ROAD BOOK REV 2016 GRAND PARCOURS Start in Luxeuil les


ROAD BOOK REV 2016 GRAND PARCOURS Start in Luxeuil les
Start in Luxeuil les Bains at the St Colomban Abbey (the starting time depends on the route
and category)
Step one
In the direction of Le Thillot via D6, no not take the road to Froideconche centre. You must
cross straight through Froideconche.
Raddon (7 kms) then Amage, Ste Marie en Chanois and Faucogney
At the entrance to Faucogney, take a right, cross the bridge and go into Faucogney. (14
Take a right at the stop sign towards Melisey (you'll come back to this area and the end)
Then take a left towards La Mer (at the fountain) on the D66
There's 3 kms ascent in the forest and a small descent into La Mer
Continue in the direction of Servance by a hilly road and passing through “little Finland”
and many lakes.
A rapid descent into Servance.
At the stop sign, take a right.
At the exit of Servance, (alt 400m) 29kms take a left towards Miellin (photo below)
Take the D133. Profile change.
A hilly road up to Miellin, 35 kms
At Miellin take a right, cross the bridge and to towards Belfahy
You are in “Le Petit Galibier” which the Tour de France passed through in July 2014.
The road ascends brutally for a couple hundred meters and then there's a short plateau
before another difficult Ascension to the Col des Chevrères. It's a road surrounded by
woods, often with very big ascensions (9% on average over 4 kms and 11% over 2 kms!)
500 meters before the top, the hill becomes less steep and opens to the Col des Chevrères.
Alt 916m. 38 kms
A rapid descent to Belfahy, the highest village in the Haute Saône and the blueberry pie
At the stop sign take a left.
2.5 km of winding descent.
At the bottom, at the stop sign take a left towards Plancher les Mines. Cross Plancher les
Mines, pass in front of the sawmill (don't worry, the bear is cut from a tree!) and you'll arrive
at the fork : Ballon de Servance/ Planche des Belles Filles. Take a right to climb the dreaded
Planche des Belles Filles.
At the bottom, the slope is formidable with many hills for 1300m. Then there's a small
descent and the slope, even though the incline is steep, is more regular. The last 500m are
easier to arrive at the esplanade where there's the supply stand. However, before arriving
there, you have to climb the “tour de France” ramp with a 24% incline.
You just climbed the Planche des Belles Filles 1050m a high point of the 3 ballons and the
Tour de France! You still have to go back down. Be careful in the descent which can
sometimes be very rapid!
Supply stand, step 1/// 55kms (average height climbed 1475m)
Step 2
Now, you only need to descend the Planche des Belles Filles, but please be careful
because the slope of the hill is sometimes very steep.
At the bottom of the descent, turn right to continue on the Ballon de Servance.1158m 73
You are going to climb the Ballon de Servance via the most beautiful route, in a protected
forest, on a road with several difficult hills. The hill is relatively short, but sometimes difficult.
BE CAREFUL, the descent is winding and there are sometimes irregularities.
Col des Croix, 678m 83kms
The descent is easy and rapid towards Le Thillot, still on the D 486
Le Thillot 402m 87kms
Go into Le Thillot.
At the lights, take a right onto N66 and towards Fresse sur Moselle to go towards the Ballon
There will be a few kms of busy road up to St Maurice sur Moselle.
At St Maurice sur Moselle, take a right on to D465, towards the Ballon d’Alsace there will be
9 kms of regular ascent at a 7% incline.
Supply stand, step 2///101kms ( average height climbed 1325 total 2800m)
Step 3
Descend the Ballon d’Alsace and after 3 kms take a left towards Sewen Masevaux via the
D466. The descent is rapid and sometimes dangerous to the Lac d’Alfeld, with some
magnificent scenery, then the Lac de Sewen. Please be careful of the fountains.
Sewen - 115kms
Continue on the D466 (with the possibility to take the bike paths if you wish) and pass
through Dolleren, Oberbruck, Wegsheid, Sikert, until Masevaux 123kms alt 405m
BE CAREFUL! Take the time to read the road signs and take a right towards Rougement,
Giromagny via the D2. You will stay out of the center of Masevaux. Pass in front of the
police station (Gendarmerie) to leave Masevaux.
Rougement le Chateau 131kms
Continue on the D2 until Giromagny via Etueffont, Rougegoutte.
