2004 2003
2004 2003
0 4 2 0 R A P P O R T A N N U E L Belgium was created 175 years ago following the presentation of the opera «La Muette de Portici» by Daniel-François-Esprit Auber at the Théâtre Royal de La Monnaie in Brussels. By using a musical theme to illustrate its annual report, CFE is honouring this anniversary. 124st corporate financial year Established in Brussels 21st June 1880 Headquarters: Avenue Herrmann-Debroux 42 1160 Brussels Enterprise no. 0400.464.795 Register of Companies Brussels Tel: +32 2 661 12 11 Fax: +32 2 660 77 10 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.cfe.be Compagnie d’Entreprises CFE SA An attractive development “Preludes” With a net after-tax profit of 16.1 million EUR, 2004 can be considered as a good year for CFE. Certainly, 2003 achieved a better score (20.8 million EUR) but, as we have already emphasised, this amount was largely due to exceptional circumstances such as the disposal of the headquarters building. 3 The year 2004 would have been considerably better if we had not suffered the very heavy consequences of a legal decision relative to a site that was delivered nearly... 30 years ago. During the year, numerous decisions enabled our organisation to progress and better respond to the demands of the market. To cite no more than the most significant, we recall the reinforcement of the Construction Division by the acquisition of BPC, the creation of the Real Estate and Associated Services Division, the voluntary re-launch of a dynamic programme of expansion in the Multi-Technical Division and the growth of our participation in DEME, of which the results are once again very satisfactory. At 1st January, we had an order book of more than a billion EUR, which is a record for CFE. It is the fruit of the recognition by our clients of the quality of our achievements and is also the result of a profound will to satisfy them because, in the long term, we wish to create strong links with everyone involved in the process of construction. Consequently, confident in the future, we intend to continue the development of CFE, by insisting on the competence and dynamism of all the employees of the group. CFE celebrates its 125th birthday this year. Even so, the enterprise has managed to maintain a youthful spirit. A recent survey showed that CFE is an attractive employer, the group being placed among the «Top 10» of companies in which the active population would want to work. With our employees, our clients and our partners, we expect to write many more pleasant pages over the next 125 years. Renaud BENTÉGEAT Managing Director Philippe DELAUNOIS Chairman of the Board of Directors Renaud Bentégeat and Philippe Delaunois. Strategy “The line of the horizon ” The CFE group underwent profound changes in 2004. Consequently, 2005 will be a year of consolidation of the initiatives taken, which does not, of course, exclude the seizing of opportunities for external growth, particularly in the multi-technical division. 4 THE MODIFICATIONS THAT TOOK PLACE IN 2004 These affected three divisions: construction, real estate and associated services, dredging and environment. New ambitions in the field of real estate and associated services This translates into: ● ● Reinforcement of the main profession: construction This translates into: ● ● ● Real estate team (BPI, CFE Immo, CLi and Construction Management) ready to take on new challenges. a growing presence in Brussels with the acquisition of Bâtiments et Ponts Construction (BPC), which has an excellent order book the significant development of CLE in Luxembourg, which is recognised as one of the leading local companies reinforcement of the technical area by the implementation of a knowledge policy and the appointment of an assistant general manager of the division – Lode Franken – in charge of motivation and the co-ordination of centralised technical management. ● ● the creation of a division separate from that of construction, the field of real estate being considered as a distinctly separate profit centre, complementary to that of the construction division the acquisition of BPI, which is well established in the office and residential markets, particularly in Brussels the launch of new operations in Luxembourg and the creation of a permanent subsidiary, CLi in building management, the establishment of Sogesmaint Luxembourg which already manages 50,000 m2 of offices The growing relationship with DEME This is notably translated by the reinforcement of the participation in DEME, CFE now holding exactly 50% of the capital of the company. It is also demonstrated by the unfailing support of CFE to the various teams at DEME in their dredging business and their environmental activities. 2005: CONSOLIDATION OF THE ACQUISITIONS The group, which is now in good order, can set progress objectives for future exercises. Construction division: security and profitability Starting from the principle that the main value of a company is its people, CFE has decided to pay more attention to the batJean Blaton, Chairman of the tle of the security of its Board of Directors of BPC. sites. Observing that the results in this matter during 2004 were not satisfactory, in 2005, more emphasis will be placed on the improvement of our approach to prevention, based on the principle that our employees are in the company to earn a living and not to lose it. In parallel, more consideration will be given to the preparation of the sites and to productivity. Convinced that improvements to the security and organisation of the sites is a gain rather than a cost, the management of CFE intends making the construction division one of the most profitable of the group. Real estate and associated services division: geographical diversification Well established in Luxembourg and in Brussels, building promotion remains very modest in Flanders and in Wallonia. Consequently, one of the objectives of the exercise will be to geographically diversify the fundamental approach in order to achieve a better balance of investments. For the same reason, Sogesmaint will seek to establish a better position in the Antwerp region. Finally, more timely progress in export is anticipated, notably for Construction Management. 5 The multi-technical division: multiservice objectives CFE intends to maintain its development in these sectors by seeking other activities that are complementary to those that it already pursues: ● ● in areas that are complementary to heating and air-conditioning in multiservice and multi-technical areas that naturally complement other professions of the group Dredging and environment division: a pivotal area of development DEME is a worldwide player of the first order in its entrepreneurial qualities of dredging and hydraulic operations. Its recent success demands other investments further to the decision to acquire a mega-cutter at the end of 2003. CFE will enable DEME to remain competitive by providing it with the necessary means for its expansion. Finally, diversification of its environmental activities, notably in soil purification, has made considerable progress. Know yourself, help each other and work together. Notable events of 2004 “The Four Seasons ” February 6 ● Launch of the new DEME suction hopper dredger, the «Pallieter». April ● ● ● Constitution of Sogesmaint Luxembourg. Laying the foundation stone of the complex in the Kievitplein in Antwerp (architect: Jaspers) for Robelco. Acquisition of 1.5% of the shares of DEME from GIMV, bringing the participation of CFE to 50%. May ● ● ● Acquisition of BPC (Bâtiments et Ponts Construction). Acquisition of BPI (Bâtipont Immobilier). Nizet secures the order for renovation of the electrical installations of the Atomium. June ● ● Delivery to the State of Luxembourg of Tower B of the Porte de l’Europe in the Kirchberg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg). Delivery of the Gresham Hotel in Budapest (Hungary). July ● ● ● Signature by MBG for the civil engineering of the fourth gas reservoir in Zeebrugge. Signature by DEME via Qatar Dredging Company of a dredging and channelling contract «Pearl of the Gulf» (Qatar). Authorisation of the Council of Ministers for the renting of 15,000 m2 at the Jardins de la Couronne for the Federal Police. September ● ● Opening of the new Engema depot in Muizen. Van Wellen obtains the roadworks contract for a P&O maintenance area in the Port of Antwerp. October ● ● Signature of the D4/D5 contract (CFE Brabant and BPC) for the European Parliament in Brussels. End of the cutting of the Soumagne tunnel. December ● ● Signature by Qatar Dredging Company of the dredging contract for a platform in the new Doha airport (Qatar). CLE signed the contract to build the Postal Sorting Centre in Bettembourg (Luxembourg). 7 Key figures “The Symphony of a thousand” Data in millions of EUR Turnover 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 854.4 793.4 796.9 847.6 809.2 Corporate result 34.7 18.0 28.4 38.2 35.2 Current result 25.3 4.9 19.9 27.0 23.1 Result for the financial year before tax 27.0 28.6 20.1 27.0 25.3 Result for the financial year 15.4 21.2 11.9 16.6 15.0 Result for the financial year – group share 16.1 20.8 10.2 16.7 13.6 Cashflow (1) 46.3 71.8 76.5 59.7 50.2 EBIT (2) 34.7 18.2 28.3 38.7 35.6 EBITDA (3) 70.5 54.5 60.7 69.6 65.7 Tangible fixed assets 234.3 235.0 247.5 212.8 218.2 Financial fixed assets 16.4 10.0 8.1 11.9 12.1 170.4 161.2 147.0 141.8 131.8 8 Jacques Ninanne Director of Finance and Administration Equity after distribution, including third-party property (1) Cashflow: see Consolidated Cashflow Statement on page 8 of the Financial Report. (2) EBIT: Corporate result + revenue from financial fixed assets + share of the result of the companies in which equity mutation is applied. (3) EBITDA: EBIT + write-offs. Comparative figures 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 EBIT/ turnover 4.1% 2.3% 3.5% 4.6% 4.4% EBITDA/ turnover 8.3% 6.9% 7.6% 8.2% 8.1% Result for the financial year / Equity after distribution, including third-party property 9% 13.1% 8.1% 11.7% 11.4% Result for the financial year / turnover 1.8% 2.7% 1.5% 2.0% 1.9% 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Figures in EUR per share Number of shares on 31/12 581,879 581,879 581,879 581,879 581,879 Current result 44 8 34 46 40 Cashflow 80 123 131 103 86 Result for the financial year 26 36 20 29 26 Result for the financial year – group share 28 36 18 29 23 Gross dividend 8.50 4.30 8.60 8.60 8.18 Net dividend 6.37 3.22 6.45 6.45 6.14 Equity after distribution 275 263 233 229 208 9 “The Stock Exchange Polka” 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Stock exchange data Average exchange rate of the financial year EUR 217.31 198.38 243.43 222.95 188.67 Absolute minimum exchange rates EUR 191.00 168.0 181.00 185.20 155.00 Absolute minimum exchange rates EUR 284.00 224.8 300.00 267.90 229.00 Closing price of the financial year EUR 269.00 199.6 194.50 247.80 189.00 Average daily volume of shares EUR 237 244 231 223 248 Exchange capitalisation on 31/12 M EUR 156.53 116.14 113.17 144.19 109.98 Comparison between the position of the CFE shares and the Bel 20 index Last five years: 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l st 31 st 31 1 c ‘0 De st 31 2 c ‘0 De st 31 3 c ‘0 De st 31 l l l l l l l l l l- 3100 2900 2700 2500 2300 2100 1900 1700 1500 1 st A pr il ‘0 4 4 ‘0 1 st M ar ch b ‘0 l 4 l‘ 04 1 st M ay ‘0 1 st 4 Ju ne ‘0 4 1 st Ju ly ‘0 1 st 4 A ug ‘0 1 st 4 Se pt ‘0 4 1 st O ct ‘0 4 1 st N ov ‘0 4 1 st D ec ‘0 4 l 4 l 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 c ‘0 De For 2004: n BEL 20 0 c ‘0 De st 31 1 st Ja CFE 290 270 250 230 210 190 170 150 9 c ‘9 De 1 st Fe 10 -l Some data concerning the shares On 31st December, 581.879 shares were issued. Each share has a voting right. There was no issue of convertible bonds or guarantees. The financial institutions through which holders of financial instruments can exercise their financial rights are: Bank Degroof and Fortis Bank. Operational chart “Game of Cards” 11 Div. 2 Div. 2 Div. 1 Div. 2 CFE CFE International Co-ordination Center Vinci 45% ■ CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ■ REAL ESTATE AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES DIVISION ■ Northern Belgium ■ ABEB ■ MBG ■ ■ Central Belgium ■ BPC ■ CFE Brabant ■ Southern Belgium ■ BAGECI ■ The Netherlands ■ CFE Nederland 55% ■ MULTI-TECHNICAL DIVISION ■ DREDGING & ENVIRONMENT DIVISION BPI ■ ENGEMA ■ CFE Immo ■ CLi ■ NIZET Entreprise ■ Electronizet (Voltis) ■ DEME 50% Dredging & environment ■ Construction Management ■ Sogesmaint Sogesmaint Luxembourg ■ ■ Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ■ CLE Public shareholders ■ Vanderhoydoncks ■ Dredging International ■ Baggerwerken DECLOEDT ■ DIAP ■ SIDRA ■ IPEM 55% ■ DBM ■ CFE Beton- & Waterbouw ■ QDC 44% ■ CFE Industrie- & Utiliteitsbouw ■ GEKA ■ Central Europe ■ CFE Hungary ■ CFE Polska ■ Ecoterres / DEC 75% ■ CFE EcoTech Only the main companies and branches are shown. Branches are indicated by a white square. ■ Van Wellen (50%) February 2005. Corporate governance “Orchestral Notations” I. GENERAL MEETING 12 ● Share capital The share capital is represented by 581,879 shares without indication of nominal value. ● Reference shareholder VINCI Construction and VINCI hold 264,028 shares, being 45.37% of the capital. ● Assistance convention A management assistance convention links CFE and its reference shareholder. The remuneration for services resulting from the convention amount to an annual sum of 1,189,889 EUR. II. BOARD OF DIRECTORS According to Article 15 of the statutes, the company is administered by a Board of Directors composed of at least five executive or non-executive administrators, appointed for a maximum of six years by the general meeting of shareholders and revocable by them at any time At 31st December 2004, the board of directors was composed of eight members: expiring mandates at the AGM (*) Philippe Delaunois, President (63 yrs) ● ● ● ● ● ● President of the Board of Directors of Médiabel President of the Board of Directors of Alcopa Director of ING Belgium Director of Umicore SA Director of Shanks plc (UK) Director of Fabricom Renaud Bentégeat, Managing Director (51 yrs) ● 2006 Director of various companies of the CFE Group 2005 Dirk Boogmans (49 yrs) ● ● ● ● ● Managing Director of GIMV NV President of the Belgian Venture Association Director of De Lijn Director of P & V Director of VEV-VOKA Christian Labeyrie (48 yrs) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2006 President and General Manager of Cofiroute President of the Public Markets Committee of Medef Vice-President of the Association des Sociétés Françaises d’Autoroutes et d’Ouvrages à Péage Drie Koningen R.V.O. NV represented by Chevalier van Outryve d’Ydewalle (70 yrs) ● 2005 President and General Manager of VINCI Construction President of VINCI Construction Grand Projets Member of the Executive Board of VINCI Director of various companies of Groupe VINCI Director of Doris Director of SEEG President of SEFI (Syndicat des Entrepreneurs Français Internationaux) Henri Stouff (61 yrs) ● 2005 President of the Board of Directors of Banque Degroof Director of D’Ieteren SA Philippe Ratynski (45 yrs) ● 2009 Financial Director and member of the executive committee of Groupe VINCI Director of various companies of Groupe VINCI Director of the SICAV 5000 company of the Credit Lyonnais Asset Management Company Member of the Board of the Banque de France subsidiary in Nanterre La Defence Baron Philippson (65 yrs) ● 2009 2006 Director of companies Honorary President of GIMV NV Honorary President of Barco NV Member of the steering committee of Euronext Member of the market segmentation committee of Euronext According to the decision of the extraordinary annual general meeting of 16 March 2004, the independent directors are: Dirk Boogmans, Philippe Delaunois, Baron Philippson and Drie Koningen RVO, represented by Chevalier van Outryve d’Ydewalle. 