2011 - Iowa 4-H Foundation


2011 - Iowa 4-H Foundation
Fall 2011
Mark Your Calendar!
3rd Annual Iowa 4-H Gala
February 25, 2012
Marriott Hotel, downtown Des Moines
Northwest Iowa Going for the
Green Golf Tournament
June 22, 2012
Emerald Hills, Arnolds Park
Central Iowa Going for the
Green Golf Tournament
July 16, 2012
Des Moines
‘Nothing Compares’
to 4-H at State Fair
By: Beth Irlbeck
othing Compares” to the quality
of events 4-H hosted at the 2011
Iowa State Fair. This year, the 4-H
Exhibits Building was the “place to be” to see
Iowa’s talented youth in action. Youth with
many different interests had the opportunity
to participate in special events that tailored
to their likeness. Here are some of the 4-H
highlights at the 2011 Iowa State Fair:
Stitch This!
Twelve teams of high school-age
youth had 16 hours to deconstruct prom
dresses (from a selection of 200) and
then reconstruct them into a new prom
dress that was showcased in an upbeat
runway show. The 2011 theme ‘America
Iowa 4-H Foundation
Extension 4-H Youth Bldg.
Ames, Iowa 50011-3630
(515) 294-1537
[email protected]
the Beautiful’ challenged
participants to look to
nature, landscapes, and
the beauty of America
for their inspiration.
Teams competed for
a once-in-a-lifetime
chance to have their
design mass produced for Stacey’s Prom
and Formalwear 2012 Prom Line.
Teams selected a minimum of three
prom dresses and combined the design
elements, fabric and styles to create a
new prom dress. Judges evaluated the
designs based on creativity, workmanship,
teamwork, communication and runway
continued on pg 6 >>
Iowa State Fair
August 9-19, 2012
State Fairgrounds, Des Moines
Eastern Iowa Going for the
Green Golf Tournament
August 23, 2012
Blue Top Ridge, Riverside
Adventure Race
Fall 2012
Iowa 4-H Center, Madrid, IA
National 4-H Week
October 4-10, 2012
In This Issue
3rd Annual Gala..............................5
FY11 Annual Report........................8
DuPont Supports Global 4-H......10
Soybean Assn. Donates to 4-H....12
I pledge my head to clearer thinking
Board of Trustees
Mitch Baum
Bob Butcher
Jamie Cashman
Barbara Determan
– Past President
Bill Dohrmann
Sherry Ford
Evan Fritz
Dal Grooms
April Hemmes
Terry Hobson
Lois Hunt
Laurie Johns
Cathann Kress
Paul Kruse
Chuck Morris
Scott Mortimer – President
Matthew Nelson
Tom Nicholson
Bill Northey
Deb Pullin-Van Auken
– President-Elect
Tom Rodgers
Jerry Roell
Chad Schweitzer
Janel Tyler
Gary Vincent
Rob Vincent
Dana Wenstrand
Iowa 4-H’ers
study crop
one of the
many project
areas in
Fall 2009
Bakers Bake book
with a 4-H Cook
he Iowa 4-H
its 60th Annivers
get you
e that will
with a collectibl Anniversary
cooking. The
is on sale now
Edition cookbook
for purchase
and available
Hometown Potluck
By Shelly
Calling All
4-H Alumn
and Frie
d to 4-H
only $20.
192This exclusive
page cookbook
ioneer Hi-Bre
d, a4-H
DuPon Meris commi
work witht busine
gift made
Director ofquality
of life in
e the
Joe Leisz, Executive
with aits
the comm
This contrib Iowa 4-H, dollar
& Gardens
customers Homes
board president,
60th anniversar
4-H Found ution launched for dollar.
celebrate the
live and
past Iowa 4-H
4-H Director
work. PioneeTest emplo
the 2010
Morris, State
Dennis Goering,
led by Iowaation President’s
that comm
r has reinfor
n and Chuck
itment throug
4-H Foundatio
from 4-H Foundation Campaign
Bill Tomlin
will find recipes
h its contin
n Potlucks
birthday cake.
60 Years!
hat’s what
Iowa State
are doing
this spring
– calling
like you,
to enlist
your annua ,
for Iowa
need your
4-H. We
help to
grow 4-H
memand suppo
rt a netwo
more than
rk of
12,000 adult
Last year
to Keep
4-H Green
in Iowa!
We want
to double
in 2010
with a specia that amount
gift progra
l matching
m offered
by Pionee
New unrest
and pledge
ricted gifts
s made
will be match the 4-H
for dollar
ed dollar
by Pionee
r! We hope
you will
the call
to make
this year
the best
Iowa 4-H’er
better for
development the number one snack
mixes in
is an amazin
delicious youth
a variety
g investm
“4-H makes organization in
casseroles and
director find ” said Joe Leisz,
the nation
a positiv enchilada
even of
our comm former
will help the Iowa 4-H Found
salads. You
several unities and e of
t on
chocoare set,
youth throug
rs rems that
county in keep 4-H strong ation. “It
As new goals
By Alicea Murra
yummy desserts
current 4-H
campfire 60
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expandsapple as our growinin every
and the rt agricu goody bars, cranberry
around a
4-H’ers and
its memb
said Bill es and impact latelture,
wish made
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inspire otherspants. We hope
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for Pionee
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stories rwill
the next
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and help
Maybe their
are proud Hi-Bred Intern
us grow
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and a $1 million
across the
rt the 4-H
your memorie
supportinghas a long traditi leaders.”
tion that provides
year, we are
next generastate that help createprograms
Campaign, 4-H. In the 2004 of
youth. This
tion of active
ties for Iowa
marking the
of Itcommunity leader
early citizens
contributed ent’s
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on. The Short
camp in the s.”
B&B’s: A
In Novem
4-H Foundati
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$450,000 overal
of the Iowa
ber 2009,
Bill Short
to suppo
and senior
4-H Foundati
rt volunt result of
State Fair
The Legac
2009, Iowa
years later,
r “Presid r annou
......10 eer leader
once 1950’s during Challeange.”
4-H Afters
On June 24,
y of 4-H
a paved
Only few This County
gathered together
State 4-H
Lives On
road to
as of high school.pledge match
CWF: Leadi
the 4-H ..12 programs,
the Jasper$150,000 match Q&A withrecogn
board members
now known
es taking
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a job with
ing gift
every new,
same camp,
ng Youth
the sum- received
again at that
4-H Congr 4-H
Annual Report
r also provid
of $15
Center. Although needed, Extension. He
it Green
Iowa 1958 for a total
ed the lead
n Patch....
the Iowa 4-H
Gala ..........
to camp in4-H Found fee.
a campfire
DeMoss Pumpki
together 4-H’ers
mer heat meant
bus and
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Get Civics
rs gathered
sion 4-H
for the
Lesson ..........
the 4-H
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had ,a great Youth no
Set the Stage
“The kids
camp, reminisce celebrated
4-H Mercha
to tour the
for Succe
to be
of poor and
New Iowa
and set goals
tly, a was kind (515) 294-1
girls of all
60 years. Most
more cities. Farm
pg 6>>
in the next
set to help
budget was
$1 million
their wishes.
4-H’ers fulfill
In This Issu
In This Issue
Iowa 4-H Foundat
4-H Youth
Ames, Iowa
(515) 294-153
[email protected]
I pledge my head
I pledge my
to clearer thinking
head to clearer
To sponsor future issues of
FourWord, contact Shelly Greving
at [email protected] or
(515) 294-1607.
Looking to the Future
Gregory Geoffroy
t’s with great pride and humility that I
begin my term as the President of the Iowa
4-H Foundation. It is a privilege to serve an
organization that helps 1 in 5 kids in Iowa.
This is an opportunity for me
to give back to an organization
from which I gained so much
from. As a member of the Sugar
Grove Blue Ribbon Winners in
Dallas County, I learned many
leadership skills and life lessons.
I am the Publisher of Successful
Farming magazine and we have
a 109-year commitment to the
success of agriculture. I’m especially
proud that our founder, ET Meredith, helped
start 4-H by pioneering the National 4-H
Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work
in the 1920’s. To be able to serve 4-H and a
company with such a commitment to agriculture and 4-H is special. Thank you to my
employer, Meredith Corporation.
There are a number of people I’d like
to thank: First, Barb Determan, the past
president of the Iowa 4-H Foundation. Her
leadership this past year was exceptional and
she guided the Foundation through some
very challenging times and decisions; Barb,
thanks for all that you did!
I’d also like to thank the Foundation staff.
They come to work every day trying to find
ways to help raise money for 4-H. I want to
thank Glen Mente, who has put his retirement
on hold (and his golf game) to serve as the
interim director for the Foundation.
And finally, I want to recognize the board of
trustees. There are 29 dedicated professionals
from across our state who volunteer their
time, talents and resources to help our
Foundation be successful. We have
tremendous opportunities and challenges
in front of us.
There are exciting changes happening
at Iowa State University. In February, we will
welcome the new president, Dr. Steven Leath.
He will serve as chairman of our board.
Dr. Cathann Kress joined ISU this past July
as Vice President of Extension and Outreach.
