Roadworks! - Newton on Ouse


Roadworks! - Newton on Ouse
Winter 2013
The Newsletter of The Newton on Ouse Parish Council
I t g o e s w it h o u t s a y in g t h a t t h e S e p t e m b e r
r a in b r o u g h t h a vo c t o o u r r e g i o n w i t h
m u c h d a m a g e t o o ur s ur ro u nd s a n d
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e. F o r t u n a t e l y, n o o n e wa s
d r ow n e d i n t h e d e l u g e, a l t h o u g h o n e
c y c l is t h a d a ve r y n a r row e s c a p e w h i ls t
a t t e m p t in g t o c r o s s Ky le B r id g e. A s t h e
wa t e r s s u b s i d e d , s o d i d t h e r o a d , a n d t h i s
i s w h a t c a u s e d a ll t h e r e c e n t d i s r u p t i o n .
Repairs commenced promptly once the
river receded, and all looked to be going well
when the pilings were put in place within a
week of starting. Then it all seemed to go
wrong. The roadwork – or lack of it - ground
to an annoying crawl. The results have been
devastating for our community, local businesses
and individuals alike with loss of accessibility
and income over what should have been the
busiest and most lucrative time of the year.
Representations have been made to North
Yorkshire County Council, and they have been
made well aware of the bitterness felt towards
them over the lack of urgency demonstrated by
signs; insufficient management; damage to the
village green; loss of income for local traders,
and the fact that the county council were made
aware of damage to the road infrastructure
earlier in the year. We await their reply with
Thankfully the road to Linton is open once
again, but the Christmas trade cannot be
retrieved, so let’s try to make the spring a
little better – support our local businesses
that rely on incoming customers: the pubs,
the garage, the beauty salon, and also the
shops at Linton and Beningbrough
Home Farm.
A Sincere Thank You
their reluctant workforce. Specific mention has
been to: insufficient manpower from the start;
lack of communication; false information being
passed on by the workforce; dangerous
condition of the footpath; misleading diversion
A Sincere Thank You extended to Chris
Rooke for organising the felling and chopping
into logs of the latest Cherry tree to succomb to
old age and desease. Donations for logs are to be
given to Karen Morris and will be put towards
the cost of further tree surgery and replacement
costs. Another tree will have to come down
shortly, so please show consideration for others
and only take the wood you need. Thank you.
Newton on Ouse Emails
The Parish Council are
setting up an email address
database for anyone
interested in knowing
what's going on in the
village. For example, the
Parish Council have been
receiving regular updates on the
bridge repairs from Highways and it'd
be useful if these and other news
items could be easily shared. We have
already made a start and received
many positive comments. If you are
interested in receiving these, please
can you send your full name, address
and email address to the Clerk at...
k a r e n m o r r i s p c @ h o t m a i l . c o. u k
Bill Cooper was proud to be
asked to cut the turf in
preparation for the planting of
the English Oak tree on the
village green to commemorate
the Diamond Jubilee of Queen
Fuel Costs
Repor ting
Pot Holes
It's that time of year
again when lots of pot
holes appear and there is
an easy way of reporting
them which encourages
the local Highways
Authority to do some
thing about them. The
Parish Council would
encourage as many as
people as possible to
report the various
potholes in and around
the village by recording
them on the following
w w w. f il l t h a t h o l e. o r g . u k
Is anyone interested in
joining, or helping to
organise, an oil cooperative for the Parish?
By forming a local
scheme and joining
adjoining parishes, the
power of bulk buying
can make impressive
savings to your heating
oil bill. That can’t be
bad! If you would like to
express an interest,
please contact Karen
We love you Buttons!
The Pocket Panto came to Newton.
Who needs Berwick Kaler? Newton on
Ouse Parish Hall hosted our very own
Christmas Pantomime (oh yes it did...)
on January 5. The company of three
presented us with a hilarious production
of Cinderella that was enjoyed by young
and old alike. Everyone was encouraged
to join in with the fun, and all the
children were rewarded for their jokes
and singing. It was a truly entertaining
evening of good family fun, but despite
the fantastic performance of the theatre
company (sponsored by Rural Arts),
only 37 people were there to enjoy it.
So a big request from the Playing Fields
Association who organise the theatre
performances in Newton – please,
please, please come and support these
events or, sadly, we won’t be able to
continue with them.
The Parish Hall 100 Club
The 100 Club is coming to the end of its
first year. So far £660 have been
distributed as prizes in the village, and a
similar contribution has been made to
the Parish Hall, helping with the
refurbishment programme, including the
new chairs and tables. The Parish Hall
Committee would like to thank
everyone who has supported the 100
Club over the past year, and hopes that
not only will existing members sign up
for the second year of the Club, but that
many more residents of Newton on
Ouse (and friends and families) will join:
the more members, the bigger the prizes!