The path to Giromagny from Masevaux is hilly.
Giromagny 143kms alt 470m
Go into Giromagny and go towards the Ballon d’Alsace via the D465. You will now begin to
climb the Ballon d’Alsace on it’s longest, but easiest face. The ascent really begins at Lepuix
Gy for 12 kms. Go to the summit to get to the service station that you left earlier.
Ballon d’Alsace 1178m
Supply stand, step 3/// 158kms (average height climbed 1000m total 3800 m)
Step 4
You will go back down the Ballon d’Alsace until you reach St Maurice sur Moselle, 9kms of
regular descent on an excellent road. Be aware that there are several hairpin turns on this
road. At the stop sign at the bottom of the descent, take a left at the N66 until
Le Thillot alt 402m 175kms.
In the center of town, at the light, take a right to the D486 towards Le Ménil Cornimont La
Bresse (photo below)
Leave Le Thillot via a very beautiful road. Le Ménil 177kms alt 515m
Col Du Ménil, alt 621m 181kms
There will be a 2 km descent to Travexin. At the bottom of the descent, take a right into the
D43 towards Oderen. There will be a slight uphill to Ventron before getting to the Dol
d’Oderen. There’s a regular ascent for 5 kms.
Col d’Oderen alt 884m 192kms.
The descent is sometimes rapid with hairpin turns for 7 kms.
You are now in Kruth. Alt 450m 199kms.
At the stop sign, take a left onto the D13b
Follow this road until the magnificent Lac de Wildenstein at the 202th km.
At the Lac de Wildenstein, keep going straight
At Wildenstein you will stay on the same road to climb the Col de Bramont alt 946m 212km.
A regular ascent for 8km.
Be careful!
A short descent after le Col and, several hundred meters later, take the “Route des
Americains” on your right. There's an irregular ascent for 4 km to get to the Route des
Crêtes on your left at the end of the ascent.
Keep going straight on the Route des Crêtes for about 5 km. You will be above the
Breitsouzen dark where the supply stand was last year. Then turn right to climb to the
Hohneck summit, one of the most beautiful panoramas of the Vosges Mountains!
The Hohneck alt 1363m
Supply stand number 4 ///223kms (average height climbed : 1455m total 5255m)
Be careful!!! Night will fall for certain people in this next step (very short). Don't forget to turn
on your lights and wear night clothes.
Go back down the Hohneck to get to the intersection of the Route des Crêtes. BE CAREFUL
TO TURN LEFT AT THE INTERSECTION contrary to the TiREV which will go right.
Take a right into a small road just before the Breitsouzen farm to descend down to the Lac
de Blanchemer and La Bresse.
The descent can be rapid. Be careful!
You will get to the D34 by turning left at the bottom of the hill, then there will be another
descent to La Bresse via the D34.
La Bresse alt 690m 237kms
You will not enter La Bresse. You will take the right into the D34c “Vallée de Chajoux” up to
the Col des Feignes.
At the top of the “col” take a left and onto the D34d for 1 km (photo below) and then another
left will put you in the direction of Xonrupt Longemer via the “Route de Longemer” (photo
Col des Feignes alt 954m 248 kms
For your information: there will be a secret control station in between La Bresse and the 2nd
intersection. This is not a supply stand and you are not obliged to stop.
Ride along the magnificent Lac de Longemer, pass through the center of Xonrupt and then
take a right towards Le Valtin, Fraize, Le Surceneux via the D23.
Col du Surceneux alt 810m 260kms
Follow the D23 until the “Grand Valtin” Descend into Le Valtin 265kms
Pass through Meurthe and continue on the D23 until Le Rudlin 268kms.
Continue the descent until Plainfaing 272kms alt 530m. This marks the end of the descent.
Cross through Plainfaing (a very long village). Pass in front of the church and take a right
onto the N415 towards the Col du Bonhomme. There is a regular ascent over 9kms.
Be careful while climbing this mountain, because this is a frequented road. Please follow the
rules of the road.
Col du Bonhomme alt 949m 284kms.
It will be night, and you will begin to be tired, so please be careful and vigilant. The
Route Des Crêtes is still ahead, a magic and enchanting night lies ahead. Please be
careful of the animals who are not used to people passing by at night. Remember that
they are more afraid of you. There are no big cats, just rabbits, foxes and deer.
