1 - Miller Electric
1 - Miller Electric
December 1985 IMPORTANT Read and understand the FORM: OM-1523F entire Effective With Serial No. JF923259 contents of both this manual and the power source manual used with this unit, with special emphasis the safety material throughout both manuals, before installing, operating, or maintaining this on equipment. This unit and these instructions MODEL for use only by persons trained and experienced in the safe operation of welding equipment. Do not allow untrained persons to install, operate, or maintain this unit. Contact your distributor if you do not fully are SWINGARC DIGITAL -2 12 SWINGARC DIGITAL -216 understand these instructions. OWN ERS MANUAL * miliEu MILLER ELECTRIC MFG. CO. 718 S. BOUNDS ST, P.O. Box 1079 APPLETON, WI 54912 USA PRINTED IN U.S.A. LIMITED WARRANTY fr EFFECTIVE: FEBRUARY 25. 1985 This warranty supersedes all previous MILLER warranties and is ex clusive with no other guarantees or warranties expressed or implied. LIMITED WARRANTY ~ tions hereof, ~ ~ ~ warrants ~ ~ its to - Miller Electric Subject to the terms and condiMfg. Co., Appleton, Wisconsin Distributor/Dealer that all new and unused Equipment furnished by Miller is free from defect in workmanship and material as of the time and place of delivery by Miller. No warranty is made by Miller with respect to engines, trade accessories or other items manufactured by others. Such engines, trade accessories and other items are sold subject to All the warranties of their respective manufacturers, if any . by their manufacturer for one year from date of original purchase, except Tecumseh engines which engines ~ have are a two warranted year warranty, as specified below, Millers warranty does not apply components having normal useful life of less than one Ill year, such as spot welder tips, relay and contactor points, MILLERMATIC parts that come in contact with the welding Except In the case of Millers breach of warranty or any other duty with respect to the quality of any goods, the exclusive remedies therefore shall be, at Millers option (1) repair or (2) replacement or, where authonzed in writing by Miller in appropriate cases, (3) ~ the reasonable cost of repair or replacement at an authorized Miller service station or (41 payment of or credit for the purchase price (less reasonable depreciation based upon actual use) upon risk and expense. MILLERs return of the goods at Customers option of repair or replacement will be FOB., Factory, at Appleton, Wisconsin, or F.O.B., at a MILLER authorized service facility, therefore, no compensation for transportation costs of any kind will be allowed. Upon receipt of notice of apparent defect or failure, Miller shall instruct the claimant on the warranty claim procedures to be followed. to ,~/ wire 1~ not result from ,~ ~ required to honor warranty claims on warEquipment in the event of failure resulting from a defect within the following periods from the date of delivery of Equipment to the original user: including nozzles and nozzle insulators where failure does defect in workmanship or material. ranted wekiing guns, feeder/ guns and All other Millermatic Feeders 3. Au ~ 4. 5. Replacement 6. Batteries provided that or plasma torches... 90 days repair parts, exclusive of labor .. 1 year 60 days 6 months Miller is notified in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of such failure. ~ AS TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY MILLER IS EX CLUDED AND DISCLAIMED BY MILLER. ~rr components ~: ~rin~r WARRANTY, GUARANTY OR REPRESENTA PERFORMANCE, AND ANY REMEDY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT WHICH, BUT FOR THIS PROVISION, MIGHT ARISE BY IMPLICATION, OPERATION OF LAW, CUSTOM OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING, INCLUDING TION Miller shall be ~ ANY EXPRESS WARRANTY NOT PROVIDED HEREIN AND ANY IMPLIED ~1TMr EXPRESSLY PROVIDED BY MILLER IN INTENDED ARE PRODUCTS FOR ULTIMATE PURCHASE COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BY USERS AND FOR OPERATION BY PERSONS TRAINED AND IN MAINTENANCE OF EXPERIENCED THE USE AND WELDING EQUIPMENT AND NOT FOR CONSUMERS OR CONSUMER USE. MILLERS WARRANTIES DO NOT EXTEND EXTEND MILLERS WAR RAN11 ES TO~NY CONSUMER. EXCEPT WRITING, AS MILLER (~f~ Feb.23,1987 ERRATA SHEET FORM:OM-1523F j After this manual was printed, refinements in appearing later in this manual. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3 Amend Section 3 Delete Add - c. to Complete Steps Add Section 3 WARNING - k of Subsection B. Assembly, Step 2. Post Support thru g in Subsection 2. Post Amend Subsection B. Complete Steps INSTALLATION - Subsection B. Assembly to read c c to data 1. LOCATION AND ASSEMBLY Steps h, i, j, and Step 1 equipment design occurred. This sheet lists exceptions Assembly, Steps 3c. as follows: Support and 4c. to read thru g in Subsection 2. Post as follows: Support hA. SAFETY COLLAR REMOVAL RELEASE OF SPRING PRESSURE WITHOUT BOOM ATTACHED can cause serious personal __________ injury and equipment damage. Perform installation exactly as outlined in the following step-by-step instructions. Do not remove safety collar until instructed to do so. Retain safety collar for future disassembly use. A safety collar is provided on top of the post to maintain spring pressure and prevent vertical movement during in required whenever the boom is disassembled or relocated. To remove the safety collar, pro stallation. The collar is ceed as follows: 1. Grasp bar and pull boom down slightly. The boom should be pulled down only far which is applied to the safety collar. 2. Remove the safety collar, and retain for future enough to remove the pressure use. 3. The boom should now balance in any position from horizontal to 60 degrees above horizontal. If the boom does not balance properly, proceed to Section 3-12. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7 - TROUBLESHOOTING See page 2 for circuit diagram. Dia. Part Replaced Mkgs. No. With 8- C57 031 677 007 742 8- R51,54,55,57,63,67, 68,75,82,89 R81 .84 035 827 035 035 039 039 092 88- R53 R63,79 035 827 039 106 SN1 Description CAPACITOR, electrolyte 10 uf 35 volts 827 RESISTOR 825 332 106 648 RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 1 K ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 15K ohm RESISTOR,carbonfilm0.25watt470 ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt zero ohm (part of 110 158 071642 circuitcard) SNUBBER, poly metfilm 0.5 uf 200VDC 100 ohm (Eff (qtychg) w/JG056098) digit represents page no digits following dash represents item no. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. **First - Quantity 1 10 2 1 2 15 1 I C) 0 -S C) C 3 i:tl ~L~i.T ~Ov A5~ Cii SwrI 'L J /1fl~ ~fLil cD 1201HYt f~\oai~JMOT R 1L ;~ I.TSV.~ DCJ PLO. I 6LR4~!( I 66W _ SWING ONLY PIG CT PC PCTI ic<~ ~ f2~HTL!~1-I~A_~.1 .-_ …~( S CR, ~ 127 t~1~1~. it C a ET CPA No. 14 F BAR PLGS RE < CR6 ~ ~ p k _ RCa 51 LEFT 3 ~~~CPs PURGE _. _ ~4g~ ¶~RVSWE flIGH~MOTE ~ 6 - L_~ :4~87L~:i:~lI~ -~ Lt. if~ _ TR~EI~OTE GAS LI6 PLAID .1 1 SOLENID J,1J2 BURNACPIS REMOVE INSTAL LEE SOY P CDA R:TIf~5.L I~I ~ TO ~i ~ 4b_o~ PURGE _I!!] 1~ Ii~ V 6534782 ~ SOLENID LSEIFDTE ~ I GAS 36 Efectiv Models PCI L;H~c~C~PI LEFT&RICH OPTINAL RESPC Serial With 305 2 53 Diagr m JG05698 P j WI5 PLC No. C~ T 261 <RIGHT CONTA R <CONTR(L Cp2 C-hO Circuit Qs~ L I As; ARC 404 For Diagr m Circuit 1. II A T 7 RI Figure RIGHT I NCH S2~ 33 75 ~ AC~ 661 < < AC ISV I 0 (31 (6) ~1 (D PLC23 > ~ Ii,, 3> -. SWINGARC BAR ~ 2>~ I A> I I ~LC1a LE r L TRIGER ONLY 250 -~ : ~ILJ 5r ~ ARC INC ONLY SW PLG7~ > ~. . )~_ J7C13 ~ - ~ 2>~ 3>~1T(O RIGHT TRIGE i Dec. 5,1986 FORM: OM-1523F ERRATA SHEET After this manual appearing was printed, refinements AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3 Amend Section 3 Delete Add in equipment design occurred. This sheet lists exceptions to data later in this manual. - Steps h, i, j, Step ic. 1. Complete Steps c and k of Subsection B. Add Section 3 WARNING c - as ~ follows: Support Assembly, Steps 3c. and 4c. thru g in Subsection 2. Post 1 1A. ~~ Assembly, Step 2. Post Support thru g in Subsection 2. Post Amend Subsection B. ALE ~ ~UU~ TO ~C~~frR LOCATION AND ASSEMBLY Subsection B. Assembly to read to Complete Steps INSTALLATION - to read as follows: Support SAFETY COLLAR REMOVAL RELEASE OF SPRING PRESSURE WITHOUT BOOM ATTACHED can cause serious person&I __________ injury and equipment damage. Perform installation exactly as outlined in the following step-by-step instructions. Do not remove safety collar until instructed to do so. Retain safety collar for future disassembly use. safety collar is provided on top of the post to maintain spring pressure and prevent vertical movement during in stallation: The collar is required whenever the boom is disassembled or relocated. To remove the safety collar, pro ceed as follows: A 1. Grasp bar and pull boom down slightly. The boom should be pulled down only far enough which is applied to the safety collar. 2. Remove the 3. The boom should not safety collar, and retain for future to remove use. now balance in any position from horizontal to 60 degrees above horizontal. If the balance properly, proceed to Section 3-12. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7 See page 2 for circuit - diagram. Dia. Part Replaced No. With 8- C57 031 677 007 742 CAPACITOR, electrolyte 10 uf 35 volts 8- R51,54,55,57,63,67, 68,75,82,89 R81 ,84 035 827 035 827 035 825 RESISTOR (qtychg) RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 1 K ohm 8- R53 035 827 039 332 8- R63,79 039 106 039 106 110 158 RESISTOR,carbonfilm0.25wattl5Kohm RESISTOR,carbonfilm0.25watt470ohm SNUBBER, poly metfilm 0.5 uf 200VDC 100 SN1 Quantity Description 1 10 2 1 2 ohm (Efl w/JG056098) digit represents page no digits following dash represents item no. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. **FirSt boort~~does TROUBLESHOOTING Mkgs. ** the pressure - 1 -n cc c 3 CD C-) CD C1) C 7+ 0 cc 3 ~ 06,15 MOT R ~ 05PELI MEASUR 1PM- WIT, 0 ESCPI :~ LiLT /~V L *1 ALE All No. ~OU~R II. MEASURD 107 51 FOAMS POINT RESP CT WAVE VOLTAGES 300 C-hO , E~ A TO 404 ' ' COM N WIT, ~ ~ZEi~ RC,G~1 o 6015 ~ Diagr m AC A SW Circuit ~Th 3 CR1 27 ~ 2P ~5R~ COTIAR JG05698 CR2 0 P CA4 2 0 w, No. F I 0 Serial ROtp - 2 ~CR3 300 il. ~~CR3 REMOTE ~O_1 RIGHT 60 SOLENID SRIIcDHrE CR5 FIji REMOTE GAS ~ _ 7~f~CW RCI~ Jjtflp LEFT TI 0 50 R:TF/:5fl1 IC,3 OUR08CDS REMOVE INSTAL ~i_ _ SPIGOT ~ TO OPTINAL ~EFl ITESP C R9A~ CR50 i3, ~6RC4 ~~DI A D~OCS 501 , SlEIFDTE 432.1 MET R K)1 ~CK)1 .3437 ._ L ~ ASET~ 1,50 ~5 ~,Y T IC L I L~J CASO TI 0 ! CT3 ~> 2> I> 53 L5O 052 RIG~IT >~>~ r OS, ~;-~.)~ LIT_li ,NGARC SW 620 ~ RET 8015 ~> I For Diagr m Circuit 1. 6! ~ Models A J~ _ Efectiv A 34 GAS With INGARC ONLT ~> 8H15 SW r lEAP 0 3>~Af RIGHT TR,6EG L I L ~ ~ CT ON - 7 Figure May29, ERRATA SHEET After this manual appearing was in printed, refinements FORM: OM-1523F 1986 equipment design occurred. This sheet lists exceptions to data later in this manual. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3 - INSTALLATION - -~ Amend Section 3 - 1. ~ LOCATION AND ASSEMBLY ~ Delete Add Steps h, i, j, and k Step ic. to Subsection B. Complete Steps c Complete Steps WARNING c - Assembly Assembly, Step 2. to read thru g in Subsection 2. Post Amend Subsection B. Add Section 3 of Subsection B. as Post Support ~ I £J~ ~ follows: Support Assembly, Steps 3c. and 4c. to read as follows: thru g in Subsection 2. Post Support hA. SAFETY COLLAR REMOVAL RELEASE OF SPRING PRESSURE WITHOUT BOOM ATFACHED can cause serious personal __________ equipment damage. Perform installation exactly as injury and outlined in the following step-by-step safety collar until instructed to do Retain safety collar for future disassembly use. Do not remove instructions. so. safety collar is provided on top of the post to maintain spring pressure and prevent vertical movement during in stallation. The collar is required whenever the boom is disassembled or relocated. To remove the safety collar, pro ceed as follows: A 1. Grasp bar and pull boom down slightly. The boom should be pulled down only far enough which is applied to the safety collar. 2. Remove the safety collar, and retain for future to remove the pressure use. 3. The boom should now balance in any position from horizontal to 60 degrees above horizontal. If the boom does not balance properly, proceed to Section 3-12. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7 - TROUBLESHOOTING See page 2 for circuit diagram. Dia. Part Replaced ** Mkgs No. With 8- R51,54,55,57,63,67, 68,75,82,89 R81 ,84 035 827 035 827 RESISTOR (qtychg) 035 825 039 332 RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 1 K ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 15K ohm RESISTOR,carbonfilm0.25watt470 ohm SNUBBER, poly metfilm 0.5 uf 200VDC 100 8- R53 8- R63,79 035 827 039 106 SN1 039 106 110 158 Quantity Description 10 2 ohm (Eff w/JG056098) digit represents page no digits following dash represents item no. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. **First - > 3 CD m CD C 0 CD C, C rt 0) CD 0) 3 MOT R kR-D IVE ROL S) fl- i~EW() L-1_J RUNIG IPUMOTR BOY c RESPCT MEASUR WITH MEASURD FORMS POINT RESPCT WAVE VOLTAGES COM N 3 6TS~I~1~1 T ~64~j - < HL(~) RIGHT ~D5R No. Serial ~ M ~T ~ _ ~< H 25 SR LEFT CR3 TC05 R PLO3 Id CR3 JG05698 -~ 051 WAX 2 Circuit ~ ~ PLG1I RE Diagr m 057 W ~ No. ~ T~ _ _~CR~1~ CONTA R CONTRL I~ ~ 2O~ RIGHT C-hO A53 SW5HG~RC WITH ALL ALL ~ ~ TO 404 I C~, WIl Y ~j2OWAC IC EXCPT POINT AT A53 :~ At 3D0 I #71 E1 H ~__ i~i T TO _ ~T I I~I 0-540 ONLY PL1 IC5 With MV- 1 HEIR I REMOTE - RU RIGHT Efectiv I a SIDE PURGE RIGHT CRS .fi1 I H 60 ~1 I~ 1~4~I CR2 I I I Ia I I 381 I k 311 __ pu~oe SIDE LE r RC,R 5 JISJ2 OURNACES REMOVE INSTAL REMOTE LEFT ID PLO :lX54L Models - A50 - ~ - For RC11 C2 TO F CR1 RUNBACE* Z~f~tW ~R GAS HG H I I on2 I SOlENID TUbE 101t~ 231 RIGHT I I ~ r I 21 RUN6ACI* esj. ~ fcW *LEFTIRGY OPTINAL RESPC LEFT I r PLGH RC4 H ~R 5 L~ - I ~1 III ~ 39 ~ 3232 US SOLENID SLEIFDTE 4 4 38 GUS ~MH~ RCR~ 1 0~ 9R-CD ,)55 ID 11 fl~ ,, 3437 36 55 ByRCS ,, H ~ dl , H L 0 RCS H AC ~ TO ~ 32 Z cR~scR: 5~ AC 33 RIGHT I- NCA I CRS CR3 -~ : ~ILJ 35~ L'.. I ~ 51 53 050 052 PLGD CR~ ~ U AR >I~ EVA AC Hz ISV I 0 as Ca) m a) CONTU R CONTRL~ AIS~ LEFT >Lj RC2-~ RIO ~VT REX BRA 3> ~> I> I I PLGIB LEFV L SWINGARC ONLY TRIGER ~1 ARC TC)3 PLO134 BRA OLE )FVT SWING ONLY 2> r VITO 3> I RIGRT TRIG ER MET C F5$~2T ,2__ R 054 ER~J F PLG9I5, L~_J SW ONLY ISV Diagr m Circuit 1. - 7 Figure TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Section No. SECTION 1 1 1 - - - SAFETY RULES FOR OPERATION OF ARC WELDING POWER SOURCE 1 -3. Arc 1 - 2 - - - - INTRODUCTION 1. General Information And Safety 2. Receiving-Handling 3. Description SECTION 3 3 1 7 11 Welding 4. Standards Booklet Index SECTION 2 2 2 1 1. Introduction 2. General Precautions - - . - - - - 3-12. BoomAdjustments 3-13. Motor Control Connection 3-14. Gun Trigger Connections 3-15. Weld Cable Connection 3-16. 115 Volts/Contactor Control Connections 3-17. AdjustmentOfHubTension 3-18. PulleyAdjustment 3-19 Remote Control Connections - - 4 - - 3. 4. 4 -5. 4 4 4 - - - 5 5 5 - - - Remote Control Receptacles And Switches Purge Buttons Jog Switches 6. Inches Per Minute Meter 7. Reset Circuit Breaker 8. Burnback Controls SECTION 5 - 6 1. 2. 6 6-3. 6 4. 6 5. - - - - SECTION 7 - Fuse Brush Inspection & Replacement Drive Shaft Inspection And Maintenance - 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 TROUBLESHOOTING 7-1. General 7 22 22 22 22 MAINTENANCE Inspection And Upkeep Cleaning Of Drive Rolls - 15 15 16 16 16 16 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 1. Welding Wire Threading 2. Gas Metal-Arc Welding 3. Shutting Down SECTION 6 14 15 OPERATOR CONTROLS 4-1. PowerSwitch 4 2. Wire Speed Controls 4 13 INSTALLATION 1 Location And Assembly 3-2. DriveMotor 3 -3. Installation Of Wire Support 3 4. Reinstallation Of Hub Assembly 3 5. Installation Of Wire Reel 3-6. Installation Of Spool-Type Wire 3 -7. Installation Of Reel-Type Wire 3 8. Drive Roll And Wire Guide Installation 9. Water Control Kit Connections 3 3-10. WeldingGunConnections 3-11. Shielding Gas Connections SECTION 4 13 13 2. Troubleshooting Chart 25 25 SECTION 1 SECTION 1 - SAFETY RULES FOR OPERATION OF ARC WELDING POWER SOURCE REGLES DE SECURITE POUR LE FONCTIONNEMENT DU POSTE DE SOUDAGE A LARC - 1-1. INTRODUCTION We learn by experience. Learning safety through personal experience, like a child touching a hot stove is harmful, wasteful, and un wise. Let the experience of others teach you. 1-1. INTRODUCTION Contrairement a lappren tissage de Ia vie, lapprentissage de Ia sØcuritØ par ex pØrience personnelle, comme lenfant qui touche un poŒle chaud, est dangereux, imprudent et inutile. lnstruisez-vous donc de lexpØrience dautrui. Safe practices developed from experience in the use of welding and cutting are described in this manual. Research, development, and field experience have evolved reliable equipment and safe installation, opera tion, and servicing practices. Accidents occur when equipment is improperly used or maintained. The reason for the safe practices may not always be given. Some are based on common sense, others may require Des mØthodes de sØcuritØ issues de lexpØrience du et du coupage sont dØcrites dans le manuel. La recherche, le progres et lexpØrience dans ce domaine ont dØveloppØ un materiel fiable et des mØthodes de sØcuritØ pour linstallation, le fonctionnement et lentre tien. Des accidents se produisent lorsque le materiel est inadØquatement utilisØ ou entretenu. La raison de ces mØthodes de sØcuritØ peut ne pas Øtre toujours donnØe. Certaines sont fondØes sur le sens commun, dautres demanderont a Łtre expliquØes par des livres techni ques. II est plus sage de suivre les rŁgles. technical volumes to explain. It is wiser rules. to follow the Read and understand these safe practices before at tempting to install, operate, or service the equipment. Comply with these procedures as applicable to the par ticular equipment used and their instruction manuals, for personal safety and for the safety of others. Failure these safe practices may cause serious injury or death. When safety becomes a habit, the equipment can be used with confidence. to observe These safe practices are divided into two Sections: 1 General Precautions, common to arc welding and - - soudage Lisez et comprenez ces mØthodes de sØcuritØ avant dessayer dinstaller, de faire fonctionner ou de rØparer Pour votre sØcuritØ personnelle et celle lappareil. dautrui, conformez-vOus a ces rŁgles et aux manuels dinstructions. Manquer dobserver ces mØthodes de sØcuritØ pourrait entrainer des blessures graves ou mŁme a mort. Quand Ia sØcuritØ devient iine habitude, le materiel peut alors Œtre utilisØ en toute confiance. Ces mØthodes de sØcuritØ sont divisØes en deux sec 1 tions: Precautions generales, communes au soudage et au coupage a larc, et 2 Soudage a larc (et coupage) (uniquement). - - cutting; and 2 - Arc Welding (and Cutting) (only). Reference standards: Published Standards on safety are also available for additional and more complete pro cedures than those given in this manual. They are listed in the Standards Index in this manual. ANSI Z49.1 is the most complete. The National Electrical Code, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, local industrial codes, and local inspection requirements also provide a basis for equip ment installation, Normes de rØfØrence: Des publications des normes amØricaines de sØcuritØ sont aussi a votre disposition modes opØratoires plus complets que pour dautres ceux du present manuel. Elles sont donnØes dans rln dex des Normes de ces regles de sØcuritØ. ANSI Z49-1 est Ia plus complete. les codes provinciaux et de IACNOR, donnent aussi les exigences pour une in stallation, une utilisation et un entretien sUrs. Les use, and service. 