Leather Watches


Leather Watches
Leather Watches
This fun style watch can be personalized with charms, different beads, and different color leathers
to make unique gifts or to match every outfit in your closet!
This list is to make the watch above. but feel free to change
up any of the components to suit your own tastes!
• Watch Face (WFCL-11BK)
• 5mm Licorice Leather - Flat (LF05BK10)
• 3mm Bolo Leather Cord (BC03BK25)
• 3mm Indian Leather Cord (LEBK32)
• 9mm Czech Pony Beads (49017-093009)
• Metal Spacer Beads (AS3736)
• Metal Skull Beads (CS3012AS)
• Licorice Leather- Flat Clasp (LF135AS)
• GS Hypo Cement & 2 paper clips
• Mini Macramé Board (MWB10)
• Little Big Cut (PL370)
This watch gets assembled with 3 different parts.
So I will separate out the parts so it is easier to follow.
PART ONE - “Braided Leather Cord”
1. Cut 3 equal length pieces of Indian Leather Cord approximately 10”-12“ each, and knot at end leaving about an inch
of loose cord at the top. Slide the loose cord into the top center notch of the macramé board. (IMAGE 1)
2. Braid the leather cord into about an 8 inch braid. (IMAGE 2)
3. Glue the braid below the knot at top, and across the bottom of the braid and
let dry.
4. Using the Little Big Cut cut the braid across the glues area in both places, so that
the glue still holds the braid together on both ends. Note: The finished braid
should measure approximately 1 inch shorter than what your desired watch size
should be. (IMAGE 3)
PART TWO - “Watch Face and Band”
1. C
ut 2 pieces of flat leather equal in length to your
desired watch band size.
2. Glue both pieces into the Clasp on one side.
3. Thread the leather through the watch face as shown.
4. Glue the bottom ends into the other end of the
clasp, let that dry for approximately an hour.
PART THREE - “Beads and Bolo”
1. Cut a piece of Bolo cord the same length as the leather braid that you made in Part One.
2. I put a dab of hypo cement on both ends of the bolo cord to make the points a little bit stiffer (the
bolo cord tends to fray a bit if you are beading it.) Let dry for a little bit.
3. Bead the Bolo Cord with any mixture of Pony Beads, Metal Spacers and Metal Beads that you
desire. (IMAGE 7)
1. O
nce all three parts are together and dry put a drop of hypo cement on the end of the
bolo cord and the braid, and affix them to the watch band, using a paperclip to hold that in
place. Then do the same thing on the other end. (IMAGE 8 & 9)
2. C
ut 2- 12” pieces of Indian Leather you are going to use these to secure the Bolo and the
Braid to the Leather Band.
3. H
olding the Leather band clasp upward remove the paper clip make a one inch loop with
the Indian leather , holding it loop up-ward against the band. (IMAGE 10)
4. U
sing the longer tail of the cord you are going to wrap the entire thing around about 7
times, starting at the bottom on the smaller tail of the loop, up to the top of the loop.
(IMAGE 11)
5. F eed the Long end through the top of the loop. (IMAGE 12)
6. P
ull the shorter loop tail and the longer loop tail until the loop pulls down into the wrap as
tight as you can get it. Trim the ends. Note: Add a touch of glue into the center of the wrap
on both ends. (IMAGE 13)
4. Repeat for other side.