13 According to the decision of the ordinary general meeting of 6 May 2004, the appointment of Renaud Bentégeat as a director was ratified. The mandates as directors of Renaud Bentégeat, Alain Philippson and Philippe Ratynski expire at the end of the ordinary general meeting of May 2005. 14 At the said general meeting of 4 May 2005, it will be proposed to proceed with renewal for a term of six years expiring at the end of the ordinary general meeting of May 2011 of, on one hand, the mandates as directors of Renaud Bentégeat and Philippe Ratynski and, on the other hand, the mandate of independent director of Baron Philippson. ● Remuneration of the Board of Directors The extraordinary general meeting of 4 December 2000 approved granting the directors, in this respect responsible for the accounting results, of emoluments consisting of a fixed sum. This amount has been fixed at 200,000 EUR for the whole Board. The Board of Directors decides, according to the rules that it enacts, on the distribution of these emoluments among its members. As far as the 2004 exercise is concerned, this amount has been distributed equally among the members of the Board of Directors prorata temporis, being 25,000 EUR per director. ● Functioning of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets regularly four times per year and extraordinarily as often as the interests of the company require. During 2004, the Board assembled six times. The main points debated by the Board of Directors are the following: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● the strategic direction of the CFE group the allocation and control of the annual budget the half-yearly and annual compilation of the accounts, both for CFE SA and for the CFE group the management report the appointment of the Managing Director the dividend proposal the calling of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings monitoring the main subsidiaries, in particular DEME, Van Wellen, Bâtiments et Ponts Construction, etc. There are no particular or statutory rules relative to the taking of decisions by the Board of Directors. Each quarter, the board receives a report on the activity, performance and accounts as well as the building commitments for each of the divisions and the main subsidiaries. In cases of investment or divestment, the Board of Directors will receive a summary report. The secretariat of the board is assured by the Financial and Administrative Director of the group. The Board of Directors is assisted in its task by two specific bodies: ● ● the nomination and remuneration committee the audit committee III. ASSOCIATED BODIES ● The nomination and remuneration committee At its meeting on 23 March 2005, the Board of Directors transformed the remuneration committee, as created by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 15 December 2000, into a nominations and remunerations committee in order to pursue the recommendations on good corporate governance of the Lippens Code. This committee is composed of: ● Philippe Delaunois ● Baron Philippson ● Philippe Ratynski At its meeting of 23rd March 2005, the Board of Directors also appointed Baron Philippson as President of the nominations and remunerations committee. These mandates are not remunerated. ● The audit committee The extraordinary general meeting of 30 April 2003 modified article eighteen of the statutes and set up an audit committee. At its meeting of 23 March 2005, the Board of Directors appointed Mr Dirk Boogmans as the third member of the audit committee and confirmed the nomination of Drie Koningen RVO, represented by Chevalier van Outryve d’Ydewalle as president of this committee in order to pursue the recommendations on good corporate governance of the Lippens Code. This committee is composed of: ● ● ● Drie Koningen R.V.O. NV, represented by Chevalier van Outryve d’Ydewalle Christian Labeyrie Dirk Boogmans The external auditor will participate in the work of the audit committee if requested to do so. The mandates of the members of the audit committee are remunerated at the level of 2,000 EUR per meeting. This committee met twice in 2004. The audit charter foresees the main missions as: ● ● ● The audit committee recommends to the Board of Directors the appointment of the external auditor of the company, the amount of remuneration and possible termination. The audit committee defines, in agreement with the external auditor of the company, the nature and extent of the mission of the latter, for work that is not legally required. The audit committee examines the half yearly and annual accounts with the Director of Finance and Administration and the external auditor before submission to the Board of Directors paying particular attention to: 1. 2. 3. 4. ● the implementation of any changes in the accounting principles; any important points relevant to a value judgment made by the management; modifications requested by the external auditor; respect of the accounting standards as well as legal and regulatory requirements applying in particular to public companies. The audit committee examines the statutory reports, reports to the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission and the management letters of the external auditor as well as the reaction of the management to these documents. 15 ● ● ● ● 16 ● ● The audit committee analyses the problems and the reservations resulting from the work of the external auditor and any other point that the latter wishes to address in the absence of the management. If required, the audit committee will formulate recommendations to the Board of Directors on the different points mentioned above. The audit committee examines the decisions taken by management in terms of internal control and formulates, where required, recommendations on this subject. The audit committee examines the results of all inquiries undertaken within the company following a fraud, an error or for any other reason as well as the attitude adopted by management on these occasions. The audit committee ensures, particularly in case of conflict of interest, that an appropriate procedure will be put in place, notably in accordance with legal standards in force (Articles 523 and 524 of the Corporate Code). The audit committee will undertake any other mission that it is attributed by the Board of Directors. The secretariat of the audit committee is assured by the Director of Finance and Administration. IV. CORPORATE CONTROL The auditors are the company Deloitte & Partners, Reviseurs d’Entreprises, represented by Mr Rik Neckebroeck, and the company Deloitte & Touche, Reviseurs d’Entreprises, represented by Mr James Fulton. The ordinary general meeting of 6 May 2004 renewed the mandate of the auditor of SC s.f.d. SCRL Deloitte & Partners, Reviseurs d’Entreprises, represented by Mr Rik Neckebroeck, for a term of three years, expiring at the end of the ordinary general meeting of May 2007. The amount of the fees is fixed at 135,000 EUR (exc. VAT) per annum. The mandate of Deloitte & Touche, represented by Mr James Fulton, expires at the end of the ordinary general meeting of 4 May 2005. This mandate will not be renewed. During the 2004 exercise, the costs invoiced by Deloitte & Touche Conseillers Fiscaux relative to advice on taxation matters or by Deloitte & Partners relative to support for the transition to IFRS norms were booked for an amount of 38,600 EUR. The François dynasty joined CFE in 1981 to give birth to the leading Belgian construction group. Edouard François, the founder (1) His son: Célestin (4) His grand sons: Jean (2), Georges (3), Marcel (5), Paul (6) His great grand sons : Marc (7), Jacques (8), Claude (9), Michel (10), Pierre (11). V. SPECIAL REPORTS As indicated in the management report, during the first half-year, CFE acquired all the shares in the company Bâtiments et Ponts Construction SA, a subsidiary of SA VINCI Construction, which is itself the reference shareholder of CFE. By application of Article 524 of the Company Code, three independent directors, assisted by experts, established a report describing the nature of the operation, evaluating its financial consequences and noting that the investment transaction envisaged is not such that it would incur damage to the company in the light of the present policy of the company. As indicated in the management report, during the first half-year, CFE participated in the building project, «Le Dôme» in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, through the acquisition, on one hand, of 50% of the shares of Elinvest SA and, on the other hand, by taking over 50% of the current accounts of Elige Participations SA and by subscribing to an increase in the capital of Libertim SA. By application of Article 524 of the Company Code, three independent directors, assisted by experts, established a report describing the nature of the operation, evaluating its financial consequences and noting that the investment transaction envisaged is not such that it would incur damage to the company in the light of the present policy of the company. VI. DIVIDEND POLICY CFE ensures the distribution of an annual dividend that allows the company a policy of development and investment while following, in the absence of exceptional elements, the development of the results of the group. VII. DECLARATION CONCERNING THE GOVERNANCE OF THE COMPANY CFE pays particular attention to the good governance of the company and follows attentively the developments and recommendations regarding best practice in such matters. CFE has taken account of the final version of the Belgian Code of Corporate Governance (Lippens Code) published on 9th December 2004 and the principles that it contains. In an anticipative manner, CFE has followed the recommendations of the Lippens Code by transforming the audit committee and the remunerations committee as described above. CFE commits to putting in place during 2005, adequate structures and the necessary documentation to meet the recommendations prescribed by the Code. VIII. FINANCIAL CALENDAR ● ● ● ● ● Date of the ordinary general meeting: 4 May 2005 at 3 p.m. Date of the dividend payment: 27 May 2005 Date of publication of the half-yearly results: week of 19 to 23 September 2005 Date of publication of the next annual results: week of 20 to 24 March 2006 Date of the next ordinary general meeting: Thursday 4 May 2006 17 9 3 2 4 12 11 10 6 5 13 14 7 8 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Renaud Bentégeat, Jacques Ninanne, Bernard Cols, Christian Van Hamme, Luc Vandeputte, Frédéric Claes, Patrick Van Craen, Michel Guillaume, Lode Franken, Ber Groot, Gabriel Marijsse, Jean Van Tricht, Jacques Lefèvre, Patrick Verswijvel. Management report “Contrasts” I. GENERAL OVERVIEW 20 The consolidated turnover of the group amounts to 854.4 million EUR, which is a growth of 7.7% compared to last year. This growth is explained by the entry of Bâtiments et Ponts Construction (BPC) and its subsidiaries into the consolidation perimeter in the second quarter, their contribution to the turnover totalling 81.2 million. The operational profit amounted to 34.7 million (contribution of BPC and its subsidiaries: 2.3 million) against 18 million in 2003. The progress in the operational profit is even greater because, at the start of the year, CFE modified its valuation rules according to the same principles as those defined in the IAS 11 standard - «construction contracts», this change of rules having a negative influence on the operational profit to the level of 4.5 million. The net consolidated profit, share of the group, amounts to 16.1 million (contribution of BPC and subsidiaries: 0.82 million) against 20.8 million in 2003, the profit for 2003 having been positively influenced by exceptional added-value. The order book reveals a higher level of commands and achieved 1,051 millions (828 million at 1st January 2004). ● Construction Division The activity of the Construction Division has progressed compared to 2003 (+ 28%) and reached 447 million EUR. This progress is mainly explained by the entry into the consolidation perimeter of BPC. The balance of the exercise shows a net pre-tax profit of 5.2 million against a loss of -22.8 million in 2003. The activity in Flanders (subsidiary MBG) has been maintained at an elevated level with good results, largely due to large infrastructure work. During the financial year, MBG obtained an order for the 4th gas reservoir in Zeebrugge (20.3 million) as well as a significant building in Antwerp (Kievitplein for 35.8 million). In Wallonia (subsidiary Bageci), activity is making progress with offices and industrial buildings, while large civil engineering work continues (Guillemins station) or is completed (Soumagne tunnel). The results are improving and again have become positive. The order book is looking healthy. In Brabant (subsidiary CFE Brabant), has fallen back slightly and the result is negative. The order book is improving, the subsidiary having obtained, in association, major orders for new buildings destined for the European Parliament (D4/D5) and the office-residential complex Omega Court. Bâtiments et Ponts Construction (BPC) joined the group at the start of the 2nd quarter. Its activities, order book and profits are excellent. BPC is working on the Centre International Rogier, new buildings for GSK, residences and car parks in Louvain la Neuve and the Jardins de la Couronne. In The Netherlands, activity is well supported and the results have been positively influenced by the large projects which are being completed. The market is difficult and the level of prices is low. The order book is diminishing, although the subsidiary CFE Nederland obtained the order for the Weenatunnel (24.9 millions) at the end of the year. In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (CLE), activity is progressing very well and the results are satisfactory. The site of Tour B, porte de l’Europe was completed on time. CLE is actively continuing the work on Drosbach and the Dôme. Here too, the order book looks healthy. In Hungary, CFE Hungary has completed the work on the Gresham - the hotel was handed over in June 2004 - and an order has been obtained for an office building in Budapest. The result for the financial year is positive and CFE Hungary has constituted provisions of 3.5 million in order to provide after-sales service once its work is finished. In Poland, the situation remains bad and the activity insufficient, which translates into a loss for 2004. The order book is awaiting two orders for supermarkets. Finally, the end of 2004 was marked by an unfavourable judgment concerning a very old affair (Samga). This affair had a negative impact of -8.4 million EUR on the 2004 consolidated accounts. ● Real Estate and Associated Services Division The exercise was marked by the entry into the consolidation perimeter of Bâtipont Immobilier (BPI), the creation of CLi in Luxembourg and a major reorganisation of the structures. A specific division was set up around BPI and the subsidiary CFE Immo in Belgium, CLi in Luxembourg, Sogesmaint (services) and Construction Management. In Luxembourg, the building Porte de l’Europe Tour B on the Kirchberg was handed over and the claims were sold for an amount in the order of 91 million EUR to a consortium of banks. The work on the Dôme is going well. In Belgium, BPI is continuing the sale of the Jardins de la Couronne residences and half of the surface area of the Jardins de la Couronne offices has already been rented. In the same way, the Drapiers building, developed in association by CFE Immo, has also been rented. BPI and CFE Immo are starting the development of major projects (Sables, Calevoet). A complete review of the property position as well as the classification of a site in the Natura 2000 zone caused the company to apply depreciation of the order of -6 million EUR. ● Dredging and Environment Division During the first half-year, CFE increased its participation in the capital of DEME to 50% by the acquisition of shares held by the GIMV and various other shareholders. In the activity plan, the consolidated turnover of DEME reached 316.6 million, which is a reduction of nearly 10% compared to 2003. This fallback is due to the difficult international situation and temporary overcapacity of the large dredgers in the first half-year. The last quarter has, however, shown a reversal of the trend. During the first half-year, DEME set up a «joint venture» in India with local partners in order to seize opportunities in this market. In the same way, in Qatar, a «joint venture» Qatar Dredging Company was created with a local partner and the Qatar authorities. This company has secured contracts to a value of 66 millions (DEME share) for the construction of an artificial island «Pearl of the Gulf» and for a value of 90 million (DEME share) for the airport of Doha. Consequently, the DEME order book at the end of the year exceeded a billion EUR (500 million attributed to CFE). The contribution of DEME to pre-tax profits, was positively influenced by timely operations carried out during the first half-year plus the added value realised on the occasion of the disposal of 25% of DEC amounting to 17 million against 15.2 in 2003 (CFE share). 