48 - Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library
48 - Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library
THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS VOL. THE IV STOW, COMMUNITY O., F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 26, 1937 SPIRIT No man despises a good neighbor. When I was a boy families that lived f a r and near were all good neighbors, one often tried to outdo the other in kind and loving deeds. I am persuaded that the human heart is just as kind and loving now and always will be, but I know too that in a great city conditions are different. Back across the hills we knew one another. In the mad scramble of a great city you just can't play the part of a good Samaritan to every unfortunate. However, in a Township like Stow there is no excuse for not possessing and scattering abroad the Community Spirit. By Community Spirit we mean good-will, kindness, sympathy and solicitude. In the Community Spirit we sincerely desire that no evil shall befall our neighbors. The great majority of the folk in Stow belong to some Church, their membership is in Cleveland, Akron, Kent Hudson or Stow, and mark, mv friend, a Community Spirit can scarcely have the high calling of the Christian Spirit. Therefore, join with me, I beg, that we at least measure to the standard of a Community Spirit. God forbid that I should boast, f a r from it, but I say with pride my father was a good neighbor. I have known him to sit with the N O . 48 sick, yes often, and work the next day. I have known him to divide his Christmas dinner with the needy and to give clothes from his scant wardrobe. The winds of countless ages may blow scornfully across the graves of some but not so over father's upturned face, for he was a good neighbor. Kindness is cheap, a smile and a glad hand, a kind word, a loving deed enriches one's soul. It savors of the things that are worth reaping by and by. Tucked in homes, up and down the allotments of Stow are many sad and discouraged hearts, life for most of us is an,up-hill pull, great then is the need for the sunshine and cheer of a little bit of love. Just t r y the Community Spirit, put it in operation, speak to the one you dislike, pray for one you are tempted to damn, wish everybody well, give your soul a chance to grow big, let magnanimity have its way, stoop to do little kindly deeds, expecting no reward, the reward is in duty done. Attend one of the Churches in Stow, speak well of all men, forgive as you hope to be forgiven. Look across the allotments of Stow, think of those more unfortunate than yourself, then obey the urge within, even a word of sympathy will help. All you can ever carry out of this world on your stiffened Sunday Evening Topic:- "Who is to Blame for the World's Confusion" 2 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS DRAWER C STOW, SUMMIT CO., OHIO Published Weekly Subscription Price H. J. STOCKMAN FALLS PRINTING CO. 50c A Year Editor Printer OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 360 W. Arndale Rd., Stow Entered as second class matter May 4, 1937 at the Post 'Office at Stow, Ohio, under Act lof March 3, 1879. STOW COMMUNITY CHURCH GEORGE M. HULME . . . Minister 859 Ardmore Ave., Akron, HE-8275 Business Phone Number JE-9224 CHURCH CALENDAR Bible School Sunday, 9:30 A. M. Evening Tabernacle Service Sunday 7:30 P. M. Young People's M e e t i n g — Sunday, 6:30 P. M. Teacher's Training C l a s s and Prayer Meeting, Wed. 7:30 P. M. Church Business Meeting First Friday Evening of Month NEWS fingers of death is what you have done for someone else. Come, people of Stow, pack your selfishness, your jealousy, your hatreds, your anger, your deceit and all evil things in a box, nail t h e m fast, then burn in the f u r n a c e and everyone pull together for the Community Spirit in the land of Stow. Geo. M. Hulme. CHRISTIAN ACTION Last F r i d a y evening fourteen persons met at the home of Mrs. Murray, Gorge P a r k boulevard for the ninth Christian Action p r a y e r meeting of this year. On this F r i d a y the meeting will be held a t the home of H. J. Stockman, West Arndale Road, and on F r i d a y evening, December 3rd, the meeting will t a k e place at the Lawson home on East Arndale Road. At these meetings topics outlined by J a m e s DeForest Murch Equipment And Service the best obtainable. T h e beautiful a p p o i n t m e n t s of t h e M c Gowan Funeral Home—The u s e of t h e C h a p e l , a n d m a n y other available accommodal o n s — y e t within your m e a n s a n d a t n o a d d e d cost t o y o u . THE McGOWAN FUNERAL HOME WA-1313 247 Stow Ave. Cuyahoga Falls 476 T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H . NEWIS We Can't Go Wrong Now W i t h a turn of the knob our NEW LUBSCROLL everthing about your tells us car or truck. W h a t oil and grease to use and where to put it. Come in and see. Shell Gas Station "Eddie" Parsons 140 E Kent Road Stow with numerous Bible references are studied. Spirited discussion of points involved make these meetings of special interest to those who would be citizens of God's kingdom on earth,—and, forget not, that God's kingdom is a spiritual kingdom. That our spirit may live, it is necessary ,to feed it. Food for the spirit is prayer, the study and contemplation of God's Word and association with Christian folks. Come out to these Friday night meetings and feed your spirit. BAZAAR The Ladies Aid Society of the Stow Church of Christ are holding a Christmas Bazaar and Turkey Supper Wednesday, December 1st. The public is invited. Supper will be served f r o m 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. Admission 60c. (Adv.) eCHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The topic for discussion this next Sunday evening at Christian Endeavor will be "Suppose There Had Been No Missionaries." Miss Clara Hardy will be the leader. The president of the Christian W e have plenty of beautiful Cut Flowers and Plants in bloom. If you cannot come in and see them, phone us for delivery. SILVER L A K E FLORISTS 4 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Willard Batteries Marhofer Chevrolet Stow WA-1823 Notice:^ We have discontinued delivering coal in two ton lots. M i n i m u m order now delivered is three tons. Call us for prices and terms. Thomas Coal Co. DAY WA-5069 Stow N I G H T WA-1889 All makes Vacuum Cleaners and Electrical Appliances repaired. O. L. Z i r k l e , 146 F r a n k l i n Road, Stow. (Adv.) Endeavor Society announces the committee consisting of Howard Sanner, Chairman, Alice Shaffer, Marion DeWitt and Lucille DeWitt, will plan a Christmas party. BAZAAR NO. 2 The Ladies Guild of the Stow Community Church are holding a bazaar and supper Friday evening, December 3rd. The time set for serving supper is 6:00 P. M. Price of tickets is 50c. Everybody invited. (Adv.) POSTPONEMENT On account of the Bazaar on Friday night, December 3rd, the regular monthly Church Night business meeting has been postponed to the second Friday in W e are thankful for your patronage of the last year, and hope your day of Thanksgiving was a pleasant one. Baughmans WA-8122 STOW 476 T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H . NEWIS Delco Automatic Oil Heat Let us figure your heating needs with Oil Heat We can show you that it is as cheap to use Oil Heat as any other type of heat. The Stow Hardware WA-6919 Stow O. E. F. KASTENS December. This will be on the tenth day of the month. AH members of the Church are Requested to attend this meeting as the yearly election of officers will take place then. All Church officers will remember to have written reports covering the year's activity ready to be presented at that time. Pumps, Plumbing, Heating Estimates Free 116 E. G r a h a m Rd. Ph6ne W A - 7 6 8 8 FURNITURE REPAIRED REFINISHED CABINET WORK Clint E. Worcester WA-9635 POSTPONEMENT For GIFTS— The Treasure Gift Shop Bridge Prizes - Greeting Cards 160 East Kent Rd. Stow, O. D O R O T H Y H O R N , Prop. THE STOW BOOK SHOPPE Books Bought and Sold NO. 2 On account of the bazaar the regular monthly business meeting of Miss Arlene Stein's Bible class has been postponed until Friday,' December 10th. This meeting will be held at the home of Miss Annabelle Hardy. Remember, December 10th, 7:30 P. M. ^ RITCHIE'S MEAT MARKET NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Fresh Home Dressed Meats N.L. Ritchie, Proprietor WA-1507 407 Ritchie Road Stow Ohio T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H . NEWIS 476 For all Dairy Produc ts call on ISALY'S in Stow M A. REARICK, THANKSGIVING BOOKS JE-9224 BOUGHT AND SOLD McGrail Antique Shop U P H O L S T E R I N G and CABINET WORK Phone W A - 1 0 9 1 150 E. Kent Rd. Stow . STOW DAIRY General Dairy Products A. F. STEIN 149 Hudson Rd. Phone W A - 4 7 9 4 Stow MARTHA SPAGHT GENERAL INSURANCE A Service T h a t Makes Friends And Keeps T h e m BECKLEY'S BARBEfe SHOP Marhofer Block STOW :-: OHIO JUNCTION SHOE REPAIR H. M. W Y A T T , Prop. Good Material - Good W o r k 2721 Hudson Drive Fleetwing Gas Proprietor On account of the printers taking time out this week to be properly thankful for all that they have enjoyed during the past year, - this edition of Community Church News is somewhat abbreviated. We made it up a day ahead of time so in case your particular news items, advertisements, or what not, are left out this is the reason why. Next