
Section 1.10 The purpose of the Association is:
(a) To accept, raise, and disburse funds and otherwise assist the band, in
compliance with legal authority or CISD policy and in accord with the band
(b) To promote and stimulate musical education in the community;
(c) To stimulate a spirit of fellowship and cooperation among the membership of
the Association.
(d) To create a volunteer workforce for assisting the band staff when band
projects and endeavors would benefit from additional help.
Section 2.10 The Association shall be nonprofit, noncommercial, nonsectarian, and
Section 2.11 The Association shall cooperate with school authorities, and support and
uphold the decisions of the school administration.
Section 2.12 No officer or member shall act singly to obligate or encumber the
Association. Any correspondence concerning the Smithson Valley Band, the band
boosters, or any band members must be approved by the President of the Association.
Section 2.13 No one person may chair more than one standing committee in the same
Section 2.14 The Association is a 501 (c3) organization.
Section 3.10 The Association's membership shall be made up of individuals interested in
and supportive of the Smithson Valley High School Ranger Band.
Section 3.11 A Band Booster member must have a student currently emolled and active
in the Ranger Band.
Section 3.12 Annual dues for each family shall be payable at the beginning of each
school year. All dues must be paid current no later then October 30th of the current
school year.
Section 3.13 Removal- On recommendation of the Band Director, or Administrator, or a
majority of elected officers, the Executive Committee may, by % vote of the Executive
Committee, revoke the membership of any general or associate membership that causes
detriment to the Ranger Band Program, Directors, Students or Band Booster
Organization. Member will be notified in writing and given the opportunity to counsel
with the Executive Board prior to removal.
Section 4.10 Robert' s Rules of Order by General Henry M. Robert, 10th Edition or later
as adopted by the Executive Committee at the beginning of each school year shall govern
all meetings.
Section 4.11 A quorum for General Association meetings shall consist of twenty (20)
voting members in attendance. A majority of any committee, including the Executive
Committee, shall constitute a quorum thereof.
Section 4.12 The order of business at any meeting ofthe Smithson Valley Ranger Band
Boosters shall include:
(a) Call to order
(b) Reading of the minutes
(c) Report of the treasurer
(d) Reports of the committees
(e) Report of band director
(f) New business
(g) Adjournment
Section 4.13 The Smithson Valley Ranger Band Booster Association shall meet during
the First Full Week of each month for General Meetings of the membership. The specific
day of the week will be announced at the first General Meeting, held during Parent
Orientation during Band Camp in August of that school year. Subsequent meeting dates
and times will be posted on the SVHS Band Website. There will be no general meetings
scheduled for the months of December, January, June or July.
Section 4.14 Special Meetings
(a) The Special Meetings of the Association may be called by the President, or
upon written request of five members. No business shall be presented at called
meetings except that for which the meeting was called.
(b) A quorum for Special Meetings will consist of one-third the voting
Section 4.15 Executive Committee Meetings
(a) Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held prior to the general
meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the president, or upon written
request oftwo members of the Executive Committee.
(b) There will only be one vote per office and committee chair. If the office or
chair is shared, only one vote is allowed for the position. In accordance with
Robert' s Rules of Order, the President does not vote except in the case of a tie
vote. Then the President will cast the tiebreaking vote.
Section 5.10 The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and chair persons of standing committees. There may be one
additional officer appointed by the President if approved by the executive Committee.
(a) These offices may be filled by one person.
Section 5.11 Only Smithson Valley Ranger band parents with currently paid up
membership in the Association, a high school student active in the Ranger band program,
and who has fulfilled at least one of the following requirements: (1) held a previous
office, (2) chaired a committee, (3) been an active member of a committee associated
with the Ranger Band program, or (4) been a paid up member for two or more years, may
hold office.
Section 5.12 The directors of the Smithson Valley Ranger Band are ex-officio
committee members (Members without a vote.)
Section 6.10 President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association
and ofthe Executive Committee. Helshe shall be ex-officio member of all committees,
except the nominating committee. With the Treasurer, helshe shall sign all vouchers of
the Association. With the Secretary, helshe shall approve all communications sent out in
the name of the Association. Helshe should be responsible for acquiring annual reports
from all officers and committee chairpersons to be passed onto the new president and
officers. Helshe shall, at the final meeting of each fiscal year, submit in writing a report
of accomplishments and progress of the Association. The president shall be empowered
to add special committees as needed, with the approval of the Executive Committee. In
the absence of the Vice-President the President shall preside over all committees.
Section 6.11 Vice-President - The Vice-President shall preside at meetings in the
absence of the President. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the
Vice-President shall at once succeed to the office of the President to complete the
unexpired term. The Executive Committee shall fill a vacancy in the position of VicePresident. The Vice-President shall preside over all committees. In the absence of the
Vice-President the President shall preside over all committees.
Section 6.12 Secretary - The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of
the Association and Executive Committee. Helshe shall sign all correspondence
authorized by the Executive Committee and facilitate communication to the membership.
