Centro FoxAnual Report 2015
Centro FoxAnual Report 2015
ACTIVITIES REPORT CENTRO FOX JANUARY - DECEMBER 2015 Dear Friends, The Centro Fox opened its doors in 2008, under the premise of becoming a space of ideas, knowledge, development, and growth, available to the public. From this small place in Guanajuato, we have formed a team which works tirelessly on the ambitious goal of making a difference in the region, and to project a promising future for all. In each of our projects, we have affection, but above all hope, a bright hope to enlighten the future of our beloved nation. Within Centro Fox’s vision, we have opted for the formation of compassionate leaders for creating a better world. We believe we are all leaders and can provide that leadership at various times in our lives to be that little difference to make major changes. Your support encourages us to continue believing and working every day in each of our programs, which this year 71,392 visitors and participants attended services from both the Centro Fox and Fundación Vamos México, including the Presidential library, a center of knowledge whose doors are open to the public; the children’s Music School, which is focused on transforming the lives of many children of the surrounding communities; our trainings, which bring innovation and leadership with organizations and companies in our country; our cultural and artistic events, where we exalt our country’s name and promote cultural exchange. Today, we want to thank you for the support you have given us. Thank you for believing in this project, for making this dream grow from our center of knowledge and leadership. In 2016, we are working with great enthusiasm and commitment towards this project. We are convinced that we all have a huge potential to bring the best of ourselves to build a better community, a country, and world, each day. Thank you to each and everyone one for believing in this great project, with generosity, to make many dreams come true! Centro Fox, promoting leadership, and awakening vocations. ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH CENTER “Teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart to heart.” Howard G. Hendricks. The Centro Fox is convinced that education is the foundation of the education programs, and life skills trainings. During 2015, we success of a society and a strategic factor to addressing the developed and implemented seminars, courses, and workshops that challenges of this century. Part of its mission is seeking to influence support the overall improvement of leaders, management teams, both the development of individual and group talents, in pursuit of and operational teams nationwide. excellence and high performance. The Academic and Research Center (CAI) aims to develop programs towards the development of In the year 2015, we received over 3,000 participants in the professional companies and organizations’ talents, and personal following programs: talents, to enable participants to become high performers and advocators towards the change in the environment in which they Continued Education grow and establish bonds of collaboration with academic institutions Political Leadership School of great national and international prestige, to provide educational Seminars: Update of Constitutional Reforms, Relating to Electoral Political spaces. Matters, Fiscal, and Transparency. Centro Fox’s academic areas design and implement solutions Strategic Management of Electoral Campaigns. towards the development of individual talents, and the formation of Winning Candidate. high performance teams, through the provision of continued Strategic Management of Social Networks. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 ACADE MIC AND RESEARCH CENTER Personal Leadership School Academic Collaboration Personal development seminars and workshops: As part of the academic work of the Centro Fox, during 2015, we Walks of Life conducted various links with institutes and universities to develop a Equilibrium set of activities, seeking to promote improvement in education and My Best Christmas Gift to promote human development as a member of a plural society. My Legacy We held academic activities with the Universitario deInvestigación Ortega y Gasset, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Texas Christian Univer- Business Leadership School sity, Universidad Incarnate Word and Buzan Latinoamérica, for the Certifications: development of join programs and linkage towards the cultural and Management Skills Case management methods for creating collective success academic exchange. stories towards the tourism sector in the state of Guanajuato Seminars: Management of Oneself Development of high performance teams Team Building Happiness as a competitive strategy within the company Effective communication and working as a team Conserving talent Effective communication in high performance teams Business emotional strength We also provided specific trainings for various companies. Listed below are the companies that we received. Ashimori Leon City Hall Constructora LAN GETRAG Government of the state of Guanajuato Honda Lock IMSS Michoacán Delegation State of Guanajuato’s Secretary of Tourism Televisa Conferences During the year 2015, we held diverse