Contact: Tel: E-Mail Karmveer Johal 020 8583 5555 licensing
Contact: Tel: E-Mail Karmveer Johal 020 8583 5555 licensing
Contact: Tel: E-Mail KarmveerJohal 02085835555 [email protected]. uk Licensing Panel- 19thFebruary 2013 RAV A CLUB LICENSING ACT 2OO3 Reportby: Directorof Regeneration, EconomicDevelopment and Environment Summary Membersare requested to determine an application for the variationof a clubpremises certificate in respectof FelthamConstitutional Club,30 HanworthRoad,Feltham,having regardto representations receivedandthe requirement to promotethe four licensing objectives. {.0 REGOMMENDATIONS Thefollowingoptionsare opento the Panel; (i) (ii) (iii) To grantthe application in full andon the termsand conditions contained withinthe application to includeanyapplicable mandatory conditions. To grantthe application as above,modifiedto suchan extentas considered necessary to satisfyany relevantrepresentations and promotethe licensing objectives; or To rejectthe application in wholeor in part. 2.0 APPLICATION 2.1 A clubpremisescertificate is requiredin respectof any premiseswhereit is intendedto conductoneor moreof the fourlicensable activities, thesebeing: o . . o 2.2 Thesaleof alcohol The supplyof alcohol(in respectof a club) Regulatedentertainment The provision of latenightrefreshment Thisapplication hasbeensubmitted on behalfof the FelthamConstitutional Club,30 HanworthRoad,FelthamTW135AB,by Mr RobertThomasGordonPenfold,and is proposing to varythe clubpremisescertificate as set put in the tablebelow: Exhibitionof Film - Thursday Monday & Sunday11:00- 00:00 Friday- Saturday 11:00- 01:00 - Thursday Monday & Sunday11:00- 00:00 Live & Recorded Music Friday- Saturday 11:00- 01:00 Performancesof Dance Eve:11:00- 01:00 Christmas Supplyof Alcohol Fromthe end of permittedhourson NewYear'sEveto the startof permittedhourson NewYear'sDay, ChristmasDay,GoodFriday,St. GeorgesDay,St. Patrick'sDay,St. David'sDay,St Andrew'sDay, Valentine's Day& BurnsNigh:11:00- 00:00 OpeningHoursof the Premises - Thursday Monday & Sunday11:00- 00:30 Friday- Saturday 11:00- 01:30 Eve:11:00- 01:30 Christmas Fromthe end of permittedhourson NewYear'sEveto the startof permittedhourson NewYear'sDay, ChristmasDay,GoodFriday,St. GeorgesDay,St. Patrick'sDay,St. David'sDay,St Andrew'sDay, Valentine's Day& BurnsNigh:11:00- 00:30 2.3 The application hasbeenproperlymadeand all procedures correctly followed.The hasbeenattachedas AppendixA. application 3.0 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY OF PREMISES 3 . 1 The premisesare currentlylicensedunderthe Licensing Act 2003,andthe belowtable showsthe currentoperatinghours.The ClubPremisesCertificate numberis H00404and is attachedas AppendixB Supplyof alcohol Playingliveand recordedmusic Provision of facilities for makingmusicand dancing - Monday& Saturday11:00- 23:00 - Sunday12:00- 22'.30 - Day,12:00- 15:00and19:00- 22:30 On Christmas - On GoodFriday,12:00- 22:30 - On NewYear'sEve,fromthe end of permittedhourson NewYear'sEveto the startof the permittedhourson the followingday. OpeningHoursof the Premises to the licensing hours I Co-terminus 3.1 The premisesare situatedin a mainlyresidential area,closeby to FelthamPoliceStation. 4.0 OPERATING SCHEDULE 4.1 The operating by the applicantand containsadditional measuresto scheduleis completed illustrate howtheyproposeto promotethe four licensing objectives as requiredby the Licensing Act 2003. Thefour licensing objectives are: o o . o Prevention of crimeanddisorder Prevention of publicnuisance publicsafety Protectionof childrenfrom harm The measuresproposedin the application and subsequent are amendment by the applicant paragraphs (inclusive) listedin 4.2 to 4.6 and will be attachedas conditions to any licence as may be granted,wherethis is eitheran enforceable conditionor does not repeata provisionof any otherlegislation. Conditionshave been highlighted in bold italicsfor the of doubt. avoidance Anythingin non italicsis a directquotefromthe application and will not form conditions on any licence.The proposedconditions(in bold italics)havebeenre-wordedin accordance withthe Council'slicensingpolicyso as to ensurethey are bothmeasurable and therefore enforceable. 4.2 The preventionof crime and disorder: Under 18sare not permitted on the premr.sesafrer 20:00 hours unless accompanied hy an adult CcTVsystem is installed and maintained in working order. The CCTV system will record at all times that the premr.sesare open for licensable activities. lmageswill be retained for a period of 14 days and will he provided to Police on request. A Challenge21 Policy will be adopted. 