1-2. 1-2. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Different arc and fluxes welding processes, electrode alloys, produce different fumes, gases, can and radiation levels. In addition to the information in this manual, be sure to consult flux and elec trode manufacturers for specific technical data and precautionary measures concerning their material. PRECAUTIONS GENERALES Plusieurs procØdØs du soudage a larc, des Ølec trodes allies, et lee flux peuvent produire des de et niveaux rayonnemant vapeurs, gaz, diffØrents. Pour tout renseignement supplØmen taire a ce manuel, consultez aussi lea fabricants des electrodes et des flux afin dobtenir lee renseignements techniques spØcifiques et lee de mesures precaution concernant leurs matriaux. A. A. codes municipaux Prevention des brUlures Burn Prevention Portez des vŒtements de protective clothing gauntlet gloves designed welding, hat, and high safety-toe shoes. Button shirt collar and pocket flaps, and wear cuffless trousers to avoid entry of sparks and slag. Wear use - for in safety goggles or glasses with side appropriate filter lenses or plates (protected by clear cover glass). This is a MUST for welding or cutting, (and chipping) to protect the eyes spØcialement dØsignØs protection des garits a crispin soudage, Un casque et - pour le des chaussures de sØcuritØ. Boutonne~ le col de votre chemise et les pattes de vos poches, et portez des pantalons sans revers pour Øviter que des Øtincelles et du laitier ne sy introduisent. Wear helmet with shields underneath, Portez un masque avec lunettes de sØcuritØ ou avec Øcrans latØ-raux de protection, des lunettes filtrantes ou des couvre-lentilles (protØgØs par un verre clair). Pour le soudage ou le coupage (et le burinage), il est OM-1 523 Page 1 from radiant energy and flying metal. Replace cover glass when broken, pitted, or spattered. See 1-3A.2. Avoid oily or never A ignite them. electrode stubs and be handled without gloves. workpieces Hot metal such should clothing. may greasy spark as Medical first aid and eye treatment. First aid facilities and a qualified first aid person should be available for each shift unless medical facilities are close by for, im mediate treatment of flash burns of the eyes and skin burns. Ear plugs should be worn when working on overhead or confined space. A hard hat should be worn when others work overhead. in OBLIGATOIRE de protØger ses yeux contre lØnergie de rayonnement et les Øclats de metal. Remplacez le verre protecteur lorsqud est brisØ, piquØ ou qui~ a recu des projections. Voir 1 .3A.2. Evitez de porter des habits imprØgnØs dhuile Une Øtincelle pourrait les enflammer. ou de graisse. Ne manipulez jamais sans gants un metal chaud tel que des chutes dØlectrode et des piŁces a souder. Premiers soins et traitement des yeux: Tout atelier devrait avoir a sa disposition un poste de premiers soins ainsi quune personne compØtente, a moms quur, ser vice medical ne soit a proximitØ pour soigher immediate ment les brGlures des yeux et de Ia peau. a Flammable hair preparations should not be used by per sons intending B. to weld or cut. Severe discomfort, illness that with or lorsque Les personnes devant souder death vous travaillez au espace restreint. Portez un casque personnes travaillent au plafond. un ou couper ne employer des preparations inflammables Toxic Fume Prevention fumes, vapors, heat, Portez des bouche-oreilles plafond ou dans lorsque dautres doivent pas pour Jeurs cheveux. can result from oxygen enrichment or depletion (or cutting) may produce. Prevent them B. Prevention des gax toxiques or welding adequate ventilation as described in ANSI Stan dard Z49.1 listed 1 in Standards index. NEVER ventilate with oxygen. Les gaz, les vapeurs, Ia chaleur, un enrichissement ou manque doxygŁne peuvent entralner un malaise, une maladie ou mŒme Ia mort. RemØdiez-y par Ia ven tilation dØcrite dans Ia Norme ANSI Z49.1 paragraphe 1 de llndex des Normes. NE ventilez JAMAIS a lox un ygene. Lead cadmium zinc mercury -, and beryllium and similar materials, when welded (or cut) may -, -, -, - bearing produce harmful concentrations of toxic fumes. Ade quate local exhaust ventilation must be used, or each the operator must wear an air-supplied respirator. For beryllium, both must be us ed. person in the area as well as En soudant mercure et ou en coupant, les plomb, cadmium, zinc, beryllium ou autres matØriaux semblables peuvent crØer des concentrations nocives de gaz toxi ques. On doit avoir recours a une ventilation aspirante du local, ou alors toute personne sur les lieux, de mŒme que le soudeur, doit porter un masque a ad duction dair. On doit employer los deux pour le adequate beryllium. Metals coated with or containing materials that emit toxic fumes should not be heated unless coating is removed from the work surface, the area is well ven tilated, or the operator wears an Work in air-supplied respirator. a confined space only while it is tilated and, if necessary, while wearing an being ven air-supplied respirator. Gas leaks in a confined space should be avoided. Leaked gas in large quantities can change oxygen con centration dangerously. Do not bring gas cylinders into a confined space. Leaving confined space, shut OFF gas supply at sourceS prevent possible accumulation of gases in the space if downstream valves have been accidently opened or to left open. Check to be re-entering it. sure that the space is safe before Vapors from chlorinated solvents can be decomposed by the heat of the arc (or flame) to form PHOSGENE, a highly toxic gas, and other lung and eye irritating pro ducts. The ultraviolet (radiant) energy of the arc can decompose trichloroethylene and per also vapors to form phosgene. DO NOT where solvent vapors can be drawn into or cutting atmosphere or where the radiant chloroethylene WELD the or cut welding Les mØtaux enrobØs Page 2 composes de matØriaux Ømet doivent pas Œtre chauffØs a de Ia surface a ne soit tØ que travailler, que le local ne soit bien ventilØ, ou que le soudeur ne porte un masque a adduction dair. moms toxiques lenrobage ne Ne travaillez dans un espace restreint que sil est bien ventilØ et, si nØcessaire, portez un masque a adduction dair. On doit Øviter les fuites de gaz dans un espace restreint. Les fuites de gaz en grande quantite peuvent transformer dangereusement Ia concentration dox ygŁne. Namenez pas de bouteilles de gaz dÆns un espace restreint. En quittant un espace restreint, FERMEZ le robinet dalimentation de gaz de Ia bouteille. Ainsi on pourra rentrer en toute sØcuritØ dans Ia piŁce, mŒme si les robinets ~aval ont ete ouverts par accident, ou si on los a laissØs ouverts. Les vapeurs de dissolvants chlorØs peuvent Œtre dØcom posØes par Ia chaleur de larc (ou de Ia flamme) et former du PHOSGENE, gaz trŁs toxique, et dautres produits irritant les poumons et les yeux~ LØnergie ultra-violette de larc peut aussi dØcomposer les vapeurs de trichloroØthylŁne et de perchloroethylŁne pour former du phosgŁne. NE SOUDEZ PAS ou no coupez pas dans des endroits o dans vent Œtre attirØes OM-1 523 ou tant des gaz les vapeurs do dissolvants peu ou do latmosphŁre do soudago energy can penetrate to of minute amounts atmospheres containing trichioroethylene or even per chioroethylene. coupage et o lenergie de rayonnement pout pØnØtrer dans des atmospheres contenant des quantitØs memo de minuscules trichloroethylene ou de per chloroØthylene. Fire and Explosion Prevention C. C. Causes of fire and explosion are: combustibles reached by the arc, flame, flying sparks, hot slag or heated material; misuse of compressed gases and cylinders; and short circuits. BE AWARE THAT flying sparks or falling slag can pass through cracks, along pipes, through windows or doors, and through wall or floor openings, out of sight of the goggled operator. Sparks and slag can fly 35 feet. To prevent fires and explosion: Keep equipment clean and operable, free of oil, grease, and (in electrical parts) of metallic particles that can cause short circuits. explosions Les causes dincendie et dexplosion sont les com bustibles atteints par larc, Ia flamme, les Øtincelles, le laitier chaud ou les matØriaux chauffØs, le mauvais emploi des gaz comprimØs et des bouteilles ainsi que les courts-circuits. Sachez que les Øclats dØtincelles ou Ia chute du laitier dans les fissures, le long des peuvent sinfiltrer tuyauteries, par les fenØtres et les portes et par les couvertures des murs ou du sol, sans que le soudeur portant des lunettes ne les voie. Les Øtincelles et les 35 pieds. scones peuvent voler jusqu Pour prØvenir les incendies et les explosions: Veillez a ce que votre appareil soit propre et en Øtat de marche, dØnuØ dhuile et de graisse, et de particules de metal sur les piŁces Ølectriques qui pourraient entrainer des courts-circuits. If combustibles are in area, do NOT weld or cut. Move the work if practicable, to an area free of combustibles. Avoid paint spray rooms, dip tanks, storage areas, yen tilators. If the work cannot be moved, move com bustibles at least 35 feet away out of reach of sparks and heat; or protect against ignition with suitable and snug-fitting, fire-resistant covers or shields. Si des combustibles se trouvent a proximitØ, ne soudez pas, ne coupez pas. Si possible, dØplacez votre travail loin des combustibles. Evitez les ateliers de peinture au pistolet, les cuves dirnmersion, les entrepts, les yen tilateurs. Si cela nest pas possible, placez les com bustibles a au moms 35 pieds des Øtincelles et de Ia chaleur et protØgez-les des Øtincelles avec des couver tures ou des Øcrans protecteurs adequats, bien ajustØs et opposite sides should welded on (or cut). Walls, ceilings, and floor near not be work should be protected by heat-resistant covers or Walls Prevention des incendies at des touching combustibles on ignifugØs. shields. doit pas souder (ou couper) le ctØ opposØdes touchant les combustibles. Les murs, plafonds et planchers proches du travail doivent Œtre protØgØs par des couvertures ou Øcrans protecteurs ignifuges. Fire watcher must be standing by with suitable fire ex tinguishing equipment during and for some time after Un surveillant doit se tenir a proximitØ avec un materiel de lutte contre lincendie adØquat, pendant et quelque temps aprŁs le soudage ou le coupage si: welding or On ne murs cutting if: a. a. appreciable combustibles (including building b. construction) are within 35 feet appreciable combustibles are further than 35 can be ignited by sparks openings (concealed or visible) in b. feet but c. walls within 35 feet may floors expose or c. com sparks combustibles adjacent to walls, ceilings, roofs, or metal partitions can be ignited by bustibles to d. radiant or d. conducted heat. permit should be obtained before operation to supervisors approval that adequate precautions Hot work ensure have been taken. After work is done, check that glowing embers, and flames. area is free of sparks, An empty container that held combustibles, or that can produce flammable or toxic vapors when heated, must never be welded on or cut, unless container has first as described in AWS Standard A6.O, listed 3 in Standards index. been cleaned This includes: a solvent or thorough steam or caustic cleaning (or water washing, depending on the corna quantites apprØciables de combustibles (y compris une construction en chantier) se trouvent a moms de 35 pieds. Des quantites apprØciables de combustibles sont a plus de 35 pieds mais peuvent Œtre Des enflammØes par des Øtincelles. Des ouvertures (cachØes ou visibles) sur les planchers ou les murs a moms do 35 pieds peuvent exposer des combustibles aux Øtincelles. combustibles adjacents aux Les murs, plafonds, toits ou cloisons mØtalliques peu vent Œtre enflammØs par une chaleur rayon nante ou transmise. Avant de commencer, avisez le contremaItre pour quil sassure que les precautions adØquates soient prises. Une fois le travail terminØ, vØrifiez quiI ny alt pas dØtincelles, de cendres ardentes ou de flammes dans le local. souder ni couper sur un recipient combustibles, ou pouvant produire des vapeurs inflammables ou toxiques a Ia chauffe, a moms que le recipient nait ØtØ lavØ au prØalable, corn dØcrit dans Ia Norme AWS A6.O, figurant au me paragraphe 3 de llndex des Normes. On ne ayant dolt jamais contenu des Cela comprend: un nettoyage a fond a Ia vapeur ou au caustique (ou un lavage avec dissolvant ou eau solon Ia solubilitØ du combustible) suivi dune purge et dune in OM-1523 Page 3 solubility) followed by purging and inerting nitrogen or carbon dioxide, and using protective equipment as recommended in A6.O. Waterfilling just below working level may substitute for inerting. jection dazote ou de gaz carbonique, en utilisant un Øquipement de protection comme recommandØ dans A container with unknown contents should be cleaned (see paragraph above). Do NOT depend on sense of est inconnue bustibles with lA6-O. LatmosphŁre inerte peut ºtre remplacØe par un niveau deau arrivant au-dessous du travail a effectuer. Vous devez layer smell or sight to determine if it is safe to weld or cut. Hollow castings or containers must be welding or cutting. They can explode. vented before Explosive atmospheres. Never weld or cut where the air may contain flammable dust, gas, or liquid vapors (such as gasoline). D. recipient dont Ia nature de contenu souder ou le couper toute sØcuritØ. en Vous devez pratiquer pients creux exploser. avant de les souder ou couper: un event sur les ou rØci ils peuvent piŁces Atmospheres explosives: Ne soudez ni ne coupez jamais dans des Iieux oCi lair peut contenir des poussiŁres, gaz ou vapeurs liquides inflammables (tels que lessence). Compressed Gas Equipment Standard precautions. Comply with precautions in this manual, and those detailed in CGA Standard P-i, PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF COM PRESSED GASES IN CYLINDERS, listed 6 in Stan dards index. 1. un (voir paragraphe ci-dessus). NE vous fiez PAS a lodorat ou a Ia vue pour dire si lon peut le Pressure Regulators D. Gaz comprimØ Precautions gØnØrales: Suivez les precautions de ce manuel, et celles dØcrites a Ia Norme CGA P-i (PrØcau tions de sØcuritØ pour a manipulation de gaz comprimØs des Normes. en bouteilles), paragraphe 6 de Ilndex 1. DØtendeurs de pression La soupape de sretØ dun dØtendeur est destinØe a pro seulement le dØtendeur de Ia surpression. Elle na pas pour but de protØger les boyaux et le chalumeau: on protege ceux-ci par des soupapes de retenue concues specialement pour cette fonction. tØger Regulator relief valve is designed to protect only the regulator from overpressure; it is not intended to pro tect any downstream equipment. Provide such protec tion with one or more relief devices. Never connect a regulator to a cylinder containing gas other than that for which the regulator was designed. Remove faulty regulator from service immediately for repair (first close cylinder valve). The following symp toms indicate a faulty regulator: if gas leaks externally. if delivery pressure continues to rise Excessive Creep with downstream valve closed. Leaks - - Faulty Gauge if gauge pointer does not move off stop pin when pressurized, nor returns to stop pin after - pressure release. Repair. Do NOT attempt repair. Send faulty regulators for repair to manufacturers designated repair center, where special techniques and tools are used by trained personnel. 2. Cylinders Cylinders must be handled carefully to prevent leaks and damage to their walls, valves, or safety devices: Avoid electrical circuit contact with cylinders including third rails, electrical wires, or welding circuits. They can produce short circuit arcs that may lead to a serious ac cident. (See i-3C.) Ne montez jamais un dØtendeur sur une bouteille conte different de celui pour lequel le dØtendeur a ØtØ conu. nant un gaz Enlevez immØdiatement un dØtendeur dØfectueux pour le faire rØparer (dabord, fermez le robinet de (a bouteille). Les symptomes suivants dØnotent Ia dØfec tuositØ du dØtendeur: si le gaz fuit extØrieurement. Fuites Ascension excessive si Ia pression de debit continue a monter, le robinet du chalumeau Øtant fermØ. Si (aiguille du manomŁtre ne ManomŁtre dØfectueux sØcarte pas de Ia goupille de butØe lors do Ia mise en preSsion, ou ne revient pas sur Ia goupille aprŁs lØchap pement de Ia pression. - - - Reparation. NESSAYEZ PAS de rØparer vous-mºmes. Envoyez les dØtendeurs dØfectueux a rØparer aux ateliers do reparation agrØØs du fabricant, OCi des techni ques et des outils spØciaux sont utilisØs par un person nel formØ. 