Section 6.13 Treasurer - The Treasurer shall collect dues, deposit all funds in
accordance with school policy and, together with the president and band director, shall
sign all purchase approval request forms. All funds received must be receipted in an
official CISD receipt book. He/she shall keep a ledger consisting of the accounts
prescribed by the budget, show detailed information of how the monies are received and
disbursed at each meeting of the Association, and an annual report at the final meeting of
the year. Upon receipt of dues from new members, the treasurer shall notify the
membership chairperson of such new members.
Section 6.14 Parliamentarian - The Parliamentarian shall advise on parliamentary
procedures and maintain the Association's governing documents and parliamentary
references. Any situation not specifically covered in these bylaws shall be governed by
Robert's Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian does not have a vote on the Executive
Committee, nor on motions. The Parliamentarian only votes on ballot style votes. The
Parliamentarian is an appointed position by the Executive Committee each year for a one
year term.
Section 7.10 The officers and chairpersons of the standing committees shall be elected
for a term of one year.
Section 7.11 No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in any office.
Section 7.12 Except for a vacancy in the office of the President, it shall be the duty of
the President to appoint a person to fill such office with the approval of two-thirds of the
Executive Committee.
Section 7.13 In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall
immediately succeed to the presidency and complete the unexpired term.
Section 7.14 A newly appointed officer or chairperson(s) shall be duly installed at the
time of their appointment.
Section 7.15 Based on Robert' s Rules of Order, any officer that is unable to attend three
or more meetings may be asked by the President to resign from the position they are
holding. Any officer failing to resign when asked to do so may be voted out of office by a
majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Section 8.10 Nominations for officers and chairpersons of the standing committees shall
be made by a nominating committee to consist of a minimum of five members with the
Parliamentarian (ex officio) as chairperson. It will be the duty of the Nomination
Committee to gather a list of the proposed candidates and present them to the chair
person prior to the March Executive Committee meeting. This list will be presented to the
general membership at the March general meeting for consideration and subsequent
voting at the April general meeting.
Section 8.11 The election normally shall be at the April meeting of the Association. At
the time of elections, additional nominations may be made from the floor only with the
prior approval of the potential nominee. The Executive Committee may modify election
schedule to best fit the operational schedule.
Section 8.12 Elections of officers and chairpersons shall be by written ballot in the event
there is more than one candidate for an office. The Nominating Committee chair shall
appoint a four-member election committee to count the ballots and announce the results
to the chair. A plurality of votes shall be sufficient for the election of any officer or
Section 8.13 The elected officers and chairpersons shall be duly installed at the Senior
Concert, typically in May.
Section 9.10 The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the
Association, and the Chairpersons of the standing committees.
Section 9.11 The Executive Committee shall meet prior to each General Meeting of the
Section 9.12 The Executive Committee shall formulate the policies of the Association
and present them to the membership for adoption. All questions of new policy shall first
be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration.
Section 9.13 The Executive Committee shall have general charge of the budgeting of
finances of the Association and shall present a budget at the first meeting of the fiscal
year to be voted on by the general membership. This budget may be revised by majority
vote of a quorum of the General Membership at any time.
Section 9.14 The Executive Committee shall be empowered in time of emergency, when
General Meetings cannot be conducted in normal manner, to carry out such business as
would normally come before the Association.
Section 9.15 The Executive Committee shall keep a record of its proceedings. In the
event a General Meeting cannot be held or orders of business specified by the
Association cannot be conducted in a normal manner, such report is to be distributed to
the membership by mail or made available on the Association's web site.
Section 9.16 In the event an Executive Committee Member's child decides to drop from
the band program, the member is to immediately resign hislher office and shall relinquish
all materials related to that office or chair position within two weeks. It shall be the duty
of the President to appoint a person to fill such office with the approval of two thirds of
the Executive Committee.
Section 9.17 Removal of Executive Committee Member. On recommendation of the
Band Director, or Administrator, or a majority of elected officers, the Executive
Committee may by % vote remove a member of the executive committee that causes
detriment to the Ranger Band Program, Directors, Students or Band Booster
Organization. Member will be notified in writing and given the opportunity to counsel
with the Executive Committee prior to vote on removal.
Section 10.10 Standing Committees of the Association shall be Membership, Water,
Chaperone, Pit Crew, Website, Health and Safety, Hospitality, Publicity, Fundraising,
Alterations, and Trailer. Most of these committees have year-round activities and
responsibilities. The chairperson of each committee shall present a plan of work and
budget if applicable to the Executive Committee for approval. No committee work shall
be undertaken without the consent of the Executive Committee.
Section 10.11 Chaperone Committee - It shall be the duty of the Chaperone Committee
to ensure adequate adult supervision en route to and at off-campus band activities.
Section 10.12 Water Committee - It shall be the duty of the Water Committee to collect
or arrange for water for the Ranger Band to be used for football games, competitions and
official band related functions, ensure the availability of water for the Ranger Band, and
coordinate parent volunteers as needed.
