trade marks journal singapore trade marks
trade marks journal singapore trade marks
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`. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 1 Applications Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 2005 Ed.) Registration has been applied for in the respect of the following Trade Marks under the provisions of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 2005 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $374). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 2 T1012958B 07/10/2010 (43) Proceeding because of acquired distinctiveness through use. Class 43 Night-club services; bar services; services for the provision of food and drink; restaurants, cafes; catering services for the provision of food and drink; banqueting services; cocktail lounge services; coffee shop and tea room services; all included in Class 43. COASTES PTE LTD 33 UBI AVENUE 3, #03-08 VERTEX, SINGAPORE 408868 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 3 T1200568F 13/01/2012 (35 36 38 39) Class 35 Advertising, advertising, in particular, pertaining to motor vehicles, business management; business administration, office functions, advice on the organization and management of businesses, commercial transactions for third party mediation on used vehicles. Class 36 Insurance and financial affairs, monetary affairs, real estate. Class 38 Telecommunications, rental of car telephone apparatus. Class 39 Rental of vehicles, in particular motor vehicles and trucks; rental of land vehicles including rental of vehicle adapted accessories, namely, luggage carriers, child safety seats, trailers, snow chains; towing of vehicles, particularly in the context of roadside assistance; courier services (messages); garage rental. Priority Claims: Class 35 15/07/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 15/07/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 15/07/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 15/07/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. DAIMLER AG MERCEDESSTRASSE 137, 70327 STUTTGART, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 SINGAPORE 905667 T1205881Z 25/04/2012 (28) Class 28 Slot machines (gaming machines); casings for slot machines (gaming machines); video slot machines (gaming machines); casings for video slot machines. UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION ARIAKE FRONTIER BUILDING, TOWER A, 3-7-26 ARIAKE, KOTO-KU, TOKYO 135-0063, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Page No. 4 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 5 T1305229G 03/04/2013 (38 41) Class 38 Telecommunications; telecommunications services; television broadcasting services; transmission of television programs; on demand video and television transmission services; transmission of downloadable television programs and motion pictures; streaming of television programs, motion pictures and audio, visual and audiovisual material via the internet. Class 41 Production and distribution of television programs and motion pictures; television programming services; provision of on-demand video and television programs and motion pictures; provision of non-downloadable video, television programs and motion pictures; production and distribution of interactive, video and mobile games; entertainment services, namely, providing online games, web-based games, interactive games, video games and mobile games. UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS LLC 100 UNIVERSAL CITY PLAZA, UNIVERSAL CALIFORNIA 91608, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CITY, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 6 T1309037G 06/06/2013 (09 35 38 41 42) Class 09 Downloadable audio-visual media content in the field of entertainment featuring live action motion pictures, television series, comedies, and dramas; downloadable audio-visual media content in the field of entertainment featuring animated motion pictures, television series, comedies, and dramas; computer software, namely, computer software for streaming audio-visual media content via the Internet, computer software for streaming and storing audio-visual media content, downloadable audio and video players for media content with multimedia and interactive functions, video search and annotation software, content protection software, computer software programs for database management, database synchronization software; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching on-line databases, software that enables users to play and program entertainment-related audio, video, text and multi-media content; computer application software for streaming and storing audio-visual media content; computer application software for streaming audio-visual media content via the Internet; downloadable computer software for streaming audio-visual media content via the Internet; downloadable computer software for streaming and storing audio-visual media content; downloadable publications in the nature of books and magazines in the field of entertainment; all included in Class 9. Class 35 Advertising; classified advertising; retail services; on-line retail services; on-line department store retailing; on-line convenience store retailing; providing a searchable on-line advertising guide featuring goods and services; computerized compilation of order lists; ordering services (for others); commercial information services provided by access to a computer database; database management; auction services; auctioneering; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet, a general merchandise catalogue by mail order, a general merchandise website in the global communications network or by means of telecommunication; collection, analysis, and on-line provision of statistical, quantitative and qualitative business information regarding the sale and resale of goods via a global computer network; providing market information in the nature of evaluative feedback and ratings of sellers’ goods and services, the value and prices of sellers’ goods, buyers’ and sellers’ performance, delivery, and overall experience in connection therewith; organization and management of customer loyalty programs; sales promotion through customer loyalty programs (for others); wholesaling and retailing of electrical appliances and parts and Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 7 fittings for these goods; retail sale of electronics and electrical equipment; outsourcing services (business assistance) of computer programs and software; all included in Class 35. Class 38 Providing on-line telecommunication connections for real-time interaction with other computer users concerning topics of general interest; providing on-line chatrooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users regarding movies, movie show times, movie trailers, movie ratings and reviews, movie roles, movie plots, television series, computer games, video games and entertainment industry news, and for the transmission of movie ratings and reviews among users; electronic transmission and streaming of digital media content for others via a global computer network, a local computer network, mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers, personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices; streaming of audio and video material on the Internet and via mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers and personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices; transmission of downloadable audio-visual media content in the nature of full-length, partial-length, and clips from motion pictures, television programming, and videos; video-on-demand transmission services; enabling users of mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers and personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices to communicate with each other regarding movies, movie show times, movie trailers, movie ratings and reviews, movie roles, movie plots, television series, actors, producers, directors, entertainment industry news, personalities, events, projects, planned or potential projects and events, and computer and video games; telecommunications; providing an on-line, interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of goods and services via a global computer network; providing user access to a global computer network and on-line sites containing information on a wide range of topics; providing user access to an on-line computer database in the field of entertainment relating specifically to music, movies, television series and general interest news; providing user access to an interactive database featuring information about movies, movie show times, movie trailers, movie ratings and reviews, movie roles, movie plots, television series, computer games, video games, actors, producers, directors, entertainment industry news, personalities, events, projects, planned or potential projects and events on-line and via mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers and personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices; all included in Class 38. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 8 Class 41 Entertainment services in the nature of distribution (other than transportation) and display of live-action motion pictures, television series, dramas and comedies; distribution and display of animated motion pictures, television series, dramas and comedies; production of live-action motion pictures, television series, comedies and dramas; production of animated motion pictures, television series, comedies and dramas; providing information about entertainment via an electronic global communications network in the nature of motion pictures, television programming, videos, music videos, and music; providing television programs, motion pictures, current affairs events and entertainment news, sports, games, computer games, video games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs via a website; electronic publication of information on a wide range of topics, including on-line and over a global computer network; providing on-line interactive resource and programming guides on the subjects of motion pictures, television programming and videos; production and rental of audio-visual works, specifically, motion pictures, television programming, videos; providing entertainment information regarding movies, movie show times, movie trailers, movie ratings and reviews, movie roles, movie plots, actors, producers, directors, and movie industry news and information regarding celebrities, events, projects, and planned or potential events and projects via a website on the Internet, via mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers and personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices; publication of on-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information regarding movies, movie show times, movie trailers, movie ratings and reviews, television series, video games, computer games, and entertainment industry news; providing facilities for entertainment; providing facilities for educational purposes; providing entertainment in the form of computer and video games on-line and via mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers and personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices; providing entertainment information regarding computer games and computer enhancements for games on-line and via mobile telephones, mobile telephones incorporating the functions of palmtop computers and personal digital assistants and other mobile communications devices; organization of contests (education or entertainment); all included in Class 41. Class 42 Software creation; computer software design; computer software development; rental of computer software; maintenance of computer software; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); monitoring of computer systems by remote access; design of computer Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 9 programs; rental of computer programs; development of computer programs; computer programming consultancy; consultancy in the field of computer software; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; development of systems for the processing of data; research relating to computer programming and software; information services relating to information technology; Application Service Provider (ASP) services; all included in Class 42. Z & Y NOMINEES PTY LTD 3/16 LARNACA AUSTRALIA COURT, TEMPLESTOWE, VIC ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARGARET CORPORATION, 36 ARMENIAN STREET, SINGAPORE 179934 3106, LAW #05-10, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 10 T1309715J 18/06/2013 (30 32) The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Mirai" meaning "The Future" or "Time (Days) to Come". Class 30 Coffee; artificial coffee; coffee beverages with milk; coffee flavorings other than essential oils; vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes; unroasted coffee; coffee-based beverages; cocoa; cocoa beverages with milk; cocoa-based foods; cocoa-based beverages; tea; flavored tea; iced tea; tea-based beverages; flavored tea-based beverages; biscuits; bread; candy; caramels (candy); cereal preparations for food; chocolate; cookies; ices; ice cream; flakes of wheat; puddings; sago. Class 32 Beers; mineral water (beverages); aerated water; non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; carbonated drinks; soft drinks; soft drinks containing vitamin C (not for medical use); vegetable juices (beverages); non-alcoholic cocktails; lemonades; soda water; whey beverages; isotonic beverages; milk of almonds (beverages); ginger ale; fruit nectars (non-alcoholic); cider (non-alcoholic); sherbets (non-alcoholic beverages); peanut milk (non-alcoholic beverages); powders for making beverages; essences for making non-alcoholic beverages. SUNTORY BEVERAGE & FOOD LIMITED 3-1-1 KYOBASHI, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-0031 JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RHTLAW TAYLOR WESSING LLP, 6 BATTERY ROAD, #10-01, SINGAPORE 049909 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 11 T1311243E 13/07/2013 (03 05 08 44) Application for a series of six marks. Class 03 Beauty face packs; beauty gels; beauty masks; beauty milks; beauty preparations; beauty products; non-medicated beauty preparations; beauty care preparations; beauty care products; distilled oils for beauty care; non-medicated skin care beauty products; products for beauty care; after shower creams; after sun creams; aftershave creams; aftershave moisturising cream; anti-ageing creams; anti-aging creams; anti-wrinkle cream; babies’ creams (non-medicated); barrier creams; barrier creams for the skin; base cream; bath creams, not medicated; beauty creams; bleaches in the form of creams; bronzing creams; cleaning creams for use on the person; cleansing creams; cocoa butter in the form of creams; cold cream, other than for medical use; conditioning creams; cosmetic acne creams; cosmetics in the form of creams; cream for skin whitening; cream milks; cream perfumes; creams for firming the skin; creams for paling the skin; creams for tanning the skin; creams for the hair; creams for toning the skin; creams for use after shaving; creams for use before shaving; creams for wrinkles; day creams; deodorant creams for human beings or for animals; depilatory creams; dermatological creams (other than medicated); emollient creams; face foundation creams; facial care products in the form of creams (cosmetic); facial creams (cosmetic); foundation cream; hair cream; hair protection creams; hand barrier creams; hand cream; massage creams, not medicated; moisturising creams (cosmetic); moisturising skin creams (cosmetic); nail treatment creams (cosmetics); nappy cream (non-medicated); night creams (cosmetics); non-medicated cleansing creams; non-medicated cream cleaners; non-medicated cream for the hands; non-medicated cream for use in the bath; non-medicated creams; non-medicated creams for application after exposure to the sun; non-medicated creams for application before exposure to the sun; non-medicated creams for facial scrubs; non-medicated creams for hydrating the skin; non-medicated creams for moisturising the skin; non-medicated creams for personal care; non-medicated creams for protection against the sun; non-medicated creams for protection of the skin; non-medicated creams for softening the skin; non-medicated creams for soothing the skin; non-medicated creams for the body; non-medicated creams for the eyes; non-medicated creams for the face; non-medicated creams for the feet; non-medicated creams for the lips; non-medicated creams for the skin; non-medicated face cream; non-medicated foot creams; non-medicated protective creams; non-medicated skin creams; non-medicated suntan creams; nourishing creams (cosmetics); perfumed creams (toilet preparations); polishing creams; pre-shave creams; self tanning Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 12 creams (cosmetic); shaving creams; skin care creams (cosmetic); skin cleansing cream (cosmetic); skin creams (cosmetic); skin discomfort cream (cosmetic); skin whitening creams; soap creams for use in washing; sun blocking cream (cosmetics); sun creams (cosmetics); sun protecting creams (cosmetics); tanning creams (cosmetics); toning creams (cosmetic); toning creams (toilet preparations); vanishing cream; washing creams; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; almond lotion for cosmetic purposes; almond lotion for cosmetic use; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; anti-sun preparations (cosmetics); astringents for cosmetic purposes; bleaching preparations (decolourants) for cosmetic purposes; body creams (cosmetics); body paint (cosmetic); cellulose wadding for cosmetic purposes; cellulose wipes for cosmetic purposes; cellulose wool for cosmetic use; chemical products for bleaching (cosmetic use); cleaning oils for cosmetic purposes; collagen preparations for cosmetic application; colour cosmetics for the eyes; colour cosmetics for the skin; colouring agents for cosmetic purposes; colouring preparations for cosmetic purposes; colours for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic acne cleansers; cosmetic acne creams; cosmetic articles; cosmetic articles for personal use; cosmetic bath products; cosmetic cotton wool; cosmetic creams; cosmetic dyes; cosmetic dyestuffs; cosmetic eye gels; cosmetic eye pencils; cosmetic face powders; cosmetic goods for care of the skin; cosmetic kits; cosmetic masks; cosmetic moisturisers; cosmetic oils; cosmetic pencils; cosmetic powder; cosmetic preparations; cosmetic preparations adapted for sun-tanning; cosmetic preparations for application to the nails; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the mouth; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the skin; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the teeth; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for skin tanning; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetic preparations for tanning the skin; cosmetic preparations for use in giving a sun-tan effect; cosmetic preparations for use in suntanning; cosmetic preparations for use in the bath; cosmetic preparations for use on the body; cosmetic preparations for use on the face; cosmetic preparations for use on the skin; cosmetic products for eyebrows; cosmetic products for eyelashes. Class 05 Acne cleansers (pharmaceutical preparations); products in gel form for the treatment of acne; acne creams (pharmaceutical preparations); babies’ creams (medicated); body creams (medicated); cold cream for medical use; cold creams for the treatment of sporting injuries; cream of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; dermatological creams (medicated); hand creams for medical use; medicated bath creams; medicated cream cleaners; medicated creams; medicated creams for application after Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 13 exposure to the sun; medicated creams for cleaning the skin; medicated creams for hydrating the skin; medicated creams for moisturising the skin; medicated creams for personal care; medicated creams for protection against the sun; medicated creams for protection of the skin; medicated creams for softening the skin; medicated creams for soothing the skin; medicated creams for the body; medicated creams for the eyes; medicated creams for the face; medicated creams for the feet; medicated creams for the hands; medicated creams for the lips; medicated creams for the skin; medicated creams for use in washing (other than soap); medicated foot creams; medicated nutritional creams; medicated preparations in the form of creams; medicated protective creams; medicated skin creams; medicinal creams for the protection of the skin; moisturising creams (pharmaceutical); moisturising skin creams (pharmaceutical); moisturizing creams (pharmaceutical); nappy cream (medicated); night creams (medicated); pain relieving creams; perfumed creams for medical use; pharmaceutical creams; skin care creams for medical use; skin creams (medicated); spermicidal creams; sun blocking cream for medical use; sun creams for medical use; sun protection creams for medical purposes; therapeutic creams (medical); udder creams for agricultural use; wound healing creams; zinc oil creams (medicaments); blood tonics; medicine tonics; pastilles being medicated tonics; pharmaceutical tonic preparations; skin tonics (medicated); tonic water (medicated beverages); tonics (medicinal) based on plant extracts; tonics (medicine); moisturizers (pharmaceutical); anti-diabetic agents; anti-fungal agents; anti-inflammatory agents; anti-ulcer agents; anti-viral agents; adhesive skin patches for medical use; bandages for protecting the skin; dressings for skin traumas; lubricating moisturising jelly for the skin (for medical use); medicated antiseptic preparations for application to the skin; medicated cleansing preparations for the skin (other than soap). Class 08 Hand-operated instruments for beauty purposes; hand-operated tools for beauty purposes; hand-operated instruments for cosmetic purposes; hand-operated tools for cosmetic purposes; hand appliances (electric) for depilating the hairs of the skin; hand appliances (non-electric) for depilating the hairs of the skin; body piercing apparatus (hand operated); electric and non-electric appliances for removal of body hair; tools (hand-operated) for working valve bodies. Class 44 Beauty consultancy; beauty consultation; beauty counselling; beauty salon services; beauty salons; beauty services; consultancy relating to beauty; providing information, including online, about hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 14 consultancy relating to beauty care; health spas (health, hygiene and beauty care services); personal care services (medical nursing, health, hygiene and beauty care); consultancy relating to cosmetics; consultancy services relating to personal appearance (hair, beauty, cosmetics); cosmetic electrolysis; cosmetic make-up services; cosmetic surgery; electrolysis for cosmetic purposes; consultancy relating to skin care; services for the care of the skin; advisory services relating to slimming; consultancy relating to slimming; slimming salon services; herbalism; healthcare; advisory services relating to beauty treatment; analysis of tissues for medical treatment; arranging of medical treatment; beauty treatment services; cosmetic treatment services; depilatory treatment services; location of medical facilities for emergency medical treatment; medical services for treatment of the skin; medical treatment services; provision of medical treatment; slimming treatment services; surgical treatment services; therapeutic treatment of the body; therapeutic treatment of the face; treatment of allergies; weight control treatment services; removal of body cellulite. ABSOLUTE WELLNESS GROUP PTE LTD 80 MARINE PARADE CENTRAL, #01-780, SINGAPORE 440080 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 15 T1312220A 31/07/2013 (35 36 39 41 43 44 45) Class 35 Business management of hotels; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; business management assistance; administration of the business affairs of franchises; advertising; marketing; outsourcing services (business assistance). Class 36 Real estate management; leasing of real estate; real estate agencies; issuing of accommodation vouchers; insurance underwriting; capital investments. Class 39 Transport of travellers; sightseeing (tourism); arranging of sightseeing tours; booking of seats for travel. Class 41 Arranging and conducting of seminars; entertainment; booking of seats for shows; providing casino facilities (gambling); club services (entertainment or education); organisation of competitions (education or entertainment); arranging and conducting of concerts; educational services; entertainment information; organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; games equipment rental; providing golf facilities; photography; videotaping; presentation of live performances; providing amusement arcade services; providing karaoke services; providing sports facilities; recreation information; zoological garden services; provision of swimming pool facilities; arranging and conducting symposiums; party planning(entertainment). Class 43 Hotels; providing temporary accommodation; boarding house bookings; providing food and drink; restaurant services; food and drink catering; rental of meeting rooms; provision of facilities for exhibitions; providing wedding hall; providing wedding ceremony place; providing wedding reception place. Class 44 Public baths for hygiene purposes; Turkish baths; beauty salons; hairdressing salons; massage; aromatherapy services. Class 45 Wedding chapel services; wedding hall services; wedding reception services; arranging of wedding services; clothing rental; planning and arranging of wedding ceremonies. FUJITA KANKO INC. