How to Cook and Peel the Perfect Hard-Boiled


How to Cook and Peel the Perfect Hard-Boiled
How to Cook and Peel the Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg
Step 1:
Step 2:
saucepan with lid
slotted spoon
baking soda
Choose the eggs and
remove them from the
refrigerator for about 10
Put eggs in saucepan
and cover with water.
Step 5:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Add a teaspoon of
baking soda. This will
prevent eggs from
Place saucepan on
stove and turn it on to
medium-high heat.
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Let eggs sit covered
with lid for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, put ice
in a bowl, and fill with
Remove eggs with a slotted
spoon and place them in
the iced water until they are
completely cooled. That
will make peeling the eggs
Step 10:
Step 11:
Then crack the smaller
Peel the eggs, and enjoy
a delicious, healthy
When water starts to boil,
remove saucepan from
stove. Cover with lid.
Step 9:
Crack the larger end of
the eggs first by tapping
it on a hard surface. An
air bubble usually forms
there and helps the
peeling process.
Instructional Working Title: How to Cook and Peel the Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg
This instructional design will allow people to properly learn how to cook and peel the
perfect hard-boiled eggs.
Learning Theory
Instruction design for this task follows constructivism learning theory. Learners will
actively engage in the task as they create their own meaning. They will receive auditory
and/or written feedback from their instructor on how well they accomplish their task.
According to Feeding America, 1 in 6 Americans suffer from hunger. Adults are required
to eat 25-30 grams of protein a day. Americans tend to be micronutrient deficient. Eggs
are not only a cheap source of protein but also are rich in micronutrients such as
vitamins and minerals. Access to the proper sources of protein and micronutrients can
be achieved through education. This instructional design will show how easy it is to
acquire proper results.
The audience is people who want to keep a balance between the protein and the
micronutrients they consume. It includes college students on a budget who cannot
afford meat or chicken to fulfill their protein daily quota. Egg yolks produce choline, an
essential factor in fetal brain development, so eggs should be part of diets of pregnant
women. People who are watching their diet can eat eggs and feel fuller. Active adults
can build muscle and muscle strength when they eat eggs.
This instruction is intended to provide learners with the basic necessary skills to make
perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs. By interacting with the audio, visual and text instructions
on this task, learners will successfully fulfill their protein and nutrient recommended daily
nutritional requirements.
Learners will understand how to properly make hard-boiled eggs by following a series of
steps displayed by visual images and text instructions supplemented by audio.
General learning expectations
Learners will be able to cook and peel correctly hard-boiled eggs as they intend to
increase their protein and micronutrient content easily and cheaply.
Learning goals and objectives
At the end of this instruction students will be able to successfully:
G.1. Cook hard-boiled eggs perfectly
O.1. Learners will be able to choose the correct eggs for boiling.
O.2. Learners will be able to prepare an ice bath to place the boiled
eggs after they are cooked.
O.3. Learners will be able to place eggs at room temperature in a
pot filled with water.
O.4. Learners will be able to boil eggs under water in a pot without
cracking them.
O.5. Learners will be able to peel perfectly hard-boiled eggs easily
and consume them.
Learning Activities and Assessment
1. The learner will begin this experience by viewing the printed or online visual and
text instructional materials and by listening to audio instructions simultaneously.
2. The learner will then use both the provided food materials along with the audio, visual
and text directions to construct each stage of the boiling egg process.
3. The learner will present the perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs to the instructor for
assessment as to whether or not it has been properly made.
4. The instructor will either approve or disapprove the outcome after peeling and
eating the hard-boiled egg. A perfectly hard-boiled egg should peel easily, should
have no cracks, no gray ring around the yolk, and no crumbly yolk. The
instructor will provide feedback for future performance.
5. The learner will then peel and consume the hard-boiled egg.
6. If the egg does not peel properly, has any cracks or a gray circle around the yolk,
learner will repeat the task.
7. The learner will repeat this process two more times in order to show mastery of
the boiling, peeling, and eating process.
Completion outcomes
The main outcomes of the instruction include:
1. Proper cooking of a hard-boiled egg
2. Proper peeling of a hard-boiled egg
3. The ability to repeat this process three times, indicating mastery
Technology required
Learners will have access to any electronic device to view the visual and text
instructional materials along with audio or be able to otherwise view the printed (visual and text)
materials aided by audio.
The process of instruction and assessment should take between 20-30 minutes.
Rubric for Learning How to Boil and Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs
Learners followed the instructions
step by step.
Learners made corrections based on
instructor feedback.
The hard-boiled eggs did not crack
during boiling.
The hard –boiled eggs were peeled
The hard-boiled eggs did not have a
gray circle around the yolk.
General Feedback
Do you feel you learned and accomplished the objectives?
Were the visual and text instructions clear and easy to follow?
Was the audio clear without any distractions or interference?
Were your questions answered by your instructor?
Instructor Assessment
Does the instructor feel that you learned and accomplished the objectives?
E-How. Retrieved from March 22, 2014
Feeding America. Retrieved from March 22, 2014
The Incredible Edible Egg. Retrieved from March 22, 2014