Section 10.13 Publicity Committee - It shall be the duty of Publicity Committee to
ensure band program news and information is disseminated to the parents and students of
the Ranger band program, through electronic distribution (i.e. email) or displays (i.e. web
site), print publications and letters, or other appropriate means. Additionally, it shall be
the duty of this committee to supply news of band activities and accomplishments to the
local media. The committee shall provide copies of these announcements as appropriate
for archival purposes.
Section 10.14 Membership Committee - It shall be the duty ofthe Membership
Committee to assist in issuing all notices for meetings, to contact all persons eligible for
membership, maintain membership records, and to distribute an accurate, current list of
the membership of the Association.
Section 10.15 Health and Safety Committee - It shall be the duty of the Health and
Safety Committee to make every effort to have certified medical personnel to travel with.
the Smithson Valley High School Ranger Band. The Health and Safety Committee will
act as the point-of-contact for SVHS band members for any health related matter that
may arise, such as, sickness or injury. A Health and Safety committee member or
designee will immediately notify the SVHS band director.
Section 10.16 Pit Crew Committee - It shall be the duty of the Pit Crew to assist with
the transportation and set-up of large equipment before sporting events and other offcampus performances.
'-----' .
Section 10.17 Hospitality Committee - It shall be the duty of the Hospitality Committee
to direct and plan for the social affairs of the Association and to direct and coordinate
social affairs of the band in accord with the band directors and the band student officers.
Section 10.18 Fundraising Committee - It shall be the duty of the Fundraising
Committee to plan, coordinate, supervise, and supply the Executive Committee with an
accounting of each fundraising event. All fundraising events will be approved by the
Executive Committee prior to start and coordination of each event.
Section 10.19 Alterations Committee - It shall be the duty ofthe Alterations Committee
to assist the band with uniform issuing, fitting, and alterations.
Section 10.20 Trailer Committee - It shall be the duty of the Trailer Committee to
ensure the safety, maintenance, and transportation of the Ranger Band trailer to all
Ranger Band functions as directed by the band director.
Section 10.21 Website Committee - It shall be the duty of the Website Committee to
update, maintain and post all band related functions, and news items on the official
Ranger band website. The website committee will notify members of the Association, by
email (if requested by SVHS band booster member), when changes are made to the
Ranger Band web site. Due to the technical skill required by this position, a person
nominated for this position must have past experience with maintaining a web site.
Section 11.10 Special Committees of the Association shall exist at the recommendation
of the Executive Committee to fulfill special needs as they occur. The list of committees
in these bylaws below is not all-inclusive; other committees may be added and these
committees may become dormant as the nature of the band program changes. The
chairperson of each committee shall present a plan of work and a budget if applicable to
the Executive Committee for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without
the consent of the Executive Committee.
Section 11.11 Nominating Committee - The Parliamentarian will serve as Chairperson
of the nominating committee. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to
conduct the election of officers and report at the spring meeting. This committee shall
consist of four members randomly selected from a group of volunteers in addition to the
Section 11.12 Student Representative - The Ranger Band may elect to select one or
more nonvoting students to attend Association meetings to provide a student perspective
on issues and to communicate Association activities to the Ranger Band.
Section 12.10 Amendment(s) to the bylaws may be introduced at any General or
Executive Committee meeting and acted upon at a subsequent meeting, but not later than
two subsequent meetings .
Section 12.11 Written notification shall be presented to the Executive Committee prior
to general membership submission. Written notification to general membership shall be
presented at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting in which the amendment is to be
voted upon.
Section 12.12 Any amendment must be passed by a two-thirds vote of the members
attending the meeting.
Section 13.10 The Smithson Valley High School Band Boosters is a non-profit
Organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501 (c)(3).
Section 13.11 Notwithstanding any other provisions, this organization shall not carryon
any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal
income tax under section 501 (c)(3)ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the
corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
Section 13.12 Upon the disillusion of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one
or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be
distributed to the federal, state, or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets
not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county
in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such
Section 14.10 The Smithson Valley Band Boosters Executive Committee must perform
an Annual Review of the approved Bylaws and either accept as stated the previous years
Bylaws or submit changes to the General membership. After any changes are submitted,
or if the Bylaws are to be accepted as written the previous year, they will be brought
before the first General Membership Meeting of the Band Boosters and approved by the
General Membership in the manner stated in Section 12.10 Amendments.
Section 14.11 The President and current Band Director will sign for the acceptance of the
Bylaws after approval by the General Meeting. These signatures will be attached the
Bylaws as an Attachment each year.
The preceding bylaws were put into affect by Mr. Jeff Lightsey, Smithson Valley Ranger
Band Director, in his capacity as a representative of the Comal LS.D. at a general
meeting of the Ranger Band Boosters held on the May 8th, 2012, and are the current
bylaws of the Association in force and in effect as of the May 8th, 2012.
"-. ..... /
President SVHS Band Boosters
Date - - - - -
Band Director SVHS Band
Date _ _ _ __