Bell Tower - The Church of the Holy Innocents
Bell Tower - The Church of the Holy Innocents
The Bell Tower The Church of the Holy Innocents Newsletter Volume 11 — Number 6,7 & 8 Inside this this Issue Issue Inside 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 6 8 7 9 From the Rector From the Rector General Convention of ... June and July Summer 2015 from the Rector The Rev. Donald Lowery From the Rector ...cont. From the Rector ...cont. Parish News… Parish YouthNews… Group Vacation Time Services Weds. Evening Youth Group Rector Away Deacon’s Bench Wolfe Scholarships Deacon’s Bench ...cont. Community Report News… Treasurer’s Ascension Day Service June Schedule of Events Parish News…cont. July Schedule of Events ECW / Tabitha Scholarships Deacon’s Bench... ECW News June Schedule of Events Vestry Notes… July Schedule of Events Bees Knees August Schedule of Events June Birthdays/Anniversaries Christian Formation… Unified Serving Schedule Vacation Bible School July JuneBirthdays/Anniversaries and July Birthdays and Unified Serving Schedule Anniversaries Remember In Your Prayers August Special Birthdays/Anniversaries Dates Unified Serving Schedule Spotlight on... Schedule Unified Serving for June and July The Church of the Holy Innocents The 210 Church of the Holy Innocents South Chestnut Street 210 South Chestnut Street Henderson, North Carolina 27536 Henderson, North252-492-0904 Carolina 27536 Telephone: Telephone: 252-492-0904 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: Church [email protected] Web Site Address: Church Web Site Address: Visit us on Facebook Visit us on Facebook diocese has a convention that consists of clergy and lay delegates. The lay delegates are selected out of each parish by the vestry. At the national level, our supreme governing body is the General Convention. It consists of two houses, just like our state legislature and the Congress of the United States. The House of Deputies consists of four lay persons and four clergy elected from each diocese. The House of Bishops is made up of all the bishops in the Episcopal Church. In the end, final authority for the governance of the Episcopal Church rests with the General Convention General Convention meets every three years. This year it will meet from June 25 until July 3, 2015 in Salt City, Utah. It should be very interesting for vast groups of Episcopalians to descend on the center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormons. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to listen to the comments on both sides of that divide. General Convention of the Episcopal Church The Episcopal Church is both hierarchical and democratic. Episcopal means, governed by bishops and indeed we are. The church is divided into jurisdictions known as a Diocese and each diocese has a bishop. In fact, if it is a large diocese, either in number of members or geographical size it may have more than one, with one bishop in charge and others working under that bishop’s authority to provide assistance. We have our Diocesan Bishop, the Right Reverend Michael Curry and a Suffragan who assists him, the Right Reverend Anne Hodges-Copple. In the United States, over the whole pile of bishops is our Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Katherine Jefferts-Schori. At this convention, ++Katherine Jefferts-Schori completes her term as Presiding Bishop. A new Presiding Bishop will be elected by the House of Bishops and then ratified by the House of Deputies. As I think most of you are aware, our own Bishop, the Right Reverend Michael Curry is one of four candidates for the position. Many believe he is the candidate most likely to win the election. However, one can never really predict. Almost no one considered Katherine Jefferts-Schori to be a viable candidate, yet she swept the convention off its feet. We must pray that God’s will be done and God will raise up for us the leader who can help the Episcopal Church minister the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Twenty-First Century. The election will be held on June 27, 2015. At the same we are also synodical and democratic. That means that each From the Rector cont. pg. 2 Summer 2015 What happens if Bishop Curry is elected? He will return to the Diocese of North Carolina to wind down his Episcopate. Bishop Curry would be enthroned as Presiding Bishop on November 1, 2015 in the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. If he were to be so called, the Standing Committee takes over the management of the Diocese until a new bishop is elected and 2016 would be devoted to our own new search for new Bishop for the Diocese of North Carolina. While I am not the stuff of which bishops are made, I do have several people in