conferences as part of our task to connect with the business community of the Bajío. These conferences received participation from the following businesses: Mexico’s prospective economies, by President Vicente Quesada Maintaining talent within Organizations Business Gamification High level panels through the business forum CITEK 2015 REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 ACADE MIC AND RESEARCH CENTER REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 CITEK FORUM 2015 Today, innovative regions are achieving competitive advantages, highlighting their identity and strengthening their global connections. Business and social sectors increasingly require social innovation and creativity to strengthen their businesses and successfully design their future. Mexico is no exception, for this reason the Centro Fox seeks to contribute, through this forum, a space that will bring together business leaders and academics, public and private sectors, and directors of automotive, auto parts, IT, energy, finance, and manufacturing businesses, among others. Guanajuato is considered the center point of the economy of the country, occupying approximately 17% of the country, where 45% of the national population lives, and generates 51% of all the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The arrival of major firms, world class supplies, industries associated with them, provides a unique movement for the state to search for new spaces where they can explore issues of innovation, facing the opportunities available for the mentioned sectors. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 CITEK FORUM 2015 CITEK 2015, helped foster the development of the main economic vocations of the region, and strengthened the linkage to create strong business networks between the guest sectors. With the participation states, 1293 participants , from 10 Mexican (Guanajuato, Jalisco, Mexico State, Nuevo León, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, Michoacán, Tamaulipas, and Mexico City), and 6 US states (Texas, California, Kansas, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Washington), ranked CITEK as one of the leading business forums of the region. 245 students participated as part of social and academic sector of the Centro Fox. Throughout the eight panels, issues were addressed regarding the economic momentum in the country, and the discussion of innovative ideas and best practices of major companies and the government sector. We received speakers 34 internationally recognized , from the IT, energy, finance, automotive, aerospace, health, and technology sectors. To mention a few: Enrique Ochoa (CFE), Eduardo Sojo (INEGI), Mike Milken ( Milken Institute), Jeffrey Owens (Delphi), Sheryl Connelly (ford), Ram Motipally (Samsung), Ben Fried (Google), Ramón Báez ( Hewlett-Packard), Joe Locandro (Cathay Pacific Airways), Peter High (Forbes), Deepak Chopra, among others. The event was broadcasted via streaming and had more than 3,000 visitors on the website during the week of the event, CITEK. CITEK concluded with a Gala Dinner, and an exceptional show. The Youth Symphony Orchestra of the State of Mexico, under the direction of Rodrigo Macías, and the participation of Soprano Maria Katzarava, and the Mezzo Soprano Rocío Támez, put an a remarkable performance. Through this event, the Centro Fox contributes to the development of a society with a knowledge based economy. In addition to the annual forum, in 2015, the community developed CITEK, seeking to bring together ideas and talents to shape the future of Mexico. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 CULTURAL CENTER “Culture is the memory of the people, a collective consciousness of historical continuity, a way of thinking and living.” Milan Kundera The Cultural Center offers its visitors a place of history with a perspective towards the future, providing leadership experiences, through diverse artistic and cultural expressions within our facilities, which provide the possibility to experience the richness of the place. Among the activities we provide temporary exhibitions, concerts, and artistic performances, to benefit our community programs. Cultural Festivals and much more, all aim to bring the culture to our visitors. It is of great importance to us to mention that one of our permanent programs, titled “Choir and Orchestra Ensambles of the Community of Centro Fox”, which purpose is the development of musical and human development of the children and youth, becoming a social area that allows them self improvement through music, contributing to the progress of the communities where it operates. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 CULTURAL CENTER Presentation of the movie Little Boy the soprano Ángela Vero and the tenor Mauro Calderón. The Mexican actor and producer, Eduardo Verástegui along with Centro Fox held the premier of his most recent cinematic project in Mexico El Gran Pequeño (Little Boy, in English) Date: Septiember 15, 2015 CITEK Forum 2015 We held our annual event titled CITEK Forum, where great Date: March 7, 2015 worldly leaders from the automotive, energy, and IT sectors attended. Corrie Donovan concert at Hacienda San Cristóbal The talented international soprano, Corrie Donovan, performed a concert at a magical evening event at the Hacienda San Cristóbal; accompanied by the musicians of the Centro Fox Symphonic Orchestra, who shared with us a night to remember Date: March 21, 2015 Date: September 30- October 2, 2015 Visit from the Ambassador of South Korea Centro Fox received the visit from Doctor Chun Beeho, Ambassador of South Korea, who was accompanied by his wife, toured our facilities, guided by President Vicente Fox and his The Mystical Arts of Tibet wife, Mrs. Marta Sahagún de Fox. Culminating in a special In the great event there were conferences, workshops, music, presentation by Centro Fox’s Symphonic Orchestra. Tibetan Cultural dances, who shared their wisdom and vision at Date: October 23, 2015 Centro Fox. Participation of Centro Fox’s Orchestra and Ensembles at the Date: April 22-26, 2015 community San Judas Tadeo’s festivities Mothers’ Day Celebration As part of the cultural week at the community of San Judas; The Orchestra, Choir, and Community Ensembles of Centro Fox children and youth of the Orchestra and Ensembles provided a performed a concert filled with emotion and melody to performance which culminated the celebration of the Patron celebrate mothers on their special day. Saint, San Judas Tadeo Date: October 30, 2015 Date: May 10, 2015 Centro Fox’s Symphonic Orchestra Performance at the Teatro Participation of Centro Fox’s Orchestra and Ensembles at the Bicentenario for the event: “International Woman True North”. National Congress of Biological Control The SNFM offered a great concert for the “Equality of Genders” Children who form Centro Fox’s Orchestra and Ensembles during the International Woman True North Forum, at the Teatro presented an artistic performance at the inauguration of the Bicentenario at Leon, Guanajuato Thirty-Eighth National Congress of Biological Control in Leon, Guanajuato Date: June 11, 2015 Date: November 5, 2015 Event SAPAL, Orchestra Concert, Choir, Community Ensembles of Centro Fox The Experience of flying in at hot air balloon at Centro Fox During the conference ENATEC, Centro Fox’s Symphonic With the purpose to join efforts in major events held in the city Children’s Orchestra delighted all those who attended the event of Leon, Centro Fox joined the wonderful International Balloon Festival, providing a couple of hot air balloons for families to Date: July 7, 2015 enjoy throughout the weekend. Mexican Night at the Hacienda San Cristóbal “Music is Date: November 14-15, 2015 Tradition” Hacienda San Cristóbal, along with the support from the Committee of Culture and Cinematography of the honorable Chamber of Delegates of Congress, The Secretary of Public Education, National Counsel of Culture and Art, presented the concert titled: “Music is Tradition”, realizing a musical and cultural performance recognized by Mexican composers, interpreted by REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 CULTURAL CENTER REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 CULTURAL CENTER Guanajuato and Japan strengthen ties in a night of music and tradition Centro Fox and Guanajuato, aimed towards the community of Japan, Bajío Shimbun, joined as hosts of a dinner with special guest Japanese violinist Yuriko Kuronuma, who accompanied President Vicente Fox Quesada and his wife, Mrs. Marta Sahagún, offering an evening to the Japanese community of the Bajío, with the aim of strengthening cultural and commercial ties between both cultures. Date: November 20, 2105 Christmas Concert Centro Fox’s Orchestra, Choir, and Ensembles, brightened the hearts of the audience, interpreting classical Christmas pieces, in two magnificent concerts, accompanied by Corrie Donovan and Toni Zarattini. These two events were held at San Miguel de Allende and Centro Fox Date: December 18-19, 2015 Throughout the year, through various cultural events, we received approximately 8,200 attendees, who enjoyed each of the details of the events, achieving one of the objectives of the Centro Fox, which is encouraging culture and promoting leadership in children and youth who form our Orchestra. As part of the cultural activities, we provide guided tours, which are aimed at each of our visitors who are entering a space of history and unique leadership experiences, through variety within the guided tour, horse show, workshops, etc. With pride, we are pleased to inform you that we have received more than 7,637 visitors, who now form a part of Centro Fox. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH CENTER “Great libraries have always looked to both the future and the past.” Laura Shapiro. The Center of Information and Documentation, is a space of knowledge and identity where in person and distance learning, information and documentation related to the areas of Centro Fox, through quality services, books, documents, research, publications, and databases are offered to its users, through quality services provided to access the information needed to enhance information and education. Our principles are free access to information and knowledge, regardless of gender, age, race, beliefs, or social status. Our objectives are to meet the needs of information and documentation required by students, teachers, researchers, and the general public. We hope to provide quality services, to enrich and update the documentation in different materials and media. In addition, to provide access to databases that meet the needs of the Information Center, constitute a library network with educational institutions and form part of the Centro Fox. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH CENTER Flag Ceremonies On Flag Day at Centro Fox, the school Lucas Ortiz Benitez did the honors at our national patriotic service, presenting the different flags our country has had. To the rhythm of the band of the Red Cross War of San Francisco del Rincón, the school Lucas Ortiz de Benitez of San Cristóbal, the school Lucio Alcalá of the community of San Judas, and the personnel of Centro Fox participated in this civic activity. Date: February 23, 2015 Workshops INEGI With the support of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, we provided permanent workshops and conferences during the year at Centro Fox to the students of: CECYTEG Huanimaro (90 students), Lucas Ortiz Benítez (40 students), Ignacio Allende (42 students), SABES, La Sandia, Los Ramírez, and San Cristóbal (20 students) Permanent Activity. Promoting Reading Workshops and civic activities, retaking traditions through lectures and crafts regarding the topics taught, Mexican festivities, the discovery of America, Columbus Day, Day of the Dead, and Christmas workshops Date: September 20-December 20, 2015. Math Regularization Classes Classes of math regularization held each Saturday for children in elementary school, counts with the attendance of 20 children. Permanent Activity Minicatrinas Runway An activity focused on traditions, a runway of catrinas individually characterized and dressed Date: November 1, 2015 Children’s Runway An activity focused on Christmas traditions where the children acted and dressed up Date: December 20, 2015 REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 COMMERCIAL ALLIANCES “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim is fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” Lao Tzu. Businesses The Commercial Area has as an objective to fundraise through social events, business events, conferences, forums, and celebrations, with the objective to support the sustainability of the social programs within Centro Fox and Fundación Vamos México. This is successful through the commercialization of spaces within the Hotel Hacienda San Cristóbal and at the Centro Fox, where within the year 2015, more than 65 private events were held, generating 17,846 visitors, and the sum income of $4,952,827.00 Institutions Commercial Missions NESTLÉ EXPOGAS OCV León. Japan PROVIDENT TROTEC SECTUR Guanajuato Spain GRUPO MONTERREY ALBUQUERQUE Casa Amigo Daniel United States CK WAY CAJA POPULAR UNAM GST DOCTOS CONSULTING CIEFT SAPAL KANTEK AMPES Weddings NESTLE PROMAPLAST UIW Baptisms XTRA World Affairs Council First Communions NEXT VEGETALES SEG New Year Celebrations CEMEX ABB REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 Social Events FUNDRAISING “Happiness does not consist of what you posses but in giving and feeling happy when I see that others are too because of my efforts.” Benito Quinquela Martin. Businesses 4000 Taxi A Molina AARP Acuatic Fitness Acuática Nelson Vargas ADS Mexicana Aeromexico Agua Cryspura Altec Inc. American Airlines Arial Home Artours Axxa Seguros Boston Plantillas Bajío Motors Botas Cuadra Banamex Brantano Banco Santander Brassfield Estate Winery & Brioni Banorte Caddell Construction Co. Berrendo Caja Popular Mexicana Bienes Raices Norpe Calzado Dogi Big Bola Casino Calzado Infantil Black Equities Calzado Vavito BMW- Euromotors Camel BNSF Railway Company Can-Am Boarden Capzzi Bodegas y Viñedos Luis Cañas Car Information System Bombardier Casa Cuervo REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 FUNDRAISING Cavimex Faena Grupo Usabiaga Cementos Moctezuma Farmacéuticos Nacionales Grupo Vidanta Cemex FEMSA Grupo Vitro Centro 10 (Grupo artístico) Ferrari Grupo Xignux Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Flexi Grupo Xignux Chrysler Fonte Suministros Gutsa Construcciones Cinépolis Ford Motor Company Fund H24 Clamatini di Mare Foundation LTD H-E-B Coca Cola Fundación Kaluz Hielos Crystal Colegio Obiedo Fundación Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Hispanic Leadership Alliance Committee to Elect Judge Sue Bell Cobb KAS Howard Koff Trust Comunicad Fundación Lala Huevos Sanfandila Comunidad de Madrid Fundación Soriana Iberdrola Concretos ABCD Fundación Telmex Inox Service Concytec Gamesa - Quaker Interacabados De Occidente Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Gas Natural Interceramic Constructora Vise General Motors de México International Republic Institue - IRI Consupago GGM Gasolineras ISA Corporativo Corporación Bajío Comunicaciones Ghoner JM Romo Crayola Goodwyn Mills & Cawood Charitable L.A. Cetto Credicor Foundation La Central Cumbres Comunidad Great Panther Silver La Mariposa de León D L M Consultores Greenworld Restoration La Negrita Daniel Espinosa Gruma - Maseca Leche León De Acero Grupo Acerero Liberman Broadcasting, Inc Delta Cinco Grupo Alde del Centro Libreria Nalanda Deportes Martí Grupo Altex Libreria Potala Desarrolladora Homex Grupo Aryba Linda Fulmer Dominos Pizza Grupo