Wendy Key will provide details in the
next few weeks of how to subscribe to
the 100 Club for 2013/14. Not only are
you supporting our Parish Hall, but also
you have three chances of winning cash
prizes each month – and if we can reach
100 members the prizes will go up to a
top prize of £50 and two at £25!
B e n in g b r o u g h a t Wa r
A Pa thway to Heaven!
Photograph courtesy of Richard Tampion, Lighting courtesy of Neil Pears
Fireworks courtesy of the Blacksmiths Arms
L e t ’s g e t f it - If taking a bit more exercise was one of your new
year’s resolutions, then Newton Walkers would be pleased if you
joined us! We meet for a not-too-strenuous walk of about 5 or 6
miles once a month, followed by a pub lunch or picnic. Our
Thursday walks meet at the Green in Newton on Ouse at 9.30 and
we share cars to our starting point. Our Sunday walks are planned
so friends and members of our local communities who may not
wish to walk 5 or so miles (or who may wish to cycle out for
lunch!) can join us for a reasonably priced and convivial Sunday
lunch in a pub. The dates for 2013 are:Thursday Feb 28,Thursday
Ma rc h 28, Thursday Ap r il 25, Sunday May 26, June 26-28 –
two nights in the Dales, Thursday July 25, Thursday Aug us t 22,
Thursday S ep t em b er 26, Sunday Oc t obe r 27 and Thursday
Novem b er 28. For further info please contact Alan (01347
848095) or Tim (01347 844036).
D o n ’t P a r k o n t h e B a r
In res pon s e to nu m erous
concer ns reg arding the la ck
of vis ibility, new white “ Keep
Clea r” bar m a rking s have
now been pa inted a t the
junction of B ack La ne with
the m ain roa d. In the interes t
o f s a fet y, ever yon e is
reques ted to com ply with
this ins truction. Thank you.
In 1941, Lady Chesterfield, former owner of Beningbrough Hall and
Gardens, moved out of the Hall as it was requisitioned as a billet and
mess for RAF Linton on Ouse bomber crew and later the Canadian
Air Force.
A new Exhibition and Trail through the House and Gardens, telling the
stories of the men and women who were billeted here from 1941-1945
will be open to the public from 1st March – 3rd November. 2013 will
mark 70 years since aircrews from the Royal Canadian Airforce came
to Beningbrough Hall in 1943.
This new project for Beningbrough, supported by the Heritage
Lottery Fund, will uncover many evocative stories, but also provide a
new schools programme, family workshops, and WWII focused events.
There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved throughout the
year so check out the website to see what events you can join in with
or come on any open day and learn a little more through the Trail
about Beningbrough at War. t iona ltr us t. or g .uk/ b ening b roug h
The first activity to form part of the Trail was a ‘Turf-lifting ‘session
on 27th January in the Walled Garden for the ‘Dig for Victory Garden’.
Here we will plant, grow and harvest vegetables which will be used to
cook wartime recipes.
As part of the project we would like to gather memories from
people who have stories to tell about this evocative time whether you
were billeted at Beningbrough or knew someone who was there or if
you or your family lived in the neighbouring villages. We are looking
for people who are willing to tell us their stories for an oral history
resource or for printed resources. Please get in touch if you have your
own stories or those of your parents, grandparents or friends.
For further information please contact Wendy Taylor, Beningbrough at
War Project Officer on 01904 472027 or email:
wend y.t ay lor@na tiona lt r us t .or g .uk
Nei g h b o u r h o o d Wa t c h
We all like to live in a safe environment, and the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme helps us all to feel that
little bit more secure, but it does require a few volunteers to act as co-ordinators to inform neighbours
of matters of interest. If you are able to give a little of your time, please contact a member of the Parish
Council so that we can get this project up and running.
Dates for your diary
T h u r s d a y s 18 A p r i l a n d 16 Ma y :
Ne w t o n-o n -Ou s e P a r is h Co u n c i l Me e t in g i n t he P a r is h H a l l a t 7. 30p m .
Your Parish Council:
Chair Wendy Appleby 848705; Clerk Karen Morris 848396; Timk Key 844036; Fiona Laycock 848138;
Tim Smith 848863; Glenda Turnbull 848423; Andrew Windrum 848716.
The Newsletter of The Newton on Ouse Parish Council is kindly sponsored by Inc Dot Business Print Solutions 01904 477944