2. Bouteilles Les bouteilles doivent Œtre manipulØes avec soin pour a leurs parois, robinets ou systŁmes de sOretØ. Evitez quun circuit Ølectrique soit en contact avec les bouteilles, y compris les rails de con tact, los fils Ølectriques ou los circuits de soudage. Cela pourrait crØer des arcs courts-circuits pouvant entralner prØvenir les fuites ou degts des accidents graves (Voir 1.3C.). DOT marking must be on each cylinder. It is an assurance of safety when the cylinder is properly ICC or handled. OM-1 523 Page 4 bouteille doit porter los inscriptions ICC ou DOT. Cest un gage de sØcuritØ pourvu que Ia bouteille soit bien manipulØe. Chaque Identifying gas content. Use only cylinders with name of gas marked on them; do not rely on color to identify gas content. Notify supplier if unmarked. NEVER alter name, number, or other markings illegal and hazardous. DEFACE or cylinder. It is on a Empties: Keep valves closed, replace caps securely; mark MT; keep them separate from FULLS and return promptly. Prohibited use. Never cylinder use a or other than its intended use, NEVER roller. its contents for as a support Identification du gaz: Nutilisez que les bouteilles mdi nature du gaz; ne vous fiez pas a Ia couleur pour reconnaItre (a nature du gaz. Adressez-vous a votre fournisseur si cela nest pas indique. quant Ia NEFFACEZ modifiez ou ne numØros ou autres indications est illegal JAMAIS les noms, une bouteille. Cela sur dangereux. et Vides: Maintenez les robinets fermØs, replacez bien les chapeaux; inscrivez Vides; sØparez-les des Pleines et retournez-les rapidement. or Emploi interdit: Nutilisez une bouteille ou son contenu ce a quoi elle est destinØe, mais JAMAIS corn- que pour Locate or secure cylinders so they cannot be knocked over. Passageways and work areas. Keep cylinders clear of areas where they may be struck. Transporting cylinders. With a crane, use a secure sup port such as a platform or cradle. Do NOT lift cylinders off the ground by their valves or caps, or by chains, slings, or magnets. Do NOT expose cylinders to excessive heat, sparks, slag, and flame, etc. that may cause rupture. Do not allow contents to exceed 130F. Cool with water spray where such exposure exists. Protect cylinders particularly valves from bumps, falls, falling objects, and weather. Replace caps securely when moving cylinders. me support ou rouleau. Placez les bouteilles pour quelles ne tombent quun dØtendeur (et un boyau) est monte placez les ou attachez-Ies debout. pas. Lors sur elles, Passages et Iieux de travail. Enlevez Ies bouteilles dun endroit oCi lon pourrait les frapper. Transport des bouteilles. Avec une grue, utilisez un sup port fiable tel quune plate-forme ou un cadre. NE SOULEVEZ PAS des bouteilles du sal par leur robinet ou chapeau, ou avec des chaines, Ølingues ou aimants. NEXPOSEZ PAS les bouteilles a une chaleur excessive, au laitier et aux flammes, etc., pouvant causer leur rupture. Le contenant ne doit jamais dØpasser 55C. Refroidissez en pulverisant de Ieau si nØcessaire. aux Øtincelles, les bouteilles et particuliŁrement les soupapes chocs, les chutes, les chutes dobjets et Ia temperature. Remettez bien les chapeaux lorsque vous dØplacez les bouteilles. ProtØgez contre les Stuck valve. Do NOT cylinder valve that your supplier. a Mixing use a can not hammer be or wrench gases. Never try to mix any gases in Never refill any to open opened by hand. Notify cylinder. a cylinder. Cylinder fittings should never be modified or exchang ed. Robinet coincØ. NUTILISEZ PAS un marteau ou une clØ mØtallique pour ouvrir un robinet de bouteille que lon ne peut pas ouvrir a Ia main. Avisez votre four nisseur. MØlange dans 3. Prohibited use. Never specified use gas. A hose other than that general gases. tubing splices. Use only standard splice hose. No copper brass fit long runs to prevent kinks and abuse. Suspend hose off ground to keep it from being run over, stepped on, or otherwise damaged. Avoid Coil 3. Boyau Utilisation interdite. Nutilisez que celui Use ferrules or clamps designed for the hose (not or dinary wire or other substitute) as a binding to connect hoses to fittings. to excess des gaz designed hose identification rule is: red for fuel gas, green for oxygen, and black for inert tings Nessayez jamais de mØlanger bouteille. Ne rechargez jamais une bouteille. Les ØlØments de Ia bouteille ne doivent jamais Œtre modifies ou remplacØs. Hose for the de gaz. une hose to prevent kinks and tangles. jamais un boyau autre gaz indiquØ. La regle gØnØrale didentification est: rouge pour les gaz combustibles, et noir pour les gaz inertes. vert pour loxygene, appropriØ au Utilisez des bagues ou colliers appropriØs au boyau (et non dii fil ordinaire ou autre substitution) pour brancher les boyaux a lappareillage. Nutilisez pas des raccords en cuivre. Nutilisez que des accessoires standard en laiton pour raccorder un boyau. Utilisez noeuds petite longueur de boyau. Cela Øvitera les lusure prØmaturØe. Suspendez le boyau au dessus du sol pour Øviter quil ne soit ØcrasØ, piØtinØ ou une et endommagØ. Protect hose from sparks, slag, and Examine hose damage by sharp edges, and by open flame. regularly for leaks, wear, and loose con pressured hose in water; bubbles in Enroulez le surplus de boyau pour Øviter les noeuds et emmØlements. Evitez que le boyau ne soit endommagØ par des tranchants, Øtincelles, laitier et flamme nue. nections. Immerse dicate leaks. OM-1523 Page 5 Repair leaky or worn hose by cutting ing (1-2D3). Do NOT use tape. 4. area out and splic Proper Connections Clean cylinder valve outlet of impurities that may clog orifices and damage seats before connecting regulator. Except for hydrogen, crack vave momentarily, pointing outlet away from people and a clean lintless cloth. sources of ignition. Wipe with Match regulator to cylinder. Before connecting, check regulator label and cylinder marking agree, and that the regulator inlet and cylinder outlet match. NEVER CONNECT a regulator designed for a particular gas or gases to a cylinder containing any other gas. that the Tighten connections. When assembling threaded con CGA adapter (available from your sup and regulator, if one is required. plier) Use two wrenches to tighten adapter marked RIGHT and LEFT HAND threads. between Pressurizing Steps: Drain regulator of residual gas through suitable vent before opening cylinder (or manifold valve) by turning adjusting screw in (cockwise). Draining prevents ex cessive compression heat at high pressure seat by allowing seat to open on pressurization. Leave adjusting screw engaged slightly on single-stage regulators. Stand to side of regulator while opening cylinder valve. Open cylinder valve slowly so that regulator pressure in When gauge is pressurized (gauge creases slowly. reaches regulator maximum) leave cylinder valve in following position: For oxygen, and inert gases, open fully to seal stem against possible leak. For fuel gas, open to less than one turn to permit quick emergency shutoff. Use pressure charts (available from your supplier) for safe and efficient, recommended pressure settings on regulators. Check for leaks on first pressurization and regularly there-after. Brush with soap solution (capful of Ivory Liquid* or equivalent per gallon of water). Bubbles in dicate leak. Clean off soapy water after test; dried soap is combustible. E. User Responsibilities Remove leaky or defective equipment from service im mediately for repair. See User Responsibility statement in equipment manual. *Trademark of Proctor & Gamble OM-1 523 Page 6 4. Branchements corrects Avant de brancher le dØtendeur, nettoyez Ia sortie du robinet de Ia bouteille des impuretØs qui peuvent obstruer les orifices et endommager les sieges. Sauf pour lhydrogŁne, ouvrez momentanØment le robinet, en Øloignant flammables. Ia sortie des personnes et des sources in Essuyez avec un tissu propre et non graisseux. Appareillez le dØtendeur a Ia bouteille. Avant de bran que Ia marque du dØtendeur et Ia descrip tion de Ia bouteille concordent, et que lorifice dentrØe du dØtencieur et Iorif ice de sortie de Ia bouteille aillent ensemble. NE BRANCHEZ JAMAIS un dØtendeur concu pour un gaz special (ou des gaz spØciaux) a une bouteille contenant dautres gaz. a cylinder Regulator outlet (or hose) connections may be iden tified by right hand threads for oxygen and left hand threads (with grooved hex on nut or shank) for fuel gas. 5. Reparation. Coupez Ia partie percØe ou usØe, et rac cordez (1-2D3). NUTILISEZ JAMAIS de ruban adhØsif. cher, vØrifiez nections, clean and smooth seats where necessary. Tighten. If connection leaks, disassemble, clean, and retighten using properly fitting wrench. Adapters. Use VØrifiez rØguliŁrement les fuites, lusure et les rac cordements lØches. Plongez le boyau sous pression dans de leau; les bulles indiqueront les fuites. Serrez les branchements. Lorsque vous assemblez des branchements filetØs, nettoyez et polissez les sieges ou cest nØcessaire. Serrez. Si les branchements perdent, dØmontez-les, nettoyez et resserez avec une clef adØ quate. si besoin est, un adaptateur CGA chez votre fournisseur) entre Ia bouteille et le dØtendeur. Avec deux clefs, serrez ladaptateur filetØ A DROITE et A GAUCHE. Adaptateurs. Placez, (en vente On pout reconnaItre les branchements de sortie du dØtendeur (ou boyau) a laide du filetage a droite pour loxygene et a gauche (identifiØ par un Øcrou cannelØ) pour les gaz combustibles. 5. DØmarches de mise en pression Purgez le dØtendeur de rØsidu de gaz avant douvrir Ia bouteille (ou le robinet de canalisation) en serrant Ia vis de rØglage (dans le sens des aiguilles dune montre). Cette operation permet au siege de haute pression de souvrir a Ia mise en pression, supprimant ainsi toute surchauffe de compression. Maintenez Ia vis de reglage des dØtendeurs a simple dØtente lØgŁrement engagee. Avant douvrir le robinet de Ia bouteille, assurez-vous que les boyaux sont branches et quo les soupapes aval sont fermØes. Tenez-vous latØralement au dØtendeur en ouvrant le robinet de Ia bouteille. Ouvrez-le lentement pour que Ia pression du dØtendeur monte progressivement. Lorsque le manomŁtre est mis sous pression (indique le max imum) le robinet do Ia bouteille de gaz inerte ou dox ygene devra Œtre ouvert a fond pour assurer lØtanchØitØ et celui de Ia bouteille de gaz combustible ouvert de moms dun tour pour pouvoir le reformer rapidement en cas durgence. RØfØrez-vous aux tableaux de pression (distribuØs par fournisseur) pour un reglage recommandØ de pression sr et efficace sur les dØtendeurs. VØrifiez les fuites a Ia premiere mise en pression puis rØguliŁrement, brossez avec une solution savonneuse (un bouchon dlvory Liquid* ou semblable par gallon deau). Les bulles indiquent une fuite. Enlevez Ieau savonneuse aprŁs examen; le savon sec est inflammable. votre *Marque do Commerce do Proctor & Gamble F. Leaving Equipment Unattended Close gas supply at source E. ResponsabilitØs de lusager Otez immØdiatement les parties percØes ou dØfec ResponsabilitØs de lUsager du manuel de lappareil. and drain gas. tueuses. Voir les G. Rope Staging-Support Rope staging-support should not be used for welding cutting operation; rope may burn. 1-3. ARC WELDING Comply with 1-1, 1-2, and this section. Arc Welding, is a safe process, but a careless operator The equipment carries high currents - invites trouble. at significant Sparks fly, arc is very bright and hot. fumes rise, ultraviolet and infrared energy radiates, weldments are hot, and compressed gases may be us ed. The wise operator avoids unnecessary risks and pro tects himself and others from accidents. Precautions are described here and in standards referenced in index. Burn Protection Comply with precautions Appareil laissØ Fermez lalimentation precautions in properly done, voltages. The A. F. or in 1-2. The welding arc is intense and visibly bright. Its radia can damage eyes, penetrate lightweight clothing, reflect from light-colored surfaces, and burn the skin and eyes. Skin burns resemble acute sunburn, those from gas-shielded arcs are more severe and painful. DONT GET BURNED; COMPLY WITH PRECAU G. sans surveillance de gaz a Ia Liens et supports source et purgez. temporaires Pour vos travaux de soudage ou de coupage, nutilisez pas de Ia corde comme soutien, elle est inflammable. 1-3. SOUDAGE A LARC Conformez-vous - aux prØcautionsdes paragraphesl.1 etl.2decettesection. soudage a Iarc bien exØcutØ est sr, mais tin negligent est un danger. Le poste de soudage Le soudeur courants ØlevØs sous de fortes tensions. est trŁs vif et chaud. Les Øtincelles volent, les transporte des Larc vapeurs montent, Ienergie ultra-violette et infrarouge rayonnent, les soudures sont chaudes, et des gaz corn primes peuvent Œtre utilisØs. Le soudeur prudent Øvite les risques inutiles, se protege et protege autrui contre les accidents. Les precautions sont dØcrites ici et dans les normes donnØes dans llndex. tion TIONS. 1. Protective Clothing Wear long-sleeve clothing (particularly for gas-shielded arc) in addition to gloves, hat, and shoes (1-2A). As necessary, use additional protective clothing such as leather jacket or sleeves, flame-proof apron, and fireresistant leggings. Avoid outergarments of untreated cotton. Bare skin protection. Wear dark, substantial clothing. Button collar to protect chest and neck and button pockets 2. to prevent entry of Eye and Head Protection arc. Protection contra lea brlures Conformez-vous aux precautions du paragraphe 1.2. Larc de soudage est intense et visiblement vif. Son rayonnement petit blesser les yeux, traverser les habits lØgers, se rØflØchir sur les surfaces claires, et brCiler Ia peau et les yeux. Les brUlures de Ia peau ressemblent a un gros coup de soleil. Celles darcs sous gaz protecteur sont plus graves et plus douloureuses. NE VOUS SUIVEZ LES PRECAUTIONS. BRULEZ PAS - 1. VŒtements de protection Portez des vŒtements a manches longues (surtout pour larc en atmosphere inerte) avec gants, masque et chaussures (1.2A.). Si nØcessaire portez en plus une veste ou des manches cuir, un tablier et des guŒtres ignifugØs. De prØfØrence ne portez pas de vŒtements en coton non traitØ. en sparks. Protect eyes from exposure to electric arc without protection. A. NEVER look at an or shield containing a filter plate shade 12 or denser must be used when welding. Place over face before striking arc. Protection de Ia peau. Portez des vŒtements Øpais foncØs. Boutonnez le col pour proteger Ia poitrine et le cou, et boutonnez les poches pour prØvenir linfiltration dØtincelles. Welding helmet no. Protect filter plate with a clear cover plate. Cracked or broken helmet or shield should NOT be worn; radiation can pass through to cause burns. Cracked, broken, IMMEDIATELY. broken, pitted, or or loose filter Replace spattered. plates clear replaced plate when 2. Protection des yeux et de Ia tŒte Evitez que vos yeux soient JAMAIS tin arc electrique exposØs a larc. NE regardez sans protection. vous soudez, portez tin Øcran ou masque avec filtrant teintØ N 12 ou plus foncØ. Mettez-le sur le visage avant damorcer larc. Lorsque verre must be cover ProtØgez le verre filtrant dun couvre-verre clair. NE PORTEZ PAS un masque fendu ou brisØ; le rayonne ment petit sinfiltrer et causer des brQlures. Les verres filtrants fendus, brisØs ou lØches doivent Œtre remplacØs IMMEDIATEMENT. Remplacez tin couvre verre brisØ, piquØ ou tachØ par des projections. OM-1523 Page 7 Flash goggles the helmet to with side shields MUST be give some worn under the eyes should the face before an arc is protection to the helmet not be lowered over struck. Looking at an arc momentarily with eyes (particularly a unprotected high intensity gas-shielded arc) can retinal burn that may leave in the field of vision. cause a area 3. a permanent dark Vous devez portez des lunettes a Øcrans IatØraux sous le masque pour protØger les yeux dansle cas oCi le masque de ne serait pas abaissØ sur le visage avant Iamorcage larc. Regarder momentanØment un arc sans protection (principalement un arc en atmosphere inerte a haute in tensitØ) peut brCiler Ia rØtine et laisser un point sombre permanent dans le champ de vision. 