2011 Sustainability Report Acindar ArcelorMittal Group 1
2011 Sustainability Report Acindar ArcelorMittal Group 1
Transforming tomorrow 2011 Sustainability Report Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal Commitment changes everything. We strongly believe that commitment contributes to transform tomorrow. It was with that commitment that our company was founded, which is why it has always been a vital part of Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal since its very beginning. Thanks to this quality we have managed to be the leading company in the Argentinian steel industry for seventy years now. We foresee the future, developing producst and services based on asustainability strategy that proves our commitment to transform the quality life of the world we hope to live in. Contents Message from the board of directors 2 Corporate profile 4 Economic and financial performance 8 Investing in our people 10 Making steel more sustainable 24 Enriching our communities 44 Transparent governance 54 Message from the President | Engineer Arturo T. Acevedo Promoting change In 2011, due to the kind of information imparted in our Sustainability Report and our adherence to the criteria established in the Guide for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), we were given the prestigious B standard. We are absolutely sure that we are on the right track and this is a clear proof of that. Beyond any possible doubt, we have grown during all these years, we have re-invented ourselves as an organization, and we have found obstacles, but we have managed to move on, looking forward to the future with an optimistic attitude and acting in the present with honesty, hard work and respect for the people and their environment. In addition to that, due to our Addiction Prevention Programme, our company has been given the Business Citizenship Award, which the American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina annually gives to different companies. In a world which is getting more global and more complex, companies need to become real agents of change. In Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal, we are absolutely sure that the only way to ensure our country’s sustainable growth is contributing to the sustainable development of the community as a whole. We are completely aware that our achievements have been reached thanks to the effort, skills and commitment of all our collaborators and all our contractor companies. With great pleasure, we invite you to go through our 8th Sustainability Report, which proves our collective will for change and the great commitment of a team of more than 2,600 collaborators working to make a difference with each step they take. Loyal to this principle, since the very beginning, we have been led by a strong determination to change the future, not for ourselves, but for the future generations of millions of Argentineans. That is why we have always taken on long-term commitments in terms of social development, education, management transparency and environmental care. We are a company that seeks to build transparent and lasting relationships of trust with all the people and institutions we interact with. This effort results in the important recognitions the company has been awarded, which we have been informing in this Sustainability Report over the last 8 years. In line with the Global Agreement 10 principles, we work hard every day to improve our economic, social and environmental performance. 2 Message from General Director | José Giraudo Generating a sustainable world During 2011, dramatic changes took place in the global economy. The main countries in Europe and Asia had to face not only severe economic and financial crisis, but also several natural disasters. After the crisis that started in 2008, the USA is still going through a recovery stage. This situation has caused several ups and downs to all those companies that, like ours, operate in international markets. We also launched a project aimed at strengthening the relationships with our employees, with the community and with the unions. This project adds up to other programmes already existing in the company in order to create instances of social dialogue and to contribute to the development of the community and the employees who work there. We must keep on working seriously to face the future in an efficient way. We need to continue working for our collaborators’ health and safety, a key factor for any steel company. Our company has also been framed in this context of change, but, thanks to the measures we implemented in the last two years, we have managed to reduce the impact of most of these external factors that have been undermining the business sector in our country. Today the company is faced with a situation that is difficult but not impossible to deal with, in which fixed costs keep increasing, supplies vary, our competitors’ production rises and manufactured products are imported from countries with exceeding capacity. Today the company’s main strength is its own staff. We are working hard to make our company and our history become more integrated in the Argentinean market, based on ArcelorMittal's prestige, worldwide reputation and support. We are part of a world company that -just in 2011- was honoured with 272 awards for its environmental policy, its leadership, its commitment to health and safety, its innovation and management focused on sustainability, facts that result in Grupo ArcelorMittal's steady participation in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and in the FTSE4Good, the sustainability stock market index created by the stock market in London. Beyond any possible doubt, great challenges await us, but we are convinced that if we manage to coordinate all our collaborators’ efforts, we will be able to keep on this track, walking slowly but steadily. All of us who are part of this company must take on the responsibility of improving Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal's competitive position so as to ensure the company's sustainability. We are convinced of the road we have taken. Steel plays a vital role in this context and in the generation of a more sustainable world. At Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal, we are leading most of the initiatives that will contribute to reach this goal for the generations to come. In the long term. In order to do this, we must achieve an increase in productivity, profiting from the technology of the investments we have made and the training of our human resources, who I consider highly qualified.This is the only way for us to increase our productive efficiency and to protect the company operations in such a complex context. 3 Company Profile Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal is a steel making company producing long steels. It is the leader in the Argentinian market and it is also present in the international market Together with Grupo ArcelorMittal, it represents in Argentina the biggest steel group in the world, present in more than 60 countries. ArcelorMittal fills a leading position in the main steel markets worlwide, incuding the automotive, builing, household appliances and packaging industries. It has production plants in more than twenty countries in four continents, which makes it possible for it to be present in all the key steel markets, both in developed and developing countries. Our plants location Villa Constitución Billets Rebar Wire Rod Ground and Drawn Bars Wires Rosario Rebar Bars Hot rolled structurals Cut and bent rebar San Nicolás Bars Hot rolled structurals San Luis Meshes Nails Tablada Wires Cut and bend rebar 4 We are going through a new stage, combining experience and leadership in Argentinian steel production and supported by ArcelorMittal. As part of the Group, we also want to participate in the challenge transforming tomorrow implies, keeping our current position, commited with growth and financial management based on our values: quality, sustainability and leadership. Mission Vision Values We are an iron company that produces non-flat steels, leader in the Argentinean market and with international presence. Our values, rooted on every day work, result from more than 70 years of non-stop working and are present in all the decisions we make, each of them representing the attitude we would like to work with. They are convictions on which we base our actions, decisions and the way we work. To strengthen our market leadership and to keep a permanent and focused international presence internacional, Sustainability Going beyond our clients’ expectations, Contributing to our people’s self-fulfillment, Increasing our investors’ profits, Developing sustainable relationships with our suppliers, Contributing with our community’s development. We are leading the evolution of steel making so as to ensure a better future for the industry and the generations to come. Out commitment with the world around us goes beyond financial results and includes the people we invest in, the communities we support and the world where we work. This long-term approach is the core of our corporate philosophy. Quality We look beyond the present, to foresee the steel of the future. So as to produce the highest quality steel, we attract and train professionals able to offer better solutions to our clients. Leadership We think in a visionary way, creating opportunities every day. This entrepreneurial spirit has placed as at the forefront of the steel industry. Now, we will go beyond what the world expects from steel. Our Products Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal manufactures and distributes more than 200 product lines to fulfill the needs of the manufacture, the farming and the building industry markets. Having a productive capacity of 1,700,000 annual tons, Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal develops high quality steels in billets, bars (rebars, flat, rolled, drawn and ground bars), wire rod, welded meshes, Preassembled steel structures, Steel electrowelded reticulate beams, wires, nails, Hot rolled structurals, and many other accessories (steel posts, Galvanized Steel Rods, Metal Rods, etc.). Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal provides its markets with products. In addition to that, it also provides technical support to all the product lines and system it promotes. Likewise, and by means of Acindar Solutions, it adds value to the construction market by cut and bent rebars with “just in time” delivery at the building site. 2011 - Distribution per markets 16,3% Foreign Market 83,7% Domestic Market 2011 DM - Distribution per sector 12,6% Farm 56,3% Construction 31,1% Industry 6 Our stakeholders Why is Acindar Grupo Why are stakeholders How do we communicate Key interests of our ArcelorMittal important to our important to Acindar Grupo with our stakeholders? stakeholders shareholders? ArcelorMittal? Shareholders It generates sustainable growth and return to shareholders. Capital contributions and support to business management. Periodic reports. Plant visits. Regular conference calls. Corporate governance. Workplace safety. Climate change. Corporate Responsibility. Clients It provides quality products and services, creating customer value. Developing strategic customers enables sustainable development. CRM. Customer visits. Technical talks and training. Participation in exhibitions. Product Quality. Delivery compliance. Correct application and/or use of products. Employees Workplace for employee development. Our employees' productivity, quality and leadership are key to the success of the company. Breakfast with the CEO. Intranet. Internal publications. Training programmes. Good working environment. Development opportunities. Compensation and rewards. Suppliers Development of their own businesses. Value chain sustainability. To have reliable suppliers aligned to Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal's Code of Ethics. Commitment and dialogue. Value chain sustainability. Medium and long term contracts. Transparency in procurement processes. Appropriate payment conditions. Sustainability actions. Local It contributes to the development in education, health, environment, among others. To support the communities where the company is based through programmes of solid and sustainable development. Community actions. Education, health and environment programmes. Corporate volunteer activities that benefit the communities. Social inclusion. Commitment to the community. Government It generates economic growth, provides jobs and increases taxes. For the development and promotion of appropriate market conditions. Formal meetings. Hearings with different representatives. Social and economic development. Job opportunities. NGO It monitors society's needs are being satisfied. Acindar's working method becomes more transparent through a different and independent channel. Formal meetings. Information submitted in notifications. Environmental protection. Economic and social development. Health and safety conditions at work. Public and Understanding the industry's needs and market trends. To channel business needs in order to have a safe and coordinated access to government bodies. Formal