4.3 PublicSafetv: No r.sks identified that are not already regulated under primary legislation, 4.4 The preventionof publicnuisance: The Cluh secretaryor nominated person who is the person in charge, at the time entertainmenfrc pertormed, will monitor the noise from any regulatedentertainment or Live Music and if it is foo loud, will take appropriafe sfeps to reduce the volume. Signs will be posfed by all exr'fsto the premses advising memberswhen leaving, to do so quietly and with due respect to the neighhouring premises. at thefurthestpointawayfromresidential The smokingareafor the clubwill be positioned properties to minimisenoisefromspeech. Contactnumbers for taxi's and minicabs will he readily made available. 4.5 The protectionof childrenfrom harm: by an Under18sare not permitted on the premisesafter20:00hoursunlessaccompanied adult 21 Policyadopted Challenge 4.6 General-applvinq to all obiectives: above No measuresproposedthatare not alreadyindicated 5.0 CONSULTATION 5.1 witha displaynoticeat the premises hasbeenadvertised by the applicant The application advertisement as requiredby statute.In linewith of a newspaper andthe publication of theAct,the licensingauthority standardprocedure and in additionto the requirements in the immediate vicinity(50 metreradiusof the hasnotifiedresidents and businesses premises) thatthe application has beensubmitted. 5.2 neighbouring wardcouncillors and responsible authorities wardcouncillors, The appropriate Police,LondonFire are;Metropolitan authorities havebeenconsulted.The responsible Team,PollutionControl,Healthand SafetyTeam,PlanningDepartment, Brigade,Licensing and PrimaryCareTrust. Children's Services, TradingStandards 5.3 fromlocal 5.2,therearefiverepresentations identified in paragraph Of thoseconsultees public nuisance. The residents, concerned withthe possiblerisein noise,litter,andoverall arevalid,thattheyare not licensing authorityis satisfiedthattheserepresentations fromresponsible Therehavebeenno representations irrelevant, frivolousor vexatious. authorities. havebeenattachedas AppendixC. Theserepresentations 5.4 receivedhavebeensentto the applicant. Copiesof boththis reportandthe representations 5.5 Thosemakinga representation havebeeninformedof the timeanddatefor the Licensing madeawareof theirrightto attend. Panelmeeting,andsubsequently 6.0 POLIGY STATEMENT OF LICENSING 6.1 in relationto the Council's Thereare no specificissuesarisingfromthisapplication policy. statement of licensing 6.2 Thefollowingextractsfromthe Council'sstatementof licensingpolicyare broughtto the generalattentionof members: (3.4)whendetermining the Councilwilltakeintoaccountthe operating applications, the suitability of the premisesfor the intended schedulesubmitted by the applicant, process. received as a result of the consultation and any representations use (10.1)whererelevantrepresentations are made,the Licensing Authoritywillseekto judgements mayneedto be attachedto as to whetherconditions makeobjective of the licensing objectives.Any variousauthorisations to secureachievement conditions arisingfromthe operating scheduleor as a resultof representations will primarily place focuson the directimpactof the activities taking at licensedpremises and membersof the publicliving,workingor othenrvise engagedin normalactivityin the areaconcerned andwillcovermattersthatarewithinthe controlof individual licensees. (10.3)Conditions willonlybe placedon licencesif theyare considered necessary to meetthe licensing objectives.Otherstatutoryprovisions will not be duplicated. (10.6)The Licensing recognises Authority thatall applications shouldbe considered on theirownmeritsand any conditions imposedmustbe tailoredto thatindividual premise.Thiswillavoidthe implementation of disproportionate and burdensome conditions.Standardconditions otherthanmandatory conditions, willbe avoided and no condition willbe imposedthatcannotbe shownto be necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives.However, a condition whethervolunteered or mustbe measurable othenryise, andas suchthe Licensing Authoritymayalterthe wordingof a condition to makeit such(withoutchangingthe contextof the condition) andwillkeepa bankof wordedconditions thatmaybe usedin respectof a premise when if and sucha conditionis considered necessary to meetoneor moreof the licensingobjectives. 7.0 LEGALCONSIDERATIONS 7.1 Conditions mayonlybe attachedto the grantof a licencewheretheyare deemed appropriate for the promotion of the licensingobjectives.Theymustbe proportionate and notduplicateanyexistingprovisions containedin otherlegislation. Thejustification behind a refusalor the attachment mustbe givento the applicant. of conditions 7.2 Thereis a rightof appealto the Magistrates Courtby any partyaggrieved by anydecision of the Panel. 8.0 EQUALITIES ISSUES 8.1Thishasbeenconsidered in thedrafting of thisreportin linewithguidance andthe Council's LicensingPolicy.Thereare no specificissuesarisingin relationto thisapplication. 8.2