If you haven’t met Dr. Kress yet, you are in
for a treat. She has a background in 4-H as a
club member, county educator, state program
leader in New York, national director at
National 4-H Headquarters within USDA,
and is the parent of three 4-H’ers.
Dr. Kress has publicly stated that she wants
4-H to be the flagship program for ISU Extension and Outreach. Her vision is
for 4-H to be the programmatic
outreach from Iowa State to our
youngest citizens in their communities. It’s the land-grant
concept applied to our youth.
What needs work?
While we value tradition, we
cannot continue to operate as
we have in the past. State and
federal funding are not what they used to be.
Although we have been blessed with a strong
agriculture economy in our state, the challenge
for fundraising has never been greater. We
cannot continue to do things just because we
always have.
What you can do as a friend of 4-H is to
continue your support by volunteering,
donating your money and resources, and
advocating for 4-H to your friends, family
and neighbors. If we want our children to be
afforded the same opportunities in 4-H as we
enjoyed, we need more support.
The Iowa 4-H Foundation board of trustees
has already begun to address many of those
challenges. We have re-written our bylaws to
make us relevant in today’s non-profit world.
We are undergoing a top down review of all
that we do and finding better, more efficient
ways of operating.
And finally, we are in the midst of a search
for a new Executive Director for the Foundation.
The ideal candidate will have vision, passion
and be dedicated to 4-H in order to lead us
into these new and exciting times. If you
know of someone who you think could lead
the Foundation, please have them contact
Glen Mente at (515) 294-1552.
Thank you for your past and continued
support of 4-H. We are fortunate to have the
best 4-H program in the country and with
your continued support we can continue that
tradition. Scott Mortimer
President, Iowa 4-H Foundation
Fall 2011
Invest in Iowa’s #1 Crop, Donate Grain!
By: Beth Irlbeck
o you have excess grain this Fall? Consider donating
it to 4-H and supporting the #1 youth development
program in Iowa. This is an easy investment that can
pay dividends for our future. The Iowa 4-H Foundation
works with Iowa’s farmers and grain elevators to raise
dollars in support of 4-H, both locally and statewide.
“This is an effortless task because most farmers are
already taking a portion of their grain to the elevator to
free up storage during harvest,” said Barb Determan, past
president of the Iowa 4-H Foundation.
Self-employed farmers who donate grain to this cause
not only impact Iowa’s youth, but also reduce their selfemployment tax and increase their income tax savings.
Cash charitable contributions are deductible only as an
itemized deduction from adjusted gross income which
results in reducing federal income tax only.
By contributing crops to the Iowa 4-H Foundation the
cash basis farmer avoids having to include the sale of
the cash crop in income, which results in saving selfemployment tax, federal income tax and state income tax.
“In light of budget cuts to Iowa 4-H, it has been crucial to
identify new ways to raise money,” added Scott Mortimer,
board president of the Foundation. “Giving the gift of grain
is one way we are reaching out to individuals and counties to
support 4-H in ways we haven’t seen in the past.”
This project is a great way for Iowa farmers to make a
conscious effort for Iowa’s future by donating their grain.
To find out more about donating grain, contact Albert
Grunenwald at [email protected] or call (515) 294-4780.
Farmers should always consult with their professional tax or
legal advisors to determine tax implications prior to making the
gift. Because of rapid changes in tax law, information provided
here may be obsolete.
4-H Memorials
James Beck
Marilyn Beck
Kayleen E. Amos
Laura and Milton Amos
Orpha Beenken
Donna Irlmeier
Maurice Baringer
Mary and Chuck Morris
Florine and Ron Swanson
James C. Barnhart
Rhoda Barnhart
Blair Baughman
Dynette Mosher
Shirley Stakey
1. Deliver the grain to your local elevator or co-op.
2. Transfer the grain to the Iowa 4-H Foundation. 3. Ask for a warehouse receipt showing the Iowa
4-H Foundation as the owner.
4. Contact the 4-H Foundation at (515) 294-1537
or [email protected] and tell us where the grain
is stored. The Foundation will order the sale of
the grain with the original sales invoice.
5. Tell others how easy it is to donate grain
and make an impact on 4-H!
This list represents memorials given from April 1, 2011 through September 30, 2011.
(Listing may not include gifts given directly to the ISU Foundation for 4-H).
Guy J. Allison
Jerry Allison
Roger K. Anderson
Jaynee and Edgar Christian
How to donate grain to 4-H
William R. Berkland
Iolene and Ober Anderson
Karen and Lloyd Barrow
Melva Berkland
Sue and Bill Bogue
Dorothy Christy
Helen and Stan Davidson
Doris and Don Goering
Brenda and Albert Grunenwald
Mary Holz-Clause and Reg Clause
Pat and Roy Hougen
Mitchell and Sherilyn Hoyer
Louise Keppy
Jeanette and Alvin Korthaus
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Barbara Martin
Bonnie and Gerald Moeller
Mary and Chuck Morris
Liz and Terry Morse
Carol and Paul Ouverson
Janet and Steven Padgitt
Diane and Jerry Parsons
Cindy and James Pease
Shirley and Richard Pilgrim
Barbara and Tracy Remy
Jane and Richard Schuchardt
Alene and Richard Seim
Shirley Stakey
Florine and Ron Swanson
Lois and Dennis Warme
Mary Ellen and Donald Wishart
Richard Biechler
Jaynee and Edgar Christian
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Loy Black
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Shirley and Richard Pilgrim
Diana and Doug Sampson
Florine Burton
Jurine Burton Moore
continued >>
Golf Tournaments are Hole-in-One for 4-H
By: Beth Irlbeck
he summer heat didn’t stop 4-H
supporters from gathering on the
golf courses to help Iowa 4-H’ers.
The 15th Annual Going for the Green Golf
Benefits raised more than $85,000 for Iowa
4-H Youth Development Programs. The
4-H Memorials
Verna Burton
Jurine Borton Moore
Karis A. Breeden
Ann and Kirk Weih
James L. Canoyer
Jerrine and Terry Hobson
Janet Charbonneau
JoAnn and Leedrue Blanchard
Mary de Baca
Gladys Childs
August Home Publishing Company
Doris and Roger Childs
Virginia Hall
Marcia and Martin Hanson
Shirley and Gary Helmrichs
Kathy Hutchinson
proceeds will provide statewide
opportunities for Iowa’s youth,
including scholarships, competitive
events, conferences, and camps.
The 2011 Central Iowa golf tournament
was held on July 18th at the Wakonda
Club in Des Moines. A heat index of 113
degrees provided the biggest challenge for
the 116 golfers who attended. Participants
had the opportunity to meet celebrity golfer,
Eric Heft of the ISU Cyclone Radio Network,
participate in a group putting contest, and
bid on items at the benefit auction.
On August 25th, a day with more ideal
weather, 92 golfers hit the course at Blue
Top Ridge Golf Course in Riverside to
show their commitment to Iowa 4-H.
Celebrity golfer, Johnny Orr, was on hand
to meet the players. Participants also enjoyed
Mary Jean Oberbroeckling
and Leon Lueck
Connie and Charles Plank
Anna and Kerry Rizer
Marvin Rossow
Kristin and Andrew Sullivan
Sandy and Larry Swanson
Robert Wendt
Faye Wright
James R. Christy
Anne and Jim Almquist
Grace Amemiya
Ames National Corporation
Lorene Anderson
Iolene and Ober Anderson
Phyllis and Donald Arendt
an evening social and benefit auction.
“We would like to thank all golfers,
sponsors, and other supporters who help
make our golf events so successful,” stated
Albert Grunenwald, associate director of
the Iowa 4-H Foundation. “It’s amazing
to see so many people show up, even in
crazy weather, to support Iowa 4-H.”
Next summer, the Iowa 4-H Foundation
will launch a third tournament in
northwest Iowa. Make plans to join
us on June 22, 2012, as we tee off for
4-H at the Emerald Hills Golf Club in
Arnolds Park.
To find out more about sponsoring, attending,
planning, or donating to one of these three golf
tournaments, contact Albert Grunenwald at
[email protected] or call (515) 294-4780.
Linda and Allan Armbrecht
Sheila and Jerry Bachman
Johanna Baedke
Kathy Bailey
Bonnie and Lloyd Ballantyne
Evelyn and Glenn Beavers
Irene Beavers
Carol and Robert Beckman
DeAnn and Timothy Bennett
Marilyn and Lynn Benson
Melva Berkland
Bob Bernhardt
Mary and James Birchmier
Sheryl and Brian Birchmier
Virginia Birchmier
Norine and Duane Black
JoAnn and Leedrue Blanchard
Boone Bank & Trust Co
Jurine Borton Moore
Marilyn and Eldon Boswell
Janis Brendeland
Omar and Valerie Brendeland
Chris and Kevin Brooks
Annette and David Brown
Beth and Bryce Caple
Jaynee and Edgar Christian
Fran and Roger Christian
Sonya and Tom Colvin
Marlys Cooper
Nancy and Gary Coughenour
Country Pioneers
Nancy and Bill Couser
Kris Crawford
Dorothy and John Creswell
Fall 2011
Celebrate 4-H at the 3rd Annual Iowa 4-H Gala
By: Beth Irlbeck • Photos by: Todd Hugen Photography
hen was the last time you really
celebrated 4-H and the impact
this organization has had on you,
your family or your community? Have
you considered sharing your story with
others and identifying ways to keep 4-H
available to Iowa’s youth? If you have,
then don’t miss your chance to attend this
classy event that not only raises money for
4-H, but also celebrates the achievements
we’re making here in Iowa.