mind whom I will suggest to the search committee as possible candidates for the position. We will see what happens, June 27 will tell all. † normal Schedule August. † should resume in Rector Away to our The Rev. Donald Lowery I will be on retreat at the Hermitages in Valle Crucis, NC, June 15 – 19. I will then proceed to Beech Mountain where I will conduct the marriage of Nicole Lynn Huber and Joel Thomas Cheatham, IV. After the wedding I have accepted an invitation to spend June 21st, 22nd and 23rd with Scott and Marcia Hartness at their mountain cabin. High School Graduates Matthew Williamson graduated from Vance County Early College High School and Vance-Granville Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree. He is the son of Katherine and Scott Williamson and the grandson of Hazel P. Peck and the late Thomas D. Peck, Jr. He will be attending East Carolina University this fall. Lorenzo Antonio Ortiz graduated from I will leave town again on July 1 – 8 Kerr-Vance Academy. He is the son of Ana to visit my parents and sister in Maryland. Maria and Genaro Ortiz. He will be My mother has been very ill and in hospital attending William Peace University this fall. and so I may extend that trip depending on what I find when I get there, though I will to our be back for Sunday, July 12. College Graduates Parish News… I will be attending my Lowery Family Reunion on the weekend of July 17, 18, and 19. Luke Stark graduated from College of Charleston with a Masters of Accounting degree. He is the son of Sharon Then, God willing my life should and Bill Stark and he will be employed by return to normal. † McGladry, LLC. Luke received his The Rev. Donald Lowery undergraduate degree from COC and was one of our Wolfe Scholars!! The Youth Group will meet in June except on June 21, when I will be Anderson Stark graduated from away. the Kenan - Flagler Business School at UNC- CH with a degree in Business The Youth group will not meet on th Administration. She is the daughter of July 5, 12 or 19 . We will resume Wolfe Scholarship Awards Sharon and Bill Stark and a Wolfe Scholar. regular meetings on July 26th. † Marsha Nelson, Chair Anderson will be employed by Oracle. The Wolfe Scholarship Committee met in the Hughes House on May 20, 2015 to select scholarship recipients for the 2015 -2016 school year. The Wolfe Committee members are Tom Church, Anne Almand, The Rev. Donald Lowery Lisa Miravalle, Marsha Nelson, and Frank Folger. Four students were selected to receive We will hold Communion with Wolfe Scholarship Awards as follows: Healing Service on June 3rd. June 10th Nicholas Andrews(Lenoir-Rhyne University) and 24th will be Communion. All these (Junior year) services are at 5:30 p.m. No classes are Alexis vanVenrooy( Bryn Mawr College) attached afterwards during the summer. (Senior year) Please note, I will be out of town on Samuel (Sam) Long (UNC-Chapel Hill) th June 17 so there will be no Communion (Junior year) service that day. William Parish (Lenoir-Rhyne University) There will be no healing service or communion services in July. I will be in and out of Henderson during July. A 2 (Sophomore Year) Congratulations to each of you !!! Kathryn Blackburn graduates from Appalachian State University this summer and then she will be going to Dental Hygiene School at GTCC in August. She is the daughter of Kate Blackburn and a Wolfe Scholar. † HI Grounds Committee John Foster If you have any suggestions regarding the appearance of our church’s grounds, please share your thoughts with Grounds Committee member John Foster. Thanks! † THE BELL TOWER DiOCese News… Treasurer’s Report Bob Nelson, Treasurer Sweet Potato Ball The Sweet Potato Ball, a festive evening of music and dancing to raise money for the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, will be held in the new Great Hall of the Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, on Friday, June 5 from 7:30 to 10:30. 50 in 50 Campaign Music will be provided by the Headliners, with a special guest appearance by The Soul Concern, the rock 'n roll band of the rector, Stephen ElkinsWilliams, from his seminary days, reuniting for this one occasion after 40 years! Light hors d'oeuvres will be served by the Catering Company of Chapel HIll, and a cash bar will be provided by the Carolina Brewery. A limited number of tickets are available at event/spb or by calling 919-929-2193. Tickets are $50 apiece, $25 of which goes directly to the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry in Newton Grove. If your household buys two, you will fulfill Bishop Curry's request for Harvest for Hospitality. (Harvest for Hospitality) As we travel this summer, please remember that the church still has to pay its bills. Pledge checks and