GEID fall 2012 (Page 1) - Glenmore


GEID fall 2012 (Page 1) - Glenmore
Fall 2012
Okanagan Lake Pumphouse
Contract Awarded
he tender for the construction of the Okanagan Lake
Pumphouse closed on July 31st with bids received from four
contractors. After a review of each bid, the District was
pleased to award the contract to Maple Reinders Inc. at a price of
$3.37M. Construction is expected to begin in late August.
The District anticipates that OK Lake water will be flowing
into the McKinley Reservoir by August 2013. Residents are
reminded that the Glenmore distribution area includes Glenmore/
Sexsmith Valleys, Wilden, Quail Ridge, UBCO, and the Kelowna
International Airport. Portions of the Ellison area which are east
of the Airport and south of Postill Drive are not expected to
receive OK Lake water at this time.
Installation of 42” steel transmission main
by Hayter Construction, Spring 2012
Rate Review and Review of Assessments
As part of the ongoing rate review for the
District, staff are ensuring that adequate funds
will be available for much-needed repairs and
renewal to an aging infrastructure. The
ongoing rate review also includes analyzing
the current assessments of properties. GEID
strives to provide the best potable water at the
lowest cost-recovery price to its ratepayers. As
with any utility, rate increases are necessary to
ensure infrastructure is maintained and capital
projects proceed. With the new Okanagan
Lake pump station slated for completion in
2013 and other capital projects being
proposed, GEID anticipates a rate increase
between 5 and 10% in most categories in
2013. The budget will be finalized later this Fall.
All properties in the District are assessed
according to their size and amount of water
rights. These classifications range from C1
and C2 grade for small residential lots; S
grade for strata lots; and A grade for lots with
over 1 acre water. While the C1/C2 grades are
relatively new classifications to reflect the
changing nature of the District, some of the
original classifications have not changed. All
assessments are being reviewed on an ongoing
basis by GEID staff as part of the rate review
process to ensure equity to all landowners.
COURT OF REVISION: Wednesday, September 19th, 7 pm
Glenmore-Ellison Improvement District is a taxation authority and issues yearly
assessment notices for each property in its boundaries. The 2012 assessments have been
mailed. The assessment notices are NOT invoices; they show the owner’s name, property
size and grade. If there is an error in the assessment, owners should call the office so that
the error can be corrected. If no resolution is possible, the landowner should file an
appeal no later than 4:00 pm, September 18th, 2012 at the GEID Office. A Court of
Revision will be held at 7:00 pm, Wednesday September 19th, 2012 at which time the
appeal will be considered by the Board of Trustees.
Landowners do not need to contact the Office unless there is an error on their
ling is availa
Email to bil
[email protected]
to register fo
r emailed bil
ensuring that
your civic ad u add
dress and
account num
Water Quality notifications are in effect for
different areas of the District.
The Ellison area south of Postill Drive
and east of the Airport is on a Boil Water
Notice (BWN) due to the annual high
turbidity in the Mill Creek water. This BWN
is expected to remain in place until the
Ellison mainlines are flushed this fall and
well water can supply the area. The BWN
does not apply to the 2 large strata
complexes north of Postill Drive. See
the District website for a map of the
Ellison area.
The Glenmore area remains on a
Water Quality Advisory. This advisory is due
to turbidity levels in the McKinley Reservoir
over 1 NTU largely due to the Mill Creek
source. Mill Creek is the primary water
supply for both Ellison and Glenmore
however the McKinley Reservoir acts as a
filter resulting in a lower level of turbidity
and colour through the Glenmore area.
Once the summer outdoor watering
continues on page 2
McKinley Reservoir is an
operating water storage facility
owned by the
District and
is also the
main drinking
water reservoir for the Glenmore
distribution area. Maintaining this
reservoir in good condition with
minimal disruption to water quality
is of paramount importance to
GEID. Access to the reservoir is
no longer allowed and residents
are asked to use all precautions
and care when near the reservoir.
Residents should contact the
District to report any activities of
concern to the District.
Annual Property/Irrigation
Tax Bills will be mailed late
October. Payment is due
Dec. 1st. All lots and
acreages with water rights
receive tax bills (stratas &
airport lands exempt).
Watermain Flushing
The Fall 2012 mainline flushing schedule has been tentatively set
for August 22nd – 24th as well as 8 weeks of flushing between
October 1st to November 6th. Flushing of
specific areas will be advertised in the
local newspapers but the schedule
can change due to emergencies or
other system considerations. For the
most current information, residents
should visit the District website at and tab to Current Events/Flushing. A
map of the individual zones is also on the District’s website.
Private Watermain Flushing
Private flushing within residential/commercial complexes and
institutions should be undertaken twice a year, AFTER the mainline
flushing in that area has been completed. Hydrant use permits are
required prior to accessing any private hydrants. This is a
condition of the District and the Kelowna Fire Dept. to ensure
proper use of the hydrants and blow-offs, and to avoid adverse
effects to the District’s system. These permits are available from
the District at no charge.
Water Shut off Valves
GEID’s water valves are normally located at the curb of a property and
are part of GEID’s infrastructure. GEID operators are the only personnel
authorized to access or turn valves on/off. Contractors and landowners
must not activate the valves. Any repairs to GEID infrastructure will be
charged to the property owner, including a fee to inspect the valve,
should anyone other than GEID operators access the valve.
Water valves within strata and other private complexes are NOT the
property of GEID. These complexes should advise their property owners
of the correct procedures to follow if these valves need to be accessed.
Office Clo
October 8
r 12th, &
r 24th to
January 1
Water Quality continued from page 1
demands are reduced in the Fall, residents will normally see
reduced turbidity and colour, once well water is introduced into the
system. The WQA remains in effect year-round due to daily
fluctuations in turbidity.
The McKinley Landing area (formerly McKinley Landing
Waterworks) remains on a Water Quality Advisory (WQA) due to
atypical weather earlier this summer which increased OK Lake
turbidity. GEID is monitoring and testing this system on a daily
basis however GEID expects that the WQA will remain in place until
the turbidity is consistently less than 1 NTU.
Eight properties on Glenmore and McKinley Roads north of
Werger Rd. continue on a Boil Water Notice (BWN) due to a lack of
chlorine contact time between the District’s chlorination delivery
point and the properties. Construction of new infrastructure is
required before this BWN can be downgraded.
For more information on Water Quality, please visit the
District website at To register for
email notices of changes in these notifications, please visit the
Kelowna Joint Water Committee website ( and
follow the link to Water Quality Alerts.
After Hour Call-Outs
After-hour service calls are EMERGENCY
call-outs and are billed at a rate of
$150 per call-out to the property owner.
Please call the office during office hours
for non-emergency concerns. Office hours
are Monday – Friday, 8 am – noon and
12:30 pm – 4 pm except during holidays
and weekends which are considered
Published by
445 Glenmore Road
Kelowna, B.C. V1V 1Z6
Phone: (250) 763-6506
Fax: (250) 763-5688
E-mail: [email protected]
Darwyn Kutney
General Manager
Darren Schlamp
Operations Manager
Mike Rojem
Projects Coordinator
Linda O’Neil
Administrative Treasurer
Drew Allingham
Works Foreman
Andrew Cammell
Water Quality Technician
Renee O’Fee
Accounts Payable &
Utility Billings Clerk
Pat Schmidt
Development Clerk
Heather Bauer