21 ● Multi-Technical Division The turnover of the Multi-Technical division amounted to 41.3 million EUR (44 million in 2003) and the contribution to the net pre-tax profit is 1.2 million (-0.2 million in 2003). After a difficult start to the year, Entreprises Nizet largely filled its order book. In the same way, Engema benefited from a favourable situation and the infrastructure work related to the TGV to satisfy its order portfolio. Only Vanderhoydoncks remains with a weak order book and permanent under activity. The results for Nizet, Electronizet (Voltis) and Engema are excellent compared to those of Vanderhoydoncks. 22 ● Reinforcement of the financial situation The net financial debt is again reduced. On the 31st December, it amounted to 94 million EUR (150 million on 31st December 2003), the part of this corresponding to DEME amounts to 70 million (96 million at 31st December 2003). These debts have considerably reduced following the reimbursement of the loan contracted for the financing of the construction of the Kirchberg project and an enhancement of the DEME treasury. In addition, the equity share of the group has progressed after attribution of 153 million at 31st December 2003 to 160.2 million at 31st December 2004. (in millions of EUR) Construction Turnover (1) Order book Contribution to the consolidated pre-tax profit (2) 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 447.7 350.2 507.4 292.7 5.2 -22.8 Real Estate and Associated Services 54.8 49.5 6.1 22.9 6.9 15.6 Withdrawals & adjustments -6.0 -7.9 Construction + Property and Services 496.5 391.8 513.5 315.6 12.1 -7.2 Dredging and Environment 316.6 349.4 500.4 487.7 17.0 15.2 41.3 44.0 37.7 24.9 1.2 -0.2 0.0 -3.3 -2.7 Multi-Technical Others 8.2 Property disposals + OVMB Total 23.5 854.4 793.4 1,051.6 828.1 27.0 28.6 (1) The sub-detail of construction + property corresponds to activity directly generated by the division (2) After proportional allocation of central costs With regard to CFE SA, the turnover amounted to 264.3 million. The operational profit, influenced by old litigation and depreciation on property, remains negative at -6.4 million. The after-tax profit, taking into account the favourable result of a tax dispute, is 1.2 million. The impact of the change of the valuation rules is -3.2 million EUR. ● RESULTS OF THE COMPANY AND OF THE GROUP During the financial year 2004, the company CFE SA and the consolidated group produced respectively: CFE SA CONSOLIDATED GROUP Sales and services 310.094 925.182 Turnover 264.307 854.437 -6.443 34.748 Financial revenues/financial costs (net) 7.708 -9.406 Current profit (loss) 1.265 25.342 2 2.080 -9 -453 (In thousands of EUR) Operational profit (loss) Exceptional revenue Exceptional costs Pre-tax profit (loss) Taxes 1.258 26.969 -68 -11.505 Proportion of the profit for companies the equity method Profit (loss) for the financial year -71 1.190 Share of the group in this result 15.393 16.122 II. SHARE DIVIDEND The Board of Directors of CFE proposes at the annual general meeting of 4 May 2005 to allocate a gross dividend per share of 8.50 EUR, corresponding to 6.37 EUR net, which is a distribution of 4.9 million EUR. After distribution, the profit carried forward amounts to 9,296 thousands of EUR. III. MODIFICATION OF THE VALUATION RULES The Board of Directors decided to change the valuation rules so as to register the results of work in progress according to the same principles as those defined in the IAS 11 standard (suppression of the percentage of progress threshold to begin recording a positive result and attribution of indirect costs to the sites). This change has been applied since 1st January 2004. ● ● At consolidation level The estimated impact on the operational profit is -4.5 million. The estimated impact on the net share of the group profit is -4.1 million. In CFE SA The estimated impact on the operational profit is -3.2 million. The estimated impact on the net profit is -3.2 million. The Board took account of this and approved the change in the method of accounting for orders in progress and adopted the method of «proportional consolidation» to integrate the accounts of joint-venture companies. These changes have no impact on the profit. 23 IV. SPECIAL REPORTS ● 24 Bâtiments et Ponts Construction During the second quarter of 2004, CFE acquired the company Bâtiments et Ponts Construction and its subsidiaries, 100% subsidiaries of Vinci Construction, the reference shareholder of CFE. Prior to the acquisition - and in application of article 524 of the Corporate Code - the Board appointed three independent administrators to establish the special report required by law. This committee is supported by the advice of experts, Petercam and KPMG. The Board of Directors meeting of Thursday 6 May 2004 took account of the advice of the committee, in which the committee observed that the transaction of investments envisaged was not of a nature to occasion manifestly abusive damage for the company in the light of the policy followed by the company. The Board noted that the procedure foreseen in article 524 had been respected and approved the projected acquisition for the amount of 11 million EUR. The auditors report confirming the correctness of the data figuring in the advice of the committee was established. ● The Dôme - Luxembourg During the second quarter of 2004, as part of a property development project in Luxembourg named «le Dôme», CFE acquired: ● 50% of the shares of Elinvest for the sum of 774.67 EUR ● 50% of the current accounts of Elige Participation for the sum of 9,581,000 EUR ● and subscribed to an increase in the capital of 1,000 new shares in Libertim, Luxembourg for the price of 24,789.35 EUR These companies and current accounts belong directly or indirectly to Vinci. Prior to the acquisition, and in application of article 524 of the Corporate Code, the Board appointed three independent administrators to establish the special report required by law. This committee is supported by the advice of experts, Toelen, Cats, Morlie & Co scrl, company auditors, represented by Mr Bernard de Grand Ry. The Board of Directors meeting of Thursday 6 May 2004 took account of the advice of the committee, in which the committee observed that the transaction of investments envisaged was not of a nature to occasion manifestly abusive damage for the company in the light of the policy followed by the company. The Board noted that the procedure foreseen in article 524 had been respected and approved the projected acquisition. The auditors report confirming the correctness of the data figuring in the advice of the committee was established. V. ELEMENTS ARISING AFTER CLOSURE The board of directors is not aware of any elements arising after closure that could have negative consequences for the company. VI. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The financial year 2004 has not given rise to any particular research and development. VII. MANAGEMENT OF MARKET RISKS The main categories of market risk that the CFE group confronts are fluctuations of interest rates, rates of exchange and in addition, the price of raw materials (fuel oil). According to the nature of the risks and the importance of the projects, the CFE group takes appropriate cover to reduce exposure to risks: ● ● in terms of the financing of projects or the acquisition of fixed assets (dredgers): the purchase of exchange options or exchanges in terms of projects traded in foreign currencies (DEME): the purchase of exchange-rate insurance or fixed term rates of exchange and cover for the price of certain raw materials (fuel oil) As far as the risk of insolvency is concerned, following the submission of prices, the group verifies the solvency of clients and then, during execution, their financial commitments. In the Benelux, taking account of the importance of public orders and the reputation of the clients, there is no specific policy of credit insurance. At the international level, in terms of large projects DEME has recourse to credit insurance. VIII. IAS - IFRS During the financial year 2004, CFE continued the work of implementing the IAS-IFRS standards. The main impact on the equity can be found in the application of the following standards: ● ● ● ● ● ● IAS 11 – Construction contracts IAS 37 – Provisions, possible liabilities and possible assets IAS 16 – Tangible fixed assets IAS 19 – Personnel benefits IAS 39 – Financial instruments IAS 12 – Taxes on the profits The impact on the equity at opening (1st January 2004) is the following: At 1st January 2004 in agreement with Belgian accounting rules Impact of the IAS 11 - Construction contracts Impact of the IAS 16 - Tangible fixed assets Impact of the IAS 17 - Leases Impact of the IAS 19 - Personnel benefits 161,239 -3,987 1,586 -698 -15,167 Impact of the IAS 21 - Effects of variations on currency exchange rates 283 Impact of the IAS 37 - Provisions, possibly liabilities and possibly assets 6,839 Impact of the IAS 38 - Intangible fixed assets -1,004 Impact of the IAS 39 - Financial instruments 6,644 Impact of the IAS 12 on deferred taxes 3,619 Dividend 2,502 Impact of the IAS on third-party interests At 1st January 2004 in agreement with IAS-IFRS The financial year 2004 is currently being audited. 423 162,279 25 Human Resources “The human voice” While the number of employees of the group diminished somewhat between 2002 and 2003, it substantially increased in 2004, even exceeding the high level achieved two years earlier: 3,434 salaries against 3,223 in 2003. 26 Gabriel Marijsse Director of Human Resources This growth essentially concerns the number of «workers» and is largely due to the incorporation of the personnel of Bâtiments et Ponts Construction (BPC) and the expansion of our activities in Luxembourg. The «staff» also increased but by a lesser number in view of the overall reduction noted in Central Europe. The distribution of employees between the different divisions is as follows: 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 ■ Workers ■ Employees 2,053 2,033 2,176 1,216 1,190 1,258 2002 2003 2004 Employment trend within the CFE Group. 33% 37% 54% 13% Distribution of workers per division. 45% 9% ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Dredging and Environmental Division Construction Division Multitechnical Division Real estate and Associated services Division Management CFE Group 5 4 % % Distribution of employees per division. With regard to the Construction Division in particular, it should be noted that the number of employees continued to diminish in 2004: 671 employees in 2002, 597 in 2003 and 568 in 2004. Although the division was reinforced by the acquisition of BPC, this paradoxical situation is due partly to the creation of the Property Management and Promotion Division and partly to the retirement and early retirement of numerous employees. 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 ■ Workers ■ Employees 1,001 979 1,160 635 595 568 2002 2003 2004 Employment trend in the Construction Division. Some years ago, observing that 15% of the employees were aged more than 54 years, CFE decided to launch a rejuvenation programme which has now started to bear fruit. This means that, out of 92 recent appointments, 50 are aged less than 30 years, which clearly shows the path followed by CFE. This year, the accent has been placed on supervision: young graduates or construction engineers. This programme, which will again be followed in future years, notably foresees the supervision of each new inexperienced employee by a «tutor» who will deal with their training and integration. This formula allows numerous opportunities to be offered to many young employees in all the domains of the group, while ensuring knowledge transfer. “Echoes of Sympathy ” CFE is an attractive employer Johan Strauss New proof of the excellent brand image of the CFE group: according to the inquiry «Which Enterprise Is the Most Attractive Employer in Belgium?», carried out in the context of the Randstad HR Award of a sample of de 8,000 people, active or not, aged from 18 to 65 years, CFE was well placed. In fact, the group was among the Top 10 of the most attractive enterprises and, by a long way, the first among construction and promotion companies. The breath of the youth blows on CFE. 39,86% 148 27,68% 92 19,57% 51 54 46 45 10,62% 0-5 5 - 15 22 19 15 - 25 5 2,27% 35 - 45 40 - 45 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 10 - 14 5-9 25 - 35 0-4 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Number of employees in the Construction Division by years of service. Number of workers in the Construction Division by years of service The human resources activities initiated in previous years are being followed, more specifically by the training of the teams. Every year, CFE organises a financial forum which brings together the financial personnel of the group. A place for meetings and discussions, this seminar enables accountants, management controllers, financial specialists, as well as finance and administration managers, to work together on a certain number of specific themes. 