At the top, take a right into the D148, in front of the restaurant. You are on the Route des
Col du Louchpach978m 288kms.
This is a hilly road, but well paved. Continue on the same road until the Col du Calvaire, a
less well known hill, but often difficult. Take a couple of minutes to get energized and profit
from the campfire at the service station!
Supply stand N 5 Col du Calvaire 1134m/// 290kms (average height climbed 1295m ,
total 6550m)
This step was difficult, but you’ve done approximately half! It’s now night and you will be
tired and the next three steps will be, without a doubt, the most difficult. Please be careful
and have a nice ride! Even if the campfire is magic at have to keep going!
Step 6
After the stop, go towards the Lac Blanc via the D48 2. You’re going to go back up the Col
du Wettstein.
Col du Wettstein alt 882m 301kms.
At the summit of the hill, take a left to get directly onto the Collet du Linge via the D11 6.
The REV goes through a zone of war monuments and cemeteries for soldiers. Please be
After a few kms of an easy ascent, you will reach the Collet du Linge alt 975m 191kms
Take a left via DVbis1 towards Munster
The descent is quite rapid towards Horodberg. It’s an excellent road, but with hairpin turns.
Don’t get carried away by your speed...and take the time to admire the Munster valley, all lit
up! Keep going on this road. Horod, then another km and at the stop sign; take a left
towards Munster via the D417 alt 320 317kms
Go into the town of Munster and BE CAREFUL take a right towards Luttenbach via D10.
There will be a right angle not go into the center of town, do not follow Colmar. After
a couple hundred meters, take a left towards “Le Chalet, Petit Ballon” be careful as the
sign is hard to see. Go over the bridge and after, you just have to keep going up...up...up!
The Tour de France passed through the Petit Ballon in 2014, on the 14th of July!
This is a very night road through the forest, but for most it will already be nightfall. This is not
a problem on the road, you just have to keep going up, following the few signs towards the
Petit Ballon. The ascension is quite difficult as the Petit Ballon is only small in name.
The summit of the Petit Ballon!
Petit Ballon 1163m Supply stand N6 ///325kms (average height climbed 1025m total
Step 7
Be careful! The descent is rapid and you should stay away from the edge of the road.
There are 10 kms of descent with some tight turns, and so you must stay vigilant. It is in this
descent that A Contador fell during the 2014 Tour de France and had to abandon the race.
You will get to the bottom of the descent, and get to a stop sign after a couple hundred feet
of flat road. Take a left and you will begin the hard uphill battle of the Col du Platzerwasel!
At the stop sign (335kms) take a left DO NOT ENTER SODERNACH. Take the D27 to get
back to the Route des Crêtes.
This ascent can sometimes be difficult. It’s a rather unknown ascent...but one that you will
never forget!
Col du Platzerwasel alt 1193m 343kms
Col du Breifirst alt 1282m 346kms
You will arrive at the fork with the D431 which you took in the opposite way from Markstein.
At the fork, take a left towards the Markstein Grand Ballon via the Route des Crêtes. A good
road. Hilly.
The Markstein (350kms) BE CAREFUL!!! Stay straight on this road, DO NOT GO LEFT
OR RIGHT. Stay on the D431 to the
Grand Ballon, the highest point of the REV.1343m 357 kms
A rapid descent to the Col Amic. A large road, nicely re-paved. Still: pay attention! There
are two cobblestone sections with hairpin turns.
Col Amic alt 825m 363kms
Supply stand number 7 ///363kms (average height climbed: 1005m total, 8580m)
Step 8
Take the D431 straight on towards Vieil Armand / Uffoltz
Be careful in the descent from Vieil Armand!
Do not go to Uffoltz!!! In the descent, take a left after 10 kms or so. Go towards Wattwiller
via the D5III.
Wattwiller 376kms
Rapid and narrow descent, be careful!
Cross through Wattwiller, straight on via the Rue du Gal de Gaulle then the Rue de
Bernwiller. At the exit of the town, take a left onto the D5 towards Soultz Hartmannwiller.
Follow the D5 to the intersection which tells you that Wuenheim is to the left (90 degree
angle turn). Wuenheim (alt 295m) 386kms
You will leave Wuenheim on your left to go towards Soultz and then Guebwiller and get into
the D430.