3. Protection of Nearby Personnel Enclosed welding For area. production welding, Protection du Local de a personnel soudage fermØ. Pour a proximitØ le sudage de produc enclosed bay is best. In open areas, separate the operation with low-reflective, nonsurround combustible screens or panels. Allow for free air circula tion, particularly at floor level. baie fermee. Dans les locaux ouverts, entourez les travaux dØcrans ou panneaux peu rØflØchissants et ininflam mables. Laissez lair circuler librement, particuliŁrement au niveau du sol. Viewing the weld. Provide face shields for all persons who will be looking directly at the weld. Donnez des masques aux personnes directement Ia soudure. room or Others flash working in goggles. area. See that all persons Before starting to weld, make bay doors are closed. B. sure that are wearing screen flaps tion, ii sØparØe ou une qui regarderont Autres personnes travaillant sur les Iieux. Veillez a ce que toutes Ies personnes portent Ies lunettes de protec tion. or Avant dattaquer Ia soudure, assurez-vous rebords dØcran ou les portes soient fermØs. que les Toxic Fume Prevention B. Comply with precautions Suivez les precautions du paragraphe 1.2B. LØchappe ment du moteur de Ia gØnØratrice doit §tre ventilØ a Iair. extØrieur. Loxyde de carbone peut tuer. Fire and Explosion Prevention Comply with precautions Prevention des gaz toxiques in 1-2B. Generator engine exhaust must be vented to the outside air. Carbon monoxide can kill. C. vaut mieux utiliser une salle C. Prevention des incendies et des explosions in 1-2C. rated capacity. Do Equipments welding equipment. It may overheat overload not cables and arc cause a Suivez les precautions 1.2C. Puissance nominale de Iappareil. Ne surchargez pas le poste de soudage a larc. Cela peut surchauffer les cØbles et causer un in cendie. fire. Loose cable connections may overheat fire. or flash and Les branchements lches faire des Øtincelles et ou de cable peuvent surchauffer incendie. causer un cause a Never strike an arc on vessel. It creates a brittle rupture or lead to such a cylinder area a that or other pressure violent can cause a rupture later under rough Namorcez jamais un arc sur une bouteille ou autre rØci pression. Cela crØerait un point de rupture entraInant a plus ou moms longue ØchØance Iexplosion pient sous du reservoir. handling. D. Compressed Gas Equipment Comply with precautions in 1-2D. E. Shock Prevention Exposed hot conductors or other bare metal in the welding circuit, or in ungrounded, electrically-HOT equipment can fatally shock a person whose body DO NOT STAND, SIT, LIE, a conductor. LEAN ON, OR TOUCH a wet surface when welding, without suitable protection. becomes OM-1 523 Page 8 D. Gaz comprime Suivez les E. precautions Prevention des 1.2D. dØcharges Ølectrlques Des conducteurs charges ou metal nu incorporØs au cir cuit de soudage ou a un appareil chargØ sans mise a Ia terre peuvent donner une decharge fatale a Ia personne dont Ie corps devient conducteur. NE SOUDEZ PAS DEBOUT, ASSIS, COUCHE, PENCHE sur une surface humide ni en contact avec une telle surface sans protec tion appropriØe. against shock: To protect Keep body and clothing dry. Never work in damp area adequate insulation against electrical shock. Stay on a dry duckboard, or rubber mat when damp without be avoided. Sweat, sea water, or and an electrically HOT ness or sweat can not moisture between body reduces the body surface or grounded metal part electrical resistance, enabling dangerous and possibly lethal currents to flow through the body. - - Pour vous proteger contre les decharges Ølectriques, maintenez votre corps et vŒtements secs. Ne travaillez jamais dans un endroit humide sans isolation dØquate contre les decharges Ølectriques. Lorsque vous ne pouvez Øviter Ihumidit~ ou Ia sueur, placez-vous sur un caillebotis sec ou un tapis en caoutchouc. La sueur, leau de mer, ou lhumiditØ entre le corps et une piŁce CHARGEE, ou une piŁce de metal a Ia masse, rØduisent Ia rØsistance electrique de Ia surface du corps, permet tant lentrØe de courants dangereux, voire mortels. 1. 1. the Grounding welding equipment is grounded according to the National Electrical Code, and the work is grounded according to ANSI Z49.1 Safety In Welding And Cut ting, a voltage may exist between the electrode and any conducting object. Examples of conducting objects include, but are not limited to, buildings, electrical tools, work benches, welding power source cases, workpieces, etc. Never touch the electrode and any metal object unless the welding power source is When Mise a Ia terre de arc Lorsque lappareil de soudage a Iarc suivant Ia est in norme National Electrical mise a Ia terre suivant Ia Welding IØlectrode and installing, connect the frames of each unit such welding power source, control, work table, and water circulator to the building ground. Conductors must be adequate to carry ground currents safely. Equipment made electrically HOT by stray current may shock, possibly fatally. Do NOT GROUND to electrical conduit, or to a pipe carrying ANY gas or a flammable li When as as oil or fuel. Three-phase connection. Check phase requirements of equipment before installing. If only 3-phase power is available, connect single-phase equipment to only two wires of the 3-phase line. Do NOT connect the equip ment ground lead to the third (live) wire, or the equip a dangerous condi ment will become electrically HOT tion that can shock, possibly fatally. - Before welding, conductors are ground for continuity. Be sure touching bare metal of equipment check frames at connections. If a line cord with a ground lead is provided with switchbox, connect the the equipment for connection to a ground lead to the grounded switchbox. If a threeprong plug is added for connection to a grounded mating receptacle, the ground lead must be connected to the ground prong only. If the line cord comes with a three-prong plug, connect to a grounded mating recep tacle. Never remove the ground prong from a plug, or use a plug with a broken off ground prong. 2. Electrode Holders 3. use holders with protruding screws. mise a Ia terre et Ia masse ANSI Z49.1 ~Safety tension peut exister entre norme Cutting, une objet conducteur. Certaines de ces ob seulement), des outils Ølectriques, des Øtablis, des bªtiments, chassis de postes de soudure, des piŁces douvrage, jets sont etc. Ne par des exemple (mais pas jamais touchez IØlectrode ou des objets en mis le poste de soudure a larrŁt. metal avant davoir A Iinstallation, branchez les chassis de chaque ØlØment (source de courant, commande, Øtabli et circuit deau) a Ia terre. Les conducteurs doivent pouvoir conduire es courants telluriques en toute sØcuritØ. Lappareil chargØ par les courants vagabonds peut donner une dØcharge risquant dŒtre mortelle. t~JE BRANCHEZ PAS VOTRE PRISE DE TERRE a une conduite Ølectrique, ou a tuyau de gaz ou de liquide inflammable tel que lhuile un combustible. un ou Connexion triphasØe. Avant Iinstallation vØrifiez Ia phase nØcessaire a lappareil. Si seul le triphasØ est disponible, ne branchez lappareil monophasØ qua deux des fils de Ia ligne triphasØe. NE BRANCHEZ PAS le conducteur de terre de lappareil au troisiŁme fil (sous tension), autrement Iappareil serait chargØ: condition dangereuse pouvant donner une dØcharge fatale. Avant le soudage, vØrifiez si Ia prise de terre est uniforme. En branchant, assurez-vos que les con ducteurs touchent le metal nu du chassis de lappareil. Lorsquun appareil doit fret dalimentation, a celui-ci. Si Œtre alimentØ a partir dun cof le conducteur de terre doit Œtre reliØ fiche a troisbroches pour Ia terre qua Ia broche de terre. Si le cordon dalimentation a une fiche a trois broches, reliez-Ie a une prise femelle tripolaire reliØe a Ia terre. Nenlevez jamais Ia broche de terre dune fiche ou nutilisez jamais une fiche dont Ia broche de terre serait brisØe. vous terre, 2. Fully insulated electrode holders should be used. Do NOT est Code, et un off. quid such lappareil Equipment ne avez en plus une branchez le conducteur de Pince-Ølectrodes Utilisez des pince-Ølectrodes bien isolØes. NUTILISEZ PAS des pince-Ølectrodes avec vis saillantes. Connectors 3. Fully insulated lock-type connectors should join welding cable lengths. Connecteurs be used to Utilisez des connecteurs a verrouillage bien isolØs pour assembler de longs cØbles. OM-1523 Pege9 4. Cables 4. Frequently inspect cables for wear, cracks and damage. IMMEDIATELY REPLACE those with excessively worn or damaged insulation to avoid possibly lethal shock from bared cable. Cables with damaged areas may be taped to give resistance equivalent to original cable. - Keep cable dry, free of oil ar(d grease, and protected from hot metal and sparks. 5. Terminals And Other Exposed Parts. VØrifiez frØquemment lusure, les fissures et laltØration des cables. REMPLACEZ IMM~DIATEMENT ceux dont lisolation serait trop usØe ou altØrØe pour prØvenir les dØcharges mortelles provoquees par un cØble dØnudØ. Vous pouvez enrouler les parties endommagees de ruban adhØsif en Øpaisseur suffisante pour donner une rØsistance de cable neuf. Maintenez les cØbles secs, dØpourvus dhuile et de graisse et mettez-les a labri du metal chaud at des Øtincelles. 5. Terminals and other exposed parts of electrical units should have insulating covers secured before operation. 6. Cables Electrode TŒtes de cØbles at autres parties dØnudØes Avant Ia mise en marche, las tØtes de cables at autres parties dØnudØes dun appareil Ølectrique doivent Œtre munies de leurs couvrefils isolants. Electrode 6. a. Equipment with output on/off control (con tactor) a Appareil . ØquipØ dune commande mar che/arrOt (contacteur) Welding metal power sources for use with the gas En gØnØral, les postes do soudure utilisØs welding (GMAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and similar processes normally are equipped with devices that per mit on-off control of the welding power out put. When so equipped the electrode wire becomes electrically HOT when the power source switch is ON and the welding gun arc pour le gazeuse a larc sous protection electrode fusible (GMAW), ou avec electrode tungstene (GTAW) et des procŁs semblables sont ØquipØs dune corn mande marche/arrOt de Ia puissance de sor tie. Lorsque linterrupteur est en position MARCHE et linterrupteur du pistolet est fermØ, Ia fil dØlectrode devient chargØ. Na touchez jamais le fil electrode ou tout autre objet conducteur faisant contact avec le cir cuit dØlectrode sans couper le courant au poste de soudure. switch is closed. Never touch the electrode wire or any conducting object in contact with the electrode circuit unless the welding power source is off. b. Equipment without output on/off control b. Appareil non-ØquipØ dune commande che/arrŒt (sans contacteur) (no contactor) Welding power metal sources used with shielded Las 7. Safety Devices Before installation, inspection, or service, of equip ment, shut OFF all power and remove line fuses (or lock or red-tag switches) to prevent accidental turning ON of power. Disconnect all cables from welding power source, and pull all 115 volts line-cord plugs. Do not open power circuit or change polarity while welding. If, in an emergency, it must be disconnected, guard against shock burns, or flash from switch arcing. postes de soudage a Iarc 7. Safety devices such as interlocks and circuit breakers should not be disconnected or shunted Out. mar soudure utilisØs pour Ia enrobØe avec electrode (SMAW) et des procŁs semblabes peuvent Œtre non-ØquipØs dune commando rnar~ che/arrOt tie Ia puissance de sortie. Lorsque linterrupteur est en position MARCHE devient chargØ. lØlectrode Ne touchez jamais IØlectrode sans couper le courant au poste de soudure. welding (SMAW) and similar pro cesses may not be equipped with welding power output on-off control devices. With such equipment the electrode is electrically HOT when the power switch is turned ON. Never touch the electrode unless the welding power source is off. arc soudage avec Dispositif de sØcuritØ La dispositif de sØcuritØ-verrouillage at coupe-circuit doit pas Łtre dØbranchØ ou dØshuntØ. ne Avant linstallation, linspection ou Ia reparation do lap pareil, mettez lalimentation sur ARRET et enlevez les fusibles gØnØraux (ou verrouillez les interrupteurs) pour Øviter une remise en MARCHE accidontelle. DØbran chez tous los cØbles de Ia source do courant ainsi quo los prises des cordons dalimentation en 115 volts. Lors du et ne soudage, nouvrez pas le circuit dalimentation changez pas Ia polaritØ. SiI est dØbranchØ au Leaving equipment unattended. Always shut OFF and disconnect all power to equipment. cours dune Power disconnect switch must be available Appareil laissØ sans surveillance. Mettez ARR ET et dØbranchez lappareil. welding power OM-1523 Page 10 source. near the decharge urgence, faites attention ou aux aux brGlures do jaillissements dØtincelles. toujours sur F. Protection For Wearers Of Electronic Life Linterrupteur Support Devices (Pacemakers) imitØ de Ia Magnetic fields from high currents can affect pacemaker operation. Persons wearing electronic life support equipment (pacemaker) should consult with their doctor before going near arc welding, gouging, or spot welding operations. For more in. 1-4. STANDARDS BOOKLET INDEX formation, refer to the following standards or their latest - revisions and comply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. as applicable: ANSI Standard Z49.1, SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 Le Jeune Ad, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135.~ HEALTH IN ARC WELDING AND GAS WELDING AND CUTTING obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. NIOSH, SAFETY se trouver a prox. Protection pour toute personne portant des appareils Ølectroniques de sauvetage (ap pareil pour le reglement de battement de coeur) Inducteurs do courant OlevØ peuvent nuire le fonction foment dun appareil pour le reglement do battement de coeur. Toute personne portant un appareil Ølec tronique de sauvetage (appareil pour le reglement do battement do coeur), devrait consulter un docteur avant dapprocher toute operation de soudage a Iarc, a Ia gouge ou a point. 1-4. INDEX do Pour plus do IACNOR amØricaines suivantes: DES NORMES renseignements, rØfØrez-vous ou aux normes - aux normes AND OSHA, SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, 29CFR 1910, obtainable from the U.S. Govern ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. ANSI Standard Z87.1, SAFE PRACTICES FOR OCCUPATION AND EDUCATIONAL EYE AND FACE PROTECTION obtainable from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. ANSI Standard Z41 .1, STANDARD FOR MENS SAFETY -TOE FOOTWEAR obtainable from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 ANSI Standard Z49.2, FIRE PREVENTION IN THE USE OF CUTTING AND WELDING PRO CESSES obtainable from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. AWS Standard A6.O, WELDING AND CUT TING CONTAINERS WHICH HAVE HELD COM BUSTIBLES obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 Le Jeune Rd., P.O. Box 351040, FL 33135. FUEL GAS Standard 51, OXYGEN SYSTEMS FOR WELDING AND CUTTING ob tainable from the National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210. NFPA F. darrŒt doit toujours de courant. source 1. ANSI Standard Z49.1, SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING distribuØ par IAmerican Welding Society, 550 Le Jeune Rd., P.O. Box 351040 Miami, FL 33135 2. NIOSH, SAFETY AND HEALTH IN ARC WELDING AND GAS WELDING AND CUTTING distribuØ par le Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 3. OSHA, SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, 29CFR 1910, distribuØ par U.S. Department of Labor, Washington D.C. 20210 4. ANSI Standard Z87.1, SAFE PRACTICES FOR OCCUPATION AND EDUCATIONAL EYE AND FACE PROTECTION distribuØ par IAmerican National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 5. ANSI Standard Z41.1, STANDARD FOR MENS TOE FOOTWEAR distribuØ par Iad SAFETY dresse donnee en 4. - 6. ANSI Standard Z49.2, FIRE PREVENTION IN THE USE OF CUTTING AND WELDING PRO CESSES distribuØ par Iaddresse donnee en 4. 7. AWS Standard A6.O, WELDING AND CUT TING CONTAINERS WHICH HAVE COM BUSTIBLES distribuØ par Iaddresse donnee en 8. FUEL GAS NFPA Standard 51, OXYGEN SYSTEMS FOR WELDING AND CUTTING distribuØ par Ia National Fire Protection Associa tion, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210 9. NFPA Standard 70-1978, NATIONAL ELEC TRICAL CODE distribuØ par Iaddresse donnØe en 8 10. NFPA Standard 51B, CUTTING AND WELDING PROCESSES distribuØ par Iaddresse donnØe en - NFPA Standard 70.1978, NATIONAL ELEC TRICAL CODE obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210. NFPA Standard 51 B, CUTTING AND WELDING PROCESSES obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210. - 8 OM-1523 Page 11 11. CGA Pamphlet P-i, SAFE HANDLING OF COM PRESSED GASES IN CYLINDERS obtainable from the Compressed Gas Association, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10036. 12. 13. 11. CGA Pamphlet P-i, SAFE HANDLING OF COM PRESSED GASES IN CYLINDERS distribuØ par Ia Compressed Gas Association, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10036. CSA Standard W117.2, CODE FOR SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING obtainable from the Canadian Standards Association, Standards Sales, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W 1 R3. 12. CSA Standard W117.2, CODE FOR SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING distribuØ par Ia Cana dian Standards Association, Standards Sales, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3. NWSA 13. NWSA WELDING booklet, SAFETY BIBLIOGRAPHY distribuØ par Ia National Welding Supply Association, 1900 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103. 14. American Welding Societe Standard AWSF4.1 Recommended Safe Practices for the Prepara tion for Welding and Cutting of Containers and Piping That Have Held Hazardous Substances, distribuØ par IAmerican Welding Societe, 550 Le Jeune Rd., P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135 15. ANSI Standard Z88.2 Practice For Respiratory Protection distribuØ par lAmerican National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. WELDING booklet, SAFETY BIBLIOGRAPHY obtainable from the National Welding Supply Association, Philadelphia, PA 19103. 14. American 1900 Arch Street, Welding Society Standard AWSF4.1 Recommended Safe Practices for the Prepara tion for Welding and Cutting of Containers and Piping That Have Held Hazardous Substances, obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 Le Jeune Rd., P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135. 15. ANSI Standard Z88.2 Practice for Respiratory Protection obtainable from the American Na tional Standards York, NY 10018. OM-1523 Page 12 Institute, 1430 Broadway, New SECTION 2 INTRODUCTION - Model Horizontal To 60 Maximum Height (W/4 Ft. Post) At Full Lift Of Boom 17 ft. (5.2 m) (Patented) 50, . Weight Figure 21 ft. (6.4 m) 2 or 60. Net 210 lbs. 330 lbs. Net 275 lbs. (95 kg) (150 kg) (125 kg) - 1. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION AND SAFETY Ship Ship 415 lbs. (188 kg) Specifications A third signal word, IMPORTANT highlights instruc ______________, tions which need special emphasis to obtain the most efficient operation of this equipment. General Information presented in this manual and labels, tags, and plates on the unit on pertains to various equip ment design, installation, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting which should be read, understood, and followed for safe and effective use of this equipment. B. Above Compression Spring Is Designed To Balance Boom At Any Angle. Pressure Adjustment Is Provided To Hold The Boom At Any Desired Angle Or To Limit The Vertical Lift At 40, Counterbalance A. 16 ft. (4.9 m) 3600 Vertical Lift - I 12 ft. (3.7 m) Length Swing 2 Dual 16 50-780 l.P.M. (1 .27-19.8 m) Speed Range Boom I Dual 12 2 2. RECEIVING HANDLING Prior to installing this equipment, clean all packing material from around the unit and carefully inspect for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. Any claims for loss or damage that may have occurred in transit must be filed - - - by the purchaser with the carrier. A copy of the bill lading will be furnished by the manufacturer on re of Safety quest if occasion to file claim arises. operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of arc welding equipment requires practices and procedures which ensure personal safety and the safety of others. Therefore, this equipment is to be installed, operated, and maintained only by qualified The installation, persons in accordance with this manual and all ap codes such as, but not limited to, those listed at the end of Section 1 Safety Rules For Operation Of plicable - Arc Welding Power Source. Safety instructions specifically pertaining to this unit ap pear throughout this manual highlighted by the signal words WARNING and CAUTION which identify When requesting information concerning this equip ment, it is essential that Model Description and/or Stock Number and Serial (or Style) Numbers of the equipment be supplied. 2 - 3. digital DESCRIPTION - This unit is a boom mounted wire feeder. The wire feeder is of the constant wire feed speed type which feeds wire alternately from two welding guns. It is designed to be used in conjunc tion with 1 or 2 constant potential welding power sources. ___________ different levels of hazard. a patented design allowing both vertical lift swing. Cables are routed through the boom from the feeder control to the wire drive assembly. The boom is WARNING statements include installation, operating, procedures or practices which if not carefully followed could result in serious personal injury and maintenance or loss of life. CAUTION statements include installation, operating, and maintenance procedures or practices which if not carefully followed could result in minor personal injury ____________ or damage to this and The wire feeder is a heavy duty wire feeding unit which maintains constant wire feed speed regardless of line or load variations. It contains all the controls and equip ment needed to supply welding wire and shielding gas to the welding guns. equipment. OM-1 523 Page 13 SECTION 3 3 - 1. LOCATION AND ASSEMBLY A. INSTALLATION - WARNING FALLING BOOM can cause serious personal injury and equipment damage. (Figure 3-1) Location Securely mount unit to a structure that can sup port the weight of the unit when the boom is in A suitable location for this unit will allow room for the boom to swing horizontally in the desired arc, and to the horizontal pivot upward to the desired angle. Proper placement will also provide sufficient cleance from obstruction at the wire support end of the unit when the boom swings. The structure to which the unit is being installed should be of sufficient construction to support the weight of the unit when the boom is in the horizontal position. B. 1. Assembly 2. Post a . Support (Optional) Uncrate and WARNING FALLING BOOM can cause serious remove all packing material from the unit. b . Mount post support to the desired structure. WARNING Existing Support (Customer Supplied) position. FALLING BOOM can cause serious personal injury and equipment damage. Securely mount unit to a structure that can sup port the weight of the unit when the boom is in the horizontal position. ___________ personal injury and equipment damage. Use 2-1/2 in. (63.5 mm) diameter, Schedule 40 pipe (wall thickness of 0.203 in. or 5.2 mm) as support pipe for 12 foot (3.7 m) booms. Use 5 in. (127 mm) diameter, Schedule 40 pipe (wall thickness of 0.258 in. or 6.6 mm) pipe for 16 foot (4.9 m) booms. a . Uncrate and from the unit. remove all as support c . Remove from the WARNING yoke pin, nut, washers yoke and swivel plates. OF RELEASE SPRING and bolt PRESSURE WITHOUT BOOM A11ACHED can cause serious personal injury and equipment damage. Perform installation exactly as outlined in step-b y packing material step instructions be/ow. Do not remove safety collar until instructed to do so. b. Mount post support to the desired structure. S Retain safety collar for future disassembly use. Yoke Pin Hole In Yoke Yoke Cotter Pin Screw Lock Washer Wire Support Plates Support 18-081 753 Figure 3 OM-1623 Page 14 - 1. Base And Boom Assembly d . a. Place bearing on top of post and insert swivel into post. Place the boom base plate in between the two swivel plates. Slide washer onto bolt and insert through hole. Slide washer onto bolt and install nut onto bolt. Tighten nut; then back off nut 1/2 f. a h . pin through yoke, hole, and install pin through pin. Insert ter the Connect assembly as welding guns instructed in Manual for the desired to b welding cot drive Owners guns. Grasp bar and pull boom down slightly. The boom should be pulled down only far enough to remove the pressure which is ap plied to the safety collar. i. Remove the safety future adjustments. j. collar and retain for Swingpak remote all packing material base. can serious cause personal injury and equipment damage. Mount welding power source on Swingpak base before mounting Swingarc. . c . Uncrate and remote all from the Swingarc Unit. packing material Complete Steps c-k in Subsection 2. Post Support. CAUTION the the and WARNING: FALLING BOOM turn. g. Uncrate from the . EXCESSIVE FRICTION can damage equipment. Periodically lubricate swivel to prevent wear. Excessive lubrication is not required or recommended. 3 2. - with DRIVE MOTOR - The drive motor is provided which must be removed prior to the operation of the wire feeder. The vent screw can be removed through the hole provided in the motor shroud (see Figure 3-6). a vent screw CAUTION PRESSURE IN WIRE DRIVE MOTOR GEAR BOX will damage motor. _________ k. The boom should now balance in any posi tion from horizontal to 60 degrees above horizontal. If the boom does not balance properly, proceed to Section 3-12. CAUTION EXCESSIVE FRICTION can damage equipment. Periodically lubricate swivel to prevent wear. Excessive lubrication is not required or recommended. Remove vent Warranty is void if to operation. 3 - screw prior the vent to operation. screw is not removed 3. INSTALLATION OF WIRE SUPPORT. prior (Figure 3-li 1. Remove the securing screws and lock washers from the swivel base. 3. Base Support (Optional) chased with the to the floor. FALLING BOOM can cause personal injury and equipment damage. For mounting base support use, as a minimum, 1/2 in. (12.7mm) diameter, S.A. E. grade 5 bolts. equivalent strength, non-corrosive bolts if unit is mounted in an extremely damp environUse b. C. Insert securing tighten. Uncrate and from the unit. remove all packing part Complete Steps c-k in Subsection 2. Post equipment. Periodically Base follows: b. Fiber Washer Brake Washer c. Hub d Brake Washer Fiber Washer . . e. g h damage lubricate swivel to prevent wear. Excessive lubrication is not required or recommended. Swingpak as Slide the following items onto the spindle sup port shaft in order given: f. can - material Support. 4. or assembly(s) a FRICTION with lock washers and OF HUB ASSEMBLY If it should become necessary to replace all of the hub assembly(s), reinstall the new hub (Figure 3-2) Fasten base support to the floor. CAUTION: EXCESSIVE screws the holes in the 3 -4. REINSTALLATION 1. ment. . 3. over serious ___________ a Lift the wire support in place swivel base. an fastening the base support WARNING 2. optional base support was pur unit, mounting holes are provided for IMPORTANT If 2. Keyed Washer . . Spring Flat Washer Rotate hex nut onto support shaft. Hex nut should be rotated only until a slight drag is felt while turning hub. (Optional) OM-1 523 Page 15 3 -6. INSTALLATION OF SPOOL-TYPE WIRE (Figure 3-2) ring. 1. Remove the retaining 2. Slide the spool of wire onto the hub so that the wire will feed off the top of the spool. The spool turns in a clockwise direction. 3. Rotate the spool until the hole in the spool aligns with the pin in the hub. Slide the spool onto the hub until it seats against the back flange of the Washer hub. Replace the retaining ring. 4. 3 - REEL-TYPE OF INSTALLATION 7. WIRE (Figure 3-3) Lay the wire 1. Retaining or reel (see Figure 3-3) flat 18-081 754 Figure 3 2. Wire Loosen the four wing nuts wire reel. 3. Pull the four fingers out until they toward the center of the reel. INSTALLATION OF WIRE REEL The following procedures for the installation of the wire reels are applicable to the left and/or right sides. (Optlonal)(Flgure 3-3) on the wire onto the reel can be rotated the four bot in a turns over fingers. Ensure that the wire feeds off the 5. - Install 4. table fingers of the the 2. Support And Hub Assembly Depress the two spring loaded stops on the re taining ring and slide the retaining ring into pro per position on the hub. Release the two stops. 3. 3 - on a floor. of the reel. The counterclockwise direction. tom - 5. reel Rotate the four fingers back to their proper posi tion. Tighten the four wing nuts. 1. Remove the 2. Slide the wire reel onto the hub. Rotate the wire reel until the hub guide pin Is seated in the reel. 3 -8. DRIVE ROLL AND WIRE GUIDE INSTALLA TION (FIgures 3-4 & 3-5) Upon intitlal installation, or as a result of changes in wire size and type, it is necessary to install the required drive rolls and wire 3. Replace the retaining ring. guides. retaining ring. - IMPORTANT: Base selection of drive rolls upon the following Wire Reel recommended usages: V-Groove rolls for hard wire. 2. U-Groove rolls for soft and soft shelled cored wires. 3. U-Cog rolls for extremely soft shelled wires (usually hard surfacing types). 4. Split V-Knurled rolls for hard shelled cored wires (se/f-shielding and C02 shielded types). 5. Drive roll types may be mixed to suit particular re quirements (example: V-knurled roll in combination with U-groove). 1. I Nuts Hub Guide Pin Hub Having selected the appropriate drive rolls and wire guides proceed to the following Installation instructions. A. DrIve Roll InstallatIon (FIgures 3-4 b 3-5) 1. Loosen pressure adjustment knob and pivot it free of cover. 2. Pivot gear 3. Loosen and each gear. cover (Figure 3-4) away to expose pressure gear. 18-081 758 Figure 3 OM-1 623 Page 16 - 3. Reel Installation remove the three securing screws on Anti-Wear Guide Liner Inlet Wire Guide Gun/Feeder Connector Securing Split Drive Knob Rolls Gear Securing Bolt One Drive Roll Figure 3 4. - 4. TB.081 810.8 Drive Rolls Installation For one piece drive rolls: Slide a drive roll onto the drive gear and pressure gear with holes align ed and secure with screws. For split drive rolls: Align holes on each side of split drive rolls, insert a securing screw and slide drive roll onto the drive gear and pressure gear with screw in line with one of the threaded holes. a Insert remaining screws and tighten. IMPORTANT One-Piece drive rolls are of the double usage type. When the grooves become worn, reverse each drive roll, locating the unused groove in position to feed the wire. Split drive rolls are of the double usage type. When the knurled groove of the drive rolls becomes worn, the split halves may be reversed so that the unused edges will now provide a new knurled groove. IMPORTANT To ensure proper gripping action of U-Cog drive rolls, both rolls should be installed showing slots on the side or both should show the side without slots. Also, it is necessaty to line up the blunted teeth TAO81 756.A Figure 3 - 5. U-Cog Drive Rolls Installation ______________ on the pressure gear roll directly over the spaces bet the teeth on the drive gear roll (see Figure 3-5). I W~I Zs1:~ fi~1 ~ Wire guides should be installed so guide is as close to the drive roll as possible without touching. that the tip of the ween c B. inlet Wire Guide 1. For .030-5/64 in. (.8-2.0 mm) wire. a . . (Figure 3-4) Insert liner into inlet wire guide 2. and secure Loosen the inlet wire guide assembly. For 3/32-1/8 in. (2.4-3.2 mm) wire. a . Remove anti-wear guide(s) from inlet wire guide. with setscrew. b. Insert guide assembly into drive Secure by tightening screw. securing screw. b. Loosen the inlet wire guide securing screw. OM.1523 Page 17 IMPORTANT Wire guides should be installed tiP of the guide is as close to the drive roll possible without touching. so Lockout/tagging procedures consist of line padlocking _____________ that the Insert the inlet wire guide into drive assembly as illustrated in Figure 3-4. Secure by tightening screw. c. d as Install . guide anti-wear guide(s) onto and secure with setscrew. disconnect switch in open position, removing fuses from fuse box, or shutting off and red-tagging circuit breaker or other disconnecting device. Work IMPORTANT Drive roll alignment has been factor, set, but if readjustment is necessary rotate the drive gear securing bolt thereby moving the drive roll in or out of the desired position. The drive roll on the pressure gear will locate itseff on the wire when the gear cover is replaced and the gears mesh together. CAUTION OVERHEATING damage can performed by qualified 2. Remove control box wrapper. 3. Locate terminal 4. per strip 1 T inside control box. Right Side Only: To supply water on the right Right Gun trigger is depressed, side when the lead No. 6 from terminal A to terminal C. move on terminal strip iT Left Side Only: To supply water on the left side when the Left Gun Trigger is depressed, move lead No. 6 from terminal A on terminal strip 11 to (Optional) CONNEC terminal E. of Gas Either side: To supply water on either side when the appropriate gun trigger is depressed, move Metal-Arc _________ Welding gun S If using internal parts to be inlet wire ______________ 3 -9. WATER CONTROL KIT TIONS on sons. gun. lead No. 6 from terminal A terminal K. a water cooled gun and recirculating coolant system, do not make connections from the coolant pump to water valve; instead, make 5. connections directly from the coolant system to on terminal strip 1 Ito Replace wrapper. gun hoses. 3 A. - 10. WELDING GUN CONNECTIONS Installation Of Water Hoses Water coolant is supplied either one gun or both guns utilizing one water solenoid and the same input, output, and return hoses. The solenoid is energized when the POWER switch is placed in the ON position. Connect to hose from the water supply to the Water in the rear of the control. This fitting has a put fitting left-hand thread. The water supply hose routed through the boom connects to the Water fitting at the front of the control. a A. Outlet Wire Guides The outlet guide is IMPORTANT: each gun 1. (Figure 3-4) provided as part of assembly. Loosen the gun/feeder connector securing knob(s). at IMPORTANT Wire guides should be installed so _____________ that the tip of the guide is as close to the drive roll as possible without touching. When water is adapter to the required for appropriate one gun only, connect the weld terminal on the drive assembly and connect the water return hose to this adapter. If water is required for both guns, connect the 2. return hose Y assembly to an adapter at each weld terminal. The water return hose is routed through the boom. Connect this hose to an appropriate disposal. 3. B. the appropriate 1. Shut gun unit down and disconnect from line voltage. _________ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Do not touch live electrical parts. Disconnect input power to the wire feeder or employ lockout/tagging procedures on the welding power source before internally inspecting servicing. OM-1 623 Page 18 from the gun/feeder connector securing B. Weld Cables (Figure 3-6) provided in the drive assembly for con corresponding gun weld cables (see Figure 3-6). Connect the Left Gun weld cable (if so equipped) to the boom weld cable on the left side of the drive assembly and the RIght Gun Two holes are boom weld cables and the weld cable (if so equipped) to the boom weld cable the right side of the drive assembly. WARNING or the Tighten necting the trigger is depressed. gun/feeder connector(s) knob(s). Electrical Reconnection Of Water Solenoid The control is shipped connected to supply water when the POWER switch is in the ON position. The water solenoid circuitry can be modified to supply water when Insert the gun(s) which includes the installed outlet guide(s), into the drive assembly opposite the respective inlet wire guide(s) as illustrated in Figure 3-4. C. The on Shielding Gas shielding nected to the gas hose from each gun is to be appropriate con has hose which extends out H of the motor end of the boom. Connect the gas hose from the Left Gun to the hose labeled LEFT GAS and the gas hose from the Right Gun to the other gas hose. Reducing bushings are provided to accept 5/8-18 L.H. fittings. If the reducing bushings are removed, 7/8-14 L.H. fittings be accomodated. can 3-11. SHIELDING GAS CONNECTIONS-A divided-hose assembly is supplied with the unit for mak ing connections to the Shielding Gas input fittings at the rear of the control from one shielding gas source. These fittings have a right-hand thread. IMPORTANT If a different shielding gas is required ______________ for each welding gun, a separate hose nected from each shielding gas source propriate input fitting at the control. Vent Screw Access Hole be can con the ap to The gas hoses, routed through the boom, connect to the appropriate Shielding Gas output fittings at the front on the control. 