week we would like to be certain of news items from all of our correspondents, namely, Graham Rd, Fish Creek, Darrowville. Munroe Falls and Timbucktoo. We regret the omission of the Graham Rd. notes last week, but, they will help fill up -this weeks paper. PERSONALS Attend Church Sunday evening. The Mens Bible Class again won the banner last Sunday morning. Attendance at Bible School last Sunday one hundred and seventy seven. Mrs. Howard Geistweite of Liberty Road visited in Cleveland last Sunday. L. B. Richardson of 171 Liberty Fleetwing Oil Friend's Service Station w. E. "BILL" BKIIXJKKS, Proprietor T H E C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H . NEWIS 476 KNIGHT SERVICE CO. Nil-Way Cleaning and Pressing There is a Difference - INVISIBLE SHOE REBUILDING WA-2224 1890 Front St. Cuyahoga Falls Road was sick the fore p a r t of the week, tho is "on the mend" now. Birthdays celebrated last Sunday a t Bible School were those of Roy Olson, Mrs. Dike, Mrs. Schnee, Al Stein and Odwin Stockman. word last S u n d a y morning of the death of h e r sister in Columbus. She left immediately for her sister's home. S T O W BEAUTY SHOPPE— Spaght Block, Stow. Miss Isabel Porter, manicurist in attendance Thursday, F r i d a y and Saturday. Phone W A - 1 4 2 3 f o r appointment. D r y chestnut lumber, one and two inch thickness, length up t o Elsie Mae W a l t o n , M g r . (Adv.) twenty feet. Light durable maI t is reported t h a t Mrs. H . C. teria! f o r sheeting and f r a m i n g . Kaiser, 115 N o r t h Sanford, who Delivered in Stow for $30.00 per was seriously i n j u r e d about a thousand. J. Mitten, 142 T h o r n y e a r ago in the auto wreck a t the dale, Stow. ( A d v . ) Oscar Roxbury has been in St. G r a h a m Road railroad crossing Thomas Hospital five a n d one when her husband was killed, is now completely recovered. half months now. I t is reported The mid-week teacher's trainthat he is sitting up some now. ing class a n d p r a y e r meeting A b r a n d new nine and a quarconducted b y Mr. Biggs will be t e r pound baby boy, name F r e n c h held for a time a t least each Allan, J r . was born last F r i d a y Wednesday evening in the homes night, November ninteenth t o Mr. of the various teachers in place and Mrs. F r e n c h Rogers of Lillof t h e Church basement. This ian Road. week's meeting was held a t t h e Ritchie's Home Dressed Meats home of Mrs. Carpenter. are now being sold a t Mulligan's The girls of Mrs. Carpenter's Grocery Store, 479 Hudson Rd., Bible Class m e t last Saturday Stow. (Adv.) afternoon a t her home f o r t h e Golden Text f o r Sunday:— usual monthly business and social Herein is m y F a t h e r glorified, time. At this meeting a Christthat ye bear much f r u i t ; and so m a s p a r t y was planned. This shall ye be m y disciples. John p a r t y will be held December 11th 15:8. a t the home of Mrs. Buck on Mrs. L. G. Phelps received Let us condition your car for— WINTER DRIVING W. C. GERBER & SOIN GAS - OIL FORD SALES 8 THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS That clean-cut man you admire H e is clean in every way, especially in the m a t t e r <pf his clothes a n d hats. A n d his clean-cut a p p e a r a n c e is m a i n t a i n e d at a small expense. C o n t i ' s C r y s t a l e n e Cleaning Service k e e p s e v e r y dress item always clean a n d s m a r t a n d , like all p a t r o n s of C o n t i Service, h e f i n d s the cost is low. W h y not try this low-cost aid to a smart appearance? Cleaners Dyers INC Phone WA-1122 Store 116 Monroe Falls Rd. Odorless Crystalene Cleaning Always Guaranteed Shoe Repairs To Match Crystalene Liberty Road. Election of officers will occur at this meeting. <S> G R A H A M ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS There were 100 in Bible school last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luce, of Akron, sang some special numbers during the morning worship and Mr. Luce delivered a splendid message. Miss Catherine Ashton is suffering with an ulcer on her eyeball. An eye specialist is treating her and we hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Earl Trowbridge, of Cleve- Cleaning land, visited over trie weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge, of Green Rd. Max Biggs missed two days of school last week because of illness. The Brightman family will soon be residents of W. Graham Rd., near the church, for they are getting their home ready for occupancy in the near future. The Sunday school recently purchased twenty-four new chairs for the church. Melvin Ashton has enlisted in the navy and is stationed at Newport, R. I.
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