dialogues. Periodic meetings. Participation in committees. Hearings. Social and economic development. Sustainability. It provides information on the company's environmental, economic and social management system. To build and protect brand reputation. Press releases. Publications in local and national media. Industry challenges and development. Environmental concerns. To know the Corporate Responsibility practices. To have the support of a leading brand. communities private Organizations Media 7 Economic and Financial Performance The Company net sales, considering taxes, increased by 28%, reaching $ 5,497.9 million for the fiscal year closed on December 31, 2011, compared to $ 4,295.4 million for the fiscal year 2010. The Company average sales costs were 23% higher than in 2010, mainly as a consequence of the increase in the price of the main supplies, such as electricity, natural gas and labor. Gross profit up to December 31, 2011, reached $ 786.9 million, compared to $ 835.2 million gross profit in the previous fiscal year. Administrative and trading costs added $ 175.8 million, which represents 3.2 % of net sales. The operative result plus redemption, EBITDA, was $ 662.4 million for the fiscal year that ended on December 31, 2011, while in 2010 it reached $ 792.1 million. Income tax on profit meant a loss of $ 134 million, but it results from the profits that were generated during this fiscal year. The net stockholders’ equity totals $ 1,891 million up to December 31, 2011, compared to the stockholders’ equity of the previous year, which totaled $ 1,948 million. During the fiscal year that ended on December 31, 2011, profits totaled $ 337.3 million, which was less than the $ 415.5 million recorded the year before. The Company ended the fiscal year with a net cash position (cash + investments + liabilities) of $ 326 million. Activities performed at Acindar Production Production evolution over the last two fiscal years Production KT 2010 Direct Reduction Steel Mill Rolling Mill Wires Production KT 2011 843 1252 1113 179 Direct Reduction Steel Mill Rolling Mill Wires 976 1380 1273 202 Consolidated sales Total sales reached 1.254.058 tons. 85% of the total sales was aimed at the internal market, while the remaining 15% was sold to off shore clients for a total of 191,680 tons. The total sales income, at an estimated price of $4.479, showed a year-on-year increase of 19.4 % and reached $5.617 million. Shipments for Domestic Market (Th Tons) Shipments for Foreign Market (Th Tons) 1.062 192 Net Price for Domestic Market (ar$t) 4.366 Net Price for Foreign Market (ar$t) 3.639 Net Sales for Domestic Market (MM AR$) 4.639 Net Sales for Foreign Market (MM AR$) 697 Average TC 4,13 8 Investments The company continued with its investment plan. Most of the works are carried out in Villa Constitución plant, where all the primary processes to manufacture our products take place. In addition to that, a 25 TN overhead traveling crane used to deliver rolled bars was replaced. Our main works in Villa Constitución At present, we are building a plant to handle liquid effluents in Tablada wires plant, while a liquid effluents permanent monitoring system is being installed in Rolling Mill no. 2, Stell Mill and DRI plant in Villa Constitución. We started an important environmental improvement project at Steel Mill so as to minimize the level of toxic fumes generated by the casting process. In order to develop the industrial safety projects in all our plants, a fire protection system is being installed throughout Tablada plant. This improvement project in the Steel Mill Fumes Suction and Filtering area adds a new industrial filtering and suction system with a new electric substation. The start-up is expected to take place in 2013. In Fenicsa plant, the system to load billets to the reheating furnace was automated. Another aim of this project was to increase industrial safety. A new ladle crane was bought for the Steel Mill so as to substitute the existing one and speed up production processes. It is expected to be installed in 2012. In the SBQ rolling mill, the adjustments in the cooling floor aimed at improving the SBQ bars quality were completed. In order to develop our business partners, cut and bent rebar machines have been added, which renews Acindar’s commitment with the sales network expansion. Taxes Acindar Grupo Arcelormittal paid taxes for M$ 445.422.458. 9 2012 prospects In 2012, the economic recovery will continue, but at a slower pace than in 2011. The local economy will grow at a moderate rate As regards the demand, we believe that those factors that, up to now, have promoted growth will get weaker and weaker, rates will not go back to the levels they had in early 2011, and the job market margin available to generate jobs will shrink. As regards the offer, costs (specially those related to manual labor), together with the real exchange rate appreciation, will start having a stronger impact on the loss of the company’s competitive position. The main problem for this new year will be the inflation acceleration and the exchange rate lag, which will together define an increase in inflation in dollars, thus making our competitive position even weaker than in the last few years. Investing in our people Communication with our employees Project “Strenghthening our bonds with the staff, the community and the unions” V. Constitución Plant. A project to strengthen the relationship with employees, the community and the unions has been launched. It cuts across existing programs in the company designed to generate opportunities for social dialogue and the development of the employees and the community. In 2011, the integration of the Human Resources areas was consolidated during the process of corporate restructuring that was implemented throughout the company. This structure aims to centralize the processes that were separated by business, reassigning roles and strengthening the focus on the plants and internal customers. Breakfast meetings with the President and the CEO These meetings continued and they are organized in order to foster communication with employees. Internal Communication Survey The first Internal Communication Survey for all employees was carried out. Argentina was ranked among the 5 countries with the highest approval among more than 25 countries throughout the Group. Joint Global Health and Safety committee Representatives of labour organizations work together with the heads of the different areas about improvement opportunities for the plants and subsequent action plans. In March, the Joint Global Health and Safety committee visited us presided by Frank Haers, the highest authority in charge of Safety at ArcelorMittal. 12 Campaigns As for consulting, we have developed more than 20 campaigns about health, safety, development, benefits, Acindar Foundation and ArcelorMittal Foundation activities, risk management, continuous improvement, and environment, among others. Global Intranet After a migration process that took several months, Argentina and other countries of the Group are part of the global intranet, a platform that facilitates the integration and the access to global and local information in only one place. Community Corporate Volunteering During 2011, employees from Acindar, ArcelorMittal Group, spent over 20 hours on corporate voluntary activities. Accenture Marathon For the second consecutive year, Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal takes active part in the Charitable Marathon annually organized by Accenture. Solidarity holidays ArcelorMittal Employee Relations Policy To contribute to the sustainability of the company through continued social dialogue with our employees and trade unions. To ensure that the behaviour of employees is guided by the code of business conduct. To create a work environment that privileges the quality of life and stimulates behaviours that conciliate the economic, professional and personal interests. During September, volunteers from Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal built three houses in “22 de enero” neighbourhood, in La Matanza district, together with 11 international volunteers from ArcelorMittal Group who arrived in Argentina from France, Costa Roca, Mexico, Brazil and India, who donated a week of their holidays to participate for a week in a corporate volunteer work in Argentina. ArcelorMittal Volunteer Day More than 35 volunteers participated in the two volunteer work events that were organized in the community of Villa Constitución. The playground rides in two squares in the community were painted and refurbished so as to preserve green areas where kids can play safely. Our relation with the unions The company continually intends to keep an open dialogue with the unions and to strengthen our relation with them. That is why it works together with the workers and it fulfils ArcelorMittal employee relations policy. 13 Our Employees Acindar ArcelorMittal Group has 2.649 employees, who work distributed in the different locations where the production plants are located. Categories: Composition of the company governance bodies divided into gender and age Localization Number of employees Beccar, Prov. of Buenos Aires 151 Tablada, Prov. of Buenos Aires 385 Rosario, Prov. of Santa Fe 176 Villa Constitucion, Prov. of Santa Fe 1.617 San Nicolas, Prov. of Santa Fe 170 Villa Mercedes, Prov. of San Luis 150 Total Executives Area Manager 107 Exempts 222 Administrative 446 Blue-collar 1.944 Global Total 2.649 Under collective agreement 1.944 % over the total Agreement 2.649 UOM ASIMRA Total 14 43 73% Number of employees 1.732 212 1.944 Corporate benefits Programme Avanza There are important discounts available at gyms, restaurants, cinemas, theater rooms, spa saloons, massages, haidressers’ shops, among many other services. Acindar Avanza (Acindar Moves Forward) is a corporate benefit programme for all the staff that was launched in 2011. It offers an Internet portal that all employees can access to learn about their portfolio of benefits and a discount card to buy at the major shops in the cities where they live. Benefits Quality of life Acknowledgement Discounts In addition, we have kept our benefits policy aimed at improving our staff’s quality of life. Benefit Detail Pension scheme Created to supplement social security benefits, by means of a system of shared contribution. Matching 1 to 1. Life insurance The company provides an additional life insurance coverage. Medical plan APDIS health insurance: 100% coverage for both the employee and his/her family. Provider: Galeno. Medical check Annual medical checks for blue-collar workers and, every two years, for exempts. Cafeteria The location has a cafeteria. Loans There is a loan policy for the staff. Five salaries or more at an annual nominal interest rate of 6%. Share purchase During 2010, the ESPP program was carried out offering shares to employees at a discount of 10% and 15% on the market price. Nursery The company covers the nursery expenses for each child a female employee has from the end of the maternity leave until the child is 5. Discounts on products Employees receive discounts on the final sales price. School Kits Employees received school kits for their children between 5-14 years attending school. Total amount distributed in 2010: 1580. Banking services The company pays for salary accounts, credit cards, cheque books, and saving accounts in pesos and dollars. Charter The company provides the charter service to every location: Villa Constitución, Tablada and Corporate Headquarters. Seniority awards Seniority-based awards: 20 years, Silver Medal; 25 years, Gold Medal; 30 years, Gold Watch; 40 years, a trip. Layettes The company employees are given layettes for each birth of a child. Social security consultancy Acindar offers and pays for social security consultancy for employees who are about to retire. 15 Health and safety day “Journey to zero accidents” In April, as every year, a new edition of ArcelorMittal Health and Safety Day was celebrated in all locations. It has been celebrated for six years and it creates a space for reflection to continue implementing actions to build a healthier and safer environment. Over 2,000 people, including our own staff, contractors, suppliers and representatives from the community participated of: Trainings Drills Presentations We made progress on the program Journey to Zero accidents aimed at achieving accident-free workplaces. Strengthening the implementation and enforcement of FPS (Fatality Prevention Standards) on April 22, 23 and 24, there was a corporate audit on the progress and implementation of the Fatality Prevention Standards. 