Corporate Sponsorship and Community Support


Corporate Sponsorship and Community Support
Corporate Sponsorship and
Community Support Program Guidelines
Icon Water demonstrates a strong sense of social responsibility and contributes to, and
promotes, the cultural and social development of the ACT. We achieve this through our
Community Support Program and Major Events Program.
For almost twenty years, Icon Water has supported the ACT community through donations, inkind support and sponsorships. In the past few years we have provided approximately $500,000
annually to more than sixty charities, and sporting, cultural and community groups and events
in the ACT and surrounding local region.
The Community Support Program assists charities, not for profit and non government
community service support providers, fundraising events, and community organisations and
The Major Events Program provides financial support and sponsorships for cultural, arts, sport,
education and community programs and events.
Funding and/or grants for operational or administrative activities are not provided through
these programs.
Requests for donations, support and sponsorships should demonstrate that the activity or event
meets one or more of the following criteria:
Provides social and tangible benefits to the ACT and surrounding local communities
Supports programs and services for those less fortunate in our community
Promotes and encourages participation and engagement
Will enhance community wellbeing and pride
Is relevant to Icon Water’s business interests, responsibilities and mandate
Provides opportunities to form business and social networks, and relationships.
For more information visit
T 6248 3111 | F 6242 1459
E [email protected]
12 Hoskins Street, Mitchell ACT 2911
GPO Box 366 Canberra ACT 2601
ABN 86 069 381 960.