10 - IN2P3
10 - IN2P3
Propagation of Galactic Cosmic Rays Antje Putze LAPTh/LAPP DMAstroLHC (ANR-12-BS05-0006) 1 What do we know about nuclear cosmic rays today? Nuclear cosmic rays are • energetic particles [Bothe & Kolhörster, Z. Phys. (1929)] • of extraterrestrial origin [Hess, Sitzungsberichte der kaiserl. Akademie (1912)] • bombarding Earth’s atmosphere, and • producing atmospheric particle showers [Auger et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. (1939)] [Lee & Kirby, Marvel Comics (1961)] 2 Energy spectrum extends over 12 orders of magnitude in energy and 32 of magnitude in intensity, • can be described by a simple power law: dN (E) /E dE • has three major features: • the knee at ~ 4.5 ∙ 1015 eV • the ankle at ~ 4 ∙ 1018 eV • a cut-off at ~ 4 ∙ 1019 eV 3 Galactic Cosmic Rays • Solar Modulation The cosmic-ray spectrum Composition & abundances Spallation [Hörandel, Advances in Space Research (2008)] • 87% Hydrogen • 12% Helium • 1% heavier nuclei similar abundances to those in the solar system, but overabundances for elements Z = 3 — 5, 20 — 25, … 4 Spatial distribution of Galactic cosmic rays NG C4 63 1 610 MHz Mi lky 1412 MHz 408 MHz [Ekers & Sancisi, A&A (1977)] [Haslam et al., A&AS (1982)] radio halo (few kpc) due to cosmic rays around the galactic disc ➞ galactic diffusive halo 5 Wa y secondaries primaries 6 1. Sources & Acceleration diffusive shock acceleration secondaries primaries 6 1. Sources & Acceleration diffusive shock acceleration II. Propagation in the ISM secondaries primaries 6 diffusion, convection, re-acceleration 1. Sources & Acceleration diffusive shock acceleration II. Propagation in the ISM secondaries diffusion, convection, re-acceleration primaries III. Solar System & Detection solar modulation, geomagnetic cut-off 6 q @N @t = ~ · (K̂xx rN ~ q + r |{z} | {z ~c N ) + @ p2 Kpp @ 12 N V @p @p p } | {z } sources spatial di↵usion & convection momentum di↵usion h ⇣ ⌘ i @p p ~ ~ @ 1 1 N r V N N c @p @t 3 ⌧s ⌧r N |{z} |{z} | {z } spallation energy losses radioactive decay Cosmic-ray transport equation 7 Diffusion Model Diffusion equation becomes solvable assuming a cylindrical geometry of the Galaxy with 2 zones: the galactic disc & the diffusive halo • Semi-analytical approach e.g. USINE @ lpsc.in2p3.fr/usine ✅ fast computation ⛔️ simplified description of the interstellar medium • q Numerical approach e.g. GALPROP @ galprop.stanford.edu ✅ data based description of the interstellar medium ⛔️ very slow 8 Parameters and observables The most important parameters are linked to • • • p, the acceleration mechanisms injection spectrum: Q(R) / qR ↵ the propagation mechanisms K(R) / K0 R diffusion: VC convection: VA re-acceleration: He ,… B/C ,… 10 Be 9 /B e, … the geometry of the Galaxy diffusive halo size: L 9 lpsc.in2p3.fr/cosmic-rays-db Constraining propagation models sophisticated propagation models precise experimental data US IN AM S E q sophisticated statistical tools MC MC parameters PDF 10 observables 6 publications [AP, Coste, Derome, Donato, Maurin, Perotto, Taillet (2009 - 2014)] Which model is the best? IMP7-8 Voyager1&2 0.3 Be/9Be Same results for 0.35 10 B/C Diffusion models with re-acceleration and/or convection preferred, but al.: An MCMC technique to sample transport and sour diffusion slope δ varies fromA. Putze 0.3etto 0.8 ACE 97-98 0.6 0.5 ACE 01-03 AMS-01 0.25 0.4 HEAO-3 ACE 97-9 ISOMAX Spacelab-2 B/C CREAM 04 0.3 0.15 ✅ abundant ✅ elemental separation needed 0.2 Standard DM II 0.1 Standard DM III [AP, Derome, Maurin, A&A (2010)] Modified DM III Secondary-to-primary ratio26 (TOA) Al/27Al 0 10-1 ! IS 10 102 3 Standard DM II ISEE-3 He/4He (TOA) Standard DM III 0.25 0.12 0.2 0.1 0 10-1 3 10 Ek/n (GeV/n) Balloon 0.14 • 3He/4He 1 0.1 Cl/Cl 0.05 0.25 36 • 0.2 IMP7-8 Balloon # Balloon # Balloon # ISEE-3 Ulysses Voyager1 Voyager1&2 Balloon72 (400 MV) Balloon73 (500 MV) Modified DM III Balloon77+Voyager (400 MV) Balloon89 (1400 MV) IMP7+Pioneer10 (540 MV) ISEE3 (740 MV) ISEE3(HIST) (500 MV) Voyager87 (360 MV) Ulysses IMAX92 (750 MV) SMILI-I (1200 MV) ACE 97-98 SMILI-II (1200 MV) AMS-01 (600 MV) BESS98 (700 MV) CAPRICE98 (700 MV) 0.2 0.15 Ulysses 0.08 ✅ very abundant ⛔️ isotopic separation needed 0.15 ACE 97- 0.1 0.06 0.1 0.04 [Coste, Derome, Maurin, AP, A&A (2012)] 0 -2 0 10 10-1 11 0.05 Model II with prior (φ = 700 MV) Model III with prior (φ = 700 MV) Model II (φ = 700 MV) Model III (φ = 700 MV) 0.05 0.02 IS 10-1 1 1 10 10 102 102 103 Ek/n [GeV/n] Ek/n (GeV/n) 0 10-1 Fig. 10. Shown are the envelopes of 68% CL (shaded areas) and best- How big is the diffusive halo? L determines the amount of dark matter in cosmic rays! 0.05 L [kpc] 10 Be/9Be Al/27Al 36 Cl/Cl 10 Be/9Be + 26Al/27Al + 36Cl/Cl 