27 The objective of these working groups is to propose sound solutions and formulas for the simplification of all financial procedures. In 2004, CFE also organised the second cycle of financial training for non-financial personnel. This biennial event is open to operational managers and to employees taking up responsible positions. The training, which is developed jointly by IAG and Vlerick specifically for CFE, enabled around 50 people to reinforce their knowledge in these areas during 2004. CFE does not forget loyal employees 28 In 2004, five people celebrated 40 years of service within the group and no less than thirty-two achieved 25 years of service. In addition, forty-three were decorated for 35, 30 and 25 years of service. CFE thanks them for their work and their dedication. Presentation of CFE group long-service awards. Security - an essential value “The Hammer without a Master” The year 2004 has been disappointing overall despite the positive results from DEME and the exceptional results at Vanderhoydoncks (no accidents for more than two years). The Construction Division has seen an increase in the number of accidents with incapacity due essentially to activities in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and to the results of Van Wellen. Despite this «alarming situation», CFE remains below the national average for both frequency and seriousness of accidents. In order to better co-ordinate the activities of the prevention advisers and to exchange «best practices», a distribution and progress network has been set up between the advisers in the different departments and subsidiaries of the CFE group in the hope that this initiative will bear fruit from 2005 onwards. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Accident frequency - Construction Division of CFE group. 29 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Accident severity - Construction Division of CFE group. Durable development In order to limit individual travel which causes pollution, consumption of resources and bottlenecks, CFE has made an agreement with the SNCB (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges) to enable members of the personnel to benefit from complete reimbursement of the cost of travel by train. On the other hand, for workers, collective transport of the teams is preferred. CFE is committed “Serious Variations ” Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Let us be clear, CFE has made considerable progress in terms of safety but the group rejects fatality and committed, in November 2004, by signing the security charter promulgated by the CNAC (Comité National Action Construction), to put everything in place to eliminate or reduce risks on sites. This commitment, which applies to the whole of the hierarchy of the group, signifies the desire of CFE to involve every company and every worker for the benefit of the security of everyone. The essential points of the security charter are as follows: ● ● ● ● build in complete safety work according to a policy of general prevention in collaboration with internal and external services for prevention and protection, the workers of the different enterprises, the regional advisers of CNAC, the security co-ordinator and the work accidents insurer, provide workers with quality safety training make safety a permanent point on the agenda during board meetings, management committee meetings in the different divisions and all meetings at every level of the hierarchy Signature of the Security Charter. ■ Construction Division ■ Av. nat. const. Construction Division The Construction Division of CFE has seen some profound changes during the period following the acquisition in May 2004 of the company «Bâtiments et Ponts Construction» (BPC), which is well known on the Brussels market. The year was equally marked by the separation between the construction activities and those of real estate. It had become apparent that these are two entirely different fields which do not require the same competencies. This separation evidently did not exclude the synergies between the two centres, the companies having the same aims of building the projects developed by the promoters. 30 (in millions of EUR) For the most part, the activity is structured geographically: ● in the north of Belgium, there are three profit centres: MBG, ABEB and Van Wellen (the last being 50% owned), Order book at 31 December: 507.4(*) 292.7 Turnover (***): 447.7(**) 350.2 (*) including BPC: 155,3 (**) including BPC: 69,8 (9 mois) (***) The activities of the Construction Division include construction activities carried out for the various promotion entities of the group ● The order book of the Construction Division at 31 December 2004 was very strongly increased by comparison to that existing a year previously. Growth is particularly strong in the building sector, notably thanks to the input of BPC. 2004 2003 ● ● ● ● the Brussels and Brabant regions: CFE Brabant and BPC, Wallonia: Bageci, Luxembourg: CLE, Holland: CFE Nederland and Geka, Central Europe: CFE Hungary and CFE Poland. Finally, the electromechanical works at the water treatment and smoke treatment stations are carried out, independently of their geographical location, by CFE Environment which has its teams based in Brussels. “Bundeslied” Michel Denayer Thierry Preudhomme Carsten Bennetsen Lode Franken At the service of the projects Meeting the demands of specific projects requires considerable technical competence. Without the expertise of its numerous engineers, CFE would not be able to carry out these sophisticated projects for which the group receives orders. Lode Franken, General Manager of the Construction Division, ensures the responsibilities of the common mission entrusted to the Survey Department, Benelmat (the company that deals with group materials) and the management of quality, namely, being at the service of the projects, the sites and the clients. Through their intervention, these services enable the company to secure orders through innovation and to ensure their completion by facilitating efficient and structured progress. Technical Management framed The Studies Department (technical management of the Construction Division) is a central tool at the service of the sites and of those responsible for submissions. “Il cimento dell armonia & dell inventione” Antonio Vivaldi In 2004 it was involved in around one hundred projects in progress and as many pre-projects or submissions. In the same way, the technical management has participated in a growing number of Design and Build projects of various sizes, for which CFE was invited to submit a price based on its own project - several of those offers were crowned with success. The Studies Department was hence able to oversee the construction of a storage building for Burgo Ardennes in Virton, an operational building for Degussa in Antwerp and a new LPG reservoir of 140,000 m3 for Fluxys in Zeebrugge. Computer image of the Zijdebrug bridge at Nederlek, The Netherlands. Other pre-projects and offers were prepared in synergy with companies from the Vinci Group. In particular, we could mention the bio-methane installation for SIAEE in Assesse (in collaboration with the Environnement Department of CFE and Vinci-Environnement) and the new headquarters for the European Investment Bank in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (with Vinci Construction Grands Projets). In the other facets of its interventions, the technical management has played a part in optimising projects by proposing alternatives and variants, such as for example, in the renovation of the tram shed for STIB in Brussels and for the Zijdebrug Bridge in Nederlek in Holland. For a series of major sites (repair of the Leien in Antwerp, the construction of a building complex on the Kievitplein in Antwerp and the station parking at Guillemins in Liège), the Studies Department made its contribution to the finalisation of the means of execution and provisional construction. Here too, the first concern has always been to hold meetings with those responsible for execution so as to be able to offer the most effective service possible. With a combination of knowledge and experience, the technical management also provides advice for the internal training given to numerous young employees of the group. 31 “The North Star ” Jean-Pierre De Bock Jean-Pierre Dewulf 32 Patrick Verswijvel In 2004 the company confirmed its solid footing in the northern part of Belgium. In civil engineering, work in Antwerp for the Brussels – Amsterdam TGV continued at different sites with the completion of a drilled tunnel and the construction of a 600 m viaduct. Completion of the third and last phase of the dock walls at the Deurganckdok in Doel, was continued in phases of 50 metres per week. The site also received a visit from His Majesty King Albert II on 21 October 2004. The arrangement of the boulevards at «de Leien» in Antwerp progressed rapidly, after a difficult start at the site due to existing drainage. Work on the underground parking area opposite the National Bank started, while construction of the tunnels continued at a regular pace. Completed section of the ASDAM tunnel in Antwerp, illuminated for the Open Tunnel Event. (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 70.7 77.6 Turnover: 100 96.4 A new civil engineering contract was signed in July. This was for the construction of a fourth reservoir at the gas terminal of Fluxys in Zeebrugge (see MBG framed). The building activity was marked by the finishing work on the Palais de Justice in Antwerp, which will be completed in 2005, where the hyperbolic roofs are already integrated with the Antwerp skyline. Another major site was started during the year in the Kievitplein. This comprises eight office buildings and residences designed by the Jaspers architectural bureau on behalf of the promoter Robelco. Other building work included the renovation and inauguration of the prestigious Casino in Ostend, completion of a complex of six cinemas in Coxyde and the new headquarters of the CPAS in Bruges. Industrial work on the Eval Line 2 factory and that of Interconnector in Zeebrugge, the Theater The gas terminal in Zeebrugge Building, the methionine production unit for Degussa and the continuity of the orders for Aquafin, Total, AGT and BASF, completed the activities of the company. “La mer” Claude Debussy Twenty years after carrying out the civil engineering work on the three first reservoirs at the gas terminal in Zeebrugge, MBG was entrusted with the execution of the major work of the first extension. The project has to be handed over ready for use in November 2007. It includes the construction of a fourth gas reservoir and a second gasification installation which will double the present capacity. While each of the three existing reservoirs «only» contains 86,000 m3, the new unit will have a substantially larger capacity at 140,000 m3. With the aim of integration with the landscape, the external diameter of the tank under construction is hardly any larger and the site is more or less identical to that of the existing reservoirs, the increased volume being gained essentially in depth. Major renovation of the Casino Kursal in Ostend. “Flemish Rhapsody ” Marc De Winter 34 Patrick Verswijvel Office building for Hesse Noord Natie in the Willemdok, Antwerp (architects Conix). A subsidiary of the CFE construction group, based in Antwerp, ABEB has carried out major work for private office promoters. In 2004 – together with MBG – they secured the contract of Kievitplein for the promoter, Robelco. For the same client, the building known as «le Pavillon» was built in the European quarter of Brussels. Finally, an office building was completed for AMCA in December. In the residential area, the completion of the «Paternoster Square» site for BPI followed the completion of a new collection of apartments in Vilvorde on behalf of DCB. Kievitplein (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order books at 31 December: 16.8 15.6 Turnover: 13.8 14.9 Activities in 2005 should progress well, taking account of the signature at the start of the year of the contract for renovation of the commercial centre and underground car parks of the Stadsfeestzaal in Antwerp for the client AM Development S.A. “The creation” Franz Joseph Haydn Centre of creativity and artistic expression, Antwerp continues its efforts in renovation. The tidying-up of Place Kievit (Kievitplein) forms part of this programme. The project presented by the promoter Robelco for the construction of a building complex, designed by the Jaspers architectural bureau, is already under way. One of the phases of this project, comprising two 6-floor buildings, another of 8 floors and one of 12 floors, will accommodate the transfer of the offices of Alcatel to Antwerp. The four buildings will be linked by a glass atrium. This collection of buildings, built in association with MBG and ABEB, also includes two hotels, a 6-floor apartment building and a 16-floor office tower. When completed, there will be 80,000 m2 of surface area available to future occupants as well as 50,000 m2 of parking space below ground. Van Wellen The Van Wellen companies are owned equally by CFE and the founding family. The activities were sustained in 2004 thanks, in particular, to road works. In fact, the company has secured a major market for the arrangement of maintenance and storage areas in the Deurganckdok, in the port of Antwerp for P & O. The building promotion operations have continued and have enabled the company to secure additional contracts for the building branch. The latter has also been able to deal with significant business, particularly in Knokke-le-Zoute where Finis Terrae “Pictures of the North Sea ” (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order books at 31 December: 42.7 24.4 Turnover: 43.3 25.8 the construction of two luxury residences was launched. Well installed in the local fabric, at the end of the year, the Van Wellen companies held a portfolio of orders that indicated a promising year for 2005. “Reflections” Lili Boulanger At the end of the Earth, where man’s domain finishes and that of nature starts, backing onto one of the most beautiful ornithological reserves of Belgium – Zwin – a fabulous residence is taking shape, situated on the territory of Knocke, with an exceptional view of the sea as well as the reserve and the woodland of Zwin. In agreement with the SA Compagnie Het Zoute, the architects Luc Declercq and E&L Projects and Marc Corbiau have designed these two luxury buildings. The 48 apartments sold by NV Finis Terrae, promoter and commissioner of the project, gain maximum benefit from the natural luminosity of the site. The total surface area of these apartments, built by NV Van Wellen, amounts to 12,000 m2. On the first underground level, there is a swimming area, sauna and fitness centre and, on the second underground level, there are 143 parking spaces. The project, which will be completed in 2007, will harmonise with the majesty of the site and integrate perfectly with the environment. 