EPA`s Climate Resilience Evaluation and
EPA`s Climate Resilience Evaluation and
EPA’s Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT): A Case Study South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority (SMRSA) Serves 9 Townships 9.1 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant 11 pump stations 11. 8 miles of Force main Monmouth County, New Jersey South Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority Are you ready for climate change? SMRSA’s Cost of Rehabilitation After: Triplepundit.com 2009 Nor'easter: $1.8 M 2011 Hurricane : $2.5 M 2012 Super Storm Sandy: $11.5 M Belmar, NJ after Super Storm Sandy CREAT: Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool Uses of CREAT: Developed specifically for water and wastewater utilities. Identifies potential climate change threats a utility’s assets. Performs baseline assessment of the utility’s current resilience to these threats. Designs strategies to build additional resiliency to projected climate changes. Helps utilities identify effective risk reduction strategies and associated capital costs. Projected Climate Change Challenges MIDWEST More extreme heat Extreme precipitation Flooding Droughts NORTHEAST Warmer days (Temperatures above 90⁰ F) Lower levels in rivers and Great Lakes Severe flooding due to Sea level rise Heavy rain events Coastal Storm Surges Source : CREAT/EPA Step 1: Asset Selection Two (2) Assets were selected for analysis in CREAT: Belmar Pump Station – Located in flood zone; Received structural damage from Sandy 16” DIP Force Main‐ 6 ft above sea level; Erosion concerns from future storm surges 16” DIP Force Main Belmar Pump Station (EL 15 ft) Step 2: Climate-related Threat Identification CREAT identified three major threats to Belmar Pump Station and force main system: Beach erosion impact on station’s force main Coastal storm surges Intense & frequent storm events Asset‐Threat Pairs • The assets and threats are linked into pairs. • All CREAT identified threats are not applicable to every asset. Risk Assessment Evaluation •Each asset‐threat pair was analyzed for 2 future climate scenarios (using CREAT provided data): •Each asset‐threat pair was analyzed for 2 time periods: Mid‐ century (2021‐2050), represented by the year 2035 Late century (2046‐2075), represented by the year 2060 Increasing Precipitation Hot and Dry Warm and Wet Selected scenarios Increasing Temperature Multiple scenarios ( )within the distribution of climate model projections ( ) for a given location. Step 3: Baseline: Existing Adaptive Measures Current protective measures taken at Belmar Pump Station: • Follow Emergency Response Plan for Flooding Updated every 2 years • Construct temporary flood barriers Use of sand bags Installation of plywood on doors and window • Initiate Wastewater Bypass Pumping System Direct wastewater flow to force main with the use of a portable pump Step 3: Baseline: Existing Adaptive Measures Existing Protective Measures for Belmar PS Force Main: Currently, there are no measures in place to protect the force main against erosion. Baseline Analysis CREAT provided Climate Data Baseline Analysis • Analyze each previously identified threat‐asset pairs for all time periods and climate scenarios Time Periods: Mid‐century, Late century Climate scenarios: Hot & Dry, Wet & Warm A total of 12 assessments were conducted in the case study Step 4: Resilience Adaptive Measures‐ Belmar Pump Station Building Future actions SMRSA is considering to protect the pump station against climate related threats: 4 ft Flood Doors at the existing Belmar Pump Station (estimated cost $12,500) Relocate Belmar Pump Station outside of flood zone. (estimated cost $ 4.4 M) A mobile enclosure that protects critical pump station components. (estimated cost $ 1.9 M) Pump Station Mobile Enclosure Sea Girt Pump Station has a mobile enclosure that houses critical electrical and emergency power generation equipment that can be relocated to areas that are not flood prone before an impending storm. Resilience Adaptive Measures: Belmar Force Main Future actions SMRSA is considering to protect the force main against climate related threats: Sheet piles in the location of the existing force main to protect from erosion (estimated cost $3 Mil) Install new force main in a location further inland and out of the flood/erosion zone (estimated cost $6.6 Mil) Resilience Analysis Risk Reduction Calculation CREAT calculates risk reduction based on the difference between consequence levels between baseline conditions and resilience analyses. Output: Risk Reduction Units (RRUs) Risk Reduction per adaptive measure Risk Reduction per dollar The adaptive measures can be selected to create a planning package that can be organized by risk reduction or cost. Step 5: Adaptation Planning: Package #1 Most costly Adaptive Measures Relocate Belmar Pump Station Relocate & install new force main Capital Cost Annualized Risk Capital Reduction Cost** Units 2035 Risk Reduction Units 2060 Total RRUs Annualized $/RRU $4,400,000 $295,749 46.8 57.8 104.5 $ 2,830 $6,600,000 $433,324 0 44.0 44.0 $10,082 Total Risk Reduction Units for Package 1: 148.5 RRUs **Annualized Capital Cost is calculated over 20 years, with a 3% interest rate Adaptation Planning: Package #2: Medium Cost Adaptive Measures Mobile enclosure Relocate & install new force main Risk Reduction Units 2060 Total RRUs Capital Cost Annualized Capital Cost** Risk Reduction Units 2035 $1,900,000 $127,710 46.8 57.8 104.5 $1,222.10 $6,600,000 $433,324 0 44.0 44.0 $10,082.36 Annualized $/RRU Total Risk Reduction Units for Package 2: 148.5 RRUs **Annualized Capital Cost is calculated over 20 years, with a 3% interest rate Adaptation Planning: Package #3: Least Costly Adaptive Measures Capital Cost Annualized Capital Cost** Risk Reduction Units 2035 Risk Reduction Units 2060 Total RRUs Annualized $/RRU Flood doors for existing Belmar pump station $12,500 $840 26.5 14.5 41.0 $20.49 Sheet piling for existing force main $3,000,000 $201,647 0 11.0 11 $18,332 Total Risk Reduction Units for Package 3: 52 RRUs **Annualized Capital Cost is calculated over 20 years, with a 3% interest rate Risk Reduction Units by Adaptation Package 39 Package 1 $11 M $11 M Package 2 $8.5 M $8.5 M Package 3 $3.0 M $3 M Outcomes for SMSRA A CREAT generated report served as tool to communicate results to stakeholders and the community. Software assisted SMRSA in a regional planning effort by assisting the Authority in prioritizing their options. The pump station mobile enclosure strategy was the first ever recipient of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s “Least Cost Alternative Project” award. Thank You Rina N. Dalal, [email protected]