16 Training our employees Evaluation of more than 82 suppliers who are critical for the company. Acindar ArcelorMittal group offered its employees a variety of programmes and activities in 2011. Our goal of Client Complaint Rate was reduced by 10% compared to the real goal in 2010, which was achieved by 140%. Their main objectives were: The first Joint Health and Safety Committee in Argentina was implemented in Villa Constitución, San Nicolás and Tablada plants. To integrate new employees to the company and to ArcelorMittal Group through its Induction Programme. Reinforce and improve general job skills that integrate the ArcelorMittal core work behaviours. Develop / improve middle managers and area managers leadership skills. Deepen and acquire new technical skills based on the employee’s role. Train operators (current and new) to make sure they have the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to perform competently in their jobs. Improve English language skills (official language of the ArcelorMittal Group). Promote and accompany employees' initiatives to take up Postgraduate and Master studies. To this effect, new loans have been offered to the employees. 77 Quality, Safety and Environment Internal Audits were carried out between 2010 and 2011. 16,35 Hs/h Blue-collar workers 38,50 Hs/h For Administrative Personnel / Staff / Exempts and ASIMRA affiliated employees Integrated Management System / Quality - Safety and Occupational Health In 2011, the hard work of Acindar Train employees on Acindar ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal Group to improve quality, Group management Model through a safety and occupational health was network of internal trainers. present in different campaigns and activities: In 2011 and as a result of the above-mentioned activities, in Acindar ArcelorMittal Group , there was a total of 24.5 man-hours (M/H) of training per person (3 days in the classroom) distributed in the following way: 18 External Audits: the scope of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS certifications was changed to “Production, Marketing, Distribution and Technical Support for steel products for the Industry, Agriculture and Construction.” By doing so, one certificate per Standard was obtained, including all processes and locations. 2011 Graduates Eleven operators from Acindar Villa Mercedes proudly received their secondary school diplomas after two and a half years of effort and dedication. “We can proudly say that, after two and a half years of fighting against adversities, such as not being at home with the family or attending classes before or after work, 11 employees from Acindar took advantage of the opportunity of finishing their secondary studies and achieved it”, said Cristián de La Vega from Human Resources Management of Acindar Meshes and Nails. Operational staff Recognition Programme This Recognition Programme started in September 2004. Medals are monthly awarded to those employees whose performance and behaviour have proved their commitment with Acindar values. 19 Outstanding operators, the Business Director, Managers, Area Managers and Human Resources participate of a medal award ceremony every month. Technological incentive seminar (SITEC) Accidentology or accident statistics Own Personnel – No. of Accidents 2010 2011 No sick leave 77 111 Tempory leave 6 3 Indefinite sick leave 0 0 Deaths 0 0 Frequency rate 0,86 0,42 Severity rate 0,008 0,007 Contractor personnel | Accidents 2010 2011 The works developed are focused on Quality, Health and Safety, Environment, Productivity, etc. No sick leave 57 46 Tempory leave 14 5 Indefinite sick leave 0 0 Twenty-six improvement teams took part in it. Two of them were schools: Escuela de Educación Técnica N° 2073 San Pablo and Escuela de Educación Técnica N° 466 Gral. Manuel Nicolás Savio, and the Office for Human Resources of the Municipality of Villa Constitución. Deaths 0 0 Frequency rate (*) 0,82 1,07 Severity rate (*) 0,003 0,022 The 18th SITEC was carried out. This event gives all company employees the opportunity to share the improvement works implemented in the different company processes/sectors. In addition, different community sectors participate in it. (*) Frequency Rate: It shows the number of workers who suffered accidents, during a year, per million hours worked. Severity Rate: It shows the number of days of work lost in a year, per thousand workers exposed. Achievements in terms of safety In 2011, the number of own personnel temporary leave events was reduced to a half. The frequency rate of temporary leave events for own personnel and contractor personnel decreased by 20%. The total number of events for own personnel and contractor personnel were similar to those in 2010. 20 Addiction prevention Programme Acindar ArcelorMittal Group won the Corporate Citizenship Award Amcham given by its Addiction Prevention Program. The Acindar ArcelorMittal Group Addiction Prevention Programme is a comprehensive programme designed to address problems associated with the consumption of legal and illegal drugs by Company employees, by preventing and reducing consumption and providing help to treat these problems. The initiative includes all Acindar ArcelorMittal Group own and contractor personnel, and it is being implemented in the 9 medical service centers of the company located at the different plants in the country: Villa Constitución, Villa Mercedes, San Nicolás, La Tablada and Rosario. Results 2010-2011 50% Ceased 6% Decreased The project includes: Tobacco Cessation Programme Alcoholism Prevention Programme Drug Addiction Prevention Programme 27% Abandoned program 17% Not ceased The objective of this campaign is to make employees aware of the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs on health, develop with employees a concept of co-responsibility to foster an drug - and alcohol- free workplace and ensure greater effectiveness of safety policies and actions. Absenteeism rate During 2011, an important effort was made so as to tackle the problem of absenteeism. Thanks to that, it was possible to keep the reduction values obtained over the last years. In order to achieve this, the plant management areas managed to work collaboratively and carried out position reports, monthly absenteeism meetings and tracked chronic absent employees. 3,93% 2010 21 3,01% 2011 Health week Participants detail From October 17 to October 21, the health week took place in ArcelorMittal worldwide. In Acindar ArcelorMittal Group, activities were carried out in all locations to make employees, contractors and the community aware of health care. Contractors Community Managers GMB Total Where Event Villa Constitución Plant Acindar 10K Marathon - Community Talks on addition prevention and HIV Community Periodical medical checks Alcohol Test Control Blood glucose control Smoking survey Pressure Control Control IM Theoretical and practical medical emergency course (RCP) 940 460 10 0 1.900 Number of Participants 400 60 1179 105 110 135 142 142 10 Rosario Plants Cardiovascular risk talks Control IM Blood glucose control Pressure Control 85 124 75 75 Tablada y Beccar Plants | BA Talks on addictions, smokers Talks about healthy eating habits Cardiovascular risk talks Pressure control Smoking survey Blood glucose control 36 70 8 108 85 98 San Nicolás Plants Cardiovascular risk talks Control IM Alcohol Test Control Blood glucose control Pressure Control 20 40 50 29 19 Villa Mercedes Plant | San Luis Talks about health care and quality of life Talks about stress at work Talks about gambling Talk about eye care at the workplace 30 15 20 30 22 Making steel more sustainable Life is in nature. Take care of it. Environment workshops On June 5th, the ArcelorMittal Group commemorated the World Environment Day, based on 2011’s theme proposed by the United Nations, 'Forests: Nature at your service'. During 2011, Environment Workshops were conducted for 6th grade students of several schools in Villa Constitución, San Nicolás and Villa Mercedes. Different activities took place at all Acindar ArcelorMittal Group locations. Some of the most important were the distribution of e-bags designed to replace plastic bags in supermarkets, the review of environmental improvements made in recent years, and the presentation of projects carried out during 2011. Issues discussed were related to the material these children received from Acindar Foundation. In addition, 450 trees were planted in Villa Constitución, San Nicolás and Rosario. . Number of activities and children trained (Villa Constitución, San Nicolás and Villa Mercedes) 22 Schools / Workshops 752 Students Activities included separating waste, classifying some of the waste used in the previous game under the '3Rs’ (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse), and learning messages about environmental care by playing Planetest (memory game with tips for the protection of the environment). To conclude the workshops proposed by Acindar Foundation’s programme ‘The Planet is your Home, take care of it’ and the campaign ‘Transforming Green Spaces’ proposed by the company's Environmental team, trees were planted in the cities of San Nicolás and Villa Constitución. 26 35 Courses In San Nicolás, 100 trees of various species were planted in the ecological reserve ‘Parque Rafael Alvear’. Students, Acindar executives and government officials planted 60 yellow Ipês in the square located in the neighborhood called ’25 de Mayo’ in Villa Constitución. To carry out this activity, approximately 67,000 plastic caps and 56 kg of paper were collected by students and teachers and donated to the Garrahan Hospital. Environment Day "Forest, nature at your sevice" Good Environmental Practices at Acindar Villa Constitución The company employees themselves suggest possible improvements for their working environment. One of the projects submitted was called “Reduction Shumag 5 Oil Consumption in Bars Wire Drawn”. Reducing Shumang 5 oil consumption in Bars Drawing Identified problems High expense on Anticorrosive oil. Large amounts of contaminated oils. Many hours spent on cleaning grinders. Proposed goals Reduce anticorrosive oil consumption and oil waste. Reduce time spent on cleaning grinders. Reduce cleaning solvent consumption. Improve surface quality of the material produced. Achievements Reduced oil consumption. It was possible to save a 50 % of oil (500 litres of oil are no longer used every month). It was possible to improve the H/man necessary for the machine cleaning time. 75 % less time is necessary. Reduced cleaning solvent consumption. 27 Environmental Management Acindar Villa Constitución During 2011, we continued working for continuous improvement, legal compliance, maintaining ISO 14001 certification, using environmentally friendly processes, and providing support to the different activities employees and the community are involved in. 82 audits were performed to Suppliers in situ, controlling environmental points, for example: Current legislation, Aspect Identification and Impact Assessment (AIIA), control measures, Environmental Monitoring, etc. Trainings TL2 Chimney Trainings were organized during that year, and the following topics were addressed: Waste management, environmental and environment aspects-impacts, emergency responses, and recovery of waste oils with the participation of our own staff and contractors' personnel from the different operating shifts. They were provided to Villa Constitutción employees working in the plant. Obtain a diagnosis of the emission of Black Fumes from the chimney of TL2 Reheat Furnace. Environment Management We received approval of the Ministry of Environment to conduct an Environmental Impact Study in the Landfill where the Dust from the Meltshop is disposed. Environment projects Several indicators were implemented so as to check environmental management: During 2011, various projects for improving environmental management were developed. Environment Performance Index (EPI) Recovery of by-products The Environment Performance Index (EPI) Develop alternative studies to recover was carried out, for the Presidency, NIS and the various Industrial Plants: Steel Mill, slag and dusts that have the potential DRI, Rolling Mill, Other Locations, it indicates to be reused internally or externally the performance of plants on significant environmental issues. GEI (Global Environmental Indicator) It measures air emissions, waste generation and mass load of compounds from liquid effluents returned to the Paraná River. Results were very good, meeting our goals and comparing them to those of other Plants from the Group with similar processes. Closing index for Potential Impact Situations (PIS) We continue monitoring it to avoid or resolve the environmental impact caused by industrial activity. 28 Effluent control: Install continuous monitoring equipment according to legal parameters for the discharge of effluents into the river. Afforestation: Develop shelterbelts to minimize visual pollution in the community, learn about current biodiversity and interesting spaces for conservation. Afforestation in plants to minimize contamination Specific Consumption of Natural Gas Acindar Villa Constitución Specific Consumption of Electric Power Acindar Villa Constitución 265,0 1,00 260,0 0,80 250,0 (MWh/Tn) (Nm3/Tn) 255,0 245,0 240,0 235,0 2010 2011 230,0 225,0 0,60 0,40 2010 2011 0,20 220,0 215,0 0,00 Increased consumption of natural gas comes hand in hand with an increased production of raw steel. Despite an increase in production, power consumption values suffered no variation. This reflects a more efficient use of resources in the production process. 