35 “Brussels Mass” Xavier Behets Jacques Labruyère André Kawkabani 36 Roland Derome Roberto Romanin Gerald Boswell Bernard Cols Emphatically present on the Brussels market, CFE Brabant carries out numerous works there, either for the account of private clients or against public works orders. Designed by the architects Assar and Cooparch, the «Jardins de Jette» represent a new aspect of life in Brussels. For the latter, the company constructed the drainage reservoir in the Place Flagey – where the progress of the work remains dependent on local arrangements – as well as various offices for the Brussels Regional Council. CFE Brabant also participates in the construction of offices (D4-D5) on the Espace Léopold site (former railway station) for the account of the European Parliament. In September 2004, the company started on the «Omega Court» complex in Auderghem for private clients - a major mix of 25,300 m2 of offices and (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 79.0 56.3 Turnover: 58.0 55.5 17,700 m2 of residences – as well as, in the heart of Brussels, the «Blue Hill» project, a major transformation of an existing apartment building. In fact, residential construction remains as one of the major niches of the Brussels subsidiary of CFE: it is involved in the operation of the «Jardins de Jette» and the Espace Rolin where a new phase of apartments was delivered during the year. The Espace Rolin a new district in town “The construction of a city ” Arthur Honegger In 1993, the demolition of the Rolin barracks in Etterbeek marked the creation of a new district designed by the Assar architectural bureau and developed by a Brussels promotion company in which CFE Immo is a participant. The area includes social housing, residences at controlled prices and at market prices, shops and an office building. This large urban renovation project is built around a large wooded area which is ideal for a promenade and along which residences are situated, while the office building, constructed at the junction of the Boulevard Louis Schmidt and the Chaussée de Wavre, constitutes an effective acoustic protection barrier against traffic noise. This building, equipped with a «double skin» facade and with cold ceiling air-conditioning, was built between March 2000 and June 2002 and sold during the course of the work. 37 CFE Brabant, which is a member of the association of entrepreneurs in charge of the work, has already delivered 240 apartments and is now building another 45. The balance of the project, which is 130 apartments, will be erected over the next few years. Finally, the extension of the Europe Saint-Michel clinic as well as the rearrangement of various sections of the Baron Lambert Hospital satisfied the presence of the company in the hospital sector. With an order book at 31 December progressing well by comparison with the previous year, CFE Brabant is facing the year 2005 with enthusiasm. Extension of the Saint-Michel clinic in Brussels. “New World Symphony ” Alain Hemstedt Albert Boisdenghien 38 André Wezel Pierre Thys Frédéric Claes The acquisition of shares in BPC took place on 26 May 2004. After the merger with Entreprises Ed. François et Fils in 1981, it is a branch of another large family of entrepreneurs, Blaton, who, thanks to BPC, have joined the CFE Group. With a very substantial order book, BPC considerably reinforces the presence of the Group in Belgium and particularly in Brussels. Among the large sites in progress is that of the «Jardins de la Couronne», now entering its final phase and the last residences will be delivered in August 2005. The completion and rental arrangements in the office buildings are advancing at a regular pace so as to respect the planning of the installation of the Federal Police, the future tenant. The garden of the catering zone at the Woluwé Shopping Center in Brussels (architects M. & J.M. Jaspers - J. Eyers & Partners - vH&S). (in millions of EUR) Order book at 31 December: Turnover (9 months): 2004 2003* 155.3 - 69.8 - (*) outside CFE Group The construction of a 37-floor tower in Place Rogier at the Espace Nord for Dexia (see BPC framed) is progressing rapidly. The entire «Charlemagne» project in Louvain-laNeuve covers the construction of four residential buildings including 221 apartments, as well as nearly 15,000 m2 of parking spaces, 15,000 m2 of pedestrian area and 7,000 m2 of shops on the ground floor. This work will be completed between September and December 2005. BPC is also responsible for the major renovation of 70,000 m2 of existing parking space in the centre of LLN. A short distance away, is the GlaxoSmithKline Biological site. This is a major site covering a total surface area of 100,000 m2 to be completed in less than a year. This building is composed of offices, laboratories and parking spaces. In December, the signature of the contract relative to a new phase of work at the Espace Léopold in Brussels, marked the officialisation of work on the «D4/D5» site, also destined for the European Parliament. The future headquarters of Dexia in Brussels The construction of a 37-floor tower (110,000 m2 surfaces area) in Place Rogier is progressing at a regular pace. This project is being carried out by a temporary company on behalf of Dexia. The architectural office is that of M. & J.M. Jaspers, J. Eyers & Partners and Samyn and Partners. Setesco is responsible for the stability studies and Tractebel Development Engineering is occupied with the technical requirements. This construction, started in summer 2003, is rising boldly on the Brussels skyline at the rate of one floor every six days (core) and one floor every 11 days (platforms). At the end of 2004, the central core reached the 27th floor, the platforms the 23rd floor and the work of erecting the facades the 13th floor. The major work will be completed in the summer of 2005 and the facades by the end of 2005. The second phase of work is well advanced which means that completion should be possible in June 2006. To optimise the progress of construction, the five underground levels were completed in terraces «cast in situ». An additional parking level (5th underground) will be carried out under the existing car park in Place Rogier. It was necessary to revert to the technique of freezing the ground to facilitate its removal. Access to the different car parks of the Place will also be revised. Also exercising activities in the field of renovation, BPC carried out the work of rehabilitation of the «Woluwe Shopping Center» and two buildings in the Rue du Régent and Rue Ducale, delivered in November. The equipment of an auditorium and translation booths for the European Parliament in Brussels was completed in 2004. In this sector of activities, at the start of 2005, BPC also completed the «Crown» and «City Atrium» sites. This work involved the transformation on 10 floors of 3,300 m2 of hotel flats and offices for the European Commission and rental arrangements for the two ministries that will move into the City Atrium in 2005. In view of the maintenance of the order book at a high level, 2005 has started well. “Immer heiterer” Johan Strauss 39 “The Mason” Marc Dekeyser Etienne Colmant 40 Luc Vanobbergen Jean Van Tricht Cheerfully, Bageci sprinkled the year 2004 with an anthology of small sites ranging from silos in concrete for Scoribel to the arrangement of a Carrefour hypermarket in Ans, the renovation of the lock gates at Lanaye on the Meuse and the extension of the storage hall for rolls of paper for Burgo Ardennes in Virton, as well as various industrial orders for Glaverbel at Lodelinsart, Atofina, Total Fina and Ethyl in Feluy and works for the treatment of water, the pumping station and an anti-noise wall for Carinox in Basse Sambre. 40 Providing direct access to the new station of Liège Guillemins, the car park was developed on the side of a hill. A storm drain at Profondeville, in the Province of Namur, renovation work on the home «Doux Séjour» in Liège, the replacement of the three bridges at Lobbes, the arrangement of the quays on the Valvert site in Etalle, the renovation of the Carrefour hypermarket at Jemappes and the complete transformation of the old maternity home at Salzinnes into a printing and cartography centre for the Walloon Ministry of Equipment and Transport completed the activity. The construction work on the TGV station at Guillemins, designed by the architect Santiago Calatrava, in Liège and the associated car parks continues. The concreting of the monumental tripods in front of the station at the start of summer (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 33.7 26.4 Turnover: 34.4 25.5 2004 preceded the start of civil engineering works in the last major phase. The residence «Les Mouettes» in Jambes, designed by Atelier de l’Arbre d’Or. The site for the Soumagne tunnel is going to plan (see Bageci framed). The second half or 2004 also saw the installation of a branch of BAGECI in Mons as part of a service and renovation contract on 850 residences over a period of 16 months. In view of the building orders obtained during the year, activities in 2005 should progress well by comparison with 2004. 41 The TGV Soumagne tunnel “The Explosions polka ” Johan Strauss Since 1999, construction of the longest work of railway subterranean art in Belgium has been carried out from the three points of attack: Bay-Bonnet (Soumagne), Vaux-sous-Chèvremont and Ayeneux. The first blow of the pickaxe at the entrance of the tunnel was made at the end of November 2001 at the Vaux-sousChèvremont end and completion of the civil engineering works will be achieved by mid-2005. For the satisfactory completion of the main work on this 6 km long, twin track tunnel, it was necessary to install a working site at each point of attack and to remove the rocks with the help of explosives. The total volume of rock and earth removed was 660,000 m3. The breakthrough enabling the joining of the last two sections was officially completed on 20 October 2004 in the presence of the general management of the S.N.C.B. and TUC RAIL. These extensive works, carried out as part of the section of the high-speed line between Liège and the German border of the Brussels-Louvain-Liège-Cologne railway, were performed by a temporary company formed primarily by Vinci Construction Grands Projets and CFE. Plan of the Soumagne tunnel (TGV Liège-German border). “The rites of spring ” Jean-Paul Baleux Serge Mantiers 42 Jean Van Tricht CLE, supported by CFE, had a good year 2004 both in terms of activities and orders rather than in results. Renovation of the conference room of the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 54.3 (*) 37.3 Turnover: 48.3 (*) 36.5 The excellent prospects for 2005 confirm the dynamism of CLE which is progressively making it into one of the most significant construction companies in Luxembourg. (*) CLE + activity of CFE in Luxemburg The completion, to the satisfaction of the clients, of sites such as Syrdall, the Cour des Comptes in Luxembourg and the Ecole de Musique in Niederanven, is representative of the level of quality in which the company prides itself. Porte de l’Europe». After the handing over of the building to the Luxembourg state and the finishing work demanded by the European Parliament, this sub-tenant started occupation of the building at the beginning of August 2004. The flagship site in 2003 was that for the construction of «Tower B and the Pavilion of the The Drosbach complex at the Cloche d’Or was extended in 2004 by a new aisle. In June, work on the foundations and the installation of screens around the excavations started in force on the site of the «Dôme», a 21,400 m2 office complex that will be erected at the end of 2006. To close the year, CLE secured a collection of significant contracts including the renovation of the Museum of Modern Art of Luxembourg, designed by the architect Pei and the construction of the postal sorting office in Bettembourg, which will be carried out in 2005. To add to these prestigious references, there is the signature, in February 2005, of the order for the construction of the extension of the European Investment Bank in partnership with Vinci Construction Grands Projets. The securing of this new contract symbolises the confidence that the clients have in the CFE teams operating in Luxembourg. The school of music 43 The Drosbach complex at the Cloche d’Or, Luxembourg, was designed by the architects Stefan Braunfels and Gubbini & Linster. “Sunday morning in Luxembourg” A school of music and a sports hall will, from now Jean-Pierre Kemmer on, complete the Niederanven school complex. The architectural bureau, Universum Luxembourg, has created a collection of buildings that blends into the rural landscape. The facade in dual-coloured bricks provides a soft impression while the glass bays of the sports hall open up the building to the natural environment. The complex is entirely adapted to people with reduced mobility and covers a total surface area of 6,047 m2. Particular attention has been paid to the acoustic insulation between the school and the adjacent facilities. With its climbing wall, its fixed and mobile stages and its partitioning, the multifunctional sports hall meets all of the requirements of the clubs and schools of the locality. NEDERLAND B.V. “The Flying Dutchman” Antoine Merckaert 44 Henk Blok Ber Groot 44 Plan of the new TGV line that will link Antwerp to Amsterdam with a series of civil engineering projects, carried out largely by CFE Beton en Waterbouw. The activities of CFE Nederland in 2004 were somewhat limited to the execution of projects already in progress in the previous year. As foreseen, the tunnel under the Pannerdensch canal as well as the other branches of the Betuwelijn, were completed and the erection of anti-noise walls along the line is more or less at an end. (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 32.8 41.0 Turnover: 43.7 47.4 Work on the TGV line between Amsterdam and the Belgian frontier is almost finished. The Moerdijk Bridge, on the Hollandsch Diep, has been completed. The deck on piles, on which the rails will be mounted, was made available to the client in September 2004 and the tunnels built under the Oude Maas and the Dortse Kil were completed in December. At the end of the year, the enlargement of a metro station in Rotterdam was entrusted to CFE Nederland. Despite this major contract, the order book is in decline by comparison with that of the previous year. “Sound Waves” Kilometers of silence Johan Strauss Around 110 km acoustic protection panels were installed between August 2003 and February 2005 by CFE Beton- en Waterbouw along the Betuwelijn, the new railway line for the exclusive use of freight traffic between Rotterdam and Germany. The acoustic protection panels measure between 5 and 10 m long and 2.5 m to 5 m high, according to topography. Each element consists of a sound absorbent concrete on the inside. Every 200 metres, the anti-noise wall is equipped with doors for access or exit, notably for the emergency services. 45 “The Zuiderzee Symphony” André de Koning 45 Ber Groot In 2004, the activities of GEKA remained stable in a market under pressure, where the prices are often marginal. The large projects of the Betuweroute and the Dutch TGV, for which the company participated in the domain of foundation techniques, are mostly terminated. GEKA has therefore turned towards relatively more modest contracts for new or regular clients or direct business to business markets. (in millions of EUR) Order book at 31 December: Turnover: The construction of dock walls, bridges in steel and concrete, piers and the driving of piles for marine construction, viaducts and various other foundation works, constituted the bulk of the activity of the company. GEKA’s LSC** certificate was renewed in April 2004. Despite a weak order book, GEKA is committed to developing its activity in 2005. Bridge at Kolenhaven in Delft. 