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 16 10-8 SEKIGUCHI 2-CHOME, BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARGARET CORPORATION, 36 ARMENIAN STREET, SINGAPORE 179934 T1313429C 20/08/2013 (33) The Spanish word "Zorzal" appearing in the mark means "Thrush". Class 33 Wines. NEGOCIOS Y EMPRENDIMIENTOS ZORZAL S.A. MITRE 521 3RO OFICINA 30 (5500), MENDOZA, ARGENTINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 LAW #05-10, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 17 T1313430G 20/08/2013 (33) The Spanish words "Zorzal" and "Gran" appearing in the mark means "Thrush", and "Great" or "Large" respectively. Class 33 Wines. NEGOCIOS Y EMPRENDIMIENTOS ZORZAL S.A. MITRE 521 3RO OFICINA 30 (5500), MENDOZA, ARGENTINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 18 T1315968G 03/10/2013 (09 35 38 41 42) Class 09 Computer software for use in marketing, messaging, mailing and/or creating, managing communications; downloadable software in the nature of a computer program and/or mobile application. Class 35 Data processing management; collection and compilation of commercial information for relationship marketing; social media marketing consultancy; market research into consumer buying habits, patterns and trends; market research into consumer buying motivation; media planning being media marketing and advertising strategy; marketing and advertising media analysis services; market research; advertising by mail order; compilation of direct mailing lists; compilation of mailing lists; direct mail advertising; marketing by mail; preparation of mailing lists; preparation of mailing lists for direct mail advertising services; direct marketing, database marketing; telemarketing; business statistical analysis and reporting; processing and analysis of business statistics; database management; business information services; business consulting services in the field of electronic commerce; advertising and marketing management; agency services, namely, the creation, development and dissemination of advertising and promotional materials via direct mail, newspaper, radio, television, mobile electronic devices, a global computer network and other interactive media; consulting services, namely, interception (marketing strategy) and market analysis of advertising enquiries for the businesses of others; marketing consulting; consulting and computerised database management services for the businesses of others, namely, interpretation of market data analysis and management of advertising response data; analysis of market surveys’ data responses and market conditions to identify customers and define prospects; preparing personalised needs analysis, metrics, reports and recommendations for advertising, marketing and retail; market analysis and assessment services, namely, prospect and customer qualification, communication, cultivation, retention and management; research services and information services relating to all the aforesaid. Class 38 Communication by computers; electronic transmission of data, messages and images via computer terminals, electronic tablets, mobile phones; broadcast of messages using digital interactive services; streaming of digital content via the Internet. Class 41 Education, instruction, tuition and training; production and rental Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 19 of educational and instructional materials; publishing services; provision of online electronic publications (non-downloadable); including all of the aforesaid services provided online from a computer network or via the internet or extranets. Class 42 Design research; illustrating services (design); industrial and commercial design services; design, drawing and commissioned writing (of computer software and programmes), all for the compilation of web pages on the Internet; computer services, namely, designing and implementing network web sites, software applications and information technology computer network systems for others; website design services; creation, editing and updating of website content; creating and supporting computer programs and / or mobile applications to track consumer usage and preferences on websites; design of publicity and advertising materials; computer services, namely, designing banner advertisements and implementing banner advertisements on websites for others; graphic design services; information, consultancy and advisory services, all relating to the aforesaid services. SMARTFOCUS UK LTD LYNTON HOUSE 7-12 TAVISTOCK SQUARE LONDON WC1H 9LT UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: YUSARN AUDREY, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 20 T1318134H 08/11/2013 (35) Class 35 Recruitment services; permanent staff recruitment; personnel placement; personnel recruitment advertising; personnel recruitment agency services; personnel recruitment consultancy; personnel recruitment services; personnel recruitment; personnel resources management; personnel selection (for others); placement of permanent personnel; placement of temporary personnel; placement of staff; professional recruitment services; recruitment of staff; temporary assignment of employees; temporary assignment of personnel; temporary personnel placement services; temporary personnel employment services; temporary placement of employees; recruitment advertising; recruitment of executive staff; recruitment of computer staff; recruitment of executive staff; recruitment of personnel; information and advisory services relating to the foregoing. Priority Claims: Class 35 27/05/2013 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. ASPIRE GLOBAL NETWORK LIMITED LEVEL 2, 102 NEW CAVENDISH STREET, LONDON W1W 6XX, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 T1320729J 20/12/2013 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations and substances. GLAXOSMITHKLINE TRADING SERVICES LIMITED CURRABINNY, CARRIGALINE, COUNTY CORK, IRELAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 21 T1409807Z 24/06/2014 (18 35) Class 18 Market umbrellas (portable). Class 35 Business advice relating to marketing; business consultancy services relating to marketing; marketing advisory services; marketing agency services; marketing consultancy; planning of marketing strategies. THE LUXURY NETWORK SINGAPORE 810 JURONG WEST STREET 81, #12-86, SINGAPORE 640810 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 22 T1409817G 24/06/2014 (09 35 38 42) Class 09 Mobile data communications apparatus; mobile data instruments; computer software for communication between computer processes; application development tool programs for personal computers, mobile digital electronic devices, hand held computers, and mobile telephones; computer software packages; integrated software packages; interactive computer software; computer browsing and searching software incorporating image recognition, video recognition and voice search; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer software that enables users to play and program entertainment-related audio, video, text and multi-media content; computer application software for streaming and storing audio-visual media content; downloadable computer software for streaming audio-visual media content via the Internet; downloadable publications in the nature of books and magazines in the field of entertainment. Class 35 Advertising and marketing; online advertising and marketing services; promotional services; promoting the goods and services of others over the global computer network; providing commercial information about the goods and services of others via the global computer network; compilation and provision of online commercial information directories; online advertising on a computer network. Class 38 Mobile telephone communication services; providing access to online computer databases and online searchable databases; broadcasting and communications by means of or aided by computer; wireless communication services; electronic transmission of data, images, audio, video and documents, including text, cards, letters, messages, mail, animations, and electronic mail, over local or global communications networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks; transmission of digital information; communications services for receiving and exchange of information, messages, images and data in electronic form; electronic mail services; provision of communications for retrieval of sound images and information on or by computer; provision and operation of electronic video conferencing services, online discussion groups and chat rooms; provision of on-line forums; providing access to blogs, providing on-line chat rooms or discussions services. Class 42 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 23 Computer network services; computer services, namely providing search engines for the Internet; computer software advisory services; computer software programming services; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); providing search engines for obtaining data via the Internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; application service provider (ASP), namely, providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in exchanging, distributing, transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, displaying, transferring, uploading, editing, collecting, managing, sending, organizing and storing data, information, software applications and geographical and location information; application service provider (ASP), namely, providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in transmitting, accessing, organizing and managing of text messaging, instant messaging and text; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for social networking. IQNECT PTE. LTD. 203 HOUGANG STREET 21, #03-73, SINGAPORE 530203 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAJAH & TANN SINGAPORE LLP, 9 BATTERY ROAD, #25-01 STRAITS TRADING BUILDING, SINGAPORE 049910 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 24 T1409818E 24/06/2014 (09 35 38 42) Class 09 Mobile data communications apparatus; mobile data instruments; computer software for communication between computer processes; application development tool programs for personal computers, mobile digital electronic devices, hand held computers, and mobile telephones; computer software packages; integrated software packages; interactive computer software; computer browsing and searching software incorporating image recognition, video recognition and voice search; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer software that enables users to play and program entertainment-related audio, video, text and multi-media content; computer application software for streaming and storing audio-visual media content; downloadable computer software for streaming audio-visual media content via the Internet; downloadable publications in the nature of books and magazines in the field of entertainment. Class 35 Advertising and marketing; online advertising and marketing services; promotional services; promoting the goods and services of others over the global computer network; providing commercial information about the goods and services of others via the global computer network; compilation and provision of online commercial information directories; online advertising on a computer network. Class 38 Mobile telephone communication services; providing access to online computer databases and online searchable databases; broadcasting and communications by means of or aided by computer; wireless communication services; electronic transmission of data, images, audio, video and documents, including text, cards, letters, messages, mail, animations, and electronic mail, over local or global communications networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks; transmission of digital information; communications services for receiving and exchange of information, messages, images and data in electronic form; electronic mail services; provision of communications for retrieval of sound images and information on or by computer; provision and operation of electronic video conferencing services, online discussion groups and chat rooms; provision of on-line forums; providing access to blogs, providing on-line chat rooms or discussions services. Class 42 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 25 Computer network services; computer services, namely providing search engines for the Internet; computer software advisory services; computer software programming services; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); providing search engines for obtaining data via the Internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; application service provider (ASP), namely, providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in exchanging, distributing, transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, displaying, transferring, uploading, editing, collecting, managing, sending, organizing and storing data, information, software applications and geographical and location information; application service provider (ASP), namely, providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in transmitting, accessing, organizing and managing of text messaging, instant messaging and text; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for social networking. IQNECT PTE. LTD. 203 HOUGANG STREET 21, #03-73, SINGAPORE 530203 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAJAH & TANN SINGAPORE LLP, 9 BATTERY ROAD, #25-01 STRAITS TRADING BUILDING, SINGAPORE 049910 T1409821E 24/06/2014 (18) Class 18 All-purpose sports bags, backpacks, duffle bags, messenger bags, tote bags, gym bags, drawstring pouches, waist packs. NIKE INNOVATE C.V., A DUTCH LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ONE BOWERMAN DRIVE, BEAVERTON, 97005-6453, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OREGON ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HARRY ELIAS PARTNERSHIP LLP, 4 SHENTON WAY, #17-01 SGX CENTRE 2, SINGAPORE 068807 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 26 T1409868A 25/06/2014 (18) Application for a series of two marks. Class 18 Athletic bags; bags for campers; bags for climbers; bags for shaving kits; bags for toiletry kits; casual bags; duffel bags; luggage bags; pouches (bags); school bags; shoe bags; shoulder bags; waist bags. SPORTS CONNECTION PTE. LTD. 81 GENTING LANE, #05-01/04 EVERICH INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, SINGAPORE 349566 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, 2 SHENTON WAY, #18-01 SGX CENTRE 1, SINGAPORE 068804 T1409896G 25/06/2014 (30) Class 30 Coffee; tea; cocoa; sugar; rice; tapioca; sago; artificial coffee; flour; bread; pastry; ices; honey; treacle; yeast; baking powder; Salt for cooking; mustard; vinegar; sauces(edible); spices; pastry confectionery; preparations made from cereals; CAPITAL VENTURES PVT. LTD 7, SARJA MARKET COMPLEX,VILLAGE-NAHARPUR, SECTOR-7, ROHINI,DELHI - 110085, INDIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O EFFY CHEUNG, P.O. BOX 119 CLEMENTI CENTRAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911204 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 27 T1409908D 25/06/2014 (45) Application for a series of two marks. Class 45 Advisory services relating to security; concierge services [baggage inspection for security purposes]; consultancy services relating to security; provision of on-site security facilities; public events security services; rental of crowd control barriers; rental of security apparatus; rental of security surveillance apparatus; security services; security services for the protection of property and individuals. EVENT SECURITY SPECIALISTS PTE LTD 152 JALAN BESAR, #05-01 COYUCO BUILDING, SINGAPORE 208870 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INTELLEIGEN LEGAL LLC, 20 COLLYER QUAY, #23-01 TUNG CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049319 T1409918A 25/06/2014 (30) Class 30 Rice; all included in Class 30. HOW SOON INVESTMENTS PTE. LTD. 10 ANSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 079903 #31-10 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: SUKRAJ CONSULTANCY, 1 RAFFLES QUAY, #25-00 NORTH TOWER, SINGAPORE 048583 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 28 T1409920C 25/06/2014 (30) Class 30 Rice; all included in Class 30. HOW SOON INVESTMENTS PTE. LTD. 10 ANSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 079903 #31-10 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: SUKRAJ CONSULTANCY, 1 RAFFLES QUAY, #25-00 NORTH TOWER, SINGAPORE 048583 T1409933E 25/06/2014 (35) Class 35 Chamber of commerce services for the promotion of businesses. MUMMIES BUDDY PTE. LTD. 130A JALAN DERMAWAN, SINGAPORE 669082 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 29 T1410063E 26/06/2014 (41) Application for a series of three marks. Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words "No", "Man’s" and "Land". Class 41 Event management services (organization of educational, entertainment, sporting or cultural events); management of cultural events; management of educational events; management of entertainment events; master of ceremony services for parties and special events; organisation of ceremonial events; organisation of entertainment events; organisation of musical events; organising events for cultural purposes; organising events for entertainment purposes; organising of entertainment and social events; provision of recreational events; wine tasting events. CHAB PTE LTD 15 KIM YAM ROAD, #10-02 LANGSTON VILLE, SINGAPORE 239328 T1410065A 26/06/2014 (19) Class 19 Building materials, not of metal; building timber; cork (compressed); coverings, not of metal, for building; door casings, not of metal; facings, not of metal, for building; floor boards of non-metallic materials; floors, not of metal; latticework, not of metal; luminous paving blocks; moldable wood; wood veneers; wood, semi-worked. WOODEASY INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. NO. 93-9, ZHONGSHAN 8TH RD., DAYA DIST., TAICHUNG CITY 42841, TAIWAN, R.O.C. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 100 BEACH ROAD, #24-08 SHAW TOWERS, SINGAPORE 189702 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 30 T1410164Z 27/06/2014 (09) Class 09 Spectacles; eyeglasses; spectacle frames; sunglasses; contact lenses; sunglass lenses; eyeglass lenses; eyewear accessories, namely, spectacles straps, cords, chains, and bags and cases adapted for spectacles; goggles for sports, snow goggles; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 9. ARTS OPTICAL COMPANY LIMITED 308, 3/F., SUNBEAM CENTRE, 27 SHING YIP STREET, KWUN TONG, KOWLOON, HONG KONG ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 T1410165H 27/06/2014 (41 44) Application for a series of two marks. Class 41 Provision of education services relating to make-up, beauty care and beauty treatment; provision of education services relating to hair styling. Class 44 Advisory services relating to beauty treatment; beauty consultancy; beauty counseling; beauty salon services; beauty services; beauty treatment services; consultancy relating to beauty care; consultancy services relating to personal appearance (hair, beauty, cosmetics); health spas (health, hygiene and beauty care services); personal care services (health, hygiene and beauty care); hair care services; hair colouring services; hair cutting services; hair dressing salon services; hair styling; personal hair removal services; shampooing of the hair; provision of information relating to hairdressing and beauty salon services; slimming salon services; slimming treatment services. RANJEET KAUR TRADING AS THE TEAM 99 367 CORPORATION DRIVE, #10-451, SINGAPORE 610367 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 31 T1410169J 27/06/2014 (09 35 37 38 39 42) Application for a series of two marks. Class 09 Computer networks for the communication of data; computer software; computer software (programs); computer software (recorded); computer software for authorising access to data bases; computer software for business purposes; computer software for time control; computer software programs; computer software programs for database management; computer software programs for spreadsheet management; computer systems; interactive computer software; network management computer software; data protection backup units, computer hardware; computer peripheral devices; electronic mail apparatus; electronic mail boxes; electronic mail installations; electronic mail servers; electronic mail terminals; data storage devices; data storage installations; electronic data processing apparatus for the storage of computer programs; electronic files for the storage and retrieval of data on optical discs or microfilm, electronic memories for the storage of computer data; external storage apparatus for use with data processing apparatus. Class 35 Business consultancy relating to the administration of information technology. Class 37 Information technology (IT) services (computer and computer peripherals installation and maintenance); installation, repair and maintenance of telecommunications apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of computer servers, computer hardware and computer peripherals; installation, repair and maintenance of telecommunications apparatus and data communications networks; commercial and industrial installation, repair and maintenance of electrical and computer wiring and cabling; and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to repair, maintenance and installation and all the aforesaid services. Class 38 Computer network communication services; web portal services (providing user access to a global computer network); communication by electronic mail systems; data transmission by electronic mail; electronic mail; provision of electronic mail facilities; rental of electronic mail-boxes; provision of telecommunication facilities; providing data center services, namely the provision of telecommunication facilities for the co-location of the computer hardware, telecommunications equipment, data communications equipment and networking Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 32 equipment of others; telecommunications; communications by computer terminals; VPN (virtual private network) services; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; telecommunications routing and junction services; rental of access time to global computer networks; providing access to databases; rental of access time to databases; rental of telecommunication lines for access to computer networks and for data transmission; providing access to global computer networks; electronic transmission of data; data transmission services over telecommunications networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; rental of telecommunication equipment, apparatus and instruments; data broadcasting services; telecommunications security (providing secure connections and access including to computers and the global computer network); and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to telecommunications and all the aforesaid services. Class 39 Storage, physical storage of electronically-stored data or documents; consultancy services relating to storage; location and tracking of goods by computer. Class 42 Advisory services relating to computer software; advisory services relating to computer systems analysis; advisory services relating to computer systems design; computer security services (design and development of secure computer hardware, software and systems); computer security services (programming and software installation repair and maintenance services); computer software advisory services; computer software consultancy; computer software design; computer software development; computer software engineering; computer software programming services; computer support services (computer hardware, software and peripherals advisory and information services); computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); computer system design; computer systems analysis; consultancy in the field of computer software; design and development of computer software (for others); design of computer software; development of computer software; development of computer software application solutions; development of computer systems; information services relating to information technology; information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); installation and maintenance of computer software; providing information, including online, about design and development of computer hardware and software; providing information, including online, about scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; provision of information relating to information technology; updating of computer software; Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 33 updating of memory banks of computer systems; upgrading of computer software; web portal services (designing or hosting); advisory services relating to computer hardware; advisory services relating to computer programming; computer advisory services; computer consultancy services; computer network services; computer program advisory services; computer program maintenance services; computer program updating services; computer software programming services; computer virus protection services; design of information systems; off-site data backup; authentication services for electronic documents and e-mail; computerised data storage services; data storage (other than physical storage); development of systems for the storage of data; electronic data storage, cloud computing; server co-location services; providing computer facilities for the co-location of computer servers with the equipment of other computer devices; design and development of computer based networks for others; design and development of computer systems; computer system and network integration (not including the installation of computer hardware and peripherals); computer network services, namely, computer network systems configuration and updating and upgrading of computer networks, not being the installation, repair or maintenance of computer hardware and peripherals; design and development of computer hardware; back-up (copying) of computer data; research for others in the field of computer hardware and software; computer security services (testing and risk assessment of computer networks); monitoring of computer systems by remote access; security risk assessment services relating to computer systems; computer security engineering; on-line provision of web-based computer programs; providing on-line non-downloadable operating software; rental of memory areas of servers for communication networks; rental of computer software and computer servers; computer rental; software as a service [SaaS]; application Service Provider (ASP) services; computer services, namely, integration of private and public cloud computing environments (not including the installation of computer hardware and peripherals); and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. INTEGRATED HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS PTE. LTD. 6 SERANGOON NORTH AVENUE 5, #01-01/02, SINGAPORE 554910 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 34 T1410170D 27/06/2014 (09 35 37 38 39 42) Application for a series of two marks. Class 09 Computer networks for the communication of data; computer software; computer software (programs); computer software (recorded); computer software for authorising access to data bases; computer software for business purposes; computer software for time control; computer software programs; computer software programs for database management; computer software programs for spreadsheet management; computer systems; interactive computer software; network management computer software; data protection backup units, computer hardware; computer peripheral devices; electronic mail apparatus; electronic mail boxes; electronic mail installations; electronic mail servers; electronic mail terminals; data storage devices; data storage installations; electronic data processing apparatus for the storage of computer