Make your commitment to further the
Iowa 4-H program and register to attend
this event. The 3rd annual Iowa 4-H Gala
will be held on February 25th, 2012 at the
Des Moines Marriott Downtown.
Past attendees have shared that this
event is “one they don’t want to miss”
and is “completely different than anything
they’ve seen done for 4-H in the past.”
Lucy and Robert Crom
Mary de Baca
Tracie Dean
Patricia and Paul Doak
Dean Dueland
Sara and James Dunne
Jane and William Edwards
Joan Egland
Carolyn and Phil Ellingson
Margot and Paul Eness
Marcia and Daniel Engler
Julie and Mark Farren
Leanne and Ron Farrington
Karen Fausett
Madonna and Phillip Feeney
Verla and James Fitzgerald
Patricia Foley
Gwen and Bob Frese
Susan and David Fuls
The planning committee has been working diligently to make this year’s gala a
great evening for all in attendance and a
successful event for Iowa’s 4-H youth. The
event will include a delicious meal, short 4-H
program, live entertainment and numerous
opportunities to support Iowa’s youth.
Registration is $100 for individuals or
$150 for couples. Guests are invited to host
a table for 10 at $1,000. This year Iowa
4-H is offering two new sponsorship
opportunities. A hospitality sponsor has
the benefit of showcasing their support
of 4-H by sponsoring the hors d’oeuvres
stations. These sponsors will receive one
table for 10 as well as promotional benefits.
Gala event sponsorships are available
for $5,000. These sponsors will receive two
tables for 10 and additional promotional
benefits (including notices in newsletters,
Mary Ann and Robert Gardner
C.J. Gauger
Elisa and Mike Gibson
Julie and Davis Gilbertson
Carol Glass
Doris and Don Goering
Shirley and Paul Gray
Lynn and Karl Griffith
Grinnell Middle School
Janice and Clay Groefsema
Colleen and Paul Gryte
Teresa Haaland
Diane and Robert Hamilton
Barbara and Harlan Hanson
Phyllis and Joe Harper
Myrtle Harper
Jean and Vince Hassebrock
Janet and Pete Hermanson
Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
online promotions, and during the event).
So don’t miss this exciting opportunity
to showcase your support of 4-H and
celebrate the difference 4-H is making
across our state. Mark your calendars to
attend the 3rd annual Iowa 4-H Gala on
February 25th, 2012.
To find out more about sponsoring, attending,
planning, or donating to the gala, contact
Shelly Greving at [email protected] or call
(515) 294-1607.
Elizabeth and Randall Hertz
Joyce and Tom Hertz
Susan and Michael Higgs
Sandra and Richard Horton
Judy and Dick Isaacson
Onalee and Roger Iverson
J & C Frevert Revocable Trust
Dan Johnson
Norene and James Johnson
Connie and John Johnson
Kathy and Paul Johnson
Pauline Johnson
Don Jordahl
Cheryl and David Kalsem
Ann and John Kalsem
Karen Davis Communications
Betty Jane Kearns
Mary Kearns
Karen Keech
Charlene and Stephen Kenkel
Marilyn and Dean King
Joyce and James Kliebenstein
Eileen and Gerald Klonglan
Marla and Steve Knutson
Chelsey and Mark Kolpin
Sharon and Dan Krieger
Lori and Todd Kruse
Tracy Laws
Jean Lengeling
Madonna and Brad Lester
Christine and Charles Lloyd
Shelley Ludeman
Sandra Macklin
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Dianne and Maynard Martin
John and Janet Mason
Eugene and Joyce Mathern
continued >>
Iowa State Fair continued
The first place prize, the Golden Needle
Award, went to The Four Stitches of
Allamakee and Van Buren Counties
(Morgan Heim, Bobbi Jo Wild, Tyra
Watson and Patricia Townsend).
The FasionEASTas of Polk County
(Brenda Beccam, Ona Luong, Choua Thao,
and Dacy Nguyen) were awarded the 2nd
place, Silver Spool Award.
Receiving the Artistry Award for
creativity was Attraente Unicornio of
Polk County (Jose Lupercio, Stephanie
Gabriel, Nyacudaer Thijn Yor and Heather
The Synergy Award for most effective
teamwork and communication went to the
Sequin Sisters from Polk County (Tayler
Veldhuizen, Lydia Sharp, Kenley Rogers
and Lauren Schossow).
Stacey Fox, owner of Stacey’s Prom and
Formalwear was so impressed with the
designs these youth created she decided
to have the top three dresses constructed
and mass produced, available in 65 stores
nationwide, a chance of a lifetime for
a budding designer. In addition, each
member of the first-place team who
chooses to attend Iowa State University
in a fashion-related major receives a $500
scholarship sponsored by the College of
Human Sciences.
To find out more about this event visit
Iowa 4-H Film Festival
The Iowa 4-H Film Festival was held
on August 12th showcasing the top 10
films produced and submitted by teens
showing their knowledge and skill in film
production. Youth entered their films into
three categories: Educate, Inspire, and Just
4 Fun. The films were judged and prizes
were awarded for each category, Best of
Festival and People’s Choice.
The Best of Festival award went to Axel
Zumwalt of Linn County for his film,
“10 Weirdest Things to Trip Over.” The
1st Runner Up was “Blue and Green,”
produced by Arthur Behnke of Scott
County, and 2nd Runner was Sarah Braun
of Warren County for her
production of “The Dangers
of Texting While Driving.”
Braun’s film also won the
People’s Choice award.
The Iowa 4-H Foundation
would like to thank Ted
Stevens and KCWI, Blank
Park Zoo, Stiver’s Ford, Iowa National
Guard and G&L Clothing for their support
of this event. Without their financial
contributions, this event would not be
Find out more about this event at
Bratney Companies
4-H Robotics Challenge
13 teams gathered from all over the state
to participate in the Bratney Companies
4-H Robotics Challenge to show their
problem solving and critical thinking
skills on the 3rd and 4th days of the Iowa
State Fair. Youth knew they were going
to participate in a two-part challenge
but were not fully aware of what that
challenge was going to be until they
The LEGO Mindstorms NXT Challenge
required teams to design a robot to
accomplish a specific goal and the junk
drawer challenge required youth to build
and design a robot to complete a specific
task with only the items in the “junk
This event truly tests the ability for
youth to think through a problem and
reach the goal at the end. It enhances their
problem solving and critical thinking skills
through engineering and construction of
the robots.
In the senior division, the top prize,
the Engineering Award, was given to
4-H Memorials
James R. Christy continued
Lori and Stephen McDonald
Alissa McKinney
Linda and Ronald Meyers
Andrea and Ronald Meyers
Midwest Insurance Corporation
Ruth and Eugene Moody
Mary and Chuck Morris
Steven Moser
Charlene and Ted Mullihan
Katherine and Richard Munsen
Kathy and Bob Nervig
Joann and Edward Neven
Doris Olson
Marcie Osmundson
Barbara and Richard Parker
Diane and Jerry Parsons
Dona and Robert Paulson
Cindy and James Pease
Heather and Jim Penney
LeAnn and Dawson Petersen
Mary Pevestorf
Judy and Tim Pick
Meredith and Dennis Pierce
Rose and Jeffrey Pilgrim
Shirley and Richard Pilgrim
Else and Marshall Pitcher
Patricia and Tom Pohlman
Carla and Mike Potter
Cathie Raley
Barbara and Tracy Remy
Mary and Cecil Rhoads
Robert Ringgenberg
Dawne and Terry Robinson
Frankie Romsey
Gene and Marita Rouse
Diana and Doug Sampson
Mary Ann Sandvold
Candy and Steve Schainker
Carol and John Schneider
Barb Cohen and Mark See
Dennis Skinner
Oriett and Robert Snider
Lori and David Stanley
Ann and Terry Stark
Adele Stefani
Angelo Stefani
Gelene Stevens
Story County Hospital Foundation
Florine and Ron Swanson
Syverson Strege & Co
Judith and Paul Teig
Doradene and Clarion Thompson
Janice Thompson
Darcy and Sean Travis
Ferne Upchurch
Sue Uthe
Madeleine and James Walker
Jan and Marv Walter
Lois and Dennis Warme
Judith Weyer
Roger White
Thomas Wickersham
Tonnee and Dennis Wilkening
Monica Winkowitsch
Colleen and Rich Wrage
Dianne and Terry Wycoff
Robert Zeisneiss
Fall 2011
Cook This!
MHS Robotics of
Linn County. Team
members were, Tara
Zumwalt, Ross
Brunner, Steven
Long, and Quinn
LEGO Medics of Polk County received
the 4-H Engineering Award in the junior
division. Team members were Ben
Means, Jacob Means, Max Beh, Andrew
Cernicky, Matthew Cernicky, Zach Halter,
Owen Trampe, Keririck Glennon and Jake
“We appreciate Bratney Companies
stepping forward last year with a
commitment of $25,000 over five years,”
said Holly Bignall, 4-H E-SET Program
Coordinator. “Their support is not only
helping us with this event, but also
enabling us to reach new audiences and
educate youth in the area of science,
engineering and technology.”