3-12. BOOM ADJUSTMENTS A. (Figure 3-7) Weight Lift Adjustment TA-081 811 ITiI~a~lk~(e~ Figure 3 - 6. Gun Weld Cable Connections FALLING BOOM can serious cause personal injury and equipment damage. Maintain full threads on adjustment rod through the yoke. IMPORTANT Integral gas input fittings are provided assembly for guns utilizing this type of con nection (see Figure 3-6). If the gas hoses which extend out of the motor end of the boom are provided with fit tings, cut the fittings off and push the hoses onto the appropriate barbed fittings on the drive assembly. See the appropriate welding gun Owners Manual for in structions on making this connection. ______________ on tile drive D. Gun Yoke Jam Nut Trigger Two four-contact receptacles extend out of the motor end of the boom for connecting the gun trigger plugs to the control. Connect the Left Gun to the gun trigger receptacle labeled LEFT TRIGGER, and the Right Gun TA-081 757 the other gun trigger receptacle by inserting the plugs fully into the receptacles and rotating collars clockwise. to ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Do not touch either electrode wire when either gun trigger is closed. WARNING _________ Do not touch live electrical parts. wire and all metal parts in contact with it carry weld current when the welding power source contactor is energized. When one welding power source is utiliz Welding ed, both electrode wire will be electrically energized when either gun trigger is depressed. E. Water (If Applicable) If water coolant is required for one gun only, connect the gun water input hose to the water output hose at the motor end of the boom. (If water is required for both guns, the water output hose from the control divides at the motor end of the boom to accept connections from both gun water input hoses). Connect the water return hose from the gun to the adapter at the appropriate weld terminal on the drive assembly. Figure 3 - 7. Boom Adjustments The amount of weight which the boom can retract into the upright position when released can be varied by ad justing the jam nut and adjustment rod located at the base of the boom. If heavier guns are installed on the end of the boom thereby making it necessary to in crease the amount of weight that the boom can lift, loosen the jam nut and rotate the adjustment rod so that adjustment rod threads into the yoke. When the proper adjustment is obtained, tighten the jam nut against the base of the yoke. If lighter guns are used with the Sw ingarc, rotate the adjustment rod so that the adjustment rod threads out of the yoke. B. Locking Knob By rotating the Locking knob, located on the side of the swivel plate, in a clockwise direction, the boom may be held in any desired position. Rotating the Locking Knob in a counterclockwise direction will permit the boom to free travel. Changing the position of the Locking Knob OM-1523 Page 19 to the other threaded holes provided along the side of the swivel plate, limits the lift of the boom to 50 degrees or 40 degrees respectively during free travel. 3-13. MOTOR CONTROL CONNECTION (Figure A receptacle is provided for connecting the motor control plug to the control. Align keyways and in sert the plug from the control end of the boom into the 3-8) - receptacle and 3-14. GUN rotate collar clockwise. CONNECTIONS TRIGGER (FIgure receptacles, labeled TRIGGER, are pro~iided on the front panel of the control for making gun trigger control connections. The gun trigger control cables ex 4-1) - Align keyways and insert the 115 volts/contactor con trol plug into the Left 115 Volts/Contactor Control receptacle and rotate collar clockwise. Insert the 115 volts power plug into the 115 volts ac receptacle on the welding power source and rotate clockwise. Insert con tactor control plug into the welding power source con tactor control receptacle and rotate clockwise. Store the remaining contactor control cable. WARNING kill. Do not touch live electrical parts. and all metal parts in contact with it carry weld current when the welding power source contactor Welding wire trigger control receptacle on the Left control and the other gun trigger control plug into the receptacle on the Right control and rotate collars clockwise. is gun Two weld CABLE CONNECTION cables extend out of the control end of the boom for making secondary connections to the welding power sources. The end of each weld cable is equipped with a terminal for a 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) stud. Connect weld cables to the desired POSITIVE output terminal on the can Do not touch either electrode wire when either gun switch is closed. tend out of the control end of the boom. Insert the gun trigger control plug, labeled LEFT TRIGGER, into the 3-15. WELD ELECTRIC SHOCK _________ Two energized. When one welding power source is utiliz ed, both electrode wires will be electrically energized when either gun trigger is depressed. B. Using Two Welding Power Sources applicable welding - power source. Through minor modification, the contactor control cir cuitry of the wire feeder can be adapted to operate two welding power sources, that is, the left gun trigger governing contactor control to one welding power source and the right gun trigger governing contactor control to the other. Two contactor control cables are with the unit for making connections to the contactor control circuitries in the welding power supplied Left 115 Volts/ Contactor Control DVC Switching Relay Receptacle sources. ~ ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Do not touch live electrical parts. Disconnect input power to the wire feeder or employ lockout/tagging procedures on the we/ding power source before internally inspecting or servicing. Lockout/tagging procedures consist of padlocking line disconnect switch in open position, removing fuses from fuse box, or shutting off and red-tagging circuit breaker or other disconnecting device. Work on internal parts to be performed by qualified per sons. Gas Input Fitting Right Contactor Receptacle Control 1. Remove the wrapper from the control box. 2. Locate terminal 3. Disconnect lead No. 39 from terminal K on ter minal strip iT and reconnect it to terminal E. 4. Replace 5. Align keyways and insert the contactor control plug into the Right Contactor Control receptacle strip iT inside control box. TA-046 105 Figure 3-8. Rear Panel ConnectIons I kd~Z welding power source is used, cables from the wire feeder to the . V ~ If one connect the weld we/ding power source terminal as High or Low POSITIVE output desired. wrapper. and rotate the threaded collar clockwise. Insert contactor plug into the right welding power source contactor control receptacle and rotate 3-16. 115 VOLTS/CONTACTOR CONTROL CON NECTIONS (Figure 3-8) clockwise. A. Using One Welding Power Source 6. The contactor control circuitry in this wire feeder is con nected to operate both guns from one welding power Align keyways and insert the 115 volts/contac tor control plug into the Left 115 Volts/Contac tor Control receptacle and rotate collar c!ockwise. Insert the 115 volts power source. plug into OM-1523 Page 20 I ~ ~ -~---- --.~---..~ the 115 volts ac receptacle on the welding power source and rotate clockwise. Insert contactor control plug into the welding power source con tactor control receptacle and rotate clockwise. wires (0.030-5/64 in. or 0.8-2.0 mm), have pulley shaft in upper holes. For larger diameter wires (3/32-1/8 in. or 2.4 to 3.2 mm), have pulley shaft in lower holes. If a pulley adjustment is necessary because of change, proceed as follows: 3-17. ADJUSTMENT OF HUB TENSION (Figure Check the hub tension by slowly pulling the wire 3-2) toward the feed roll. The wire should unwind freely, but the hub tension should be sufficient to keep the wire 3-18. PULLEY ADJUSTMENT (Figure 3-1) WARNING . ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. Do not touch five electrical parts. Shut down the welding power source and wire feeder and be sure that they cannot be accidental ly energized before adjusting pulley(s). The boom pulleys can be adjusted up or down to pro vide the minimum bend in the wire. For small diameter SECTION 4 - wire size. Retract wire and 2. Loosen nuts 3. Move shaft to desired hole: Upper hole for fine diameter wires, lower hole for larger diameter wires. 4. Tighten 5. Thread taut dingly. wire size 1. - and prevent backlash when the wire feeding ceases. If adjustment is required, loosen or tighten the hex nut on the end of the spindle support shaft accor change a to new securing pulley shaft nuts to secure welding wire to boom. pulley shaft. according to Section 5-1. 3-19. REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTIONS (Figure Left and Right Remote Control receptacles are 4-1) provided for connecting remote or optional equipment to the wire feeder. Align keyways and insert the plug from the remote or optional equipment into the ap propriate remote control receptacle and rotate collar - clockwise. OPERATOR CONTROLS Right Jog Switch Right Wire Speed Control Right Pilot Light Circuit Breaker Power Switch Right Remote Control Switch Right Control Gas Remote Receptacle Fitting TA-046 104 Figure 4 - 1. Control Components OM-1 523 Page 21 4 1. POWER SWITCH (FIgure 4-1) Placing the POWER switch on the control in the ON position will - - apply 115 volts ac to the unit and thereby place It in an operational condition, ready to feed wire and permit shielding gas to flow from either gun. Placing the POWER switch in the OFF position will shut the the Left wire at the Left WIRE SPEED control setting and the Right JOG switch permits jogging of the right wire at the Right WIRE SPEED control setting without energizing the welding circuits or the corresponding shielding 4 wire/feeder down. - 2. WIRE SPEED CONTROLS (Figure 4-1) The provide the means of which welding wire is fed into - ten turn WIRE SPEED controls determining the rate at the weld. Rotating the Left WIRE SPEED controlin a clockwise direction will increase the rate at which wire is fed from the Left Gun. Rotating the Right WIRE SPEED control In a clockwise direction will increase the rate at which wire is fed from the Right Gun. 4 -3. REMOTE CONTROL RECEPTACLES AND SWITCHES (Figure 4-1) The Remote Control recep tacle and switches are provided for use in conjunction with certain optional controls. When an optional control is connected across a Remote Control receptacle, the corresponding switch must be in the REMOTE position. If no optional controls are utilized, the Remote Control switches must be in the STANDARD position. - 6. INCHES PER MINUTE METER (Figure This meter displays the wire speed in inches per minute. When the control is turned on, the meter displays the wire speed set by the Right WIRE SPEED control. If it is necessary to set the Left WIRE SPEED, actuate the Left JOG switch momentarily. The meter will then display the setting of the Left WIRE SPEED - 4-1) 4 gas valves. - control. speed During welding the meter displays actual wire by the WIRE SPEED control for the gun in as set use. 4 7. RESET CIRCUIT BREAKER (Figure The circuit breaker provides protection to the feeder motor. In the event the motor should be placed in an overload condition, the breaker would trip and suspend all output. Should this breaker trip, the RESET button would have to be manually depressed in order to reset the circuit breaker. - 4-1) - 4 7. BURNBACK CONTROLS (Optional) The burnback circuitries in this control provide a means of keeping the welding wires from sticking to the workpiece after the corresponding gun switches are released. The Left BURN BACK control keeps weld cur rent present on the left welding wire and the Right BURNBACK control keeps weld current present on the right welding wire from 0 to 15 cycles after the cor responding wire has stopped feeding. This delay action permits the welding wires to burn back to a point where they neither stick to the workpiece nor the contact tubes. If welding wire sticks to the contact tube, rotate the BURN BACK control corresponding counterclockwise. If welding wire sticks to the workpiece, rotate the corresponding BURNBACK con trol clockwise. - 4 4. PURGE BUTTONS (Figure 4-1) The PURGE buttons are momentary contact switches. The Left PURGE button will energize the Left Gas Solenoid and purge the shielding gas line of the Left Gun. The Right PURGE button will energize the Right Gas Solenoid and purge the shielding gas line of the Right Gun. The PURGE buttons also allow the shielding gas regulator(s) to be adjusted without energizing the welding circuit. - - 5. JOG SWITCHES (FIgure 4-1) The JOG swit ches are spring-loaded toggle switches. When ac tivated, either switch completes the circuit to the motor 4 - - without having to depress the corresponding gun trig ger switch. The Left JOG switch permits jogging of the SECTION 5 6 - - - SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 1. 1. WELDING WIRE THREADING WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill; MOVING PARTS can cause Injury. Do not touch live electrical parts. Keep clear of pinch points. Install the wire (reel-type structed in Section 3-8 side. or or spool-type) 3-7 on as in the desired _________ Do not energize welding power feeder until instructed to do so. The are welding wire and all metal parts energized while welding. source or 2. wire Cut off any portion of the free end of the wire which is not straight. Ensure that the cut end is free from rough surfaces to permit proper feeding. in contact with it 3. Route the wire through the wire guide tube on the side of the boom, over the wire pulley, and to the drive CAUTION WELDING WIRE can cause puncture 4. __________ wounds; HOT SURFACES Do not activate gun can burn skin. trigger until instructed to do so. Do not point gun toward any part of the body other personnel when threading welding wire. Allow gun to cool before OM-1 523 Page 22 7 ~. .~. touching. assembly. If necessary because of wire size change, boom pulley(s) for minimum wire bend ding to Section 3-18. adjust accor or 5. Loosen the knob on the drive roll pressure ad justment, pivot the pressure adjustment free of the cover, and pivot the pressure gear assembly away until it is in an open position. 6. Feed the wire through the inlet wire guide, past the drive rolls, and on into the outlet wire guide. Feed approximately 4 inches (102 mm) of wire into the outlet wire guide. 2. Rotate the Right WIRE SPEED control until the desired setting is displayed on the Inches Per Minute meter. 3. Momentarily depress the 3-8), pivot the gear cover 7. 8. 9. desired setting is displayed Minute meter. away from the drive gear and rotate the pressure gear one tooth. 4. the pressure adjustment knob in a clockwise direction until the drive rolls are tight against the welding wire. Do not overtighten. If a JOG switch. the Inches Per on remote control is to be used on either or both sides, Pivot the gear cover closed making sure the teeth on the pressure gear mesh with the teeth on the drive gear. The welding wire must also be in the grooves of the drive rolls. Pivot the pressure adjustment knob until the washer on the pressure adjustment is seated on top of the gear cover. Left Rotate the Left WIRE SPEED control until the IMPORTANT: If when the gear cover is closed, the U-Cog drive rolls are not aligned properly (see Section make connection Remote Control the to appropriate receptacle(s) and place the cor responding Remote Control switch(s) in the REMOTE positon. if no remote controls are us ed, place both Remote Control switches in the STANDARD position. 5. Place the POWER switch ON the control in the on position. Turn Further adjustment to attain desired clamping pressure can be made after the welding power source and the wire feeder are put into opera- 6. Energize the welding 7. Turn the shielding 8. Depress the PURGE buttons for 9. Hold the on power source(s). gas at the source(s). one minute. tion. 10. Draw the gun cable out straight. 10. 11. Repeat Steps 1-10 the on the 12. Energize 13. Place the control POWER switch in the ON welding power 15. source. Depress the Right JOG switch until welding wire approximatey one inch (25.4 mm) out of Right Gun tip. Weld current will not be pre extens sent on the wire. RAYS. SPARKS, AND HOT burn eyes and skin; NOISE can WARNING ARC _________ SURFACES can damage hearing. Wear correct eye, ear, and body protection. FUMES AND GASES can seriously harm your health. Use enough ventilation to keep fumes and gases from the breathing the gun handle. Gas will feed if drive roll pressure adjustment knob 1/2 turn clockwise. Repeat until slippage stops. Do not overtighten posi Depress the Left JOG switch. This will run the welding wire through the Left Gun without plac ing weld current on the wire. Release the Left JOG switch when welding wire extends approx imately one inch (25.4 mm) out of the gun tip. the on pressure is properly adjusted to prevent slippage. If wire slippage is noticed, tighten the drive roll knob. tion. 14. Depress the trigger start to flow and wire will start to side. opposite tip of the desired gun approximately 1/2 inch (13 mm) from the workpiece. zone. See Section 1 Safety Rules For Operation Of Arc Welding Power Sources for basic welding safety infor - mation. WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. ____ Do not touch five electrical pans. Do not touch welding wire or any metal part in contact with it while welding. Welding wire and all metal parts in contact with it carry weld current when the welding power source contactor is energized. When one welding power source is utiliz ed, both electrode wires will be electrically energized when either gun trigger is depressed. 