Atlantimex LIPU Autotransportes Double V Holding Grupo Azvi Little Cesar’s Pizza Duratap Grupo Bimbo Lonas Lorenzo Editorial Santillana Grupo Camil Maccaferri Educativa Grupo Continental Maddox Foundation Efekto TV Grupo Cuadritos Biotek Manna Relief Ministries El Cerrito Grupo Difusión Científica Mannatech El Corte Inglés Grupo Financiero Inbursa Marinela El Mediterráneo Grupo Flecha Amarilla Maseca El Sardinero Grupo Formula MBO Elica – Eneide Grupo ICA Muebles y Mudanzas - MyM Emwa Grupo Imagen National Democratic Institute - NDI ETN Grupo IUSA Nextel de México Eurolac Grupo Modelo Nissan Eurotranciatura México Grupo Nieto Nivada Eventage Mexico Grupo Securitas México Oncor Evolucion Educativa Grupo Toluca Óptica Energía REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 FUNDRAISING Orlotti Visual Lab Hotel La Estancia Oz Systems Vulcan Materials Hotel León Papelería el Escritorio VW Mexico, Hoteles México Plaza Piero Warner Instituto California Pirelli Xtra Congelados Instituto Campogrande Pirma PriceWhaterhouse Coopers Rac México Operaciones Jenny Ravel Partnerships Judy Chaurand La CAIXA Rent A Center A.M. La Voz de Michoacán Research in Motion ACADAC Maoran REYMA Armonía Maxima Distincion Río Grande Solar Arte y antigüedades deMarruecos Megacable Rondamex Baltasar Aldana Metroplex Royal Prestige Campestre Inn Hotel Muebles Placencia Santa Fe Business Center CamposDe Guillén Museo de Arte Popular -MAP Seguros ARGOS Casa Tíbet Museo Soumaya Serviacero Especiales Centro Cultural Del Vino MVS Radio Servicios Directivos Sedise Sapi Chopra Foundation NASDA Conference, Sportfitness Cold Canyon Partners NE Hotel Surtidora Eléctrica Del Norte Colegio Alpa De Irapuato OCV León Sushi Itto Colegio Lourdes Outlet Mulza Tecnocen Das Posicionamiento Patronato de la Feria de León Telcel Eclipse Producciones PCTV (Productora y Comercializadora de Tendenza El Financiero Televisión), Tequila Alacrán El Quijote Periódico Ocho Columnas Tequila Orendain El Tulipán Periódico Provincia Tequila Patrón El Universal Plaza Mayor Textiles De León Enterprise Inn Politécnico de Guanajuato, The Cincinnati Reds Community Fund Fábricas de Francia Primera Escuela De Tráfico The Conver Family Trust Fiesta Inn Promomedios de Occidente The Harold W. Siebens Charitable Fundación Cultural Trabajadores de Promomedios León Foundation Inc. Pascual y del Arte Proyectos Tecno y Ecológicos The Worthington Galería del Triunfo Radio Centro Three Olives Grupo ACIR Radiorama Bajío Top Hair Grupo Fórmula Radiorama México Tramitación Aduanal Grupo Imagen Real de Minas Hotel Tubacero Grupo Milenio Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel Unlimited Club Grupo Milenio Respuesta Radiofónica UPS Foundation Grupo Promomedios Restaurante Kohinoor UST Global Inc. Hacienda Aguabuena Revista Maxwell Valencia Pipe Company Hacienda Chila Salinas Revista Q Value Casa De Bolsa Hacienda Tres Ríos, Revista Que México Velas Lux Harp Entretenimiento Rotall Villacero Hotel Crown Plaza Royal Princess Vineyard Hotel Hotsson Stylo REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 FUNDRAISING Televisa Mrs. Sharman Reecher Texas Christian University Owen Aronov TV Azteca Pete Geren UIA Philip Esformes UNAM Campus León Robert Mann Universidad de Colima Rodney Scully Universidad de Guadalajara Samir and Christine Srivastava University of the Pacific Samuel A. Keesal, Jr World Affairs Council Sarah Hillier Yucatán Travel Victor Boschini William H. Tilley Individuals Abel Navar & Narua Bavar Abraham y Rocío Tanus Alberto de la Peña Alberto P. Cardenas Alexander Graham Alfonso Porfirio Tessada y Alvarado Arnold F. Wellman Barbara and Mark Lysten Beatriz Sánchez Navarro Beijing Sansong Cassandra J. Crosby Consuelo R. Farley Curtis W. Huff David J. Woodco David Sheraton Dick L. Brewbaker Dr. Belisario Domiguez Dr.William W. Helvie M.D. Elva Concha Ernest W. Moody Charitable Henry Muñoz Jesús Valdivia Jim Brown John J. Hernandez Jordan B. Cohen Joseph M Molina & Therese Kena Moreno Kevin Wulff & Deborah Wulff Mauricio Fernández Mauricio Santoyo Miguel Koenig Mr. Jimmy H. Baker REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” Sam Walton. As part of their work as President and Vice President of the Centro Fox and work oriented towards service to the most vulnerable population of the country, Mr. and Mrs. Fox, throughout the year have held workshops and one on one meetings with great personalities. Visit from Mrs. Bárbara Botello, Municipal President of Leon Visit from the Secretary of Public Education, Mr. Emilio Chuayffet, who toured the Centro Fox and became acquainted with the programs offered by the foundations, such as the School of Music and President for a Day. Throughout the year, Centro Fox has received: Visit from Sam Caster from EM2 Visit from Mr. Fernando Olivera, Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato Visit from Loreto García from Banamex to become acquainted with the program President for a Day, and to implement a financial educational module Visit from Mr. Marco Ferrara, Director of Fundación en Nuestras Manos Visit from Mr. Benítez and Mr. Javier Guerrero, from the government of Durango. Visit from Mrs. Sherita Herring, CEO of K1 Foundation, who presented a fundraising course to the Centro Fox and Vamos México