29 Materials used, by weight or volume During 2011, the following tons of materials were used: 2011 2010 Non Renewable Materials Tons Non Renewable Materials Tons. Electric Furnace Electrodes 2.746 Electric Furnace Electrodes 2.393 Calcined Dolomite Lime 100.957 1.425 Calcined Dolomite 102.334 Lime 1.247 External Coke 22.433 External Coke 29.266 Total (Tons) 127.561 Total (Tons) 135.240 Direct Materials Tons. Direct Materials Tons. Ferromanganese 1.418 Ferromanganese 3.147 Pellets Scrap Collection Scrap Bought Total (Tons.) 1.410.393 146.214 Pellets 1.239.458 Scrap Collection 143.007 459.622 Scrap Bought 411.596 2.017.647 Total (Tons.) 1.797.208 30 If we compare these figures and specific values to those in 2010, we can notice a decrease in non-renewable materials use in 2011. Improvements were due to the optimization in the use of materials at the steel mill. As for direct materials, there was an increase in absolute and specific consumption in 2011. Percentage of valued materials used The valued material used is the external scrap the company buys. 2010 22,9% In 2011, 445,031 tons were bought, 22.7% of the direct materials used. 2011 22,7% In 2010, 411,596 tons of scrap were bought, 22,9% of the direct materials used. Direct consumption of energy by primary sources Energy total direct consumption = Direct primary energy purchased + Direct primary energy produced - Direct primary energy sold. 2011 LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Direct Primary Direct Primary Direct Primary Energy Bought (GJ) Energy produced Energy sold 95 - - Natural Gas 12.834.598 - - Electricity 11.391.069 - - High Purity Oxygen Nitrogen Argón Compressed Air Energy total direct consumption 510.161 - - 30.453 - - 993 - - 64.360 - - 24.831.729 - - 2010 (historical record) LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Direct Primary Direct Primary Direct Primary Energy Bought (GJ) Energy produced Energy sold 85 - - Natural Gas 11.355.011 - - Electricity 10.728.895 - - 370.568 - - High Purity Oxygen Nitrogen Argón Compressed Air Energy total direct consumption 27.006 - - 1.147 - - 68.101 - - 22.550.813 31 We notice an increase in most energy sources, hand in hand with the increase in production in 2011. It is not the case of specific consumption since there was a decrease in the consumption of three sources: Specific consumption Consumption Specific Volume This value includes Water in Contact (with billets) and Water not in contact (closed circuits in furnaces and systems). (m3/tab) Consumption 2011 23 Consumption 2010 29 Circuits Total 2011 Recirculation water (m3) Re-filling water (m3) (m3) Specific Consumption 2010 - 2011 (%) -4 Argón - 21 Compressed Air - 14 Specific Water Consumption Acindar Villa Constitución 35,0 Values decreased due to the optimization of resource use in the production process. Total water collection by source 2011 Collected volume Surface water Underground water Total water collected 25,0 20,0 15,0 2010 2011 5,0 Total direct and indirect emissions of green house effect gases, in weight It is calculated taking into account specific data of each location. We analyze the composition of fuels, raw materials, supplies, waste, etc. 32.098.000 243.000 32.341.000 The absolute consumption of collected water in 2011 is lower than in 2010 despite increased production, so more efficient use of collected water can be observed due to small improvements in plant processes and awareness raising measures. Note: There are other closed circuits in the plant that do not have flow gauges and therefore are not included in this point 10,0 0,0 (m3/year) 36.890 30,0 (M3/Tn) Electricity 22.215.490 Percentage and total volume of recycled and reused water In 2011, there was an increase in recycled water consumption, due to the existing recirculation in the SBQ Rolling Mill. Had it not been for the recirculation, There are smaller volumes of water that 22,252,380 m3 of water would have have not been included in this calculation because we do not have the actual values been used for this Rolling Mill. since not all water inlets have flow gauges. In 2011, only 36,890 m3 of water were used to make up for spills and evaporation. Below, we can observe 2010 and 2011 decrease in specific consumption: Thus, the volume of water reused for the SBQ Rolling Mill process equals 22,215,490 m3 and recirculation water represents 99% of the total amount of water needed for the rolling mill process. 28 32 Emissions Tn CO2/ tab 2011 1,052 2010 1,077 In 2011, specific CO2 emissions decreased compared to 2012 while absolute emissions were higher in 2011 than in 2010, since there was a 10.2% increase in production compared to the previous year. Emissions CO2 -2011 Emisiones directas Emisiones indirectas Total emissions Emissions CO2 -2010 Tn CO2 799.065 652.959 1.452.024 Tn CO2 Direct emissions 737.976 Indirect emissions 611.847 Total emissions 1.349.823 NOx, SOx and other Total spills of waste waters, by their origin significant emissions to the and destinations air by type and weight During 2011, as stated in the monitoring schedule, gaseous effluents were measured twice. From the results, we have obtained the following numbers: Year MPS (t) SO2 (t) NOx (t) CO (t) 2011 88 27 1044 244 2010 113 90 900 106 Year Volumen (m3) (*) DQO (tn) Suspended solids (Tn ) F (Tn) 2011 30.688.000 334 378 23,7 2010 32.822.000 275,61 929 7,5 Zn (Tn) 0 3,4 (*) Spilt water destination: 100% to the Paraná River All the treatment methods for the spilt water are biologic and physico-chemical. The biologic methods are applied particularly to the sewer effluents by means of aerobic digestion called “activated muds” with final oxidation with chlorine. There was a decrease in the SO2 and MPS parameters while NOx and CO increased in tons compared to 2010. The physical methods are performed by means of settlement ponds, aimed at decanting solids and cooling the effluent. The chemical methods depend on the dose of coagulants and flocculants to improve or speed up the settlement of solid particles, and also depend on the neutralization of acid effluents by adding caustic soda. Over the years, there has been a significant reduction in Solid Suspension due to effluent There was a decrease in the Suspended Solids and MPS parameters while F and DQO treatment processes. increased in tons compared to 2010. Other variations are not significant. 29 33 Generated waste total weight, by type and disposal methods There was an increase in hazardous waste and a decrease in non hazardous waste if we compare 2010 and 2011. If we compare the 2010-2011 period considering specific waste values, the following variations will be observed: 2011 Hazardous Waste (ton) Generated Stored in situ 533.400 - 411.263 - 31.473 15.180 90.664 Recycling Spillway Incineration 2% decrease in Hazardous Waste generated 10% decrease in Non Hazardous Waste generated 18% decrease in waste recycling 2% increase in waste sent to the spillway 31% decrease in the amount of waste sent to thermal destruction. Non Hazardous Waste (ton) 15.728 548 - 2010 (Historical record) Hazardous Waste (ton) Non Hazardous Waste (ton) Generated 14.494 Stored in situ 13.776 53.130 - 454.072 - 27.925 718 - Recycling Spillway Incineration 535.127 Most significant spills total number and volume Spill Location Oil Spills at the Bars Drawing Waste Disposal Point Escape of oil from the holding chamber to the storm sewer Oil Spill at the Containment Tank of Compactor N°2 Oil Spills at the DRI lubricant containers NOVUS CB 2691 Spills Kick Off –SBQ Oil Spill KA48A Compressor Oil Spill Oil spills at the Compactors Hydraulic systems Basement –TL2 Oil Spills at the Nave Astori-SBQ Disposal Point Fuel Oil Spill at the Power Station Oil Spills at the Bars Drawing Waste Disposal Point Fuel Oil Spill on the Power Station Floor Oil Spill at the Maintenance Fencing Oil Spill at the Bars Drawing oil tank Spill Volume Spilled material Impacts on the Environment 150 liters Used oil Exhaustion of Resources. Soil Pollution 500 liters Lubricant Water Pollution 2000 liters aprox. Hydraulic Oil Exhaustion of Resources 500 liters aprox. 200 liters aprox. 100 liters aprox. 20 liters Lubricant Chemical Product Hydraulic Oil Oil Exhaustion of Resources. Water Pollution Exhaustion of Resources. Soil Pollution Exhaustion of Resources Exhaustion of Resources. Soil. Water 2000 liters Oil Exhaustion of Resources 20 liters aprox. 50 liters Water and Oil Fuel Oil Exhaustion of Resources. Soil Pollution Exhaustion of Resources. Soil Pollution 50 liters aprox. 100 liters 20 liters aprox. 1000 liters Used Oil Fuel Oil Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic Oil Exhaustion of Resources. Soil Pollution Exhaustion of Resources. Soil Pollution Exhaustion of Resources Exhaustion of Resources Note: None of the events above mentioned affected areas outside VC Plant, and they were immediately dealt with so as to minimize the environmental impact they may have caused. 34 Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous By the Basilea Agreement, appendixes I, II, III and VIII and percentage of waste transported internationally. In 2011, 548 tons of hazardous waste were collected and treated by external suppliers. The treatment used for the waste final destruction is thermal destruction. Hazardous waste was transported from our plant to the treatment plant in Santa Fe province. There was a decrease of this waste from 2010 due to improved waste management and awareness training for operational staff. Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type Waste Elimination (Waste final disposal) The final disposal cost of the waste generated at the company plants in 2011 was: Villa Constitución plant: $ 1.095.124. San Nicolás plant: approximately $ 20.000. Rosario plant: approximately $ 35.000 Costo tratamiento efluente TL2 During 2011, the cost of chemical treatment for liquid effluent was $ 1.356.425. Prevention and environmental management costs During 2011, the prevention service cost in case of spills was $42.600. The annual cost of oils extraction and control in rolling ponds and continuous casting was $39.240. Waste treatment (Hazardous waste thermal destruction) Spills remediation costs The cost of dangerous waste treatment at the company plants in 2011 was: The estimated spills remediation cost is about $140.000. Villa Constitución: $ 1.262.805,74 (including liquid and solid waste, batteries and asbestos). San Nicolás: approximately $160.140. Rosario: approximately $145.000. Environmental Monitoring Cost The cost during 2011 was $ 499.511 Emissions treatment: House Filters and Bars Drawing The cost for smoke house filters replacement during 2011 was $ 471.240 and the cost of filter replacement in Bars Drawing during the same period was $ 112.849. Management system external certification: During 2011, ISO 14001 audits continued. The total cost to carry them out was approximately $ 6.500. Environmental investments during 2011 During 2011, US$ 400.000 was invested at the wire treatment plant. Public - Private Sector Interaction We continued participating in the Slag Recovery Commission (CIMPAR, Comisión de recuperación de escorias) in order to identify new applications for electric furnace slag We participated in Environmental Legal Update Breakfast Meetings and Environment Workshops organized by CIMPAR. Acindar was acknowledged for its participation as an active member of the Organizing Committee. Through CIMPAR, we took part in the Environmental Management Technical Committee of the Province of Santa Fe for the assessment of changes to the environmental regulations in the province. We are members, together with other 10 companies in the area, of the Air Quality Group in San Nicolás whose aim is to continuously monitor the air quality in the community. Rosario Long Steels Rosario Long Steels Environmental Management During 2011, The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) was estimated at Navarro Plant in Rosario. Issues to address were detected and tasks and actions to reverse poor performance were scheduled. In 2011, we continued monitoring the closing index for Potential Impact Situations (PIS) at the plant to avoid or resolve the environmental impact caused by industrial activity. During the committee meetings held in 2011, we discussed issues related to day to day environmental management at the plant: identifying situations, saving natural resources, drills, emergencies, waste management, etc. Trainings were organized during the year, and the following topics were addressed: Waste management 36 Environmental and environment aspects-impacts Emergency responses Recovery of waste oils All counted with the participation of our own staff and contractors' personnel from the different operating shifts. Rosario Long Steels Specific Consumption of Electric Power 66,0 0,125 64,0 0,120 (MWh/Tn) (Nm3/Tn) Rosario Long Steels Specific Consumption of Natural Gas 62,0 60,0 58,0 2010 Long Steels Rosario Waste Management Rosario Long Steels Specific Consumption of Water 2011 2010 Total Generado Residuos Domiciliarios 3,5 3,0 (Nm3/Tn) (MWh/Tn) 2011 There was an increase in power consumption that is closely related to the increase in plant production. 1000 800 600 2,5 2,0 1,5 400 200 2010 0,090 The gas consumption indicator has decreased mainly due to working schedules. In 2010, work was organized in 4 complete shifts. In 2011, it was organized in 4 shifts during 2 quarters and it was organized in 3 shifts during 1 quarter. 