Find out more about this event at
Jean and William Zmolek
Helen and Claude Zook
Sherman Cleveland
Marsha and James Roland
Janelle Crotty
Merry and Mike Crotty
Wayne Decker
Donna Decker
Lydia Dencklau
Susan and Leroy Erickson
Ruth Dickson
Shirley Stakey
Raymond Doerring
Linda and Joe Zuercher
Barbara Doolittle
Jaynee and Edgar Christian
Delicious smells filled the air at
the 4-H Exhibits Building during the
three day stretch of the Cook This! 4-H
Culinary Challenge. This year 22 teams
participated, showcasing their creativity,
culinary science, and teamwork skills.
Teams competed in three divisions:
junior, intermediate, and senior. Teams
were tested on their knowledge of food
safety, food preparation and presentation,
produce/meat identification and proper
use of kitchen equipment. This year a
communication component was added to
the competition and youth were asked to
present on a food-related topic.
The top chefs at the junior level were the
Early Achievers from Sac County: Megan
Drey, Kallie Goettsch, and Jack Mentzer.
First place intermediate team was Triple
B Country Cooks of Linn, Marion, and
Monroe counties: Maree Bean, Attylissa
Bailey, and Sylvia Bain. Bake to Beat from
Marion County was the first place team in
the senior division: Shelby Vansteensyk,
Rachel Morgan, and Jocelyn Beaver.
Barbara Drury
Sally and Gary Woodley
Anna Fanger
Maquoketa State Bank
Charles Duffy
Mary Ellen and John Wall
Anita and Tom Wall
Angela M. Fountain
Irene and J. Kelly Tobin
Lynn A. Dunn
Laura McClure
Grace Durnan
Linda and Joe Zuercher
Forest & Martha Dury
Rosemary Crock
June Egland
Jurine Borton Moore
Dennis M. Eilers
Leslie and Trent Henkes
Charles D. Erickson
Jaynee and Edgar Christian
This event would not be made possible
without the support and sponsorship
from many individuals and businesses.
This year, Dahl’s Foods stepped up as
the lead sponsor with a donation of
$5,000. The Iowa Beef Council, Iowa
Pork Producers Association, Iowa Turkey
Federation, Successful Farming magazine,
Fareway and the ISU College of Human
Sciences and College of Agriculture & Life
Sciences also continued their support of
the event.
Find out more at www.extension.iastate.
To find out more about these special events
at the Iowa State Fair or if you’re interested
in sponsoring these
events, contact
Shelly Greving
at (515) 2941607 or shellyg@
Esther Frazier
Shirley Stakey
Mary Gase
Lora and Don Shramek
Irene Gilman
Mary Esther and Ron Pullin
John P. Glenn
Beth and Bryce Caple
C.J. Gauger
Shannon and John Latham
Mary and Chuck Morris
Kathy and Bob Nervig
Ro and Troy Scheuermann
Molly and Peter Sysum
Dena and Chad Zoske
Gerald G. Grant
Mary Ann and Robert Gardner
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Shirley and Richard Pilgrim
Diana and Doug Sampson
Patsy Gray
Betty Brummett
Linda and Christopher Carr
E & P Spire Family Trust
Farris Gray
Norma Hensley
Patricia and Jay Lischer
Beverly Morris
Ann and Ron Sanson
Tim Smith
continued >>
From the Office of
the Interim Director
erving as the Interim Executive
Director of the Iowa 4-H
Foundation for the past two
months has been
a privilege and a
blessing. I have
had the opportunity to witness
incoming gifts
from 4-H donors
in every county
in Iowa plus
several surrounding states.
Thank you for your generous and
continued support to the largest and
best youth organization in the state.
Like many of you, my wife and I
and our two daughters are grateful
for the lessons we learned and the
experiences we enjoyed as 4-H
members. As federal and state
revenue sources continue to decline
our goal and challenge is to maintain those “life learning skills and
life changing experiences” which
are so vital for today’s 4-H youth.
You can help us achieve that goal
by: Moving to the next level in your
4-H Donor Club support; Gifting
20, 50 or 100 bushels of grain to 4-H
(pg 3); Supporting special events
like the upcoming 4-H Gala (pg 5);
Providing corporate sponsorships
for specific programs; or Establishing
planned or deferred gifts. By
working together we CAN and
WILL make a difference in the lives
of Iowa youth. Thanks for helping
“To Make the Best Better.”
Glen Mente
Interim Executive Director
A Look at the Numbers
’10 – ’11 Fiscal Year in Review
Revenue Sources
2% 3%
Registrations, Program Revenue
Investment Income
Product Sales & Special Events
Farm & Other Income
State 4-H Programs
Individual Member Support
County Support
Iowa 4-H Center
Marketing, Management, General
Statement of Activities
Summarized totals for the year ended June 30, 2011
Revenue, Gains and Other Support
In-Kind Contributions
Investment Income
Unrealized Gain on Investment
Total Revenue
Program Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets - Beginning of year
Net Assets - End of year
Note: These condensed financial
statements are not complete and have
been derived from financial statements
that were audited by Henkel & Associates,
P.C., Certified Public Accountants.
The complete financial statements
including the auditors’ report are
available on our website at
or by contacting us at:
Iowa 4-H Foundation
Extension 4-H Youth Building
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3630
(515) 294-1537
Fall 2011
Meet the Staff
Welcome New Trustees
From left:
Glen Mente, Interim Executive Director
Shelly Greving, Marketing Director
Theresa Samson, Accountant
Carol Tierney, Data Clerk
Albert Grunenwald, Associate Director
t the September annual board meeting of the Iowa 4-H Foundation, the
board welcomed three new trustees.
Tom Nicholson is the
Director of Sales and
Technical services for
Elanco Food Solutions.
Tom, his wife, Sheri, and
their children, Tyler and
Paige live in Indianola.
Tom Rodgers is the
Director of Sales and
Marketing-Firestone Brand
Agricultural Tires for
Bridgestone Americas Tire
Operation, Agricultural
Division. Tom, his wife,
Laura, and their three daughers, Ibby, Kate
and Noma Jane live in Des Moines.
Rob Vincent works for
Pioneer Hi-Bred. Rob, his
wife, Molly, and their
children, Allison and
Andrew live in Polk City.
Help us welcome these
individuals to the Iowa 4-H
Learn more about all of our trustees at
Not pictured:
Patty Gibler, Administrative Specialist
Beth Irlbeck, Marketing Intern
Iowa 4-H Foundation Committees
Executive Board
Glen Mente
- interim director
Barb Determan
- past president
Deb Pullin-VanAuken
- president elect
Scott Mortimer
- president
All committee co-chairs
also serve on the
executive board.
Development Committee
Tom Nicholson
Bill Dohrman
Bob Butcher
Rob Vincent
Jamie Cashman
Lois Hunt - co-chair
Mitch Baum – co-chair
Albert Grunenwald - staff
Tom Rodgers
Janel Tyler*
April Hemmes*
Jason Hutcheson*
Evan Fritz*
Matthew Nelson
Jerry Roell*
Budget & Finance Committee
Paul Kruse
Terry Hobson – co-chair
Theresa Samson - staff
Hiring: Executive Director
Marketing Committee
Sherry Ford
Deb Pullin-VanAuken
Dal Grooms – co-chair
Abbie Parker - staff
Dana Wenstrand
Shelly Greving - staff*
Beth Irlbeck - intern*
Laurie Johns*
Shannon Latham*
Property Committee (Not Pictured)
Christine Skilton – co-chair
David Petersen*
John Roosa - staff
Scott Stutsman*
Annette Brown*
Gary Vincent*
Chuck Morris*
Brian Wilcox*
* - Not Pictured
he Iowa 4-H Foundation is seeking
applications for the Executive
Director position, reporting to the
President of the Iowa 4-H Foundation.
This position is responsible for Foundation
fundraising, management of personnel
and overall strategic direction of the
A successful candidate will be proficient
in and have a strong background in fundraising, financial management, working
with a variety of publics, supervising
and inspiring staff and communicating
To find out more about the position
contact interim director, Glen Mente,
at (515) 294-1552. Interested candidates
should submit their resume to
[email protected].
DuPont and National 4-H Council Announce 4-H in Africa
uPont and National
4-H Council recently
announced a partnership to strengthen youth
development in rural African
communities. DuPont’s commitment of up to $2 million
over the next two years will
allow the global 4-H network
to help African youth create
sustainable livelihoods and improve
household and national food security for
people across the continent.
Following a successful pilot in Tanzania
that was completed this spring, the global
4-H network now will launch a yearround Leadership Institute for 4-H leaders
and volunteers in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya,
South Africa and Tanzania, starting in
January 2012. The global 4-H network
will train African-based 4-H leaders and
mentors about agricultural innovation and
farming practices. They also will provide
culturally relevant, research-based tools,
expertise and resources that can be used at
the local level.