staff. Visit from Mr. Craig Deare, Dean of the National Defense University in the United States REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESENCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL Premier of the movie Little Boy produced by Eduardo Verástegui at the Centro Fox. We had many personalities, including Verástegui attend this premier. Visit from Mr. Javier Cremades, recognized lawyer from Spain Visit from Mr. Ambassador of Japan in Mexico, the honorable Dr. Chun Beeho and his wife Mrs. Anna Kim Visit from Mr. De la Fuente, Rector from UNAM Guanajuato Campus. Visit from Mr. Dieter Holts, President and CEO of the Laureate Education Mexico Visit from Mr. Jorge Contreras, Director of the Nacional Monte de Piedad, who met with Mr. and Mrs. Fox Visit from Mr. Cliff Fischer and Mr. Bill Gibble, from the Fischer Event distribution of wheelchairs in San Miguel de Allende Visit from Mr. Shawn Lewis, CEO of the Amyntor Group Company Visit from Mr. Gerardo Porteny from Nexus Latin America Visit from the Tibetan Monks Visit from Mr. Jorge Castañeda Guzmán and a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Fox Visit from Mr. Jason Doran, CEO of the GBC Security Glow Visit from the Ex Governor of Tamaulipas, Mr. Eugenio Hernández Flores Visit from Mrs. Moira Paz-Estenssoro, CAF Visit to CRISMA from Dr. Karnik, from the Karnik Institute Visit from Mrs. Elisa Crespo Ferrer, Automotive Cluster from the State of Mexico Visit from Mr. Brian Tucker, CEO of Punta Brava Visit from Mr. Laureano Brizuela Visit and meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Fox from Mr. Guillermo Romero Pacheco, Secretary of Economic Sustainability Development, Mr. Luis Ernesto Rojas, COFOCE, Mr. Franco Herrera Sánchez, SDES, Mr. Rafael Jacinto de la Torre , Mr. Omar Silva Palancares, SDES, and Mr. Jose Manuel Casanueva de Diego, Mipyme Visit from Mr. Héctor López Santillana, elected candidate as the Municipal President of Leon Visit from businessmen from the counsel of COFOCE in Guanajuato Visit from Directors and Academics from the University Incarnate Word CITEK 2015 Forum at the Centro Fox, where many national and international personalities attended Visit from Americans belonging to the organization WPO REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESENCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESENCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL In addition, as part of their international work, President Vicente Fox President Fox traveled to Hermosillo, Sonora to give a Quesada and Mrs. Marta Sahagún de Fox, attended various forums conference at the forum organized by Coparmex Sonora. and congresses during the year 2015; including: During this trip President Fox also met with many prominent businessmen of the region Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Seattle and Denver, to participate in February 19-20, 2015 the “Epic Annual Meeting”, of Aegis Senior Communities. During Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Guayaquil, Ecuador to participate in which they met with Dwayne, CEO of the “Boys and Girls Club” the event Amcham Ecuador, organized by the Ecuadorian and with the owners of Aegis Senior Communities, LLC. They also American of Cuenca Chamber of Commerce met with John and Deanne Oppenherimer Date: March 1-3, 2015 Date: January 19-22, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Los Angeles to meet with: Zef Tirado and Diego Varas, Dave Phillpson CEO of Space International, Berny Dorhman, Sherita Herring CEO of K1 Foundation, and Gary Miller Founder of Rock Against Trafficking Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to San Antonio to participate in the event South by South West. During this tour, Mr. and Mrs. Fox met with the Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos, San Antonio chapter, as well as other businessmen of the region Date: March 13-15, 2015 Date: January 24-26, 2015 Mrs. Fox visited OSC and the Asociación Leonesa de la Familia del Niño, A.C. Mrs. Fox visited Mexico City to participate in the event Nexus Latin America, the greatest impacting network of philanthropists in the region Date: January 27, 2015 Date: March 16-17, 2015 President Fox work tour to Los Angeles to participate as a speaker Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to New York to attend the World at the Akshaya Patra event, where Deepak Chopra also Economic Forum, organized by the World Policy Institute, where participated President Fox participated in the conference relating to global Date: January 31, 2015 economy and the new economic tendencies. In addition, he Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Los Angeles to attend the Red Carpet of the Grammy Awards and participated in the Gala for the Grammys organized by the foundation Rock Against participated in the event CMO Club Event, organized by UST Global; an event in which President Fox was a main speaker. Date: March 22-25, 2015 Trafficking Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Dallas to participate in the event Date: February 7-8, 2015 Cattle Raisers Convention, where President Fox was a main speaker. During this trip, Mr. and Mrs. Fox also visited Bush’s Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Washington to