2004 2003 3.7 3.3 17.6 18.0 “Le soleil des eaux” Gerald Boswell 46 Erik Desmet Bernard Cols Proud of its work improving the quality of life, CFE Environment applies its expertise in every region of Belgium and envisages exporting it in future years. CFE Environment activity performed the implementation of several waste water and sludge treatment stations in 2004. Firstly in Limburg for Aquafin, the water treatment stations of Hasselt, with a capacity of 65,000 E.H. (equivalent inhabitants) and Genk (80,000 E.H.) were put into service in February and June. The latter was equipped with a complex procedure using sand filters for continuous washing. Then in Antwerp, also for Aquafin but substantially larger, the treatment station of Antwerp South represents nearly 200,000 E.H. It was commissioned in September to the satisfaction of the client. Next, in Wallonia, the official implementation of the Florennes station (8500 E.H.) was spread across June to September 2004 before handover to INASEP, while the water treatment station at Tubize, destined to handle the waste water of 25,000 E.H. and sludge amounting to 40,000 E.H., was handed over in December 2004 to the IBW, who will be responsible for its operation. Activated sludge (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 0.5 2.1 Turnover: 4.7 10.7 Also in December, CFE Environment received an order from Aquafin for electromechanical work on the pumping station of Gand-Mariakerke. Although the order book at the end of the year is almost zero, it has to be noted that it does not take account The Antwerp South purification of the construction station for Aquafin in Hoboken, Antwerp. contract (secured in January 2005) for the major water treatment station of Liège-Sclessin (200,000 E.H.) on behalf of AIDE. “Water games” Maurice Ravel Since the summer of 2004, the units in Florennes and Saint-Aubin have benefited from a new waste water treatment station controlled by INASEP. With a capacity of 8,500 equivalent inhabitants, the treatment system implemented uses the biological procedure known as low-load activated sludge. The biological reactor works on the principle of alternating phases and is subject to aeration cycles followed by anoxic (non aerated) cycles encouraging the development of micro-organisms that eliminate carbon and nitrogen pollutants. This forms a mixture known as «activated sludge». In the following stage – clarification – separation between the sludge and the liquid phase takes place. The station is equipped with its own system for the treatment of sludges: thickening on a drainage table, dehydration by belt filters and liming with quicklime. In this way, the sludges are conditioned from the liquid form into a paste ready for recycling, agricultural use or some other form of treatment. Rational use of water on the site is achieved through the production of industrial water from purified water leaving the station. “The Polonaises” Beata Koniuszek 47 Christophe Van Ophem Bernard Cols Our Polish subsidiary continues to suffer from the moroseness of the local market and activity remained modest in 2004. At the same time as the latest conformity measures taken at the Valeo factory in Skawina and various small projects, the efforts of the company have been concentrated on the completion of the «Le Regina» hotel in Warsaw, started in 2002 and delivered at the end of May 2004, as well as on the completion of a new Leclerc hypermarket in Elblag, near Gdansk, inaugurated in November. The order book, empty in the beginning of the year, predicts modest activity in 2005, the objective of the new management team being to emphasise the commercial presence of the company in a market that remains very competitive. (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 0 Turnover: 6.3 The hotel «Le Regina» in Warsaw. 0.9 11.2 Leclerc hypermarket in Elblag. “Hungarian Rhapsodies ” Eniko“ Köteles 48 Pascal Steens Bernard Cols The entry of Hungary to the European scene offers a new look at a market in which expansion still has to be confirmed. 48 In 2004, the priority of CFE Hungary was to deliver the Gresham Hotel which had consumed all of our energy. The programme for making the different floors available was followed during the course of the first half year and the hotel has been open since 18th June. All that remains are the obligations of maintenance and after sales service from the company. The quality of this renovation secured the project the prestigious architecture prize of the city of Budapest. In a spirit of reference to the work accomplished, CFE published a superb book entitled, «The Rebirth of the Budapest Gresham Palace». (in millions of EUR) Order book at 31 December: Turnover: 2004 2003 17.9 7.6 7.8 8.3 A new contract for the construction of a 37,000 m2 office building, the «Center Point II Office Building» was signed in November. The order calls for three underground levels, the ground floor and six floors of offices. The work will be completed at the start of 2006. In this respect, taking account of new order prospects, the year ahead looks promising. The Four Seasons Gresham Palace hotel in Budapest. Real Estate and Associated Services Division This new division was set up during 2004, so confirming the strategy announced at the start of 2004 to: 50 (in millions of EUR) Order book at 31 December: 2004 2003 6.1 22.9 Turnover (*): 54.8 49.5 • develop projects in partnership with the local collectives Real estate 74% 63% • reinforce the presence in Brussels. Building management 24% 34% Project management 2% 3% • launch new operations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Also, through the acquisition of BPI, CFE Immo has reinforced the production teams and their presence on the Brussels market. At the same time, by the creation of CLi, it has confirmed its presence on the Luxembourg market. (*) part of the construction deducted • CLi (formerly CFE Immo Luxembourg) is the group promoter in Luxembourg The new division is made up of complementary entities: • Construction Management looks after project management and security co-ordination for the promoters of the group and for external clients • CFE Immo and BPI are destined to develop their activities in building promotion in Belgium • Sogesmaint looks after building management in Belgium and now in Luxembourg. “The Domestic Symphony” André Latinis Nunziata Turi Michel Guillaume Leader in the field of office building management for five years, Sogesmaint has reinforced its position by diversifying its geographical locations. A first subsidiary has been created in Luxembourg and a new regional headquarters has been opened in Mons. From September 2004, Sogesmaint has provided the overall management and renovation of 850 residences at Shape near Mons, including 75,000 m2 of surface area. This contract constitutes an excellent example of the synergy between different companies of the CFE group. It combines three entities specialising in renovation (Bageci), electricity (Nizet) and management (Sogesmaint). 51 In October, Sogesmaint in Liège started the technical management of a brand new commercial complex «La Galerie Saint Lambert». This gallery, situated on the Place Saint Lambert in the town centre, covers 45,000 m2 and houses around 40 shops, some of which have well-known names. The total surface area currently managed by Sogesmaint in Belgium amounts to 1,450,000 m2. Sogesmaint Luxembourg, a 100% subsidiary of Sogesmaint Belgium, was created in March 2004 in order to diversify and enhance the expertise of the company in a nearby prospective location. Also manage renovation A first management contract for Tower B of the «Porte de l’Europe» was obtained on behalf of the European Parliament as well as the maintenance contract under total guarantee. December was marked by the finalisation of the management contract for the Atrium Business Park, negotiated with the promoter IKOGEST. Eventually, this site will include 50,000 m2 of high-class offices, of which more than 20,000 m2 have already been built. At the end of 2004, the property under contract in Luxembourg reached 50,000 m2. “Friend of the House” André Grétry Overall management, as well as control of the renovation of the 850 residences within Shape near Mons (a total of 75,000 m2), was entrusted to Sogesmaint in September 2004. Work on the houses and apartments of officers and leading ranks were spread over a period of 16 to 36 months. Numerous major challenges had to be faced in order to secure this business: • the complete renovation of a house in two weeks • decorate an apartment in three to four days • administratively and technically manage the demands of several thousand occupants with very short response times (the majority of minor repairs have to be made within the day). At the end of December 2004, four months after the start of the contract, Sogesmaint had already received more than 1,200 requests for intervention – a challenge that demanded the assembly of a rapid response team composed of Sogesmaint, Bageci, Nizet and two regular external partners of Sogesmaint. Sogesmaint provides building management at the Atrium Business Park in Luxembourg. “Domains” Catherine Vincent Michel Shames Philippe Bricout 52 Patrick Vriamont Etienne De Clercq Fabien De Jonge Jacques Lefèvre In 2004, CFE Immo was particularly active in Brussels and Wallonia. This work included the development of the mainly residential «Jardins de Jette» quarter. The «Espace Rolin» quarter is also in progress. This will eventually represent 58,000 m2 of residences, of which 240 apartments have already been delivered and 45 units are under construction, 500 m2 of small shops and 19,000 m2 of offices are already sold. The last 130 apartments of the overall project will be built during the coming years. In Wallonia, «Les Mouettes», a mixed building of residences and small shops in Jambes, is almost entirely sold. The acquisition of BPI (Bâtipont Immobilier), in May 2004, has significantly enlarged the horizon for the building division, bringing with it projects such as «Les Jardins de la Couronne» (see CFE Immo framed). Among the main operations delivered in the course of the exercise, the handover of the «Régent 47-48» building to a German financier was finalised in June and that of a building in the Rue Ducale to the Spanish Embassy at the end of the year. The provisional acceptance of apartments in Paternoster Square in Antwerp was completed and 22 of the 33 apartments built were sold. Other projects for CFE Immo and BPI are under construction, including offices for the «Frontispice» promotion, the renting to the European Defence Agency of a building in rue des Drapiers and that of two private hotels in Rue Royale in Brussels. Finally, in partnership with SDRB, a residential project in Place de l’Yser in Brussels will soon be launched. In preparation for 2005 and the following years is the renovation of the old headquarters of the Belgian Red Cross in Place Brugman in Brussels, the construction and renovation of a mixed project in Rue des Sables as well as a project for residences, offices and small shops, called «Les Hirondelles» in Rue de Laeken. In addition, a further residential project will soon be launched, in partnership with SDRB, at Place de l’Yser in Brussels The Paternoster building in Antwerp (architects ARCAS). The “Jardins de la Couronne” “From a bright garden” Lili Boulanger By acquiring six unoccupied barracks from the Ministry of National Defence, the Brussels Region intended to support the construction of new residences as well as the expansion of economic activity. The re-urbanisation of the six hectares of the site of the old military hospital, situated in the Commune of Ixelles and the agreement between the SDRB and BPI-Immobel, to undertake the work, was approved by the Brussels Regional Government in July 1992. The new site being erected includes pathways, greens, a public area and a park of more than one hectare. A total of 253 social apartments, spread across 12 adjoining buildings, form a square around a large private garden and an island of 15 conventional residences forms another square offering 422 homes in addition to the 260 non-conventional residences facing southwards. Finally, a group of more than 30,000 m2 of offices and 500 parking spaces forms a screen between the traffic of the avenue de la Couronne and the residential area. Lengthy procedures have delayed this project and it is only since December 1999, more than five years after objections, that the Council of State delivered a judgement rejecting the objections and confirming the validity of the urbanism and environment permit. Launched at the start of 2000, commercialisation of the site has followed a steady growth from 70 homes sold in 2000, to 100 in 2001, 150 in 2002 and more than 200 in 2003, so that the bulk of the accommodation is now almost entirely sold. The final phase will be completed in 2005 which is nearly 18 months ahead of contract. In July 2004, the federal state decided to rent 15,000 m2 of the 30,000 m2 that represent the three office buildings, to accommodate the federal police. 53 “The dot on the i polka” Phillipe Sallé 54 Patrick Van Craen The real estate promotion activity in Luxembourg was solidly developed in 2004. The year was first of all marked by the delivery of Tower B of the «Porte de l’Europe» to the State of Luxembourg on the agreed date, namely the 30th June. The European Parliament promptly moved in. Another large-scale operation has since been launched: «Le Dôme», in the town centre. This 22,000 m2 office building is being constructed in co-promotion with Elige, a real estate subsidiary of the Vinci group. The Dôme Situated facing the historic centre of the City of Luxembourg, overlooking the Petrusse Valley, the future office complex «Le Dôme» will provide 22,000 m2 of offices and 200 parking spaces spread across three separate buildings, the first of which will be available in 2006. The start of the work on this project, co-developed with Elige, took place on 9 June 2004 under the guidance of the architect Marc Werner, in the presence of the Mayor of Luxembourg. The construction of this complex is progressing according to plan under the leadership of CLE and should be entirely finished in 2007. Offering easy access, as it backs onto a major railway station, the three buildings will rise to six or eight levels and participate in the revival of a whole area, «l’Espace Petrusse». This will bring together, in three islands, the administrative centre of the City of Luxembourg (in progress), the Dôme project and a last block comprising offices, hotels and residences. In order to reinforce the development of the activity in the Grand Duchy, the limited company Compagnie Luxembourgeoise Immobilière CLi was founded in December 2004. CLi will shortly start work on the operation of residences on the Kirchberg plateaux, CFE having been declared the winner of a tender for the construction of 26 apartments, where the architect will be Philippe Samyn, an associate of Georges Reuter. “Revival” Lili Boulanger Construction Management “Perpetual Motion” Benoît Broos Jean-Pol Gérard Patrick Van Craen Exercising its project management activities in Belgium and Luxembourg, Construction Management is mainly involved in sub-contract work concerning the operation of the «Dôme» in Luxembourg and various operations in Brussels initiated by CFE Immo. Apart from these involvements for the promoters in the group, Construction Management is also involved in the development of operations of Public Private Partnership (PPP) and is, in this respect, pre-selected for several projects, notably in social housing, urban revitalisation and reconstitution of industrial sites. Consequently, the company has concluded a framework agreement with ING Bank for supervisory missions overseeing operational work in a PPP structure. Construction Management is also involved in the development of the «Barbara» project in Louvain, alongside KBC. Other projects in the Flemish or Walloon regions will be set up in 2005 and allow the rapid development of Construction Management over the coming years, notably in the industrial field where the company has solid references for project management. 