.facebook.com BishopDavidKonderla/?fref=ts Place: Reynolds Center at The University of Tulsa, 3508 E 8th St, Tulsa, OK 74112 Date: June 29, 2016 Time: Confessions: 11:00 AM-1:00 PM; Ordination Mass: 2:00 PM JOB OPPORTUNITIES St. Anne is looking for a Youth Discipleship Coordinator. This person will coordinate the faith formation for 6th-12th grades and Confirmation program for 11th grade. St. Anne's vibrant youth ministry has been built through small discipleship groups that help the 100 young people have a deeper encounter with Christ and one another. St. Anne is also looking for a Faith Formation Coordinator for Pre-K through 5th grade who will serve the parish community by coordinating the Fnm aith Formation (Religious Education) and Sacramental Preparation of the Pre-K through 5th grade students.
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