special donations can always be mailed in to the office at : The Church of the Holy Innocents 210 S. Chestnut Street Henderson, NC, 27536 As of May 26, we have raised $291.18 at Holy Innocents’ for the 50 in 50 campaign. Thank you for your support for this worthy fundraising event for the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry! 3 THE BELL TOWER ECW & Tabitha Guild Both groups will resume meetings in September. Details will be in September newsletter. Note ... The next church newsletter will be issued in September. Please email newsletter items to: [email protected] If you are traveling this summer, you can download the church news letter from the church web site at: The Deacon’s Bench by the Rev. Harrel Johnson Summer 2015 Since we are getting ready to take a bit of a vacation, this edition of the Deacons Bench is just a tad longer than my usual monthly submission. I write this on the eve of Pentecost. That time in our liturgical calendar that is often called the Church’s birthday. There’s no better time to celebrate the diversity of the Kingdom of God than on the Day of Pentecost. Separately, our differences are too diverse to list, but put together, our individual uniqueness creates a beautiful kaleidoscope we call the Body of Christ. Sadly, today we see people and nations torn apart by racism, religious chauvinism, man-made borders and cultural bigotry. We have become a culture of usversus-them, where the “other” is to be feared and never trusted. This is not a new occurrence, but one would have hoped that humanity would have learned from its past mistakes and recurrent genocides over the ages; however, here we are in the 21st century, repeating history again with chilling efficiency and cruelty. Pentecost is a reminder that God’s Holy Spirit is given freely to all people with no respect for race, culture, socioeconomic standing, gender or any other distinguishing mark used by people to differentiate one person from another. In God we are one. On the Day of Pentecost, reported in the Book of Acts, people gathered in Jerusalem from all corners of the Roman Empire. They represented competing economic interests, diverse cultures, a myriad of languages and different religious traditions. Nevertheless, God’s grace was given freely to all who heard the message preached by St. Peter, and thousands converted to Christ. These aliens who converged on Jerusalem returned to their homes and spread the message of Christ, and the church began to spread like a wildfire engulfing dry brush. From its inception, the church was a diverse group of people who hailed from a variety of cultures and languages. It was in the midst of this great diversity that God sent the Holy Spirit upon his church and started a movement that would change the history of the world forever. The message of Christ hasn’t changed, but those who claim to be his followers have often failed miserably in living up to that message. The greatest temptation facing Christians isn’t necessarily losing their passion, but rather, losing sight of the fact that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female. In God’s kingdom there are no illegal aliens or undocumented workers. We who have died with Christ in baptism are resurrected to be a new people bound in love and service to one another. The Holy Spirit is given freely, without respect for citizenship or socioeconomic class, and God continues today to pour out his Spirit on all humanity. The Holy Spirit works as a transformative agent in the lives of believers. Just as Jesus glorified humanity when he ascended to the Father, the gift of the Holy Spirit restores our relationship with God. The Holy Spirit compels us to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. One way we do this is by reaching out to the unloved, the hard to love, and the rejected in our midst and loving them, emulating our Heavenly Father’s love for us who are called by His name. May the gift of the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost renew us today and stir up within us those spiritual gifts which God has so richly and freely given to us when we were baptized into Christ’s holy church. Have a nice summer !! 