1200 0,105 0,095 2011 52,0 1400 0,110 0,100 56,0 54,0 1,115 1,0 Residuos Peligrosos 0,5 0 2009 2010 2011 0,0 Slight increase due to the increase in production that implies efficient use of water. There was a decrease in the generation of household-like waste which is disposed into an external landfill. This is due to the control of waste leaving the plant to recover as much waste as possible. Furthermore, we recovered 2510 tons of scale in 2011, for the cement industry. 37 San Nicolás Long Steels San Nicolás Long Steels Environmental Management As well as in the other plants that belong to Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal, the Environmental Management (EMI) and Potential Impact Situations (PIS) indicators were implemented. During the committee meetings held in 2011, we discussed issues related to day to day environmental management at the plant: identifying situations, saving natural resources, drills, emergencies, waste management, etc. New waste practices were implemented in San Nicolás plants in order to recover materials previously sent to final disposal. One drill was carried out in 2011 with the participation of all plants MA Analysts: Final liquid effluent discharge to the receiving body due to overflow of the pond. Good environmental practices Company employees submitted a project related to “Non-Recoverable Waste Reduction in San Nicolás Long Steels Plant”. Identified problems Failure to meet non-recoverable waste target of 2.8 Kg/Tab. High costs for waste disposal Proposed goals Reduce non-recoverable waste generation below 2.8 kg/tab by the end of July. Reduce costs of industrial waste disposal in the landfill. 38 Achievements Scale recovered for sale. Oxycut slag was not disposed in the landfill completely recovering it with the sized scrap. Since this improvement was implemented, we have saved $ 55.000 in industrial waste disposal in the landfill. We have saved about $ 26.500 in disposal and treatment of used oils and fats. San Nicolás Long Steels Specific Consumption of Electric Power 70,0 0,1080 60,0 0,1060 (MWh/Tn) (Nm3/Tn) San Nicolás Long Steels Specific Consumption of Natural Gas 50,0 40,0 30,0 0,1020 0,1000 0,0980 20,0 10,0 1,1040 2010 0,0960 2011 2010 2011 0,0940 00,0 There was a reduction in natural gas consumption in 2011 because the furnace heat exchanger, which improves performance. We observed good results in the specific consumption of electric power in 2011, hand in hand with an increase in the production of the Rolling Mill. San Nicolás Long Steels Waste Management (MWh/Tn) 7000 Recovered Waste (scale) 6000 Total Generated 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 Household Waste Industrial Waste Especial Waste 2011 2010 0 There was a significant improvement in waste management in 2011 due to the scale that was being stored externally in the landfill and was recovered, increasing then the percentage of waste recovery compared to 2010. 39 San Nicolás Structurals Shapes Environmental Management San Nicolás Structurals Shapes San Nicolás Structurals Shapes Specific consumption of Electric Power 160.0 0,3500 140,0 0,3400 (MWh/Tn) (Nm3/Tn) San Nicolás Structurals Shapes Specific Consumption of Natural Gas 120,0 100,0 80,0 60,0 2010 2011 0,3300 0,3200 0,3100 0,3000 40,0 0,2900 20,0 0,2800 Specific consumption was higher than at other plants because the plant operates 1 shift, the furnace cannot be turned off due to operating conditions. 2010 2011 Specific consumption of electric power decreased because the Rolling Mill started operating in June 2010 that explains the high consumption of electric power. (MWh/Tn) San Nicolás Structurals Shapes Waste Management 1000 Total Generated Industrial Waste 800 Recovered Waste (scale) 600 400 200 Household Waste Eespecial Waste 2011 2010 0 There has been improvement in industrial waste disposal if we compare 2010 and 2011. This is because the waste in 2010 was taken to the landfill while in 2011 scale was recovered for sale. 40 Meshes and Nails Villa Mercedes Plant - San Luis Environmental performance The fuel tank was adapted for the National Energy Department audit to obtain approval for the use of the facilities. Biodegradable industrial degreasers were studied and tried as a phase of the plan to replace kerosene in mechanical cleaning. As a preventive action, a secondary chamber was installed to prevent overflows of the compartment of water with hydrocarbon coming from the condensation discharge of the compressed air circuit. Consumption and waste generated at Meshes and Nails Plant Concept Electric Power Consumption - Nails Electric Power Consumption - Meshes Natural Gas Consumption Gas Oil Consumption Lubricating Oil Consumption - Nails Cardboard Waste Common Waste Cloth with Oil Waste Scale Waste Unit of measurement Kwh / tn produced Kwh / tn produced m3 / tn produced Lt / tn produced Lt / tn produced kg / tn produced kg / tn produced kg / tn produced kg / tn produced 2010 108 100 1,8 1,9 0,8 0,8 3 0,94 7,9 2011 106,52 99,42 2,29 2,0 0,8 0,7 2,03 0,86 6,7 If we compare 2010 and 2011 results, indicators show an improvement, except for gas and gas oil consumption. Gas consumption increased since more heaters were installed for the staff. Gas oil consumption increased because a forklift truck was added to the existing fleet. 41 Wire Business Tablada Plant Water and effluents During 2011, industrial effluent flows were monitored. Having this information was very important to identify opportunities for improvement and to continue working towards continuous improvement. The most significant improvements were made to the Galvanizing Line and the facilities linked to the Closed Cooling Circuit, achieving more efficient use of water resources. Consumption 2009 61137 74.6 7.9 12.9 452.1 Drawn (Ton) Consumption of natural gas (Nm3/Ton) Consumption of water (m3/Ton) Consumption of hydrochloric acid (Kg/Ton) Consumption of Electric Power (MWh/Ton) 2010 77533 71.4 7.3 12.6 438.0 2011 87597 52.1 6.5 12.8 377 The indicators results showed a more efficient use of resources. Despite a production increase of 13%, we can observe reductions of 27% in natural gas, 11% in water consumption and 14% in electric power. Hydrochloric Acid maintains last year’s values.. During the year, training sessions were held and consisted of information talks in the workplace. In addition to the training plan scheduled, at the end of October 2011, students of Environmental Management visited Tablada Plant. At noon, they toured the facilities and learned about the plant’s production processes and environmental management. Wire Plant Waste Management 25 Generation 20 (Kg/Tn) Trainings 15 External Recovery 10 5 18,2 0 20,2 7,7 7,2 Discharge and elimination 10,5 13,0 2011 2010 In 2011, there was an increase in the volume of non recoverable waste compared to previous years. The reason is that, during the year, non-routine tasks related to the maintenance of facilities and general areas of the plant were scheduled and performed. 42 Enriching our communities Our bond with our community Children's day On Sunday, August 21, Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal, together with Canal 4, Radio Litoral, Radio Frecuencia Show and the Municipality of Villa Constitución organized a very special Children’s Day celebration in which the whole community could participate. Fundación Acindar also took part in this celebration with its program called "The Magic of Reading". Children could have fun and learn while reading short stories and different kinds of books. PERFORMANCES IN THE FORMER CILSA FACTORY SITE Let’s Play Circus Rosario Urban Art School Performance Songs in Motion, by The Jumping Frijoles band Carolina and her guitar, from Villa Constitución In the former CILSA factory site, different performances were were organized for the whole family (See the chart). Aiming at a safer waste control management A practice that can save lives This initiative generated a great opportunity for interaction, fun and games. Thousands of children from Villa Constitución shared unforgettable moments with their families. In May, aiming at stressing the importance of protecting the environment, Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal organized a talk on toxic waste management. The Medical Service team delivered a talk on heart risk prevention and basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) at Club Sacachispas in Villa Constitución Local suppliers and members of Villa Constitución Industrial Chamber participated in this talk. Elisabet Williams, Environment Area Manager, provided the theoretical background for this activity. The talk was especially intended for gym teachers and people in charge of sport activities from Villa Constitución and the neighboring towns. The talk was attended by more than 70 gym teachers and coaches from Villa Constitución community. “This activity was organized at the request of Constitución County Chamber of Industry (CIDECON, Cámara de Industria del Departamento Constitución), which asked Acindar to guide its members as regards toxic waste management," explained Williams. The meeting took place at Acindar’s Auditorium in Villa Constitución. Present at the meeting were twenty two representatives of Acindar’s suppliers and CIDECON's members. 46 It began with a theoretical explanation on the implications of a cardiorespiratory arrest, its causes and risk factors, and then, by means of practical exercises, the participants were taught how to perform CPR and how to apply first aid techniques (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and cardiac massage). Fabián Boccardo and Ignacio Luna from the Occupational Health Area Management were in charge of the talk. More than 500 runners took part in the marathon Participation of the community in the second Acindar Marathon On Sunday, September 11, Villa Constitución enjoyed the Second 10 km Marathon organized by Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal. On Sunday, September 11, Villa Constitución enjoyed the Second 10 km Marathon organized by Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal. At the end of the races, the winners received their prizes from José Giraudo, General Director; Marco Antonio Bosco, Executive Director of the Iron and Steel Business; and Horacio Vaquié, Villa Constitución Mayor. "This is a good example of what growing, setting yourself a goal and going for it means." explained Giraudo at the prize-giving ceremony. In turn, Marco Antonio Bosco thanked the high level of engagement of Villa Constitución residents. "I would like to thank not only those who have run but also those who supported them all the time." 47 Support programmes for labor inclusion into society "Young people with future": Commitment and opportunities for everyone "Young people with future" is a program intending unemployed young people to acquire working skills by means of in-class and on-service training focusing especially on education as a tool to achieve social inclusion. Four years ago, Acindar ArcelorMittal group participated in this programme, which enabled 13 young people to have training in different industrial and administrative sectors in Acindar Tablada in 2011. “Young people with future” is the result of the collaborative effort of the Ministry of Labour, Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal and the Steel Workers’ Union (UOM, Unión Obrera Metalúrgica, La Matanza branch) in an attempt to help adolescents with no work experience to find a position in the job market. In addition to that, the programme encourages these young people to complete their secondary school education. "We all win with the implementation of this programme: Children win because they can get working experience in a company such as ours, and the community they are part of and their tutors win as they get enriched when training them because they are full of energy and willing to learn," said Gerardo Cricco, Acindar's Human Resources Manager. Technical schools development programme The goal of this project is to use Tax Credit to fund educational projects with the following purposes: Strengthen secondary school and higher non university technical education so as to increase the young graduates’ possibilities to get a job. Contribute to the professional training and development of the teachers working at those institutions. "Building new perspectives" programme Facilitate the equipment of technical schools located near Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal premises. The Club of Companies Committed to Disability (CEC, Club de Empresas Comprometidas con la Discapacidad) started to work in Buenos Aires in 2004 in response to a call from the National Ministry of Labour (Ministerio de Trabajo de la Nación) aimed at promoting the labour and social inclusion of disabled people. Promote social development by means of training unemployed people to do manual trades. 26 schools In 2011, 26 schools were given funding for their projects. During 2011, Acindar ArcelorMittal Group took active part in the CEC both in Buenos Aires and Rosario. Its most important achievements was the consolidation of a work team integrated by private companies, NGOs and the Provincial and Municipal Governments. The CEC annual meeting took place in September. At the meeting, several companies from private and public sectors as well as NGOs shared their experience with the community. 