participate in the Presidential Library and met with President George W. Bush Conference of Students for Liberty, where President Fox gave a Date: March 26-28, 2015 conference for all those who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Fox traveled to Las Vegas to participate in the event Date: February 13-15, 2015 organized by CEO Space President Fox work tour to New York to meet with the directors of Date: March 29, 2015 the Carval, Perlman Foundation, Carlyle Alpinvest, among others Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Washington to participate in a Date: February 16-18, 2015 conference organized by the Heritage Foundation. They also met Mrs. Fox traveled to Mexico City to participate in a meeting with with Tom Davis, and President Cabrera from George Mason the Asamblea General de la Asociación de Cónyuges University Diplomáticos Date: March 30-April 1, 2015 Date: February 17, 2015 REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESE NCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESENCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Washington with the motive of President fox work tour to New York to meet with directors participation in the Counsel meeting of the University of from Yorktown, Loews Corp, Spring Mountain, Atlas Advisors, Georgetown. among others Date: April 9-11, 2105 Date: June 8-10, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to the Island of Comandatuba in Brazil, for the 14th Forum of Comandatuba, organized by LIDE, a private body that brings together entrepreneurs from eighteen countries from four continents. President Fox participated as a main speaker, along with various other Latin American Ex Presidents Date: April 17-20, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Madrid to participate in the Annual Patronage Meeting from the International Government and Political Marketing Center of the Universidad José Camilo Cela. Date: June 17-21, 2015 President Fox traveled to Mexico City to participate as a speaker Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Key Largo, Florida to participate in the event HSBC Securities, where President Fox gave a speech Date: April 21-22, 2015 at Expocarga 2015 Date: June 25, 2015 President Fox work tour to Taipei, Taiwan, to meet with diverse Mr. and Mrs. Fox Work tour to Los Angeles to participate in the 2015 Milken Institute Global Conference, where President Fox was a panelist along with other experts in the panel “The World in directors from TwinBot Corp, Mega Securities, Dada Group, Itochu, Marubeni, JBIC, among others Date: June 28- July 4, 2015 Turmoil” Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to the Coronado Islands to participate Date: April 25-28, 2015 in the event organized to honor the Navy Seal Commodore Todd President Fox work tour to Washington and London to meet with directors from World Bank, Levick Communications, Crossbridge Seniff Date: August 9-12, 2015 Capital, Plurimi Group, among others Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Puerto Rico, for the event CEAL, Date: May 3-6, 2015 where they met with the Governor of Puerto Rico, as well as President Fox traveled to Mexico City to meet with Ricardo Salinas Pliego many businessmen of the region. Date: August 13-15, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox visited Queretaro to attend the event Expogas, Date: May 7, 2015 where President Fox participated as a speaker, along with the Ex President Fox work tour to Costa Rica, where he met with various President of Bolivia, Jorge Quiroga businessmen of the region to discuss topics relation to IT and Date: August 20-21, 2015 innovation. In addition, attended the inauguration of the First Internet Lab President Fox work tour to Bogota, to participate in the forum regarding Democracy in the New Generation in the Americas, Date: May 12-14, 2015 organized by the Club de Madrid. President Fox participated as a President Fox work tour to Oklahoma to meet with businessmen speaker in the Panel Peace, Citizen Security, and Democracy in from the petroleum sector, most specifically with Mr. Tom Love the Americas, moderated by Moisés Naím, distinguished Date: May 22-24, 2015 member of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Los Angeles, where they met with Date: August 24-26, 2015 Sajan Pillai CEO of UST Global, during with President Fox present President Fox work tour to Toronto and New York to meet with a speech to the students from the Art Center in Santa Susana, business directors from Onex, Dundee Capital, CSM Capital, GIC California Infrastructure, TCW Group, ICBC China, among others Date: May 26-28, 2015 Date: August 31- September 3, 2015 REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESENCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 PRESENCIA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL President Fox traveled to Mexico City to attend the event Mr. and Mrs. Fox traveled to Puebla to participate in the event organized by the Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos, where Ciudad de las Ideas 2015, where President Fox participated in the Governor of Texas Greg Abbott, Directors of Chevron, Exxon, a debate regarding drug legalization Hunt Oil, Fibra, Uno, AISEA, NADBank, Ambassadors, sub