55 Multi-technical division After the profound restructuring undertaken in 2003, marked notably by the split between Engema and Vanderhoydoncks, the multi-technical division had a good year in 2004, both in terms of activities and results. 56 Engema Rail installs overhead cables and their supports for the TGV tracks. The order book at the end of the financial year achieved a historical level which left the promise of a 2005 of high quality. (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 37.7 24.9 Turnover: 41.3 44.0 “Elektra” Joris Bekaert 64 57 Edwig Roekens Luc Vandeputte Competition remains strong on the local Limburg market, which only represented half of the activity in 2004 with projects such as the new police station in Beringen and the Vlaams Administratief Centrum in Hasselt. For the most part, the other projects are located in the Province of Antwerp, such as the distribution centre for Paganella granulated PVC in Laakdal and the Genzyme laboratories in Geel as well as a retirement home at Bertem in Flemish Brabant. The value of the orders closed in 2005 (excluding recurrent work) is low. The main objective for the year to come will, therefore, be to rapidly improve the order book, so as to better position the company in its market. Deluxe spots (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 1.1 2.7 Turnover: 4.8 1.0 In the field of security, the constant efforts of the company and the motivation of the personnel have had a particularly beneficial effect because not one accident has been registered during the course of the last two years. The ISO 9001 certificate was renewed in July 2004 for three years and that of LSC** in August for three years also. “Brothers of Italy ” Giuseppe Verdi The Paganella project in Laakdal (602,000 EUR) involved the supply of high-tech material: design lighting for the offices, exterior lighting to illuminate the glass facade, a complete communication network with telephony and entry videophones, spotlights integrated with the stairwells and indirect lighting to create a more agreeable working atmosphere. More than 40 different types of lighting equipment were installed! The storage area (around 10,000 m2) for granulates imported from Italy, was equipped with 1,030 metres of lighting rails carrying 285 lighting units and 115 safety lights, with a total of 300 lux. The three buildings were conceived by a design bureau and an Italian architect, Giampaolo Benedini, who did not hesitate to come from Italy two times per week by plane in order to ensure that his work was carried out perfectly. A high-tension cabin provides a maximum output of 600A and sockets for motors of 400 V at 125A for the connection of gigantic vacuum units that literally pump the granules into a silo and then into trucks. When he visited the site in order to evaluate the work carried out, the owner and manager exclaimed: «My buildings have the charisma of a Ferrari!» Lighting arrangement on the sports ground of Houtemveld in Tirlemont. “Grillenbanner” Thierry Lambermont Yvan Georgery Yves Persenaire Philippe De Rudder 58 Jacky Landuyt Philippe Flock Roland Hallot Christian Van Hamme While Nizet Entreprise realised a turnover in 2004 in accordance with forecasts, it is necessary to underline its remarkable level of orders at 31 December 2004. This situation is historical for Nizet, even though it is achieved in a market where the level of pricing remains relatively low. Activity has been stable in the «Tertiary» Department, where the renovation of the electrical installations at the Tour du Midi in Brussels continues according to plan. Various sites - including Mestdagh in Liège and work on the extension of the Clinique St-Jean also contributed to the good results of the company. (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 19.3 11.3 Turnover: 23.3 26.8 Among the numerous orders logged by this department, it is worth noting the renovation of the external lighting of the 9 globes of the Atomium, the 136 accommodation units in the rue Charlemagne at Louvain-la-Neuve, as well as the renovation of the lighting in the car parks of Louvain-la-Neuve. “ The adorable Bel’-Boul’ ” Jules Massenet In 1958, the Atomium shone with a thousand lights, day and night, on the Brussels horizon but, over the course of the years, the lamps have faded and the panels have tarnished. The authorities decided to give new youth to this monumental symbol and, over the course of one year, the nine spheres will entirely be renovated and ready for their second life on 1st January 2006. During 2005, Nizet Entreprise will be responsible for the replacement of the external lighting of the spheres, as well as for the new electrical distribution system. Thanks to 3,000 computer-controlled lights, Nizet will be able to replicate precisely the same lighting display of 1958 for all of the residents and visitors to Brussels. Reconditioning and extension of the electrical installations of the SaintJean clinic in Brussels. Low-tension distribution panel and cabling of an electrical cabinet (from left to right: Michel Peeters and Doriano Menegatti). 59 59 The «Electromechanical» Department also achieved good results in 2004 and logged, among others, orders for the electricity work on the water treatment stations in Marchienne-au-Pont and Roselies. Finally, the constantly expanding turnover of Voltis shows the good condition of its workshop in Louvainla-Neuve. The «five workshops in one» concept, which offers clients material and electrical apparatus, lighting and, recently, household electrical, meets a real demand. At the same time, the four open-door events at Voltis this year had phenomenal success with more than 2,000 purchasers during the weekend and a record turnover. Under the banner of Voltis, in Louvainla-Neuve, Electronizet offers a range of electrical material and equipment. “High voltage” Jean-Pierre Borghmans Michel Van der Eecken 60 Jean-Paul Coch Bruno Lambert Luc Vandeputte (in millions of EUR) 60 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 17.3 10.9 Turnover: 13.5 16.2 The year 2004 saw considerable growth by comparison with 2003 and a significant improvement in the net results. The new Engema Rail depot in Muizen. Bellow: Engema Rail at the crossing of the lines of today and tomorrow: a «TGV» line passes under a «conventional» line. Investments made by the public authorities in the area of railways (TGV to Holland and Germany) as well as decisions and authorisations obtained for the Brussels R.E.R., provided interesting prospects for the «Rail» Department. With this in mind, the installations at the material depot of Engema in Muizen (Malines) were entirely modernised. and Chênée) and, on the Belgian coast, the stations of Zeebruges and Ostend. The electrification of the last section of the LGV 1 line, Brussels-Paris between Forest and BrusselsMidi, the electrification and signalling work at Soignies station, the signalling at Berchem-Antwerp, that of the L4 line, Antwerp–Dutch border and the signalling system work on the LGV 3 and LGV 4 lines formed the main part of the activity in this area. One of the beneficial effects of the liberalisation of the European electricity market is the emergence of more significant projects in the high-tension area. The «Erection» Department has, therefore, been able to maintain activities in accordance with objectives, whereas the order book at the start of the year showed a serious deficit. A growing presence is also foreseen in northern France and in special erections for attraction parks and mobile telephony. Among the lines erected in 2004, those of 70 kV between Auvelais and Sombreffe and of 150 kV between Auvelais and Warêt are the most notable. Engema Montage installing a console on a high-tension pylon. Numerous catenary projects were carried out during the year and, notably, on the Brussels-Liège LGV 2 line, between Herent and Nossegem and at the NORTH-MIDI junction in Brussels. In the second half of the year, the «catenary» activity was concentrated in the Liège region (TGV station sites of Guillemins Signalisation TGV Engema has participated in the electrification of the Belgian and Luxembourg railways since 1935. In 1995, the Railways Department added a new activity to its field of expertise - signalling on high-speed lines. This work includes the placement of control equipment along the tracks, the laying of various cables (copper electric, fibre optics and earthing), the equipment in the electricity cabins and the services buildings. As the liaison representative, Engema Rail has already completed the signalling on the Brussels-France, Brussels-Liège lines and, in 2005, will complete that of the Liège-Germany and Antwerp-Holland lines. In 2005, the signalling service will represent 35% of the business turnover of Engema Rail. In the field of low-tension distribution, several framework contracts have been renewed, so enabling the «Lines» Department to maintain a good level of production. The placing of mediumtension cables for Electrabel in the provinces of Namur and Luxembourg was achieved within the specified time scale. During the last five years, ENGEMA has been able to maintain or reinforce its presence in different markets thanks to the competence and expertise of its various teams as well as by a voluntary policy of investment in all of the areas of electrification of infrastructures for the transport of energy. “The Railways” Charles-Valentin Alkan 61 61 Dredging & environment division “The Fantastic Symphony ” Alain Bernard Pierre Potvliege Philip Hermans Martin Ockier 62 Jan Schouten Theo Van De Kerckhove Marc Stordiau 2004 was a good year for DEME. In fact, the year was marked by a satisfactory profit level despite a reduction in turnover. In the dredging sector, the DEME group remains one of the world leaders. Because of the closure of the sand borrow areas in Malaysia and Indonesia in the summer of 2002, activity has been very modest in this geographical area. On the other hand, DEME was able to penetrate new markets in Africa, Russia and China. However, it was in the Middle East, in particular, that the penetration was spectacular with the acquisition of major contracts in Qatar during 2004, which considerably enhanced the order book. The year 2004 also saw a further upswing of the environmental activities within the Group. The recent merger of DEC and Ecoterres gives a new boost to this activitiy, with a special focus on France and the United Kingdom. The combined turnover of DEC/ Ecoterres grew to a level of over 125 million EUR. DBM (DEME Building Materials) consolidated its commercial position on the North European marine gravel winning and supply market, with reserves amounting to 180 million tonnes of marine aggregate. DBM delivers sand to the port of Fécamp (France). (in millions of EUR) 2004 2003 Order book at 31 December: 500.4 487.7 Turnover: 316.6 346.5 As a further support to the international activities, the new suction dredger «Pallieter», with a capacity of 5,400 m3, was commissioned in February 2004. Its first assignments in Europe and in the Persian Gulf confirmed its high level of productivity and its environmental qualities. Moreover, the new heavyduty seagoing rock cutter dredger «d’Artagnan» is under construction and due to be commissioned in September 2005. Christian Van Meerbeeck Marc Maes Jos Van Ijseldijk Marcel Van Bouwel DREDGING AND MARITIME PROJECTS Activities in the Benelux Belgium Activity remains significant in Belgium. DI and Baggerwerken Decloedt continued with maintenance dredging in the North Sea, in the access channels to the ports of Zeebrugge, Ostend, Nieuport and The «Happy Lad» of the seas 63 Patrick Demoor Blankenberge, as well as in the River Scheldt and the access channels to the Antwerp locks. In the Antwerp area, DI and DEC performed erosion protection work along the new quay wall of the Deurganckdock. DBM continued its contract to deliver 1.5 million tonnes of coarse sand for concrete batching plants. In addition, DI completed the contract for the rehabilitation of the «Paardenschor», as a compensatory «habitat» for the loss of wetlands due to the construction of the Deurganckdock. At the end of 2004, DI was also “It was a little ship” Germaine Tailleferre Last-born of the suction dredgers with a trailing hopper, the «Pallieter» – in English, the Happy Lad – was baptised in 2004. It carries the colours of Baggerwerken Decloedt en Zoon NV and its home port is Zeebrugge. This new dredger, built by the shipyard of Van der Giessen-de-Noord, is of a highly innovative design with the latest in advanced technology and with a hopper having a capacity of 5,400 m3. For DEME, this ship represents a major new step in the modernisation of its fleet and a reinforcement of its dredging efficiency. The new ship is perfectly equipped, either for small maintenance dredging projects on the shoals or for the maintenance and deepening of ports and access channels, the restoration of beaches and the recuperation of earth. The «Pallieter» operates with the greatest respect for the environment because, during the dredging process, there is almost no water added to the dredged material. Restoration of the beaches in Knokke (Belgium) by the new dredger «Pallieter». Maintenance dredging of the Loire by the suction hopper dredger «Antigoon» in Saint-Nazaire (France). awarded a contract to create several wetlands near the village of «Ouden Doel». This project calls for extensive earthmoving work to create new areas for wildlife and bird watching. In Kruibeke, DI continued the construction of the first phase of a gigantic flood control area, while a new contract was obtained for the further construction of all dikes. In Ghent, the earth-moving work for the construction of the Kluizendok continued and, as part of a joint venture, DI dredged polluted silt from the «Ringvaart» and the Upper Scheldt, two busy waterways. In Brussels, as part of a joint-venture, DI secured a new two-year contract for the dredging and treatment of heavily-polluted sediment from the Port of Brussels. The polluted substances are treated at the DEC silt recycling centre in Ruisbroek. DI completed the first contract for the construction of a new inner harbour at Plassendale, near Ostend. The project involves quay wall construction, dredging of the harbour basin and creation of an industrial area. DI and Decloedt, in a joint venture, carried out coastal protection work in the outer port of Ostend and two quay areas were dredged to the required depth. DI and Baggerwerken Decloedt have been active together in Zeebrugge as they dredged the northern dock in the inner port and participated in the 46-foot deepening programme of various areas of the port. Furthermore, reclamation work was carried out for the extension of the Sterneneiland bird sanctuary. The Netherlands In Kampen, DI, IPEM and de Vries & van de Wiel are part of the consortium that signed a public/private partnership agreement with the local authorities for the development of the new ZuiderzeehavenKampen. The company de Vries & van de Wiel also completed a first dredging contract for the deepening of the shipping lane in the Ketelmeer. A second contract was awarded to them in 2004 and that is due to start in early 2005. International activities Dredging International In France, the major project of Le Havre Port 2000 continued and, at the end of 2004 over 75% of the dredging work had been completed. The most spectacular operation of the year 2004 was the installation of two 14,000-ton concrete caissons as jetty heads for the new outer port. In Dunkirk, the extension to the Quai de Flandre, involving major dredging and soil improvement work, was completed and a 10 m wide section alongside the extended quay wall was deepened. Two contracts covering major maintenance dredging work in the river Loire between Saint-Nazaire and the estuary in the river Gironde upstream of Bordeaux and in the port of Le Havre, were almost totally completed. In October 2004, the overall removal of the wreck of the car carrier «Tricolor», which sank off Dunkirk in December 2002, was concluded. In Germany, as part of a joint venture, DI subsidiary Nordsee was awarded an extension to its annual maintenance campaign on the river Ems. The work was performed by the brand new dredger «Pallieter» on its first assignment abroad. The maintenance dredging on the river Elbe started in October 2004 and will continue until March 2006. In Sweden, a design-and-build assignment was started involving the dredging of mercury polluted organic sediment from two lakes in Hultsfred, backfilling and capping. By December 2004, the design phase had been completed and detailed engineering of the new dynamically positioned and tracked environmental dredger «Pippi Langström» had been initiated. 