48 Acindar Foundation Education Economic aid scholarships Since 1997, economic aid scholarships have been granted to acknowledge those young people who make an effort to progress and to persevere with their studies. During 2011, 78 applications were accepted and the corresponding scholarships were granted. About 74% of the applicants selected had obtained the scholarship in the precedent years. The students who received the scholarships managed to pass the subjects in their school syllabus. Scholarships distribution per locations and per education level Location Scholarships Villa Constitución 40 La Tablada 8 Villa Mercedes 15 San Nicolás 8 Rosario 6 Beccar 1 Total 78 School tutoring classes Acindar Foundation created the programme to address mainly two worrying problems: school desertion and grade repetition. The programme is currently performed by Villa Constitución Town Council, through its Culture Department. Language and Mathematics classes were delivered for 167 children attending 2nd to 7th grade. Advice workshops were organized for parents. We managed to continue with the reading comprehension skills project. 2011 Fundation Acindar performance 58 programmes and projects. 49.350 the participation of children, young people and adults. 140 schools and institutions involved in the programmes and projects. 49 Altogether, 18 schools, 29 teachers and 662 students participated of "The magic of reading" programme. The magic of reading It has been found out that children in primary schools have serious reading comprehension problems and find it very difficult to restate what they have read in their own words. In an attempt to promote children’s contact with books and to develop their reading habits, the programme started with a theatre musical play called "Books, a Story of Pages That Keep Moving", which is part of the Reading National Plan implemented by the National Ministry of Education. Each of the students enrolled in the programme received the book called The Magic City by E. Nesbit and the new book called Passengers, especially designed for the programme by Acindar Foundation. Altogether, 18 schools, 29 teachers and 662 students participated. "The magic of reading" library continued being available for the company employees’ family members. 96 children and adolescents participated in the programme, and 331 books were borrowed from the library. Education Projects Contest 21 educational projects. 4.880 students. Educational projects contest The programme encourages schools to try out new educational approaches so as to maximize their learning quality. The 21 primary and secondary schools projects selected in 2010 were successfully implemented. About 4880 students and 527 teachers participated in the programme. 527 teachers. Teaching enhancement clinics The aim of this programme is that university and secondary school teachers get together to review teaching practices in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Together with San Nicolás Education Supervision, the foundation carried out the programme called Building Strategies to Strengthen Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Magister Carina Pacini was in charge of the workshops, in which 21 4th-grade teachers from 19 different schools in San Nicolás participated. 50 Environment The planet is your home, take care of it With a view to encouraging environmental awareness, we continued working with company employees’ family members and with students from 6th grade from Villa Constitución, La Tablada, San Nicolás and Villa Mercedes. Community and environment Students from N° 466 General Manuel Nicolás Savio School in Rosario city were invited to take part in the Argentinean Continual Improvement Society (SAMECO, Sociedad Argentina de Mejora Continua) annual meeting and to present their project called "Hibernating for Improvement". The 5 students and 6 teachers who participated also presented these initiatives in the Technological Promotion Seminar (SITEC, Seminario de Incentivación Tecnológica), which took place in Acindar last December. 22 workshops about the environment were organised and coordinated by volunteers from Acindar’s staff. Trees were planted in San Nicolás and Villa Constitución. 33 schools, 61 teachers and 1356 students took part in these initiatives. Company contractors and employees’ children and other family members aged 5-13 could participate in the internal implementation of the programme. A children’s works competition was organized and special educational material was especially designed for it. This material included a magazine on ways to protect the environment with plenty of advice on this matter. Plastic and paper recycling In 2011, 18.160 kg of paper and 630 kg of plastic lids were donated to Hospital Garrahan, which assists about 5,000 children annually. Health Healthy habits If we take care of our eyes, we learn better Jointly with Zambrano Foundation, activities aimed at promoting eye health took place in the 1st grade of 9 primary schools from Villa Constitución, 9 from San Nicolás and 9 from La Tablada. As part of the programme, manuals designed to develop literacy by means of visual health education were given to all the participants. As a result of the prevention activities performed, teachers were able to identify 239 students with different visual problems, who were later on checked by an eye doctor. In some cases, it was possible to spot the children’s need of glasses, which were provided to all of them. A total number of 1,144 students and 53 teachers participated in the programme. Healthy habits are promoted by means of an educational programme for 7th grade of primary schools and 1st year of secondary schools in Villa Constitución. The aim of the programme is to raise awareness of problems such as nutritional disorders, abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other substances at an early age. Altogether, 51 schools, 98 teachers and 2,112 students participated Let’s increase safety In 2011 edition, the foundation continued working with schools in Villa Constitución, La Tablada, San Nicolás and Villa Mercedes, carrying out activities aimed at raising awareness in terms of health and safety to contribute to a solid and wide education enabling children, through its multiplying effect, to grow in safer places and to learn the value of safety to interact in their community in a responsible and helping way. Multipliers and squad members of Acindar ArcelorMittal Group volunteered to give 34 safety workshops, where they shared actual experiences with children, maximizing their learning. Health education Altogether, 35 schools, 70 teachers, 1,546 students and 33 volunteers from Acindar ArcelorMittal Group were directly involved. This programme was planned in alliance with the Infectology Studies Centre Foundation (FUNCEI, Fundación Centro de Estudios Infectológicos), directed by Dr. Daniel Stamboulian. Aimed at 2nd and 3rd grade children, and carried out for the fourth consecutive year, it was based on the promotion of simple health self-care rules. The activities took place in Villa Constitución, San Nicolás and La Tablada, and as a closing, a school works competition was organized for students to express the health care concepts they learned. 52 Altogether, 19 schools, 44 teachers and 1.195 students participated. Social Promotion Support to social organization projects Strengthening of social organizations management As part of this programme, communities with shortage of economic or technical resources to carry out their own projects are supported. Working together with Acindar Foundation, the organization called “Aportes” developed an induction programme for new volunteers to provide technical support to social organizations that need to improve their tools and management processes. 29 applications were submitted, out of which 8 were chosen. Donations Acindar Foundation provided a link between Acindar ArcelorMittal Group and several institutions in the community The company discharged 55 computers and fitted them out for them to be in perfect conditions to be donated to 8 schools and 8 institutions. 17 new participants joined this initiative. Some discharged equipment was handed in to School No. 669, "Escuela Técnica", in Villa Constitución, for the students to use them in PC repair practices. Altogether, 3,850 people benefited from this programme. Stationery was donated to an organization called Manos Abiertas, which benefited 160 children and 214 young people. Let’s move forward programme The main goal of the programme, carried out in alliance with Ashoka, is that young people complement their formal education acquiring skills necessary to get a position in the job market. Altogether, 24 young people, with the consultancy of 5 adults, led these projects, which reached about 7,000 direct beneficiaries. 53 On the occasion of the Children’s Day celebration, 60 pencil cases with personal hygiene items inside were donated as part of the "Health Education" programme, for children who attend Escuela Bíblica “Caritas Felices”, which belongs to the Iglesia Profética Apostólica Nueva Visión Puerta de Paz, in Villa Mercedes, San Luis Province. . Transparent governance Institutional presence Activities performed at different Institutions and Business Associations In 2011, Acindar ArcelorMittal Group continued participating in the different associations and chambers of business environment Through both commissions and executive bodies, the company actively holds activities encouraging the creation of a space for dialogue, where topics of common importance are discussed. This kind of participation makes it possible to create a learning space between the company and the different interest groups involved. Corporate Citizenship Award granted by AmCham “Addictions Prevention Program" In addition, in 2011 Acindar ArcelorMittal Group continued developing activities aimed at promoting social responsible participation in different fields. We have been actively participating as members of: United Nations Global Compact in Argentina. Network of Young People with Future (Ministry of Labor and Social Security MTySSN) Club of Committed Companies (Club de Empresas Comprometidas) Decent Work Tripartite and Quadripartite Advisory Committees - Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Santa Fe Province (Comisión Tripartita y Cuatripartita de Trabajo Decente – MTYSSSFE). "Recognition by Acindar ArcelorMittal Group for participation in board Covenant Global 2010-2011 ". 56 The Wire Fencers National Championship Regional Rounds To share the event with as many wire fencers as possible and promote the acknowledgement of this profession so important for the Argentine countryside, Acindar ArcelorMittal Group decided the Wire Fencers National Championship would have regional rounds. Thanks to the big effort from Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal Marketing team, there were rounds in the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes and the first two positions of those contests classified directly to the semifinals that will take place in Expoagro. Providing full support Expoagro to the contestants for them to participate in Expoagro was another challenge, while Already a classic in the country’s most important open field agricultural exhibition, attempting to achieve the greatest Acindar ArcelorMittal Group organized the challenge: levelling the knowledge of all 6th National Championship of Wire Fencers. wire fencers participating in the rounds The aim of this initiative is to acknowledge and the championship by training them on this occupation best practices. and raise public awareness of this craft Moreover, the entire team from Acindar while sharing with the participants the Grupo ArcelorMittal that works with the innovation and technology applied to the products that lead the agricultural market. wire fencers makes a strong emphasis on the prevention of accidents in this Twenty-four pairs of wire fencers from occupation, prioritizing the use of safety Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Entre elements for each step of the job. Ríos, Córdoba and La Pampa participated Presence at events and exhibitions EI Naval Answering to the needs of the shipbuilding industry, Acindar ArcelorMittal Group attended the III Encuentro Internacional de la Industria Naval - EI Naval (3rd International Meeting of the Shipbuilding Industry) in Mar del Plata, in May 2011. Acindar presented its products to the market and also offered a technical presentation about steel sheet piling and its use in port Batimat Each year, the products and services Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal offers to the construction market set us apart from the competition. When deciding the steel supplier for high-caliber works, our pursuit of advancement and technology makes us a strong choice. To support the development of the construction market, Acindar ArcelorMittal Group attended the 18th edition of Batimat, International Exhibition of Construction and Housing, which took place from May 31 to June 4 at La Rural in Palermo, Buenos Aires. In a modern two-story stand, attendees learned about our entire range of products and services for construction, which each year adds services and innovations as the reinforcing bar trébol design, a development of Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal which provides differential benefits to the Steel Cut and Bent service. Costumers We continue traveling along the path to an efficient company. In 2011, Acindar ArcelorMittal consolidated the activities to fully optimize all production processes and services to customers Evolution of overall satisfaction with Acindar Positive percentages (2004-2011) The SCM (Supply Chain Management) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) modules were launched together with the OTIF Project (On Time In Full). This new project involves different areas of Acindar ArcelorMittal Group and consists of the implementation of a delivery measurement system which reflects the level of service provided to customers at the point of delivery. Acindar ArcelorMittal Group is on its journey to an increasingly effective company and this is achieved through state-of-the–art facilities, a trained sales and technical staff, and the implementation of these and other projects aimed at providing solutions that our customers need in order to face a dynamic and changing market. 