How to join a waiting list at (including student housing)


How to join a waiting list at (including student housing)
How to join a waiting
list at
(including student
How to join a waiting list
This guide shows you how to join a waiting list for a home or student housing.
The guide assumes
1. that you have registered a user profile
2. that you have connected it to your pension fund or pension company
(hereafter 'pension fund') if you are signing up for a home offered by a
pension fund
3. that you are logged in
You can search for homes in the same way as for vacant homes.
If you need other guides, you can find them at
Front page access
On the front page of you must select to search for homes with
waiting lists (or ‘Ungdomsboliger’/Student housing).
Click on ”Søg ventelisteboliger” (Search waiting list homes) in the ”Venteliste –
skriv dig op” (Waiting list - register) box.
Then you will see the search page for waiting list homes and homes for young
people, to which you will also always have access via the button in the green bar
at the top.
You can enter your search criteria and housing requirements in the grey box to
the left.
Once you are logged in and connected to a pension fund, you can also search only
for this pension fund's homes.
Click on the small box at ‘Vis kun boliger fra (din pensionskasse)’ (Only display
homes from (your pension fund)).
For student housing select ‘Boligtype’ (home type) – and ‘Ungdomsbolig’ (student
Click on the image or the property's address to get to the presentation of the
property, where you can read more and join the waiting list.
The property presentation provides further information on the property. You can
view any pictures, as well as the property's location on a map. Click on the tabs to
scroll between the pages of the presentation.
Ejendommen = the property
Billeder = pictures
Kort = map
Join the waiting list
Click on the ‘Skriv mig på venteliste’ (Add me to the waiting list) button for the
type of home (e.g. 2-room flat) you wish to sign up for.
8 will now check whether the owner needs more information from you
before you can join the waiting list. In such case, please enter your answers in the
small window that opens.
Please go to the end of this document for information about required data for
student housing.
As a minimum, you must enter the fields marked * to be able to join the waiting
Then you should click on ‘Skriv mig op’ (Sign me up).
If you fulfil the owner's criteria to join the waiting list, a confirmation that you
have been registered to the waiting list will be displayed.
In this example, you have now joined the waiting list for all 2-room flats in the
property. Then click on the ‘Luk’ (Close) button.
Then you can register for additional types of home in the same property, or join
the waiting lists for other properties.
You were not added to the waiting list
If you do NOT fulfil the owner's criteria to join the waiting list, you will be
informed that you have not been added to the waiting list.
If you have entered the correct information, click on ‘Luk’ (Close) to search for
other homes.
If you have entered incorrect information, click on ‘Rediger mine oplysninger’ (Edit
my details).
Waiting lists for specific homes
If you wish to sign up for specific homes in a property and not all homes under
one home type, you can fold out a list per home type.
Click on the blue square with + or click on the actual home type, e.g. ‘3 værelser’
(3 rooms). In the list, you can sign up for each home by clicking on the ‘Skriv mig
på venteliste’ (Add me to the waiting list) button.
Signing up on a waiting list for student housing (CIU)
To sign up for student housing find the property and home you wish to sign up
Click the button ‘Skriv mig på venteliste’ (Sign me up).
Now you need to complete the form in order to enter the waiting list.
Personlig information: Personal information
Postnummer: postcode
Uddannelsesmæssige forhold: education
and conditions
Er du under uddannelse eller skal du starte
på en uddannelse: Are you currently a
student or about to start an education?
List: Ja = yes, Nej = no
Hvilken uddannelse: which education
Uddannelsessted (hvor): where will you be
enrolled / place of study
Start på uddannelse: when will your studies
Forventet slut på uddannelse: expected
date for graduation
Antal timer pr. uge på nuværende
uddannelse: number of hours at your
current studies
Boligmæssige forhold: residential situation
Antal personer i den kommende bolig: number of
people in the future home
Antal børn i den kommende bolig: number of
children in the future home
Bor du hos dine forældre: Are you living with your
Har du en midlertidig bolig (hvis ja, skal
dokumentation sendes til): Is your current
residential situation temporary (if so, then you
need to forward dokumentation of this)
Bor du i en opsagt bolig (hvis ja, skal
dokumentation sendes til): is your current
tenancy terminated (if so, then you need to
forward documentation of this)
Har du et boligproblem I forbindelse med ophørt
samliv (hvis ja, skal dokumentation sendes til): do
you have a housing problem in connection with
the termination of cohabitation (if so, then you
need to forward documentation of this)
Økonomioplysninger: financial information
Erhvervsindkomst (udover SU indkomst) – Årligt: Earned indcome (besides SU
income) - annually
Sign up on the waiting list by clicking ’Skriv mig op’ (Sign me up)
View your waiting lists
Go to ‘Min side’ (My page) to see which waiting lists you have signed up at.