26 0.04 first PDF of L from an MCMC analysis with radioactive secondaries very sensitive to the LISM 0.03 Model too fewIII rh =data 0 precise 0.02 0.01 [AP, Derome, Maurin, A&A (2010)] 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 5 ! φ = 520 MV 4.5 MED 4 3.5 L [kpc] first direct exclusion of small values of L with low-energy secondary positrons sensitive to solar modulation δ δ δ δ + 3 sec. e + 1.3 × sec. e 2.5 2 1.5 [Lavalle, Maurin, AP, arXiv:1407.2540] 1 ex B/C included δ = 0.5 δ = 0.6 δ = 0.7 δ = 0.85 clu de d MIN -6.5 -6 -5.5 log(K /L ⋅ Myr/kpc) 0 12 = 0.5 = 0.6 = 0.7 = 0.85 -5 -4.5 α What the primaries tell us… AMS 01 2.55 BESS 98 BESS-TeV source slope 2.25 ⩽ ⍺ ⩽ 2.5 for diverse propagation models source slope ⍺ similar for all primaries Z = 1, …, 26 2.50 protons helium 68% CL 95% CL 2.45 2.40 2.35 2.30 2.25 ! A ➞ universality of the acceleration mechanism B C D different propagation models 13 [AP, Maurin, Donato, A&A (2011)] What about systematics? Precise cosmic-ray measurements give small statistical uncertainties, and systematic uncertainties from model ingredients are dominating! 600 2 K0 [kpc /Myr] 400 200 0 0.005 0.01 Parameter estimation already very tricky in a simple configuration… 14 [Maurin, AP, Derome, A&A (2010)] WIMPs Indirect dark matter searches “exotic” primaries secondaries primaries charged cosmic-ray channels: e+, p̄, d,̄ … 15 Positrons — difficult probes for dark matter searches pu lsa Well modelled with • secondaries: rs ✅ diffusion models ⛔️ uncertainties on propagation parameters • primaries: DM ✅ pulsars, dark matter annihilation/decay, acceleration of secondaries in sources, … ⛔️ very large uncertainties ⛔️ large boost factor needed for dark matter interpretation but no unique interpretation… 16 [Boudaud, AP, et al., A&A (in preparation)] Antiprotons — strong constraints for dark matter Recent antiproton measurements in very good agreement with a pure secondary origin antiproton flux [GeV m2 s sr]-1 10-1 10-2 10-3 AMS (M. Aguilar et al.) 10-4 BESS-polar04 (K. Abe et al.) BESS1999 (Y. Asaoka et al.) BESS2000 (Y. Asaoka et al.) 10-5 CAPRICE1998 (M. Boezio et al.) CAPRICE1994 (M. Boezio et al.) PAMELA 10-6 10-1 1 10 102 kinetic energy [GeV] G. 1: The antiproton energy spectrum at the top of the payload obtained in this work compared 17 h contemporary measurements [21–25] and theoretical calculations for a pure secondary pro- [Adriani et al., PRL (2010)] Anti-deuterons — the future? excellent target for indirect dark matter searches due to its high signal-to-noise ratio [Donato, Fornengo, Salati, PRD 2000] • • high production threshold of ~17 mp dark matter production at rest astrophysical ✅ dark matter annihilation ⛔️ astrophysical production • low binding energy ✅ disintegration ⛔️ energy losses [Donato, Fornengo, Maurin, PRD 2008] No cosmic-ray anti-deuteron detected so far, but GAPS is coming soon… 18 New data is coming … from AMS-02 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment installed on the ISS since 19 mai 2011 direct measurement elemental/ isotopic fluxes of matter and antimatter, 108 < E < 1012 eV Principal sub-detectors and their specificities TRD: electron-proton separation TOF: trigger, velocity and charge Tracker: rigidity, charge sign, charge RICH: velocity and charge ECAL: electron-proton separation, energy 19 Conclusion • Current propagation models suffer from large uncertainties on ingredients What you put in is what you get out… • More and more precise cosmic-ray data will be available soon Are you hunting for dark matter? Need for better models/ingredients • • Cosmic rays are complementary and competitive with collider and direct dark matter searches 20 Your dark matter candidate should reproduce all the available data ➞ global fits ➞ GAMBIT ℒ What is GAMBIT? Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool • Flexible and modular design for easy addition of new • models • experimental data sets and limits • scanning algorithms ℒ • Frequentist or Bayesian methods with customisable • likelihoods • priors • nuisance parameters • A smart and fast LHC likelihood calculator • Plug’n’Play swapping of physics tools, scanners, likelihoods… • Open source release 21 gambit.hepforge.org ℒ Who is GAMBIT? ℒ 25 Members — 14 Institutes P. Athron, C. Balázs, T. Bringmann, A. Buckley, J. Conrad, J. Cornell, L.-A. Dal, J. Edsjö, B. Farmer, L. Hsu, P. Jackson, A. Krislock, A. Kvellestad, F.N. Mahmoudi, G. Martinez, M. Pato, A. Putze, A. Raklev, C. Rogan, A. Saavedra, C. Savage, P. Scott (PI), N. Serra, C. Weniger, M. White 10 Experiments AMS-02, ATLAS, CTA, DARWIN, CDMS, DM-Ice, Fermi-LAT, H.E.S.S., IceCube, LHCb 22
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