Hanehan Family Dairy - Saratoga County farm


Hanehan Family Dairy - Saratoga County farm
"Sundae" on the Farm
June 19, 200S
Allen Farm Equipment.. Inc.
American Farmland Trust
Battenkill Veterinary Bovine, PC
Capital Tractor Inc.
CN Tommell Cattle Company, LLC
Earthworm LLC
Farm Family lnsurance Co. -Eric 1. DeSImone, CLU
Feed Commodities International
First Pioneer Farm Credit, ACA
GENE.X Cooperative
Greene Trucking, Inc.
Pallette Stone Corp.
Robert C. Shaw Excavating
Salem Farm Supply, Inc.
Saratoga Co. Dairy Promotion Comminee
SanilOga County Farm Bureau
Wbiunan's Feed Store
Hanehan Fam i~
airy, LLC HalfG.Uon:
Braymer Construction
Monsanto Dairy Business
Richard Leise Well Drilling
Saratoga National Bank
Wiley Bros.
Arno Id' s Feed&: Grain Service, Inc.
Curtis Lumber
Dairy Marketing Services
Select Sire Power Inc.-Michael
Thorobred Feed Sales. LLC
Leon R. Walker. Inc.
Washington County Co-operative
Insurance Co.
Welcomes you to the
10th Annual
.Sundae on t he Farm
CONTRIBUTORS OF GOODS & SERVICES Agri-Marlc Cabot McCad.am: Cheese Allen Farm Equipment Co., Inc. (Schaghdroke): traCtor & utility vehicle Capital TractOr Inc. (Greenwich): tractor Conover Electric: electric needs Earthworm LLC (Troy): tractor Emerich Sales & Service: tractor General Schuyler Emergency Squad John Guay &: Vonni~ Est.es: music Koval Brothers Dairy. LLC: utility vehicle Nightingale's Maple Farm: Maple Walnut ice cream topping Peclchaven Farm: golf cart &: utility vehicle Quaker Springs Fire Depl: par1cing Salem Farm Supply (Salem): tractor &: utility vehicle Saratoga Ag Sales &: Service: tractor &: utility vehIcle Saratoga County Fair: microphones, signs, band sanitizer.; Saratoga County Sheriffs Department Stewart's Shops, Inc.: ree cream, dip cart, refrigerated truck and assorted supplies Sundae's Besi Hot Fudge Sauce: hot fudge sauce Washington Co. Cornell Cooperative Extension: microphone Washington County Fair, lnc.: trams SteuJaJ\t:$
Hosted by Charles & Barbara Hanehan. David & Sharon Hanehan. Clifford & Kathleen Hanehan 207 Coun!)' Road 67 Sunday. June 19, 2005 Sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension or Saratoga Couno/. American Farmland Trust. Saratoga CounD' Farm Bureau. and the Town or Saratoga wIth support from the Saratoga (ouno/ Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board This Is anacflve daffY farm. Please hI! rcsponslble foIj'OUI childrt:17 al all times! Handwash s13i/ons are avajlab/~ neilr i1I7imal el.'hlblt.s and tM food art:3. Welcome to Hanehan Family Dairy Farm!
The cows at Hanehan Family Dairy produce approximately 42,000
pounds of milk every day. This is equivalent to 4,833 gallons or
84,000 half-pintsl Each cowan the farm produces an average of
24,000 pounds of milk each year.
The cows are milked in a milking parlor twice per day. It takes 7
hours to milk all 600+ cows. The:urilk is held on the farm in a
6,500 gallon bulk tank in the milk house. It is picked up every clay
and shipped to Agri-Mark, a New England-based dairy farmer
owned cooperative. The milk is primarily processed into Cabot
Dairy Products.
hy shonld we support Saratoga County farms?
Saratoga County has more than 400 family-ovmed fa.rms
and 70,000 acres of farmland. But in the past four dec­
ades, we have lost nearly 25 percent of the county's
farmland. That's the fastest rate offarmland loss in the
Capital Region.
When we lose our fa.rms 1 we lose all the benefits they
provide: scenic landscapes and open space, access to
fresh local farm products, rural heritage and wildlife
habitat. Farms add more than $100 million annually to
Saratoga County's economy and contribute greatly to our
tourism industry.
The farm, wbkh has been operated by the Hanehan family since
1946, was one of the first fanns in Saratoga County to participate in
New York's Farmland Protection Program. The fann bas perma­
nently conserved 97 acres ofland located across from the Saratoga
National Cemetery on Duell Road. American Farmland Trust. Open
Space Project and the town of Saratoga were all involved in this
pilot project for Saratoga County.
Facts about the Hanehan Farm
• The farm supports three families ofHanehans
• The Hanehan children are responsible for a wide variety of work
around the fann
• In addition to family members, the fann employs 5 full-time and
7 pan-time workers
• The farm has 675 milking cows and 650 heifers and calves
• The fann owns 961 acres and rents an additional 822 acres to
grow corn, alfalfa and grass
Thankyou to the Hanehan Famljy. the volunteers, and the ma'!Y contrlhutors who make thIs event happenl y ou can help! Support local farmers:
• Shop at local produce stands. fanners' markets
and pick-your-own farms
• Encourage your town board to support programs
that help keep farmers in business and protect
• Be friendly toward farmers and understanding
about farm practices
• Show your children how food is produced-take
them to farm events like this one
For more information about Saratoga County farms, visit
In the Exhibit Area
12:30 PM Featuring
Chameleon on the Lake
1:45 PM Featuring
Black Diamond Caterers
Hanehan Family Dairy, LLC Helfer
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MatemiIX Bam lB
Horse Tour)) _ _ _ _ _
Art Display
Farmers Markel ~N
Feed '
Llamas H Q
Sheep Herding
BoardX I
Food Are.
First Aid
Information/Lost & Found
Hancticap Parking
W Water
B Beverages
# Vo lunteer Check-In
/:). Porta-Potties
H Handwash Station
Farmers Market Vendors
Anna Mae's Homemade Jams
Ballston Lake Apiaries
Dyer's Farm & Greenhouse
Jane's Country Creations
Maple Valley Farm
Nightingale's Maple Farm
Saratoga Llamas
Terry's Kitchen ISmith's Bake Shop
Special thanks to Stewart's Ice Cream
Shops for their generous donations of Ice
cream, the dip cart" refrigerated truck, and
other essential supplies that help to make
the Sundae on the Farm possible.
Ag Economic Development Program
Agri-Mark Cabot McCadam
American Farmland Trust
Battenkill Veterinary Bovine
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Fred DePaul
Hanehan's Pumpkins
New York State Agricultural Society
New York State Beef Council
New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program
Rock Day Spinners
Saratoga County Ag Promotion Committee
Saratoga County Cooperative Extension
4-H Program
Saratoga County Dairy Promotion Committee
Saratoga County Fair
Saratoga County Farm Bureau
10th Annual
Sundae on the Farm
June 19, 2005
Saratoga County 4-H Dairy Club
Saratoga County Soil Water Conservation District
Saratoga P.L.A.N.
Schuylerville Elementary School
SUNY Cobleskill
Town of Saratoga Historian
Animal exhibitors
Dream Ponies - pony rides
Jen Koval-<:hickens
Pet Pals 4-H Club-rabbits
Debbie St. Jacques-dog herding
Bud South - pigs
Woolly Uama Whisperers - llamas
Vonnie Estes & John Guay
Draft Horse Exhibitors
Bill Betts Family
Kevin Bowman Family
Roger Pitman Family
Tim Reilly Family
Fred Sievers Family