Additionally, 4-H will expand its
Enterprise Gardens program for schoolbased youth, their families and their
communities to inspire young people to
explore agriculture and see their role in
feeding the world. “After walking the fields with many
African farmers, I understand the urgent
4-H Memorials
Patsy Gray continued
Irene and J. Kelly Tobin
Linda and Jeremy Wheeler
Howard R. Green
Ken Kruger
Katherine and Joel Olson
Judy and Thomas Olson
Carol Snay
Richard H. Grovert
Robert Grovert
Roberta J. Hall
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Bob Henningsen
Janice Henningsen
Maxine M. Higgins
Roger Higgins
need to engage African youth in agriculture,
where pressures of food insecurity are
greatest. The farmer who will feed the
world over the coming decades is a young
person today. Empowering them to do so
is a great responsibility for all of us,” said
DuPont executive vice president and
former Iowa 4-H’er, Jim Borel, who
serves as current chair of the National 4-H
Council Board of Trustees. “DuPont and
4-H share a belief that youth development
is a key sustainability initiative to address
global food security. What’s more, our
African-based businesses also are committed to imparting agricultural training to
developing farmers, making this partnership a natural fit on many levels.”
“Youth development is the world’s best
long-term solution to ensure food security
and global economic stability,” said Donald Floyd, president and CEO of
National 4-H Council. “4-H’s 100-year
history in agricultural
innovation and youth skillbuilding combined with an
existing infrastructure in
more than 70 nations, has
uniquely positioned our
organization to equip millions of young people in
developing nations with the
skills needed to build a truly
sustainable future.”
Sharing a similar global
footprint, 4-H and DuPont
plan to access local leadership to extend
the program. 4-H programs have taken
root in more than 70 countries, and DuPont
has strong relationships with farming
communities in more than 90 countries
through its agriculture-based businesses.
Susan Naburi, CEO of Tanzania 4-H,
said, “Our mission is to build a world in
which youth can learn, grow and work
together to become economically
independent and responsible adults. We are excited and look forward to the
increasing positive impact of the global
4-H network.” “No single company or organization can
solve global food security alone. DuPont
is committed to being a part of the solution and we hope others will support
programs like the global 4-H network to
engage tomorrow’s agriculture leaders
today,” Borel said. Phillip R. Hueneke
Amber and Dustin Matthiesen
Henry W. Keppy
Melva Berkland
Fern Kumpula
Nancy and Jack Burright
Bill Hunter
Renate and Gordon Hunter
Dorothy Kerr
Deborah and Brian Sinclair
Triple C 4-H Club
Anna Kunde
Lavonne and Floyd Peters
Ruth Irwin
Sue and Harold Peyton
Herbert C. Johnson
Beverly and Harold Biehr
May Johnson
Mary and Chuck Morris
Shirley Stakey
Thelma Johnson
Beverly and Harold Biehr
Frank Jones
Phyllis Mainwaring
Esther V. Kingsbury
Robert Larson
Evelyn Kirchner
Rebecca Easton
Marilyn and Roger Leerar
Ruth and Larry Neppl
Raymond J. Klaus
Donna and David Kunde
Marcia and Earl Wilkins
Idella Landt
Linda and Joe Zuercher
Dorothy Lang
Meredith and Dennis Pierce
Eileen Liljedahl
Jewel and Tom Wegs
Herbert Login
Jo Smith
Norma Lyon
Jurine Borton Moore
C.J. Gauger
continued >>
Fall 2011
4-H Memorials
Norma Lyon continued
Mary and Chuck Morris
Meredith and Dennis Pierce
Florine and Ron Swanson
Florence M. MacVey
Mildred DeWall
Nancy and Doug Jenson
Jack Mann
Arlene and Leon Soppe
Madonna Marcus
Barb and Gary Miller
Susan Marsh
Doug Marsh
Margaret Martin
Wendy Brock
Amber and Dustin
Shirley Stakey
Ken Stoakes
Florine and Ron Swanson
Eldon McCall
Julienne and Richard Ferry
John L. McGarry
Myrna and Al Tubbs
Jean McPherson
Will and Karen Reece
Sam McPherson
Will and Karen Reece
Elsie Mehl
Eileen and Dean Stoulil
Irene and Dutch Leonard
James Meno
Mary and Dan Burkhart
Norman Mier
Lori and Jeff Christiansen
Clarinda Youth Corporation
Page County Extension
Ann and Ron Sanson
Shenandoah Teamsters/
Tri M’s
Noreen and Merle
Debbie Swanson
Dana and Keith Wellhausen
Doug G. Miller
JoAnn and Jerry Kramer
Allison and Bryan Whaley
Lois Molitar
Nancy and Doug Jenson
Hannabel Moore
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Bernice Norman
Marla Norman
Clarence Norman
Marla Norman
Roberta North
Melva Berkland
Jurine Borton Moore
Phil Gauger
Chris Gleason
Brenda and Albert
Jerrine and Terry Hobson
Mary and Chuck Morris
Ruth and J Eugene Olson
Meredith and Dennis Pierce
Shirley Stakey
Florine and Ron Swanson
Carol and Dave Tierney
Alice-Jane Walter
Phil O’Berry
Kathy and Bob Nervig
William Owen
Jaynee and Edgar Christian
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Ruth and Eugene Moody
Fern Peterson
Jean and Larry Peterson
R & M Bros. Inc.
Norman Peterson
Jean and Larry Peterson
Phyllis Pontow
Pam and LaVerne Obrecht
Jane Putney
Donna Lee Dobson
Bob Finch
Sarah Reiss
Anne Link
Norma J. Rosburg
Ruth and Larry Neppl
Geraldine Schomberg
Barbara and William
Ted Schomberg
Barbara and William
Lowell V. Schroeder
Loween and Doug Getter
Seth Sellner
Pamela and Thomas Sellner
Brian Shirm
Susie and Marcel Sebetka
James Sievers
Kathy and Bob Nervig
Merrill Smalley
Jurine Borton Moore
Irvin Solberg
Diane and Dennis Nelsen
Dorothy M. Sorenson
Sally Baschke
Deborah S. Stalter
Ashley Burns
Brenda and Albert
Ed Swartz
Roberta and Fred Maharry
Eugene Swartz
Roberta and Fred Maharry
Paul C. Taff
Mary T. Watkins
Dorothy Taylor
Shirley Stakey
Robert Thielmann
Elsie Thielmann
Telbert Tonderum
Eleanor Tonderum
Beverly Toom-Turner
Shirley Stakey
Florine and Ron Swanson
4-H Tributes
Roberta J. Viers
Carolyn and Ralph
William Vincent
Evan and Rebecca
Charlene L. Vote
Norman Vote
Marvin Walter
Janet and Richard Cone
Mary de Baca
Doris and Don Goering
Karen Haines
Carolyn and Ralph
Mary and Chuck Morris
Donna Newbrough
Shirley and Richard
Shirley Stakey
Florine and Ron Swanson
The James P. and Marian D.
Grover Family Foundation
Alice-Jane Walter
Robert Watkins
Ruthellen Reed
Thomas D. Wells
Lori Jensen-Wells
Betty Jo Whitehead
Marty Lea and Anthony
Wayne Wilson
Okey Vernon First
National Bank
Robert E. Zeisneis
Jean Birchmier
Mary and James Birchmier
Dorothy Christy
Jane Coughenour
Nancy Dobberman
Carol and James Eyanson
Susan and James Fisher
Teresa Haaland
Mary and Elvin Hasselman
Donna and Craig Hempy
Dixie and Roger Honold
Ann and John Kalsem
Kermit Miskell & Sons, Ltd.
Shirley and Arnold
Agnes and Terry Krausman
Jeanette and Jack Lewellin
Lorraine and Christopher
Carolyn and Ralph
Andrea and Ronald Myers
Lorraine and Kevin O’Connor
Amber Ray
Beth Roy
Paul Schaeffer
Michelle and Joel Thilges
Virginia Wilson-Peters
Denise E. Knaack
Nancy and Jack Burright
Birthday and Mother’s Day
Lois Hunt
Bobbi and Kevin Hansen
Mother’s Day
Joyce Neill
Natalie and Craig Oppel
Father’s Day
Ralph Neill
Natalie and Craig Oppel
Graduation from ISU
Brittany McAlexander
Sonia Kerns
Don & Doris Goering
Kathy Shaver
50th Anniversary
Norman & Pat Arnold
Shirley Stakey
Steve & Darlene Burke
Diane and Curtis Claeys
Richard & Julienne Ferry
Joyce and James Safly
Steve Mead
Carol and Brent Ehlers
James Patton
Sue and Harold Peyton
Florine and Ron Swanson
Allison and Bryan Whaley
Allen Ricks
Mary and Bill Prouty
Many years of servce
to the Pocahontas
County Fair
Darwin Svuba
Svuba Farms, Inc.
Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame
Thomas Beavers
Jean and Marvin Negley
Catherine Cook
Barb and Steve Determan
Don & Doris Goering
Barb and Steve Determan
Joyce James
Joyce and Ralph Neill
Cindy Smith
Barb and Steve Determan
Kent Smith
Barb and Steve Determan
Evelyn Vagts
Mary and Dan Burkhart
Kenneth Vagts
Mary and Dan Burkhart
Dean Weber
Valerie and Don King
National 4-H Hall of Fame
Florine M. Swanson
Jurine Borton Moore
Brenda and Albert
In Honor Of
Tran Cham
Tina Pham
Phyl Christofferson
Donna Rector
Alice Fredericksen
June and Joe McAuliffe
C.J. Gauger
Jurine Borton Moore
Ella Herald
Jan Conradt
Frank Herald
Jan Conradt
Anna Kreft
Janet Langbein
John Kreft
Janet Langbein
This list represents
tributes from April 1, 2011
through September 30,
2011. (Listing may not
include gifts given
directly to the ISU
Foundation for 4-H).
To honor 4-H members,
volunteers, leaders or
staff, donate online at
org/donate or mail
donations to:
Iowa 4-H Foundation
Extension 4-H
Youth Building
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-3630
Please include the
honoree’s name, city
and state, as well as the
name/location to send
the acknowledgement
to and occassion for
Iowa Soybean Association Pledges $148,000 to 4-H
By: Beth Irlbeck
he Iowa Soybean Association, in
conjunction with the Food and Family
Project, pledged a generous gift of
$148,000 over the upcoming four years.
The goal of this gift is to engage Iowa
4-H with the Iowa Ag Coalition in providing
leadership to develop a multi-faceted
approach to enhance awareness among
youth in food and agriculture. This significant financial commitment will promote
youth engagement and agriculture education in Iowa. Together, we will introduce
an innovative cross-country adventure
race (to take place at the Iowa 4-H Center
near Madrid, Iowa) in Fall 2012. This event
will positively engage youth and adults
and endorse healthy, family-friendly
The Iowa 4-H Center encompasses over
1,100 acres of native timber and prairie in
the heart of Iowa’s spectacular Des Moines
River Valley and is owned by the Iowa
From Left: Chuck Morris, Director of the Iowa
4-H Youth Development Program, Wayne
Fredericks, Iowa Soybean Association,
Barbara Determan, Iowa 4-H Foundation
Board Past-President, Curt Sindergard,
Iowa Soybean Association.
4-H Foundation. The center offers eleven
different trails, a 50-foot climbing tower
and a 360-foot zip line.
“There is no other location in Iowa
where an outdoor activity, such as an
adventurous footrace, could offer such
diversity while showcasing this exciting
cross-country and vertical challenge! It
will truly be a unique experience!” stated
Albert Grunenwald, Associate Director of
the Iowa 4-H Foundation.
Another asset to this pledge is The Iowa
Soybean Association will also produce,
in cooperation with Iowa 4-H, a special
designed tool kit for linking students in
classrooms with 4-H clubs. The purpose
is to bring agriculture education materials
into the classroom. This educational
element will be a four-year pilot project.
“The Iowa 4-H Foundation greatly
appreciates the investment the Iowa
Soybean Association has made in Iowa
4-H youth programs.” Grunenwald said.
To assist in planning the adventure race,
contact Abbie Parker at [email protected]
or call (515) 570-4760.
Farm Credit Services of America Pledges Gift to 4-H
By: Beth Irlbeck
he Iowa 4-H Foundation is pleased
to announce Farm Credit Services of
America’s support of the Iowa 4-H
Foundation in the amount of $5,500 per
year over the upcoming four-year period.
This generous gift is earmarked for use
during the Iowa 4-H Youth Conference and
Animal Science Round-Up.
“We are proud to support the Iowa
4-H Foundation in helping our young
people develop their leadership skills
and inspire lives,” said Jim Knuth, senior
vice president, Farm Credit Services of
America. “The opportunity to make a
direct impact on the individuals who will
play a leading role in tomorrow’s agriculture
is important to our Iowa communities.”
Each year more than 1,000 youth (8th
- 12th grades) gather in Ames for the
three-day Iowa 4-H Youth Conference
and Animal Science Roundup held on the
campus of Iowa State University. This is
an opportunity to touch the lives of Iowa
youth and motivate them through workshops, service projects and motivational
speakers. They gather to learn something
new, make memories, be inspired by
others, give back to the community, and
just have fun. These unique opportunities
become the catalyst in reaching Iowa’s
youth; consequently the 4-H leadership
message will resonate back to each of
their families, their communities and their
counties across Iowa.
“This gift from Farm Credit Services of
America will have a direct and positive
impact on the one thousand Iowa 4-H
Conference and the Animal Science
Round-Up delegates who gather every
year to learn new things and enhance their
4-H skills,” stated Albert Grunenwald,
Associate Director of the Iowa 4-H
Foundation. “It will help them see the
impact of 4-H in their lives and, we hope,
reach more youth in the future through
State Conference, Animal Science
Round-Up, and other activities.”
To learn more about ways to donate to 4-H
or sponsor 4-H events and activities, contact
Albert Grunenwald at (515) 294-4780 or
[email protected].
Fall 2011
New Individual Gifts & Pledges to the Iowa 4-H Foundation
he Iowa 4-H Foundation recognizes donors
for their annual support through 4-H Donor
Clubs. The following donors made a new
pledge or outright gift of $100 or more to support
Iowa 4-H during the last fiscal year (7/1/10 - 6/30/11)
and are listed in their current club category. To make a new gift or pledge contact Albert Grunenwald at (515) 294-4780
or [email protected].
4-H 100,000 Club
Donors ($100,000+)
4-H 4,000 Club
Donors ($4,000+)
Mary Jo and Glen Mente
Sandra and David Anderson
Ruth and Norman Barker
Pat and Louis Beck
Jean and Robert Beck
Melva Berkland
Connie and Bob Butcher
Dianna and Richard H.
Jan Conradt
Hope and Gene Cramm
Marjorie and George Dane
Helen and Stan Davidson
Barb and Steve Determan
LaVon and L Fay Eblen
Konnie K. Edleman
Phil Gauger
Barb and John Hagie
Kristen and Greg Hart
William Hoefle
Pat and Roy Hougen
Lois Hunt
Carol and Gerald Hunter
June Isaacson
LuAnn and Mark Johansen
Margery and Paul Jones
Rozanne and Karol King
Joe Leisz
Dwayne Lenker
Judy and Randall Levings
Agnete and John Lind
Marilyn and Roger Mahr
Michael McCoy
Ruth and Larry Neppl
Joyce and Bud Nichol
Joyce and Richard Oberman
Sandra and Al Paris
Cheryl Pence
Jane Richards
Janet and Lee Scott
Barbara and Keith Sexton
Sharon and Rich Shuler
Randy Sietsema
Cathy and James Sladek
Tim Smith
Kathy and Dan Stockdale
Sally and Roger Stutsman
4-H 40,000 Club
Donors ($40,000+)
Julie and Dennis Goering
4-H 20,000 Club
Donors ($20,000+)
Sonya and Tom Colvin
Sue and Sparky Duroe
C.J. Gauger
Sherry J. Glenn
Doris and Don Goering
Shirley and Don Nebergall
Valerie and David Pace
Diane and Mark Schmitt
Florine and Ron Swanson
Virginia Heagney and James
4-H 10,000 Club
Donors ($10,000+)
Judy and Larry Anton
Dorothy and Jim Christy
Rita and Richard Godfrey
Janet and Pete Hermanson
Nancy and Paul Jacobsen
Judy and Ken Klindt
Elizabeth Anderson and
Loren Kruse
Mary and Chuck Morris
Diane and Jim Patton
Dorothy and Mitchell Roth
Renee and Michael
Dale Siems
Shirley Stakey
Mary Ann Stumbo
Virginia and Ron Stutsman
Mildred Teachout
Maureen and Terry Tobin
Myrna and Al Tubbs
Dana and Pete Wenstrand
Sue and Stephen Wolken
Lisa and Bernie Tobin
Kristi and Bill Tomlinson
Rosemary and Gary Vincent
Charlotte Young
4-H 2,000 Club
Donors ($2,000+)
Donald Adams
Dave Baitinger
Joe and Sara Baitinger
Marlene and Robert Bartlett
Pat and Tom Beavers
Verna and Bill Boland
Larry Bonde
Marcia and Jim Borel
Gayle and Rodney Bortz
Jeanette and Ronald Bower
Verneil and Donald Branstad
Matt Brummer
Donna Christensen-Mores
Diane and Curtis Claeys
Helen and Theodore Clausen
Marilyn and Dwight Conover
Betty and Ralph Cruze
Carl Dallmeyer
Mary de Baca