5 -3. SHUTTING DOWN gas at the source(s). 1. Turn off the 2. Place the POWER switch OFF position. 3. Turn off all associated L~~U~E shielding HIGH SHIELDING GASES Shut off gas the control in the equipment. CONCENTRATION can supply on OF harm health or kill. when not in use. 5 -2. GAS METAL-ARC WELDING 1. Make all necessary connections Section 3 of this manual. as instructed in OM-1523 Page 23 SECTION 6 - IMPORTANT: Every 6 months inspect the labels on this unit for legibility. All precautionary labels must be maintained in a clearly readable state and replaced when necessary. See the Parts List for part number of MAINTENANCE 6 -4. BRUSH INSPECTION (Figures 6-1 & 6-2) 1. precautionary labels. 1. INSPECTION UPKEEP Usage and shop conditions will determine the frequency and type of maintenance. Inspect equipment as follows: - AND ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill; WELDING WIRE can cause puncture wounds; HOT SURFACES can burn skin. Disconnect unit from input power before internal ly inspecting or servicing. Allow gun and unit to cool befose touching. Do not activate gun trigger while performing maintenance on gun. ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. _______ Do not touch five electrical parts. - L~~U~L REPLACEMENT Shut unit and associated equipment off. WARNING O 8 Disconnect input power to the wire feeder or employ lockout/tagging procedures on welding power source before internally inspecting or ser vicing. Lockout/tagging procedures consist of padlocking line disconnect switch in open position, removing fuses from fuse box, or shutting of and red-tagging circuit breaker or other disconnecting device. Work on internal parts to be performed only by qualified persons. 1. Make is shut down. 2. Open brush cap by sliding screwdriver under catch and lifting. Remove brush cap. 2. Inspect gun for broken areas; cracks and loose parts: tighten, repair, and replace as required. 3. Grasp spring retaining bracket with long-nose pliers. 4. Push spring retaining bracket in lightly and move towards brush. This should release the spring assembly and it can be removed. Carefully 3. welding sure remove power source any weld spatter or foreign accumulate around the nozzle hardwood stick, never a metal tool. matter which may orifice. Use a Repair or replace, as required, all hose and cable; give particular attention to frayed and cracked in 4. sulation and areas where it enters Brush Box equipment. .Brueh 5. Remove grease and grime from components; moisture from electrical parts and cable. 6. Blow out the gun wire guide liner with compress ed air when changing wire. This will remove any metal chips and dirt that may have accumulated. 6 2. CLEANING OF DRIVE ROLLS Occasionally it will become necessary to clean the wire groove on the drive rolls. This cleaning operation can be performed with a wire brush. Pigtail 1Ao48fl8 Figure 8-1. View Of Spring Assembly And Brush When Brush Cap Is Opened - - HIGH ROTATIONAL SPEED may to drive rolls. Do not allow drive rolls to rotate at high speed if compressed air is used for cleaning the drive roll 5. 6. Pull brush out If the brushes using brush pigtail. are less than 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) long, replacement is necessary. Disconnect the brush pigtail from the brush box tab and remove WARNING _________ cause damage brush. 7. Connect new brush pigtail to brush box tab. assembly. 8. To clean the wire grooves it will be necessary to discon nect unit from line power before removing the drive roll(s) (see Section 3-8 for removal and installation in structions). properly maintain the drive build-up of wire particles which will decrease the efficiency of the wire feeding operation. 10. Using long-nose pliers, insert spring assembly beside brush sliding the spring retaining bracket along the brush box wall. The spring retaining a The control is protected 8 3. FUSE (Figure 4-1) from damage due to an internal short or excessive overload by fuse Fl. Should Fl open, the control would - - completely inoperative. OM-1623 Page 24 slot in brush box. Ensure come into contact with a Insert brush into brush box. Ensure that the low end of the bevel on the top of the brush is towards the spring. IMPORTANT Failure to be pigtail through 9. ______________ rolls can result in Route that the pigtail will not metal surface. - brackłt hooks lustrated in on the Figure 6-2. brush box wall as Il Brush Box Tab TA-046 226 2. Disconnect 3. Remove drive gears in both drive roll 4. Remove motor gear guard. 5. Remove 6. Remove drive shafts and welding right guns. drive roll housings. housing. large spur drive gear. CAUTION SOLVENTS CONTAINING PHENOL OR FORMIC ACID can damage plastic gears. Do not use so/vent containing phenol or formic acid. ________ Figure 6-2. View Of Spring Assembly And Brush From Armature End Of Motor 11. If the spring retaining bracket is in place, it will be against the brush box wall when the pliers are 7. Clean clutch/bearings inside gear and the drive shafts. Dry thoroughly, and grease. 8. Reinstall drive shafts in spur drive gears and drive roll housing and secure housing to mounting released. 12. Ensure that the spring is in the proper illustrated in Figure 6-1. 13. Replace and latch the brush cap. 14. Reconnect power to all position as bracket. Do not 9. equipment and resume Reinstall drive gears on drive shafts. Check for alignment of drive roll housing on drive shaft by rotating drive gears in the direction of wire travel. If the drive gear does not turn freely, proper operation. 6 tighten mounting bolts. AND SHAFT INSPECTION 5. DRIVE MAINTENANCE Drive shaft cleaning and inspection should be performed on a periodic basis, dependng on the type and conditions of service. Inspect the drive shafts for free movement by rotating the drive gears in the direction of wire travel. If either drive gear does not turn freely, clean the drive shafts and clutch assemblies in the large spur drive gear and repack with a good quality gear grease. Use the procedure outlined below to remove the drive shafts. Where operating conditions are severe, more frequent inspections should be made. - adjust the position of the drive roll housing until allowed free movement. - 1. Retract wire past drive - 1. GENERAL tion has been drive shaft is Tighten mounting bolts and recheck for the movement. 10. 11. Reinstall motor gear Reconnect welding cover. guns and rethread welding wire. 12. Resume operation. housings. SECTION 7 7 the - TROUBLESHOOTING It is assumed that proper installa made, according to Section 3 of this - manual, and that the unit has been until this trouble developed. functioning properly trouble is not remedied after performing these pro cedures, the nearest Factory Authorized Service Sta tion should be contacted. In all malfunction, the manufacturers should be strictly.followed. of equipment recommendations cases 7 -2. TROUBLESHOOTING CHART IMPORTANT Ensure that all connections to the ______________ WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. __________ Do not touch live electrical parts. Disconnect unit from input power and shut down welding power source before or servicing. Troubleshooting of internal parts by qualified persons. internally inspecting to be performed only control and all switches Use this chart in conjunction with the circuit diagram while performing troubleshooting procedures. If the are application power in the proper before and that position for the we/ding beginning troubleshooting pro cedures. CAUTION _________ MAGNETS ment The following chart is designed to diagnose and provide remedies for some of the troubles that may develop in this unit. welding source are secure DISASSEMBLY OF MOTOR FIELD result in personal Injury or equip can damage. Limit drive motor repairs to brush replacement. The field magnets are very strong. If disassembly is at tempted, injury to fingers and hands may result from a magnet being drawn back into the motor. The field magnets are matched sets and operation may be af fected if the magnets are tampered with. Warranty is void if the motor is tampered with. OM-1523 Page 25 TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE Depressing gun trigger will not energize wire feeder. Electrode wire is energized and shielding POWER wrong switch Si in SUGGESTED CHECK Place Si to ON position. AND/OR REMEDY position. Replace Si. not gas does not flow. 115 volts input fuse Fl * Replace Fi. open. 115 volts ac input plug PLG 17 is not secure., in receptacle. Insert PLG 17 fully into 115 rotate plug clockwise. vac receptacle Plug(s) PLG 14/15 from gun trigger is not secure in gun trigger control cable. Insert PLG 14/15 fully into locking ring. gun trigger control Plug(s) PLG 2/13 from trigger control cable is Insert PLG 2/13 fully into TRIGGER receptacle and rotate locking ring. secure gun not cable and rotate and in TRIGGER recep tacle. Circuit breaker CB1 Wire feeds, shielding gas flows, but electrode wire is not energized. tripped 115 Volts Contactor Conplug RC1 is not secure trol in contactor receptacle welding power reset CB1 by depressing the button the front panel of the control labeled RESET. Manually Insert RC1 fully into receptacle and rotate on plug clockwise. on source. Control cable leads not secure on contac tor plug terminals. Secure leads to plug terminals. Welding power See Contactor source. TROUBLESHOOTING Section source instruction manual. in welding power Wire feeds *Be sure OM-1 523 erratically. replacement fuse is Page 26 Pressure on drive rolls is insufficient. Rotate pressure adjustment knob(s) clockwise in 1/4 turn increments until wire slippage stops. Drive roll is too large for wire size being used. Change Worn drive roll. Replace drive roll. See Section 3-8. Dirt in drive roll. Clean drive roll same size, type, and rating. to proper as size drive roll. See Section 3-8. instructed in Section 6-2. ~ RUNIG rPM-OTR TO ..I1 AT R. :~ TO ~17 SPLGH WIl!_<( WITH ALL ALL Diagr m 9CW R7 EXC PT POINT J c No. ROLSI MEASURD FORMS POINT RESP CT WAVE VOLTAGES COM N 300 C-098 WIlT ~ < RESPCT MEASURE WITH 198 S AD ONLY C AR SWING ONLY rcA~ ~ CDI Circuit PLO? RCTI ~5X 27 fi ~ ~CR2 CONTA F CONTRL PLGI ~ 557 I~i O~i 23 p ~ 1CUS c WI5 CR4 -1.1 lEVI 5 PC SAM 2 305. XI i-CR3 :1 EF3 REMOTE HEIR NOV RIGHT ~WGXTNDE 60 SOLENID SHIIGDHTE ~1~J~ 7~~w 24~RIGHT I _J ~_ r XC 1~GHT CR3 CR~R2 GAS 6 BURNACPS R.EJMOIVEJ2 INSTAL PC REMOTE CR50~ CRSOL Diagr m ~ Circuit I ~_ 1~ 1. LEFT PLOW 5 J IX ~ - 7 RC11 Figure C2 I BURNOACIYD H~ ~CW *LEFTRIGH OPTINAL RESPC TO 2~1LEFT 3D Ii I SC4 _~ALi lip164~ I I 432 F~-1 S O L E N I D ~ WATERSOLENIDLOPTI~LJ Q~j~-i~ ARCS GIl GAS I 35 J A e~RC5 IX q~,p I L CR1 ci I1LPLGI A F A H .O~ , SIDE LEFT RCRA?1 , ~ ID dl IA C A Er.ISDF~I2___ I I MET R C ITV AC ro ST 0 RIGHT I NCh 0~ 0 250 0 0 AC ~- CR5 7S~CR~j~Ifi~Ri 33 000 0 o PLGl AC OH PEG1? ~ >1:54 602 ~CONTA RCONTRL 2>~WT 4>_B~ PLGia LEFT TRIGER LEFT ~ILJ 16 0 BAY I L INGARC ONLY SW ~ ,IL CR3 H CR547 1 50 3 PU~D52 PLO? LT~J SWINGARC ONLY PLGR II -, C AR SWING ONLY ~ PLO134 BR B2Y lEVI 1> 2> 3>_MO L~ _RIGHT TRIGER I 0 U, p-S C-S -v P-S BLK Circuit Figure 7 OM-1 523 Page 28 - 2. Circuit Diagram For Tach. Board Diagram No. A-094 456 December1985 FORM: OM-1523F Effective With Serial No. JF923259 PARTS LIST 1O7-D TD-046 C Fig 1 *45 53 36 thru 32 55 57 Asembly Main 59 - A Figure 64 362 62 60 FigD parts for list parts asembly. in No. this 71 0 UIP.) ca -U S Item ~ in include Quantity Item No. Dia. Part Mkgs. No. Figure 1 PLG3 4 5 6 PLG1 1 7 8 9 PLG12 PLG1 7 10 11 12 PLG1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 PLG2,13 27 28 29 PLG 14,15 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 PLG7 41 42 43 Description A 2 3 Model PLG8 Main t046 174 079 531 079 878 079 535 049 455 039 635 099 522. 039 635 039 687 604 571 079 531 048 284 079 534 049 455 080 418 056 851 010 606 056 108 604550 073 433 044 858 073 432 051 297 047 684 047 685 049 012 048 618 079 878 079 535 079 531 605156 080 328 079 534 003 160 003 159 079 202 079 204 056 851 010 606 056 108 604 550 046 757 083 687 083 693 079 739 047 636 079 535 073 179 071 892 079 535 12 16 1 1 1 1 Assembly CORD, contactor (consisting of) CLAMP, cable HOUSING PLUG & PINS (consisting of) TERMINAL, male CORD, No. 18/2c (order byft) CONNECTOR BODY, twistlock 2P2W 20 amp 250 volts CORD, control interconnecting (consisting of) CONNECTOR BODY, twistlock 2P2W 20 amp 250 volts CAP, twistlock grounded 2P3W, 15 amp 277 volts CORD, No. 18/4c(orderbyft) CLAMP, cable HOUSING PLUG & SOCKETS (consisting of) TERMINAL, female CORD, No. 18/2c (order byft) HOSE ASSEMBLY, gas (consisting of) FITTING, hose-brass barbed nipple3/16TBG FITTING, hose-brass nut 5/8-16 FITTING, hose-brassferrule0.425IDx23/32 . 1 1 4 4 10 ft 10 ft . . . . 1 1 1 1 . - 1 1 1 1 13 ft 13 ft . - . 1 1 1 1 . . . . 4 4 2 ft 2 ft . 1 1 3 3 6 3 3 lift lift FITTING, brass barbed male 3/16 TBG x 1/4 NPT FITTING, pipe Y short 1/8 NPT FITTING, barbed male 3/16 TBG x 1/8 NPT 2 2 1 1 1 1 ADAPTER 1 1 . . . .HOSE,No.1x3/161D(orderbyft) - . . - . . (consisting of) (consisting of) right 16 ft (consisting of) CORD,trigger-right2oft(consistingof) HOUSING PLUG & PINS (consisting of) CORD, trigger CORD, trigger CORD, trigger - - left 16 ft left 20 ft - 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 l6ft 2 2Oft . . . TERMINAL, male CLAMP, cable . .CORD,No.18/4c . RECEPTACLEW/SOCKETS,free-hanging(consistingof) TERMINAL, female HOSE, gas left 16 ft (consisting of) HOSE, gas-left l9ft (consisting of) HOSE, gas right 16 ft (consisting of) HOSE, gas right 19 ft (consisting of) FITTING, hose-brassbarbednipple3/16TBG FITTING, hose-brass nut5/8-18 RH FITTING, hose-brassferrule0.475 IDx23/32 HOSE, No.1 xO.187 ID (order byft) CONTROL BOX (Fig B Pg 6) CORD, motor l5ft (consisting of) CORD, motor 19 ft (consisting of) CLAMP, cable HOUSING PLUG & PINS (consisting of) TERMINAL, male CORD, No. 16/6c (order byft) . 1 1 2 2 . - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 ft 1 . . . . 17 ft 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 14 14 15 ft 19 ft . . . . . . RECEPTACLE W/SOCKETS (consisting of) . TERMINAL, male 1 1 14 14 OM-1523 Page 2 Quantity Item Dia. Part No. Mkgs. No. Figure Model Description A Main 079 706 080 415 080 940 078 992 078 993 077 455 600 323 600 742 079 628 080 947 Figure C 44 45 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 54 55 56 57 t079 591 t079 t078 t079 t075 t079 t075 t079 080 CLAMP,cable CABLE, weld 26 ft left (consisting of) CABLE, weld 30 ft left (consisting of) CABLE, weld 26 ft right (consisting of) CABLE, weld 30 ft right (consisting of) TERMINAL, ring tongue 1/2 No. 3/o wire CABLE, weld copper No. 3 (order by ft) TERMINAL, ring tongue 3/8 stud No. 3/0 wire BRACKET, spring-retaining BRACKET, spring-retaining BOOM (Pg 10) - . 76 77 78 79 80 aM-i 523 Page 3 30 ft BASE,4ftor - - : - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 . 072010 C50 D50 0C50 R50 R51 26 ft . - 73 74 75 1 . 214 264 216 390 215 078 217 Figure ~i6 Assembly (Contd) BASE,6ft BASE, 4 ft or BASE,6ft POST, support boom 4 ft (consisting of) or POST, 6 ft. w/o base support boom (consisting of) POST, support boom 4 ft (consisting of) or POST, 6 ft. w/o base support boom (consisting of) 157 FITTING, grease 1/8 NPT 080 408 GEAR, spur steel 33 tooth 1/2 bore keyed 080412 GUARD, motor-gear 080419 SPACER,steell ODxl7/32IDx1/4 080 416 INSULATOR, housing 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 12 D 079 633 080 409 080 404 080 411 010910 602213 601 965 601 872 080 417 056068 047 553 080 802 080 283 080 282 *080 281 049 033 049 032 094 458 073 739 094 934 094 268 052 140 039 328 094 464 049 029 049 031 045 766 049 030 081 630 BUSHING,0.316IDx7/16x13/16x3/16 WIRE DRIVE & GEARS (Pg 12) (consisting of) FITTING, hose brass barbed nipple 3/16 TBG SHAFT, drive clutch GEAR, spur drive GUARD, drive gear - . 1 1 2 1 1 WASHER,flat-SAE3/8 4 4 WASHER,lock-split3/8 SCREW,cap-hexhd3/8-16x1 4 2 4 2 1 1 1 - - - NUT, hex full 3/8-16 INSULATOR, housing KEY,1/8x1/8x1/2 MOTOR ASSEMBLY (consisting of) MOTOR, gear 1/8 hp 115 volts dc 2000 rpm (consisting of) COVER, brush SPRING, brush . . . . . . . BRUSH SPACER, housing tachometer CLAMP, strain relief CIRCUIT CARD, tach (consisting of) CAPACITOR, ceramid0.1 uf 50 voltsdc DIODE, zener5.1 voIts400 MW. IC, interface 963N51 - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . RESISTOR, carbonfilm0.5watt33O ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 1 .5K ohm CORD, tach 15 inches HOUSING~ tachometer feedback SHAFT, extension armature OPTICAL ENCODER DISC COVER, housing tachometer feedback - . - . - . 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 .CORD,motorl7 inch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity Item Dia. Part No. Mkgs. No. Figure 81 82 A Model Description Main 079 739 PLG9 047 636 079 535 . . . I 12 16 Assembly (Contd) CLAMP, cable 1 1 HOUSING PLUG & PINS (consisting of) TERMINAL, male 1 1 14 14 . *Recommended Spare Parts. tParts For Optional Equipment. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. Quantity Dia. Part Mkgs. No. Model Description 12 I 16 Parts For Optional Equipment 047 945 046 047 073 024 046 R7,9 WS1 + + 046 046 046 035 010 079 602 056 +079 +008 000 000 000 080 081 000 000 080 081 048 045 047 023 980 562 366 531 532 533 534 601 295 573 934 296 773 657 571 570 572 BURNBACK CONTROL, left side (consisting of) BURNBACK CONTROL, right side (consisting of) TIMER, delay 20 mu sec/20 sec POTENTIOMETER, 1 turn 2 watt 10K ohm . . . KNOB, pointer WATER CONTROL KIT, one side (consisting of) WATER CONTROL KIT, one side (consisting of) WATER CONTROL KIT, both sides (consisting of) WATER CONTROL KIT, both sides (consisting of) VALVE, 115 volts ac 2 way 1/4 IPS port 1/8 orifice . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOSE,waterl5ft(kitforoneside) 1 HOSE, HOSE, water 20 ft (kit for (kit for (kit for (kit for (kit for (kit for (kit for 499 water 12 ft 501 HOSE, water 20 ft 573 HOSE, water 25 ft 569 HOSE, water 29 ft 500 HOSE, water 25 ft 502 HOSE, water 29 ft 471 TOOL, extraction pin amp 503 LOCKING COVER 813 CABLE, extension 25 ft . 