65 In Russia, channel dredging work was successfully completed ahead of time on behalf of Sevmash Corporation to provide access to the shipyard at Severodvinsk in northern Russia. A charter agreement was also signed with Ust Luga Company for employment of the cutter dredger «Vlaanderen XVI» to perform dredging and reclamation work for a new terminal in the newly built Ust Luga Port, near St-Petersburg. Finally, DI also started dredging and reclamation work in Kaliningrad. In Italy, SIDRA completed the construction of new quay walls in Gioia Tauro and in Crotone, a new marina at Castilloncello and replenishment of 5 beaches in the Lazio area. There was also a coastal defence project in the Abruzzo area, the extension of the harbour jetty of Ortona and the extension of the port of Trapani, which were all awarded to Sidra at the end 2004. In Spain, the second stage of the dredging and reclamation work for the extension of La Cabezuela in Cadiz, was carried out. Also in Bahia de Cadiz, a Maintenance dredging in the port of Livourne (Italy). trench was dredged for the construction of the new Puerto de America port and maintenance dredging was carried out in the dock area of «Astilleros Izar». Other work was completed in Huelva, Mazagon and Motril. Dredging and enlargement of a navigation channel in Severodvinsk-Arkhangelsk (Russia). Dredging and backfilling work for the extension of Lulu Island near Abu Dhabi (Bahrain). In Morocco, as part of a joint venture, DI carried out the first stage of the dredging work related to the construction of the new «Tanger Méditerranée» port. The second stage is planned for 2005. In Bahrain, DI will perform the dredging and embankment construction work for the extension of Lulu Island and the creation of additional islands for residential and commercial development. In Ghana, DI started the second phase of the «Korle Lagoon Ecological Restoration Project» in early 2004. The project encompasses the dredging of sludge from the Korle Lagoon in the capital Accra and the disposal of contaminated material. In Angola, the Pululu Channel was dredged in early 2004 and in December 2004, the dredging and slope protection work in Sonils Base – Luanda was started. In India, the dredging and reclamation work for the construction of the Seabird Naval Base in Karwar was completed in September 2004 and DEME’s local partnership company, International Seaport Dredging (ISD), was awarded the monsoon maintenance dredging campaign of the Hazira Port and the LNG Receiving Terminal project. In Nigeria, apart from the various maintenance assignments commissioned by the oil and gas industry, there was trench-dredging work for the Amenam-Kpono pipeline on behalf of TotalFinaElf and maintenance dredging work for the Bonny channel. In Qatar, DI is involved in the dredging and reclamation work for the construction of the prestigious Pearl Qatar Project, an artificial island in the form of a splendid jewel off the coast of the Qatari Capital. In December 2004, as part of a joint venture, DI was also awarded, as part of a joint venture, a contract for dredging and reclamation of the platform for the New Doha International Airport. The work involves the transfer of 60 million cubic metres of sand from the sea. The fabulous building project in Qatar «the pearl of the Gulf» “The Pearl Fishers” Georges Bizet Given its form and its splendid location in the heart of the Persian Gulf, the State of Qatar is itself sometimes compared to a pearl. The largest building project ever undertaken in this Gulf state, will occupy the DEME group for a period of 21 months. The second dredging and disposal contract for the second phase of the «Pearl of the Gulf» project was signed in July 2004. The two phases will be carried out by the last-born subsidiary of DEME, Qatar Dredging Company (QDC). The «Pearl of the Gulf» will be developed on a natural shoal to the east of West Bay Lagoon, some distance from the coast of Doha, the capital of Qatar. Thanks to various coves and bays, 68 km of beaches will be created on a 4 km2 island. In total, 7,600 high-class residences, three deluxe hotels of more than 900 rooms, as well as four marinas, with mooring equipment for more than 700 boats and various public and recreation zones, will be built. 67 Maintenance dredging of Port Hedland (Australia) by the suction hopper dredger «Pearl River». 68 Dredging International Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (DIAP) and DI in Asia DIAP has now been restructured into three separate areas: Southern Far East Asia In Singapore, DIAP continued in joint venture on the largest ever land reclamation projects in the area. The work continued during 2004 on a considerably reduced scale with Singapore allowing the contractors to borrow sand from the Singapore sand reserves. In Hong Kong, the construction and management of contaminated mud pit IV was completed in joint venture and the site was handed over to the authorities in August 2004. Northern Far East Asia The setting up of our representative office in Shanghai resulted in the award of two contracts for channel dredging in Zhanjiang in southern China. The contracts call for the charter of the jumbo dredgers «Nile River» and «Pearl River» to CHEC. Australasia DREDECO was busy in Australia deepening the dump pit for Cockburn Cement in Fremantle, maintenance-dredging the port of Bunbury and the port of Port Hedland, dredging the Jacobs Well Canal and Marina as well as dredging berth N° 10 in the port of Brisbane. In Papua New Guinea, DREDECO continued a dredging and environmental rehabilitation project on behalf of OK Tedi Mining Ltd. Tideway Marine and Offshore Contractors BV Fall Pipe Rock Placement Work In 2004, the D.P. fall pipe vessels, «Seahorse» and «Rollingstone», were mainly active in the North Sea on behalf of the oil and gas industry. In addition, Tideway worked in the Mexican waters of the Gulf of Mexico for rock placement services and protection work for pipelines. Work on the construction of approaches During June 2004, a number of pipeline isolation and bypass operations was performed on the Frigg pipelines system within the TFE / St Fergus Seawater Project In Thailand, as part of a joint venture, Tideway performed trench dredging and backfilling work for the Songkhla landfall of the Trans Thailand Malaysia gas pipeline. Scaldis Salvage and Marine Contractors NV In June 2004, Scaldis Salvage and Marine Contractors, in which DEME has a 55% stake, was active on various major salvage and wreck removal projects like the salvage of the automobile carrier «Sea Trust», Antwerp (Belgium), the removal of the «Le Foucauld» wreck off the île de Ré (France), various wreck removals in the Westerschelde (The Netherlands) and the spectacular cutting and removal of the wreck of the automobile carrier Tricolor off the French coast. Many heavy-lift operations were also performed in Stord (Norway), Montrose (Scotland), Antwerp (Belgium), the new Port 2000 of Le Havre (France) and in Dunkirk (France). Placement of rocks by the “Rollingstone“ for Tideway at the foot of an offshore platform. The soil recycling centre of DEC in Kallo (Belgium). 69 ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES: DECONTAMINATION OF SOIL AND STORAGE OF POLLUTED SLUDGE DEC DEC essentially focused its activities in Belgium and in The Netherlands. DEC started the clean up of a former gasworks site in Diest. Excavation work was terminated by the end of 2004. The installed water treatment plant will be operational during a period of five years. Three acid tar lagoons in the region of Ghent will be excavated, neutralised and immobilised. The design phase started in April 2004. The actual execution is planned for mid-2005. On 37 ha of the Hooge Maey domestic waste site in Antwerp, DEC installed vertical shafts and collector pipes to retrieve the biogas from the domestic waste disposal site. In Humbeek 2,500 m2 of slope cladding in fibrous open stone asphalt was installed to protect the surroundings from flooding and about 350,000 m2 of geosynthetic liners were installed in different projects in Balen, Hooge Maey and La Floridienne. Activity at the DEC sediment and sludge recycling centres of Ruisbroek and Krankeloon and at the DEC soil recycling centre of Kallo (GRC) was satisfactory in 2004. Refloating of the Sea Trust ferry in the port of Antwerp (Belgium) by Scaldis. Drying and cleaning of mud at the Fasiver site in Ghent (Belgium). Ecoterres Ecoterres focused on the Walloon and Brussels regions of Belgium as well as on the northern part of France and managed to confirm its growing position as an environmental specialist with the dewatering, treatment and recycling of 100,000 m3 of dredged material from the Brussels-Charleroi Canal in the recycling site of Vraimont in Tubize. 70 In The Netherlands, de Vries & van de Wiel worked on the sanitation of the Petroleumhaven in Amsterdam, dredging for quay wall construction in the Eemshaven in Groningen, beach and embankment work at Schokkerhaven in the Ketelmeer, removal of contaminated materials from the Veilinghaven in Utrecht, the dredging of navigation channel of the Ketelmeer, decontamination work in Ridderkerk and river bed protection work in the Eemshaven of Rotterdam. Moreover, an artificial island was built in the Ysselmeer in order to create a new 72 ha bird sanctuary «De Kreupel». The new Ecoterres centre for the recycling of polluted silt in Saint-Ghislain (Belgium). Export activity of DEC also included several projects in Ireland, Scotland, Sweden and Italy. Ecoterres has also built a centre recycling 30,000 m3 of silt per year dredged from the river La Haine at SaintGhislain and it started the treatment of contaminated silt dredged from the river Dendre between Ath and the Papignies lock. Other work included the clean-up of brownfield sites in Mons, La Louvière and Beaune (France), an in-situ sanitation of petrol stations, removal of old fuel tanks throughout Wallonia and Brussels and landfill construction and rehabilitation work in Gosselies and Habay-La-Neuve in Belgium and at Vadans and Chapelle-sur-Oreuse in France. BUILDING MATERIALS DEME Building Materials, specialises in the extraction and processing of aggregates for the construction industry. With sand and gravel produced according to customers’ technical specifications and responding to the respective national and European standards, DBM increased its market share in the different countries. The supply in the UK has been maintained at a high level. New UK licenses are expected for 2005. The supply of sand to the concrete batching plant for the construction of the Deurganckdok on the left bank of the port of Antwerp has been continued. In 2004, DBM’s gravel hopper dredger «Charlemagne» was continuously occupied while the execution of tailor-made projects in Le Havre and Rouen has optimised the technical performance and employment level of the vessel. CONCESSIONS AND PORT DEVELOPMENT In 2004, IPEM (International Port Engineering and Management) was still involved in the Dinh Vu Economic Zone (DVEZ) in Hai Phong, Vietnam, where 5 new projects are under construction. Furthermore the construction of Dinh Vu Deep Sea Port, occupying 156 ha, will start operations in first quarter 2005 with 2 new berths for dry, bulk cargo and containers. A contract for the filling of 1 million m3 of sand was also signed to create site platforms for future clients. POWER@ SEA DEME’s genuine commitment to a greener Europe is emphasised by its concession specialist Power@sea, concentrating the Group’s expertise in this company in the field of offshore wind farm development and construction, with participation in concessions around Europe, both as co-initiator and as co-concessionaire. The first participation of Power@sea is the C-power project on the Thornton Bank in which the company will also be responsible for maintenance after project completion. C-POWER In 2004 C-Power obtained the seven permits necessary for the development and implementation of an offshore wind farm on the Thornton Bank, 27 to 30 km into the North Sea. An extensive geophysical and geotechnical soil investigation campaign was executed in the summer of 2004. The trailing dredger «Lange Wapper» preparing the extension of the port of Vuosaari in Finland. Communication “Images” Terry Somers Ann Vansumere 72 The Communication Department aims to improve relations between employees, to forge team spirit and to reinforce the image of the CFE group. It was notably in this framework that, in 2004, the first football tournament of the group was organised. Through presentations and material made available to companies participating in exhibitions or external relations activities, the Communication Department responds to the growing demands of group entities and third parties. In a company in constant growth, there is already a fall-back in inertia. The management of CFE has decided on a complete revision of the Internet site. A « webmaster » will assist the communication team from the start of 2005 so that the site can be adapted more rapidly and with more flexibility to the demands of the market. Colophon CAPTIONS TO THE FULL-PAGE PHOTOS: Page 2: Removal of wrecks from the bed of the river Scheldt, carried out by DEME in The Netherlands. Page 49: The Regent building in Brussels. COPYRIGHT OF THE PHOTOS, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: © Aeroview Agos Assar, A2RC, AVA © Atomium asbl – SABAM Belgium 2005 (p. 6-58) Belcam production Bogaert Claude Brison Serge Bureau Jaspers Burton Jean-Dominique Coolens De Broyer Stephan Deme Detiffe Marc Glavie Y. Van Wellen Vigouroux F. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION: FBD Communication & Design NV - www.fbd.be Le présent rapport annuel est disponible en français, en néerlandais et en anglais. Dit jaarverslag is verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands, het Frans en het Engels. This annual report is available in English, French and Dutch.
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