2014 Sertoma Football Classic Program Digital Advertising
2014 Sertoma Football Classic Program Digital Advertising
2014 Sertoma Football Classic Program Digital Advertising Requirements Ad Rates and Sizes Back Cover $1995 4-Color 7.5” x 9.75” Front & Back Inside Cover $1765 4-Color 7.5” x 9.75” Full Page $1250 4-Color / $920 B&W 7.5” x 9.75” 1/2 Page (Horizontal) $750 4-Color / $580 B&W 7.5” x 5.125” 1/2 Page (Vertical) $750 4-Color / $580 B&W 3.625” x 9.75” 1/4 Page $320 B&W 3.625” x 4.75” 1/8 Page $215 B&W 3.6875” x 2.25” Sertoma Supporter $100 2 Line Listing content restrictions apply * A $40 surcharge will be added for strategic placement near a specific school! ity degradation may be noticeable when printed. 2. Any color ads that are paid for at the black and white rate will be accepted and changed to black and white prior to print. Publication Specifics Advertising Sales Deadline July 11, 2014 Ad Materials Due** July 16, 2014 *Publication will be available both nights of the 2013 Sertoma Football Classic with an attendance estimate of 7,000+. **Ads will NOT be accepted after the deadline. 2014 August 21 & 22 - Charleston, SC A Project of the Sertoma Club of Charleston www.charlestonsertoma.org I/we subscribe for _________________________page/space at $______(check aaached) I/we subscribe for _____________________________ page/space at $ ______(check attached) in the ANNUAL SERTOMA CHARITIES FOOTBALL CLASSIC PROGGM as a donation to A Project of the Sertoma Club of Charleston I/we subscribe for _____________________________ page/space at $ ______ (check attached) beneet WINDWOOD FARM HOME FOR CHILDREN Sertoma Charities. A Project of www.charlestonsertoma.org the Sertoma Cluband ofother Charleston in the ANNUAL SERTOMA CHARITIES FOOTBALL CLASSIC PROGRAM as a donation to www.charlestonsertoma.org I/we subscribe for _________________________page/space at $______(check aaached) benefit the Sertoma Charities, which in 2013 included: Windwood Farm, Eagle Harbor, Trinitas, ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE in thesubscribe ANNUAL SERTOMA CHARITIES FOOTBALL CLASSIC at PROGGM as a donation to I/we forEmail _________________________page/space $______(check aaached) electronic versionArea of yourTherapeutic le (preferably PDF or JPEG) to [email protected]. Camp Happy Days, Charleston Riding, Ronald McDonald House and West beneet WINDWOOD FARMCHARITIES HOME FOR FOOTBALL CHILDREN CLASSIC and other Sertoma Charities. in the ANNUAL SERTOMA PROGGM as a donation to Ashley High School ROTC. beneet WINDWOOD FARM HOME FOR CHILDREN and other Sertoma Charities. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE EmailALL electronic version of your le (preferably or JPEG) to [email protected]. (Please ll in all information) DONATIONS AREPDF TAX DEDUCTIBLE $_______ Paid by Check Contract Must BeEmail Signed By Customer electronic version of your le (preferably PDF or JPEG) to [email protected]. (Check must accompany contract) Notes: $_______ Paidtoby Check 1. Make checks payable SERTOMA CHARITIES, (Check must accompany $_______ Paidcontract) byINC. Check Advertiser/Business Name (Please ll in all information) Contract Be Signed By Customer (Please ll inMust all information) Contract Must Be Signed By Customer Billing Address Advertiser/Business Name Advertiser/Business Name City State Billing Address Billing Address Best Contact Phone Number City mail Address for Advertising Materials ECity Best Contact Phone Number Best ContactSignature Phone Number Customer’s State State Zip Contact Name Zip Zip Contact Name ContactDate Name Email Address for Advertising Materials mail Address for Advertising Materials ESertoma Member Customer’s Signature Customer’s Signature Sertoma Member Sertoma Member Date Date 2. Emailmust ALLaccompany Camera/Print Ready Ads to (Check contract) Notes: [email protected] with the subject eld Notes: “RE: Sertoma 1. Make checksFootball payableProgram” to SERTOMA CHARITIES, 3. Contract in COMPLETELY 1. Fill Make checks payable to INC. 2. ALLCHARITIES, Camera/Print Ready Ads to to 4. Email Give original, copy, ad layout & check SERTOMA INC. [email protected] with the subject Sertoma Leader. 2. Email Commiiee ALL Camera/Print Ready Ads toeld “RE: Sertoma Football Program” 5. Give third copy to Customer. [email protected] with the subject eld 3. Fill Contract in COMPLETELY “RE: Sertoma Football Program” 6. All Ad Donations are non-refundable. 4. Give original, ad layout 3. Contract COMPLETELY 7. Fill Sertoma is notincopy, responsible for & anycheck to Sertoma Commiiee Leader. inadvertent errorscopy, or changes. 4. Give original, ad layout & check to 5. Give third copy to Leader. Customer. Sertoma Commiiee 6. Donations non-refundable. 5. All GiveAd third copy to are Customer. facebook.com/sertomafootballclassic 7. All Sertoma is not responsible for any 6. Ad Donations are non-refundable. facebook.com/ctlowndes inadvertent or changes.for any 7. Sertoma iserrors not responsible inadvertent errors or changes. facebook.com/sertomafootballclassic facebook.com/ctlowndes facebook.com/sertomafootballclassic facebook.com/ctlowndes