programs; electronic files for the storage and retrieval of data on optical discs or microfilm, electronic memories for the storage of computer data; external storage apparatus for use with data processing apparatus. Class 35 Business consultancy relating to the administration of information technology. Class 37 Information technology (IT) services (computer and computer peripherals installation and maintenance); installation, repair and maintenance of telecommunications apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of computer servers, computer hardware and computer peripherals; installation, repair and maintenance of telecommunications apparatus and data communications networks; commercial and industrial installation, repair and maintenance of electrical and computer wiring and cabling; and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to repair, maintenance and installation and all the aforesaid services. Class 38 Computer network communication services; web portal services (providing user access to a global computer network); communication by electronic mail systems; data transmission by electronic mail; electronic mail; provision of electronic mail facilities; rental of electronic mail-boxes; provision of telecommunication facilities; providing data center services, namely the provision of telecommunication facilities for the co-location of the computer hardware, telecommunications equipment, data communications equipment and networking Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 35 equipment of others; telecommunications; communications by computer terminals; VPN (virtual private network) services; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; telecommunications routing and junction services; rental of access time to global computer networks; providing access to databases; rental of access time to databases; rental of telecommunication lines for access to computer networks and for data transmission; providing access to global computer networks; electronic transmission of data; data transmission services over telecommunications networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; rental of telecommunication equipment, apparatus and instruments; data broadcasting services; telecommunications security (providing secure connections and access including to computers and the global computer network); and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to telecommunications and all the aforesaid services. Class 39 Storage, physical storage of electronically-stored data or documents; consultancy services relating to storage; location and tracking of goods by computer. Class 42 Advisory services relating to computer software; advisory services relating to computer systems analysis; advisory services relating to computer systems design; computer security services (design and development of secure computer hardware, software and systems); computer security services (programming and software installation repair and maintenance services); computer software advisory services; computer software consultancy; computer software design; computer software development; computer software engineering; computer software programming services; computer support services (computer hardware, software and peripherals advisory and information services); computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); computer system design; computer systems analysis; consultancy in the field of computer software; design and development of computer software (for others); design of computer software; development of computer software; development of computer software application solutions; development of computer systems; information services relating to information technology; information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); installation and maintenance of computer software; providing information, including online, about design and development of computer hardware and software; providing information, including online, about scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; provision of information relating to information technology; updating of computer software; Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 36 updating of memory banks of computer systems; upgrading of computer software; web portal services (designing or hosting); advisory services relating to computer hardware; advisory services relating to computer programming; computer advisory services; computer consultancy services; computer network services; computer program advisory services; computer program maintenance services; computer program updating services; computer software programming services; computer virus protection services; design of information systems; off-site data backup; authentication services for electronic documents and e-mail; computerised data storage services; data storage (other than physical storage); development of systems for the storage of data; electronic data storage, cloud computing; server co-location services; providing computer facilities for the co-location of computer servers with the equipment of other computer devices; design and development of computer based networks for others; design and development of computer systems; computer system and network integration (not including the installation of computer hardware and peripherals); computer network services, namely, computer network systems configuration and updating and upgrading of computer networks, not being the installation, repair or maintenance of computer hardware and peripherals; design and development of computer hardware; back-up (copying) of computer data; research for others in the field of computer hardware and software; computer security services (testing and risk assessment of computer networks); monitoring of computer systems by remote access; security risk assessment services relating to computer systems; computer security engineering; on-line provision of web-based computer programs; providing on-line non-downloadable operating software; rental of memory areas of servers for communication networks; rental of computer software and computer servers; computer rental; software as a service [SaaS]; application Service Provider (ASP) services; computer services, namely, integration of private and public cloud computing environments (not including the installation of computer hardware and peripherals); and information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. INTEGRATED HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS PTE. LTD. 6 SERANGOON NORTH AVENUE 5, #01-01/02, SINGAPORE 554910 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 37 T1410177A 27/06/2014 (43) Class 43 Hotels; temporary accommodation; providing of food and drink; providing food and drink in restaurants and bars; rental of rooms for social functions; rental of banquet and social function facilities for special occasions. FMTM DISTRIBUTION LTD 3A AND 3B ISLE OF MAN FREEPORT, BALLASALLA, ISLE OF MAN IM9 2AP, ISLE OF MAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 T1410179H 27/06/2014 (43) Application for a series of two marks. Class 43 Restaurant services; restaurant services for the provision of fast food; bar services; snack bars; wine bar services. KITCHEN LANGUAGE PTE. LTD. 43 PEKIN STREET, #02-01 FAR EAST SQUARE, SINGAPORE 048773 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, ONE MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 38 T1410186J 27/06/2014 (41) Class 41 Adult training; advisory services relating to training; arranging and conducting of workshops (training); business training consultancy services; business training services; coaching (education and training); conducting training seminars; conducting workshops (training); lifestyle counselling and consultancy (training); organisation of training courses; organisation of youth training schemes; providing courses of training; provision of training; provision of training courses; training. BIG FUN KITCHEN PTE LTD 277 NEW BRIDGE ROAD, #02-01, SINGAPORE 088751 T1410190I 28/06/2014 (11) Class 11 Light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; LED (light emitting diodes) lighting apparatus for use in display, commercial, industrial, residential, and architectural lighting applications. COMMFRONT COMMUNICATIONS PTE LTD 1 YISHUN INDUSTRIAL SINGAPORE 768160 STREET 1, #05-31 A’POSH, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 39 T1410198D 27/06/2014 (25 44) Class 25 Clothing. Class 44 Beauty salons. ROSE 10 ANSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 079903 #01-26 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O ROSE ANG PTE LTD, 10 ANSON ROAD, #01-26 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 079903 T1410201H 27/06/2014 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, make-up powder; shampoos; hair conditioners; hair lotions; skin care product, hand care lotions; cleansing lotions; non-medicated moisturizing lotions; skin tonics; hand care preparations; non-medicated lotions for the hands and for the body; night creams; make-up removing preparations; skin care preparations for protection from the effects of the sun; lotions and creams, all for use after exposure to the sun; sun tanning preparations for the skin in the form of creams, lotions and ointments; non-medicated lotions and creams, all for the care of the skin; non-medicated preparations for toning the skin; shaving preparations; post shave creams and balms; toiletries excluding toilet soaps; cleansing wipes; pre-moistened cosmetic wipes; antiperspirants; deodorants; facial cleansing wipes; perfumery, essential oils. NG KIM PANG TRADING AS SILKEN COSMETICS BLK 163 BUKIT MERAH CENTRAL, #03-3593, SINGAPORE 150163 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 40 T1410202F 27/06/2014 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, make-up powder; shampoos; hair conditioners; hair lotions; skin care product, hand care lotions; cleansing lotions; non-medicated moisturizing lotions; skin tonics; hand care preparations; non-medicated lotions for the hands and for the body; night creams; make-up removing preparations; skin care preparations for protection from the effects of the sun; lotions and creams, all for use after exposure to the sun; sun tanning preparations for the skin in the form of creams, lotions and ointments; non-medicated lotions and creams, all for the care of the skin; non-medicated preparations for toning the skin; shaving preparations; post shave creams and balms; toiletries excluding toilet soaps; cleansing wipes; pre-moistened cosmetic wipes; antiperspirants; deodorants; facial cleansing wipes; perfumery, essential oils. NG KIM PANG TRADING AS SILKEN COSMETICS BLK 163 BUKIT MERAH CENTRAL, #03-3593, SINGAPORE 150163 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: BLK 163 CENTRAL, #03-3593, SINGAPORE 150163 BUKIT MERAH Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 41 International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 2005 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $374). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 42 T1321001A (18 35) (International Registration No. 1012578) Date of International Registration: 01/07/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/10/2013 Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Class 35 Retail and wholesale services for clothing, sport clothing, footwear, sport footwear, headgear, belts, luggage, rucksacks, bags, bags for sports, the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [clothing, sport clothing, footwear, sport footwear, headgear, belts, luggage, rucksacks, bags, bags for sports] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network or from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order. STONEFLY SPA VIA SAN GAETANO (TREVISO), ITALY 200, I-31044 MONTEBELLUNA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 43 T1310733D (07 09 28) (International Registration No. 1021411) Date of International Registration: 19/10/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/04/2013 Class 07 Robots (machines). Class 09 Scientific (other than for medical purposes), nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission, reproduction or processing of sound or images; games software; computer software (recorded programs); detectors. Class 28 Games and playthings. ALDEBARAN ROBOTICS 168 BIS - 170 RUE RAYMOND LOSSERAND, F-75014 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 44 T1306089C (16 35) (International Registration No. 1041135) Date of International Registration: 11/05/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/02/2013 Class 16 Printed matter, books, catalogues, periodicals, postcards, photographs, pictures, printed fine art reproductions, posters, brochures, stationery, printed publications; all relating to auctions, real estate, antiques, fine art, jewellery and other memorabilia. Class 35 Auctioneering services. PHILLIPS AUCTIONEERS LIMITED 7 HOWICK PLACE, LONDON SW1P 1BB, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 45 T1109065E (36) (International Registration No. 1080218) Date of International Registration: 11/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/05/2011 The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Rui Shi Yin Hang" meaning "Swiss Bank". Proceeding because of acquired distinctiveness through use. Class 36 Banking and financial services; services relating to wealth management and asset management for private, corporate and institutional clients; services of an investment bank; all the aforesaid services also available electronically via the Internet or a similar electronic network. Priority Claims: Class 36 15/11/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. UBS AG BAHNHOFSTRASSE 45, CH-8001 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 46 T1304926A (16 30 41) (International Registration No. 1110374) Date of International Registration: 14/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/01/2013 Class 16 Paper and goods made of paper, cardboard and goods made of cardboard; printed matter, newspapers and periodicals, books; instructional and teaching material. Class 30 Cocoa and cocoa-based preparations, chocolate, chocolate goods, chocolate-based preparations, confectionery products, sugar confectionery; sweetmeats; caramels, chewing-gum, pastry items, biscuits; cakes, wafers. Class 41 Training of personnel, arranging of courses, seminars, conferences; editing and production of films and recordings; publication of books, pamphlets, newspapers; arranging and conducting of conferences and conventions; educational services relating to nutrition and foodstuffs. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. CH-1800 VEVEY, SWITZERLAND Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 47 T1204894F (09 10 35) (International Registration No. 1110518) Date of International Registration: 29/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/12/2011 Class 09 X-rays producing apparatus and installations, not for medical purposes; X-rays (protection devices against -), not for medical purposes; X-rays tubes not for medical purposes; lasers, not for medical purposes; computer software, recorded; computer programmes [programs], recorded. Class 10 X-ray apparatus for veterinary purposes; X-ray apparatus for medical or dental purposes; lasers for medical purposes; medical apparatus and instruments; dental apparatus; radiological apparatus for medical purposes; picture archiving and communication system (PACS) for medical imaging purposes; patient monitoring apparatus and installations for medical purpose; mobile X-ray equipment for medical or dental purposes; X-ray imaging device for veterinary purposes; radiographic film viewer for medical purposes; computerized tomography scanners for medical or dental purposes; computed radiography (CR) scanner for medical or dental purposes, namely, device for transferring X-ray information saved on an imaging plate into a digital signal; computed radiography (CR) scanner for veterinary purposes, namely, device for transferring X-ray information saved on an imaging plate into a digital signal; X-ray detector for medical or dental purposes; X-ray detector for veterinary purposes; digital X-ray detector for medical or dental purpose. Class 35 Sales agency for selling digital X-ray imaging apparatus for dental purposes (sales promotion services); sales promotions of digital X-ray apparatus for dental purposes; commercial intermediary services in the field of digital X-ray apparatus; sales promotion services in the field of digital X-ray apparatus. VATECH CO., LTD. 23-4 SEOGU-DONG, REPUBLIC OF KOREA HWASEONG-SI, GYEONGGI-DO, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PINTAS PTE LTD, BLK 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #01-1655, SINGAPORE 160116 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 48 T1317675A (09 38 42) (International Registration No. 1114190) Date of International Registration: 05/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/09/2013 Class 09 Software for use with cell phones, tablets, mobile devices, and handheld devices for performing electronic payment, electronic banking, storage of credit, debit and gift card information, electronic ticketing, electronic couponing, electronic person-to-person (P2P) payments, online stock trading, mobile value added services, and loyalty card functions; software for over-the-air and over-the-wire provisioning of applications to mobile devices and handheld devices by means of wireless and wired networks; security software for mobile device applications and mobile devices; software for transmitting data to and managing SIM cards, SD cards and secure elements of mobile device; compact discs [read-only memory]; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; optical discs; optical disk readers; optical disc drives; optical data media; computer software, recorded; computer operating programs, recorded; computer programs, recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; disc memories; digital disc drives; computer software for wireless content delivery; credit screening software; computer software for encryption; software for processing images, graphics and text; computer programs for editing images, sound and video; operating system programs; computer software to enable the transmission of photographs to mobile telephones; computer application software for mobile phones; electronic cards for processing images; magnetic data media; magnetic disks for the storage of data; magnetic tapes for the storage of data; computer software for controlling self-service terminals; secure terminals for electronic transactions; electronic notice boards; computer programs used for electronic cash register systems; software for ensuring the security of electronic mail; transmitters of electronic signals; electronic card readers; electronic computers; computer programs for the enabling of access or entrance control; cards with integrated circuits; electronic chip cards; chip card readers; card reading equipment; computer software; computer memories; interfaces for computers; communications computers; point-of-sale terminals; floppy disks. Class 38 Electronic transmission of data in the nature of transmitting data to SIM cards, SD cards and secure elements of mobile device; personal communications services; providing access to databases; rental of data communications installations; data communication; wireless communication; providing access to online databases; Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 49 communications between computer terminals; mobile radio communications; telecommunications by mobile phones; data communications via the internet; providing user access to a global computer network [service providers]; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; communication services for the electronic transmission of data; computer data transmission services; transmission of stock market information with the help of telecommunication media; transmission and reception (transmission) of database information via the telecommunication network. Class 42 IT consulting services; computer systems integration services; development and maintenance of computer software for others; installation of computer software for others; database design and development for providing mobile commerce services; computer software testing services for others; rental of a database server (to third parties); development of data processing programs; developing of driver and operating system software; programming of multimedia applications; web design; web site development; hosting, maintaining and updating of web sites; web site design; creating and maintaining web sites for others; rental of web servers; web page design; rental of application software; providing search engines for the internet; providing internet security computer programs; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; hosting, maintaining, and updating of web sites for electronic commerce; computer programming for electronic commerce; analysis relating to computers; consultancy relating to computer programming; research relating to computers; advisory services relating to computer programming; computer software development; rental of computer softwares; computer software design; computer software consultancy; design of computer software; installation of computer software; repair of computer software; updating of computer software; computer software research; maintenance of computer software; advice and development service relating to computer softwares; computer programming; development of computer programmes; duplication of computer programmes; rental of computer programs; conversion of computer programs, not physical conversion. SK C&C CO., LTD SKU-TOWER, 25-1, JEONGJA-DONG, BUNDANG-GU, SEONGNAM-SI, GYEONGGI-DO 463-844, REPUBLIC OF KOREA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 50 T1401976E (09 35 39 42) (International Registration No. 1125736) Date of International Registration: 28/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/12/2013 Class 09 Computer programs and software for the collection, compilation, processing, transmission and dissemination of global positioning system (GPS) data for use in fixed, mobile and handheld devices; electronic database featuring roadway, geographic, map and travel information recorded on computer media and navigation software for calculating and displaying routes; automobile navigation system featuring interactive digital map displays, interactive instructions and user generated information; interactive social computer software in the field of roadway, navigation, geographic, map and travel information; interactive social computer software to enable the transmission of mapping, navigation, traffic, weather and, point-of-interest information to telecommunications networks, cellular phones, navigation devices and other mobile and hand-held devices; interactive social computer software enabling exchange of information among users; all included in this class. Class 35 Advertising, marketing and promotional services; all included in this class. Class 39 Tracking of passenger and freight vehicles by computer via global positioning systems (GPS); interactive and social online vehicle routing by computer and data networks; providing travel information, featuring roadway, geographic, mapping, navigation, traffic and point-of-interest information, via telecommunication networks, cellular phones, hand-held devices and wireless navigation devices; providing travel information, featuring roadway, geographic, mapping, navigation, traffic and point-of-interest information, via an interactive online database; all included in this class. Class 42 Development of algorithms and computing methods for processing and optimization of navigation and traveling data; development of algorithms and computing methods for processing and optimization of data received from global positioning systems (GPS) and communication networks; design and development of navigation and route planning software; providing interactive social navigation software; hosting online facilities for conducting interactive discussions; scientific, technological, research and design services related to telecommunication and navigation Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 51 signals; all included in this class. GOOGLE INC. 1600 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 OUE DOWNTOWN 2, SINGAPORE 068809 T1303890A (20 24 25) (International Registration No. 1150245) Date of International Registration: 04/10/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/10/2012 Class 20 Cushions; japanese floor cushions [zabuton]; pillows; mattresses; indoor window blinds of textile [furniture]. Class 24 Woven fabrics; knitted fabrics; felt and non-woven textile fabrics; oilcloth; gummed waterproof cloth; rubberized cloth; filtering materials of textile; mosquito nets; bed sheets; futon quilts; futon and quilt covers [linen]; pillow cases [pillow slips]; blankets; seat covers (loose) for furniture; wall hangings of textile; curtains; table cloths [not of paper]; draperies [thick drop curtains]; padded articles made of textile materials for beds, futons and pillows; sleeved blankets; lap rugs; sleeping bags [sheeting]; towels of textile; handkerchiefs of textile; bath linen, except clothing. Class 25 Coats; sweaters; shirts; nightwear; underwear; gowns; clothing; headgear for wear. NICEDAY, INC. 12-4, SENGENCHO 1-CHOME, NISHI-KU, YOKOHAMA-SHI, KANAGAWA 220-0072, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 52 T1305420F (06 07 37) (International Registration No. 1153441) Date of International Registration: 11/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/01/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: White, black and blue. Class 06 Goods of common metal, as far as included in this class; sealing washers of metal; tanks and pipe work of metal; pipes of metal; metal storage tanks for collecting multiphase mixtures comprising at least a liquid and a gas phase as well as prefabricated goods of common metal, namely, prefabricated metal pipes and fittings and metal hose separators and structural components of separators. Class 07 Feed pumps, in particular spiral pumps and their stators and spirals; eccentric screw pumps, 2 and 3 screw pumps; motors (except motors for land vehicles); compressors (machines); couplings and transmission components (except for land vehicles); joints (parts of engines); bearings (parts of machines); separators (machines). Class 37 Construction, repair and maintenance of industrial plants; repair and maintenance of pumps and compressors. Priority Claims: Class 06 10/11/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 07 10/11/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 10/11/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. JOH. HEINR. BORNEMANN GMBH 2, INDUSTRIESTRABE, 31683 OBERNKIRCHEN, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 53 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 T1305884H (03) (International Registration No. 1154398) Date of International Registration: 12/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/02/2013 Class 03 After-shave creams; bath oils; beauty creams; beauty lotions; beauty and body care cosmetics; body creams; body lotions; body oils; body scrub; body cleanser, Cologne, deodorants and antiperspirants, for personal use; perfumes for personal use, hair care preparations; hair styling products; hand creams; hand lotions; lip balm; lip glosses; make-up; bath products, not medicated; perfume; shaving preparations; soaps for personal use. Priority Claims: Class 03 17/08/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH EUROPE SA VIA MOREE, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 54 T1306190C (03 05) (International Registration No. 1154700) Date of International Registration: 07/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/12/2012 Class 03 Breath freshening sprays; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; aromatics [essential oils]; javelle water; lavender water; toilet water; dental bleaching gels; deodorants for human beings or for animals; perfumes; eyebrow pencils; cosmetic pencils; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; creams for leather; hair spray; nail polish; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for toilet purposes; essential oils; essential oils of cedarwood; essential oils of lemon; oils for cleaning purposes; bergamot oil; gaultheria oil; jasmine oil; lavender oil; almond oil; rose oil; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; musk [perfumery]; soap; disinfectant soap; deodorant soap; cakes of toilet soap; cosmetic kits; dentifrices; lipsticks; cosmetic preparations for baths; toiletries; mouth washes, not for medical purposes; lacquer-removing preparations; nail care preparations; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; sunscreen preparations; hair colorants; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; depilatories; cosmetic preparations for skin care; mascara; shampoos. Class 05 Thermal water; mud for baths; medicinal mud; deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; deodorants for clothing and textiles; cachou for pharmaceutical purposes; sunburn ointments; albuminous foodstuffs for medical use; milk of almonds for pharmaceutical purposes; royal jelly for pharmaceutical purposes; therapeutic preparations for the bath; pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; sanitary napkins; sanitary towels; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; salts for mineral water baths; bath salts for medical purposes; mouthwashes for medical purposes; remedies for perspiration; remedies for foot perspiration; herbal teas for medicinal purposes; slimming tea for medical purposes. OBSCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY OTVETSTVENNOSTYU "SPLAT-COSMETICA" UL. STROMYNKA, DOM 19, KORP. 2, RU-107076 MOSCOW, RUSSIAN FEDERATION Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 55 T1307053H (09) (International Registration No. 1156659) Date of International Registration: 22/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/03/2013 Class 09 Lasers for industrial use. Priority Claims: Class 09 21/02/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. COHERENT, INC. 5100 PATRICK HENRY DRIVE, SANTA CLARA, CA 95054, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 T1307054F (09) (International Registration No. 1156661) Date of International Registration: 25/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/03/2013 Class 09 Lasers for industrial use. Priority Claims: Class 09 21/02/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. COHERENT, INC. 5100 PATRICK HENRY DRIVE, SANTA CLARA, CA 95054, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 56 T1318157G (09 18 25 28 35 41) (International Registration No. 1157855) Date of International Registration: 14/06/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/09/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Color(s) claimed: Blue, gold, white and black. Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; portable computers; computer hardware and parts and fittings therefor; computer peripherals; computer mouse mats and pads; computer mice; keyboard covers; customised computer disks and CD-ROMs; PDAs; electrical and electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus; telephones; mobile telephones; parts and accessories for mobile telephones and personal electronic devices; covers and cases for mobile telephones and personal electronic devices; holders adapted for mobile phones; straps for mobile phones; covers and cases adapted for PDAs, MP3 players, laptops and gaming devices; headphones; earphones; mobile phone headsets and hands-free kits; batteries; battery chargers; audio and/or video recordings; pre-recorded motion picture films; animated cartoons; photographic transparencies and photographic and cinematographic films prepared for exhibition purposes; CDs; DVDs; CD-ROMs; digital video discs; cassettes; video cassettes; records; downloadable and streamable audio and/or video recordings; downloadable and streamable ringtones, music, sound recordings, MP3s, graphics, games and video images; screen savers; computer software and programs; downloadable computer software; computer games programs; computer application software for mobile communication devices; downloadable electronic publications; downloadable and streamable podcasts in relation to entertainment and sport; radios; televisions; electrical and electronic apparatus for use in the reception of satellite, terrestrial or cable broadcasts; video recorders; tape recorders; cassette players; record players; juke boxes; CD players; CD-ROM players; DVD players; DVD recorders; digital audio players; MP3 players; MP3 readers; audio and/or video file recorders and/or players; magnetic tapes for recording and reproducing sound or vision; electronic storage media; memory cards; storage cases and boxes for electronic storage media, CDs, DVDs and disks; home video game machines and amusement apparatus all for use with television receivers; games for video game machines; peripheral devices for use with home video game machines; cameras; video cameras; cases for photographic apparatus and instruments; digital photo frames; anti-dazzle shades, glasses and visors; Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 57 binoculars; magnifying glasses; goggles; eye glasses, spectacles and sunglasses and cases, chains, straps, cords and frames therefor; contact lenses and containers therefor; optical goods; holograms; compasses and barometers; bells; electronic, magnetic, and optical identity cards; payment cards, credit cards, charge cards, debit cards and smart cards; telephone cards; magnets; electric signs; illuminated signs; neon signs; cash registers; ticket dispensers; vehicle breakdown warning apparatus; articles of protective clothing (to prevent injury); parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials; trunks and travelling bags; cases; suitcases; articles of luggage; garment bags for travel; brief cases; bags; sports bags; athletic bags; gym bags; shoe bags; back packs; holdalls; rucksacks; duffel bags; beach bags; school bags and satchels; handbags; shoulder bags; tote bags; shopping bags; toilet bags; wallets; purses; coin purses; card holders made of leather; credit card cases and holders; ID card holders; key cases; shoulder straps of leather; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; umbrella covers; shooting sticks; collars, covers, leads and leashes for animals; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; sports clothing; leisurewear; football shirts; football shorts; football socks; replica sports kits comprised of shirts, shorts and socks; replica shirts; replica shorts; replica socks; training clothing; tracksuits; training pants; waterproof clothing; sweatshirts; sweatpants; jackets; coats; fleeces (clothing); shirts; t-shirts; polo shirts; vests; singlets; blouses; knitwear; jerseys; jumpers; pullovers; sweaters; hooded tops; cardigans; waistcoats; suits; trousers; jeans; pants; shorts; leggings; skirts; ties; cravats; underwear; boxer shorts; briefs; thongs; lingerie; nightwear; pyjamas; night shirts; dressing gowns; bathrobes; beach clothes; swimwear; swim suits; bathing trunks; bathing caps; socks; gloves; mittens; scarves; ear muffs; wristbands; belts; braces; aprons (clothing); clothes linings; shoes; boots; sandals; slippers; sports shoes; training shoes; football boots and shoes; studs for football boots; hats; caps; visors; headbands; articles of clothing, footwear and headgear for babies and children; bodysuits; romper suits; sleep suits; bibs; baby boots. Class 28 Games and playthings; toys; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees; apparatus for use in sports; balls for sport; playing balls; footballs; goal posts; miniature footballs; miniature replica football kits; sponge hands in the nature of novelties; rattles; gloves for games; shin guards; knee guards; Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 58 elbow guards; bags adapted for carrying sporting articles; articles for playing golf; golf balls; golf tees; golf ball markers; golf bags; golf club covers; golf gloves; articles for playing darts; darts; sporting articles for use in playing snooker; snooker tables; pool tables; skis; surf boards; skateboards; snowboards; sleighs; sledges; slides; roller skates; in-line skates; rackets; exercise apparatus not for medical use; tables for indoor football; fishing tackle; dice; dominoes; marbles; dolls; action figure toys; soft toys; teddy bears; puppets; bathtub toys; inflatable toys; ride-on toys; toy vehicles; flying discs; electronic hand held game units; board games; card games; playing cards; jigsaw puzzles; models in kit form; Christmas crackers; confetti; balloons; party novelties; party novelty hats; conjuring apparatus; costume masks; costumes being children’s playthings; kites; skittles; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising via the Internet; provision of advertising space; provision of space on Web sites for advertising goods and services; promotional and marketing services; public relations and publicity services; accountancy; auctioneering; trade fairs; organisation, arrangement and conducting of events and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organisation of private draws for promotional and advertising purposes; operation and supervision of membership schemes; organisation, operation and supervision of incentive and customer loyalty schemes; "business management of sports people; data processing; provision of business information; retail services and online retail services all connected with the sale of bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices, fragrances, toilet waters, after-shave lotions, eau de cologne, body sprays, antiperspirants, deodorants for personal use, talcum powder, medicated soaps, non-medicated toilet preparations, toiletries, shower and bath preparations, bath oils, bath gels, bath powders, bath salts, foam baths, shower gels, talcum powders, preparations for the care of the scalp and hair, shampoos, hair conditioners, hair colorants, hair styling products, depilatory preparations, shaving preparations, beauty care products and preparations, body care products and preparations, skin care preparations, oils, creams, lotions, gels and powders for the skin, beauty masks, facial packs, make-up and make-up removing preparations, cosmetic kits, cosmetic dyes, cosmetic body paint, nail care preparations, nail varnishes, transfers (decorative) for cosmetic purposes, sun tanning and sun protection preparations, toothpaste, mouth washes, detergents, fabric softeners, boot cream, boot polish, creams for leather, car cleaning preparations, windscreen cleaning liquids, incense, aromatherapy Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 59 products, massage preparations, pot pourri, filled first aid boxes, bandages, plasters and wound dressings, medicated lotions and balms, medicated bath preparations, analgesic and muscle strain preparations for human use, sanitary preparations for medical purposes, disinfectants, insect repellents, medicated confectionery, medicated chewing gum, dietary supplements, vitamins, medicinal drinks, food for babies and infants, air fresheners, common metals and their alloys, ironmongery, small items of metal hardware, safes, goods of common metal, badges, vehicle badges, signs, plaques, number plates, ornaments, figurines, statues and statuettes, works of art, money boxes, trophies, bronzes, keys, key blanks, key rings and key chains, locks, hand tools and implements and parts and fittings therefor, cutlery, razors and razor blades, shavers and parts and fittings therefor, shaving cases, manicure and pedicure implements and sets, scissors, penknives, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, portable computers, computer hardware and parts and fittings therefor, computer peripherals, computer mouse mats and pads, computer mice, keyboard and screen covers, customised computer disks and CD-ROMs, PDAs, electrical and electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus, telephones, mobile telephones, parts and accessories for mobile telephones and personal electronic devices, covers and cases for mobile telephones and personal electronic devices, holders adapted for mobile phones, straps for mobile phones, covers and cases adapted for PDAs, MP3 players, laptops and gaming devices, headphones, earphones, mobile phone headsets and hands-free kits, batteries, battery chargers, audio and/or video recordings, motion picture films, animated cartoons, photographic transparencies and photographic and cinematographic films prepared for exhibition purposes, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, digital video discs, cassettes, video cassettes, records, downloadable and streamable audio and/or video recordings, downloadable and streamable ringtones, music, sound recordings, MP3s, graphics, games and video images, screen savers, computer software and programs, downloadable computer software, computer games programs, computer application software for mobile communication devices, downloadable electronic publications, downloadable and streamable podcasts in relation to entertainment and sport, radios, televisions, electrical and electronic apparatus for use in the reception of satellite, terrestrial or cable broadcasts, video recorders, tape recorders, cassette players, record players, juke boxes, CD players, CD-ROM players, DVD players, DVD recorders, digital audio players, MP3 players, MP3 readers, audio and/or video file recorders and/or players, magnetic tapes for recording and reproducing sound or vision, electronic storage media, memory cards, storage cases and boxes for electronic storage media, CDs, DVDs and disks, home Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 60 video game machines and amusement apparatus for use with television receivers, games for video game machines, peripheral devices for use with home video game machines, cameras, video cameras, cases for photographic apparatus and instruments, digital photo frames, anti-dazzle shades, glasses and visors, binoculars, magnifying glasses, goggles, eye glasses, spectacles and sunglasses and cases, chains, straps, cords and frames therefor, contact lenses and containers therefor, optical goods, holograms, compasses and barometers, bells, electronic, magnetic, and optical identity cards, payment cards, credit cards, charge cards, debit cards and smart cards, telephone cards, magnets, electric signs, illuminated signs, neon signs, cash registers, automatic vending machines, ticket dispensers, vehicle breakdown warning apparatus, articles of protective clothing (to prevent injury), apparatus and equipment for lighting, heating, cooling, drying, steam generating, sterilizing, air-conditioning, air freshening, air purifying, water purifying, cooking and refrigerating and parts and fittings therefor, lighting installations, lamps, table lamps, lampshades and lampshade holders, luminaires, light diffusers, electric Christmas tree lights, torches, vehicles and parts and fittings therefor, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, motor land vehicles, cycles, bells for cycles, carriers for cycles, scooters, golf bag trolleys, golf carts, sledges, prams, pushchairs, baby strollers, buggies, car seats for babies or children, roof racks for vehicles, roof boxes for vehicles, roof cases for vehicles, roof bars for vehicles, seat covers for vehicles, upholstery for vehicles, cushions adapted for use in vehicles, shaped covers for vehicles, visors (strips) for vehicle screens, alarms for vehicles, tyres, pumps for inflating tyres, hubcaps for wheels, wheeled carriers, wheelbarrows, wheelchairs, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, costume jewellery, imitation jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, watches and clocks, rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, chains, jewellery charms, pendants, lapel pins, tie pins, tie clips, cufflinks, key rings and key chains, badges of precious metal or coated therewith, models, medals and medallions, coins, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists’ materials, paint brushes, office requisites, instructional and teaching material, plastic materials for packaging, newspapers, magazines and periodical publications, printed publicity and promotional material, printed programmes, books, booklets, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, comic books, diaries, personal organisers, address books, albums, photograph albums, autograph books, scrap books, catalogues, manuals, files and folders, binders, programme binders, poster magazines, calendars, pads of paper, note pads and note books, writing pads, drawing pads, jotters, envelopes, labels, book markers, bookends, paperweights, posters, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 61 trading cards, collectors’ cards, stickers, transfers, decalcomanias, stencils, maps, charts, wall charts, height charts, tickets, timetables, printed forms, certificates, menus, gift vouchers, philatelic stamps, printed patterns, paper flags and pennants, paper banners, signs and advertisement boards, cards, greeting cards, birthday cards, postcards, gift wrap and packaging paper, gift tags, gift bags, carrier bags, packaging bags, letter trays, letter openers, adhesive tapes and dispensers, blackboards, chalk, writing instruments, drawing instruments, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, rulers, cases and boxes for pens and pencils, pen and pencil holders, ink, ink pads, rubber stamps, paint boxes, prints and pictures, art prints, graphic prints, representations and reproductions, lithographs, engravings and etchings, portraits, paper towels, paper handkerchiefs, toilet paper, beer mats, coasters, place mats, paper table cloths and napkins, money clips, leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials, trunks and travelling bags, cases, suitcases, articles of luggage, garment bags for travel, brief cases, bags, sports bags, athletic bags, gym bags, boot bags, back packs, holdalls, rucksacks, duffel bags, beach bags, school bags and satchels, handbags, shoulder bags, tote bags, shopping bags, toilet bags, wallets, purses, coin purses, card holders, credit card cases and holders, ID card holders, key fobs, key cases, shoulder straps, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, umbrella covers, shooting sticks, collars, covers, leads and leashes for animals, furniture, mirrors, picture frames, scale models, model stadia, name plates, house numbers, curtain tie backs, cushions and pillows, sleeping bags, bean bags, airbeds, coat hangers, clothes hooks, hat and coat stands, key boards for hanging keys, photograph frames, magazine racks, book shelves, stacking trays, beds and bedroom furniture, headboards being furniture, cupboards, sofas and settees, tables, chairs, deck chairs, stools, seats for indoor and outdoor use, seating for use in stadia, display stands and boards, signboards, placards, bins, containers, casks, chests, cases and boxes, cots and cradles, playpens, non-metallic locks, plastic key cards (not encoded), holders for pennants, non-electric fans for personal use, knife handles, plugs and stoppers, closures for containers, bottle caps and casings, corks for bottles, drinking straws, plastic decorations for foodstuffs, beds for animals, dog kennels, goods of plastics, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, brushes, articles for cleaning purposes, glassware, porcelain, pottery and earthenware, chinaware, cookware, tableware, crockery, plates, commemorative plates, saucers, dishes, bowls, pots, jugs, egg cups, tea pots, tea caddies, coffee pots, cooking pots, cookery moulds, bread and cutting boards, storage jars, spice jars, rolling pins, drinking vessels, cups, mugs, drinking glasses, tankards, bottles, drinking bottles, bottle openers, corkscrews, decanters, drinking flasks, vacuum flasks, bottle covers, non-electric coolers for food and drinks, ice cube moulds, bottle Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 62 buckets, glass stoppers, cocktail shakers, juice squeezers, strainers, siphons for carbonated water, stands for bottles, menu card holders, name card holders, napkin holders, cutlery holders, condiment holders, salt cellars, toothpick holders and toothpicks, butter dishes, serving trays, fitted picnic baskets, picnic ware, decorative objects made of glass, ceramic, china, earthenware or porcelain, enamelled glass, vases, perfume bottles, perfume sprayers, candlesticks, money boxes and piggy banks, toothbrushes, holders for toothbrushes, soap boxes and holders, shaving brushes and shaving brush holders, fitted vanity cases, cosmetic powder compacts, household gloves, cleaning cloths, ironing boards, shaped ironing board covers, clothes drying racks, shoe horns, shoe brushes and shoe trees, refuse bins, litter bins, flower pots, watering cans, baskets for domestic use, cages for household pets, storage boxes for household use, textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, textile piece goods, textiles for making articles of clothing, household textile articles, curtains, textile wall hangings, covers for cushions, towels, bath linen, bath towels, mats and flannels, beach towels, bed linen, sheets and pillow cases, duvet covers, blankets, lap rugs, table linen, table cloths, table mats, napkins, tea towels, bar towels, flags and pennants, banners, clothing, footwear, headgear, sports clothing, leisurewear, football shirts, football shorts, football socks, replica kits, replica shirts, replica shorts, replica socks, training clothing, tracksuits, training pants, waterproof clothing, sweatshirts, sweatpants, jackets, coats, fleeces, shirts, T-shirts, polo shirts, vests, singlets, blouses, knitwear, jerseys, jumpers, pullovers, sweaters, hooded tops, cardigans, waistcoats, suits, trousers, jeans, pants, shorts, leggings, skirts, tie s, cravats, underwear, boxer shorts, briefs, thongs, lingerie, nightwear, pyjamas, night shirts, dressing gowns, bathrobes, beach clothes, swimwear, swim suits, bathing trunks, bathing caps, socks, gloves, mittens, scarves, ear muffs, wristbands, belts, braces, aprons, clothes linings, shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, sports shoes, training shoes, football boots and shoes, studs for football boots, hats, caps, visors, headbands, articles of clothing, footwear and headgear for babies and children, bodysuits, romper suits, sleep suits, bibs, baby boots, badges for wear, ornamental novelty badges, badges of textile materials, embroidered badges, belt clasps, brooches and buckles, embroidery, haberdashery, sewing thimbles, hat ornaments, patches, ribbons and braid, hair ornaments, hair fasteners, hair bands, hair pins, hair grips, hair clips, hair slides, hair nets, buttons, rosettes, shoe ornaments, clothing and shoe fasteners, shoe laces, cords, numerals or letters for marking textile articles, competitors’ numbers, expanding bands for holding sleeves, tea cosies, reins for guiding children, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors, wall hangings, wallpaper, games and playthings and parts and fittings therefor, toys and parts and fittings therefor, gymnastic and sporting articles Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 63 and parts and fittings therefor, decorations for Christmas trees, apparatus for use in sports and parts and fittings therefor, balls for sport, playing balls, footballs, goal posts, miniature footballs, miniature replica football kits, sponge hands in the nature of novelties, rattles, gloves for games, shin guards, knee guards, elbow guards, bags adapted for carrying sporting articles, articles for playing golf, golf balls, golf tees, golf ball markers, golf bags, golf club covers, golf gloves, articles for playing darts, darts, sporting articles for use in playing snooker, snooker tables, pool tables, skis, surf boards, skateboards, snowboards, sleighs, sledges, slides, roller skates, in line skates, rackets, exercise apparatus, tables for indoor football, fishing tackle, dice, dominoes, marbles, dolls, action figure toys, soft toys, teddy bears, puppets, bathtub toys, inflatable toys, ride-on toys, toy vehicles, flying discs, electronic hand held game units, board games, card games, playing cards, jigsaw puzzles, models in kit form, Christmas crackers, confetti, balloons, party novelties, party novelty hats, conjuring apparatus, costume masks, costumes being children’s playthings, kites, skittles, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, fruit sauces, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, meat products, cooked meats, sausages, burgers, kebabs, fish products, seafoods, edible shellfish and shellfish products, poultry products, game products, fruit products, fruit salads, frosted fruits, vegetable products, fruit and vegetable chips and crisps, potato products, potato chips, potato crisps, edible nuts, processed peanuts, raisins, dairy products, cheese, milk drinks, flavoured milk drinks, milkshakes, yoghurt and fromage frais, cream, butter, margarine, cocoa butter, peanut butter, snack foods, prepared meals, soups and preparations for making soups, pickles, preparations made from soya, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices, honey, treacle, yeast, baking-powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, bakery products, pies, pasties, sausage rolls, sandwiches, bread rolls, hot dogs, toasted sandwiches, cakes, flans, tarts, biscuits, cookies, pastry products, puddings, desserts, pancakes, waffles, ice cream and ice cream products, sorbets, frozen confections, ice lollies, edible candy, mints, non-medicated chewing gum, candy rock, chocolate, chocolate beverages, chocolate products, liquorice, lozenges, confectionery for decorating Christmas trees, edible cake decorations, pop corn, pizzas, pasta and pasta products, breakfast cereals, rusks, cooking sauces, non alcoholic drinks, drinking water, mineral and aerated water, fruit and drinks and fruit juices, isotonic drinks, carbonated beverages, lemonades, cola drinks, soda water, ginger beer, beers, lagers, ale, porter and stout, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, alcoholic beverages, wines, spirits, distilled beverages, liqueurs, whisky, cider, perry and Champagne; information, advisory and consultancy services in Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 64 relation to all of the aforesaid. Class 41 Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; education; providing of training; organisation of sporting events; provision of entertainment, training, recreational, sporting and cultural activities and facilities; instruction and educational services; football academy services; football coaching, football schools and schooling; arranging and conducting of education and training in relation to football; arranging, conducting and provision of football instructional courses; football entertainment services; physical education; fitness training services; provision of practical training and demonstrations; sport and holiday camp services (in the nature of entertainment); rental of sporting equipment; practical training and demonstrations; arranging, organising and conducting of conferences, conventions, seminars, and of events and exhibitions for entertainment, educational, sporting or cultural purposes; arranging, organising and conducting of games, contests and competitions; hospitality services (entertainment); lotteries; gaming services; arranging, organising and conducting of award ceremonies; provision of museum facilities; rental of sports grounds; rental of stadium facilities; presentation of live performances; sports club services; health club services; provision of sports information services; provision of information relating to football; fan club services, in the nature of entertainment; fan club membership scheme services, in the nature of entertainment; booking and ticketing services for sports, entertainment, cultural and educational events; entertainment, training, recreational, and sporting information services provided via the Internet and other communications networks; education and entertainment services provided by means of radio, television, telephony, the Internet and online databases; provision of cinematographic and video entertainment; entertainment and educational services featuring electronic media, multimedia content, audio and video content, movies, pictures, photographs, graphics, images, text and related information provided via the Internet and other communications networks; film production; production of video recordings, sound recordings, DVDs, CDs, CD-ROMs, video and audio tapes; production and distribution of television and radio programmes; production of sporting events for television and radio; publication of magazines, books, texts and printed matter; publishing by electronic means; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); provision of television programmes, radio programmes, films, audio and/or visual material and games online (not downloadable); provision of news online; information relating to sport and entertainment provided online from a computer database or the Internet; information, advisory and consultancy services in relation to all of the aforesaid. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 65 MANCHESTER CITY FOOTBALL CLUB, LIMITED ETIHAD STADIUM, ETIHAD CAMPUS, MANCHESTER M11 3FF, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AXIS INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL PTE LTD, 1 PEMIMPIN DRIVE, #12-07 ONE PEMIMPIN, SINGAPORE 576151 T1307794Z (12) (International Registration No. 1158504) Date of International Registration: 16/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/04/2013 Class 12 Motor vehicles and parts thereof, included in this class. Priority Claims: Class 12 18/10/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT PETUELRING 130, 80809 MUNCHEN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 66 T1309070I (16 30 43) (International Registration No. 1160589) Date of International Registration: 05/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/03/2013 Class 16 Paper, cardboard, cardboard articles, sachets, envelopes, small bags of paper for packaging, stationery, printing type, printing blocks, paper for recording machines; plastic materials for packaging, namely bags, sachets, films and sheets; adhesives for stationery or household purposes. Class 30 Sugar, caramels, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, honey, treacle, yeast, pralines, sherbets, cereal-based preparations, dried cereal flakes, tea, tea-based beverages, coffee. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; coffee shops; bar services; food and drink catering; tea rooms. Priority Claims: Class 16 15/10/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 15/10/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 43 15/10/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. M. JEAN-PAUL HEVIN 29 AVENUE DE LA MOTTE PICQUET, F-75007 PARIS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 67 T1309125Z (14 40) (International Registration No. 1161031) Date of International Registration: 25/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/02/2013 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Istanbul Gold Refinery" and "Melter and Assayer". Class 14 Jewelry goods (including their imitation); gold, jewels, precious stones and jewelries made thereof, cuff links (jewelry), necktie pins, brooches, statues of precious metal; watches and watches, namely wrist watches; chronometers, metronomes (pendulums) and their parts, watch bands; all originating from Istanbul. Class 40 Treatment of base materials; treatment of precious materials; processing of photographic and cinematographic films. ISTANBUL ALTIN RAFINERISI ANONIM SIRKETI KUYUMCUKENT SITESI,, ATOLYELER BLOGU 7,, NOLU BUYUK ATOLYE BODRUM,, ZEMIN 1.VE 2. KATLAR, YENISBONA/BAHCELIEVLER/ISTANBUL, TURKEY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 68 T1309782G (05 25 32 35) (International Registration No. 1162209) Date of International Registration: 10/10/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/10/2012 Class 05 Food supplements for medical purposes; sports and performance foods, being food supplements for medical purposes; sports supplements in this class; health food supplements; health food supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; sports and performance foods, being health food supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; nutritional supplements; nutritional supplements, being protein powders, biochemical hormone modulators, creatines and amino acids; biochemical preparations for medical use; hormone preparations for medical use; amino acids for medical purposes; amino acids for human consumption; non-carbohydrate dietary supplements, other than for medical use; protein-based food preparations being bodybuilding or muscle-building dietary supplements, other than for medical use; protein-based food preparations being dietetic supplements or nutritional additives, other than for medical use; amino acid-based food preparations being bodybuilding or muscle-building dietary supplements, other than for medical use; amino acid-based food preparations being dietetic supplements or nutritional additives (not for medical purposes); non-carbohydrate food preparations being bodybuilding or muscle-building dietary supplements, other than for medical use; non-carbohydrate food preparations being dietetic supplements or nutritional additives; fibre supplements; mineral dietary supplements for humans; mineral food supplements; mineral preparations for use as supplements to drinking water; mineral supplements for foodstuffs for human consumption; dietary protein supplements, other than for medical use; dietary amino acid supplements, other than for medical use; protein foods for dietetic purposes (adapted for medical purposes); protein foods for human consumption (adapted for medical purposes); protein preparations for use as additives to foodstuffs for human consumption (adapted for medical purposes); protein products for human consumption (adapted for medical purposes); supplements (trace elements) for foodstuffs for human consumption; health food supplements made principally of minerals; health food supplements made principally of vitamins; vitamins; vitamin preparations in the nature of food supplements; vitamin supplements; vitamin supplements for foodstuffs for human consumption; dietary supplemental drinks in the nature of vitamin and mineral beverages; mineral, vitamin or nutritionally enhanced drinks; vitamin drinks; medicinal drinks; dietetic drinks adapted for medical purposes; mineral water for medicinal purposes; tonic water (medicated beverages). Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 69 Class 25 Clothing; casualwear; leisure wear; clothing, namely, shirts, tops, T-shirts, singlets, pants, shorts, cover-ups, jackets and sweaters; sportswear; clothing for athletic use; clothing for athletic use, namely, shirts, tops, T-shirts, singlets, pants, shorts, cover-ups, jackets and sweaters; athletic apparel, namely, shirts, pants, jackets, footwear, hats, caps and athletic uniforms; gymwear; gym suits; gym pants; gym shorts; sports shirts; sports jerseys; sports jackets; sports pants; sports vests; athletic tights; athletic uniforms; tops (clothing); swimwear; sports bras; cover-ups; beach cover-ups; jackets (clothing); wristbands (clothing); headbands (clothing); headwear; sports hats and caps; caps (headwear); hats; footwear; sporting footwear; athletic footwear; athletic shoes; footwear for track and field athletics; boots; boots for sports; gym boots; football boots and studs therefor; leisure shoes; beach footwear; sandals and beach shoes; thongs (footwear); flip flops (footwear); socks. Class 32 Non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; isotonic drinks (not for medical purposes); sports drinks (non-medicated); electrolyte replacement beverages for general and sports purposes; drinking water; mineral water (beverages); aerated water; aerated non-alcoholic beverages; carbonated water; carbonated non-alcoholic beverages; bottled water (not for medical purposes); fruit drinks; fruit based drinks; fruit flavoured non-alcoholic beverages; fruit juices; syrups for beverages; syrups for making beverages; powders for making beverages. Class 35 Retailing services; wholesaling services; retailing or wholesaling of goods (by any means); online retailing and wholesaling services; retailing and wholesaling services provided over a computer network; hypermarket retailing and wholesaling services; discount services (retail, wholesale or sales promotion services); distribution of goods (not being transport services) (agent, wholesale, representative services, by any means); import services, not being transport services; import agency services; retailing of sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, vitamin products, dietary products, performance-boosting supplements and other performance boosting products; wholesaling of sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, vitamin products, dietary products, performance boosting supplements and other performance-boosting products; retailing of sports drinks, isotonic beverages and electrolyte replacement beverages; wholesaling of sports drinks, isotonic beverages and electrolyte replacement beverages; retailing of sportswear, gymwear and other clothing Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 70 and footwear; wholesaling of sportswear, gymwear and other clothing and footwear; retailing of training plans and other printed or electronic publications; marketing of training plans and other printed or electronic publications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase the goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from general merchandise web site in the global communications network; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in the field of sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, muscle-building products, vitamin products, dietary products, performance-boosting products, sportswear and gymwear from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet; retail shop services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; retail advertising, marketing and promotional services; ordering services (for others); computerised online ordering of merchandise and consumer goods; electronic, mail, email, telephone and SMS ordering services; on-line ordering services featuring sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, muscle-building products, vitamin products, dietary products, performance-boosting products, sportswear and gymwear; computerized on-line ordering services featuring general merchandise and general consumer goods; computerized on-line ordering services in the field of sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, muscle-building products, vitamin products, dietary products; performance boosting products, sportswear and gymwear; telephone ordering services in the field of sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, muscle-building products, vitamin products, dietary products, performance boosting products, sportswear and gymwear; wholesale ordering services in the field of sports supplements, nutritional supplements, bodybuilding products, muscle-building products, vitamin products, dietary products, performance boosting products, sportswear and gymwear; business merchandising display services; display services for merchandise; direct marketing; advisory or consultancy services in relation to any of the aforementioned services; provision of information, including but not limited to online, about any of the aforementioned services. Priority Claims: Class 25 10/04/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 71 Partial goods/services claimed in this application. NGUYEN HUU LUONG 9 HOODS RD, ADELAIDE SA 5000, AUSTRALIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 100 BEACH ROAD, #24-08 SHAW TOWERS, SINGAPORE 189702 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 72 T1311123D (09 42) (International Registration No. 1165670) Date of International Registration: 22/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/01/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: Black, gray and orange. Class 09 Electronic components, electronic circuits, integrated circuits, microcircuits, printed circuits, semi-conductors, processors, microprocessors, micro-controllers, chips, chip cards, memory cards, electronic payment cards, SIM cards, access control cards, identification cards, computer interfaces, apparatus, instruments and equipment for near-field and/or very short-distance radio communication. Class 42 Engineering services relating to computers, programming via computer, computer program design service, design of programs for computers and microprocessors, computer programming via microprocessor, design, development and technical study of computer systems, creation, design of electronic security modules, design, development and technical study of data exchange systems, personalized technological study and computer programming of chip cards and electronic cards, design, development, modifying and updating of computer programs and software, design and development of apparatus, instruments and equipment for near-field and/or very short-distance radio communication. Priority Claims: Class 09 24/07/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 24/07/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. INSIDE SECURE 41 PARC DU CLUB DU GOLF, F-13856, AIX EN PROVENCE CEDEX 3, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 900912 T1311007F (25) (International Registration No. 1165969) Date of International Registration: 10/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/01/2013 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Ge Li Pai Meng" which has no meaning. Class 25 Clothing; shirts; suits, trousers; knitwear (clothing); top coats; jackets (clothing); clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; clothing of leather; tee-shirts; underwear, dust coats; waistcoats; layettes (clothing); bathing suits; shoes; hats; hosiery; gloves; neckties; wedding clothes. Priority Claims: Class 25 30/07/2012 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. JOEONE CO., LTD. QINGMENGYUAN ZONE, QUANZHOU ECONOMY & TECHNOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT AREA, FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA Page No. 73 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 74 T1311181A (28) (International Registration No. 1166184) Date of International Registration: 20/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/03/2013 Class 28 Toys; apparatus for games; jigsaw puzzles; chess; playing balls; toy armor; protective paddings [parts of sports suits]; fishing tackle. LIANG XINGTING ROOM 1504, BUILDING 1 YONG JING YUAN,, EAST HUA WEN NING CHUAN ROAD,, CHENG HUA STREET,, CHENG HAI DISTRICT, SHANTOU, GUANGDONG, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 75 T1312029B (16 32 34 35) (International Registration No. 1167795) Date of International Registration: 15/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/04/2013 Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; photographs; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); paper and cardboard packages, especially cigarette packages; boxes of cardboard, wrappings and packages (stationery); packing paper, cigar bands; stationery; forms (printed); pamphlets; writing pads; placards of paper or cardboard; posters; decalcomanias; labels, not of textile; calendars; catalogues; folders (stationery); files (office requisites); bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics, for packaging. Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 34 Tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches; cigarettes; cigars; cigarillos; lighters for smokers; tobacco-raw, manipulated or processed; tobacco products; cigarette filters; cigarette paper; ashtrays for smokers. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; publication of publicity texts; radio advertising; advertising through posters; distribution of samples, models of products, and printed paper patterns for sales promotion purposes; dissemination of advertising matters; sales advertising; advertising agencies; television advertising; administrative activities and services for management of domestic and international commercial transactions; consultations connected with the business management; marketing surveys and researches; consulting services for business management; management of business or industrial enterprises assistance; support in business management; organization of exhibitions and fairs with commercial and advertising purposes; outdoor advertising with bill boards; advertising services using outdoor posters, advertising panel and wall surfaces; demonstration of goods; preparation and publishing of advertisements through printed, audio, video, radio, television and electronic media; advertising through the global computer network; import-export agencies. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 76 Priority Claims: Class 16 15/10/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 15/10/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 34 15/10/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 15/10/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. AKTSIONERNO "BULGARTABAC-HOLDING" DROUJESTVO "GRAF IGNATIEV" STR. 62, BG-1000 SOFIA, BULGARIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 77 T1313270C (28) (International Registration No. 1171225) Date of International Registration: 04/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/07/2013 Class 28 Slot machines. Priority Claims: Class 28 18/06/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION ARIAKE FRONTIER BUILDING, TOWER A, 3-7-26, ARIAKE, KOTO-KU, TOKYO 135-0063, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 78 T1313557E (09 25) (International Registration No. 1172103) Date of International Registration: 09/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/07/2013 Class 09 Downloadable software applications (apps); covers for headphones; mobile phone covers; mobile phone cases; cases adapted for computers; crash helmets; helmets for protection against injury; skateboard helmets; sunglasses; parts, components and accessories in respect to all the aforementioned goods. Class 25 Clothing for sports; casual clothing; ear muffs (clothing); footwear; sports headgear (other than helmets). Priority Claims: Class 09 05/07/2013 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 05/07/2013 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. DEGRAVES PTY LTD SUITE 1,, 51 VICTORIA ROAD, ROZELLE NSW 2039, AUSTRALIA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 79 T1314387Z (07 09) (International Registration No. 1173007) Date of International Registration: 20/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/03/2013 Class 07 Refrigerator dynamos; starters for motors and engines; control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; pneumatic controls for machines, motors and engines; belts for machines; speed governors for machines, engines and motors; engines and motors for model vehicles, aircraft and boats; hydraulic engines and motors; dynamos; machine wheelwork. Class 09 Batteries, electric; chargers for electric batteries; regulating apparatus, electric; printed circuits; integrated circuits; connections, electric; remote control apparatus; equipment for communication network; computer peripheral devices; materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; electronic speed controls for use in connection with remote controlled model toys. HOBBYWING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ROOM 1109, WENAN CENTER,, WENJIN PLAZA,, 1010 WENJINBEI ROAD,, LUOHU DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 100 BEACH ROAD, #24-08 SHAW TOWERS, SINGAPORE 189702 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 80 T1314831F (14 16 24 25 28) (International Registration No. 1174047) Date of International Registration: 16/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/03/2013 Class 14 Charms; jewelry. Class 16 Art materials (paint boxes for use in schools) and craft kits for painting or posters; children’s wall stickers and murals; coloring books; picture books; school supply kits containing various combinations of selected school supplies, namely, writing instruments, pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, highlighter pens, folders, notebooks, paper, protractors, paper clips, pencil sharpeners, writing grips, glue and book marks; scrapbooks; trading cards. Class 24 Bath linen; beach towels; bed linen. Class 25 Children’s and infant’s apparel, namely, jumpers, overall sleepwear, pajamas, rompers and one-piece garments; costumes for use in children’s dress up play; ear muffs; gloves; halloween costumes; scarves; sleepwear; swimwear; underwear. Class 28 Balloons; board games; card games; hobby craft kits for games and playhings involving sewing, plastic or plaster crafts; in-line skates; playing cards; roller skates; toy figures. Priority Claims: Class 14 25/01/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 25/01/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 25/01/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 81 Class 25 25/01/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 25/01/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. ART IMPRESSIONS, INC. 23586 CALABASAS RD,, SUITE 210, CALABASAS CA 91302, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 82 T1315735H (03) (International Registration No. 1175279) Date of International Registration: 11/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/03/2013 The mark consists of a three-dimensional shape of a bottle as shown in the representation on the notification of international registration. The following claim is made in the International Registration: Color claimed: Gold. Class 03 Perfumery products; deodorants for personal use (perfumery); perfumes; toilet water; scented water; essential oils; oils for toilet purposes; cosmetics; beauty masks for the face, body and hair; cosmetic products for skin care; talcum powder for toiletry use; toiletries; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, cosmetic preparations for toning purposes; make-up products; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; hair lotions; shampoos; hair sprays; hair lotions; dentifrices; soaps; bath soaps in liquid or gel form; depilatory products; depilatory wax; bath salts for non-medical use; incense. Priority Claims: Class 03 14/09/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. PACIFIC CREATION 104 AVENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: IPHUB ASIA PTE. LTD., 1 SHENTON WAY, #36-09 ONE SHENTON, SINGAPORE 068803 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 83 T1317430I (25) (International Registration No. 1178914) Date of International Registration: 12/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/04/2013 The mark consists of a German word meaning "Cartel". Class 25 Shoes, sabots, sandals, boots, suits, jackets, trousers, men’s pants, ladies’ pants, dresses, dress suits, rain coats, coats, mantles, furs, shorts, blazers, smoking jackets, skirts, smocks, women’s ceremonial dresses, wedding gowns, wind coats, evening dresses, jumpers, blue jeans, capes, frocks, heavy jackets, underwears, gowns, girdles, singlets, negligees, shirts, short-sleeved or long-sleeved T-shirts, beachwear, sweaters, open neck shirts, dress shirts, jerseys, vests, cardigans, polo shirts, pullovers, men’s socks, leggings, headbands, veils; shawls and stoles, shoulder wraps, scarves, stockings, stoles, silk scarves, socks, gloves, cravats, tights, pareos, caps, fur hats, woolly hats, belts made of leather, suspenders, belts. Priority Claims: Class 25 11/03/2013 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. KARTELL S.P.A. VIALE DELLE INDUSTRIE, 1, I-20082 NOVIGLIO (MI), ITALY. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 84 T1317593C (03 09 14 18 20 24 25 26 35) (International Registration No. 1179859) Date of International Registration: 31/10/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/10/2012 Class 03 Soaps and detergents; dentifrices; cosmetics and toiletries; perfumes; essential oils for food flavorings; incenses and fragrances; abrasive paper [sandpaper]; abrasive cloth; abrasive sand; artificial pumice stone; polishing paper; false nails; false eyelashes. Class 09 Measuring or testing machines and instruments; telecommunication machines and apparatus; portable telephones; parts and accessories for portable telephones; portable media players; parts and accessories for portable media players; cell phone straps; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; spectacles [eyeglasses and goggles]; sunglasses; phonograph records; downloadable music files; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications. Class 14 Unwrought and semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations; keyrings [trinkets or fobs]; jewellery cases; trophies [prize cups]; commemorative shields; personal ornaments, jewellery; jewellery; necklaces; bracelets; pendants; rings [trinkets]; medallions; cuff links; shoe ornaments of precious metal; clocks and watches; parts and accessories of clocks and watches. Class 18 Bags of leather for packaging; envelopes of leather for packaging; pouches of leather for packaging; boxes of leather for packaging; cases of leather for packaging; clothing for domestic pets; bags; handbags; tote bags; backpacks; briefcases; trunks; suitcases; net bags for shopping; wheeled shopping bags; purses; wallets; card cases (note cases); key cases; pouches; vanity cases (not fitted); umbrellas and their parts; walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles for canes and walking-sticks; leather (unworked or semi-worked); leather straps; rawhides; raw skins; tanned leather; fur. Class 20 Cushions [furniture]; Japanese floor cushions [zabuton]; pillows; mattresses; industrial packaging containers of wood, bamboo or plastics; hand-held flat fans; hand-held folding fans; letter boxes [not of metal or masonry]; shopping baskets; hand-held mirrors [toilet mirrors]; furniture; pocket mirrors; personal compact Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 85 mirrors; personal compact mirrors with pouches. Class 24 Woven fabrics; cotton fabrics; hemp yarn fabrics; silk fabrics; wool yarn fabrics; chemical fiber fabrics; inorganic fiber fabrics; narrow woven fabrics; towels of textile; face towels of textile; handkerchiefs of textile; Japanese general wrapping cloth [furoshiki]; mosquito nets; bedsheets; quilts; futon quilts; quilts cases (linen); unstuffed quilts; pillowcases; blankets; table napkins of textile; dish cloths of textile for drying; toilet seat covers of textile; seat covers of textile for furniture; wall hangings of textile; curtains of textile; table cloths (not of paper); draperies of textile (thick drop curtains). Class 25 Clothing; non-Japanese style outer clothing; evening dress; wedding dress; school uniforms; children’s wear; layettes (clothing); jackets; parkas; sweat shirts; sweat pants; suits; skirts; ski jackets; ski pants; trousers; smocks; formal wear; coats; overcoats; raincoats; waterproof clothing; sweaters; knitwear (clothing); cardigans; jerseys; vests; shirts; sports shirts; blouses; nightwear; pajamas; bath robes; underwear; panties; shorts and briefs; swimwear (bathing suits); swimming caps; camisoles; T-shirts; Japanese traditional clothing (kimono); sleep masks; aprons (clothing); socks and stockings; puttees and gaiters; fur stoles; shawls; scarves; Japanese style socks (tabi); Japanese style socks covers (tabi covers); gloves and mittens (clothing); neckties; neckerchieves; bandanas; Thermal underwear; mufflers (clothing); ear muffs (clothing); caps and hats; hoods; knitted caps; nightcaps; shower caps; garters; sock suspenders; braces for clothing (suspenders); waistbands; belts for clothing; footwear; shoes; rain boots; sandals; boots; inner soles for shoes and boots; insoles for shoes and boots; Japanese style wooden clogs [geta]; Japanese style sandals [zori]; masquerade costumes; clothing for sports; anoraks; ski suits for competition; clothing for gymnastics; wristbands; clothes for water sports; ski boots; gymnastic shoes; mountaineering boots; horse-riding boots; windsurfing boots. Class 26 Electric hair curlers; eyelets for clothing; semi-finished fabric backed tapes; reinforcing tapes for clothing; ribbons; tufts and tassels [semi-finished]; armbands for holding sleeves; insignias for wear [not of precious metal]; buckles for clothing [clothing buckles]; badges for wear [not of precious metal]; brooches for clothing; special sash clips for obi [obi-dome]; bonnet pins [not of precious metal]; ornamental stickers for front jackets; ornamental novelty badges for front jackets; brassards; hair ornaments; hair nets; hair bands; hair pins and grips; hair ribbons. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 86 Class 35 Advertising and publicity services; procurement services for others (purchasing goods, namely clothing, footwear, headgear, woven fabrics, bedding [linen], bags and pouches, sunglasses, towels of textiles, face towels of textiles, handkerchiefs of textiles, hand-held flat fans, hand-held folding fans, garters, belts for clothing, jewellery, necklaces, bracelets, hair ornaments, vanity cases [not fitted], pocket mirrors and umbrellas and canes, for other business); business management analysis and business consultancy; marketing research and analysis; providing business information concerning commercial sales; business management of hotels; auctioneering; import-export agencies; publicity material rental; providing employment information; retail services and wholesale services for woven fabrics; retail services and wholesale services for bedding (linen); retail services and wholesale services for clothing; retail services and wholesale services for footwear; retail services and wholesale services for headgear; retail services and wholesale services for bags and pouches; retail services and wholesale services for sunglasses, towels of textile, face towels of textile, handkerchiefs of textile, hand-held flat fans, hand-held folding fans, garters, belts for clothing, jewellery, necklaces, bracelets, hair ornaments, vanity cases [not fitted], pocket mirrors, umbrellas and canes; retail services and wholesale services for liquor, meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, confectionery, bread, rice, cereals, milk, non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages, vegetable juice, coffee, cocoa, tea, processed vegetables, processed meat, processed marine and aquatic products, processed seaweed products, jellies, jams, compote, flour based processed products, cereal based processed products, noodles; retail services and wholesale services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail services and wholesale services for bicycles; retail services and wholesale services for furniture; retail services or wholesale services for joinery fittings; retail services or wholesale services for tatami mats; retail services and wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatuses; retail services and wholesale services for bladed hand tools, pointed hand tools and hardware; retail services and wholesale services for kitchen equipment, kitchen utensils and containers, cups, plates, table linens; retail services and wholesale services for cleaning tools and washing utensils; retail services or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; retail services and wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; retail services or wholesale services for agricultural machines, implements and supplies; retail services or wholesale services for flowers [natural] and trees; retail services or wholesale services for printed matter; retail services and wholesale services for paper and stationery, album, notebook, pens, pencils, postcards, envelopes, writing pads; retail services and wholesale services for body-training apparatus, dumb-bells, golf gloves; retail services and wholesale services for Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 87 toys, dolls, game machines and apparatus; retail services and wholesale services for musical instruments and records; retail services and wholesale services for recorded DVDs; retail services and wholesale services for clocks, watches, spectacles, eye glasses, sun glasses and goggles; retail services or wholesale services for tobaccos and smokers’ articles; retail services and wholesale services for dog chains, clothing for domestic pets, beds for domestic pets, doghouses, bird cages, plates and bowls for domestic pets, brushes for domestic pets, toys for domestic pets; retail services and wholesale services for baby oils, teething rings, babies’ bottles, baby carriages, babies’ diapers of paper; retail services and wholesale services for semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations. Priority Claims: Class 03 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 14 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 88 Class 26 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 22/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. ADASTRIA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. 3-1-27, IZUMI-CHO, MITO-SHI, IBARAKI 310-0026, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 89 T1317955F (06 35) (International Registration No. 1180936) Date of International Registration: 20/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/06/2013 Class 06 Shock absorbers for closing of doors and windows, security apparatus for doors, furniture and windows, locks for doors and windows, door closers; hinges; spring hinges for doors and windows; brake retainers for doors and windows; anti-panic devices for doors; accessories for doors and windows included in this class; metal joinery for building; locks, bolts, window casement bolts, hinges, fittings and fasteners for doors and windows, hardware. Class 35 Procurement services for others, commercial intermediary services, retail sale and wholesale services in stores, from a catalog or via the Internet and import-export agency services for stores for all types of shock absorbers for closing of doors and windows, security apparatus for doors, furniture and windows, locks for doors and windows, door closers, hinges, spring hinges for doors and windows, brake retainers for doors and windows, anti-panic devices for doors, accessories for doors and windows, metal joinery for building, locks, bolts, window casement bolts, hinges, fittings and fasteners for doors and windows; sales promotion (for others); commercial and industrial business management assistance, assistance in franchised commercial business management; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; advertising, dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, catalogs, prospectuses, printed matter, samples). JOSEP MARIA TREPAT DESSY AVDA. DEL PROGRES, 40. ZONA INDUSTRIAL "ELS GARROFERS", VILASSAR DE MAR, E-08340 BARCELONA, SPAIN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 90 T1321004F (09 28 38 41) (International Registration No. 1181493) Date of International Registration: 21/08/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/11/2013 Class 09 Computers, computer programs (recorded and downloadable); computer software (recorded and downloadable); computer programs, in particular computer, video, online and browser games and computer game programs for mobile phones and other mobile terminals. Class 28 Games; electronic games (other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor), in particular computer, video, online and browser games, all included in class 28. Class 38 Providing access to and electronic transmission of information in the form of text, images, speech and sounds via an Internet page; arranging and renting of access rights to an Internet page, namely, arranging and providing access to Internet pages; providing access to a software in data networks for Internet access; broadcasting of movie, television, radio, BTX, video text, teletext programs or broadcasts in particular advertising spots; providing access to databases; providing access to information from a database or from the Internet. Class 41 Organising of games in the Internet; entertainment, in particular providing computer, video, online and browser games, providing computer game programs for mobile phones and other mobile terminals and providing information relating to computer gaming entertainment provided on-line from a computer database or a global communication network; game services offered online (from a computer network). WOOGA GMBH SAARBRUCKER STR. 38, 10405 BERLIN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 91 T1320022I (20 35) (International Registration No. 1184683) Date of International Registration: 26/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/09/2013 Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail services including online retail services of furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Priority Claims: Class 20 06/08/2013 DENMARK All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 06/08/2013 DENMARK All goods/services claimed in this application. GLOBE ZERO 4 A/S EUROPAPLADS 16, 3, DK-8000 AARHUS C, DENMARK ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 92 T1320453D (25 28) (International Registration No. 1185301) Date of International Registration: 29/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/07/2013 Class 25 Cyclists’ clothing; clothes for sports; cyclist’s footwear; triathlon shoes; ankle bands for cycling (clothing); non-Japanese style outerclothing coats; underwear; tee-shirts; socks and stockings; gloves [clothing]; hats and caps; thermal supporters [clothing]; windproof clothing; outdoor clothing; sports shoes; footwear, not for sports; masquerade costumes; garters; sock suspenders; braces for clothing [suspenders]; waistbands; belts [clothing]. Class 28 Cyclists’ gloves; cyclists’ supporters [sports articles]; cyclists’ protectors; cyclists’ protective pads; stationary exercise bicycles; sports equipment; shin guards [sports articles]; knee guards [sports articles]; elbow guards [sports articles]; toy bicycles; model bicycles. Priority Claims: Class 25 01/02/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 01/02/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. PEARL IZUMI, INC. 4-2 RYOGOKU 2-CHOME,, SUMIDA-KU, TOKYO 130-0026, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 93 T1320454B (25 28) (International Registration No. 1185302) Date of International Registration: 29/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/07/2013 Class 25 Cyclists’ clothing; clothes for sports; cyclist’s footwear; triathlon shoes; ankle bands for cycling (clothing); non-Japanese style outerclothing coats; underwear; tee-shirts; socks and stockings; gloves [clothing]; hats and caps; thermal supporters [clothing]; windproof clothing; outdoor clothing; sports shoes; footwear, not for sports; masquerade costumes; garters; sock suspenders; braces for clothing [suspenders]; waistbands; belts [clothing]. Class 28 Cyclists’ gloves; cyclists’ supporters [sports articles]; cyclists’ protectors; cyclists’ protective pads; stationary exercise bicycles; sports equipment; shin guards [sports articles]; knee guards [sports articles]; elbow guards [sports articles]; toy bicycles; model bicycles. Priority Claims: Class 25 01/02/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 01/02/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. PEARL IZUMI, INC. 4-2 RYOGOKU 2-CHOME,, SUMIDA-KU, TOKYO 130-0026, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 94 T1320501H (09 14) (International Registration No. 1186176) Date of International Registration: 18/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/09/2013 Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; compact disks, DVDs and other digital recording media; apparatus enabling the playing of compressed sound files (mp3); calculating machines and data processing equipment; games for mobile telephones, for computers and for digital personal stereos; computers, portable computers, handheld computers, mobile computers, personal computers, wrist computers, electronic tablets and mobile and computer devices, digital personal stereos, mobile telephones and new-generation mobile telephones incorporating greater functionality (smartphones); telecommunications apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission, reproduction of sound or images, particularly mobile telephones and new-generation mobile telephones incorporating greater functionality (smartphones); handheld electronic apparatus for accessing the Internet and sending, receiving, recording and storing of short messages, electronic messages, telephone calls, faxes, video-conferences, images, sound, music, text and other digital data; handheld electronic apparatus for wireless receiving, storing and transmitting of data or messages; handheld electronic apparatus for monitoring and organizing personal information; handheld electronic apparatus for global positioning [GPS] and displaying maps and transport information; handheld electronic devices for detecting, monitoring, storing, surveillance and transmitting data relating to the user activity, namely position, itinerary, distance traveled, heart rate; batteries for electronic apparatus and computers, batteries for timepieces and chronometric instruments. Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of these materials or coated therewith included in this class, namely figurines, trophies; jewelry, namely rings, earrings, cuff links, bracelets, charms, brooches, chains, necklaces, tie pins, tie clips, jewelry caskets (cases), cases; precious stones, semi-precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments, namely chronometers, chronographs, clocks, watches, wristwatches, wall clocks, alarm clocks as well as parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods, namely hands, anchors, pendulums, barrels, watch cases, watch straps, watch dials, clockworks, watch chains, movements for timepieces, watch springs, watch glasses, presentation cases for timepieces, cases for timepieces. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 95 Priority Claims: Class 09 21/06/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 14 21/06/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SWATCH AG (SWATCH SA) (SWATCH LTD.) JAKOB-STAMPFLI-STRASSE SWITZERLAND 94, CH-2502 BIEL/BIENNE, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: IPHUB ASIA PTE. LTD., 1 SHENTON WAY, #36-09 ONE SHENTON, SINGAPORE 068803 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 96 T1321036D (17 20) (International Registration No. 1186348) Date of International Registration: 26/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/09/2013 The Swedish word "Fenix" appearing in the mark means "Phoenix". Class 17 Laminated plastic sheets for use in the manufacture of facing for furniture and work surfaces, partition walls, floor and ceiling surfaces, interior and external walls, signs. Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whale, turtle, amber, mother-of pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; furniture fittings, not of metal; door fittings, not of metal; cable or pipe clips of plastics; mobiles (decoration); decorations of plastic for foodstuffs; display stands; edgings of plastic for furniture; signboards of wood or plastics; plastic key cards, not encoded; door handles, not of metal; works of art made of wood, wax, plaster or plastics; screens (furniture); packaging containers of plastic; ladders of wood or plastics. Priority Claims: Class 17 28/03/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 28/03/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. ARPA INDUSTRIALE S.P.A. VIA PIUMATI, 91, I-12042 BRA (CN), ITALY. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 97 T1400429F (33) (International Registration No. 1188891) Date of International Registration: 21/10/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/10/2013 The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Lan Se" meaning "Blue (colour)" and "Jing Dian" meaning "The Classics". Class 33 Spirits (beverages); fruit extracts, alcoholic; wine; liqueurs; alcoholic extracts; digesters (liqueurs and spirits); bitters; cooking wine; alcoholic beverages, except beer; edible alcohol. JIANGSU YANGHE BREWERY JOINT-STOCK CO. LTD 118 OF YANGHE MIDDLE AVENUE, SUQIAN CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O W.S. LI, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 98 T1400435J (07 08) (International Registration No. 1188959) Date of International Registration: 06/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/09/2013 Class 07 Agricultural machines; woodworking machines; hand-held tools, other than hand-operated; pneumatic tools (hand-held); electric wrenches; electric screw driver; hydraulic hand tools; electric hand drills, except coal drills; machines and machine tools for the repair of automobiles; machines and machine tools for use in maintenance of automobiles. Class 08 Wrenches [hand tools]; spanners [hand tools]; dies [hand tools]; hand tools, hand-operated; screwdrivers; pestles for pounding; pliers; hand pumps; lifting jacks, hand-operated; cutting tools; perforating tools [hand tools]. LOU CHONGLI ZELE STREET, XINYUAN VILLAGE, XIAOLIN TOWN, CIXI 315300 ZHEJIANG, CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O W.S. LI, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 99 T1400809G (09) (International Registration No. 1189145) Date of International Registration: 30/10/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/10/2013 Class 09 Pins and sockets for electric connections; electric contacts; electrical components; electrical connectors; electric switches; polarity inverters. Priority Claims: Class 09 11/07/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. MULTI-HOLDING AG STOCKBRUNNENRAIN SWITZERLAND 8, CH-4123 ALLSCHWIL, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, 2 SHENTON WAY, #18-01 SGX CENTRE 1, SINGAPORE 068804 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 100 T1401519J (29 30 32) (International Registration No. 1190757) Date of International Registration: 10/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/12/2013 Class 29 Fish from the Mediterranean Sea; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; yogurt; dairy products; olive oil for food; edible oils; meal substitutes other than for medical use based on vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, seafood products and/or dairy products in liquid, solid or powder form for food; packaged meals and prepared meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry or vegetables; prepared nuts; processed pulses, namely, lentils [vegetables], beans, chickpeas; prepared seeds. Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa; rice; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread; candy and confectionery; edible ices; sugar; honey; salt; sauces [condiments], spices; dried herbs for food, namely oregano, rosemary; vinegar; frozen meals consisting primarily of pasta or rice; food preparations and meal substitutes other than for medical use based on coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, flours, cereals, rice, tapioca, sago; prepared meals and packaged meals consisting primarily of pasta or rice; food bars based on cereals, rice and/or confectionery. Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; Fruit beverages and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Priority Claims: Class 29 25/10/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 25/10/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 25/10/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. MEDITERRA HOLDINGS S.A. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 RUE DU GRAND-CHENE SWITZERLAND Page No. 101 2, CH-1003 LAUSANNE, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 102 T1401681B (01 03 04) (International Registration No. 1191128) Date of International Registration: 27/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/06/2013 The mark consists of an Italian word meaning "Wasp". Class 01 Chemicals for use in industry; antifreeze and antifreezing liquids; liquid chemicals used to inhibit and remove limescale deposits; liquid stabilizing chemical preparations for cooling circuits for internal combustion engines for motor vehicles, tractors, earth-moving machines, commercial and industrial vehicles, 2/4 time engines for motor vehicles, and fixed and naval engines; anaerobic adhesives for industrial purposes; descaling preparations for industrial purposes for use in connection with radiators, internal combustion engines and cooling circuits related to said equipment; chemical preparations, namely, degreasing and cleaning solvents for use in connection with radiators, internal combustion engines and cooling circuits related to said equipment; chemical additives for motor fuels; brake fluids; protective antifreeze fluids for compressed-air braking systems of industrial vehicles; power steering fluid. Class 03 Personal care preparations, namely, perfumery, colognes, eau de toilette, bath and body care preparations, body wash, body lotions and creams, soaps, toiletries, deodorants, shaving preparations, grooming preparations, hair care and hair styling products, cosmetics, essential oils; home fragrances, fragrance satchets for eye pillow, room fragrance refills for non-electric room fragrance dispensers, refills for electric room fragrance dispensers, essential oils as fragrances for laundry purposes. Class 04 Lubricating oils and greases for starting devices for vehicle, trucks, agricultural machines, earth-moving machines, tractors; lubricating oils and greases in general, for the internal combustion engines of motor vehicles and motorcycles, trucks, tractors, earth-moving machines and other mobile or stationary equipment, industrial and commercial vehicles; lubricating oils and greases for transmission devices of vehicles, trucks, agricultural machines, earth-moving machines, tractors; oils for the deep cleaning of bleaching machines and chain saws, oils for fixed and naval engines; liquid fuels including motor fuels; oils specifically for industrial purposes, oils for chucks, slider rails, gears, protective greases for industrial purposes, oils for the tempering of metals, cooling lubricants for the cutting of metals, cooling lubricants Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 103 which can be mixed with water, oils, fluids and lubricants for the pressing and cutting of metals; oils for servo-command hydraulic systems, in particular for motor vehicles, trucks, earth-moving machines, tractors and agricultural machinery in general, industrial and commercial vehicles, oils for the gearshift forks of motor vehicles and oil brake cylinders; multi-use lubricant; chain lubricants for bicycles and motorcycles. PIAGGIO & C. S.P.A. VIALE RINALDO PIAGGIO, 25, I-56025 PONTEDERA (PI), ITALY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 104 T1401699E (01 36 42) (International Registration No. 1191396) Date of International Registration: 09/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/07/2013 Class 01 Fertilizers, fertilizer additives and fertilizing preparations, not being or containing solvents; diatomaceous earth and preparations containing, based on or made from diatomaceous earth in this class, none containing or being based on solvents. Class 36 Carbon trading services; carbon brokerage services; trading of emission reduction credits; financial services related to the trading of carbon credits and emission reduction units; investment and financial services in relation to investment schemes for the trading of carbon credits and emission reduction units; brokerage of carbon credits; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all of the aforementioned services. Class 42 Advisory and consultancy services in the field of carbon offset and sequestration; technical and scientific services in relation to carbon offsetting, carbon trading and carbon sequestration; scientific, industrial and technological research in relation to carbon offsetting and carbon sequestration. VIRGIN GREEN TECHNOLOGY PTY LIMITED SE 1, L5, 71 MACQUARIE ST, SYDNEY NSW 2000, AUSTRALIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 105 T1401814I (14) (International Registration No. 1191496) Date of International Registration: 20/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/11/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Black, white and red. Class 14 Diamonds; precious stones; jewelry set with diamonds; watches set with diamonds; all aforesaid products originating from Antwerp. Priority Claims: Class 14 18/11/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. ANTWERP CUT, BESLOTEN VENNOOTSCHAP BEPERKTE AANSPRAKELIJKHEID MET SCHUPSTRAAT 1/7 BUS 2, B-2018 ANTWERPEN, BELGIUM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 106 T1401988I (30) (International Registration No. 1191574) Date of International Registration: 10/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/01/2014 The French word "Noir" appearing in the mark means "Black" or "Dark". Class 30 Coffee. Priority Claims: Class 30 03/10/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. MIGROS-GENOSSENSCHAFTS-BUND LIMMATSTRASSE 152, CH-8005 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1402885C (14) (International Registration No. 1193181) Date of International Registration: 18/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/12/2013 The mark consists of an Italian word meaning "Emotions". Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; watches. HISTORIC ORIGINALS LIMITED UNIT A1, WORTON GRANGE ESTATE, WORTON DRIVE, READING RG2 0TG, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 107 T1404530H (25) (International Registration No. 1196811) Date of International Registration: 13/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/09/2013 The French word "Atelier" appearing in the mark means "Workshop". Class 25 Clothing; men’s and ladies’ wear, ready-to-wear clothing, jackets, costumes, suits, custom-made suits, pants, shirts, undershirts, blouses, jumpers, sweaters, shirts, T-shirts, vests, corselets, underwear, undergarments, stocking suspenders, corsets, lingerie, brassieres, bustiers, body stockings, underpants, briefs, boxers, tights, socks, stockings, legwarmers, outerwear, coats, raincoats, parkas, pullovers, ponchos, pyjamas, bathing trunks, trousers, shorts, bermudas, leggings, skirts, underskirts, dresses, slips, frocks; babywear, swimwear; sportswear; footwear, including shoes, sports shoes, boots, sneakers, slippers, flip-flops [footwear], espadrilles, sandals; headwear, including bathing caps, shower caps, hoods, headbands, hats, caps, berets; gloves (clothing), mittens, shawls, sashes, scarves, bandanas, ties and bow ties, suspenders, belts and waist belts. Priority Claims: Class 25 16/04/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. SCOTCH & SODA B.V. JACOBUS SPIJKERDREEF 20-24, NL-2132 PZ HOOFDDORP, NETHERLANDS. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 108 T1408446Z (30) (International Registration No. 1204205) Date of International Registration: 26/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2014 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: White and different shades of red. Class 30 Biscuits; cakes; confectionery; fondants (confectionery); gingerbread; (industrial) pastry; speculoos (caramelized biscuits); spreads on the basis of cookies, speculoos (caramelized biscuits), coffee or chocolate paste; waffles. Priority Claims: Class 30 14/01/2014 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. LOTUS BAKERIES, NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP GENTSTRAAT 52, B-9971 LEMBEKE, BELGIUM Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 109 T1409521F (09 41 42) (International Registration No. 1205206) Date of International Registration: 27/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/11/2013 Class 09 Computer software, recorded; computer operating programs, recorded; downloadable computer programs; computers; compact discs, read-only memory; downloadable electronic books; downloadable digital music; prerecorded music compact discs; animated cartoons; virtual reality game software; computer programs for pre-recorded games; computer programs, recorded; computer software for encryption; software to control and improve audio equipment sound quality; computer programs for the enabling of access or entrance control; computer game programs; computer software; computer memory devices; electronic publications, downloadable; computer programs for editing images, sound and video; software for processing images, graphics and text; operating system programs; pre-recorded music recorded on electronic media; identity cards, magnetic. Class 41 Film production, other than advertising films; rental of videotapes; television entertainment; publication of books; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; providing amusement arcade services; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; providing recreation facilities; game services provided on-line from a computer network; provision of information relating to games; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; on-line game services provided via a computer network; gaming services. Class 42 Computer software design; computer programming; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; computer system design; rental of computer software; installation of computer software; creating and maintaining web sites for others. ZEPETTO 9F, 78, MAPO-DAERO,, MAPO-GU, SEOUL 121-815,REPUBLIC OF KOREA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 110 T1409543G (11) (International Registration No. 1205444) Date of International Registration: 02/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/04/2014 Class 11 Flashlights, flashlight accessories, namely, combination lens holder/anti-roll units adapted to fit the heads of flashlights, holsters and belt holders, pocket clips. MAG INSTRUMENT, INC. 2001 SOUTH HELLMAN AVENUE, 91761,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1409545C (32) (International Registration No. 1205455) Date of International Registration: 25/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/04/2014 Class 32 Beer. HOME BREW MART, INC. 10051 OLD GROVE ROAD, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA 92131, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONTARIO CA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 111 T1409547Z (29 32) (International Registration No. 1205520) Date of International Registration: 13/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/02/2014 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: Yellow (Pantone process yellow), green (Pantone 369) and cyan [Pantone process cyan (80%)]. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. COWBELL INTERNATIONAL INC. AROSEMENA, NORIEGA & CONTREAS, EDIFICIO INTERSECO, CALLE ELVIRA MENDEZ NO. 10, APARTADO 0816-01560, PANAMA 5, PANAMA T1409548H (25) (International Registration No. 1205530) Date of International Registration: 22/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/11/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: Red. Class 25 Footwear. JONATHAN HIRST 5 HANBY CLOSE, FENAY BRIDGE, HUDDERSFIELD HD8 0FZ,UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 112 T1409439B (18) (International Registration No. 1206305) Date of International Registration: 26/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2014 Class 18 Bags; handbags; briefcases; shoulder bags; carry-on bags; rucksacks; school bags; Boston bags; travelling bags; suitcases; bags for sports; backpacks; bags for climbers; card cases [notecases]; key cases; purses; pocket wallets; shopping bags; wheeled shopping bags; vanity cases, not fitted; umbrellas; walking sticks; canes; walking cane handles. Priority Claims: Class 18 21/02/2014 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. RIGHT-ON CO., LTD. 11-1, AZUMA 1-CHOME, TSUKUBA-SHI, IBARAKI-KEN, 305-8503, JAPAN. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 113 T1409617D (09 42) (International Registration No. 1206307) Date of International Registration: 15/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/04/2014 Class 09 Computer software that provides real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface. Class 42 Design and development of computer software improvements of purchasing functions of business. for the Priority Claims: Class 09 15/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 15/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. THE LINK GROUP, LLC 922 SOUTH STATE STREET, PLEASANT GROVE UT 84062,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 114 T1409645Z (03 18 25) (International Registration No. 1206391) Date of International Registration: 10/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/04/2014 Class 03 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 03 24/01/2014 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 24/01/2014 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 24/01/2014 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. WINTER HOLDING GMBH & CO KG HEIDELBERGER GERMANY. STRASSE 9-11, 69226 NUBLOCH, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 115 T1410117H (05) (International Registration No. 1206830) Date of International Registration: 11/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/03/2014 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: Dark blue, blue, grey, yellow and white. Class 05 Dietetic food and substances adapted for medical use; medicinal drinks; medicinal food supplements; health food supplements; dietary supplements; vitamin preparations; dietetic nutritive substances for medical use; protein dietary supplements; vitamin and mineral supplements; mineral food supplements; dietetic yoghurts, for medical use; food for babies; bacteriological cultures, bacteria and preparations of bacteria. Priority Claims: Class 05 13/09/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. ALIMENTARY HEALTH LIMITED BUILDING 2800,, CORK AIRPORT PARK,KINSALE ROAD, CORK,IRELAND BUSINESS Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 116 T1410121F (35) (International Registration No. 1206864) Date of International Registration: 31/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/12/2013 Class 35 Commercial intermediary services in the field of automobiles; commercial intermediary services in the field of parts and accessories for automobiles; retail and wholesale of automobiles, and related sales administration; retail and wholesale of parts and accessories for automobiles, and related sales administration; marketing services; rental of advertisement space and advertising material; bill-posting; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; demonstration of goods; sales promotion for others; advertising services by means of mobile telephones; on-line advertising on a computer network; compilation of statistics; compilation of information into computer databases; import-export agencies; rental of office machines and equipment; online auction services. Priority Claims: Class 35 17/12/2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY 12 HEOLLEUNG-RO,, REPUBLIC OF KOREA SEOCHO-GU, SEOUL 137-938, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 117 T1410122D (25) (International Registration No. 1206866) Date of International Registration: 31/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/12/2013 Class 25 Clothing; footwear; caps (headwear); sportswear; sport shirts; sports overcoats; outerclothing; overcoats excluding clothing used exclusively for sports and Korean traditional clothes; children’s clothing; underwear; sleeping garments; winter gloves; ear muffs (clothing); masks for the protection against the cold (clothing); socks; sashes for wear; waterproof clothing; belts for clothing; athletic uniforms. Priority Claims: Class 25 17/12/2013 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY 12 HEOLLEUNG-RO,, REPUBLIC OF KOREA SEOCHO-GU, T1410123B (33) (International Registration No. 1206910) Date of International Registration: 07/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/04/2014 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages, except beer. Priority Claims: Class 33 08/10/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. CHOYA UMESHU CO., LTD. 160-1 KOMAGATANI JAPAN HABIKINO-SHI, OSAKA 583-0841, SEOUL 137-938, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 118 T1410124J (05) (International Registration No. 1206913) Date of International Registration: 04/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/04/2014 Class 05 Dietary supplements for humans. Priority Claims: Class 05 11/03/2014 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. KS JAPAN CO., LTD 5-3-18, ITACHIBORI,, NISHI-KU,, OSAKA-CITY, OSAKA 550-0012,JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 119 T1410127E (35 36) (International Registration No. 1206935) Date of International Registration: 05/05/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/05/2014 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: Grey, dark red and white. Class 35 Accounting; administrative processing of purchase orders; advertising; advertising agencies; advertising by mail order; cost price analysis; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; auctioneering; bill-posting; book-keeping; business appraisals; business auditing; business efficiency expert services; business information; business inquiries; business investigations; business management and organization consultancy; business management assistance; business management consultancy; business management of hotels; business management of performing artists; business management of sports people; business organization consultancy; business research; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; commercial information agencies; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; commercial or industrial management assistance; compilation of information into computer databases; compilation of statistics; professional business consultancy; data search in computer files for others; demonstration of goods; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; distribution of samples; document reproduction; economic forecasting; employment agencies; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; import-export agencies; invoicing; layout services for advertising purposes; advisory services for business management; computerized file management; marketing; marketing research; marketing studies; modeling for advertising or sales promotion; news clipping services; office machines and equipment rental; on-line advertising on a computer network; opinion polling; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; outdoor advertising; outsourcing services [business assistance]; payroll preparation; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; photocopying services; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; price comparison services; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; production of advertising films; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations; publication of publicity texts; publicity; publicity agencies; publicity material rental; radio Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 120 advertising; radio commercials; relocation services for businesses; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time on communication media; rental of photocopying machines; rental of vending machines; sales promotion for others; secretarial services; shop window dressing; shorthand; sponsorship search; drawing up of statements of accounts; systemization of information into computer databases; tax preparation; telemarketing services; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; television advertising; television commercials; transcription of communications [office functions]; typing; updating of advertising material; word processing; writing of publicity texts. Class 36 Accident insurance underwriting; accommodation bureaux [apartments]; actuarial services; financial analysis; apartment house management; real estate appraisal; antique appraisal; art appraisal; jewellery [jewelry (Am.)] appraisal; numismatic appraisal; stamp appraisal; banking; home banking; brokerage; brokerage of carbon credits; business liquidation services, financial; capital investments; clearing, financial; rent collection; organization of collections; financial consultancy; insurance consultancy; credit bureaus; credit card services; issuance of credit cards; customs brokerage; debit card services; debt collection agencies; debt advisory services; real estate agencies; real estate management; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; financial evaluation of standing timber; financial evaluation of wool; factoring; financing services; fire insurance underwriting; fiscal assessments; charitable fund raising; electronic funds transfer; health insurance underwriting; hire-purchase financing; housing agents; financial information; insurance information; instalment loans; insurance brokerage; insurance underwriting; leasing of farms; lending against security; life insurance underwriting; loans [financing]; financial management; marine insurance underwriting; exchanging money; mortgage banking; mutual funds; pawnbrokerage; provident fund services; leasing of real estate; rental of offices [real estate]; renting of flats; retirement payment services; safe deposit services; savings bank services; securities brokerage; financial sponsorship; stock exchange quotations; stock brokerage services; surety services; issue of tokens of value; issuing of travellers’ checks [cheques]; trusteeship; deposits of valuables; check [cheque] verification. Priority Claims: Class 35 16/12/2013 RUSSIAN FEDERATION All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 121 Class 36 16/12/2013 RUSSIAN FEDERATION All goods/services claimed in this application. LIMITED LIABILITY ADVISERS LIMITED" COMPANY "PRIDE CAPITAL GR. XENOPOULOU 17, CY-3106 LIMASSOL,CYPRUS Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 122 T1410136D (03 35 40) (International Registration No. 1207054) Date of International Registration: 27/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/12/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: Blue. A blue four-sided polygon with rounded edges; within the polygon are two diametrically opposed white crescent shapes crossing over in the middle; there is also a blue star in the middle of the "O". Class 03 Breath freshening preparations; deodorants for animals; cosmetics and toiletries; soaps and detergents; dentifrices; perfume and flavoured cosmetic preparations for the body, namely body creams, glitter, lotions, make-up, powders, oils, scrubs, and sprays; incenses and fragrances; false nails; false eyelashes. Class 35 Retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents. Class 40 Custom manufacture of cosmetics, soaps processing of foodstuffs for use in manufacture. and detergents; Priority Claims: Class 03 03/07/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 06/12/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 03/07/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. ZEAL COSMETICS INC. 3-1 OFUKA-CHO 530-0011,JAPAN KITA-KU,, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 123 T1410924A (40) (International Registration No. 1207811) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2014 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colour(s) claimed: CMYK color indications: dark blue (cyan 100%, magenta 75%, yellow 0%, black 0%), intermediate blue (cyan 10%, magenta 44%, yellow 0%, black 0%), light blue (cyan 90%, magenta 7%, yellow 0%, black 0%), shaded nuances of the three blue colors mentioned before and white. Class 40 Treatment, surface treatment and coating treatment of parts and materials, whether metallic, of ferrous alloys or non-metallic, namely, electrochemical treatment, salt bath treatment, nitriding treatment, oxidizing treatment, thermochemical treatment, thermochemical diffusion treatment, heat treatment, diffusion heat treatment, electrolytic or chemical surface conversion treatment, catalytic treatment, passivation treatment, surface impregnation treatment with organic compounds, metal diffusion treatment, coating treatment by physical or chemical vapor deposition, namely on metals and their alloys, polymers and composites, glass, ceramics, and on goods of those materials, vacuum metallization, electrolytic coating or plating treatment, ferrous alloy coating or plating treatment, mechanical coating or plating, nickel plating, chromium plating, zinc plating, tin plating, silver plating, gold plating, tin/lead alloy plating, deposition of metals and tin/lead alloys, copper/tin alloy coating treatment, deposition of chromium/nitride coatings, nickel/phosphorus alloy based coating treatment, application of organic, organo-metallic, metal or metal alloy coatings, of solid lubricating films, of polymers, metallization by cathode sputtering, metallization by thermal spraying, application of metallic, ceramic or cermet coatings by thermal plasma spraying, treatment with oils, hardening, tempering, quenching; information relating to treatment, surface treatment and coating of parts and materials. Priority Claims: Class 40 24/09/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. H.E.F. RUE BENOT FOURNEYRON, BOUTHEON, FRANCE F-42160 ANDREZIEUX Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 124 T1410960H (09) (International Registration No. 1208137) Date of International Registration: 13/05/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/05/2014 Class 09 Computer software and hardware for hydraulic systems; programmable electronic controllers of industrial operations; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations. Priority Claims: Class 09 26/03/2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. HYDRAFORCE, INC. 500 BARCLAY BOULEVARD, LINCOLNSHIRE IL 60069, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1410966G (05) (International Registration No. 1208245) Date of International Registration: 17/05/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/05/2014 Class 05 Dietary and nutritional supplements; dietetic foods, namely, dietary supplements adapted for medical use. Priority Claims: Class 05 21/11/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. BOSTON BIOPHARM, INC. ONE INTERNATIONAL PLACE, BOSTON MA 02210, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 125 T1410967E (09) (International Registration No. 1208257) Date of International Registration: 13/05/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/05/2014 Class 09 Computer software and hardware for hydraulic systems; programmable electronic controllers of industrial operations; electric installations for remote control of industrial operations. Priority Claims: Class 09 26/03/2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. HYDRAFORCE, INC. 500 BARCLAY BOULEVARD, LINCOLNSHIRE IL 60069, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1410975F (20) (International Registration No. 1208313) Date of International Registration: 04/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/12/2013 Class 20 Pillows; bed mattresses; changing mats; fire resistant mattresses; latex mattresses; mats for infant playpens; mattresses. Priority Claims: Class 20 20/11/2013 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. HEALTH CARE ALLIANCE PTY LIMITED 45 KARILLA AVE, LANE COVE NSW 2066, AUSTRALIA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 126 T1410989F (33) (International Registration No. 1208421) Date of International Registration: 07/05/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/05/2014 Class 33 Spirits, namely, vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, sake, rice wine, liqueurs other than grape based varieties. Priority Claims: Class 33 08/11/2013 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. GAVIN JONES PO BOX 3009, STAFFORD DC QLD 4053, AUSTRALIA T1410779F (09) (International Registration No. 1208463) Date of International Registration: 18/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/03/2014 Class 09 Measurement and control instruments and apparatus for the metallurgical industry (and for liquid glass), namely, immersion probes and related measurement instruments in the nature of indicators and analytical instruments for the analysis of molten metals and slag (or liquid glass); immersion probes and measuring instruments, namely, sampling probes to determine the gas and carbon levels in molten metals and slag (and for liquid glass); temperature measuring instruments and equipment, namely, temperature probes, thermocouples, temperature displays and related temperature measurement instruments. Priority Claims: Class 09 06/03/2014 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. SIDERMES S.P.A. VIA OSLAVIA, 94, I-20832 DESIO (MONZA E BRIANZA), ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 127 T1410998E (28 35) (International Registration No. 1208520) Date of International Registration: 20/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/03/2014 Class 28 Games and toys, dolls, playing cards, gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes, decorations for Christmas trees. Class 35 Retail sale services in stores and/or via global computer networks for all kinds of games, toys, garden games, backpacks, school supplies, storybooks and stationery, confectionery and children’s confections, spectacles and binoculars, computer and electronic games and accessories therefor and computer games; advertising, advisory and assistance services for business or company management; assistance in connection with the operation of commercial companies as franchises; import and export services and market research and study. Priority Claims: Class 28 20/09/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 20/09/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. IMAGINARIUM, S.A. PLATAFORMA LOGISTICA PLA-ZA - C/OSCA, 4, E-50197 ZARAGOZA, SPAIN Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 128 T1410784B (20) (International Registration No. 1208557) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/03/2014 Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Priority Claims: Class 20 07/01/2014 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. ASIA SRL VIA SETTALA, 8, I-20124 MILANO, ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 129 T1411211J (06 20) (International Registration No. 1209048) Date of International Registration: 25/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/04/2014 Class 06 Fittings of metal for furniture; the aforementioned goods except furniture handles. Class 20 Furniture fittings, drawers of metal and not of metal (being furniture parts); the aforementioned goods except furniture handles. Priority Claims: Class 06 06/11/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 06/11/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. HETTICH MARKETING- UND VERTRIEBS GMBH & CO. KG VAHRENKAMPSTRABE GERMANY. 