4 Summer 2015 June 2015 Schedule of Events July 2015 Schedule of Events August 2015 Schedule of Events DAILY MORNING PRAYER Monday - Thursday (weekly) 7:30 am, Hughes House DAILY MORNING PRAYER Monday - Thursday (weekly) 7:30 am, Hughes House DAILY MORNING PRAYER Monday - Thursday (weekly) 7:30 am, Hughes House No Adult Forums and Children’s Sunday School Classes in June. Classes will resume in September. No Adult Forums and Children’s Sunday School Classes in July. Classes will resume in September. No Adult Forums and Children’s Sunday School Classes in August. Classes will resume in September. Wednesday – June 3 5:30 pm, Communion & Healing Service Sunday – July 5 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Sunday – August 2 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Sunday – July 12 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – August 5 5:30 pm, Communion & Healing Service Sunday – June 7 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – June 10 5:30 pm, Communion Service Sunday – June14 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – June 17 (No Communion Service) Sunday – June 21 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Sunday – July 26 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – July 30 5:30 pm, Communion Service Sunday – August 9 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – August 12 5:30 pm, Communion Service Sunday – August 16 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – August 19 5:30 pm, Communion Service Wednesday – June 24 5:30 pm, Communion Service Sunday – August 23 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Sunday – June 28 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Wednesday – August 26 5:30 pm, Communion Service All services are conducted in the Church, unless otherwise noted. 5 Sunday – July 19 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio Sunday – August 30 8:00 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 pm, La Misa Servicio All services are conducted in the Church, unless otherwise noted. All services are conducted in the Church, unless otherwise noted. THE BELL TOWER Remember In Your Prayers June Birthdays Karen Rollinson………….…………...6/04 Lehman Ford ................................... 6/05 Anora Rainey ................................. 6/05 Zoey Elizabeth Rollinson ………....6/06 Sharon Stark ................................... 6/10 Tim Seitzer, Jr. ................................ 6/11 Bettie Cooper .................................. 6/11 Bill Stark ......................................... 6/14 Alexis Van Venrooy ....................... 6/21 Margaret Williamson ...................... 6/22 Amy Johnson …………………….. 6/28 Lisa Miravalle.……………………..6/30 June Anniversaries Pray for Healing and Comfort: Cynthia Shaw, Helen Church Miles, Trayce Wheless, Barbara Collins, Staci Barnett, Harry Collins, Mary Ann Hill, Barbara Madigan, Melody Shearin, Carolyn Lowery, Belinda Catlett, Hazel Peck, Mary Shearin, Peggy Polak, Marion Devoe, Frances Saunders, Vivie Drake, Graham Shearin, Rorin Platt, Bill Duff, Tommy Greenway, Lisa Adcock, Barbara Foster, Al Thompson, Hannah Youngblood, Marshall Cooper and Jean Gaddy Scholl. Mary & Graham Shearin................. 6/02 Martha & John Zollicoffer .............. 6/04 Gillie & Tom Church ...................... 6/06 Betsy & Bob Herford ...................... 6/11 Karen & Tony Rollinson, Jr...……..6/11 Betsy & Al Catlett .......................... 6/13 Stephanie & Cliff Rogers ................ 6/20 Jean & Don West ............................ 6/24 June Special Dates Fla g D a y, Ju n e 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 Fat h er ’s D a y, Ju n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 Fir s t d a y o f S u m mer , Ju n e 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 JUNE Unified Serving Schedule — lemonade will be served on the lawn after the 10:30 am service — June Acolytes Crucifer Lay Reader / Chalice Bearer Ushers Altar Guild Flowers 7 LC Olmert Jason Elliott Uriah Ford 8:00am - Rick Palamar 10:30am - Nick Long John Van Venrooy Mariana Davis Honor Graduates 14 Lorena Negron Juliana Negron Genie Parish 8:00am - Hut Wester 10:30 am - Ruth Hartness John Van Venrooy Mariana Davis Betsy & Al Catlett 21 Ethan Holloway AJ Holloway 8:00am - Lucy Gray 10:30am - Richard Davis John Van Venrooy Shirley Young Griselle Woodward 28 Brennan Olmert Tucker Olmert Lehman Ford 8:00am - Alton Stainback 10:30am - Nancy Whitt John Van Venrooy Shirley Young Ida Cranz note: if you are scheduled to serve and have a conflict, please contact your own replacement & notify the church office. 6 Summer 2015 July Birthdays Kathy Taylor……………………....7/08 Jan Cheatham……………………...7/10 Craig Clodfelter ............................... 7/11 Kathryn Blackburn .......................... 7/17 Ida Cranz ......................................... 7/19 Bob Nelson...................................... 7/20 Judy Finch ....................................... 7/23 Lou Almand .................................... 7/23 Jean West ........................................ 