1 2 - . 1 2 - . 1 1 FITTING, hose-brasselbowmale 1/4 NPTx5/8-18 LH FITTING, pipe galvanized nipple L 1/4 NPT x 6 FITTING, pipe galvanized coupling 1/4 NPT TUBING, plastic No. 4 ADAPTER, terminal water/electrode FITTING, hose-brass bushing reducer 5/8-18 LH HOSE, water lOft - . 1 1 1 . . 1 . . . . . side) both sides) both sides) one side) one side) both sides) both sides) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 one - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for these items. + + When using kit for both sides the quantity is 2 reqd. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. OM-1523 Page 4 K 0 0 I C 0 C.) U. I- aM-i 523 Page 5 Item No. Dia. Part Mkgs. No. Figure B 1 2 3 4 R4,5 Si CB1 5 6 7 8 9 10 CR3 CR1 ,2,5 R3 11 Ri 12 13 RC1 046 757 t047 070 603 011 011 080 027 079 095 101 634 856 233 991 148 811 844 033 080 388 079 497 030 601 048 079 651 219 283 535 Description Quantity Control Box (Fig A Pg 2 Item 37) WRAPPER 1 electric shock etc LABEL, warning POTENTIOMETER, WW 10 turn 2 watt 10K ohm SWITCH, toggle SPDT 10 amp 250 voltsac CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1 pole 1 .5 amp 250 volts SOCKET, relay 11 pin CONNECTOR, 14 pin SPRING, hoiddown relay RELAY, enclosed 24 volts ac 4PDT RELAY, enclosed 24 volts ac 3PDT RESISTOR, WW fixed 25 watt 2000 ohm RESISTOR, WW fixed 25 watt 10 ohm - LINK, jumper terminal block 20 amp RECEPTACLE W/ PINS (consisting of) - 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 4 TERMINAL, male RC2, i4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3,13 RC4,10 R2 048 282 079 534 048 144 047 100 056266 079 683 604 311 010 193 010 199 030 949 056 170 RECEPTACLE W/SOCKETS (consisting of) TERMINAL, female TERMINAL, male 1 pin plug keying (used with RC3) PANEL, mounting receptacles CONNECTOR, female 6 contact 7.5 amp HEAT SINK, resistor GROMMET, 1/4 ID x 3/8 mounting hole TUBING, 3/8 OD x 18 ga wallx 1/4 TUBING, 0.275 ID x 0.048 wall x 1 HEAT SINK, rectifier SHIELD, wire feeder 030941 RESISTOR, WWfixed 100 watt5 ohm 026 837 INSULATOR, terminal nylon 034 841 RELAY, 24 volts ac DPDT 054116 CONNECTOR, female 4 contact 10 amp 035914 RECTIFIER, integrated 30 amp 400 volts - - - - CR4 RC18 SRi RC7 29 30 31 32 33 34 PLG4,i0 35 36 GS1,2 RC5 Cl 37 38 39 40 Ti 41 42 43 44 45 46 iT 53,5 52,4 S6,7 047 637 079 534 047 123 071 642 073 730 031 692 006 426 056265 010 296 035601 010 141 079 573 046 754 602 934 036 135 038782 047 102 048 029 011 232 011 043 011 770 HOUSING RECEPTACLE & SOCKETS (consisting of) TERMINAL, female STAND-OFF, No. 4-40 x 2-5/8 CIRCUIT CARD, motor speed (Fig B1 Pg 8) TERMINAL, header 22 pin CAPACITOR, electrolytic 750 uf 200 volts dc BRACKET, mounting capacitor CONNECTOR, male 6 contact 10 amp 730 RMS FITTING, hose brass male 1/4 NPT x 5/18-18 RH VALVE, 115 volts ac 2 way 1/4 IPS 1/8 orifice CLAMP, 1/4 dia FITTING, pipe nipple L 1/4 NPT x 6 BRACKET, mounting gas/water FITTING, pipe gaIvar~ized coupling 1/4 NPT TRANSFORMER, control 115-24 volts ac BLOCK, terminal 20 amp 10 pole BRACKET, mounting relays CLIP, retaining socket relay SWITCH, push button SPDT SWITCH, toggle DPDT multiple contact 6 amp 125 volts SWITCH, toggle SPDT 5 amp 125 volts - - - - - - - - - 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 14 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 OM-1 523 Page 6 Item Dia. Part No. Mkgs. No. Description Quantity. . .. .- Figure B 47 48 49 50 51 52 53-. 54. RC16,19 PL1,2 Fl RC6 55 56 57 046 757 073 687 046 751 027 645 024 366 *073 426 012 617 059 028 081 031 139 598 798 643 Control Box (Fig A Pg 2 Item 37) (Contd.) . 2 RECEPTACLE,4socketMS-3102A-14S-2S CASE SECTION, front/bottom/back LIGHT, indicator- red lens 125 voltsac . 1 . ~ 2 .. . .....~ .. KNOB, pointer FUSE, miniature glass sb blo 5 amp HOLDER, fuse (consisting of) 2~ .... - 1 - .i . .. .~ .CAP TERMINAL, header 15 pin METER, digital CAPACITOR, ceramic 0.01 uf500voltsdc NAMEPLATE (order by model & serial number) . 1. ~:.. ..,.. . 1 -~ .. I :-~ 1.: . Ref: ... 449-A D-093 COMPONENTS TO BE REPLACED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY Figure Bi - Circuit -Card, Motor Speed *Recommended Spare Parts. : tWhen ordering a component originally displaying a precautionary label, the label should also be ordered. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. .~ . OMl523Page7 .. . . -. ;, . I Dia. Part Mkgs. No. Figure B) A50-53 C50 C51 C52,6 1 C53,62 C54 C55, 66-75,77 C56 C57 C60 C63,64 C65 Description 071 642 Circuit Card, Motor Speed (Fig B Pg 6 Item 30) 009 039 031 073 035 005 159 482 699 739 833 023 IC,Iinear358 CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, ceramic 0.1 uf 50 volts mylar 0.033 uf 100 volts dc tantalum 2.2 uf 20 volts 031 073 031 035 044 031 643 549 677 561 602 721 CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, CAPACITOR, ceramic 0.01 uf 500 volts dc mylar 0.015 uf 200 volts tantalum 5.6 uf 35 volts dc mylar 4 uf 200 volts polyfilm 0.47 uf 400 volts dc mylar 0.22 uf 200 volts dc 4 electrolytic 100 uf 35 volts dc mylar 0.0022 uf 200 volts dc 095 033 RELAY, enclosed 24 volts 56-60 026 202 D55 1C50 080 910 081 800 037 200 037 824 039 355 030 839 DIODE, 1 amp 400 volts SP DIODE, zener 15 volts 5 watt IC, interface 2907 TRANSISTOR, 200 MA 40 volts NPN THYRISTOR, SCR 7.4 amp 200 volts TRANSISTOR, unijunction 15 MA 40 volts RESISTOR, WW fixed 5 watt 220 ohm 035 827 052 138 RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 035 030 039 039 049 RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt lOOK ohm POTENTIOMETER, cermet 15 turn 0.75 watt 50K ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 47K ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 4700 ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 10 meg ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 1500 ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 120K ohm RESISTOR, carbonfilmO.25watt82Kohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt 470 ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt22K ohm RESISTOR, carbon 0.5 watt 10 ohm RESISTOR, carbon 0.5 watt 47 ohm RESISTOR, carbon film 0.25 watt zero ohm TRANSFORMER, pulse IC, linear 78L08 IC, linear 78L12 SPRING, holddown relay SOCKET, relay HEAT SINK, rectifier CR50 Quantity ac 4PDT 1 1 2 2 1 12 1 2 1 2 1 1 D50-54, Q50,53 Q51 Q52 R50 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 R51 ,53-55,57, 63,67,68,74,75, 81,82,85,89 R52,56,61 R58,62,65, 66,71,72, 76~90 R59 R60,87,88 R64 R70 R73,83 R77 R78 R79 R80 R85 R86 150 VR5O VR51 039 052 039 039 035 030 030 092 085 081 047 079 091 037 884 007 335 331 015 328 142 108 106 886 937 090 648 399 799 272 844 861 261 watt 10K ohm watt 20K ohm - 14 3 8 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. OM.1523 Page 8 rn (p I, I- I- ~ I- N E 0 0 I- UN N I0 a rn I rn a N N OM-1523 Page 9 Quantity Item Model Part No. No. Description Figure C 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 010313 079622 079621 079632 079667 080812 079665 080811 079664 007280 073742 045391 605538 045390 007279 073741 601 883 605884 079029 007995 075462 Figure Cl 079020 602250 010911 075 102 073663 024605 075 100 (Fig 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 When ordering a PIN, cotter-hair 0.072 x 1.437 BUSHING, 0.622 ID x 0.075 OD x 0.501 PULLEY, V single groove BOLT,U1-5/8highxl-1/8widexl/4 PIPE, 1/2 x 133-3/4 PIPE, 1/2 x181-3/4 GUIDE, wire GUIDE, wire 4 4 2 8 2 4 4 2 10 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 - 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BOOM, dual 16 ft NUT, hex full 3/8-16 WASHER, lock-split 3/8 BRACKET, hanger-gun GUARD, motor-protector SHAFT, pulley originally displaying 1 1 1 SPACER, spring-boom BEARING, thrust-boom BASE, swivel-boom BASE, swivel-boom LABEL, warning electric shock etc LABEL, caution heavy spring etc LABEL, remove gearing vent etc WASHER, fIat 1/2 KNOB,TBar BOLT, hex-hd3/4-16x2-3/4 BOOM, dual 12 2 2 2 GUIDE, inlet PIN, clevis 5/8-18 x 1-7/8 PIN, clevis3/4 ODx2.156 TUBING,3/8IDx3/32wa11x8 component 16 A Pg 3 Item 51) CABLETIE LINER, monocoil 3/32-1/8 wire x 9 CLEVIS CLEVIS NUT, hex jam 5/8-18 NUT, hex half 3/4-16 (top of shaft) NUT, hex-full 3/4-16 (bottom of shaft) SHAFT, boom-counter balance SHAFT, boom-counter balance SUPPORT, hub & reel (Pg 11) NUT, hex-elastic stop 3/4-16 WASHER, flat SAE 3/4 WASHER, flat SAE 5/8 WASHER, shield 3 inch square BEARING, ball BEARING, ball NUT, 5/8-18 x 1-1/4 special 075 101 NUT, 3/4-16 x 1-1/4 special 602219 WASHER, lock-external tooth 5/8 079 030 WASHER, lock-external tooth 3/4 080449 SPRING,2ODxl lDxl2 080 723 SPRING, 3-3/8 OD x 37-3/4 075421 075 403 +072 091 +072 083 070634 079423 047702 602246 047224 073666 082 964 082 965 601872 602213 079631 079643 082970 25 25 + Boom 12 4 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 a precautionary label, the label should also be ordered. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. OM-1 523 Page 10 Item No. Part No. Figure Cl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 080 393 010 191 058 628 058 428 057 971 010233 605 941 085 980 058 427 t056 416 604051 056312 056313 010224 601 880 056314 Quantity Description Support, Hub & Reel (Fig C Pg 10 Item 15) SUPPORT, reel WASHER, fiber 5/8 ID x 1-1/2 OD WASHER, steel brake HUB, spool x 1/8 4 4 2 - 2 WASHER,flat-keyedl-1/2dia SPRING, compression 2 2 2 2 WASHER, flat -41/64 ID x 1 OD NUT, hex full 5/8-11 RING, retaining spool REEL, wire (consisting of)(as reqd) NUT, wing 1/2-13 FINGER, reel STUD, steel 1/2-13 x 7 PIN, spring compression NUT, hex-jam 1/2-13 - - 4 4 4 - 4 REEL 1 325 6 7 8 1~ TC-081 760 Figure Cl - Support, Hub 8 Reel tParts For Optional Equipment. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. OM-1 523 Page 11 Item Part No. No. Figure D 1 082 036 2 082 050 3 604612 045 233 081 801 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 085 243 010231 085 244 085 242 010224 601 925 604741 079669 079634 080413 079772 604538 080403 028342 053 842 605518 079 626 010 193 048 336 602241 Description Wire Drive & Gears (Fig A GUIDE, inlet wire LINER, monocoil inlet wire SCREW, set socket hd 8-32 GUIDE, anti wear - Pg 3 Item 60) 1 1 x 1 1/8 1 1 WIRE DRIVE (consisting of) KNOB, adjust tension SPRING, compression 1 1 WASHER, cupped 21/64 IDxl3/16 FASTENER, pinned PIN, spring compression 3/16 x 1 SCREW, cap hex hd 1/4-20 x 1/2 PIN, cotter- hair0.042x15/16 LEVER, mounting pressure gear PIN, hinge RETAINER, bearing - - - KNOB 28 WASHER, flat- SAE5/16 HOUSING, adapter gun/feeder BEARING, ball GEAR, spur insulated w/bearing SCREW, cap hex hd 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 SCREW, fiHister hd 10-32 x 7/8 TUBING, 3/8 OD x 18 ga wall x 1/4 COVER, stop WASHER, flat SAE 1/4 000418 SCREW, cap hex hd 1/2-20 x 1/2 self-locking 093 664 GEAR, spur 092 865 KEY,1/8x1/8x3/4 079 625 WASHER, spring 5/16 shakeproof 29 080410 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Quantity - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 As Reqd. 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 GUARD, drive roll IC-OBi 623-E Figure D - Wire Drive & Gears BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. OM-1523 Page 12 IMPORTANT Base selection of drive rolls upon the following recommended usages: V-Groove rolls for hard wire. 2. U-Groove rolls for soft and soft shelled cored wires. 3. U-Cog rolls for extremely soft shelled wires (usually hard surfacing types). 4. Split V-Knurled rolls for hard shelled cored wires (se/f shielding and shielded _______________ 1. 5. Drive roll types may be mixed to suit particular requirements types). C02 (example: V-knurled roll in combination with U-groove). Wire Diameter & Type Fraction Decimal Metric 023/.025 .023/.025 .6MM .030 .030 .035 Kit No.* Roll Drive Inlet Wire Part No. Type Guide 087 131 087 130 V-groove 056 192 .8MM 079 594 053 695 V-groove 056 192 .035 .9MM 079 595 053 700 V-groove 056 192 .045 .045 1.2MM 079 596 053 697 V-groove 056 193 .052 .052 1.3MM 079 597 053 698 V-groove 056 193 1/16 .062 1.6MM 079 598 053 699 V-groove 056 195 .035 .035 .9MM 044 749 072 000 U-groove 056 192 .045 .045 1.2MM 079599 053701 U-groove 056193 .052 .052 1.3MM 079 600 053 702 U-groove 056 193 1/16 .062 1.6MM 079 601 053 706 U-groove 056 195 5/64 079 2.0MM 079 602 053 704 U-groove 056 195 3/32 .094 2.4MM 079 603 053 703 U-groove 056 196 7/64 .110 2.8MM 079 604 053 705 U-groove 056 196 1/8 .126 3.2MM 079 605 053 707 U-groove 056 197 .035 .035 .9MM 079 606 079 726 V-knurled 056 192 .045 .045 1.2MM 079 607 079 728 V-knurled 056 193 .052 .052 1.3MM 079 608 079 727 V-knurled 056 193 1/16 .062 1.6MM 079 609 056 771 V-knurled 056 195 5/64 .079 2.0MM 079 610 056 773 V-knurled 056 195 3/32 .094 2.4MM 079 611 056 774 V-knurLed 056 196 7/64 .110 2.8MM 079 612 056 775 V-knurled 056 196 1/8 .126 3.2MM 079 613 056 776 V-knurled 056 197 .045 :045 1.2MM 083 318 083 489 U-cogged 056 193 .052 .052 1.3MM 083 317 083 490 U-cogged 056 193 1/16 .062 1.6MM 079614 053708 U-cogged 056195 5/64 .079 2.0MM 079 615 053 710 U-cogged 056 195 3/32 .094 2.4MM 079 616 053 703 U-cogged 056 196 7/64 .110 2.8MM 079 617 053 711 U-cogged 056 196 1/8 .126 3.2MM 079 618 053 712 U-cogged 056 197 Drive Roll & Wire Guide Kits *When ordering replacement parts all kits listed with the exception of the V-KNURLED kits are one piece drive rolls. Two drive rolls are required for the one piece drive kits and four drive rolls for the split V-knurled kits. OM-1 523 Page 13 ACCESSORI ES DUAL SCHEDULE SWITCHES For use with Dual Schedule Controls. DSS-8 For 10 ft. (3 m) gun. Stock No. 079 691 (Field) For 15 ft. (4.6 m) gun. Stock No. 079 693 (Field) A two-position trigger switch which attaches to the gun handle and is used in place of the standard trigger. DSS-9 DUAL SCHEDULE SWITCH For 10 ft. (3 m) gun. Stock No. 071 832 (Field) For 15 ft. (4.6 m) gun. Stock No. 071 833 (Field) A two-position slide switch which at taches to the gun handle and is used to select the desired welding condi tion. The standard gun trigger operates the power supply DDSC Dual Schedule Control Stock No. 041 483 Two welding conditions can be pro grammed on one or both wires of the Swingarc Digital units. Two DDSCs are required when you wish to pro gram two welding conditions on each side of a Swingarc Digital 2. The DDSC must be used in conjunction with a DVC voltage control. NOTE: Dig/ta/arc voltage controls are listed in the catalog sheets for the following power sources: Deltaweld~ series. Form DCI 16. 1; Intel//weld 650. Form DCI 16.3; and Pulstar 450. Form DCI 16.2. Water Control Kit For use with water-cooled gun. Consists of solenoid valve, tube and fittings. STOCK NO. For 16 (4.9 m) Boom SINGLE OR ONE SIDE OF DUAL 046 533 (factory) 046 537 (field) DUAL 046 534 (factory) 046 538 (field) contactor. LOCKING COVERS To secure wire feed speed controls, voltage controls and dual schedule controls. STOCK NO. For 12 (3.7 m) Boom SINGLE OR ONE SIDE OF DUAL 046 531 (factory) 046 535 (field) Adjustable Spool Carrier Stock No. 096 074 (Factory) Stock No. 096 075 (Field) Designed for use with 6 (1.8 m) pipe post only. Replaces the standard spool assembly allowing the spools or coils of wire to be positioned lower for easier loading and unloading. Not recom mended for use with Swingarc mounted on CBC-8 cart. PRC-2 POLARITY REVERSING CONTROL Stock No. 041 518 Control allows an operator to weld with a different polarity on each wire. Both will be electrically hot but only one may be used. When operating in the same polar the two wires are electrically isolated. Only the wire being used is energized. Both electrical isola tion and polarity reversing cannot ity, be accomplished at the same time. NOTE: PRC-2 must be used in con a digital voltage control. junction with DUAL 046 532 (factory) 046 536 (field) (For Both Sides) DIGITAL 2 Wire feeder only Wire feeder and voltage control Dual schedule control STOCK NO. NOTE: Not recommended when using a recirculating system such as Radi ator 1 or 2. 045 503 045 504 045 502 Two 045 502 required if dual schedule is used on both sides of dual feeder. NOTE: Locking covers are for field installation only. Padlock not included. Spool Adaptor Stock No. 047 141 For use with 14 lb. (6.3 kg) spool of Lincoln self-shielding wire. Wire Reel Assembly Stock No. 056 416 For 60 lb. (27 kg) coil of wire. Mounting Bracket Stock No. 080 939 Required to mount the PRC-2 control on the Swingarc. 25 Ft. (7.6 m) Extension Cable Stock No. 047 813 Connects to existing 10 ft. (3 m) 115 volt and contactor control cable. Permits Swingarc to be located 35 ft. (10.7 m) from the power source. An additional cable is necessary when ex tending a feeder with a digital voltage control. Stock No. 041 607 for OW control. OPTIONAL CONTROLS TRIGGER HOLD CONTROLS SPOT CONTROLS the operator to make extended welds without having to hold the Allo~y gun trigger. Burnback Control Recommended for use with automa tic setups to eliminate wire freeze in the puddle at the completion of the weld. SINGLE 047 945 (factory) 047 946 (field) TH-1 Stock No. 044 042 For single Swingarcs and of duals. TH-2 Stock No. 044 040 For both sides of the dual one side CS-3A Stock No. 044 935 Provides to 5 seconds of spot weld time in two ranges. Time starts with depression of gun trigger switch. Burnback control to .25 seconds. NOTE: If spot control is desired on both sides of a dual, two controls Swingarc. are required. Interface Control Stock No. 045 031 To Lincoln and Hobart constant po tential power sources requiring a continuity set of contacts for con tactor control. Left Right 047 047 046 046 DUAL 945 (factory) 946 (field) 023 (factory) 024 (field) Pre-Flow/Post-Flow Timer Control Stock No. 044 936 A 0 to 5 second adjustable timer to control gas flow prior to arc initiation and at completion of weld. NOTE: If pre-flow/post-flow control is required on both sides of a dual, two controls are needed.