Kimberly and Lawrence Deppe
Allen Diehl
Shirley and Robert Doerscher
Phyllis and Banks Doggett
Susan and Bill Dohrmann
Lynell Dougherty
Carol and Brent Ehlers
Cecilia and Wes Ehrecke
Linda and Robert Fischer
Gerry and Thurman Gaskill
Dennis Gormley and Dixie
Joe Greve
Ann Jo and Roy E. Hall
Chad Harris
Maynard Hebl
April and Kent Henderson
Jerrine and Terry Hobson
Mary Holz-Clause and Reg
Mary and Stephen Howard
Don Irwin
Yoshiko and Erwin Johnson
Joye and Don Dillman
Nancy and Thomas Keon
Karlene and Dennis Kingery
John Koza
Teri and Paul Kruse
Shannon and John Latham
James Leuenberger
Norma and Charles Lewis
Lorraine and Lyle Mackey
Arlene Madill
Leonore and Duane Mangold
Carolyn and Ralph Manning
Deb Marple
Cathy and Alan McGregor
Barbara and Lee Miller
Janet and George Moriarty
Susanne and Scott Mortimer
Marta Neill
Kristi and Chad Nimmo
Barbara and Charles Oldham
James Pancratz
Judy and Marv Perry
Marty and Dale Port
Mary Esther and Ron Pullin
Barbara and Tracy Remy
Phyllis and Charlie Ricketts
Paul Riggs
Kurt Roberts
Clinton Sage
Richard Schirrmacher
Charlotte and Ralph Schlenker
Nancy and Daniel Schmitz
Ron Shay
Geralyn and Fred Sick
Lin and Doug Sinclair
Charlotte Smith
Betty Stephenson
Kathleen Strawhacker
Fred Strohbehn
Ila Jean and Daniel Taylor
Peggy and Jon Thoms
Carol and Dave Tierney
Cindi and John Van Horn
Mark Vukovich
Alice-Jane Walter
Wendy Wintersteen
Lola and Thomas Zimmerman
4-H 1,000 Club
Donors ($1,000+)
Jill and John Anderson
Iolene and Ober Anderson
Patricia Arthaud
Kaelene and Tyrone Artz
Diane and Craig Bargfrede
Kristin and Mitch Baum
Jeanette Becker
F W Beckwith
Gary Bein
Jeanne Bellish
Greg Brenneman
Constance and Edward
Barbara Brooks
Katherine Brown
Sue and Loyd Brown
Janet and Robert Brown
Betty and Donald Burzlaff
Betty and Robert Butcher
Phyllis Caldwell
Vlasta Cameron
Dorothy Carey
Ellen Colony
Rhonda and Thomas Coon
William Cooper
Linda and David Cranston
Sue and Mike Crum
Mary Lou Dale
Donna and Terry Davis
Ruth and John Deutmeyer
Mary Lou and Robert Downing
Kristi and Derek Drury
Dennis Elsberry
Katie and Jamey Errthum
Joanne Fahrenkrog
Theresa and Tom Fennell
Tami and Wayne Fiddelke
Vicky and Duane Fisher
Esther Frandsen
Nancy and John Gerken
Cathy and Cornell Gethmann
Loween and Doug Getter
Mary and David Giese
Melissa and Kyle Gingrich
Chris Gleason
Jennifer and Jeremy
GlennConnie Gore
Sheila and Jack Guiter
David Hammond
Alice and Steven Hanson
Donna and Eldred Harman
Kathy and Craig Harris
Shannon Harris
Loretta Harvey
Keith Hemingway
Karen and Alan Hermanson
Virginia and Paul Herr
Ann and Joel Hertz
Evelyn Herzberg
Karen Hughes
Lauren Hughes
Billi Hunt
continued pg 14>>
Hutchcroft Inducted into 4-H Hall of Fame
heodore (Ted) Hutchcroft, originally of
Mediapolis, Iowa, was inducted into the
National 4-H Hall of Fame on October 7 for
his lifetime achievements and contributions to
4-H. Honored by the National Association of
Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA),
he is one of 15 people inducted
during a ceremony held at the
National 4-H Youth Conference
Center in Chevy Chase, Md.
In 2002, the National Association
of Extension 4-H Agents, National
4-H Council and 4-H Headquarters
created the National 4-H Hall of
Fame during 4-H’s centennial
year. The National 4-H Hall of
Fame was established to recognize
4-H volunteers, financial supporters,
staff and pioneers who made
major impacts within the 4-H movement at the
local, state and national levels.
“NAE4-HA is proud to acknowledge the
outstanding 2011 National Hall of Fame honorees
for the passion, dedication, vision and leadership
they’ve shown toward our young people during
their many years of service to 4-H,” said Lori
Purcell-Bledsoe, president, NAE4-HA.
Hutchcroft is the son of the late Paul T. and
June Hutchcroft. He grew up on his parents’
Guernsey dairy farm near Mediapolis, and was a
charter member of the Mediapolis Junior Farmers
4-H Club when it was formed in 1942. He
graduated from Mediapolis High School in 1948
and from Iowa State University with a bachelor’s
degree in 1953 and a doctorate in 1978.
He was selected to be a delegate from Des
Moines County in 4-H’s International Farm
Youth Exchange in 1949, being assigned to Great
Britain. It was while making a talk to the Keokuk
County 4-H banquet about the trip that he met
his future wife, Beverly Walk of South English.
In 1959, he became the information director
of the National 4-H Foundation, a post he held
for nine years. He was then assigned to San Jose,
Costa Rica, to be director of the
Inter-American Rural Youth
Program, which aided the
development of 4-H-like rural
youth groups throughout Latin
America and the Caribbean.
He compiled the “World Atlas
of 4-H and Similar Rural Youth
Educational Programs,” describing
some 60 rural youth programs
around the world.
In 1976 he joined the Council
for Agricultural Science and
Technology (CAST) on the Iowa
State campus. Seven years later he returned to
overseas work for an assignment with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council. In 1986
he joined the Winrock International headquarters
staff on Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas. He was
interim director of communications and publications of the International Rice Research Institute
in the Philippines from 1992 to 1994 and then
retired in October 1994.
The Hutchcrofts make their home on Petit Jean
Mountain where they are active in community
and church activities. They have three daughters,
each of whom has been a 4-H member. Jayne
teaches high school anthropology in San Jose,
Costa Rica. Jill is on the staff of Purdue University.
Julia is a member of the orthopedic clinic staff at
the University of Minnesota Hospitals.
Biographies and more information about
National 4-H Hall of Fame inductees can be
found at www.nae4ha.com/hof/. Act Now: IRA Rollover Gift Deadline Nears
he IRA Rollover provision exempts any
funds transferred (“rolled over”) from an
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to a
charitable organization from taxable income.
The following limitations apply:
• The contribution must be
a direct gift to a charity.
• The donor must be age 70½ or older.
For more information on IRA rollover gifts,
contact Albert Grunenwald at (515) 294-4780
or [email protected].
• The cap on annual IRA rollovers is
Don’t delay, the provision applies to gifts
made through December 31, 2011.
<<continued from pg 13
4-H 1,000 Club
Donors (continued)
Faye and Daniel Hunt
Laurie and David Johns
Linda and Gerald Johnson
Jeanie and Marty Jones
Rita Jordan-Apel
Shelley and Dave Junck
Heidi and Jeff Kaisand
Cheryl and David Kalsem
Steve Kammeyer
Janice and Kenneth Kassel
Yolanda and Kurt Keeran
Marcia Klindt
Kathy and Ronald Kloewer
Marvin C. Koeper
Mary Ann and William
James Krapfl
Julie and Neil Lansing
Maclyn and Janet LaRue
Tammy and R. Harold Lee
Susan and Tom Lehman
Janet and Byron Leu
Jeri Ann and Luke Longlet
Twila Longnecker
Kathy and Steve Lorimor
Chris Madsen
Carol and Loren Mahr
Vernelle and George Malven
Anita and Neil Mason
Joyce and Eugene
Lu Matthey
Jean and Steve McBreen
Tracey and Murl McCulloh
Jane and Bradley E. McDowell
Terry Meyer
Delores Mickey
Marjorie Miller
Meri and Dean Mohr
Dennis Morgan
Blane Nansel
Carol and Jim Neppl
Kathy and Bob Nervig
Audrey and Wayne Noring
Marla Norman
Denise and Adam Obrecht
Natalie and Craig Oppel
Catherine and Philip Ott
Mary Ottmar and Keith
Loran Parker
Erin Pazour
Eric Peterson
Mary and Glen Peterson
Janet Peterson
Shirley and Richard Pilgrim
Barbara and L. Kirby Range
Bruce Rastetter
Michael Regan
Fall 2011
June Rice
Heather Richards
Dean Riemenschneider
Leah Roach
Sharon and Lloyd Roberts
Melissa and Jerry Roell
Julie and John Roosa
Susan and Grant Schaaf
Ro and Troy Scheuermann
Carol and Dale Schlueter
Eldon L. Schroder
Janet Secor
Sharon and Roger Selley
Deborah and Brian Sinclair
Helen and Maurice Sinclair
Cindy and Mark Snell
Evan and Rebecca Stadlman
Teresa and Michael Stewart
Ann and Phil Stillman