7/26 July Anniversaries Remember In Your Prayers Pray for Healing and Comfort: Cynthia Shaw, Helen Church Miles, Trayce Wheless, Barbara Collins, Staci Barnett, Harry Collins, Mary Ann Hill, Barbara Madigan, Melody Shearin, Carolyn Lowery, Belinda Catlett, Hazel Peck, Mary Shearin, Peggy Polak, Marion Devoe, Frances Saunders, Vivie Drake, Graham Shearin, Rorin Platt, Bill Duff, Tommy Greenway, Lisa Adcock, Barbara Foster, Al Thompson, Hannah Youngblood, Marshall Cooper and Jean Gaddy Scholl. July Special Dates Ind ep e nd e nc e D a y, Ju ly 4 , 2 0 1 5 Sai n t J a me s - Ap o st le Ju ly 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 Marsha & Bob Nelson ..................... 7/04 Valerie & Don Gwynn .................... 7/24 JULY Unified Serving Schedule — lemonade will be served on the lawn after the 10:30 am service — Jul Acolytes Crucifer Lay Reader / Chalice Bearer Ushers Altar Guild Flowers 5 Mary Beth Parish Sarah Rose Parish AJ Holloway (flag) Genie Parish 8:00am - Nick Andrews 10:30am - Ruth Hartness Nick Long Anora Rainey Marsha & Bob Nelson 12 Lorena Negron Juliana Negron Uriah Ford 8:00am - Hut Wester 10:30am - Richard Davis Nick Long Anora Rainey Anne Bliss 19 Ethan Holloway AJ Holloway 8:00am - Steve Flannagan 10:30am - Nick Long Nick Long Mariana Davis Jane Zollicoffer 26 Jason Elliott Lehman Ford 8:00am - Lucy Gray 10:30am - Alton Stainback Nick Long Mariana Davis Valerie & Don Gwynn note: if you are scheduled to serve and have a conflict, please contact your own replacement and notify the church office. 7 Summer 2015 August Birthdays Marsha Nelson………………..…... 8/04 Stephanie Rogers………………..... 8/08 John Gwynn………………………..8/09 Brennan Olmert…………………... 8/10 Tucker Olmert……………………. 8/10 Catherine Olmert…………………. 8/14 Matthew Williamson……………... 8/15 Harrel Johnson ………………...….8/17 Martha Zollicoffer………………... 8/18 Jan Colvin…………. ……………. .8/18 Sam Long …………………………8/21 Mary Beth Seitzer…………………8/25 Shirley Young …………………… 8/26 Anderson Stark ………………….. 8/28 Maurice Floyd …………………... 8/30 Remember In Your Prayers Anniversaries Pray for Healing and Comfort: Cynthia Shaw, Helen Church Miles, Trayce Wheless, Barbara Collins, Staci Barnett, Harry Collins, Mary Ann Hill, Barbara Madigan, Melody Shearin, Carolyn Lowery, Belinda Catlett, Hazel Peck, Mary Shearin, Peggy Polak, Marion Devoe, Frances Saunders, Vivie Drake, Graham Shearin, Rorin Platt, Bill Duff, Tommy Greenway, Lisa Adcock, Barbara Foster, Al Thompson, Hannah Youngblood, Marshall Cooper and Jean Gaddy Scholl. Linda & Porter Shaw …………….. 8/03 Ginger & John Dow……………... 8/07 Anne & Lou Almand ……………...8/09 Marcia & Scott Hartness……….. .. 8/10 Barbara & Frank Madigan……….. 8/16 Barbara & Chip Hight……………..8/18 Anora & Mike Rainey……………. 8/23 Special Dates T he T ran s fi g ura tio n Au g u st 6 , 2 0 1 5 Sai n t Mar y t he Vir g i n Au g u s t 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 Sai n t B ar t ho lo me w - Ap o st le Au g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 AUGUST Unified Serving Schedule — lemonade will be served on the lawn after the 10:30 am service — Aug Acolytes Crucifer Lay Reader / Chalice Bearer Ushers Altar Guild Greens/ Flowers 2 Mary Beth Parish Sarah Rose Parish Genie Parish 8:00am - Rick Palamar 10:30am - Nick Long Greg Taylor Shirley Young Roberta Scott 9 Lorena Negron Juliana Negron Uriah Ford 8:00am - Alton Stainback 10:30am - Ruth Hartness Greg Taylor Mariana Davis Barbara & John Foster 16 Ethan Holloway AJ Holloway 8:00am - Steve Flannagan 10:30am—Richard Davis Greg Taylor Anora Rainey Anne Almand 23 Jason Elliott Lehman Ford 30 Mary Beth Parish Sarah Rose Parish Genie Parish 8:00am - Hut Wester 10:30am-Tom Church 8:00am - Lucy Gray 10:30am - Nancy Whitt Greg Taylor Anora Rainey Ruth Hartness Greg Taylor Mariana Davis Anora & Mike Rainey note: if you are scheduled to serve and have a conflict, please contact your own replacement and notify the church office. 8 THE BELL TOWER CONGRATULATIONS to Our 2015 College Graduates Luke Stark (COC) (Masters of Accounting) CONGRATULATIONS to Genie Parish Marshall at KVA Graduation Selected for Vance County School of Excellence Leadership Program Anderson Stark ( UNC-CH) (Business Administration) CONGRATULATIONS to Uriah Ford Recipient of Rotary Youth Leadership Award CONGRATULATIONS to Our 2015 High School Graduates Lorenzo Antonio Ortiz (Kerr-Vance Academy) Matthew Williamson (Vance County Early College High School) 9 PHONE: 252-492-0904 E-MAIL: [email protected] THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS 210 South Chestnut Street Henderson, NC 27536 The Church of the Holy Innocents All are welcome to join us as we joyfully greet each person present at our worship. May our love and respect for one another be steady and true as we strive to follow Christ our Lord..
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Bell Tower - The Church of the Holy Innocents
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