Don`t Drink and Drive - Call a friend, grab a cab


Don`t Drink and Drive - Call a friend, grab a cab
METIS HALL 1:30 - 7:00 PM SUN. FEB. 21st, 2016
Entry is open to anyone present at the events other than for the Beard of The Year which
is for registered contestants representing community organizations only. Judges’ decisions are based on specific
criteria for each event, and all judges’ decisions are final. Judges will be appointed by the Beard Growing
Committee. Sincere thanks to the sponsors and participants who make this contest possible.
During the Beard Growing Contest you will have your last chance to purchase a Cash Calendar ticket for $10.
The draw for $2000 is made at the end of the Beerfest after the Beard Growing contests.
For your pleasure at the beard growing contests we will be selling Trappers’ Tea Shooters at the bar. Beef on a
Bun will be sold by the Legion Ladies for $5. Trappers Tea Shooters and Beer will be provided for one $4 drink
ticket and coolers are one $5 drink ticket.
2:30 PM
Most Colourful Beard - sponsored by Twin Motors (2015 winner was Danny Halpin of The Pas)
Shaggiest Beard - sponsored Garry Morrish (2015 winner was Chauncey Froese of The Pas)
World Championship Moustache - sponsored by Garry Morrish (2015 winner was Perry Nikolychuk of The Pas)
Shiniest Pate - sponsored by Garry Morrish (2015 winner was Warren Butterfield of Regina)
Hairiest Legs - sponsored by Halplees Foundation (2015 winner was Dan Joyal of The Pas)
4:00 PM
Tom Marion Memorial World ChampionshipTrappers’ Beard - sponsored by K&J Marion (2015 winner was Harley
Bon of The Pas)
World Championship Bedroom Eyes (female) - sponsored by Halplees Foundation (2015 winner was Dawn Zaharia of
The Pas)
World Championship Bedroom Eyes (male) - sponsored by Halplees Foundation (2015 winner was Brandon Snowdon
of The Pas)
Best Trimmed Beard - sponsored by Shear Essentials (2015 winner was Ryan Drake of The Pas)
World Championship Goatee - sponsored by the Fulmore Girls (2015 winner was Erwin Webster of The Pas)
5:30 PM
Beard of the Year - sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of The Pas (1st place and 2nd place) (there were no entrants last
year so there were no winners) Entrants this year are: Northland Ford - Keith Jaeger, Kevin Carlson, Kristian Davisson,
Jordan Krost; Kinsmen - Danny Halpin; Trappers’ Festival - Dave Harmon
Hairiest Chest - sponsored by Garry Morrish (2015 winner was Brett Needham of South Carolina, USA)
World Championship Trappers “Buns” (female) - sponsored by Halplees Foundation (2015 winner was Bethany Pich
of The Pas)
World Championship Trappers “Buns” (male) - sponsored by Twin Motors (2015 winner was Brennan Yanchicki of
The Pas)
World Championship Beer Belly - sponsored by Labatt (2015 winner was Roy Osmond of The Pas)
Draw for 2016 Trappers’ Cash Calendar
6:45 PM Last Call
Special Thanks to the workers for Rendezvous Beerfest
- Arctic Beverages; Grub Box; Karate Club; RHA & CUPE members;& Festival Directors;
Don’t Drink and Drive - Call a friend, grab a cab - CALL THE TRAPPERS’
2016 RV/BF Committee - Jenn Cook, Jodie Kuhl, Sue Lambert