90 92 94 97 85 87 88 93 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source Acindar 331 customers, in October 2012. Datos Claros / www.datosclaros.com Suppliers SPM During 2011, the Purchasing and Logistics Direction, with the help of 200 end users and authorities in the field, organized the first Supplier Performance Management (SPM) campaign and over 230 suppliers were assessed. The results of this process helped us identify strengths and improvement opportunities. We created a portal for the carriers to avoid problems when trucks enter the plant and to offer an efficient and faster management system to users. Carrier Manual: it contains all company policies to improve cost, quality and service efficiency. A practical Guide was distributed to Freight Drivers. Our purchasing team, users and suppliers have been working in more than 50 action plans to overcome weaknesses and continue growing together. New Campaigns for Drivers Safety were conducted. Information leaflets were distributed and those involved were instructed on compliance with Public and Acindar's Safety Poliies. Safety for carriers The Safety Golden Rules for Carriers were established From the Logistics Safety area, a series of actions were designed and implemented intended to achieve greater motivation and active participation of those involved and oriented to Zero Truck Accidents . An automatic truck taping system was implemented to eliminate fall risks for Drivers. It was implemented in Navarro Plant first to see the results and ensure the implementation in other plants. 58 Fatality Prevention Standards In 2011, Fatality Prevention Standards (FPS) started being implemented in our plants in order to incorporate experiences from ArcelorMittal Group arising from the analysis of fatal accidents and existing "teachings” and “good practices”. Those procedures are available to all employees from any of the Acindar ArcelorMittal Group plants. For that reason, trainings were conducted for all contractors and carriers involved in each of the tasks mentioned in the FPS Acindar ArcelorMittal Group Suppliers | Year 2011 Total amount of active suppliers 1900 Sector / Pesos Energy Metals (Minerals and scrap) Industrial products Services and materials Total Imported 1.269.660.473 253.604.245 36.881.588 1.560.146.306 National 656.334.370 460.565 146 242.818.210 1.052.730.681 2.412.448.408 Segregation by type of product / service Energy Metals (Minerals and scrap) Industrial Products Services y materials 17% 44% 12% 27% OTIF: Reliable deliveries, satisfied customers One of the priority challenges that the company has taken on as its main business strategy is to maintain a sustainable relationship with the clients by meeting their delivery requirements. During 2011, the On Time In Full (OTIF) project was developed and it involves different areas of Acindar ArcelorMittal Group and consists of implementing a delivery measurement system which reflects the level of service provided to customers at the point of delivery. How does it work? OTIF compares the promised delivery date in SAP and the actual lead time, takes complaints into account and provides information on the level of compliance by product line, regions, etc. Control of transport from Acindar ArcelorMittal Group plants is carried out through three satellite companies. Each delivery is tracked, thus obtaining information on the actual date and time of delivery. 59 Reciprocal Guarantee Association Since 2006, Acindar Pymes has provided securities for more than ARS 1100m, mainly assigned to the value chain (customers and suppliers). By the end of 2011, the number of partners participating in the SGR reached 548. They were mainly customers and suppliers of Acindar’s IAASA, and third parties which do not belong to the value chain. During this year, Acindar Pymes S.G.R continued being a referent and leader within the SGR sector in Argentina. During 2011, there were 68 new members, and operations for more than AR$ 338,9 m were endorsed. As an example, among the actions taken by Reciprocal Guarantee Association to support Acindar’s value chain, we can Code of ethics mention the increase of the Guarantee Fund in ARS 40,000,000 in order to support the growth and financial needs being experienced by the SMEs in our country. Among the Reciprocal Guarantee Association projects for 2012, we can mention: To maintain our leadership as the No 1 private Reciprocal Guarantee Association in the market of checks discounts. Increase our support to Acindar IAASA's suppliers. To make strategic partnerships with other value chains in order to reach more SMEs replicating the successful model of Acindar in other sectors of the economy. This was the distribution according to the type of credit and beneficiary: Type of product ARS millon % 230.50 68 Loans 73,80 22 Commercial securities 33.00 10 1.70 0 338.9 100 Discount CPD Negotiable bons Total Acindar ArcelorMittal Group is known for the honesty and integrity in its management and directing practices as well as in all of its business operations. It is of fundamental importance to the company, its subsidiaries, and to each of us to protect such reputation and to maintain the relationship of trust with all the people and institutions we do business with. The Code applies to all officers, executives and employees of Acindar ArcelorMittal Group and its subsidiaries. It has been created in order to help us understand which our legal and ethical obligations are when conducting business. It is available on the company Intranet and the company corporate website: hwww.acindar.com.ar/pdf/codConductaAMAr.pdf ArcelorMittal Policy on Reports of Illegal Behaviour within the Company, Competition and Antitrust Law, Anti-corruption Guidelines, and the Code of Conduct concerning the use of ArcelorMittal's confidential information are also available in the same website. ArcelorMittal Policy on reports of illegal behaviour within the company If an employee suspects some potential dishonest practice which might be included within the scope of this Report Process of illegal behaviour in the company, he/she should report it first to his/her superior, to a member of the management, to the Manager of Legal Affairs or to the head of Internal Audit Department. However, if the employee is concerned about the response given or the lack of response, or if he is not able to talk to his/her leader or one of the other persons mentioned above, he/she will be able to turn to the Report Process of an illegal behaviour within the company. 60 Reports can be presented either by making an internal call to 3223, to 0800-444-1415 or by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]. GRI Indicators Table GRI indicators Global Pact Indicator Page Principles Status 1. Vision and strategy 1.1 1.2 Statement from chief executive officer about the importance of sustainability for the organization and its strategy Description of key impacts, risks and opportunities O O 2, 3 2, 3 O O O O O O O O O O Cover 6 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 Note 1 6 4,14 2, 3 56 O O O O O O Cover 2 2 67 2, 3 2, 3, 7 O O O O 2, 3, 7 2, 3, 7 Note 2 Note 2 O Note 2 O 62 O Note 3 2. Profile 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Organizational profile Name of the organization Major brands, products and/or services Organizational structure Location of organization's headquarters Countries where the organization operates Nature of ownership and legal form Markets served Scale of the reporting organization Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure or ownership of the organization Awards received in reporting period 3. Report Parameters 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Report Profile Reporting period Date of most recent previous report Reporting cycle Contact point for questions regarding the report Process for defining report content Boundary of the report Scope and Boundary of the Report State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report Aspects that may affect comparison of information Data measurement techniques to elaborate indicators Effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report GRI Content Index GRI table of contents Verification Policy and current practice with regard external assurance for the report 4. Governance, Commitments and Engagement with Stakeholders 4.1 4.2 Governance structure of the organization Indicate if the chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer O O Note 4 Note 5 4.3 State the numbers of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members O Note 6 4.4 Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body Linkage between compensation and the organization’s performance for members of the highest governance body, including social and environmental performance O 60 O Note 7 4.5 62 GRI indicators Global Pact Indicator Page Principles Status 4. Governance, Commitments and Engagement with Stakeholders 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 Process of the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided Process for determining required qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body in relation with sustainability Mission, values and codes of conduct statements Process of the highest governing body for overseeing the organization’s identification and management of economic, environmental and social performance Process for evaluating the performance of the highest governance body, in particular, the economic, environmental and social Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization Externally developed, social, environmental and social principles or programmes Significant memberships in associations (such as sectors associations) and/or national and international associations List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders to engage Approaches to stakeholder engagement Key issues and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement and how the organization has responded to these O 18, 19 O O Note 8 5 O Note 7 O O O Note 7 O O O O 56 7, 2-3 Note 9 7, 2-3 O 7, 2-3 8-9 8, 9; 26-42; 46-52 Economic Sustainability Indicators EC1 EC2 Economic value generated and distributed Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization due to climate change O O EC3 EC4 EC5 EC6 EC7 EC8 EC9 Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations Significant financial assistance received from governments Range of ratios of standard entry-level wage compared to local minimum wage Policy, practices and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts O O O O O N/A O Note 10 Note 11 Note 12 Note 13 58-59 Note 7 2, 3, 8-9 Social Sustainability Indicators: Labour Practices and Decent Work LA1 LA2 LA3 LA4 LA5 LA6 LA7 LA8 LA9 LA10 LA11 LA12 Employment Total workforce by employment type, employment contract and region Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group, gender and region Benefits provided to full-time employees, by major operations Labour/Management Relations Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining Minimum notice period(s) regarding significant operational changes Health and Safety at Work Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees. Rates of absenteeism, occupational diseases, lost days, and number of work-related fatalities Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, regarding serious diseases Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions Training and Education Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 63 O O O 14 14 15 O O 14 Note 15 O O 12 21 O O 21-22 12 O O O 18 18 18, 19-20 GRI indicators Global Pact Indicator Page Principles Status Social Sustainability Indicators: Labour Practices and Decent Work LA13 LA14 Diversity and Equal Opportunity Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category according to gender, age group and minority group membership Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category O O 14 16 O Note 17 O O N/R Note 18 O Note 19 O 12 O Note 20 O Note 21 O Note 22 O Note 23 O O N/R Note 24 O N/R O O Note 25 57-58 O O 57-58 Note 26 O Note 27 O Note 28 O O 30 30-31 O O O O O 31 32 32 28, 36, 38, 41-42 28, 36, 38. 