Stay on this road until the Markstein by passing through Guebwiller.
This marks the beginning of the sometimes difficult ascent of the Markstein.
The Markstein alt 1190m 410kms
At the Markstein you will take a left on the D431 and you will find yourself back in the road
you took...a little bit earlier to climb the Grand Ballon for the second time and go back down
the Col d’Amic to get to the next Supply Stand.
Col Amic alt 825m 424kms.
Supply Stand number 8 ///429kms. (Average height climbed1405m total 9985m)
After a good stop at the supply stand, it’s time to get going again!
Take the D13BVI and descend towards Willer / Thur alt 360m 433kms
At the blinking lights, in Willer / Thur, take a left to Bitschwiller les Thann
In Bitschwiller, take a right at the lights towards Col du Hundsruck. You are on the Route
Joffre D14BIV, which will bring you to the Col du Hundsruck.
The ascent isn’t very long, but is irregular with some difficult parts.
Col du Hundsruck, alt 748m 441kms
Descend to Bourbach le Haut with a small cobblestone section. Mind the fountains. Be
careful! in Bourbach le Haut, take a right and leave Bourbach le Bas on your left.
A small incline and then descent to Masevaux alt 405m 450kms
At the entrance to Masevaux, take a right at the bottom of the descent and follow Ballon
d’Alsace via the D466
Go through the villages of Sickert Wegsheid Oberbruck Dolleren Sewen, with many fountains
At the exit of Sewen Lac de Sewen you will attack your third Ballon d’Alsace.
This is the wildest, and also the most sloping ascent, especially after having seen the
magnificent Lac d’Alfeld
Do not go to the very top (see the chart) there’s a supply stand at the fork of the D465.
Supply stand number 9 Ballon d’Alsace 1080m ///470kms (average height
climbed1170m total 11155m)
Step 10
At the fork, take the left onto the D465 towards Giromagny.
A nice descent into Giromagny. A nice repavement, but you already know from having
climbed it yesterday!
Giromagny alt 470m 483kms
At the entrance to Giromagny, take the first right to stay out of the center of town. Fountains.
At the stop sign, take a right onto the D12 towards Auxelles Bas 334kms, Plancher Bas. A
hilly road Plancher Bas 492kms
At the entrance of Plancher Bas at the roundabout, take a left onto the D97 towards Fresse
Melisey to climb the Col de la Chevestraye...which you came down yesterday!
Col de la Chevestraye alt 602m 508kms
At the hill, staying straight, descend towards Fresse and then continue on the same road via
the D97 until the Belonchamp bridge, 509kms.
Take a right into the D486 towards the Col des Croix. It’s a slight uphill until Servance
Be careful! At the exit of Servance take a left.
A brutal elevation of the road for a couple hundred meters before getting to the last supply
Servance supply stand number 10/// 519kms (average height climbed 465m total
Step 11
A small flat area, and even a slight downhill! Before a long ascent sometimes very steep in
the direction of Beulotte St Laurent (photo)
After Beulotte St Laurent, you will continue on the D263.
At the fork with the D236, take a left and then leave Corravillers on your right.
Keep going on the D236 towards Esmoulières 533kms
After Esmoulières, still on the D236, BE CAREFUL OF THE RAPID DESCENT.
At Faucogney, at the stop sign, go straight on and then take the first left.
Take a left after the stop sign and then an immediate right towards Melisey. Follow the signs
“gendarmerie” (3 photos below)
Leave Faucogney, D73 by passing in front of the police station (gendarmerie) 383kms and
after 2kms take a right towards La Voivre 542kms to get to La Bruyère 547kms via a bucolic
road along the Breuchin river, then Breuchotte.
At the stop sign, take a right (photo) and then the first left before the bridge (photo)
Go to Froideconche. After 5kms, at the stop sign, take a right. Go through Froideconche
again and after the two roundabouts you will be in Luxeuil 401kms and you will be on the
same road taken the day before to get to the Abbey!
Luxeuil Les Bains Arrival Point alt 306 ///557kms (average height climbed 530m total
This race course was made with OPENRUNNER. If the mileage is very close to reality, its a
little bit more difficult to give a precise indication of the altitudes climbed, but it will still give
you a fairly precise indication of the race course!
VERY IMPORTANT: You can see profiles of each step on French road book !!!