Renee Stuedemann
Mary and Charles Sukup
Mary Svuba
Lori and Stuart Swanson
Elsa and James Swanstrom
Estella Swartz
Andy Talbot
Annette and Kenneth Tank
Gwenda and James Timm
Linda and Keith Troyer
Ellen Twinam
Janel and Kirk Tyler
Deb and Chris Van Auken
Carolyn and Gary Van Gelder
Anita and Tom Wall
Kathy and Mel Weatherwax
Angela Wedekind
Christine Wehrman
Allison and Bryan Whaley
Carol and Gerald Wheelock
Mindy and Kevin Williamson
Phillip Winborn
Jan and Roger Winslow
Dorothy and Doyle
Patty and Keith Wright
Carol Zeigler
Carla Zeller
4-H 400 Club
Donors ($400+)
Richard Ahrens
Gary Allen
Anne and Jim Almquist
Janet and Ronald Aronson
Marinda and James Babeshoff
Curtis Bakker
Grant Bargfrede
Sally Baschke
Delores and Robert Bebensee
Marilyn Beck
Joan and Dennis Behr
Beverly and Harold Biehr
Donna and Marvin Blair
Senator Nancy J. Boettger
Jeff Boshart
Doug Bowen
Kim and Peter Brantner
Sue and Keith Braun
Leola and Jerry Britten
Lu Anne and Ronald Brown
Mary Jane Brown
Jodee Bruce
Dean Burmeister
Annette Busbee
Julius Buser
Barbara and Larry Buste
Faye and Clair Carolan
Elyse and Paul Carstensen
Michelle and Steven Cassabaum
Dave Casson
Rick Chipman
Cary Christensen
Debbie and Kevin Christensen
MaryAnn Christensen
Susan Clark
Robert Collins
Frank Colony
Dee Colwell
Nancy and Bill Couser
Diana and Ralph Cox
Barbara Crock
Merry and Mike Crotty
Nicole and Patrick
Angela and Marty Davison
Donna Decker
Joi and David Dellamuth
Teresa and Pat DePover
Nancy Dietz
Sandra and Raymond
Kitty and Dale Drey
Kim and Christopher
Charlie Edson
Ronda and Harry Edwards
Glenda Long Eggerling
Wayne Eilers
Dolores and Robert Einfeldt
Carolyn and Phil Ellingson
Heath Elliott
Sharon and Dennis Erb
Kay and Dale Evans
Beverly and Lawrence Everett
Catherine and Dennis Faber
Donald FoleyAnn
and Johny Ford
Julie and Nolan Ford
Nancy Franz
Linda and Don Friedrichsen
Bonnie and Arnold Gaarde
Marty Lea and Anthony Garcia
Chris Garton
Marge and Larry Gaul
Mary and Leland Gayer
Ann and Ali Ghabel
David Glime
Nelda and Darrell Godfrey
Carole Gorham
Antonina Gotta
Janet and John Graham
Joan and Laverne Greving
Shirley and Wayne Gugler
Anita and Kenneth Hamm
Tim W. Handorf
June and Jerry Hanna
Mary and Brent Hanna
Barbara Hansen
Karen and Robert Harris
Robert Harter
Lori and Jon Hartman
Martha Hawk
Andrea Heesch
Ann Marie and Phil Heldorfer
Laurilyn Helmers
April Hemmes
Amy and Eugene Henderson
Janie and Craig Hertel
Elizabeth and Randall Hertz
JoAnn Herzberg
Patricia and Dwight Hicks
Steve Hicks
Janice and Arthur Hining
Jacque and Ralph Hodson
Palmer and Sheryl Holden
Lib and Steven Hooper
Eddie Huck
Janis Ivie
Sherry and Frank James
Nancy and Doug Jenson
Craig Johnson
Janelle and Dennis Johnson
Tricia Jordan
Dan Kallem
Ron Kardel
Teresa Kasper
Sara and Bruce Ketcham
Valerie and Don King
Micaela and Dave Klein
Eileen and Gerald Klonglan
Mary Ellen and Calvin Knop
Julie and Kevin Kordick
Jason Korte
Mary Kramer
Rebecca and Timothy Kresowik
Sandy and Ron Kropf
Beverly and Kenneth Kruempel
Rod Kubichek
Jeanette and Leland Lane
Linda Lange
Harold Lansman
Sandy and James Larick
Nancy and Kipp Larsen
Jeanette Larson
Julie and Blair Lehman
Amy and Joe Lehman
Nadine Leisz and Karl Pucher
Vernene and Gary Lenz
Judy Levad
Angela and W. Albert Lickhart
Linda Light
Sheryl Lill
Connie and Robert Loux
Leann and Thomas Lundberg
Durward Lyon
Sherry and Mick Maassen
Jeffrey Macomber
Tamara Mahl
Jenny and Philip Marburger
Belinda Marner
M Jean Huss and Charles
Carol and Dudley McDowell
Betty and Raymond McDowell
Ruth McGinnis
Ann McMullin
Lenae and Bill McNulty
Linda Medlang
Nancy and Nick Meier
Pat Meinert
Nevin Meredit
Rebecca and Darwin Merrill
Betty and Jerry Miller
Mary Lou and John Miller
Luella Miller
Ron Miller
Lisa and Brian Mino
Gordon Mitchell
Noreen and Walter Mochal
Sara and James Mock
Dawn and Thomas Moser
Denise Mougin
Carin and Jeff Murphy
Clint Murty
Pam and John Nelson
Kim Neuharth
Fletcher Nichols
Glendy and Roger Nichols
Ruth and Charles Norris
Sandra and Vern Olberding
Gerald Olson
Sue and Gary Osweiler
Ian Overland
Blake Parker
Harva and James Paul
Cathy and John Paul
Casey Peck
Andrea and Kent Pedersen
Cheryl and Drew Pellett
Beth and John Pelton
Frank Perrin
Guy Peterson
Curtis Pflum
Bernadene and Arthur Pohm
Janet and Perry Pollock
Martha and Robert Rasmussen
Julie and Brent Rastetter
Ricci and Jason Reed
Rae and Peter Reilly
Ryan Reisetter
Craig Remick
Jo and Darrel Rensink
Larry Rice
Jennifer and Trevor
Mary Lou and Glenn Roberts
Dale Ryon
Amy and William Sadera
Greg Sage
Robin and Gary Sampson
Katie Dencklau-Schelle
Karen and John Schmidt
Dennis Schnebbe
Pamela and Marvin Schott
Gwyn and David Schramm
Helen Schuck
Linda and Harlen Schurr
Annette and John Scieszinski
Kyle Sexton
Kristin Shelton
Debbie Short
Bonnie and Steve Showalter
Jeanene and David Skarshaug
Pamela Hawhee and John
Jo Smith
Tara Spidle
Linda and Greg Steensland
Jim Stein
Jeff Steinhart
Tami Strait
Jacqueline Stratton
Monica Streeper
Donald and Patricia Swanson
Claudia and Jerry Tank
Mary and Bruce Temple
Judith and William Terry
Jane Thornton
Connie and James Thrasher
Judy Tonderum
Jean and Steve Trimble
Norma and Tom Troxel
Roxie and Tom Ullrich
Elaine and Craig Utesch
Mary Van Houten
Claire Vance
Steve Vannatta
Molly and Robert Vincent
Kathy and Glenn Voge
Rae von Holdt
Laura Ellen and Thomas
Mary Lou and Robert Ware
Nola and Randy Watson
Nancy and Nicholas Weber
Nancy Weidler
Dana and Keith Wellhausen
Jamie and Mike Wells
Rosemary and John Westcott
Cayla Westergard
Lowell Wilson
Karlene and Arlen
Nancy and Chris Wonderlich
Polly and Norman Zaugg
Deborah and Rodney Zeitler
Sondra and W. Todd Zinke
Extension 4-H Youth Building
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-3630
What 4-H Means to Me...
A collection of quotes from Iowa 4-H youth and volunteers
“Without 4-H in my life, I would still be the shy little fifth grader I once was, but because I
joined a club, I branched out and became a leader. I have the confidence to speak in
public, and take educational trips without knowing a single person. I have learned so many
things about responsibility and gained new friendships. I know I would
not be the same great person I am today if 4-H wasn’t in my life.”
– Stormie J.
“As an adult mother of former 4-H’ers,
I appreciate how it helped my children
evolve into responsible and helpful
adults. All of them loved 4-H.”
– Boone County 4-H volunteer
“It (4-H) opened my eyes to a whole
career choice: Agriculture. I am
now involved with cattle and farming
and it wouldn’t have been possible if
4-H didn’t encourage me along the
way.” – Boone County 4-H alumnus
“4-H is what you make it.
I’ve made it fun for myself
by serving on the county
council, youth extension
committee, and by participating in extra things for fun
at the county, state and
national levels. Through
these county, state, and
national events I’ve made
some life-long friends that
I will, more than likely, never
forget. I’ve even met my
boyfriend of a year and a half
through 4-H.” – Brooke P.
“4-H has given me the confidence and skills
I need to go onto college and succeed in the
real world.” – Meridith H.
Leave a Legacy
n life, most people require some
kind of assistance, whether it’s
physical, financial or spiritual. Perhaps a local church congregation
or food bank supplied meals during a tough time. Maybe you were
given a 4-H scholarship that made
the dream of college possible.
During life’s struggles, we are
often reminded that more must be
done to continue positive, humane
acts of kindness, and to sustain
programs for personal enrichment.
We wish more funding were available for the Iowa 4-H Youth Development Program, in order to continue building Iowa’s youth through
life skills, leadership and citizenship.
By making a bequest or other
planned gifts, you can continue to
help 4-H make a difference. Gifts
large and small are important.
For more information on how to leave a legacy
with Iowa 4-H, contact Albert Grunenwald at
(515) 294-4780 or [email protected].