41-42 Social Performance Indicators: Human Rights HR8 Investment and Procurement Practices Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements including human rights clauses Percentage of the main distributors and contractors who have undergone screening on human rights and actions taken Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures related to human rights Non-Discrimination Total number of discrimination incidents and actions taken Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Activities against freedom of association and actions taken Child Labour Activities identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labour and corrective actions Forced Labour Activities identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced labour and corrective actions Security Practices Percentage of security personnel trained in human rights HR9 Indigenous Rights Total number of incidents related to the infringement of indigenous rights and actions taken HR1 HR2 HR3 HR4 HR5 HR6 HR7 Social Performance Indicators: Product Responsibility PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4 PR5 PR6 PR7 PR8 PR9 Stages of the product life cycle and services assessed in terms of customers's health and safety Total number of incidents of non-compliance with the regulations or with voluntary codes Product and Service Labelling Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of products and services subject to such information requirements Total number of incidents of non-compliance and relating to the information and labelling of products and services Practices related to customer satisfaction Marketing Communications Programs for adherence to laws, standards and voluntary codes related to marketing communications Number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations concerning marketing communications Customer Privacy Total number of substantiated complaints regarding privacy and breaches of customer data Compliance Monetary value of fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning provision and use of products and services Environmental Sustainability Indicators Materials EN1 EN2 EN3 EN4 EN5 EN6 EN7 Materials used by weight or volume Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials Energy Direct energy consumption by primary source Indirect energy consumption by primary source Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements Initiatives to provide energy efficient products and services Initiatives to reduce energy consumption 64 GRI indicators EN8 EN9 EN10 EN11 EN12 EN13 EN14 EN15 EN16 EN17 EN18 EN19 EN20 EN21 EN22 EN23 EN24 EN25 EN26 EN27 EN28 EN29 EN30 Global Pact Indicator Page Principles Status Water Total water withdrawal by source Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused Biodiversity Land owned, leased or managed of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Impacts in protected natural areas and sites of high biodiversity value outside protected areas Habitats protected or restored Strategies, current actions and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity Number of species whose habitats are located in areas affected by operations Emissions, Spills and Waste Total number of direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse effect gases by weight Other indirect emissions of greenhouse effect gases by weight Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse effect gases and achieved reductions Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight Nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, and other significant air emissions by type and weight Total water discharge by quality and destination Total weight of waste by type and disposal methods Total number and volume of the most significant incidental pills Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous Water bodies and related habitats affected by the reporting organization's discharges of water and run-off Products and Services Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services Percentage of products sold that are reclaimed at the end of their useful life Compliance Monetary value of significant fines and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used Overall Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type O O O 32-33 32-33 32-33 O O O. O. O. N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R O 33 N/A N/R. N/R 32-33-34 32-33-34 32-33-34 32-33-34 32-33-34 N/R O O O O O O O O O O N/R N/R O O Note 29 N/R O 35 O 45-63 O O O 2-3 Note 30 Note 31 O O 56 Note 32 O Note 33 O Note 34 Social Performance Indicators: Society SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 Community Programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts on communities Corruption Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption Percentage of employees trained in anti-corruption polices and procedures Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption Public Policy Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying Financial and in-kind contributions to political parties and related institutions Anti-competitive Behavior Total number of legal actions for monopoly practices and behavior against free competition Compliance Monetary value of sanctions, fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations References 65 O Complete O Partial O Not reported N/A Not applicable Notes Note 1 The legal form of business organization is a Corporation. Note 2 Data measurement techniques, basis for calculations and significant changes compared to previous periods are clarified throughout the report in the indicators tables presented where appropriate. Note 3 The Sustainability Report has not been subject to external verification. Note 4 Governance Structure: - Shareholders’ meeting - Board of directors Board members: Arturo T. Acevedo (President) - José I. Giraudo - Horacio Laplacette - Marcos Maia - Augusto Espeschit de Almeida Note 5 The President is Mr. Arturo Acevedo - The company’s CEO is José I. Giraudo. Note 6 Independent directors are required when it is a publicly traded company, which is not the case of Acindar as it is a private company. Note 7 Measurement of economic and environmental performance is carried out to members of the highest governance body, senior However, the company complies with the external auditor and audit commission controls required by law. managers and executives. The possibility of including a social performance measurement is being evaluated. Note 8 Trainings have been conducted within the scope of the Project “Strengthening the relationship with employees, the community Note 9 As a basis for the identification and selection of stakeholders, the company conducts an annual general mapping of stakeholders and the Unions” at all locations where the company operates and a working programme is established to perform actions with them. Note 10 Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal is currently not making quantitave estimates of the financial implications of climate change for the organization. In the future, we will work on this indicator’s analysis and compliance. Note 11 Currently we observe the law in all matters relating to workers' retirement. The possibility of having external collaboration of a consultancy company to expedite retirement cases is being analysed for next year. Note 12 No significant support was received from the government in 2011 Note 13 All salaries are above the Adjustable Minimum Living Wage. Note 14 Most positions are occupied by Argentine professionals. Note 15 Notice periods are provided according to that stated in current Argentine Law. Note 16 Salaries are defined in terms of position and performance, regardless of gender. Note 17 The company has no investment agreements that include human rights clauses. Note 18 In the short and medium term, the company will work to quantify the training hours spent on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights relevant for their activities. Note 19 During 2011, there were no incidents of discrimination in the company. Note 20 There was no risk of child labour. Note 21 There were no activities of non-consensual or forced labour under the reporting period. Note 22 In the short and medium term, the company will work to train security personnel in human right issues. Note 23 There are no indigenous populations in the locations where Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal has its plants. Note 24 No incidents were reported. Note 25 No incidents were reported. Note 26 No incidents were reported. Note 27 There are no legal complaints regarding breaches of privacy or loss of customer data. Note 28 Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal has no fines levied for failure to supply and use the organization's products and services. Note 29 Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal has no financial penalties and/or non-monetary sanctions for breaches of environmental regulations. Note 30 Every 3 years the company organizes a training activity for all the employees. During 2011, 95% of the employees to be trained for that period were trained. Note 31 There were no reported cases of corruption in the reporting period. Note 32 The company complies with the laws that regulate contributions to political parties. Note 33 The company does not have sanctions for actions against free competition or monopoly practices. Note 34 Customs in Argentina has imposed fines to Acindar for inaccurate statements. 66 Acindar ArcelorMittal Group Feedback Form Sustainability Report 2011 Through the following feedback form you can send us your comments and suggestions to improve our future reporting sustainability. You can contact us by email to: [email protected], or by post: Acindar ArcelorMittal Group | External Affairs Manager - Corporate Responsibility Sector | Dr. I. Arieta 4936 - Central building - 1st Floor (B1766DQP) Tablada Buenos Aires - Argentina. 1. What Stakeholders belongs? Costumer Shareholder Supplier Employed Enough Short Next to nothing Comunity Other (specify) 2. Read this report? All 3. Did you like the extension of the report? Short Appropriate Long 4. General Review Report Very Good Good Regular Wrong Good Regular Wrong 4.1 General Review 4.2 Relevance of Information 4.3 Writing and Language 4.4 Desing 5. Comments about the contents of each chapter Very Good 5.1 Message from the board of directors 5.2 Corporate profile 5.3 Economic and financial performance 5.4 Investing in our people 5.5 Making steel more sustainable 5.6 Enriching our communities 5.7 Transparent governance 5.8 Guidelines GRI and Global Compact UN 6. What other information would you like to see in the next report? 7. Have any other comments about our sustainability report 2011? 2011 Sustainability Report Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal Sustainability Reporting Process 2011 We appreciate the support of our directors and especially of our President, Arturo Acevedo, and our CEO, José Giraudo, as well as the cooperation of each of our employees that made this publication possible: Cecilia Barbon, Florencia Magnasco, Mercedes Salinas, Gabriel Galli, Andrés Romagnoli, Gabriel Miller, Martín Garibotto, Gabriel Di Paolo, Marina Bella, Betina Greco, Bárbara Verino, Pablo Arana, Melina Bustos, Jorge Maristany, Emiliano Daniel Strzelecki, Tristán Micheletti, Lucas Pagola, Martín Lenzi, Ariel Sasia, Horacio Monti, Elizabet Williams, Analía Mehering, Guillermo Traglia, Nicolás Melo, Ceferino Peralta, Marcelo Serramo, Carlos Gomez Nardo, Exequiel Arangio, María E. Baratti , Sebastián Villar Guarino, Jorge Laya and Roberto Costa. Special thanks: We would like to express our sincere gratitude for their selfless support to the parents and children on the cover Abril Gardella, Violeta Pereira Vazquez, Felicitas Villalba and Alejo Cano. General Coordination Liliana Otero | Corporate Responsibility Carlos Vaccaro | External Affair Manager Desing Horacio Delfino | Comunication Acindar Grupo ArcelorMittal Provincia de Buenos Aires Corporate Office Dr. Ignacio Arieta 4936 B1766DQP Tablada Buenos Aires Argentina Acindar Tablada Plant Dr. Ignacio Arieta 4936 B1766DQP Tablada Buenos Aires Argentina Acindar San Nicolás Plant Paraná 1 2900 San Nicolás Buenos Aires Argentina Perfiles Livianos Plant Av. Rucci 799 2900 San Nicolás Buenos Aires Argentina Provincia de Santa Fe Acindar Villa Constitución Plant Ruta Provincial 21 N°4855 S2919GBC Villa Constitución Santa Fe Argentina Acindar Rosario Plant Presidente Perón 8000 S2000ACQ Rosario Santa Fe Argentina Provincia de San Luis Acindar Villa Mercedes Plant Ruta interfábricas 2B - Fte. Golf Club Parque Industrial Sur 5730 Villa Mercedes San Luis Argentina Specials Mesh Plant Ruta Nacional 7 km 703 5730 Villa Mercedes San Luis Argentina Mesh and Nails Plant Ruta Nac. 148 Ext.Sur km 756 5730 Villa Mercedes San Luis Argentina
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