12-16, 32278 KIRCHLENGERN, Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 130 T1411213G (05 10) (International Registration No. 1209077) Date of International Registration: 05/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/03/2014 Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, respiratory, gynecological, rheumatic, urological, gastro-enterological, infectious, ophthalmological, dermatological, autoimmune, genital, endocrine and intestinal diseases, diseases of the blood, internal medicine diseases, diabetes, cancer and allergies; vitamins; hormones; vaccines; food supplements. Class 10 Medical apparatus, syringes, injection pens for pharmaceutical substances. Priority Claims: Class 05 20/09/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 20/09/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SANOFI 54 RUE LA BOETIE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 131 T1411219F (33) (International Registration No. 1209185) Date of International Registration: 24/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/03/2014 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Priority Claims: Class 33 04/03/2014 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. BERGAGLIO FULVIO CASCINA SAN BARTOLOMEO, 26, I-15066 GAVI (AL), ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 132 T1411222F (09 15 41) (International Registration No. 1209229) Date of International Registration: 29/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/04/2014 Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, optical or sound recording disks; compact disks, DVDs and other digital recording media; software (recorded programs). Class 15 Musical instruments; electronic musical instruments. Class 41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; information relating to entertainment or education; publication of books; lending libraries; rental of sound recordings; organization and conducting of colloquiums, conferences or congresses; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/11/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 15 04/11/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 04/11/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. L-GROUP 4 BIS AVENUE DE CHAUVEAU, SAINT-REMY-LES-CHEVREUSE, FRANCE F-78470 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 133 T1411223D (33) (International Registration No. 1209231) Date of International Registration: 18/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/04/2014 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); alcoholic cocktails. Priority Claims: Class 33 18/11/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SOCIT JAS HENNESSY & CO 1 RUE DE LA RICHONNE, F-16100 COGNAC, FRANCE T1411234Z (07) (International Registration No. 1209441) Date of International Registration: 02/05/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/05/2014 Class 07 Robots (machines) and machine tools. Priority Claims: Class 07 07/11/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SEPRO ROBOTIQUE ZI LES AJONCS, RUE ROCHE-SUR-YON, FRANCE BESSEMER, F-85000 LA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 134 T1411236F (12 28) (International Registration No. 1209462) Date of International Registration: 11/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/04/2014 Class 12 Land motor vehicles, automobiles, structural and replacement parts, components and accessories therefor. Class 28 Toys and playthings; scale model vehicles. Priority Claims: Class 12 10/03/2014 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 10/03/2014 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. MASERATI S.P.A. VIA CIRO MENOTTI, 322 I-41100 MODENA, ITALY T1411239J (10) (International Registration No. 1209476) Date of International Registration: 03/06/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/06/2014 Class 10 Surgical, medical and ophthalmic apparatus and equipment. Priority Claims: Class 10 13/03/2014 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 BASEL, SWITZERLAND. Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 135 T1411240D (09 16 25) (International Registration No. 1209478) Date of International Registration: 28/08/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/08/2013 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking [supervision], life saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; data processing hardware, computers; computer software, in particular software for computer games and games for mobile telephones and other digital games apparatus. Class 16 Paper and cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packing (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; decalcomanias; albums; announcement cards (stationery); labels, stickers; pictures; pencils; memo blocks; booklets; writing paper; books; office supplies; wrappers; tag labels; flags and pennants of paper; paint boxes; penholders; greeting cards; graphic representations; calendars; filing cards; adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; glues and adhesives for stationery or household purposes; bookmarkers; paint boxes and brushes; modelling paste; paper towels, paper napkins; postcards; erasing products; index cards; drawing templates; signs of paper or cardboard; writing materials; sealing stamps; ink; wrapping materials; drawing materials. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; smocks; beach dresses; swimwear, swimsuits, bathing suits; clothes for sports; waterproof clothing; gloves; mittens; belts; clothing for children, men and women; babies’ clothing; bibs, not of paper; underclothing; sleep wear and pajamas; bath robes; suspenders; hats, caps, sun visors, berets; bathing and shower caps; muffs; ear muffs; neckwear, neck ties, cravats, bow ties; socks and stockings, panty hose; garter belts, stocking and panty hose suspenders; shoes, sports shoes, slippers, beach shoes; masquerade costumes; working sleeves; scarfs; bath Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 136 sandals; bath slippers; boots (ski); boots; braces for clothing (suspenders); brassieres; breeches for wear; camisoles; coats; cuffs; fur stoles; headbands [clothing]; jackets [clothing]; jerseys [clothing]; pullovers; knitwear [clothing]; outerclothing; overcoats; pants; parkas; sandals; scarves; collar protectors; shirts; underclothing; gowns; spats; boots for sports; sports jerseys; suits; trousers; uniforms; wet suits for water-skiing; wristbands (clothing); gymnastics shoes; clothing for gymnastics; sashes for wear; jogging suits; trousers; denim pants; pants; tank-tops; skirts; blouses; snowsuits; dressing gowns; gymnastics shoes; ankle boots; slipper socks; cover-ups; bibs of cloth; chaps; beach cover-ups; dress; jackets [clothing]; unitards; work clothing; ponchos; raincoats; shorts; sweaters; sweater shirts; babies’ pants; beach dresses; welts for boots and shoes; imitation leather clothing; clothing of leather; cyclists’ clothing; football boots; football boots; paper clothing; pockets for clothing; ready-made linings (parts of clothing); saris; skull caps; boots for sports; anti-sweat underclothing; teddies [undergarments]; wooden shoes; undershirts; uniforms; pants; top hats; motorists’ clothing; leggings; hoods [clothing]; heels; heelpieces for boots and shoes; half-boots; gymnastic shoes; galoshes; garters; furs [clothing]; footmuffs, not electrically heated; tee-shirts; tops; hoodies; fleece shirts; loungewear, long sleeve tops; zip tops; jogging pants; fleece tops; knit fleece hats; fashion headgear; bath sandals; plush slippers; plush novelty hats; belts. Priority Claims: Class 09 28/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 28/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 28/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. STOCK, BIRGIT AND STOCK, RAINER FISCHERSTRAE 5, 83700 ROTTACH-EGERN, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 137 T1411244G (28) (International Registration No. 1209555) Date of International Registration: 06/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/01/2014 Class 28 Carbon reels for fishing. Priority Claims: Class 28 22/07/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. SHIMANO INC. 3-77, OIMATSU-CHO, SAKAI-KU, SAKAI CITY, OSAKA 590-8577, JAPAN T1411246C (12) (International Registration No. 1209581) Date of International Registration: 15/10/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/10/2013 Class 12 Baby strollers; foldable baby strollers; shields for baby strollers; baskets for baby strollers; harness for baby strollers; covers for baby strollers; canopies for baby strollers; linings for baby strollers; hoods for baby strollers; safety belts for vehicle seats; baby carriages; covers for baby carriages; hoods for baby carriages; shields for baby carriages; baskets for baby carriages; harness for baby carriages; carriages for cots; prams; infant carriages; covers for prams; pads for baby carriages; shaped covers for baby carriages; baby carriages incorporating carry cots; baby carriages with removable infant carry cot; vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Priority Claims: Class 12 21/06/2013 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. L’INGLESINA BABY SPA VIA LAGO MAGGIORE, VICENTINA, ITALY 22/26, I-36077 ALTAVILLA Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 138 T1411247A (03) (International Registration No. 1209599) Date of International Registration: 28/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/01/2014 Class 03 Shampoos; non-medicated hair treatment preparations for cosmetic purposes; hair rinses [shampoo-conditioners]; hair conditioners; hair cologne; hair wax; hair creams; hair tonics; hair lotion; hair spray; hair care preparations; hair decolorant; hair dyes; hair oils; permanent wave neutralizers; bath cosmetics; facial packs; cosmetic creams; cosmetic dyes; cosmetic grease; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic lotion; cosmetic cleansing milk; cosmetic oil; make-up powder; sunscreen cosmetics; skin lotion; dentifrices; toilet soap; soaps and detergents; liquid perfumes; perfumed paste; perfume and aromatic essential oils; cosmetics. Priority Claims: Class 03 27/12/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. MOLTOBENE INC. 20-15, NISHIWASEDA 2-CHOME, SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO 169-0051, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 139 T1411250A (05 10) (International Registration No. 1209619) Date of International Registration: 07/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/03/2014 Class 05 Pharmaceutical products for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, respiratory, gynecological, rheumatic, urological, gastro-enterological, infectious, ophthalmological, dermatological, autoimmune, genital, endocrine and intestinal diseases, diseases of the blood, internal medicine diseases, diabetes, cancer and allergies; vitamins; hormones; vaccines; food supplements. Class 10 Medical apparatus, syringes, injection pens for pharmaceutical substances. Priority Claims: Class 05 20/09/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 20/09/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SANOFI 54 RUE LA BOETIE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 140 T1411251Z (01 40) (International Registration No. 1209626) Date of International Registration: 07/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/04/2014 Class 01 Inorganic chemical compounds for hard coatings. Class 40 Service of coating hard materials deposited by a vacuum procedure for industry. Priority Claims: Class 01 17/10/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 17/10/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. OERLIKON TRADING AG, TRBBACH HAUPTSTRASSE 53, CH-9477 TRBBACH, SWITZERLAND T1411259E (14) (International Registration No. 1209748) Date of International Registration: 15/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/04/2014 Class 14 Wrist and pocket watches, jewelry, earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, wall clocks, table clocks, chronometers, chronographs. Priority Claims: Class 14 24/02/2014 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. GUCCIO GUCCI S.P.A. VIA TORNABUONI, 73/R, I-50123, FIRENZE, ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 141 T1409994G (33) (International Registration No. 483531) Date of International Registration: 24/02/1984 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/04/2014 Class 33 Wines. MARCHESI ANTINORI S.P.A. PIAZZA DEGLI ANTINORI, 3, I-50123 FIRENZE (FI), ITALY T1312774B (33) (International Registration No. 538082) Date of International Registration: 19/06/1989 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/07/2013 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); wines with the geographical indication "Barolo". AZIENDA AGRICOLA GIUSEPPE MASCARELLO E FIGLIO DI MAURO MASCARELLO E C. SOCIETA’ SEMPLICE STRADA DEL GROSSO, 1, I-12060 CASTIGLIONE FALLETTO (CN), ITALY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 142 T1318396J (05) (International Registration No. 717154) Date of International Registration: 15/07/1999 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/08/2013 Class 05 Pharmaceutical products and hygienic preparations for medical purposes, dietetic substances adapted for medical use. PRO FARMA AG LINDENSTRASSE 12, CH-6340 BAAR, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 143 T1319352D (03 09 12 14 16 18 25 28) (International Registration No. 730258) Date of International Registration: 11/11/1999 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/10/2013 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric apparatus and instruments, included in this class; photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; glasses; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images; magnetic data carriers, recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated machines; cash registers; calculating machines and data processing equipment; data carriers equipped with programs; computer games; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Class 12 Vehicles, particularly motorcycles and bicycles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; parts of land, air or water vehicles. Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made out of precious metals or coated with precious metals, particularly model cars and perfume atomizers, jewellery, precious stones and jewels; watches and time measuring instruments; key chains, pins, tie pins, cuff links. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made out of such materials, included in this class; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ supplies, paint brushes; typewriters and office supplies (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic material for packaging included in this class; playing cards; printers’ type; printing blocks; calendars. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather as well as goods made out of these materials, particularly trunks, bags, small articles of leather included in this class; umbrellas, parasols. Class 25 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 144 Clothing, footwear, headgear, gloves and belts. Class 28 Games, playthings, toy cars, model cars, gymnastic, game and sporting articles included in this class; golf clubs, golf balls. DR. ING. H.C. F. PORSCHE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT PORSCHEPLATZ 1, 70435 STUTTGART, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 145 T1319616G (09 35 38 41 42) (International Registration No. 806031) Date of International Registration: 01/05/2003 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/05/2013 Class 09 Electronic data and publications downloadable from telecommunication network; electronic data media of all kinds. a Class 35 Market survey and research, particularly with regard to sports events; consulting in business organization and management, for companies; negotiation and settlement of commercial transactions for third parties; advertising services; advertising, radio and television advertising; organization of fairs for advertising purposes. Class 38 Telecommunications; broadcasting of radio and television programs; transmission and distribution of data via a global computer network or the internet; satellite transmission of sound and images. Class 41 Radio and television entertainment in the field of sports; organization of sporting events, as well as of competitions; publication of books, newspapers and journals, as well as of other information media, also via global telecommunication networks; organization of fairs for cultural purposes; recording of sporting events of all types; production of radio and television entertainment programs. Class 42 Technical and legal research in connection with industrial property protection; technical consultancy services and expert opinions in connection with industrial property protection; management and exploitation of copyrights; exploitation of industrial property rights. INFRONT SPORTS & MEDIA AG GRAFENAUWEG 2, CH-6304 ZUG, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HSLEGAL LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #22-23 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 146 T1319617E (09 35 38 41 42) (International Registration No. 806180) Date of International Registration: 02/04/2003 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/04/2013 Class 09 Electronic data and publications downloadable from telecommunication network; electronic data media of all kinds. a Class 35 Market survey and research, particularly with regard to sports events; consulting in business organization and management, for companies; negotiation and settlement of commercial transactions for third parties; advertising services; advertising; radio and television advertising; organization of fairs for advertising purposes. Class 38 Telecommunications; broadcasting of radio and television programs; transmission and distribution of data via a global computer network or the internet; satellite transmission of sound and images. Class 41 Radio and television entertainment in the field of sports; organization of sporting events, as well as of competitions; publication of books, newspapers and journals, as well as of other information media, also via global telecommunication networks; organization of fairs for cultural purposes; recording of sporting events of all types; production of radio and television entertainment programs. Class 42 Technical and legal research in connection with industrial property protection; technical consultancy services and expert opinions in connection with industrial property protection; management and exploitation of copyrights; exploitation of industrial property rights. INFRONT SPORTS & MEDIA AG GRAFENAUWEG 2, CH-6304 ZUG, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HSLEGAL LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #22-23 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 147 T1316347A (09 35 39 42) (International Registration No. 903686) Date of International Registration: 04/07/2006 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/08/2013 Class 09 Apparatus and devices for processing information, computers, personal computers, computer terminals, computer peripherals, computer parts and memories, word processing apparatus; registered computer programmes; magnetic and electronic data carriers, apparatus and instruments for storing and reproducing data; data communication apparatus. Class 35 Business analysis; consultancy regarding business organization and business economics; secondment of automation personnel; advice in the field of business administration and providing assistance in this field to companies and goverment; project studies relating to business management; support in the field of business management; recruiting personnel; temporary placing of staff for interim management purposes; consultancy in the field of statistics and econometry, namely, business statistical analysis and modelling; corporate planning, namely, provision of business modelling services (business models developed with the assistance of computers) for the calculation of consequences of business reorganisations; applying business models with the help of statistic methods in the field of business management (so-called "operations research"); logistic services, namely drafting of schedules for deploying the correct number of people at the correct time and in the correct place. Class 39 Logistic services related to the transport and storage of materials. Class 42 Computer services, namely programming for electronic data processing, computer programming, computer development and engineering in this field, as well as planning and advice regarding computerization and information services; management of computer projects (except installation, repair and maintenance services); drafting technical expert reports, as well as consultancy in the field of the choice of computer hardware and software; computer system analysis; design of computer systems and software. ORTEC LOGISTICS HOLDING B.V. GRONINGERWEG 6 K, NL-2803 PV GOUDA, NETHERLANDS Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 148 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 T1313711Z (35 42 44) (International Registration No. 917271) Date of International Registration: 29/09/2006 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/04/2013 Class 35 Commercial business organisation and management consulting; management of commercial or industrial companies; market study; market research; business management; sales promotion; personnel recruitment; computerized file management; data input and processing services; computer file management consultancy. Class 42 Chemical analysis; analysis for oil-field exploitation; intellectual property consultancy; computer consulting; professional consulting services in the fields of science and technology and in connection with innovation; technical project studies; software design and development; material testing; surveying; patent exploitation; computer programming; research and development of new products; biological research; bacteriological research; chemical research; cosmetic science research; physics research; technical research. Class 44 Pharmacy advice. ALCIMED 57, BOULEVARD DE MONTMORENCY, F-75016 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 149 T1311850F (06 17 19) (International Registration No. 933116) Date of International Registration: 24/05/2007 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/05/2013 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0103070F, T0103071D and T9706230B. Class 06 Metal building materials, namely, windows, doors, moldings, sidings, and structural parts therefor, metal gutters, metal louvres; awnings of metal; beams of metal; cantilevered brackets of metal; ceiling supports of metal; construction elements made of metal, namely, shores, supports and braces; door casings of metal; door frames of metal; door jambs of metal; door panels of metal; door stops of metal; drain pipes made of metal; elbows of metal for pipes; fasteners, namely, metal bars; frameworks of metal; linings of metal for building purposes; metal air conditioning ducts; metal beams; metal brackets for use in the construction and assembly of decking; metal building flashing; metal building materials, namely, soffits and fascia; metal castings; metal ceiling panels; metal cladding for construction and building; metal connectors for decking and decking joists; metal door latches; metal dowels; metal expansion joints for floors and walls; metal flanges; metal floor tiles; metal flooring; metal floors; metal heating ducts; metal joists; metal junctions for pipes; metal roof trusses; metal roofing; metal roofing hips; metal roofing panels; metal roofing tiles; metal seals; metal tiles; metal trim for buildings; ventilating ducts of metal; wall panels of metal; ironmongery in the nature of small items of metal hardware, namely, cornices, locks, tacks, washers, bolts; metal hardware, namely, locks, handles, hinges, metal fasteners, namely, drilled strip fasteners, all for windows, doors and gates; transportable buildings of metal; pipes and tubes of metal; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Class 17 Packing materials, namely, packing materials of rubber and plastic for shipping containers, moldable compounds for use in jointing and packing; stopping materials, namely, rubber for use in the manufacture of seals and gaskets, rubber shock absorbers for industrial machinery, non-metal stopping materials, namely, insulating rings, discs, cord, tape, spacing sheets and spacers, incandescent plates and sheets; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; non-metal flexible pipes; insulating materials, namely, insulating materials made of polyurethane foam, paper and fabric in the form of panels, batts, sheets and tubes; rigid insulation boards for use in commercial and residential building construction; insulating tiles; building insulation; foam insulation Trade Marks Journal No. 083/2014 Page No. 150 for use in building and construction; insulation for air conditioning, ventilating and heating ducts; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Class 19 Non-metal building materials, namely, wood trusses and laminated columns; ceiling panels, not of metal; construction elements not made of metal, namely, shores, supports and braces; door castings, not of metal; door frames, not of metal; door jambs, not of metal; door panels, not of metal; decking boards, not of metal; non-metal air conditioning ducts; non-metal building flashing; non-metal building materials, namely, soffits; non-metal castings; non-metal cladding for construction and building; non-metal doors; non-metal ducts not for electrical circuitry; non-metal expansion joints for floors and walls; non-metal floor tiles; non-metal floors; non-metal girders; non-metal gutters; non-metal heating ducts; non-metal roof trusses; non-metal roofing; non-metal roofing hips; non-metal roofing panels; non-metal roofing tiles; non-metal tiles; non-metal ventilating ducts; non-metal window frames; non-metal windows; wall panels, not of metal; non-metallic rigid pipes for building; non-metallic transportable buildings; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. KINGSPAN HOLDINGS (IRL) LIMITED DUBLIN ROAD, KINGSCOURT, CO. CAVAN, IRELAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315