November 7, 2015 secretaries, and others were present. Mr. and Mrs. Fox traveled to Mexicali to meet with the Date: September 7, 2015 collaborators of the company Tri State of Mexico, whose CEO is Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to New York to attend the Innovation Mr. Tom Archipley. President Fox gave a conference regarding Employment Summit, organized by Viridis, where President Fox leaders in Mexico presented a conference. Date: November 8-9, 2015 Date: September 21-22, 2015 President Fox traveled to Puebla to participate in the Annual Forum of Political Consultants, where he gave a speech. President Fox work tour to Dallas, to receive a Doctorate Honoris Cause in his honor by Texas Christian University Date: December 17-19, 2015 Date: September 25, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Arizona, to participate in a Presidential Dinner where they shared the stage with the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and the ExDirector of the Mossad, Shabtai Shavit Date: October 14-15, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to San Diego, California, where President Fox participated as a main speaker at the Border Energy Forum Date: October 16, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to Miami to attend the Private Wealth Latin American and Caribbean Forum, where President Fox participated as a main speaker. They also met with Dr. Eduardo Padrón, President of the Miami Dade College, as well as Dr. Julio Frenk and his wife Date: October 19-21, 2015 President Fox work tour to Dallas to participate in the dinner organized by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Date: October 30-31, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Fox work tour to New York to meet with directors from Fortress, Blackstone, Icon Investments, JPM Private Bank, Carlyle Group, among others Date: November 2-6, 2015 President Fox traveled to Mexico City to give a conference at the ExpoCapital Humano 2015 Date: November 6, 2015 REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 HACIENDA SAN CRISTÓBAL Thanks to those who enjoy our cuisine and atmosphere of peace and relaxation, the social programs at Centro Fox and Fundación Vamos México have been made possible. We are a proud Mexican company with great social cause! “Creating unique experiences and the transformation of services Today, we can proudly say that during the operations within 2015, that are pleasant and unforgettable” is the mission of the Hotel the Hacienda was directly involved in over 15 local, national and Hacienda San Cristóbal, the collaborative group has worked together international events, generating jobs, promoting growth and to ensure satisfaction within each of their services. leadership among all employees. We are pleased to form a part of a project whose vision is “To be a From the celebration of the Day of the 3 Wise Men, Valentine’s Day, leading Hotel Hacienda in hospitality services that generate to the celebration of spring, the traditional day of the kid, the most support the foundations within the Centro Fox group.” exclusive Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, summer activities, Independence Day, the garden of catrinas, to the commemoration Personal development, discipline, attitude for service, companionship, sense of altruism, honesty and responsibility are the of traditions/posadas during December, all make this place a magical space to be experienced with all your senses. values promoted daily within and outside our Hacienda. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 HACIENDA SAN CRISTÓBAL 43 consecutive Sundays have managed to maintain a captivated audience, with loyalty and fidelity, each weekend offers a traditional buffet breakfast with more than 10 Mexican dishes, where we proudly say that today we have 17,200 satisfied customers. In June we participated directly with 3 events in the program that appointed Guanajuato as the capital Iberian-America in Gastronomy, during the gastronomic week, Guanajuato Sí Sabe. Through generated partnerships with the chambers of commerce, we have managed to participate in trainings regarding service care and attention to clients, free of cost. In relation to our special areas, the figures are the following: We have delivered more than 10 engagement rings in the Vicente Winery, 220 romantic dinners in the gardens and barn, 15 weddings were performed throughout the year, and more than 15 photo sessions for special events. It is worthy to note, that in December 2015, the Hacienda San Cristóbal was recognized as a “must visit and enjoy location”, the recognition was transmitted through the program Guanajuato, tradition, and vanguard, the production of the digital television program Elgourmet.com Today, the hotel consists of 32 rooms, 1 spa, 1 restaurant of contemporary Mexican food, 1 bar barn, 1 underground cellar, 1 dining room Don José, 1 secret garden, and a great variety of spaces in harmony with nature and peace. Visit us and be amazed by the service and warmth which all our people have for you. REPORT: CENTRO FOX 2015 Estamos ubicados en la Comunidad San Cristóbal San Francisco del Rincón, Guanajuato. México, C.P. 36440 tel. 01 476 757 0303 www.centrofox.org.mx INFORME: CENTRO FOX 2015